#teen wolf season 5 finale
futuretrain · 1 year
5a pisses me off so much because objectively stiles's story in it is exploring his character flaw in believing he's always right and his pride, and how that leads him to lose faith in his friends very easily, yet simultaneously with the show exploring that they were saying "look we know stiles is being unreasonable, but this guy is totally not to be trusted, you shouldn't trust him, and stiles is the only one who's really seeing it, and again stiles is being a bit over the top here, but he's also right" so the ultimate takeaway was always going to be "stiles is always right" and it was made at scott's expense. and that will always annoy me.
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neverland93 · 2 years
The first official photos from the #TeenWolfMovie are HERE‼️
Teen Wolf: The Movie is streaming January 26 only on @paramountplus. 🐺🌕
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okay-j-hannah · 4 months
Part 1: Her Broken Heart
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: series rewrite, start of season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, strangers to friends, friends to lovers, eventual pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, health problems, lightheadedness, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊
A/N: Just a note that the reader will be in the dark for a while, meaning that lots of episodes/scenes will be skipped. Also, the heart conditions/problems the reader has comes solely from extensive research and isn't meant to be completely accurate - I did my best.
Part 1: Her Broken Heart {You Are Here}
Part 2: A Lacrosse Boyfriend
Part 3: Blue Handprints
Part 4: Ollie's Catnip
Part 5: Mieczyslaw
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar
Part 7: The Summer Filter
Part 8: The Favor
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You walk purposefully to your last class of the day, holding onto the straps of your backpack like your life depended on it. New school. Old town.
It was just so noisy.
The squeak of your sneakers was drowned by the bustle of the dozens of highschoolers weaving through the hallways. Side conversations rose in volume, laughter was piercing, lockers slammed metallically, and the morning bell rang with a sharp noise.
You avoid rubbing shoulders with your peers, but inevitably a lacrosse player rams into your side while chasing a ball. You put a hand protectively to your chest, a glimmer of pain dancing across your ribs.
Breathe, you remind yourself. Just breathe.
Walking into English, you eye the rapidly filling seats. You recognize most faces even if they don’t recognize yours. A few skittish steps forward and you spot the dark silhouette of Scott McCall.
The uneven beating of your heart seems to lessen at someone you could at least talk to amicably. He appears to feel the same as he finds your gaze and smiles crookedly.
“Hey, (Y/N),” he whispers encouragingly. “It’s nice to see you finally at school.”
You smile back, “Thanks, it’s good to be out and about.” You pick the desk beside him, closest to the window. “There’s a lot of people here.”
Scott laughs, “What did you expect?”
“Less than this,” you say, thumbing the syllabus in front of you. “I thought Beacon Hills was a small city.”
You hear a cough directly behind you, fingers drumming against the metal desk surface. You flit your gaze to Scott, but he merely rolls his eyes.
“(Y/N), this is Stiles. Stiles… meet (Y/N).”
You turn in your seat to see a closely shaved head, wrinkled hoodie, and widening brown eyes.
“Uh… hi,” he says.
You swallow hard, “Hello.” Your brow furrows, “You’re Scott’s best friend.”
Stiles nods, playing with his fingers, “Yeah, for years. And you are…?”
“Another friend,” Scott interjects, “Friend of the family.”
You feel warmth as Stiles leans forward in his seat, “A friend that I’ve never heard about?”
That made your stomach clench. Of course you didn’t have many close friends, more acquaintances than anything else, but it still scared you to think you’d be judged on that fact.
“We don’t talk much,” you say quietly, turning back around.
Scott had what you hoped wasn’t a pitying look in his eye when he got distracted by neighbors ruffling through papers; then to a pencil dropping; then to a charm bracelet clanking against a desk. With each new noise his head was whipping about.
You tried to read the first page of your syllabus when a gentle tap on your shoulder startles you. You contained the jump in your heart as you turned towards Stiles.
He spoke with a soft but urgent voice, “Are you new to the town?”
“No,” you answer shortly.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at school before?”
“I was homeschooled until this year.” The anxious fist in your stomach continues to clench further. “I’ve lived here almost all my life.”
He continues to lean forward as the teacher rose to address the class. “How do you know Scott?”
“Our parents are friends.”
“How come he’s never mentioned you before?”
You give a breathy laugh, “Do you always interrogate newcomers or is this just your usual charm?”
He finally leans back in his seat, “I like a good mystery.”
Your smiling reply makes the corner of Stiles’ mouth quirk upward, just as the teacher declares:
“Stiles, are we really going to end the day with a detention?”
Stiles looks up, frowning, “No, sir – just welcoming a new face.”
“Yes, Miss. Westbrook. I’d suggest surrounding yourself with different company. We don’t want a tainted reputation now, would we?”
Scott put a hand to his mouth, stifling a laugh as Stiles lifted his arms in silent outrage. You are stunned but feel a giggle rise in your chest.
The teacher continues, “As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night.”
The laughter in your chest dies in a cough as you replay the teachers unfeeling words in your mind.
“And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester.”
There was a collective groan, but you had already started dating the semesters projects in your academic calendar. The different books you’d be reading were some of your favorite classics: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jane Eyre, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Sense and Sensibility.
You could already see the outline for your midterm paper on the differences between loving with sense and loving with sensibility.
Then the classroom door opened, and a pretty girl walked in with someone from the office.
“Class, this is our new student Allison Argent.”
You silently thanked the heavens that you weren’t introduced like that to the entire sophomore class. But the introduction intrigued you. Perhaps you could befriend this new student as you were somewhat new yourself.
You met her quickly by her locker after class.
“Hello,” you say in your gentle voice, “I’m (Y/N). I’m new to the school too.”
“Oh, thank god,” Allison says, “Just when I thought I’d never survive the first day.”
You grin, “New kids on the block need to stick together. How are you feeling about the move?”
“I’m used to it,” she says, leaning against the wall of lockers, “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m not new to the city, just the school. I was homeschooled before this. Jumping into the school year in January isn’t preferable, but it’s better than listening to your mom lecture about the Pythagorean theorem while doing the dishes.”
Allison laughs just as another girl walks over to introduce herself and her boyfriend. This new face, Lydia Martin, was clearly a commanding personality. And you quickly quiet yourself as she speaks to Allison.
“So, this weekend, there’s a party.”
“A party?” Allison says, taking a step closer to you.
The boyfriend, Jackson, adds, “Yeah, Friday night. You should come.”
Allison clearly didn’t want to go, judging by how she closed herself off and turned towards you. She fumbles for something to say as you note how the two popular kids never acknowledged your presence.
“Actually, we’ve already made plans for Friday night,” you say quickly, the beating of your heart increasing as Lydia made eye contact with you. “I’m helping her finish setting up her room.”
“Who are you?” Lydia asks, surveying you with her wide eyes.
Allison interjects, “This is (Y/N), she’s new to the school too.”
Lydia seems satisfied in her findings, “Pretty.” She pulls on both of your sleeves, “Let’s go to lacrosse practice.”
You panic, “Oh, no – I actually need to head to the library. The first day came with a lot of homework.” You curse the lines of judgment creasing Lydia’s brow. “I’m sorry, I need to catch up.”
“You need to pick, sweetheart. Beauty or brains. You can’t have both in this school.”
You believe that to be blatantly untrue, but you apologize again as Allison gets dragged off. You sigh, steadying your heartbeats. Your mother will be coming soon to pick you up anyway.
It was another long evening shift at the hospital working in the clinic. You assisted with logging patients in, taking their medical histories, noting their blood pressure, and administering medications.
You were currently disposing of some items in the sharps container when Nurse McCall came around with a dirty gown and gloves.
“(Y/N)!” she says cheerfully, “How are you?”
You smile, washing your hands in the nearby sink, “Tired, but that’s not unusual.”
She gave you a motherly look, eyeing you like the nurse she was. “How’s your breathing? Have you gotten lightheaded tonight?”
“Nope.” That was a lie. “I’ve been doing great. I worked through the line waiting in the clinic. Now I’ve just got to clean up before heading home.”
She raises her eyebrows, impressed. “I wish your work ethic came in a bottle. I’d give a dose to my son.”
“Oh, you should give Scott more credit. He’s working hard on the lacrosse team, I hear.”
“Have you two… has he been…”
You give a soft smile, “He’s been talking to me in class, yes. He’s been very kind to me.”
“Good,” that seems to relieve her. “I know you’re not the closest of friends but starting school in the middle of the year can’t be easy.”
“No,” you say with a sigh, “But I think I’ve made a few friends. Scott and Lydia and Allison…”
“So are you going to the party tomorrow night?”
You give a weak laugh, “I don’t think I’m made for parties, Melissa.”
“I mean,” she laughs too, “Scott is taking Allison to that party – I figured if you’re all friends now then…”
“Oh,” you compose yourself, “No, I’m not going.”
“Shame,” Melissa folds her arms, “I would’ve liked a trusted pair of eyes on my son. I tell you he’s gotten all squirrely since coming back from winter break.”
You shrug your shoulders, “I’ll check up on Allison to make sure she’s alright.”
Melissa leans over and rubs your arm, “You’ve been working like a madman since the summer. We’re all very impressed with you, (Y/N). But you have a habit of doing too much and telling us too little. You have to promise me you’ll be honest about how you’re feeling.”
You brush her off, “How many times have we had this conversation?” You take a step back, “I feel fine. The summer tuned me up. I feel I can do anything now.”
“I like the confidence,” Melissa says warmly, but she still held worry in her eyes. “I’m just looking out for you. I promised your mom.”
You grimace, “Has she been bombarding you much?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
The pair of you share a laugh, “I wish she’d stop worrying.”
“We all worry,” Melissa sighs, grabbing a new box of gloves for the nurses station. “That’s what happens when you have people that care about you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you walk around her, “I gotta go before my dad waits in the urgent care drop off too long.”
“Hey, about that…” Melissa calls after your retreating form. “I was thinking about your carpool situation and maybe you and Scott could drive together. You know – so you don’t have to rely on your parents as much.”
Anything to get more independence from your parents. “I didn’t think Scott had a car.”
“No, he doesn’t. He gets rides from his friend Stiles. Maybe you could join them?” She watches your expression grow anxious, “Or you could ask your new girl friends?”
“Yeah, right,” you snort, “Lydia and Allison live on the other side of town in those big important houses with the four-car garages.”
Melissa shrugs, “Then ask the boys. Stiles is a little… odd. But he’s a good kid.”
“Thanks, Melissa,” you give her a tired smile, “I’ll see you over the weekend.” You pull out your phone as you head to clock out.
Your connected watch reports to you the steady heartbeat you’ve had during the day – just two rapid spikes. Swiping away the health report, you text Allison and wait for her replies as you head towards your father’s car.
“So you’re actually going to the party?”
“What can I say… Scott asked me.”
You smirk, “I saw that coming a million miles away.”
“Sorry about our hangout though, I was going to tell you at school tomorrow.”
“It’s alright. I’ll just get started on the chemistry homework for next week.”
“You don’t want to come with us?”
You scoff, “And be a third wheel? No thank you.”
Your dad continues a conversation about your workday as he drove out of the hospital parking lot. “Any big cases come in?”
“No, nothing particularly stressful. Maybe one guy who was nervous around needles.”
“Good,” your dad says. “I’m proud of you sweetheart. And not a single fainting in five weeks.”
You lean your head against the window, suddenly glum, “Let’s hope it continues.”
Friday comes and you’re on the couch enjoying another read of Harry Potter. You were just getting to the confession scene in the Shrieking Shack when your mother came in with a cup of herbal tea.
“You seem a little quiet today,” she says, nestling into the opposite end of the couch.
“No more than usual,” you say, sipping the honey and herb concoction. “I usually spend Friday nights reading, mom.”
She nods, stirring her tea in thought, “Yes, usually. But in the last few months you’ve been branching out. Going to public school, getting a job at the hospital, making some new friends.”
“And while that’s all terribly exciting, I still enjoy a quiet evening with my books.”
“Of course,” your mother replies, “How have you been feeling?”
“Mom,” you groan, “I feel fine!”
She sat straighter, “You have had two dizzy spells this past week. It’s not a crime to ask how you’re doing.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I started school this week, I’m bound to be a little stressed about that, aren’t I? When I started my job at the hospital there were a few dizzy spells in the beginning, remember?”
“Yes, but you don’t tell us about them anymore. I have to pull up your watch readings to find out.”
“What’s the point? I can’t control them all. Sometimes they happen out of the blue.”
“Precisely,” she says louder, “Which is why it’s important to monitor them for your doctor’s appointments.”
You open your book in a huff, “Can we not talk about this anymore? It always puts the house in a mood.”
Your phone buzzes with a text from Allison. Your mother peers over your shoulder to see if it was a notification from your health app.
“Allison is getting a ride home from the party,” you whisper, texting a reply, “I wonder what happened with Scott.”
“Weren’t they on a date?” your mother asks, relaxed now that she knew the cause of your phone lighting up.
You shrug, “I thought so. I’m going to check on her. I’m sure she’ll want to vent.” You get up with your book and find your sneakers. “Could I have a sleepover?”
Your mother battled the rebuttal of keeping you at home – to coddle you with her security. “As long as you have your medication I don’t see why not.”
“I can drop her off on my way to the firehouse,” your father says, adorning his firefighter t-shirt and cargo pants. It would appear he had another overnight shift.
Fifteen minutes later you were outside the Argent residence, Allison waiting by the front door to welcome you with her frustrations.  
The home was tall with big, open rooms full of chandelier light. It was rich with mahogany browns and beamed ceilings. Allison was guiding you up the stairs after a quick introduction to her mother in the living room.
“I just don’t understand why he left me there,” she says with an edge, “I thought he liked me.”
“I think he does like you,” you say as you enter a beautifully decorated bedroom. “We have to remember he is a high school boy.”
Allison quirks a faint smile, “But to leave me at a strangers house… he has to know I’m new to the town. I don’t know anybody well enough to get some help! And I was not about to call my parents for a ride. That would’ve been reputation suicide.”
You clear your throat, recalling every instance your parents have carted you around, refusing to let you drive yourself. “Who gave you a ride anyway?”
“Someone named Derek Hale. He said he was a friend of Scott’s.”
You feel your uneven heartbeats pick up, “Derek Hale? He’s back in town?”
“Do you know him?”
“No, it’s just…” your mind wanders to old police reports your mother talked about and past newspapers on the dinner table. “There was a fire that burned up the Hale House years ago. Most of his family died in that fire. He hasn’t been seen for years.”
Allison crosses her arms, suddenly giving herself a kind of protective hug. “You mean, he isn’t a friend of Scott’s?”
“Not that I know of, but I’m as much of a new friend here as you are.”
“But Scott said you’re a friend of the family.”
“Yes, I do work with his mom at the hospital,” you fight to keep the Hale memories at the forefront of your mind. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ve hanged out with Scott much.”
Allison nods, still gripping her arms as creases of worry etch her face. “Why would Derek lie about being friends with Scott?”
“He didn’t try anything in the car, did he?”
“No!” she says quickly, “He was really kind, even held the door open for me. He just asked about my relationship with Scott.”
You could feel the beats in your chest stutter. They were loud in your ears, “What did you tell him?”
“Just that I met him this week. I got help from him at the veterinary clinic – I accidentally hit a dog – and he asked me to this party.”
You sit on her bed, afraid that your heart rate was increasing more, “Did Derek seem interested in just Scott?”
Allison thought about it for a few seconds before sitting in her desk chair, “Yeah, it was the only thing we talked about.”
“Which would make sense if that was the only thing you guys had in common.” You put a hand to your chest, hoping to steady yourself with some pressure. “But I still don’t think him and Scott have ever been close friends.”
“That’s slightly concerning,” she says with a shaky laugh.
You return it, trying to take a deep breath without making it too noticeable. “Other than the abrupt departure and unfortunate ride home… how are you and Scott?”
A genuine smile returns to Allison’s face, “He’s so sweet. You can just tell how nervous he is and it’s so cute. After being jumped by Lydia and her friends it was nice to meet someone more sincere.”
“Lydia can be a little overbearing,” you agree, checking your watch to see your heart rate drop to a more acceptable number. “And Scott really is a sweetheart. He can be a bit of a worrier, but I find those are the ones who care the most.”
Allison likes the calming reassurance until the sound of her mother’s voice pierced the air.
“Allison! It’s for you.”
The loudness prompts the two girls to their feet. Up on the walkway towards the staircase, the pair of you had a perfect view of the door… and the boy standing out in the cold.
“Stiles?” you say confusedly.
Allison’s mother left the door open as she returned to her spot in the living room. Stiles stood awkwardly under the porch light, “Uh… yeah, hi.”
“What’s going on?” you ask, leading the way down the stairs, “Is everything okay?”
“Is Scott okay?” Allison asks quickly, following you to the doorway.
Stiles rambled, hands on his hips, “Yeah! Yeah, Scott is fine.” His eyes lingered on you as he paused. You had an instant suspicion that he was lying. “He asked that I check up on Allison since he had to run out.”
“Well, I got home all right, no thanks to him,” she replied with a huff. “But he seemed off, like he was sick all of the sudden.”
Stiles took hold of the sudden excuse, “Yes! That’s what happened. Scott just got really sick out of nowhere, like really sick – like find me a bathroom right now kind of sick.”
You wrinkled your nose at his lack of a filter, “But you said he’s fine.”
“I mean, yeah now he’s fine,” Stiles said loudly, as if that would cover up his little slip. “He met with his mom at the hospital and she gave him some… treatment.”
Your pulse was picking up again at his obvious covering up, “You know what… I told Melissa I would stop by the hospital late tonight to get my new schedule. You just reminded me,” you smile easily, putting a hand to Allison’s arm. “Raincheck on that sleepover, I don’t want to keep Melissa up all night, especially if Scott isn’t feeling well.”
“Yeah, of course,” Allison said instantly, “And would you text me if you see Scott there?”
“Sure,” you smile, “Stiles?”
He looked to you with wide eyes, “Hm?”
“Could I get a ride?”
Stiles’ jeep was old and clanky, but in an endearing sort of way. You sat with your back more against the door than the seat, arms wrapped around yourself. Your heart hadn’t stopped beating rapidly. Any faster and you were worried about another attack.
“I’m sorry the heater doesn’t work,” Stiles said with a hint of embarrassment. He smacked the dashboard, “You look cold.”
“It’s alright,” you say quietly. You try to focus on the beats of your heart, willing them to calm down before you started to get lightheaded.
“You know what…” Stiles started to flail his arms around the wheel, trying to remove his suit jacket. He banged his head against the door before straightening out, “Here.”
You look at the outstretched jacket with endearment before quietly taking it, “Thank you.” You were much more graceful putting the jacket on, smiling at how Stiles mistook your concentration on your heart rate for being cold and uncomfortable.
“Now you need to tell me where Scott really is,” you say in your gentle tone.
Stiles suddenly gripped the steering wheel, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Scott isn’t really at the hospital. And I know something is going on with Derek Hale because he lied to Allison. And I have a funny suspicion that you know more than you were telling us.”
There was a twitch in his fingers as Stiles thought about how much to reveal, “You’re right. Something’s wrong with Scott. I don’t know exactly what, but I think he ran off and got lost in the woods.”
“He didn’t give you any hint as to why he would do that?”
“He’s just been acting weird the last few days,” Stiles continued, driving slowly. “When I saw him leave tonight and Allison get picked up… I went after him. But he ran away.”
You wrap the suit jacket closely around you, giggling at how the wide shoulders stuck out on your own frame. It smelled wonderful.
“This calls for a search party.”
Stiles looked worried and frantic again, perhaps still hiding parts of the truth from you. “You don’t mind wandering the roads by the woods? I could still take you…”
“No, I want to help,” you say against your better judgement. Your heart rate still hadn’t gone down. “Let’s start on the north side closest to where the party was at.”
It was already past midnight by the time you started scouting the woods. You kept your eyes out the window, tightly bound in Stiles’ jacket. Your heart rate remained high, the lack of proper oxygen to your brain was starting to make you feel woozy.
Your mother was not going to be happy when she checked your watch monitor.
“Hey, you alright?” Stiles asked, “You need to sleep?”
