#technological solutions
caittaylor · 8 months
Visual Diary 1: Design Leadership
“Design Leadership takes a human-centered approach to making our lives better, faster, more convenient, and future focused…” We read that “human centered” means to develop and create solutions that are empathetic to the human needs; products that will benefit humans and our daily lives.  
The first product that came to mind was On Running shoes. They create change for humanity, civic engagement, innovation, and for the world. Their goal with their products is to get people moving, and they are constantly working and creating products that benefit the human body while having a positive impact on the environment. When it comes to innovation their main three focuses are fossil-fuel materials, design for clarity, and circular business materials. 
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heileysoffice · 2 months
Balancing Privacy and Community in Shared Offices in Kakkanad
Shared office spaces, or coworking spaces, have become increasingly popular in Kakkanad, reflecting a global trend. These spaces offer a flexible work environment that supports various professionals, from freelancers to startups. However, balancing privacy and community within these spaces is a challenge that needs strategic design and policy considerations.
Understanding the Need for Privacy and Community
Privacy is essential for individuals to focus on tasks that require deep concentration, handle sensitive information, and maintain personal space. In a shared office, privacy can be perceived in two ways:Physical Privacy: The ability to work without physical interruptions. Informational Privacy: Ensuring that one's work-related information and activities are not exposed to others without consent.
A sense of community in a shared office space fosters collaboration, networking, and a feeling of belonging. It can lead to spontaneous idea exchange and a supportive work environment. Community is built through:
Social Interactions: Regular interactions with other members. Shared Goals and Values: A common understanding and alignment of work culture and ethics.
Design Strategies for Balancing Privacy and Community
Layout and Zoning
Quiet Zones: Designate areas specifically for quiet work. These zones should be equipped with soundproofing materials and designed to minimize visual distractions.
Collaborative Spaces: Create open areas where members can gather, interact, and collaborate. These spaces should be inviting and equipped with comfortable seating arrangements.
Private Offices and Pods: Offer private offices or phone booths where individuals can work without interruptions or conduct private meetings.
Furniture and Fixtures
Adjustable Furniture: Use furniture that can be easily rearranged to accommodate different working styles and needs.
Partitions: Employ movable partitions to create semi-private spaces within larger open areas.
Acoustic Panels: Install acoustic panels to reduce noise and enhance sound privacy.
Policy and Cultural Initiatives
Clear Guidelines
Noise Policies: Implement and enforce noise policies to maintain a quiet environment in designated areas. Privacy Rules: Set clear rules regarding the use of private spaces and handling of sensitive information.
Community Building 
ActivitiesRegular Events: Organize social and professional events to encourage interaction and networking. Feedback Mechanisms: Establish regular feedback channels to understand members' needs and concerns regarding privacy and community.
Technological Solutions
Booking Systems: Implement online booking systems for private rooms and pods to ensure availability and manage usage. Access Control: Use access control systems to restrict entry to private areas, ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter.
Case Study: Kakkanad's Shared Office Spaces
Several shared office spaces in Kakkanad have successfully implemented strategies to balance privacy and community. For instance, XYZ Coworking Space offers
Dedicated Quiet Zones:
 Specific areas designated for focused work, with soundproofing and strict noise policies. Vibrant Community Areas: Open spaces with comfortable seating, where members can interact and collaborate. Private Meeting Rooms: Multiple private meeting rooms that can be booked in advance, ensuring availability for confidential discussions.
Balancing privacy and community in shared office spaces is essential for creating an environment that fosters productivity and collaboration. By employing thoughtful design strategies, clear policies, and technological solutions, shared office spaces in Kakkanad can provide the best of both worlds. The key is to remain adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of the members, ensuring that both privacy and community thrive in harmony.
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architude01 · 5 months
BIM Solutions Provider Company in Hyderabad, India
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Architude is a BIM solutions provider company, that creates unique and innovative 3-D modeling designs for the construction of different types of structures.
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xenesisbio · 6 months
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Empowering Change through Bio-Inspired Technological Evolution
Xenesis pioneers a new frontier of innovation, seamlessly blending Nature Intelligence with cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence to transcend conventional limitations. Our mission is to harness the transformative power of nature-infused technology, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for progress. Through biomimicry and advanced technological solutions, Xenesis redefines what's possible across industries. By drawing inspiration from the natural world, we strive to create sustainable solutions that address global challenges. With Xenesis, we embark on a journey towards a future where the harmony between nature and technology catalyzes unprecedented advancements, shaping a better world for generations to come.
