moonkhao · 5 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and outside 💛✨
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sarahsrp · 6 years
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Bag boy at the local grocery store. It only lasted a summer though because he kept putting the eggs on the bottom of the bag. 
This really depends on what one considers an ex to be. For Gabe, he’d say he’s only had 2 real relationships, therefore only 2 real exes. One being his high school sweetheart, Melanie. She broke his heart but he’s over it now. They don’t really talk all that much but if they see each other around town, they exchange polite smiles or a quick hello. That’s about it. His second ex, a college girl named Tori. They’re still pretty close, even though they live in different cities now. Most of their relationship is through text messages. 
That would be Miss Brooke Kramer. But that’s top secret so shhhh
Uh, last year. Listen, he knows it’s silly. He’s a full blown adult and adults don’t need parties. But you tell that to his mom, ok? You tell her and watch her fake agree all like, “Oh, please. As if I have the time to plan a party for you.” And then a week later she throws you a surprise party that you 100% expected. 
He’s a weird mix between both. Like, he keeps his apartment and car nice and clean and his classroom is too. But he’s gotten to the point where he’s that annoying teacher who hasn’t graded your quizzes yet because he’s misplaced them. They’re somewhere, don’t worry. He’ll find them…eventually…once he actually attempts to look for them…
Not really. He’s pretty drained when it comes to work. Like, he’s always wanted to be a teacher but his classes are just awful and he’s kind of given up on trying. Also, he’s dating someone he really cares about but that someone happens to be his best friend’s ex, so it’s bittersweet. He could definitely be happier. 
Depends on the social media account. Facebook - maybe once a month (maybe less). Instagram - definitely ¾ times a week. It used to be less but now that it has the story function, he’s given up Snapchat and posts those things on Instagram. But most of the posts are stories so does that really count? 
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gracrps · 6 years
the rules: answer the questions given to you by the tagged,  write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people.
tagged by: @wiildflowers
1) What is one piece of advice that you treasure?
It’s not really ‘advice’... it was more so a lesson, but during my senior year of high school, I was going through a very self-destructive time. I was in the counselor’s office a lot to help me get through things (cus a girl has to graduate) lmao. But anyway, I realized around that time that I held a lot of emotions and thoughts to myself (which made me self-destructive). I would never say what bothered me and internalized them as things that I did wrong and ultimately believed everything was my fault. I remember specifically he told me, “The more you talk about something, the more normal and real it becomes.” Obviously, that sentence is quite vague, but at that time I didn’t feel validated in how I felt about certain situations, so he wanted me to practice talking to someone, so I didn’t have to feel so small. My sessions with my counselor helped me open up to people and I really treasure that.
2) If you could pick just one album to recommend, which one would it be and why?
This is an insanely hard question on so many levels... lmao. I never used to be an ‘album’ person, but now I can’t say an album is good if I don’t like all, if not most, of the songs. But... I guess in that sense, I really enjoyed the album Wonder by Hillsong United. Obviously, if you’re not into Christian music or worship songs then you probably wouldn’t be interested (x But I am, and I think this was the first time I really loved all the songs on an album. It just touched me in so many ways, spiritually and emotionally. And I don’t mean to get all ‘preachy’ but there’s something so incredible about Christian music that you don’t get in all the other genres. It’s powerful and if you give worship music a chance, maybe you’ll be able to feel that too.
3) What is one place you’ve always wanted to travel to?
Ooo... another hard one... I guess a good one is Thailand, Bangkok specifically. I’m half Thai and I’ve never had the chance to visit my family there. It’d be awesome to meet them and experience real Thai street food.
4) Is there a film/book/etc. that really changed the way you thought about something?
There are so many movies/books... how in the hell does one pick ONE. That is the short answer. I am such a film buff, it’s nearly impossible for me to narrow down one, let alone a list. I mean, not only that but my memory is awful... buuuuut I guess the short answer (without doing a lot of reflecting and research) would be Blackfish. It opens your eyes to more than just how animals are treated in parks, you know?
5) Best compliment you ever received?
My best friend once told me that I have great integrity and I still hold onto that today. Also, everyone that just makes a positive comment on my character really means a lot. I’ve been too hard on myself in the past and I always say I’m too ‘naive’ and ‘soft’ for this world, but when people remind me of the qualities I have, it reminds me that I don’t need to be like everyone else.
6) What’s the closest thing to real magic?
Faith and hope--- though, arguably, go hand in hand.
7) What would your superpower be? What superpower would you like to have? 
