#technically omi is safe though
legendoftortor · 1 year
Been cooped up in bed for the better part of the week (I hate my body sometimes), but I just had to come on and share this. Possessive Seb is something else 🥵
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dragon-business · 11 months
Daigo’s kidnapping story – new and improved (part 2)
part 1
Ryuji will manage to fracture a bone in his leg in the last stretch of the journey – in the fight with the assassins. And of course he's going to valiantly hide it, like a dumbass.
So when Ryuji and Daigo finally managed to finally get to Ryuji's guys (his personal guys, who can be trusted and/or were confirmed to be safe) and have to deal with that family with the grudge before they make a huge ruckus and set Ryuji up, and fuck Omi over, before all that – Ryuji checked out from exhaustion and fever.
So yeah. Daigo had to take the reins and deal with all this shit on his own: manage Ryuji's people, settle everything. Because otherwise they all are getting killed, and the war with Tojo may get even uglier.
And everything has to be done quietly, too, while saving face, to avoid worsening the situation. The status quo is shitty right now, but they (Daigo) still have to uphold it. But he needs to (technically) help the enemy to do that. Gotta work with resources you have. 
And Daigo's involvement in all this was known only to some of Ryuji's men, and even some of them think it was all part of Ryuji's plan from the start.
They do call Daigo aniki, though, and scramble around to help him in all necessary ways.
Ryuji wakes up in a couple of days, all bleary and crusty, and the hideout is clean, fridge is full of beer, Evanescence is blasting on the radio, Ryuji's dad has no idea all this ever happened. And Daigo is there, with a bowl of bland soup, all like: "You're welcome. Now slurp, bitch." Because Ryuji is not gonna die on him after all this work 😤😑 👉
Not gonna let his boys sneak him in fast food either. Only bland foods for recovery. Grandma taught him that, or nanny. Or tv shows, even. Broth-therapy. Grandmas and doctors agree – soup is the way.
And if Ryuji behaves, he'll maybe get some tasty stuff in his broth too. Like a cube of tofu 😌
Ryuji: this is torture Daigo: ok, 2 cubes
But the guy with a haystack on his head has no complaining rights. He looks like a creature. Unshaved. Scruffled. Darkly scruffled. The dark roots are very noticeable on his hair, too.
Ryuji's boys will be praying on Daigo no aniki, no one else is brave enough to sit on Ryuji's bed and force-feed him soups and medicine.
No one else probably dared to stay at the hideout all the time, but Daigo's technically a prisoner, so someone has to be there, it's their work… so they probably left one or two guys to hang out in the main room at night. But when Ryuji woke up, he just sent them scrambling, for being too loud at night.
He was gambling with this, because after this Daigo could up walk out at any point. But he didn't do it so far, so…
– Everything is annoying to Ryuji, because stupid health is stupid, and he feels weaker and he hates that. No control over his plans, his men, his clan, his body. It's all stretching thin. Unpleasant. Also his men seeing him weak is the worst. Especially with the control over everything slipping away.
And Daigo is feeling bad about it all too. After losing to Ryuji back in the day, when he got out of prison Daigo didn't want to show himself in front of his loyal subordinates… so it all feels so familiar. And very annoying, yes.
Ryuji, meanwhile, is missing staying in the forest. Because even with all the uncertainty and possible danger it was nice, with more hands-on stuff to do, more nature and creatures, and, in a way, a more clear plan of what to do.
Now that the rival family is dealt with Ryuji needs to lay low for a bit, until he more or less gets back on his feet, to get into the action properly without fainting or drawing suspicions.
Back in the forest it was way clearer who he could trust – there was only Daigo, and they had to work together. (And it could've happen a lot sooner, if someone wasn't a little bitch about it)
Now, back in civilization, Daigo can check out, walk out at any moment. There's even an opening left for him to do so, that Ryuji may or may not have put there on purpose will not admit to it either way. Ryuji doesn't think about these things, and doesn't examine them closely. It's a very intentional decision.
Daigo didn't walk out though. He also had a lot to think about, as we mentioned above.
Lately, after floating along in life for so long, after becoming a failure and a disappointment, and having decisions taken away from him, Daigo didn't see the point of doing anything, really. And after all that, getting to have good fights and real things to do was so good.
Managing the shitty dumb problem with Omi set-up, watching over Ryuji's recovery, being able to take control of things that may be small but are necessary to do, being useful. It was so freeing. Just as being able to bite back, and not forced to nod and be grateful for whatever bullshit people push on you.
And back in the forest Daigo did spill some of the bitter, angry, frustrated thoughts he never really told anyone. That he couldn't tell anyone who actually knows him, because that'll make him more of a disgusting disappointment.
"Sharing stuff with this guy works, tho, because he doesn't care." – both of them, probably.
Can't make it worse at least, so it's actually reliving – don't have to pretend so much about everything. The secret is to not think there's a whole world beyond the forest. Oh it's a classic blender. A trap.
little apartment getaway
Hideout they are at is an apartment that's partially used as an office/hangout spot. There's the living room with the exit and an open floor: lounge area with the couch, armchairs, tv, and the table, small kitchen with an counter in the corner, all the jaz. There's also a door to a little corridor with the doors to the bathroom, closet, and to the separate room. It’s small, but furnished, nothing too fancy, just a western bed, desk, and stuff.
Ryuji with his IV and provided by the boys pillows is taking up the bed in that separate room.
When boys were still nominally watching over him, they hung out in the living room at night on the watch, and Daigo slept on the old uneven couch in that separate room. 
