tatert07s · 2 years
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Had this doodle lying around in my files of Cullen. Poor dude needs to sleep
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sconfittoleone · 1 year
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Im gonna be posting some fanart soon so keep an eye out for it!
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ceirinen · 9 months
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December 2023
I decided to make a list of every fic I read each month.
I would like to interact more, but life has been complicated recently and when it comes to interacting, I get very anxious which is something I'm trying to overcome.
So, here I made this to appreciate such amazing writers and stories that inspire me and others everyday. To the authors, I want to thank them for their dedication and time spent on writing to offer us fascinating stories.
I totally recommend their work.
(If you are in this list and you don't want to, please let me know so I can fix it).
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So New | Cillian Murphy x fem!reader Method Acting | young!Cillian Murphy x Reader
Research | Tommy Shelby x Reader Bedtime Stories | Tommy Shelby x Reader & Daughter
teacher!Luca Changretta x Reader Funeral | Tommy Shelby x sister!reader A Visit to the Peaky Blinders Set | Cillian Murphy x wife!reader
Festive Spirit | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader All I Need... | modern!Thomas Shelby x Reader A Gentle Warning | Thomas Shelby x wife!Reader
Arthur Shelby x Reader
Pre-Gaming | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Lost and Lucky | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader Surprise visit | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Let Me Praise You | Tommy Shelby x Reader Raising Catherine | Tommy Shelby x Reader
If I let you go | Cillian Murphy x Reader
What does my princess want? | sugar daddy!Cillian Murphy x sugar baby!reader I'm pretty sure you're mine | sub!William Killick x dom!fem!Reader What are we, idiot? | Neil Lewis x best friend!Reader Thirsty | Tommy Shelby x secretary!Reader
To the end of the world | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Tommy, the teddy bear | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Emergency surgery | baby!Tommy Shelby Fanfiction | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Anon | Alfie Solomons
Loner | Edward Cullen x Reader At the End of the Day | Tommy Shelby x wife!Reader
Mentor!Finnick Odair x victor!reader
Flower Therapy | Finnick Odair x Reader
Cillian Murphy x Reader Tommy Shelby x artist!reader Soft sugar daddy | Robert Fischer x Reader
Home Is Where the Heart Is | William Killick x future!reader
Skin to skin | Finnick Odair x fem!insomniac!reader
Lost Love | Tommy Shelby x Reader 36 Minutes | modern! Tommy Shelby x Reader
Had you first | Tommy Shelby x Reader Little Tommy | Thomas Shelby x oc
Red Carpet | Cillian Murphy x Reader
I Do Bad Things | demon!Tommy x Reader
Ceramic Lessons | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Day eighteen: breeding kink with Lenny Miller | Lenny Miller x f!Reader
Afterglow | Cillian Murphy x Reader
I'll be home for Christmas | Thomas Shelby x Reader
Bad Behaviour | Mike Kiernan x fem!Reader
The Spirits that I summoned | young!Tommy Shelby
No Son Of Mine | Tommy Shelby
Strawberry Syrup | Cillian Murphy x Reader
British accent | Cillian Murphy x Reader Young and in love | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Coming home | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Operation Christmas Tree | modern!Tommy Shelby x fem!Reader
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Two
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None
Notes: So sorry it took me more than a week to post, life kind of imploded and knocked me off the schedule I had planned. This chapter is honestly just filler so it can get to the good stuff… I plan to take this story all the way to Breaking Dawn at the very least. Thank you for all the love on the previous chapter!! Enjoy!
Word Count: 1695
Series Masterlist
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• January 24th, 2005 • Forks High School •
Thankfully the first half of the day went rather uneventful, although I am disappointed I haven’t had a class with the handsome Jasper Hale yet. I did however, make friends with his adopted siblings Alice and Emmett Cullen. Both of which are gorgeous in their own right, but nowhere near as attractive as their blonde brother.
In English I sat in the unoccupied seat next to Alice Cullen, gratefully so. She seems like just the kind of friend a new girl needs in order to survive high school. I transferred to this place at such a horrible time in the year - almost at the end of my 11th grade. But after just a few minutes of knowing her, Alice caught me up on everything I missed. Turns out I’ve pretty much read everything they had covered this year and then some, fingers crossed that it continues to be a trend in most of my classes.
