#tenaya 7 x reader
redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Power Rangers Masterlist (TV Shows + 2017 Movie)
Fics are below the 'read more', do not repost my fics anywhere, this is my only writing account and website, reblogs are allowed but do not claim my writing as your own.
Power Rangers RPM: Ranger Pink Series Masterlist
Overprotective - Tori Hanson x Sister!Reader - Mystic Force
Secrets and School Projects - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Chipped Nail Polish and Broken Bones - Trini x Reader - 2017 movie
Yellow and Purple - Z Delgato x Tate!Sister!Reader - Power Rangers SPD
Rangers Together, Sisters Forever - 2017 movie x Hart!Sister!Reader, Part 2: Rangers Together, Forever - Trini x Hart!Sister!Reader
You're Allowed to Care - Summer Landsdown x Fem!Reader - Power Rangers RPM
Ice to meet you! - Lauren Shiba x Twin!Reader - Power Rangers Samurai
Worth Your Weight In Gold - Power Rangers SPD - Z Delgado x Sister!Reader
Hesitation - Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Fem!Reader
Buy One, Get One Free - Power Rangers RPM - Summer Landsdown x Twin!Sister!Reader
In the Name of Love - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Vow to Protect - Power Rangers Mystic Force - Maddie Rocca x Sister!Reader
Power Rangers 2017 - Trini x Younger!Sister!Reader - headcanons
Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Sister!Reader - Imagine being Tenaya 7′s sister with her on the side of Venjix and she’s protective of you
Fusion Force  - Power Rangers x Fem!Reader
Light and Dark Rangers - Power Rangers Dino Super Charge x Morgan!Reader x OC
Two Reds and a Purple - Power Rangers Samurai x Shiba!Sister!Reader
Cursed - Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai - Emily x Fem!Reader
Dimensional Wormholes - Power Rangers SPD x Manx!Daughter!Reader x Lily Chilman - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Spirit of the Ocelot - Power Rangers Jungle Fury x Hanson!Sister!Reader x Lily Chilman
Panic Attack - Trini x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Hex Girl - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
Knowing Her - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
White Ranger - Kimberly Hart x Fem!Reader - 2017 movie
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Sister!Reader
Request:  Rpm - Tenaya 7 x Sister who is on her side. And tenaya is protective of her?
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Imagine being Tenaya 7′s sister with her on the side of Venjix and she’s protective of you
Venjix programmed the two of you to work together, claiming to have programmed you to work like human siblings to ignore the lie that the two of you were actual siblings
You both have visors that you use in battle, so Dillon’s never really seen either of your faces
Dillon just knows he was supposed to protect two younger girls but all he has left is his musical pocketwatch and his key to make it play that one tune
Tenaya lost hers but you had yours
You didn’t require as elaborate robotics as Tenaya did
You didn’t know this though, the two of you thought you were Generation 7 Venjix Human Infiltration Attack Bots
Whilst Tenaya 7 was revealed when she went after the green morpher, Venjix kept you closer until you were able to infiltrate the dome
The Power Rangers were so busy looking for Tenaya that they never expected a second human-looking attack bot
It was Scott that went after you, Dillon was busy fighting Tenaya until your scream had Tenaya sending Dillon flying so she could get to you
It was from then that Dr K theorised that Venjix had studied humans enough to try replicate a sibling relationship in attack bots
Dillon realised otherwise after you accidently lost your pocketwatch key and he found it
Only when your key was combined with either his or Tenaya’s, did the pocketwatch play the three songs
Dillon’s classic tune
Tenaya’s The Farmer in the Dell that she whistled when stalking her prey
Then the tune that you whistled to relax
Dillon lured the two of you out into the wasteland where he played Tenaya’s song, leading into yours which had you approach cautiously
The two of your removed your visors for Dillon’s song as memories flashed in your minds
Tenaya was angry to be compared to humans
You were freaked out that you had memories
The Sat Bot and Kilobyte had teased you for your bad memory before, but now it all made sense
Tenaya had to drag you away from Dillon after she ended up bleeding, you just stared at him before turning your head to follow your sister back to Venjix’s palace
You could feel the terror Tenaya felt as she spotted what you and Dillon had been staring at
Robots don’t bleed
It wasn’t until Tenaya did a DNA scan that the sibling DNA was confirmed
Subjects G78, D44 and E15
The two of you just stared at each other 
Until Kilobyte walked in, taunting you both
Tenaya decided destroying Dillon would stop the memories, but you just stared at her, feeling more human than ever as you realised two things
Tenaya might destroy you too
and that you didn’t belong on the side of Venjix if she did turn on you
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Hesitation - Power Rangers RPM - Tenaya 7 x Fem!Reader
Request: Can you do a Tenaya 7 x Police officer! female! reader?
A/n: A bit shabby around the edges but it’s 902 words setting up a concept that could be developed in the last few episodes of RPM
The first time Tenaya 7 saw you, you were fighting against Grinders in civilian.
“Foolish human...” Tenaya said to herself, about to attack you when you dodged her kick, kicking her back into the Power Rangers’ eyeline.
The first time you saw Tenaya 7, you were in your uniform alongside Colonel Truman and Corporal Hicks.
She faltered the first time she saw your face.
Venjix had programmed her with human physiology, so she needed to eat and sleep.
She assumed Venjix didn’t mean to programme her with the ability to feel attraction, especially since you were female as well.
She assumed it was a glitch or a joke that Crunch was playing and he’d messed with her programming when she was asleep.
Until she went back to conduct tests and found that there were no glitches and Crunch hadn’t actually messed with anything. She didn’t bring it up to Master Venjix though, she didn’t want to be seen as faulty when she was his most important general.
She’d just have to destroy you.
The next time you and Tenaya 7 met, she was determined to destroy you by any means possible.
But she made a mistake.
She hooked her fingers under your chin so you’d look at her, so she could see the life in your eyes die.
But that didn’t happen as her visor went up and she was staring into your eyes as you glared at her before softening as you saw her hesistate.
As soon as the Rangers arrived, her gay panic shifted into actual panic that you’d get hurt if they fired at her, leaving her to push you back almost gently into some boxes before moving over to fight the Black and Red Rangers as they ran over.
You didn’t know that Ziggy had seen Tenaya’s gay panic and how you had stared after Tenaya as Summer helped you up and told you to get away from where the fight was.
It was often that you alongside the Colonel’s Troops weren’t required in defending the dome due to the Rangers having that covered.
That left monitoring the dome and shields along with the technology of Cornith instead.
Which was code for you hadn’t seen Tenaya 7 in a while.
That didn’t mean you didn’t hear her whistling when you were on your way back from the grocery store once.
You had paper bags in your arms when you heard the familiar tune of Farmer in the Dell.
You swore under your breath about to drop your groceries when the whistling faded as Tenaya left, heading far away from you for when she would run into the Rangers again.
“What the hell?”
“Y’know, if you want to get Tenaya to stop for a moment, just ask the Colonel to borrow that agent she has a crush on.” Ziggy suggested as he ate a mouthful of popcorn, all of the Rangers, Dr K and the Colonel turning to face him.
“I’m sorry, what?” Scott asked as Ziggy just shrugged, staring at them.
“Tenaya has a crush on that agent, uh, y’know the girl one-” Ziggy began leaving Summer to put her hand up to shush his rambles.
“You mean Y/n?”
“Yeah, Tenaya has a thing for Agent Y/n.”
“How did you- when did you figure that out?”
“How did you come to this conclusion, Ranger Green?” Dr K asked, adding to Flynn’s question as Ziggy jumped over the table for his explanation.
“So, Tenaya is supposed to be this big bad Generation 7 Venjix Human Infiltration attack bot, right? She’s not supposed to have feelings or hesistate. She hesistated when she saw Y/n, even removed her visor to look at her properly, she even gently shoved Y/n into some boxes when we arrived on the scene so she could fight us where Y/n was no where near the fight-”
“This could just mean that she got disinterested-” Dr K began to speculate before Ziggy just waved his hand.
