#technically this takes place before the event starts so I can post it now thanks
micahwright · 2 years
@wintersaurora​ location: Fairy King’s Memorial Garden notes: “Love is so short, forgetting is so long.”
There were a few hours until the memorial party... Whatever started. Games to honour the dead, Micah wondered what would go wrong this time. If the sky would open up and split the forest with lightning, if a fire would wash over the crowd, if the fey would poison the wine and make the city go feral. Maybe there’d be zombies again, Micah seemed to miss all these things when they happened. High out of his mind under the forum tripping on space magic or whatever that was, turned into a beetle and locked in a cage by Emma at the masquerade, asleep in her subconscious as she fought for her life against hordes of the undead. Even Lupercalia he’d spent the afternoon between Emory’s thighs, when the fighting broke out he just went into the woods. Fighting had never been his thing. Maybe that made him a coward because Emma... Emma was always in the thick of it. Fighting for her life, for his life. 
Now she was gone. 
Lilies were her favourite, there was a few varieties that grew wild in the mountains of Aurora, him and Emory used to wander them together, pluck them for his sister and surprise Emma when Micah went to sleep. She told him that when lilies grow wild she thought of him, that he was some wild thing that did best with free reign. He had it now and the truth was he didn’t know what to do with it. Micah had sifted through her things at Mutat Domun, tried to find a reason, an answer. There was a letter but Micah hadn’t been able to bring himself to open it. Crumpled and folded up in his pocket he felt like it might burn a hole through his leg. He was tired of this place, tired of these people, tired of their fighting. He wanted an end to it, for Emma. 
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A chill brushed past his shoulders and Micah wondered if anything had ever really been his. There was something different about her now, Micah didn’t have to ask to know that Aurora had changed. He’d heard that she was taken prisoner by the drow, probably tortured for - who knew why. Micah didn’t keep up with the politics, he’d been distracted. The last time they’d spoke he’d hurdled every horrible thing he could think of at her feet, blamed her for everything and a part of him still did. Always would. Grief had left him tired though, too tired to fight, too tired to scream. They spoke of it like it went in stages, a smooth cycle that the faiman might move through neatly, one after the other until he finally accepted it. It wasn’t so clean or tidy. It was messy and it was confusing, rage filled his heart in one hour while objective denial tormented him the next. Hollow cries carved their way through his ribs as his sister’s absence defined every waking breath, and there was nothing. There was the press of Emory’s lips, the laughter that Flora drew from him even though it was too soon too laugh. 
That was what happened when someone died though, life went on. All these graves. Names foreign and familiar, people Micah had never known and one that he’d never forget. We can spell them, one had said, spell the flowers he brought to keep them from dying, but there was something comforting in the act of brushing away the vines, in clearing the leaves, in making sure her name read clear for everyone to see as he decorated her with lilies of red, white, and purple. 
Emma used to dream of the fairy court, now there was a piece of her that would lay here forever. A stone slab embedded in a rowan tree read: 
Emma Wright
Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew. Come to me, child, and I shall embrace you. In my arms lies Eternity.
“I’m still waiting to believe that she’s gone.” Micah admitted as he turned towards the chancellor, mended by the healer’s touch but the gifted clairvoyant could see the bruise that held its stain. The warrior. The prisoner. The curse-maker and curse-breaker all rolled into one. Micah knew then that he didn’t have it in him to hate her anymore, she’d suffered more than she should have. All of them had. He was tired of vengeance and hatred. He was tired of weeping too, though in his heart of hearts the faiman knew it was not done with him. 
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otomiyaa · 11 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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putschki1969 · 2 months
Hi Puts!!
I hope you’re doing well! Thank you for always sharing information about pretty much everything, along your thoughts. After every event I always look forward to reading your reviews/comments.
You’ve pretty much inspired me to learn Japanese (along with the girls)! I’m even studying abroad in Japan this fall!! My exact days are August 22 - December 22.
I wasn’t sure I would be able to go until quite late (my program sucks at communications info) so I’ve been busy dealing with preparing to go to Japan, that I haven’t applied or bought any tickets! (Pretty much panicking at this point since I don’t know when I’ll be back).
Unfortunately YK vol.#20 tour ends before I arrive which I’m so depressed about since I loved every setlist (especially with Hikaru now performing T_T) (hoping she has more performances). Thankfully there’s still Wakana’s Classics, but I’m trying to figure that out still.
I was wondering if you knew any upcoming performances where there’s a good chance I can buy tickets still (whether online or at door) or have any advice on what I should do? I know there’s the Highway Star Party event but I’m not really interested in that. I will have a japanese phone number, address, and residency card so hopefully even the trickier tickets don’t cause any problems.
Also is there anywhere you suggest I visit? Restaurants and food? I plan to do a deep search and visit places the girls have mentioned ^ ^, more specifically around Tokyo.
Anyways, sorry for the long post/ask. Thank you for everything you’ve done!!
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Hello there!
Thank you for this lovely message! And wow! That sounds amazing! I hope you'll have a great time in Japan.
What a shame though that you won't make it in time for the last YKL Vol#20 performance with Hikaru as guest vocalist. As of right now, I don't think they are planning to add any more dates for Japan. They have been known to announce at least one or two additional performances for Tokyo in the past but this year, it looks like they will end the main portion of the tour this weekend in Saitama. However, there are four concerts scheduled for November in China, Thailand and Malaysia. Chances are high that Hikaru will be invited as guest vocalist for these. Keep an eye out for any updates on that! We don't have any details yet but if you get the chance to go on a short weekend trip, I'd definitely recommend you get yourself a ticket and check out one of those places.
Overseas Performances YKL Vol.#20 Tour The performances are scheduled for November 2024. YK and her team will be returning to Shanghai (China), and will be performing for the first time in Guangzhou (China), Bangkok (Thailand), and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
It may be a bit too late for this but you should 100% try to get a ticket for Keiko's upcoming fan club event! Just a few days ago, they announced a second lottery round so there's still a chance to apply for tickets until August 4! I don't know if you are a member of Keiko's FC but you could technically still register and hopefully finish the procedure in time to take part in the ticket lottery. Please note though that you'll probably need help from someone in Japan when using Lawson Ticket.
『KEIKO fan meeting chocolate meating #4』 Date: September 7, 2024 (Sat) Venue: TIAT SKY HALL 1st (Day): Open 14:00 /Start 14:30 2nd (Evening): Open 17:30 / Start 18:00 
Aside from possibly joining the YKL Vol#20 Asia tour leg, Hikaru will also be holding her very own solo tour during the winter time. Again, we don't have any details yet but once further infos get announced, I recommend you get your hands on a couple of tickets for one or two of those concerts. The Toyama live in particular is something I'd aim for if you want to have the best possible experience. Also a great opportunity to explore Hikaru's hometown
Hikaru Solo Tour 2024/25 -2024- 24/11/30 (Sat) Toyama 24/12/07 (Sat) Aichi 24/12/14 (Sat) Miyagi 24/12/21 (Sat) Kyoto 25/02/11 (Tue) Tokyo
The FC ticket lotteries for Wakana Classics are already over but there will be other options available soon. Last year, ticket playguide lotteries for non-FC members took place in October (with a subsequent regular sale) so I expect the same to happen this year. Just be patient a little while longer. They will most likely launch a dedicated webpage on the BSFuji website with some more infos on the concert and where to get tickets.
『Wakana Classics 2024 (tbd)』 Date/Time: 2024/12/18; Start 18:30~ Venue: Hamarikyu Asahi Hall
As for food and restaurants, that's very difficult for me to answer because I typically try to visit places that the girls have recently been to (I guess it's more of a spontaneous thing?). I do my best to keep track of all the good spots but it's a struggle T_T I suck at everything that's related to locations. However, you can check out my MEDIA posts on Twitter to see pictures of some of the spots I've already visited. I usually add a little description to my tweets so you should be able to figure out which places I'm talking about.
Three very popular Kalafina pilgrimage places are definitely Tsurutontan Roppongi (from an old blog post), La Maison Kioi (from a SPICE interview) and Shinagawa Aquarium (from a FC Harmony feature). Here's a blog post where I talk about visiting all three of them. One day, I want to eat at all the gyoza restaurants that Wakana has recommended in her fan club magazines but that's actually not so easy since most of those places are tiny and require a reservation.
You should also try to make short day trips to Ishikiri-Sanmyaku and Oya History Museum (best done with a group of locals or fellow fans). Both are beautiful locations which were used for various music videos (Kalafina's "Hyakka Ryouran", Hikaru's "Alterna-ate-", Kalafina's "Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa", Wakana's "Butterfly Dream").
Sorry I can't provide a better list but hopefully, this will help at least a little bit.
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
If requests are open, sorry its another long ass anon prompt, i should call my self sushi at this point.
How about Yn, Stark try to help out on a mission but her dad says its to dangerous. The thing they are working on could kill someone, and yn wants to make sure everyone is safe. She can help, she knows she can. But Stark asks Peter Parker to get her out of there and then he is placed on "baby sitting duty" even though they are both in High school.
Cue yn trying to get back to help using any means necessary and peter trying his best to keep her away from something dangerous. He's trying to calm her down from the incoming panic attack, but she cant seem to breathe. Can't Peter see that her dad is probably going to die? She loves peter but she cannot lose her dad. Everything fades to black.
Yn wakes up in her room after passing out from The panic attack. The whole team is fine, they saved the day. Yn is crying from all of the stress of suddenly being awake after that event when peter cuddles her.
Basically all the angst, with all the fluff right after.
Thanks again 🍣🍣🍣
To be a Hero
Summary: Peter comforts you when your dad and the Avengers are in danger.
Authors Note: I’ve never had a panic attack before so I’ve tried to write it as accurate as I can. Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me firstand b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“You know, this feels like our first Avengers mission all over again,” Tony said in a dramatic voice as he fires his repulsers.
“If only it was because we were getting shawarma and not fighting another one of Thor’s murderous siblings,” Natasha deadpanned.
You bit back a small laugh as you entered the fight. Thor’s sister Hela had made her presence on Earth with an army of horrid creatures at her beckoning and the Avengers were there to do what they do best, defend and avenge. While the whole team, including your boyfriend Peter, had suited up at the tower, Tony had specifically told you not to get involved. You were only a few months in to being an Avenger and he thought it was too dangerous for you.
But, it took was one override code of FRIDAY’s system to get out of the tower.
“Hey! Technically, Loki was mind-controlled by Thanos,” Thor grumbled.
You smiled, sneaking around a city block before hitting one of the creatures square in the chest. You had a suit that you had designed with your dad along with some pretty cool energy powers.
Unfortunately, the creature didn’t go down with just one blast. You frowned as it growled and turned towards you, starting to advance. The team continued to chatter on comms, trying to keep on joking in order not to think about all the damage Hela was doing. It was nearly getting to be worse than the damage Loki once caused.
It wasn’t letting up, despite your continued blasts. It’d get hit in the face and shake it off (quite literally with a shake of its head). Your heartbeat went off the charts as you stumbled back, panic rising in your chest and your mouth going dry. Shit. This wasn’t going to be the end, was it? That stupid thing wasn’t letting up! It was getting far too close now and you were a second away from going on comms to admit defeat and call for help when suddenly, a blur of red flashed in front of you and then, strong arms wrapped around you.
You let out a shriek as your feet left the ground. “Shh, shh, it’s me,” the familiar voice of Peter soothed you and you calmed down instantly, your arms wrapping around him as he swung onto the rooftop on the nearest building. When you landed, Peter rubbed your back and held you close as he waited you to calm down and get your bearings.
“Thanks,” you whispered, your cheek pressed against his chest, a little embarrassed that he had to come and save the day.
