#tekken cheats
iidsch · 4 months
this is a comedy movie. to me
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wbspeedsite · 2 years
Tekken 3 cheat
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wannaeatramyeon · 4 days
Meeting Student!Gun Park for the First Time: Part 1
Part 2! G/N. 3.2k. Remember when Gun wanted to get his GED? Well. Stranger to~ Masterlists
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"How old are you?"
Press X for doubt, you think, and that's the exact meme you send over on chat.
"20 like 20 or 20 like you're mid 30s and planning your mid life crisis 20?"
You know you're being rude and making a terrible first impression. It's the first day of a new school year, of a new school in fact, and for some reason the class is held on video call and you're all forced to pair off with a classmate for an icebreaker introduction.
It’s already cringe worthy and awkward enough, icebreakers must have been created as a form of torture. To add insult to injury, you're sure this guy is bullshitting you.
"I'm 20." He deadpans.
Momentarily, you’re stunned into silence. It stretches almost a tad too long before you manage to choke out, “My bad. Sorry."
Wow. You're torn between thinking that's a rough 20, this guy has easily got 40 years under his belt and oh no, when is your puberty and hormones gonna kick in like that.
And that's also the exact moment this 20 year old Gun Park takes a drag on a cigarette and you decide that it's definitely a rough 20.
"So what do you do for fun?" You probe, and you have the distinct feeling he might say something like alimony, planning his third marriage, investing in the stock market - whatever someone in their 50s might say but-
To your surprise and glee, his body language turns shifty. 
He likes to game he says, like it's a dirty little secret. Amongst other things. Mentions something about training and martial arts and you fight to keep a straight face as it turns out you were also right about investing in shares and the stock market.
Gaming, however, is what you latch on to.
"Cute. I bet I could kick your ass."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yes."
And this is how you ended up at 4am on a school night, playing Tekken with your new classmate and getting your ass kicked.
"One more!" You screech down the mic, after the KO sign appears on screen, mumbling something about cheating and how if you can time this combo just right-
There's a huff of laughter coming through your tinny headphones and an amused "Fine."
Dark circles under your eyes grow. It's been a week of straight losses.
You blame the sleep deprivation on Gun Park, though really you have your own stubbornness to blame.
He never tends to say much during the gaming sessions apart from the odd expletive and you rant enough after each of your defeats for the both of you.
Sometimes this will earn you a chuckle and he will snidely add that you asked for this, you were the one who was supposed to kick his ass. This would piss you off enough for another game or three in the hopes of defeating him and getting to gloat.
Which unfortunately has not happened yet.
With a sigh, you hope your camera quality this morning is bad enough and pixelated enough that your poor sleep habits don't show.
You scan over your classmates, the few that have their camera turned on and find him.
Gun looks completely fine. He looks completely fine in what must be 4k and ugh, you scrunch your nose up in annoyance.
You keep an eye on him through the class. Observe how he's usually paying rapt attention, scribbling and typing up notes every now and then.
It's impressive how studious he is.
In comparison, you're daydreaming. Thinking about lunch, other combos or characters to play to counter his own when you catch on to the back end of a sentence as your teacher mentions ‘this’ is something to pay attention to as it will be on the pop quiz.
Huh? You blink a couple times. What is ‘this’? Unfortunately she swiftly moves onto another topic.
You type out a direct message to the only person you know.
You: I missed that, what did she just say?
Gun: You should have been paying attention.
You: Fuck you man!
You see his eyes dip to the bottom of the camera screen, briefly moving as he presumably reads your message.
He smirks.
That night he kicks your ass again.
Then as consolation, reveals what will be on the pop quiz.
If Gun looked like that in 4k, nothing could prepare you for how he looked in real life.
You're setting up your laptop and notepad in the classroom, the first actual in-person session, when someone takes a seat next to you.
Initially you feel a surge of irritation that they could have sat anywhere else and chose to sit next to you, then you look at the offender and-
Hold on.
You double, triple-take-
Is that?
It must be.
It's fucking Gun Park.
You don't entirely regret your initial comments on his looks because this guy definitely does not look 20 but goddamn he looks-
He chooses that moment, when your jaw is on the floor, to turn to you and give you a nod of acknowledgement.
"H-hi." You manage, and even to your ears it sounds like a simpering fool.
He must have thought so too if the quirk of his lips is anything to go by.
The cherry on top is that you expected this guy to smell like stale smoke, instead all you get is fresh laundry and something faintly dark and heady like leather and cedarwood.
Control yourself, a disapproving voice in your head says. Even that sounds vaguely like Gun.
It does nothing to stop your wandering gaze, peering at him in your periphery when you think he's not looking.
After you have taken your chance to not so discreetly run your eyes up and down his form, the only thing that makes you feel better is his hair. Because yeah he might be hot, but holy shit that must be a gallon of hair gel in there.
The other thing, as it turns out, that makes you feel a lot better is that he doodles.
It’s utterly charming.
Someone like Gun Park doesn't look like he doodles, but in between lines of his chicken scratch (seriously, who can even read that), there's little stick figures.
Maybe all the time you thought he was being studious he was just drawing-
Wait. You squint at the picture.
Is this guy for real?
"Are they fucking?" You whisper, using your pen to point at the page.
He doesn't answer straight away. There's a moment of surprise as he reacts like this is another secret of his he has unwittingly let you in on before his nostril flares and his eyes narrow and you grin in response.
Your grin grows when he grits out an answer. "No. Fighting."
He doesn't call you a dumbass but you can hear it loud and clear tacked on at the end.
"Whatever, pervert." You counter. You guess if you squint even harder then you suppose they could be fighting. Although the way one is lying on top of another is very suggestive. You don't hesitate to point that out to him.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
Even without a seating plan, one forms.
Places taken by chance on the first day becomes a regular arrangement.
You exchange a few words with your classmates, familiarise yourself somewhat with their names and faces. Pieces of their backstory, why they're here studying for a GED but take your spot next to Gun regardless.
No one really talks to him, you've heard them saying he's menacing and intimidating. Yet when your first encounter of him was mistaking him as someone about to hit mid life crisis, how intimidating can he really be.
Besides, he still doodles his lewd figures that he insists are not in any way shape or form comprising sexual positions. So no, you don't find him intimidating at all.
Gun, as you have come to know, is a man of few words. He is also unsurprisingly not great at literature.
What you don't yet know is he likes to say what he means and mean what he says. His patience only extends to The Art of War, so all the flowery prose and poetry only serves to irritate him.
If Gun glared at you the way he's currently glaring at the textbook, you think you may either burst into tears or burst into flames.
Luckily you do neither of those things but you do take pity on him. Leaning over, you ask him quietly if he needs help.
He doesn't respond but the pen he's clutching in his right hand snaps in half.
Alright then.
Half an hour later, when the class empties out you ask Gun to follow you to the library.
He hesitates, and you add "if you've got time" to give him an out. In the end he doesn't take it and trudges obediently after you.
You very quickly learn that he really doesn't like literature. You're explaining and working him through the analysis and also mildly offended at the bored look on his face.
"This is a waste of time," he interjects and there's a sullen undercurrent to his words.
"Just memorise the analysis then." Exasperation tinges your tone, "That's all you need to do to pass."
He arches a brow at your words.
"They're testing your memory. So just remember what our teacher says."
There's an angry air of resignation as Gun nods, and you slide your notes over for him to copy.
Not long after, you have your first minor evaluation on the literature material.
You notice during the test that while the vein in Gun’s temple is prominent and he’s clutching his (new) pen tighter, there’s barely any pause as he fills in the answers.
A few days later, the graded papers are handed back. There's a sigh of relief from Gun.
He gives you a smile, small and genuine, eyes crinkling at the corner.
"You owe me one," you tell him jokingly though he takes it to heart and gives you a stern nod.
Gun repays his debt, with a coffee.
He places the paper cup on the desk in front of you. Logo of the coffee house to the side but still visible. It's new, expensive, and there’s regular lines around the block.
Of course it would be from there.
The issue is, who repays a debt with an espresso. He didn’t even ask for your drink of choice!
"Thanks for this thimble of coffee," you remark as Gun sniffs in distaste at your comment, placing his own matching cup in front of him and saying something about how it's the best untainted way to drink it.
Of course he would also be a coffee snob.
You tell him you usually like it with a bit more cream and a lot more sugar and he mutters that you sound like Goo.
You think that's an insult.
"Well, at least Goo has good taste," you snipe back with a grin.
Gun closes his eyes and counts to ten.
You: Are you doodling or actually writing notes?
You: Cos on camera you look very studious but I’ve seen your notepad
Gun: None of your business
You: Still drawing your disgusting pornographic stick men then
Gun: They are not-
Gun: Whatever
You: Ok, maybe that espresso wasn’t terrible
Gun: I know
You: Who’s Goo anyway?
Gun: …
Gun: No-one
You: Suuuure
You: Tekken tonight?
Gun: Aren’t you tired of getting your ass kicked?
You: >:(
You: Do you wanna go over the new lit material in the library this week?
Gun: Ok
Gun: Thanks for your help
You: :) 
Gun: You’re tired. You should game less.
You: Spoken like a coward!
Gun: Dumbass
You: Hey!!
Gun: I’ll bring you an espresso tomorrow. You need it.
You: Does it have to be an espresso?
Gun: Yes
You: …Thanks
To anyone else, the figure standing in the doorway is just smoking. To you, it suspiciously looks like they’re waiting.
It's not a crime. Gun Park can wait for whatever or whoever he wants.
What really throws you off is his smoking. You've seen him casually take one single drag before throwing the whole cigarette away. Even to you, it seems like a waste.
However, this time he smokes one all the way to the filter before stubbing it out. Then does the same to a second, and third.
Strange, very strange.
You approach him. Taking gentle steps, in case he might get spooked and bolt which is really a ridiculous notion for someone like him. Nevertheless, you keep your footsteps light, yourself clearly in view and you wander over to him.
"Hey," you say, with a somewhat forced smile. He doesn't acknowledge your greeting apart from a brief nod.
"... Everything ok?"
It's a perfectly normal question to ask but a vastly bizarre one for Gun. He doesn't look like the type of person where people casually enquire about his well being.
He must have thought so too if the look he gives you is anything to go by.
In response, he stubs out his cigarette (his fourth!) then asks, stilted and stiffly, if you want to come back to his for a game of Tekken.
At least that's what you interpret as he seems to be crazy cryptic.
"Are you interested in Tekken?"
"...Yes." You wonder what on earth this question is because did you hallucinate all those games you played together?
"Then meet me. After class." 
"Where? Here?"
"No. At mine."
"Where's that?"
He gives you another look, as if you're the one trying to coax a secret out of him despite him offering.
Gun dips forward, murmurs quietly into your ear his address and some vague directions like it's highly confidential information.
You nod along, thinking what is with this guy. 
So firstly, what the fuck.
Then secondly, what the fuck.
Don't think you hadn't noticed the designer brands Gun wears. If they're fakes, they're very convincing fakes. But you're almost certain they have got to be counterfeit when he brought you over to a junkyard claiming this is where he lives.
You've seen films like this. Granted, it's less in a junkyard and more in the middle of nowhere in America where college kids meet their gruesome ends in fantastical ways.
You never thought this would happen to you. You have sorely miscalculated. 
Is this Gun Park (if that even is his real name) going to butcher you and leave your body on top of a pile of scrap metal in the corner?
Instead of a night of gaming where you’re the one KO-ing him, he’s actually the one that’s going to chase you around wearing a mask and wielding a knife or axe?
"You’re here. Come in," Gun says, opening his front door just as your inner monologue begins to truly spiral out of control and you're considering doing a runner.
"Eh?" You grunt like an idiot, not noticing when the shack appeared nor when you stepped onto his porch, or the side eyes Gun had been giving you.
He gives you another look, likely regretting inviting you at all, and leaves the door ajar for you to either enter or turn back and go home.
"This is... nice," you lie, through the skin of your teeth.
Gun sees cleanly through your white lie and exhales a huff of amusement.
It's sparse. Peeks of luxury here and there - the extensive PC gaming rig, the entertainment system and consoles, to name a few.
Apart from that, it's barely a home.
"Take a seat." He offers, and it sounds more like an order. Obediently you sit on his sofa, feeling very much a guest.
"You're not in danger," he says, bemused at how awkward you are in his domain, how tense you hold yourself.
'That's exactly what a killer would say,' you think and when you hear a low chuckle, you realise that you said it aloud.
"Don't worry," Gun reassures and it doesn’t really help before he strides off to somewhere in his house and leaves you sitting alone.
He returns back minutes later as you’re in the middle of admiring his entertainment set up and going through his vinyl collection (because obviously someone like Gun has vinyls) with a coffee for you that looks much more milky and to your taste than the usual ones he offers. 
“Thanks.” you take your drink and return back to your seat.
Taking the first sip, you finally manage to relax. Sinking into a sofa that is much more comfortable than at first glance and you take in your surroundings a bit more.
Sort of. You actually take in Gun Park more. 
He’s casual, in a way you have never seen or even considered. Dressed in a t-shirt and grey sweatpants, hair floppy and the only styling is done with his hands running through his hair now and then to keep it back.
Even during the online classes, he is usually dressed up in an open collared shirt.
If you thought he was hot before, it’s nothing compared to now. There’s an air of domesticity, the drink he made for you cradled in your hands, and the distinct feeling that not many people have had the luxury to see Gun in his natural habitat, so intimate and vulnerable.
You wonder if this is how he looks all those nights you’ve been gaming together.
You catch his eyes, having been caught checking him out and he raises his eyebrows at your blatant staring. 
Blood rushes to your cheeks as he chuckles into his own espresso and takes a sip.
"Holy shit, I won!"
You're familiar with the KO screen. What you're not familiar with is being on the side of victory. You're usually a hair trigger away from rage quitting, from throwing a tantrum down the mic.
Finally. All your hard work has paid off. Time spent thinking of combos, attacks and defences (which would have been better spent studying) is coming to fruition.
You peer over to Gun, expect the controller he is clutching to maybe have been crushed into pieces with his freakish strength. Expected nothing except for a vein throbbing on his temple.
What you do find is-
Gun looking at you, fondness in his eyes. He's taking in your grin, letting your gloating slide.
Doesn't do more than roll his eyes when you perform a victory dance of sorts around him.
And when you get in his face to tell him that you're the winner, you're the best-
(More words are on the tip of your tongue but your gaze drops to his lip, drawn to the small smile he wears.
It sinks in.
The patience he has, the attention he gives, the way he has opened his home to you.
From the very first meeting, the even-handed way he has dealt with your insults, entertained you to the early hours of the morning on Tekken.)
Gun reaches out, tugs your hand and pulls you into his lap and agrees.
"Yes. The best."
You think it's a lie, an embellishment.
But the way he holds you - tender and precious, and the way he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours - soft, like you might break - can't be anything else but the whole truth.
(Update! Part 2 here!)
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entirelysein-e · 1 month
『 Red Wine Supernova 』
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☼ synopsis: What happens when your best friend finds out that none of your partners pleased you yet? Will he be the one to give you your first orgasm?
☼ character: Kiryu
☼ wc: 3,3k
☼ cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, fingering, oral (reader receiving), squirting, overstimulation, consent checks, friends to lovers, hinted that more will happen
☼ notes: a big thank you to @suyacho and @kenpachisbrat for enabling my latenight thots 🥹🫶
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It wasn't unusual for you to show up at Kiryu's place on a friday night, a small bag hanging on one shoulder as you held your favorite takeout in your hands, eagerly waiting for your pink-haired friend to open the front door so game night could finally start. Ever since you've become close to Kiryu, fridays were reserved for gaming nights where you would hang out at his home, bodies sunken deep into the cutely shaped bean bags in the middle of the room while eating whatever your heart desired. Both of you enjoyed this time together, playing silly games on various consoles or simply hanging out together to your heart's content. You would gossip a lot, latest dates, partners - just the average bestie talks.