“She blushed.”
“What?” Scott asked, raising an eyebrow as he began to brush off what Ziggy said.
“Tenaya blushed, she was blushing when she realised she’d been staring at Y/n.” Ziggy stated, leaving Dillon to frown.
“You’re saying we could use Y/n to draw out Tenaya.” Dillon suggested, leaving Ziggy to nod, pointing at Dillon with enthusiasm.
“That is exactly what I am saying!”
The plan was that you’d walk around Corinth on your own during an infiltration, the Rangers dealing with the Grinders and attack bot as Dr K kept a watch on you via security cameras to see if Tenaya would be interested in you.
The audio on the security cameras picked up the whistling before either you or Dr K saw Tenaya nearby.
“Seems like Ranger Green’s plan worked-” Dr K talked to herself as she watched Tenaya approach you.
“You know who I am but you’re not afraid.” Tenaya began, leaving you to raise an eyebrow as you looked up at her.
“Should I be?”
Tenaya glared slightly at that but didn’t move or snap words back at you saying that you should be afraid. She just glanced at something behind you, leaving you to turn your head.
You turned your head back and she was gone.
Tenaya let out a breath as she slipped out of Corinth, mumbling something under her breath.
“I can’t let Venjix find out about her...”
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Ranger Yellow - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
A/n: I apologise if wearing a suit isn’t your thing, it’s more for practibility as reader would not really know how to fight in a dress because I can’t work out how you would unless with practice
Ranger Red
Conducting interviews with small children left you on edge. Especially as Dr K was asked to explain the biosphere and Dillon received a load of compliments as you and Flynn tried to nap through it all. 
Until Flynn was asked why he was the only one who talked ‘pretty’ due to his Scottish accent.
Oh, and another child asked about spandex, resulting in all six of you holding Dr K back as Dillon covered her mouth. “IT IS NOT SPANDEX, the material-”
Then Scott was asked about his hair and Summer was asked which of the guys was the cutest in the tights, leaving you to laugh into the whiteboard as Ziggy jumped forwards to answer.
A child asked if Summer would marry him and if she’d always been so nice.
“Hey, Ranger Pink hasn’t had any questions yet.” Scott pointed out, leaving you to give him a terrified look after you realised that Summer had zoned out into a flashback.
The computers picked up a disturbance that had caused a momentary breach in the shields, leaving you all to run out of the command headquarters to deal with the infiltration. Plus, it meant you didn’t have to answer any questions.
“Oh great, a boombox.” You grumbled as you ran at the Grinders that were accompanying the attack bot.
It was after the Grinders had been kicked back and the colonel’s troops had left that the five of you went to morph.
“Where’s Yellow?” you mumbled as you removed your engine cell to plug it into your morpher.
“Ready?” Scott yelled leaving the four of you to yell “ready!” in response, even though wherever Summer was, she probably was too.
“RPM! Get in gear!” The five of you shouted as the morphing sequence activate.
“Rangers, beware of sonic bombardment cannons.” Dr K stated over the comms right before you were all hit, sending you all to the ground with a grip on your helmets.
“Rangers, the attack bot has hacked into the communication frequencies, turn off all comm links, I repeat, turn off all comm links!” Dr K’s voice was barely heard over the sonic pulses that the attack bot was sending your way.
Until Summer showed up, jumping off her dirt bike as it went straight for the attack bot.
“Do you take requests?” Summer asked as she loaded her engine cell into her morpher. “RPM! Get in gear!”
“Energy blast!” Summer exclaimed as her nitro sword was out of her hands, the energy blast equal in power to the sonic burst as the attack bot was finally sent backwards.
Forming the Road Blaster and Turbo Plasma Launcher sent two blasts of engine cell energy at the boombox bot before Dr K informed you all to summon your zords, leaving you, Green and Black to wait for a back-up attack.
“Oh no!” Ziggy exclaimed as the High Octane Megazord went down.
“C’mon Ziggy, let’s get in the game!” Dillon exclaimed, leaving the the two of you as he summoned his Zord to join the High Octane Megazord.
“Venjix attack bot is down, threat neutralised!” Summer exclaimed, leaving you and Ziggy to fist-bump from where the two of you stood on the ground, watching.
“I don’t care who they are! You two, out now, move!” Scott shouted before revving got their attention as Summer arrived on her dirt bike with you sat behind her.
“Mom, dad, what are you doing here?” Summer asked, not noticing how you had folded your arms as you stood behind her, watching her parents since they called the other rangers ‘servants’.
The others were looking over the boom bot wreckage as you grabbed another scanner from where it had been put in the tool box, ignoring Summer’s parents as you made your way over to the door to the lab.
“Excuse me-”
“Not a servant.” You growled before letting the doors shut in their face, leaving everyone to raise an eyebrow at you before you passed the scanner over to Dr K.
“We have a hit, a break-in at Corinth City Central Bank vault.” Dr K explained, leaving out the doors to run to the vehicles.
That was until Summer’s parents blocked the doors, leaving you sat awkwardly on the back of Summer’s dirt bike as she tried to deal with her parents.
“Okay, that’s it, move or be moved, rich people or not, I don’t care.” You growled, leaving Summer to turn around to glance at you before she slammed her visor down, something her mother had said had clearly got to her as she sped out of the garage.
“You dare oppose me? Tenaya, Generation 7 Venjix Human Infiltration Attack Bot-”
“Sorry my parents are visiting, can we skip all the bad guy blah blah blah?”
“Also, you have you ever heard of the term, you talk too much?” You and Summer interjected as the two of you arrived on scene.
Unlike the others, the two of you weren’t morphed when facing Tenaya at first, Summer utilising her marital arts skills whilst you went for brute force until Tenaya was on the ground and the two of you were morphing.
“RPM! Get in gear!”
Tenaya getting hold of a nitro blaster was definitely on your concern list whilst Summer had a blaster and sword to fight.
You were just scrambling around trying to find something to use as a surprise attack, eventually picking up a sandbag and throwing it at Tenaya.
“Tell your parents not to wait up.” Tenaya stated, confusing Summer enough for her to pause whilst you just rolled your shoulders, spotting Tenaya’s robotic hand at the same time Summer did, the two of you dodging and leaving the blast to hit Tenaya instead.
“Aw, double drat.” Tenaya grumbled as her robotic hand was destroyed and it turns out she didn’t have what she was after either.
“Listen, that’s between her and them-”
“Summer is the Yellow Ranger and their disrespect towards the Rangers shows their blatant ignorance. Don’t they realise that a the only reason that Venjix hasn’t made the human race extinct is because we, as Rangers, stop the threats that make it inside the dome. Taking away Yellow means no High Octane Megazord or Road Blaster. So next time Venjix comes knocking, good luck.” You stated, storming out as everyone stared in shock.
“Well she’s-”
“Don’t say anything about Y/n.” Summer stated, leaving everyone to go quiet for a moment as Scott was holding Dillon back.
“I don’t know, go to school, go back home-”
“Or get married?” Summer asked, leaving Scott to recoil.
“Uh, what?”
You’d stormed off to the community garden, sitting in the grass with your arms crossed as you remembered.
Summer taught you pool.
Summer’s your friend.
The Rangers are your friends.
“Why don’t you put that anger into something that isn’t brooding and stewing?” a voice suggested, shoving a rake into your hands.
“Uhh, okay.” You mumbled as the woman gestured towards the soil beds that needed the soil breaking up.
You didn’t even hear your morpher go off as you continued to break up the soil using the rake.
Until Summer showed up, dragging you away saying that the guys were fighting Grinders.