“You know there’s no need to thank me,” Peter assured you in a warm voice, lightly chuckling. After a second, he pulled back and lifted up his mask for a second. “Babe, what are you doing here? Your dad told you stay in the tower.”
You pouted at him. “I want to help, Pete! The whole team’s here, I don’t want to be stuck in the tower,” you said, wanting him to understand.
And oh, he did. He had been unable to attend a lot of the missions when he first started out as an Avenger. He had been annoyed much like how you were now, but he had grown to see that it was for the best. “Y/N, you know we have to tell your dad,” he told you.
Your jaw dropped. “What? No!” You exclaimed, trying to stop Peter from telling KAREN to alert Tony. “What are you doing?!”
Peter finished speaking to KAREN and gave you a knowing look. “Tony would find out sooner and later and I’m not taking the fall,” he said.
You opened your mouth to protest even more, but was cut off by the sound of your dad’s voice. “Y/N Stark!” Tony said, his voice vibrating through both yours and Peter’s comms. “What were you thinking? You know you’re not trained enough to come on this type of a mission.”
“Dad—” you began, not even sure how you were going to defend this.
“No, I don’t want to hear it,” Tony snapped, catching you off guard. Damnit, he really was not happy. Peter squeezed your hand comfortingly. “I’m taking away your ability to override FRIDAY’s codes for now. Peter, please take Y/N back to the Tower. You can return to the fight after.”
You looked away, hot tears of frustration pooling in your eyes. Deep down, you knew that he was justified in this decision, but that didn’t take away your anger or your want to help. “You’re going to take me back to the tower, aren’t you?” You muttered. You didn’t mean to take this out on Peter, but this was one of the times where his loyalty to your dad was working against you.
“Hey,” Peter said gently, grasping your chin in the palm of his hand turning your head so your guys’ eyes met. He titled his head to the side, giving you a knowing but loving look that never failed to make your heart melt. “You know I have to take you back. But you can go to the lab, work on upgrades for your suit, and I promise the fight will be over in no time.” You nodded slowly, not quite believing him even though you wanted to.
Smiling at you, Peter wrapped his arms around you and lifted you into his arms. Usually, his words always did the trick to calm you down, and while he did help to prevent your tears from falling, you couldn’t shake the storm of anger and helplessness that was brewing inside your body.
You were almost like a rag doll in his arms, for once not terrified of Peter swinging you through the streets. Instead, you zoned out, unable to stop the scenarios of your dad and the Avengers getting gravely injured or killed from flashing through your head. You imagined your dad dying and the last thing you said being an argument. It wouldn’t stop and the more the images came, the more tense and frightened you became.
It was blatantly obvious for Peter that something was off, something was different. The only time he heard Tony speak like that was when the man had taken his suit away. Plus, when he carried you through the city with his webbing, you were usually clinging to him and letting out squeaks of exhilaration and nervousness. Now, you are still holding onto him tightly, but had gone silent.
He landed on the balcony outside your room, opening your door and leading you inside with his hand bracing your back. He could see clearly that you were deep inside your thoughts and it sent a ripple of pain through him. When the two of you got to the lab, Peter maneuvered himself to stand in front of you, his hands on your shoulders.
“Do you want me to get you water or something? I don’t want to leave you yet,” he said, biting his bottom lip in obvious worry for your state.
The switch from silence to hysteria stunned Peter for a second, but he snapped out of it when your panic didn’t cease. You struggled to control your breathing, body beginning to shake. A sob escaped you and you covered your mouth with your hands. “Y/N, take a deep breath for me,” he said firmly but kindly, mimicking one.
You shook your head so quickly and strongly that it made you dizzy. “I can’t—I can’t—” you wheezed, nearly choking on your sobs.
"Yes, you can. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you can," Peter said, but when he started to see that this wasn't working, he switched tactics. "Come on, let's sit you down."
He tried to maneuver you to the couch, but that backfired almost immediately. Your nails dug into his suit so forcefully that it was enough to make him pause and look back on you. The color had drained from your face and you looked absolutely terrified, a dazed over look in your eyes. "Y/N? Y/N!" He exclaimed, panicking.
You opened your mouth, and that gave Peter hope, but only a small noise, almost a whimper, left your lips before you were falling. What Peter didn't know was that when he tried to move you, he had unintentionally made the dizziness so much worse. That, combined with all five of your senses feeling like they were on fire, was too much for your body to handle at the moment.
Peter's eyes went wide as you dropped quite literally into his open arms. With one hand cradling your head, pressing it against his shoulder, he half-pulled, half-dragged you over to the couch. "Sorry," he couldn't help but apologize, seeing your feet drag.
He got you over to the couch and laid you down, brushing your hair out of your face. At the very least, you looked calmer now, but Peter would much rather you be conscious than unconscious. "FRIDAY, what do I-?" He started to ask, but the A.I was already ahead of him.
"While I cannot diagnose anyone, it appears that Y/N was displaying symptoms of a panic attack and lost consciousness as a result. The best course of action would be to monitor Y/N closely," FRIDAY said.
Peter was no fan of hearing the words panic and attack together, but it did soothe him to know that he didn't have to call 911 or bring you to the hospital. "Thanks," he murmured, watching you for a second. He let out a shaky breath, running his hand through your hair and his thumb over your forehead and cheeks like he knew you liked. A smile came to his face when he remembered how you'd blush normally.
He considered having FRIDAY tell Tony and the team that he wouldn't be going back to the fight, but that would just mean that he'd have to explain and he knew that everyone would be distracted and too worried about you (especially Tony). He sat back, trying to wait as patiently as he could, but couldn't shake the feeling of the need to do something to help or comfort you.
Eventually deciding that you'd be more comfortable on your bed than the touch, Peter scooped you up in his arms again. He tried to pretend that you were just sleeping in his arms, not unconscious, and that brought another soft smile to his lips. He tucked you into bed, not caring that he very much resembled a mother hen right now.
Once he deemed you all cozy, propped up by an absurd amount of pillows and wrapped in fuzzy blankets, Peter decided to change out of his suit. He made FRIDAY swear to alert him if anything about your condition changed, though. After switching to an Avengers sweater and grey sweatpants, Peter made a quick detour to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water and your favorite snack.
As he was walking back into your room, though, Peter saw you start to stir. He quickly put down the water and snack, hurrying to your side and taking a seat on your bed. He placed his hand over yours, smiling as he watched you wake. You looked around, a bit confused at first, before your gaze settled on your boyfriend.
"Peter?" You mumbled, starting to feel a bit nervous as your head was all foggy from fainting.
"Hi," he said sweetly. "You're okay, babe. We're in your room. You fainted. Take a deep breath with me, okay?"
You managed to do that. Peter drew back the covers and slid into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you as he held you.
"You-you shouldn't be here. My dad-" you began to say.
"-Will be fine. So will the team. I'm right where I need to be, darling," Peter said, keeping his voice calm, gentle, and smooth.
You let out a small puff of air, pausing before speaking again. "He's so mad at me. I-I wanted to help. I'm supposed to be a hero, but I'm not even good enough to stop some creature on my own," you whimpered. As your tears started to come, Peter didn't try to stop them. He knew you needed to let it all out.
Rubbing your arm soothingly. Peter waited to speak. "It was a misunderstanding, Y/N, and you are a good hero-" he began.
"You have to say that, you're my boyfriend," you pouted.
Peter chuckled lightly. "It's true. You are the kindest hero I've ever seen. Some missions just require a little more training and that's okay, it doesn't make you any less of a hero," he said.
You nodded, leaning your head back against his chest. Peter happily continued to rub your arm and hold you.
"I'm still worried about my dad and the team," you whispered.
"I know," Peter whispered back, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. "But if something happened, we'd have heard right now, so try to rest your head, m'kay?"
You nodded again, even if you weren't quite certain that you'd be able to do that. Peter grabbed the water and the snack, passing it to you. That instantly made you smile and you thanked him before practically devouring it. Peter put the glass back on the table when you were done.
The two of you sat there for a while, both happy and content to enjoy each other's presence. After a bit, Peter glanced down and grinned when he saw you asleep. This was like heaven to him, with how cute you were and how he was able to hold and cuddle you.
He ended up losing track of time but soon enough. FRIDAY was quietly alerting him that the team had returned, unharmed.
"Can you tell Tony to come up to Y/N's room?" Peter asked.
A couple minutes later, the man was walking in, still in his suit but without his helmet. "I know you're probably still mad-" he began, running a hand through his hair, only to be cut off by Peter's "shh". He glanced up, not expecting to see the sight he saw. He walked over. "What's going on?"
"Y/N's asleep. Had a panic attack and fainted earlier. Y/N was really scared that something would happen to you and the team," Peter explained.
Tony softened and with a small sigh, sat down. He looked at his sleeping teen, smiling warmly. "Alright. We can talk later. Take good care of my kid, alright Parker?" He whispered, slowly rising from the bed.
"You got it," Peter promised. He'd always take good care of you.
Permanent Taglist: @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @snipyloulou @cc13723things @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23 @storysimp @lamieshelmy @galacticstxrdust @a-lil-bit-nuts @marvel-to-infinity @maryseesthings @lovelyy-moonlight @dumb-fawkin-bitch @thewidowsghost @cowboybabyyy @rootbeerfaygo @immathinker @espressopatronum454 @ladyrebel29-blog @1694 @loverofthings2425 @kabloswrld @yourfavdummy
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
Just wanted to tell you that you're an absolute doll, you've made the writeblr community an even more wonderful place since you got here, and you are loved and appreciated. This is your opportunity to (should you so desire) ramble about anything that's on your mind, WIP-related or otherwise. 💕
🥹🥹🥹 Thank you!!! Honestly, I was so shocked and happy to see this in my inbox. The only anons I've gotten previously have been chain letters and hate mail, and so my heart actually SANK when I saw this was an anon. But I don't think this is a chain letter and it's definitely not hate mail, so you absolutely made my day/week/month!
I think I started this blog in March, which makes it over six months now. And it's hard to imagine my life without it. The funny thing is (and I think I've mentioned this before), the week I joined, trying to innocently make friends by joining in some event focused on showcasing our WIPs that purported to be open to anyone, and I had the pleasure of being "greeted" by a couple of "hosts" who hadn't read my work, didn't understand the first thing about it, and took it upon themselves to try to "call me out" for something that I hadn't even done. I was so upset that I was this close to shutting down my account because I thought I wasn't welcome here and it would just get me more of the same.
But I stayed, and I'm so glad I did because I understand now that was an anomaly and simply massively bad luck to encounter that. 99% of my other interactions with people here have been positive, and the support I've found for both my work and myself has been beyond my wildest dreams.
Writing is not easy. This is hard, hard work we do. We, especially those of us who post our work publicly, are (metaphorically) slicing out large chunks of our hearts and souls and presenting them on a platter for people to evaluate and judge. Sometimes it feels like more than just our work. It feels like ourselves. And sometimes I get insecure and anxious. "Oh no, do people like such-and-such person better than me? Is their work better than mine? Is everyone going to abandon me to sit at a different lunch table and whisper and laugh and pass nasty notes about me behind my back?"
Middle school fucked me up good.🤣
I have a very strong hunch that I"m not the only one who deals with these types of feelings sometimes. Initially, I wasn't even going to talk about this, but then I was like, well, it might help someone.
Of course, it gets worse when your WIP is being difficult, too. Well, I sometimes think, this isn't working. Might as well take my toys, shut down my blog, abandon my work, and go home, simply in the interest of self-preservation. (I'm NOT doing this; I don't want anyone to worry!)
But I know that this urge is irrational, as are my fears. And that nothing I do -- especially not sitting and worrying and imagining ridiculous, catastrophic scenarios -- is going to have any effect on the situation, whatever it is. I can't make anyone like me. But what I can do is make sure that I send positivity into the world instead of negativity, and eventually, somehow, the universe will even out, maybe, kind of.