– This all is so funny. Technically Daigo could've killed Ryuji or at least left at any moment after they left the safehouse. The pretence of needing Ryuji around on the Omi's territory to not get killed is a bit too stretched.
Daigo could've left Ryuji wandering, lost between the trees after going for a leak, or nicely shibari-ed at evening for educational purposes, and just. Walk away.
Thank you, goodbye, good luck. – Think of Daigo in some random ass clothes in the hideout, because all the camping clothes go to hard drycleaning. So he wears something cheap, bought by Ryuji's boys, a couple sizes off on the bigger side. The marshmallow jacket created visual enhancement.
– Boys brought Daigo a futon, but he wouldn't be fucking sleeping in the living room, where they watch tv for half of the night. And the small room wasn't good for it either, even after the boys cleaned the floors there.
So after they get banned to only appear only occasionally, Daigo would not stop complaining about the shitty couch with uneven cushions he has to deal with.
And Ryuji is like: Why do you sleep on it then? You can take the one in the main room. And Daigo is like: The couch in the other room. the room with the door. And many windows. Where none of your men will be at night. That couch in that room? Ryuji: Daigo: That bitch is also uneven like the sea at storm.
So yeah, I'm just saying that there's a chance, an opening to bully Daigo into sleeping on the bed too. Because who cares after the forest anyway.
Ryuji: This way, if you'll try to leave at night, I'll wake up ☝😌 Daigo, thinking about the offer to get the living room couch: Mhm. Daigo: And what are you gonna do about it, mister "I will totally not faint in the bathroom", hmm? Bite me on the ankle, so I will have to drag you around? Ryuji: Don't have to do anything >C You're so scrawny, I can just lay on you, and you wouldn't be able to move 👉
(Our favourite genre of bullying Daigo: littlest, tiniest man. In a big jacket. So smol.)
After the forest and the shitty couch, Daigo will be blacking out instantly on what's most likely this office work hours fuck bed with dozen pillows.
And when the boys accidentally put Ryuji and Daigo on the spot, they both lie and pretend Daigo is still sleeping on the couch.
They don't really talk about it. Maybe just a little, for mutual understanding that, even with all the boys' mutual reverence for Daigo aniki, this kind of implications shouldn't be spread, or it's gonna bite them both in the ass. Even with all the awkward queer solidarity about dumb social norms, there's also political subtext to consider (what's the flag for "not laying with the enemy"? 👉👌🙅‍♂😤✊👉👉👉)
And all this probably leads to the fact that they are both in the positions to heavily influence what's going on. Maybe even stop it. Or slow it, or, at least, have less casualties. Perhaps, Ryuji can NOT go and fight Kiryu, after Daigo spent so fucking long trying to keep him alive and healthy? This is kinda annoying.
Everything is annoying, really, and tense, and things are slipping out of their control but they can have some of it back? Because it's alright now. Ryuji is not dead, recovering. Kiryu is not dead. And Daigo is feeling more alive, and there's vague hope that maybe all of this can be kept this way.
It's all a possibility. A chance that's halfway there, that you kinda maybe want to believe in. Daigo wants to, deep down (even with the clear Kiryu-boners, and Ryuji's stubbornness).
For Ryuji though, considering backing away will feel like a weakness. Like running away. From his plans, his destiny and all.
He does consider it though. Because after the whole forest trip, after waking up to the sound of rain tapping on the window with someone drooling on your arm felt better than doing that whole coup plan. It felt like something he's been missing. Like some things that are right to do no longer fit into his life for some reason.
All of this hangs in the air.
– Sometimes I think about the almost melodramatic stubborn way Daigo and Ryuji didn't talk about how they felt in that hideout.  Because denial and plausible deniability. No admitting you care about each other, nope.
But maybe they were also postponing it. Somewhat knowing it's unavoidable with all the talks about leaving, rainy days, take out, watching over Ryuji's training walks around the apartment, napping on each other's shoulders – they still skittered around.
Both for denial purposes, aaaand to pretend there's still time left to do nothing and be at ease.
Understanding enough to maybe feel like they're on the same page at the moment, but to retroactively doubt it and be unsure, after everything blows up.
Oh, the fear of the unavoidable. No commitment or even talks about it, no admission of the attraction out loud, so nothing was there at all, right? No hard feelings then.
Oh, the fear of wanting something you shouldn't, even if it feels good.
Oh, the understanding that if you admit it, it will mean you were probably making a lot of mistakes before this moment. Oh the inevitability of it coming down like a plane falling from the sky, of maybe falling in love. Oh, wanting to just prolong the free fall, and sit on both chairs for as long as you can, because it's terrifying. All of it.
Oh, Daigo standing in front of the window opened into the chill night, and Ryuji saying "go to bed" to his back instead of coming up to him, or pulling him in, like he wanted. Oh, Daigo just laying down to sleep on his shoulder instead of kissing him, or even just touching his face.
Oh, the feeling of "well, next time-", of "well, tomorrow this may not hold off".
Oh, one day "tomorrow" not coming at all, because that's it. Time ran out.
Because one morning, a day after Ryuji contacted Takashima and some other people briefly, Ryuji wakes up to only his boys in the hideout. Because when they came, apparently, other Omi men took Daigo somewhere because of some plan that was approved from above.
– Daigo being re-kidnapped *dabs*
Majima's voice from the background: I did that! A classic. (with Haruka, according to RGGO) Ryuji: I didn't kidnap him the first time either >c
It was the only morning since Ryuji started his meds when Daigo woke up first. 
– But okay, okay it was some other, let's say (with a stretch) Ryuji's men. Who, upon bosses return, decided to win the favour by using Daigo as bait to lure Kiryu into a trap to capture or kill.
