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SWTOR OC tweets
(thank you @lanabenikosdoormat for the idea and @downwithsithbus for lending me your OCs)
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downwithsithbus · 2 years
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Teliandre Volkytt ~ Cipher Nine
Finally drew one of my SWTOR OCs!
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salmiakkisaatana · 2 years
Tänään pelasin peliä nimeltään kuka pelkää Telian miestä sillä Telian mies oli parkkeerannu pisteensä siten että kun menet S-marketin ovesta sisään niin melkein kävelet Häntä päin
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cosmic-walkers · 2 years
I don't think that post re-embodied Feanor is a pacifist per se and is peace loving, but I don't think he likes violence. And it's not even because of the pain he's been through, but what he had to witness happen to his sons when he was in the Halls of Mandos. He saw each of their deaths, sometimes replayed over and over again, and that broke him. Even if his sons don't want to see him (well most of them, Celegorm and Maglor can only be mad at him for 2.0 seconds before crying so he can look at them again), he still hates violence because he equates it to the deaths and suffering of his sons.
It is perhaps hardest for him and Maedhros, who for some time Maedhros blames him for the torture he underwent because it was Feanor who waged war against Morgoth, and in turn, Maedhros was cpatured for seeking the Silmaril. And having to witness what happened to Maedhro's in Namo's halls broke Feanor. And his relationship with Maedhros is shattered.
Feanor hates blood; he gets queasy when he sees too much. Sometimes he will vomit, other times he will pass out. He can still fight if need be, but he hates it. Violence, pain, blood; feanor hates it. It truamtizes him in a way, especially when he's mostly left alone in his thoughts.
and it's even worse, because per his punishment the Namo makes him relive and dream about the deaths of his sons, so in the morning he mostly wakes up sick, broken and exhausted and it happens over again. Sometimes he can hardly even keep any food down. And again, he is alone his family does not wish to see him, so he suffers in solitude.
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pureva · 3 months
mä vihaan tota telian mainosta niin paljon mä haluan että se kuolee mä en ikinä halua nähdä sitä enään mä tuun HULLUKS
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444names · 4 months
could you generate names from the adjectivals and demonyms of astronomical bodies
Names generated from the articles for the List of adjectivals and demonyms of astronomical bodies, from both English and Simple English Wikipedia
Aneters Anian Apegan Aperean Apetonia Aphernian Apolanym Aquasede Aquasid Aquasus Arianymedna Ariscean Aronetitta Arsarean Arsatunian Arsian Arthlyra Asagid Asarid Aseidian Astan Astrid Asupiid Asupisconid Aumbrian Aumean Auran Aurian Auriandran Aurine Auriustrid Aursagemal...