Anyway, all of this is a roundabout way of saying that I know yesterday was technically Worldbuilding Wednesday, and I wanted to send out asks, but then I realized, you know? I don't even really like worldbuilding all that much. 🤣 There are other aspects of writing that interest me much more.
And, to me, the most positive thing I can get is a personalized ask about my WIP. It makes me feel seen, acknowledged, loved, and that my work matters. I don't know, but I can only assume that other people feel the same way. So I sent some.
For those whose WIPs I'm not as familiar with yet, I combed through their blog for info about them, and that took some extra time, which meant I wasn't able to send out as many as I wanted. But that's okay because I'll send out more soon.
Anyway, I'm not sure what the ultimate point is to any of this, but that's what's on my mind. Thank you, anon. You're a doll, too. 💕
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redsplash1 · 4 months
Children do not belong on the battlefield.
Tatake always held this belief. Tonight’s events made this painfully clear.
Or, a mother steps up and comforts the children she has come to love.
AN: I wrote this right after Death Unto Dawn LMFAOOOO, imma post it here first since I’m not at my pc rn. I’ll post to ao3 after. Didn’t even edit, just take it as it is <3 As stated this is right after the battle at Carteneau, I also attached a pic of Tatake’s current look
Although a few things:
Tatake’s real name is Talia Dragonseer. As of now only the twins know about it, and call her Talia when nobody else is around
I’m still trying to figure out the backstory, but what I’m thinking so far is that Tatake is part of a long living species of Lalafell that are basically like the Laguz/Manaketes from Fire Emblem; They look human, but actually aren’t and can transform into whatever animal/dragon/fish/literally anything
The main thing is that Tatake and her people were initially like Sharlayan where they stayed out of everything and kept to themselves, until mankind found them and started hunting them down. This is why Tatake hides her power until she couldn’t anymore, as she refused to get involved with mankind after they ruined her life along with everyone else’s
Dragonseer technically isn’t her last name, it’s just the title she had as part of the High Council. But for the sake of keeping things simple, she considers it a last name if she has to, which is almost never since she uses Tatake Take for everything
Anyways imma stfu now, sorry in advance if the twins r ooc, I’ve never written for ffxiv before until now. Enjoy! <3
“Sit with me for a spell,” Tatake spoke into the air, breaking her gaze away from the moon, an everlasting witness to tonight’s horrors.
Alphinaud looked down at her with a frown. “There is still much to do, I’m afraid. We must-“
“Rest, yes.” The Lalafell met his eyes in challenge. The others had already broken off, tending to the wounded and going over battle logistics. Alisaie moved to do the same, but one sharp look from Tatake made her pause.
“You two will not help anyone if you collapse here in exhaustion,” she continued. “Leave the others to shoulder the burden for now…you need not carry it alone.”
“But-“ Alisaie started in protest.
“Come along.” With no room for argument, Tatake took the twins’ hands, dragging them along to a quieter corner. Alphinaud sputtered in surprise, while Alisaie was grumbling about wasting time.
Neither of them fought against her pull.
After motioning the twins to sit down, Tatake took her place between them, backs against the wall.
They exchanged no words for a time. The sounds of healing magic, along with the many voices of orders being given and carried served as their ambience.
Tatake was not oblivious to the clear slump of the twins once they sat down, both leaning against her. Without a word, she quietly linked her arms with theirs and took their hands in the process. She squeezed in reassurance, as a reminder, that she was still here. They squeezed back, and held on tight.
Tatake quietly exhaled through her nose. Being with the twins always reminded her of how young they were in comparison to the countless years she has. As she observed the wounded, the dead, the dying, she couldn’t help but think. This wasn’t fair.
Truly. It wasn’t. Not to them.
Why must Alphinaud and Alisaie exist in a world where the adults failed so badly they had no choice but to pick up the pieces?
“Was I naive?” Alphinaud’s quiet and unsure voice broke their silence. “Did Fordola have the right of it after all…? There’s so many I couldn’t save.”
“You did everything you could,” Tatake gently cut in. “The ones who made it past this night are still with us thanks to your efforts.
“Along with the Tempered,” she added, turning her head to Alisaie. The Elezen grimaced at the praise.
“I wasn’t fast enough. And I couldn’t supply enough Aether for everyone. I’ll be quicker and stronger next time.”
Tatake gently flicked her forehead in response.
“I will not sit here and listen to you downplay your efforts,” she chided over Alisaie’s sputters of offense.
Children do not belong on the battlefield.
Tatake always held on to this belief. Tonight’s events made this painfully clear.
She thought back to the many mortals she encountered over the years. In the wake of the calamities, it was impossible not to see a citizen haunted by the destruction, or a soldier fighting the monsters in their mind.
She thought back to Ishgard, to Alphinaud screaming himself awake haunted by dreams drenched in blood. She remembered holding him as he sobbed out broken apologies, towards her, towards the Scions, towards the bystanders who got caught up in the wrath of the Crystal Braves. She remembered his struggle to go about his life after, having to gently coax him to get out of bed nearly every day, if not all. She remembered bringing him food because he wouldn’t do it himself without a helping hand. She remembered wiping his tears as he shakily confided in her during the dead of night after a panic attack, holding her tightly as if he were afraid she would be gone if he let go.
She thought back to Ala Mhigo, to Alisaie gritting her teeth in agony as her wounds were addressed. She remembered creating a routine of checking up on her after every battle because she tried to patch herself up on her own without anybody knowing, leading to disastrous results. She remembered seeing her hands shake when she thought nobody was looking. She remembered the panic attacks she would suffer, having to gently but firmly guide her through them. She remembered the nightmares that she suffered just like her brother, unable to banish the sight of bloodied bodies and the smell of death from her mind. She remembered her and Lyse quietly holding her after a particularly violent night terror, the young Elezen unable to voice what happened but could guess at what it was. She remembered gently reassuring her everything would be alright, even as her brother was not with them, and wouldn’t be for a long time.
She thought back to the First, where the both of them had the same reaction of hugging her tight, refusing to let go for a while. She remembered hardly sleeping alone in her room in the Pendants, the twins joining her almost every night. She remembered holding Alisaie as she grieved for her lost love. She remembered gently reminding Alphinaud as Kai-Shirr ran off, that he was good, and he should never change that. She remembered futilely reassuring them that she would be alright, despite the Light eating her alive even with her draconic lineage. She remembered the endless tears they shed and the screams of despair they let out as Urianger and Thancred forcefully held them back from her painful transformation at Mt. Gulg.
This truly wasn’t fair.
She breathed in.
“You did good.” Tatake began, finishing her long contemplation. “You have done more than fully grown adults could ever hope to achieve. I’m sorry Fourchenault is a fool and will not say this, but I hope I will suffice.”
She breathed out.
“I’m proud of you.”
She knew her words had the intended effect when Alphinaud’s choked sobs and Alisaie’s stifled whimpers rang in the air. She let them hold her, let them cling onto the only consistent piece in their lives.
In a world like this, it’s okay to stick with the familiar.
In a world like this, it’s okay to cry.
“You’ve done much for Eorzea, and I will not ask you to turn your backs on her,” she continued. “But I ask that you do not carry the weight of the world on your own. We can share the burden with you.
“Like many of the hatchlings, pups, and many more I raised, they too have set off once they have come of age. I made sure they were ready for the world. But above all else, I made sure they had what you mortals call a childhood. I prioritized their youth. Your father failed you in this regard.
“Being a child is not lesser. You are still capable. But you are young. I’m sorry your elders have failed you. But for as long as I am able, let me preserve your youth, your innocence for as long as I can.”
At this point, Tatake felt just as much as heard their tears, their faces pressed against her soft hair. It’s alright. She didn’t mind.
“Okay?” Tatake softly asked.
“Okay.” Alphinaud hoarsely choked out, voice somewhat muffled by her hair and his tears.
“Mhm.” Alisaie couldn’t muster a word, eyes squeezed shut.
“Good. I love you both. Please, do not forget this.”
She paused. She had been thinking about it for a while, but after Fourchenault’s foolishness, she made up her mind.
“And if you so choose…you may no longer have the name of Leveilleur, but Dragonseer is yours, if you’d like. I always saw you as my hatchlings…no harm in making it official.”
In answer, Alphinaud moved his arms to hug them both, sobs renewed. Alisaie returned the gesture, tremors wracking her whole body. The twins had their foreheads pressed together, refusing to let go.
Even for all their bickering and teasing, they were there for one another without fail. Tatake was glad.
The Lalafell caught the eyes of the other Scions, who had busied themselves helping around the camp. Thancred gave them a sad smile. Y’shtola and Urianger nodded in understanding. Raha looked on, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. Estinien was a ways back, understanding their need for privacy. But his approval was clear.
Right now, the future may look bleak. Right now, death surrounds them all like a shroud, unable to be shrugged off.
But here in this moment, in their private little corner, it was just the three of them. A mother and her children, the former watching over them, and the latter growing into themselves so beautifully, day by day.
For now, here in this little spot against the wall, they were safe.
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roberrtphilip · 9 months
okay just because i really like dates/timelines (hashtag history major) can you Please tell me all the birthdays / ages of everyone in the movies? also any other timeline funfacts/details you wanna include. idk what that would be but that’s just the subject of this post, go ham 🫶
oh absolutely >:)
okay so the first movie starts on May 22nd, 2007 and ends on the 26th. May 21st is the night Giselle dreamt about Robert, she meets Edward the 22nd, meets Robert the 23rd, spends the 24th with him, they attend the ball on the 25th, and kiss on the 26th.
there's nothing I love more than knowing canon dates and I am very Very thankful to whoever randomly decided May 25th would be the day of the ball.
and then Disenchanted takes place 10 years later.
and now, my headcanons !!
For character ages, Robert is 30, and his birthday is September 5th, 1976. The scripts I have are a bit vague with everyone's age, and he's described as "late 20s" in one and "early 30s" in another, so I just stuck him at 30.
Giselle's is even more vague, with her descriptions just being "fair maiden" however in one copy, Robert says that she "looks 23" but he's unsure. I personally put her at 26, with her birthday being February 28th, 1981.
Morgan we know is 6, and I headcanon that her birthday is September 10th, 2000. Her and Robert having birthdays five days apart is inspired by my dad and I (ours are Sept. 6th and the 11th!) because their relationship reminds me of us :p
Sofia we know is a year old, and I have tried so hard to look at background details that might tell me when Disenchanted takes place (at least what month) but none of the event flyers say anything. Nancy says "we missed her birthday last month", so I've just decided it takes place in March, because I headcanon Sofia was born February 12th, 2016.
I can only hope no details come out about when it canonically takes place now because I love Sofia's birthday being right before Valentine's Day and headcanon that, before she had a name, Giselle would always call her "my little Valentine" and it is whyyyy her middle name is Valentine 🤧
and I don't have as many details for them, but I do headcanon Nancy was 32 in Enchanted, and Edward was 28. I liked the idea of Nancy being the oldest for some reason, idk why. I haven't given them birthdays, but I feel like Edward's probably a Leo.
Oh, and another fun canon detail is, according to the credits, Morgan is 8 years old in the flashbacks that play during Love Power. Because of that, I headcanon Robert and Giselle got married May 25th, 2009, with Morgan turning 9 later that year.
also, sticking with canon and timelines, Disenchanted takes place over the course of five days, or four depending on how you view the wish, I guess. cause I've seen some people say the wish reset the fourth day, but when I watched it, I assumed the day still happened, but no one remembered, so it was still technically the next calendar day? But I suppose the day could've just reset too, idk.
anyway !! ahhhhh thank you for letting me talk about this there's truly nothing I love more than 1) breaking down/figuring out movie timelines and 2) giving characters birthdays/ages 💖💖💖
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lady-lostmind · 1 year
WIP Weekend
It’s WIP Wednesday weekend!! @starryeyedjanai thanks for posting so I could steal this.
