#tenchi iida
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creativitygoggles-artblog · 1 month ago
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The Iida genes are strong
(A redraw trend from twitter)
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year ago
No need for a Quirk!
by Darthvalgaav
What would have happened if All Might never showed up in time to save Izuku Midoriya? What if the sludge villain had taken the green haired teen deep into the forest in order to escape from the heroes? And what if Izuku had been saved by the greatest pirate in the known universe: Ryoko? With this encounter, the two's lives will forever be changed as they alter the hero world!
Words: 7318, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), 天地無用! | Tenchi Muyo!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hakubi Ryoko, Ryo-Ohki (Tenchi Muyo!), Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Hakubi Ryoko/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko/Hakubi Inko
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk-Copying Quirk, Midoriya Izuku gets a quirk from outer space, Ryoko is a big sis, Midoriya Izuku learns to fight, Slow Romance, Space Battles
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51110698
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askthebnhanextgen · 4 years ago
Who are the kiddo's favourite pro heroes?
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jointhearumanati · 2 years ago
Midoriya: Female Black Astrex Rabbit named Yuna(meaning Kindness)
Ochako: Male Brown Capped Rosy Finch named Newton(after Issac Newton who invented the theory of gravity)
Iida: Female White Cheetah with blue eyes named Tenchi(means Heaven and earth I've noticed The Iida brothers have Ten in their name I found the female version)
Tsuyu: Male Dark Green Tree Frog named Ren(means Lotus)
Todoroki: A female Snow Leopard named Yukina(means Fortune and Endure I know Yuki means snow but I thought this fit him better)
Bakugo: A lioness named Homare(meaning Victory, Glory, and reputation)
Kirishima: Female Pangolin named Akane (means Deep Red I debated wether to give him a Pangolin a crocodile or a Komodo Dragon I decided on a Pangolin because it looks cute and approachable and fit him better)
Kaminari: Female Electric Eel named Nariko(meaning thunder I decided he has a portable rectangle tank on his arm for her)
Sero: Female Brazilian Black and white tarantula named Jorōgumo(meaning woman spider a Yokai that can transform into a beautiful woman)
Mina: Male Aruba Island Rattlesnake named Haru(meaning born in Spring I didn't know a Pink Rattlesnake existed until now I was looking for a pink snake and if it didn't exist it'd be a Pink Toe tarantula I was pleasantly surprised it's also extremely venomous I was so Happy🌸🐍 I learned something new)
Jirou: Male Panda bat 🐼🦇 named Hibiki(meaning Echo panda bats are adorable they are black and white like a panda so cute)
Yaoyorozu: Female Asian Small-Clawed Otter name Ume (meaning Apricot because Momo means Peach I wanted to include fruit also Otters are highly intelligent)
Aoyama: Female White French Poodle 🐩 named Belle (means Beautiful in French I wanted to really emphasize his French heritage)
Tokoyami: Female Crow named Amaya(meaning Night Rain it's just goth enough with a poetic touch and one of my favorite Japanese names)
Shouji: Female Octopus 🐙 named Kairi(meaning Ocean Village I like to think she'd be in a tank on his back)
Ojiro: Female Capuchin Monkey named Kiai(meaning energy or mood and is used as a shout during an attacking move in Japanese martial arts I myself have an red belt in Akido but Ojiro uses Karate)
Hagakure: Male Chameleon named Akio(meaning bright a tribute to her light attack)
Koda: Female White Bunny named Yuwai(I have no idea what it means but it's the name of his bunny)
Sato: Female American Belgian Draft Horse named Anzu(meaning sweet Child not only are American Belgian Draft Horse the strongest horse in the world they fit his color scheme and love Sugar)
Shinso: A Female Russian Blue Cat Named Kiko(meaning Hope it's what got Shinso through to being a hero he never lost hope)
Aizawa: A Female Black Jaguar named Mamoru(meaning Protector I think it fits well panther means melanistic cat I had to be specific)
Yamada: Female Sulphur Crested Cockatoo named Setsuko(meaning melody I read a fanfiction where he lives his life seeing music In everything and I never went back)
Midnight: Male Black Cougar named Ayumu(meaning walking dream and it couldn't be more perfect I chose a cougar because I could come on you get the joke 😂 but also black cougars don't exist but damn it I'll make them exist)
All Might: Male Lion named Musketeer(One for All joke 😂 I had to)
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green-sharkteeth · 7 years ago
so I kind of have a sort-of au about the next gen heroes based on a bunch of crack ships/het ships that I was confused by and as Dumb as it is
I cannot stop thinking abt those next-gen kids
like honest to fuck i've got names, histories, quirks, for all of em. every single one. I love them almost more than the canon kids somehow
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years ago
I need opinions. I've been trying to give Tensei's and Fuyumi's kids names and I came across some fanart with a few names. Tenchi for the boy and Tenmei for the girl. They sound good, but I'm not entirely sure?? If I should even go with Ten- in their name?? And I'm too tired to come up with punny names like horikoshi to fit their quirks, but I want to share their quirks.