Bootian Bosmiradus Bosphorus Caean Calleo Callian Callisco Callunian Canian Caperrean Capriel Carian Carinidal Cario Cearid Celarid Celaxy Celian Cenceneptus Cencentan Cenetian Cenianetic Cenic Cenid Ceninian Centaritan Cerean Cerenian Ceridian Cermirgo Ceronidan Cersednia Cersial Cesphroid Cetaurian Comedionian Comedna Comeian Conial Conid Conor Corcean Corcus Coric Coroid Corpiona Corpistar Cosming Crian Criesper Croid Crustanus Cygnerean Cygnetun Cygnian Cygnustaus Cyllan Cyllian Cylluna Cyllunial Cyllunix Cyntaurn Cythean Cytheric Cythydrus Dalar Deanymean Dearicenean Demakemian Demimaric Derid Dionid Doradan Dormal Dornian Doropal Dradallan Dranian Droid Dronymedid Dropalliste Eancenth Eanean Eanicifer Earicean Eartialaxy Eclia Eclibrial Eclouds Enian Entan Entarid Enthelar Enthercus Eorid Erean Eriactes Erian Eriidan Eurean Eustar Evelac Gaella Gaianean Gaianian Ganid Gasarid Gasartical Gasial Gasid Gelic Gemake Gemar Gemiantian Gemimaginid Gemirgo Gemootia Gemorcus Gemosphian Harthys Hauriesphos Hauriideian Heartic Hebermilky Hebulaxy Heleo Hercan Herean Heric Herininar Herma Hernix Heron Hesphobian Hydracos Hydral Hydran Hydromian Hysnomer Hysnornic Hysnova Inidan Ionartid Ionid Ionocean Ionometian Ionor Japos Jovan Jovirgitar Juper Juperian Jupid Jupis Juppis Juppistan Kroid Kronetid Kronianus Larigal Larinovirgo Lartid Lenian Lenical Lenid Lentian Lenus Leorpis Leorpitaus Lesto Listonian Lucid Lunean Lunetoan Lunian Lurid Lutoan Lutoid Lutonical Lyracan Lyran Lyrinus Makean Makeanceres Makear Makemorid Maronian Marther Masaginian Mastaric Medeid Medid Medidear Medniday Mersary Metunetura Metus Mimakean Miman Mimidan Mimos Minian Minomakean Miran Mirgid Mirginian Mirginid Mirgitean Mirgo Moneturanus Monic Monid Neptian Neptun Neptus Nercuries Netal Netian Niaper Nicid Nocean Nomilky Nomimilky Norcuran Nornives Novan Obianym Obooniandal Oboonide Opandralan Ophersedni Ophoebean Ophos Ophronamet Orcaperrean Pallouds Pallucid Pavonial Pegaelan Pegaian Pegan Perea Pereandran Pereanian Perian Perid Perinian Perome Petersal Pethelian Petider Phoboonid Phobosmiman Phoeberean Phoene Phoenian Phoenid Phoentan Phorcuroid Phornian Phorning Phoseidal Phosphoenin Pionea Pionymet Piscidid Piscorcus Pistan Pistradic Pistrian Pistrid Piuchus Placo Pladid Pladorcan Plantid Plarth Plartid Plastermeda Pluchaurid Plucid Pluna Pluriel Pluriid Pluriucida Plurseurn Plury Plutoand Polandia Pollan Puperial Pupeta Puppiid Puppitaurus Quary Quasatun Quasatunina Quase Quastran Rheanian Rherial Rherse Rhesphius Rhesphober Rianda Rietoid Riuciferea Sagemilky Saginian Saginiver Sareanday Sarian Satuna Satustrian Scerian Sciferian Scoma Scorid Sedan Sedearopal Seian Selan Seurid Solac Solan Sollunianda Staurniac Stelleo Stial Suneptial Supidan Suppis Suppisco Tarther Taumbrianet Taumbrid Taumetan Taurianus Taury Teandra Telian Telid Tellun Tercandal Terenus Tererean Tererening Terian Terieliscid Terinidal Termake Termas Termersid Teroid Thliptuna Thydra Ticorus Ticose Tidan Tideropa Titaumes Titaursedan Trian Umbrian Umbrionidan Umedian Umedna Umetean Unarean Unian Uriacos Uriallo Urian Uriandran Uricerrean Urielasal Urniac Urnic Urnid Urnoceanid Ursiane Velanian Vella Vellunid Vellutoni Vencetunic Veneptuna Venian Venta Ventallunid Ventan Ventar Ventaridan Ventaury Venterean Verean Verianymes Veroid Verresto Vesto Viand Viracal Viracorpios Viracos Viran Virgita Zeurni Zeurusta Zodian Zodic Zodionian Zoditon
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teepussilakana · 4 months
telian odotusmusiikki lowkey slappaa mutta tää on jo neljäs biisi
pliis haluan käyttää nettiyhteyttä
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kattiperkele · 9 months
Kävin Telian chatissa hoitamassa asioita. Se ihminen kirjoitti puhekielellä ja ilman isoja alkukirjaimia.
Tuli laiska ja epäammattimainen vaikutelma. En tykkää. Missä on isot alkukirjaimet ja kunnollinen suomen kieli? Ihan tuli olo, että no eihän tuo kyllä tiedä mitään, kun se ei osaa kirjoittaa.
Palkatkaa nyt hyvät ihmiset chattiin kirjoitustaitoisia ihmisiä ja pelastakaa maailma.