To know more, please visit @ https://www.xenesis.bio/technology
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solviostechnology · 1 year
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reasonsforhope · 4 days
"As the world grows “smarter” through the adoption of smartphones, smart fridges, and entire smart houses, the carbon cost of that technology grows, too. 
In the last decade, electronic waste has become one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world. 
According to The World Counts, the globe generates about 50 million tons of e-waste every year. That’s the equivalent of 1,000 laptops being trashed every second. 
After they’re shipped off to landfills and incinerated, the trash releases toxic chemicals including lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and so much more, which can cause disastrous health effects on the populations that live near those trash sites. 
Fortunately, Franziska Kerber — a university student at ​​FH Joanneum in Graz, Austria — has dreamed up a solution that helps carve away at that behemoth problem: electronics made out of recyclable, dissolvable paper. 
On September 11, Kerber’s invention “Pape” — or Paper Electronics — earned global recognition when it was named a national winner of the 2024 James Dyson Awards. 
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When she entered the scientific competition, Kerber demonstrated her invention with the creation of several small electronics made out of paper materials, including a fully-functional WiFi router and smoke detector. 
“Small electronic devices are especially prone to ending up in household waste due to unclear disposal systems and their small size, so there is significant potential to develop a more user-friendly end-of-life system,” Kerber wrote on the James Dyson Award website. 
“With this in mind, I aimed to move beyond a simple recycling solution to a circular one, ensuring long-term sustainability.” 
Kerber’s invention hinges on crafting a dissolvable and recyclable PCB board out of compressed “paper pulp.” 
A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board that can be found in nearly all modern electronic devices, like phones, tablets, and smartwatches.
But even companies that have started incorporating a “dissolution” step into the end life of their products require deconstruction to break down and recover the PCB board before it can be recycled. 
With Kerber’s PAPE products, users don’t need to take the device apart to recycle it.
“By implementing a user-friendly return option, manufacturers can efficiently dissolve all returned items, potentially reusing electronic components,” Kerber explained. 
“Rapidly advancing technology, which forms the core of many devices, becomes obsolete much faster than the structural elements, which are often made from plastics that can last thousands of years,” Kerber poses. 
PAPE, Kerber says, has a “designed end-of-life system” which anticipates obsolescence. 
“Does anyone want to use a thousand-year-old computer?” Kerber asks. “Of course not. … This ensures a sustainable and reliable system without hindering technological advancement.”"
-via GoodGoodGood, September 13, 2024
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wachinyeya · 8 months
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📅 On August 29, 2003, the first version of Skype was released, revolutionizing how people communicate over the Internet. Developed by Scandinavian entrepreneurs Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, in collaboration with Estonian developers Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn, Skype set a new standard for online communication.
🌍 Today, Skype is owned by Microsoft, but its impact on how we connect across the globe remains undeniable.
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businessmemes · 6 months
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this is now the preferred middle management eyewear for all business offices in quadrants 8, 199, and 4 through 19u. Please return all BizViz 6 XLs to the break room on floor 7y before Hpm on Wednthday.
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guinevereslancelot · 3 days
being the youngest person at work is being the honorary IT specialist despite knowing basically nothing abt technology except how to use google
#im not even like being modest when i say i'm embarrassingly bad at tech stuff#but bc i can use google and sometimes find a convoluted solution to a problem on my own i am an expert#currently the classroom ipad has not functioned properly for months#and i'm the only reason it functions at all lol#as soon as i leave its gonna be a shitshow lol#they cant even open the gallery to see the pics of the kids like its supposed to it hasnt opened in months#i'm the only person who knows to go to files to see the pictures and delete some for more space#and it took me a minute to figure out how to delete hundreds at a time#i usually delete 2k or so at the beginning of every week#bc we take like hundreds every day then sort thru for the good ones to post for the parents#so it's got thousands of pictures on it and you get storage warnings constantly#and it stops working#its got other problems too tho#but i at least got the picture taking and deleting problem mostly figured out but its not the way it was#yet its usable thanks to me only#and all my coworkers will be fucked when i leave bc they're all old lol#we already sent it to the office to get fixed twice and it came back the same#and im p sure this school doesnt have an actual tech department#and they'll be annoyed if they're told they have to buy a new one#bc the KNOW that i was making it work for months#so whoever says its impossible is just a failure lol#anyway#lol#anyway when i go home i call my brother to handle all technology issues w anything#bc i really suck at it#but at work i'm like a tech genius just bc im under 30
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stoicmike · 1 year
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Technology continues to offer us many, many innovative new solutions to non-problems. -- Michael Lipsey
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Woe, angst be upon yee
Think about this plot for more than a minute and it'll start to fall apart probably but just uhhh please don't think about it too much😞🙏
So Sosu has been frozen for over 210 years, they came from a world that wasn't as irradiated as the Commonwealth is currently, so, why not give them radiation poisoning?
