#ted lasso season 4 fanfic
excerpts from a post-season three fic ; ft. phoebe
“Used to do me mum’s nails, when I was about your age,” he explains, while he’s putting on the top coat, and he doesn’t tell her when he stopped.  Phoebe nods thoughtfully, “My mum lets me practice on her whenever I want, when she’s not at work.”  “She work a lot?”  “Yes, but it’s okay, cos she’s saving people’s lives. And I’ve got Uncle Roy. And Keeley, and you.”  Jamie blinks, his face heating up funny. He can’t think of what on earth he’s supposed to say to that in return, but he’s saved by Phoebe holding up her finished hand and studying it critically.  “This is very good. Thank you, Jamie!”  He huffs, his lips twitching. His face still hasn’t returned to its normal temperature. “Course it is. Should start charging for ‘em.”  “Hmm, no,” she shakes her head. “You still owe me eight pounds.”  “Eh, you’re right about that, I reckon. I’ll keep the tab going.”  “Alright,” says Phoebe. Then she lowers her hand, and looks at him. “Are you sad, Jamie?”  “What?” he chokes on something in the back of his throat, sitting up straighter. “The fuck did you get that idea from?”  “That’s nine pounds, now. Uncle Roy told me not to be too annoying to you. Because you’ve been in a mood. And when mum says Uncle Roy’s in a mood, she means he’s either mad, or sad.” she titles her head, studying him. Jamie resists the urge to shrink back. “And you don’t seem mad, so. Are you sad?” 
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Chapter 4❣️
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I'm gonna write several episode scripts and email them directly to JSuds with the subject line I'M STARTING ON MONDAY. YOU'RE WELCOME. 🤣
you are a beacon of hope for everyone in the tedbecca fandom 🫶🫶🫶 can’t wait to read the scripts/fanfic!!
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nonbinarypirat · 24 days
I have never done a Ted lasso post despite the fact that when I first made my tumblr this was like, the first fandom I was apart of lol. But! I’m so fucking pumped for season 4, I really feel like the finale just didn’t do it justice fully for the show. Some thoughts I have so far:
I would love to see keeley, Jamie, and Roy be a thing but realistically probably not. Especially if it’s stays true that Phil Dunster will be too busy. But I hope they’ll repair Roy and keeley and Jamie and keeley relationship after the weird and awkward fight they threw in. I personally always thought that was a hamfisted ending for them, not to say people can’t relapse into old toxic behaviors but I just felt it was a lazy and overdone trope to end or have a conclusion to a love triangle
Speaking of, it’s still possible Phil dunster could reprise his role, everything is still be worked out and nothing is too set in stone. Hell, an actual season is not set in stone. I would be greatly disappointed if he couldn’t be in it, it wouldn’t feel the same. But if he can’t, at the very least I want a good reason and some cameos, over FaceTime if they have to.
Which brings me to Ted, idk if he’s actually going to be fully in it or just over zoom or something? Is he fully coming back? It would be interesting if they do something similar to the plethora of fanfics of Ted getting hit with mental health issues because “home” doesn’t feel like home anymore and causing conflict in his life and moving back with Henry. Adding to that, I want the ex wife (can’t remember her name rn and I have too much energy to look it up) to break up with the fucking therapist. Dump! That! Man! I don’t want them to get back together, I just want her away from that fucking unethical creep and move to England for her son. But maybe that’s wishful thinking.
