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g0atfac3 · 5 months ago
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"Sidenote: I've lost all feeling in my face!"
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dunmeshistash · 10 months ago
Yeah the manga/show has briefly talked about how dangerous teleportation spells can be, which is why a lot of the time the characters tend not to use them
I just don't remember where it was mentioned, I'll probably read back once I have time, I only remember this extra.
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threetrollsandadryad · 5 months ago
You know, I think Roboworld kind of had a point not wanting the race to be held on their planet.
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anonomi · 4 months ago
Got into a powerhouse match. 1 point for red, 1 for blu. 1st stalement people kept quiet but there was something bad in the air, something I could see in my team's eyes. 2nd stalemate some guy on the other team started reciting his villain manifesto in how dogshit his team was and how he was going to kill everybody on mine. 3rd stalemate one of our snipers lost his mind and started schadenfreuding after every kill, even in the sightline of 3 snipers. They kept sending spies in by the dozen but they all fell. So many spies. By the 4th half of both teams were on their knees begging to let the other win but both teams had powercouples that practically puppeteered everybody into fighting like dogs. "please let the enemy team win I want to see my family." the answer was always never.
Somewhere along the way we lost our f2p engineer to the drums and our best soldier couldn't take it anymore.
Enemy powercouple eventually dragged 6 people on point and we lost. But honestly it felt like we lost a long time ago. Not just the point, but something inside of all us. It doesn't feel like they won either. Just escaped. There are no winners in powerhouse.
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colloidalamber · 1 year ago
Draw Parkson with the time machine. what will he do.
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it dosent go well
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year ago
we do not make nearly enough jokes about minazuki (and by extension sho postgame) being able to teleport
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lemonofthevalley · 1 month ago
Grant dollification anon here hi,
So forcefem grant am I right? 👀
hell yes >:3
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leadendeath · 4 months ago
*guy whos only played doom voice* woa. didn’t know u could get telefragged in tf2
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kirisakin · 2 years ago
Okay, big news:
A YouTuber named Keyan Carlile recently made a video detailing all the potential ideas for TFA Season 4, as well as sharing a recently discovered authentic document detailing the original pitch for Season 4 that featured Blackarachnia as the primary antagonist of a season primarily set on Cybertron on his Twitter, and you’re never gonna believe this: turns out that the idea of Blackarachnia experimenting on Blitzwing into a Triple Changer was never the original intent of the TFA writers and only came about because Hasbro demanded a Triple Changer Megatron and the writers needed to come with an excuse as to why Megatron would return to Earth.
Now people can come up with their own angsty backstories about how Blitzwing became a Triple Changer and make it as messed-up without demonizing Blackarachnia or making her appear worse than she was meant to be seen as, and that’s definitely a win in my book. The “rogue Autobot experiment” backstory I’ve seen circulating around the site lately is my personal favorite so far.
Huh, neat! It always did seem a bit odd that Blackarachnia, who's like... comparatively an embryo compared to the thousand-year-old Decepticons was the one to experiment on him.
If it were up to me I'd just say he got fused a la "The Pri¢e of Life!" with some other poor schmuck.
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milk5 · 2 years ago
4chan guy with esoterically racist historical views inventing a time machine and transporting to batu khan's command yurt in 1235 AD to assassinate him with an AR15 and then seeing batu khan finishing off his third bag of takis while chortling at videos of feral hogs being blown up with tannerite explosives on an iphone that is being presented to him by a guy in a snapback with a genie lamp in his other hand. the gun falls from his hand and his gut begins to grow cold before he notices the keshig guard's saber lodged in his belly, punishment for having inadvertently telefragged an urn of fermented horse milk (Kumis)
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foone · 1 year ago
It's a time gun. A gun that shoots time. Not a gun to shoot time, that's a terrible idea. Time is messed up enough as it is without some fool shooting holes in it.
No, it shoots bullets of concentrated time. How much depends on the caliber. This gun is chambered for 24 hours. (Although the weird thing is that despite anti-time definitely existing, this gun has no anti-version: there's no anti-gun of time. Instead you just load the gun of time with anti-time bullets.)
So what's it do? Well, you know the saying that time is a river? Well, rivers have splits and tributaries, where some of the stream is split off and eventually catches up with the main body.
This shoves you off into one of those, as you're given more time than the general world has. You get some time that no one else has, until you resynchronize. You're in a frozen world of no time, with only you and any other simultaneously desynchronized people able to move and interact.
This may seem powerful and useful for those hit by time bullets, but it's less useful than you'd think. Your ability to interact with the world is quite limited. And the length of the time you have is critical: 24 hours is a good amount because it's quite survivable, any longer and you're likely to die of thirst or hunger. You can't eat atemporal food or drink atemporal water. Some nasty chronomancers have been known to build time guns of months or years, meaning their victims are instantly replaced with a shriveled corpse, knowing it wasn't a quick death, but a slow and painful one in a lonely world of unfeeling statues where the sun never sets.
You can still breathe, though. That one is... Well, if you can figure out why, there's a prize from the University of Towers for you. Since the existence of the temporal aether was disproven we really have no idea why that happens.
Still, a short trip into personal time can be safe and useful, if properly prepared. Pack provisions and books and writing implements and take it in short jumps, and you can get weeks worth of writing or studying done in a single night.