So, I took a buzzfeed quiz... and it told me I have the power to explode random things... Not something I’d love, but I would like to have telekinsis probably. (I’m lazy)
8) What do you love about yourself?
I love that I’m able to keep to myself and let me tell you, that didn’t just happen overnight either lol. I used to be so nosy and overbearing but over time, I’ve practiced and eventually learned how to focus on me and to stop being such a ‘mom’ to everyone else in my life. It was healthy for not only myself but for everyone else too. I feel like everyone’s so quick to impress others and obsessed with how others think about them... I just no longer care about that. 
9) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Lmao, I’m addicted to jean jackets right now so I have to say, a good jean jacket is certainly a staple in my wardrobe. So with that, I’d say Capri leggings and a graphic tee with comfortable sneakers. Maybe Adidas or something, haha.
10) When you were a kid what silly thing were you deathly afraid of?
I don’t think being afraid of the dark is silly (bc lbr, I still am) so I don’t think that counts???? I’m gonna say the next thing to the dark would be... dogs? Big dogs? Though, I don’t think there was anything remotely close to my fear of the dark xD
11) What’s something that actually happened to you but seems absurd and unrealistic?
So, there is some honest speculation going on in the world about whether God actually visits people. You get the whole ‘I saw a light’ ‘I felt him here’ sort of speech and it definitely seems absurd and unrealistic, especially if that hasn’t happened to you, because that doesn’t happen for a lot of people. However, in my case... it did. I was eighteen at the time, in my freshman year of college and was going through /things/ lmao. Long story short, I was very suicidal and physically abusive towards myself. I had many suicide attempts but I just kept it all... very quiet. During an ‘argument’ between my boyfriend (at the time) and I, he had to leave to go to work and made me promise not to hurt myself. I made no promises, lmao and I think a lot of people who go through that don’t want to? I feel like we sort of want to... put the blame on others for not taking care of us and well.. anyway, that’s just another topic altogether. Anyway, when he left, I was crying my eyes out, in a fetal position on my bed just so tempted. Still, I kept thinking about my parents and my friends and just... thinking about my mother finding me. So, I prayed and prayed, and I told God if he just took the pain away, I’d do my best to be better. This went on for, like, four hours and suddenly I just felt someone hugging me and telling me to sleep. I felt arms around me, cooing me, and when I woke up I didn’t feel any more pain. Needless to say, I’m here today and I haven’t had a suicide attempt since. Absurd, some might say. But for me, that was true love and the moment I decided to change the way I was living my life. 
my questions:
1) What is one thing you will never shut up about?
2) You’ve won an all-expense paid trip for you and someone else. Who are you taking, where are you going, and why?
3) What was the moment you realized you loved creating? (Be it... writing, graphics, music, *whatever hobby you’re doing on tumblr* lmao, etc)
4) If you could be another ethnicity, what would you choose and why?
5) You’ve got the opportunity to replace a character on a TV show. Who’s it gonna be and why?
6) The world is ending, and you’ve got one final thing to say. What would you say, who would you say it to, and how would you say it?
7) What is the closest thing to real magic?
8) What is the kindest thing you’ve ever done or wish you did?
9) Tell me about a moment or a person that changed you. 
10) Do you believe in a higher power? Why, or why not?
11) What is something that happened to you, that you’ve never told anyone else (or only told a select few) and why?
Tagging: @liilyjames @wildestcfhearts @tehkatieofrps @cminous @rachelkellcr @alaskawritcs @shellcyhennig @cherylblosscm @tonkinwrites @wisteriawrites @dimpsandhoes @galgaadot
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katedisonsmoved · 6 years
tehkatieofrps replied to your post “is it worth continuing to gif ma.rilyn li.ma throughout season 2 when...”
I think you should. I know a ton of people are likely going to use her and like no shade to other creators but your gifs are some of the best and my faves
ifthedevilcallsagain replied to your post “is it worth continuing to gif ma.rilyn li.ma throughout season 2 when...”
please, your Marilyn's gifs are my favorite
THANK U BOTH SO MUCH TFGHJKJH i may end up updating episodes 1-3 and then taking a break until the end of the season because moving is gonna be a huge pain in the ass but i’ll keep this is mind!
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shenmendes · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
you think i’m wonderful ???? i think you got it flipped.