Speaking of break ups, break up Beard and Jane. Point blank. One of the worst relationships in the show, toxic as fuck, and Beard deserves better. And get that man some therapy too
I also would like to see Roy’s progress with therapy on top of that. And more keeley with the crew again, I always wished she was included more in the show and not on a side quest. Bring her more in the fold again
We better see Trent Crimm, you can pry that man from my cold dead hands
Seeing Ted get in a new relationship could be fun since I think it’s been long enough distance and he’s grown enough for that. But tbh, I don’t care if Rebecca and Ted get together, I like seeing a platonic hetero friendship that doesn’t need to automatically be romantic. Sometimes people can vibe and just be friends and I always liked that about Ted and Rebecca. But I’m not opposed either if they write it well. Though I highly doubt they’d go down that route since they built up to the Dutch guy and with Rebecca possibly developing a relationship with his daughter, it’d be kind of heartbreaking if they breakup just to put her with Ted. So, if they don’t go the Ted and Rebecca route, I hope we see her relationship more and the daughter
More of Roy’s sister please, I love her. Also more Phoebe
Would love some of the other footballers get to shine. Want to see the women’s league. Love to see Roy struggling with being a new coach
Would like to learn Roy’s family situation since I feel like that’s an untapped well for trauma and issues that probably created and contributed to his anger issues
And I think as a final thing to this long ass post, I’d like to see the after affects of Collin essentially coming out and being the first openly gay player while playing in the league. People had to have seen him kiss his partner and while it was happy, it’s also going to open a floodgate so I hope we get to see that properly addressed and well written
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nerdgirljen · 28 days
I spoke it into the Universe and the Universe said “okie dokie.” I’m so happy, and I really hope it actually happens; I need me a spin-off of AFC Richmond after Ted leaves. Roy is Manager, Keeley and Rebecca form that women’s team, and Jamie continues on his path of character growth.
I believe in BELIEVE, and I BELIEVE this can happen!!
Not like I haven’t outlined such a storyline for a fanfic, or spinoff series, before or anything like that… (I totally have.)
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fandom · 2 years
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Et tu, Tumblr?
The second season of Shadow and Bone is here, and with it, some brand new ships, so don’t forget to tag and filter your spoilers. Things are getting awfully dark in Trigun Stampede, while the first episode of Ted Lasso’s third season has given everyone a new way to pronounce “POO-peeeh.” Taylor Swift is in her Eras era, and we hope everyone who managed to get concert tickets has a blast. The My Chemical Romance reunion tour is wrapping up with two final concerts in Japan this week. Fanfic authors rejoice—there’s a whole new Hozier EP to pull fic titles from. The Sims 4 has infants now so modders are hard at work. Finally, the Ides of March came and went, and with it, a slew of polls, memes, jokes, and history lessons. This is Tumblr’s Week in Review.
Shadow and Bone
The Ides of March
Taylor Swift
The 95th Academy Awards
The Last of Us
Julius Caesar
Six of Crows
Trigun Stampede
The Sims 4
Artists on Tumblr
Ted Lasso
Joel Miller | The Last of Us
Kaz Brekker | Shadow and Bone
Critical Role
My Chemical Romance
Pedro Pascal
Wesper | Wylan Van Eck and Jesper Fahey, Shadow and Bone
Buddy Daddies
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mathgirl24 · 11 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by: @sasschronicles, Thank you so much!! 😘
Three Ships: Lucy Preston/Garcia Flynn (Timeless), Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis), Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
First Ship: Han Solo/Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Last song: Islands In The Stream by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
Last movie: Emma (2020)
Currently Reading: Some lovely Ted/Rebecca Ted Lasso fanfic
Currently Watching: M*A*S*H season 4
Currently Consuming: Just ate some popcorn.
Currently Craving: A good steak. 😋🥩--->> I also didn't change this from the previous answer, cause.... yeah.
Tagging @norbertsmom @districtunrest @stargatelov3r @stalltherain @patientlibrarian @titanicnerd-blog @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @princessamerigocreations @curiousnonny
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modern-day-classic · 9 months
Fannish Year Review - 2023
I was tagged by @doctorbeverlycrusher, thanks lovely!! 💖
1. your main fandom of the year: ahhahaha it was for sure Ted Lasso
2. have u watched a film this year: I had a goal of 100 movies for the year and I exceeded it... by a lot.... so far I've watched 161 movies in 2023 🙃
3. your favorite book this year: My reading has dropped off this year which I willllll be fixing in 2024... I read a shit tonne of fanfic instead tho so I have been reading ahahaha
4. your favorite album or song this year: I mean I have only one option for this .... Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas soundtrack 🤪
5. your favorite tv shows this year: Ted Lasso, Who's The Boss, Cheers
6. your favorite tumblr community this year: The Ted Lasso fandom... specifically the tedbecca guys... we went through it but we did it together!!