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johannaamnelin · 1 year
Testissä Starlink satelliitti internet
Keskimäärin, sisäyksikön ollessa ulkona seinän ja ikkunan takana, saimme sisälle n. 130 megaa, eli sata megaa enemmän, kuin mitä Elisan tai Telian netti kykeni antamaan. Tällä saa jo töitä tehtyä ja striimattua telkkarista sarjoja ja leffoja. 
Moikka moi arvoisa lukijani! Mikäli olet lukenut blogiani pidempään tiedätkin että ostimme tällaisen kesähuvilan täältä puhtaan avomeren ääreltä. Ainoa huono puoli näin syrjässä olevassa mökissä on se että tänne ei saa oikeastaan minkäänlaista kunnollista internet-yhteyttä. Täällä kävin nimittäin Eltelin asentaja mittaamassa ja totesi, että tänne ei saa edes sellaista nettiä,  jolla voisi katsoa…
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newengen · 1 year
1st Party Data Made Easy: Leveraging the Meta Conversions API Gateway
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The End of 3rd-Party Cookies Is Here
The “cookieless future” narrative has dominated the marketing world over the last few years, as consumers and regulators continue to demand more from tech companies and how they handle data privacy. Things started to heat up in 2018, from news overseas that the European Union had enacted The General Data Protection Regulation, to headlines at home surrounding the California Consumer Privacy Act.
As legislation began to catch up with tech companies, Google announced that it would deprecate third-party cookies and Apple rolled out new privacy features that came to fruition in the launch of iOS14.5. We probably don’t need to explain why or how these shifts have rocked the advertising world, but New Engen VP of Performance Marketing, Adam Telian, summed it up nicely in a recent Advertising Week article:
"For the better part of the last 20 years, the work of a performance marketer was to find hyper-specific audiences that could convert to sales. The era of privacy and signal loss brings with it a sobering thought to performance marketers everywhere – the days of riding audiences, powered by the likes of Google and Facebook, are over."
Meta Conversions API: How the Loss of 3rd-Party Tracking Lead to Innovation
Change is hard, but the downfall of 3rd-party tracking has spurred innovations that directly address the everyday needs of brands and marketers. We’ve witnessed net-new innovation of closed-loop advertising and e-commerce platforms from Amazon and Walmart. The revival of randomized controlled trials like marketing mix modeling (MMM) and conversion lift studies has enabled marketers to make data-driven decisions about budget allocation, a capability that is especially pertinent in the current economic climate. And key innovations in enhanced signal for in-platform optimization, like Meta’s Conversion API (CAPI), provide critical 1st-party data measurement solutions for a post-signal world.
Meta developed CAPI as a means for safely capturing the marketing data from a brand’s website, app, or server, and connecting it to Meta’s advertising platform. During a recent webinar, New Engen & Meta: 1st Party Data Made Easy, New Engen Director of Performance Marketing, DJ Sutton, kicked off the CAPI conversation with a caveat, “If you’re a marketer, there has probably been some point in your career where you’ve been just a little bit skeptical of Meta-reported conversions.” For this reason, a team of New Engen leaders sought to validate the Conversions API internally, rather than relying on a Meta-commissioned study.
The results were undeniable. After launching CAPI for one of our clients, a leading outdoor apparel brand, we saw sustained revenue growth and a 57% increase in ROAS. We measured campaign performance using Google Analytics in order to validate the results under a third-party, Meta-agnostic attribution system. This was not an isolated incident, and success stories continue to pile up across the New Engen portfolio.
Spell It Out for Me: What Makes CAPI So Effective?
In the same webinar, DJ likened CAPI to a flywheel, with benefits like accurate measurement, improved learnings, enhanced delivery, and business growth all compounding on one another. Let’s break these down one at a time:
Accurate Measurement: CAPI integration allows Meta to track valuable website events that can no longer be captured by pixels.
Improved Learnings: With better visibility into campaign performance, marketers are better equipped to decide which factors drive success - from ad creative to audiences and bid strategies.
Enhanced Delivery: CAPI provides a richer conversion signal for delivery optimization, which allows Meta to serve more targeted impressions to users with high conversion potential, all while delivering results more efficiently and at scale.
Business Growth: These benefits (better measurement, learnings, and delivery) culminate in the heightened efficacy of Meta programs - resulting in significant business impact.
