astars-things · 1 year
You need to write one where like lukes daughter hears the reader call him lukie pookie and so she calls him that?
Pairing Dad!Luke Hughes x Mom!reader
I never thought much about the pet names I used for my husband, Luke. "Lukie Pookie" just seemed like a cute and endearing nickname to me. But one day, when our 2-year-old daughter Aurora overheard me calling him that, things changed.
I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard Aurora's little voice say, "Lukie Pookie!" I turned around to see her standing there with a big smile on her face.
Luke walked in just then and she looked up at him and said, "Lukie Pookie!" He smiled down at her and said, "Hey there, little miss. It's dada to you." But Aurora just giggled and kept calling him Lukie Pookie.
I was tucking Aurora into bed when I decided I should probably speak to her about calling luke , lukie pookie "Hey sweetie, you know what? Dada really likes it when you call him Dada. Can you try calling him that instead of Lukie Pookie?"
Aurora looked up at me with those big eyes and said, "But I like Lukie Pookie!" I sighed walking out of her room
"See what you've done?" luke spoke from the couch " I know I know I'm sorry" I cuddled into him making puppy eyes knowing he couldn't be mad at me
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iluvhollands · 1 month
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Just Nace with a teddy bear 🧸
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httpiastri · 3 months
AAAA !!!! they were so adorable :(( i couldnt hear what they said when i watched it live bcs i didnt wanna turn the sound up (and make me look like the maniac i am in front of my cousin who thinks i just "kinda enjoy" watching them) but when i rewatched it now 🥺
and aaaaAaAaAAA couldnt not include this clip:
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superbellsubways · 4 months
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and why hes 🥹 oooughh
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lilioopdf · 3 months
(replying to u and the anon ab prema dropping paul)
i rlly hope paul doesnt go back to prema actually for next season (painful to say this but i hope he doesn’t win f2 this year so he has another year to learn and improve and have teams more interested in him esp since i dont see any other seat openings for rookies in the f1 grid and i do not wanna see him js kicked to the sidelines after winning the championship! best case scenario for me is he gets p2 in the championship, gets picked up by a driver academy/given a reserve position, drives another 1-2 f2 seasons while participating in fp1s for experience, and maybe hadj*r is the one who wins this year so HE can be kicked to the sidelines and we dont have to see his annoying face again :) ) ANYWAYS if he gets p2 in the championship this season hes likely to go back for another f2 season which i hope he stays w hitech in cz prema looks like theyre on a downward hill and pls paul dont get involved in that even if love them PLEASE🙏🧎‍♀️ paul aron save urself ! as much as i miss you in the prema videos js dont baby DONT ! STAY WHERE U ARE !
lol thats my rant :)
same anon who gave the whole rant about the pain of paul and ollie’s podium🥲
also idk if u have anon icons but if u do i hope the teddybear is still available LOL
omg firstly, i am so SO sorry for the late reply 😓😓 ive been really busy recently and i didn’t want to give you a poorly thought out reply without reading your ask properly.
and ofc you can be teddybear anon! that’s literally so cute omg i love love love bears so much aaaaaa my fav cartoon character when i was a child was literally pooh because i loved how cute and cuddly and silly he was— and even till this day i sleep with like three bears in my bed and a bear eyemask so yes to conclude i really love bears, you made such a wonderful choice 🤭
but like i 100% agree that i don’t want paul to win because i want him to get a second year in F2 so he can gain more experience and knowledge yk? he might be performing really really well rn but he’s also learning SO much behind the wheel and i feel like a second year in F2 would be able to teach him so much and prepare him better for potential prospects in the future……. that being said, i don’t want poojar of all people to be the winner of F2 🫢🫢 like maybe let it be franco or pepe or just ANYONE ELSE but him…
okay but maybe i want him to do well enough like P6 or above so he can quickly move on to a new series and he won’t bother me in F2 or F1 anymore 😊😊
but yeah i think right now paul would do best by staying in a position where he isn’t be limited or fixed to a certain position yk? like another year for him to explore his options, participate in a few FPs, maybeee join some other series’ from time to time, would be SO beneficial for him, esp at this stage in his career (which is why as much as i love kimi, i don’t think he should be joining F1 next year because have we not learnt from our previous mistakes?? 😭 you’re literally doing an injustice by moving him up too early when he hasn’t properly mastered his current series well enough yet— just look at all the prev drivers that got put into F1 way too quickly by their academies)
anyway thank you for dropping by in my asks!! hope you have a lovely lovely week ahead 💗💗 take care!
