#tegami gif
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tategaminu · 1 year ago
I don't know if many people in the the western fandom know about this but
In this video from 2020 we see this scene of Seven walking:
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This scene doesn't appear in any of the four seasons.
One of the rendered frames was posted on He Xiaofeng's Weibo as a call for animators to work in the movie:
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So yeah, this scene is probably from the movie, maybe it was going to originally appear in the second season and got scrapped to appear in the movie since it will probably be about Seven's past, that or the movie has been on production since 2020 but I believe in the former.
Bonus key art from the series' weibo
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selev-shirogane · 2 years ago
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They're boyfriends fr 😼🧡
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zakkura · 2 years ago
Lawaribs. (Lawrence X Caribs Garrard)
What a ship name haha Um ... not sure why I am having this sent to me but it's always great to see SOME form of Tegami Bachi appear in my ask...or anywhere really!
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reverseshinden · 1 year ago
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Letter Bee/Tegami Bachi Union Site Gifs
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nephilejon · 6 months ago
a list of my rin okumura headcanons 💙
(in no particular order) (also there are spoilers)
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ok smart fellas and fart smellas i have so many headcanons that i have finally decided to share today. this isnt gonna be like romantic stuff cause thats an oversaturated market. most of these headcanons are gonna about rin's life and stuff that i feel hasnt really been expanded upon :3
on that note, i love this man so much so here we go
-rin isn't used to his body after he first awakens. for the first few weeks, his tail causes him to have trouble balancing. at first, he finds that tucking it around his torso helps him find balance, but it becomes really uncomfortable after a while. basically the same feeling as one's back being hunched over for a long time, since his tail is connected to his spine. as he grows more comfortable with himself, he finds his center of balance and feels a lot better to have his tail free.
-as well as struggling with his new tail, rin constantly (and accidentally) bites his lips with his much sharper teeth. ouch
-rin's body temperature is slightly above average. he doesnt have to wear thick clothing during winter because he's already warm enough. when touched, his skin has a similar warmth to a hot cup of tea <3 or a pumpkin spice latte
-when he has leftovers he doesnt microwave them, instead he breathes a little bit of fire, just enough to heat the food up
-each time his hair turns white, his black hair ever so slightly gains white strands. when he notices it for the first time, he's insecure of it and plucks any white strands he sees. eventually it becomes too much so he starts dying his hair black.
- (this one is basically canon but whatever) rin's second awakening causes him to have 2 split personalities. like its not even demon related, he just straight up has a personality disorder now. after kurikara first breaks and he almost hurts his friends, and his big fight with yukio, he is constantly worried that his other self will come out at any time.
-hes embarrassed by his horns and doesnt like that theyre so small (go big or go home right?)
-if he practices, he can control any demonic element, like how satan fought everyone during the main fight.
-he has a strong relationship with the spirit element, due to being related to an azazel clone. he also has an affinity for time and space, as shown when he rips open the space where mephisto hid his heart
-he really loves making indian food and curries
-big fan of shonen jump, reads bleach, one piece, and tegami bachi
-pretends he doesnt, but he likes romance manga. favorites include: kamisama kiss inuyasha, blue flag, and many others
-thought his confession to shiemi would be like a romance manga
-he doesnt like wearing shoes
-since fully awakening, his body doesn't age. he will outlive his friends as well as yukio.