And, well, yes, they may have been directly encouraged by Takashima. It’s not like anyone can tell by this point though. The guy is real good at this game.
And that's the story of how Daigo gets taken to Tokyo in the trunk of a car, and stuffed in a room in the wrecked bathhouses. Kiryu saved him the same night, and Daigo was very tired and hungry, because he didn't even have breakfast. And then things happen very fast.
Perhaps, Ryuji scrambled back into the groove of things, and managed to cut the crazy idea of the guys actually trying to kill Kiryu or attempting anything else crazy. Because it's Ryuji's duty and destiny or whatever. Mhm.
But, being busy with all that, he couldn't get to the bathhouses before Kiryu. He could just give orders and scold people over the phone.
Majima family guys found out where Daigo was kept, right? And they found out because the bathhouses belong to Majima now. So maybe Daigo was relocated there from the actual trap location, specifically so he can be found and rescued faster.
Ryuji and Daigo did get each other's contacts before all that but they do not meet after this in private (the scene on the funeral is double-wild with this backstory: oh, Ryuji). But sometimes after the bomb threat on Kamurocho gets resolved, but before the fight on the rooftop, Daigo gets a phone call.
On the other end of the line, Ryuji is silent, because, in a super melodramatic fashion, he called just to hear Daigo's voice. Daigo realised it was him, though, because bitch, and said his mind. Something in the silence gave Ryuji away. Not speaking, letting the silence linger like an asshole in a really distinct way.
Daigo probably talked about some other place they could go to for a great view. That tower is unfinished anyway, just wind up there and ugly skeletons of construction.
Maybe, when Ryuji realised that Daigo was about to ask him to not go through with his plan, he hung up. After a long pause, just after the "please-". Because it was terrifying.
He already nearly slipped from his resolve not long ago. Gotta control this stuff. The things.
– Dang, this is such a raw relationship, coming from poking each other's most sore spots from the get go. And paradoxically finding comfort in that, because when you start from this kind of mess, there's nowhere to go but up.
All the parallels to each other's hang ups and traumas. It's rather uncomfortable, almost to the point of teenage rage, to know that you're not so unique.
the tower
And in the end it still went as it did – Ryuji went up on that tower to fight Kiryu and to die. To finish what he started, and to not back down, and for a million other things that seemed important and good enough. It felt like the only right thing to do by that point. And Daigo had to live with that. 
Well, Ryuji too, in the end.
Kaoru took Kiryu down, and while doing so, called for someone to go pick Ryuji's unconscious body and take him someplace safe. So even if Daigo came there afterwards (for Kiryu, of course. Yes, only for him) the top of the building was empty and off limits.
And there was no time to dwell on the past for Daigo after that, he had his hands full with Tojo on fire and the crazy cat on the loose. But it's all gonna come back around in a year or so. Ryuji’s gonna be crawling back to Kamurocho after his soul searching journey, and finding new ways to apply dumb suffering and existential crisis in his life. Prepare to see the story continue in y3 and for the bigass logs on ot3 for y4 (we went off on those).
their conflicts 
Thinking about how Daigo was gradually understanding Ryuji, but not fast enough to respect him fully without regards to his strength. About how only after Daigo decided he can never be enough for Ryuji (or Kiryu, but that's another story) and started to build his life and strength separately from that, Ryuji started to look at him with real respect too. It's a long process.
Ryuji going to explode on Majima's building with Kiryu was the point where Daigo decided that that's it. He's done.
And in Ryuji's head his two brain cells clash: one is hyper-focused on Kiryu, and the other is responsible for whatever it is that's slowly happening with Daigo – much more fragile and uncertain, and not comfortable for the fast and decisive man like Ryuji. And as much as we make fun of Ryuji having a crush on Kiryu, let's face it: Daigo being affiliated with Kiryu in a personal way doesn't help this mess at all.
It all boils down to the fact that Kiryu-stuff is the brighter and more existing fruit dangling in front of Ryuji. He gained his experiences in life, but he's still not very mature.
Kiryu is Ryuji's burning car.*
But he's off to Okinawa now. Sayonara, goodbye, good luck with the concussion.
– * There’s this anecdote, it goes something like this: “The bear was walking in the forest, and saw a car on fire. And he, well. He got into it and burned”.
I love it, “got into the burning car and died” is the perfect metaphor for all the absolutely unnecessary self-sacrificing our little blorbos like to do. And Yakuza is full of people getting in burning cars, it’s insane :’D
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saltmilea · 2 years
Supernatural beings AU blurb but I’m transferring what I said over from Twitter to here! it might be a bit messy!
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- Masumi (Hunter in training! He’s being trained by Tsuzuru and Citron/he’s mooching off of them)
- Tsuzuru (Hunter with a family line of hunters)
- Citron (Hunter)
- Chikage (Just A Guy. He is also somehow in Hisoka’s “pack”
- Tenma (Hunter)
- Kumon (Just a dude)
- Juza (Just a lad. He gets confused as a former hunter or werewolf because he likes to hang with the Veludo pack!)
- Sakyo (Just a guy)
- Homare (A dapper lad)
- Guy (Hunter)
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- Itaru (He’s a wolf. But. He kinda, acts like a lazy dog... Also a part of Hisoka’s “pack”.)
- Kazunari (He’s a part of Tasuku’s pack - lamely dubbed The Veludo Pack.)
- Banri (A lone wolf not a part of any pack.)
- Taichi (Also a part of the Veludo pack)
- Omi (A part of the veludo pack too)
- Tasuku (A part of the Veludo pack)
- Hisoka (There are only 3 people in this “pack” and one of them isn’t even a werewolf.)