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Hey! In case you're still looking for ideas of how Atticus and Felix can meet the others, here's an idea: Since Atticus and Keiko are both med students, then maybe they both have that one professor who played the video that made Atticus sick in his sleep. Maybe after class, Atticus is nauseous and Keiko just helps him out. I know this sounds a bit like a boring ask, but maybe you could just add more of your own stuff to make it more interesting?😅
“Jesus Christ,” Atticus groaned, dropping his head in his hands after his professor dismissed the class in a way-too cheerful voice.
This was the fifth time his med professor held the class back to watch a recorded failed surgery. This time, it was a c-section.
“That was fucking brutal,” the guy sitting next to him suddenly said. Atticus had never talked to the guy before. Usually, Atticus saw this guy sitting in the front row of the lecture hall, but for the last two classes, the guy has been sitting in the back row where Atticus sat. Likely because most people have been avoiding the first rows so that their professor couldn’t call them out for the disgusted or sickly looks on their faces.
“Yeah,” Atticus sighed, muffling a sick burp against his fist.
The guy looked at him, brow raised. “I guess we should get going. Everyone else is.”
Atticus nodded, standing and grimacing as he felt everything in his stomach sitting like a brick.
Atticus and the guy were two of the last people out of the lecture hall. Atticus stopped once outside, bracing against the wall and taking deep breaths through his nose to try and ease the nausea.
“You okay?”
Atticus looked up and saw the guy standing beside him. “You’re still here?”
The guy shrugged. “My girlfriend is meeting me here.”
“Oh.” Atticus stood a little straighter. He was a little dizzy from the churning in his gut, and he wondered if he should call Felix to come and pick him up.
“You look like you’re about to puke,” the guy said, sounding a bit genuinely concerned. “Do you want some water or something? Might help.”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Atticus said, forcing himself to stop leaning against the wall. He just wanted to get home. “I should get going.”
Atticus waved to the guy and the guy waved back, and Atticus began walking away.
He only made it about six steps forward before doubling over and hurling everything in his stomach all over the ground.
His stomach was clenching with each heave. That had him focusing on his stomach and focusing on his stomach reminded him of the video where he saw a woman’s abdomen get sliced open—
More puke joined the mess, and Atticus flinched as he felt a hand touch his back.
“Okay, get it up, man,” the guy from his class was saying. “You’ll feel better after.”
When Atticus was empty, he was ten-times as dizzy and his legs felt like jelly. He stepped back from his mess and then sat on the ground with his back against the wall. He was so thankful that it was late and the hallway was basically empty aside from him and this random dude who was being nice to him.
The guy crouched in front of him, rummaging through his backpack and pulling out an unopened bottle of water. “Drink some,” he said, holding the bottle out to him. “It’ll help.”
Atticus murmured “Thanks” and took the water, opening it and taking a tentative sip.
“I’m Keiko, by the way,” the guy said. “You?”
Atticus lowered the bottle and politely smiled a bit. “I’m Atticus.”
“Do you want a ride home, Atticus?” Keiko offered. “When my girlfriend gets here, I can give you a ride if you don’t think you can drive.”
Atticus had the feeling that he shouldn’t dive since he was still so dizzy and nauseous, but he shook his head. “Thanks for the offer, but no. I’ll just call my boyfriend to come get me.”
Keiko nodded, smiling genuinely. “Okay. Water staying down?”
Atticus’s smile faltered a bit as he thought about the question for a second too long. “Not sure,” he answered, planting a hand on his stomach. He swallowed the saliva that was pooling in his mouth, throat bobbing. “I’m so fucking nauseous.”
