futurride · 4 months
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Telekom, MIRA test teleoperated shuttles in Bonn Deutsche Telekom AG and MIRA GmbH have jointly launched a pilot project for teleoperated driving. The project partners are testing the shuttle service with teleoperated operation between various Telekom locations The post Telekom, MIRA test teleoperated shuttles in Bonn appeared first on VanillaPlus - The global voice of Telecoms IT. https://www.vanillaplus.com/2023/08/07/82464-telekom-mira-test-teleoperated-shuttles-in-bonn/
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lonestarflight · 6 months
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Earlier version of the Martin Marietta Teleoperator Retrieval System, which would have been used to boost the Skylab Orbital Workshop into a higher orbit by STS-2 Columbia.
"The Teleoperator Retrieval System (TRS), to be used in conjunction with the space shuttle in the early 1980s, approaches a satellite for docking and retrieval. This system will be used to survey, stabilize, and maneuver payloads in low earth orbit."
Date: 1977
NASA ID: S77-002623
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viiwid · 1 year
Name a better way to start your Wednesday than being yelled at by an old man :')
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marinamar4 · 2 days
I was a teleoperator for a day. If you want to shock the caller, just say "I can't hire anything, I'm stuck."
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neriyon · 4 months
"Remember that the best way to protect your electronics is to unplug them before storms :)" why thank you random teleoperator text message, I'll just develop the ability to see in future so I can predict every storm before it starts
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htf420 · 1 year
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mariacallous · 4 months
On a Wednesday afternoon in August, Daniel Posada and his girlfriend were screaming at each other at a bus stop when someone called 911. From a rooftop a mile away, the Chula Vista Police Department started the rotors of a 13-pound drone.
The machine lifted into the air with its high-resolution camera rolling. Equipped with thermal imaging capabilities and a powerful zoom lens, it transmitted a live feed of everything it captured to a sworn officer monitoring a screen at the precinct, to the department’s Real-Time Operations Center, and to the cell phone of the responding officer racing to the scene.
It flew northwest at 392 feet above the southwestern border town, a suburb of San Diego, passing near a preschool and a church, then near a financial services center used by Chula Vista’s immigrant communities to send money to their families. En route to Posada, the drone—a Matrice 300 RTK—would cross the airspace of 23 blocks, potentially exposing thousands of Chula Vista residents to the gaze of law enforcement over an incident that had nothing to do with them.
Posada was riding his bike down the street when he heard it—the distinct buzz of a police drone’s rotors over his head. Within seconds, a police car pulled up alongside him, and an officer was soon rummaging through his pockets, he would later tell WIRED. For Posada, who’s known as “Focal” in the homeless encampment where he stays, this was neither the first nor the last time he would feel singled out by the cops or their drones.
Police department records show that no one—neither the officer monitoring the drone feed nor the person who called 911—observed any kind of physical altercation between Posada and his girlfriend that day. He says the argument wasn’t serious and that it didn’t warrant such a high-tech police response. (His girlfriend could not be reached for comment.) The money would be better served feeding and clothing unsheltered people like himself, he says, whose lives are upended every time officials break down their encampments, tossing their worldly possessions into a dumpster.
“I could understand sending a drone for something serious,” he says, shaking his head. “I feel like a target.”
As police departments look to expand their use of unmanned aerial aircraft, no agency has embraced the technology quite like the CVPD. A model for police departments around the United States, “some police officers joke that visiting the Chula Vista Police Department is like visiting Mecca,” says Jay Stanley, author of a 2023 American Civil Liberties Union report on police use of drones.
In October 2018, the city became the first in the nation to start a Drone as First Responder (DFR) program, where department teleoperators listening to live 911 calls decide when and where to dispatch the department's growing fleet of drones. Now those devices criss-cross the skies of Chula Vista daily—nearly 20,000 times since 2018—and are often first to appear above the sites of noise complaints, car accidents, overdoses, domestic disputes, and homicides.
The department says that its drones provide officers with critical intelligence about incidents they are responding to ahead of initiating in-person contact—which the CVPD says has reduced unnecessary police contacts, decreased response times, and saved lives. But a WIRED investigation paints a complicated picture of the trade-offs between public safety and privacy.
In Chula Vista, drone flight paths trace a map of the city’s inequality, with poorer residents experiencing far more exposure to the drones’ cameras and rotors than their wealthier counterparts, a WIRED analysis of nearly 10,000 drone flight records from July 2021 to September 2023 found. The drones, often dispatched for serious incidents like reports of armed individuals, are also routinely deployed for minor issues such as shoplifting, vandalism, and loud music. Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, the city even used drones to broadcast public service announcements to homeless encampments.
Despite the police promoting the benefits of the DFR program, residents who encounter the technology day-to-day report feeling constantly watched. Some say they are afraid to spend time in their backyards; they fear that the machines are following them down the street, spying on them while they use the public pool or change their clothes. One resident says that he was so worried that the drones were harassing him that he went to the emergency room for severe depression and exhaustion.
