cykoscandycane · 10 months
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sketches ft. ted + audrei :3 since i havent posted ab them in a while
also im back from my little break from posting,, feeling a bit better now 🫡
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mapachedepapel · 3 months
Hola aquí Mapache con otro ⋆FLOP⋆
✦ Extra: Doodle viejito. ✦
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garbledsaphrophyte · 3 months
This blog is overseen by the Imperial Research Institute's Helming Project, focused entirely on developing innovative new helming solutions and improving current helming technologies. This blog is devoted to the socialization of one of our alternative helming projects. The subject has identified herself as an 11 sweep old woman named Virosa Amanit. The program has identified it as a gold-blooded test subject titled FNG-A1. You may refer to the subject in either fashion as you please. FNG refers to an alternative helming project in which a fungal parasite is used in place of traditional biowires. This parasite is of a semi-saphient species found on a recently Empirically conquered planet. The use of this species in helming has shown to greater compliance in helms, as the parasite directly affects their minds in a way biowires cannot. The hope is that with this technology, even the most difficult helms can be given more free range, greatly reducing the need for constant supervision and control of the helms by captains, as the fungus is capable of keeping the helm in line on its own. FNG-A is our first specimen to survive this program, and it has been recently installed onto a proper imperial battleship as a typical helm would be. FNG consists of two parts: FNG-A1, the helm, and FNG-A2, the parasite. This blog exists for several reasons: one, we wish to see how FNG helms interact with other trolls. Two, we have found that due to their increased freedom compared to other helms, FNG helms function best when enriched. Three, FNG-A1 has been exceptionally cooperative as of late, and unlike my predecessor, I believe in rewarding good behavior in my subjects. This blog will be run primarily by FNG-A1 (and, if subject testimony is to be believed, FNG-A2). Other members of the ship's crew, especially FNG-A's handler, may also be allowed to speak. If you have a complaint, query, or concern about the program, FNG-A, or anything else, simply address your message to its handler, and it will be answered. While FNG-A1's behavior is heavily moderated both by the fungus and its handler, it still may act out. Please be wary of this, and thank you for your patience. Signing off, Tedrei Aancit, director of the IRI Helming Project.
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wearygrandiloquent · 3 months
garbledSaphrophyte Typing Quirks
Virosa Amanit/FNG-A1 and FNG-A2
AND ALSO [fng-a2 interrupts virosa's text in green brackets in all lowercase and also doesn't use a lot of punctuation] BUT [most of the time fng-a2 will only do this to censor virosa and doesn't have much to say and will often just leave blank boxes to shut up fng-a1] LIKE [ ].
FNG-A's handler
fng-a'S handleR haS A verY higH squeakY voicE, sO hE capitalizeS thE lasT letteR oF wordS anD endS everY sentencE witH aN exclamatioN poinT!
Tedrei Aancit
Tedrei Aancit has no typing quirk, but uses the boldened chat font and proper language and grammar. This could be to symbolize that they've given up individuality in favor of professionalism. It could also be to symbolize that I didn't want to type out that long pinned post with a fucking typing quirk. Hint: it's the second one.
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miru667 · 2 years
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Some goodies here ^v^ They’re all Audrey Grace plus one Ted Schroder
1) I saw a moon cactus at IKEA and got rly excited cuz it reminded me of my Audrey, so I drew a comparison. Audrey gifted this cactus to her friend Bean later in rp. 2,3) I’m okay! (Trust me) 4) Started this on New Year’s Eve (Schroder’s bday) and finished on New Year’s Day, so this was my first drawing of the year. 5) I just want to draw her beautiful.
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cupofteasant · 3 years
“Man I sure am tired of animating”
“Let’s take a break by animating another project”
@miru667 @lyzardy HAPPY THNEEDMAS I WISH YOU A VERY GOOD DAY. I’m sorry if some of the lineart is scratchy this was supposed to be a small miniproject that became bigger than anticipated (;;u_u) Miru I am absolutely in love with your Audrey Grace she is absolutely the kickass pretty girl Audrey we wish we could’ve had but didn’t get. ALSO AUDREY’S OUTFITS ARE SO GOOD HOLY FRICK?? LIKE DAMN SHE’S IN THE APOCALYPSE BUT THAT GREEN DRESS AIN’T EVER DYING. Lyzardy I am ABSOLUTELY thrilled to have a dorky but headstrong Ted, it’s just a perfect combination and a great contrast to Audrey’s witty but carefree attitude. Random nitpick, I love drawing Ted’s braid it looks like a little tree growing outta his head.
They’re both so cute together oh my god please never stop drawing, you’re both so amazing and the characters you make are so endearing and definitely my favourite rendition of Audrey & Ted, like they are going so high in my tier list.
I based it off a bit from these drawings that Miru did.
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hippie-chick · 4 years
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girlcarnivore · 4 years
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decided to compile all my curiouscat answers about mom!auburn and willow into one post ☺️ ft. baby daddy punkted (who belongs to @impactrueno ) and shitty grandpa oz
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tedreis · 5 years
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yengenizle 23 Nisan pozu verelim dedik
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rookus-mind · 6 years
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bubblemagician · 8 years
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cykoscandycane · 11 months
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GAHH i finished.. im so proud of this 😭😭 as you can tell, i based this drawing off of this one photo from the movie!
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ive been wanting to draw audrei and ted like this for a while now so i finally found the time to do it :)
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wearygrandiloquent · 3 months
garbledSaphrophyte Tags
in character tags will have the appropriate quirk, be before the main tags, and the last in character tag will end with //
#clinicalfable - FNG-A's handler
#the crew tm - the ship's crew
#iridirector - Tedrei
#homestuck rp
#ship documentation - posts with pictures of my characters, or pictures my characters take. Mostly an art tag.
#fngsktch - pictures FNG-A1 draws. Entirely an art tag.
out of character tags will be after the main tags, and the first out of character tag will begin with //
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wearygrandiloquent · 3 months
garbledSaphrophyte Character List
Virosa Amanit / FNG-A1
"Hey WG, why'd you name your main character after a completely different type of fungus than the one she's inspired by?"
Shhhhhhh, only dreams now.
Anyway, there's not a lot I can divulge OOC about Virosa right now. She's an 11 sweep old gold. Other than that, ask her yourself.
NOTE: in character, you can use she/her or it/its, but out of character, please only use she/her.
Fuck around and find out :)
Virosa's handler
He's 9 sweeps old and indigo blooded, other than that ask him yourself.
Tedrei Aancit
Not likely to be a recurring character, but if y'all ask for them I'll let them show up more lmao. Director of the Helming Program that made FNG.
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miru667 · 3 years
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Me and @lyzardy have a very cute tedrey ship between our lorax ocs :D We call them GGtedrey cuz of their last names
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miru667 · 3 years
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It’s a brisk autumn day and they’re on their way to a Halloween party..🎃🔪
Ted Gallagher belongs to @lyzardy, Audrey Grace is mine, outfit designs based on @pennydreadfuljournal’s halloween card drawings!
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