howlingday · 2 months
Harriet: Great, another person.
Jaune: (Thinking) I can leave if you want. I don't WANT to talk to you!. (Chuckles)
Ruby: Hey, I can leave if you'd like.
Jaune: FUCK! FUCK!.
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incorrectpnatquotes · 11 months
Max: Yeah, I can't call what you're saying "punchlines". There is no punch when you're this loquacious. I mean a dull thud at best. Johnny: And you come off like a tryhard who uses words like loquacious.
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corntort · 1 year
human civilization leaving the moon untouched because that was their satellite for the entire existence of their kind.... lets leave it how it is for old times sake...... can anybody hear m
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darkgaia2 · 1 year
when the game is so good it has you moaning and letting out the biggest shit of your life
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allaark · 1 year
Fuck it. I'm just going to post a random thing from my camera roll.
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"i really suck with faces so i didn't put it together that masato arakawa was ryo aoki until the game outright said it, among a lot of other things including aizawa in the arena in 5, or tanimura as a playable character in 4- i never fucking realized until i watched tehsnakerer's vid that he was the officer in chapter 1. i may be stupid"
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peemanne · 6 months
rgg game osts ranked Yeah.................
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LONG ASS POST AHEAD!!!!!! BAH!!!!!!!!!!!
for context awhile back a yakuza discord server i'm in had a music discussion thread open up and we were invited to make simple little tier lists for the game osts to start it off. it was supposed to be just the tier list but i eventually spiraled into a whole ramble. whoops. so i might as well just paste it here with a few additions so the rest of you can see it yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be providing my reasonings and then my highlight tracks. i'm gonna provide convenient youtube links to all the songs mentioned so if you wanna check one of them out feel free to just click the hyperlink
and yes this is ordered in tiers. the personal highlights aren't though
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>Yakuza 5 is my personal top 1 OST overall, but it's seriously close. I can't tell you enough how much of a nut I am for this series and its music. Yakuza 5's ost is, in my eyes, the most consistently hard-hitting amongst all of RGG's catalogue. The street fight themes are all amazing, the boss fight themes hit hard and pump you the hell up, and this also has the one of the best B-sides out of all of them, with stuff like Baka Mitai (fun fact, Saejima's is actually considered the original version, Kiryu's "Taxi Driver Edition" actually uses a different key to fit Kuroda's voice), the songs from Haruka's section, and even the jazzy bar themes. 5 hits that perfect balance of quantity and quality, and also happens to fill like half of my workout playlist.
Personal Highlights:
The place where I used to be
Daigo's western theme
Victory Road
and of course The Battle for the Dream
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>I am such a sucker for Yakuza 4's music direction. As Tehsnakerer said in his Yakuza 4 video, this is the first truly GREAT soundtrack, and I'd have to agree. The jazzier style of music on showcase here fits this series- and this entry ESPECIALLY- like a glove. This is such a quality collection of sounds. Featuring the best panic themes, the best chase themes, and some iconic street battle themes. 4's direction makes it stand out even more amongst RGG's catalogue, and I couldn't be happier about it. Also, this game gave us Machine Gun Kiss and Pure Love in Kamurocho, which are two of my favorite karaoke tracks in the whole series.
Please bring back Pure Love in Kamurocho for a modern title, RGG. I'm begging you.
Personal Highlights:
Receive and Bite You
Infinite Handcuffs
yeah yeah fine For Faith
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Why couldn't they use this for the actual cover instead of the weird one we have now like come on this looks so much better
>Is anyone gonna disagree with me when I say Lost Judgment is easily the best out of the more techno-focused soundtracks? They handle it perfectly here, with tracks that grab you by the throat like K.O.G. and Dig In Your Heels, utilizing the electric sound with effortless grace, while still having enough variety throughout to keep it from getting stale. I also found the B-sides here surprisingly strong alongside the main game, with the school stories giving us a nice variety of music to work with. The boxing ones and Toward To The Skyline are what I'd highlight in that selection.