At least that's how things were until you got together with your latest boyfriend, who didn't like just how close the two of you were, constantly assuming that you're cheating on him. While it did hurt Kiryu when you said you can't come by anymore, he understood, not wanting to be the reason your relationship fails - but when you texted him that you're coming over, baring the news of the breakup, his heart did skip a little beat and perhaps your now ex boyfriend was correct and Kiryu did see you more as a friend but it not like you'd ever know, right?
The door soon swung open to reveal a very happy Kiryu, looking excited to finally have gaming night with you again.
"Come in, don't be shy you know the way!" He almost dragged you inside, shooing you towards his oddly cute room you came to love and adore. You were barely able to sit down on your favorite beanbag when he already sat on his, your controller held out for you to take.
"I figure you don't want to talk about him?" He asked kindly, not pushing the subject. You've never mentioned him much to your friend, fearing it might be considered "tmi" even though you knew that this never existed with Kiryu.
"Nothing worth mentioning, really," you mumbled. The reasons for the breakup have piled up over time, but the main reason must have been the way he never cared about your needs in every department of the relationship. Not once did he stop to consider your feelings - not even when you were intimate.
"He said eating a woman out is weird and 'unsanitary'" you said out loud, not an ounce of shame coming over you upon realizing that you were thinking out loud and Kiryu could only gasp.
"So he never...?" He asked almost too respectful and you shook your head.
"He didn't want to 'waste time' on foreplay either since 'lube is a thing'" you continued, making little quotes in the air whenever you repeated that asshole's words.
The game was long forgotten by the both of you, your little guys, just hopping up and down to the Temple grounds soundtrack of Tekken.
You didn't know you were rambling at this point, embarrassment slipping through every crack of your being when you confessed to your best friend that no man could ever make you feel good in bed. When your rambles came to a stop for you to take a deep breath, you registered Kiryu's small giggle, wondering just how long you were carrying that around with you instead of talking about it.
"What's so funny about that?!" You snapped at him in a defensive manner, which made him wipe a fake tear.
"Nothing, nothing" he reassured you teasingly before taking a breath to compose himself.
"It just shows what an asshole that guy was. Small dick, eh?" He asked amused, already having suspected that your ex wasn't the most secure person given you were no longer allowed to see your best friend. A laugh burst out of you, which relieved Kiryu visibly - the crease between your brows disappearing and getting replaced by little wrinkles around your eyes. He loved how sincere your laugh seemed, reaching all the way to your beautiful eyes and - he's been staring for a little too long. Fuck.
Your boisterous laugh slowly died down and left you gulping under the intense stare of your best friend. Were his eyes always this green? You wondered as you found yourself getting lost in them until they seemed to change. Kiryu's pupils dilated upon the shift of air around you two - a friendly hangout to play games suddenly felt different, an unfamiliar feeling spreading and making it hard to breathe for the both of you.
"You know, I could show you," he offered, his voice hushed as if he's speaking to himself.
"Show me what?" You asked naive and your face started to get hot, fearing that you knew exactly what he meant.
"How good it can feel to be with a guy," Kiryu confirmed your fear and you immediately shook your head, only to break the intense eye contact you two were still holding. Anxiously, you fidgeted with your fingers in your lap, picking up the controller just to hold onto something.
"We can't. You're my best friend." Your words sounded defeated, as if your friendship would stop you from anything, but Kiryu let go of a breath he was holding, a small chuckle escaping in the process.
"And? Nothing has to change about that. It would just be two friends having some fun," he reassured you, not trying to push you into it and you actually considered his words.
"I couldn't act like it never happened. I'm not the friends with benefits type," a sadness underlined your words, but Kiryu leaned closer and when you didn't bother to move away, he looked up at you with these damn shiny puppy eyes.
- GAME OVER - the loud announcement coming from the TV startled both of you out of whatever trance you were in before laughing it off.
"If you promise not to tease me about it... we can maybe... you know, a little. Not all the way," you talked around it, not wanting to say it out loud because that would make it too real and weird.
The pink-haired man didn't need to be told twice, positioning himself right before the game destroyed the mood - face just inches from yours.
"You sure?" He asked and his tongue darted out to wet his lips a little as he waited for a reply, which came in the form of a small nod.
"If you change your mind, just speak up, yeah?" His voice was soft like honey now and his pupils dilated once again.
It felt weird letting yourself go like that with your friend, but your body screamed for him, a yearning that has been buried all these years, but the feeling seemed to be mutual. Soft hands cupped your cheeks where one of his thumbs rubbed over the apple of your cheeks, a sly smile etched onto his lips.
"You know, I've wanted to kiss you for a while already," he mused and leaned in without further warning. Kiryu trusted you to speak up or to push him away if you happened to change your mind, but you kissed him back the moment his lips connected with yours.
It felt like a little firework setting off in both of you as the kiss dragged on, the taste of his strawberry chapstick long gone as your tongues danced around each other, wrestling for dominance, which you gladly granted him. Despite the desperation behind the kiss, it was sweet and sensual, his hands roaming your body while staying respectful. Only when your hands started to wander further down his abs to play with the material of his belt did his hand came to hold yours firmly yet gently.
"No, don't. It's about you," he mumbled breathless as he pulled away from the kiss. The effect you had on him was visible, but he didn't care, wanting to put the focus on you.
"But-" you wanted to protest and he kissed you again just so you wouldn't continue your sentence of how he should also feel pleasure.
"It's enough for me, trust me," he reassured you as his kisses traveled down your neck until he nibbled on your sensitive spot just to suck on your soft skin.
You were lost in how good he made you feel just by kissing you already, not wanting to argue about pleasing him and being selfish for once in your life.
"May I?" His voice was barely above a whisper, and you felt his breath against your ear, which made you shudder. Soft hands rested just under the hem of your shirt, waiting for permission to rake over your skin without fabric between the two of you this time and you nodded before kissing him again.
Kiryu's warm hands slipped under your shirt and caressed your skin, goosebumps forming where he touched you, but his gentle touches always stopped right under your chest, wanting to respect you and your body. It drove you insane to the point where you took your own shirt off, needing his hands on your chest right this second or you would combust.
"Should I take it off?" Honeyed words against your skin as he kissed your neck once again, a single finger slipping under the strap of your bra, teasing your shoulder and you could only nod before a desperate "yes, please" slipped out of your lips.
Kiryu didn't need to be told twice, slipping the bra strap he was playing with down your shoulder, small kisses following its trail before one hand unclasped your bra behind your back. The heat was rising up your cheeks when he got rid of your bra so quickly, arms crossing over your chest in an effort to hide, which made him halt right away.
"Changed your mind?" He asked curious, no hint of anger in his voice and you shook your head.
"No, it's just- you make me feel so good it's ugh... embarrassing," you admitted out loud, your whole body burning hot from embarrassment, but your best friend could only chuckle in response, kissing each hand the moment you dropped them from your chest.
Yes, he wanted you - badly. But you were so much more to him than just your body. It was everything he dreamed about countless times before - better even and he needed you to understand that making you feel good is pleasuring him too. Soft kisses trailed up each arm until he was leaving open-mouthed kisses along your collarbones, your heart almost beating out of your chest and you let yourself sink into the beanbag beneath your body.
"Please," you whispered, unsure what you were asking for, but you needed him to do something, anything really.
Kiryu understood your empty plea and kissed the supple flesh of your chest until his lips wrapped around one nipple, a blissed sigh slipping from his lips and erecting goosebumps all over your skin. He could do this all day, mindlessly sucking on your nipples, tongue swirling over them as his fingers played with the other so neither boob felt neglected. You started to get vocal at this point, soft sighs and mewls slipping from you and you could feel him smirk against your tits.
"You're so responsive for me... feeling so good just from this?" He asked teasingly and used his teeth to gently tug on the nipple he was previously sucking on.
All you could think of at this point was his face between your thighs and the way his skilled mouth would feel against your neglected little pussy. Unbeknownst to you, you were rubbing your thighs together at the thought, but the pink-haired man noticed right away, his heart swelling at how good he makes you feel.
"Want me to move this further down, eh?" He asked with such a dirty smirk on his face that you wanted to hide, but all you could do was nod shamefully.
"Just lay back and let me make you feel good, princess," he cooed as his hands worked on your pants before pulling them off in just one move.
His fingers traced back up your legs and raked over your thighs ever so gently, which made you spread your legs for him so willingly. Slender fingers continued their path until one single digit ran over your soaked panties, humming when he felt your sticky, wet essence completely soiling your underwear.
"Did any other guy get you this worked up before?" He asked, almost cocky, but you know he needed to hear that he's the first to make you lose your mind like this.
Wordlessly, you shook your head as the embarrassment set in once again under his intense gaze, but his lips curled up to a sweet smile.
"Then I won't make you wait too long, hm?" He asked sickenly sweet before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties, eyes searching for any hesitation on your face, but you willingly lifted your hips, allowing him to take them off by offering yourself like that.
Kiryu peeled your panties off your legs slowly, the fabric sticking to your pussy and forming little strings of your slick when he pulled them off, a small chuckle falling from his lips once again when he sees just how wet you are from his caress. Once you were entirely naked, he pushed your knees towards your chest to take a closer look at the cute little pussy he gets to play with, arguably his new favorite thing to play with.
"Y-you don't have to," Your voice ripped him out of his thoughts and he looked up at you like a kicked puppy.
"But I want to... or have you changed your mind?" He asked concerned at the sudden change, but you shook your head again, trying to gather a clear thought before answering him.
"You hesitated," you eventually pointed out and he smiled softly, his pink hair swinging as he shook his head no.
"I was admiring that sweet pussy of yours and thought about what a shame it is that no one ever tasted it before," he answered amused yet honest and you sunk further in the beanbag, his words making you shy away but your pussy clenched, desperate to be touched.
Only when you told him that you wanted him to go on, he kissed your thighs down to your mound before holding eye contact. Once your eyes were on his, his thumbs came down to part your folds and his tongue dragged through them in a long lick only to circle around your bundle of nerves just like he did with your nipples moments before. The feeling caused you to moan and arch your back for him, one hand flying down to hold onto his soft hair, not wanting him to stop. Hot air flushed over your glistening cunt when he chuckled at the desperation, but his ministrations never stopped. Kiryu's tongue continued to play with your pussy, swirling it over your clit or spelling his name onto it with the tip of his tongue to claim you in a sick way, to make you his, hoping to burn his name into you so no other man can make you feel this good.
After just mere minutes, he had you close to the edge, the knot almost snapping and your hand tangling in his hair to gently pull on it.
"Let go for me, it's okay," he whispered against your drenched folds, tongue dipping into your entrance to taste more of your sweet juices before he continued to lap at your sensitive clit the way you liked it.
Hearing him so eager for your release made you relax and give into the pleasure until the knot inside of you exploded, a sweet moan of his name ringing through his room, yet his tongue never slowed down to help you prolong the orgasm. Only when you started pushing his head away, far too sensitive for a second orgasm did he pull away. Your juices were clinging to his chin when he gave you the sweetest smile.
"Was it as good as you expected?" He asked sincerely and licked your slick off his lips.
Breathless, you nodded, unable to form even a single thought at how good he just made you feel. Seeing your pussy clench around nothing but air made him pity your sweet little cunt, so he brought a finger up to circle around your entrance, which made you whine out, eagerly nodding.
"So eager for more..." he teased, but wondered just how neglected your pussy might have felt after no one bothered to give it the attention it deserved for, lord knows, how long.
His finger slipped in with ease from his wet you still were and his tongue returned to lap at your clit - much slower this time, but it felt so much more intense when his finger massaged your sweet spot now too.
"I'll do this until you tell me to stop," his words come out quiet against your slick folds and he closes his eyes in pure bliss upon feeling you clench around a single finger. The room filled with your sinful cries of pleasure once again when he curled two fingers into your g-spot while his lips caused enough suction on your clit to make you lose your mind entirely now.
Kiryu's pants grew tighter the closer you got and when the squelching noises alongside your whines of his name were all he could hear, it became almost impossible to not cum untouched, a damp spot of pre-cum forming in his boxers, yet he'd never ask you to return the favor - simply palming himself over his pants to your sweet sounds.
Your high approached once again and Kiryu stopped himself from his own release to focus on yours fully, fingers massaging that one spot that had you curling your toes as his tongue relentlessly dragged the letters of his name onto your overly sensitive bundle of nerves. His free arm held your legs down, pushing them down to your chest some more until you were almost screaming in ecstasy. A clear stream of liquid poured from your cunt as your walls clenched around his fingers before they slipped out to rub your clit, helping you ride out yet another orgasm until you lay there panting heavily. Kiryu rested his head against one of your thighs after he lowered your legs slowly, his pants drenched in his own release just from witnessing yours.
Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought that you could squirt from a man playing with your pussy but Kiryu only started, eager to make you lose your mind with the way he has you like putty in his hands, the lines of friendship and more slowly blurring.
“You're so good for me,” his praise was gentle as his hand cupped your cheek, his eyes full with adoration when he looked down on you - perhaps you should have confessed your feelings for the pink-haired man long ago since they were obviously returned by him. But right now you didn't want to think about the conversation that sure would follow, you just wanted to be selfish a little while longer when he so badly wanted to make you feel good. Another time you would surely be allowed to return the favor...
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Networks: @pixelcafe-network @interstellar-inn @houseofsolisoccasum
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my-sweet-nemesis69 · 1 year
A few things that definitely happened post Queen of Nothing
Jude decides to personally train Cardan in sword fighting because he needs to defend himself. Even if he refuses to kill, his skills (or lack thereof) are a vulnerability they can't afford
Jude is surprised to learn that Cardan is an adequate fighter when Balekin isn't torturing him into it.
He does however, win several fights by kissing Jude in the middle of sparring. She insists it's cheating, he insists "all is fair in love and war"
Cardan and Jude visit Vivi in the mortal world and he lets Heather paint his nails hot pink
He beats Jude in a game of Tekken and she's a sore loser about it
He learns to braid her hair from Tatterfell and insists he can do it better than her now. Tatterfell is mildly annoyed but amused at the same time that the king of elfhame is interested in braiding his wife's hair
He tries his best to be there for Oak. He knows what it's like to grow up with an absentee father so tries his best to be what Balekin never was for him.
That's all I can think of for now
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cyborg-franky · 6 months
Hi OP I hope you’re doing well! ❤️ Can I request some hcs of one piece characters favorite video games?
Man this might seem so biased because I like/hyper fixate on only a handfull of games but lets see... [Yes, most of these are games I am into WOOPS]
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Ace - Loves FPS - He plays games like Overwatch, TF2, L4D and Dead by Daylight. - He enjoys shoot first ask questions later type games. - DPS for life. - Borderlands is also a game he likes. - Saints Row, GTA, Duke Nukem. DOOM. Anything along these lines. - Action with a dose of horror element. - Explosions and fire are a huge bonus. Sabo - Sims - but on chaos mode. He loves to play God, and he’s the type of person who would build a pool without a ladder. - He might be against capitalism, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use a few cheat codes and pirate versions so his sims can live out their best lives.
Luffy - Pokemon games. He mostly plays Pokemon GO so he can go out and be social with his brothers and friends. He and Usopp do all the raids together. - Anything easy and brightly colored has his attention.