I learned that the boy walking with Jasper Hale this morning when I so rudely almost killed him with the door to the front office, is his adopted brother Emmett Cullen. A hulking mass of muscle, but a complete teddy bear, he kept me entertained for most of Trig. I can already tell that sitting in front of him was probably a bad move on my part for my academic career, but the guy is an absolute comedian.
Parting ways with Emmett after Math, I made my way to my locker. Digging the wrinkled combination paper out of my pocket, I was studying the numbers right when I bumped into a thin scrap of a girl with brown hair and an orange backpack. Immediately cursing myself I dropped to the ground to gather her notes before they could be stepped on by the stampede of people rushing to the cafeteria for lunch.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I-I just wasn’t paying attention, I was looking at my stupid locker combination and-“ I scrambled for excuses, word vomit spilling from my lips.
“Oh um, it’s okay! I’m not the most graceful person, so no worries.” An awkward pause, “Hey, you’re the new girl right?” She asked.
“Unfortunately.” I replied, looking up with a sad smile. I stuck out my hand to shake, “I’m Y/n Y/l/n, you are?”
“Bella Swan, former new girl I guess.” She responded as she lightly shook my hand. “You can sit with me during lunch if you want, maybe us gracefully-challenged should stick together.”
“Oh absolutely.” I chuckled a little, “I’ll grab my lunch from my locker and find you in there.”
“Cool, see you then.” She replied with a half-wave as she continued down the hallway to the cafeteria.
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One of the convenient things about being a vampire is that we really don’t necessarily need to breathe. In public places packed with humans, I can just hold my breath, but the challenge comes in making it still seem like I’m breathing.
Lost in my thoughts while Emmett and Rosalie drone on about plans after school, I spot the new girl - Y/n enter the cafeteria. I sit up straighter in my seat and observe her shamelessly as she walks unknowingly in my direction, switching paths as she spots the object of Edward’s latest desire: Isabella Swan. I spare a glance to my stoic adopted brother and see him rising from his seat, probably headed in the same direction as Y/n.
Walking up to the pair, I could tell his eyes were only on Isabella. Both girls stared up at him in awe, their emotions giving away that they were surprised to see him seeking them, or rather a certain one of them, out.
“Isabella-“ Edward started but was interrupted by Y/n.
“I’ll… go find us a seat.” Bella didn’t even spare her a glance as Y/n rushed away.
“Bro, you’re staring a little hard there, something catch your eye?” Emmett said, leaning over Rosalie to nudge my ribs. I turn to him and discreetly flash a crude gesture, causing him to chuckle. I love my brother, he just thrives on getting a rise out of me any chance he gets.
Alice smacks my shoulder, “You two behave, she’s shy and I’ll be upset if your rowdiness scares her off.” My adopted sister huffs in slight frustration at our antics.
“As if we need another human in our business.” Rosalie grumbles from her spot between myself and her mate. Crossing her arms, she stares daggers at the back of Edward’s head from where he’s talking to Bella Swan.
“Oh hush, I want more friends outside of you guys, plus Y/n is relatively safe. Cheer up Rose, I’ve already seen you get along with her rather nicely!” Alice fires back at Rose.
“I haven’t even met her yet-“ Rosalie leans forward to argue.
“But you will and you’ll love her, end of story.” Alice says matter-of-factly.
Rose leans back in her seat, huffing as Emmett pats her thigh. She swipes his hand away, not happy that he finds it amusing that she’ll have to deal with another one of her brother’s fixations on a human girl. It’s always so easy to read Rosalie’s emotions, she wears them so boldly and almost prefers to torture me with their intensity sometimes, as if to get her point across even more than her biting words.
I let out a sigh at their exchange concerning Y/n, she’s been here for half a day and already a hot topic for even us.
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I’ve been in a trance pretty much since lunch, the two classes following it were uneventful allowing my thoughts to fill with day-dreams of the new girl.
Her hair, the way her oversized sweater hangs from her shoulders, her intoxicating scent…
The bell ending sixth period startles me from my reverie. This girl almost put a me-sized-dent in the door to the front office this morning and here I am obsessing over minuscule details after only seeing her twice.
I gather my notes and writing utensils before filing out of the door behind my fellow classmates. I slow my walk to the next class in hopes that I might catch a glimpse of her before the end of the day. I don’t even know her emotional signature yet like I do my adopted siblings, a handy ability I’ve managed to teach myself to find them in busy situations.