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taehyvngkimmarchive · 7 years
omg is it weird to say i don’t even remember my first impress, all i remember was seeing some of your tags and thinking damn this chick is funny af and we share teh same interest? like i think i met you through either Sierra or kelly?????? I can’t remember which but im glad that we became friends through rp and the fact we have like several brotps going bc they’re all fucking great and i love them and your characters, we just click like that *insert snapping fingers* you are fuckin great.
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neonhelper · 5 years
Hi I saw holiday requests were open again, I was wondering if I could please get icons of Shelley Hennig (with long hair) and Veerle Dejaeger in circle holiday icons? With or without the boarder is fine? I just love your work
Thank you! You definitely can! Your requests have been added to my to-do list.
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aliciarpss · 7 years
@tehkatieofrps || Closed Starter
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Today, he needed an escape. Especially after speaking with his father. The man was threatening to come here and see what was going on. Or at least send his sister, but of course Lucas couldn’t have that. Not only would it put himself in risk of losing everything, he would lose everyone that he cared about. Including Jocelyn. He didn’t like lying to her but he felt like he had no choice. If she knew, her life could possible be in danger, just by being with him. So it was better to live the lie right? 
Coming into their apartment, he clasped his hands together. “What if I told you, I took the day off?” He called out, hoping the  brunette was there. If she wasn’t, he would call her and see where she was. “Cause I was thinking that we could just spend the day together. Go for a drive, go out, do whatever you want to do.” It was a small gesture but he really missed her and wanted to spend some time with Jocelyn.
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aparoxysm · 7 years
♚ ⚜ ✮ ☯
♚ Have you ever made any lasting friends through RP?
HAHAHAHA gal all i make is lasting friends in rp, my rp fam is like 10/10 quality people ok like i am not letting these freaks go ever. (but yes, i think the oldest friend i have here through rp even though shes on a major hiatus is maig @midnight-howlings since I met her in my first rp in like 2012) also i was legit just thinking the other night like yall from cloverbrook WOW that is a long friendship too wtf???
⚜ Have you ever met anyone from RP in real life?
yeah! i actually had a friend that i ran an rp with for about three years, my first ever rp group and she was from california. after graduating she was given the gift to travel anywhere in the world and she chose to come to australia and stayed with me for like a month, it was so lit omg. i also met an rp friend who lived in hawaii when i was over there. im convinced eventually one day eva and maria are gonna come visit me in aus. and maybe one of these days i’ll catch up with camilla in the city for some memein’ and games.
✮ Do you think you’ve improved as a writer through roleplaying?
i keep a lot of old rp accounts but you will literally have to pry them from my cold dead hands to experience what a shitshow my writing used to be when i first started oml. yes. yes ive improved so much thank the rp gods.
☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.
Liz Holt. She’s travelled across so many rps with me from the very start and made such a real-life impact on me with who i’ve gotten to meet in rp through her and the rp fam i’ve made via her. Ive put a lot of my heart and soul into her and I’ve never had a plan with her either, so its kind of beautiful in that way that while i wasn’t really paying close attention, she’s gone and created herself a life in rp that i hands down couldn’t have written if i’d planned any of it. I love when characters do that. But really I just love her ability to keep nothing in, I can just hash it all out there and people generally react to it pretty positively these days which is a surprise. But then again, she’s changed so much. It’s just so :’) 
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orthographewrites · 7 years
tehkatieofrps replied to your post: tehkatieofrps replied to your post: A list...
@orthographewrites I totally get what you’re saying. I didn’t mean absolutely everyone on the list either and tbh if you’re in the limelight you definitely should make sure when you say something like what race you are it’s the absolute truth and not some lie to pretend you’re ‘diverse’. I was also speaking from experience because for so long my family told me that I was Cherokee (running theme), but I found out early last year that I wasn’t. I still have native in me it’s just not that tribe.
It’s a shame this keeps happening, honestly. If someone proved to have 10% black in them, you wouldn’t cast them as a black character because it would be an overall wrong (and racist) thing to do. Could still have the genes sure, but that doesn’t make it any more right for someone to claim a culture and heritage (not to mention struggle) that isn’t theirs. The worst is how these people get praised for being natives, or claim to be, like oooh suddenly it’s all cool to be part of this heritage -- but when these said people speak up and try to take space they’re not welcomed and looked down upon for being the same thing these maybe deep inside and in another universe people are. 
As said though, genes will always be genes, they mix from pretty far back already and that’s something we can’t erase but as long as people are able to acknowledge where theirs start and end and don’t abuse it, it doesn’t have to become a bigger problem. I just hope celebrities who do this gets called out, especially those racist to boot on top of that, because if they are allowed to continue people are going to continue to assume it’s fine to boast and brag. If they acknowledge they’ve been wronged or were in the wrong, fine, but if they don’t people have the right to be pissed. You found out the truth and realized where your heritage start and end, which is what they have to do as well! 