-he likes fishing
aaaand thats about it FOR NOWWWW! i have some other headcanons tucked away that i'll save for another post and ill also come up with some more. hope y'all like them 🦅✨
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sanhatipal · 2 years ago
~~ Shards of Eden ~~
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This is my little cove, and where I post art and dump other things occasionally. Come inside,have a look~
I haven't lasted 2 weeks on any other site since the fall of g+, except maybe twitter but that also drove me nuts and I always took long hiatuses, but have been here constantly since 2018. Which...says quite a bit. I'm a doctor by profession,but here on Tumblr for fandom (pretty obviously) and art
My fandoms:
Pandora Hearts
The case study of Vanitas
Fate series (mainly Fate/Stay Night)
The House in Fata Morgana
Shadows House
Rozen Maiden
Tegami Bachi / Letter Bee
Witch Hat Atelier
Witch's Heart/Majo no Shinzou
07 ghost
D gray man
Some others I'm into but not that crazy about: Touhou, Madoka Magica, Princess Tutu, Tsubasa Reservoir chronicle, Totsokuni no Shoujo (and more but my head is empty). I like seinen, josei and a very specific brand of shonen: aka things enough to mess up my brain. I don't enjoy romance, sexual things(says the Fate fan..HAH. but seriously,I don't.), or mecha unfortunately
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I tend to draw Pandora Hearts, VnC and Fate fanart most
I collect figures,so you'll see them here,but since ,as you can see,most of my faves are a bit on the below the radar side,there hardly are any figures... you'll see custom figures here,and orginal character figures because I like those too.
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I like a lot of things,but mostly whimsical, folksy aesthetics,forests and plants, and glowy flowers and things like wisp motifs (there's no limit actually).My favourite colours are,as you might have guessed, the multitude of shades of red, deep maroons and browns. I love fantasy,and folk tales and Celtic things in general have been my passion for a long,long time ,though I also love things inspired by Alice in Wonderland .
As far as music goes...I sang soprano at a choir for a larger part of my teenage,and choral music is very close to my heart. My favourite genres of music are Celtic, especially Irish traditional, new age, classical/neo classical, sea shanties,and whatever Yuki Kajiura and Mili have going on.
Now...art! When not doing fanart,I like drawing fantasy illustrations, and one day I'd like to illustrate books but that's a pipe dream. I'm self taught,and use mostly watercolour and ink. I also love sculpting. It started with trying to sculpt figures and while that's still what I do most,I sculpt other things too,and in general it has to be the favourite of my scores of hobbies . I also do bookbinding...and music box strips ...and doll customs...yeah there's no rhyme or reason to what I do and don't actually.
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Sometimes I post photos of plants,I like taking photos and smelling wet mud
If you want to hop into my DMs to talk about fandoms or fanart,feel free! I would be very happy! Also I really love getting tagged and asked ,but often don't get around to responding because I'm a mess of procrastination...if that happens please don't mind, I really really appreciate it and it certainly made me happy,and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
If you've made it this far,thank you. It's been quite a long post,and thank you for reading,I appreciate it. Here are my other blogs:
@sanhatis-abyss absolute reblog hell,if you're looking for something I reblogged 2 days ago my condolences,you probably won't find it unless you scroll for hours. Sometimes I shitpost there , sometimes I scream about the latest thing that consumed me, that is ,if I don't accidentally do it here. Truly,an abyss.
@amaryllis-arachne my doll blog. I realise not everyone likes dolls,or photos of disembered plastic body parts,so I don't reblog those onto the abyss blog. Sometimes I put pictures of my own dolls there,and sometimes er...yes parts.
If you want my other links, they're all in the blog description. Except my Anilist, but it's really not worth anything,since I don't review or rate or anything,just use it to keep track. I do roughly-monthly uploads on YouTube of craft tutorials and drawings,but there's not much rhyme or reason to that either... anyways,hope you have a great day,and hope you find anything you like in this mess of a red coloured pit.
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himawariqurrotaaini · 2 years ago
Pontianak. 07052023. 10:21
Dalam hidup akan banyaaaaaaak kamu temukan hal yang mengecewakan,
Rasanya bisa lelah sekali loh Naaak. Hehehehehehe.
Umur 3 tahun nanti, kamu akan menangis sedih karena tidak bisa dibelikan mainan yang kamu mau.