7. your best new fandom discovery of the year: Erm idk if I have one?
8. your biggest fandom disappointment of the year: I wanna say Ted Lasso season finale, but for sure the entire season 3......
9. your tv/movie boyfriend and/or girlfriend of the year: Ted Lasso...
10. your biggest squee moment of the year: OH IDK.... maybe every Hannah win there's been so many!!!!
I’m tagging: @movrings @sophiedevreaux @biscuitboxpink @reelega @damelucyjo
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
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Just a love-in for you all 💜
I saw yesterday that it had been 3 years since Ted Lasso launched.
I didn't start watching it till the new year, shortly before Season 3 aired.
I wrote my first fanfic for about 15-20 years in April, and in the 4 months since, I've bashed out about 165k words across 28 works all within the Ted Lasso / Ted Lasso RPF fandom... I know that's not a lot by some standards, but I'm feeling really proud and so happy that I jumped into this fandom with both feet despite being in my late 30s with 2 kids. I honestly thought my time making new friends and enjoying writing was done, and I'm so glad it's not!
I'm looking forward to expanding into other fandoms I love and writing for other couples too, and I can't wait to meet the lovely people that that leads me to!
So if you've read anything, liked, retweeted, left kudos, reblogged, commented, sent DMs - all of it - thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm still having the best time! I have my prompts to get started on from my 200 Followers celebration - those have definitely not been forgotten! And I still have 3 left to go on the Tedbecca Prompt Party.
Better get cracking! 💜
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asexual-fandom-queen · 5 months
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @nixie-deangel to do fanfic writer 20 questions, so let's dive in! Tagging @42wallaby-way-sydney @fatherofthebride @coldtomyflash to participate, if they are so inclined.
How many works do you have on AO3? 72
What's your AO3 word count? Just shy of 366,000
What fandoms do you write for? I started out doing most of my writing for The Flash/Arrowverse, but most recently have moved on to writing primarily for Stranger Things, Ted Lasso, 9-1-1, and Teen Wolf
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Turn And Face The Strange (Stranger Things, Stoncy) 2. All On The Line (9-1-1, Buddie) 3. Givin' Yourself to Me Can Never Be Wrong (The Flash, Coldflashwave) 4. Hands On Me (I Think I Wanna Let It Happen) (9-1-1, Buddie) 5. House Like a Homecoming (Stranger Things, Poly Monster Hunters)
Do you respond to comments? I do! I kinda never shut up about how important comments are to a fandom's ecosystem, so when I get them, I answer back!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't usually end fics in full angst mode, but maybe the fic with the most bittersweet ending is Unfair. It's a SethKate (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series) fic set in the aftermath of a sex pollen situation that leaves them both hurt and vulnerable. But there's still that nugget of hope, because they're hurt and vulnerable together.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I'm going for not just pure fluff factor, but how satisfying the happy ending is in the context of the rest of the fic/the source material, I would say Maybe We'll Get Forty Years Together which is a Jamie/Keeley/Roy future fic set during their wedding where Jamie has a chance to hash things out with his father.
Do you get hate on fics? Every once in a blue moon. I write a lot of polyships, and sometimes those polyships are an amalgamation of two sides of a ship war, and people have opinions about that lol. But generally, no.
Do you write smut? What kind? Sure do! I'd say it's what I write primarily. Generally, I write smut with feelings, or angsty smut. Sometimes it's definitely just smut for smut's sake though, which is also fun! I'm a big supporter of being horny on main.
Do you write cross-overs? I don't. The closest I've gotten is writing an AU based on another tv/show. I don't dislike them in principle, I've just never written one myself.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes! Someone stole Taste of Your Lips (I'm On A Ride) and changed it from the original pairing of Zari/Amaya from Legends of Tomorrow to a Lauren/Camilla RPF and posted it on Wattpad. I'm very grateful to the person who messaged me on Tumblr to let me know, because the thief did take it down when I confronted them about it.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, and it's really cool to have been asked. My Buddie fic Exploration has been translated to Chinese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not exactly. I was part of a multi-creator rewrite for season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow, which involved re-plotting and re-drafting as a group, so you could technically count Episode 2: Crisis and Faith.