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- Muku (A turned vampire being helped by Azuma)
- Misumi (A turned vampire who’s staying with Azuma for a while due to circumstances.)
- Azami (A pure blood vampire who’s mostly taken care of by Sakyo)
- Tsumugi (A pure blood vampire who’s been friends with Tasuku since God Knows When)
- Azuma (A pure blood vampire who tries to help turned vampires reintegrate back into society)
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- Sakuya (After moving around since his parent’s death, he’s sent back to Veludo by his relatives.)
- Yuki (A veludo resident.)
- Izumi (A member of the council of fuyupoly SKOB)
Some other notes:
1. Misumi and Muku are turned vampires, which means their ears aren;t as pointed as the other pure-blood vampires.
2. Homare's the person who found the name Sacred Keepers of Order and Balance, in short, SKOB
3. Werewolves & vampires are biologically incompatible. Any bodily fluid the other gets in contact with will result in burns. Severity depends on the bodily fluid.  (E.g. sweat: a little sting but nothing much, blood: hurts like a fucking bitch honestly)
4. Tsuzu and Kazu are childhood friends that kinda live together
5. Sometimes you can see Tasuku dragging Kazu out of Tsuzuru's little house by force for various reasons
6. Tsuzukazu met Misumi when they heard a knock on their door asking for onigiri. They were making onigiri that night and Misumi was passing by. Azuma was with Misumi when Misumi knocked on tzkz's door! Azuma's quite happy with Misumi finally having friends!!! If they need to find Misumi, they know where to go
7. Veludo is a safe territory. Though outside of veludo and it's borders, the rivalry of all the species are a bit iffy, it's generally peaceful in Veludo.
8. Kinda cottage core-ish for tsuzuru to live right at the edge of the border. Kinda stupid-ish too.
9. Something bad will happen in this AU and maybe (not) they're a little traumatized but they'll be fine because they have each other. (This is an exaggeration, this AU is pretty mild and mostly focused on tzmskz’s relationship)
10. Azuma kinda becomes a mentor/parental role in Misumi's life. He's helped Misumi adapt and integrate back into society after turning! This also applies to vampires who got turned.
12. There was no Homare in the council originally, but he went in their office with such idealistic claims and visions and idk, that's kinda sexy right
13. Haruto is technically an older vampire vs Misumi, but he got bitten around the wee age of 14 years old and they have regular debates on who's older
14. Sometimes they ask Kazu to transform into a wolf and they sleep around him. Kazu soft, gentle, warm, delightful. Cute and he tries to keep them in comfortable places when they nap together
15. Though their official name is SKOB, they continue to use the word hunters. Only Homare calls hunters SKOB.
16. Tasuku thinks calling hunters SKOB is stupid
17. Tsuzuru has a bean bag that Kazu likes to lay on / sit on
18. Veludo has anonymous blood donor/donation places to fill blood packs for vampires to feed on!
19. Azuma and Reni are exes
20. This is more of a design point than anything, but some things I want to note!
- It's a shield with a scale (protection & balance)
- I tried making the silhouette looking like a wolf and the negative space at the top looking like a vampire's fang! 
- It's blue bc, fuyugumi lol  
- You can't really see it (?) But the middle of the scale is supposed to be a stylistic eye (all seeing)
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21. Blood tastes better if you have a connection with the person you're feeding off of
22. Banri and Tenma are kind of in a partnership where they help each other.
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lcnelyinthesky · 4 years
six to six - sakusa x reader
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a/n: i haven’t written fluff in forever it seems,, its only been a few days. in any case! heres some self indulgent sakusa! i hope youre all having a wonderful day!
genre: fluff
warnings: timeskip!jobs
word count: 1.6k
enjoy!! <3
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Sakusa wakes up for his morning run to an alarm that plays quiet, exclusively piano music. He kisses the shell of your ear as his eyes open, shifting your body slightly to get his arm out from under you without waking you up. You tend to sleep as the little spoon--it makes him sleep soundly knowing you’re fully protected in his embrace. He takes the cream colored comforter off of his larger frame and tucks it up to your chin, planting a kiss on your forehead before he gets changed into his running clothes. He walks around your shared apartment, turning the kitchen light on on his way out.
You continue to sleep soundly as the sun sends beams of yellow light in through the curtains. The warmth left in your bed from Sakusa’s body is still present as you sleep much lighter than the hours before. Your almost awake mind can tell he’s no longer there, but is too sleepy to start your day. You absent-mindedly take fistfuls of fabric up to your face, just over your nose, as your eyes and nose scrunch closed from the incoming light.
You hear the door unlock and the sounds of Kiyoomi’s lighter steps. Despite his height and the expectation, he takes very cautious steps as a habit. He walks like the top of his head is being pulled up by a string, and you probably wouldn’t have been able to hear if you weren’t waiting for the sound. A few minutes pass and he’s standing over your body, stroking your hair with a freshly washed hand as sweat dries on his forehead. He speaks in a quiet voice, almost like he doesn't want you to hear him. He doesn't want to disturb your peace, but knows he needs to. “Wake up, love.”
You’re both sitting around your kitchen island. Sakusa’s hair is being dried in a t-shirt to protect his curls while you sit next to him, still in your pajamas and refusing to get dressed like a small child. The grey granite countertops are adorned with plates that used to hold omelettes. You didn’t have anything going on that morning, so you decided to make a considerably nicer breakfast than usual. Sakusa watched and made sure you washed the raw egg off of your hands every time you cracked an egg. 