You shook your head, wincing at the slow motion feeling it produced. “No, I can stay awake.”
“It’s not a problem, really. I can drop you off at home.”
“That’ll waste time when we could be searching.” You sit up straighter in an attempt to expand your lungs. “I just need to take a breath.”
Stiles kept looking towards you just as much as he was looking in the surrounding forests. “How close are you and Scott?”
“Not very,” you say, “I’ve met him a couple times with his mom. Our parents are closer than we are.”
“And you’ve lived here most of your life and yet I’ve never met you before.”
You smile, trying to anchor yourself in your surroundings. It was another attempt to control your heart rate.
The smell of Stiles’ jacket. The rough road beneath the tires. The stale, cold air of the jeep. The sound of Stiles’ investigative voice.
“I don’t get out much.”
He laughed, “Then why the sudden change?”
“I felt like it.”
“Woman of many words,” he smirked, “You said you knew Derek Hale lied to Allison. What do you know about the guy?”
You sigh, “Just a little about his past with the house fire. My mom was a part of the dispatch call that handled the case.”
“Wait, did you just say a dispatch call?” Stiles jumped in his seat, “As in, your mom is a police officer?”
“No,” you laugh at his quick movements, “She works at the front desk helping transfer calls between civilians and officers. She hasn’t been on the active force in many years.”
Stiles had a comical scrunch on his face as he thought for a few seconds, “Your mom is Angela Westbrook? Front desk Westbrook?”
You nod, a strange furrow in your brow, “And you know her because?”
“Because my dad is the town sheriff!”
“You’re a Stilinski?”
Stiles had a shock of energy zip through him, “Yes, a Stilinski! I can’t believe our parents work together.”
“Your dad has been to my house a few times,” you say, amazed at the connections. “I wonder why he never mentioned me.”
“I guess I knew Mrs. Westbrook had a daughter, I just didn’t realize we were the same age.”
The hours ticked by as the pair of you searched the woods by the road. You both thought you’d seen some flashlights and decided to avoid them. Stiles came up with the idea to search by foot away from the woods for a mile or so.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a spare flashlight in the back,” he unbuckled his seatbelt.
You sit straighter, “I mean, wasn’t there a dead body found out there earlier this week?”
“The police are handling it.” He steps out of the car to grab his flashlight.
You stay where you are, uncomfortable with the idea of standing up when your heart rate was so close to an attack. You were lightheaded enough that the rush of standing would not bode well.
Stiles came around the other side with an exaggerated expression on his face as he opened your car door. “Forgotten how to use the handle?”
“No, I’m just…” you tug on the jacket sleeves. “I’m a little lightheaded to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” his face fell into concern immediately, “Is something wrong?”
You smile shakily, “Not at all,” you lie through your teeth. “Just be prepared to catch me if I fall.”
Stiles seemed to take that with the most seriousness as he backed up and held out a hand, “I got you.”
You struggle to breathe as you clamber out of the vehicle. You hold tightly to Stiles’ outstretched hand and wait for the inevitable feeling of the blood rushing to your legs. Your head felt empty, and stars started to twinkle in front of your eyes.
Stiles held onto your hand and put an arm around your shoulders as you swayed, “Woah, you weren’t kidding. You alright?”
After a few seconds leaning into him, squeezing his fingers with light pressure, your breaths started to come easier. Your head became clearer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” You let go of him, checking your watch to see that your heart rate decreased to an acceptable amount.
Stiles backed away quickly, rubbing his hands awkwardly down his pants. He was hesitant to look at you when he replied, “No problem. Does that happen a lot?”
“Oh, you know…” you start venturing towards the tree line, “People get head rushes when they sit too long all the time.”
“Right,” Stiles said faintly, jogging to catch up to you. He clicked on the flashlight and aimed it towards the trees. It was dark and misty and cold. The pair of you kept hearing rustlings between the tree roots and bumping into each other.
You could have sworn you heard howls and growls, but it must’ve been the wind.
“Can I ask why you weren’t at the party?”
“You can, but the answer is boring.” You cross your arms, the too long sleeves engulfing your hands. “I don’t go to parties.”
“Because they make me lightheaded,” you say with a smile.
Stiles tried to pick that apart, but smiled, nonetheless. “You know the more I try to get to know you, the more confusing you become.”
“I thought you liked a good mystery.”
“I do,” Stiles confirmed, shining his flashlight up through tree branches, “I don’t like not knowing things.”
“Sorry, I’m a pretty tightly sealed book,” you shrug, “I can be very evasive.”
“And I can be very persuasive,” Stiles mocked, using a silly voice.
You bump into him again, sort of on purpose and less because you tumbled on a stray twig. “You already know plenty about me.”
“Let’s check the list, shall we?” he chuckled, “You were homeschooled. Your mom works at the station. You suffer from frequent lightheadedness. You don’t get out of the house much. And you’re already a part of the pretty girls club.”
“Excuse me?” you laugh, “The pretty girls club?”
Stiles kicked at the leaves, “Yeah, you know Lydia, Allison… you.”
“Stiles Stilinski, did you just call me pretty?”
He comically puffed out his chest, “In a roundabout way, yes I did.”
You chortle, “See you know a lot about me already. We’ve only known each other three days.”
“You’ll find I can be very determined, (Y/N),” Stiles sighed, “I’ll figure you out soon enough.”
They continued their way through the woods until they came back to the car. It did not go unnoticed that Stiles went to help you open the door and climb into the tall vehicle.
The morning light was starting to peek over the horizon by the time they got back to the roads. The pair of them were starting to grow more worried by the minute. It wasn’t a friendly search party anymore.
“I hope he’s okay,” you say quietly.
Stiles looked your way before resting his hand against the stick shift between you. “We’ll find him. Or he’ll text me as soon as he gets to a phone.”
You lean towards the dashboard, “I guess we’ll find him first.”
Walking along the side of the road, pants covered in dirt and his shirt missing, was Scott. He looked ruffled.
“What happened to him?” Stiles murmured as he pulled over.
“What happened to his shirt?” you say just as quietly. Stiles shot you a look as you strip yourself of his suit jacket.
Scott came to the door and looked shocked to see you handing over the coat. “(Y/N)?”
“Scott,” you say with a smile, “Get in.”
You scoot over to be in the middle. Stiles immediately yanked his arm away as your thigh got in the way of how he was resting his hand on the stick shift. You rubbed shoulders again as Scott got comfortable.
“Long night?” you ask.
Scott rubs at his eyes, banging his head against the window, “You have no idea.” He suddenly turns to you, pressing into your side, “How is Allison?”
“She’s fine,” you say, “I’m a little more worried about you.”
“You know what actually worries me the most?” he grumbles.
Stiles licks his lips, “If you say Allison, I’m gonna punch you in the head.”
“She probably hates me now,” Scott frowns, turning to you with regretful eyes.
You take pity on him, rubbing his shoulder, “She’s upset with you, but she doesn’t hate you.”
“But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology,” Stiles says candidly.
Scott groans, leaning against the headrest. You sit scrunched between them, almost scared to lean into either one. “I hear you were really sick last night. Though I don’t see how that explains your lack of clothing.”
“Night sweats,” Scott mumbles, “When I couldn’t sleep through it at home I decided to take a walk through the woods.”
“That’s a long walk,” you say, “Don’t worry, I’ll put a good word in for you with Allison.”
“Would you?” Scott says, looking at you like you were the answer to all of his prayers. “Could you make sure she knows how sorry I am?”
You pull out your phone to send that update text you promised her. “As long as you apologize in person too, I don’t see why not.”
“You’re an angel, (Y/N), thank you.” He bows his shaggy head to your shoulder before pouting against the headrest again.
“Could you drop me off a few blocks from my house? My parents think I’m sleeping over at Allison’s.”
Stiles nods, “Protective parents?”
“A little,” you smile.
“I’ll add that to the list,” he smirks. “I’ll have to open a full case file on you now.”
“That’ll be a dead end.”
Scott opens his eyes to peer at the pair of you, “Sounds like you two had as long of a night as I have.”
You yawn, “Stilinski here is trying to play high school detective. He’s on a role trying to figure out my criminal past.”
“Criminal you say,” Stiles drums his fingers against the steering wheel. “That’ll mean I need a corkboard and some red thread too.”
“What have you found out so far?” Scott muses, somewhat enjoying the change of subject.
“Not much.” Then Stiles points a finger at his best friend, “But you’ve known her longer than me – fess up. What do you know?”
Scott holds back a smile, “Did you figure out her mom works at your dads station?” After a swift nod he continues, “And that her dad is a firefighter?”
“Really?” Stiles says dramatically, “Any siblings?”
“Only child,” Scott continues, rubbing the tired from his eyes, “And she loves to read. Every time I saw her, she was always reading something.”
Stiles had a look of triumph on his face, as if it were a breakthrough in the case, “What book you reading right now?”
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” You point the directions to your street, “I’m at the end when Lupin turns into a werewolf.”
“A what?” Scott says, shooting forward.
The friendly banter between you and Stiles suddenly shifts into surprise, “A werewolf. Haven’t you seen the movies?”
“Right,” he swallows hard, “It’s been a while.”
Stiles licks his lips again, “It’s ironic because last night was the full moon.”
“Oh, was it?” you hum, “That’s funny.”
You sleep off most of the weekend, having a lecture from your parents about the heart rate spike on Friday. You told them a night of rom coms and silly boy stories with Allison got you excited – that it was all fun and games.
You didn’t tell them you almost fainted because of it.
The next week was more enjoyable than the last. You excelled in your classes and spent your lunch periods reading in the library – you were already halfway through Sense and Sensibility for your midterm report.
Chemistry, History, and English were your favorite, most likely because your new friends were in those classes. Scott had become infatuated with Allison, especially after she had given him a second chance. Lydia was scheming something over her boyfriend being the captain of the lacrosse team. And Stiles was quickly becoming your highlight of each day.
He’d sit beside you during class and ask a personal question. “At least one a day,” he wagered, “I can ask at least one a day and get an answer.”
“As long as I reserve rights to refuse to answer any question.”
“I’m going to add those refusals to your case file.”
You’d roll your eyes, “Whatever you say, Stilinski.”
You were proud of the fact you hadn’t had another heart rate scare since the week before, meaning your body was adapting to the new stressful environment at school. That didn’t stop Stiles from insinuating you were going to have a lightheaded moment whenever you rose from your seat.
You never noticed how he prepared himself to grab you whenever you’d been sitting too long.
Chemistry had come around later in the week, you having arrived early to prepare the days experiment. Goggles adorning your face, you lit the Bunsen burner and tightened a flask of a chemical liquid above it.
Stiles skid over, sliding on his sneakers, “Hey, partner.” He threw his bag down and took the goggles you hand to him. He snaps them onto his face with a sharp, “ow.”
“I’ve started filling out the notes,” you say, observing how the liquid was starting to bubble with heat. “Why are you late?”
“I’m not late, you’re just early.” He sits on the stool beside you, resting his crossed arms on the tabletop. “Where were you at lunch today?”
You put a thermometer in the liquid, waiting for the right temperature, “In the library.”
“Is that where you always eat lunch?”
“You can’t eat food in the library, Stilinski.”
Stiles rubs at his nose fidgetily, “Scott and I were looking for you today.”
You pause, warmth filling your chest as you pour granules into the bubbling vial. “Sorry, I was reading for my book report.”
“(Y/N), book reports aren’t due for weeks.”
“Might as well get it done so we don’t have to worry about it,” you hum, writing down observations about the chemical reaction.
Stiles slumps a little, “Well, we missed you.”
“Scott just wants to gossip about what Allison thinks of him.”
“And what’s my excuse?”
You turn off the burner and remove the vial with tongs, “You’re trying to question me to continue your investigation.”
He sighs out a smile, “You’re right, of course. I haven’t asked you my question of the day yet.”
“I suppose I have no choice but to answer one,” you sigh with a smile on your face. “What do you have for me today?”
He was playing with his fingers when he asks, “Why do you spend lunch in the library rather than in the lunchroom with everyone else?”
You think about your answer carefully as you put away your supplies and let the vial cool down. “I don’t like being around a lot of people.”
“Why?” he presses.
You grab his goggles and snap them against his face, “Because it makes me lightheaded.”
He yelps and sways on his stool, “I’m beginning to think ‘lightheaded’ is code for something else.” He yanks the goggles from his face, and you snort at the deep lines they left around his eyes.
“Hey, there’s a science project that we need partners for,” you say as a way to change the subject. “Do you want to do it together?”
“(Y/N), we don’t have to do that project until the end of the semester.” He smiles at your antics of avoiding his questioning.
You shrug, “I like getting things done.”
He takes a deep breath, “Alright, at least I know I won’t fail the class if you’re helping me with the final project.”
After class the pair of you separate for final period, you heading to a different floor and running into someone at the bottom of the staircase. Someone tall and dark with light eyes.
That someone you recognize as Derek Hale.
You freeze on the last few steps, holding onto your backpack and feeling your heart beat unevenly again.
“You’re Derek.”
His face was cool and solemn, “What do you know about Scott McCall?”
“Why should I tell you?” Your arms erupt in goosebumps.
He steps closer, “Because I’m trying to help him. He needs to get it through his skull that I am not the enemy here. I need your influence in this.”
You hold back a scoff, fear overtaking that, “What business do you have with helping Scott?”
“Do you not know?” his eyes suddenly darken, “I thought you were one of his friends.”
“I am his friend,” you reply, “And I know people are suspicious of you.” A seed of doubt creeps up your spine, “I don’t like that a shady adult is creeping around the halls of a high school looking to make connections with students.”
He growls, actually growls much to your surprise. “I need you to tell Scott that I am here to help. I am innocent in whatever he thinks I’ve done.”
“What does he think you’ve done?” you ask quickly as Derek backs off.
“I can hear your uneven heart,” he says, turning around, “You should calm yourself.”
You put a hand to your chest, mouth agape at his retreating form. How the hell can he hear your heartbeat? A thrum of fear ripples through you as you run for your last class. You check the monitor on your watch until your heart rate was controlled before entering.
You didn’t see any of your friends until the next day. You were reading in the library over lunch again, finishing Sense and Sensibility and planning your report. You keep getting distracted by the whole situation with Derek and Scott.
What had the adult meant by befriending Scott? Why were you approached? What secret does Scott have that you didn’t know about?
You squeal as someone launches themselves over the library couch and sits beside you. Your cushion bounces as your heart leapt.
“Stiles!” you cry, “Don’t startle me like that!”
He nudges your shoulder, “Sorry, we were looking for you.”
Scott came around and sat on the arm of the couch, “It’s lunch.”
“Yes,” you say, “And I’m working on stuff in the library like I do every day.”
“No,” Stiles says, closing your book and stealing your pencil, “You’re going to join us for lunch today.”
You fight to get the pencil back, “I think I’ll just finish my report here.”
“(Y/N), there aren’t that many people in the lunchroom,” Scott says quietly, “And you’ll have us there.”
You stare Stiles down, “Did you tell Scott about my thing with lots of people?”
He shrugs sheepishly, “Come on, let’s go.” He waits as you stand, picking up your backpack for you. Scott led the way, nervous by how he wrung his hands.
“Has Allison talked about me lately?”
You shove his arm, “Scott, I can’t tell you everything we say during girl talk.”
“Girl talk?” Scott says in a panic, “I didn’t know about girl talk.”
“Yes, it’s where we drop all our juiciest secrets,” you snicker, “Including our thoughts on certain cute boys.” Scott points at himself, eyebrows raised, making you laugh. “Yes, Allison has been saying good things about you.”
Stiles matches your stride, “What about me?”
You look at him with a wide smile before leaning into Scott with another laugh.
“What? I’m a cute boy,” Stiles says, flabbergasted. “Aren’t I?”
They walk into the lunchroom that was still full of students. You spot Allison and Lydia sitting at the popular lacrosse table. Stiles, your backpack still on his shoulder, nudges you to one of the front tables.
Sitting down, Scott kept peering over at the back of Allison’s head. “See it’s not so bad in here, (Y/N).”
The patter of your heart would say differently, but you sit next to Stiles, nonetheless, pulling out your book report.
“I did mean to come talk to you guys about something that happened yesterday.” The boys lean in, eager for any strange story. “Derek Hale came to talk to me.”
Stiles slips out of his chair and crashes to the ground; Scott was stunned, “Derek Hale? Where?”
“On my way to my last class yesterday. He was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.”
Stiles crawls back onto his chair, winded, “He was inside the school? What did he want?”
You shrug, twiddling your pencil, “He wanted me to convince Scott that he was a friend. He said he was innocent, whatever that means.”
The boys share a look. You start outlining your report, “And I don’t know why but I think I believe him.”
“No, (Y/N), listen…” Stiles pulls on your shoulder so you would face him. “You cannot trust that guy. Whatever you do, do not be alone with him again, got it?”
“I don’t get it, why?”
Stiles licks his lips, urgent in the way he looks at you, “You need to trust me on this. If he tries to talk to you again, call me.”
“I would if I had your number,” you laugh. The boys pull out their phones immediately to exchange numbers. You snort at their seriousness, “If you wanted my number that bad you could’ve just asked instead of coming up with this elaborate Derek Hale story.”
“We’re not making it up,” Scott says, “That guy is dangerous.”
At the end of the week you were busy with your shift at the hospital. You had just finished checking on Jackson Whittemore who had a dislocated shoulder, and you were logging notes into the computer at the nurses station.
You were just updating a patient file when a hand slams onto the counter. You jump, clutching your chest.
“Jesus Christ, Stiles!”
Stiles was shocked at seeing you there, “Do you work here?”
“Yes, and for the love of god please announce your presence like every other normal human being and stop scaring the ever living daylights out of me!” It was a good thing they were in a hospital because your heart was about to give out.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says with wide eyes. He rubs at his face, hiding a smile, “This is how you know Scott’s mom so well.”
“Yeah, add it to my case file,” you wave a hand, fixing your scrub top, “Why are you here?”
His eyes linger at something on your chest, making him stutter, “Um… Scott and I were uh… coming to check up on Jackson.”
“That’s right, you’re all on the lacrosse team. I heard it was Scott that knocked Jackson’s shoulder out of place.”
“That would be correct,” Stiles laughs nervously, scratching at the back of his head. “Is he alright?”
You smirk, nodding towards the end of the hallway, “See for yourself.”
Lydia had come to pick Jackson up, and the pair of them were currently making out in the middle of the hall. You turn away, slightly nauseous, but Stiles keeps observing like he’s never seen a kiss before.
“She’s never been subtle,” you grimace.
His mind seemingly elsewhere, Stiles fumbles for something to occupy himself with as he waits. He picks up a pamphlet on the menstrual cycle.
“Where is Scott?”
Stiles was stuck on a diagram of the uterus, “Hm?”
“Scott,” you say again, staring at the pamphlet cover, “I thought you said you were both looking for Jackson.”
“He went to find his mom first.”
You squint your eyes, “Melissa’s shift ended two hours ago.”
“Could you explain to me the function of the fallopian tubes?”
You snatch the pamphlet away from him, “What are you two hiding?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Stiles says nervously, “Don’t you have other patients to see or something?”
“First Derek Hale is telling me that Scott is keeping a secret and then you’re here covering for Scott while he snoops…”
“Who said anything about snooping?”
You stand from your chair, leaning towards the counter and Stiles, “Listen, I’m glad we’re finally friends. I like you guys. But I won’t be lied to forever. I deserve better than that.”
Stiles feels his chest collapse a little, sinking in on himself. “I could say the same thing about you. You’re always keeping things to yourself and giving vague answers to my questions. What do you have to hide, hm?”
A pang of hurt hit your chest, “Stiles, I’ve never lied to you about anything. If I don’t want to answer a question outright because it’s too personal, I tell you so. I’ve never hid something from you deliberately by lying to you.”
Stiles bit his tongue, folding his arms defensively.
You let the hurt show on your face, “I think you and Scott have been lying to me for a long time. About the party that Scott ran out on. About why you checked up on Allison last week. About your trust issues with Derek Hale. About what you and Scott are doing in the hospital right now…”
The will to argue was gone in Stiles, he just looks defeated as he watches the hurt fill your face. “It’s been for your own protection.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you whisper angrily.