“Sorry Flynn, I hate to disappoint you!” Summer announced as the two of you swooped in, morphed and ready to batter some Grinders. “But there’s not going to be a wedding.” Summer stated, hitting the Grinders with her nitro sword whilst you fired at them via nitro blaster as the guys morphed.
“I’ve already told my parents I’m not going through with any wedding!” Summer announced as she kept fighting the Grinders.
“Can we talk about something else, or how about stop talking and fight the Grinders? All this wedding talk is giving me a headache.” You grumbled as you sent a Grinder flying backwards into a bin.
Your comment went ignored until Summer froze up again, another flashback hitting her.
You were back at the community garden when Dillon called.
“Summer needs you.” 
That was all he said to have you running.
“Summer, what’s-” You slid to a stop as Summer passed you something. “What, what is this?”
“I realised you don’t really have anything smart, so... here.”
“Neither does Dillon.” You retorted, leaving Summer to smirk.
“He already has something, now you have something.” Summer replied, leaving you to stare at her.
“Really, strawberry milkshake pink tie?” You retorted before Summer raised an eyebrow.
“You have an hour to shower and get changed into that.” 
“Uh, thank you, Summer.” You mumbled, hugging the Ranger as she froze, not expecting it as you winced.
“Hugs are weird, sorry.”
“Whoah, hey, Y/n, didn’t expect you to be here.” Ziggy grinned as he ran over, spotting you in your attire.
“Strawberry milkshake pink is becoming a classic-”
“Summer picked it and I’m not arguing with her.” You deadpanned, shutting Ziggy up immediately before you went to help Dr K since she was being asked questions by the bridesmaid.
“Ranger Operator Series Yellow, you look positively radiant.” Dr K began, leaving you to raise an eyebrow.
“Really? You think?” Summer grinned leaving you laughing internally.
“No, but I was told it was customary to say so.” Dr K replied before Summer spotted something on the cameras.
“Dr K, Y/n, could you two help me pick a gown?”
“Aren’t you already wearing one?” Dr K frowned as the three of you walked over to the rack of wedding attire.
“Love the dress, Ranger Yellow.” Tenaya smirked, pulling the veil away to reveal Dr K instead.
“Thanks, I would say I look positively radiant.” Dr K smirked, leaving everyone’s attention on her.
Nobody saw you or Summer jumping over the railing, Summer kicking Tenaya flying as you focussed on not landing on your ass.
“No caterer would put the cake next to a recycled motor oil bin.” Summer announced before the camera bot made a noise, sending the Grinders to attack the wedding guests.
“What are you wearing?” You asked as you dodged Flynn trying to save the cake.
“It’s a kilt! Hey, watch the cake!” Flynn exclaimed as the Grinders almost sent the cake flying onto the floor.
“How does she do that?” You asked Dr K as you spotted Summer fighting Tenaya graciously, especially since she was fighting in a wedding dress.
“I suggest you go help.” Dr K stated, leaving you to nod as you jumped over a chair, slipping on the ground to end up tripping Tenaya up as you landed.
“Hi...” You nervously grinned as Tenaya looked down at you.
“You’re too late, the camera bot’s primary weapon is now fully operational.” Tenaya stated before Summer sent her flying as you stood up.
“Summer... you look, um-” Dillon stumbled, leaving Scott to try pick up the pieces. “Well you look, um...”
“Radiant?” Summer asked, leaving them all to agree.
You managed to take a hint as Summer loaded her engine cell into her morpher, quickly scrambling to roll up your blazer sleeve to load your engine cell.
“Ready?” Summer asked as everyone minus you and her hurried to find their morphers.
“Ready.” You deadpanned, smirking as Summer just grinned, watching the others.
“Ready.” “Ready!” Ready!” “Ready.”
“RPM! Get in gear!”
The six of you quickly morphed, summoning the Zords to deal with the giant camera bot.
“High Octane Megazord!”
“ValveMax Megazord!”
“Now it’s my turn!” Dillon stated, sounding like he was smirking as the Megazord went into action.
“ValveMax Megazord, charging up!”
You grinned as Ziggy and Flynn managed to pick up the cake as it lay, untouched, on a table that was not near an oil bin this time.
“I believe it’s called a job.” You smirked at that, making eye contact with a beaming Summer as her mother threw the bouquet.
“The bouquet, the bouquet, I got it!” Summer’s ex-friend and bridesmaid exclaimed, turning around to land her face in the cake as you avoided the bouquet landing anywhere near you.
“What a waste of good cake!” Flynn exclaimed, leaving you to laugh as you threw a handful of it at him.
“Oi!” Flynn shouted before lunging to throw cake back at you.
“Seriously?” Summer exclaimed, pausing as she saw all of you grinning as you had cake on your faces.
Ranger Blue
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Handshake - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
Go for Green
“Ranger Series Pink, please report to the training room!” 
Waiting wasn’t your strongsuit as you stood, tapping your foot on the floor, waiting for Dillon to appear for training.
Yet, the noise of two car engines rumbling didn’t give you any comfort.
“Might want to be a bit louder, Dr K.” You remarked, hearing Dr K sigh before continuing to page Dillon.
“-In order to channel enough energy to power your Zords. 
Ranger Series Black, you must master your 5 second invincibility shield first. Ranger Series Pink, although you have already field-tested your increased speed and reflex ability without my permission, you have yet to master it.” Dr K explained, leaving you to sigh as you realised Dr K knew about what you had done against the gopher attack bot.
“We must train the two of you to expect attacks at any point from anywhere, to be accustomed with placing yourselves in absolute danger at any time, shall we begin?” Dr K asked as the two of you equipped your helmets.
“Hey, ready when you are.” Dillon stated, standing still whilst you prepped your morpher.
“Now, wait a minute!” Dillon began as he spotted the giant blaster pointed at the two of you.
“Extreme Speed, activate!”
Whilst Dillon was sent flying by the blaster, you managed to back handswing using the Extreme Speed to dodge.
“How many blasters do you have?” You exclaimed, dodging another whilst Dillon gave up and walked out.
“Ranger Series Black, you still owe me 3 minutes of-”
You were cut off from listening to Dr K as a blaster hit you in the chest, sending you flying out of the doors and into the garage area.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Dillon growled as he was face to face with another blaster, from the fridge.
“Why is there a blaster in the fridge?” Your question went unanswered as the alarms began to go off, leaving you to be pulled off the floor by Summer before she pulled you onto the back of her dirt bike.
“Oh how lovely, a parade of Grinders waiting to get blasted.” You joked as you hopped off Summer’s bike, helping kick the Grinder’s away as the others headed further into the Grinder hoard, eventually morphing.
It after Dillon morphed whilst fighting Tenaya that you spotted his shield burst broke.
“RPM! Get in gear!”
“Extreme speed! Activate!” You shouted, speeding over to shove Tenaya into range for the Road Blaster that Scott, Flynn and Summer were holding.
You didn’t see Tenaya disappear as you walked over to the others, wondering why it was over so quickly.
“It is absolutely essential that you have faith in the Ranger suit technology. We will need to double your training sessions. Ranger Pink, you were able to successfully use what you dubbed ‘extreme speed’ however you still need to participate in training sessons-”
“It’s not the suit I have a problem with, it’s you!” Dillon exclaimed before you winced slightly, the ache in your spine returning so you ignored everything else going on.
You were lying on your stomach on your bed when the alarms went off, leaving you to run down the stairs to Summer’s dirt bike.
“Did the doors just close?”
“I could have sworn I just saw something moving?”
“Do we have rats now?” you enquired before Ziggy let out a squeak.
“I could have sworn I just saw a moving h-hand!” 
“Is that Tenaya’s hand?” You asked as everyone just stared at the robotic hand currently giving Ziggy a wedgie.
“Rangers, I am picking up signs of an intruder.” Dr K announced as Scott said something sarcastic back.