Personal Highlights:
In the Groove
Unwavering Belief / Dig in Your Heels
Final Destination
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>Gaiden oh my gah......... Despite the shorter game, I seriously dig the tracks on display here. It's so consistently amazing, and does a great job of servicing both the legacy of Kiryu, and giving us some Good Shit™️ for the newer faces. This is also when I really came to appreciate the cutscene tracks: Wounded Beast is such a kickass track that you'd be forgiven for thinking it plays in an actual fight, and Psycho's Prelude is an amazing hype-up track for an even more amazing boss theme. Also worth mentioning there's like a gajillion coliseum tracks in this one. Have no idea why but y'know I appreciate it. It's cool.
Personal Highlights:
Psycho's Anthem
Deadly Struggle / Fleeting Dream (HAKANAKI YUME)
Bring It On (best street fight track to date i'm not taking notes at this time)
Un altro appassionato
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>0 has One-Eyed Assassin so it automatically goes here. The rest of the tracks are decent too ig 🙄 There are a few sort of those "eh whatever cool skip it" tracks in here which hold it back a teeny bit in my eyes, but this is still a really solid collection overall, and also gets props for being Kiwami's soundtrack if it was good. I'm kidding of course but 0 handles it pretty well for the most part. I find 0 is at its best music-wise when they either go all-in with the techno, or shy away from it almost entirely.
Personal Highlights:
Make You Free
Both Receive You remixes (The Subtype and ~Tech Trance Arrange~)
Interplanetary Spark
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>Yakuza 6 has Lots of Lights so it automati I think 6 does a really good job at telling a story through its music. You have tragedy being painted in Fist Law and DESTINY, you have sheer anger and brutality being portrayed in Body and Soul, and you can even find it in the street themes with the feeling of "I am completely done with all of this bullshit" in KAMURO again. I also wanna say this has some of ZENTA's best work, which I really really REALLY appreciate.
Personal Highlights:
Lots of Lights
Bloodstained Philosophy (coolest name for a track i can't lie)
Theory of Beauty
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>Judgment immediately does a great job of differentiating itself from the Yakuzas, and it's apparent as soon as you get into the street fight tutorial. The OST does a great job of painting Yagami and the overall bleaker picture of the game. Where some battle themes in the main series feel like a victory lap, JE instead sometimes has you feel like you're on the backfoot. Lambda, Hyenas Wheezing, and Rake Your Inside are all tracks that make you feel like an underdog, and give you that strength to power through what seems like impossible odds. It also has Flower of Chivalry so it aut
Personal Highlights:
Encounter ~ Keihin Alliance
Hyena's Wheezing
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>Like a Dragon (/7) is another heavily techno leaning OST. If you asked me about it a few months ago, I probably would have put this higher. But now with IW out, I've started to see more of 7's OST's flaws. There are few tracks that are either weirdly low-energy, or feel a little generic and mesh together with the rest of the soundtrack, or at worst, both. But 7 still has quite the number of solid tracks, and those that stand out REALLY stand out. Shoutout to one of the most unique long battle tracks in Enter the Tiger.
Personal Highlights:
Receive You The Hyperactive
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>Yakuza 3 acts as a sort of bridge between the rough, almost grunge-like sound of the PS2 era and the cleaner compositions of later entries. And I think it does both of those styles pretty well! It also starts to experiment with electric sound a little more, while still keeping the heavy guitars 1+2 are known for. The best are obviously composed of the tracks that do both. They even keep the unintelligible English lyrics in some tracks, what's not to love?
Personal Highlights:
Lyricism Without Tears
Clay Doll On The Cradle
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>Atmosphere is a large part of the PS2 era of Yakuza games' identity, and the music is a pretty large part of that. Yakuza 2 has an aggressive, grungy sound that pairs perfectly with the brutality of the game. You'll find some of the most of the most rough sounding songs in RGG's catalogue in here, and it's just so good in a way that isn't really replicated in the more modern entries. Also one of the tracks (Block Head Boy) samples Wu-Tang for some reason and I find that very funny.
