#techno x male reader
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deadqueerboys · 5 months ago
Dream, Techno, and Reader
Dream was tired. He couldn't even walk anymore, but he had a super hyper child running around and making sounds with the plates he somehow got from the kitchen. He sits on the couch, running his hand on his hair as he tries to look at the kid. He quickly grabs him when he comes closer to him.
"Little thing, I need to rest. Do you understand that? I. Need. To. Rest." Dream sighs. His words were gentle, but his tone was tired. He can see the kid isn't understanding, or at least he doesn't want to understand. He wraps his arms around him and gets up. "Come on, you must be tired too."
"I'm not!" The kid fights to get out of Dream's grip, but it's impossible. He kicks and punches, yet it doesn't hurt him. He's too small and weak to hurt a freaking god. He pouts, grabbing Dream's mask, trying to get it out of his face. "Gimme!!" He screams, always so electric and happy as a kid should be.
"Okay, okay." He giggles, taking his mask off, giving it to the child. He can see the smile on his face, playing with it before looking at Dream's eyes and piercing them. He lets the mask fall, and he cups Dream's cheeks.
"Pretty eyes. Me want pretty eyes." He's looking at Dream with possessiveness, his hands clapping and slapping Dream's cheeks. He smiles and comes closer, crawling on his lap. He jumps on his arms. "Why can't I have pretty eyes?"
"You have pretty eyes, just like your brother's." Dream smiles, his eyes matching with Techno's for a second. He can feel a small blush cross his face, not of love, he just.. feels for Techno. It's a friendly emotion. "I think they are pretty, little one."
"You think Techy is pretty?" He freezes, puppy eyes as he jumps to the floor. "TECHNO DREAM THINKS YOU'RE PRETTY." The kid runs, making his way to the kitchen where Techno was. Doing his legs being short and he being way smaller than the boys, Dream quickly picks him up again.
"What?" Techno looks at him from the door, raising an eyebrow at the kid. He chuckles and steps closer to them, putting his arm on the child's shoulder. "You wanna know a secret?" He whispers, and the kid nods. "I think he's pretty as well." He pets the kid's hair.
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l0cked0uttt · 2 years ago
How They Would React To Seeing Your Top-Surgery Scars
Characters: Tommyinit (Platonic), Tubbo (Platonic), Wilbur (geared towards romantic), Dream (geared towards romantic), Technoblade (Platonic or Romantic)
A/N: For whatever reason my mind has only been giving me angst ideas like I like angst but I need some fluff 💀🤚
Y/N will be used (Meaning your name)
CW: swearing
This can be for anyone who has gotten top surgery and needs comfort about their scars (your beautiful no matter what <;3)
When he first sees your scars it doesn't really register in his mind that they are your top surgery scars
He just thinks that they are just scars that you've gotten in one of the countless battles
He definitely thinks they're super cool and asks you a bunch of questions about them.
"Hey Y/N- Woah! Where did you get those scars! These are cool as fuck!"
He would try and start guessing where you got them.
"Did you get them while in the nether? Was there a Piglin that tried to fight you and then they cut you with their tusks? Oh! Did you duel with Dream? or Techno? Did you kick their asses?"
You'd probably have to calm him down and explain to him that you didn't get into a fight and you just got them from top surgery
He would be very understanding of your situation, though he would apologize for jumping to conclusions.
He immediately wants to know if you have other scars and what the stories behind them are.
If you have more and decide to show them to him, he would listen very intently to the stories, and he finds the battles that you've been through (even if they aren't that big) very interesting.
If you have no other scars or you don't want to show him your other scars he is perfectly okay with that, even offering to show you his scars to make you feel better, telling you how he got each of them in a way that makes it interesting to listen too.
"And this one I got from when me and Tubbo were sparring, he felt so bad that he was apologizing for what felt like hours!"
If he ever felt that you were uncomfortable about the topic he would ask if you wanted to change it to make you feel more comfortable.
Overall he just wants to make you feel happy by saying "Hey, it's normal to have scars, and yours are just as valid as any others."
When he first saw your scars he was really concerned and started panicking asking you a whole bunch of questions
"Y/N, do you wanna- Oh my god! Are you okay? Where did you get these from? Did someone hurt you? You can tell me but I swear if it was Sapnap or something me and Tommy will literally kick his ass!"
After calming him down and explaining to him that no one hurt you and these scars are from your top surgery
He would apologize for jumping to conclusions but he would be a little confused at first, I don't think that he would know a ton about the LGBT community so he would need a little clarification.
"Uh, I'm sorry if i'm overstepping your boundaries and you don't have to answer this if you're uncomfortable but, could you explain to me what top surgery is?"
After knowing exactly what top surgery is he would immediately ask if there's any way that he can help.
Want to try and fade the scars? Words of affirmation about how having these scars make you human or how your struggles are just as valid as anyone else's? Or even if you just want a hug, he'll find some kind of way that he can help you feel comfortable.
Tubbo really just wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin even if he is a little new to the whole LGBT community and how to help.
Wilbur doesn't bring up your scars unless you come and talk to him about it first.
He starts to check up on you more and more.
"Hey Y/N, how are you doing? Everything is alright right?"
Just little check ups until you're ready to tell him about it.
If he ends up seeing your scars more than once he might bring it up at that point.
"Hey, um, what are those scars on your chest, if you don't mind me asking?"
Once you tell him that they're your top surgery scars he pulls you into a hug and assures you that he will always love and care about you no matter what.
Basically he will just praise the hell out of you, tell you how amazing you are, how brave you are for going through the surgery, how pretty and handsome and beautiful and cute you are.
Every time he walks by you he will just give you a kiss on the head as reassurance
He never wants you to feel like you are a burden
He will go to Fundy for advice on how to help and if there is anything that he should do to comfort you further.
Just a sweet guy who wants you to feel loved and appreciated.
First thought is that someone hurt you and he wants to know who so he can kill the fucker
"Hey Y/N- what happened? No, No it isn't nothing, what happened. It matters because who every hurt you will have about five seconds to count their fucking blessings before I kill them."
You being you might respond with something snarky like "hey the doctor who gave me top surgery shouldn't die, I'm living my best life because of them!"
To which he responds with a mental facepalm and he gives you a hug
He just wants to protect you and sometimes takes it too far
Your chest becomes his new favorite part about you
Every time he gets the chance he will give you a kiss to remind you how much he cares
Cuddling where his head is buried in your chest? Expect him to be kissing your chest till one of y'all falls asleep.
"What? Can I not kiss my beautiful lover and give them all of the love they deserve?"
Like Wilbur, Techno won't bring your scars up unless you make conversation about it
The difference is, He won't bring it up no matter how many times he sees your scars
I feel like with how many battles Techno had been in he has his own collection of scars some of which he would like to fade away and to never be talked about or brought into existence again.
So he won't talk till you want to talk
Once you do tell him he would say something like:
"Oh that's what those are? Yeah I've seen them before."
When questioning why he didn't say anything he would say something along the lines of:
"We all have our own scars, some you can see, some you can't, some you're fine with the world seeing and some you wish that they would disappear because they remind you of something that you want to block out and forget entirely. I've had my fair share of scars that should fade away just like those painful memories. I would hate to bring you back to a place that you wanted to forget."
As for comfort, he isn't too big on it, not because he doesn't want to give it to you but because he doesn't know how, maybe the occasional word or words of affirmation or hugs when you need them, but anything else and he would need Phil's help on what to do.
He is a great listener though, so if you ever need to vent he'll be the guy to go to.
Techno is just a piglin with a soft heart for you and he would hate to make you uncomfortable.
Another one done! My apologies if this isn't the best I have never done headcanons before so this was new to me. I also tried to keep it gender neutral as I know not only trans males get top surgery so I wanted to make it as inclusive as possible so I'm sorry if things are too geared towards trans males.
Word Count: 1255
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toxicruins101 · 2 years ago
Sbi! Family x Male! Killer! Reader.
Tw!: Gore, torture, mentions of torture, blood, killing, depression. Etc.
you couldn't even keep count of how many days it had been since you were stuck down here.
1, 2, 3..678910..
Who knows? Yet as the faint sound of your blood dropping onto the floor making a slight consecutive sound you became aware of the passage of time around you.
The faint sound of chains rubbing with each other, making an awful sound.
Pain was the only thing you felt at the moment and you knew you weren't going to last very longer in this hell hole.
You committed a crime, a deadly one quite literally, and in exchange you got sentenced to this.
Torture and torture for days on end.
You heard the heavy metal door move and tried to look up but even that hurt.
You could try to look up with your eyes but you failed the energy to even do that.
"Hey mate.." Philza, oh your sweet father Philza, all this time he had been so hopeful and so relived when they told him you'll be able to get out instead of serving a life long sentence
Yet it pained you so much, knowing his poor heart was going to be crushed.
"Are you feeling ok? I'm guessing your asleep right now though.."
'I'm not sleeping, I'm dying' you thought as a warm feeling invaded your pain struck heart.
Your father always did care for you, he always has, as his first child you meant everything to him.
You wish you could scream out to him and tell him your fate, but were unable as your tongue had been cut out in the early days of this sentence.
You wanted to cry and sob, tell him everything that was wrong, so maybe he could save you, he could rescue you.
That maybe you'll get to see your little brothers again.
Maybe train with techno one last time, teach Wilbur guitar again, and help tommy pull pranks on the others just for one more time.
But your death seemed closer than that possibility coming true.
"Don't worry mate, just 2 more weeks and your out of here, two more weeks and you'll get to go home." Spoke your father tears welling in his eyes at the sight of your broken hanged up form.
You'd be long gone by then, your poor heart ached at the thought of your caring family having to receive the news of your death.
You all meant a lot to the other, so just thinking about it made you weep.
"I'll be taking my leave now mate, stay strong ok? We are all waiting for you back home.." his voice spoke, you tried to move towards him, yell at him to stop and speak a little more.
To null the pain and bring back the good memories, you wanted to die with a familiar voice calling out to you.
Not the treacherous screams of the other inmates in here whose fates have already been decided.
Soon after though another person came in.
"Y/n? You there?"
You were so glad, you wanted to run up and hug him so tightly both of you were out of air.
Sadly you couldn't so you slightly moved your arms making the chains jingle hoping that would give him the message you were listening to him.
"Ah good, thought you were passed out there for a sec and I got really scared.." he chuckled lightly at the end of his sentence
Don't say stuff like that...it'll only make it harder for me to die you thought
"listen, we all, really miss you ok? I know what you did was bad, but, nobody deserves this.
Come back home, ok? We all.
Really need you" spoke his grave voice as he slowly made his way outside, looking over at you again before leaving.
There were so many things you wanted to say to him.
So many
So so many.
You had missed him so much over the years it was crazy.
You didn't know if this was the gods way of having mercy on you and letting you hear your family one last time or their punishment.
Making you hear and bear that weight of sadness knowing all their hopes of you getting out of here were going to get tarnished by your inevitable death.
Guess that was it.
Maybe Wilbur and tommy didn't think you were worth their time-
"Y/n?..." Spoke a gentle voice from the other side of the space.
You slightly smiled, you wanted to cry more than ever.
You had missed him so much.
Hearing about his death in l'manburg broke you in a million pieces
Yet there he stood now, revived and well.
He only started at you and walked over.
He inspected your weak form and wanted to cry at the state of it.
In an act of anger, at seeing his brother, his blood, one of the men who raised him be hung up and treated like a punching bag he broke the chains holding up your arms, with a sword that always hanged loosely on his belt.
Guards came rushing in as you finally felt your hands in God knows how long.
You smiled at him and he smiled back at you.
Guards came in and started pushing him out
He screamed and thrashed in their hold.
his voice got cut off as he was forced out and the metal door slammed shut.
