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Now this is how you drink Vermouth!• • 3oz - Berto Vermouth Rosso di Piemonte -Shake Vermouth with ice until cold, strain into chilled coupe glass, garnish with an olive. Easy! • • #wakethetastebuds #aperitivo #cocktails #cocktail #mixology #mixologist #imbibe #カクテル #tipsytuesday #bertovermouth #kermitlynch #tedwardspirits #vermouth #vermouthtime (at Josie’s Hideaway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B00u3bCHy25/?igshid=13vvqk0cock8q
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Whiskey Wednesday! This is by Bull Run Distillery out of Oregon. • • This is the first in a series of wine barrel finishing projects. Predominantly corn with a touch of malted barley, aged for 10 years (last 15 months in Pinot Noir barrels from Brooks Winery.) 100 Proof • • #whiskeywednesday #bullrundistillery #americanwhiskey #brookswinery #pinotnoir #corn #maltedbarley #whiskey #oregondistillers #oregon #bartender #mixology #cocktail #cocktails #whiskeyporn #tedwardspirits (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuY3KU3HU5i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mg0y0kkzlfsr
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It’s 5M day! This Monday Morning Motivation in March is brought you by Mezcal, helping the world tolerate each other for over 400 years! This is the line-up of Los Nahuales Mezcal from Destilerias Los Danzantes. #destileriaslosdazantes #losnahuales #mezcal #mondaymorningmotivation #mondaymotivation #agave #spirits #oaxacalove #cocktails #cocktail #breakfastofchampions #tedwardspirits #salesreplife #moremezcal #mezcalovers (at New York, New York)
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Tonight’s lineup at West Side Wine 5:30-8pm : Arette Tequila Blanco, Eidosela Albariño, Hand Work Tempranillo and Bodegas Ponce Depaula Monastrell. #westsidewine #uwswine #arettetequila #tequila #eidosela #albariño #handworkwine #tempranillo #depaulamonastrell #bodegasponce #tedwardwines #tedwardspirits #wine #winelovers #winetasting #wineoclock #winelife #winenight #wines #wineporn #winenot #winestagram #sommelier #redwine #whitewine (at West Side Wine)
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Mezcal, it’s not just for dinner anymore! This 9:30am wake up call is brought to you by Borroso Artesanal Mezcal. It’s made from 100% Wild Agave and arrives in two strengths: 49%, bottled right off the still and the 42%, cut with natural spring water. Mezcal Artesanal is distilled from only Agave hearts, no juice allowed. #borrosomezcal #mezcalartesanal #mezcalforall #mezcal #mezcalfridays #mezcalforbreakfast #agave #tedwardwines #cocktailporn #cocktailtime #cocktailhour #happyhour #tedwardspirits #mezcallove (at New York, New York)
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Home for the next few hours. #tequila #mezcal #tlauquepaque #tedwardspirits (at Quinta Don Jose Boutique Hotel)
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