My search for Y/n comes up short, the hallways are mostly empty by the time the warning bell rings for the final instruction of the day. With a small huff I enter my seventh period class keeping my eyes on the floor as I make my way to my assigned seat.
“Glad you could make it in the nick of time, Mister Hale.” Mr. Ellis states rather loudly in an accusatory tone, raising an eyebrow as I sit and the final tardy bell rings.
An almost imperceptible gasp to my right keeps me from replying, I clamp my mouth shut and force myself not to meet the gaze I could feel boring into my back as flames begin to lick down my throat.
Wonderful, not only was I late enough to garner the attention of everyone in the room, but Y/n Y/l/n is in my history class and I can’t breathe for the next forty-four minutes.
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• January 24th, 2005 • Home •
“How was school sweetheart?” My mother yells from the kitchen as I push open our front door, I swear that woman wastes no time when digging for information.
“Jeez, let me get in the door first!” I yell back with a light-hearted chuckle, setting my backpack on the ground by the couch just inside the living room.
“Sorry, I’m just excited to see how everything went.” Her voice is much closer this time and I turn to see her walking down the connecting hallway wiping her hands on a dish towel.
I flop onto my back on the couch as she leans over the back, folding her arms under her chest with an expectant look on her face ready for my response.
“Well, I don’t think it’ll be hard to catch up in-“ but my mom interrupts me excitedly.
“No, no, no! I need the good stuff! Did you make any friends? See any cute guys?” I could burst out laughing at the look on her face and the fact that she’s more concerned about my social life than my academics on the first day of school in a new town.
“Mom!” I drag the word out in exasperation as I smush a decorative pillow to my face to hide the slight heat in my cheeks.
“There’s a cute boy! I knew it!” She practically yells in victory, “tell me everything, baby girl!”
I pull the pillow down enough to reveal my eyes to her, “I almost killed him with a door.” I mumble in a rather sad tone.
“Oh dear God.” She immediately becomes serious, rounding the couch to push my legs off, forcing me upright so she can sit next to me, “it can’t be that bad!”
“I wasn’t looking while I pushed open the door to the front office and he barely caught it in time before it hit him square in the face!” I blurt out in a rush and drop the pillow to cover my face with my hands. “Definitely not the way to start off on the right foot.”
“Oh honey,” she tries to sooth me, guiding my hands away from my face and into her hold, “look at it this way - you’ve captured his attention in a way that’ll be memorable. Sure it isn’t without embarrassment, but now you’ve made a first impression he’ll never forget!”
“Yeah and I’ll probably never hear the end of it.” I mumble as I bury my face in her shoulder, sighing deeply. I hesitate, “We do have one class together.”
The gasp my mother lets out immediately sends me into a fit of giggles, forgetting all about my early morning embarrassment.
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misswhowrite · 1 month
Young mates
Summary: We see more of the connection between Demetri and Y/N.
(English is not my first language!!)
After the discussion between the two coven, the two mate were living in a house at an equal distance between forks and Volterra. At first, the Cullen brothers weren’t pleased that their little sister was leaving but they couldn’t get in the way of her love life. The travel to their new was two weeks after their first encounter. Y/N was shy but wanted to get to know better Demetri; while he was more than excited to be with her, he literally waited for millenniums to meet her.
“_Well...this it, our new home. Does it please you amor mio?
_Yes of course, Demetri. This is a bit like my home in Forks but smaller also cuter but don’t tell mom that!
_Your secret is safe with me. We could go into the living room and tell ourselves our story?
_Yeah sounds good to me.”
The living room was a perfect mix of cosy and modernity, they sat in the sofa, closer than two new friends but considering their bond they couldn’t help it. Y/N started her story first: she told him shes was twenty, she was dying of a brain cancer: her tumor couldn’t be took off and her body couldn’t handle it anymore. Then she told him how Carlisle found her a week before her death, bringing Esme the next day and the woman fell in love with the girl, with a bit of convincing Carlisle decided to change Y/N and told her everything a day before her death, he still gave her a choice while it’s was terrifying she didn’t wanted t die so she accepted. She told him her struggle with the animal diet because she loved them and adored nature, she skipped her stay with the Denali and finally finish with what she felt on the battleground (there wasn’t a battle but you know where u meant) 
“_I felt this pull towards your side of the field, it was like my un-beating heart was beating again, Edward directly snapped his head towards me but I choose to ignore at that moment. Then after the whole thing I met your eyes, it was the best thing that ever happen in my short vampiric life, I felt like I was blushing and had a high school crush again. You’re like my ideal man, you look a bit intimidating but I think your just a teddy bear that I want to cuddle, so yeah that’s my story!”