The girl has an engine quirk on her arms like Tensei, and as she use it, her engines spit fire, so she's basically Hot Wheels and I am Keeping that. I also wanted to give her an ice quirk like Fuyumi, but I just...Love Hot Wheels. The fire comes from Fuyumi, since I believe that even though she got an ice quirk, she's a carrier for a fire quirk, which would probably be recessive, given how 3/4 of the todoroki kids have an ice quirk.
For the boy, he has an ice quirk, and even if he can get the frostbite effect, he has a quick recovery time. I'm trying to incorporate the Speed from the Iidas bc I love them. 😭💙
They're 8 year old twins in my fic and they have white hair with blue streaks. The boy's eyes are gray and the girl's eyes are red. They're funny and like to read conspiracy theories and send them to their uncle Shouto.
I just wanna know what people think. 😆 These kids are so important to me and to my story so yeah.
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doodlegraveyard · 6 years ago
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i had some thoughts about the iidas! we know from what tensei says that both of their parents were pro heros, so i decided to doodle my take on them as they were in their prime (i assume they are retired, considering their five - FIVE!! - sons) so i’m going to ramble about that
/also click thru for compelling evidence that iida tenya has babiest brother energy and all of the benefits of him being the youngest of five
i decided iidad is probably cape guy in the front. he has the family engine quirk (i guessed on the arms?). I also wasn’t sure if Ingenium was a name passed down to every hero member of the iida’s but i kinda feel like it’s more special if it was just tensei’s decision to give that to tenya. i threw turbocharge up there as the dad’s hero name but i dont really have strong feelings on it lol 
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i saw someone refer to the woman in this image as iida’s mom, but i kind of love that she is just as tall and buff and statuesque in build as all the iida men we’ve seen, while when we meet his mom she seems more petite
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which isnt to say she cant be the same person, but personally i’d like for that lady to be their aunt maybe? so the iida bloodline is just full of big buff men and women and mrs. iida is small. 
I came up with a sort of technomancer-type quirk for her. it’d prob be a fairly rare/powerful quirk; she has this big mech construct thing which i think is fun bc. lil lady big robot. similar to yaoyorozu’s, it’s a quirk that takes a high intellect to handle. her hero name was SRVO (like servo) and hilariously despite having 5 kids none of them got her quirk
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In the dub iida says something about being the ‘second iida son’ and the wiki claims he has three more brothers besides tensei. this implies the three brothers are younger than him but i call SHENANIGANS on that timeline because that means mrs iida had a kid and then waited FIFTEEN YEARS to have four more in quick succession which is so weird to me? like that could happen, i guess, but that poor woman. For my own purposes i’d like to think that tenya has four older brothers, with tensei the eldest and tenya the babiest (tenya was a literal infant when tensei was in his first year at UA, they have a 15 year age difference)
Benefits of this include tenya getting lovingly dunked on by his brothers at all times. he’s so excited to be class rep bc he’s literally never been the kid in charge in his life lol
2nd oldest brother i’ve named Tenchi: he’d be in his late 20s, either engaged or married (he winds up with two kids eventually and tenya is thrilled to be an uncle!!! the daughter inherits her grandma’s quirk and everyone is excited). He is the the biggest, bulkiest, loudest of the brothers and also the tiredest (i think he’s in the medical field but im not sure on specifically what). Strong jock energy despite never being one of the most athletic of the bunch. Kind of a bro. Loves his wife a lot. Embarrassing. 