Nami - Mobile phone game queen. - Literally anything tycoon. - Where you can buy and sell and build. - Is like level 90000000 on every ‘swap something’ or ‘merge’ game. - Plays while making money at her job. Sanji - Dating sims, obviously. - Also, hentai games. - And Animal Crossing. Usopp - Minecraft, Strawdew Valley. Anything that's open and fun. - Also big into Pokemon and plays with Luffy, - He also loves point-and-click adventures like Monkey Island. Zoro - Pokemon sleep. - Streetfighter, TEKKEN, Mortal Kombat. All those sorts of games. - Shinobi games also.
Chopper - Cute, easy games or hardcore doctor simulators. - Animal Crossing. - Nintendogs, cats, anything silly and cute with animals.
Brook - Dating games - Hentai games - Among Us - Really dumb meme-bait games like I Am Toast and Goat Simulator
Franky - Minecraft, Roblox, anything that’s building and making. - Retro games, like Golden Axe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Toe Jam, and Earl. - Older platform and side-scrolling games.
Jinbei - Games you can farm and fish on. - Also racing/driving games. - Is a beast on Mario Cart Robin - Fantasy games like Skyrim. - Indie horror like FNAF, SCP, Zoochosis, I have no mouth, and yet I must scream. - All the really intense horrors like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Condemned. - Just anything with awful, horrible monsters and lore, and she is all over it and thinks the monsters are cute.
Corazon - Candycrush mom. Kid - GTA, Bulletstorm, the most bloody and violent games you can get your hands on. - Ones that are banned in countries. - Wolfenstein. -  Also partial to the Guitar Hero/Rockstar type games. Killer - Cooking Mama - Guitar Hero/Rockband Marco - He doesn’t game alot, but if he sees an old-school arcade, he’ll go and play things. - House Of The Dead, Packman, Space Invaders, Time Crisis. He often gets dragged to the arcade by Ace.
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criceofpain · 2 years
switch it up | park jongseong (reposted and edited)
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featuring: enhypen's jake, heeseung, sunghoon, sunoo, and jungwon; stayc's yoon
synopsis: after you find your ex cheating with another guy, the quiet kid takes the opportunity to get closer to you. but the shocking part is, you never knew he could do a full 180 and be the most charming guy you've ever seen.
pairing: student!jay x student fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, a tinge of angst (and humor lol)
word count: 7418
warnings: semi-public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), slut-shaming, usage of pet names, vaginal penetration, alcohol consumption, gamer rage (especially heeseung lol), male masturbation, degradation, fellatio, minimal impact play, implied violence, two-timing, cheating, jakehoon are gay, jay has too much porn vids on his laptop, yoon has warfreak tendencies, too much tekken references, too much time skips
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Being popular in school had its own perks.
If people were asked what they’d do if they became the most popular person in year two for twenty-four hours, you’d get a vast range of answers from all of them. Fame, beauty, authority, and money–the possibilities are endless for a household name in one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul. The thing is, though, downsides will always be inevitable.
Thursday’s a typical work day for the student council’s president–you. A ton of paper stacks were waiting to be scanned and submitted to the council adviser, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get up and actually work on them. The adviser’s office was two buildings away from your location, and God, did you dread walking. Worse, you had to do it every week and without the help of your vice president. Bothering to find him would be a waste of time, either.
The sudden ring of your phone disrupts your train of thought, making you look up to check whoever was trying to test your patience at this hour. Jakey ♡, your phone screen reads. You heave a relieved sigh; it’s been three days since your boyfriend last called and it was messing with your momentum. Even overthinking was a waste of time and you hated it.
“Hi, love.” you mumbled, voice laced with exhaustion. “I'm glad you finally called.”
“Love, can we cancel our date?” Jake asks from the other line, and your face immediately contorts to a disappointed scowl.
Strange. He’s usually not the type to postpone plans at the last minute because he knew you despised that type of feat. As the student council president, the last thing you'd want is for someone to waste your valuable time.
“Suddenly?” you deadpan as you put your pen down and slowly spin in the swivel chair you sat on. “We’ve got everything planned out and now you wanna cancel?”
Jake sighs. “Coach called us for training. He’s been lenient on me for the past week, I can't afford another absence.”
“Oh.” you utter, at loss for words. “Long day ahead, huh?”
It was what you least expected, anyways. You stay still in your seat, disappointment filling your chest. You start to feel uneasy—you knew you’d never stand a chance against his monster of a coach. What can I do? Jake was the team’s striker which gained him maximum importance. Without him, the team would basically be a chaotic bunch. 
“Sorry.” he mutters apologetically. “I didn't want this to happen, really.”
“I know, I know.” you grumble, picking your pen back up and fixing your attention back to the papers you were reviewing. “Can I come after training, though? We should at least eat, like, ramyeon, tteokbokki or something."
A few seconds of silence fills the other line before Jake replies, "God, that sounds—fuck. That's irresistible. I hope Coach lets me off ‘cause his diet plan is seriously killing me.”
“I sure hope he does,” you roll your eyes as the image of a conceited middle-aged man with his stomach overflowing his pants. “unless he wants a big ‘fuck you’ from me for tiring you out. You gotta rest, love.”
He chuckles, causing a grin to tug your lips. “I love you. I know you’re a busy woman and you’ve probably got a lot on your plate right now. I'll hang up now, hmm?”
Your reply gets cut off by the sudden drop of the call, and another sigh leaves your mouth. 
Popularity was so exhausting for you. However, not everyone suffers from the syndrome; take Park Jongseong–who goes by “Jay” in school–as an example. The lad has finally gotten a taste of rest after coding what felt like a thousand HTMLs, now nibbling on a cob of corn with his other hand glued to his keyboard.
Why had I never thought of playing Tekken as a way of escaping the hell of school and the sight of students’ thirst for crowd validation before? As he fervently taps the keys of his laptop, the corner of his lip tugs into a slight smirk. He continuously lands hits on a random Kazuya he was matched with, not letting them rest as he uses his trump card–Jin Kazama’s ten-hit combo.
The silence breaks as Jay’s hearty laughter booms in the computer club room. He sighed triumphantly, propping his head on his intertwined hands. 
"I gotta tell Heeseung hyung about this.” Jay snickers, grabbing his phone from beside his laptop and speed dialing the number “5”. After a few rings, his friend finally picks up. “Ay, hyung! I got good news for you.”
“Man, fuck you!” Heeseung, the student council’s vice president hisses from the other line, annoyance evident in his voice. Before the younger can ask about why he had such a tone, the older interrupts, “You’re never gonna let me live, are you?”
“Whoa, whoa, chill out, hyung.” Jay chuckles in confusion. “It’s not like I’m gonna use the ten-hit combo on you, is it? What’s the matter?”
Heeseung clicks his tongue and scoffs, “Don’t you see what’s happened or are you playing dumb right now, Jongseong? Fucking look at your screen.”
Jay, although confused, obliges anyway. He looks back at his laptop screen with the rematch menu on display. After a good few seconds, he spots the username of his opponent and immediately gasps, loud enough for his friend to hear. He then breaks into laughter, this time louder and more provoking as he hears the bantering on his ear.
“What—don’t tell me you had no idea—Jay!” the owner of the username heeba_inu_1015 yelled, followed by a frustrated shout.
“Whoops, should’ve gone easy on you, then.” Jay teases, shrugging his shoulders. “No, seriously. I had no idea. This is what school frustration makes me do.”
“Well, at least you’re not the student council’s vice president.”
Jay snorts in disbelief. “Come on, it’s not that hard–” he cuts himself off. “Oh, you’ve got a point, though.”
Jay didn’t necessarily live in the shadows; he just didn’t like being the center of attention. Being an eye candy is the last thing he wanted. Sure, he’s got what it takes to be popular–he’s a CEO's son, filthy rich, and on the honor roll. His friends say he’s got some sick visuals, too. Despite all these, he’d prefer to just blend in with the crowd and not stand out as a resident introvert (not to be confused with being a pick-me boy; Papa Park raised him with manners).
“Still, fuck you.” Heeseung lets out his third scoff of the day. A female voice rambles in the background, on the verge of screaming as the vice president grumbles in dismay. Jay assumes it was the school council’s president calling him out for slacking. “I gotta go, though. Godzilla’s on the run and she’s unstoppable–hey, wait!”
Beep. The call ends, and Jay's me time continues. A chuckle leaves his mouth. That was the president? She’s unhinged as hell.
“What’s the president like?” he mumbles, putting his headphones back on and getting ready to start a new game. “I’d like to meet her.”
“Lee Heeseung, I’m giving you ten seconds to explain to me why you’re on Tekken when you’re supposed to be on duty.”
If looks could kill, your vice president could’ve died a slow, painful death by now. You try your best to keep your calm composure in front of your right-hand man while trying to suppress your anger, but the urge to lash out on him is just getting stronger. Heeseung, feeling intimidated, could only look down on the ground as he hears a disappointed sigh from you.
Fortunately, the school council’s secretary, Yang Jungwon, has informed you of the vice president’s whereabouts. You made sure to leave your pending tasks untouched before storming out of the council office and to the stockroom, where he was apparently taking his sweet time being a heavy load.
“Look, I’ve just finished my last game, Y/N, alright?” Heeseung raises his hands in defeat.  “I’m done. I’ll go and help.”
“Oh, you are definitely gonna go help Jungwon in the council’s office because I’m out of here.” you snap, unplugging the Ethernet wire connected to his gaming laptop. “There are waivers waiting for you. Get your ass up.”
“Alright.” he mutters, head hung low as he switches off his laptop. “I’m sorry.”
Without another word, you turn your back on him and walk out of the suffocating stockroom. How does he even stand the heat in there? Your steps get quicker as much as the psychological warfare you were having with yourself is getting worse. People are probably looking at me right now and think, why the hell is her face so sour? They wouldn’t know. They’re not the overworked, unpaid, “popular” student council president with a freeloader of a vice president and a midfielder boyfriend who’s just as popular.
You’ve been zoned out for the entirety of your trip back to the council office, but the sight of a familiar shoe sticking from one of the corridor posts shakes you awake. Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what would someone with skate shoes be doing in that spot at this hour when it’s inter-school olympics season. You take another set of steps before seeing a man’s back view with the jersey number 5 on it, and the scene that unfolds in front of you shakes your whole world.
Your boyfriend and the school’s most famous figure skater, Park Sunghoon, were kissing.
It has been a week since you found out that Sim Jaeyun was cheating on you and is gay.
You remember being rooted in your spot as you saw them eating each other’s faces. Screaming at them would be a waste of time. You feared wasting time the most, and crying in front of someone came in second. Instead of doing what someone normally does in these situations–screaming and bawling their eyes out, you land a slap on each of their faces with a shit-eating grin on your face before running to the nearest comfort room to cry.
You wouldn’t mind your boyfriend coming out of the closet and ending your relationship in good terms, but the fact that he’d been flirting–and probably fucking–around with a guy behind your back infuriated you.
You didn’t know how it came to this—you crying your heart out inside the club office as Heeseung finally took over and finished the rest of your work due to you not being able to properly open your swollen eyes. Even moving around was a pain in the ass. Jungwon works from the sidelines as well, and both of them didn’t dare speak a word to you unless spoken to. They knew better than to mess with a girl who’s got cheated on.
“Cabining trip’s tomorrow. You still going, noona?” Jungwon asks, eyes glued to his laptop screen as he types the minutes of the meeting for the past week. “We need you over there, Pres.”
“Hmm.” you reply, not having the energy to speak out a proper word as you blew your nose on a paper towel. Of course I’ll be there. What am I, a ghoster?
As Jungwon bombards you with questions, your replies are short and reserved, along the lines of “yeah”, “uh-huh”, and the like. How were you supposed to show yourself without shame knowing that your ex wasn’t into you anymore?
“Heeseung.” you croak out, getting a short “huh” as a response. “I need your help with something.”
“What’s it about, miss ma'am?”
You cringe at the nickname, throwing the empty box of paper towels along his way. “If you use that nickname on me again, I swear.” you hiss.
“Damn, calm down, will you?” Heeseung chuckles, barely dodging the box that almost hit his face. “What is it?”
You saunter your way towards the table where the two lads worked. propping your hands on the desk, You then look over at Jungwon who has his whole attention on his laptop, not bothering to pop into the conversation or listen to whatever you were about to say.
“You’re best friends with the adviser, right?” you whisper to Heeseung, to which he nods. “And I’m not. Wow. What am I president for, then?
“Touche.” he shrugs. “What about him?”
“This could be fucked up but,” you lean in to whisper on his ear. “Can you beg him to sneak drinks for the adults?”
Your eyes screw shut in embarrassment, in disbelief of the words that just came out of your mouth. You’re better than this, Y/N. 
“Yes.” Heeseung lets out a dramatic gasp, nodding vigorously at your idea. “You had me at ‘drinks’, Y/N, come on. Spill!”
“Noona, you’re kidding, right? Why would you sneak drinks in–”
“Quiet, kid.” you cut Jungwon off. “I’ve got a breakup to get over. Let the adults have this.”
With that, Heeseung let out a dramatic gasp, nodding vigorously at your idea.
The day of the cabining trip has come, and it wasn’t the most enjoyable day for the student council so far. While the other kids were having the time of their lives, talking with their friends and not worrying about keeping the lines straight and the cabins quiet, you struggled to keep the students in order as you tapped the backs of those who made a commotion, or worse, those who made out in broad daylight.
To your relief, Heeseung was in charge of bag inspection, which meant drinks were allowed (unless one was not of legal age, of course). The students will just have to hide it from the other supervisors. Jungwon, along with the student council’s treasurer, Sunoo, were on room assignment duty, making sure to separate the guys and girls from each other. Getting pregnant on a school trip is the last thing anyone would want.
Meanwhile, Jay stands quietly as the line advances. He wasn’t really supposed to be going on this trip if it weren’t for his father insisting him to do so. Luckily, with Heeseung’s permission, he was allowed to bring his gaming laptop without you knowing. The vice president just hopes he wouldn’t get pulled by the ear again.
“God, I hope I get the top bunk.” Jay mutters, putting his bag on the desk for inspection.
“Gotta go fast, then.” Heeseung replied, probing the contents of his friend’s bag. He taps Jay’s shoulders after he’s done. “Man, I hope we’re roommates.”
“Heeseung, how's the inspection going?” you bellow over the crowd of students, craning your head to look for him.
As you and Heeseung scream at each other over the loud sounds in the cabins, Jay couldn’t help but steal glances at you. He did pass by you sometimes, but he hasn't really gotten the chance to step up and talk to you. What a waste. After news has spread that you got cheated on, he could imagine himself tackling you into a hug and giving you small forehead kisses in hopes to ease your pain. He had set his eyes on you ever since you were appointed as president, and he found you so pretty ever since. He just secretly hoped that Jake wouldn’t go begging for you to come back, or else he’d lose his mind.
His daydreaming stops when he bumped shoulders with someone whom he least expected–you. The two of you momentarily met each other’s eyes, and Jay swore he’d melt then and there if it weren’t for you turning away almost immediately. On the other hand, you wonder why he’s been stuck on his spot for a good minute, so you approach him cautiously.
“Uh, are you lost, perhaps?” you wave a hand in front of Jay’s face. “You seem to be spacing out, Jay.”
She knows me. Oh, my God, she just acknowledged me. His heart somersaults in his chest at the mention of his name. It rolled off of your mouth perfectly. 
It takes him five seconds to answer, “I’m good, thank you.”