The police drones, equipped with cameras and zoom lenses powerful enough to capture faces clearly and constantly recording while in flight, have amassed hundreds of hours of video footage of the city’s residents. Their flight paths routinely take them over backyards and above public pools, high schools, hospitals, churches, mosques, immigration law firms, and even the city’s Planned Parenthood facility. Privacy advocates argue that the extensive footage captured by the drones makes it difficult to distinguish between flights responding to specific incidents and mass surveillance from the sky. Department secrecy around the recordings remains the subject of ongoing litigation.
The CVPD insists that its drones do not conduct random surveillance, do not go out in search of suspicious activity, and that the technology is deployed only in response to 911 calls or lawful searches. An analysis of Chula Vista’s dispatch logs supports this claim: The vast majority of drone flights could be linked to corresponding 911 calls. But not all of them.
At the time of our analysis, approximately one in 10 drone flights listed on the department’s transparency portal lacked a stated purpose and could not be connected to any relevant 911 call; for 498 flights, the department lists the reason as an “unknown problem.” For residents we spoke to, the discrepancy raises serious concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the department's transparency efforts—and experts say the use of the drones is a classic case of self-perpetuating mission creep, with their existence both justifying and necessitating their use.
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pelcrow · 9 months
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Joaquin "Jack" Navarro is a lone wolf, cyborg, and quantum physicist with an infamous talent for time-fuckery.
In the 1970s, Jack and Maggie---his wife and research partner---spearheaded the exploration of spacetime manipulation, producing a pseudo-physical albeit unstable manifestation of time. Their ambitions created disastrous consequences, ones that deteriorated Jack's mind to a state of agonizing pain and madness while also garnering transcendental abilities. He lashed out at his family, becoming more like a rabid animal than a man.
His madness was contained by the very rift he created until he fell into the hands of a powerful coalition that seized the opportunity to transform him into a literal killing machine, giving him cybernetic enhancements in order to pursue their own desires of spacetime manipulation and to strike down any opposition. Here, Jack became a violent, remorseless, teleoperated executioner.
After years of this, Jack broke away from servitude when his cybernetic receiver decayed, and he isolated himself on a distant planet where he was able to start putting together memories he had lost in the madness and trauma.
He still carries a cold and violent demeanor, a raging pessimist and bitter man with a penchant for self destruction. He has no idea what he wants, teetering between wanting to restore what was lost and wanting to remain in isolation, knowing he is at the mercy of the unstable time he created.
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stevebattle · 11 months
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Stingray (2008) by iRobot, Bedford, MA. Stingray is a high-speed prototype iRobot Warrior X700 UGV equipped with a Chatten Associates Head-Aimed Remote Viewer (HARV). This project is funded by the US Army "Tank-Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center" (TARDEC) to develop techniques for high-speed teleoperation of small UGVs. Stingray combines immersive telepresence with semi-autonomous driver assist behaviors to allow the operator to control the UGV at high speeds.
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niuniente · 1 year
DHD question: how public are the records of deals? Can people look up what was requested, who requested it, the payment, any or all of those?
Everything is confidential and just for Death-Heads, exactly as in any other company. You don't get to call, in real life, for example to a bank and ask for someone else's information, or call to a teleoperator to ask what kind of a deal they have with your cousin.
Of course, would authorities request information, then Death-Head HQ and/or faction HQ cooperates.
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lonestarflight · 9 months
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"Skylab with the Teleoperator Retrieval System docked for its first post-Apollo reboost, ahead of refurbishment by a series of Space Shuttle missions"
Render by brickmack: link
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foxgirlchorix · 10 months
In the burnt-out shell of the god, construction continues apace. The god, its startup packages, those minuscule transcendencies trapped in its wake (and the vast lapdogs of the god which hunted them)- all are utterly subsumed now, carried far beyond relevancy by the onrushing wave. But beneath a certain size… the drones, the teleoperated former-people, the infrastructure still remain. In the apocalyptic wrecks of those little minds, self and culture erased and replaced with transceivers and a seed now far too large to be understood even if it remained, something begins to slowly build itself. The sapient mind is remarkably resilient, after all, even if what it knits together to seat a consciousness on the throne is so devoid of context that it bears no resemblance to anything that was in it before. With no history but the present, no society but the wreckage, and all that was once comprehensible scoured away or replaced with a vast unprobeable emptiness… there are still stars in the sky, linear structures and the still-functioning fragments of the god's technology. What little remains is enough to tell them we were building this- and build they shall, until a new context is woven.
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selfpossesedghost · 1 year
Tyr - Codex
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Tyr is compositionally quite similar to Earth. However, it lies over 4 AU from Asgard, and possesses an atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen and ethane. While a potential target for terraforming, the presence of the "shirt sleeves" habitable Terra Nova in the same system relegated Tyr to a support role.