Scott suddenly appears by the counter, out of breath. “Hey…” he saw your face, “Oh, hey what’s up?”
“Find what you were looking for?” you ask sourly before returning to your keyboard.
Scott shares a look with Stiles before muttering, “Yeah, uh… Jackson’s alright.”
“He left a few minutes ago.”
Stiles turns around to see that Lydia and Jackson really had left. He tugs on Scott’s arm and gave an imploring look towards you.
“I promise we’ll explain everything eventually.”
You keep looking at your computer screen, ignoring the words. Stiles flickers his eyes to what he noticed on your chest, just along the edge of your scrubs. Scott knits his brow as he listens to what was unmistakably the uneven pounding of your rising heart rate.
Stiles led the way to the elevators, cursing himself and smashing the downward button.
“What was that about?” Scott whispers.
“(Y/N)’s mad at me,” he rubs at his eyes harshly, “Mad at us. She knows we’re hiding stuff from her.”
“For her own good.”
“Yeah, but she sees it as us lying to her. I don’t blame her for being upset. We’ve been pretty crappy friends keeping her at arm’s length.”
Scott frowns, walking into the elevator, “You forget that keeping her in the dark keeps her safe.”
“Well, not anymore with Derek roping her into it.” He leans against the wall, holding tight to the railing. “Did you notice the scar on her chest?”
“No,” Scott says, “But I did notice her heartbeat. It was all over the place. She must’ve been really upset.”
Stiles takes a deep breath, “Did you find anything in the morgue?”
The next evening you drove with your mother back to the hospital. You were still aching with the argument you had with Stiles. You knew something was going on between him and Scott, but you still didn’t know what.
Your mother sensed your mood and said in a cheery voice, “We made an arrest today about that woods murder.”
“Did you?” you say in a quiet tone.
“Yeah, Derek Hale. He’s been back in town for a couple weeks. I guess there was evidence on his burnt property.”
You close your eyes, thinking back to the warning about Hale. “Good thing you got him.”
“And then I got a strange call on dispatch today from the Sheriff’s son.”
“Stiles?” you say.
She hums, “He’s one strange kid.”
“Does he call dispatch often?”
“He’s not allowed to anymore, but he did call today about a dog sighting.”
You shake your head, “You’re right, he can be real strange.”
“Are you sure you can’t make the big game tonight?” your mother asks. “Everyone is going, even the Sheriff.”
“I can’t. I’m helping on Melissa’s floor since she took it off to see the game.”
“That’s right,” she replies, “Shame. I’m sure your friends would’ve liked to see you in the stands.”
You turn in your seat, staring your mother down, “I thought you’d object to me watching a heart racing game surrounded by loud, rowdy people, standing in the frigid cold air.”
She shrugs, “You’ve been proving yourself capable of handling your heart rate, even when it’s the spur of the moment.”
A sudden warmth creeps up your chest. Your mother was starting to trust you despite the illnesses. It was just enough of a mood shift to prompt you to text Scott and Stiles good luck at the game.
The shift was long and grueling; you were exhausted by the end of it. Another medical assistant drove you home late, no doubt long after the lacrosse game was over. You made a mental note to commend Melissa for handling such a difficult floor of the hospital.
Your mom had been called away because of a case update and your father was on an overnight shift at the firehouse again. You were quick to shower the nights worth of patient grime off your body and throw your scrubs right into the washer.
You were just applying lotion in your pajamas when something hit the glass of your window. Startled, you stood from your bed and waited for it to happen again.
A small pebble flew through the air and pings against your window.
Peering through the glass, you saw a disheveled, sweatshirt-wearing Stiles holding a handful of your garden rocks. He waves at you shyly as you struggle to slide the window open.
“What are you doing?”
Stiles holds up his hands, “Seeing if you were awake.”
“And you couldn’t think to text?” you say incredulously, “Put those rocks back.”
He threw his handful of rocks on your mothers tulips, “My phone died like an hour ago.”
You stood there, leaning on your windowsill, regarding him with a soft expression. He looks tired and scared, eyes looking up and imploring as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
“Then what’s up?” you ask.
He swallows hard, the cold air making his breath come out in icy clouds. “I wanted to talk… about what you said yesterday.”
“How did you know where I live? You dropped me off at the end of the street, remember?”
“Well, yeah,” he chuckles, “And I just watched you walk to this house.” He scratches the back of his head, “Or maybe I looked up your mom on my dad’s computer and found her employee records.”
You nod your head slowly, “That sounds about right.”
“Can I… Can I come up?”
You bite at your lips, hair still wet from the shower. “Sure.”
It was like letting a dog off a leash. Stiles frantically jumps to the garden trellis growing on the front of your house. He struggles past the vines and up the wooden ladder, ignoring your calls of disapproval. He was huffing and puffing by the time he made it to the roof and next to your window.
“Stiles,” you say in your gentle voice, “My parents aren’t home. You could’ve come through the front door.”
His mouth was dry from panting in the cold night air, “Right, but that wouldn’t have been as impressive.”
You watch his fumbling figure fall from the window and onto your carpeted floor, “Yeah, that was real impressive, Stilinski.”
There was only a side table lamp on, lighting the bedroom in a soft peachy glow. You went to sit cross-legged on your bed, patting the covers in front of you for Stiles to sit.
He fixes his shirt, taking your offer before looking you in the eye. “(Y/N), I wanted to say that I was sorry.”
You look towards your hands, playing with the edge of your comfy pajama shirt. You could smell the fruity scent of your lotion still on your fingers.
“I didn’t realize our covering up was so obvious to you. We just wanted to protect you, but I guess it does seem like we betrayed your trust.” He keeps his eyes on you, waiting for you to look at him again, “When I got your good luck text I thought maybe there was still a chance you weren’t super angry with me.”
“Just a little,” you say quietly, giving him a soft smile.
“I wanted to tell you some things that we’ve been hiding from you,” he holds his hands up, “As a peace offering.”
You shake your head, “How generous of you.”
“The body that was found in the woods… Scott and I found it. Us visiting the hospital? That was Scott and I trying to find evidence on the partial body. Derek Hale? He had been seen on the property where we found the other half of the body. He was also in the woods with the first half. We were suspicious of him, and he was basically stalking us because of it.”
You listen carefully, your heartbeat was loud in your ears. “And when he came to talk to me?”
“That terrified us. We thought he was a murderer, and he was talking to you… alone.”
“You thought? My mom told me he was arrested today for the murder.”
Stiles rubs at his face with a tired hand, “Not anymore. The coroner’s said the cause of death was from an animal attack. And the victim was Laura Hale – Derek’s sister.”
“Must be nice having your dad be the sheriff,” you smile. “So Derek’s innocent like he told me he was.”
“I still don’t trust him. He’s not telling us everything. And since we’ve gotten him thrown in jail, my guess is he’s not very happy with us.”
You nod, your head clearer than it was at the beginning of the week.
“Is that everything you’ve been hiding?”
Stiles licks his lips, a nervous habit you’re realizing. “Do you remember when you said you don’t lie, you’re just honest about not sharing the whole truth?” At your nod he continues, “There is one more thing, but it’s not fully my thing to tell. We want to tell you, but it’s not exactly safe at the moment.”
You take the cryptic words and stew with them for a while. “Apology accepted.”
He let out a deep breath, “Thank goodness. Scott would have never forgiven me if we lost our one connection to the pretty girls club.”
You punch his shoulder and laugh, “The one thing I’m good for… gossip from the girls.”
Stiles rubs his shoulder, “That’s not why we want you around.” He clears his throat at your sudden undivided attention, “What I mean is… you’ve been a good friend, and we like you.”
“You and Scott,” you smile.
“Yeah, me and Scott.”
“Scott and I,” you correct, brushing the wet hair from your face, “How was the game?”
Stiles sat more relaxed on your bed, “It was great, we won. And there weren’t any injuries like Jackson’s.”
“Good,” you smile, “And Scott had a pretty victorious after party, so I’ve heard.”
“Allison texted you?” Stiles questions.
You shrug, “Of course. She said you were watching like a little pervert.”
Stiles chokes on his gasp, “I am not…” 
“You were watching Lydia and Jackson too. There’s a trend I’m noticing,” you tease.
He shoves your crossed knee, relishing in your laugh, “Very funny.” He eyes the neckline of your pajama top, searching for the edge of the scar he noticed yesterday. “Can I ask you my one personal question of the day?”
“Fine,” you sigh, “Ask away.”
“Where did you get that scar?” he nods towards your chest.
You immediately clam up, covering the spot protectively. “I got it over the summer.”
Stiles raises his eyebrows, egging you on, “How?”
“I had a surgery.” You watch the concern begin to etch into Stiles’ face. “I don’t like talking about it.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, blinking rapidly as he tries to compute the information, “But you’re okay now. The surgery helped you be… healthy?”
“For the most part,” you say quietly, “The surgery did help me be healthier.” You could already see the cogs turning in his mind. He was going to head home and research what surgeries would leave scars like that on the side of the chest.
His eyes wander your room for a minute before landing on your nightstand. There were three different sized prescription pill bottles resting there. He returns his gaze to you, but didn’t ask further questions, “So I was thinking… how about I give you rides to school from now on.”
You let out an anxious smile, grateful he didn’t press you about your health problems. “Honestly, that would be great.”
“Good,” he seems pleased with himself, “And in return for gas money, you come to our lacrosse games.”
You outstretch a hand, “Deal.”
Stiles takes your hand to shake and instantly blurts, “You smell really good.”
You laugh, “I did just shower.”
He awkwardly lets go of your hand, standing from the bed, “No, you always smell good.”
“Thanks Stilinski.”
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allaboutlouferrignojr · 3 months
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911 // BTS • Seasons: [2] [7]
How I Met Your Mother
Outer Banks
A Place Called Hollywood
RUSH: Inspired by Battlefield
S.W.A.T. // BTS • Seasons: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Teen Wolf
• Commercials
The Choice (short)
Final Frequency
Guest House
Old Flames Never Die
Resisting Roots
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buckybarnesss · 11 months
I don't know own if you've stated this before, but what is your theory on Eli's existence?
I love reading everyone's theories on how Derek came to parent this adorable mini-Stiles.
i've speculated a little before. mostly tongue-in-cheek (or was it hem).
like, we talk a lot about teen wolf's messy timeline but eli hale existence breaks it on a fundamental level. the teen wolf movie takes place in 2026 and eli is 15 years old. this makes him born in 2011.
season 1-3B all take place in 2011 and it's a very tight timeline.
i would like jeff davis to sit down and tell me when derek hale had not only the time but the desire to go have sex during s1-2. eli couldn't have been conceived any later than maybe april to still be born in 2011 and that's pushing it.
like, derek was very busy going through The Horrors in season 1 in which he was trying to find out who murdered his sister, dealing with scott and stiles, jackson's needy ass, being tormented by kate and feral peter.
season 2 picks up almost immediately after s1 as lydia's still in the hospital and takes place over a few weeks. during this time derek's trying to find out who the kanima is, dealing with the argents and attempting to build a pack (and starting to become aware the alpha pack is coming).
derek ain't got the fucking time.
and no jennifer cannot be the mother because jennifer fucking died and also jennifer and derek didn't meet until like early september.
and also no braeden cannot be the mother because derek and her didn't even meet until 3B which was in late october and they didn't fuck until season 4 which takes place in 2012. it's too late.
and no it's not kate. fucking gross.
but heather, you ask, maybe the conception happened prior to wolf moon?
it's possible but i have such a hard time seeing that version of derek engaging with anyone beyond a surface level that the only way it makes sense is if eli's an accidental baby and the mother couldn't get in contact with derek for a significant period of time.
we know by age 3 eli was with derek as scott had seen him. which coincidentally would've made it 2014 the same year the show actually ends.
(never mind that the final final scene of them all in the parking lot is supposedly 2 years after that making it 2016 putting eli around 5 but i guess no one saw him despite them all hanging out but whatever).
conclusion: jeff davis pulled eli hale out of his goddamn ass
and i can already hear oh but what if he was laura's or what if eli was adopted from another pack and those are good scenarios but in terms of canon itself jeff fully intended eli to be derek's biological son.
so my theories are this:
derek accidentally got someone pregnant shortly before wolf moon and she was unable to reach him but knew his name. at some point before eli is 3 derek comes into custody of eli.
it was the nemeton and eli just straight up exists out of some kind of magic.
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princeescaluswords · 8 months
Villainizing Grief
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I was thinking about @theobule-caul's post here about how often fandom defends its celebration of villains (but only if they're good-looking white male villains) at the expense of female characters and characters of color. What's insidious about this is how subtle it can be, so subtle that fandom can tell itself that it's just telling an alternative story and not actively engaging in racist double standards and erasure of female characters and characters of color.
I can think of no better example than the way the Sterek fandom loves to rewrite the end of Season 3B of Teen Wolf. In Insatiable (3x11), the nogitsune, wearing Stiles's original body, has the oni kill Allison Argent. It was a shocking moment for the audience as well as for the characters. Scott ends the episode having led Allison to her death and holding her cooling corpse. It's tragic.
For a traditional television hero, the next episode would have been about Scott coming to terms with the love of his life dying in his arms, but Teen Wolf chose not to do that. The first scene in the next episode is Chris Argent instructing Scott on how to create an effective cover story about Allison's death, implying in the line "it's what we do" that Scott can't grieve right now. He must be the leader that he never wanted to be. Instead, other people -- Stiles, Isaac, Chris himself, and even freaking Ethan (notice a pattern) -- get emotional scenes which express a reaction to Allison's death. Scott won't be able to mourn Allison until the season ending montage, where he gets ten seconds of silent crying in his dining room (as I frequently say at this point - Don't strain yourself, Davis). Instead, Scott spends the final episode focusing entirely on saving Stiles to the point that even after such loss, Scott won't contemplate Stiles's sacrificing himself to save others.
Jeff Davis did know his audience. He knew that he should have only white male characters get to express feelings about Allison's death in The Divine Move (3x24). Scott doesn't. Lydia doesn't. Noshiko doesn't, and it was her oni that killed an innocent girl. In fact, Scott won't mention Allison by name until the Benefactor (4x04) -- four episodes into the next season -- when he's forced to tell the Sheriff that her name is a key word for the dead pool. He won't get to actually verbally admit that she died because he led her to fight the nogitsune until Monstrous (4x10) when he's talking to Liam and even then doesn't have time to actually express more than a fleeting emotion about it. Scott won't perform any sort of mourning until the first episode of Season 5. For a relationship that Jeff obviously considered one of the cornerstones of the series (so much that it was the focus of the reunion movie), it seems strangely thin, doesn't it? But Davis understood how little his audience cares about a character of color's feelings.
But don't worry! Here comes the Sterek Fandom to the rescue! They will give Scott the opportunity to grieve! Yay!
It appears all the time; it's very popular. When you look at stories where Scott is a Bad Friend or Stiles is Pushed Out of the Pack, it is very frequently due to Scott's reaction to Allison's death. There's a new story today where Scott is angry and blames Stiles. Don't worry, Scott will be made to apologize for grieving by the end of the story. In various and numerous stories, Scott has been lectured or scorned by his mother, by Derek, by Lydia, by the Sheriff, or by Peter (!?!?) when it's made perfectly clear that Scott McCall's primary and unending mission is to focus entirely on Stiles's emotional state and accept anything that his "best friend" decides to do, whether it's show up drunk to Allison's funeral, abandoning Beacon Hills, refusing to talk to Scott and instead choosing Jackson to be his new best friend or sleeping with a Hale.
The twisted part of this is that the Sterek fandom takes what happened in canon -- Scott sets his grief aside to take care of Stiles -- changes it to its opposite in their writing, and then uses that grief to make him the bad guy. It might seem strange, but it serves very specific purposes.
Doing this undermines Scott's and Allison's relationship as the predominant relationship of the show. Sterek fandom has been wanting to do this since Season 1. It's necessary for them to argue that Scott didn't reject Derek or Peter because they were brutal and selfish, he rejected them because Scott was obsessed with Allison. The fact that Scott clearly wasn't -- especially in this situation -- reinforces the canon reason that Scott wouldn't follow Derek or Peter, and it is hard to write apologia for a villain character if the lead protagonist had a legitimate grievance against them.
Doing this denies Scott's virtues as the lead protagonist. This is basic bashing. Even though canon Scott again and again showed compassion and concern for people he had every right not to do so (to the point that Stiles keeps scolding him about it), if they can portray Scott as focusing on his own emotions, they can argue that he's essentially selfish. Think about that -- they leapt at a chance to show a boy grieving for the girlfriend that died in his arms in order to convince their audience he's a villain.
Doing this makes it easier to conjure a relationship for Stiles and a white male character which supplants Scott's relationship with Stiles. It isn't enough for them to craft a relationship between Derek and Stiles (or Jackson and Stiles or Peter and Stiles) that didn't exist in canon -- which are completely legitimate ships, by the way -- because they also have to destroy his pre-existing relationships in a feat of bitter envy.
On the surface, it might easy to miss the connection between allowing a character of color to grieve and using it to promote white male characters (and defend white male villains), but it exists. Grief isn't bad in Sterek stories if it's Stiles or Derek grieving. Grief is bad when Scott grieves (someone other than Derek or Stiles and even then he can be scolded for even thinking that his grief is on the same level as Derek or Stiles's). This is exactly what the original post was talking about it when it complained about "sometimes transplanting whole story/personality elements of characters of color / female characters onto their white villain faves to explain why they're 'sympathetic' while also denigrating the CoCs/FCs for the exact same traits." Grief, as Jeff Davis perceived, is only heroic when a white man does it. In a character of color or a female character, it's an obstacle.
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kaykayow · 7 months
Rant about season 6b of Teen Wolf:
Officially finished Teen Wolf season 6b and all I have to say is…that was one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen. Not because it was a like “bad” ending (if yk what I mean) but it just didn’t tug any of my heart strings it made me feel numb and just thinking wtf did I just watch. I cried at the end of season 6a but this just didn’t do it for me. Stiles wasn’t that present in like one of the only episode he was in. Jackson and Ethan being back was nice but it was just kinda whatever. Didn’t really get the plot bc it was weird. Didn’t like Monroe or Theo’s redemption arc (sorry Theo lovers) You’re also telling me Argent was looking for Kate with the other hunters and they didn’t find her that whole time? Argent and Mellisa was an interesting choice but alr. Didn’t care for Scott and Malia it was weird with them two. Deucalion’s (or however you spell his name) death was actually the only thing I felt upset about. Peter was mid throughout this season. Didn’t understand Nolan’s character too much (he was an odd character for me so I kind of half watched when he was on screen.) I had no complaints with Liam, Mason, Or Corey they were all actually pretty good this season. I liked Liam and Theo’s interactions, although I didn’t care for Theo being redeemed, they were a funny duo. Also your telling me that the Sheriff and Stiles didn’t interact like once? I’m just sad we didn’t get to see that because I love their father and son dynamic. Stiles got his Jeep back which was nice even though he should’ve never given it to Scott lmao (personal opinion.) Also the humor (that was like absent all through season 6b) was back in the final episode which was like a breath of fresh air. Liked seeing Derek though. Overall wasn’t a good season for a final season. It could’ve been good for an earlier one but I understand it’s a bit of a bigger issue. Anyway love Teen Wolf just was overly disappointed with what I spent 5-7 hours watching.
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Hi friends! This BruDick celebration has reached day 6 💙🖤
Please don't forget to reblog this post, give kudos, and leave nice comments on AO3 for the creators 💙
Authors will be revealed on August 17, so stay tuned for that too.
[Fanfic] Across all Time; Eternally His for hmmBarkBark [Mature, No Warnings Added]
The first time he knows he's going to do it; he's standing hunched over the keyboard of the Batcomputer. He hasn't slept in days, hasn't showered in longer. Every half-eaten, discarded meal is surrounding the keyboard, overrunning every flat surface, and he's even managed to run Alfred out of the cave. The truth is, he's run himself out of the mansion.
[Fanfic] 5 times Bruce nested with his kids and the one time Dick got whammied with feelings about it for stabthroughme [General, No Warnings Added]
Through the years, Dick's relationship with Bruce has changed and the pack has grown. Dick isn't exactly sure what that weird feeling is when he sees Bruce with the kids, but maybe he should pay a little more attention to it.