“Who taught you how to crack an egg? Those things are full of diseases. Make sure you actually wash it off, don’t just rinse them.” Sakusa leaned forward to grab the soap on the kitchen sink and squeezed it into your hand; both to be sure you used soap and so you didn’t “get the egg goop on the bottle.”
Sakusa left for volleyball practice and you went with him, planning to watch MSBY in their natural habitat and maybe poke some fun at Atsumu while you’re at it. He wore what you’d expect, but you had since showered and dressed up, wearing fancier, beige pants and a bright red button up shirt under a long brown jacket. Your shoes matched your shirt, the red of both pieces being fun without being overbearing. Sakusa told you he thought you looked “ravishing, love.”
His hands were in the pockets of his jacket and your arm was interlocked with his. He preferred having his hands tucked away if they could be, so this was always how you walked places. Besides that though, you looked like a power couple when you walked arm in arm. You looked like you both had it all together. 
“Get it Omi! When’d you learn to do that?” They were having a little in-team practice game and you couldn’t help but shout from the sidelines. Today was seemingly a free day for more than just you as you sat down next to Akaashi in the stands.
“L/N, I hate to say this again, but stop yelling!” The coach was not fond of your passion, but in the same second he said that, Bokuto shouted to Akaashi about something he did, asking the latter if he saw with the proudest smile on his face. Akaashi did, of course, even when writing vigorously, and shot a small but noticeable smile back at the excitable Bokuto, saying he did see and was proud of him. Bokuto beamed for the rest of practice. 
You left the gym to get yourself lunch, walking confidently down the sidewalk looking for something that tickles your fancy. You settled on a crepe from a street vendor, regretting nothing as you ate the thin, chocolate covered pancake. As you continued your stroll, you walked into a small shop riddled from one side to the other with small trinkets. The back wall of this small, colorful shop was covered in socks of all kinds with random prints on each one. You thought the ones with small aerosol cans of cleaning products were hysterical and decided to buy them for your boyfriend, knowing he’d love them just as much as he’d hate the teasing. 
On your way back to the gym to continue watching, you stumbled upon a small flower shop and decided to walk around, smelling some of the flowers before you complimented the owner on their work and continued on your way.
Technically, practice on this simple, Saturday afternoon was over--but you found yourself setting volleyballs into Kiyoomi’s hand as you listened to the rhythmic slamming of those same balls to the floor. You had never properly played volleyball, but you had become decent at setting over the years you had known Sakusa. He was one with a fighting, passionate spirit. He’d always do whatever he needed to win. This meant, though, having arm muscles you never actually need and having volleyball skills that could rival an over-confident middle schooler. 
It was thrilling though, and you’d never say you weren’t absolutely enthralled with his abilities. He was a very cold, distanced person, but seeing him in his element made you meet a whole different version of him. It excited you to no end.
You and Sakusa were both dripping with shower water. He went in to rinse off his sweat, and you joined him with a devilish grin on your face. He massaged shampoo into your hair as you closed your eyes and melted into the feeling of his hands and the warm water, blissfully forgetting the outside world for as long as you possibly could. He made you feel safe and at home, and nothing felt nicer than when he showed physical affection; especially as that affection was few and far between sometimes. 
Your living room had a white leather sectional in it. You always took the corner, aiming your feet towards the tv, while Sakusa either sat next to you with his feet on the glass coffee table or with his back against the arm, aiming his feet towards you. You sat and wrote while you listened to your favorite record as it played softly, occasionally moving your head to the beat. Sakusa scrolled through some random social media app and read every stupid thing he was shown, giggling sometimes to break the comfortable silence. Your favorite song came on, and the second Sakusa heard the first beat he stood up and outstretched his hand to you, asking you to dance with him. He was different in private. Far more confident and a lot less scared, and when he was with you it was like nothing mattered at all. He was truly at home with you, and you were more grateful for that than you could explain. 
With that one dance came plenty more, changing the record when one ended to another with more spunk. Both of you were worn out though, laying on the perfectly clean, white carpet in your living room while trying to catch your breath. Sakusa’s back was on the floor while your head was comfortably on his chest. You curled up against his frame as he stroked your hair.
“Hey, Omi?” Your voice was soft and kind. You spoke in a way where even if other people were around they wouldn’t be able to hear you. Just you and Kiyoomi.
“Yes, Y/N?” He propped himself up with his elbows and looked into your eyes as you turned to look into his.
“I kinda really like you.” You still spoke softly, a small blush going over your face as he giggled at what you said.
“I kinda really like you too, dork.”
You and Sakusa always cooked together, especially when raw ingredients were involved. He stayed away as you dealt with the uncooked food, and you stayed away as he worked on the rest, mouth watering as he made you wait. Sakusa wore an apron when he cooked. It was one you found at a shop full of handmade goods. It had watermelon on it.
You walked up to him as he slaved over the stove, asking to taste the rice in the pan before he told you no and to turn around. You pouted in response, but sat again at your spot on the kitchen island, holding your head up by your arms as you almost tasted the flavors in the air. 
Both of you were full after eating and you sat again on the couch. Sakusa cued up an episode of the objectively terrible show you were binging together and put his arm around your shoulders, allowing you to nuzzle your face into his chest. You both laughed hysterically as you made jokes jabbing at the plot, becoming completely present in the situation one stupid sentence at a time. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi was holding you in his arms, and even though it took a long time for him to get to that point, you’re thankful everyday for the end result. He was yours; this was the bliss you always wanted. 