“Do you have the stomach flu or something?” Keiko asked, sitting beside him on the ground.
Shaking his head, Atticus answered, “No, it was that stupid video our professor played. I’m a bit iffy on gory stuff.”
“Oh,” Keiko said.
Atticus blushed, embarrassed. This guy wasn’t so pathetically affected by seeing a bit of blood. Did that mean that Atticus was just weak? How was he going to be a doctor if he got sick every time he saw blood?
Atticus took out his phone and texted Felix, typing: Hey bby. Can you come pick me up? I’m not feeling well.
He got a response almost instantly.
💌My Pen_pal🌈: OMW!! See you soon, love!
Atticus sighed, leaning his head back against the wall and taking deep breaths, which he kind of regretted since he could smell the mess he’d already made.
“You gonna be sick again?” Keiko asked, observing him.
Atticus swallowed. “Trying not to be.” He doubted there was anything left in his stomach, but he still felt like he was gonna puke.
He decided to take a few more sips of water, but his thoughts decided to screw him then and the video popped back into his head while he was mid sip, making him gag and choke on the water.
“Shit,” Keiko said, patting his back as Atticus turned to the side, gagging and coughing.
Another stream of puke—mainly just water and bile—came up mid-cough. Atticus felt shaky, and through a slight ringing in his ears he could hear Keiko asking him something.
“Kei!” someone suddenly called from down the hallway, getting both of their attention.
Atticus noticed as Keiko’s whole face seemed to brighten as a girl came down the hallway in a colorful galaxy skirt and a black sweater. Her eyes widened once she was close enough to examine the whole scene in front of her. “Oh. Hi,” she said, looking surprised and a little awkward.
“Hi, baby,” Keiko said, cringing.
Atticus felt his face turn hot with embarrassment, and he gagged again, heaving dryly.
“Crap,” the girl said. “Um, is everything. . . okay? What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Am,” Keiko said. “This guy’s just not feeling too well.”
“Oh. Okay.” She shifted on her feet a bit. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Keiko opened his mouth to say something, but Atticus sat back against the wall again, breathing though his mouth, and he said, “I’m fine now. You two should go—you don’t have to do anything for me.”
All Keiko did in response to that was raise a brow and grab the water bottle again, holding it towards Atticus. “Drink.”
Atticus frowned. “It’s going to come back up anyway.” Plus, he literally just met this guy. Why was he even bothering to take care of someone he just met?
“Your boyfriend is picking you up, right?” Keiko asked. “How long do you think till he gets here?”
He and Felix hadn’t made plans for Felix to spend the night, so that meant that Felix was at the dorms that were closer to the campus. “Maybe five minutes?”
Keiko looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend. “You okay with waiting five minutes?”
Just as Atticus was about to protest, the girl said, “Sure, I don’t mind.”
Atticus felt awkward for those five minutes. Usually, he did great with meeting new people, but he just felt really off, and he was feeling incredibly embarrassed by this whole situation.
They went outside after a while, and Atticus puked one more time in the bushes in front of the building.
Atticus was sitting on the curb with Keiko sitting beside him and his head hanging when his boyfriend pulled up in his car—a light-yellow buggy. Atticus stood and Keiko helped him since he was a bit unsteady after all the vomiting.
Felix came out of the car, looking worried. “Atticus,” he sighed, going over. “Love, are you alright?”
Atticus nodded. “I’m fine.” Then he looked at Keiko. “Thanks for your help.”
Keiko just smiled and shrugged and said, “No need to thank me. I just hope you feel better.”
Just then, Amberlynn came back outside since she went back inside to get a bottle of Gatorade from a vending machine. When she saw Felix, her eyes widened a bit. “Felix,” she said, sounding a bit surprised.
As soon as the blonde saw her, his eyes also widened a little and he smiled a bit. “Oh. Hi, Starry.”
Atticus cast his boyfriend a confused look. “Starry?”
“Do you two know each other?” Keiko asked.
Felix nodded. “Yeah, the fashion majors who help the theater students with their costumes all call her ‘Starry‘ because she’s always the lead. And because most of her wardrobe consists of galaxy-themed outfits.”