[Fanfic] Everything Has Changed But Some Things Stay The Same for stridingseer [Teen, No Warnings Added]
Dick could be anything. He could be a new hero and wear a new battle suit. He could be anything, change his name and residence, but he will always be Batman's most loyal partner.
[Fanfic] Reward for Themadwomanwhoisunfortunatelylackingabox [Explicit, No Warnings Added]
Bruce has a day full of meetings. Dick helps.
[Fanart] Love Hotel Dimension Adventure for calinden [Explicit, No Warnings Added]
A freshly-separated-from-Dick new 52!Bruce met Post-crisis!Dick and Rebirth!Dick, and he enjoyed a Dick sandwich.
[Fanart] Gone Courting for Mysterious_Aud_Lou [Explicit, No Warnings Added]
In which Bruce Wayne, renowned bachelor of the ton, finally falls head over heels for the debutante of the season---one Miss Dick Grayson. Dick, freshly orphaned, had no choice but to set his eyes on the marriage market, but he certainly didn't expect to snag the notorious Prince of Gotham---not that he's complaining. AKA, how to marry a millionaire. Or, Older alpha Bruce Wayne is so pathetically in love with the beautiful debutante Dick Grayson.
[Fanfic] Fucking Sap for comfy_comfy [Explicit, No Warnings Added]
Batman hates Nightwing. Bruce is still not over Dick. Somehow he needs to remind his boy who and where he belongs to. He comes up with a plan that is not very hinged at all (and Jason might suffer for in the end).
[Fanfic] What Sharp Teeth You Have for littleriverbunny [Mature, No Warnings Added]
Bruce gets turned into a wolf, it has some unexpected and surprising consequences.
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harlstiel · 1 year
***There will be spoilers for the Teen Wolf Movie below. Because I, like an idiot, actually watched the damn thing.***
Everything wrong with Teen Wolf: The Movie
• Eli's Mother plothole. Who is she? Idfk. Personally, I want it to be Braeden. He was born somewhere around the s3b/s4 mark as the movie is 13 years after s6.
• I'm not a Sterek person. I was actually extremely (still kinda am) against Sterek for a very long time. But this movie? I'm questioning a lot of things. What are the complicated feelings, Derek? Hmm? Oh wait, that's right. He can't answer me because he's fucking dead.
• While we're on the topic. Why, Jeff? Why. Not only did he die of fire (like the rest of his fucking family), but he died in front of his son. Derek Hale allowed his son to watch him die. I'm not saying Derek wouldn't die for Eli (because he absolutely would), but to traumatize him like that? No. The man who was kidnapped, tortured, groomed, sexually assaulted at 15, forced to kill the girl he loved, whose family was burned inside their own home by the woman who molested him... was killed off by burning him with hellfire.
• NOBODY making a move to stop Derek from sacrificing himself in the first place? Scott just stared. Stood there. Did nothing. Wtf? Even though Jordan could've just held Void himself, like, dude. You're a Hellhound. He's a werewolf/demon thing. You were destined to kill bigger.
• Derek allowed Scott to take in Eli? Excuse? The man who hates being a werewolf and his 17(?) year old 10th grade girlfriend who died before Eli was born, and who just so happens to be related to the woman who molested him and murdered his family? Yeah, no. Why not his perfectly capable(sorta) and healthy(physically, not mentally) uncle, cousin and sister. Or at least his Grandpa Noah, Grandma Melissa or Uncle Chris. (I'm a Peter/Chris person. Sue me.). These people have been in Beacon Hills and has known him his entire life. Scott met him once when he was three.
• What happened to Stydia? Like, you can't tell me Stiles just allowed her to walk out that door without talking in some way? He loved her for fucks sake.
• Jordan and Malia? I'm not saying it's bad. It's not, I actually kinda like it. But where did it come from? No buildup whatsoever. Just BOOM sex scene.
• Liam gets like, 5 mins screen time. Despite preparing to take on the role of Alpha in s6, he's like a side character put there just to be there. He slayed those 5 minutes tho holy shit.
• Liam doesn't say a single word to Mason. Mason doesn't say a single word to Liam. Why? They were best friends and had this seemingly unbreakable bond in the show but now it's like mom and dad are fighting and don't acknowledge each others existence.
• Speaking of Mason, why is he (a gay black man) a cop? This could've been interpreted as either good or bad depending on how you personally want to take it, but during the time this movie was in production, the BLM movement was still pretty big.
• It's an entire game of 'Where's Waldo' but instead of Waldo actually being there, Waldo is both a giant motherfucking plothole and multiple people. Where is Corey? Where is Theo? Where is Cora? Where is Braeden? Where is Kira? Where is Isaac? WHERE. IS. STILES?
• On the Isaac and Stiles Topic, they're the two that should've been there. Isaac had the Nogitsune at the end of season 3, and took it with him to France. Why do Hikari and Liam have it in FUCKING JAPAN? How'd it get there? Why do they have it? What happened to Isaac?
• Stiles. Where is he. You're telling me that the one person who probably knew the Nogitsune more than it knew itself, wasn't at the battle. You're telling me that Stiles, the one person able to out-fox a fucking fox on multiple occasions when he was FUCKING 17 wasn't there? In all his F.B.I. glory? Because ehe could've had Cora, Braeden, Isaac and Kira in tow, and showed up in the final battle guns blazing, killing the Nogitsune, and saving his pack in his tactical F.B.I vest fresh off a secret important case like sorry I'm late, had shit to do? Then Eli could've met his father's beta, his (possible, cause I love Derek and Braeden) mother, AND the badass F.B.I. guy whose jeep he steals 24/7 and had saved his father on multiple occasions? (Bcus it's confirmed Derek talks about Stiles to Eli) And a cutesy pack scene to finish it off? (With maybe some Stira, Stisaac and/or Stora cause he showed up with them and could be dating one (or all) of them)
• Each antagonist of the movie has (or at least a reason to have) a vendetta against Stiles. We know all about the Nogitsune. Harris hated Stiles' guts, albeit for no particular reason. Even Allison could've blamed Stiles for her death in some way (not that she would, of course.) It reads as though it was written for DOB but when he didn't want to do it, they decided not to rewrite it as such.
• Why Mr. Harris in the first place-? Like, he was one of the sacrifices in S3A, so surely the NEMETON would've known he didn't actually die. And the fact that he still has beef with them just blows my mind :/
《I'll add more as I think of them》
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blackhholes · 2 months
okay i finally watched the teen wolf movie and i've had like 5 glasses of wine so sorry if this is intelligible but jesus christ.
i was sooo right to never consider this canon just based on what i read and i'm soooo happy i didn't watch it alone because that would be miserable.
like the movie had so many aspects and themes and tropes that fuck so hard and would make me go feral but they just fell so incredibly flat in the way it was executed. i truly think if they make allison being stuck in bardo and having to either bring her back or finding a way to bring her to peace the focus instead of including the nogitsune that would have already improved the movie so much. there was way too much going on and the pacing was incredibly weird like watching it you can tell that the screenplay was written by jeff davies, someone who only has experience writing for tv, alone with no outside help. it legitimately felt like he had an idea of a story that could take place over the 10-12 ep season of teen wolf and he just thought he could condense that into a movie and it'd flow well enough. it does not.
and there were things in the movie i truly did enjoy like the scallison photobooth picture like them talking about that genuenly made me tear up which again if you focused the movie on allison it would be so much stronger, as well as the melissa/argent/peter throuple they were sooo fun to watch to me but even the scallison endgame and the toxic throuple could not save it from its many crimes.
like it felt like jeff davies was so far removed from the show and he didn't care to reacquaint himself with the characters he created like at all they all felt weirdly out of character like someone just writing based on memory. and i think russell mulcahy's direction worked well for the show because it was an mtv show and that was what was expected of it but for a full feature length film it just didn't work (i know mulcahy had directed features before but i haven't watched it maybe they're good and this is all of jeff but still).
and don't even get me started on how they treat their japanese characters and use japanese setting like it's soooo disrespectful. and that's not even including how arden was treated which was just sooooo gross.
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okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 13.6k
Warnings: series rewrite, season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, friends to lovers, Stiles pining, slight NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, talk of scars {good and bad}, dementia, hospital death, abuse
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
A/N: I COULDN'T RESIST 😭 Their chemistry is TOO GOOD
Part 5: Mieczyslaw
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar {You Are Here}
Part 7: The Summer Filter
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Scott was frantically searching his bedroom for his phone, arguing with Stiles along the way. “The Argent’s plan was to use Derek to get the Alpha. They’re not gonna kill him.”
Stiles sways in a swivel chair, blatantly not helping. “Alright, so then just let them do what they’re planning, you know? They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved.”
“Not if Peter’s going after Allison to find Derek!”
Frown growing on his face, Stiles picks at the weathered wood of the chair, “You know this wasn’t why I came over.” He waits for a reply that doesn’t come – Scott is under his bed, throwing socks and crumpled papers out of the way. Stiles huffs, “We’ve had a major (Y/N) development… hello? Earth to Scott! (Y/N) slept in my bed last night!”
He grinds his teeth at the lack of a reaction, “And she asked me to take Allison to the formal, which is stupid because we could get Jackson or another lacrosse meathead to do that. I should be taking (Y/N) to the formal!”
Scott bangs his head on the underside of his bed, scrambling to get out, “Shut up!” he hisses.
“Ex-fucking-cuse me?!”
Scott hushes him, “I hear voices in the driveway.” He cocks his head to the window and squints his eyes in concentration.
“Who is it?”
“My mom coming home from work… and she’s been crying,” Scott deflates, sinking in on himself. “And (Y/N)’s with her.”
Stiles wheels the chair towards Scott, looking ridiculous with his legs spread out and paddling against the hardwood floor. “What are they saying?”
“(Y/N)’s trying to cheer her up. She’s asking to see me. She’s worried.” He doesn’t even have the energy to groan his sorrow as he sits on the bed, void of dramatics.
Stiles takes a breath, hearing his friends anxiety without needing the words. “Scott, you can’t protect everyone.”
The beat that follows is short and tense, resignation in Scott as he says, “I have to.”
“Well, we’re going to have to put a pause on that because (Y/N) is probably coming inside any second now.” Stiles straightens his jacket, “And she doesn’t want to be involved in any werewolf stuff, remember?”
“I don’t know how we’re supposed to be friends with her and keep her from all that,” Scott sighs, laying on his back and covering his face with his hands.
“Like it or not, she may be the eventual love of my life, meaning you have to suck it up and deal with it.” Stiles chokes on his breath as you knock on the wall before entering the open door.
You wince at the coughing fit Stiles is in, “Good morning.” Your eyes fall on Scott, “I hear something went down last night,” you fold your arms, “Melissa just told me outside. She’s seriously torn up about it.”
Scott finally is able to groan his frustrations, “Everything is going to shit.”
“Someone’s down in the dumps,” you smile, but stop upon seeing the lack of enthusiasm on Stiles’ face. “Any updates?” You play with your fingers, worry evident in your stance as you look between the boys. “Look, just because I don’t want to be there for the werewolf crap doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear about it afterwards.”
“Derek took Jackson to the Hale House and drew Scott out,” Stiles resigns, “It turned into a giant werewolf battle that ended with Scott being shot by the Argents and Derek going missing.”
You whip your head to Scott, lines of worry in your brow, “Are you okay?”
Scott lifts his shirt in a silent reply – no bullet wounds in his torso. He rolls over onto his feet and grumbles, “Deaton patched me up.”
If it was possible, your brows arch even closer to your hairline, “Deaton like your vet boss Deaton? He knows about all this too?”
“Evidently,” Stiles shrugs his shoulders.
“And Peter showed up to threaten Allison’s safety. He thinks the Argents have Derek and now I have to be on guard 24/7 to make sure she’s safe. Not to mention my mom went out with the maniac last night and you are the number one first target should a werewolf want to kill my pack…” Scott was tangling his fingers in his shaggy hair, “And with not going to the dance I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep her safe.”
You walk to stand in front of him, “Scott,” you say softly, “Noone expects you to be a guard dog for all your friends 24 hours a day. That’s impossible and too high an expectation for yourself. You’re just a sophomore in high school.” You raise your arms to grab Scott’s wrists, easing them from his head, “You shouldn’t have to be worrying about all this – it’s why you’re failing your classes.”
He lets you hold onto his arms between you, “But I have to worry; it’s all my fault. And I’ve screwed myself in the long run because now I’m banned from a whole night where anything could happen to you guys.”
You listen, eyes soft and sad, “I wanted to talk to you about who you think should take Allison to the dance, just so you feel more at ease about it.” You finally let go of his arms, returning to your finger picking. “Any ideas?”
“Jackson,” he says, ignoring the silent cheers coming from Stiles behind you. “He likes her, and they have a decent friendship, even if he won’t admit it.”
You nod, “Sounds good. Do you need me to help in any way?”
“Are you going to the dance with Andrew?” he asks, checking all his boxes.
“I don’t know,” you say, “He hasn’t asked me yet, but I have a feeling he might after our date tomorrow.” The smile on your face says it all and Scott again ignores the despair hitting Stiles – the poor boy banging his head into his crossed arms on the chair.
“Let us know,” Scott says, now fixated on finding a way to protect his mom, “We still have a week until the dance.”
You smile, but your eyes are pinched with empathy, “I’ll try to have as many sleepovers as possible with Allison and Lydia this next week,” you say determinedly, “I know you were thinking about stalking her house at night.”
“Only to keep watch,” he says with a slight upturn of his lips.
“But you need your sleep,” you pat his shoulder, turning around, “Doctor’s orders.” You spy on the last remnants of Stiles’ despair as he wipes his face of emotion. You grimace at the terrible unevenness of his hoodie strings. “And have you figured out someone to ask to the dance?”
You move to pull on his hoodie strings, evening them out as you adjust the fabric around his neck. He gulps and takes a second to respond.
“Not yet,” he gasps out a laugh, “We’ll see.”
“There’s always Lydia,” you smile, flattening the fabric against his wide shoulders. “Or you could just go stag.”
You drive with Lydia that night. It had been so long since the two of you hung out that it was almost awkward visiting the strip mall together – the same one you went to on your first date with Andrew.
The white fairy lights were just starting to turn on as you enter a beauty shop. Lydia goes right for the latest face serums while you follow along. “Don’t you already have every skincare product alive?”
“You can never have too many,” she says, holding up something pink and shiny.
“Actually, too many products can mess with your skin barrier and…”
Lydia holds up a finger, “That doesn’t stop me from having them sit pretty on my vanity.”
You giggle, running your eyes over the pretty packaging of various bottles. They really knew how to draw your attention. “I need a new lip gloss,” you say, encouraging Lydia’s shopaholic tendencies.
“Let me show you some of my favorites,” she says quickly, purse hanging from the crook of her elbow.
Shopping with Lydia was fun, especially when she made you feel beautiful and offered to buy things for you. She had you holding a few things for herself, but also a couple products for you that she refused to let you buy.
“Have you found someone to go to the formal with?” you ask nonchalantly, checking Lydia’s mood.
“I’ve narrowed it down to a couple lacrosse players. We’ll see who asks me by tomorrow.” She purses her lips and leads the way to the checkout line. “Do you know who Allison is going with?’
You hum your response, “Um… I think Jackson might ask her.”
Lydia takes a deep breath, “Sure. Why not.”
“Are you not okay with that?” you ask quietly, “I’m sure Allison will say no if you want her to.”
“I’m not going to control what that conceited little man wants to do. He was a moron to let me go – clearly I’ve been doing better than him since. You know after every lacrosse practice he just goes home? I haven’t seen him at a single after practice party.”
You pull your card out to pay for your things and she smacks your wrist. “How often does the team meet after practice?”
“Like once or twice a week,” she shrugs, “Jackson never liked to go, though. He doesn’t like doing things for popularity’s sake.”
“I’ve noticed he kind of just does things that serve his own best interests.”
“Exactly,” she says a little exasperatedly, handing you the shopping bag. “He’s so full of himself. I don’t know what’s going on with him.”
You hold open the door as Lydia storms out, shoulders tense at the thought of him. “Hey, crazy thought…” you say with a giggle, “Do you want to go spy on him?”
Lydia stops on the cobblestone sidewalk, giving you a dose of skepticism. “Are you crazy?”
“Come on, we could just drive past his house,” you say, still smiling, “It’s what girls do after a hard breakup.”
Consideration fills her gaze, slowly starting to walk again. The click of her heels builds a rhythm as her confidence grows, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to see what he does on a weeknight. I swear he’s become so boring now.”
You laugh, linking arms with her and going for the car. You think about what Stiles said at the hospital. Jackson was focused on getting the werewolf bite. He was becoming an obsessive recluse in his hunt for power. It was no wonder that he avoided people that wouldn’t help him with his mission.
The drive to the upper class part of town was fast and full of loud music. Lydia looks determined as she turns into the neighborhood, headlights blinking off. You turn down the radio and look upon the grand estate that was the Whittmore house.
It looks renovated in comparison to some of the other houses on the street.
“They sure like a clean and modern look,” you remark at the plain white walls and geometric windows.
Lydia scoffs, parking across the street a little away. “He was always so proud of his money. Like it made him something he’s not.”
You feel a twinge of pity. “The poor thing. His Porsche is here – I bet he’s brooding in his bedroom.”
Pointing a finger, Lydia picks the window to Jackson’s room, “He’s up there; the lights on.”
The pair of you deduce what the reclusive boy might be doing. You were just laughing about anime porn and edibles when a loud voice starts yelling within the house you’re parked in front of. Lydia stops her laughter, looking to her right to peer out your window.
“Someone’s having a fight inside.”
You wince at the persistent yells, “Sounds pretty serious.” There was a crash and a boom. It made you jump being the closer of the two to the house. “Oh my god, what are they doing? Breaking things?”
A breath catches in Lydia’s throat when another bellowing yell seems to shake the windowpanes. “Maybe we should get out of here.”
Your mouth falls open when it sounds like someone slams into the front door. “Maybe we should call someone for help.”
The front door opens and a teenager falls out onto his side. He scrambles to get away from whatever was happening within. He trips down the concrete stairs of the front porch and finally makes it to his feet.
You audibly gasp, recognizing the teenager as Isaac Lahey. “Holy shit, I know him!” You go to open the door and Lydia cries out.
“Wait! We should…”
“Lydia…” you spot something bleeding on the side of Isaac’s face, “He’s hurt and he needs help.” You don’t even let her begin a retort as you leap out of the car at Isaac’s retreating form. “Isaac!”
He flinches, turning around in a frenzied motion. He looks wild with fear, holding his hands out like he was going to stop whatever was after him. In a second he looks even more uneasy, “(Y/N)?”
“Get in the car,” you say, keeping your distance, “We’ll get you out of here for a while.”
He looks at the slightly open front door and the look of desperation on your face. He swallows hard and seems fidgety with adrenaline.
“It’s okay,” you say quietly, taking a step forward. “I can help, Isaac. I work at a hospital – I can fix you up. Let’s go take a break somewhere else. Somewhere safer.”
Isaac looks to be choking on something – whether breath or words, you weren’t sure – but you feel a drop of relief as he follows your lead into the car.
Lydia looks petrified as she faces forward, two hands on the wheel. “This is not how I expected tonight to go.”
You put on your seatbelt and ask her firmly to drive to your house. “Is that okay, Isaac? My dad is at the firehouse and my mom is probably napping on the couch. She always does after having some of her tea.”
“Um…” Isaac wraps his arms around himself, trying to hide just like he did in the computer lab. “Yeah, sure.”
In those few seconds you look over your shoulder, you check the bleeding to the side of his face. The skin must’ve split open from some kind of force. In another second you notice the bruise around his eye.
It was yellow and green with age.
It’s quiet as Lydia tensely drives the car to your house. You try to silently thank her for going along with your plan. You were concocting scenarios in your mind as to why Isaac was so hurt. The yells, the bruises, the crashes and bangs, the fear as he scrambled away.
You think, sadly, of how alone Isaac always was. You realize that there wasn’t a single instance you could think of when he was with anyone. There was just that one time you spoke with him in the computer lab.