The guards looked at your weak form on the ground and scoffed as they pulled you up and tied you by your wrists.
So much for feeling your hands again
This time you didn't hear a voice, not even a peep.
Just quiet footsteps as they came closer and closer to you.
You felt gentle arms around your torso, careful as to not hurt you as sobs emitted from said person.
Tommy, the youngest out of all of you.
You looked at his dirty blonde hair and wanted to reach out and hug him so bad as he hugged and cried onto your broken skin.
His sobs filled out the room as tears fell from your eyes at the sight of your little brother in pain.
All because of you
Your family was suffering
Your friends were suffering
Everyone was suffering
Because of you
"All right, visiting times over kid, scram" spoke your torturer and you wanted to punch him faceless because of how he talked to your brother.
He only glared at the man but then took notice of the various array of weapons desplayed on his cart.
Full of blood, your blood, to be precise.
"hey, wait, no." He said as he stared.
Two more guards came out and went towards him when they realized he had no plans of leaving.
"HEY! NO! WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING ON DOING TO HIM! NO! DONT YOU DARE-" Spoke the blonde haired kid as they dragged him out, tears falling from his blue eyes.
"Something permanent" spoke your abuser as he smirked at your disheveled younger brother being forced out of the room.
You could hear your name being called and sobs from the other side.
Don't leave me please
Don't leave me to die alone please...
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jyoongim · 1 year ago
Okay okay hear me out: possessive!annoyed!Alastor x naive!reader
The whole gang goes to Consent (the sex club) and manages to drag Alastor and reader with them.
Reader thinks everyone is so lovely and friendly, Alastor is overstimulated by the techno music, flashing lights, and loud crowd and ͓̽t͓͓̽̽h͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽s͓͓̽̽e͓̽ ͓̽f͓͓̽̽u͓͓̽̽c͓͓̽̽k͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽g͓̽ ͓̽w͓͓̽̽h͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽s͓̽ ͓̽t͓͓̽̽h͓̽a͓͓̽̽t͓̽ ͓̽k͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽p͓̽ ͓̽l͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽o͓͓̽̽k͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽g͓̽ ͓̽h͓͓̽̽u͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽g͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽l͓͓̽̽y͓̽ a͓͓̽̽t͓̽ ͓̽r͓͓̽̽e͓̽a͓͓̽̽d͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽
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Cause imagine Alastor standing behind you, scaring the shit out of the person dancing with you….
something short
“I thought you said we were going a club?”
Charlie said nervously as the gang stood outside of Consent.
A club.
A strip club.
Angel had suggested that if Charlie wanted the residents to form trust then that going to a club would do that.
He failed to mention the whole nudity part.
You could sense that the group were a bit disgruntled, so you smiled at Angel “I think this is great Angel! I’ve never been to a club like this before what about you Al?” You turned to your attention to Alastor. 
Normally Alastor would have did an disappearing act on everyone when activities were done, but you were actually excited.
You were a rare thing that graced Hell. You were sweet and friendly. Had a good head o your shoulder…but you were horribly naive and had no sense of when people were insincere.
Or trying to gain your attention.
You were bopping your head to the music, swaying as you sipped on whatever concoction the bartender had made.
Your senses were in overdrive as you took in the loud music and flashing lights.
it was so much.
Angel had pulled you onto the dance floor, twirling around you, showing off his moves.
You giggled at his flashy display, laughing as several of the dancers swarmed around you, naked bodies rubbing against you.
This was so fun!
This is absolutely not fun.
Alastor was barely holding it together. The loud music and flashing lights were making him restless. He preferred quiet places with soft jazz playing and pleasant food.
Not establishments where he was pretty sure drugs were near the food.
He stayed seated at the bar. His very presence was enough for sinners to stay away from him.
He sipped his whiskey as he scanned the crowd. Vaggie and Charlie were sitting in a quiet corner, trying to keep Niffty stable.
Sir Pentious was trying to chat up some sinner, Angel was being Angel, and you….
 His eyes narrowed as he watched you watch in awe as several strippers danced on you. You were blushing but a smile still on your face regardless. You were unaware of the hungry looks that some of the male patrons were giving you.
But Alastor saw. Saw as some unsightly sinner began to approach you.
You felt a body press up against you. Heavy hands found your waist and pulled you into how they were swaying. 
“A pretty doll like you shouldn’t be alone on the dancefloor” a voice purred in your ear. You turned around, blinking at the stranger before giving him a smile “Oh you wanna dance with me?” You asked innocently. The sinner grinned, “suuuurree sweetness anything you like” he chuckled moving with you to the music.
Alastor had crushed the glass he was holding, static buzzing around him causing the lights to flicker slightly.
He took a deep breath, downed some whiskey from the bottle, and made his way through the crowd, brimming with dark energy.
The crowd practically parted like the Red Sea as Alastor made his way towards you and the filth who was being too handsy.
You smiled when you saw Alastor, completely oblivious to the rage emitting off him “Alastor this was so fun!” You shouted over the music. Alastor tilted his head, eyes narrowed and smile pulled in a tight snarl as he kept his eyes on the demon behind you. “Oooh really dearest?” The demon behind you was shaking in his boots as the Overlord gently pulled you towards him, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You were tipsy and babbling away as Alastor dragged you off the dance floor, teleporting you both back to the hotel away from prying eyes.
You blinked, seeing you were back at the hotel. “Wha-?”
A body wrapped itself around you, pulling you into a rumbling chest. Alastor huffed as he buried his nose in the crook of your neck.
”That place was horrid. Medium playing less than pleasant tunes, and those filthy sinners were all over you” he growled.
He was rambling to himself, growling in your ear. You jumped slightly feeling his sharp teeth your at your neck, your hazy mind not comprehending why Alastor was so upset.
”I’m going to show those pathetic sinners just who you belong to my dear”
”that you are mine”
You were spun around and lips slammed on yours.
“Where the hell did toots go?” Angel asked, confused as he did not see you with Charlie and Vaggie. He last saw you dancing before you basically disappeared.
Husker smiled “Bossman took her back to the hotel”
Everyone was confused, then Angel smirked “Ooohh Freaky Face is SO gonna fuc-”
”Angel please! There’s no way” Charlie said, interrupting him.
You were such a sweet thing, there’s no way you would let…there’s no way Alastor…right?
They had made it back to the hotel and there was no sign of you or Alastor.
”Holy shit!” Angel laughed as he picked up on the loud banging coming from somewhere in the hotel.
easy to say, you now understood what was happening at the club and so many other times
@yakultt-art @coleisyn @alastorsfawn @alastorss @alastwhore666
@senseichaos @markster666
Let me know if anyone wants to be tagged in my works… I’m still working out the kinks
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year ago
A Very Monstrous Kinktober: Day 4 (Prostitution)
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Kink: Prostitution
Pairing: Male!Android x GN!Reader
Other Kinks: Deepthroating, Cum Swallowing
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1047 words
Kinktober Masterlist
"Wow, it's so soft." Axel half-whispers, warm digits massaging your ass cheeks. His modulated voice is full of awe, so enraptured by the feel of flesh and muscle. Since coming to this planet where 90% of the populace are androids, cybers or other kinds of techno-life, this was a reaction you were getting used to.
Especially when it comes to your clients.
"You like?" You purr, wiggling your hops in his face. The audible whirr of his cooling fans kicking on makes you giggle.
"Y-yeah, I do." Axel mumbles, still in awe of the jiggling flesh. He gives your ass a timid slap, cooing at the recoil.
Axel was shaping up to be one of your favorite clients. He'd walked into his appointment, face flushed blue with coolant and stuttering out an introduction. He had muttered out that it was his first time with an organic, which you had already assumed but pretended to be shocked anyway. Most of your customers requested you because of the novelty of your fleshy body; you'd grown used to several minutes of petting and observation before they eventually asked you to spread open.
But Axel had been different. He had asked your name, asked if the way he touched you was okay. Even the way he fondled you felt different. It wasn't detached fascination, it was a desperate awe. He'd whispered sweet things about your body, admired your specific stretch marks, your dimples, and your skin's imperfections.
You think you'll give him your card after this session. It’s reserved for your most well-behaved, respectful clients.
But for now you have a job to do, and you want to show Axel all the things your fleshy body can do.
You flip around, pulling Axel into a hug. He squeaks, not unlike an old computer mouse, but quickly sinks into your embrace. He rubs his face into your warm skin, moaning at the sensation. Just a kiss to the cheek has him shuddering with a moan.
"Let me make you feel good, baby." You whisper in his audial port, Axel responding with an eager nod. His body readily complies as you push him back on the bed, slotting in between his legs. The sleek wiring pulses green and blue in between his segmented joins, flaring as you trace your fingers down them. It's adorable.
His modesty player is buzzing, whirring machinery underneath betraying how eager he is, if you couldn't already tell from his shaky whines and stuttered words.
"W-what are you-" Axel whispers, caught in a moan when you press another kiss to the plate, his hips jerking upwards. "Ooh, do that again, please."
"I can do you one better, handsome." Your hand caresses the seam of his plate and Axel is quick to let it pop open, sliding to reveal a pulsing phallus. It drips with a neon green lubricant, more like a vibrator in shape than a human penis. It also has several bumpy nodes, which only excites you for later.
Wasting no time, you lick up his shaft, paying special attention to those nodes, wondering how sensitive they are. Axel throws his head back with a breathless whine.
"O-oh, stars. That feels good." His voice catches with another moan as your hand wraps around the base of his shaft and squeezes. More neon lubricant gushes out of the slit at the top, which you lap up eagerly.
Yum, lemon-lime flavored.
You suck at the eager slit some more, Axels flailing hands grasping at your shoulder and neck, gently pulling your mouth closer, chasing tbe high.
"Your mouth...it's incredible!" Axel yelps. His whimpering voice sends a shiver down your spine.
You're definitely giving him your card after this.
"Your tongue, your lips, I've never felt anything like it. It's amazing."
"Hmm, and how about this?"
Before Axel can even mutter a "Huh?" you have him half-down your throat, cheeks sucked in. His voice processor glitches as he groans, those eager digits digging into your skin. "Oh stars!" He shouts as your tongue lathers around the shaft, slowly moving your head up and down.
He's a little too thick at the base for you to properly deep throat him, but you don't need to. You can see his wires pulsing in your peripheral, hear his pants and moans, and can taste the excess lubricant bubbling to the top. Axel grows bold enough to hold onto your cheek and fuck into your louth, although quite gently.
"I think-" Axel stutters, hips still humping into your throat, "I think I'm close."
You humm, the buzz around his shaft making his thrusts falter. Your lips pop off the top of his member for a second, quickly replaced by your hand. Licking excess fluid off your lips, you look Axel right in the eye.
"Oh yeah? Where do you want to come? Down my throat?" Axel nods, voice chip struggling to form words amidst his groans. It makes you smirk, giving one long lick up his phallus before deep throating him again. You set a more moderate pace, urging him to climax.
"Oh stars, ohh-" Axel's voice, even glitchy, is melodic. He sound so sweet, coming undone below you. "S-shit!" His chip distorts the audio, wires pulsing a bright flash as hot streams of lubricant shoot down your throat. It's a little sour, but also quite sweet.
You slowly let Axel out of your mouth, savoring the flavor of his phallus as you do. The running of his cooling fans reminds you of a kitchen vent, his phallus slowly sinking back into his modesty place for a quick recharge.
You climb up Axel's body, giving him gentle kisses as you do. He readily nuzzles into your skin, despite his systems already warning that he might overheat.
"That was....fantastic" Axel whispers.
The sheer reverence in his voice makes you giggle, pecking again at his jaw.
"Well, I'm not sure how long it will take to recharge but..." You run a finger up his wiring, batting your eyelashes. "We still have another hour left in our session. If you'd like to see some of the other things I can do."