Anti-time bullets are simpler, at least simpler to explain. They similarly desynchronize your personal time stream, but it results in you Not Being until the timelines align. From your perspective, that happens instantly, with a moment of the standard temporal nausea. For everyone else, you're just gone until you can make up the missing time. So it functions very much like a time jump forward. A 24-hour bullet of anti-time brings you to this time tomorrow, with no time having passed for you, due to your temporal deficit.
It seems safer, at first glance. No risk of starvation, no isolation, just a blink and it's later.
But there's always the problem of telefragging. The universe doesn't like when two things occupy the same space, and while you're gone, your former and future location are accessible. There may be nothing but air there when you return, or there may be a wagon, a person, or a rock. And the results when you return are not pretty, or even explosive.
It's been experimentally verified* by chronomancers that the end result depends on how much of the returning being overlaps with the existing matter. Less than half, and they merge, in ways that are gruesome and almost always fatal. At best, you might lose a limb or a digit due to the overlap. At worst, you're dead instantly and your body is now merged with some other object in ways that will make the funeral closed-casket, and the casket will be an unusual shape.
More than half... Well, the universe REALLY doesn't like it when matter overlaps with other matter. It explodes, violently. Very violently. One chronomancer even suggested this might be used as a weapon of war, by building a siege engine that collides a large animal like a ocean-whale with a large block of limestone, utilizing a short anti-time trip to overlap them. This idea was shot down immediately, as was the chronomancer who suggested it. She'll be officially censured when she reappears, around 28 years from now.
* the tests were performed on standard laboratory voles**, not human (or other sapient) test subjects. All experiments were done with ethics board approval and whenever possible, time loops were employed to unperform any experiments that resulted in the death of test subjects.
** rats, often used elsewhere in science, can't be used here as their natural temporal abilities interfere with the experiment. See "there is only one rat", V. Tollens, U. of T. Journal of Time, TE 436.
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catadioptrics · 11 months ago
He listened to Koko’s story, smugly brushing off the internal comments that suggested a low opinion of his intelligence since he’s not the one in a predicament right now, and as he heard about what happened he couldn’t help but think about what kind of lunatic would come up with the idea to use a teleportation Z-Move to essentially bend the laws of the universe.
Well, other than Lucas, apparently.
“Not exactly, but there were a few similar incidents. Like, when I stopped paying attention while teleporting an object and ended up spawning it inside something else, or when I didn’t account for the Earth’s rotation and ended up chucking things into outer space. If anything, getting you to switch places with him is one way to make sure those things don’t happen…” Nico’s voice trailed off as he continued to speak because he was thinking about the implications of that experiment, but then he caught himself and continued to explain what he knew.
This is totally not going to have serious consequences down the line.
“But there was actually something like that in another region that I heard about. You know, there was this scientist that was experimenting with teleportation devices and ended up switching bodies with his Nidorino because his machine didn’t have enough power to complete the process. It was a pretty big deal at the time, but that’s basically what happened to you, right? And since that story didn’t end in complete tragedy, that means you can get your body back if you do something similar.”
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"Hopefully soon. It's weird when you look like this."
"Somehow I doubt that, but at this point, I'll take all the help I can get." Ugh, maybe he shouldn't have admitted he was desperate for help like that knowing Nico. Still, it was true. The faster he gets out of this situation, the less likely that something bad will happen while they are stuck like this.
Still, couldn't he get someone smarter than Nico to help out? Ugh, beggars can't be choosers, can they?
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"Lucas tried to teleport me out of the Region's boundaries with a Z-Teleport. Instead of that working, we ended up switching bodies." It really was a stupid idea in hindsight. Although that could be the worry and paranoia talking.
"I don't suppose something like that happened when you tried teleporting objects and people before?"
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thewertsearch · 2 months ago
@sunshinev3 asked: kind of off topic but you mentioned like 30 liveblog pages ago that jade is probably an anime fan and i literally havent stopped thinking about jade watching/reading one piece since. do you think she used to daydream about the strawhats sailing to her island… finally having real life, in person friends for a change…
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Pictured: A battalion of Marines attempt to apprehend notorious pirate outlaw Jay D. Harley, seconds before being telefragged into the sun by her horrible devil dog. (1522, colorized)
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ross-hollander · 2 months ago
In view of their...
...past high-velocity shenanigans, I present an assortment of predictions for the products of Clan Hell's Horses' R&D Scientists in whatever years may be to come:
Ramming tank. High-power engine and basically a snowplow on the front. Can take a Warhawk off at the ankles with a brief runup.
They invent teleportation; within the hour, they also invent telefragging, and within the month have designed either a vehicle or a missile type designed specifically to do it.
At least one hover-'mech. No legs, just hover engines strong enough to keep it in the air. Perfect for rough terrain.
Reviving the old Seabass concept for an underwater/aerospace unit (and constructing an actually functional version).
A 'mech designed to rocket jump.
Aerospace fighter than can dock on a 'mech to act as jump jets.
Seeing as they were at least half of the initiative behind Elementals as we know them, a new mark of Elemental armor that can Voltron itself into a BattleMech with the rest of its Star.
Close alternative, an enhanced version of the OmniMech with either launchers that straight-up launch Elementals, or hull-mounted turrets that they can crew.
Tank with another, smaller tank inside it. Destroy the outer tank and the inner tank is unleashed.
Cavalry 'mech. Not a 'mech which serves the tactical role of cavalry, mind you: one 'mech designed for another to ride into combat on top of it.
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penumbralwoods · 2 months ago
nvm i hate this idiot
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cali · 11 months ago
telefragging e(^m_o^j)i -->
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