They feel fine when they first step out but even still, they can just feel things are different, everything, even the air, feels contamimated. Over the many years, most of the radiation has disappeared, people of the Commonwealth have grown a tolerance to the low amount of radiation that still persists, but Sosu being completely new to this world has no such tolerance and even with a radiation suit slowing the process, the poisoning still seeps into them, slowly starting to kill them. At first it's barely noticeable but the closer they get to their goal, the weaker they seem to get.
First true problem presents itself, the Dimly-lit desert- I mean the Glowing Sea. Even with the power armor taking most of the radiation, by the time they get to the insitute, they're severely ill. The fatigue, the effects of the radiation, it's all obvious. Despite never knowing them it pains the Father to see them in such a way, perhaps it was cruel to let them out of their frozen prison.
Nonetheless the institute is smart, has people to deal with what radaway can't heal, and so with time Sosu is cured but it's made clear to them; any trips to Commonwealth are risky, simply put their body can't handle the radiation.
Obviously there are companions that want the Institute destroyed, but I wonder how they'd react to this? Going off of the assumption that they're close to Sosu, just how willing would they be to write their death sentence by demanding them to destroy the only thing that can help them stay alive? The thing that'd let the companion keep their close friend, maybe their lover, alive? How willing would they be to sacrifice the person whose been there for them this entire time, despite Sosu having their own struggles to deal with?
And with X6? Oh with X6 just think about it. Time passes and he's, dare he say, attached to the future leader. Slowly, without his notice, he's started to truly care. How would he take it, hearing other companions, or faction leaders, demand that Sosu does the "right thing" and destroy the Institute, destroy the only place where they can roam free without a hazmat suit, without having to worry about radiation?
He'd be kinda angry about it I think
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oliveroctavius · 11 months
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hana-bobo-finch · 7 days
i will get bug fables but I need to wait for my brother to help because we are out of space on the switch and I am too technologically illiterate to try to change the SD card and figure out how all that works. If I try it myself I will probably end up setting something on fire somehow
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Salisbury Autistic Care - The Sensory Haven Future Homes for Autistic People
Salisbury Autistic Care: Creating Inclusive Communities for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum is putting its best foot forward by designing homes best suited for autistic individuals. Efforts are made to provide an environment where those on the autism spectrum can thrive and feel at ease.
In this discussion, we'll explore how Salisbury's real estate sector is designing homes with the latest innovations that prioritize the safety concerns of these individuals.
Let's discover together how the latest innovative homes are reshaping the landscape of inclusive living.
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Smart Home Technology: Real estate is focusing on installing homes with smart home devices that can be controlled remotely or automated to perform tasks autonomously. It includes devices like voice-activated assistants (like Amazon Alexa or Google Home), smart thermostats, lighting systems, and security cameras that can greatly improve the autonomy and comfort of individuals with autism. These technologies can be programmed to adjust environmental factors according to the individual's preferences, providing a sense of control and reducing sensory overload.
Communication Apps and Devices: Many autistic people face trouble in communication. However, integrating communication apps and devices within the property can facilitate effective communication. It will help them by assisting in conveying their message to their caregivers. These may include augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) apps, picture exchange communication systems (PECS), or specialized devices that support speech output.
Safety and Monitoring Solutions: Autistic individuals are not much aware of their safety in the surrounding environment. As a result, they may unintentionally engage in behaviors that could put their well-being at risk. Technology can play a crucial role in ensuring their safety. GPS tracking devices, door alarms, and wearable sensors can alert caregivers if a resident leaves the property or enters restricted areas, allowing for timely intervention. Additionally, smart locks and security systems can enhance overall safety within the property.
Sensory Regulation Tools: Many individuals with autism are sensitive to sensory stimuli. The real estate must focus on designing calming sensory rooms with soft lighting, comfortable seating, tactile objects, soothing music or sounds, and visual projections. Interactive projections or immersive virtual reality experiences can provide engaging and customizable sensory experiences, allowing individuals with autism to explore different sensory inputs in a controlled and therapeutic environment.
Data Collection and Analysis: Homes installed with smart sensors can help in tracking daily behavior patterns like sleep patterns, activity levels, or emotional states, providing valuable insights about the individual. This information can be used to create personalized care plans and interventions.
Educational and Therapeutic Resources: Integrating educational and therapeutic resources within autism care properties empowers residents to engage in meaningful activities and skill-building exercises that support their development and enhance their quality of life. Smart home technology helps them to have access to educational and therapeutic sessions that promote learning, growth, and self-confidence for individuals with autism.