Despite the warnings in his processor, despite the way his modesty plate slowly beeps as he lets it open again, Axel is eager.
"Yes please."
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brights-place · 3 months ago
Okay so I watched the whole trolls trilogy and am down EMBARRASSINGLY BAD for Trollex. It’s ROUGH.
If possible (I’m sorry this is so highly specific) could I get Trollex x a male techno troll reader who is very sound sensitive, shy and antisocial but totally comes out of his shell and becomes super caring and nurturing to Trollex when they’re together? Especially how SCARED TROLLEX LOOKED WHEN THE ROCK TROLLS ATTACKED OMG!! I see a bubbly, confident always positive man and go “no I should care for and comfort him really” lol
Sorry if this rq is a mess—
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Trollex X M! Techno S/O
Pairing: Trollex X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild cursing
A/N: TROLLEX LOVER UNITE!! FUCK YEAHHHHHHH and oml I love this idea it's so cute anyways I haven't written for trolls in awhile *this was a draft I forgot to upload sorry pooks) ── .✦ Part 2 - Trollex loves you and understood how you were shy and not very open yet he helps you grow out of it - The way he always beams at you when you speak up more coming out of your shell but he also panics when he saw you cover your ears fast due to how he accidentally boosted the music up - He slowly helps you get use to loud music and would take you out in small group parties which will expand that will help you out - As soon as you came out of your shell more he got so excited and his eyes sparkled when you pampered his face - the way you nurture and care for him how he does back to you cuddling and pampering you - Little dates every now and then as he does have royal duties he always escapes thats why lagoona always searches for you when she can't find Trollex - She always finds him being near you or draped over your back grinning
- Trollex and You have a special connection and when together you both act like little kids and often seen doing dumb things which makes some people confused
- King Trollex and you have a certain nickname or inside joke between them that is special for eachother
- Due to your appearance you have certain things that your very insecure about, and may be more self-conscious than you let on but trollex loves every part of you - When the rock trolls invaded he looked panicked so when you held his hand and stared ahead with an expression that said 'we got this' he couldn't help but feel prouder - When he was getting taken you slammed into a rock troll throwing yourself infront of him as you both got put into the same cage together - so here you were in the same cage holding trollex is hand with teary eyes as he cupped your face wiping your tears as he muttered to you in hushed voices - Barb didn't hesitate to hit the bars of your sell "Well look here" barb lips twitched up "Lovers? I assume don't worry rock n roll can help bind it stronger-" "Shut up... just let us be you ahev teh string " "hm... fine Put this techno troll in a different cell farther from trollex" - The panic in Trollex eyes as he grabbed your hands trying to keep you in his arms before you were dragged away from rock trolls into a separate cage horrified him as he was calling out for you as you were chucked into a separate cage hidden by many others
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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galacticseonghwa · 1 year ago
matching outfits i think NCT 127 would wear with their girlfriends
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INCLUDES: 127 x gfs!, fluff, me just typing out my delusions about 127 wearing matching fits. in honour of 600 followers🫶🏼 thank yous so much🫶🏼 a/n: if yous would like a male or gender neutral version of this please let me know! i tend to get carried away with idol x fem!reader plots/posts. but i don't want yous to be afraid to ask! ALL PICTURES I DO NOT OWN AND ARE ALL OFF PINTEREST
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JOHNNY now sir john john is neither here nor there when it comes to matching it outfits. once in a blue-moon he'll ask you if you want to wear matching outfits, and they're usually monotone casual fits he deemed 'cool' enough to wear. but when you're the one who offers to wear matching fits it's usually cute fits to wear around the house and practice room which he's more than happy to wear.
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TAEYONG tyong is defiently the type to love matching outfits but doesn't make too much of a fuss about wearing them. although he loves wearing matching casual fits with you, he especially loves wearing matching outfits when yous got out for very "fancy" dinner dates or just fancy dates in general. so nine times out of ten yous wear fancy/classy matching outfits.
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YUTA yuta is defiently the type of bf to want his gf to have a similar fashion style to him. he'd love to wear matching outfits with you just as long as there's a techno or 'grunge' sort of twist to it. he just loves the idea that you both like the same fashion style, also gives him the right to steal clothes of your because "you haven't warn it since.." so if a shirt of yours goes missing it was surely him.
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DOYOUNG doyoung seems like the type to wear matching outfits with you only when he gets to choose the fits. not that he doesn't trust you with choosing them or that he doesn't like your fashion style but because he likes the sense of control it gives him. he often likes wearing matching outfits that compliment the both of you.
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JAEHYUN oh he absolutely loves it, but he'll NEVER admit to anyone, especially you. he'll make it his life mission to let you know that he hates matching outfits with his being, but he will go ahead and repost a matching couple outfits onto his private instagram acc (you can NOT tell me they don't have accs to sneak around on), saying how much he "hates" it just so you see it and get the exact outfit he posted. he loves any matching outfit. still, he adores the ones you buy because you thought of him the second you laid your eyes on it, but again he will never tell you just how much he loves it.
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JUNGWOO he's not really all for it but that doesn't mean he won't do it. he's more of the type to not bother with that kind of thing, but when you beg him so cutely how can he say no? if you somehow manage to get him to agree, he's definitely the one choosing the outfits. he loves the matching outfits that are quite literally the same save for the female/male differences between them.
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MARK he LOVES matching outfits. he will happily wear matching outfits just as long as there's a spiderman fit in there somewhere. whenever he's on tour or away from you for long periods of time he'll buy matching outfits he sees while he's away. he's into the cliche kinds of matching outfits or the very subtle matching outfits. he's into it all. you'll sometimes catch him asking you to wear a certain outfit to go see him at the dorms only for him to be in the exact same outfit when you arrive.
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HAECHAN haechan absolutely LOVES matching outfits. he will quite literally beg for yous to wear matching outfits, whether it is casual outfits, formal, or even pyjamas. he loves wearing the prettiest matching casual outfits but it has to be the goofiest pyjamas ever. he laughs in your face when you whine about how you don't want to wear them, the only way he gets you to agree is by kissing your pouty lips. "you look cute baby."
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NCT DREAM version will be next
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reallyromealone · 1 year ago
May i request a part to to the yamazawa family x cat reader?
Title: techno cats U.A adventure
Fandom: Mha
Pairing: cat! Reader x Yamazawa family
Warnings: male reader, fluff, cat reader, platonic
Nedzu smiled at the little kitten who trotted behind him, a rescue that Aizawa and Yamada got and was still very small "if I'm correct you're not supposed to be out of your dorm" Nedzu said lightly chastising the kitten who tilted his head "no one was home" the kittens voice was slightly echoed, childlike and innocent-- frankly a little unnerving. "So you went to go find your humans?" "Uh-huh!" Nedzu was fond of his fellow quirked friends, knowing they had a hard upbringing and was thankful (name) found a good home.
"Here you go little one" it wasn't tea, instead a saucer of milk that the void cat stretched to sniff before licking happily "my, don't you have a wonderful quirk" Nedzu was absolutely facinated with it, the possibilities of it "tell me little one, if you stretch to much do you get tired?"
"Huh?" The kits face covered in milk and thought "yeah! My body gets hurted after!"
"Your body hurts after?" Well he was moving like putty, maybe that was his limit...
"Well if you like, I would like to see just what you can do, would you be willing to do that little one?"
"I gotta ask my momma first"
"Your mother?"
Aizawa wasn't sure what to expect as Nedzu and his cat trotted, the kittens ghostly meows of excitement when he trotted to the other and Nedzu was giggling "so this is your mother?" The kitten made a little chirp sound as he let Aizawa lift him, the class looking at the void kitten curiously, his little blue and red eyes blinking curiously. "What?" Aizawa was confused at being called a mother "this little one thinks you're his mother!" Nedzu said happily, Aizawa was a bit embarrassed but it would be logical as he was the one to feed the kit every hour and tend to him.
"He needs your permission to have a quirk based test " at this point the three stepped out and Aizawa looked skeptical "what kind of test, he's a baby after all"
"Oh just simple flash cards and such! Maybe to see exactly what his quirk can do!" Nedzu wasn't a monster, he wasn't about to hurt the little mouse who looked at him so sweetly, he didn't care for human babies but animal babes? He was much softer towards. "We can arrange something, do you think you could take him back to the dorm? I don't want the little brat to get into stuff"
When Aizawa went back to class the students looked at him starry eyed "sir! Was that your pet?!" "What was that!" "Why did it look like that?!"
Aizawa activated his quirk, the students quieting down fast as he spoke "that is my kitten yes, he looks like that because he has a quirk that makes him what could best be described as a void-- bud body moves like putty"
"Can we meet him?!"
"Pass the test and sure"
"What test?"
"The one were doing right now"
(Name) was confused as he sat before Nedzu and his mamas "ok little mouse, we need you to wear something, it's for your safety alright?" Nedzu translated to the kitten who tilted his head at the collar "let me know if it's to tight little one" nedzu wasn't fond of collars, frankly he couldn't stand them but they couldn't exactly chip the little one and since he had a pension for wandering it was best to know where he was.
"You look so handsome!"
"Good job buddy!"
Encouraging words as the collar was placed on (name), the kitten confused as his little body stretched to look at what was around his neck, the stretch making the collar loose around his neck "we may need to work on something that works with his quirk... Normal dollars wouldn't be great"
"Well well, if it isn't the little adventurer" Yamada cooed at the kitten who was playing with a toy, little feet kicking it as he bit "went all around U.A before stumbling across Nedzu" Aizawa said as he set down his bag, Eri giggling at the kitten who accidentally hit his face, looking thoroughly startled as Yamada pet his head "such a handsome little man!" (Name)s fur(?) Rippled as he purred, the 3D glasses affect getting more vibrant as he stretched his legs out, stretching like taffee before slowly snapping back to their normal tiny size "good boy! I heard you think Sho is your mama! Wonder what you think I am~"
Also mama but (name) couldn't be understood.
Yamada was cooking dinner, Eri watching her cartoons post bath and Aizawa was grading papers as (name) stretched on his lap, spending the evening playing with Eri always pooped him out after all. Aizawa gently pet him, knowing the spots that made the kitten quite literally melt in his lap as his purrs looked waves against water.
Truly he was at his most relaxed.
Tonight he slept with Eri,sleeping on her pillow, not even denting it as they were cozy, the girl cuddling her toy giraffe without a worry.
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stareiiez · 9 months ago
𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 --- two.
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simon ( ghost ) riley x female reader.
content : dark?? ghost. introing in graves and his shadows. modern settings. mentions of stalking. obsession. drinking. sex. female genitals. unhealthy attachments. violence. blood. smut in later chapters. dark topics. this is just my version of haunting adeline but for ghost. adult cis female reader. MDNI. 3.6k words.
note: Ox is the play on one of the few confirmed operatives in Shadow Company <3. He's just, as yk, named after Oxide. Getting into the juice of jealous!ghost too quickly is the spice for any good stalker fic lets be honest.
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The alcohol and secondhand smoke of cheap cigarettes waft through the buzzing of the club's techno music. It's down and dirty, you can feel the bass in your heart and between your thighs if you ground your hips just low enough to the fast tempo that rewound for the umpteenth time that night. The pre-game at that dive bar had given you enough liquid courage to follow your two friends out the swinging doors and down the street to the neon purple and pink nightclub. Lemon drops and free drinks were thrumming through your entire system, and the set of rough hands that squeezed around your gyrating hips didn't feel half bad either. 
You didn't catch his name, but 'Blue Eyes' was what you were referring to the man who was nearly half-folded against your back. His breath fanned over your cheekbone, and if you ground back just right against his swirling hips. You'd hear the slight hitch in his breath and low demanding grunt of more frivolous friction against his semi he was pleasantly sporting for no other woman than you. It's been too long since you got someone hot and horny for you. Not saying that you weren't ugly, or what's considered troll-like in the world. You just never had the time nor energy to go out there and support a man's one-tracked mind long enough to bring him back home and in your sheets for ten or twenty minutes of pleasure. If you were lucky enough, maybe he'd know how to find your clit and g-spot all without insistent guidance from you. 