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ssamie · 4 years
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  3k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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"okay, my friend'll be here any time soon" atsumu told her "now what did we practice?" atsumu cooed at her
she blankly smiled and reluctantly waved her hand. "h-hello. my name is y/n l/n and i have sanitized more than thrice today.." she mumbled in embarrassment
"what did you say?!" atsumu yelled with a look of confusion written on his face "i can't hear ya!"
suna rolled his eyes at him. "well maybe you'd be able to if you weren't standing ten feet away from each other" he said with a sigh. suna was right. they were indeed standing ten feet away from each other and it was quite ridiculous, in her opinion but atsumu was hell bent on getting his friend to like her, so he went with extreme measures. 
"tsumu-kun.. i don't think he'll mind if i don't wear a mask or gloves" she said with a huff "its getting so hot here, i might just disgust him if i start sweating more" she sighed 
atsumu pouted as she handed him the mask and gloves "you don't understand! omi-omi will never like you if that happens!" he whined "why would you care if he likes her or not" osamu scowled as he threw a volleyball to the back of atsumu's head 
"well" the blond smirked "my dear omi-omi has been single for so long!" he exclaimed dramatically "so me being the great friend that i am" he smiled pridefully "i decided to set these two up!" 
"no." osamu replied 
"eh? why not??" atsumu blinked dumbly in response "yer not setting them up for multiple reasons" osamu said "one is, no. just no." 
"two.. is because im more invested on setting her up with.. him.." osamu whispered as he slyly nodded towards suna. atsumu scrunched his face in response "eh?? no way! he's ugly!" he whispered back 
"he's not ugly" osamu rolled his eyes "and you certainly have no room to talk. you look like a fly for fucksake" 
"hah?! the hell did ya call me?!" 
upon seeing them on the verge of fighting, she sighed and opted to exit the gym. "who even is omi-omi.." she muttered "is he really that irked with germs?" she shrugged it off and made her way to a vending machine, planning to buy a drink for herself. 
"ugh.. how do i- ew." someone muttered 
she looked up to see a tall man, glaring daggers at the vending machine, and having trouble pressing the buttons
"um.. do you need help?" she asks with a sweet smile as she gently tapped the guy on his back. she yelped as the guy flinched so hard and immediately backed away from her. 
"yes. can you get me that" he said as he pointed to a can of soda "of course!" she beamed as she followed his request. with a smile, she handed him the drink, patiently waiting for him to simply take it. 
though that never came, instead he took out a pack of tissue and presented it to her, as if waiting for her to wrap it around the can "uh.. okay.." she sweat dropped as she wrapped the can of soda in tissue paper 
"thanks" he nodded as he took a swig of the drink 
she side eyed him as he started typing on his phone. she hummed in curiosity as she took notice of the bright yellow jacket he was wearing.
"excuse me.. are you a student here?" she asked him as she finished buying her drink "i don't think i see you around so often" she said
sakusa eyed her up and down, squinting his eyes as he sipped his drink. "no." he answered"but im here to meet someone." he said as he turned around to walk away
"oh, i can help you.. only if you want." she proposed "its getting really hasty in the gym" she sighed
"gym?" sakusa questioned with a hum as he turned back to face her "what's your name?" he asked "ah, im y/n" she said "what about you? what's your name?"
"im.. sakusa kiyoomi." he spoke in a low tone
'ha.'  she blinked in response
'is this 'omi-omi'?!?'  she panicked
'oh god, im not wearing my mask! or my gloves!'   she thought to herself as she frantically searched her pockets for some hand sanitizer   'oh god i don't have it..'   she chuckled meekly to herself as she felt her soul flowing out of her body from dread
'ah, he's gonna hate me'  she sulked  'and he's so handsome too!'
'a cute guy is gonna hate me' she chanted repateatedly in her head
"are you perhaps the omi-omi tsumu-kun keeps mentioning?" she asked him with a nervous chuckle. she yelped as his face scrunched up in one of annoyance almost immediately. "sorry! i was just-" 
"you know atsumu?" he cut her off as he questioned her with an irked brow 
"um yes. i live with them at the moment, they're kind of like my host family." she explained. sakusa hummed and nodded, throwing away his now empty soda and hesitantly walking closer to her 
"nice to meet you." he said "atsumu hasn't shut up about you since you moved in with them" 
"nice to meet you as well, omi-omi - kun!" she beamed "a-ah.. sorry, should i call you sakusa instead?" she sweat dropped upon seeing the dread on his face when she called him by his nickname 
"its fine, call me what you want" sakusa shrugged as he turned on his heels and started walking away 
"i'll call you kiyoomi then!" she exclaimed with a bright smile as she jogged over to catch up with him "so, kiyoomi-kun! what do you wanna do before meeting the twins?" she asked in hopes of starting a conversation 
"i don't know.." sakusa mumbled with a grunt as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. she hummed in disappointment at his dry response, though lowkey freaking out in her head. 
'what to do, what to do'   she thought to herself as  she looks around the slightly packed campus 
"kiyoomi-kun, would you like to go to my secret hideout?" she said in an unnecessarily hushed tone as she gently tugged on his sleeves 
"secret hideout?" sakusa sweat dropped as she nodded eagerly, smiling like a child as she starts to pull him away "yep! im not sure how you'll feel about it, but its clean and very pretty!" she said as she looked back at him with a smile 
"if it's clean then sure" sakusa squints his eyes in suspicion as he discreetly tries to pull his arm away from her "alright! but it's outside of school grounds, so we may have to walk for a bit" she informed him as she lead him to the school gates 
"whatever" sakusa grunted 
"ah here it is!" she exclaimed excitedly as they stopped before a tall bush 
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"we walked for so long to get to a bush." sakusa deadpanned as he glared down at her in annoyance "hehe, of course not, kiyoomi-kun" she chuckled as she started ruffling the bushes and squeezing her way through the leaves 
"its inside here! come on!" she said as she motioned for him to follow. sakusa merely stared at the bush and turned around to leave. 