You smile briefly at him, and he flashes one back. He walks silently, trying to suppress a shout from coming out of his mouth. You were always pretty to him, and that smile was the cherry on top. 
The first day of the retreat wasn’t really hectic, except for the fact that all of the students have to run ten laps all around the yard before they can even have a taste of breakfast. Despite the supervisors lurking around the whole site, you’ve taken brave sips on your bottle of soju, disguised as drinking water. You couldn’t help but see Jake and his new lover every time you had to lead a segment and meet face to face with everyone, and your chest would always clench. How the fuck is he so happy without me? If it weren’t for the other officers beside you, you would’ve wrestled Sunghoon without a doubt.
The second and third days would probably be the most boring of them all, but not for Jay.
His laptop keeps him company as he silently jerks off to porn videos, trying his best to stifle a groan to not wake up whoever was occupying the top bunk. He would’ve brought a fleshlight, too, but he figured it’d be too much for a school retreat. So he resorts to another option–a sock. 
He finishes without suspicion, and gets knocked out to sleep right after.
On the other side of the site, you sit awake in your bunk, finishing the last of the soju you’ve successfully hidden for days. You sigh, not feeling any signs of drowsiness as you stare in spaces. I should've seen this coming. You wanted to slap yourself for being so clueless. Hasn’t it come to you that Jake might be using soccer training as an excuse to meet up with Sunghoon instead of you?
“Y/N, you dumb bitch.” you spit out, grabbing your phone to dial Heeseung’s number.
After a few rings, he picks up. “What the fuck, Y/N, it’s 3 in the morning.” the lad grumbled as he tossed and turned in his bed. “You better give me a good reason for calling at this hour.”
“You got a laptop with you?” you ask. What a stupid question. “It's urgent business.”
“No, I don't, dummy.” he snaps, and his sudden change of tone takes you aback. “I thought you knew we can only bring phones.”
You sigh. Out of all times your council adviser demanded an accomplishment report from you, why now? At that moment, you even wished to switch bodies with Heeseung; he was the adviser’s best friend and not you. Despite you telling your superior that you haven’t brought your laptop, he didn't budge, even bringing up the drink-sneaking incident.
To say you were doomed would be an understatement.
“Why does your best friend put me in situations like this?” you whine, pulling your hair in frustration. “He knows I don't have my laptop at the moment! Tell me, does he have something against me? ‘Cause he better settle things with me. Damn it. Do you get me? Sometimes I just want to walk out on all of you because I’ve got the whole council on my back! i’m a human who has limits, too, for fuck’s sake! When do I quit? I can quit anytime and turn my back on this responsibility. You take over once this term ends–”
“Shut up. I'm at your door.”
You hitch a breath, hang up and climb out of your bunk. You silently open the door to see your vice president holding an open laptop in his hand, phone on the other. The lad passes the device on to you, praying that his friend doesn’t notice his laptop out of place when he wakes up.
“Hey, that ain’t mine, though. Be careful with that.” he says, and you scowl in suspicion.
“Thanks,” you smile slightly. “Though I thought I told you not to bring gadgets in the cabin–”
“Don’t ask, just…” he waves his hands frantically, avoiding the question. “I’ll get going.”
“Okay…?” your voice trails off, and you shoo Heeseung away. “You’re a lifesaver, by the way.”
Heeseung nods, jogging his way out as you close your cabin door. You didn’t bother to wonder whose laptop this was; the only thing in your mind was the report you had to finish.
In silence, you immediately get to work. With sips of water from time to time, you struggle to keep yourself awake as you type the needed information, word by word, making sure that it would be slap-worthy on your adviser’s face.
After two hours of staring and typing, you feel your eyes giving out and fingers straining as you move the document file to your flash drive, finally finishing your work.
“This motherfucker better not scold me tomorrow.” you mutter through clenched jaws, carefully ejecting the drive from God-knows-whose laptop. 
With slow hands, you close all of the windows you have used, even the tabs, making it look untouched as this was neither your laptop, nor Heeseung's. Whose is this, then? There wasn't a wallpaper in it, just the default one, and that made guessing a waste of time. Nonetheless, you make a mental note to thank the owner first thing in the morning for saving your desperate ass in such a critical situation. 
Before you can shut down the device, a particular folder on the desktop screen catches your attention, especially its name,
“Things I want to do to Y/N”
You squint in surprise, mouse cursor hovering over the folder. As much as you wanted to pry it open, you wanted to respect the privacy of the owner of the laptop, whoever they were. But this has my name on it. You shake your head, preparing for the worst to happen as you double-click on the folder. What you see next shocks you utterly, making your heartbeat rise as you check the name of the owner.
The laptop belongs to a Park Jongseong, with the folder containing porn videos.
In astonishment, you close the laptop with a loud thud, not bothering to shut it down properly or close the porn folder before you do. A series of knocks makes you jump and hit your head on the top bunk.
“Go to sleep, Y/N!” your bunkmate from the top grumbles.
What the fuck is going on? You sigh, wrapping yourself in a cocoon with your blanket.
It's the last day of the retreat, which means free time for all the students until the morning comes with no schedules to stick to. However, you were far from relaxed as last night’s events haven't left your mind until now. You didn’t know what to feel knowing that the quiet kid has been fantasizing about you, and in secret. Do you get mad, grossed out or flattered? Neither of them felt right and it messed up with your head so much. Worrying about it would be a waste of time.
Heeseung couldn’t help but notice you staring at Jay, who played basketball by himself from afar. You spaced out often, too, and it was so not like you to do so. Apparently, your efforts on acting normal outside while being a chaotic mess inside fail as you finally draw out a frustrated groan.
“Something wrong?” Heeseung asks. “You're zoned out pretty bad.”
“That report sucked the life out of me.” you reply monotonously, standing up from your seat, eyes not leaving Jay. “I'll meet you at the bonfire. I just need sleep.”
“Fine. I'll take over for you.”
You nod, trudging to your cabin in hopes to get some rest. However, once your body dips down the mattress, images of Jay hovering over you appear as you close your eyes. Shaking it off, you push a pillow against your face, muffling out a scream of annoyance.
On the other hand, Jay has been stealing glances from you as well, completely unaware of you seeing the deepest, darkest secrets he's kept hidden in his laptop.
After what felt like days of slumber, you were awakened by the noise of students outside of the cabins. hollers and shouts fill your ears as you get yourself out of bed. As much as you hated being woken up in such a manner, you were happy to be able to get a wink of sleep.
“Evening, Y/N.”
You look up from the ground, seeing the person whom you unfortunately wanted to avoid the most. Jay wore a small smile on his face, which was seen clearer without his glasses. Contrary to his usual hoodie-slacks combo, he wore a shirt that snugly fit him, in which you can definitely see the slight curvature of his chest. His toned arms were on full display, too, and you couldn’t help but wonder how they’d flex under your touch. His thighs looked just as attractive, given the fact that he wore cargo shorts.
“Good… evening, Jay.” you chuckle awkwardly. “What's the matter? Can I help you?” Why does he look so different? He even wore his hair differently.
“Nothing much.” he replies sheepishly. “Just, uh, wanted to have a casual talk with the president.” God, that bedhead. Why does it make her more fuckable? He steals glances at the skimpy top that hugged your body, accentuating your curves and your plump breasts.
“Really?” you grin in amusement, not expecting his statement. Just say you wanna fuck and go. “That's strange. No one comes up to me unless it’s about school.”
“That'd be an honor.” he comments, gaze not shifting away from you.“Would having small talk with me waste your time?”
You hesitantly shake your head, and he smiles. Fuck, that smile. Where is this going to get me now?
The two of you proceed to have a conversation outside the cabin, at the same time, thinking of lewd thoughts that were probably too inappropriate, given the setting. From time to time, your hands would brush each other’s, increasing the tension between the two of you.
Despite this, Jay would get distracted, finding your giggles so adorable, especially knowing that he was the reason behind them. You admired how Jay speaks, and how cautious he was when you ranted about your ex. He just hoped no one would call you out and separate the both of you.
Or so he thought.
The whistle trills fills your ears as rain falls angrily on your skin. Whines and grumbles were heard as the bonfire session was declared canceled by Sunoo and Jungwon. Students start sprinting back to their cabins as the rain pours, including the supervisors. No more confession time and roasted marshmallows, I guess.
You look over to see your cabin that was several meters from where you and Jay stood, attempting to make a run for it. However, Jay gets a hold of your wrist before you can take your first step.
“Stay.” his voice is deep and alluring, and you could feel your body slightly shiver.
“You sure?” you raise your brows anyway, not bothering to pull away from his grip. “What if someone sees us drenched in here? Are you willing to vouch for me?”
“You're the president. I'm sure no one would budge.”
You don't protest. Instead, you take the opportunity to ask him about the folder in his laptop, which, by the way, he still assumes was untouched. He, meanwhile, couldn’t take his eyes off of the top that clung to your skin, against your stomach. You pretty much were doing the same as you eyed his abs through his shirt.
After what felt like ten minutes of standing under the rain, both of you were drenched as you walked into an empty cabin for protection that no one used due to faulty electricity. You sit side by side in a single bed, neither of you having the guts to start another conversation.
Maybe it was time for you to spill your secrets.
“I like you.”
“Fuck me.”
The two of you look at each other after speaking at the same time. Your remark especially shocks Jay, so does the way you weren’t fazed with his confession just now. A hand instinctively goes up to cup your mouth. Shit, was I not subtle enough? You fake a hearty chuckle (which was actually a nervous one) as you see his perplexed expression.
“You don’t wanna fuck me?” you mutter, confidence leaving your system as his expression remains unchanged.
“No–I mean, yes.” he immediately replies, afraid that you might take it as him rejecting you. “Of course, I do.”
“Do it, then.”
You tower over his sitting figure, propping your hands on his chest. Jay couldn’t help but close his eyes, asking himself whether this was a dream or not. Your touch trails up to his neck, your fingertips tracing his collarbones. You catch his lips into a sloppy kiss, which he returns fervently as he slips his tongue on your mouth. The cold sensation brought by the raindrops on your skin is now gone as he pulls you into his lap and wraps your legs around his waist. For a minute, he savors your lips as his hands find their way to the hem of your top, feeling a little hesitant.
He pulls off, staring into your eyes as he searches for a sign of fear in your face. “Should I?”
Without a word, you nod, guiding his hands into taking off your top. His eyes roam along your torso, your breasts wanting to be freed from their restraints as they were practically coming out of your tight bra. His cock twitches and slightly hardens at the sight.
“Jay…” you whine, digging your ass against his hardness. A groan leaves his mouth. “I want you to take over.”
With that, he flips the two of you over, with you beneath him. He then pins your hands above your head, asserting his dominance. You hitch a breath as you feel his clothed cock rub against your crotch, still not believing his change in character.
“Is this really the quiet kid I knew?” you tease, making Jay yank your bottoms down, leaving you in your bra. He then lands a stinging spank on your ass cheek, squeezing the soft flesh after.
“Shush, Y/N, unless you want me to leave you hanging.”
Damn, even his voice can make me cum at this point. you feel him spreading your legs slowly, dipping a finger on your damp pussy as he kisses your inner thighs. You reach for his hair and stroke it gently as his lips get closer to where you needed him the most, your other hand squeezing your breast.
he licked a warm strip along your clit, eliciting a whimper from you. He held you by the knees to keep you from pressing your thighs together as he ate you out. his moans against your sex provided vibrations that made your toes curl, and moans louder.
“So miss president loves being eaten out, huh?” Jay chuckles, his ego growing as you reply to him with a broken mewl, pushing two of his fingers inside you. “Such a needy slut.”
He proceeds with his ministrations as he leaves marks on your thigh, torso, then up to your breasts, avoiding your neck to not cause suspicion. The way your walls tightened around his fingers made his cock harden even more. even until now, you couldn’t believe the situation you were in–being fucked by the resident introvert who was secretly a freak in bed.
Your grip on his hair tightens as you feel your high nearing. “Jay, I'm cumming!” you cry out desperately.
Hearing that, Jay pulls his fingers out of you, and licks them with a smirk on his lips. “You taste so sweet… however, I can’t just have you cumming somewhere that’s not on my cock, can I?”
He takes off his drenched top, and the rest of his clothes follow, freeing his erect cock from its confines. He drags his tip against your clit, teasing your entrance and holding your hips tight to stop you from pushing him in.
“Jay, please…” you beg, voice laced with frustration. “I want to make you feel good.”
“Is that so?” Jay snickers, slapping your thigh. “Little miss slutty president wants to suck me off?”
“Mm-mm.” you nod, eyeing his cock and the pre-cum that leaked from his tip. “fuck my mouth, just like how you want it.”
Just like how I want it? he stops in his tracks as he sees you grinning from beneath him. It was finally time for you to confess.
“Sir,” you whined, the pet name causing Jay to let out an audible groan. “I gotta tell you something.”
You sit up and bend over in front of him, his cock on your face and your ass up. He lets out a small gasp as your tongue teases his tip. The way you made eye contact with him didn’t help him, either. He bunches your hair up in a ponytail, wrapping it all around his knuckles as you sucked him like a popsicle.
“Tell me, baby,” he sighs, looking down at you in amusement.
“I needed a laptop for my report.” you lick him from base to tip. “And Heeseung, the vice president, borrowed yours for me.”
The way your tongue moves all over him sends shivers all over his body, and he makes the impulsive decision to rub his cock all over your face. “Baby saw my porn stash, didn’t she?” he chuckles, pushing himself deeper in your throat. You try to stop yourself from gagging as he fucks your mouth. “Fuck, yes. Those were all meant for you. All the things I wanna do to that body.”
You moan against his cock, reaching for your clit to rub yourself. you expected a different reaction from him, but by the looks of it, the Jay you passed by along the corridors was now gone. In front of you is a different person, and you actually loved it. You loved this new side of him.
“This is one of them.” Jay adds. “Fucking your mouth.”
You feel your head being guided by his hands as he nears his orgasm, thrusting faster inside your mouth. you whimper as his tip hits your throat, waiting for his warm release to fill your mouth.
However, he pulls out again, much to your dismay. He gets out of the bed and walks to the other side where he can take you from behind. Coincidentally, there stood a mirror in front of you, and you could clearly see his naked body as you were on your hands and knees. Fuck, I bet he works out a lot. He spanks your ass cheeks again, making you yelp.
“God, you’re so fucking hot, miss president.” Jay says under his breath, lining his tip on your cunt and getting ready to push himself inside of you. “I don’t have a condom with me, though.”
“I'm on the pill.” you reply. You realized you haven’t gotten rid of your habit of taking birth control pills even though you didn’t have sex as much anymore, especially now that you’re not with Jake anymore. “I have a favor to ask you.”
“Which is?”
You heave a deep sigh before speaking.  I'll have to do this once and for all. “Help me forget about Jake.”
Without a word, he pushes himself slowly inside you. A gasp leaves your mouth at how big and girthy he was as he stretched your walls. It took you a while to adjust to his size, but after he has sunken his whole length in you, he starts moving.
I'll help you forget about Jake, sweetheart. “My love… tell me.” he drags a fingertip along your spine, rocking his hips at a steady pace. “Who's making you feel good right now?”
“You, Jay.” you reply, almost sounding like a scream as you do. “Your cock feels so good inside me.”
“Fuck, yeah, I am.” jay snickers, pulling you by the hair and making you look at your fucked-out reflection in the mirror. “Look at you. Such a cock-hungry bitch.”
God, you hated being degraded, but why did Jay's words turn you on?