The demanding need for another refreshing shot of whiskey or lemon-ey cocktails had you pulling away from your dance partner's strong chance. His fingers caught on the hem of your dress to keep you in his grasp while he followed you without a complaint or him yanking you back into his built arms to start another round of dry humping on the dancefloor. His fingers skated from the side of your thigh to your side then finally tangling thick fingers around your wrist. It caused your head to swivel to look up at your Blue Eyes. 
"Your friends and round of drinks are already at my table, why not join them instead of waiting for the bartender to notice you?" His voice pressed into your ear. Sharp astringent liquor and subtle desire for you, tickled your senses through his words. 
Jesus, you nearly forgot you didn't come here alone. The hypnotic grinding and captivating presence of the man, now holding your wrist captive in his palm, had taken up your frontal cortex. You didn't even register how long it had been since you had been pulled off the bar top by Blue Eyes for your first dance. You must have looked like a crummy friend, abandoning your friends for a pretty face and dark hair just to fuel your liquor-tainted mind.
Not that your friends had minded much when you discovered them equally if not more drunk than you were. 
You allowed yourself to be led by the wrist through the sea of grinding, perfume-tainted bodies to Blue Eyes's table that he was talking about. Three other men were lounged about, legs outspread with their hips raised to show the signs of whiskey dick through overly tight jeans. Your two friends were sandwiched between two of them men. Flushed faces and loud giggles expelling from their mouths as the two men sitting on either side of the girls, had been entertaining them with hushed whispers. The other man, some equally dark-haired male was refilling his glass with liquor; not bothered in the slightest that he didn't have a pretty thing to flirt with. 
"_____" Izzy slurred slightly when you and Blue Eyes joined the rest of the group. Her weight started to jump and push at Veronica's side. Sweaty palms shoving at her shoulder to signal the girl and the other men to scoot over and make room on the rich leather booth. "You nearly missed out on the invite for the boys' after-party tonight."
Your brows barely raised in reply. "Graves, you don't mind, do you?" One of the men spoke up, his eyes watching the hand of your 'Graves' that had wrapped around your waist to guide you closer to him when he sat down. The sweaty heat of his body, had you pressing more into his addictingly strong frame. The liquor had you clingy. Your fingers mindlessly paw at the hem of his shirt while you gazed up at handsome features. 
"I mean, unless this little thing didn't have any other plans tonight." His voice purred down at you. His lips turned up into an alluring smirk that made you want to kiss him drunk and stupid if you so wanted to. You wanted to, right now. 
Your tongue pressed out from liquor-soaked brims to wet your bottom lip in taunting appeal. His pretty eyes darkened ever so slightly as if he could read your mind and all the thoughts that were running through your mind right now. How you had anything but the silly little 'afterparty' and learning the men's names that were flirting with your friends for quite some time. Your afterparty consisted of fewer clothes, maybe more liquor, and staying up till the sun was high in the sky and you were kicking him out with a killer migraine and a pleasant thumping between your legs. 
You hummed under your breath, the tension between you two broke as soon as you turned your head to address Izzy. Your cheeks flushed with heat and alcohol. 
"Probably not, early morning you know." You flashed a half-assed apologetic grin. Your left side of your body vibrated with a husky chuckle that came from Graves. His large palm squeezed your hip till his fingers slid to the sensitive crease of where your thigh met your hips. A sharp jolt ran through your system, and your legs tingled with a rush of electricity. Every single cell of you was not overly receptive to the wants and needs of your intoxicated mind. Who could blame you, after all, you're only human. 
  A predator-like grin slid on Graves's lips when he heard your phony excuse for ditching the rest of his boys and your friends for some high-quality alone time at your place. He couldn't blame you, after all, nobody complained when it came to fucking him. He was worth the time of losing sleep and dealing with police for several noise complaints that were made. Ask all the one-night stands and barrack bunnies, they'd rate him five stars on Yelp. He shifted under the warm feeling of your fingers playing with the sliver of skin you allowed yourself to touch while you dealt with the drunken groans and whines of your redheaded friend. Her eyes rolled with dramatics, while the blonde girl beside her huffed and pouted silently. If you dared to smooth your hands up further and to the side, you'd find a glorious little happy trail just waiting to lead you to what you were thinking about the most when you first started dancing with him. 
"But I shouldn't leave you two alone, it wouldn't be right." Your voice quipped, cheeks flushing with embarrassment from being so openly handsy with Graves in front of his and your friends. Hands wringing themselves in your lap, your eyes darted to the faces of the three other men. It was the right thing to do. After all, nobody even introduced themselves to you besides Graves. And that doesn't even count, since it was a slip of the tongue from one of the men. 
"Don't worry about them, darlin'. They don't bite." Graves huffed out, another chuckle leaving his lungs. His head ducked down slightly to send shivers through your spine when he spoke to you. 
"Unless one of these pretty girls asks for it, ain't that right, boss?" The man who was pouring himself another drink when you first arrived to greet the group snarked; sending a few high-pitched giggles from your friends. Their cheeks flushing to match your blush. His teeth, pearly and white flashed in a wicked grin. Brown eyes gleamed with a subtle darkness that made you even more uneasy and unwilling to leave your friends alone with three strangers.
"Knock it off, Ox. Don't scare her. " Graves bit out, his blue eyes flashing in irritation. The grip he had on the crease of your thigh squeezed tighter; surely it would leave marks if he grasped at your plush skin even harder than he already was. "He doesn't mean it darlin', my boys are well-behaved and trained to be gentlemen."
One of the men, lean and blonde with a still giggling Veronica wrapped in his arms, swatted at the man who spoke so brashly. The hit was hard enough to erase the dark look in those brown eyes you were starting to dislike very much. 
"Ox and Graves, your mommas must have hated you to name you that." Izzy giggled again, curling into Veronica's side so she could reach over and finish off the rest of her fruity cocktail. Her tongue hung out of her mouth almost childishly while trying to grasp the sweaty glass in her palm. 
"You could say that, but that's not the case." The blonde-haired man beside her leaned over, pushing a different glass to her. It was filled to the brim with the same fruity drink both girls had been sucking down since they joined the boys for the night. Izzy took it in grateful hands, fruity straw placed between pink lips. "If you want, you can go, unlike these dogs of men that I'm unfortunately acquainted with. I'll make sure they're safe for the rest of the night. I'm the designated driver anyway." His lighter blue eyes swapped over to you, flashing a light charming smile in hopes you'd give up your guard and ignore the red flags of leaving your only two friends in the throes of three men for the night.  
"You sure?" Your eyes rounded in belief. Thanks to the alcohol, it was too easy to trust an all-American looking man such as the man who was smiling and nodding at you. His pointer finger even crossed over his heart, like he was swearing himself to you. 
You let out a sigh in defeat, head shaking back and forth. Red flags were blaring their sirens loud enough to almost drown out the thumping of the bass music and the goodbyes of both the men and your friends from their table. You forced the girls to make some sort of promise to at least text or share their locations for the rest of the night. Then, you let yourself be walked out of the club and to your parked car by Graves. His excuse was only "It was the right thing to do, never know if I'll see you again." The walk back to your car was quiet, it allowed your ears some reprieve from the loud techno beats and constant shrill scream of the DJ's voice in the microphone. 
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Your head tilted up, semi- clear vision lets the stars and moon in the night sky seem even brighter than normal. Although dead stars and a rock in the sky weren't going to captivate your eyes for much time. Under the spaced-out lights of the sidewalk streetlamps, you could finally see the chiseled side profile of the man you had been grinding and dancing with. 
He was far more handsome than what the blue light and flashing neon lights of the club had shown you in quick bursts of color. He was a shadow that encompassed your body with the scent of his cologne and his constant running hands that moved here and there on your body. He didn't even feel solid in your grasp unless he was sitting down and holding you tight to his side with those commanding hands of his. Now under the fluorescent orange lamp lights, he looked like just a man. A man capable of finally being kissed and touched like any man would want to be touched if they were granted the chance. 
"This is me." You said when you both approached your cute cherry red car. The neon lettering of 'Vaqueros' glared cooly onto the sleek body of your ride. Not entirely brand new, but up to date with all the bells and whistles that any fancy shmancy car these days came with. 
You turned on your heel, lower back lightly pressing on your driver's side door just so you could gaze up at Graves who was standing close in your line of sight. Your breath got caught in your throat when his right hand raised from his side. His fingers tucked pieces of your hair behind your ear, while those alluring blue eyes of his flicked down to your lips and then back up to your eyes. "Think I can keep this gentlemanly streak going and kiss you goodnight." His voice uttered deeply. Another flicker of his eyes running up and down your face, had your cheeks flushing with a different kind of heat once again. His hand pressed to the side of your head.
"Only if you ask nicely, and don't bite like your boys say they do." Your head tilted into his cool palm, a welcome difference from the sweet heat your face carried too many times for just him alone. 
His chest rumbled with a drawn-out chuckle. He shifted forward, booted feet taking the few steps forward until he had you now pinned to the uncomfortable curvature of your car door. His breath was still tainted with liquor and something woody had washed over your face. His free hand slid back into its rightful place back onto your hip; his fingers clamping down on soft curves with heavy greed. "Darlin' I usually don't ask or beg women for a kiss, but for you." A breath, his face drawing closer till his lips were only millimeters away from the swell of your own. "I'd get on my knees if you wanted me to." Sure, he was kidding, but for a pretty thing wrapped in his arms at this moment? He had to lead with his dick and not his pride and ego. 
That was more than a green light for you to eliminate whatever little space you had between you too. Your lips pressed onto his own. He tasted of beer and something sharply metal that made your nose wrinkle and lips part in a quick gasp. The reaction was enough to let Graves advance and shove a thick tongue into your mouth, only furthering the strong taste your tastebuds didn't seem to agree with that much. You could ignore that for the fact that your entire body seemed to alight with brilliant electricity when Graves groaned so filthy into your open mouth. The sweeter taste of what you had been drinking, could be compared to straight-up liquid honey. Your tongue twirling around his own between deep kisses, was like giving pure sugar to a diabetic. Euphoric. The man only wanted more. He wanted to know if your cunt tasted just as sweet as your kisses were. 
Both of your hands swiftly felt each other up, wrinkling and tugging at clothing while you both whimpered and groaned into each kiss. Two grown adults kissing like they were back in high school and pent-up virgins who never kissed the opposite sex once in their entire lives. It must look completely inappropriate to the naked eye, but you nor Graves cared. He had just managed to work a thick jean-clad high between your own. The rough fabric pushed your dress hem up, just to let the denim press right against your warm pussy when a loud noise startled you both into pulling apart from the make out session. 
Your head whipped to the side at such a fast turn, that you swore you felt something pop in your vertebrae.
Loud would have been an underestimate of how hard your heart flip-flopped and tried flying out of your mouth from the sound of trashcans and metal banging together from the narrow alleyway that was made up of one part of the Vaqueros building. A broken streetlight, with sparks of orange and red, did nothing to illuminate whatever was the cause for such a commotion in the early hours of the morning.
If you focus hard enough, maybe even squint. You'd see a pair of eyes watching you from the murky blackness of the alleyway shadows. Just watching you like you were a crippled prey animal, and those eyes were your executioner here to take you out. "Maybe that's your cue to get goin'. " Graves whispered into your temple. His breath is still shaky from how hard you both were kissing each other. His words were muddy in your ringing ears, and hyper focused staring at the nothingness in the alley. His spit-slicked lips brushed against the soft curve of your ear. Rough fingers squeezed your hips for the umpteenth time that night. Your lower back responded by arching forward. Your cunt trailing up the length of his thick thigh with such a fluid motion. 