"kiyoomi-kun, come on!" she exclaimed as she forcefully pulled him into the bush with her "oi! what the hell are you-" he cut himself off as he finally had a look around 
"is this.. wisteria?" he mumbled as he looked around the arrays of wisteria flowers adorning the path which leads to a traditional looking tea house 
"yup! it's pretty isn't it?" she hummed with a smile as she caught a few of the purple petals which were blown by the wind "yeah" sakusa nodded as he pulled down his mask to inhale the sweet and floral smell of the air 
"y/n-sama? have you come to eat?" an old woman asked as she peered at them from the tea house "oba-chan!" she squeaked out in surprise 
"w-well, not really" she said. she looked up at sakusa and asked him "unless you want to get something to go, kiyoomi-kun?" 
sakusa nodded and let her drag him towards the tea house once again "i thought this was your secret hideout" sakusa raised a brow as he watched the old woman pack some mochi in a container. she smiled nervously and avoided eye contact 
"well.. technically, this is a private teahouse everyone from the dojo goes to" she explained "but it's still a secret hideout if you think about it!" she defended "and i just wanted to sound cool and interesting so you wouldn't hate me.." she mumbled with a pained expression on her face 
sakusa sweat dropped as he watched her seemingly sulk and have a full blown conversation with herself in her head. 
"y/n-sama." the old woman called out as she presented the neatly packed mochi to her "ah, thank you so much oba-chan!!" y/n squealed in delight as she hugged the mochis to her chest
the old woman bowed before handing sakusa a small wisteria charm. "please accept this" the old woman said as she placed it on his palms
"w-what is this" sakusa asked with a grimace as he peered at the charm in disgust "its a wisteria charm filled with freshly crushed wisteria which i handpicked from the garden" the old woman responded
sakusa calmed down upon reviewing the information and sighed. he twirled the small charm in his fingers and bowed in thanks. "its a tradition for us to give new comers charms like that, kiyoomi-kun" y/n said as she pulled out one of her own
"its to ward off demons and evil spirits. it was a common practice for swordsmen from the taisho era to do so" she said with a smile
sakusa scoffed at her claims "you really believe in those stories?" he said as he pocketed the charm "of course!" she responded almost immediately with a gasp
"my ancestors were all former swordsmen and they were believed to be the ones who killed the demons" she explained to him in a lecturing manner
sakusa raised his hands in mock defeat and nodded "yeah, yeah. whatever you say" he said. she smiled in content and proceeded to drag him away once again. 
"bye, oba-chan! i'll come visit again some time soon!" she announced as she waved the lady goodbye 
"have a safe trip" the old woman replied 
as they were walking back to inarizaki, sakusa was quiet. she simply thought he wasn't in the mood to talk so she let him be. though as they were walking, she suddenly had a thought pop up into her head. 
'should i bring suna-kun to the wisteria gardens as well?'  she pondered to herself 
'ha! of course i should!'  she shook her head from her idiocy 
'the fireflies will swarm at night and we can have a picnic together under the stars and wisteria trees!' 
her mouth had almost watered from the delightful thought that was swimming through her head. sakusa looked at her worriedly as he face starts to become concerningly red. 
"are you alright?" sakusa asked wearily 
"agh, suna-kun might not want to go though.." she accidentally mumbled out loud "suna? suna rintaro?" sakusa muttered in confusion 
"you know him, kiyoomi-kun?!" she squeaked in surprise "please don't tell him!" 
"well, i don't really know what i would tell him" sakusa scratched his head in confusion "but sure" 
"im so relieved, kiyoomi-kun" she said with a sigh "tsumu made me nervous with how intimidating he made you seem" she looked up at his towering figure and oh so prominent scowl. his eyebrows were knitted as he hunches over as he walks. 
he was indeed intimidating. but in her eyes he had simply morphed into a cute little highschool boy who smiles at everyone and likes to keep things clean. 
"you're actually really nice, kiyoomi-kun!" she said with a grin as sakusa merely narrows his eyes in response "is that so?" sakusa mused as they once again entered inarizaki's gates. 
"anyways, let's go to the gym" sakusa says as he grabbed her wrist with a hint of reluctance. her eyes sparkled as she stared at his hand which was lightly gripping her wrist. 
"kiyoomi-kun, you're touching me?! do you think im clean enough?!" she asked excitedly 
"tch. well, i know you're nothing like those sweaty animals i call my 'friends' " sakusa muttered. she beamed happily and skipped after him, smiling in triumph and content as they entered inarizaki's gym 
"oh, y/n-chan! where have you bee-" atsumu cut himself off with a loud scream as he caught sight of sakusa "y-you were together?!" atsumu yelled in excitement 
"shut up" sakusa muttered as he quietly trudged over to the benches 
"who was together?" suna chimed in as he peered over atsumu's shoulder 
"kiyoomi-kun! wait for me" she said as she skipped after him, all while excitedly poking at his back to gain his attention "f-first name basis too?!" atsumu shrieked dramatically 
"first name?" suna mumbled with narrowed eyes 
"shut up and give me the mochi" sakusa grunted with a playful eye roll as he took the food from her hands 
"and they're touching?!" atsumu shrieked as he pulled at his hair, looking like he's on the verge of unconsciousness 
"they're touching?" suna mumbled in confusion and surprise 
"she's feeding him mochi?!" atsumu screamed one last time before fully falling on the floor 
"she's feeding him-" 
"okay. the two of you, for the love of god, please shut up" aran cut suna off with a tired sigh 
the two watched them from the bench as they bickered, unbotheredly munching on their snack. "oh no, samu-kun's hitting atsumu again" she mumbled in concern 
"i should go help..but i really wanna eat though.." she mumbled in a state of distress as her eyes dart between the mochi and atsumu. sakusa smirked in amusement as he watched her choose the mochi over saving atsumu from getting his body absolutely battered. 