Jay's pace gradually goes faster as he feels you tightening around him, his muscles flexing as his skin slaps against yours.
“That fucking soccer boy can never fuck you as good as I do, right?”
“Ah, yes!” you whimper as his finger reaches your clit.
He groans. “Repeat after me, darling. Cheaters.”
“Cheaters–ah!” you squeal as Jay spanks your ass again.
“Ain’t.” Jay seethed.
“Ain't…” you draw out a whine as he holds you by the waist.
“Shit.” he pulls you to sit up, slapping your breasts.
“Shit! Oh, that feels good.” you bury your head in the bed.
“See? That fucker doesn’t deserve you.” he whispered against your neck, leaving a dark mark by sucking on it. “He can go get some dick by himself ‘cause from now on, you’re mine.”
As his hands make their way back to your breasts, you feel like putty under Jay's touch. You couldn’t help but agree to his every word as if he’s put you in a state of hypnosis. Your words are incomprehensible as he snaps his hips harshly against yours, the feeling of his cock inside you clouding your vision and thoughts.
“I said you’re mine, little slut.”
“I'm yours.” you breathe out.
Once he has been given the go signal, he slows down for a bit and turns your head so you can see each other’s gazes. “If you'd let me take care of you, I'd do it wholeheartedly.” he said, kissing your knuckles lovingly. “I don't care how slow you want the process to be, Y/N. Just give me a chance.”
You don’t say a word. Instead, you lock his lips in a loving kiss. He holds onto your waist for dear life as your hips move in sync, the heated moment turning into a passionate, affectionate one.
“You close?” Jay mumbles against your lips, and you nod.
You stay still in that position as Jay picks up his pace, letting you feel his warmth as he brings you to your high.
Your climax crashes like waves, and it seems like momentarily taking the life out of you. Jay follows suit, his seed spilling inside of you.
After a good minute, he pulls out of you, lays you down on the mattress and hovers above you. you cup his cheeks and give him a peck on the forehead, the introvert in him slowly coming back as he blushes at your action.
“Let me clean you up.” Jay says with a slight pout, the dominant in him finally out of the picture as he spoke.
“Can we do that later?” you reply, planting a kiss on his nose. “Let me hold you for a while.”
He doesn’t oblige. Rather, he picks up his drenched shorts from the floor, pulling a small handkerchief from its pocket. As he proceeds cleaning you up, you stare at him fondly. Were you in love? Not yet. Would you give him a shot? Definitely. The way he just switched up on you would need some processing time, though. It was one heck of a moment.
The night ends with Jay sending you off to your cabin, kissing you good night as he promises to meet you in school after the weekend.
You slowly stroll along the corridors of the art department building, looking for Jay's room as you go. You have been walking for thirty minutes straight, but without an ounce of exhaustion in your body although it was a Thursday–a work day for the student council president. To say that you were excited to meet him would be an understatement.
It’s been a week since the last day of the cabin trip and your first sexual encounter with someone who wasn’t Jake. You’ve been feeling a lot better, and it made Heeseung and Jungwon wonder how you’ve done it so fast. Jay’s been sending you food over the weekend and it stunned you how well he cooks. He’s been dropping over to the student council adviser’s office from time to time, too, just to watch you work.
You feel your feet starting to hurt, but you keep on walking anyway. I need to see my Jay after a long dayyyyy.
“There she is!” a voice starts shouting, causing you to stop on your tracks. “The prim and proper student council president.”
You squint your eyes at the person who turned out to be Sim Jayoon, Jake's cousin. She eyes you with a scowl as if scrutinizing you, and retches as if she was grossed out. You knew exactly what she came at you for–to act as a proxy for her wimpy cousin who hasn’t shown his face in the soccer team ever since. She has the reputation of being the worst pick-me in all of tenth grade, and that makes this encounter worse.
“You rang, Yoon?” you reply, faking a cheerful tone as you try your best not to pounce at the poor girl. “Do you need help with something?”
“Weren’t you crying over Jake oppa just last week?” Yoon spits out, towering over you to assert dominance. “Now you’re fucking with another guy? Seriously, sunbaenim, how much of a slut can you be?”
Does she expect me to cry and beg her to keep my dirty little secret? You snort. “Babe, your Jake oppa two-timed me with Park Sunghoon while I was on duty. That makes your cousin the slut here, doesn’t it?”
“And I did what I could do best–moving on.” you add, pissing Yoon off even more. Her face reddens in anger, and you taunt her, patting her head.  “Aww, look at you. Aren’t you such a good guard dog for not admitting that your cousin made mistakes?” 
“Shut up!” she yells defensively, stepping away from you. “You’re the president and you’re supposed to be the role model, right? You should step down if you tolerate double-dipping! bitch!”
With that, Yoon raises a hand to land a slap on your face, and you grimace, expecting the sting to land on your cheek. However, three seconds in and nothing hits you.
Turns out, a hand blocked Yoon’s arm and stopped her from slapping you. You look over your shoulder to see Jay with his usual meh expression plastered on his face. He raises his brows at Yoon, evidently annoyed by her words.
“At least she’s getting better sex than your cousin does.” he quips, throwing Yoon’s wrist to the ground.
You gasp at Jay’s choice of words. “Jay! Language!”
“What? It's the truth.” he replies, holding up a cube in his hand which happened to be a mini-recorder. “You want me to call your parents or something?”
In defeat, Yoon screams, stomping her way out of the corridors. You hear a deep chuckle from Jay behind you, and you instinctively land a slap on his chest. “You didn’t just say that in front of a fifteen-year old kid.”
“What was I supposed to do? She’s just called you slut and a bitch.” Jay shrugged, and you could only shake your head at him. He leans closer to your ear and whispers, “You’re my bitch, though.”
You roll your eyes, unable to protest  “Jay, as much as I appreciate the degradation–”
“Meet  me after your last period. I promise I won’t ditch you.” he grins, giving your lips a brief peck. “I’m off to the e-sports club office and nope, Heeseung hyung won’t be playing with me this time.”
“Thanks for the assurance..?” you say hesitantly, followed by a chuckle. He’s back at it again with the random updates. “Show them what you got, gamer boy.”
He pecks your lips again, and starts walking away with his back facing you. You could only look at him in awe as he leisurely walked the corridor with his headphones on and probably a One Ok Rock song blasting from them. He was your definition of comfort, and the only one who could convince you that wasting time wasn’t a bad thing after all.
“Love ya!” he bellows suddenly, making you yelp. Now’s not the time to say it back yet. You blow him a kiss and he makes a run for the stairs. Of course, you loved him, too.
And the other sides of him, of course.
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a/n: this fic is especially dedicated to my girlies nics (@ddeonuism) and aria (@jaylaxies) bc apparently they love this fic so much so OFC i had to retrieve it and free it from the dungeon! this is for all my jay hoes 🥳 one of the fics that got me started in enhablr AND my first ever jay fic. i tweaked this a lil bit just to make jay hotter and sweeter bc ik that's what y'all want right 🙄 /lh enjoy lovelies!
NSFW TAGLIST [OPEN]: @thots4hee @jaylaxies @ddeonuism @jojayke @vernonluvs-archived @puphee @hee-pster @forjongseong @jaeyunsz @muffinminnie @shu-ramyeonz @poutyjaeyun @fairy-junseong @duolingofanaccount @jkefelx @taetaemylovie @heetro @yizhoutv @lavhikaru @kaislinging-slasher01 @cha0thicpisces @en-archv @simplewonderland @exactlygreatcoffee @lhseth @aerinaga @xwonniex @jyshdoll @iiousim (send an ask or a dm to be added!)
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© criceofpain on tumblr, 2020
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Can we have some NANAMIN~~ hehehe
Nanami Kento, Jealousy, “Isn’t your boyfriend in the other room?”
Ya'll can ALWAYS have some Nanami, he is ALWAYS on the menu 💛💛💛
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A very jealous Nanami Kento
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This party fucking sucked. The house smelled like litter box, the vibe was disgusting, and the drinks were as weak as the music choice. Though, all of those reasons kinda paled in comparison to the real reason this party sucked for Nanami: You had brought your new boyfriend here. Not that he cared. It was fine. He was in your bed less than a week ago, probably while you were still talking to the walking asshole guy you were with now, so this guy really can’t be that important, but whatever. It didn’t matter to him, because it clearly didn’t matter to you. He got another drink, this time mixing his own in order to insure that his vodka redbull was actually a vodka redbull, and not just a redbull that thought really really hard about a vodka shot.
“Hey man, did you see that guy that Y/n showed up with?!” Gojo asked as he walked into the kitchen, “Dude, shes fucking cheating!”
“Satoru!” Geto snapped, punching his shoulder to remind him that hey, maybe this situation required a bit more tact. Kento quickly poured a shot of tequila and threw it back, much to the horror of Suguru and the awe of Gojo.
“Not cheating, we weren’t official.” Nanami gasped, focusing on the burn in his throat to ignore the tightness in his chest. 
“Kento, do you want to go?” Suguru asked, pointing a thumb to the door, “We can just drink at home, play some Tekken. Honestly it sounds more fun than this.” He offered, trying to give Nanami an out from the awkward situation. 
“Yea!” Gojo agreed, “This party sucks anyway, its full of frat boys.” Kento chuckled and took a drink from his vodka with a splash of redbull. He really did appreciate his roommates, and how they always had his back, even in small ways. But he wasn’t going to leave this party immediately after you showed up with some bastard. Because that would mean admitting defeat, and Nanami would never admit defeat. 
“Nah, I think I’m going to socialize actually,” Kento said with a shrug. Suguru and Satoru shared a worried look, but didn’t push the issue further as Nanami left the kitchen. He went to the livingroom. He saw you sitting on the couch next to the wannabe tech bro you brought, laughing with your whole body at some joke he said. He bet it wasn’t even funny. Probably some cheesy pun he stole off of twitter. That dick probably had an NFT profile pic and actually started calling it X the moment daddy musk told him too. Fucking bootlicker. What the hell did he have that Nanami didn’t? He didn’t fucking deserve you. So why the fuck did you choose him?
He snapped out of his definitely not jealousy fueled spiral long enough to realize that he was not only staring, but he felt his eyes prickle with tears. Oh no, no no no fuck no! He quickly wiped away the drop that fell before rushing to the bathroom. He would be damned before he was caught crying at a fucking house party. Especially over a woman he never really had to begin with. Someone who never really took whatever it was they had as seriously as he did.
He was thankful to find the downstairs bathroom empty, slipping in and all but throwing his back against the door. This fucking sucked. This really fucking sucked. Suguru had warned him once he started catching feelings, that he either had to say something or stop answering your calls, stop calling you. That to do anything else was just setting himself up for hurt if you didn’t feel the same way. He didn’t take him very seriously at the time. Kento made a mental note to pay for at least one of his drinks as an apology next time the group went bar hopping.
He took a deep, jagged breath, trying to ground himself. Okay. Okay. He probably wasn’t going to cry anymore. He pushed himself off of the bathroom door, going to the sink to splash his face. He threw cold water on his face, and was in the middle of crying it off when the door opened.
“Hey! It’s called knocking!” He snapped at the intruder. 
“I’m sorry, I did!” You yelped, “You didn’t answer!”
“Y/n?” Nanami asked, filling himself deflate at your smile. You finished walking in, closing the door behind you.
“Oh, hey Kento! I didn’t know you were here. You look good” You winked. He repressed the urge to roll his eyes.
“Gee, thanks. That means so much.” He words were soaked in sarcasm, voice laced with contempt.
“Whoa, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?’ You asked, very much feeling the hostile vibe he was putting out, “Are you ok?”
“Yea, I’m fine.” Nanami shook his head, “Just…rough day, I guess.” He grumbled, not really in the mood for confrontation at that moment. You gave him a sly grin, slipping to close the space between the two of you. Your hand landed on his chest, and you looked at him through long eyelashes.
“Hey, I have an idea of what could make you feel better,” You purred, your hands falling to his belt buckle. Much to your surprise, but honestly more so his, He was quick to grab your wrist and stop you.
“Oh come on Y/n,” He scoffed, “Really? Isn’t your boyfriend in the other room?” He accused, venom dripping from his very soul. “I thought you were better than that.” You just looked at him confused, trying to think about what the hell he was talking about. 
“Um, what?” You asked, only adding fuel to his rage.
“Oh come on Y/n, don’t play dumb! I saw that guy you came in with. Were you ever planning on telling me?” He snapped. Slowly, the confusion left your face, only to be replaced with amusement. You started laughing. You started laughing. Nanami shook his head, a tic quickly forming in his jaw.
“You’re really laughing right now? Thats so low Y/n, I can’t believe-”
“My cousin.” You said, stopping Kento in his tracks.
“My cousin! That guy I showed up with? Yea, that’s my cousin Nanami!” You laughed, thoroughly entertained by the whole situation. You could see the math flashing before Nanami's eyes as he took in what you were saying. Now that he was thinking about it, nothing you did was particularly romantic, you just kinda…existed around him. 
Oh my god.
Nanami started laughing too, unable to believe how worked up he got over literally nothing. He felt so utterly ridiculous, and honestly he kinda deserved that feeling.
“Oh my god it’s your cousin,” He said as chuckles started coming out, “I was really going to fight your cousin.”
“You were gonna fight him?!” You howled with laughter, having to brace yourself against the door.
“Yea! I was!” Nanami confirmed with a laugh, unable to believe he got so worked up over nothing, “Oh man, that would have been so bad.”
“And what did we learn?” You teased.
“That I need to be more forgiving of characters that fall into the miscommunication trope.”
“No, you numpty!” You playfully groaned, lightly pushing him, “It’s not a miscommunication if you never communicated in the first place!”
“Oh, yeah that too.” He joked with a grin. They two of you stayed giggling like that for a few more moments before he pulled you into a hug, just relieved that it was all a misunderstanding. The two of you left the bathroom hand in hand, no doubt turning a few heads, but who really cared. He didn’t at least.
“You know, as weird as this is to say, it was kinda hot seeing you jealous,” You teased, “You don’t get that way often.” He simply shrugged.
“Yea well, I think anyone would get jealous if they saw their girlfriend show up to a party with a random guy.”
“Oh, so I’m your girlfriend now?” You asked, a smile pulling at your lips. He could feel the blush dusting his cheeks. 
“I mean, yea. If you want to be..” He offered. You grinned and jumped into his arms, kissing his cheek. He held you close and smiled.
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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enhypencores · 1 year
Enhypen Sunghoon X Y/N
Genre: romance/angst/fluff
Synopsis: you knew your boyfriend, Heeseung, had some terrible friends who were a bad influence, but the one you trusted was Park Sunghoon. You thought Heeseung loved you, but one football match rocked your world and left you devastated. If Heeseung could cheat, what was holding you back?
Warning: profanity, sexual content, making out and cheating. I would recommend minors don’t interact.
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You thought your eyes betrayed you as Heesung’s tall figure approached the cheerleaders’ stand. As his gaze raked down one of the blonde cheerleaders, he flirtatiously ran fingers through his messy undercut. He winked at her, setting off a frenzy amongst the crowd. The girl cheered his name louder, returning his advances with a smile. His friends circled him and cheered ceremoniously with proud smirks as if their friend had conquered the world. All of them except for one, standing at a distance, his eyes on you.
Somehow Sunghoon was the only friend who remembered Heesung was taken.
Sunghoon watched you with a scorned expression, his lips tightly pressed together. His gaze flicked between Heesung and yours before settling on you. His eyes pinned you down as if asking you why you were still seated, cheering for a man who openly acted single. You looked away, ignoring his menacing gaze because you didn’t know the answer to his questions.