Tenrou: probably 24(?) at the time of the show, the most fashionable, cosmopolitan of the bunch. Like tensei he stays a bachelor but its like a lifestyle choice. Actually one of the most academically accomplished brothers; studying in grad school, to be museum curator/art historian, but people tend to be surprised when they find out bc he’s also the party boi
Tendou is the youngest ahead of tenya but he’s probably not less than four years older. for sure in college at the time tenya is at UA. he’s most similar to his little bro in their neatness and perfectionism but he’s more like. stressed about it. a beautiful business boy. 
they have a brothers groupchat called IIDA5
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gunnigun · 7 years ago
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TENSEI/FUYUMI son: Iida Tenchi (by gunnigun) 
                                                  AND HIS COUSINE 
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TEN’YA/MEI toaster daughter: Iida Ten’mei (by gunnigun)
You want to see more of my drawing stuff? Just click on the tag “myart” / “my art”
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creativitygoggles-artblog · 9 months ago
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Happy Father’s Day!!
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askthebnhanextgen · 4 years ago
what are the platonic relationships between the kids? (i.e best friends, enemies, etc.)
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Here's what I narrowed it down to.
None of the kids are enemies since they are basically growing up with each other, all they would have is a rivalry and the only one to officially have that is Ryoko and Anna because they are, in a sense, polar opposites. (Anna is girly and Ryoko is tomboyish, that's just to narrow it down)
Aiya has familial love for everyone and that is cause she's a baby, once they show that they like you, they like you. She doesn't have any rivalries or best friends because she is only a baby and has no concept on those terms.
Kids can sometimes become shy and the shyest one of the kids is certainly Yuu. The other kids are eccentric and sometimes rambunctious but as I said, they grew up together and are just very comfortable with each other, Yuu is just very shy and doesn't interact much with other kids except Ryoko and Anna.
BrOTPs are BrOTPs. Kousuke, Anna and Miki are the same age and have been together like that and Anna is fascinated by fish so she really likes Yuu.
(Sorry this took so long to answer.)
((Also colour schemes for the kids!))
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nikkzwrites · 6 years ago
Out of Context Notes for me on SMaS
Bakugou -> Iida -> Todoroki -> Bakugou
Bakugou = Beast and Kyo
Iida = Prince Charming and My Little Monster
Todoroki = Prince Phillip and the Little Mermaid
Aizawa is mentor and recommender
Funaya is village
Quirk - Captain's Command | Water Manipulation
Names: Haruto, Yoshihiro, Tamotsu, Ai
Miko, Tsukiko, Katsuro
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creativitygoggles-artblog · 20 days ago
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creativitygoggles-artblog · 3 months ago
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Happy Nori and Tenchi Day to those who celebrate (aka just me and @vagabondangel)
4 years of these kiddos, I can’t believe it.
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Tired from new quirks and running around all day.
Long time no Next Gen! I’m very happy with this sketch as is but I might color it later. Enjoy DILF Tenya Iida carrying his son Tenchi to bed. (Tenchi is my and @vagabondangel’s iidatodo baby in case you forgot lol)
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Some next gen content no one asked for.
Tenya is crying behind the camera btw
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creativitygoggles-artblog · 2 years ago
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Happy Father’s Day from my and @vagabondangel ‘s Next Gen AU!
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