Personal Highlights:
Evil Itself
North Menace
Hit & Kill
Outlaw's Lullaby (I still think the Kiwami 2 remix is the better of the two but this one's still SO good please listen to it if you haven't already)
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whatcho beautiful ass staring at kaito my king >Kaito Files has like 6 tracks. They're all pretty good tracks, but that's like 6 tracks. Come on. Anyways, it's basically just more LJ music, so uhhhh yeah peak
Personal Highlights (plural would be like all of them)
Blood-Drunk Master Theme
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>Kiwami 2. Yeah this one falls into the same trap as 7 does, but with less of those "This is the greatest thing to grace my ears" tracks. It still has some of them, though. The best remixes here are the ones that touch up and make completely sure that what the original has is intact: Lullaby of Outlaws and A Scattered, Eternal Moment are both fantastic in that regard. This also has a decent chunk of completely new tracks, presumably because they couldn't get certain composers back. You have stuff like the amazing triple-part track that plays in the Kamurocho Hills segment, Rebellious Phase which is decent, and the randomly amazing Break Off. Still a crime Evil Itself was snubbed like that smh.
Personal Highlights:
Lullaby of Outlaws
A Scattered, Eternal Moment
Kamuro Hills
Update with Gunfire
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>Unfortunately, like with most aspects, Yakuza 2 does everything the first game did better. Still though, some quality tracks here. Yakuza 1 doesn't have too much to work with, but it still does utilize its few track slots well. From long-standing iconic tracks like Receive You, to Funk Goes On, and even the off B-side tracks like Singin' Bass, there really isn't a miss in here, just moreso a lack of super standout tracks. There's still quite a few to love despite that, of course.
Personal Highlights
son of a gun
Turning Point
Receive You The Prototype
Funk Goes On
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>kiwami 1 ost snorkkkkkk mimimimimimimim snorkkkkkk mimim Alright I'm exaggerating, but I still think it's pretty weak in comparison to the rest. There's a lot of tracks that just feel kinda butchered to me? And it's not like the new tracks are particularly standout or anything. The tracks that do work are genuinely really good: Ideal For Violence is uhhhh perfect, Get Over It is a really strong long battle theme, Pray Me ~Revive~ is on par, if not arguably better than the original, and For Whose Sake Kiwami matches the sorrow of the original pretty well. But then you have stuff like Funk Goes On 極 which feels weirdly weak, Receive You the madtype which feels sorely outclassed by like, every single other Majima Receive You, and what would be arguably the strongest track, Receive You Reborn, doesn't even show up outside of Japanese versions. Kiwami isn't all bad, hell, there are some really good standouts here, but it just can't really compare to the rest in my eyes.
Personal Highlights:
Ideal For Violence
Get Over It
Amusing Octagon
Everlasting Spirit
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>Infinite Wealth sits in haven't listened enough of solely because I haven't finished the game and thus haven't touched any track past Kooky (UPDATE: now any track past Impregnable Triangle. I'm planning to do the finale by this weekend). By any other metric this would have shot UP. I ADORE this OST. The cutscene tracks, the generic battle themes, the boss themes, the B-sides, they're all so excellent. This inadvertently made 7's OST worse for me because of how much better it handles the techno.
Personal Highlights:
Brutality ~Rebuild~
Impregnable Triangle (Fun fact: this track uses the time signature of 3/4, which is a waltz. I'll let you fill in the blanks for what that means for the theming.)
Slugfest (Yamaniacs stay winning what can i say)
ok so uhhh apparently i hit the character limit lmao. didn't even know this site had one. uhhhhhh will continute in a reblog it's just kurohyou and ishin anyways
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trubbishrubbish · 1 day
Tehsnakerer’s “Playing Sonic games in bad or weird ways to contrive discussion” videos are really good and make me think how this formula could be applied to other games.