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
wip filenames:
Steddie Big Bang Fic
Snippet from my BB fic under the cut. (Snippet technically not from the last 7days. But I haven't been allowed to post from this one so shh. Let me be excited.)
The hospital lights flicker as Steve rushes through the emergency doors. Eddie's body has gone limp in his arms and he hasn't been answering any of their pleas to talk to them, to keep his eyes open, to stay alive. 
The place is in chaos. Doctors and nurses running between patients, people gathered in large clumps trying to escape the disaster zone outside, coming to the first safe place they could think of. Steve spots an empty gurney, hurries his way over to it and gently lays Eddie down, hands hovering uselessly over the makeshift bandages they wrapped tightly around his wounds, now completely soaked through and dark red. 
Steve reaches a hand out and grabs the shoulder of a doctor hurrying by, eyes desperate and voice cracking, "Please. He's going to die. Please." 
The doctor looks down at Eddie's pale form and nods, calling over to a nurse. Steve watches as they wheel Eddie away, feeling his own eyes grow heavy as the darkness pulls him under. 
Steve wakes with a start. He's on the ground, his head cradled in Robin's lap. She's crying above him, hand running through his dirty hair soothingly, keeping her voice soft and calm as she talks. "Hey-hey. You're alright. The doctor said you had an adrenaline crash." 
Steve's eyes flit around as he searches for the rest of his people. He spots Nancy who shoots him a small smile, but no one else. He feels panic rise in his throat. "Where's Dustin? Where are the kids? Is Max okay? Eddie- Is Eddie…"
Robin shushes him, hands moving from his hair to cup the sides of his face, her thumbs rubbing softly on his cheeks. “It’s okay. They’re all…” She closes her eyes and takes a steadying breath, tears streaming down her face. “They’re alive.” 
Steve doesn’t miss the hesitance in her voice on that last word, like she’s very pointedly leaving off for now. Steve pushes himself up to sit between her and Nancy. Pulls Robin into his side where she turns to cry quietly on his shoulder. 
Nancy glances over and he sees her hand reach out toward him before she stops herself, like she’s not sure she should, like she’s not sure where they stand after…everything. Steve closes the distance between them, taking her delicate hand in his and squeezing her fingers reassuringly. Whether she loves him or not, wants to be with him, or not, he still loves her. He’ll always be there for her. He hears her let out a soft sigh of relief as she leans into him as well, finally slumping from her alert position on the wall. They sit like that for a long time, the three of them huddled together on the dirty floor of the E.R. that is still frantic and fluid around them, silently hoping everyone they love is safe. Is alive. That they’ll stay alive.
no pressure tags: @oh-stars @rindecision @eddywoww @attic-cat-blog
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cantwritethetword · 9 months
SS2k22 - The Devil’s in the Details
(originally posted December 25th 2022)
~A/N  - Happy Squealing Santa everybody!
And surprise gaybananabread I am your secret writer for 2022! And thank you to hypahticklish for hosting this year’s event, you are absolutely amazing and I hope you have a fantastic Christmas!
This was a lucifer prompt of “Lee!Lucifer/Ler!Chloe” and honestly TOP TIER taste with your prompt suggestions, I LOVE THESE TROPES so I decided to put both of them in the same fic lol.
We have “messing around turns to a ticklish discovery” and “playful chasing around before being caught and tickled to pieces”.
Hope you like it, and happy holidays everybody!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: 
Masterpost Link 
When Chloe had first approached Lucifer with the idea of Christmas Baking, he had given her a very simple answer. Something about not having time for such mortal pleasures, nor the desire to celebrate Christmas in the first place.
But Chloe was never one to take no for an answer. So here he was, the devil himself, painstakingly removing individual cookies from their baking sheet. One at a time, cookie after cookie, god was there nothing better he could be doing. This could be a whole new level of hell. Endless cookie moving, finger burning, and hand slapping if he even thought about taking a bite of one.
“Perfect!” Chloe smiled as he finally finished, a slight tease in her voice. “Now that they’re cooling, we can get the icing ready!”
Lucifer scoffed. “I am the king of hell.” He gave her a look. “I don’t ice.”
Brushing him off with a laugh, Chloe began mixing the sugar and milk in a bowl. Once it had been sufficiently combined, and the cookies had cooled significantly, she handed a bag of icing to Lucifer with a beaming smile.
“Here.” She said. “Just cover each one lightly.”
With an eye roll, Lucifer began squeezing pools of icing over the cookies. Completely ignoring which ones were spilling over the edges and which were barely given enough to cover half. As long as there was icing on every one, he had technically ‘iced’ all the cookies (and would maybe earn his freedom).
“Lucifer!” She half-gasped half-laughed. “I thought you’d be more careful about this. More precise…”
He glared playfully. “Whatever would give you that idea?”
“You know the old saying, the Devil’s in the details!” She smirked, looking back at her own batch.
“I’ll show you detail!” He muttered under his breath.
Grinning, Lucifer flicked a blob of icing at Chloe’s face. With a satisfying splat, it had smeared itself across her right cheek. He looked back down at his work, but almost immediately he felt a wet dollop of retaliation bounce off his temple.
“That was childish.” He stated, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“You started it.” She bantered back, throwing another smear of icing.
Oh she was really asking for it. Lucifer took a scoop with the mixing spoon and thumped it onto Chloe’s forehead. He let out a strangled laugh, before his eyes went wide as Chloe initiated a chase.
The two of them ran laps and laps around the kitchen table, Chloe with the spoon ready to launch an assault of sugary syrup onto the devil, and Lucifer just trying to make it out alive (and relatively clean).
With a move of pure agility, Chloe managed to close the gap between her and Lucifer and slide the spoon down his neck. What happened next was just as much of a surprise to Lucifer himself as it was to Chloe.
As the silky half-liquid slid down his neck, and the spoon grazed against the hairs on his nape, Lucifer let out a screech and scrunched his head to his shoulders like a turtle.
Both of them locked eyes for a moment in confusion. Well… Chloe’s was more a look of excitement, and Lucifer’s was one of pure fear.
“Now Detective, let’s not make any rash decisions here…” Lucifer began to back away nervously, hands outstretched.
“Oh I’ve already decided.” She grinned. “I had no idea you were ticklish Luci.”
“Come here!”
And they were off again, but this time with a far greater drive for both sides. There were few opportunities to turn an all powerful archangel into a giggly puddle, and Chloe was determined to grab this one with both hands - literally.
“Chloe stohohop!” Lucifer pleaded, laughing before she had even caught him.
There was no response, but the devil could feel her right on his heels. In a mad bout of panic and adrenaline, Lucifer managed to pull a chair behind him to block her path. She stumbled, giving him the much-needed advantage. He could finally put some distance between them…
That didn’t last long, however, as with a quick trick-step Chloe had managed to turn the other direction and latch a hand round Lucifer’s waist. As her other hand swung round his back, she began squeezing into the muscle just above his hip.
And Lucifer broke.
“CHLOEHEHEHE!” He shrieked, high pitched chuckles bursting out of his mouth.
“Whaaaat?” She teased in a sing-song voice. “It’s just tickling, surely that’s nothing for an immortal such as yourself?”
“WAHAHAIT!” He begged, grabbing at whatever hand was closest to his own to stop the assault.
The pair were locked in a tickly tango. Each claw of Chloe’s hand sent Lucifer’s waist in a desperate wiggle of freedom, and his head into a tailspin of giggle-filled agony.
“Oh this is just everything.” Chloe grinned. “How much will the King of Hell giggle if I tickle his ribs, hmm?”
“STOHOHOP IHIHIT!” Lucifer cackled, feet stomping in a laughter-filled tap dance as ten fingers wriggled their way along his torso.
“Oh I have no intention of stopping.” She laughed. “ This is just too much fun!”
She emphasised the last three words with three solid squeezes, making the man in her arms jump at every one.
“Who knew the devil himself has such ticklish sides, hmmm?” Chloe smirked, intentionally ignoring his pleas. “Devilishly ticklish, perhaps?”
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” Lucifer squeaked out between bouts of laughter.
His legs could barely keep himself upright, constantly stumbling and swaying with every poke and prod Chloe’s fingers produced. With her hands rapidly climbing towards his armpits, his knees finally buckled. The pair took two steps backwards before falling onto the luckily-placed couch.
At last, his torment was over. The fall had given them enough of a shock to cease any further ticklish activity (much to Lucifer’s relief), and instead their limbs were locked in an incredibly comfortable embrace (something Lucifer was almost used to by this point… almost…).
“Merry Christmas Lucifer.” Chloe smiled, cuddling into his chest. With a breathy chuckle, Lucifer reciprocated - resting his chin on her head.
“Merry Christmas Detective.”
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dashawfrostart · 8 months
This Week In "Time & Again" #9: LINEART IS DONE!!! And My Adventures With Krita Assistants! [Longread warning]
First things first! It took me a while (again) to make yet another one post, but taking a small social hiatus was totally and utterly worth it, let me tell you!!! Because here's the news:
(happy cheering, happy music playing (my personal favourite is Skinny Puppy - very happy indeed), sounds of jolly hand clapping, and a cake, somebody please bring in the cake!.. wait... the cake is a lie... 😱 hmmm, every time I refer to this joke, I want to alter it and say, "A pie is a lie, but the cake is fake!" Personally, makes me happy, but also makes me sound a bit like Mad Hatter to everyone around😅 which is fine, I love "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland")
Not gonna lie, it feels like I spend a little bit more time on lineart alone comparing to what I've been expecting from myself: different factors have contributed to the delay, and among of them was a short-term loss of a creative spark as well (which is always incredibly unpleasant, yaaarrrr!), but nonetheless! It is done!!! And let me tell you - it is done in style 😎 Ich bin sehr froh 🥳 However, contrary to what I've just written above simply for fun, it's not time to celebrate just yet. I'll probably take a small 24 hour break from my project - to take a breather and recalibrate my brain to successfully switch to colouring mode, ya know - and I'll just keep working on it to keep up the pace! The Colouring Stage is waiting for me, wheeeeeee!!! ... Wait, but so happened I already had my 24 hours off drawing yesterday. 🤔 WELL, NO TIME TO SPARE NOW: BACK TO WORK!!!...
But only after I'm done writing this post, for I have a moral obligation to finish it up 😁
So, earlier I promised to share my experience with Krita Assistant Tool with you. This is going to be very technical, so prepare yourselves, happy folks. Here goes.
I've used Krita's Assistant Tool before. I started to use it quite extensively as the work on Chapter 2 began, for I had to represent strictly geometric shapes of rooms, and corridors, and even the whole floors, for almost the entire set of events was happening indoors. In a peculiar place. The entirety of Chapter 1 with the exception of, say, 2 or 3 panels at most, took place within Lothar's mansion in Sweden. That one also required quite a few geometric shapes, but for some reason I did well without any help of Assistant Tool - I don't remember for sure by now, but I only used it briefly for some panels/frames. And it did not require anything particularly complex then. Mind you, during the development of Chapter 1 I've been still learning my newly obtained graphic tablet - that was the first time I ever used one (and now I don't want to go back to neither mouse and keyboard drawing or a "blind" tablet - eff that! 🤣). In this respect, Chapter 2 was a game changer. I wanted to raise the plank further up and challenge myself to do even better with the perspectives of urban buildings and interiors. And since approximately that time, I believe, Assistant Tool has become a precious little helper for me. Thank you so much, Krita devs!