“This is quite the coincidence,” Amberlynn chuckled, stepping forward with the Gatorade and handing it towards Atticus. “Here. If you think you can keep it down, you should drink it.”
Atticus smiled gratefully as he took the bottle. “Thank you. It was nice to meet you.” The words slipped out automatically, despite the fact that this whole situation felt like one of the worst ways to meet someone to him.
They all exchanged goodbyes—Amberlynn and Felix said they’d see each other at the next costume fitting—and Atticus stumbled to his boyfriend’s car, being so grateful to be able to close his eyes and just breathe.
“So, Atti, you want to tell me what happened here?”
Atticus, with his eyes still closed, said, “My professor is a shithead. There’s your headline, folks.”
Felix chuckled a bit, understanding. “How’s your stomach?”
Atticus shrugged. “Still kinda iffy, but better.”
“If you can stomach it, do you want something to eat? I doubt that you’ve had dinner.”
Atticus shook his head, opening his eyes to look at and smile at Felix. “No food. Cuddles?”
Felix’s face broke out into a large smile because of how cute Atticus’s simple one-word question was. “Definitely, love.”
Atticus sighed contently, tiredly smiling happily and whispering the tiniest little, “yay.”
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a-drawingpanda · 2 years
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✦ 22.11.19 Yeonho TapTap ✦
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mikariazure · 1 year
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crisicsgames · 3 months
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projectmakersposts · 1 year
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miiukkaa · 1 year
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raph's subway room 🧸
personally speaking, raph is both an easy and a difficult character to understand. he has grown up with the responsibilty of having to look after his younger brothers. he definitely can be rowdy, playful, goofy and irresponsible but there's a sense of responsibility that he carries and holds onto. i mention this only because i feel this shows in him wanting to let his brothers have things over himself (things like furniture, trinkets, food... just stuff in general). not in a dramatic way in which he'd sacrifice EVEYRYTHING for the sake of others and thus neglect his own needs, no, no, it's not black and white like that. this would simply mean that he owns less furniture/trinkets/things than what you'd imagine. a mindful guy looking out for those he loves (let us not forget that he looks after himself, too).
i gave the big guy a big bed which is supported by the subway car's seats opposite to one another as well as cinder blocks. again, very little space underneath the bed. there're a few teddybears by the foot of the bed (note that the mattress isn't as wide as the car so the bears are just sitting on the seat).
raph is a RnB fan and has shown to own a collection of vinyl records. i was feeling generous so i gave him a vinyl record player with an amp right next to his bed.
while i could have moved his DIY bench press in the car, i rather it stayed outside of the car as seen in the movie. he would probably still have some weights stored in his room (he could easily use smaller weights in his room, too - i feel there's enough room for that).
opposite to the main entrance, he'd have a clothing line to hang some of his clothes. oh, and the door on the right side? that's just half-open. i'm not sure if raph himself would fit through a half-opened door but i like to imagine it's more of a window to him anyway. (from the bed he would lean a little to squint what's happening outside before shouting "hey, what's the commotion about!?" or something).
posters! first we have ghostbear's poster which we have seen in raph's sewer room. i feel he would have ripped the poster off of the wall after feeling betrayed by the wrestler but then later taped it back up after having calmed down and feeling remorseful. he still does admire the sport and ghostbear after all. complicated feelings.
a new lou jitsu poster in which our favorite rat man is simply just posing for the fans. speaking of the rat man, i'd like to think he helped raph write down the famous japanese quote from the show: 「あなたは一人じゃない」 translated to "you're not alone". i mean, if i were raph, i'd want to write the quote down... ESPECIALLY since he doesn't know the language and it's easy to forget for that reason. it's like splinter signed his poster for his son in a way :)
the mad dogs flag looks like it was bought rather than self-made... so i doubt they would have bought just one for leo. i mean "mad dogs" is their thing so you gotta get all the siblings involved kind of like a shared tattoo!!
then a silly little drawing by mikey in which he drew raph flexing :)
and speaking of mikey! there's some graffiti art by him! both of them are near identical to the ones seen in raph's sewer room but... one of them just says "boss!" and the other is just flames.
a very simple room design but i feel it's just enough for raph :]
leo's room
mikey's room
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astars-things · 1 year
Grocery shopping with the hughes, and like its very chaotic and you guys don't come back with anything you needed oronly some things
Pairing Jack Hughes x reader
It was a typical Saturday afternoon, Jack and I had decided to go grocery shopping with his two brothers, Luke and Quinn.