What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm actually gonna have the dumbest answer for this question because it's a ship I've never written for, probably never will, and don't even really read, but it's Frank Castle and Karen Page from Daredevil/The Punisher. Their dynamic is just exactly what I want out of a ship. No notes.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an Abby/Buck/Eddie fic that's on permanent hiatus that I almost certainly will never finish, especially because, in working on it, it started to splinter off a lot of ideas and dynamics and scenes I actually want to use for an original novel someday, so I don't see myself ever completing it. I would like to finish that novel though lol.
What are your writing strengths? I think I always feel most proud of my characterization being pretty on point, and I get enough comments to that effect that I don't think I'm just making that up. I also think I'm good at writing in small details that seem minor but make an impact.
What are your writing weaknesses? I fizzle out! I don't have good stamina to go back to something if it's gonna take me more than one sitting to write, which is why most of my stuff falls in the 2-4k range. I also lose steam without feedback and encouragement. My educational background is in creative writing, and I've been a long-time member of fandom, plus part of writer's groups even before then, so the idea of writing being a solitary thing is kinda wild to me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? To each their own for this. For me, personally, I'll use a word or a very small sentence I'm reasonably confident is correct in a fic, but for longer sentences, I would write in English and just indicate it was said in another language in the dialogue tag. Plus, even if it was a language I do speak fluently like Frech, it doesn't mean readers do, so I think English is still the way to go.
First fandom you wrote for? So, if we're talking first fic ever, we have to go back to when I was five and six years old and I would make little "books" out of folded index cards where I'd write stories about Sailor Moon or Cardcaptors. My first fic on the Internet was back in my FF.net days, and it was a Kyoya/Haruhi fic for Ouran High School Host Club. My first fic on AO3 was actually a multi-chapter Sterek fic that was never completed and that I've since taken down. The oldest fic of mine you can still find posted on AO3 is a multi-chapter Coldflash fic We Could Keep Things Just The Same, the first chapter of which was posted on February 24th, 2016!
Favourite fic you've ever written? I still feel like I've never topped There's a Menace In My Bed; Can You See His Silhouette. There are some edits I might go back and make with my extra eight (EIGHT!?!) years of writing experience, but the core of what that fic accomplishes? The delicious angst? The emotional minefield of dubious consent/sex pollen/fuck-or-die? The smut as character study? The caretaking? This just hit on a lot of things I like, and I'm really proud of it even all these years later.
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rocco-ko · 1 year
Good omens S2 finale reaction (SPOILERS)
TW: suicide attempt, alcohol addiction (This one is quite triggering, people, read at your own risk)
Tell me, why did humans created fairy tales? You see, it is much more than just an entertainment. At all times we need some gentle little stories to tell us that whatever happens, there's something good in this world left, something which is worth fighting for and worth putting your faith in... We believe in fairy tales because reality sucks.
My reality sucked a great deal when I first discovered GO 4 years ago. After a suicide attempt I went to explore the world just to discover that I was way more broken than I thought. So I came back to my parents house just to became a full time alcoholic. That is when I watched Good omens for the first time. And you know, it would be a lie to say that it changed my life right away. No, at first, I couldn't even finish the first episode. I watched it few weeks later. Realization came afterwards. I discovered that I am queer and autistic, started learning how to draw, went to therapy, got accepted to another university, learned new language, started my first job and made friends for the first time at the age of 23.
When the most important person in my life died, I just kept watching fan made GO animation, that was the only thing which kept me going.
That tale consumed my life. I wanted to draw just to be able to draw GO fan art and I wanted a friend just to talk to somebody about that stupid ineffable love story. And that felt terrific.
The last 4 years weren't easy for me. Although, just like my wretched wonderful puppy Crowley in their burning Bentley - I knew that I had to finish my ride because it was my only option.
Yesterday, before watching s2, I wrote in my notebook "I won't be the same person I was before...".