“Well I don’t think it came from in-tru-da-window.” You joked to yourself as everyone minus Dillon who had disappeared, approached the pool table.
“It’s in my shirt!”
Several attempts to hit the robotic hand inside of Scott’s shirt and missing to hit the pool table instead, later, Dillon was on the floor after the hand tripped him up.
“Dillon! Move!” Scott exclaimed as he realised the hand was about to turn on the engine to Dillon’s car.
The car with the ability to shoot flames.
You and Dillon were the only ones not morphed as you both stalked around the room, it was only when you jumped to reach for the hand that your spine screamed in pain, a yell leaving your system as you fell to the floor.
The hand walking its way down your spine as you laid immobile on the floor.
“Her cybernetics are older. Subject B12 I assume...” Tenaya mumbled, following an order from Venjix as another yell escaped your mouth, the hand adding pressure to your spine until something clicked into place with an audible click echoing in the garage.
“Y/n?” Summer prompted but you were unconscious and the robotic hand had already headed back to the pool table, leaving Ziggy to play whack-a-mole with his turbo axe on said pool table.
“Dr K, how’s Y/n?” Scott asked as the five Rangers returned.
“Doc K, I owe you an apology.” Dillon began before Dr K spoke.
“No, I owe all of you an apology.” The screens turned black and the training area’s doors openned as a prompt for the five to walk in.
“Dr K?” Scott asked, spinning the chair in the hidden alcove around to find nobody in it.
“Hello Rangers, I’m Dr K. What?” Dr K asked, removing her voice modifier, “you thought I’d be taller?”
“Told you Dr K was using a voice manipulator!” You exclaimed, interrupting everyone from where you were lying in a chair, the screens near you displaying the cybernetics that were connected to your spine.
Ranger Green
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Brother’s Keeper - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
Scott and Dillon racing in their cars on the beach had you rolling your eyes.
“Now, Y/n, Summer, I know you won’t understand the finer points of some of these male bonding rituals-” Ziggy was cut off as Summer jumped off Flynn’s truck to watch the race.
You just rolled your eyes as Summer and Flynn started betting.
You didn’t even process what was going on as Dillon and Scott both pulled over, walking past Summer, Ziggy and Flynn whilst you jumped off the roof of Flynn’s car when you spotted her.
“Very, very impressive race. But, you see, I prefer my battles to have a more, permanent outcome.”
“I don’t care how powerful you think you are, Miss Tenaya 7, but there are six of us and... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8- well, now this isn’t fair.” Ziggy stated, leaving you to roll your eyes again.
Dillon went straight after Tenaya whilst you and the other four dealt with the Grinders.
“For a robot, you’re pretty human.” Dillon retorted, leaving Tenaya to growl.
“Don’t ever call me that again!”
“What a lovely day at the beach, car racing, battling Grinders, a lovely day off!” You chuckled, backflipping off of a Grinder to land on another one.
You were near enough to Scott’s car to feel the tension as a Grinder accidently scratched the bonnet.
“Yeah, Scott doesn’t need any help...” you concluded as you watched Scott turn his anger into punching Grinders.
“I see you boys have really chilled out, now, try not to go to pieces!” Ziggy remarked, kicking the two nitrogen frozen Grinders to bits before grabbing his foot in pain.
“You okay? Y/n, you okay?” Scott asked as he helped Ziggy up.
“All good! Ready?”
“RPM! Get in gear!” The three of you yelled as the morphing sequence activated.
When the Grinders had all been turned into scrap, Tenaya took her leave. “To be continued.” Firing a blast at Dillon to demorph him, by the time he had looked up from the sand, Tenaya was gone.
“There is no way you took out more Grinders than me!” Summer exclaimed to Flynn as you just rolled your eyes, walking next to Ziggy who was trying to tell them about the liquid nitrogen frozen Grinders.
Summer was sat with a glass of milk, looking at the screens when Dr K appeared from out of the fridge, clad in her pyjamas and fluffy puppy slippers.
“I understand your dilemma.” Dr K stated, leaving Summer to frown.
“I’m sorry, what dilemma?”
“You find Ranger Series Red attractive because he represents the guy who can give you solid security, the boy next door, trustworthy, responsible, the kind you take home to mother. At the same time, you’re hopelessly drawn to the excitement and danger of Ranger Series Black. The tortured and mysterious bad boy you think you can save-”
“I don’t think you-”
“There is also another you have not considered but the idea does linger, Ranger Series Pink, a similar back story to Ranger Series Black however Ranger Series Pink has can be soft, gentle, good with children, however, she is the anomaly.”
“Comparing the raw data of the three on a cuteness scale is also difficult, one scoring a solid nine but the other registering the maximum score of ten, leaving out the anomaly as all things considered, she has not been completely considered. One could argue Ranger Series Pink is a nine or a ten, based on preference-”
“Which one do you think is the ten?” Summer asked with a smirk before Dr K just turned around with more of a smirk.
“Why? Which one do you think is the ten?”
“Why did you think Y/n was an option?” Summer enquired, leaving Dr K to glance up momentarily at the landing where you were sat.
“I’ve seen the way she looks at you, arguably it is not a look as to she looks at Ranger Series Green and Black, to whom, she considers brothers, Ranger Series Pink-”
“What about me?” You asked, leaving Dr K to just ignore your question, instead she chose to just look at Summer.
“I rest my case.”
“Warning, shield levels decreasing!” The alarms had you running down the stairs with Scott, Flynn and Ziggy behind you.
“Dr K, the shields are being shut down from inside your lab!” The Colonel stated, leaving you to frown before you ran towards the lab behind Dr K.
“Dillon!” Summer exclaimed but Dillon didn’t even react as you just stood there, not reacting.
“Can’t you see what you’re doing!” Flynn cried out but Dillon wasn’t reacting as he moved from pulling out screen wires to the computers.
“I can see what he’s doing, and I’m going to stop him!” Scott announced, him and Flynn grabbing Dillon’s shoulders as Dillon kicked Ziggy flying.
Watching Dillon slapping Ziggy set you into action.
“Back off, the cybernetics mean that he’s stronger than all of you! All expect me!” You shouted, taking Summer’s hand before you ran at Dillon as he threw Dr K towards the ground, into Ziggy’s arms.
Ziggy had wrapped his arms around Dillon’s front as you jumped on his back, almost getting a piggy back as you tried to locate the Venjix remote control.
“The back of his neck!” you shouted before Dillon threw you off, throwing you across the lab.
“There’s something flashing red stuck to the back of his neck.” You stated as Scott grabbed Dillon, Summer running to kick the tech off.
“What the- why are you hugging me?” Dillon frowned at Scott before getting up.
“Doc, what’s with the slippers?”
“Rangers Black and Pink will join us, or be destroyed.” Tenaya smirked.
“Is this for my own protection? Why isn’t Y/n being tied up?” Dillon asked, leaving you to grimace.
“Hardly, it’s for ours. Ranger Series Pink’s scans show no remote override and her scans differ from Ranger Series Black’s-”
“For the love of Odin’s beard, will you just call him Dillon?” Flynn asked, leaving Ziggy to frown.
“Is there a reason why you won’t call us by our names?” 
“There’s a reason for everything.” Dr K replied, leaving you to pause before showing the differents scans of you and Dillon.
“The remote override added an acceleration upgrade to the already growing virus in Ranger Black. Ranger Pink does not yet have this acceleration upgrade. Ranger Black’s virus is growing at 50 times the rate that Ranger Pink’s is. There is no telling at what point the infection will cause either of you to lose control over your own actions.” Dr K explained, leaving you to zone out as the others talked about the attack bot from this morning.
“What we’d be doing would be putting the entire city and the remaining state of the human race at risk, all for Rangers Series Black and Pink.”
“Dillon and Y/n. All for Dillon and Y/n.” Summer stated, taking the tech that she’d kicked off Dillon’s neck from Dr K.