"you know, you're not half bad, y/n" sakusa said with a chuckle as he ruffled her hair 
"eh?!" atsumu shrieked as he abruptly rose from the ground 
"ha?!" suna exclaimed with a scowl alongside atsumu as he watched sakusa lightly pat her head 
"really? im not?" she asked him with sparkling eyes, relishing in the simple compliment she had received "yeah" sakusa huffed in response as he went to pull his mask back up his face 
though, he suddenly froze as he managed to take a quick whiff of her scent which had lingered on his hand. he hesitantly bright his hand up to his nose to bask in her scent, which was a mix of cherry blossom and his favourite body wash. 
'could it be?'   sakusa thought in disbelief   'have i finally found a companion who doesn't smell like sweat and deodorant?!' 
'this body wash.. did she get it from atsumu?'  he pondered in curiosity 
sakusa looked over to atsumu who was dramatically fanning himself on the ground while osamu kicks his side 
'no. that man probably uses 3-in-1 shampoo as soap. it's impossible.'   he concluded 
"y/n." he called out in a deep and gruff tone. "yes?" she blinked cluelessly in response 
sakusa leaned forward to align his nose with her neck, staying silent as he closed his eyes and hummed in content. "what?" y/n mumbled in surprise as she nervously looked down to see sakusa deeply concentrating as he does this 
'i-is he sniffing me?! did he think i smell weird?!'  she panicked 
'should i have sprayed some alcohol on me first??'  she thought to herself as she flusteredly covered her face 
"kiyoomi-kun?" she called out with a nervous chuckle as she covered her bright red cheeks "what are you doing?" she asks him in embarrassment 
"yeah, what are you doing?" suna abruptly chimed in as he crossed his arms over his chest 
sakusa side eyed the middle blocker and shook his head in response. he pulled his mask over his nose and shrugged. "nothing." he said "i was just curious about something" "curious about her neck?" suna raised a brow 
"why do you care so much, suna?" sakusa asked him with furrowed brows 
"i don't. i just find it weird that you were so close to smothering your face in my best friend's neck..." suna shrugged nonchalantly "but whatever, i guess" 
sakusa ignored him and scooted closer to the girl, not so discreetly sticking close to her side "are you feeling alright, kiyoomi-kun?" she laughed nervously 
"yeah. just thinking about making you my best friend as well, from now on" he said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets 
"eh?! what about me?!" atsumu cried out as he ran towards sakusa "you were never my best friend." sakusa said in a cold and monotonous tone as he stared atsumu down 
"you're so mean, omi-omi!!" atsumu cried as he started sprinting towards him in full speed with his arms open wide 
"dont come near me- don't you dare." sakusa warned him with a glare "atsumu, don't-" he was cut off by atsumu's body colliding with his
"AGH, GET OFF ME!" sakusa exclaimed as he hastily tried to pry the blond off his torso
"NO! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND, OMI-OMI!" atsumu whined dramatically as he held onto sakusa's neck
"what are you all doing?" kita's voice filled the air 
the team, along with sakusa, froze as they slowly turned around to face the captain "we were just-" ginjima tried to explain 
"atsumu. please stop bothering our guest" kita sain in a monotonous tone as he stared atsumu down 
"y-yes, captain.." atsumu shuddered 
"suna." kita snapped his head to avert his heavy stare at the brunette, who currently had his arm slung around y/n's shoulders. 
the girl looked impossibly red as he stared up at suna with literal heart eyes, looking absolutely over the moon with the slightest touch she had received from him. 
"please stop holding y/n-san." he pleaded as he patiently waited for suna to retract his arm. y/n jumped in surprise as suna abruptly dropped his arm back to his side, and turned to walk away 
'no!! suna-kun stay and hold me!!'  she screamed internally as she watched his retreating figure 
kita watched as her soft smile suddenly dropped, and for her voluminous twin-braids to droop as a dark and gloomy aura surrounded her. kita's eyes widened as he hurriedly went to pat her back, in hopes of lifting her mood back up. 
"suna-kun" she called out like a child as she slumped lifelessly in kita's arms 
"suna. please come back and hold her." kita pleaded as he looked back at suna, who was scrolling on his phone 
"hm?" suna hummed mindlessly as he continued scrolling on his phone 
"i'll do it-" sakusa volunteered as he reached out to grab her hand
"no, i'll do it" suna quickly dismissed him as he made his way towards the girl 
"my ship is sailing" osamu nodded in silent triumph as he flipped atsumu off with a cold gaze "ha?! omi-omi! go out there and take her from suna!" atsumu commanded sakusa as he glared at his twin 
"no thanks" sakusa shrugged him off as he settled back on the bench 
"i thought you liked her!" atsumu wailed "i never said that" sakusa replied with furrowed brows 
"man, you're hopeless" atsumu sighed as he slapped sakusa's back "this must be why you've been single for so long" 
"i'd rather not hear it from someone who also doesn't have a girlfriend." sakusa deadpanned "that one must've hit close to home" osamu whistled teasingly "shut up! you're both so mean!" atsumu exclaimed through gritted teeth as he glared at his friend and his brother 
aran sighed as he walked past the three boys bickering.
"youre all single as hell, what're you taking about?" aran said as he gave them the side eye 
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