Umur 10 tahun, mungkin saja kamu akan menangis karena kesal kalah dalam perlombaan seperti Ibu 😅
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Umur 17 tahun, aduuuhh bisa jadi kamu menangis karena cinta monyetmu 🫣 *untuk yang ini seoptimal mungkin Ibu jaga dengan doa agar perasaan hatimu dilindungi Allah SWT hanya pada tempatnya ya, Nak.
Umur 22 tahun, mungkin kamu menangis terkejut dengan suasana pekerjaanmu.
Dan tentu akan ada masa dalam hidupmu, akan menangis kehilangan orang yang kamu sayang karena berpulang selamanya.
Daaan seterusnya, aah sungguh masa muda itu Nak.
Tapi setelah lelah itu, ternyata Allah mampukan kan untuk baik-baik saja? Kita yang sekarang tertawa saja melihat anak umur 3 tahun yang menangis itu. Tanyakan dulu, boleh dipeluk ndak? Ditepuk-tepuk punggungnya, kita tanyakan, apakah ia marah atau sedih, karena yang Ibu tau, air mata itu turun banyaaaak sebabnya. Itulah mengapa dikatakan bahwa air mata adalah pelembut hati.
Ibu dulu pernah Nak, bingung mengapa ada orang yang mudah menangisnya. Ibu pikir Allah lebih sayang pada mereka, sehingga lebih jujur dan jernih alur rasanya. Ini masih teori asal-asalnya Ibu yaaa Nak, itu sebabnya manusia diciptakan berbeda. Yang mudah menangis akan belajar dari yang tidak tampak air matanya. Demikian sebaliknya. Santai saja Nak, demikianlah hidup, jangan terlalu keras pada dirimu. Kalau kata senior Ibu dulu, "Semua ada waktunya." Tapi nanti Ibu usahakan, jika usia Ibu bisa mendampingimu lebih lama, akan ibu jelaskan tentang teori manusia, banyak sekali akal-akalannya. Itulah mengapa berulang kali kita diingatkan untuk bersandar pada agama saja. Mungkin lama akan dipahami, tapi nanti kan kamu akan berbekal doa Ibu, tak akan ada yang mustahil jika Allah meridhai.
Ingatkan Ibu ya Nak,
Bahwa membersamaimu juga akan mengeluarkan banyak air mata Ibu, tapi tak akan ada satu kebencianpun padamu. Ibu janji.
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Ibu ayu yang suka sekali sarung hijaunya.
*bahasa jepang di atas juga saya baru tau pagi ini, modal nanya sama Kahicha, bacanya Musume e no Tegami, artinya Surat untuk Anakku (perempuan). Pakai bahasa Jepang biar ndak dangdut amat judulnya. Terinspirasi atas rangkaian kejadian di hari kemarin. Saya kira sejak kemarin saya mungkin ndak bakal mampu nulis-nulis lagi. Ehh Maha Besar Allah, ternyata bangun tidur malah dapat ide ini.
Hari kemarin ditutup dengan kesempatan silaturahmi ke rumah seorang mantan pejabat, selama ini taunya cuma enak-enaknya aja. Allah berikan kesempatan untuk mendengar banyaaaaak pelajaran hidup dari istri beliau. Anaknya aja sampai heran, tumben nih bisa sampai se-terbuka itu dengan orang baru 😅
Alhamdulillaah berarti rejekinya saya, dapat ilmu luaaarr biasa. Belajar dari istri yang berusaha taat, dan suami yang juga berusaha ridha padanya. Sampai tua seizin Allah semua dihadapi bersama. Saya pengen nih jadi Ibu yang bisa cerita banyaaak hikmah dan pengalaman hidup ke anak. Tapi ndak tau juga ya sampai ndak nih waktunya. Jadi yaudah ya, niat baik kita lekatkan di sini. Semoga baik dan benar.
Benar hidup cuma persinggahan, maka jadilah penumpang yang baik. Walau nanti pada akhirnya kita pun akan dilupakan, yang penting tujuan terbaik berkenan Allah berikan.