“Well Ranger Yellow, I guess that answers the statistical question regarding the number 10, we were discussing earlier, was it not?”
“Kind of figured you’d say that, that’s why I emptied the gas out of your tank-” Dillon was cut off as you slipped into passenger seat of his car.
“You’re not the only one with computer virus taking control of you, y’know.”
You were cut off as Scott handcuffed Dillon to him.
“You my friend, are not going anywhere, not without me.” Scott stated, leaving you to raise an eyebrow as you waved at Scott.
“Uh, hi-” you were cut off as Summer appeared.
“I really hate you, you know that?” Dillon stated to Scott as you just got out the car, hiding your wrists by folding your arms.
“Nope,  you’re coming with me.” Summer stated, leaving you to pause.
“Why? You clearly prefer Dillon-” you were cut off by Summer’s glare.
“How are the happy couple getting along?” Summer asked, trying to ignore how you were sat on the floor near her feet as Flynn and Ziggy walked in.
“Fearlessly-” Flynn laughed before noticing how you were sulking on the floor like a child.
“Summer, at least give the poor child a colouring book or something-”
The alarms going off meant that the lightning bot was attacking the city, and with Dillon and Scott chained together at the wrist, it left you, Summer, Flynn and Ziggy to fight the lightning bot and bring the circuitry back.
“Ranger Series Pink, I advise against you going out there, you may end up being hit and receiving the the acceleration upgrade.” 
You froze at what Dr K said, staring between Summer and Dillon before sighing, “it’s a risk I’ll have to take, we need that circuit board.”
You were barely able to stop laughing as Dillon turned up on a moped with Scott perched on the back of it. Clearly they didn’t want to travel in each other’s cars.
“Hey, look!” Summer pointed, leaving the four of you to watch Dillon and Scott working together to fight the lightning bot, eventually destroying it in two hits from the wheel blaster.
“Begin the download. NOW!”
“Downloading Zords.” Dr K stated as she tapped away on her keyboard.
“Zenith Megazord online!”
“Rangers, power levels show you are go for wheel blaster.” Dr K explained, leaving the six of you to destroy the lightning bot, Summer going to retrieve the circuit board straight after.
You were standing near Dr K’s computers as you watched the others try to work on slowing the growth of the virus.
Until Dillon let out a groan, throwing Summer backwards as his eyes glowed red.
“The virus has taken hold, subject D44 will be under our control in seconds. Subject B12 is taking longer than expected, but no matter. The Rangers will be too busy dealing with subject D44 to realise subject B12 is also a hazard.” Tenaya smirked as you felt your spine ache slightly, your hand going to balance yourself as Flynn tried to get the circuit board to work.
“I can’t, it’s all encrypted. It needs the base code!” Flynn explained, leaving Ziggy to feel hopeful.
“Base code??”
“The original code used to program the Venjix virus.” Flynn explained before you noticed Dr K was typing away.
“You...” You mumbled, leaving Dr K to give you a guilty look as Dillon groaned again, falling to the floor.
“The virus has fallen back to it’s original growth rate!” Summer stated as she looked over Dillon’s scans.
“I am getting really sick of asking this, but, what happened?” Dillon asked as Scott and Ziggy helped him up.
“What just happened is that I entered the base code for the Venjix virus. I know it because I wrote it, I’m the one who released it, everything that’s happened, everything you’ve all been through, it’s all my fault.” Dr K explained, her eyes drifting between each Ranger. 
The six of you shared glances between each other, but you just kept your gaze on the guilt on Dr K’s face.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Ranger Blue - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
Ranger Yellow
“I will now open the floor to any and all questions regarding the biofield, suits, vehicles and hardware. Anyone, speak now, or forever hold your peace.” Dr K stated, leaving everyone to exchange glances with each other.
“What do you mean what eyes? Right there, the front of our Zords!” Scott exclaimed, pointing at the screen where the Eagle Zord was being displayed.
“Those are optical field scanning sensors for your cockpits A2D display-”
You had managed to shush yourself by covering your mouth with your hand, muffling your laughs.
“Sometimes when I morph I can’t help but notice this gigantic explosion right behind me for no apparent reason-” Ziggy began, leaving Dr K with an increasing frown on her face.
“I assume you’re referring to the residual energy run-off that is sometimes necessary to clear the suit’s biofield channels during the morph-”
“I’m referring to the six story high fireballs, like that one, right there!” Ziggy pointed, gesturing to the screens, “now could that happen to me, in like the kitchen or something?”
“When we morph, is it absolutely necessary to scream RPM get in gear at the top of our lungs?” Flynn asked, leaving you to ignore Ziggy’s comment about girls.
“The vocal call out is a safety and security measure-”
“With that, I’m getting water.” You mumbled to Summer who just flicked her wrist to indicate she wanted one as well.
“You want justice? Read a comic book.” Dr K stated, leaving Flynn to slip into a state of flashbacks.
“Shield breach, Industrial District Zone 7!” Dr K quickly told you all as the alarms began to go off, everyone heading towards their vehicles as Summer threw you a helmet and gestured for you to get on.
“Just once I’d like to get this done before you know who gets here.” Tenaya complained, leaving Dillon to smirk.
“Sorry Tenaya.”
“You’re too late.” Scott finished as everyone dropped into fighting positions and ran at the incoming Grinders.
Generals Shifter and Crunch attacking Flynn caught you off-guard as you all ran over to regroup, Scott helping Flynn up in the process.
“RPM! Get in gear!” The six of you yelled as you all morphed.
“There! See that explosion!” Ziggy exclaimed, leaving you to almost stop and look back before you kept running at Shifter.
“Actually, Rangers, and this feels so good to say, you’re the ones that are too late.” Tenaya smirked as she knocked Ziggy flying into some wooden pallets.
“Red is the perfect one, Black is the brooding bad boy,  Green is the clown and Yellow, well she’s the girl and Pink is the spare, so what are you supposed to be?” Tenaya enquired, leaving Flynn to fight back.
“I’m Scottish!”
Everyone around you was fighting someone as you froze, confusion in your brain. 
You were the spare?
“Y/n!” Ziggy shouted, snapping you out of it as you spotted him against General Crunch before Summer stepped in.
“Screw this! Extreme Speed, activate!” You shouted, zipping around the area to hit both Generals, barely leaving a mark then almost ripping Tenaya’s visor off when you ran out of speed.
“Rangers, I’m showing a primary instrument malfunction in Series Blue-”
“Dr K, Flynn’s frozen!” You exclaimed, dodging a swing from Crunch in the process.
“Rangers, Black, Green and Pink, you’re patrolling close to what could be Venjix’s next target.” Dr K stated over the comms, leaving the three of you to pause, glancing up at the noises of a drill.
“Closer than you think, Doc.” Dillon replied, leaving Ziggy to yelp.
“It’s right on top of us!”
“Rangers Black, Green and Pink, maintain visual on the target. Red and Yellow are on the way.”
“Better hurry, doc-”
“Looks like it’s just found what it was after.” You stated over the comms, cutting Dillon off.
“Rangers Black, Green and Pink, I’m down-morphing the Remote Croc Carrier to you now. If that attack bot succeeds in drilling into the fault line, Venjix will have won.” Dr K explained, meaning the stakes were high in defeating this drill bot.
“ValveMax Megazord!”
“Rangers, Black, Green and Pink report, is the attack bot still drilling?” Dr K enquired, leaving the three of you to just deadpan.
“Uh, no.” Dillon stated, leaving you to just let out a growl as you tried to use the controls to dodge the lava.
“Only because it’s too busy blasting us with a stream of molten hot lava!” Ziggy exclaimed over the comms as the Megazord began to take a hit.
