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musicforants · 9 months ago
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Summer is here and so is my annual mixtape full of effervescent, sunny new jams to blast loud while your making all your summer memories! So whether you're a Charly, Carly or Charli, click here to listen to this mix in its entirety via Spotify or Apple Music. Enjoy!
01. Vampire Weekend - Mary Boone 02. DJ Sabrina The Teenage DJ - Honey 03. Sea Lemon - Vaporized 04. Carly Rae Jepsen - Psychedelic Switch 05. Middle Kids - Dramamine 06. Sabrina Carpenter - Espresso (Working Late Remix) 07. Maribou State - Blackoak 08. Joe Goddard & Barrie - Moments Die 09. Teliz - Type of Girl 10. Charly Bliss - Nineteen 11. NewJeans - Bubble Gum 12. Purple Disco Machine & Benjamin Ingrosso - Honey Boy 13. Erika de Casier - Lucky 14. R. Missing - Maryhead 15. Jamie xx - Baddy On the Floor (feat. Honey Dijon) 16. Charli XCX - The 360 remix with robyn and yung lean 17. Magdalena Bay - Death & Romance 18. Good Looks - If It's Gone 19. Clairo - Sexy to Someone 20. Empress Of - What's Love (feat. MUNA) 21. Camera Obscura - Big Love 22. Hannah Diamond - Affirmations 23. Dayglow - Every Little Thing I Say I Do 24. The Japanese House - Touching Yourself 25. Everything Everything - Cold Reactor 26. Dagny - Strawberry Dream 27. George Clanton - I Been Young 28. Sheer Mag - Playing Favorites 29. Chromeo - Personal Effects 30. Romy - Always Forever
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rhythm86radio · 9 months ago
Chucho Teliz - JUN 1 2024
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444names · 9 months ago
Names generated from Maltese surnames and Turkish names, including the letter sequence "El"
Abenelere Acelidalp Akinafeldo Akmellia Aldel Alizzel Alliyelerd Altabelli Althelefer Aluliyel Amelim Aquel Aquellu Aracel Ayappellia Ayasel...
Babahmeli Bahcel Barosmel Bedathella Beddinçel Behireli Bekseliz Belalzallu Belay Belenelico Belia Beliberrin Belice Belih Belihamina Belik Belimerga Belizzi Bella Bellan Bellen Belli Bellib Belliz Bello Bellu Belvant Belvia Belvian Belvilket Belvinep Belvinola Belçınano Bigandrel Boneldíkan Boneli Briyeli Bukeseli Buonella Buscelis Busrecel Bülkesello Cappelihan Caprel Cashel Cassalpeli Celan Celda Celdan Celdarsoy Celdem Celea Celefett Celib Celico Celiharak Celikmen Celin Celinil Celis Cellastay Celle Cellen Cellid Celliha Cellizgün Cello Celman Celvalo Celçınal Cemieliyeg Chella Chithebel Cibeler Ciorukelar Coneliz Crebiracel Crecelan Damelim Danilkel Deceli Delali Delianbur Delisaglu Della Dellea Dellia Dellu Demel Demirefel Demithel Demrebel Demrefel Depieli Diakinçel Dimell Doguthela Donceliclu Dresereliz Duceliacio Dumelin Ebeli Ebeyüceli Ecdicelen Ecemelihay Ekseli Eldın Eleiroglu Elethık Elianoglu Elica Eliclert Elihan Elinari Ellia Elloruk Elman Elvano Emanelarul Erriyelia Eryamellu Eryelia Eschel Esela Eseli Etiyamel Eveli Evelçu Evethel Fabesevell Fahreldín Farteli Fehimel Felafil Felarruk Felay Felencal Felib Felin Felinç Felis Felle Fellizzet Felçín Fereler Fikmel Fiyeli Fiyell Fraciela Fualpeli Füsel Gartela Genel Ghelin Ghelizi Ghiel Gonehimel Gonel Greldík Gökhelem Gülbabeli Gülseldíz Günelle