Demetri also told her everything: the little he remembered from his past life in Greek, Amun bitting and his life with him, how he discover his tracking gift and was recruited by the Volturi, he didn’t told her every details of his missions because it was a bit gruesome for her innocent mind, he came off clean about his reputation of the Casanova of the Volturi and assured that he’ll only be with her now because she’s his mate. He finished like her with the first time he saw her.
“_At first I thought the pull was my gift telling me something was wrong, because I tried to find my mate before but obviously it isn’t working on you. I didn’t concentrate on it much during the discussion but when Master Aro told that you were my mate I was shocked. After millenniums of waiting and believing I’ll always be alone, I finally found you and oh mio dio I wasn’t disappointed. You looked like a little angel, your eyes are two golden stars and I lost myself in them, your smile is gentle and soft, it make me want to kiss your lips forever, and I might be tall but I like that you’re smaller than me I could put you in my pocket. Your aura is just so warm, soft and gentle that might be my favorite thing about you. Living here with is gonna be the best thing of my long life and I already know it.”
If they could cry, they would because the love they felt at this moment was enormous. They spent the rest of the night cuddling and talking some more, they knew they had eternity to be with each other. Their love will be going for long, with ups and downs but they’ll always be back in each others arms in the end. A pair of mate is something that survive everything as long as they’re together.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Assuming each member of the batfam quits being a superhero, what careers do you think they would go on to have?
Dick: human balloon animal
Jason: dark web hitman (with terms and conditions)
Tim: coffee photographer
Damian: teddy bear surgeon
Duke: bucket inspector
Cullen: Netflix watcher
Stephanie: professional heckler
Cassandra: escape room zombie
Barbara: government nuisance
Harper: underwater pizza delivery
Carrie: Oreo taste tester
Kate: wingwoman for hire
Alfred: Clark Kent's new butler
Selina: legal bank robber
Bruce: CEO of LexCorp
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schwarznummer1 · 1 month
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my second da2 playthrough cullen is a teddy bear HJDOAJEGRBNDKSMSKLSKSnhevbskkaka
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itneverendshere · 5 hours
THE OTHER SIDE OF PARADISE - '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*' the official playlist '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
💘for my rafe x maybank!reader lovers💘
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there's no right way to listen to these, you can chose however you'd like, these are simply the songs i listened to the most while writing <3
the door - teddy swims
me and my broken heart - rixton
the alchemy - taylor swift
sweat - zayn
tatto - lauren
teeth - 5sos
room - lolo zouai
see you later (ten years) - jena raine
the joke - brandi carlile
high - zella day
it happened quiet - aurora
if the world was ending - jp axe ft julia michaels
golden - riley baron
close to you - gracie abrams
roslyn - cullen
enjoy the ride - riley baron
artificial paradise - vlad holiday
fragile tears - awfultune
i love you - billie eilish
forget me // so we can meet again - kieran mckenzie clark
bitter heart - memi, staffan carlén
persephone - tamino
sweet connection - jessica rica
till forever falls apart - ashe, finneas
treacherous - taylor swift
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tepkunset · 6 months
List of Canon Queer Marvel Characters:
(with at least 10 appearances as of current date - no randos included)
Aaron Fischer
Aikku Jokinen
Alani Ryan
Aldrif Odinsdottir
America Chavez
Annabelle Riggs
Avril Kincaid
Benji Deeds
Betsy Braddock
Billy Kaplan
Bobby Drake
Brandon Sharpe
Brian Falsworth
Carl Valentino
Carmen Cruz
Cessily Kincaid
Christian Frost
Cullen Bloodstone
David Alleyne
Elle Diwa
Ellie Phimister
Felicia Hardy
Gwen Poole
Heather Douglas
Heather Tucker
Ian Soo
Irene Adler
Jake Oh
Jean-Paul Beaubier
Jean-Paul Duchamp
Jennifer Kale
Jerry Sledge
Johnny Clay
Jonas Greymalkin
Julie Power
Julio Richter
Jumbo Carnation
Karolina Dean
Ken Shiga
Kyle Jinadu
Loki Laufeyson
Martha Johansson
Miguel Santos
Morgan Red
Nadia Van Dyne
Nathaniel Carver
Nico Minnoru
Rachel Summers
Raven Darkholme
Roger Aubrey
Roxy Washington
Shela Sexton
Simon Lasker
Sybil Dvorak
Teddy Altman
Theresa Burke
Tommy Shepherd
Toni Ho
Val Ventura
Victoria Hand
Viktor Borkowski
Viv Vision
Wade Wilson
Xuân Cao Mạnh
Zoe Zimmer
And yet Marvel Voices: Pride only ever features like, five of the same characters every time.