As you can see in the documentation, Assistant Tool has many features and different modes. I primarily use those tools to draw perfect - or almost perfect - urban perspectives, for those might be a bit tricky to do right off the bat. However, some of those tools might be used in a non-conventional or less expected ways. Let me show you some of my experiments with them.
Starting off with the basics, of course.
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Above you can see the screenshot that illustrates how I used to normally set up the perspective assistant grid for the more correct view of a room - I've been doing that very thing beginning from Chapter 2. Basically I create a bunch of perspective grids and join them to create an imitated 3D view of a room. That really helps a lot.
I mentioned a certain video tutorial that really helped me out on my journey of meowstering - sorry, mastering the Assistant Tool in a way that's helpful to me. It was this incredibly helpful little video I watched trying to figure out how to build a one point perspective view for one of the panels I challenged myself to draw. However... I discovered something else instead: Parallel Rulers and an obvious "Snap To Assistants" function. Both of which are super helpful to use. I never paid attention to "snap to assistants" before. Now I wonder why 😅
Parallel Rulers help to draw totally straight lines when working on a perspective view - like the one that I was having a hard time dealing with when trying to portray an extremely skewed backstreet perspective. All of that is done without the use of the Line Tool.
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While parallel rulers are something that I'm still learning and practising, the self-explanatory "snap to assistants" is an excellent function that just makes your life significantly easier.
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I used a combination of Ellipse and Vanishing Point with "snap to assistants" function on to create spectacularly precise and nice looking sports wristwatch for Lothar. This is just how I love it: extremely geometric and correct, but with slight imperfections that make it lively and natural, with a visible hand-drawn "fluctation" to the outlines:
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For example, here's a good comparison for you to see what I'm talking about: to the left it's a gif illustrating how I drew the wristwatch outlines with an Assistant with Ellipse setting that snaps to the assistants, and to the right there's a gif showing how to do the same (but way worse) simply using the separate Ellipse Tool using the same brush as an outline. Behold the difference:
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For the record, I used the same neat trick to draw the nice lines around that "Hit!" special effect on another one page, to make it look cleaner and more professional:
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Spline is yet another one type of assistant that might come in handy in certain situations, for some artists. In my case this time, I used it so add extra thickness to a certain line that has already been drawn to make it look more appealing and lively:
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Thus, instead of trying numerous times to reproduce the same brush stroke (and inevitably failing at it repeatedly) to add just a little thickness to already existing stroke, one can simply draw a Spline "vector path" on top of it, turn "snap to assistants" on and draw a perfect, non-shaky line that doesn't stray somewhere you don't want to. Neat-o! If you're somewhat familiar with vector software (like I am), using Spline and making it exactly the shape you need is easy-peasy: it has two handles so that you could adjust the position and the curve of the assistant line. Works exactly as a basic Bezier Curve. Super simple!
That's gonna be enough for now. Since this post has grown fairly large in size (I never change, eh?), I'm thinking about taking a longer break in posting again. So I might return in about 2 weeks with more news on how the colouring of Chapter 5 is going!
Stay tuned, and have fun! Lothar is on his way back to you, and Jeanny will follow up, too 😉 Take care!
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atjsgf · 2 years
Need to know more about Aelita please!!
THANK U FOR ASKING!!! Okay so I’ve recently binge watched the X-Men movies (all of them except The Wolverine bc on the list I was given, The Wolverine came after First Class but before Days of Future Past, and after First Class I really wanted to watch DOFP so I asked my academic advisor in mutant studies if I could skip The Wolverine and get back to it later and she allowed this.
(I have not yet gotten back to The Wolverine, but I will. I also wanna finish The Gifted–I watched it when it came out, but could never bring myself to watch the final episodes after I heard it got canceled–and finally watch Legion.)
Anyways though the point is that I’m in my X-Men era right now. Aelita is based in the XMCU but will also have other Marvel verses, but we’ll start with the XMCU for now.
Aelita is Mystique and Erik’s kid. I haven’t quite decided when she’s born exactly–she’s either conceived briefly before Erik goes to prison for trying to kill JFK (when I tell you I was losing my mind during that plot point and then the second twist on it), OR she’s conceived shortly after the events of DOFP–either way, Mystique is in a place where she is ideologically detached from Erik, but also hasn’t joined Charles either, and is just kind of off doing her own thing. 
(Erik’s unhinged decision to flirt with Mystique almost directly after trying to kill her on live TV in DOFP tells me that they don’t let bad blood get in the way of chemistry and that’s so valid of them.)
She decides to not get an abortion because she’s just sort of feeling adrift and the pregnancy is weirdly grounding to her, and chooses not to think that hard about what happens next, but once Aelita is born, the realization that her raising Aelita is not a good idea for either of them is impossible to put off anymore, so she asks Charles to take care of her. 
She’s name Aelita after a Russian scifi novel Aelita, or the Decline of Mars, under my headcanon that Charles used to read things like Russian lit to Raven when they were kids. I have a oneshot brewing that goes further into detail on why Mystique chose that name. 
So Charles raises her, with a lot of help from Hank. They tell Aelita she’s Charles’ niece, which is not technically untrue, and that her parents passed away, which IS technically untrue, but the idea is that both Mystique and Erik have made a lot of enemies, and it’s safer if as few people know who her parents are as possible, and given the existence of both telepaths and truth serum in the XMCU, that includes Aelita herself. 
Aelita eventually ends up with both her parents’ powers. Her ability to manipulate metal starts when she’s very young (she makes wire jewelry for her dolls when she’s five so she can levitate them and more easily make them point at each other or throw their hands in the air in exasperation, for example.) The shapeshifting is a secondary mutation that appears in her teens or early twenties. 
Fun Aelita facts!
Aelita is in a little friend squad with Jace (whose X-Men connections is a whole other thing I won’t get into in this post, but feel free to ask and I will elaborate!) and Kurt (who is her half-brother, unbeknownst to either of them at first.)
Still figuring out her relationship with her other half-brother, Pietro (you’ll catch me six feet under before I refer to any iteration of Quicksilver as “Peter,”) but I think it’s positive. Same w Rogue.
In verses where Pietro is closer to comics!Pietro, it’s more complicated, but she consistently ranks second on his list of sisters by preference. First is Wanda, obviously, then Aelita (bc she is nice and has never shot him) and last is Lorna (bc she is not nice and she did shoot him, which is honestly so valid of her but whatever.)
Jokes aside, Aelita is actually not super popular at Xavier’s. Most of the kids there are traumatized in some way or another due to like mutantphobia or whatever we wanna call it, incidents of not controlling their powers, etc. But Aelita was raised by Charles and Hank, who love her unconditionally, who knew she would almost definitely be a mutant and were prepared on how to handle that, how to explain it to her, how to help her control it in a way most of the students weren’t. 
As a result, Aelita is exceptionally well-adjusted and a lot of the other students kind of resent her for it, like oh, pretty girl let’s hate on her she doesn’t know what it’s really like out there, she’ll never understand, etc. 
Her main ship is Illyana Rasputin (but like an AU version that isn’t racist bc what was that about). (The New Mutants technically takes place in like 2026 I think? But I have decided to put it where it needs to be for them to be the same age.) And that idea of Aelita like not have suffered enough to hang out is present at first, Illyana really resents Aelita over that, but they move past it and eventually become friends and then a couple. 
They end up breaking up in their late teens/early twenties just bc they feel like they need to be their own people for awhile, but eventually they make their way back to each other. 
Aelita being as well-adjusted as she is does not last, I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do to her yet but she is going to suffer so bad and come out so badass on the other end. 
On a lighter note, when she’s a little kid Hank tries really hard to not turn into Beast around her bc he’s scared of scaring her, but eventually he does accidentally somehow and she thinks he looks like a cool cartoon character and after that is constantly asking him to “be Beast.”
She eventually starts wearing metal enamel pins everywhere so she can threaten people with the pointy parts of them. 
She and Colossus get along well (in-laws <3)  and fight alongside each other well bc he turns into metal and she can control metal so if he needs to be somewhere else on the battlefield she can just yeet him there. 
That’s all I can think of right now but yeah! She’s played by Danielle Ifrah but Danielle doesn’t have a lot of material right now (hence the reface logo on her part of the Jesus edit. I plan on making gifs for her once I get photoshop back, which will happen when I get enrolled in classes and can get it for free <3) but here is a static image.
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Ty for asking ilyyyy!!! :* <3
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authorsquidward · 3 years
Summer Vacation, Part One
IZONE Yujin x Male Reader*
[A/N]: I technically planned to release this on November 1st, since I started on October 21st, but procrastination is a huge pain in the butt. Sorry. Also, this comes with a really long build up and set up, just because I intend to make this multi part. This originally had an older photo too, but I’ve replaced it.
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‘Of all the internships I applied to, why this one?’ You lamented to yourself, the aircraft’s engines serving to distract your train of thought, even after it has landed, and now approaches the gate. You had applied to thirty internships, wanting to go abroad for the summer, and gain some experience. Much to your absolute annoyance however, all but this one had rejected you. It’s not the pay that annoyed you, I mean the money they offered you nearly caused you to have a heart attack, but rather the location, Seoul. You hadn’t even been in Seoul since 2010, when your parents sent you to the United States, your sister having debuted as a KPOP Idol only two years earlier. However, an internship was an internship, and it’s not like it was that bad, as long as you stayed away from your sister, you should be fine. Plus, the company was nice enough to allow you to use their connections to secure a cheaper flight, allowing you to sit in business class. 
Your train of thought was interrupted by the flight attendant’s post-landing announcement, which included the weather, and all the other formalities that came with landing. Once that finished, you prepared yourself to disembark, and mentally prepared yourself to handle the juggernaut that was the Seoul Metro, after all, you didn’t have a car, and it didn’t make sense to buy one for a three month stay. Not like you told your sister you were coming either, only your parents knew. 
Finally, the plane was fully parked, allowing you to get off, the aisle seat you chose allowing you to get out more easily, taking out your carryon from the overhead bin. Besides your backpack, the carryon was the only thing you brought, not wanting to have to drag around too much luggage in the event you got lost. Upon exiting, you walk towards immigration and take the line for foreigners, having relinquished your korean citizenship. Why keep the citizenship of a place you haven’t lived in for a decade, after all? 
The immigration line went by quickly, and around five forty in the morning, you were finally able to approach the officer’s desk, handing him your American passport. He examined the passport, asked you to put your finger on a scanner before stating, “Thank you, welcome to Korea,” and sending you on your merry way.  It would’ve been merry, had it not been for the mass flash of cameras that blinded you as you exited into the public area of the airport, followed by some random lady hugging you, with the cameras following you. “For fuck’s sakes. It’s six AM!” You angrily mutter. “That’s no way to greet your sister.” Your sister replies, pouting. “It is, if your sister, is fucking IU, and she just exposed her brother to ten thousand different tabloids.” You reply in a harsh tone, just standing there with the cameras still flashing. If it weren’t for the fact you were wearing a hoodie, and a mask, out of habit, your face would’ve been splattered all over the news by now. 