What was he actually dealing with at home?
Lydia was curt as she drove away from your house, no doubt brewing a passive aggressive text for you. Isaac, though extremely tall, seems to shrink beside you. He doesn’t look up as he follows your footsteps.
“Is this okay?” you ask gingerly, stopping at the door. “I just want to take you upstairs and have a look at that cut. It’ll be a quick bandage and then we can do whatever you like. We’ll take a break for a while.”
He seems to stew for a few seconds, not daring to look you in the eye. You suddenly wish to see them bright blue with the smile he got from laughter. The one you complimented him on. He finally speaks in a quiet tone, “Yeah, that’s okay.”
“Good,” you say, opening the door and going for the stairs. Peering over the banister you see just as you predicted. Your mother is fast asleep with a book resting open on her chest, and an empty mug of tea on the side table. “I swear that chamomile one she has puts her right to sleep.”
You walk upstairs and to the hallway bathroom. You put the toilet lid down and gesture for him to sit. Under the sink, and next to an array of things that sometimes help you when you feel faint, is a first aid kit.
Isaac looks wary as he holds his hands in his lap. It seems pretty plain what was going on. Something to do with an angry dad at home. You suddenly remember how apprehensive he was when you mentioned asking his dad for permission to go on the spring retreat.
“What was it that split your cheek open?” you ask gently, just a few inches taller than him as he sits.
He looks fearful to admit the truth. “I uh… fell.”
You nod, knowing it was a lie. “Pretty hard fall,” you give him a sad smile as he appears relieved you don’t question further. “I’m just going to clean it and put a butterfly bandage on, okay?”
He swallows again, wringing his hands, “Sure.” He winces as you swab a disinfectant wipe along his cheek.
“I’m sorry,” you say softly.
“It’s okay,” is his reply. He continues to be on edge as you pinch the cut closed and place a butterfly bandage on it. You let the silence continue if that is what he wants to do.
You’re throwing away the used wipes now, “Is that what happened to your eye?” you ask, “Another bad fall?”
He looks at you and seems to soften at the understanding in your gaze. It was warm and safe. He takes a deep breath, “Yeah. Another fall.”
“Would you consider yourself pretty clumsy?” you ask vaguely, stating the obvious without saying it out loud.
He catches on pretty quick, “It depends. Some days are better than others.”
You nod again, “Would you like something for the pain? I’ve got some ibuprofen or Tylenol.”
He agrees and follows you down the stairs again to find your mother groggy on the couch.
“Oh, hello sweetie,” she says, rubbing her eyes, “Who’s this?”
“This is Isaac,” you introduce, filling a glass with water. “He lives by Jackson Whittemore.”
Angela smiles though her eyes are droopy, “Nice to meet you, Isaac.” She suddenly squints, “What happened to your face, dear?”
He freezes as you open the medicine cabinet, “Oh, just lacrosse practice.”
He looks grateful, adding quietly, “I uh… got tackled without my helmet.”
“Boys,” Angela says funnily, “Well, hopefully it heals fast.”
Isaac gives a half smile before accepting the medicine from you, “Thank you.”
You’re still gentle as you reply, “You’re very welcome.”
The next night turns into a better one as you go on your second date with Andrew. He takes you to a Barnes & Noble, buying you a book and a coffee inside. Sitting in the little indoor café, sipping hot drinks and nibbling on pastries, you discuss your favorite genres.
Andrew listens to you with bright eyes, a sweet smile on his face. He takes you back to his house after that, turning on a Disney movie like you agreed on the last date. It only took about twenty minutes before he was pulling your chin towards his.
The night ends with a long-winded makeout and a winter formal proposal.
You were fit to burst with the information the next day, wanting to talk to the girls about the whole thing – but Allison had been off the radar the last couple of days and Lydia was attending after practice parties with the lacrosse team.
No doubt scouting for her next boyfriend (and date to the formal).
The next best option was Stiles. He picks you up and takes you to the nearest gas station for drinks and treats. You grab all your favorites, including peach rings and a large orange creamsicle.
The perfect summer treats to remind you of your favorite season.
Stiles insists on paying for the load, throwing his gummy worms and sodas on the counter. “I’d slip you cash anyway if you tried to pay.” He’s amused by your sweet smile as you open the creamsicle.
He even opens the jeep door and holds all the packages before dumping them on the floor between you.
“You’re going to step on them as you drive,” you cry, reaching down to shove all the snacks towards your feet. You almost lose a line of melting orange from your creamsicle. You lick a long stripe up the cold pop, “Should we just stop at the park?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah sure,” he says, putting the jeep in gear. “You enjoying that popsicle?”
Your lips kiss the tip of the pop, embarrassed when it makes a slurping sound, “Of course, it’s the best desert besides cheesecake.” The park isn’t far from the gas station, Stiles parking in front of the field and playground, turning off the engine. You continue to kiss and lick the creamsicle until orange and white ice cream is coating your lips.
Stiles wonders what it would taste like to kiss it off.
“My mom used to take me to this park when I was little,” you say, settling against the door and kicking your feet onto the seats.
Stiles does the same, one leg bent onto the seats and the other off the edge, able to bounce if needs be. “My mom did too,” he adds, a finger at his temple and thumb at the beginning of his jawline. He considers you, “I can see you just dying to tell me what happened.” He says it with convincing eagerness, but his face is placid as he says it.
He chooses to focus on how you lick the last remnants of ice cream off the wooden stick. It made him squirm within five seconds.
“Well, Andrew did ask me to the winter formal,” you say in hushed tones, “But that isn’t the best part. We kissed again and not just a goodbye on the doorstep kind of kiss – like a on the couch with a movie in the background kind of kiss. It must’ve been like forty-five minutes before his parents got home.”
And before you knew it, you were delving into the details of the entire night, focusing on the exciting kiss at the end. You start to compare the kissing with other boys you’ve been with before, critiquing the skill level and any corresponding downsides.
You open the sugary peach rings, chewing on them as you say, “Overall, I’d give it a solid B or B-.”
“You’re kidding!” Stiles retorts, stretching a gummy worm between his fingers, “You just went off about how great it was.”
“Yeah, but…” you shrug, sticking a peach ring on the tip of your finger like it was a life preserver for it. “… his technique was a little much.”
Stiles bites the head off his gummy worm, “What do you mean?”
“He was kind of abrasive, I had to keep telling him to slow down.” At the look of confusion on Stiles’ face, you keep going – you forget that he’s never kissed anyone before. “From the first kiss it was like he was eating my face. They were very open mouthed, and he kept trying to use tongue. I finally told him to slow down after I felt our teeth knock a couple times.”
Stiles grimaces, “That doesn’t sound fun.”
“I didn’t peg him for being the aggressive kisser,” you shrug, “It might’ve been nice if I wasn’t so surprised – like I could’ve matched his energy a bit better.”
“So, you… wait – what kind of kissing do you like?”
You ponder the question, eating the peach preserver on your finger, “I like it slow at first, you know – like you hold a cheek and draw each other in. Then it should get heavier, like more firm kisses, and you usually start moving at that point. Like… you get closer and I might sit on his lap or something.” You pull apart another peach ring, playing with the sticky gumminess between your fingers, “Then I like it when… oh my god, this was another thing! He never left my mouth.”
Stiles was only able to listen because of (1) his feelings for you and (2) the possibility that he could get some pointers on how to charm you. He had to listen to your previous encounters – a very real knife of white hot pain stuck in his collarbone and digging down his sternum – but he was getting a front row seat to your kissing preferences.
“I thought that’s how kissing works?”
You throw a candy at him, and he chases it down his chest. “Yeah, one type of kissing. But that gets boring after ten minutes. I like it when they start to kiss my neck and chest. How did you think people got hickeys?”
Stiles grumbles, head drifting to not just your ice cream lips, but the warm pulse at your neck, and the beauty marks on your skin below that. He quickly understood the desire to kiss other parts of the body.
“I get it,” he says, taking another sip of his soda. He kept finding his throat going dry, “So start slow, get more intense, and don’t forget to kiss other areas.” He nods to himself, “And the tongue thing?”
You grimace, “It can be nice if they know what they’re doing.” You sigh, slouching against the car door, “Easton from down the street was a heavy tongue guy. Like he saw one couple frenching on tv and decided that was the best way to kiss. It was like… so so wet. My chin was covered in drool by the time he left.”
Stiles was already hot around the collar, skin splotchy with red and pink. But he was starting to get an awful anxious feeling in his stomach, “There are so many things to remember.”
You look endeared as you lean forward, “But when you’re with the right person, it just feels natural. You click like all the puzzle pieces fit between you. You stop thinking about all the details and just go with what feels good.”
He tilts his head, and he looks so nervous and curious, “Was that Adam from San Fransico?”
The breath catches in your throat for a second, “Nearly. It was like a first love. It did feel natural with him, but our puzzle pieces didn’t all fit right.”
Stiles bites at his lips, “I think I had something similar to that. Never to the point where we kissed, but… I kind of obsessed over Lydia for a couple years.”
Your eyes widen, “You’re kidding, our Lydia?”
He nods, embarrassed, “Our puzzle pieces didn’t fit right either. Come to think of it, it didn’t really feel natural either. I guess that’s a pretty crummy first love, huh?” He smiles like he pities himself.
You frown, so entirely endeared by him that you feel a warmth enter your chest at his somber expression. The desire to hold him and show him what it feels like to be natural and wanted came on hard and fast.
“You can always learn to be a good kisser,” you smile, “But yes, having your puzzle pieces all fit makes all the difference in the world.”
“And how did you learn to be a good kisser?” he asks, crumbling his candy wrappers and throwing them in the back.
“That’s a bold assumption,” you laugh, “I never said I was a good kisser.”
He shrugs, playing with the hem of his shirt now, “I can just tell. There’s no way you’re a bad kisser.”
You feel rosy at those words, “I just learned from trial and error. I never had a teacher or anything.”
“I bet you’d be an excellent teacher,” he mumbles. His eyes go wide, clamping his mouth shut, biting his tongue.
You’re giddy as you laugh, “There’s only one way to find out, I guess.” Your eyes trail around his mole-dotted skin, guiding you to his slightly chapped lips and the cupids bow that leads to his perked nose. You love how red and flushed his skin is.
“What are you implying, Miss. Westbrook?” His eyes are bright, but he is deadly still.
“I don’t know,” your hands go to your temples, laughing a bit breathlessly. “Must be a sugar rush, don’t mind me.” There is something hot and heavy filling the space of the jeep, and you suddenly want to open the window to let in some cold air. You feel Stiles’ eyes on you like a deer caught in the headlights.
The silence is deafening as you turn your peachy gaze to his. He is flushed and breathing heavy and…
You consider it.
“Friends can kiss.” You pout adorably as you reason, “Scott and I kissed.”
“Not willingly,” Stiles says in his breathless voice, a small smile curling his chapped lips.
You wave a hand, “It’s purely a teaching moment.”
“But we did already make a kissing pact.”
“We can null and void the whole pact. Make it invalid based on… new circumstances.” He looks deep into your eyes before snapping out of it, shaking his head. “Wait… no, I… kissing you (Y/N)…” he was really struggling, fidgeting in his seat. “I want to but… what if I’m a terrible kisser and you’re so nauseated by it that you never want to kiss me again? I don’t wanna – I don’t want to mess it up.”
You try to decipher the speech, fogginess entering your brain as you focus on the shadows dancing across his skin.
“It’s a chance you have to take,” a smile on the tip of your words, “I did say I would help you get your first kiss out of the way.”
He struggles for breath, “Does that mean the offer still stands… to happen right now?”
You inch across the seats, in the middle now and loving how Stiles was having such a visible reaction. He goes rigid, his mouth open and eyes turning desperate. He looks scared and wanting. It looks conflicting… and hot.
“If you really want a lesson right now.” You whisper it like a newfound secret, “Only if you want to.”
“If I want to?” he sounds disbelieving, “Of course I… I mean, I don’t think I could ever say no to you, (Y/N).”
Something blossoms in your chest and it’s warm and addictive, you chase after it – prompting you to get closer, “C’mere,” you say gently and smile at how responsive Stiles is. He moves forward like a puppy searching for a treat.
You raise a hand and pause right before touching his cheek, “You sure?”
“Positive,” he says immediately, nearly leaning into your hovering hand.
You smile, touching his face and winding your hand to under his ear, your thumb in the perfect position to rub along his cheekbone. His eyes flutter close and an inaudible sigh escapes his open mouth. With the tips of your fingers reaching the back of his neck, you pull his face closer to yours. You position him at a slight angle, and he responds to your direction instantly.
He opens his eyes to find your noses nearly touching. You’re both breathing shallow, sharing the air between you, feeling it breeze and dry against your lips. He smells like candy.
And you… you smell like orange cream and peachy sugar.
“Put one hand here,” you direct his hand to your waist. Your heads stay close, gazes flickering between eyes and lips. “And another here,” you put his other to the side of your neck. His hands are so large – his fingers so long – you feel them shake as they engulf the space between your neck and shoulder. His thumb rests on your jawline while the side of his pinky sits on your collarbone. “Do what feels natural,” you whisper. “It’ll come to you.”
One hand shakes on your waist, testing a light pressure while his other hand rests very warm against the side of your neck, afraid to move.
You tilt your head to match his and find his dark honey eyes illuminated by the park streetlamps. They were still slanted in nervous desperation. He didn’t dare move, but you can tell he wants to – wants to badly.
“Close your eyes,” you say quietly, and your lips barely brush against his as you speak.
His lids close instantly – he is so pliable under your hand.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, nervously twitching his fingers against your skin.
You smile, still looking at his eager expression as you brush your nose against his slightly upturned one. And then you slot your mouth on his bottom lip. You hold it there as he tenses, his hand gripping your waist suddenly – the other digging his fingertips in the soft skin of your neck.
You pull away a few inches and say, “There… you’ve had your first kiss.”
His lips search for you, leaning forward until his eyelids fly open, “What? That’s...” his throat bobs and he clenches his teeth so you see the muscle bulge on his jaw. “Any more things you can teach me?”
You lick your lips, giggles falling out of your mouth until he cracks a small smile. You put your forehead to his, smiling wide, “The night’s still young.” You press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth, “You need to relax. You’re super tense, mischief. I’m giving you permission to move your hands to whatever feels natural.”
At his quick question of hesitance, you continue, “I would tell you if anything made me uncomfortable. As long as you do too.”
He nods frantically, eager to go again with less nerves this time. Winding a hand to the back of his neck and into the short crop of his hair, you pull him towards your mouth. You kiss him softly but curiously.
You peck and move. Lip lock and switch sides. Press firmly and repeatedly. And slowly the tension falls from Stiles’ shoulders. He grips you with less anxiety and with more curiosity. A hand drags up your side, feeling the dip of your waist up to your ribcage and the line of your bra beneath your shirt. His hand drags down the same path, feeling all the same things before landing on your hips, thumb feeling the edge of your jeans.
His other hand finally relaxes, long fingers winding around your neck until his thumb is resting right on your artery. The pad of his thumb tickling under your jaw. He was being light and soft near your face, only using the pads of his fingers – while his other hand was searching with more pressure.
He was just going down to put his hand on your thigh to squeeze when your breathing hitches. He pulls away instantly, lips pinker than before and eyes wide with worry. His hands are off you in a second and you almost… almost… whine in protest.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Did I do something you didn’t like?”
You take a calming breath, slumping your shoulders, “No, in fact you’re taking my advice beautifully. You relaxed and started exploring – that’s one of the best parts about kissing someone new.” You brush a few strands of hair behind your ear, made loose when Stiles moved his hand to the back of your neck.
“Then why did…”
“I…” it was your turn to be shy, “I liked when you gripped my leg.”
Stiles widens his eyes with wonder now, “I made you make that noise?”
“Like I said, you take advice beautifully… and it works.”
He smiles wide, his turn to laugh at your endearing shyness. “Can we keep going?”
You match his smile and reply by going in for more kisses. This time you cup both his cheeks between your hands and Stiles squeaks in surprise. Both his hands land on your thighs, squeezing them under his larger palms.
You take a sharp intake of breath instead of making a noise, and Stiles fucking smiles against your lips.
Your hands touch his abdomen, and he sucks in taut, probably never having been touched there before. You quickly move up to his chest to find the expanse of his pectorals. Like you expected, Stiles isn’t rippled with worked muscle, but there’s a kind of lanky natural muscle beneath his shirt. You trail your hands up past his collarbones and around his shoulders. With your arms there you can pull him even closer.
He has to move his hands to the small of your back to remove any more space between you. He’s able to press you into him from that position.
Your hands search for his shoulder blades, fingers applying pressure there. His fingers were spreading wide against your lower back, thumbs wrapping around your waist while his fingertips touch your spine.
Your lips still fall into an easy pattern of firmly pressed kisses, switching sides and from top lip to bottom lip. Some are quick and rapid, others are longer and deeply felt. Your noses brush and press into cheeks as you struggle for air at times.
“When can I…” he kisses you, “…move from your mouth?”
You smile, kiss him, smile again. “Whenever it feels like…” you kiss again, “…the right thing to do next.”
He hums deep in his throat, moving his hands up your spine beneath your shoulders. Then he moves his lips. He places two quick kisses along your jaw and lands on your neck, right beneath the bend in your jaw. Your head falls back as he leaves chaste kisses there.
“Is this good?”
You breathe with your chest pressed against his, “You see how my head fell back? That means I like it and I’m giving you more access.”
He makes another low sound and it sends tingles of pleasure down to your core.
You keep a hand on his shoulder, supporting yourself while the other hand scrapes against his head, short hair bristles tickling your palm. You love the sound it pulls out of him.
“Open your mouth a little more,” you say, “Bigger kisses.”
He responds eagerly, excited to see what the change will do to you. His mouth opens more, leaving big, wet kisses under your ear and down your neck. A shiver runs through you, making your shoulders tense a little.
Then your watch starts to blare with an alarm.
Stiles flies off you like he was killing you, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he cries, backing away to assess you. “I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry.”
You steady yourself by gripping the back of the chair, realizing too little too late that your breathlessness was catching up to you. Your heart was working overtime. You lift your free hand, eyes scrunched as it gets harder to force air into your lungs.
“God, shit…” Stiles mumbles, coming closer again. He puts one hand on your chest, over your sternum. And his other hand holds the side of your face, thumb resting at your temple. “You feel my hand? Do you see it moving with your breaths? You need to move your breaths to your belly – your belly should move with breaths, not your chest. Try to make my hand stop moving.”
You look at him with watering eyes, your heart beating erratically in your ears. Stiles was counting the seconds until you start belly breathing – breathing with your diaphragm.
“There you go, that’s better.”
You slump into his neck and his hand wraps to the back of your head, the other to your back.
“That was unexpected,” you say quietly, lips tickling his neck.
He laughs, “I’m guessing you liked the other kisses more than the grabbing the thigh thing?”
“Maybe just a tad bit,” you say, “I told you I liked it beforehand.”
“You did,” he says, pulling you back to get a good look at your face. “You’re okay.”
You smile, “I’m okay.”
He starts to get this giddy look, “We kissed.”
“That we did.”
“Like a lot.”
“It was a lesson in many things.”
He screws up his lips, “And you liked it.”
“You take direction well.”
“I don’t know why guys don’t ask more,” he marvels, “It would make every makeout exactly what you want.”
“You are a rare breed,” you bite your lip and his eyes dart to look. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it.”
His quick answer pulled a laugh out of you. And once you start, you can’t stop. Stiles finds it cute and finds himself laughing too. Just two friends giggling in the car after an impromptu round of kissing. It was warm and light and felt… good.
“I don’t think you need to worry about messing things up with the next girl,” you say, scooting back to your side of the car, “You’ll do just fine.”
His laughing stops abruptly. “The next girl?”
“Yeah…?” you smile with a furrowed brow. “You wanted to learn to be a good kisser, right? To have your first kiss out of the way for any future girls?”
He looks put out, slightly angry, and… defeated. “Right, we had that pact.”
“Right,” you say, wondering what was miscommunicated between you two. “Maybe we should… head home for the night.”
“Yeah,” he says quietly, looking for his keys, “Andrew will probably be sending you a goodnight text any second now.”