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dreammakcr · 4 months
( most wanted ships! warning - this is an extensive list )
bellatrix black/tom riddle
george weasley/hermione granger
george weasley/angelina johnson
ginny weasely/draco malfoy
ginny weasley/harry potter
hermione granger/ron weasley
hermione granger/draco malfoy
lily evans/james potter
lily evans/remus lupin
narcissa black/lucius malfoy
neville longbottom/hannah abbot
neville longbottom/luna lovegood
rose weasley/teddy lupin
rose weasley/scorpius malfoy
alice cullen/jasper hale
alice cullen/bella swan
bella swan/edward cullen
carlisle cullen/esme cullen
charlie swan/sue clearwater
emmett cullen/rosalie hale
katrina denali/garrett
tanya denali/edward cullen
winona uley/renesmee cullen
alicent hightower/rhaenyra targaryen
sansa stark/theon greyjoy
myrcella baratheon/robb stark
adam auradon/belle
amelia thermopolis/nicholas devereaux
anastasia romanov/dimitri
ariel triton/eric
charlotte la bouff/tiana
flynn ryder/rapunzel
jasmine shah/aladdin
kim possible/shego
kim possible/ron stopable
tiana maladonia/naveen
azriel/elain archeron
azriel/gwyneth berdara
cassian/nesta archeron
feyre archeron/tamlin
feyre archeron/rhysand
lucien vanserra/elain archeron
blossom sungaze/nyx
tamlin sungaze/elain archeron
anne boleyn/catherine of aragon
anne boleyn/katherine howard
katherine howard/thomas culpeper
elphaba thropp/glinda upland
elphaba thropp/fiyero tigelaar
maureen johnson/joanne jefferson
mimi marquez/roger davis
dean winchester/jo harvelle
mary winchester/john winchester
bruce wayne/selina kyle
clark kent/lois lane
diana prince/bruce wayne
diana prince/steve trevor
harleen quinzel/pamela isley
phoebe halliwell/coop
phoebe halliwell/cole
piper halliwell/leo wyatt
mamoru chiba/usagi tsukino
amy santiago/jake peralta
bo dennis/dyson thornwood 
bo dennis/lauren lewis
david nolan/mary margaret blanchard
hale santiago/kenzi malikov
olivia benson/elliot stabler
regina mills/robin hood
veronica mars/logan echolls
elizabeth bennett/mr. darcy
elle woods/emmett forest
elle woods/vivian kensington
ian o'shea/wanderer
alessandra stathos/kallias
cardan greenbriar/jude duarte
elizabeth comstock/booker dewitt
karlach cliffgate/wyll ravengard
lou le blanc/reid diggory
wrath/emilia di carlo
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panlight · 9 months
Any possible headcanons about the Cullens' human relatives? Looks, names, personalities, futures, etc. I kinda imagine Rosalie has French-English ancestry (her name is a possible hint at that) while her mother's family came from old money in France instead of that odd social climber backstory we got...
I had always assumed Esme had some French roots at least on one side of her family. 'Esme' just reads as a very French name to me, although more likely spelled Esmée. Maybe she's simplified it over the years? I wondered if maybe one side of her family was French-Canadian and immigrated to Ohio.
I still love the idea that one of Rosalie's little brothers was named Edward. It would just feed into her complicated relationship with 'our' Edward. I imagine he was called maybe Ted or Teddy (which can be a nickname for Edward as well as Theodore) or something but just Rosalie resenting Edward for trying to be her new brother AND having the same name as Teddy, rude! But it also weirdly endears him to her in a way she'd never admit out loud. And the few times she's slipped up and called him 'Teddy' he didn't call her out on it (at least in the moment, possibly later during a fight).
I've also always liked the idea that Rosalie's youngest brother is still alive; as we get further and further away from 1915 that becomes less likely, but if he were several years younger than Rose then he could be 100 or so and still alive. Love the idea that she found out which nursing home he's in and she visits him sometimes and he tells the staff, "she's my sister" and they're all like "sure, Mr. Hale," and think he's senile but he's right.