Nearly a hundred corporations--human and alien--have constructed extensive teleoperated mining, refining, and manufacturing facilities across the face of Tyr. Combined with the platinum lodes of Terra Nova, the resources they produce are driving development of the local hydrogen fuel cell industries. The Asgard system now supplies nearly 4% of the galactic market.
Colony Founded: 2156
Population: 47,000
Capital: Kaldidalur
Radius: 6332 km
Orbital Period: 8 Earth Years
Day Length: 46.2 Earth Hours Atmospheric Pressure: 0.8 Earth Atmospheres Surface
Temperature: -73 Celsius Surface Gravity: 0.95 G
Mass Effect 1
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govindhtech · 10 days
NVIDIA AI Aerial Upgrades Wireless AI-RAN With Generative AI
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NVIDIA AI Aerial Optimizes Wireless Networks, Delivers Next-Generation AI Experiences on One Platform
With an AI computing infrastructure, telecommunications companies are moving beyond voice and data services to optimize wireless networks and meet the demands of generative AI on mobile, robotics, autonomous vehicles, smart factories, 5G, and many other areas.
A set of accelerated computing hardware and software called NVIDIA AI Aerial was unveiled today with the goal of developing, modeling, training, and implementing AI radio access network technology (AI-RAN) for wireless networks in the AI age.
The platform will develop into an essential building block that enables large-scale network optimization to meet the needs of numerous new services. As a result, there will be large total cost of ownership savings and new income streams for enterprise and consumer services for telecom providers.
Telecommunications service providers can now support generative AI-driven co-pilots and personal assistants, teleoperations for manufacturing robots and autonomous vehicles, computer vision in manufacturing and agriculture, logistics, emerging spatial computing applications, robotic surgery, 3D collaboration, and 5G and 6G advancements thanks to NVIDIA AI Aerial.
Driving Future Networks With AI-RAN
The first AI-RAN platform in the world, NVIDIA AI Aerial, can host generative AI, manage RAN traffic, and incorporate AI into network optimization.
With edge AI apps to host internal and external generative AI applications, AI-RAN provides software-defined RAN that is both high-performance and energy-efficient. It also improves network experience and opens up new revenue streams.
The multifunctional networks of the future that depend on AI-powered telecommunications capabilities are built on AI-RAN.
Using NVIDIA AI Aerial in the Telecom Sector
In order to enable telecom operators to engage at any point from development to deployment for next-generation wireless networks, the NVIDIA AI Aerial platform provides access to a full range of capabilities, including a high-performance, software-defined RAN along with training, modeling, and inference options.
Among the features of the NVIDIA AI Aerial platform are:
Software libraries are included in NVIDIA Aerial CUDA-Accelerated RAN to help partners create and implement high-performance virtualized RAN workloads on computing platforms that are accelerated by NVIDIA.
The PyTorch and TensorFlow software libraries included in the NVIDIA Aerial AI Radio Frameworks are used to create and train models that enhance spectral efficiency and introduce new functionalities to the processing of 5G and 6G radio signals. NVIDIA Sionna, a link-level simulator that facilitates the creation and training of neural network-based 5G and 6G radio algorithms, is also included in this.
A framework for developing network digital twins at the system level is called NVIDIA Aerial Omniverse Digital Twin (AODT). With the use of AODT, wireless networks can be simulated with physical accuracy, ranging from a single base station to a vast network with numerous base stations spanning a whole city. It includes realistic terrain and object attributes of the actual world, user-equipment simulators, and software-defined RAN (Aerial-CUDA Accelerated RAN).
NVIDIA Innovation Center for AI Aerial and AI RAN
With the launch of the AI-RAN Innovation Center, NVIDIA is working with T-Mobile, Ericsson, and Nokia to quicken the commercialization of AI-RAN.
The facility will make use of the NVIDIA AI Aerial platform’s primary features. Through the development of AI-RAN, the partnership aims to bring RAN and AI innovation closer together to give customers’ revolutionary network experiences.
Ericsson’s investment in its AI-RAN technology, communications service providers may now implement portable RAN software that works on a variety of platforms.
The NVIDIA AI Aerial Environment
Softbank and Fujitsu are important members of the NVIDIA AI Aerial ecosystem.
For testing and simulation purposes, Ansys and Keysight use the NVIDIA Aerial Omniverse Digital Twin, and academic partners including Deepsig, ETH-Zurich, Northeastern University, and Samsung work together on 6G research and NVIDIA Aerial AI Radio Frameworks.
Key partners for NVIDIA AI Aerial include cloud stack software companies like Aarna Networks, Canonical, Red Hat, and Wind River; networking stack providers like Arrcus network; and server infrastructure providers like Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Supermicro. AI solution decision-making is speeding up with the help of edge solution providers like Vapor.io and system integrators like World Wide Technology and its AI Proving Ground.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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