“Hey! I’m even lending you my car so you can go to work, can’t you at least be little bit nicer?”  “You are! Thank you so much Noona!” You hug her. “Of course, the moment I tell you that, you immediately change your tone. Typical. You didn’t even tell me you were coming back! I had to hear from Mom and Dad!” She scolds me, as she leads me to the parking garage, with her bodyguard following. “Because I didn’t want the first thing I see coming back here to be the assault of cameras that come with you.” You replied, snarky as always. Jieun couldn’t exactly respond, you made a good point after all. You approached the van, the bodyguard opening it up for you. “This isn’t your car noona, where are we going?” You asked.  “We’re gonna hang out all day today!” She exclaimed. You karate chop her head. “I have work in three hours!” You complained. “It’s a sunday! Why do you have work!” Jieun whined.  “I’m onboarding, plus I need to get ready for when the market opens on monday.” Yes, after all, you were an investment banking intern, hence the mind blowingly huge pay, in exchange for the dreadful hours. Not like there was any reason to care about those hours, you didn’t exactly have a girlfriend to take up that free time, your last one left you two years ago, and its been solo riding ever since.  “Can you at least come with me when I do Inkigayo today? I even got you tickets!” Jieun pouted. The pout is even more powerful in person than over video call, and you found it hard to resist. “FINE! What time is it.” You relented, not wanting to see her pout at you any longer. “It’s three fourty PM, so I’ll pick you up around one thirty ok? Thank you so much!!!” Jieun tried to hug you from the side seat, only to watch as you repulsed towards the door. “One forty five.” You responded. “Fine. You’re so cold. This is why I want you to come with me!” Jieun replied. “Why so you can find some random girl to melt my ice cold heart?”  “Exactly!” She enthusiastically replied. “No thank you. I’ll come see you, but I don’t want to date some KPOP Idol. I don’t want that kind of attention.” Jieun silently just hummed, as if she had some secret plan, which worried you. The conversation ended there, and you assumed that it was because she didn’t want to expose her plan if she actually had one, or was planning to catch up later at night. Either way, the drive to the office gave you time to admire the Seoul cityscape, differing entirely from the California cityscape you had become accustomed to, living in Los Angeles, skyscrapers present as far as the eye could see. In fact, no city in California could even be compared, Seoul was just that different. This is exactly the reason why you chose to go abroad for the summer, wanting to broaden your horizons, see the world outside what you’ve known.  
“See you at 1:30 then!” Jieun shouted as you stepped on the path leading to the office you’d be working at for the next ten weeks, waving back at her in response, before continuing on your way. After checking in with the receptionist, being directed to the proper floor, and having been shown your desk, as well as how to login to your computer, you finally got to meet your boss for the next ten weeks. “It’s nice to meet you sir.” You bow, greeting them. 
“Nice meeting you as well, I trust they’ve already taken care of setting you up?” Your boss replies. “Everything but the ID, it’ll take a week for that one.” You reply. “Well, that’s ok then, welp, I’d do a whole elaborate introduction, but we have a client to meet, I’m Lee Sunghoon.” He’d say as he began walking, you following behind introducing yourself. “I trust you know how much you will be compensated right? You’re prorated at ₩105 Million [$90,000], meaning your base pay will be ₩2 Million [$1730] a week, and any hours you work over fifty two are paid at time and a half or ₩76,000 [$64] an hour. This isn’t wall street so the pay isn’t the same.” He continued. “Yes I understand sir. What would you like me to do?” You responded as the two of you approached the meeting room. “Sit, watch and take notes.” He states as he opens the door to reveal a beautiful girl, about your age, a man in a suit, probably her lawyer, and what seems to be her mother.  “Good Morning to everyone, I assume this young lady over here is Ms. Ahn Yujin?” Sunghoon would ask. You’d stare at the girl, and she’d stare back at you and smile, showing off her dimples, leaving you speechless. Though you weren’t supposed to say anything anyway. “Yes, this is my daughter, Mr. Sunghoon, because her birthday is soon, I’ve brought her here, instead of just telling her what you tell me. The account is supposed to be hers in the first place, and it’s time she learned about this stuff.” Yujin’s mom replied. Yujin would whisper something to her mom, only for the mother to give her a dead stare, and whisper back, something about being lazy and it being her hard earned money.  “Ahh... yes...” Sunghoon would take a small stack of stapled papers out of his padfolio, handing you a copy, and all of them a copy, “I assume you are here to finalize the ownership transfers and other paperwork, to take effect on her birthday?” “Yes.” The Lawyer would finally speak up. You’d examine the paper, widening your eyes visibly at the amount of money the girl had. You questioned whether or not you overheard their conversation right. Is this actually her hard earned money? The girl had nearly ₩1.2 Billion [$1 Million] in this account. Refusing to accept that such a young girl had earned that much money, ironically ignoring how much money your sister had earned as a young girl, you attributed the amount of money to being daddy and mommy’s money. “Ok then, I’ll prepare the paperwork.” Sunghoon looked at you, before continuing “Can you please explain to Ms. Ahn Yujin all the details regarding her account, in the other room, so I can focus on preparing and explaining the paperwork?”  Yujin visibly lit up at hearing that. “Understood, Ms. Ahn, please follow me.” You instructed. “Which one?” Yujin joked, causing chuckles from everyone but you. She then got up and followed you out of the room. “So what do you do here?” She asked. “Well Ms. Ahn, I’m actually interning here, I’ll be writing reports, watching Mr. Lee meet with clients, and other various things.” You respond, noticing that it seems as if she didn’t shower. (A/N: IZ*ONE Chu Countdown Yujin Teaser) “Please call me Yujin, it feels weird when you look the same age as me.” She pouted, as you opened the door to enter the room with her. You both sat next to each other as you prepared to explain the stack of papers.  “I apologize, Ms. Ahn, but this is a professional setting, and you are an esteemed client, I cannot possibly accommodate that request.” You reply. “What if we made it unprofessional?” She slyly replied, smirking. You wondered whether or not she was under the influence at the moment. After a moment of thought, you decided to just ignore that comment and move on. “So just as your mother seemed to have instructed, contributions to this accoun-” You were interrupted by her getting uncomfortably close to you, due to her standing up to look over your shoulder. You glance with your eyes to the left, and seeing under the shirt she wore due to the bent over position she was in relative to you. You couldn’t see if she was wearing a bra, but you saw enough to make you doubt she wasn’t wearing one. “Is there a problem?” You asked. “Oh nothing...could you tell me what that is?” She smirked before asking you, pointing at the contribution history.  “That’s the amount of money your parents have been putting in from their income, and the dates of when they did it, which we then invest.” You respond in a manner to try and discern whether its her money or her parents. “Oh no, it’s not my parents money. All of that was earned by me through the work I do.” She replied, leaning closer to the point that you could smell her scent, and her breath hit your ear as she replied. At this point, you could barely control your blush, and were beginning to redden up, which she noticed.  “Oh what do you do for a job?” You ask. “Same job as you.” She replies, clearly lying. Now people in your line of work made a ton of money, but this girl couldn’t have been old enough to have even racked up this much in Korea. You racked your brain to figure out a way to catch her in her lie. “What’s your secret?!?! I only make two million a week!” You feint admiration, in order to catch her, your professional attitude slowly breaking down, due to the situation you were in. “Wait, you only make two million? I didn’t know your work paid that low!” Yujin replied, before covering her mouth, realizing what she had done, causing you to smirk at your victory.  “You could’ve just said you didn’t want to tell me, you know.” You plainly stated.  “But I wanted to impress you...” She replied, before muttering, “You really don’t know who I am....” “What did you say?” You ask, seeing her mouth continue to move. “Nothing! Just explain away please!” Yujin exclaimed, before you began explaining the details, going from trying to what you assume was, come onto you, to a more professional tone, Midway, she asked you for a pen, and you handed it to her, and continuing to explain. She seemed to write something on a Post-It Note on the table, and then hid it in her pocket, but you assumed it was nothing and continued on. However, Yujin’s actions made that completely impossible after a couple of minutes as her breath continuously assaulted you, which was trouble enough before she started putting her hand on yours.  “Ummm...Ms. Ahn?” You ask. She leans in your ear, and whispers, “Yes?” Her seductive tone further loosening any sense of self control you had.  “It’s a little hard-” Your cut off, her hand moving onto your thigh. “What could be so hard?” She asks, mischievously smirking at you, “Come on, don’t be so dense.” You finally decide to let go and point at the clear glass window, reminding her that people can see through the meeting room. Luckily, no one seemed to be looking. Yujin blushed for a bit, and entered a state of deep thought, before she clearly had what seemed to be an ‘A-ha!’ moment. “What if I give you a sneak peek?” Yujin proposed. What did she mean by that? “What do you mean, please spell it out for me.” You add in a bit of your own teasing, much to her chagrin. “How about I give you a hint?” She smirks, “The preview involves me going under the table, where no one will see.” “Have you even done that before? I have so many-.” You spurt out in a confused manner, before she interrupts you, and puts her index finger towards your lip, before using her other hand to unzip your pants, inserting her hand in to fumble through the fabric before finally popping out your cock. “I haven’t, but I’m a quick learner, as you can see....” Yujin smirks, looking directly at you, before dropping down quickly under the table, your cock in her left hand the entire time, delivering a sweet sensation with its softness. She quickly got into position, and within seconds you watched as her tongue landed on your shaft, moving upwards like one would lick a lollipop normally.  “Are you...sure...you haven’t...done this before?” You struggle to get anything out as she assaults your dick, as if it were an ice cream stick she couldn’t get enough of. She immediately stops after you ask however, only to give you a pout, before taking your dick completely into her mouth, attempting to go all the way down to the base, as if in direct response to your insinuation she was lying about not having done it before. However, her actions would’ve completely betrayed her, assuming that was her intention, because she didn’t even come close to going all the way to the base, gagging midway through. “Dosh thish look-” Her gags break her sentence, rendering her completely unable to speak. Having some experience yourself, while her blowjob wasn’t any good, for a beginner it was amazing, not to mention, the turn on of having someone as beautiful as Yujin slobbering all over your knob, her drool somewhat staining your pants, a problem to worry about later. 
What should be taking your attention, is the drop dead gorgeous woman putting all her effort into what is her first blowjob, you. You use your hand as a brush for her hair, running it through her soft and silky locks, as you chase the high that comes closer and closer to fruition, hopefully sooner than later, as much as you’d like to savor the moment of your life.
Well, seemingly understanding the current situation, or feeling your worry, she upped her assault, her gags seemingly skyrocketing in intensity and frequency, until you grab the back of her head with both hands and thrust, shoving your cock as far down her throat as possible, as you release glop after glop of semen, in what is the best orgasm you’ve ever had in your years of living. Your high lasts a couple of seconds in which all feeling in your body has been suspended by the high. As you come down from it however, the door to the room opens, with your boss and Yujin’s mother walking in...... [A/N]: Hopefully ya’ll enjoyed my first smut, part two to come soon!
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frostedfaves · 3 years
Can I request milf reader x Kate bishop? Maybe reader is a baker and Kate has a thing for her sweets, and maybe her?
A/N: I felt the need to post at least one of my already existing requests before I started dark!professor!Nat so here we go. also idk if you wanted this to be soft but my brain made it dirty 🙂
warnings: 18+ ONLY, legal age gap (22 vs 30ish), slight service top!Kate, technically cheating, dry humping, implied hidden strap, unedited fic bc I'm lazy
The bell over the door rang, announcing Kate's entry to the bakery. She took a risk by trying to come in five minutes before closing since you usually locked the door by then, but the lingering customers at the counter had Kate believing luck was on her side today.
"There you go," you hand over the perfectly packed items to a small child and a receipt to the man accompanying her. "Is there anything else I can do for you today?"
"That's all! Thanks again for taking us so late in the day."
"Of course!" you answer in the same moment the child adds in "Can you be my mommy?"
"I'm so sorry about that," the customer apologizes and ushers the child through the door while you watch with wide eyes, your awkward smile becoming genuine as you catch sight of Kate.
"Can you be my mommy?"
"Hi, Katie," you greet her with a giggle, kissing her cheek as you pass by to lock the door. "You're later than usual. I almost thought you wouldn't show today."
"I could never pass up time with you," Kate assures you, leaning against the glass counter as you return to your spot behind it. "Did you save me a cinnamon roll?"
"Of course, although I don't know why you're so obsessed with cannibalism."
"Wow, that joke gets funnier every time you tell it," she deadpans while accepting the treat from you, taking a big bite immediately and letting out a low moan. "Perfect as usual. How do you do it?"