The small touch between your thighs was enough to have you take in a breath and redirect your attention back onto Graves. 
 Heart pounding harder from the jumpscare than the rough touches that you were receiving. Some part of you wanted to offer him to just come over later and put behind the prickles of fear you felt at this moment. The other parts of you had agreed with the male. Your hand blindly pulled on the door handle of your car; ignoring the way that it was unlocked, you smiled sheepishly up to Graves. "Maybe, I'll see you around?"
"Maybe you will, darlin'. Don't miss me too much now." He chuckles huskily. His feet stepped back a few steps, just to allow your door to open and let you slide into the driver's seat. Once situated, he's gracious enough to close your door for you with another dazzling grin of his directed at you. You don't have the heart to tear your eyes off his handsome face, the kiss had you in some sort of buzzed trance of watching him retreat from your car and walk back the way you both came. 
When he's gone and outta sight, blending into the night's shadows and fluorescent orange lamp lights you notice the flash of red out of the corner of your eye. You turn fully to your passenger seat, and a series of emotions overtake your body. Your eyes widen a few inches, brows knitted to sharp points. Your lips are parted in awe or shock at the perfectly blossomed red peony that was sitting delicately on the leather seat. Starking petals glared up at you in the semi-darkness of your car. If you were crazy enough, you would have thought the flower was making fun of you for how it managed to show up in your car in the first place. 
Perhaps you shouldn't be staring at the single flower, but scanning over every single inch of your car to see if something or someone else was hiding in the small interior. Maybe you should be freaking out at the fact someone had managed to unlock your car, without breaking the windows or setting off the alarm, and leaving you just one innocent red peony. Any sane person would have started their car and driven like a bat out of hell away from the bar and back to their house and hid in their bed for the rest of the night. For you, however, the shock hadn't set in just yet. You didn't call 911, didn't scream for Graves to come back, and offered for him to stay with you just for your sanity. What you had done that was probably the most idiotic thing you could have done, however, was pluck up the flower from its resting place. 
The dark green stem held with the tips of your pointer and thumb, your other hand opened your car door while your eyes remained on the bright flower. You then flung the peony away from you, as hard as one could throw a very light flower away from oneself. Your car door slammed shut with a loud bang, your eyes still staring at the flower as it sailed through the still air and plopped onto chipped parking lot tar. Every single petal was still in place, very much undisturbed and picture perfect like it was never even touched. 
Chills ran through your body, cold and suddenly hot. You felt itchy, and uncomfortable in your skin. Suddenly aware of every single hair on your head and the erratic beat of your heart. You felt vulnerable and trapped in the confines of your car. You wanted to burn your fingers just for even touching the wretched little flora. How silly. You must look so mad, wiping your sweaty hands on the wrinkles of your dress till you nearly gave yourself friction burn on your palms. Another wave of chills encapsulated your body as you got your car to start and peel out of the parking lot. The tires squash the flower under its tracks without a care in the world. The eyes you had imagined that were watching you from the alleyway only narrowed at the harsh squeal of rubber against the pavement. The sound bounced off the quiet buildings while you too tried to disappear into the night. 
Not that you ever could. Not from him. Not from those eyes in the alleyway that moved forward, when he was sure you were gone, to reveal Simon that had been lurking and watching you and that .     .  thing the entire time.  His poor precious girl.
Perhaps now, he'll give you a good reason to hide in your bed after all. 
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nicholasscratchh · 2 months ago
A late Night encounter
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Steve Rogers x Reader (Male intended but no pronouns mentioned)
SUMMARY: You come home late from a night out. Steve takes of you.
TW's: Fluff, Alcohol, Brief mention of a fight.
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It was midnight, way past midnight and you had been out with your friends. It was someone's birthday, you can’t quite remember who’s as you had quite a lot of alcohol in your system. Although you had quite a strong tolerance so you weren’t throwing up… and your vision wasn’t quite squiffy… you knew when to stop… You had gone to a gay bar so of course men had bought you drinks, perhaps a little too many. The elevator door dings and you step out, luckily you could still put one foot in front of the other. Walking into the living room of the tower you throw your jacket down onto the sofa raising your arms you stretch, your jaw instinctively opened out as a yawn escapes. A few bones cracking as you stretch.
“Had a good time?” A deep voice echoed from somewhere in the room. It was enough to make you jump, as you look over you can see your boyfriend. Steve Rogers. Sat in a chair, drawing pad and pencil in hand as he looked over to you. He was wearing a wool jumper, it was nice… cozy…. Although you couldn’t help but find it to be a tad scratchy. His expression was unreadable… it usually was… he had learned to express himself a little more… or at least communicate his thoughts and feelings to you a lot more… All thanks to Natasha. 
“Yeah… it was good” he says, blinking away the drowsy feeling suddenly overcoming you.. Although now that you think about it… Why was Steve still awake?... “you’re still awake?” You question, taking a step closer to him. 
“Wanted to make sure you got home safe…” He says, the corner of his mouth twisting up into a small smile. “You didn’t answer your phone?” He questions. His head tilting as a dog would when it finds something curious. Shit. You thought to yourself. It was true. You didn't answer your phone. Pulling it from your pocket you noticed there were a few messages from him checking up on you. 
“Shit im so sorry… I lost track of time and I didn't realise-” You began to ramble on. Trying to justify your actions, he let out a small chuckle… Was that a good thing? You found yourself thinking. 
“It’s okay angel as long as you got home safe…” He smiles radiantly. You didn’t deserve him… you knew you didn’t. “Did you have a good time?” He asked, placing his sketchpad and pencil on a tear by the corner table. Opening his arms slightly.
“Yeah it was good” You smile in relief that he wasn’t mad. Walking over you perch yourself on his lap. His arms wrapping tightly around your waist… as if scared to let you go. “There were a lot of guys who bought us drinks… It was actually really funny. Two of them got into a fight” You giggled, remembering the situation in your head. Steve's jaw clenched slightly, his grip seemed to tighten a tad more. 
“Oh yeah? Who won?” He would ask as he looked up at you as you laid your body against him.
“Not too sure… pretty sure the bouncer kicked them out…” You chuckled as Steve looked up at you. He smiled slightly, looking off at the city skyline for a moment before returning his gaze back to you. 
“So… guys bought you drinks huh…” he questioned… you knew this would be a sensitive topic… but one that had to happen. 
You slowly turned to face him, swallowing the lump in your throat “yeah… sorry… nothing happened i mean… they knew… at least i think they did… but… sorry… should i have not accepted them?” You questioned… dating was still a relatively new topic to you. He chuckled slightly, closing his eyes as he did so. 
“It’s okay… I don't mind…” He said, calming your nerves. He really was a saint. “Although you’ll have to let me buy you a drink sometimes… a proper one… at a proper bar… none of that techno club nonsense.” He smiled leaning up at you… You're surprised he hadn’t tried anything yet… Most men would jump at the chance of having a drunk person in their lap… but Steve was different… he was a real man. 
“An old fashioned?” You teased, causing him to chuckle once more.
“Exactly.” He gazed at you for a moment before sighing. “Come on then sweetheart… bed time…” he spoke softly as he picked you up with ease, his arms securely wrapped around you as he led you into your bedroom. It was a mess… you had left it so before you left. He took one look at it and then looked at you as you hid your face into his chest to hide the embarrassment. He let out a slight chuckle before saying nothing about it, turning around and walking towards his room. Placing you gently down onto the neatly made bed. He walked over to his wardrobe pulling out one of his jumpers, he threw it at you jokingly. You grabbed it as it wrapped around your face… you couldn’t help but smile. “Do you want me to get you some pajama bottoms from your room… mine will be way too big” he asks, his back turned to you as you begin stripping off. 
“I won’t need them.” You smirked, crawling to the end of the bed… you must have had more alcohol than you realised, Steve turned around and saw you shirtless… kneeling at the end of his bed… looking up at him… His face immediately went a shade of red. He wasn’t sure what to say. “Come here…” You smirked, he hesitantly walked over, reaching out you took his forearm. Pulling him closer your second hand gripped his joggers, about to pull them down he suddenly got hold of both of your hands. 
“No sweetheart…”  he said in his captain voice… looking down at you. “You’re drunk…”
“I don’t mind…” you would smirk shamelessly. 
“I do… come one.” He looked at you sternly. “Get under the covers. Come on.” He ordered. You gaze at him for a moment before rolling your eyes. Reluctantly pulling back his bed sheets and climbing underneath.
“Yes captain.” You teased, knowing his nickname would get him all hot and bothered, it took him a moment before he began changing. Of course you got a peak at what he hid underneath his shirt. Soon he climbed in next to you, wrapping a protective arm around you. Leaning in he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Goodnight my love.”
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deadqueerboys · 9 months ago
I would love to write for C!Techno the problem is what kind of content I write..
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suzukis-posts · 11 months ago
𝗛𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 - 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗧𝗧 𝗣𝗜𝗟𝗚𝗥𝗜𝗠
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Heterocurious!Scott Pilgrim x Gay!Male!Reader
𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔: Menciones y efectos de alcohol, masturbación mutua, sexo semi público, engaño, NSFW en general.
Mientras los ritmos palpitantes de la música techno resonaban en la casa de Julie, Scott se encontró mirando al hermano mayor de Ramona. Scott estaba on la mirada fija en ti, estabas bebiendo un cóctel rojo brillante. Ligeramente borracho por demasiados brebajes alcohólicos estabas en un mar de hormonas alimentadas por la atmósfera de fiesta.
Scott sintió una atracción desconocida hacia ti, a pesar de ser heterosexual hasta este momento de su vida no podía evitar sentir cierta atracción curiosa hacía tu persona en general. Ramona no estaba a la vista alrededor de Scott, probablemente estaba bebiendo con Kim algo de tequila mexicano, así que no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que sus caminos se cruzaran mientras se abrían paso entre la multitud de personas las cuales estaban bailando música de la época.
── Hola. ── Murmuró Scott suavemente cerca de tu oído, esto debido al volumen de la música mientras se rozaban.
Un sutil olor a perfume barato mezclado con cuerpos sudorosos asaltó las fosas nasales de Scott al acercarse a tu cuerpo con la misma brusquedad. El olor pareció intensificar algún deseo secreto que había estado latente dentro de él. Dudó pero se lanzó hacia adelante de todos modos más cerca de tu cuerpo, aferrándose a una audacia que ni siquiera sabía que existía dentro de él.
── ¿Quieres tomar un poco de aire? Escuché que hay un balcón aquí. ── Un sonrojo apareció en tus mejillas al oír a Scott, la proximidad en la cuál estaba Scott causó cierto cosquilleo en ti.
Asientes vacilante, no sabiendo como sentirte en estos momentos debidos a los efectos del alcohol, sintiendo la inusual atracción de Scott y sin oponerse exactamente a la idea. Ambos subieron una escalera de caracol poco iluminada y adornada con unos pequeños grafitis hasta que finalmente llegaron al balcón donde el aire frío de la noche los recibió.
Los brillantes letreros de neón del centro de Toronto parpadeaban en su periferia mientras se apoyaban en la barandilla de hierro forjado, con los rostros apartados el uno del otro pero sus miradas atraídas hacia ella.
El corazón de Scott latía salvajemente dentro de su pecho como si lo instase a perseguir este anhelo secreto que había estado cargando dentro de su cuerpo. ── Tú... no quiero forzarte a nada, pero... ── Se detuvo sin estar seguro de hasta dónde había llegado. Estaba dispuesto a aventurarse por este curioso camino.
