#ted lasso jade
randomraytrash · 1 year
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Jade please hit Rupert with a chair, please, I beg you
On a different note, Nate is so cute when he says so proud she's his girlfriend
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soup-or-who-lock · 1 year
Rebecca, Bex, and Jade should get together and 9 to 5 crusty old Rupert
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Actually you know what, so much of Nate’s storyline has been about his persona. This need he feels to mask who he is in order to be accepted and loved, and in the process of doing that, alienating everyone who knows who he truly is. When he went to the club with Rupert and tried to be the person he thought he wanted to be, NEEDED to be in order to excel and be happy, and Rupert disillusioned him to what that meant, he got a healthy dose of realism and understood that it was all bullshit. That the mask he was creating was the mask Rupert wore every day, and that what really mattered was what was underneath. That you can’t make genuine connections if you’re dishonest and break other people’s trust. I think he understood that the path he was on would turn him into someone he didn’t like, someone rotten inside who would hurt people, and it shocked him. Pairing him with jade, who saw through Rupert the moment she met him, and who only accepted Nate once he had let down his mask is so genius, because she grounds him in reality and won’t accept a fake. She will keep him honest, and he will love her for it.
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omgitzlongdennis · 3 months
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oh man thats a bad opinion, i think it was a gr- hey whats that first thing
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At first I really thought Jade wasn't good for Nate, I thought she was genuinely really horrible to him before and I didn't trust her at all, but the way she tore Rupert to SHREDS. Literally in love with her now.
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Ted Lasso S2E9, Beard After Hours: What does it mean anyways?
Ok, so the Beard After Hours episode (season 2 episode 9) as a whole initially made no sense to me in terms of the story because of how cryptic and just bonkers it is, but slowly it makes more sense to me the more I rewatch it. I've rewatched it twice now and rest assured the third time, some epiphany may strike and I'll be back here to update this. Everyone seems to dislike this episode, and honestly I understand but there's also something truly fascinating about it. It's like an episode from a whole other show, even the title track sounds different, because this episode is meant to be an episode from Beard's life. This is what Beard's life looks like when he isn't with Ted, which is what the writers have said they were trying to portray. It's a speedbump of an episode where we watch him go through a wringer of a fever dream with no characters we know except the lads from the bar (I love calling them that) and Jamie's dad of all people, and you're left wondering why was this HERE and what does this mean in the context of season 2's overall story? Honestly...I have no idea, but it's fascinating to try and figure out. What I am starting to get a bit of a clue in on though is what this means for Beard's character arc.
Something I want to zero in on first is Beard dropping his keys over and over, something that I knew meant something the first time but I couldn't figure out what. Beard repeatedly drops his keys haphazardly, and there's always someone nicely giving them back to him in the night only for him to drop them again. This represents Beard being caught in a cycle where he struggles to accept help from people who care about him, and thus remains in his cycle. With the implications by the writers that this is what his life is like after work, we can assume he goes through something similar every night- a cycle. We find out more about Beard at the end of season 3, when he tells Nate about stealing Ted's car when Ted helped him (a bit like Zuko in season 2 of ATLA actually), even though he didn't exactly have a reason to steal the car if Ted let him into his house willingly- the main possible reason I can think of would be to get away and not have to need Ted for help. If he has Ted's car, he can go out and live his life by himself, right? With no help needed. There's a sort of expectation in that, that he can't rely on other people- which is actually why he ends up spending a majority of the night alone. He shows up to Bones and Honey with Baz, Paul and Jeremy and then leaves them to go to a room where he hallucinates being insulted by Thierry Henry (which is both sad and hilarious). He meets and leaves the woman, he meets and parts with her husband, he meets up with the lads from the bar again and doesn't join them further, and so on. Even though he had good reasons to leave for the most part (getting chased by a raging and strong man for instance), nobody in his night remains constant EXCEPT his hallucinations of the football pundits with special emphasis on Thierry Henry. They judge him, pressure him about losing the Man City match 5-nil, and make light of his deepest insecurities so he can simultaneously wallow in them by himself but ignore them by seeking the short but eventful company of other people. He wants to escape his thoughts instead of talking them out or being vulnerable with anyone else, so he does all this crazy stuff, only to end up alone and confronted by them anyways.