Heesung was your first boyfriend. You were a transfer student whom your senior boyfriend had welcomed with open arms. It started with friendly teasing and melded into flirtatious banter. Initially, you only liked him as a friend and ignored his efforts to be something more, but as his advances grew bolder, your curiosity got the best of you. You decided to date him three months ago.
Heesung was sweet, lively and fun. The first month was special. He took you on date nights almost every weekend and spent most of his evenings cooped up beside you in the library. Then you both got busy with midterms. He strained with a biotech degree whilst you worked on your psychology research paper. In the meantime, you started studying with Sunghoon at the library as you two shared the same course. You grew familiar with Sunghoon through Heesung when he introduced you both at a birthday party. All of Heesung’s friends had made you feel uncomfortable because they reeked of bad influence.
All except Sunghoon.
The moment you met him, you felt like you could trust him. His eyes were pure and mouth reserved. He didn’t crack stupid jokes about the unfortunate ‘taken’ label or bring up Heesung’s past exes. He kept to himself, which initially made you believe he was antisocial; however, god were you wrong. Sunghoon is perfectly social with his people.
You found out one night when Sunghoon and you overslept in Heesung’s dorm. Your boyfriend was out of town for a cousin’s wedding when Sunghoon needed notes for an extra credit course. Since you had a duplicate key to his dorm, Heesung asked you for a favour.
Searching for the notes in his drawer, you came across the Tekken game cover and reminisced about the time you played it with your siblings. Sunghoon suddenly forgot all about the notes, his eyes wide with fascination as he challenged you to play a round. You couldn’t reject.
There wasn’t just one round. A few competitive rounds later, you were calling each other names as your rivalry grew intense, and at some point, he was defeatedly smashing the console against the floor. You saw colourful sides of him that night. Both of you had ended up late to the morning lecture.
The blaring whistle pulled you out of your reminiscences. You looked back at the field: Heesung was in his position as a defender. Your eyes unintentionally wavered, looking for Sunghoon, the captain. You spotted him, rubbing the back of his neck as sweat trickled down his black strands. He shook his head lightly and yelled for a teammate to pass him the ball.
Half-time was over, and the game restarted.
You lost focus as soon as it began. Your eyes followed the tall captain in his red jersey; his armband was strikingly obvious as he led from the front. His muscular feet toyed with the ball and drawled it onwards, past an opposing player. Sunghoon’s hair flipped back as he ran like the wind, his body flexing like a rubber string as he defended the ball, directing it towards a teammate before the opposing member stole the chance.
Realisation dawned upon you. You screwed your eyes shut in frustration. Even if Heesung was acting up, it was wrong to stare and salivate over his best friend. You felt small, watching the match and staring at another man. You wanted to disappear.
You cradled your bag and grabbed the water bottle you had gotten for Heesung, ready to leave.
All of a sudden, gasps filled the venue as the referee’s high-pitched whistle blared across the field. You jerked up, caught off guard and inspected the source of discussion.
You were up on your feet instantly, jaw dropping as you witnessed the scene: Heesung was on the ground, his face scrunched up in pain as he held onto his right joint. The referee held up a yellow card for the perpetrator standing at arm’s length: Park Sunghoon.
“Did you see that? It was deliberate!” Someone yelled, and your body grew cold.
“Aren’t they best friends?” A male snickered beside you.
“This is Sunghoon’s first yellow card as the captain,” Another added, and your blood pressure seemed to rise.
You felt your body jump into action, running towards the field, eyes trained on the two as you hoped Heesung wasn’t injured too badly. The closer you got, the more your heart sank. Sunghoon stood by with a tightened jaw, eyes bleak like impending doom. You hurriedly knelt before Heesung, inspecting the wound.
It was bad. The skin was torn, and a pink layer was exposed with remnants of bloodied flesh dripping down his knee. It looked like the fall and friction had almost spiked his tendons.
“Babe, it’s okay. I’m okay.” Heesung interrupted, his words heavy as he noticed the concern dripping down your eyes. You shook your head, edging closer and touched the lower half of his bent knee.
“Can you stand?” You asked. He chuckled, but it sounded more like a pained moan.
“Of course,” he claimed like the over-ambitious man he was. You leaned forward, placing his arm around your shoulder as you attempted to get up.
Sunghoon stood against the bleachers, his gaze pinned on the two of you with a taut jaw as he fiddled with his water bottle. The stare made you squeamish.
Heesung groaned, breaking the trance, and you noticed the visible agony on his features. His knees almost met the floor when suddenly the head of health department reached forward, grabbing onto Heesung’s waist, supporting his weight.
“It’s alright. We’ll take it from here,” he comforted, and you hesitantly let go. Heesung spared you a tight lipped smile before limping out with assistance.
As the back of your boyfriend disappeared behind the door, your eyes immediately shot towards the culprit. You scrutinised his face, but he decided to play the game of ignorance. Head thrown back, he downed an entire litre of water like a fuming engine, restraining the urge to explode.
He then returned your stare with the same level of intensity.
The whistle blew once again after a substitute joined. The game commenced as if nothing had ever happened. You stood on the sidelines, your eyes trained on that one man who wouldn’t leave your head for the past couple of weeks.
You felt confused. He continued the game like really nothing had happened. There was no remorse or distress, instead, his fierce gaze gave you a feeling that he was proud. You could hear the chitter-chatter and gossip from the stands, so you decided it was better to leave.
With a final glance at Sunghoon, who was driving the opponents up a wall, you exited the premises to go find Heesung.
The university was currently retouching some of the aged walls, so you were hit with the overpowering scent of fresh paint as you headed towards the infirmary. It made you feel nervous and lightheaded.
You knocked on the door, but there was no answer. You pushed the door wide, surveying the room. No one was there, so you backtracked. Your ears perked up when you heard soft moans from the far left. You felt sick imagining the amount of pain Heesung was enduring to be making such sounds.
You impatiently walked up to the bed and spotted him from the gap in the curtains. You were about to pull it aside when you noticed another person present.
Your hands froze, face dropping like your heart.
It was the blonde cheerleader from the stands, sprawled on top of your boyfriend’s lap. Her hands were in his hair, and his mouth was on hers. His knee was bandaged, and she was fisting his shirt off as they kissed like starved animals. The moans were not of agony like you had believed; they were sounds of pleasure and excitement. Turning away, you knew the image would haunt you for weeks as your lunch rose to your throat.
You hurried out of the room. Wobbly legs carried you down the hallway as the overbearing smell of paint rushed your stomach’s contents up to your mouth. Fortunately, you made it to the restroom in time and emptied your insides till you were a gasping mess, holding onto the walls and sobbing uncontrollably.
Lee Heesung betrayed your trust. All the unimportant memories rushed forth like warning bells. He had been ignoring your feelings and spending more time in his “study groups”. Who knew how long he had been cheating?
Another memory rushed back. A week ago, Sunghoon brought up your relationship, and it caught you off guard because Sunghoon never pried into your love life. You felt uneasy answering, but before you had the chance, Sunghoon retracted.
“Actually, I don’t wanna know. Just don’t get hurt.”
You stood up, rubbing a hand over your face. You exited the bathroom stall and repeatedly washed your face with cold water. The mirror saw a corpse with untidy hair and an unappealing smile.
You let him hurt you.
You spent a long time, emptying your heart in the washroom. By the time you finally exited, the football match was over. Players were heading to the locker room. You lowered your head as you walked down the hallway, praying none of Heesung’s friends spotted you. Especially Sunghoon.
Roars of celebration echoed in the building, and you wondered if it was Sunghoon’s team that ended up winning. You would know if you just looked around, but you were too exhausted.
You were near the door to the lounge when suddenly someone grabbed onto your wrist. You turned hesitantly.
Sunghoon stood in his drenched jersey, holding onto your hand with an irons grip. Beads of sweat trailed down his forehead, swimming to his neck and dissolving into his jersey. You ignored his gaze, so he wouldn’t notice your puffy eyes.
“We need to talk,” he claimed, his words breathy and concerned as his hold on your wrist tightened.
“I’m tired. Let’s talk tomorrow.” You dismissed his attempt.
“No, we need to talk today. Wait for me,” he pleaded, but you stubbornly shook your head.
“Sunghoon, not today,” you lashed out, your tone cruel as you wrenched your hand from his grasp and turned to leave.
“Y/n. Please.” Despite your harsh behaviour, he maintained a gentle tone, jumping forward to block your path.
You quickly looked down, inwardly begging him to leave you alone. You didn’t want to face him because the moment you met his warm eyes, you knew you would crumble.
“I know you’re mad at me for what I-” he cut short. “Hey, are you okay?” His words hung low in the air, and he shifted close, placing his fingers under your chin and carefully lifting your head.
You watched his eyes grow wide and lips part in shock. He raised a brow, his gaze narrowed as he tightened his hold on your chin. He surveyed the swollen redness of your eyes and the paleness of your cheeks. The sudden proximity made you falter, and you stepped back. He followed.
“What did he do?” Your jaw almost dropped hearing the amount of bitterness in Sunghoon’s tone. The fact that he immediately picked up on the cause of your current state baffled you.
“Nothing. I just-” your words cracked, as did your demeanour.
You wanted to go home and cry your eyes out, hopefully dissolving into the sheets of your bed, so tomorrow wouldn’t come. But here stood, this stubborn man, making you want to spill your heart out. His presence had an indescribable effect on you.
“Sunghoon, I just wanna go home.”
Your drenched eyes made the world blurry. As the tears ran down, you embarrassedly tried looking away. You didn’t want Sunghoon to see you breaking down like a hot mess, but currently, you felt so lost, you couldn’t persist any longer.
You thought you almost hallucinated the touch when his fingers brushed your arm. It was so gentle like his he was holding a child’s hand. You looked up and caught the softening brown in his gaze. He carefully stepped close and brought his arms around your back, lowering you into his chest.
His scent and warmth washed over you, disrupting the front you tried hard to keep up.
The gentle embrace undid the last knot in your chest, and the pain wrung out of your heart as you wrapped your arms around his waist and hid in his warmth. The tears flowed on their own accord, absorbing into his jersey like a vacuum sucking up all your misery. You felt his arms cradle you tighter as your chest rumbled, sobs wreaking your frame. He rubbed his hand against your back in an attempt to comfort you.
You weren’t sure how long he held you. It was only when you couldn’t feel your legs that you swallowed the remaining sobs and shifted, unwrapping yourself from him.
His arms felt unwilling, but he bit the inside of his cheek, slowly dropping them and stepped away. Your first instinct was to look down at the mess you had created, and it filled you with instant regret. The top half of his jersey was drenched.
“I-am so sorry,” you apologised with a screechy voice.
He seemed confused at first but noticed your eyes on his jersey and visibly tensed, his jaw tightening. “Is my jersey the issue right now?” He gritted.
You sighed, nibbling on your lower lip, something you did when you felt anxious.
“I’ll see you tom—”
Sunghoon huffed, his glare pointed at you. Before you could continue, he pulled you to sit on the bench beside the locker room. He kneeled immediately, meeting your eye level.
“You will sit here and wait for me to change. I will drop you home myself,” he directed, his tone rigid as he stared at you.
You wanted to decline but realised there was no room for discussion. His words were set in stone. You reluctantly nodded, your hands clasped together.
“Good.” He patted your head like you were his pet and rushed into the locker room.
As if he walked through a costume spell, he was out within a heartbeat, dressed in his uniform. You surveyed him: half unbuttoned shirt, loose tie, disarranged hair and untied shoelaces. You broke into a nasally laugh.
“I wasn’t going to run away,” you confirmed, and he smiled back at you, his nose scrunching.
“I wasn’t going to take any chances,” he claimed but you paused when you realised his intentions. He didn’t want to give you enough time to be alone with your thoughts.
Your smile returned as you got up and followed him out the university.
The sun had come down by the time, leaving behind trails of orange hues dissolving into the sky’s blue. The walk to the bus stand was quiet. You were thankful Sunghoon didn’t ask you anything despite his impatient personality.
Your phone suddenly pinged, alerting both of you. You grabbed it from inside your bag and turned it on. The screen lit up, showing one text message.
Heeseung <3
babe, did you go home already? need you with me tonight
(sent 5:33 pm)
You visibly flinched reading the text. Disgust settled in the pit of your stomach, your body wanting to throw up again. Though, there was nothing to empty anymore.
Sunghoon’s hand on your arm interrupted the disgusted scowl developing on your face. “What is it? You’re shaking,” he gripped your arm tightly, voice laced with concern.
You thought about telling him everything. But you didn’t want to put Sunghoon at odds with his best friend, so you nibbled on your lip and shook your head.
“I just-can we not go to my place?” You stuttered desperately. As much as you wanted to go home and rest, Heesung had a key to your dorm. You were worried he might show up.
Sunghoon blinked. The confusion in his gaze made your body tense up again. But he gulped it all down, nodding slightly.
“Come to my place.”
You never imagined that your first time at Sunghoon’s dorm would be under the given messy circumstances. As you walked through the door, you could immediately tell that this man was well put together. His place was just like him: neat and upright.
The white walls reflected the moonlight peaking inside from his window. The place smelt of fresh lavender and the familiar scent of Sunghoon’s cologne, reminding you of his embrace. You quickly shook away the thoughts, taking your shoes off beside the door, and Sunghoon led you to the dining table.
When you settled down, you noticed the desk on the right corner with countless books and papers sitting on top. You gave him a slight smile.
“Preparing the criminology assignment?” You guessed, and he nodded.
“It’s the absolute worst. Be glad you didn’t double major,” he sighed, going to his kitchenette.
“What do you wanna eat?” He asked, a few strands of hair falling into his eyes. Your heart skipped a beat. It felt intimate.
“Uh-nothing really,” you muttered, but your stomach protested, rumbling exactly on time.
You turned bright pink.
“Ramen it is,” he announced and bent down to grab a pack.
You watched the man brush away strands of hair from his eyes as he cut open the packet and emptied it into a saucepan. The sound of boiling water spread, and its heat seemed to diffuse into your chest, warming up your heart because something about the man towering in his tiny kitchenette preparing supper for you made your insides curl. It was almost a funny sight, one you wished you could forever commit to memory.
You blinked when Sunghoon placed the bowl on the table.
“You’re not eating?” You asked, feeling bashful upon eating alone.
“I eat late,” he replied, his eyes not leaving yours as he signalled at the bowl.
You wanted to tell him you also eat late. Normally. When you don’t empty everything out in the morning. You refrained and quickly slurped down a big bite.
While you ate, you felt Sunghoon watching you. You didn’t look up nor ask him because you were certain he was curious about your recent mental breakdown he had been a witness to.
When you slurped the last bits and downed the soup, you felt yourself heave a breath in relief. You finally looked at Sunghoon and spared a toothy smile.
“Thanks for the best ramen I’ve had in a while.” He grinned at your comment and looked away, turning pink.
“It’s just ramen, drama queen,” he muttered, and you giggled, noticing his shy denial.
Your laugh died down when you heard the sudden beeping of your phone. You hurriedly grabbed the device.
Heeseung Calling
The mood shifted. You muted the ringing and put the phone down on the table. Sunghoon watched your body tighten, gloom settle in your eyes and hands fiddle with the edge of the table. With a tightened jaw, his arm reached forward, grabbing your phone.
It happened before you could process it.
One blink and Sunghoon had answered the call, phone against his ear as he silently stared you down.
Your eyes zeroed, head moving left to right in an attempt to deescalate the situation. Sunghoon knew your intentions, but decided to not care.