If you look at it by the numbers, Meta reports that CAPI adoption leads, on average, to a 13% improvement in Cost per Result and a 19% increase in conversions for advertisers who set up the Conversions API in addition to their Meta Pixel. And if that doesn’t convince you, perhaps the 97% adoption rate among New Engen clients will change your mind.
Setting Up the Conversions API
There are a handful of ways to integrate with CAPI, from direct integrations to partnering with a third party, but these methods can be labor-intensive and require weeks to execute. To mitigate such headaches, Meta developed the Conversions API Gateway, which allows advertisers to integrate CAPI without any developer resources. Under a single account, self-service configuration option, advertisers can configure the integration without developer resources, but they are still responsible for spinning up an Amazon Web Services account, establishing the gateway on their own, and assuming any related costs. In order to simplify the integration process even further, we partnered with Meta to establish a New Engen CAPI Gateway, which allows us to onboard our clients in a matter of minutes and at no additional cost.
Truth be told, when Meta proposed building a New Engen CAPI Gateway for added ease and efficiency, we weren’t wholly convinced. However, the immediate results and consistently smooth adoption we achieved for our clients assuaged any initial doubts we may have had about the potency of the CAPI Gateway.
Don’t Just Survive, Thrive
As we enter the new frontier of performance marketing, we have the opportunity to both innovate and embrace new technologies - ones that facilitate better relationships with customers by meeting them where they are while honoring their data privacy needs, and ones that power measurable, unequivocal value for the business. At New Engen, we’re committed to being at the forefront of performance marketing solutions like Meta’s Conversions API, and we’re proud to be able to drive growth for our clients through our brand-new New Engen CAPI Gateway.
In his closing remarks during this month’s co-hosted webinar, New Engen VP of Performance Marketing Kevin Goodwin left the audience with this,
"I think the message is hopefully pretty clear today: CAPI is extremely valuable. DJ and I are not paid actors, this is not an infomercial. We just see it work for our clients and our brands, and it makes our lives easier as marketers."
To learn more about CAPI, reach out to us at [email protected]. To stay in the know on all things performance marketing, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn.
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Thank you for letting me borrow Telian @downwithsithbus
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downwithsithbus · 2 years
What do your OCs buy during a pointless trip to Walmart?
abraxis would buy legos
telian would buy something useful like socks or groceries
glitch would buy one of those giant cans of mikes lemonade & a monster and mix them together
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salmiakkisaatana · 6 months
Telian liittymäkauppiaat ei puhunu mulle eli näytän alaikäselle
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simondragon206 · 1 year
Telian Ebrum was born from a shooting star that fell from the sky. She was a mysterious and powerful figure, and the locals of Cappy Town immediately noticed her presence. It wasn't long before rumors began to spread throughout the kingdom about this dark queen who had descended from the heavens.
Telian was raised by her twin sister, Tiff, who served as a loving and devoted guardian to her younger sibling. As they grew older, the two sisters developed a strong bond, and Telian was able to hone her powers and great potential.
When Telian was just a young woman, she decided to challenge the kingdom's leader, King Dee Dee Dee. She easily defeated him in a duel, and with that, she took over the kingdom and began to rule as the dark queen.
Under her reign, Telian Ebrum brought about a new era of prosperity for Cappy Town. She was a just and fair ruler, but she was also known for her ruthlessness. Any who opposed her rule were quickly dealt with.
But Telian's reign was not meant to last. One day, a great evil force descended upon the kingdom and destroyed it. Telian was forced to flee and was never seen again.
It is said that her spirit still lingers in the kingdom, and that those who are brave enough can still hear her voice calling out from the shadows. Whether or not this is true, her legacy lives on as a reminder of her dark and powerful reign as the queen of Cappy Town.
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merry-goods · 7 years
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The incubus watches the imp closely as they draw. ““Who’s That?” He asks.
The imp leans back in their chair to survey the drawing they just made. “A mysterious lady named Telian. I don’t believe I’ve personally met her, b-but I’ve seen her in my dreams. I’ve seen many people in my dreams, a-and I plan to draw em out in hopes of one day meeting them.” 
Yaotl just shakes his head. ““You’re a very strange creature.” 
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No niinpä!
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