Un suave suspiro escapó de tus labios, ya suponías esta pequeña invitación, murmuras un suave ── Continúa. ── Alentado por esta ligera aceptación de insinuaciones que no deberían ocurrir entre él y tú, comparten un momento de borrachera en una de las fiestas infestadas de Julie, Scott se mostró más audaz.
── Yo simplemente... no puedo alejar mis pensamientos de tí... desde que te vi por primera vez sentí una especie de... sentimiento en mi cuerpo. ── Las palabras flotaron en el aire de la noche mientras Scott sentía que sus mejillas ardían más a cada segundo.
Se sentía realmente confundido, no sabía si debía sentirse bien, mal o aliviado con respecto a su confesión. Scott se consideraba heterosexual y realmente amaba a Ramona pero se sentía realmente extraño o curioso cada vez que te veía.
Se obligó a mirar en tu dirección y observa una mezcla de curiosidad, sorpresa y tal vez incluso emoción parpadeando dentro de tus ojos que parecían tan misteriosos en medio de la tenue iluminación.
Acortas ligeramente la distancia entre él hasta que sus cuerpos están a centímetros de distancia. ── Tal vez... deberíamos intentar algo. Si es que es así como te sientes. ── A pesar de que estabas borracho, ambos eran conscientes de lo electrizante que se sentía esta conexión física.
Scott sintiendo un entusiasmo arrastrándose en tu comportamiento, se acercó aún más hasta que sus labios finalmente se encontraron con tus labios en un suave beso, era suave, cálido y provocativo con la tentación suficiente para avivar aún más sus deseos.
Mientras te inclinabas más profundamente hacia el beso de Scott, una inesperada ola de necesidad lo invadió. Tus manos encontraron su camino alrededor del cuello de Scott y tiraron juguetonamente, una clara señal de que querías más de este extraño afecto cuya mera presencia había provocado hambre secreta en lo más profundo de tu cuerpo.
Sintiéndose envalentonado por la respuesta que estaba recibiendo Scott por tu parte, su pasión se hizo más feroz; sus propias manos se movieron hacia arriba para cubrir la parte posterior de tu cabeza mientras se presionaba más contra ti, vertiendo cada pedacito de deseo en su beso que gradualmente se volvió insaciablemente caliente.
Mientras se alejaban jadeando por respirar, compartieron una mirada rebosante con pensamientos no expresados, pensamientos que prometían mucho más que una simple conexión fugaz.
No sabías como sentirte al respecto, sabías que Scott estaba saliendo con tu hermana Ramona pero él sentía esta curiosidad por el deseo de experimentar contigo.
Querías más y él también.
La electricidad entre ambos se intensificó, dejándolos ansiosos por explorar más.
Sin ningún reconocimiento verbal, te inclinas más cerca del oído de Scott, tu aliento era cálido y embriagador mientras susurrabas sensualmente. ── Quiero mostrarte algo.
Llevas a Scott de la mano hacia una de las habitaciones vacías de Julie. La habitación estaba llena de cojines, débilmente iluminados por la luz parpadeante; era perfecto para lo que tenías en mente.
Te hundes sobre una pila de cojines de felpa antes de tirar de Scott a tu lado hasta que estuvieron muslo con muslo. Sus ojos se encontraron con los tuyos, rebosantes de lujuria cruda que ahora era inconfundible.
Los ojos de Scott recorrieron tu cuerpo, deteniéndose en la suave extensión de piel revelada por tu camiseta ligeramente desordenada. No pudo evitar sentir un anhelo tácito por lo que había debajo de esos jeans tuyos, un deseo que sabía que no debería existir entre tú y él.
Como si leyeras sus pensamientos, frotas suavemente el muslo de Scott; la caricia provocadora lo hizo estremecerse de deseo mientras enviaba una ráfaga de calor recorriendo sus venas. Scott gimió suavemente cuando tu mano se movió por encima de su muslo, el calor que irradiaba lo hizo desear más contacto. Se acercó y dudó por una fracción de segundo antes de pasar delicadamente sus dedos a lo largo de la suave curva de tu cadera de a través del material de mezclilla que la cubría, una tentadora vista previa de lo que realmente quería sentir contra su piel.
El corazón de Scott latía salvajemente mientras sus dedos se deslizaban hacia abajo, finalmente enganchándose debajo de la cintura de tus jeans. La sensación de tu cálida piel suave contra su palma lo hizo gemir profundamente, una acción que te llevó a inclinarte y besarlo apasionadamente mientras acercabas a Scott a tu brazo.
Tus manos comenzaron a vagar libremente sobre el cuerpo del otro con un hambre voraz que rayaba en la desesperación; La ropa se descartaba sin ningún cuidado real por la discreción, a medida que se perdían cada vez más en sus crecientes pasiones.
Scott se encontró deleitando con la vista de tu pecho, tus contornos brillando bajo la luz de la ligera luz que emitía la lámpara. Scott, sin mucho apuro, pasó sus dedos por tu hebras de cabello húmedo que cubrían tu ligero rostro sudado antes de arrastrar sus manos hacia tus abdominales que temblaban con cada respiración entrecortada.
Te acercas aún más a Scott, juntando sus cuerpos ligeramente desnudos. El intenso calor generado por la excitación de Scott era innegable ahora, prácticamente quemó el aire a su alrededor mientras Scott se apoyaba contra tu cuerpo. Como si estuvieran controlados por alguna fuerza invisible, sus dedos comenzaron a explorar más hacia abajo hasta que alcanzaron el objetivo final del deseo: tu erección ya endurecida que se liberó de tu prisión de mezclilla y se frotó con entusiasmo contra la propia longitud hinchada de Scott.
Con un gemido de placer que sonó casi de dolor, Scott bajó la cabeza para succionar uno de tus pezones tensos, su boca lo reclamaba con tal necesidad y urgencia que no pudo evitar imaginar cuánto mejor sabría.
Dejas escapar un suspiro tembloroso cuando la lengua de Scott pasó por tu pezón provocativamente antes de envolverlo por completo. Arqueas tu espalda ante el tacto, sintiendo una explosión de placer dispararse directamente a tu ingle, donde ambos miembros se frotaban entre sí en círculos rítmicos; cada frote iba acompañada de un gemido que escapaba desde lo más profundo del interior de Scott.
El olor a sudor mezclado con almizcle llenó el aire entre ambos mientras sus caderas se frotaban implacablemente una contra la otra buscando una fricción que acercara aún más ambos clímax. Scott no pudo resistir más: sus manos se movieron aún más abajo hasta que se envolvieron alrededor de tu duro eje, mientras su pulgar acariciaba la sensible hendidura en tu punta.
Un escalofrío recorrió tu espalda mientras echabas la cabeza hacia atrás con un jadeo de éxtasis, entregándote por completo a este acto salvaje de lujuria apasionada.
Tu propia mano encontró su camino hacia la palpitante longitud de Scott que pulsaba ansiosamente contra tí, tus dedos se entrelazaron y comenzaron a moverse juntos en un ritmo cada vez más frenético que reflejaba sus corazones acelerados.
A medida que se perdían más en este abrazo desinhibido, lleno sólo de un deseo puro por los cuerpos del otro, ambos pudieron sentir algo sorprendente creciendo en lo más profundo de ellos: una explosión esperando justo en el borde antes de derramarse como una fuerza incontrolable que ninguno de los dos había experimentado nunca en el exterior. Sus propias fantasías solitarias hasta esta noche bajo el techo de Julie, muy por encima de las luces de la ciudad de Toronto que parpadean muy por debajo de ellos.
Scott jadeó bruscamente cuando su orgasmo estalló repentinamente con tal ferocidad que amenazó con consumirlo por completo. Agarró tu eje con más fuerza, acercando tu erección contra él mientras chorros de esperma caliente estallaban en cuerdas que pintaban sus cuerpos y cojines a su alrededor, un testimonio de la cruda pasión que los había llevado a ambos al límite en un bruma de puro éxtasis.
Un segundo después, sientes una rigidez en respuesta, gimiendo fuerte mientras derramabas tu propia semilla sobre la mano y el abdomen de Scott mientras enterrabas tu rostro profundamente en el cuello de Scott, jadeando pesadamente como si acabaras de correr una maratón.
Cuando su respiración comenzó a disminuir, Scott se acercó suavemente a tu cuerpo apoyándose cómodamente en una de tus extremidades sudorosas; Se sentía como si acabaran de compartir una experiencia mucho más intensa que la que cualquier simple acto físico podría ofrecer. Con un suspiro de satisfacción, Scott acarició con sus dedos tu cabello húmedos de tu cabeza, un pequeño gesto de afecto que parecía perfectamente adecuado para el tierno momento en el que se encontraban atrapados.
Mientras Scott miraba tu rostro sonrojado, no pudo evitar desear más. El deseo que se había desatado entre tú y él era ahora más fuerte que nunca; quería probar cada centímetro tu cuerpo desnudo y enterrarse profundamente dentro de él, reclamándolo de la manera más íntima posible. Tomando suavemente tu nuca, Scott bajó la cabeza y devoró tu boca en un beso ardiente lleno de hambre cruda; su lengua se hundió ansiosamente para explorar cada grieta hasta que ambos quedaron sin aliento.
Scott se apartó ligeramente del beso, mirándote a los ojos con una intensidad que no dejaba lugar a malas interpretaciones.
── Te necesito. ── Susurró Scott con voz ronca mientras sus manos comenzaban a recorrer tu cuerpo una vez más, esta vez trazando un camino hacia tus muslos extendidos ante él.
No pudo resistir más; Agachándose con cuidado sobre sus rodillas entre tus piernas, se inclinó hacia adelante para presionar un suave beso contra tu erección palpitante que todavía goteaba semen y deseo. Con una mano alrededor de él suavemente, Scott te mira través de párpados pesados llenos de intención lujuriosa mientras murmuraba seductoramente ── Déjame montarte...
Respiras hondo ante la petición de Scott, tus ojos brillaban de deseo mientras contemplabas la hermosa vista que se desarrollaba ante ti. Incapaz de resistir más, lentamente abres más las piernas mientras te levantabas ligeramente, una invitación que Scott no podía ignorar.
Subiendo suavemente a bordo, Scott se colocó entre tus muslos hasta que ambos miembros rozaban ligeramente; Por un momento vertiginoso, simplemente se miraron el uno al otro, perdidos en un intenso intercambio de deseo y anticipación antes de finalmente Scott se alineará, listo para montarte. Ambos suentan un gemido de satisfacción.
Cuando sus cuerpos se fusionaron, Scott comenzó a montarte a un ritmo lento que fue ganando velocidad constantemente a medida que sus caderas se movían más y más rápido. El placer fue abrumador: recorrió cada nervio con sensaciones exquisitas que nunca quiso que terminaran. Gimió profundamente mientras se hundía más en tu erección enterrada dentro de él; apretándolo con fuerza, queriendo más de lo que se sentía tan increíblemente bien.
Tus dedos se clavaron en la cintura de Scott mientras lo observas moverse encima de ti; su propio clímax ya se estaba construyendo constantemente. ── Mierda, sí... móntame más rápido... ── Jadeas y gruñes con voz ronca, tu voz estaba llena de deseo crudo que coincidía con cada movimiento de Scott.
Cada vez más cerca del borde del éxtasis, Scott comenzó a empujar aún más rápido hasta que su piel se unió húmedamente a la tuya en una embriagadora mezcla de sudor y arousal a su alrededor como una niebla sensual.
── A-Ah~ _______, mmm.. más r-rápido... ── El orgasmo de Scott se estrelló sobre él con tal fuerza que lo dejó momentáneamente sin aliento, cada músculo de su cuerpo se apretó con fuerza alrededor de ti, ordeñandolo con fuerza hasta que otra ola de placer lo invadió y estalló una vez más, cubriendo ambos.