I loved the second season... a lot. It was beautifully written and filmed, and it was one level above the first season (which was amazing). I don't think I have ever felt happier than seeing Crowley creating galaxies or have a smile so sincere as I had watching Aziraphale trying food for the first time. For me, they are not fictional characters. They are real. I live in their world and I have no intention of coming back.
So I finished Good omens S2 and... stayed up until 4 am... deleting their pictures, fan arts and all of the bookmarks with fanfics...
What I don't understand, is why doeseverybody now try to make relationship look clever, love – practical and fantasy.. well... real? What's up with this kind of toxic unhealthy trend among modern comedies (Ted Lasso and OFMD fans will surely understand what I mean)? We don't want brilliantly written angst. We want magic. Maybe stupid. Maybe naive. But honest and beautiful. We want to believe in angels and true love again.
That kindness, dorkiness, sweetness and faith – faith that there is going to be a new day, even after the end of the world – that is what made GO so special. I know, people try to reassure themselves that there's going to be the 3rd season, but you know what? I don't have another 4? 3? 2? years, I don't have faith anymore. I lost my best friend. I can't hear nightingales.
P.S. I didn't mean to upset anybody with my post. I wrote this only because I am badly traumatized and if somebody's got affected by this finale in a similar way... please... lets try and process this together because I am not sure I can handle it on my own.
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🌹🌹🌹🌹 i can’t remember if i already sent any but love to read whatever you want to share with the class
thank youuuu <3 here’s a bit i wrote recently from the season 4 fic
tw- jamie’s dad, mention/implication of the Amsterdam Thing (not detailed. but there.)
There’s a singular framed photo on the table, in a room that is otherwise bare of personal touches. The glass is dusty, like it’d just been pulled out of a storage box, or something. Jamie can’t help but wonder if his dad might’ve set it there, just this morning. Just for this. Then he can’t help but feel guilty for assuming shit like that. Then he can’t feel much of anything, cos he’s looking at the photograph, really, now, and it’s Jamie and Dad, and Jamie’s fourteen at the Johan Cruijff, and he remembers Dad got someone to take that picture at halftime, when Jamie was smiling cos he thought — Before— Before— He turns away, hands shaking and tingly. He shoves them in his pockets.
you can always send me asks babes , i thrive off the pressure to provide Content
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everyday-is-uncle-day · 2 months
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mikimeiko · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better
I was tagged by @bookshelfdreams and almost forgot about this but then I didn't and so here are my shows :D
Buffy the Vampire Slayer It was the show that introduced me to the idea of fandom, the first show where I bought dvds, the first show I screencapped and made wallpapers for. My first and only two fanfics were Buffy fanfic. Back then there was nothing like it on tv, and I will always and forever have a soft spot for my slayer <3 I like seasons 4-7 more than 1-3, and season 6 is my favorite of them all (with season 4 as a close second if we ignore 99% of the Initiative plot lines XD).
Our Flags Means Death Jumping straight from the first fandom obsession to the latest. My first engagement in a wider fandom, the first time I was in it from the start. The real reason I started making gifs! Also I've never watched a show so many times in such a short amount of time XD
Community Specialest comfort show. Seasons 2 and 3 are the best seasons of tv I have ever watched in my life. The actors are all amazing. The characters are so real in a slightly absurd way. I'm glad it ended up on Netflix and was discovered by more people because it very much deserved it.
The Expanse Best scifi show, BEST. The science is good, the politics are messy in a very realistic way, the core characters are so precious and especially Chrisjen Avasarala deserves a hall of fame just to herself. The later seasons are a little uneven but still very much worth watching. (there's a small part of me that still hopes it will picked up by another new network to adapt the later books but they did give it a satisfying enough ending as is)
Ted Lasso While season 3 was... a mixed bag, it will always be very dear to me. I love every single character on the show. I love their journeys. I love their connections. Beautiful, beautiful show.
The Good Wife / The Good Fight I'm cheating a little here, but I love both the original and the spinoff and I couldn't choose one or the other. Alicia Florrick! Diane Lockhart! The acting and directing was phenomenal from start to finish, and carried both shows even when the writing got a little weaker.
You're The Worst I don't even know how to talk about it. Every single character is a piece of shit, every single character will steal your heart. I don't know how they made it work, but they really did. Gretchen will always be the little gremlin of my heart.
