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blinkaring · 1 year ago
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La adolescencia, es sin lugar a dudas, uno de los momentos más complejos de la vida humana. Explorar las problemáticas humanas generadas durante este periodo nos ayuda a reinterpretar nuestra propia existencia y nuestra relación con el mundo. Teens Of Denial de Car Seat Headrest es un álbum conceptual que explora la historia de Joe y cómo este crece y evoluciona a través de canciones de rock independiente que indilguen en su psique y emociones intimas en relación al mundo moderno y su entorno, expresado por Will Toledo. En este vídeo, vemos el álbum desde la mirada de la vida en lugares como Santiago de Chile o latinoamerica en general en la era actual y cómo eso nos afecta a nosotros y a nuestros pares y que hacer ante un mundo tan desastroso como el nuestro.
#video #blinkaring #videoessay #carseatheadrest #teensofdenial #youtube #videoensayo #youtubechile #indierock #santiago #santiagodechile #providencia #chile #thedenialofdeath #denialofdeath #ernestbecker #davidfosterwallace #labromainfinita #infinitejest
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casgirl · 4 years ago
if we’re talking bait requests... trobed from community...
its been requested a lot and its one of those things where like we’ll for sure do it if either of us has a friend who’s into it and can guest star
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alwaysunnyonmtv · 4 years ago
ilu erika. my beloved iconic mutual. hope u have a nice day!!
pac, my fellow icon in your own right! ilu so much and i hope you have a nice day too!
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iant0jones · 5 years ago
hppy birthday to the coolest bi goth queen around 🖤 i hope your day is everything you want it to be and more!
Ahhhh thank you so much!!! You’re so sweet 🖤
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speakofgrace · 6 years ago
teensofdenial replied to your post “okay serious question is there a font with the readability of comic...”
dyslexic specific fonts might be worth looking into- i use "open dyslexic" for everything, there's another one called dyslexie i think
ooh thank u!! i’ll check this out
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goldengraphitedoodles · 5 years ago
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I've been having a lot of fun going through "nervous young man" by car seat headrest so heres a digital painting I did of will toledo @notcarseatheadrest 👍👍 swipe for a fun lil tiktok too . . . . . . tags: #carseatheadrest #indiemusic #nervousyoungman #twinfantasy #teensofdenial #musicfanart #fanart #smallartist #youngartist #artistsoninstagram #arttag2k19 #thisisanewtagforartists #tiktokartist #krita #kritapainting #firealpaca https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gEw67F0QP/?igshid=16clxijjbkdvn
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brinschk · 8 years ago
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#nowspinning : Car Seat Headrest / Teens of Denial #vinyljunkie #vinylcollection #vinyllove #vinyl #vinylforever #records #carseatheadrest #teensofdenial #brinschkvinyl (hier: Germania Campus)
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aquariusem-blog · 8 years ago
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This song causes me extreme depression
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memeshog · 8 years ago
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a) props team accidentally used a prop that was over 8 years old and it’s not related
b) a fav of the fandom but unlikely: subtext
c) very unlikely but personal favourite: they were filming while moffat had that petty spat with j baz over bringing back torchwood so they used that prop during the line about how sherlock stabs things that frustrate him
d) no fucking clue my dude honestly wtf
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royalbks · 8 years ago
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Johns top ten albums of 2016: 1. A Tribe Called Quest - We Got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service 2. Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial 3. Blood Orange - Freetown Sound 4. Savages - Adore Life 5. Hinds - Leave Me Alone 6. Underworld - Barbara Barbara, we face a shining future 7. Fatima Al Qadiri - Brute 8. Tim Hecker - Love Streams 9. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool 10. Solange - A Seat at the Table #atribecalledquest #teensofdenial #bloodorange #hinds #fatimaalqadiri #timhecker #amoonshapedpool #solange (at Royal Books)
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gummiewerm · 3 years ago
HI HELLOOOO NEOCITIES USER HERE (teensofdenial). i absolutely ADORE your site but i cannot for the life of me figure out how you were able to implement transparent elements over your content boxes. if you were able to give me a nudge in the right direction i would be forever in yr debt
I'm not necessarily sure what you mean-- are you talking about the main iframe? the pages meant to go into the iframe have page backgrounds of rgba(0,0,0,0), with the last 0 referring to the alpha level so the bg is transparent. if that's not what ure talking about tho feel free to take a screenshot and draw an arrow pointing to what you mean n I can explain that :)
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alwaysunnyonmtv · 6 years ago
truly baffling to me that youre getting shit for wanting an online community to be a safer place, and even more so that youre being told youre not allowed to complain abt something unless you give it money (???) or dont use it at all. anyway lmao ilu erika hope yr doing good despite all this
Honestly, this got so out of hand so fast that I’m still scratching my head at times. But apparently this isn’t something that you’re allowed to be concerned about and AO3 is a perfect place that’s never done anything wrong. But really the whole “I’ve never donated so I can never have a say schtick” is even more bizarre.
Anyway I’m doing alright in spite of all this nonsense and I’m not gonna let a bunch of salty people get me down. ✌️
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gayphichit · 4 years ago
apparently at some point i unfollowed everyone i am so sorry lmao i will make this right.... i follow from my main teensofdenial!