El abdomen de Scott estaba cubierto por su propio esperma caliente. Perdido en esta neblina eufórica, Scott se desplomó sobre ti enterrando su rostro profundamente en el hueco de tu cuello mientras su corazón latía salvajemente al igual que el tuyo, conectados no solo por el deseo sino también por algo más profundo, más crudo; algo que desafiaba cualquier intento de explicación.
Aunque sabía que esto no era más que un fugaz encuentro en la fiesta de Julie y podría haber sido fruto de la lujuria alimentada por el alcohol, por ahora, ambos chicos estaban perdidos en esta burbuja donde los deseos habían chocado y entrelazado de manera tan inesperada.
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lavenlady · 3 months ago
Sorry that I was not active lately.
For that I decided to write Oneshots! You can request here and I will publish here the said oneshots. Rules down below!
↪︎The Rules↩︎
First thing first is to say what I will write :
- I mostly prefer Cybertronian/robot readers but you can ask away about humans, techno-organics ect.
-the readers personality can be based on another character like : a reader like opposite personality of 'character' or the identical personality like 'character'
- I do canon x canon, readers x canon, canon x reader x canon, or canon vs canon x reader or even canon x canon vs reader.
- reader can be either female, male, non-binary or whatever, just specify.
- cybertronian/robot reader must have specified alt-mode, or like in transformers animated, warframe , civilian frame or similar to these.
- I can write fluff, angst, romantic/platonic relation ships and yandere ones.
- the chosen character can have lima syndrome ( captor grows a fondness of prisoner/victim and fells sympathetic for them, at leat what i think it is ) or stockholm syndrome( the prisoner/victim grows sympathetic for their captor )
- My headcanons for picked characters  : nsfw, yandere or sfw it doesn't really matter.
-Murder will be quite present, bc in most continuities there is war so there is death, but can be paired with yanderes too.
- there can be allowed for children/ teenagers to have a puppy crush on a character, but only as admiration.
-there can be a part 2, 3 and so on requested to a oneshot.
- there can be requested art to picture the reader
What I will be reluctant to write :
- Non-con/dub-con will be mostly paired with yanderes( i think), but oh well everyone has some fantasies.
(But I will be reluctant to write said scene).
- humanformers, i find it quite troublesome.
- oc x canon / reader, only with a careful explanation and references to know what the oc looks like.
Will never EVER write :
- proships or child x adult things, only platonic ones, and please no teenager x cybertronian, as teenager is still not an adult.( There can be no lower then 18 years old in human years that are requested to have a romantic relationship with cybertronians. )
-I know well : transformers animated, transformers prime, transformers one, transformers bay movies.
- I hardly know : transformers earthspark(1 season), transformers g1, transformers Unicron trilogy( Armada, Cybertron, Energon ), transformers Netflix series, transformers cyberverse.
-I know nothing of / will have to watch or research : transformers Idw, transformers Lostlight, transformers Beastwars.
- I have just started : Metalcardbot, Brave Police J-decker, The Brave of Gold Goldran.
All of the above are the same rules for drawing. :3
(Last edited on 18 December 2024)
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sunny6677 · 2 years ago
The Drunken Night.
A Streber X Male! Reader.
SUMMARY: Y/N bumps into a drunk Streber on the street while walking during the middle of the night, in the month of February, on the day of the 14th, in 2013.
The black-covered sky shone down with specks of stars, gleaming above the small town. The stars were burning, shining, millions of light years away as they glimmering in the midnight sky. It was midnight, yet even so, most of the town remained awake. It was because tonight had been a special night, a most important night. It was the night of February 14th, 2013. Valentines Day. Ah, how wondrous! The day of love had passed, and the night of love was beginning to proceed.
Beneath the night sky had been a side street, where blaring lights were aglow. Each and every one of them illuminated on the walls of other buildings, and onto the ground as well, giving it a yellowish tint. The air was cold, chilling. Loud muffled techno music played from inside of a building, and multi-color lights flickered to different colors every few seconds. The night of love had just begun, and the night of love would continue for only a few hours before proceeding to the normal morning.
A figure then stepped out of the wooden door frame, and closed the door behind themselves. The figure sighed, barely leaning against the door with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion clinging to their face.
They blinked, their gaze half-lidded as they stared up at the door head for a brief moment, bathing in the air of the light pollution which had made the stars appear invisible to the eyes of a human being. It was unfortunate, how humanity wasn't physically capable enough to see the specks of light through the light which polluted the air.
The figure had been Y/N, a male in his 20s. He had only come to the blaring, glowing, multi-color lighted building interior for a short time to have some fun on a night of which he would be alone.
But the loud music of which made it feel like his ears were bleeding, and the smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and a sweet vanilla scent that he couldn't quite place was too overwhelming for him to bare. And so, he led himself out after being nearly trampled by the multiple people surrounding him. There were just so many people. Just so many. Why on earth were there so many?
Of course, he knew the answer. It was Valentines Day, and most wanted to celebrate it in their own way. Some would spend the night with their lover inside of their home and most likely cuddled up on the couch, some would take their lover out to a resturant, some would take their lover to the most expensive date they would ever pay for in their life.
But he knew that of course, some would prefer to spend the night of love in a club. Even if he didn't exactly understand why. He had been thinking about having himself some Tequila or maybe a good shot of Vodka, but the overwhelming presence of the club was enough to want to make him leave. Perhaps it was a good decision to not get wasted or tipsy, especially at night.
Sighing, he walked down the short gray concrete stairs, and began to walk around the concrete street which had been littered with random garbage, such as random wrappers of snacks and occasionally unfinished food. 'Forget this,' he thinks, 'I'm just gonna get a snack somewhere and then I'll go back home. I already wanna go home anyway.'
As he walked down the street, he took in the presence of the dim yet lit streetlights, which had been making the darkened space a lot more brighter than it actually was. He had to admit, he felt a little unsafe in such an environment, to the point of quickening his pace a little as he stuffed his hands inside of his pockets. He had been wearing a fuzzy jacket with a line of fur on the hoodie, since he did not wish to freeze on such an unbearable and cold night.
As he continued to walk foward, he spotted what looked to be another figure limping and dragging their hand against the walls of the buildings they were walking next to. He tilted his head, a flinch of concern filling his head as he slowed down his pace and looked at the person. The figure seemed weirdly familiar. The outline of the hair, the short height, the little mannerisms.. did he know this person?
Walking closer, he stopped in his tracks completely to get a better look at the person, incase he really did know them. He squinted, barely making out their appearance in the darkened atmosphere of the night. But as he looked harder, he realized.. he did know the person. His eyes widened, and his breathing quickened a little in surprise. The fluffy hair which had a small fleck at the bottom, the red glasses, the worryingly pale skin.. it had been..
Y/N utters, taking a cautious step closer as he reaches out a hand. The figure stops, and looks at him with half-lidded eyes that held an exhausted feeling. The figure then smiles, recognition flaring in their gaze. "Y/N.. its you.."
Surely enough, it is Streber. It wasnt hard to tell, even in such a dark atmosphere which had been stained with the black cold aura of the night. He(Streber) gave off a smell, mixed in with the sweet and slightly sour scent of candy of which he had probably recently eaten, the scent of the familiar scent of books which had probably been from the comics he would constantly read, the unfamiliar scent he would rarely give off which smelt rancid and stale.. it was coming from his breath, which obviously meant he consumed something, or drank something even.
Y/N approached, his eyes glazed with confusion and worry as he takes a few steps closer. "Dude, are you okay?" He asked, worry sinking into his chest as he holds out a hand. Streber took one step closer, and before either of them knew it, his body nearly plummeted towards the ground.
Y/N yelped in surprise, and sprung to action immediately, sinking to the ground and lifting his arms underneath Strebers, lifting him up before he can fall. Y/N looked at him, unease settling in his gaze as he stared down at him. "Wha—What happened?" Y/N stammers, bringing Streber a bit closer.
Streber hummed a hum of euphoric madness, letting out giggles of pure enjoyment as he unsteadily tilted his head around as if he were a bobblehead. "No—Nothin' happened, silly.. I'm fine.. heheheh.." He chuckled, his eyes half-lidded and his gaze barely remaining stable as he stared up at Y/N. As he continued to chuckle, Y/N spoke in a concerned tone, "Are—Are you drunk?"
"No, you're drunk!" Streber said in response, pointing towards Y/N accusingly with a mischevious grin. After a second of silence, he then bursts into a hysterical fit of laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—" Streber frantically says, his tone sounding almost as if he's choking with laughter, snickering to himself as he waves a hand, physically gesturing in some form of apologizing.
Y/N chuckles a little too, though it's more nervous than anything. Y/N slides beside Streber, putting a hand on his shoulder, as Streber desperately tries to muffle his laughter with his hand. "Dude, are you sure you're okay?" Y/N asks again, amusement still in his tone, though concern was still present.
"Yeah, yeah.. I'm fiinnne.. I'm so finnee..." Streber replies, gesturing with his hands in an exaggerated manner as he keeps nearly leaning down to the point of falling each second. "I'm fine.. lemme show you.." Streber then walks foward, and lazily swings his hand upward, before gripping his hand around Y/N's hand, and shaking it. "Hi, I'm fine.. nice to meet you.." After saying that, Streber yet again bursts into hysterical laughter, wheezing a little as he nearly falls on his knees from the sheer force of laughter.
Y/N laughs, a little nervous because of Streber nearly falling every minute or so. "Oh, c'mon now.." Y/N says, smiling in an amused way as he stares down at Streber. "I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry.." Streber says, composing himself a little as he tries to stand up. After seconds of silence, he then bursts into uncontained fits of laughter again. Y/N laughs too, saying, "C'mon, man.. its not that funny."
"Yes—yes..! Yes it is, shut up!.." Streber sharply says back with a mischevious smile, his tone sounding slurred. He then snickers again, and says, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. oh, man.. heheheh.." Y/N raises a brow, an amused smile forming on his face, "Alright, alright.. I think I need to get you home." Y/N comments, sliding behind him with a glint of worry still in his eyes.
"Noooo.. no, I don't.." Streber slowly replies, turning around and facing Y/N with a sassy gesture of his hand. "I'm fineeee..! I can.. *hic*.. I can get home by myself.." Streber puts a hand on his hip, his breath smelling almost sour as he speaks. Y/N cringes at the smell, but he only chuckles softly. "Oh really now?" Y/N raises a brow. "Yeah.. so don't.. don't doubt me, alright? I can.. *hic*.. I can do this on my own.. I can.. I can walk for miles, alright? You see here—" Streber grins, boasting. "Mhm.." Y/N smirks.
"Watch, watch, watch—" "Heh.. alright, okay." Streber gestures with his hands while grinning in a cocky fashion, as Y/N only watches with a raised brow, having an amused look to his face. Streber then swiftly turns around, wobbling from side to side. He then begins to walk foward, and for a few seconds, he makes it! Foward, foward, foward, foward he goes! But then.. yet again, his body leans down, and he nearly tumbles towards the ground. Though Y/N, like he has been for the past few minutes, manages to swoop in and save him from falling. He takes him back into his arms, holding Strebers arms with his own.
Streber lazily smiles, as if hypnotized. "Heheh.. alright, I think it's time we get you home, bud. You seem pretty hammered." Y/N smirks, pulling him a little closer as he stands behind him. "No, no—" "Yes—" "No, no, I'm fine—I'm so fine—" "C'mon, no, no, you're not—" "I'm fine, Y/N.. leave.. leave me 'lone.." "No, no, you're not. Cmon.." The two bickered back and forth, as Y/N held his shit-eating grin the entire time, it remained plastered on his face even with Strebers constant refusals.
