#teenagers are fun. it's the adults i hate. admin and to some extent also certain parentals
chaoswillcalmusdown · 9 months
tiny lil silver lining at work was today when i had a maths lesson with 8th graders (age 14-15) and their next lesson would entail a visit from the local youth health services (idk what you'd call them but in sweden you always get a visit or you go visit them in 7-9th grade so they can talk about stds and puberty and answer questions). so i was tasked with taking my last 5-10 minutes to let the kids ask an anonymous question for them to answer.
a few, as expected, didn't want to so they just didn't.
one of the tough guys asked for like 4 post its and very seriously wrote his questions.
and one proudly told me his question was "how many condoms have you handed out over the years?"
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