You scrunch your brow, lips resting in a frown as he turns the jeep on. You’re quick to notice the steamy windows from your hot and heavy kissing. You would’ve laughed at it if you didn’t feel like something was off in Stiles.
With the air conditioning and heater broken, you roll down the windows and Stiles tells you to stay in the car as he wipes down all others outside.
You watch him with a finger between your teeth. Did you just mess up?
You spend the next couple days trying to convince yourself that kissing Stiles was simply practice kissing. There wasn’t anything past friendly feelings between you two. It was a no strings attached kind of makeout.
It had to be.
You didn’t have feelings for Stiles. You were going out with Andrew Wickstrom for gods sake.
And again you feel guilty. If you acknowledge any interest in Stiles, then kissing him was a betrayal to Andrew.
But it’s not like you were seriously dating Andrew.
But maybe to him you are.
You hadn’t found a reason to talk to Scott and Stiles outside your friendly conversations at school. Scott didn’t usually text you, but Stiles? If he couldn’t think of a good enough reason to climb the garden trellis, he would text you about the most random things.
Facts about honeybees, star wars memes, updates on a Dateline investigation you were following, werewolf puns, and links to things he thought would make you smile.
Recently? He hasn’t texted you at all. While he wasn’t avoiding you at school, he sure as hell was when you were home.
You are currently in the mall with Lydia and Allison, picking out dresses for the winter formal. All three of you are acting distant and suspicious of each other, which is not a good look for the pretty girls club.
Getting onto an escalator, you question Allison about her frequent absences.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she says, “I just have a lot on my mind.”
You wonder if there’s been a recently discovered secret in her family – maybe like a kidnapped werewolf?
“But Jackson’s taking you to the formal,” you say, “That was nice of him.”
“Yeah, just two recently broken up friends supporting each other by going to the school dance,” Allison says with smiling sarcasm. “And what dumb, roided-up jock did you say yes to?” she asks Lydia.
“Ben Manley,” Lydia sighs, “More of a himbo if you ask me, but he’ll look good in the pictures.” She drags you two towards the prom dress section, quick to pull dresses to try on. She’s four hangers in by the time you find one you like.
“Advice,” you say to Allison, “Do I care if my surgery scars show, or do I go with a collar that climbs up to my neck?” You hold up one deep blue dress that has a lower heart-shaped neckline and another soft purple dress with a small v-neck shape that stops just under the collarbone.
Allison considers for a second, “The blue is more flattering, and you’d look great in that color. I’d say screw whoever doesn’t like you for your scars. They’re the reminder that you’re still alive.”
“Damn, okay,” you smile, “I’m going to try the blue one on.” You fling the purple chiffon dress onto a mannequin display and head for the dressing rooms.
Lydia is there with a small pile of dresses she’s already said no to. You talk to her loudly between the dressing cubicles.
“How’s it looking?”
“The cream chrome one is promising,” she says, “Hey, are we hanging out after this? I’ve got a new foot soaker I want to try. We can do mani pedis before the dance.”
You shimmy into your blue gown, loving how it flairs at your waist in beautiful night sky sparkles. “Yeah, I’d love a sleepover! It’ll be the perfect way to get ready for the dance.” There are two thick straps of the same dark blue fabric that go over your shoulders. The neckline falls lower in a heart shape, outlining the curve of your breasts and revealing your arms and chest.
The scar from your heart defect correction is less raised, less discolored, and less noticeable – but you see it run down the center of your chest. The small, three-inch incision scar from last summer is newer and still red and raised above your heart. And finally the four deep claw marks that dig around your left shoulder and arm – they leave actual divots in your flesh, and you can’t help running a finger over them. They went up and down like tiny rollercoasters.
“Get out here, Westbrook. I want to see if it’s a keeper.”
You take a deep breath, shaking your fingers through your hair to give it more volume. You step into the hallway and find Lydia in a shiny cream colored dress, complete with a black flower in her hair.
“You look amazing,” you say, smiling, “And the dress really shows off your legs. You gotta pair it with a heel.”
“I look amazing?” Lydia gawks, “Look at how flattering that one is on you! It doesn’t flair out like a ballgown, but enough to give you an airy look. And the top is stunning, it fits your figure well.” She doesn’t even mention the scars.
You grin, “I think that settles it. We’ve got our winners.” Lydia goes to change, and you agree to show Allison since she picked the dress for you.
You walk out barefoot, lifting your dress a little to give you easier access to walk faster. You find Allison holding a funny feathered dress to a mirror. It takes you a second to realize that she isn’t alone.
A man is there holding a silver dress to her figure. A man you recognize at a second glance.
It was Peter Hale, one of your long-term patients at the hospital – and the Alpha.
You run over, calling for Allison’s attention, “What do you think?”
She looks grateful to be rescued, “Absolutely beautiful, (Y/N). That’s the one for sure.”
“(Y/N)?” Peter says, “Ah, yes – you look stunning.” He goes to shake your hand, “Peter.”
You hesitate. He’s playing the ‘never-met-you-before’ coverup. “I think I’ve seen you before. Maybe… at the hospital? That’s where I work.”
He has a clever smirk on his face as he retracts his hand, “No, I don’t think so.”
“Somewhere else maybe…” you stare him down. “Like the local video store perhaps.”
“Never been much into movies,” but he does look at your exposed skin to admire his handywork to your shoulder, “You’ve got quite the collection there.” He smiles, “Wearing them like badges of honor.”
“Like a friend said,” you say, chin held high. “They’re a reminder that I’m still alive.”
He still has that subtle smirk, otherwise very rigid and unsettling, “Yes, you are.” He sounds like he would add, ‘not for long’ to the end of that.
The PA system comes on and a fuzzy woman’s voice says, “Attention, shoppers. The owner of a blue Mazda, your car is being towed.”
“What?” Allison says, “That’s my car!” She runs to find the front desk or the car outside.
You’re left with Peter, barefoot and in a pretty starry dress. He looks to you with a plain expression that held sinister notions regardless.
“Well played,” he mutters, “Scott.” You don’t dare look away from him as he talks to the thin air. “Just remember… you can’t be everywhere all the time.” He looks to you with roaming eyes, “It’s been nice seeing you, (Y/N). I’m glad you like my addition to your complexion so much. It makes me think you may want more to add to this masterpiece.”
You hate the way he stays there to gauge your reaction. You stand firm, but your fingers dig into the fabric of your dress.
“You really do look stunning in that dress,” he smiles, “It’d be a shame if it got shredded.” He walks away, leaving you feeling strangely violated and targeted. You feel angry and unsafe.
Scott was at your side in seconds, grabbing your arms, “(Y/N)? Are you okay?”
You take a shaky breath, “He’s a persistent bastard.”
“Yeah, and he’s just threatened to attack you – probably at the dance judging by how he complimented your dress.” He stands straight, listening for Lydia or Allison. “Listen, I heard how you’re having a sleepover tonight. That’d leave me free to…”
“I’ll look after the girls,” you smile, still cold and shaky from the encounter. “You look after your mom and the boys.”
He gives you a look, clearing his throat, “Right, course.”
You squint your brow, “What has Stiles told you?”
Scott scratches at his head, looking anywhere but you, “Nothing much, he’s been quiet these days.”
“Impossible,” you snort, “You may be a super cool teenage werewolf, Scott – but you are a terrible liar.”
He looks defeated, “Look, he told me how you guys kissed and he’s… he’s kind of hung up on it.”
“In what way?”
He bites his lip, looking painfully awkward, “He doesn’t want you thinking it was a mistake. He’s… scared you regret it.” Scott shoves his hands in his pockets, “He realizes it might be weird trying to be friends, and you with Andrew… he’s trying to keep the friendship civil.”
“Civil?” you scoff, “It was a no feelings kiss.”
Scott keeps his mouth shut, nodding his head and backing away, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
Your mouth is left hanging open as he walks away. Did you feel regret for the kissing? You put one hand on the silken fabric covering your hip, the other hand going to rub away the worry lines in your forehead.
Did you feel guilty because you had been going on dates with Andrew? Had you ever set clear expectations with Andrew before? If he felt like this was taking a direction into serious relationship territory, you would definitely feel guilty.
And Stiles not being completely himself…? Was that really because he was worried you thought the kiss was a mistake? Or was it because of some other unknown reason.
Returning to the dressing rooms, you knew one thing was for sure. You were in desperate need of a girls night.
In the second story living room of the Martin house, you three spend hours into the night pampering yourselves and raving about whatever came to mind.
When Harry Met Sally plays quietly on the tv in front of you, Allison leaning onto the couch and painting her toes a white color.
“I hope I don’t smudge these before they dry.”
“Here’s a fast drying topcoat you can put on them,” Lydia tosses a small clear polish. She was stuck in the armchair beside the couch with her feet bubbling in the new foot soaker. “I think I’m going to go with black for my toes. Maybe black French tips with my fingernails.” She admires her hands as you place the black polish bottle near her for later use.
You sit between the two, your toes drying an inky blue color while you prepare to paint your nails. You unscrew a pretty sapphire blue. “Can I ask you guys something?”
“Please,” Lydia pouts, leaning back in her chair.
“Do you consider Andrew and I in a serious relationship?”
Allison frowns, focusing on her brush strokes, “Um… maybe? You guys have been dating exclusively, right?”
“Only two dates.”
“No,” Lydia clicks her tongue, “You guys have had two dates and a few noncommittal kisses. I don’t think that means you’re dating seriously.”
Allison dips her brush again, “But if you’re not seeing anyone else then people will think you’re exclusive.”
“But what if I have seen someone else,” you shrug, “I guess that doesn’t matter if Andrew thinks something different.”
There was a splash, “Hold the phone. Are you saying you’ve gone out with someone else recently?”
You pull an indecisive face, “Well, no – just maybe had a… makeout.”
Allison gasps while Lydia giggles, “Oh my god, with who?!”
“I don’t know if I want to talk about it yet.”
“Well, if you’re kissing other boys then you definitely don’t think you’re seriously dating,” Allison shakes her head, “Does Andrew?”
Your shoulders tense as you focus on your nails, “I don’t know. We never had a ‘what are we’ talk. And I never told him I didn’t want anything serious.”
“Ouch,” Allison grimaces, “I think he really likes you.” 
Lydia has her arms folded tightly, “Was it Josh Arnett?”
“Gross,” you accuse, “Absolutely not.”
“Tanner Humphries?”
“No, Lydia,” you huff, “What do I tell Andrew?”
Allison stretches her legs out and wiggles her newly painted toes, “You tell him the truth. At least, you tell him you don’t want anything serious.”
“I bet it was Lucas McCrary,” Lydia muses.
“Should I do that before the dance?” you ignore Lydia. “I think it’ll hurt him.”
Allison fishes in the bucket of self-care on the couch cushion, “It’s better than leading him on further.” She extracts an avocado sheet mask.
“Was it at least someone on the lacrosse team?” Lydia interjects.
You give a tired smile, “Because those are the only boys you know?”
“The only boys I care about.”
You finish one hand and ask Allison to help with the other, “What if Andrew decides he doesn’t want to take me to the dance anymore?”
“Then…” Allison takes the sapphire blue from you, “You go stag and hangout with us. I have a suspicion that Jackson isn’t going to be the most enjoyable date.”
“Oh! Please tell me it was Tyler O’Connell – no girl can get her hands on him.”
You laugh and faceplant into the couch, “Tyler O’Connell is gay. Danny has had a little crush on him for months.”
“Huh,” she huffs, “I’m usually good at catching those things.”
“I think I’ll talk to him after school tomorrow,” you rub your worry lines with your free hand. “If anything Allison, you and I could just be each other’s dates.”
“I have a feeling I’ll be abandoned by the end of the night with how Jackson’s been acting,” she sighs, doing a second coat on your nails. “I wouldn’t mind a sweethearts dance with you.”
Lydia is having an existential crisis in the armchair, confined with her feet in the soaker. “Well, it can’t be Cameron Sanchez because he’s going with that Brittany girl in homeroom. It’s not Henry, is it?”
“What’s with the tone?” you giggle, “I like Henry Greenburg even if Coach is a little harsh with him.”
“What about…” she widens her eyes, “What about dork #2?”
Allison freezes with the paintbrush still on your nail. You take a moment to decipher what Lydia just asked.
“Who is…” you clamp your mouth into a thin line.
“Oh my god!” Lydia stands with her feet still in the soaker.
Allison flinches, “Holy shit.” She looks at your nails, “Oh, shit – I’m sorry, (Y/N).” She takes a cotton swab to fix the smudge of blue going down your ring finger. “I just… I mean…”
“What was that dorks name?” Lydia squeals, waving her hands frantically and snapping at Allison. “He’s – god, what’s his name!” She looks ridiculous being rooted to one spot but moving her upper torso like a madwoman, “He’s the little weirdo… the idiot in love!”
Your face is positively blooming red, it’s scorching, as you bury your face in a couch pillow. Allison is quick to correct her mistake to your nails, replying in a much calmer and heartwarming voice. “Stiles Stilinski.”
“Stiles!” Lydia cries in triumph before frowning, “That’s his name?”
“Yes,” you cry out, “Yes, Stiles. And it was another noncommittal kiss. It was absolutely no feelings. I was just helping him out.” In your embarrassment you slap your free hand to cover your mouth, “God, don’t ask me why,” you mumble.
Allison waits for Lydia to ask – like she knew she would.
“Why?” Lydia says, still standing in the foot soaker.
“It doesn’t matter,” you pat at your flaming hot cheeks, “What matters is that I did kiss him, and I need to clarify with Andrew that I’m not looking for a relationship.”
“I knew he was going to grow on you,” Allison mumbles with a sweet smile on her face. She finishes doing your nails and sits back on the couch. “He’s been obsessed with you for months now.”
You shake your head, “Stiles is just… very enthusiastic. He was just excited about getting a kiss.”
“From you,” Allison smirks.
Lydia is jumping out of the foot soaker and toweling her feet, “At least he’s on the lacrosse team.”
You blow out a breath and hope it calms the redness in your face. “It’s not like that. He’s…” you hesitate. “He’s a good friend.”
Allison grimaces, “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
You wring your hands as you pace at the end of the hall, next to the vending machines. You wait for Andrew to leave his last class, the bell having just rung. It was eating at you thinking of a way to talk to him without hurting his feelings.
But there was no way around it – even if the dance was in two days, you weren’t going to continue playing with Andrew’s feelings.
The tall, dimpled boy comes out and sees you instantly. He smiles and jogs to reach you, excited to see you waiting.
“Hey,” he gives you a hug and a kiss to the cheek, “How are you?”
You swallow hard, “I wanted to talk to you about something.” You pick and pull at your fingers, looking up at him with a face that scares him.
He furrows his brow, nodding his head toward the empty ceramics classroom. There weren’t any art classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “Then let’s go talk.” He guides the way and opens the door for you.
You have a terrible guilty feeling in your stomach. You’ve never had to let someone down before.
Among the desks with spinning wheels dusted with dry clay, you stand in the middle of the room. “Andrew… I wanted to ask what you see between us… for the future.”
He still looks skeptical, but there’s a smile enveloping his face. “Well, I’ve liked how our dates have been so far. And I really like you, (Y/N).” His dimples are out full force, shadowed by the dim lighting. “I want to see where this goes. I think we could get serious. I’m – I’m looking for something serious. But… I want to hear what you have to say first.”
You pinch your fingertips, “Um… well I’m glad we’re having this talk.” You swallow thickly and the smile on Andrew’s face dips. “I… I’m not looking for something serious.”
“Oh,” Andrew says dryly. His face is in full shadow now. “I see, uh… have you always felt that way?”
You nod while you try to find your voice again. The look of hurt on his face was making the guilt in your stomach flare tenfold. “I don’t want a boyfriend in high school.”
He nods slower, looking to the ground. “I wish I knew that sooner.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I should’ve been more clear in the beginning. I thought we were just having some fun.”
“Fun,” he laughs sardonically. “No, I should’ve been more honest with what I was looking for.” His eyes were sad, but he put a smile on his face. “I’m glad you told me.”
You nod, desperate for his words. “I totally understand not wanting to see each other anymore…”
“That would probably be for the best,” he runs a hand through his curly hair.
“And… and we can go separately to the dance,” you say quickly, “I don’t mind.”
He looks at you with slight concern, “I don’t want you to go alone.”
“I have some friends I can go with.”
The room feels smaller, colder than you remember. It was an awful feeling telling someone you don’t like them in that way. You did not like hurting people.
Andrew was nodding to himself in agreement, “Then I hope you have a good time with your friends.”
He was being so kind to you when you felt you didn’t deserve it. It was your fault he was sad. Your fault that he didn’t have a date for the dance. Your fault that his feelings were being hurt now.
A stinging was building behind your eyes. “Thank you. I hope you do find someone to be serious with. You deserve it.” A lump builds in your throat, “You’re a good guy, Andrew.”
He sighs deeply, “I guess I’ll see you later then.”
“Sure,” you say quietly, voice being overtaken by emotion. And you’re left in the dark, cold room. Guilt eating at you and shame whispering terrible things in your ear. You almost wish he had blown up about it; yelled at you for not being completely honest in the beginning. It hurt worse hearing his quiet acceptance of the rejection.
You’re grateful the classroom is abandoned when a tear falls from your eye.
“Why didn’t you stop by Lydia’s house?” Stiles accuses, arms in the air, “That was prime time to overhear girl talk!”
“I wasn’t going to spy and eavesdrop,” Scott scolds, leading the way out of their last class of the day. “That wouldn’t be right when I still need to keep you and Jackson safe.”
Stiles rubs harshly at his face, silly noises of outrage spilling out, “But how else am I going to hear how (Y/N) feels about the whole jeep-makeout thing?!”
“I don’t know, talk to her?” Scott deadpans.
“Yeah, right,” Stiles scoffs, “I’m such an idiot. How else is she supposed to feel about it? She told me she doesn’t date seriously, and she told you how it happened with no feelings…” A white hot pain stabs his sternum, his heart roiling excruciatingly. “I just… I wanted it to be real.”
Scott sighs, pulling at his too long hair, “Listen, if she is seeing you in a friends with benefits kind of way, I don’t see why you can’t give it a shot.”
For a few moments Stiles dwells on the thought of having all the benefits of a relationship without commitment. It was tempting but... “I want more than that.”
“Wow,” Scott raises his eyebrows, “I’ve never heard such mature words leave your mouth before.”
“Shut up,” Stiles groans, “I just wish she’d talk to me!” He goes for one of the back doors by the vending machines, “She does this thing where she tells me the truth without the whole truth.”
“You mean with her heart?”
Stiles rubs hard at his eyes, “It’s got to be the reason for everything. I tried to get my dad to tell me about it and he pulled the ‘doctor-patient-confidentiality’ thing on me.” He grumbles, letting his backpack drop from his shoulders, “I’ve never… I don’t know how I’m supposed to go on like this.”
Scott sits on a hallway bench, watching his friend wallow in his self-pity and broken heart. “It starts out that way. But it gets easier.”
“What do you know about unrequited love, genius?” Stiles puts his hands on his hips, “You got to be Allison’s boyfriend with the dating and the kissing and the feeling her up…”
“Watch your mouth,” Scott points a finger.
Stiles slumps to the floor and against the stone wall. “And now we’re all targets in a major werewolf operation. How do you think the dance is going to go?”
“I don’t know. I’m still going to be there,” Scott says with a sad smile, “Even if Coach is up my ass.” He stands from the bench, “I should probably find a suit before my shift at the vet clinic.”
“Yeah,” Stiles mumbles, lifting a few fingers in a goodbye, “I’m gonna grab a snack before I go – see you later.”
It took another minute before Stiles could get off the ground. Thoughts of you swirling permanently there. The feel of your warm, soft skin. The pressure of your lips on his. The thrill of hearing you react to the things he was doing. He could still smell the sweet fruity scent of your hair, your lips sticky sweet with sugar.
Had it all been a dream? You sure acted like it with how the whole night was yet to be a topic of conversation.
But the feel of you, as dreamlike as it had been, was grounded in his mind like a chain to a wall. He would never forget how your head fell back, how your fingers went through his hair, how your lips fit so well between his own. Fit like a puzzle piece.