Legion Ok, so, there are a lot of shows that I like more than Legion as a whole (also I haven't finished watching it yet XD). But there's no other show that has such an interesting, deliberate approach to visuals and soundscaping. It's amazing! I spend the episodes with my jaw on the floor, just constantly astonished by the level of creativity on display. I just wish the same level of care went into the writing? XD But I also wish more studios experimented like this with the medium.
I'm tagging @malvolios-yellow-stockings, @acenita, @invisiblegreendot, @little-orcs-hurrarrumm, @nefarious-sloth, @bisexualtedlasso, @khargaotte, @dailydoseofsquee and whoever else wants to do this :D
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destinationtoast · 2 years
get to know me meme?
tagged by @multishipperpirateking
last song: "Past The Mission" by Tori Amos (I'm going to see her in concert in a few months! which I think I last did in ~2003... if anyone wants to rec me their fave songs of hers from the past 20 years, feel free XD)
last show: Just finished Yellowjackets S1 with HAMTACO (which we liked many aspects of but were overall disappointed by; not sure we'll keep watching)
currently watching: The Last of Us (love it; have cried so very much); Shrinking (liking it more with every episode, but don't fully adore it except Harrison Ford); ST:VOY; rewatching BtVS and ST:LD
currently reading: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice -- the show got me on a reread kick! :D Last time I read the series, there were only 4 or 5 books, so I'm looking forward to reading some new-to-me Vampire Chronicles soon, too. (I'm also 5-25% into about seven other books, and I think I'll abandon most of them. Having a lot of trouble getting hooked by new stuff at the moment.) A fanfic I am currently enjoying is "to put the world between us" (a cherik actor AU) by @x-populuxe .
current obsession: Ted Lasso, still. :) I'm tbh a bit terrified of S3, because the last time a show I was this into came out with a new season, it was Sherlock, and that was a massive disappointment for me (both in terms of canon and in terms of resulting fandom drama). But I'm nonetheless also excited for the new episodes and the new fanworks they'll hopefully inspire -- and I'm happy to be writing fic again, thanks to two seconds of inspiration from the trailer, lol. (Edit: also still obsessed about the differences between F/F, F/M, and M/M, and looking forward to posting a new chapter about dark fic & related tropes in the not too distant future.)
no pressure tags: @anonsally , @shinysherlock , @wildwren , @havingbeenbreathedout , @rythyme , @bakerstmel , @nottonyharrison , @unreconstructedfangirl , @solrosan , @elizabethminkel , @b-a-n-d-e-r , @milarca , anyone else who wants to do it!
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lizziethat · 1 year
I’m not the previous Tedbecca anon but I wanna add: Brett talked about delivering stuff that felt earned by the audience.
"The thing I always find fascinating about writing and making this stuff is how much you always want to surprise the audience. But there are payoffs. The thing of giving people what they want," he says. "Either you give people what you want, and hopefully you do it in a surprising way, or you don't. But sometimes there are certain things where it's like, an audience has earned this.” - Ted Lasso's Brett Goldstein Discusses Twin Peaks Admiration, via Movie Web.
And the editors previously said that the motto in the writers room was “plant and payoff”. They’re absolutely gonna pay off on Tedbecca at the end, like a classic romcom. It’s quite reassuring to know that they’re not baiting people - they’re just telling their story. I think 309-312 is the last act of a three 4-eps-acts season.
I believe these writers know about payoff -- and that they intend to give us that. I'm not sure the journey has been as satisfying for all characters as it could have been, but I do believe they are building towards something, whether we all agree with what that is or not.
Truly, I think if anyone (and that, at times, includes me) has a problem with how this ends up if we get Tedbecca in the end, it might just be with the fact that we will get it at the end. And yes, that's the rom-com way. And it has been what the show has been setting up for so long. Not just that, it's often what we get on TV. But with characters like Ted and Rebecca, so much of their journey has been deconstructing their pain and how they put themselves back together, so it's kinda normal to want to see a little bit of happiness too.
Isn't that why we always turn to fanfic?
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