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driftingisland · 1 year ago
ももへの手紙 momo e no tegami (2011), hiroyuki okiura
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Momo e no Tegami (2011)
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cuentamuertaxd · 3 years ago
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Oh, I have art that I didn't posted here-- sorry, I'm more active in Instagram and Twitter yk----
Shirogane 💙
Niche 🌹
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seanmcart · 4 years ago
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Tegami Bachi deserves more love
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kittensgifs · 3 years ago
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Four letter word
I don’t have the GUTS to say it
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manuken · 3 years ago
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Kanon Claris (Tegami bachi manga)
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ydotome · 4 years ago
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Gauche Suede "Noir" (ゴーシュ・スエード) - Tegamibachi - Episode 1
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nicostiel · 6 years ago
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my-world-of-manga · 4 years ago
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naggingsugaisar · 4 years ago
The moment I began writing this, I thought of having cheesy popcorn for dinner. My mom has bought half a kilo of it and she put it right in front of me, currently. The temptation is real, I must say *sigh.
Helo for whoever coming across my very first post in this Tumblr. FYI, this is my third time of creating a Tumblr. The first was around 8 years ago (even I ogled at myself after counting the years), abandoned because I forgot to do daily updates. The second was last year, used as a place I could literally pour my idea for fan fiction. Then I deleted it because... I couldn't find what the reason was.
I'm a she. 25 years old, and a schediaphilia (need to google the actual spelling though) not because of my life as a single woman. 25 is just a number *flip hair*. I ain't bragging about my age, plus I've just gotten a job last week. I practically have nothing as my asset.
But I have something as my hobbies.
1. Reading manga / manhwa / novel
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2. Watching anime and drama (movie? Not much)
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3. Writing novel / short stories / blog (obviously I'm doing it now)
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4. Drawing (ain't a fine artist, and my drawing is stiff but I enjoy drawing so why shouldn't I keep doing it, right?)
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5. Purchasing manga / light novels (ain't a proper hobby but I just realize this lately)
6. Eating, sleeping, and daydreaming.
Writing has always been my passion, and I won't mind to let someone else reading my fiction, as long as I'm not around him/her at the moment.
Favourite anime? There's no favouritism in my collection, but apparently these are some of anime that I always have recollection when I ain't busy. Plus, these are the earliest anime I've watched when I wasn young.
1. Digimon (Adventure, 02, Tamers, Frontier, Tri)
Mainly because the Digimons are cute. I like Patamon the best. Other than the Digimons, I love the siblings Ishida Yamato and Takaishi Takeru, and the twins Kimura Kouichi and Minamoto Kouji.
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2. Code Geass
The first psychology anime, watched when I was 13. The anime is quite heavy to me, but then I began to understand better when I re-watched years later. "All hail Lelouch!"
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3. Yakitate Japan
The first food anime. It basically about bread and how to make it. Azuma Kazuma is a gifted bread maker and wants to commercialize his own bread, but he doesn't know all those creations are actually existing in the first place.
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4. Kimi to Boku
The first slice-of-life anime. Five best friends always spend time together. They laugh, quarrel, and even cry together. I love their friendship the most.
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5. Tegami Bachi
Not the first fantasy anime, but this is the first anime which successfully made me cry. I watched this for the first time when I was 15. The melancholic killed, I must say.
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6. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
The first action anime. I began watching this around 11 years ago. I like everything about this anime, even the character designs and plot. I couldn't find its weakness.
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I'm more into shonen, mystery, thriller, horror or slice of life (this contradicts the others, yes I know) genres. Romantic and harem aren't my types, unless I accidentally began watching its first episode and got entangled to it.
Other than writing fan fictions, I will update this Tumblr about the anime that I've watched. I rarely rate an anime below 5 (you can observe my rating in my MAL account). I will usually find any likeable elements in anime I watch, therefore I will always rate them high. But I still have a few dropped anime. Not sure what the reason is.
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