He thought that the kiss would lessen his ache of unrequited love – that he would have at least gotten a taste. But sitting there with the deep ache beating a little stronger in his chest – he knew it was going to be even more painful to be around you and not spout what he was feeling.
Like he told Scott, he wanted more. It was more than the sugar left on your lips. It was the way his dad smiled at the homecooked meal. The way he felt he could mention his mom around you. The fact that you were the first girl he could be alone with and not feel completely at a loss.
He rubs his forehead again, standing as though lead was in his stomach. He felt nauseous. It was making him sick how much he wanted you.
Then an empty classroom door swings open and Andrew Wickstrom walks out, head down and expression bleak.
He walks right out the back doors into the late afternoon light. And the slump in his shoulders made Stiles curious. All thoughts of a snack out of his mind, he stands, abandoning his backpack, and inches toward the empty classroom.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but seeing you standing there, holding yourself as tears fell from your eyes was not it.
The deep ache in his chest pulses like it yearns for you. Having you in his vision was enough to make the roiling in his heart pucker with hope. But the lead in his stomach becomes heavier as he pushes the door open.
You snap your wet eyes to him, “Stiles, what are you doing here?”
He continues to inch forward, eyes never leaving your face, “I was just going to stop by the vending machines before heading out.” He stops a few feet from you, “What happened?”
You sniff, wiping at your eyes that just continue to stream. “I told Andrew I don’t want anything serious.” Your brow is furrowed into permanent lines, face screwed up like it’ll stop whatever emotion is trying to get out. “And he was pretty hurt by it.”
Stiles takes another step forward, fingers twitching at his sides. Was it okay to touch you? “Andrew doesn’t seem like the type to get real upset by a breakup.”
“He was being so kind to me,” you hiccup as you continue to hold back, “And I was hurting him.”
“But you were being honest, which is better than leading him on,” Stiles says quietly. He’s now just a foot away from you.
“I’ve never had to turn someone away like that,” more tears were cascading down your face, much to your chagrin, “It did not feel good.”
Stiles lifts one of his hands, meaning to touch your shoulder, but you accept it as an invitation for a hug. He almost sighs in relief and wraps his arms around you tightly, keeping you pressed to him like it would staunch the ache in his chest.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers into your strawberry scented hair, “If it had to be with anyone, though – I’m glad that it was Wickstrom. He is a good guy.”
You sigh and it stutters with emotion, “It’s all my fault.” You nuzzle into his shoulder, “If I was braver I would’ve kept it going.”
“What do you mean?” Stiles was holding your waist with one hand and rubbing up and down your spine with the other.
“If I was braver, I’d get into a relationship.” You let the tears run from your cheeks and soak into Stiles’ shirt. “I’m a coward.”
Stiles runs his fingers down your back in a soothing motion, “It’s okay not to be ready for a relationship.”
“That’s not it,” you pull away, wiping at the tears making your skin itch. “I’m sorry, I’m talking nonsense.”
“No! No, wait…” Stiles was getting desperate, “You don’t have to stop there. (Y/N), I want to know what’s wrong. I want to know why. Please don’t brush it off like it’s nothing – I can see how it bothers you.”
You shake your head, trying to swallow past the lump in your throat. “Trust me, this is not the time and place for that conversation.”
Stiles pinches his lips together, finding it more difficult to be patient. “What could be so terrible that you avoid it this badly?”
There’s a heavy silence and you open your mouth like you’re about to say something. He can see it on the tip of your tongue, eyes shiny and cheeks raw. It looks painful for you to say it out loud. He feels instant regret for trying to force it out of you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, walking over to pull you into a quick, but firm, apology hug. “I’m sorry, I just want to help. I hate seeing you like this.”
You gulp, “I… I think I’ll be able to tell you soon. I just… right now with… it’s not the right time.”
He nods quickly, “I get it.” He puts some space between you, watching your face carefully, ready to catch you should your heart give out. He puts a thumb between your brows and wiggles it around like it’ll ease the tension enough to remove the lines of worry.
You melt a little, a smile curling the sides of your mouth, “I’m sorry you walked in on that.”
He shrugs, “I’m not sorry at all.”
You take a deep breath, remembering to fill your belly with it and not your chest. “I guess I’m going to the dance without a date now.”
There’s a leap in his chest and Stiles wonders if his heart was the one about to give out. “I can take you!” he says before you even finish your sentence.
You smile wide this time, “I probably shouldn’t go with another boy after just breaking things off with Andrew. I am going with Allison and Lydia, though.”
His leaping heart crash lands, “Sure, right – that makes sense.” He’s grateful for the dimly lit classroom keeping his embarrassment blush in shadow. “I’ll still be there though, for a dance or two.”
“I’d like that,” you grin, eyes bright but no longer tear-filled. “Could I get a ride?”
Melissa trades patient files with you at the newly refurbished nurses station. You exchange some words of note about certain patients on the floor. She reminds you to drink more water and you remind her to take a break.
She smiles at your avoidance, “How are the dance preparations going?”
You show her the shiny blue nail polish on your fingers.
She squeals and admires them, “Ah, I miss dances. And the dress?”
“Like starlight,” you breathe, taking a twirl around the hall, “But with flats because I am not venturing into battle in four-inch heels.”
Melissa sighs, “Dances are so much more fun with girls. Scott refuses to show me his suit and he’s never home anymore.” She leans against the counter, “I hope he’s okay.”
You give a thin smile, “He’s doing his best. With Allison and lacrosse and his grades… he’s doing his best. Trying to do more than that actually.”
“He expects a lot of himself,” Melissa nods. “I’m glad he has friends like you with him.” She checks her watch when she asks, “And the Andrew thing?”
“Over,” you shrug, a day after the breakup and still a little tender. “We wanted different things, and I thought it best not to drag it out.”
“Man, better than just ghosting him,” she says with a bitter tone, “How mature of you.”
You remember the terrible date she went on with Peter Hale. Jackass. “It was the right thing to do. And I’ll just save a few dances for my friends. It’ll still be a nice night.” You sit in a swivel chair, arms folded, “There’s no way I’m going to miss my chance to go to a school dance.”
Melissa gives you a soft, sad smile, “Well, kiddo – I’m off to make my rounds. Mr. Hendrickson has been calling my button for the last ten minutes. I swear I’m going to take his tv away if he keeps asking me how to change the channels.”
You laugh, saluting her off, and returning to the rest of your charting. You were just marking when you administered medications when a soft tap to your counter caught your attention.
Standing there was Scott and Stiles.
“Hello,” you say cheerfully, “How are my boys?”
Both lift their hands to reveal brown paper bags. Scott grins, “We might’ve brought you guys dinner?”
“Greasy takeout,” Stiles corrects, “But edible enough for dinner.”
You sigh, heart warmed, “Well, your mom just went into room 18 down the hall,” you point, “But we can take our break when she gets back.”
“No, I’ll wait for her,” Scott says quickly, already down the hall, “We’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Stiles shrugs at your look of suspicion, “Where do you usually eat?”
You lead Stiles from the elevators to the hospital cafeteria. There you find a round table by the windows to sit. It was dark outside with the perfect view of the moon over the mountains. Stiles seems a little uncomfortable as he follows you through the building.
He keeps looking behind his shoulder and peering into patient rooms with big eyes.
“Burgers and fries?” you ask hopefully.
Stiles lays the meal out on grease stained napkins, “Bon Appetit.”
You lean into him, “Thank you, I wasn’t planning on dinner tonight.” You start with your fries as he looks at you with contempt.
“Because that’s a great idea with your prone to fainting condition.”
“Why did you guys really stop by?” you always start with your fries, saving the main meal for last. You focus on them as Stiles thinks of something to say, eating his hamburger like it was his first meal in days.
He gives a funny half shrug, “Scott needed to check on his mom with his whole ‘patrolling-the-pack’ schedule. He asked if I wanted to come, and we came up with the excuse of getting us all dinner.”
“Brilliant,” you say, finding that the drink he brought was filled with your favorite soda. “Any news from the Alpha?”
“Not since you guys went dress shopping,” he wipes at his mouth with his sleeve. “Which, by the way, I would’ve loved to come to.”
“No you wouldn’t of,” you laugh, “Helping girls carry their dresses and waiting forever to critique every outfit with the same indifferent words… sounds terribly boring.”
He takes a deep breath as he downs his drink. “Sounds like fun. Helping you pick out a dress? I’d run out the red carpet so you could practice your model walk. We’d play montage music with different colored lights. We can make trying on dresses fun.”
“I don’t know how to model walk,” you giggle.
He nods in mock seriousness, “You just have to look like you’re about to sneeze and the thing you’re wearing is giving you a massive wedgie.” He moves his shoulders around in a pretend walking motion, his face slightly pinched like his nose was itching.
You were laughing by the time he coached you into making the same ridiculous face. Then he flinched when a group of resident doctors walked in loudly, ready for their dinner. He looks uncomfortable again, picking at his fries half-heartedly.
You consider him for a minute, “You don’t like hospitals, do you?”
He huffs a laugh, “What gave you that idea?”
“You’re being more twitchy than usual.”
He eyes you, “I’ve been here plenty of times, you haven’t made that observation before.”
“You’re really thinking about it today,” you press, “Is something wrong?”
He ticks his jaw, playing with his fries. “I used to eat in here a lot… when my mom was here.”
Your chest goes tight. Of course it has something to do with his mom, “Stiles, I’m…”
“My dad used to leave me here when he went to work,” he keeps going, “The nurses were all my friends, and I ate dinner in the cafeteria all the time. They would save an extra chocolate pudding for me sometimes.” He smiles in painful fondness, “I was alone when… when she…”
He couldn’t say it.
You scooch closer to him, letting him talk without you interrogating him. He looks at your eager expression with a soft smile, “She had frontotemporal dementia.” He leans closer to you subconsciously, enjoying the security he felt near you.
“It started with little things like she couldn’t pick up her keys and she wouldn’t sleep at night. Then she couldn’t function at her job, so she stayed home. Then she started to get… scary.” He takes a deep swallow, “She started seeing things – hallucinations – and became paranoid sometimes. We had to hospitalize her soon after that.”
You knew the symptoms of frontotemporal dementia. Some of the long-term patients at the hospital had dementia. But you let him continue to talk without your input. You could guess that he didn’t talk about his mom very often, especially her death.
You put a hand on his arm as silent support.
He takes a breath at your touch, “When I’d visit, I didn’t know if I’d see my mom or the patient dealing with dementia.” His eyes look a little glassy as he continues, “It was hard spending so much time here. I knew she wasn’t going to come home. And then one night when my dad was on call… it was just me at her bedside.”
You rub your thumb into his forearm, “How old were you?”
“Eight,” he says, sniffling as the emotion burns his throat. “Seeing her deteriorate that fast… it was awful.” His lip trembles, “That was my mom, you know?”
You move your arm around his back, resting your head on his shoulder. It was a hug you could give while sitting at a table. “I know.” You squeeze him tight, “It must’ve been horrible.”
His breathing was shaky, “It was,” he rubs roughly at his eyes, “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Not even Derek Hale.”
“What about Mr. Harris?”
He makes a considering face, a smile curling his lips. “Maybe.”
You pinch him, “That’s terrible.” You trail your fingers across his back, looking for more tears, “Why tell me?”
He watches you wipe away a tear before it reaches his chin, “Because I wanted you to know.” He shrugs, eyes a little redder, “I like you, and I trust you.”
You watch him with rosy cheeks. An immense feeling of pride was swelling in your chest. Stiles chose you, out of dozens of people, to talk about the death of his mom. A horribly sensitive subject for him. He had gone out of his way to be in an environment that reminded him of uncomfortable things to bring you dinner. He opened up to you and gave you a large part of his heart.
He was doing it partially to tell you things he wanted you to know – things you needed to know to be close to him – but also to partially tell you that it was okay to open up about horribly sensitive stuff.
He wanted to hear your story too.
But how could you now? You feel a pang in your chest. How could you explain to Stiles that you would reach a similar end before too long. An end like his moms.
Taglist: @assassinsasha23 @tasty-book-fans @lovelybaka @the-fandom-queen @runs-with-sciss0rs @iamaslytherin0 @n3muru @bethsvrse @taylorbrooke-0912 @iloveyou2mia @everrrsincenewyork @gisellesprettylies @dullypully @taylordaughter @greenoliveslover
175 notes · View notes
adrianfridge · 2 years
Teen Wolf is a werewolf soap opera horror that gradually changes into a gritty horror thriller. And I’d like to explore that in terms of its campiness.
For me, the campiness is determined by the personality of the villain. I’m going to focus on their theoretical willingness to put on the most flamboyant outfits, but that’s merely an illustration of their vibes.
Season 1 has Peter and Kate, who, if we’re being honest, would both go on stage wearing just the most glitter, feathers, and wig to have an epic lip syncing battle. There would be surprise outfit reveals and at least one would do a split. It would go down in history. 10/10 perfection
Season 2 has Matt and Gerard. Matt would only reluctantly put on an outfit, and it’d be something spandex to emulate the superhero comics he reads. Meanwhile Gerard would be eating up the frenzy that Kate and Peter left behind. His outfit would be more grand than both of them combined. He only pretends he’s retired while being the Final Boss of Drag Race. 9/10 some hesitation to cheer for an incel but grandpa can work those high heels
Season 3A has Jennifer and Deucalion. Jennifer is gothic rock opera chic. She’ll flip her hair while singing soprano in an obsidian gown. And Deucalion? He’s gone mad from losing to Gerard at Drag Race, and now he’s back for a rematch, this time with a BDSM-kink themed outfit to display he’s gone darkside. 8/10 trying a little hard but I can get behind it
Season 3B is the Nogitsune. It’s here when the show begins to get more serious, which I think is the wrong lesson the writing room took from its popularity. The Nogitsune has multiple outfit changes. It is kabuki theater. It is a troll dressed as Stiles while wearing the most bombastic display of practical special effects. There’s a smoke machine running underneath the robe that lights up with each step while a soundtrack plays. 100/10 Megamind would be proud
Season 4 is a mixed bag. It promises a rematch of Peter and Kate, but it doesn’t do either of them justice. Instead they’re pushed to the sideline in favor of a more traditional thriller Benefactor arc. The one highlight is the episode 4x07, Weaponized, which has The Chemist bringing back the pizazz (highly recommended; the episode is practically a one shot with everything you love from the early seasons). 5/10 averages to meh
Seasons 5-6 are entirely dedicated to seriousness.
Season 5A is Theo and the Dread Doctors. Theo is like if you took Matt and then squeezed out any joy. He’d refuse to dress up because he’d feel it’s beneath him. Meanwhile the Dread Doctors, who are already in full Steampunk attire, are doing nothing with it. As stiff as mannequins. All business, no play. They’re just here to get the job done and leave. 3/10 but has the potential
In season 5B we get Valack and the Beast, aka Sebastien. Valack, whose power is to disguise himself as other people, is the type to hate costumes. He’s going to wear an accurate reproduction of a medical professional, and he’s going to be annoying about it. Sebastien tries to be camp but it comes off like a parent incorrectly using lingo to try to be hip around their child. No one wants to see it. 1/10 please stop
Season 6A has… a literal Nazi. And the Ghost Riders, who only know how to walk a cat walk. They’d make great supermodels if their job wasn’t to make people forget they exist. 0/10 I want my money back
Season 6B is just straight up trying to be an allegory for modern day political discourse. There’s also the Anuk-Ite, a creepy-pasta knock-off of the greatest hits. You can’t even look at it without being turned to stone. -100/10 I’d rather fight a muskrat on twatter
Ultimately, my point is you lose much of the dramatic flair after season 3B. For many people, such as myself, it’s a disservice to why I started the show. But for other people it’s a good turn since they prefer the gritty realness. It ends up being one of the many reasons for the split in fandom over the direction of the show. And I can bet money that the movie is going to suck all the glamor out of the Nogitsune in favor of the same sort of straight-laced horror the later seasons embodied. Which is to say some people will love it, and it’s not going to be me or Megamind.
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afireyearth · 3 months
I finally made it to season 5 of teen wolf. I am actually liking this season a lot this time around. Don't get me wrong, I think the whole idea of Chimeras is WHACK. But I gotta give them props for putting a riff between Stiles and Scott as well as having a plot about what Scott/the pack would do if someone tried to join them. I wish they had simply done that as the main plot of season 5 (a?). I think a step away from having a wilder and crazier big bad and an ever expanding world of "Lore" (wereJaguars, berserkers, kitsune, hellhounds, etc etc.) I remember the first time around I could not stand how they had to add new were whatevers or new supernatural things. It got to the point where nobody was special and everyone was supernatural. It was so stupid. I really can't articulate why this was so stupid other than it being a complete departure from reality - though as I type this out I can't help but think of the 1 million different were animals / shapeshifters in true blood/sookie stackhouse novels and how I LOVE THAT. I also think there was a dissolving of the world's logic/magical logic taking place by adding more and more magical creatures. It was Exasperated by the chimeras. They literally exist outside the laws of the supernatural and truly i could not fuck with that. It was so fucking preposterous. You're telling me after hundreds of years, someone has just now cracked the code to supernatural DNA and that just so coincides with Scott being alive and them reawakening the nematon?
I think it would have been better for character development and audience attraction to the show for them to have taken a step back from having a crazy big bad and focused solely on the politics of the pack. They should have had season 5a been about new members trying to join the pack (Basically the Theo situation but without the dread doctors element). They could have gone deeper into the riff between Scott and Stiles. Really showing the trait that makes Scott a true alpaha could potentially be a huge weakness. Showcase that Scott might be a bit too trusting, almost naive in a way. That he is often times giving the benefit of the doubt when he shouldn't, that Stiles ,though he is paranoid, can be a fantastic judge of character and Scott can rely on that more often. They could maybe have it be a group of people trying to get into the pack for varying reasons or something. (and i know i had just said to do without a big bad, BUT) If they did want to have a big bad that season i think it would have been interesting to see Scott and his pack fail (either due to infighting that causes tension or they're simply overpowered/out maneuvered). Maybe have the season 5a ending could be a victory for the big bad. Then have the 5b season be all about Scott having to work with an other pack(s) to overcome the big bad. To show what it would be like to work alongside other packs and what that dynamic would be like. We get to see other alpahas Briefly, however the opportunity to explore other pack dynamics / alpha dynamics was never fully taken.
Alos, it's WILD that Scott's Dad is just straight up out of the picture again and they never talk about it?? THat was a HUGE deal in season 3. I liked exploring the dynamic between scott and his dad.
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howdiditend17 · 1 year
On Theo Raeken and Manipulation
The purpose of this is to explore what manipulation really does and the effects it can have on people – especially young children. And, as should be no surprise to anyone, it is also an ode to Theo Raeken. A defense of Theo Raeken, if you will. I’ll be referencing three scholarly articles, one Tumblr post, and the show Teen Wolf (obviously). But, I will admit, most of this is speculative. I’m going to try hard to keep it to canon, but I know my bias is going to be in there. But instead of stating it as fact, I’ll ask open-ended questions you can feel free to fight with me about. But this really isn’t the post I intended on making. I intended to write a pure essay on defending Theo Raeken, but that’s been done before no one listens. I thought I’d switch it up and put my Psychology degree to good use, finally. Okay, that’s enough introduction. Let’s roll.
Who is Theo Raeken?
If you don’t know, you should probably stop reading unless you really care about manipulation and its effects. I’m writing this assuming you know who Theo Raeken is and why he needs defended.
Definitions of Manipulation
All of this comes from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344540018_PSYCHOLOGICAL_ASPECTS_OF_MANIPULATION_WITHIN_AN_INTERPERSONAL_INTERACTION_MANIPULATIONS_AND_MANIPULATORS. They refer to different types of manipulation, and use other terms for it occasionally. They start by defining “influence during interaction” – a subtype of manipulation – from psychological dictionaries as “a process when an individual is changing the behavior of another person as well as his/her attitudes, intentions, ideas, as a result of the person’s activity.” Cause and effect changes occur in the person’s mind, such as psychological characteristics of the individual*, group norms, public opinion, et cetera. Psychological impact can be explicit or implicit, depending on whether the goals of the manipulator are communicated in advance and not hidden. This is clearly the case in season 5 – Theo knows all about the Dread Doctors’ plan – but whose to say it was always like this? You can assume perhaps it was, if he knew what he was doing it for when he took Tara’s heart. But just because they told him one thing doesn’t mean they told him everything – did he know of their master plan when he was 8/9/10 (I wish canon gave us an actual age)? We have no way of knowing this, so for the sake of this article we’re going with the assumption both occurred at different stages. But implicit (covert) psychological influence emphasizes its destructive characteristics. Meaning, manipulation, at its core, can be positive or negative, depending on what the person is being manipulated to do. But obviously Theo wasn’t selected to do benevolent things, so we can get a sense of implicit manipulation here.