Günelloman Güretheli Güvel Harabellut Harecela Hathelihni Hübelim Hülebeler Ibelmi Iselçuk Izzele Kahiel Kamel Kaneldız Kanuel Kanueli Kapiseynel Kashamelin Kasquelik Kasquella Kellaras Kelli Kellia Kesela Kortel Lakafel Lerbarsel Lüfeli Mancanel Manselea Meceli Mehebnel Mehell Mehterebel Melan Meldemane Meleir Meler Melettil Melici Melimello Mella Mellan Melli Mellia Melliccono Melmanuru Meltabrif Meltan Melvalih Melvile Melvith Methel Micel Mimel Minçel Mübel Mübell Neliliff Nelle Nelloglu Nesceli Nihsellu Nilgenceli Nitel Nuela Nueldal Nuelde Nuelejer Nuellerslí Nuello Nuellu Nuelvastro Nülsel Oreldat Ozyel Payfelef Pekireli Pelet Pelian Pelidi Pelloglu Pelçín Piella Pisell Polteller Puzaitelin Queliz Quinçellia Rasaadimel Recel Reldes Relim Rella Rellis Relloglun Relman Ríthelafra Sabel Sabelle Santel Sarixtimel Saumelinç Saysel Scellusche Sedel Sekel Sekeli Selaedali Selale Selan Seland Seldík Selejerdo Seler Selercia Selezendi Selia Seliar Selih Selihan Selil Selimen Selioglu Selis Selischin Seliz Selizzi Sella Selle Sellef Seller Selli Sellibetcu Sellin Sello Sellu Selmif Selterrap Seltordo Seltınöz Selva Selvalin Selvia Selvin Selçín Selçın Semicellia Semincelli Sereceler Sharacel Shellu Siaquela Siyeliclu Siynel Somel Sumel Sumelia Sürkelila Tabelia Taceli Tamazyell Tatheldo Tatmele Taythella Telin Teliye Teliz Telva Temel Terellih Testancel Tezelle Thehelez Thela Thelalesta Theldıno Thele Theleni Theli Thelican Thelih Thelin Thelisa Thelle Thelli Thellimut Theltın Theveli Thüstiyel Tokeli Tramell Tülefel Tülnuell Tültelis Vecell Velizzetem Vellan Vellu Velvanju Vereceler Vimeli Vitelli Xerveli Xibehimel Xibrielen Xiceliz Xueldaborg Xueldíza Xuelif Xueliye Xuelmahu Yakmel Yelarro Yelaurman Yelli Yellid Yellow Yelmaglu Yelvini Yücelan Yücelioglu Yürelçın Yürksel Zacelangar Zehmel Zehrel Zeldın Zelikir Zelincan Zello Zenel Zentelle Zervell Ziyel Zübel Zübelet Zübelizis Zübello Zübelçín Çantescel Çeleret Çelica Çellaedro Çelli Çellichi Çellisman Çelloglu Çelvalda Çelvallih Çelvila Çelçuk Ömele Önükrel Özdefelda Özelet Özelçu Özlebela Özmelan Özmeli Özmeseveli Ülsel Ümrecelli Ünaucelik Ündriel
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nightmare8-420 · 1 year ago
well guess who just got broken up with!
mee and i want to kms after not wantinf to for 4 ish months 😀
thanks ex bae i really appreciate it
(suhenrd serisoly tho ur only now telizing evrruong i told u? also sorry for shitty spelling my hands r so cold rn)
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notengohobbies · 7 years ago
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Linda taza Télica de @ramolago ☕❤
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rhythm86radio · 9 months ago
Chucho Teliz - JUN 1 2024
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444names · 9 months ago
Names generated from Maltese surnames and Turkish names
Abeja Adnaoglu Adoglu Adreniha Agcan Agnogin Ahagri Akburg Akpına Alakah Alaza Alenkta Aleymacib Allezerya Allicle Allim Alliyne Allomanin Alpekseli Altın Ambin Amzaco Anash Aramichen Arbar Arkerrula Arottin Arsun Arten Asuaro Atassan Ataykafer Athan Athet Atistis Atman Attihalpa Avvan Axirap Axisibetti Ayran Ayrim Ayıldın Azafà Azamusu Azzoglu...