“Dr K, Tenaya is engaging Red and Yellow and we’re taking a beating here!” You exclaimed over the comms, leaving Flynn to get even more frustrated than before.
“Rangers, Black, Green and Pink, focus shield power to Zone Alpha. Rangers Red and Yellow, conserve energy bursts!” Dr K instructed before realising that Flynn was gone.
“Anyone else just see a massive explosion-”
“Ziggy, focus on the lava being spewed at us and the city!” you exclaimed, interrupting Ziggy who just kept talking to himself.
“Initiating Zord sequencing.” Dr K was still speechless over Flynn’s fixing of his morpher as she activated the coding for the High Octane Megazord.
“I have just one question for you, Ranger Series Blue. Who taught you to be a mechanic anyway?”
You chuckled as you watched Flynn run out of the garage, heading towards the market to buy groceries for his father.
“Hey, Y/n, want to watch the explosion Flynn caused when morphing today? Dr K has the footage?” Ziggy asked, waving a tub of popcorn around as you chuckled.
“Sure, let’s go see this gigantic explosion.” You replied, flicking a piece of popcorn at Dillon so he would follow.
Dr K
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Blitz - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
Dr K
The thing about nightmares is that you have no control over them.
Dillon had no control over his. 
No control over what they showed or when they occurred.
You didn’t have nightmares about things you couldn’t remember.
Retrograde amnesia remember?
You assumed it was from the trauma of Venjix installing your cybernetics that had shut your memories away, flushing them down the toilet.
But Dillon’s nightmare said otherwise.
“Master, shall I initiate the upload on subjects D44 and B12?”
“Of course. Take their memories.” Venjix replied to the attack bot.
Dillon being dismissive and grumpy was a usual as the six of you headed to the city dam, tracking the signal that was interfering with the dome shields.
“RPM! Get in gear!”
“What is that supposed to be?” you asked rhetorically as Scott yelled “BRING IT!” leaving the Grinders and attack bot to move into action.
“What a lovely morning, sunny with a side of Grinders!” You joked to Summer who just rolled her eyes under her helmet.
“They never get enough, do they?” Summer stated, kicking a Grinder towards you for you to punch.
“Ziggy, you could sure use a bath.” Dillon grumbled before the three of you ran at the attack bot, nitro swords in hand.
“Zip Charger! Activate!” Summer exclaimed, firing her Zip Charger at the attack bot after it had knocked both Ziggy and Dillon down.
“Street Saber Strike!” Scott yelled, speeding at the attack bot as it fired back at him.
“Rangers, make an offensive manoeuvre: Wishbone Alpha.” Dr K instructed over the comms.
“Ah, the Wishbone. One of my favourites!” Flynn announced, leaving you to frown before realising Flynn was running at the attack bot.
“RPM ENFORCER! Engine Cell activate, FIRE!” Flynn exclaimed, the six of you taking aim at the attack bot.
One Megazord battle against a massive version of the attack bot later, the alarms were going off for multiple shield infiltrations.
“Anyone else feel like these attacks are a distraction?” you prompted as the six of you ran into the forest to deal with the second attack bot.
“Ah, it’s biting me, it’s biting me!” Ziggy exclaimed as Summer and Scott tried to pull Ziggy’s hand out of the attack bot’s mouth.
“I can’t work out what Venjix bases these bots on anymore.” You admitted as you hit the attack bot with your nitro sword.
“RPM Enforcer! Engine Cell activate! Fire!” Ziggy exclaimed as the attack bot went boom.
“Doc, we’re on our way to find that pulse signal!” Scott explained over the comms as the six of you sprinted down the street, demorphed to your vehicles.
“You guys do your best with those alarms, Y/n, Ziggy and I will go after that signal.” Dillon stated, leaving the others to nod as you slipped into the back seat of Dillon’s car, Ziggy climbing into the passenger seat after.
“200 metres dead ahead Ranger Series Black.”
“High vantage point to broadcast, trees, electric towers-” Dr K was cut off as Ziggy spotted it.
“Rooftops, there!” Ziggy pointed, leaving Dillon to nod at the two of you.
“Ziggy cover the back, we’ll will flush it out to you.” Dillon stated, leaving the three of you to split up.
“Well, this one is a satellite dish bot.” You chuckled before Dillon shouted at the attack bot.
“Hope you’ve enjoyed this broadcast, because you’re off the air!”
“Familiar...” the bot beeped, leaving you to frown.
“Oh yes, Subject D44 and B12. I have both of your memories.” The Sat Bot exclaimed, using it’s tech to display Dillon’s memories of a blind girl before it shifted to something that had Dillon looking at you.
A community garden being overrun with Grinders as you tried to run.
It wasn’t the community garden you frequented now either.
The two of you were frozen as you stared at the memories being played.
So distracted that Dillon was kicked into a fence whilst you almost went over it and off the rooftop in general.
The two of you quickly morphed to fight the bot to no avail as the two of you were blasted head on.
“Subjects D44, B12, your modifications are incomplete, but we can fix that.” The Sat Bot stated, leaving you to pause as you felt your spine sting.
“I’ll fix you!” Dillon shouted, about to fire at the bot.
“Ah, ah, ah, blast me and you blast both of your memories!”
Dillon hesistated whilst you stepped back, your fists clenched in anger.
“That thing has tapped into the dome’s climate control.” Hicks realised at the Command HQ as thunder rumbled above you and Dillon.
“Dillon, watch out!” Ziggy shouted, leaving you to yell as the two of you were sent flying off the roof.
“Dillon! Y/n! RPM, GET IN GEAR!” Ziggy exclaimed, morphing as he jumped off the roof after the two of you.
“Goodbye Subjects D44 and B12. Thanks for the memories.”
Ziggy had a hold of Dillon, teleporting to the ground as you yelled, grabbing onto a balcony fence to hang there.
“Mayday, mayday, I’m still hanging here!” you shouted, leaving Ziggy to gasp before teleporting onto the balcony, taking your arm as he teleported you to the ground near Dillon.
The Sat Bot reached the park by the time that Scott, Summer and Flynn arrived.
“Dillon, the others don’t know the bot has our memories...” You mumbled, leaving Dillon to fall into an even more dark and brooding mood as the three of you tried to get to the Sat Bot quicker.
“Rangers, you must destroy the Sat Bot before it can disrupt the shield and cause anymore infilitrations!” Dr K’s voice over the comms had you swallowing nervously.
“One fried Sat Bot coming up!” Scott announced, about to attack the bot when you and Dillon got in the way.
“Dillon? Y/n? Have you two lost it?”
“You can’t!” Dillon stated leaving you to explain.
“The Sat Bot has our memories.”
“Ranger Series Black and Pink, you cannot allow personal agendas and emotions to interfere with the protection of this city.” Dr K reminded the two of you as Dillon just stopped Scott.
“They’re all I have left.”
“The Sat Bot showed how Venjix took me and turned me into a hybrid.” 
“Ranger Black and Pink, I’m afraid I have no choice, but to take you offline.” Dr K stated, pressing a key that had both you and Dillon yell in pain.
The energy released from the two of you sent the other Rangers flying before you both dropped.
“It’s tapped into the weather grid, again-”
Instead of raining water droplets, the bot decided it should rain down laser beams that hit all six of you.
“Dillon! Y/n! You are the only ones who can destroy the Sat Bot!” Dr K exclaimed as the two of you stood up.
“I don’t shut down so easily!” Dillon growled as the two of you managed to override Dr K’s attempts to shut the two of you down so the other Rangers could handle the Sat Bot.
“Give them back!” Dillon shouted as he slashed at the Sat Bot with his nitro sword.
“You heard him you stupid dish plate!” You shouted, firing at the bot with your nitro blaster.
“It’s not over Subjects D44, B12!” The Sat Bot stated, almost like it was smirking as Dillon growled back, “it’s over for you!”