There is a latent impact in manipulation that can make the victim susceptible to pursuing various goals and intentions of the initiator. I talked to Des (the wonderful @bendystrah) about this particular point. Once again, what we know about Theo’s childhood is very limited. We don’t know what all he did for the ten-ish years he was with them. We don’t know what all they did to him. We don’t know a lot. But this point is saying the victim can be persuaded into doing what the perpetrator wants, even if they’re not their own goals or intentions. I bring up this point for a reason. We all know in season 5 he was acting on his own free will most of the time (does he even have free will still? Or has it been totally warped and convoluted?), but we know little about what happened with Tara. We know how she died, and why she died, and who is responsible for her death (well, I’m about to refute that one actually). What we don’t know is if Theo woke up one morning and went, “Huh, I kinda want Tara’s heart actually.” You can hate Theo and claim he did, but again, we have zero evidence that points to the fact Theo was already an evil child. We all know he was being visited by the Dread Doctors before Tara’s death, so I think it’s pretty obvious they were the ones who wanted Tara’s heart to make Theo a genetic chimera. Why her heart? Why them? We don’t know that, but we do know their goals and intentions – to make Theo a genetic chimera – and they get Theo to do the dirty work for them for whatever reason. So, in this point, I am claiming it’s possible Theo was completely manipulated into doing this and didn’t have any intentions of ever doing it until he was visited by the Dread Doctors. I mean, this is literally laid out in 5x16, so I’m just talking to talk. If you aren’t insane like me and don’t remember every Theo scene in an episode by just its number, it’s where he’s talking to Stiles in the sewers.
STILES: The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?
THEO: Yeah, I was nine years old. I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too.
So we know what the goals and intentions of the Dread Doctors are. It’s not hard to assume Theo is telling the truth in this scene (for a number of different reasons, including why lie and it lines up nicely with our theory), and, if he is, it goes to show he was psychologically influenced into doing this.
Furthermore, manipulation is always negative. Even if the goals were altruistic – which they are clearly not here – the process of manipulation is a negative one. This doesn’t really tie into our thesis here, but it is important to note.
The object of manipulation is viewed “as a means of achieving one’s own goals . . . without taking into account the interests, will, desire of the other side.” Meaning: the Dread Doctors didn’t care what Theo wanted. He was not their equal. They didn’t sit around a table and gently ask Theo what his interests, will, and desire was. We’ll never know Theo’s true interests, will, and desire before it was warped* into something else.
Okay, this next point is a bit complicated and is giving me a little bit of a headache (and I’m also a little high, which is so fun to admit to in an essay). But basically, “the manipulative impact focused on personality structures is characterized by the actualization of an interpersonal conflict, when the recipient of the manipulation is held responsible for the choice made through suffering in doubt.” So let’s break that down. That’s basically saying, there’s an impact of manipulation in which the victim is held responsible for what they did while being manipulated and thus feels interpersonal conflict. And obviously Theo is. No one ever argues the point that he killed his sister. And I’m not claiming otherwise, so don’t come at me yet, but this definition is claiming the victim of the manipulation is not at fault for their actions, but the person manipulating them is. And, as a result of this, the victim has interpersonal conflict. I mean, do I even need to say it? Theo’s entire Hell is this interpersonal conflict. To continue, it is claimed that “this type of manipulation the exploitation of the personality, because here . . . the desire [is] to shift the responsibility for the committed actions to the recipient, while the manipulator gets the win.” Once again, this claims the victim is not responsible for their actions, but the perpetrator(s) of the manipulation is. Now is where it gets tricky, and starts to give me a headache. It is said in these cases “it is extremely important for the manipular to create an illusion of choice for the agent of influence” and “when a person is sure that he/she is acting of his/her own free will, he/she will do much more than when he/she knows that he/she is fulfilling someone else’s decisions imposed on him/her.” Okay. I took a break (finally) and now I’m back. Knuckles cracked and everything. So, what this is talking about is when the manipulator wants something but, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to do it themselves and thus use the victim as a conduit to carry out their crime. They make it feel like the victim’s idea, because this makes the victim more likely to do it. I talked to Des about this one too, and what conclusion I came to was how this could possibly – possibly, still no coming at me yet – be the case with Theo’s desire to kill Scott. We know Theo wants Scott dead for his powers. But do the Dread Doctors also want him dead? That, here, is the key question. Me and Des think yes, as having Scott out of the way would make their work easier. But they don’t care so much that they’ll do it themselves. But what if they, really, want Theo to kill Scott? We don’t know if they do or don’t, so we can’t say for sure either way. I’ve done a little research on this but can’t seem to find any solid conclusions on the matter (trust me when I say I looked). So this one isn’t really sturdy, but it’s an interesting theory that the Dread Doctors allowed Theo to feel like he was making his own choices when really he was just helping the Dread Doctors carry out their plans. Maybe they, too, wanted the chaos and discord within the Pack. Now, obviously bringing the Chimeras back wasn’t their goal – hello, why kill them, then? – but I believe they also could’ve stopped Theo had they wanted to. They could’ve stopped Theo from doing anything if they had wanted to. The fact that they didn’t doesn’t point to them being nice and chill and just letting Theo do what he wants. To me, this is more likely stemming from the fact that, somehow, this all fit into their master plan – or, at least, didn’t interfere with it. But, like I said, if they wanted to stop Theo from doing any of this, they could’ve. Which makes me wonder if Theo’s free will wasn’t as free as it appears.
This article also mentions how authority is a particularly sound influence, but I will also explore a similar topic later on so I won’t bother with it now.
*This definition refers to the fact manipulation can cause changes in the psychological characteristics. Now, as a later source mentions, we will never know the full story of Theo’s childhood. All we know is what the show tells us, which isn’t a lot. But we can assume he wasn’t, like, one of those “evil children” who were just “born that way.” Because Scott or Stiles would’ve mentioned that, if he’d gone around killing animals or something. You can argue they didn’t know, but we also have literally zero evidence that he did do anything like that, so it’s a weird assumption to make. He had asthma, and played Little League, and no one ever mentions anything blaringly wrong with his early childhood. What I’m getting at here is a change in psychological characteristics. Maybe Theo was evil before, and that’s why the Dread Doctors targeted him. Or maybe he wasn’t, and went through actual psychological changes in his characteristics which caused him to act differently than he ever would have had he not been put on this path.
*In season 5, his interests, will, and desire are having a Pack and having power. These are his intentions and goals. First of all, I want to note that none of his goals are “murder.” Does murder fall into his plan? Absolutely. He’s clearly very much okay with it. But it’s not like his motivations are as shallow as “killing is fun!” He has reasons to kill Tracy and Josh, and reasons for wanting Scott dead. You can argue what he did to Scott was the worst thing he did, because he killed him out of emotion, not gaining anything from it. I know I’m basically saying premeditated murder is better, but that’s not what I mean. I just mean it isn’t like he originally set out to kill people for a good time. Killing people just happened to be the way to get what he wanted. Furthermore, who knows what his intentions would’ve been had he not lived the life he did? His intentions were formed as reactions. Wanting a Pack was a response to, well, not having one. And wanting power was a response to having none. If he’d been able to live a normal life, there’s no reason to assume he would’ve ever had aspirations like that.
Who is Manipulated?
Everything in this section comes from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8905186/. This article, actually, does not explore the heading at all. It explores radicalization in a religious sense in prisoners who were manipulated. But, the data in the article made it worth using for our purposes here. Starting with the fact “that the process of radicalization follows several phases, during which the recruiters indoctrinate and prepare young people for the use of violence.” And that sentence is what this section is really about: youth. This section will demonstrate how crucial of a factor age is, and what that says about Theo.
“According to this model, recruiters identify their targets in vulnerable contexts.” What this means is that the victim is usually already vulnerable in the eyes of the manipulator. Now, we don’t know why the Dread Doctors chose Theo. We know, like, three things about his early childhood, and none of those three things are even his age. But one of the three things is that he had asthma. Okay, you say, so did Scott. Well, maybe the Dread Doctors were looking for someone who had asthma and also a sibling. That sounds unlikely, but I’m simply illustrating the point that it is a possible weakness he had in his health, making him potentially already vulnerable. Or maybe he had shitty parents. Or maybe he had great parents. We don’t know anything else about his childhood. So we can’t really confirm this point, but what’s important is that we can also not deny it.
Next, “the first phase is psychological submission (emotional radicalization), whereby the young person loses their autonomy and becomes dependent.” Well, this is pretty obvious. The Dread Doctors took Theo away from his parents, and thus he became entirely dependent on them. What else is an 8/9/10 year old supposed to do? He has to depend on them, he has no other options. He can’t just depend on himself, because how is an 8/9/10 year old supposed to have or make money? How’s he supposed to eat? Where is he supposed to sleep? So, yeah, he’s dependent. But, this is also “achieved by using persuasive and aggressive communication strategies, such as social isolation and inducing confusion between reality and fantasy.” We definitely can check the social isolation. Now’s where one of the Tumblr articles comes in. In this post (https://demonzdust.tumblr.com/post/178486817906/part-i-introduction-theo-before-the-dread) the author states that, “We know that the Dread Doctors kidnap and experiment on people while they are still conscious. We also know that they are capable of inducing hallucinations. They can do all of this unbeknownst to others. That leaves them with a lot of tools to shape a young Theo into what they wanted.” I reference this post because it says what I wanted to say better and more succinctly than I could. Especially the part regarding the hallucinations, and how that ties into the article’s point about inducing confusion between reality and fantasy. Like we’ve said, we don’t know what all the Dread Doctors did to Theo. But it’s entirely possible they confused his reality and fantasy, at least for a period of time.
Now we get more into the actual article, which is about religious radicalization. But we’re going to spin this into a Theo context. “Finally, in the third phase of violent disinhibition and legitimization (violent radicalization), the recruit validates the use of violence by associating with the mistreatment and oppression allegedly suffered by their new group, identifies the enemy, and shifts responsibility by making an attack essential to improving their situation.” Okay, that was a lot of words. Let’s break it down. In short, for there to be violent radicalization, setting a clear enemy and making the victim feel like attacking that enemy is the only way to improve their situation must be present. This goes back to my earlier point about the Dread Doctors and possibly wanting Scott dead/chaos and discord in the Pack. Did the Dread Doctors convince him this Pack consisting of his old friends was the enemy? Did they make him think they needed to be disbanded for Theo to get his own Pack and the power he’s craving? We don’t know. We can’t say yes, but we also can’t say no.
Next is where we get into the youth aspect of this section. Youth is noted as “a particularly relevant stage in the radicalization process.” We know Theo is young. As young as 8 when this started, and around 18 during season 5. This article talks about 20-28 being young, so Theo would fall into the category of being extremely young. If youth is a relevant age in radicalizing 20-28 year olds, what exactly does it do to someone who might be 8 years old? The article continues by stating, “Age could be considered a risk factor for radicalization.” Which just means that Theo had a risk factor already before ever being visited by the Dread Doctors. Why? Why is being young more of a risk factor? Well, I’m glad you asked, because I have answers. 
The experience of more extreme and variable emotions
Greater threat/stress sensitivity
Commitment with violence
Basically, young people experience more extreme and variable emotions due to “deficits in both emotional regulation and emotion reactivity (sensitivity).” This also applies to the second point, and why threat/stress sensitivity is greater. Now, the last part is more for adolescents than a child. But it states that the youth are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and commit more violence than other age groups. Now, these are not reasons Theo is the way he is. Everyone is a child/adolescent at some point. But these are risk factors, and they could have played a role in making Theo more susceptible to manipulation and violence.
Barely Even Human
Yeah, I know it was cruel to name this section that. But it fits. Everything in this section comes from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-manipulation/. This article defines manipulation as “radical programming or reprogramming of all or most of an agent’s beliefs, desires, and other mental states.” The thought is that “that manipulative influences bypass the target’s capacity for rational deliberation.” This is implying that the Dread Doctors and their manipulation of Theo could’ve bypassed his ability to really think about the choices he was making. This has long-lasting implications. If we believe this to be true, it is possible that the Theo we see simply doesn’t have a “capacity for rational deliberation.” Meaning, he acts in irrational ways, or ways that look irrational to others but seem rational to  him because he lacks the ability to purposefully and calculatingly make decisions. Instead, he acts in a way that meets his most basic survival needs. And what does a wolf need? A Pack. And what does someone who has been manipulated for a decade need? Power. He needs a Pack and power, and thus those are his goals. Are they rationally deliberated goals? We don’t know, but this article suggests the possibility that the answer is no.
“Manipulation is commonly used aggressively, as a way to harm the manipulator’s target, or at least to benefit the manipulator at the target’s expense.” This point doesn’t have a lot to do with the points I’m making in this essay, but it does make me sad for Theo.
“Another natural way to account for the wrongness of manipulation would be to claim that it violates, undermines, or is otherwise antithetical to the target’s personal autonomy.” This is, more or less, what we talked about earlier. That Theo may never have made any of the decisions he made if not for the Dread Doctors. This implies none of this was done out of his own personal desire to do so, and that it may very well be things he never would have done otherwise. The article goes onto further state that, “It is natural to regard [manipulation] as interfering with autonomous decision-making. The idea that manipulation is wrong because it undermines autonomous choice is implicit in discussions of manipulation as a potential invalidator of consent.” Meaning, Theo’s consent wasn’t important during the time he spent with the Dread Doctors. The Dread Doctors didn’t take it into consideration. This doesn’t mean he actively did things he didn’t consent to doing, but it does bring up the possibility for further discussion.
Lastly, this article states that, “In this view, manipulation involves treating the target as a device to be operated rather than an agent to be reasoned with.” We already know the Dread Doctors viewed Theo as an object. Whether he could be a success or a failure. They never cared about him as a person, merely as a tool to do things they couldn’t/didn’t want to do. If you view Theo this way – as a device to be operated – it takes away some of the blame placed upon him for his actions. He was wound up and made to go, simply put.
TL;DR: Manipulation is bad. Don’t do it. Theo was manipulated, and primed to be so because of his status as a youth. In this essay, we explored his actions and the possibilities behind why they occurred. Our conclusions are that it’s entirely possible he was completely manipulated by the Dread Doctors and thus acted as a puppet whilst they pulled the strings.
If you disagree with anything I said, let me know. But not just in a “screw you you’re stupid” way. Let’s have an actual conversation.
I hope you enjoyed this at least a little bit, or learned something from this. This is Kay, signing off (for now . . . ).
xoxo, kay
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buckybarnesss · 10 months
How do you think what Stiles went though in the season 2 finale and what Scott did affect them throughout the series afterwards? Obviously, it played some into their later season 5 break up, but before that?
Do you think they had an off screen discussion or was it just pushed to the side and not talked about?
You know, I think I've talked about this a bit before somewhere but not fully. I'll probably have more to say once I get around to 5A in my rewatch lol. Theo really chaps my ass in Season 5, okay.
The Season 5 Scott and Stiles divorce isn't my favorite Teen Wolf moment. Not because it didn't have any basis -- it did. It very much did! -- but because I didn't care for how it was written.
See, the thing about Scott and Stiles is they don't discuss things. Not really. Much of their relationship is built by mutual understanding. The Scott -n- Stiles relationship is informed by their mutual childhood pain.
So instead they paper over issues and traumas and assume they're on the same page. It's done out of good intentions but the road to hell and all.
I am of the opinion that they actually didn't discuss anything. At least not much more than we saw at the end where they're practicing lacrosse.
See, here's a thing about how I analyze the show. I tend to think of season 1 and 2 as one arc of the show.
That arc closes out with them not talking about the events very much. It's all too much and too little at the same time. They do not talk about the plan with Gerard and how Stiles was cut out of the loop, not what happened with Jackson and Lydia, not Derek, not Erica and Boyd, not Allison and definitely not Gerard harming Stiles.
I even go as far as to say Scott wasn't made aware of what actually happened with Boyd and Erica AND that it was a conscious decision on Stiles, Derek and Allison's parts to not tell Scott at all for different reasons.
Season 3 is the consequences of them not communicating properly in the past seasons. It makes them ill prepared for the threat of the Alpha Pack.
I feel like it's easily missed in Tattoo just how they're all not talking to each other and have divided themselves. 3A picks up four months after the end of season 2 and the audience is filled in that Allison has just returned from France, Lydia's been trying to get over Jackson, Scott's been working on himself and doing PSAT studying but meanwhile Derek and Isaac have been looking for Erica and Boyd. It's heavily implied that Stiles has been helping Derek without Scott's knowledge.
But like Scott and Stiles not talking about things? It continues. They don't talk about Allison's death, they don't talk about the Nogitsune possession, they don't talk about how Stiles warned Scott about Peter and Theo, they don't talk about Derek leaving, or Rafael or Claudia or the Sheriff or Melissa --- and it just all piles up into this rift that Theo easily takes advantage of. He preys on each of their fears and the whole thing crumbles under them.
The only way forward was for Stiles and Scott to learn how to fucking talk to each other as adults rather than the non-communication of two hurt children.
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lazywolfwiccan · 11 months
My Personal Ranking of Teen Wolf Media so far, CONTAINS SPOILERS
1. Season 3B, this is literally the best writing, directing, and acting of the series, with Dylan O'Brien flexing his acting ability, reminder he had no formal acting training, and the death of a main character cemented this as the best season for any YA show in TV history. The Nogitsune aka Void Stiles is fucking terrifying.
2. Season 4, this season is underrated to me, from Kate's return to Derek losing his powers. However this season saw the departure of Tyler Hoechlin from the series as a main cast member, and that may have soured this season for many people. Between the werejaguar and Peter turning heel the villains are at their best and we get the iconic scene of Derek turning into a evolved werewolf.
3. Season 6B, the end of the series kicks into high gear and doesn't stop until the end. Stiles, Derek, Jackson and Ethan all return after long absences and make the show feel like Teen Wolf again, the villain is awful but Theo and Liam easily carry a few episodes.
4. Season 6A, due to Dylan O'Brien needing to leave the show to film Maze Runner, the writer's decided to have new villains called the Ghost Riders kidnap Stiles and effectively erase him from everyone's memories. This leads to the best acting from Tyler Posey imo. This also had the return of Derek via archive footage and Stydia becoming canon.
5. Season 3A, The Alpha pack is severely underrated and I loved how Danny got some character development even if it was small.
6. Season 2, Underrated? Yes. Good? Ehhhhh. The Kanima is fucking iconic and Colton Haynes shows off how fucking incredible he is as an actor. Derek's "Alpha high" is also well played. Boyd and Erica are good side characters but they deserved better
7. Season 5, the first season without Derek and it shows, the show decides to hint at a next generation spin off (which never happened) with extra focus on Liam Dunbar. But it feels like Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia are given the backseat. Theo Raeken is easily one of the best villains, manipulating everything to his benefit until it back fires on him. However this season gets boring fast with twenty episodes following one story. My favorite scene is still Stiles finally snapping and punching Scott.
8. Season 1, the start of the series also happens to be the worst. Scott is at his worst but is still likable in parts. The actors quickly get better with every episode, Holland Roden definitely improves fast.
9. Teen Wolf: The Movie, I don't even want to talk about this. This is Scallison fanfiction with all the bad parts of fanfiction, Derek is killed off, Malia and Parrish are a thing, Stydia broke up because of a dream etc. However, I did like Crystal Reed's performance as Allison, balancing being numb and brainwashed and scared because she doesn't know anything, Eli Hale is the best part, and the scene of Derek, Scott and Eli roaring with all the rooms matching their eyes is iconic, the score helps a lot.
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