Through these advancements, Salisbury Autistic Care — Most Desirable Areas to Live in is not only addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by autistic individuals but also trying to create surroundings where they can feel safe and comfortable. By prioritizing safety, communication, sensory comfort, and personalized support, these homes are reshaping the landscape of inclusive living and setting a new standard for the integration of technology and compassion in real estate development.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"As countries around the world begin to either propose or enforce zero-deforestation regulations, companies are coming under growing pressure to prove that their products are free of deforestation. But this is often a far from straightforward process.
Take palm oil, for instance. Its journey from plantations, most likely in Indonesia or Malaysia, to store shelves in the form of shampoo, cookies or a plethora of other goods, is a long and convoluted one. In fact, the cooking oil or cosmetics we use might contain palm oil processed in several different mills, which in turn may have bought the raw palm fruit from several of the many thousands of plantations. For companies that use palm oil in their products, tracing and tracking its origins through these obscure supply chains is a tough task. Often it requires going all the way back to the plot level and checking for deforestation. However, these plots are scattered over vast areas across potentially millions of locations, with data being in various states of digitization and completeness...
Palmoil.io, a web-based monitoring platform that Bottrill launched, is attempting to help palm oil companies get around this hurdle. Its PlotCheck tool allows companies to upload plot boundaries and check for deforestation without any of the data being stored in their system. In the absence of an extensive global map of oil palm plots, the tool was developed to enable companies to prove compliance with regulations without having to publicly disclose detailed data on their plots. PlotCheck now spans 13 countries including Indonesia and Malaysia, and aims to include more in the coming months.
Palm oil production is a major driver of deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, although deforestation rates linked to it have declined in recent years. While efforts to trace illegally sourced palm oil have ramped up in recent years, tracing it back to the source continues to be a challenge owing to the complex supply chains involved.
Recent regulatory proposals have, however, made it imperative for companies to find a way to prove that their products are free of deforestation. Last June, the European Union passed legislation that prohibits companies from sourcing products, including palm oil, from land deforested after 2020. A similar law putting the onus on businesses to prove that their commodities weren’t produced on deforested land is also under discussion in the U.K. In the U.S., the U.S. Forest Bill aims to work toward a similar goal, while states like New York are also discussing legislation to discourage products produced on deforested land from being circulated in the markets there...
PlotCheck, which is now in its beta testing phase, allows users to input the plot data in the form of a shape file. Companies can get this data from palm oil producers. The plot data is then checked and analyzed with the aid of publicly available deforestation data, such as RADD (Radar for Detecting Deforestation) alerts that are based on data from the Sentinel-1 satellite network and from NASA’s Landsat satellites. The tool also uses data available on annual tree cover loss and greenhouse gas emission from plantations.
Following the analysis, the tool displays an interactive online map that indicates where deforestation has occurred within the plot boundaries. It also shows details on historical deforestation in the plot as well as data on nearby mills. If deforestation is detected, users have the option of requesting the team to cross-check the data and determine if it was indeed caused by oil palm cultivation, and not logging for artisanal mining or growing other crops. “You could then follow up with your supplier and say there is a potential red flag,” Bottrill said.
As he waits to receive feedback from users, Bottrill said he’s trying to determine how to better integrate PlotCheck into the workflow of companies that might use the tool. “How can we take this information, verify it quickly and turn it into a due diligence statement?” he said. “The output is going to be a statement, which companies can submit to authorities to prove that their shipment is deforestation-free.” ...
Will PlotCheck work seamlessly? That’s something Bottrill said he’s cautiously optimistic about. He said he’s aware of the potential challenges with regard to data security and privacy. However, he said, given how zero-deforestation legislation like that in the EU are unprecedented in their scope, companies will need to sit up and take action to monitor deforestation linked to their products.
“My perspective is we should use the great information produced by universities, research institutes, watchdog groups and other entities. Plus, open-source code allows us to do things quickly and pretty inexpensively,” he said. “So I am positive that it can be done.”"
-via Mongabay, January 26, 2024
Note: I know it's not "stop having palm oil plantations." (A plan I'm in support of...monocrop plantations are always bad, and if palm oil production continues, it would be much better to produce it using sustainable agroforestry techniques.)
However, this is seriously a potentially huge step/tool. Since the EU's deforestation regulations passed, along with other whole-supply-chain regulations, people have been really worried about how the heck we're going to enforce them. This is the sort of tool we need/need the industry to have to have a chance of genuinely making those regulations actually work. Which, if it does work, it could be huge.
It's also a great model for how to build supply chain monitoring for other supply chain regulations, like the EU's recent ban on companies destroying unsold clothes.
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