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gracrps · 7 years
♦ ♚ ☯
What’s your favorite thing about RP, generally?
Have you ever made any lasting friends through RP?
Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you. (I’ve got a few of these ‘yin yangs’ so I’ll talk about a few favs!)
I’m trying to see if any of the other muses I’ve written can meet the same love I have with the other muses I’ve chose for this question... but honestly, I don’t really think I can. I think the rest come to a level of 2nd place and 3rd place, mostly because I haven’t played them out to their fullest potential. So unfortunately :-( I can’t pick another one!
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archirenaux · 7 years
✮ ☄ ☯
☯ Tell us all about your favorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.
Okay, one of my favorite characters I’ve ever written is my character Niall. He was one of the first OCs I ever created back in 2011 and I feel like I’ve poured a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears into him lmaoo. Niall means a lot to me because for all that he tries to close himself off and stubbornly sequester himself in apathy, he is the most loyal character I have. He cares endlessly for the people he loves and would do almost anything for them, but he’s really shit at showing it (never truly by his own choice, though). He craves stability but definitely suffers from some kind of attachment issue where the more he finds himself relying on another person, the more uncomfortable/antsy it makes him feel. In the verse that Niall was created, he worked through that over the course of the RP and it was endlessly amusing to watch that emotionally constipated jerk stumble his way through relationships, both platonic and romantic as well as with himself. :’) That’s another reason he means a lot to me because uhhh same !
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flowercrown-writes · 7 years
✿ ✿
✿ Reese will never EVER admit this, but some nights, it’s not even actually that she wants sex... Some nights she booty calls him because she’s in such a dark place emotionally, and she knows she needs some sort of human contact, but she doesn’t know how to do human contact unless it’s sex. ✿ One night Alec took her home for their usual rough and tumble, but she had been that drunk that she passed out. She woke up a few hours later, and freaked out... Only when she realized Alec wasn’t asleep, she feigned sleep and ended up spending the night wide awake in near panic. She pretends she was too drunk to remember spending the night and denies it to this day. 
✿ Maddie has learned his shift patterns, and sometimes she will bring him dinner when he’s working late at the bar. Not that it’s a big deal, and if he ever made it a big deal she might take that food right on back.. but it’s a thing she does sometimes. She always has some excuse as to why she’s bringing it too, so he can’t accuse her of being nice. ✿ Maddie thinks Seb is settling in life. Not because she thinks being a bartender is a crappy job but because she actually thinks he’s got a whole lot more potential and she kind of hates seeing him waste it. 
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coolgirlofrp · 7 years
Put a Little Love in Your Heart by Darren Criss & John Barrowman & Carlos Valdes, & Jeremy Jordan (Dolly Parton Cover)
“Put a little love in your heartIf you want the world to knowWe won't let hatred growPut a little love in your heart”
Send Me a ∞ and I’ll Shuffle my iTunes and tell you my favorite lyrics from that song.
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aliciarpss · 7 years
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!
You! I love yoooou! You amaze me, and are awesome on so many levels. I’m really glad, that I have met you. Your writing is amazing, you are strong, loyal. I’m glad to have you in my corner. Thank you for being there for me, whenever I needed to vent and needed to get something off from my chest. Not to mention our video wars, at like four am. Just thank you for everything, but mainly for being in my life.
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aparoxysm · 7 years
✉ Say something nice about someone you follow!
ew katie u are literally the nicest to me all the time its like i am so waiting for the day to find the mean bone in ur body but at this point i dont even think it exists. i love when you send me things for our ships, it just makes me kajshdkjahskjha. i can always count on you to scream about head canons and general character conversation, its the absolute best. i also am just like.... SO bewildered and amazed at our group track record? like randomly meeting in cb... then u coming to lakewood... then LIKE BEFORE NOLA EVEN OPENED U ASKED ME ON THIS BLOG ABOUT HELENA B4 I EVEN ALLOWED PEOPLE TO KNOW IT WAS ACTUALLY ME BC  I WAS HIDING??? its just like. that is fate dude. i couldn’t believe it was like KATIE??? and u were like OMG KELLIE? and it was just like welp its meant 2 be. bc u were the only one who messaged me about her it could have been anyone but it was us. #still shook
also i may love but im never probably gonna let jay be happy so :))))
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