I feel like Carlisle inherited his height from his father (as well as stubbornness), but otherwise he's much more like his mother, in looks and personality. His height in his time period would be unusual but I can see his father commanding respect with, not only as a pastor but as a literally towering figure in the local community. I think Pastor Cullen was probably always A Lot but after the death of his wife he got Worse. She was a calming, moderating influence on him. And then she died and he was all like "well God saw that she was distracting me for my Work and so He called her home" or whatever.
I think Edward's mom probably had some lowkey latent psychic ability as well and that was part of why she knew to ask Carlisle to do 'what others cannot do,' for Edward. I don't know that she 100% knew/understood, but she had some idea. I also get Irish Catholic vibes from her, but that could be because my grandmother was Irish Catholic.
I don't really have much in the way of headcanons for anyone else's families, other than Emmett's being sort of like the Weasleys in that they were a big family, didn't have a lot of money, but had a lot of love and laughter. And mostly boys. Jasper's family is a big ??? but in the personal correspondence on the Twilight Lexicon SM mentioned he had a younger sister, but she didn't make it into the guide. Alice's family gets the most description in the guide although weirdly no names? They were invented for one of the short films. Found it funny they named Alice's mom "Lillian" when that was Rosalie's middle name. Like if I had to bet, I'd have guessed that was Rose's mom's name rather than Alice's mom.
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
Little at nevermore
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Carlisle:now little vamp you be good you promise daddy right
Esme:come on love let’s go say bye to all of your mama’s and daddy’s
Y/n:bye bye (hugs and kisses them all)
Caius:go Carlisle we got everything from here
Rosalie:bye my little witch mama loves you
Aro:(walks into Ophelia hall and see human woman)
Enid:hi newbie welcome to Ophelia hall
Wednesday:welcome please say on your side of the room and be quiet when I have my writing time
Xavier:hay girls oh hello my name is Xavier and you are
Y/n:hewo/hello I am y/n swan/cullen/volturi
Enid:so what brings you to nevermomore
Y/n:i my powers took over me and I hurt someone so my parents think it should be here my real dad does not know about my powers
Wednesday:so what are you other families of y/n
Aro:we are the volturi I am king aro and we the volturi are the royal family of vampires
Ajax:hay bae (kisses Enid)
Yoko:well if it’s not the new fresh meat wait your vampires too
Caius:that is no way to speak to the vampire kings
Y/n:ok let’s go ok bye I will call you later
Alec:make sure to call us little one
Xavier:can I ask you a question are you a little
Y/n:is that bad or a good thing but yes I am
Enid:ok thank you for coming here we have been waiting for a long time to have a little as a group
Bianca:well I want in on this I want to be a caregiver as well
Y/n:(jumps on bed cuddles blankets) mine no wana share mine tuddly blankey
Wednesday:ok you don’t have to share
Thing:(crawls next to y/n pats shoulder)
Enid:what do you want little one
Y/n:(makes grabby hands at bag) wana twilight
Xavier:(grabs bag opens it grabs teddy bear and lion and lamb stuffy grabs pacifier hand to y/n)look here you go baby and this is to suck on no fingers or thumb
Ajax:oh how about we watch a movie
Y/n:(grabs dvd)new moon wana watch
Miss thornhill:I just wanted to check on everyone oh are they a little
Xavier:yes and we all in here are there caregivers
Miss Thornhill:I will make a note if they slip they can leave but bye I get to go pick up my little Tyler
Xavier:what do we say to miss thornhill y/n little one
Y/n:bye bye auntie Thor
Miss thornhill:ok bye sweetie bye guys (leaves closes door)
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star--nymph · 2 months
idk if you're still taking asks from that ocs ship/relationship ask list but if you are: #8 for whatever ship you want to write about!!
Well! Why not all of em!
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Seren for big spoon, Alistair for little spoon. Alistair may try to be a big spoon but after he hits deep sleep, he automatically wants to be craddled in Seren's arms and he snuggles in deeper. The goober. Also it's really funny when Seren is cuddling him from the back and holds him like a back pack.
Morrigan for little spoon, Seren for big spoon. also plays it tough and tries to sleep away from her at first, but it really only takes a tug when she's half-asleep for her to roll over, grumble, and settle under Seren's chin. And she won't ever admit, but she leaves a drool stain on Seren's arm everytime.