“C’mon, let’s put this thing out of it’s misery.” Dillon stated as the RPM enforcer was formed.
“Subject B12, I’d think carefully about your actions.” Sat Bot cackled, a memory appearing on a screen above it.
“Thiamine?” Ziggy asked, leaving Dr K to roll her eyes.
“What is that?” Summer asked but you just froze, recognising the community garden again.
“You failed to save them, now they’re gone, Subject B12. Subject D44 said it himself, these old memories are all you have!” The Sat Bot stated, leaving you to sigh.
“We have memories, new ones.” Dillon retorted, gaining grins from Summer, Scott and Flynn.
“With people who are alive, and I’d like to keep it that way. The dead are gone, you overgrown saucer!” You exclaimed as Dillon activated the RPM Enforcer with his Engine Cell.
“You’ll never know the truth!” The Sat Bot yelled as it survived the explosion.
“We’ll see about that.” Dillon growled in response.
You woke up in Dr K’s lab with Summer scanning both you and Dillon.
“Ranger Operator Series Black and Ranger Operator Series Pink. The Sat Bot signal that was transmitted into Dillon’s arm and Y/n’s spine contained an initiation code.”
“initiation?” Dillon asked as he sat up whilst you just kept your eyes on Summer.
“Initiation of what?” Summer prompted, raising an eyebrow.
“Initiation of the virus that was laying dormant within your implanted robotics.” Dr K stated, the look on her face leaving you to sit up.
“Doc, maybe you zapped me a little too hard with your joy buzzer but I’m not-” Dillon fell silent as he saw the look on Dr K’s face. 
A distraught look.
“What exactly are you saying?” Summer asked, her eyes landing on you as you looked at the screens, your face paling as you realised.
“The machinery within Rangers Black and Pink has started a self-regeneration process. It is growing and it will keep growing until it has taken them over entirely. There is no cure.”
Brother’s Keeper
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Dr K - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
Ranger Blue
You didn’t expect to hear intense violin playing from the training room as Summer went to tell Dr K that you were all ready when she was.
“Was that a violin?” you mumbled to Dillon, who just shrugged slightly at you in response.
You didn’t miss the sad/shocked look that Summer was barely able to hide from her face after finding Dr K.
“You good?” Dillon asked quietly, leaving Summer to shrug as she took her place, standing inbetween the two fo you.
“What we’re looking at is a dramatic spike in the current levels of Venjix technology-” You blanked out slightly at all the scientific talk as Dr K conversed with Colonel Truman.
“I’m telling you I don’t have the answers.” Dr K explained as everyone began to talk questions at her.
“HOLD IT! At times like this, there is one question that must be asked, are we, or are we not, the good guys?” Ziggy directly asked Dr K who froze at the question.
“Tell me, what’s it like?”
“What’s what like?” Ziggy whispered, learning over the computers to look at Dr K.
“Being stupid your whole life, is it as wonderful as it seems?” Dr K asked before zoning into a flashback.
“Okay, at this point, I’m actually jealous that you lot have memories to have flashbacks about-”  you were cut off by the piano music from Dr K’s flashback as the others gave you a range of confused looks.
The alarms going off snapped everyone out of it, Summer heading over to the screens first.
“Looks like it’s passing a bio-duct, heading south.” 
“Okay, doc, time to find out how much stronger Venjix really is!” Scott exclaimed, running out of the training room after the rest of you.
“RPM! Get in gear!” The six of you yelled, the vocal call-out activating the morphing sequence.
“We have a visual on the new Venjix attack bot.” Scott announced over the comms as everyone drove in their Zords over to the reflex bot.
“Rangers, prep for Megazord sequencing.” Dr K instructed over the comms, leaving you to form the ValveMax Megazord as the others formed the High Octane Megazord.
“Hey, doc, I don’t see anything special about this tin can.” Dillon stated over the comms to Dr K who just frowned on her end.
“The attack bot is equipped with a molecular mirroring ability-”
“Mirroring-wait!” You exclaimed, spotting the attack bot opening the mirror compartment of its mechanics.
“Rangers, the attack bot is programmed to mirrorly reproduce any solid object captured in it’s optics!” Dr K exclaimed as it mirrored Dillon’s and Ziggy’s Zords on it’s arm.
“Dr K, it’s copied Black and Green’s Zords configured onto it’s arms-” You were cut off as the attack bot fired at the ValveMax Megazord, cutting Ziggy off from speaking to Dr K in the process.
The slashes from Ziggy’s Zord had the entire Megazord fall apart, the Zords disappearing as you, Ziggy and Dillon went flying to the ground.
“Looks like Dr K was right.” Ziggy replied as the three of you knelt on the ground, watching the High Octane Megazord.
“Yep. We’re in trouble.” Dillon confirmed as the three of you looked up to see the attack bot heading after the High Octane Megazord next.
“ValveMax Megazord is down!” Scott announced as the attack bot mirrored the Super Saber.
“Dr K, the attack bot has copied the Super Saber!” You announced over the comms as Flynn and Summer conversed about how they didn’t understand what was happening.
“High Octane Megazord is down...” You mumbled over the comms as Scott, Summer and Flynn came crashing to the ground near you, Ziggy and Dillon.
“Doc, energy levels are down- what’s happening?” Scott exclaimed as the attack bot began to malfunction.
“The Venjix attack bot is experiencing catastrophic system failure, it’s shutting down!” Dr K explained as the attack bot shrank, collapsing on the pavement.
“That’s weird?” Flynn remarked, leaving you to tense as you stared at it.
You were sat watching Flynn merticulously make a smoothie when Colonel Truman and Hicks brought the passed out attack bot into Dr K’s lab.
“Feels trojan donkey to me.” You muttered under your breath, leaving Flynn to recoil.
“Trojan horse, not donkey. Trojan donkey... donkey...” Flynn muttered into his smoothie as you rolled your eyes, flicking a newspaper at Ranger Blue.
Just as Flynn was about to drink his smoothie, the alarms detected Venjix drones incoming, leaving you all to hurry out.
“I’m picking up Venjix drones heading towards quadrant E3.” Dr K announced over the comms as she ran to her computer.
“We’re on it!” Summer announced as she drove her Zord.
“We have Venjix bandits, dead ahead!” Scott replied, driving the Eagle Zord.
“Down-morphing standard Megazord replace-” The comms cut out as you heard Dr K yelp.
“TROJAN HORSE! I TOLD YOU!” You exclaimed, leaving Flynn to facepalm internally.
“At least she didn’t say trojan bloody donkey again.”
The conversations fell flat as Dr K went silent, leaving you all driving around to dodge the blasts from the Venjix drones.
“Greetings Rangers, you are now travelling with Tenaya 7, enjoy the rest of your trip.” 
“I can’t control my Zord!” Scott exclaimed as you and Ziggy almost crashed into each other.
“Reconfiguring your Zords, this could take a while-”
“Doc, remember Tenaya has a robot hand that does it’s own thing!” you exclaimed before you got hit by a drone.
“I don’t think my Zord can take a while, doc!” Dillon exclaimed, trying to dodge Summer’s Zord in the process.
“Megazord download at 70%.” Dr K confirmed, leaving Scott to decide that would do as he pressed a button on his control panel, blasting the attacking drones with fire. 
Summer’s Zord chomped on a drone as Flynn’s Zord fired at the drones from the ground. Ziggy’s Zord went into a tailspin as you dodged, driving into a couple of ground-attacking drones as Dillon fired on some.
“Rangers, downloading original Megazord configurations!” Dr K stated, sounding rather worn out as she did.
The High Octane Megazord was barely configured for 2 minutes before the three Zords were blasted apart again.
“We need something more than just the two basic Megazords!” You exclaimed, leaving Dillon to answer you.
“You heard the doc, we don’t have enough power!”