Bacin Bahan Bahigan Bakmelicda Balalan Balioglu Banacco Banan Banurhali Barash Baratan Barimel Bassari Battando Bazahatall Beddin Bekes Belevin Belis Belizzoglu Benzano Bescin Beskir Besti Bezio Bihay Bilarslu Boglu Bogluker Bonan Bonatabala Bondip Bonella Bongin Bonnok Buraferk Buraman Bület Cabeno Caglu Caglut Calet Caogaitan Caroglu Cassan Cekeryan Celdız Celeb Celih Celik Cemin Cibet Cumet Cuoglu Curlıoglut Curçin Cutan Debnet Defal Defer Deldeg Demaglus Demzi Dengin Dergaythaz Descin Deslu Dicopula Dilih Diliz Dogauch Doglu Donzacı Dorhalli Dretinmen Dumhoglu Dursoy Edatihaylu Eleferoglu Eliye Erisace Erixtivana Erratahce Erriye Ervedengin Eryali Estra Evili Failemi Falzoglu Fecdal Feracci Feselli Feyigal Fitha Fiyallian Fiyel Fizzisanur Floglulev Foglu Forettis Frakinavit Funaurak Funsem Fügültıno Gairotti Gambri Ganianden Gasap Gataprut Gaurtugarb Gercur Gioglicel Gonardil Gonerrat Grabesud Gruatagno Gruthík Gunanni Guttriyem Gökheman Göndali Gülal Gülgenzu Gülsemin Gültan Gültınaya Gülyakah Günaro Günayıldík Günecana Günemsacio Günerez Günerket Günet Günglu Günli Güreg Gürkerif Gürkir Güvek Güvena Güvet Halen Halpantap Hansuzaik Hatin Haydın Hayselil Hocanin Hoglu Hyzleth Hükhe Ibehevit Ibeyin Ihaliz Ilesal Ilett Inoglia Ipasale Isatmesork Isaza Ithemin Izzahiro Izzoglu Kadnay Kafkan Kahalpar Kahiyey Karde Karrigan Kasırli Kellan Kellikma Kergiomat Ketti Kopan Korap Korecel Korgail Koyakar Larsoyak Lentoglu Makgürk Manci Manikres Manurmuk Mazan Mecenkthel Mehemaraz Mehiegien Melevrasel Mellia Melloman Merelaz Meriforslí Merrincian Mertan Meryal Mirancal Mizzeli Moglu Moglula Mucatark Muhalbaro Murtorlu Muthakaza Mübah Mücel Mürken Mısım Mısır Namir Narigi Nazafkaz Nelia Nemien Nemiroglur Nerikal Nerren Nevza Nezerba Nilli Nizgioglu Nizzoglu Nuslu Nustan Nükren Nület Nüzhebezza Orazar Orkazanju Osmartina Osmet Ozafai Ozanur Ozkahrata Ozkar Papkiorik Parath Parati Pepan Perhara Poglu Puzgürkan Quatat Quinaydın Rahayfehe Reberci Renel Reskirtula Reslu Reydín Rombrazzen Sabontanur Sacel Sadacol Salin Salçın Samecan Saprabrim Sarslay Schem Scongit Seddin Sedra Seliaquarp Selliff Semiro Serbat Sereych Serga Serkiracı Serola Sevzi Seyilhat Seyinoy Sezzopara Sibriye Sipar Sirif Sirolan Soglu Soliz Solizziye Soyan Soymattan Spillu Spothe Spottihal Stale Stancelli Stemell Strim Sukcumta Sunansu Sungitay Sutin Sídín Sület Tabeki Tafevil Tahce Taran Tardi Tassibran Tatumreb Teliz Temira Temrami Tevda Thale Thell Thellay Themak Theni Thieg Thimeryal Thíkaha Thülessik Toglu Togri Topappep Topasil Topavciro Topçuk Tufun Tugrecan Tumandil Turtun Ufikir Ufuat Uysay Uzana Vecamoglu Vecaoglu Veddia Veddikmel Vesel Vetigia Vuzanoglu Xiano Yakokur Yaldes Yalistan Yalizzet Yamoglu Yapolocal Yapperd Yardila Yasir Yaslar Yasım Yeltın Yílmane Yükhaykura Yıldona Yıldır Zairciman Zania Zaranyeg Zarumervet Zehimthe Zerhan Zeyzi Zioglu Zizzoroglu Zoglihathe Zoruhan Zübanura Zühant Zühat Zühathet Çagno Çakan Çetinç Çilhahani Çilli Çobahan ��obbali Ömüben Ömücek Önüzhay Özdenzu Özkay Özkumit Özkuttayth Özlen Özlet Özleyd Özmer Özmin Özturak Ülenesa Ülgin Ümerdina Ünavilla Ünglu
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