Garrett little spoon, Fenris big spoon. First because he's a hug teddy bear who just wants to be snuggled and second because Fenris doesn't want to be held down for obvious reasons. Garrett is not going to force him into his arms if Fenris doesn't want to be, especially when he's got all those sharp corners that he can jab into Garrett's poor, soft flesh. Some times, Fenris will fall into his arms automatically and stay there the night though. Garrett doesn't dare roll over, in case he accidentally traps Fen underneath and makes him feel trapped.
Would it surprise you if I said Eurydice likes to be the little spoon? Girl goes from one to ten--she either wants to be squeezes so tight her bones crack or 'don't fucking touch me I will claw my skin off if you do'. It can change from night to night. But when she does like to be touched, she likes curling up under Cullen's chin and burrowing as deep as she can get. Like a little squirrel in its huddle. Cullen runs his fingers through her and settles around her. It's probably for the best Cullen is a big spoon, given his night terrors and the possibility of him trashing in his sleep. That said, when he IS a little spoon, he'll let Eurydice wrap around him like a koala bear. Which is all nice and well and good until he wakes up tangled in her hair and see these are the moments when he's almost positive it has a life of his own.
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stanathanxoox · 2 years
Don't Want To Make A Mistake
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Thank you to @creativepromptsforwritingting for these prompts; Twenty-Fourth Day of Gift-Giving: Twenty-Four Touches. There will be more of these fics to come as they are a work in progress but I hope you like what I have so far
Softly getting hold of the other’s hand, afraid to make a mistake – Emmett Cullen x reader
There Y/N lay in the bed, her pale skin looking stark white against the starched sheets. He sighed, it was his fault she was in here, his fault that his best friend had been in that accident. He hadn’t been quick enough to stop the vehicle from colliding with her but he had been quick enough to stop it from ploughing into three other people, three other people who would walk away with nothing more than a broken arm or a mild concussion. But Y/N, she had taken the full brunt of the crash, a couple of broken ribs, a completely shattered femur and spine, Carlisle had said that there was the potential for internal bleeding as well as her being paralysed and that was only the damage that he could see with his machines and not what he could observe from her whilst she was conscious. When you’d rushed her to the house, she was unconscious but she was still breathing but it was shallow and weak at the time, he’d given you the choice change her or let her die. To you the choice had been easy, there was no reason why you wouldn’t chose to save her if you could, she was your best friend, she had no family, she was an orphan, had been for years and you were essentially the only person she had left.
As you sat by her bedside, waiting in vigil for the transition to take hold, you gently reached out for Y/N’s hand, her small feminine hand looking almost silly in your gigantic teddy bear ones. But as you hold her hand you worry that you might hurt her, do something that might harm her whilst she transitions even though you know that isn’t the case.
“Y/N should be waking up soon Emmett” Alice whispers as she makes her way to your side and you smile, gently looking up to give her a nod of appreciation. You knew out of the members of your family there were those like Alice and Carlisle who were going to be truly supportive of Y/N joining the coven, but then there was the others who were more apprehensive to her joining, not just because of the Volturi but because they were unsure what that would do to you and Rosalie’s relationship and no matter how many times you promised them that nothing would change your feelings towards either of them Edward and Jasper were being very cautious. It frustrated you but you guessed if you were in a more stable mind you could see their concern for what it was.
The air shifts and then suddenly she’s sitting bolt upright and you breath a sigh of relief
“Y/N” you whisper as you see her awake for the first time in three days.
“Emmett?” she asks, her bright red gaze turning to yours and she raises an eyebrow
“The crash?” she asks and you frown
“You were the only one who was severely injured, the others walked away with very minor injuries in comparison. I’m sorry that I had to make this choice for you” you say guiltily and she reaches out cupping your chin in her palm
“Don’t be sorry Em, you made the choice you felt was right given the circumstances and you gave me the chance at a family, at a life with brothers and sisters and the semblance of a mother and father” she says gently and you smile, what you were sure would’ve been a watery smile if you were still truly human.
“I’m glad you think so Y/N, now I think there is something we need to do before anything else” you say and she nods, gulping as if she’d suddenly just realised the searing pain in her throat.
“Let’s hunt” she says excitedly and you chuckle
“Yes lets!” you say.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Twilight: @jasper-babyxx
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