"Gotta be good for my favorite customer," you reply while batting your eyelashes and Kate pretends not to choke in response.
"So..." she clears her throat a final time. "I showed up at closing time so I'd have a better chance at getting you alone...to talk about catering a small party. My mom wants to hire you."
"Oh, okay. Let's go over it in my office."
You barely try hiding your disappointment while letting Kate come behind the counter and follow you into the back storage room. You keep going to another door that reveals your office, closing it behind her despite you two being the only ones left in the building today.
"So what's the date of this event?"
"The 27th," Kate mumbles, undoubtedly distracted as you bend over and her seat near your desk gives her a perfect view of the thong you'd decided to wear under your dress today.
"That should give me enough time to prepare." You grab a couple binders and head toward your desk chair. "Does she have any--"
"Sit here."
"Sit here," Kate repeats, giving a light pat to her thighs and raising her brows expectedly.
You drop the binders in your chair and walk around to her side, placing a leg on either side of her before lowering yourself to her lap. A small noise escapes you when you feel the bulge you didn't notice through her loose sweatpants.
"Is that thong for me?" Kate asks with her hands on your hips, pushing her own forward against you and grinning when you moan at the contact. "Answer me so I can give you what you want."
"It was for my fiancé at one last attempt to bring back what I felt in the beginning but--"
"But he doesn't do it for you anymore, does he?" she presses and you nod. "It's because of me, isn't it?"
"Yes it is," you gasp as you begin grinding against her on your own and she matches your movements. "It's been you this whole time."
"Oh I know, baby," she teases you with a chuckle. "But I'm here now, so let me make you feel good. Let me take away the ache between those pretty legs."
Kate wraps an arm around your waist to hold you close and using her free hand to grab your chin, pulling you into an urgent kiss as the two of you pick up speed. You're moaning and huffing breaths in each other's faces in between sloppy kisses and suddenly you're digging your nails into her shoulders and whining--
"Please don't stop; I'm so close!"
So Kate reaches between the two of you and pushes your soaked thong aside to directly rub your clit, smiling through the sting of your scratches as she watches you come undone in her lap. Your eyes are locked on her as she pulls the tips of her fingers into her mouth to taste you and you release a shuddering breath.
"I think you're just going to make the ache stronger."
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toukatan · 3 years
You read every gojohime fic???? That's amazing!!! What are your favourites?
hello anonie! i guess i can say i’ve read at least a good 80% of all the fics, at least. probably. most likely because the fic tag at the start of the year was tiny and now the community’s grown so much there’s almost 600 of them. that’s insane to me. like hello?
i have a lotta fics that come to mind, that i should honestly make a master post on because i love them all. so here are a few many that came to mind immediately as i typed this up.
gojohime fic recommendations!
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limitations by ohmytheon 
“Parenthood chooses you," her mother used to tell her, but Utahime never understood that saying more than the moment she realized she was pregnant with Gojo Satoru's child. They were never meant to be something serious - never meant to be more than they were - and yet they both suddenly find themselves in a world that doesn't care about their desires - and that brings them closer in a way that no one else can understand. It won't be easy and it won't be kind to either of them, but it appears as if the universe has other plans for them
no one is what they were before by ohmytheon 
The world broke when Gojo Satoru turned on jujutsu society. It's not the hopeful place it was before, but Utahime has never been one to give up. Until she's placed in a dangerous position directly in his path, and she finds herself trapped in a web that doesn't seem intent on ever letting her go.
and touch me like you never by ohmytheon 
In public, Gojo is a special grade bastard, especially to Utahime, and has been all their lives. He knows exactly what insults to throw and what buttons to push to drive her up a wall. In private, however, he's got quite a few other things to tell and show her, which only makes things more confusing. It would be easier if she could avoid him entirely, but for some reason, he won't let her go entirely.
gravity by aerfei
This is Utahime, fierce and indomitable, and this is Satoru, who despite holding the world’s regard, still craves something that Utahime has had all her life. Coming together is sometimes an act of desperation, and sometimes a deliberate choice. Or: An Iori Utahime character study, through the lens of her relationship with Gojo Satoru, starting from the beginning and ending at the Goodwill Event arc. Manga spoilers and (at least 95%) canon-compliant through (at least) chapter 135.
count every single leaf in autumn by florieneofthesea
“I told my family we’re dating.” Utahime’s hand hovers over the door. “What?!” (or: Gojo tells his family that he's dating Utahime to get them off his back, so of course they invite her to the dreaded family dinner™)
favourite colour by otherthingsonhold
At 28, Satoru Gojo's responsibilities only start to multiply. With his clan looking to him to lead the family, and the balance of the universe in his hands, Gojo isn't thinking of much else. But when his mother brings something to his attention, the only thing Gojo can do is follow through. But how is Utahime Iori part of all of this?
gojo catoru by ashittywriter
Utahime is tasked to catsit a suspiciously large Persian dollface cat with pristine white hair, the most boop-able nose, and to top it off the cutest cerulean eyes. Too bad the cat also happens to be her idiotic colleague Gojo Satoru.
at the tail-end of spring by florieneofthesea
Utahime doesn't expect to remember her ex's number off by heart but it comes in handy when she's a little less than sober outside a club in a city she's not familiar with and her battery on three percent. She just wishes things turned out differently for them. (Or, post-break up exploration where outer forces refuse to let them have their happy ending.)
a second chance by onewordmore
In another world, it wasn't Geto who sneered down at humanity, regarding them to be worthless monkeys that deserved to die. In another world, it wasn't Geto who openly defied the Jujutsu Council and brought down terror and fear to all. In another world, it wasn't just Amanai Riko who died that day, amidst the cheers and delighted cries of the insane. And Utahime was going to learn, first hand, the consequences of her own death.
from you to me by onewordmore
A drabble series regarding Gojo and Utahime. From fluff to smut to angst to love. This is going to have it all.
oceansize by aerfei
The marriage is arranged by their families, small clans both, with all their hopes and traditions laid gently upon the shoulders of their only heirs -- and yet, this distance is impassable.
under the cover of darkness by ohmytheon
It takes a little alcohol, early morning hours, and a game of truth or dare for Gojo and Utahime to admit some difficult truths to each other.
risk/reward by ohmytheon 
No punishment had ever been more effective in making Gojo do his actual job than receiving praise from his secretary - or more grueling than when Utahime withheld it.
like a good roommate by ohmytheon
Utahime has a problem: her bed wasn't delivered to the new apartment. Her ridiculous roommate, Gojo, has a solution - but he's kind of panicking on the inside.
aware of us by halspur 
“We did alright, didn’t we?” Gojo put his phone down after taking several dozen photos of Tsumiki walking across the stage, his eyes soft. “I mean, we were just kids, too.”
love song by halspur
“Because you’re weak.” Gojo said, muffled into the thin skin of her throat. “I can’t leave you alone.”
tear you apart by halspur
“I don’t want to be mean to you,” Utahime’s cheek was pressed into his spine, her voice muffled. “I like you.”
cuddles are for clean boyfriends by just_trying_my_best_everyday
Utahime finds Gojo Satoru sitting right behind the door, blindfold hanging on his neck, completely soaked in blood and petting her cat with both hands. And he stinks.
honey by florieneofthesea
Gojo Satoru experiences love a decade before he fully realises it.
roots by florieneofthesea 
At the start of winter, Utahime starts to cough up blood. She thinks maybe its just the lingering damage from her last mission, but the coughing persists and it starts to scratch her throat, and itch at her lungs and when she finally makes the trip to Tokyo to ask Shoko for her help, she doesn't even get the first word out. Shoko welcomes her at the entrance to Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School and Utahime hacks up a single, pale blue petal, smattered with blood. She stares down at the flora on the ground and wonders if she's been cursed. Utahime looks up, and Shoko's eyes are wide.
to have and to hold by ashittywriter
“M’sorry," Gojo said his voice slurring at the end. "But please go away, I have a girlfriend." Utahime blinked in confusion. What the fuck? 
souvenir by PrettyKittyLuvsU
“Aha!” Gojo tugged something out of his pocket, his long fingers curled around it as he held his hand behind his back. His other hand waved before him, a cheeky grin splitting his lips. “Ora, ora! Hold out your hand.” Utahime stared flatly. “Ora, ora!” Gojo persisted, continuing to wave his hand as he grinned. “Hold out your hand already!” Utahime scowled at the hand swaying infront of her face. She had half a mind to slap the man instead, but her students were closely watching. Even Gojo’s students, the second years mainly—for Sukuna’s vessel was apologizing profusely as the brown haired girl continued kicking him while the quiet one made no effort to stop her— looked in fascination at whatever ridiculous souvenir Gojo wanted to hand her. Utahime slowly lifted her arm, already planning on throwing the thing back in Gojo’s annoying face. Gojo gets Utahime a very special kind of souvenir. Set during the start of the Goodwill arc.
dayum this exposes me huh? i do be reading a lot but what can i say i love to see it. all these fics are amazing, to the writers y’all are doing fantastically like my goodness you be really putting ya girl in a loop with some of these fics with your plot-lines and doing it flawlessly. can’t thank them enough for them, their hard work and time!
be sure to show the writers some love and support with comments, bookmarks and fight that dayum kudos button when it smiles at you because lemme leave more—
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i think they’d really really appreciate it when they hear the bing and be sure to check out all of their stories including the ones in the pairing tag! happy readings 😙✨
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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bratkook · 4 years
choke me. (m) jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader genre. smut, absolutely no plot word count. 2.9k warnings. short but sweet filthy, unprotected sex, messy sex, choking (jungkook begs her to choke him), dirty talk, oral sex (f. receiving), face riding, jungkook swears he sees jesus, his not so secret love for gossiping returns summary. now that the line between peeping tom and teasing neighbor had been crossed, entering into mutually beneficial territory, jungkook feels less wary about asking you to wrap your pretty hands around his throat note. peeping tom!jungkook is back for more, technically this is a second installment to come over but can def be read as a stand alone drabble! he lives in my mind rent free so i hope you all enjoy his brief return 🖤(i also wrote this in an hour so theres that) honorable mentions to @suqakoo​ who i promised id tag if i ever continued this story 🤧 @taestybae​ who is essentially the reason why i wrote the first part ily bae & @pars-ley​ i hope long hair jk ruins you once more
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Jungkook absolutely can’t think of any other place he’d rather be than right here, right now. He’s honestly contemplating sending his realtor a bouquet of roses, hell maybe one of those edible arrangements with the melon shaped like petals, anything to show his immense gratitude for helping him buy this house. 
Really, who would have ever thought the chain of events would lead to this very moment, sprawled out on his bed, large palms digging into your hips as you bounced on top of him, the slick sounds of your pussy soaking his cock filling up the room in a filthy manner. He is once again thankful for the narrow distance between your buildings that brought this moment to fruition. 
“Shit,” you gasp, palms resting on his hard chest for leverage as you lift yourself up and drop back with a wet thump, “god, you feel so good.”
Your words are thick and slurred, drunk off the feeling of his cock filling you up deliciously, the subtle ruts of his hips working in tandem with yours making sparks of pleasure shoot throughout your body. Jungkook can only smirk at the way you’re lost in the feeling of it, the arousal dripping down your thighs, pooling around the base of his cock in a sticky mess that he had grown to love. 
“Yeah?” he breathes out, bottom lip victim to his teeth as he bites down. The usual doe eyed look he had was missing now, swapped for a half lidded stare that made your stomach flip when you lock eyes.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he hisses, fingers pressing further into your skin when you tighten around him, not once slowing your movements, the perfect rhythym of your hips making a steady incline of lust course up his spine. “Making such a mess on my cock. You love it don’t you?”