Like what’s a uniquely bad/weird way to play Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc? What can think of is this.
Playing THH but restarting chapters to grind out every character’s Free Time Events to completion.
Playing with English voice lines but with Japanese text.
Playing with Ace Attorney music and sound effects.
There could be more ways but i can’t think of any right now.
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generallemarc · 1 year
Because I don't have enough things to get through already, I'm considering getting into the Yakuza series. I've so far experienced it primarily through Tehsnakerer's retrospectives, so the first mainline game I wouldn't know anything about(and thus my starting point) would be 6. Anybody got any tips? And how important are the two Judgement games for enjoying 6 and 7?
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thinking abt yakuza 8.... under a 'keep reading' bc i rambled again
i mentioned this before but i'm actually glad they brought kiryu back for y8 now. as much as i liked y6 it had. a lot of problems n i know ppl who understandably didn't enjoy the main story of 6 at all. watch GC Vazquez's y6 vid to get what i mean if u don't know (edit from the future: now that tehsnakerer's vid is out i recommend his more but you can watch both if you want)
(i thought i said this here before but i guess not? maybe i only said it on priv-) i think what little i've seen of y8 so far feels "kinder"? more "sincere"? as a send off than 6 despite the cancer thing ykwim. idk if that makes sense when i don't fully know the plot yet. basically it's better bc ichiban is there or something i can't explain it properly rn it has good vibes ok !!
i hope kiryu has a good time n it looks like he will bc ichiban got him finally singing judgement (his canon favorite song!!) again
but then y8 absolutely has to be THE send off for kiryu right...? like he can Not keep showing up in the main story after this there's no way. that makes me so scared that we're gonna see him actually die especially with the cancer reveal. surely they wouldn't... surely...... i don't want them to do another fake-out but idk if i can handle kiryu dying for real... :(
i'm also hoping for a better conclusion with haruka, since there's that whole plot of kiryu's cover being blown so she'd definitely notice n want to talk to him right (unless she can't bc he's in a whole different country but he's gotta at least mention her in depth)
also why is kaito in gaiden btw
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also-also i saw some random person on twitter complain abt y8 'undoing' y3 n saying that they were done w the series. i have no idea what they were talking abt. did i miss something major in a trailer??? (admittedly i'm trying to avoid watching all of them bc i wanna be as blind as i can be). well either way more ichiban for me, retcons won't stop me this series is already full of them
*^mid post i realized they might just be talking abt richardson being in the karaoke scene HELPP LMAOO idgaf that's probably his secret twin double or something. rubber bullets
aaaaaanyway in conclusion i'm trying not to get my hopes too high but failing bc i'm really interested in wtf they're gonna do w y8's plot specifically w kiryu. also i missed ichiban n will kiss him
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catgirlcadaver · 2 years
what ttrpgs do you consider better than dnd? this isnt a challenge im genuinely curious, i really only know about dnd and delta green. it all seems pretty similar to me, its all pretty loose
prefacing this by saying that I was primarily focusing on dnd 5e with that post, as it’s one I’m very familiar with both in rules and in play and feel confident enough to criticize, and I have honestly not actually played too many other ttrpgs (result of me and my friends being a bit too busy for the most part 😔), though I’m super super into the game design aspect of them and have read through various random books both as prospects for future games to play with my friends as well as inspiration for my own systems
When it comes to games that I consider “better” than dnd, I would classify that as being games that have a very specific setting or type of story it is trying to tell, and which has mechanics that help reinforce that. Games like these are honestly super subjective, both in terms of settings / tone / aesthetics as well as the mechanical rules themselves, but these are some games I’d recommend checking out if you’re interested in expanding your scope beyond dnd:
-Lancer: this one’s pretty big since one of the co creators also did a big webcomic called kill 6 billion demons (that I still have to continue reading…) This game is a tactical mecha combat game with a bunch of customization and some really cool lore to back it up. It’s one of the first games I read into past dnd5e that I’m super looking forward to one day playing