“Baby, finally! Where are you?” You heard Heeseung’s chirpy voice through the phone and your stomach tightened, the ramen attempting to jump up to the roof of your mouth again.
Sunghoon’s intense gaze made you feel uneasy and you tried stealing your phone, but he opened his mouth before you could.
“It’s Sunghoon.”
The air thickened.
Your head pounded in frustration as you watched the man in bewilderment. You felt the instant change even before Heeseung said anything, his breath halting for a moment. Sunghoon, on the other hand, looked purely intrigued, his eyes shining.
“Why’re you with y/n? Put her on the damn phone.” The sweet facade dropped as he rasped harshly.
Sunghoon’s grip tightened. “She left her phone on the stands.”
Your body recoiled, tension falling away. You looked at Sunghoon with gratitude. If Heeseung found out you were with him, he would come down to Sunghoon’s dorm and you were in no mood to face him. Not without throwing up again.
“Oh.” Heeseung’s tone became neutral.
“She hasn’t come to see me after the injury, so I’m a little worried,” he drawled, and Sunghoon listened in silence.
“By the way, that was not cool man. You seemed to have an agenda against me.” He playfully chuckled, pointing it out. Sunghoon breathed heavily, his hand clenching into a fist.
“I’ll give her phone back tomorrow. Don’t call before then,” Sunghoon spat and cut the call off, throwing it on the table with a darkened shadow on his features.
“Who told you to answer the call!” You shrieked, your body functioning on autopilot as you jumped forward, smacking his bicep and grumbling.
“What did the dick do?” He suddenly blurted and your adrenaline rush fluctuated, images of the ordeal flashing in your head. The tears rushed to surface, gathering in your eyes.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sunghoon nodded eagerly. “Okay don’t talk about it. I’ll call him and ask.” You gasped as he reached out to grab your phone.
“No! Sunghoon-”
"You cried like that for the fucking idiot. I need to know or I’ll stalk down to his dorm and shove this phone up his ass.” The words flew out of his mouth like he meant it. His tense gaze overwhelmed you.
Tears gathering in your eyes flowed out, but you wiped them quickly.
“He cheated,” you simply stated.
His face collapsed. He blinked several times. Silence settled between the two of you.
Saying it out loud made it more real, but also bursted the uncomfortable bubble in your chest. Telling someone made it lesser of a burden. You felt you could finally breath a lot easier, but the pain from the chest shot right out your eyes.
This time, you let them flow.
Sunghoon suddenly got up from his chair and he rounded the corner, watching you. The rigidity in his gaze melted, and he stared at you with gentle concern. His jaw was still tight as if he was restraining himself.
“Don’t cry-not over him,” Sunghoon muttered incoherently.
He kneeled down, against your knees and wiped your face. When you looked at him, you noticed the frown on his lips, concern wearing down his face.
“Heeseung could never deserve you,” he bitterly stated, his eyes narrowing with fury.
You shook your head. “Why didn’t he just tell me he didn’t like me anymore? Why did he have to go behind my back?” You gravelled, heart plummeting in your stomach.
Sunghoon shifted forward to look you in the eyes. “That idiot still likes you.” He chuckled bitterly.
This caught your attention. You looked back at him, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
Sunghoon’s enraged gaze could split the sun if he looked hard enough. “He does but not enough to get over his urges.”
You froze. Your lips parted in confusion.
“What do you know Sunghoon?” You questioned.
Sunghoon looked away, standing up. You immediately followed his actions.
“This is a conversation you need to have with him. But I’ll be there. You’re not going to be with him alone ever again.”
He avoided your gaze, turning away and searching around for his phone. You quickly jumped forward to block his path, meeting his hesitant eyes. The confusion from his words had stopped your tears. You wanted to know exactly what Sunghoon knew.
“Tell me. What do you know?” You muttered, your voice hoarse from all the crying.
“Y/n,” he mumbled, his lips tight.
“Sunghoon, I don’t wanna see him. I feel sick just hearing his voice. I can’t face him, so please tell me what you know,” you pleaded.
He hesitantly stood watching you and then pulled your arm, seating you on his single bed as he sat on the chair. You felt the tension in his muscles as he gulped and rubbed his palms against his trousers.
“Heeseung has been off for a while. I’ve noticed him flirting with girls on campus,” Sunghoon started and already you felt bile rise up your throat. You hated hearing about this. You felt embarrassed that Sunghoon was telling you the details of your boyfriend’s immoral endeavours.
“So I asked him about it, and he kinda shrugged it off saying it was all friendly,” he continued.
“Today, before the match I overheard him talking to some of his douche pals.” Sunghoon’s voice trembled. His eyes harboured a bleak fire.
“He was telling them about not feeling satisfied… because of his needs.” Sunghoon swallowed the rest of his words, face red and voice lowering.
Your breath hitched.
He didn’t have to complete because you knew exactly where this was going. Your mind went numb. The walls were closing up on you. You shifted forward, but Sunghoon clasped down on your shoulders, pushing his knees against yours.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said but you tried again hoisting yourself up. He didn’t let go.
His stern gaze met yours.
The gaze softened when he noticed the lifelessness in yours.
His hands found yours, cupping them together and watching you earnestly, hoping you would give him a slight nod-anything that proved you were with him.
“This is why you hurt him,” you accounted.
It all clicked. Sunghoon had heard the rancid comments and retaliated by kicking Heeseung to the ground. Your chest burned. Your entire body felt like it was on fire.
“He’s a scum.”
You had never heard Sunghoon this furious-never with Heeseung. You could tell he was restraining the bubbling anger just like he had done the entire game with a tight grip on his rage.
“I didn’t sleep with him because I was insecure,” you blurted before you could stop yourself.
Sunghoon froze. His frown deepened as his grip on your hands tightened.
“I wasn’t ready. I tried to get over it, but whenever he took the initiative, I backed out like a coward.” You recounted as if admitting these words out loud wasn’t tattering your soul.
“You’re not a fucking coward,” he snapped, his glare burning into you.
“If he couldn’t make you feel good enough, he didn’t deserve to touch a single hair on you.”
You didn’t know exactly what coerced you to carry out your next move. Suddenly you were leaping forward and capturing his lips with yours.
He froze. You imagined he would push you away, disgusted after your foolish action, but you also knew this was probably the only chance you would get to kiss Park Sunghoon.
You were about to pull away when you felt his lips part. Heavy breaths hovered over your mouth for a fraction of a second before he finally disposed of whatever thoughts plagued him and connected his lips to yours deeply.
The moment felt magical. The hitching of breaths and kissing of lips drugged your conscience, and you felt your mouth opening as invitation. He didn’t waste any time, quickly plunging his tongue into your mouth, feasting like he was starved for your taste.
One flick of his tongue against yours, and your brain melted into a puddle. His hands clenched around your shoulders like he was holding on for dear life. He angled his tongue into every curve. The harsh grip tipped you off the deep end, and you found yourself getting closer to him like a bee chasing nectar.
He released his hold on your shoulders and pulled your waist, igniting a fire within your soul. The force of his hold pulled you towards his lap. You obediently threw one leg on either side as he invaded your mouth.
The closer proximity worked wonders. You felt your brain going mush, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he sucked on your lower lip, wetting it with his tongue. The kiss was passionately messy with his saliva dripping down your mouth and chin, noses colliding against one another like two vengeful enemies.
His lips were soft, but they were exploring your mouth like a rogue. You even opened your eyes slightly to watch him; they weren’t fully shut; they were drunkenly narrowed, hazed and rapturous. His cheeks and lips were tinted red, and his mouth worked tirelessly, nibbling and consuming your taste as if he had newly found his high.
You impatiently dragged your tongue against his lips, wishing to taste him. His chest vibrated as an annoyed groan left his mouth like he wasn’t willing to take his tongue out even for a moment. Your heart pounded, and you stubbornly bit his lower lip. This earned you another groan, and his tongue finally retracted. You immediately filled his mouth, and your body quivered upon the sensation.
He tasted like peaches, gushing of freshness. Your hormones purred as you pushed yourself into him, his scent washing over you like a bath. You had never felt Sunghoon this close. You had never heard or smelt him this way. You had never imagined how absolutely delicious he tasted. You had never felt your insides disintegrate and reintegrate with one kiss. Never with Heeseung.
The reminder of your boyfriend’s cheating fuelled your desire to completely undo yourself before Sunghoon. You tightened your arms around his neck as your fingers found way in his slick locks. You pulled at his hair, and the affect was instant. Sunghoon’s mouth dropped and his body tightened. Your heart stuttered when you felt a bulge, straining against his trousers, poking your thigh.
You knew this wasn’t right. You weren’t supposed to be on your boyfriend’s best friend, drinking from his mouth and sharing his heat.
But the heart wanted more.
The sinful look in his eyes almost liquified your abdomen, and you decided to become bolder. Without thinking it through, you shifted on his lap and lowered yourself on his hard-on. His gasp rung through the walls, making your body revel in delight. Eyes wider than before, his hand came quickly to hold onto your waist, his fingers digging into the flesh alarmingly.
You only considered it a green signal and pushed your core harder against him, this time making your insides clench with need. His iron grip on your waist tightened to the extent you felt the ache within your body. The pain only magnified your pleasure, and you felt your head fall back.
Sunghoon immediately pulled you close, and then bit your lip, almost like he was angry. Your brows knitted as he refused to release his grip on your waist, preventing you from moving freely. He delved inside your mouth again, this time sucking your tongue harshly. When he drained your mouth, he kissed the corner of your lips repeatedly like he was scraping for the last taste.
You impatiently pulled at his baby hairs, wanting him to release your waist so you could feel his hardness, but he started leaving feistier bites on your mouth to prevent your insistence.
You unwrapped your arms, pushing at his neck as his lips wouldn’t leave yours. It was as if he was so lost, he didn’t realise your attempts until you turned your head away.
He halted.
Breathless with burning insides, you both stared at each other, panting to get some air.
He recovered quicker, eyeing your bruised up lips again and again like he was waiting for the green signal to take a shot.
You would let him have anything if he just dropped that goddamn hand from your waist.
You quickly brought your hand to his, attempting to unclasp his hold. His teeth gritted, a low hiss leaving his mouth. He didn’t budge.
“I need you,” you whispered, leaning up to pepper kisses on his chin and cheek.
He sucked in his lip, eyes drowning in frustration.
“Y/n,” a low moan escaped his mouth, eyes growing pained as your lips lowered to his adam’s apple and sucked on the skin, colouring it red.
“Not-not right now please.”
Maybe the words weren’t audible enough or you simply refused to understand them because your lips kept moving lower, sucking his milky skin and littering it red with reminders of your devouring.
His body panted underneath, eyes rolling back and lips tightening as if his restrain was falling out the window. You attempted to shift and this time he released his hold. Your lips ran down, tasting his neck.
Your heart chimed in glee as your core throbbed to feel him but before you could move again, his hands were on your shoulders.
“Y/n!” He moaned as your teeth dug into his neck, biting and sucking his flesh like he was a bar of candy.
You were high. High on his body’s scent, high on his taste, high on his starved touch, high on his warmth and high on every smothered sound from his chest.
The desperate plea finally made it to your conscience and you paused, your mouth freezing against his body. His words ran through your mind once and twice. Your heart plummeted, eyes widening in shock.
You hadn’t realised. Sunghoon didn’t want you to touch him this way. He had constantly been rejecting and restraining your advances, but you were too absorbed in your own world.
You were absolutely disgusting.
Your eyes welled up, but you strained to keep it together.
“I’m so so sorry.” You jerked off his hold, getting off his lap in a hurry. Your weak legs almost gave in as you stood up.
“No-no! I didn’t-” he was up on his feet, reaching out to you but you turned away. Your eyes wandered as you frantically grabbed your bag from the table along with your phone.
“Y/n, wait!” He grabbed your wrist, pulling you back, but you wrenched it out immediately.
“You don’t have to feel bad. I crossed a line. I shouldn’t have.” Your stomach twinged as you hurried towards the door, hoping he would just let you go because the day had brought enough baggage to last you an entire year.
“You crossed the line? I had my tongue down your throat,” he snapped in fury. You froze, turning a burning red at the shameless crudity of his words.
Your anger flared as you turned around to look at him. “It was a mistake,” you snarled.
You caught the change of gaze, his fury and concern watering into coldness. His drilling stare instantly made your heart drop in regret.
“Mistake?” He huffed, breaking into a shaky chuckle. “You were on top of me, devouring me like that and you call it a mistake?” You winced.
“I’m sorry-”
“No you’re not. You’re not fucking sorry.” He growled as he towered, gripping your wrist. You could feel the anger vibrating through him, jaw clenched as if he was biting down the remaining harsh words.
“Sunghoon.” Your voice quivered.
“I beg you. Let me go home. Please.”
He watched your eyes pool, body quiver. He released your arm defeatedly and stepped away. You wanted to apologise again but knowing it would just hurt him more, you tugged on your shoes and dashed away.
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strangledwires · 11 days
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Tekken 4: Big Feet cheat
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theehorsepusssy · 10 months
What do you think of video games hp?
We had a TV Pong set up in the 70s. It was boring enough that my parents were hesitant to plunk down serious money an Atari. But I got one a few years later. It was kinda like that Red Rider Ralphie gun experience. I played the fuck outta that for a couple years. By 7th grade I was over it. Maybe the occasional arcade game at the mall. About 1991, I bought a used Nintendo and when I moved in with Robert we would get stoned and play Mario 3 everyday forever. That and Bart Simpson Great Wall of China something game. Bomberman. I loved this game I found in clearance bin called Kickle Cubicle. I played that for a couple years. We bought a Sega but I don't remember playing it. I couple years later we bought a Playstation. We played Abes Oddworld, Resident Evil, Myst, Resident Evil 2, Tekken 3, Ape Escape, and the last game I ever played was Silent Hill. Robert was pissed i solved it before him. I found out he was cheating by going to Fred Meyer and peeking at the magazines that had told you the puzzle solutions. But the magazine had the wrong solution printed and he was stuck and was pissed when I called him out. He started fucking som3 other guy around this time. That dude bought him a play station 2 so when he left, I got the play station in the divorce but never played it. I left it by the dumpster at my last apartment. When I worked at target I bought these stupid platforms but I've never played them. They've been in my closet for years. The kids at work talk about video games. It's like a foreign language to me
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madaraservingcunt · 4 months
madara uchiha really is the sexiest naruto character of all time. madara is strong (he cooked an entire army, the five kage, almost killed naruto, etc), handsome, his japanese voice is a deep sexy asmr voice by legend naoya uchida, he is a buff muscular boi, and he acknoledges when people are strong (ex. might guy). he is one of my biggest crushes in all of fiction alongside the likes of guts berserk, jin kazama tekken, featuring dante from the devil may cry series, reverse flash, gambit, spawn, omni man, and superman. why even bother wanting to simp for midsuke uchiha when madara uchiha is literally right there. sasuke is a bum and a fraud who constantly gets washed by everyone (ex. rock lee, gaara, haku, raikage, killer bee, daddy madara, jesus-kun - i mean naruto, and kishimoto's favorite character itachi uchiha). sasuke gets fucking aerithed by madara and then sasuke almost fucking died. not even being a part of the plot relevant uchiha bloodline can save sasuke from being a pathetic jobber. sasuke almost always fails to finish or kill his opponents. the only characters sasuke defeated/killed are all bums or side characters (ex. the nameless fodder samurai and deidara). sasuke failed to fix the shinobi system or restore his clan. he revived orochimaru, someone who experimented on his people and worked with danzo. sasuke didn't kill orochimaru's ass again, nice going mr. sauce gay i'm sure the uchiha clan is so proud of you in the afterlife. madara actually fucking suceeds in what he sets out to do, he actually unleashed the infinite tsukuyomi. madara is so hot such a chad. man why didn't sakura just cheat on him with madara, that would be great. anyways that is why sasuke is a mid character and madara is the GOAT and the hottest character in naruto history.