A desperate whine spills out of you, fingernails pressing into the muscles on his chest, leaving half moons in their wake but he enjoys the sting too much to complain. “I just–feel so full, fuck Jungkook.”
He smiles at the way you trail off, your mouth dropped open with pouty lips wet with saliva. His palms can feel the way your body trembles with each thrust, warmth brewing inside of you and threatening to spill over every time he meets your hips with those dangerous eyes locked on you. Slowly, he raises his hand higher, following the soft skin of your sides, tracing every slope and curve of your body until he’s grabbing a handful of your tits, squeezing just enough to make you mewl in desire. 
Jungkook groans out when you speed up your hips, the warmth of your walls wrapping around him tighter than before as he pinches your nipples between his fingers, the new found sensitivity only making you lose yourself further. 
He can feel the cool sweat dampening his body, making his skin stick to the sheets beneath him, could see it slowly coating your neck as you throw your head back, revealing your throat to him and that makes the flash of an idea come back to mind. 
“Fuck, fuck wait–“ he gasps out, heels digging into his mattress as his mind begins to spin at the premise of it all. A curious look sent his way as you slow your hips, a torturous glide being swapped in favor of stopping altogether but it’s enough for him to gather his thoughts properly. “Choke me.”
“R-really?” You stutter out, chest panting from a mix of exertion and excitement, the mental image of your hands wrapped around his thick neck stirring something inside of you. Something about a man like Jungkook, all muscles and strength that couldn’t be matched, asking you to choke him felt so wrong it was almost right. 
“Please,” he’s begging now, skin on fire at even asking and potentially being turned down, but he can see the flash in your eyes, the way it turns you on, and if that didn’t settle him then the way you frantically nod in agreement does. 
“Yeah, yeah i’ll choke you,” your right palm glides up his chest now, feeling the slight trembles that course through him from the steady rocking of your hips, his ragged breaths hitting the air as you gingerly touch his neck. “You gotta show me how though.”
You were very familiar with choking, being on the receiving end of it plenty of times, but you had never been the one in control and the last thing you wanted was to do this wrong. He smiles in appreciation though, a small chuckle leaving him as he places his palm over yours, delicately guiding it to the right spot over his throat. 
Jungkook can already feel his cock stirring inside of you as he moves your fingers correctly, a low groan rumbling in his throat that is felt against your palm when you press down. Your eyes are wide with excitement, seeing how something so simple is affecting him before you have even started. The blood pumping in his veins pulses against your fingers, squeezing down further when he urges you to do so with his palm, a satisfied smile curling his lips up as he sighs. 
“Fuck, just like that.” He rasps out, dropping his hand to allow you full control, choosing to grip onto the sheets as you slowly resume your pace once more. 
Jungkook knew sending you a text reminiscent to the one you sent him before would lead to this, in one form or another, but having you riding him with your fingers pressed into his neck had just become his new favorite fantasy. 
A small moan leaves you as you look down at him, his long sweaty hair raked off his face, allowing you to see the way his brows furrowed together as the sensations flooded his mind. He looked like your favorite wet dream, eyes staring up at you in that dazed way that showed he was lost in the pleasure, tongue swiping at his lower lip as he moaned out your name, tugging at the sheets and rutting up into you with more urgency each time. 
“Fuck, and you called me dirty,” you laugh out, leaning forward to inch closer to his face, pressing a teasing kiss to his lips and giggling when he tries to chase them for more, tightening your hold on his throat until his eyes are fluttering shut. 
Jungkook feels like he’s floating, the low thrumming in his ears getting louder as the seconds tick by, the wet squelch of your pussy creaming his cock mixing in with your soft laughs and its filthy. “Tighter,” he rasps out, blinking his eyes open to see you once more, nodding in reassurance when you look unsure. “Please.”
When you do as he asks he swears he’ll cum instantly, his stomach caving in as the coil tightens inside of him, the heady feeling clouding his thoughts, leaving the edges of his sight speckled and faded, the image of you above him still crystal clear. There's so much want in your eyes, your own orgasm slowly creeping up on you at just seeing how affected he is by you doing this. His free hand drops back down to your hips, urging you to speed up your movements, each glide of your drenched walls feeling like heaven, draping over him in this soft warmth that leaves him gasping lewdly. 
Maybe Jungkook should go to church.
A small shiver racks your body, pushing aside your own pleasure when you start to spot the floaty appearance on his features, the breathy whines that escape him, eyes spaced out, only focusing on the growing euphoric feeling coming from where you two connect, spreading to his every limb until he’s tensing up. “Wanna feel you cum Jungkook, c’mon, make me messy again.”
Jungkook nods at your words, speech wiped from his mind, blanking as you squeeze him further, the hand gripping the sheets shooting up to wrap around your wrist as a desperate moan leaves his swollen lips when his orgasm crashes over him in surprise, a flash of white spread across his vision. His eyes roll back in pleasure, hips rutting up into yours so forcefully you’re nearly falling over him, releasing his throat and allowing him to gasp in a breath, his warm cum spilling into you in spurts that you welcome.
“Fuck, oh fuck.” He chants, eyes squeezed shut as he fills you up like you asked him to, the buzz of pleasure soaking into his bones and leaving him satisfied, limbs limp as you milk his orgasm out of him fully. Jungkook weakly mumbles out your name as you continue grinding on him, the friction against your clit making you moan in response, leaning forward to cup his cheeks as you kiss him gently as he comes down. “Come up here.”
It takes you a moment to know what he means, spoken so slurred together in his post orgasm bliss you think he might just be mumbling nonsense, but as he grabs your hips with both hands and slides you off his softening cock you know exactly what he wants you to do. With shaky knees you crawl over him, sodden folds sliding against his torso and leaving a mess as you make your way to the head of the bed. 
“Fuck, look at you.” He mumbles, arms hooking under your thighs to urge you up until your core hovered directly above him, knees digging into the sheets beside his head with your hand grabbing onto the headboard for support. Jungkook eyes your swollen lips, coated in your arousal and a mixture of his cum still dripping out of you, it’s not like he minds though, determined to have you falling apart because of him. 
“Made me cum so hard I swear I saw Jesus,” he jokes, soft huffs of laughter hitting your inner thighs as he sloppily kisses them, tongue licking up drops of your arousal as he makes his way up. “Wanna return the favor.”
A whimper leaves your mouth as he teasingly licks along your slit, tip of his tongue flicking against your aching clit as he does so, humming in content when you tangle your hands in his hair. With soft, tickling touches of his fingers against the backs of your thighs you lower onto him, only the tops of his eyes visible as he pulls you further onto him, a cheeky wink sent your way before he goes in for the kill.
Jungkook digs his fingers into your skin to keep you in place as he licks a broad stripe up your folds, shamelessly moaning at the taste of you on his tongue, smiling against you when you shudder at the sensation. “Fuck, Jungkook.” You can barely whisper out, hips dropping lower in search for more and he groans, not opposed to the way your thighs cage him in, surrounded by you entirely.
A small shriek fills the air as his lips wrap around you clit, sucking on the swollen nub with intent to make you crumble, moaning against you as you tug at his strands with force, the yank at his scalp only making him keep at it. Stars flash behind your closed lids as you give an experimental grind of your hips, rutting against his tongue until you’re gasping, Jungkook’s fingers loosening their hold to allow you to seek your own pleasure, using his tongue to get yourself off on top of him.
He can feel his cock stirring back to life at you using him like this, fingers pushing his face further up, his tongue flicking against you, lips sucking enough to get you to tremble. “Shit, Jungkook, ah— c-close.”
The slow, deliberate roll of your hips increases as the familiar high approaches you, Jungkook’s hands grabbing onto your ass to urge you, guide you against him with more force. The wetness pools down your thighs, coats his mouth and chin but he swears he could drown here and die happy, fully content to know the last sounds he hears is you chanting his name out like a mantra.
“Shit, I’m cumming.” The heat curls in your stomach, flames licking at your insides as your hips grow sloppy and desperate, fingers clutching onto his hair like a lifeline as you can just barely taste your high. It’s not until Jungkook presses his tongue harder against you, providing you with that last bit of friction you need, that you cum with a shout of his name. His fingers rubbing soft circles onto your skin as he continues to suck on your clit, enjoying the aftershocks that course through you, the small whines and whimpers of overstimulation as he licks you clean. 
“Ah, too much.” you plea, lifting yourself up from his mouth as the pleasure turns painful. He looks absolutely satisfied with himself, a charming smile on his messy lips as he stares up at you with glimmering eyes. 
“That was amazing.” A snort leaves you as you carefully slide off of him, settling beside him with a content sigh, thighs still trembling from it all, something he takes note of as he runs his fingers against them. 
“Who knew you loved getting choked,” you giggle, inching away from him when he attempts to grab you, “my hands weren’t enough for you, just had to go and let my thighs finish you off huh?”
“Shut up,” he whines, fingers wrapping around your ankle and yanking you back to him with more ease than you expected, not content until you were pressed against him once more. The heat of your bodies isn’t uncomfortable as he holds you close, maneuvering himself until you were flat on your back with his body slot between your thighs, arms wrapped underneath you with his cheek against your tummy. “You were totally into it too.”
“Hm, I was.” You can’t even deny it, seeing Jungkook looking so submissive at your hands made a small rush flow through you, the same rush you felt whenever he was rough with you. This was something the two of you could definitely play around with.
Jungkook looks beyond comfortable in his position, nuzzling against you happily, not caring about the way your skin sticks together but just as you’re about to shut your eyes he speaks. “Oh my god,” his cheek lifts from your skin to look up at you with a smile when you raise your brow in curiosity, “did you hear about the drama going on down the street?”
“What drama?”
“You know the preschool teacher that lives in that blue house?” Your hands run through his damp hair as you try to remember, finally putting a face to the person and nodding in confirmation, “Okay well she got that soccer mom’s car towed this morning.”
“Jungkook, how do you know this?” You laugh out, draping your arm across your face to hide the way you found it all amusing, his gossiping tendencies coming out full force.
“Well ever since somebody—” his fingers dig into your skin playfully, laughing as you squirm around, “lied to me about the group chat I got nosey, found this app called Next Door and the drama is top notch.” It was really a gold mine of petty neighborhood tea, keeping him entertained like the morning newspaper, knowing the ins and outs of who was the neighborhood Karen and who you could trust to call the cops if anyone attempted to break into your house.
“You know Jungkook, I never pegged you as the kind to love gossip.”
He rests his chin on your sternum now, eyebrows wiggling mischievously as the words leave your mouth. “Did you say peg?”
“Oh my god, get out of here!” He cackles instantly, allowing you to push his face away from you while you attempt to get up, his hands loosening their hold on you only to allow himself to crawl up your body once more. Your laughs continue to fill the air as he kisses your cheek sloppily, “Get your head out of the gutter.”
“I was joking,” he chuckles, leaning back with a smile, “unless you’re into that.” He tacks on the same ending as last time, winking when you scrunch your face up in embarrassment.
“Go, don’t you have work to do.” Desperately needing him to get away from you before your mind spun up another filthy fantasy at his expense.
“Need I remind you, you’re in my bed.” 
“Yeah well, your bed is lined in egyptian cotton and smells like fresh laundry so don’t mind me, I’ll be here.” He had no qualms about that, giving you a final kiss to your lips before deciding you were right, he had been distracted enough by sending you that text to come over, needing to finish up the work he had to turn in by tonight.
As he walks around his room and gets himself looking decent enough to sit at his desk you flop over with a sigh, burying your face into his pillow and smiling when the familiar scent of him fills your nose. Looking out of his bedroom window and seeing your own bedroom a few feet away makes your stomach flutter with the same excitement as before, his teasing words replaying in your mind now.
Unless you’re into that. 
How many more ways could he use that phrase for trouble?
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