Little did you know that Tenaya had replicated the Flux Overthruster in an attempt to defeat Dr K with the sound cannon, allowing you all to form a new Megazord.
“Rangers! You are go for new Zenith Megazord configurations! Repeat, go for new Megazord!” Dr K exclaimed over her frantic typing.
“Let’s get the party started.” You smirked as you, Ziggy and Dillon converged your Zords at the Remote Croc Carrier Zord.
“Ready, guys? Initiate transformation!” Scott shouted as the Zords began to reconfigure to make the new Zenith Megazord.
“Oh hey, nice to see you all, dreadful weather isn’t it? Cloudy with a chance of Venjix drones.” You remarked as the six of you were moved into the joint cockpit.
“Rangers, energy levels are go for Wheel Blaster-” 
You grimaced as Dr K interrupted herself and started blasting violin music over the comms as the six of you set up the Wheel Blaster.
“Target locked. FIRE!”
“Venjix attack bot has been destroyed, threat neutralised!” Your voice over the comms had everyone celebrating.
Everyone but Dr K as her eyes landed on the gold and silver ribbon tied to her computer equipment.
Her only memento of her friends.
Gem and Gemma.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Ranger Operator Series Pink - Go For Green - Power Rangers RPM x Fem!Reader
The others were out at Ziggy’s talent competition to find an operator for the Green morpher.
You and Dillon had the blessing of spending your day working with Dr K.
“Each colour of the Ranger series is designed to configure the movement of the electrons within the energy biofield in a configuration that bends time and space in order to perform a specific function.” Dr K began to explain, leaving you to just stare at the screen as Dillion frowned.
“Should we pretend like we understood that?”
“Each colour has a power using the biofield thingy?” You assumed, leaving Dr K to go silent for a moment.
“Series Blue suit is designed for time field manipulation-”
“Series Yellow is able to read energy signature and focus the flow into concentrated surges.”
“Red suit is designed to channel the bio-energy field into a 3 second burst attack.”
““Which brings it to me.” Dillion replied, rolling his eyes as Dr K continued talking.
“As the operator of the Series Black technology your suit enables an invincibility shield that enables you to be completely impervious to any attack for 5 seconds. Theoretically, when your shield is at full power, you could withstand the direct blast of a forty mega-pulse explosion.” Dr K explained before Dillion interrupted.
“Theoretically? You’ve not actually tested it yet, have you?”
“That’s what you’re here for. Ranger Pink, your suit enables you to manipulate the biofield, granting you increased speed and agility as the suit internalises biofield energy.” Dr K explained further, leaving you to blink in confusion.
“Internalises biofield energy? Sounds like an explosion waiting to happen-”
“I can assure you, it will not.” 
“But you’ve not tested-”
“The suit is designed to regulate the energy it internalises, it will not explode.” Dr K exclaimed, leaving you to side-eye Dillon as he sighed.
The two of you quickly pressed the button on your morphers to activate the helmets.
“Y/n, we need to help Ziggy. Turns out it’s an attack bot.” Dillon explained, leaving you to nod before the two of you headed out in Dillon’s car.
“Get in!” Dillon shouted as he pulled the car up to the race track stands.
The whistling made you fall silent.
“Careful, she doesn’t give up-” Ziggy was cut off as he heard the whistling too.
“Yeah, she does that, it’s like, her calling card or something.” Ziggy explained as Dillon’s hand went to the gear stick.
“She’s on the front of the car! Floor it and throw her off!” You exclaimed, but that didn’t work as Tenaya 7 backflipped off the car to the ground, pulling Ziggy from out the car window.
“You talk too much!” You interrupted Tenaya’s ramble about her being a Generation 7 Venjix human infiltration attack bot as Dillon morphed.
“You’ve both had upgrades.”
You let out a yell as Tenaya sent you flying through a wall near Dillon who was on the ground grumbling under his breath.
“She’s going to bond with the morpher-” You were cut off by a ache in your spine, leaving Dillon to look at you in confusion before the two of you spotted the ongoing fight between Ziggy and Tenaya.
“Did he just-”
“Yep.” Dillon replied, smirking under his helmet as the two of you got up, summoning your nitro-blasters.
“Ziggy! Duck!” Dillon exclaimed as the two of you opened fire.
“You haven’t won. The gopher bot is already within the walls of your city.” Tenaya stated before disappearing.
“The what?”
“Anyone else feel that?” You asked as you, Dillon and Ziggy trekked through the forest, the ground underneath the three of you vibrating slightly as the gopher bot kept digging.
“Shush! Listen!” Dillon stated, his head to the ground as Ziggy followed.
“I think it’s the bot.” You stated, your gloved hand gently on the soil as you felt the earth shift.
“I don’t like the sound of that.” Ziggy admitted as Dillon stood up.
“Follow my lead.” Dillon stated, the three of you standing up fully.
“Deploy weapons.” with a tap on your belt buckle, your bow appearing as the quiver appeared on your back.
“Energy arrows. Ready.”
“Rocket blaster!”
“Turbo axe!”
Whilst Dillon and Ziggy hit the ground to lure out the attack bot, you readied your arrows to fire as soon as the attack bot jumped out.
“End of the line.” Dillon stated before he and Ziggy were hit with the bot’s attack.
“Energy arrows! Fire!” 
“Whoah!” You were sent flying as the bot retorted, leaving you skidding back in the soil, past where Ziggy had hidden behind a tree.
“What? Who’s that?” Scott asked as the primary colour RPM rangers turned up, Flynn helping you up before the gopher bot attacked again.
“C’mon!” Dillon exclaimed, pulling Ziggy towards the hole as you took Ziggy’s other arm, luring him off holding onto the tree for dear life.
“Couldn’t have gone that far.”
“Looks like it’s gone that way.”
“That’s straight into the city,  boys. Try to keep up.” You joked before activating the special ability to catch up to the attack bot.
“Dr K is going to have a field day with her.”
“If she doesn’t explode.” Dillon deadpanned, leaving Ziggy to freeze.
“Nitro blaster!” The three of you began target practive on the bot before it began it’s chopping attacks, the slashes flying at the three of you.
“Did you- are you stuck?” You asked as you dodged Ziggy’s turbo axe before it got stuck in the open window of a vehicle.
“Maybe!” Ziggy exclaimed before you and Dillon were distracted fighting the bot.
“Alright! This is embarrassing!” Ziggy exclaimed, yelping as he managed to dislodge the axe, flying backwards and hitting the bot with the axe in the process.
“Turbo plasma launcher! Dillon and Ziggy exclaimed as they put together the rocket blaster and turbo axe.
“Energy arrows, ready!” You exclaimed, slotting three of the arrows into the launcher.
“Engine cell, activate!”
The launcher bleeped as it accepted the engine cell, the three of you holding up the launcher as it locked onto the attack bot.
“Ready! Set! FIRE!”
“What the-”
“It’s massive!”
The three of you exclaimed, spotting the attack bot had gone mega as you heard skidding noises, signifiying that Scott, Summer and Flynn had arrived.
“Ladies and gentleman, and creepy Doc K computer screen. May I present to you, the fifth ranger of our team, Ranger Green.” Dillon smirked as you covered your mouth with your hand to hide your laughter.
“No way...” Summer whispered, as Ziggy removed his helment to reveal his identity.
“How? And why?” Flynn asked, looking at you as you shrugged.
“He may not be an ideal choice.” Dillon replied, leaving Dr K to intervene.
“I would say far from it.”
“Your options were Tenaya Generation 7 Venjix human infiltration attack bot, or Ziggy. Now I’m going to take a nap.” You replied, interrupting the others as you walked out, Summer, Scott and Flynn following as Dillon headed over to his car.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 4 years
Can you do a Tenaya 7 x Police officer! female! reader?
You mean like one of the colonel’s troops or something?
I have a concept for this but it might be a bit short, just warning you now
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