Finally, Streber gives in. "You know what.. fiiiine.. take me home.. whateverr.." Streber slurs, crossing his arms. Y/N softly chuckles, and merely says, "Heheh.. alright." Y/N then lifts Streber up into his arms, up, up! And he then cradles him, carrying him almost bridal-style as he holds him in his skinny/slim/muscled/chubby arms. "Let's get you home now, buddy.." Y/N utters with a smirk, cradling Streber close. "Heheheh.. I like.. you know, I like it when you call me that.. your voice sounds so.. so nice when you call me that." Streber smiles drunkenly, with squinting eyes of sheer happiness. "Heh.. oh really? Well, thanks, buddy." Y/N smiles, holding Streber a bit closer to his chest.
"Heheh.. you said it again.." Streber grins, his voice sounding a little high pitched.
Y/N chuckles, "Alright, let's go.."
Y/N had decided to carry Streber to his car, and decided to transport him back home that way. Though he would probably assist him inside too, so he wouldn't accidentally fall while trying to get back into his house. He stuffed him inside of the backseat, carefully sitting him down onto its plastic cold light gray surface. Y/N smirks as Streber rambles on about something unintelligible that he can't quite make out. "Mhm.. sure.." Y/N nods, not understanding a word of what he's saying.
As Y/N sits him down, he slowly begins to slip himself out, so he can go to sit in the driver's seat area, and drive Streber home safely. But before he can, he feels the sensation of touch form onto the back of his body, and he is then pulled closer. After glancing around in confusion, he processes the visuals he's faced with. Strebers face, inches away from his, and smelling of stale alcoholic scents.
"Heheheh.. no, no, dont go yet.. i want you to stay like this, i want.. *hic*.. heheh, i want you to come and sit with me.." Streber smirks while saying it in an almost whining tone, holding Y/N close as he looks up at him from where he's sitting. A fuzzy sensation forms onto Y/Ns cheeks as he looks at Streber with slightly widened eyes. "Bu—Buddy, I gotta drive.." Y/N protests softly, barely managing to slightly nudge Strebers arms off of him. "No.. no, you dont.. we can just sit here.. heheh.. alone.." Streber giggles, his gaze half-lidded as he stares up at Y/N still.
Y/N gulps, feeling a sensation he can't quite describe form onto his cheeks as he stares ahead.
"Buddy, I gotta drive, I gotta get you home.. I'll make it up to you when I get you home, okay?" Y/N says, in an attempt to persuade Streber to let him into the driver's seat. "Oh, fiinnneee... fine..." Streber utters, his tone still slurred. He then pauses. And smirks playfully once more. "Heheheh.. I like looking at you like this." Streber says, slightly rubbing Y/Ns back a little as he stares at him. Y/N feels a chill run up his spine as he feels the sensation.
Y/N only utters, "Alright.." He then finally let's himself out of the backseat area, and shuts the car door, watching as Streber says something unintelligible as he sits in the backseat with a glazed and tired look in his eye. Whatever he drank must have really influenced his behavior if he was behaving.. like this.
Y/N only sighs, and opens the door to the drivers seat, sliding himself in. Ignoring Strebers drunken words for a few moments, he starts up the motor, and places his hands on the wall, gripping at its circular shape. He then turns it, and begins to drive.
"Heyy.. thats the.. thats the thing I was at earlier.."
Y/N looked out the window, curious as to whatever Streber had been talking about as he rambled nonstop from the backseat. He then snickered a little upon processing what it was. He only drove past it for a brief moment, but it was a dark brown building with a few glass windows on the bottom, and a sign that simply read, "Jazzy Drinks". It had been a jazz club that had a bar inside of its interior, Y/N had seen it before and recognized it from a few of his drives. He heard muffled saxophone and piano music play from inside as he drove past, and chuckled.
"Oh, so you were drunk, huh?" Y/N teasingly says. "Nooo..." Streber denies, sounding almost whiney. Y/N chortle softly to himself, before asking in a soft and amused tone, "What were you even doing in a bar with a bunch of jazz music anyway?"
"Hey, it wasn't a bar, it was a jazz club!.." Streber sassily says back, "I just.. I just had a few drinks, that's all." Y/N snickers again, saying, "So you were drunk?" Streber yet again yells in a slurred manner, "No—Noooo!.. I just had a few drinks, I had some.. some weird clear water lookin' thingy, and it kinda tasted like shit at first, but.. *hic*.. it got good as I drank it more, heheh.."
Y/N chuckles more, this time, it turns into full blown laughter for a moment as he hides his joyful face with his hand. "Hey, don't laughhhh.." Streber whines, leaning foward in the backseat with a slightly hurt expression. "Oh, oh.. I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry. Heheh.." Y/N apologizes, looking at Streber in the rear view mirror. He sighs, and says, "I believe you.."
"Really?" Streber speaks in a slurred, yet excited manner, as if relieved Y/N believed him.
Y/N holds back a snicker, and says, "Yeah, really.."
"Awww.. thank—thank you, dude.." Streber says, tilting his head slightly.
After a few seconds went by, Streber suddenly speaks in a slightly lowered tone, "You know.. I was thinkin' of you the whole time.. wh—while.. while I was in there."
Y/N goes quiet, feeling the fuzzy sensation form on his face yet again. "Really?" He says back, smirking nervously.
"Mhm.." Streber nods with a half-lidded stare, "I was.. I was thinkin' of how much I wanted to see you, and how hhhaaandsome you were.." Streber slurs, tilting his head with a drunken smirk as he continued to stare into the rear view mirror. The two of them made eye contact in the rear view mirror, though Y/N immediately looked away and tried to focus on the road, feeling a pit of nervousness rise in his chest all of the sudden.
"Heheh.. I really.. I missed you.. y'know? *hic*" Streber hiccups, leaning foward with a sleepy grin as Y/N continued to drive. Y/N stopped before red lights on the street, shimmering lights gleaming into the glass windows as the clicking sounds of the cars mechanics were heard.
Nervously, Y/N says with a slight chuckle, "Streber, you saw me a day ago."
"Mmm.. I knoww.. that doesn't mean I.. don't.. doesn't mean I didn't miss you any less though.." Streber smiles, a half-lidded gaze on his face.
Y/N glances off to the side, looking out the window. He felt his heart physically melt at those words. He responds, "Well.. I missed you too."
"Heheh? Reallyyy?..." Streber asks eagerly, his sleepy smile growing more exhausted as he tilts his head.
"...yeah." Y/N replies.
It then goes silent for a few seconds, before Streber chuckles. "I love you.." He says, his voice sounding very tired.
Y/N paused, feeling his heartbeat begin to grow a little faster.
Y/N sighs.
"I love you too." He replies, before simply driving foward when the green lights finally came on.
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brights-place · 1 year ago
If i can request. Can i request a floyd x male rock troll or techno troll reader headcanons
And maybe his brother’s reaction to it I’ve just been obsessed with floyd being with different types of trolls
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Floyd dating a Male! ROCK S/O
Pairings: Floyd X Reader
Warnings: Floyd being an cutie patootie, Fluff
A/N: OMG YESSS ROCK TROLLS ARE SO NEHFBERHSVBNAIWB I LOVE THIS OKAY OKAY OKAY! I'm an Goth person but I LOVE Rock and lots of other music genres Rock and Metal is one of them so I was excited for this request! I hope you like these! I did this for fun and I enjoyed it so much thank you for the request lovely! <33
- FUCK YESSS ROCK N ROLLLL!!!! - OKAY I'M LIKE SCREAMING FOR THIS REQUEST ANYWAY! HOPE YOU ENJOY LOVELIES! - Rock trolls were known for well their history and one of them was working with Barb for the rock apocalypse and were also known for their music wit some trolls saying "Rock n Roll and Metal is all noise and screaming!” which was half right and wrong but was also stupid stereotypes -  Rock trolls looked like pop trolls but they have more fierce looks. Rock trolls clothing is often tattered, and they commonly have piercings and heavy black makeup. Most Rock Trolls favor dark colors such as grey, dull blue and black, as well as the occasional white and bright red. Their noses are usually arrowhead-shaped, and their ears have a sharper point, which is a defining trait of their Tribe - And the fact they were more wilder looking terrified some trolls yet were interested - Floyd was traveling to 'find himself' after his argue with brozone and ended up to rock volcano city to check out different genres and ended up at an concert which you were apart of.
- Floyd saw you when you were playing with the other rock trolls singing loudly and happily while playing your instrument with an huge smile
- He was invested in the music but also Invested in you... your wild appearance your smile and many piercings along with your tattoos made him feel lured in as he was close to the stage staring at you most of the time
- Blushed when you winked at him while playing your instrument and was attracted more to the music and how you maintained eye contact with him while some rock trolls snickered at floyd and his blushing face
- Once the show was done barb introduced herself to Floyd and introduced you to floyd as you greeted him with an smile before winking at floyd who blushed looking away pushing his hair behind his ear while staring at you - When Barb dragged floyd around to show him more of rock culture you were walking behind the group listening to your music as floyd soon walked over smiling at you shyly "hey your (name) right?" "Oh yeah" you said taking out an earphone as he blushed
- "Uhm you were cool on stage it was awesome you think you can show me how to play? Rock sounds cool" Floyd said blushing as you grinned "Oh damn! really?" You said looking away as floyd nodded "well... I wouldn't mind teaching you" Floyd looked away "I'd like that"
- He would come by every two weeks to have you introduce him to rock music then two weeks came to once an week and once an week came by once every 2 days
- You got close and sometimes you two would play guitar together and would exchange favorite songs
- He learned how to play your favorite song on his acoustic guitar
- You two would do duet songs of rock songs but if he could convince you to sing pop songs he'd melt into your hands
- Would realize he likes you when you hugged him goodbye after he came to volcano rock city for your daily hangouts - Randomly shows each other affection at the most random moments
- Sometimes you'd hold each others hands whenever talking to other trolls and you two would kiss each others cheek and go back to your conversations to others who just stare with their jaw drop
- You two soon started to date after 4 months of hanging around each other as usual
- When he got taken away you had to find Branch for help
- Once you're reunited you two basically run to each other and hug with tears streaming down your eyes as you held his waist cupping his face “Did they hurt you?!” “No, I'm okay! Did they hurt you?!” “Who cares?” “I do!” you two literally cry and kiss each other for an moment before pulling away as you held him close
- Would beg you to please understand how he didn’t mean for that to happen to him and you’d have to cry as-well holding him close telling him it’s alright.
- you moving his hair out of his face makes him melt as you pepper his face with kisses telling him he’s safe and your there.
- You would go back to singing pop rock covers of songs together as you sing together sweetly before kissing eachother with an smile
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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skullhorn59 · 9 months ago
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─❲♡❳▷Fursona Info ─❲♡❳▷Main List
Base Info Name: Skully Age: 21 Pronouns: she/her Gender: cis Female Sexuality: Straight Occupation: none! i am jobless lol Living: Germany! :3
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Preferences Color: anything blue, purple, galaxy and dark :) Food: spicy, sweet and salty! im a sucker for potatoes, broccoli, sweetcorn and chinese noodles! Movies: Fantasy, Romance, but mainly - animated! i love disney and Studio Ghibli Series: Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss is always my first choice! i dont watch many other series :) Music: pop, hiphop, techno, and NightCove_theFox !! and some other stuff, depends on the vibe :) Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Drawing, Gaming, Sleeping! :3
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Request Rules I try to write Hazbin x Reader stuff, smut too! I would like to write OC, but not atm, i need to find into my writing style first. I haven't really ever written smut before :3 I want to stick with writing Fem!Reader while i build my skill, please. While i support LGBTQIA+, i don't actively partake in it. i won't write fem x fem, or male x male, at least not atm. Don’t request gore, pedo or zoo content. while i can and will write dubcon and noncon, i'll ALWAYS tag appropriately in the warnings. If you ask something I’m not comfortable with, i'll ignore it
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i'll expand this either when i feel like i need/want to
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