As we walked into the supermarket, I could feel the excitement and energy that radiated from the two boys. I knew that grocery shopping with them was going to be an adventure.
As soon as we entered the store, Jack and Luke darted off towards the toy section, leaving Quinn and me to handle the grocery shopping.
Quinn and I started down the first aisle, gathering the items on our list. We were discussing what we needed for dinner that night when we heard a loud crash from the next aisle over.
We quickly made our way to the other side, only to find Jack and Luke running around, giggling, and touching everything they could get their hands on. Jack had a bag of chips in his hand, and Luke was holding a box of cookies. They were putting random things into the cart, items that were not even on the list.
Quinn and I exchanged a look, knowing that we were in for a long shopping trip. I was highly entertained by Jack and Luke's antics. At one point, he picked up a watermelon and pretended to be a football player, running through the aisles with the watermelon tucked under his arm and Jack trailed behind.
taglist~ @stopsign94
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cadaverette · 5 months
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a lil teddybear lace moment 🧸
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httpiastri · 3 months
imagine how cute paul would look looking around confused and puppy energy when he lost you at the mall or something😭 he would look so adorable turning 360° standing still where you disappeared and maybe you're recording him so he hears your giggles a few feet away and the moment you lock eyes, he realizes ur filming him he just chuckles shakes his head and does a little run 🏃 towards you and starts tickling you behind the camera like "why *poke* did *poke* you *poke* leave *poke* me ?? *poke* huh ?? *poke*" all smiley and teasingly while hes admiring your giggling
good lord i need some help
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?!?!?! why put this into my mind ??? just to make me freak out ?????? not very nice 😶 but omfg you are soooo right.... he would be so cute all confused like that 😭 like in this gif......
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him spinning around, i cant handle it 😭 but stoppp not his little pokes........ i cant say anything more bcs ill look like a maniac
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breadcheese444 · 30 days
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ⓒ teddybear 🧸
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caregiverlad · 3 months
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Palestine/Israel/Gaza Stuff. (IN MY ASKS/DMS! Reblogs/posts on ur account is totally fine!)
Check my masterlist/fandom list before requesting (under the cut)
use your manners! say please and thank you
you must be 16+ to interact.
please don’t ask me to be your cg. i’m not currently looking for a little.
be kind!
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Anon List:
(☂️), (🐶), (Celia🪳), (👁️🐸), (🎸🤘), ( 💐), (🦈), (🐾 nonnie), (teddybear), (🌻), (🐶🍼), (🥤), (🐛), (🧛‍♂️), (🐰), (🏍️), (🍼🍌), (⚡️), (🫰🏻), (🏳️‍⚧️), (🦕), (🐱🍼), (🩰🌸🫧), (Leon🌿), (🧵), (🦴), (🦊/🦊💙), (🌙🍼), (🐻🍼), (🦭), (🩸🍼), (🥭), (🧸🍓), (🌸🐺), (K), (🕶️❌), (🗝️), (🐈‍⬛), (🐇🎻)
the above are welcome to interact if under 16. present pre-rule change. any anons below must be 16+.
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Currently In Box: 2
Working On: None
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Fandoms I’ll write for:
Call of Duty (MW)
Paw Patrol
My Little Pony
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#caregiverlad answers (askbox answers)
#caregiverlad writes (agere imagines/ficlets/headcanons)
#caregiverlad makes (stim/moodboards)
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Nicknames i’m comfy with:
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Big Favorites:
Fish/Sea Creatures
Sinjin Drowning
Big & Little Favorites:
Call of Duty (MW)
Ghost (Band)
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