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sometimesalwaysmusic · 6 years ago
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The Downtalkers are a local indie rock band who who combine sparkling synths, fuzzed guitars along with passionate vocals. Building on the success of the lead single Heart Over Head, they released their album Carelessness & Callousness Etc. on May 24. We caught up with Dono Smith (DS, guitar, vocals) to talk about the band’s influences, songwriting, and three desert albums!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedowntalkersband/
Latest Release: Carelessness & Callousness Etc. (Album, May 2019)
Upcoming Shows: June 12th - Blank Notion, The Downtalkers, Aisle 6. House of Targ, 8PM, $10. Ottawa ON. 
SA: How did The Downtalkers start as a band? DS: Well, Gabe, James and I were in another band with some other people that kinda flopped, so after that I started jamming with James, and for a while Gabe was in and out before he finally committed to the band. We went through two drummers before finding Ben, and we brought Ethan on board after recording the album to give me a bit more freedom on guitar.
SA: Who are your biggest influences, musically or otherwise? DS:  I think we all looked up to people who were doing their own thing. Personally I've always been a fan of Jack White, he was so versatile on guitar, and he wasn't afraid to cross between genres. I also love the Flaming Lips, which was one of the reasons I was so excited when James started experimenting with synths. I know that James is a huge fan of Car Seat Headrest and he kind of introduced them to us as a band. Gabe is all over the place music-wise, which I think is very telling of his personality really :)
SA: Thus far in your career, what has been your biggest success? DS:  Well, as much as the album is a huge accomplishment, and we've been able to play great shows with great musicians, I think the real wonder is how we've been able to stay together so long, especially since both Gabe and I share the responsibility of playing the frontman, we have some pretty legendary spats about musical direction. But here we are still!
SA: On the other hand, what is the biggest challenge you've faced, and how have you dealt with it? DS:  Finding a sound that felt like our own took some time, we've bounced around in the grey areas between genres a bit, but I think we're all happy with where we've landed. Not to say that we plan to stick with the same sound for any measure of time, expect change for the next album.
SA: How do you approach the songwriting process? DS: The same thing never works twice. I know that Gabe keeps a bunch of pages of song lyrics in his room and kind of boils them down and presents the distilled final product to the band. I kind of figure out a lead line, write whatever I think people should know, then once we have lyrics the rest of the band builds the song up until it sounds nice and big.
SA: With respect to your lyrics, what serves as lyrical inspiration? DS: Whatever's on our mind! With this album, it was a lot about disfunction in our personal relationships, and dissecting conflicts that we experienced. The album is definitely a story of the past year and a bit for us, so I urge everyone to listen to the full thing in order at some point and piece it together for themselves.
SA: What are your thoughts on the Ottawa music scene? DS:  Great music, great people, nice venues. It's one of those things where you kinda have to look a little to find it, but don't mistake that for it being lack luster or nonexistent, Ottawa is brimming with creativity.
SA: If you had to choose, what is your favourite moment off of your album Carelessness & Callousness and why? DS: That's like asking parents to choose between their children. I personally love Speak To Kill because I think it's some of my best lyrics so far, and the guitar line is super fun, but Knowing's a Double Edged Sword is so instrumentally deep, it's definitely one of my favourites to play.
SA: Your three deserted island albums: what would they be, and why? DS: Hmmm, okay so number one is definitely Teens Of Denial by Car Seat Headrest, because every single time I listen to it, it's like I discover a whole new album, and the lyrics are so sincere. Number two is At War With The Mistics, by the Flaming Lips, because that's the kind of songwriting that I strive for, it's just such an emotional roller coaster, it's really a masterpiece. And finally number three has to be July Talk's self titled album, because it is a very interesting psychological criticism of our modern romantic relationships, and I feel like it has a lot to say.
SA: What do you hope for musically in 2019? Our best wishes for your continued success! DS: If I can be frank? We hope to whoever's in charge of the universe, that people show music the respect that it deserves. Y'know? put it in the forefront instead of it being background noise, get to more shows, I also hope that the streaming situation should change for artists, music should be a viable job. Artists pour themselves into every song, and I feel like every time we stream a song, we're saying that we believe that their work is only worth the fraction of a cent that they're getting payed, and if that's not tragic, then I don't know what is.
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leftothedialmusic · 8 years ago
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Now Spinning: Car Seat Headrest-Teens of Denial. Arguably the best album/show from 2016, CSH plays Boston Calling Festival Friday. #carseatheadrest #teensofdenial #matadorrecords #bostoncalling #vinyl #vinyljunkie #vinylig #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #recordcollection
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seeyoucdvinyl · 8 years ago
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Now in stock at See You CD & Vinyl: Car Seat Headrest: - Teens of Style - Teens of Denial Teens of Style have us a more polished view of Car Seat. Then Denial came and blew most people's expectations away. As most of you know Denial was my favorite LP of 2016 and is still a contender for best of 2017... Be sure and check out these albums and all their work on Bandcamp!! #carseatheadrest #teensofdenial #teensofstyle #matador #supportyourlocalrecordstore #seeyoucdandvinyl #vinyl #vinylporn #vinyljunky #vinyladdict #vinyligclub #vinyljunkie #uiuc #uofi #vinyldigital #vinylrecords #vinyloftheday #vinylcollector #vinylcommunity #vinylcollection #record #records #recordcollector #recordcollection #nowspinning #nowplaying #instavinyl (at See You CD & Vinyl)
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