I love your enthusiasm for Madara Uchiha...
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But I am sad to read this Sasuke slander 😔 he's my son!!
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Even Madara saw some talent in him!
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Also, he's the cutest baby. All Uchihas are adorable kids tbh.
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Aran Ryan fanbase headcanons -RESULTS-
Finally! These are the results! I hope you had fun doing that! Comment or repost with your opinion, memes, drawings about it! See ya next survey!
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What do you think about Aran Ryan?
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35%: The comic relief of Punch Out wii: he can be crazy and stuff but he makes you laugh hard
35%: Even if he can act tough, he is also a funny guy
Can Aran have romantic relationships?
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45%: Yes, and oddly he doesn't "cheat" in this filed!
Are Aran Ryan from the Wii and Aran Ryan from the SNES the same person?
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40%: Yes, Snes! Aran was him before snapping
Does Aran have a sister?
Yep! Baby sister named Daisy who plays Rugby
i'd like to think so! i imagine she's his little sister for some reason
He has multiple younger sisters
Yes, one younger sister
He must have one.
she has one to me, a younger one :3
Yes, and an older sister at it
Yes, and I like to think she's a lot younger than him for full big bro energy. She's just as crazy as him, though.
Yes. She hits harder than you, boy!
yes, and a brother. he’s the eldest of three children
Yes, I’m thinking she’d be about 9 to 12? I like Headcannoning that Arans sister would stay up at night until aran comes home from the pub to see if he’s okay 👍
Ermmm of course?
yes, a younger one
Yes, I think I gave her the name Aisling in my hcs
Why is Aran "obsessed" with cheeseburger? H3talia cannot be a "real" answer!!! (But you can write it if ya want lol)
Just finds it a fun insult for the Americans but also he had one cheeseburger and it was the shittest one so he uses to call someone shit
oh i just assumed it was a dig at little mac being american? because haha america and burgers and all that. is he obsessed with them? interesting...
Not obsessed, but definitely likes them
He came to America and first food was cheeseburgers.
i know what u did here (its me *** LMAO) he just likes to bully mac >:)
Simple, Little Mac is called Little Mac, and McDonald's has the Big Mac. He connected the dots and now it's his most iconic line.
He…likes cheeseburgers? Yum yum!
I wouldn’t say he’s obsessed per say, just ragging on American’s with the stereotype that we all just eat junk food. (I also headcanon that he actually likes cheeseburgers, but tries not to let anyone see him eat them.)
MACdonalds (funny)
that’s what he thinks of the us
I’d think that’s like his #1 insult of all time, either calling them a legitimate cheeseburger, or telling them they hit as hard as a cheeseburger being thrown as someone
Big Mac Little Mac haha get it
no, but why's that an answer???
He gets hungry a lot ):
Wait has someone actually thought Hetalia was a genuine answer or something this is extremely worrying
Teehee funny American joke
About you! What is your main fandom?
it is a mystery...
punch out
Punch out and Super Mario
tekken, sailor moon, tomb raider aside from po
Currently Pokemon, but feel free to ask me about Punch Out!!
Punch out at the present moment.
I have many but it’s def the Beatles. Currently it’s Ted Lasso
I started out in the FNAF fandom as a kid and it’s had a ton to do with me and my art since lol.
currently punch-out lol
Super pumch iut
punch-out!! and k-pop
Team Fortress 2 teehee
currently my main fandom is super mario!!
Either Puyo Puyo or Pokémon
Is Aran your fav one from PO and in general of all the fandoms you are in?
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66,7%: No, only in PO
Silly question: why does Aran draw with a paintbrush???? Why didn't he use a pen or something like a normal person? Or just destroy Little Mac like Don Flamenco did?
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30%: Because he has always weird stuff with him
Did Aran finish school?
No but he went back to school as a Mature Student and is doing some study
hmm... maybe. (cop-out answer lol)
Nope, only finished up to middle school
Pretty sure he did, but it was torture for him:
good question, maybe he did "ok"
Somehow yes
I think so. He used to be sane until he realized the potential for cheating there was in the WVBA
Assuming that him and SNES are the same person, I think he did but it was very rocky due to growing teen angst because of the bullying he faced.
he probably finished high school
He seems like the type of person to draw comically bad stick figure portraits so no
he did because of his mama
He’d probably drop out, or get expelled for beating up too many people, I guess his mum just didn’t look for anymore schools after that
prob not, maybe homeschooled?
Lel yeah
Yes but he didn't care much for it, and he hardly thinks back to it as well.
Yeah, had no interest in college though
Your Aran Ryan OTP is...
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40%: Aran Ryan x canon
Which are Aran's friends inside the WVBA? (OCs are good too)
Disco, Don, Hugger, Tiger, Mac, Bull and Soda
i honestly don't think he'd consider any of them his friends. he's very hard to get close to that way (not IMPOSSIBLE but... hard)
The entire world circuit and masked muscle at least
Soda (I ship him and Aran), Tiger, Bald the Bull and SMM.
SP is his good drinking buddy! But guess that's about it.
narcis is not only his bf in my canon but also his BFF, other than that disco and maybe heike, some fellas he met in ireland-
Mad clown and Masked Musle
Soda Popinski, Some of my OCs (Ikari (I haven't talked about her), Polar (mischief makers, haven't talked about her), Playmaker (would record pranks/prank each other))
Glass Joe, Piston Hondo, maybe Don Flamenco and Carmen, maybe Little Mac
Narcis (even more than), Don, Disco, Heike, Mr. Sandman, I’d even say he’s friendly with Mac too.
My mind flip flops between him either being good friends with some of the boxers or the other boxers warning everyone else that he’s a dangerous nutcase. (He can be, but it’s not his entire personality.)
don flamenco (rivals to lovers hehe), piston hondo, great tiger, soda popinski (drinking buddies lol)
I think aran and heilke could be friends
quite literally everyone in the wvba lmao
Hes definitely got lads outside of the WVBA but if we’re talking just inside the WVBA, I’ve got a feeling that hardly anymore wants to mess or talk with Aran but if I had to choose I’d probably say Don Flamenco, they fought eachother before so I guess they spoke more after that. Don wouldn’t really be the one to start a conversation with him at all but Aran can start up a conversation, by stealing his toupee and making him run room to room to get it making sure to let everyone see as Don chases after him, especially letting Carmen see👍
excluding ships, soda would be the closest, tho he's more of a "when things go wrong, call him" type guy. even if aran doesn't admit it, he's maybe the closest he's got to a friend. see below
Little Mac, Soda Popinski, somehow the ref
Everyone stays at least 5 feet away from him because he has rabies and he nearly bit a guy once. (I feel like he's alone by choice)
I imagine the world circuit is among his closest friends just because they’re around each other a lot, but I’m he has buddies he used to box with back in Ireland (I’d also say his sister but they grew up together so it’s bit of a given)
Can Aran Ryan have friends?
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35%: Yes, but his hot head can be problematic
Does Aran have hobbies outside boxing?
Art, Rugby and Horse Riding!
probably, but good luck getting him to share what they are lol
Yes! He enjoys sculpting and painting as well as dancing and making music among other things
Ice skating and art
Drawing. I'd imagine he adores biking too.
being a bitch, motorbiking and getting caught driving too fast, pub shenanigans, pulling pranks at people he doesnt like or likes
Drawing and playing the eletric guitar
Maybe, one I can think of is tinkering (Think of him making new things to help him win)
Art, harmless pranks, rubik's cube speed solving
I can see him being into art like painting and drawing.
I definitely thinks he likes small things like video games and movies.
yes, i hc that he’s sort of an artist
not sure?
I’d think he definitely does Hurling, and is absolutely amazing at it, he doesn’t usually brag about it but does bring it up whenever he can
bar hopping. & fighting. usually one after the other
Art, gardening, punching and biting random things to see what would happen, drinking
Yes, but I feel like he keeps most of them to himself.
Traditional Irish dancing (he just pulls that shit out during title defense), he also probably draws and maybe plays an instrument
Can being bullied during school (for his name and for his mother), the cause of Aran's angry behaviour?
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50% : yes
50%: sorta
Why did he started to cheat in your opinion?
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42,1%: He started to cheat as everyone was "doing that" in his opinion
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lowsodiumscifi · 2 years
Call of duty headcanons - "favorite fighting games"
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick - Street Fighter
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Colorful and stylish
Gaz has a lighthearted personality and Street Fighter's art style just screams Gaz
He will main anyone, but mostly DJ and Kimberly
Elena is his waifu
Street Fighter's soundtrack is the soundtrack to Gaz's life.
Gaz is competitive and will definitely try to be an e-sports player.
Soap has beaten Gaz a few times for sure. The 141 will make bets on who wins 10 rounds first.
Has a few friends on Discord he will play against in online matches.
John "Soap" MacTavish - Killer Instinct
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Fast paced, bloody, hard hitting, and Mick Gordon
It's heavy metal undertones screams Soap
This game is perfect for Soap's ADHD brain
Plays on the hardest difficulty
Will end up throwing shit around the room screaming Scottish profanities
Soap stands up while playing, he can't keep still
Will scream at the top of his lungs "ULTRA COMBOOOOOOO!"
Will post highlights of his streams on his tiktok account
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Mortal Kombat
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Blood, gore, hellfire and soul stealing is what Ghost is living for. It fuels him.
Will definitely main Scorpion and catch the feels when seeing Scorpion's family perish at the hands of Shang Tsung
Soap and Ghost have a Scorpion and sub zero relationship
Knows every character's fatalities by heart. Dude doesn't need cheat codes.
Leans closer to the TV when the opponent is harder than he thought
Does the best Noob Saibot impression
Lost a bet once and had to walk around the base dressed up as Sonya Blade
Yes... Soap's main is Johnny Cage, don't @ me
John Price - King of Fighters
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Price is a classic man who cherishes classic games
Will sit around the kitchen table with the boys reminiscing about his arcade days
Has definitely played against Laswell in arcade mode
Dude doesn't need cheat codes either. Price is a master at KOF.
No one has beaten Price. Ever.
With work, he doesn't have time to play games anymore.
The boys surprised Price for Christmas by putting a KOF arcade cabinet in the base, and Price definitely had a smile on his face
Kate Laswell - Tekken
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Will main Nina Williams. Period.
Every time Kate comes home to her wife after a long day of work, they fire up Tekken and rage
Will play the game with Japanese dub on
Streams with Gaz and Soap once in a while
When she was younger, she'd cosplay as Nina Williams. (Her wife finds it extremely hot)
"Knocc Em Down" by Snoop Dogg is her favorite Tekken song. (And the best song. Don't @ me)
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demonsfate · 3 months
I have to say that despite the nice content creators and some rpers in the Tekken fandom, overall, the online experience in this game is pretty awful sometimes. You have people spamming, ki charging, tea bagging, plugging, cheating, and being just toxic af for no reason. And the matchmaking will put them one after another. It truly makes you want to stop playing this shit lmao
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Oh yeah I agree fully. I'm just gonna be frank about it, too: The majority of the Tekken fandom is atrocious. Like I enjoy the company of a few people here, so far, most of the rpers have been epic. But other than that? The majority is just... ugh. You can tell by how bad the online experience is. It's just FULL of pluggers, tea baggers, and ki-chargers. GOD, the amount of ki-chargers and tea baggers is annoying. I understand it's just a game, but it's not fun when everyone you play against is an arrogant prick. As I've stated before, I didn't play TK7 online as often as I did 8, but the people there were better sports. Hell, I'd even voice chat with some ppl after playing matches with them.
And another proof of just how awful the fandom is is how often people in the subreddit were just fucking cunts to me for simply expressing an opinion on the game or the game's story. Like I can state my opinion in the nicest, politest way, even saying "this is just my opinion" or "it's not too big of a deal but I did notice-" and they will STILL hurl insults my way. Like I pointed out the bad quality of the TK7's outfits in TK8, and I get obliterated for it. (Which is funny as that's now a popular criticism ever since the store dropped) Or how I pointed out Jun's character feels "changed" or "different" in TK8 compared to the older games, and again - people just hurling horrible insults. Imagine being called "fucked in the head" or "autistic" (in a derogatory fashion) for simply pointing out something you've noticed. Of course, you'll always find ppl who insult you like that... but when it's the MAJORITY doing it??
No, it's not just because it's Reddit or because that's how people online are. Because I used to frequently post in the Sims subreddit, and that's usually where most of my karma came from. I'd get hundreds to thousands of upvotes for my statements or opinions. Most people there actually agreed with me, and when they didn't - they did it in a polite fashion. People in the Tekken fandom are just... wild, unhinged even.
It sucks because I love this series, but it seems to attract the worst people.
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
Arlo and the Gang: Arcade Headcanons
Because Tess and I went to a local arcade today, and it’s fun imagining my favorite characters doing the things I do
Arlo, naturally, is pretty thrilled with the experience the first time he goes to one
He plays as many arcade games as he can, not really having a favorite ‘genre’ of arcade game since he wants to try them all (though I could see him sorta preferring the ‘simple’ games like skee-ball and rhythm games, since the boy’s got natural rhythm)
Arlo also finds luck-based games to be a lot of fun, having fun with the experience itself and not minding if he wins big or only gets a couple tickets
He also LOVES playing two-player games, since he loves getting to play with his friends + dad
Bertie is good at a lot of the more physical games - skee-ball, air hockey, basketball, etc.
The noise of the arcade can sometimes be a bit much for Bertie though (hence why she hates stuff like pinball or those games with all the alarms. WAY too noisy), so she occasionally needs breaks/will occasionally just watch instead of playing herself
Furlecia and Ansel both enjoy showing off on the DDR machine - Furlecia’s got long legs and knows how to use them, and Ansel just enjoys music/style-focused games (he definitely knows how to bring a crowd to the machine)
Furlecia also loves a lot of the fighting games like Tekken and Mortal Kombat, given that she’s a former underground wrestler and all. She usually plays against Alia.
Alongside fighters, Alia really enjoys shooting games - her extra senses actually come in handy here with shooting all the digital targets. Same thing applies to pinball.
Alia likes driving games too obviously, but she usually loses since the games/machines can’t usually handle her ‘unique’ and wild style of driving (much to her annoyance)
Tony doesn’t really care WHAT game he plays, he just tries to win as many tickets as possible so he can get a top prize from the prize counter/bragging rights.
He teams up with Marcellus (aka the cheater of the group/the guy who spends the whole trip trying to figure out how to ‘cheat the system’) to try and accomplish this.
Marcellus is also the one most likely to get his fin/part of his body stuck in a crane machine in his attempts to get a prize from it
Ansel also sometimes gets caught up in trying to win tickets/a great prize for his lil alligator boy. Like- he knows that Arlo doesn’t need nor want the top prize to be happy, but Ansel still wants to win him something decent for a nice keepsake his son can have
As for Arlo and the others, it’s not uncommon for them to just pool their tickets so they can all get a little something- or, on occasion, so they can get something cool and worthwhile that they can share or put somewhere in Seaside for everyone to enjoy
After they run out of tokens and have all their prizes, the group always goes out for ice cream after each arcade trip
Feel free to leave your own headcanons/comments on mine! ^v^
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