In regards to Beard and Jane, I have some complicated feelings about their relationship and it can atleast be considered unhealthy, but Jane does truly represent something good for him here and in his perspective, she is what he needs. At the beginning of the night, he refuses to join her because they were arguing beforehand. She apologises, does tell him she loves him, then gets angry with him and stuff via text throughout the night. I think Beard spending the entire night miserable accompanied by people coming and going until he meets Jane says a lot, because it's only when meeting him that he relaxes and dances a bit, and seems to genuinely have fun. In allowing himself to rely on Jane, to have fun and to see the world a bit brighter because of his love for her, he cuts himself a break (as is represented by Thierry Henry smiling at him with no comments). His keys have broken, and he's locked out of his house, yet you forget that for just a little bit because all he sees is her. It's in the camera framing when he sees her and everything. She is really intense and he matches her intensity, which may be comforting for him in a way, as it's not him being reliant but them being codependant on each other. Just as obsessed as he is with her, she is with him: she texts him like 90 messages just because he is absent from text for a little bit, and he has her on video call during his boss's dad's funeral. Everyone sees their relationship as a bad idea, and while I agree, I can see why he doesn't think of it as such, because their codependancy is something that makes him feel better, subconsciously or consciously. With her, he is never alone and both of them rely on each other almost as much as the other, putting them both at the same level of vulnerability if turned away or rejected.
Beard's arc with Jane perhaps echoes Nate's arc with Jade a bit- they both feel less vulnerable and alone with their significant others. This is a bit of a stretch (this is just one lens to look at it, and I definitely don't think this perfectly encapsulates all of Nate's arc), but maybe it makes them feel a little more secure in being able to care for someone without fear of not being cared for with the same level of intensity and need, or without fear of being misunderstood or underestimated. Nate gets over these fears when asking Jade out, fretting about it until she said yes and on the way to realising he didn't have to be so scared of rejection, and Beard developes a relationship with Jane that relies on both of their needs matching each other's. It hence makes sense that Beard would be the one who is subtly paralleled with Nate (especially before season 3's finale when he forgives him), as someone who did the effective wrong thing once and has since realised Ted just-- is nice. That sometimes people care about you, and that's just that. Beard is the one who calls Nate out in season 2 for his needless cruelty, and privately reprimands him, telling him to tell the truth or apologise when being overly harsh and judgemental. Beard is the one attempting to give Nate chances and Beard's the one angry when Nate doesn't take them, because Beard is growing to realise that reliance isn't something that automatically disappoints and sees Nate pulling away from everyone else in his anger and feelings of abandonment. Beard seems to have a tendency to pull away too, but he knows now he can rely on Ted and (kind-of) on Jane, so he knows Nate actively engaging in this behaviour is harmful to himself and the people who care about him. This is...just theory, and maybe it really isn't that deep- especially all this Nate stuff- but it's interesting to consider that maybe they were meant to have some parallels, and it's an interesting angle to look at Beard's character.
That's all I can really muster up about now, but there's always more layers if you're looking for them, and I bet there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Beard even after the 2nd watch. Heck, if I come up with enough more next time, maybe I'll make a part 2 or something. Till then, peace!
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boopsyournoseboop · 1 year
Im so insane about jade and nathan they are so good together and i love them both so much. Nathan has done so much growing on his own and he’s so humble i love him!!!!!
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tvuniverse · 1 year
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#a whole mood
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I love that as soon as Rupert said ‘Look at that smile,’ Jade immediately stopped smiling and refused to do so until he left.
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"I love your smile. I like to see my boyfriend happy." "Boyfriend." "Yeah. If you're into labels." "Yeah. No, I'm into labels. Sure."
Ted Lasso (2020-), 3x08 - “We'll Never Have Paris”
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randomraytrash · 1 year
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>This made me laugh so hard, because they have such opposite personalities and way of communicating. It's actually hilarious
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skulandcrossbones · 1 year
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+ bonus
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Jade has killer instincts and Nate is lucky to have her in his corner. Clocking Rupert for a prick the moment she met him. Queen
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omgitzlongdennis · 2 months
i ship beardnate and natejade because nate has two hands but only for people who are ominous and scary
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trentcrimmisgay · 5 months
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i ran out of screenshots so i will now be using my own text messages w ted posts (i miss them). this one is all about loooove baby. romcommunism !!!(part six. more posts)
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