-Blades in the Dark: play as a gang of criminals in a post apocalyptic city where ghosts arise from corpses and demon blood is used as an energy source. I’ve heard it can be sorta hard to run properly but has some great game design choices (Position and Effect as a way to quantify the possible outcomes of rolls, as well as how skills and stress are handled all being particularly good mechanics). Tehsnakerer on youtube has a good video on what it does well and what it does poorly
-Lasers and Feelings: A one page sci-fi rpg, made by the same guy that did bitd. Def better suited for one shots, but also very lightweight and easy to pick up and just play if you want a game you can learn and play in like 10 min
-Fate: a popular generic system I’m roughly familiar with. While generic systems are a bit of a turn off to me, I must say the fate points / aspects system is really cool as it puts the player characters and their traits forward first, and encourages players to use their character traits to succeed and get into trouble
-Spire: the City Must Fall: a game where you play as a gang of dark elf revolutionaries, super narrative focused with a really cool stress based system (though it can be a little hard to fully grasp since it very heavily abstracts stuff) and some really cool character classes
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howlingday · 2 months
Weiss: You've brought a sense of adventure to my life that I can enjoy again. A joy that I haven't felt since Penny died.
Jaune: Weiss, since reuniting, we've been on one and a half adventures, lost my mind, and drove Ruby to suicide. But if you're happy to be here...
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incorrectpnatquotes · 10 months
Lucifer: So if you want to know why I'm such a killjoy, you now know exactly who to blame... Lucifer: ME!
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corntort · 11 months
humiliating that i fell asleep to a tehsnakerer vid and the second autoplay put on the stej essay my brain went "hey i know that" and i woke up again
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r-a-nima · 1 month
Saturday post time!
I’ve got an odd one for you all.
I have a bizarre fascination with the game, YIIK: A PostModern RPG. I’ve never played the original version that was initially released. I have yet to purchase it despite reviews starting to lean a little more toward positive as the updates to the game’s story and gameplay come out.
But I HAVE seen two different 2+ hours videos about the games by Tehsnakerer and Running shine that are unambiguously some of my favorite things ever.
So a while back (quite a while as I didn’t even put a date on it as you will see) I decided to pull on a thread of info and design a fan character for a game I never played and have only seen two videos about, this thread being that the main character Alex had a sister who is probably his older sibling, the game doesn’t do a good job establishing who’s older.
Here she is:
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She is Alison Eagleston, the older sister of Alex, the game’s protagonist. As you can see, I humorously called Alex “Alex YIIK” as a reference to a YouTube channel dedicated to memes about YIIK that I am subbed to.
I didn’t add much to stats aside from how old she is. But for her background specfically, I imagined her as being incredibly disappointed in Alex due to how she believes he’s done nothing with his life and is wasting his time doing his stupid quest. She would be the most vocal about his selfishness and one track mind.
This point onward is spoilers for the game, but she would’ve joined the party if only if Rory is still around by a certain point in the game and her abilities would revolve around her being a sort of “speaks with her fists first” gal. I imagine her using brass knuckles or a bat and her mini game for attacks being timed punches/smacks with a bat.
Eventually a big plot twist about her and Alex would’ve been revealed and it ironically would lead to them reconciling as siblings, though she wouldn’t help him with his final battle cause she would stay behind for their mom.
That’s honestly a lot for a character who doesn’t really exist in the game. At least, as far as I know. I could be wrong, as I once again haven’t played the game and have only seen bits and pieces of people playing it post the updates. I do unironically hope to try the game myself at one point, though I know I won’t have the same experience as many others did in the days when it first released.
Still, I did like this piece I did. And I’m happy it turned out as well as it did, especially cause this one was before I decided to dip back into the basics for sketching as practice.
That’s all! Okay see ya next week!
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naggingatlas · 1 year
just watched tehsnakerer's spark the electric jester 1 retrospective straight up laying on the floor of my dead great-grandma crying tears of joy
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