#technically its “a chamomile tea”
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...but on the other hand, english is a battle-royale-free-for-all kind of language: if you want to write it like lightswitch or waterbottle, who exactly is going to stop you? it's still perfectly communicative, the result is perfectly understandable. you can make YOUR words frot on purpose :)
On a slightly more serious note: I write a lot in english, which is a language I learned later in life. My wife beta-reads for me, english being her mother tongue. We find lots of words where she informs me that this word is not usually hyphenated like this, or compound like that: so we look up the way I wrote it vs. all the other variations (google n-gram viewer used to be good for this) and, almost always, we learn that the way I wrote it has plenty recorded uses overall, but is currently uncommon. And so I say - sure, why can't I use the uncommon one if I like it that way? It's still perfectly understandable, and language is made by those who use it.
We won't have any prescriptivism in this house: my words may fuck as they please.
one thing i hate about english is your open compound words. what do you mean it's a light switch and not a lightswitch or a water bottle instead of a waterbottle. get real
#languages#prescriptivism vs descriptivism#ritabuuk:#YEAH#from an editing perspective I always point this sort of thing out to be sure that it is intentionally chosen#but english is what we make it to be!#waterbottle and lightswitch seem 100% valid to me#even as I see them get a red underline in the tags as I type it right now#if it registers as correct then it is correct!#I didn't realize this sort of thing happened for us so much for compounds...#the adventures in the ngrams that I remember the most are...#“a chamomile”#technically its “a chamomile tea”#but the ngram revealed that plenty of people seem to be shifting to just saying “a chamomile” in their books#especially from authors from other countries#but all english speakers get a say in how english is spoken!#and why the heck shouldn't it be “a chamomile” let's go!#another one is “snuck”#dictionaries will tell you it should be “sneaked”#but dictionaries are wrong#same deal with “rooves” as the plural for “roof”#apparently it's considered something non-standard and from the boston area#but you know what - people from boston can shape the english language too!#ngrams used to let you see the relevant quote from the book that used the phrase you were looking for#which would be helpful to see if the phrasing really was what you were looking for#or if it meant something else in that book's context#lately it almost never gives the quotes so it's harder to dive into the results :/
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[[and then I met you || ch. 17]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Words: 4.3k
ao3 link
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
Minnie plants her little feet firmly on the sidewalk and pulls her hands out of your and Matt’s grips so she can make her point by crossing her arms over her chest. A pout starts forming on her face and you have the feeling this is as far as your daughter will be going.
Across the street looms Clinton Church and you can understand why your daughter does not want to go anywhere near it. The building is as imposing as it is grand with its traditional architecture half shadowed in the morning sun. There is light reflecting off the many windows, casting little glares that you are sure Minnie can interpret in multiple ways - including eyes looking down at her.
Try as you might, you can’t imagine what else your little one must be picking up from the building. Is there someone praying inside? Or chanting? What sort of terrifying noises is the building making? How many rats are scurrying around the grounds, hissing and eeking and becoming unseen monsters?
How many real monsters are there?
Right now, the only monster you know of is the one in your chest named Anxiety. It is roaring inside you and causing all sorts of ruckus.
You know Minnie can pick up on your upset, and it is probably influencing her, but no amount of breathing exercises or chamomile tea is going to relax you.
Meeting someone’s parents is always going to be nerve wracking under any circumstance - but meeting the mother of the man who fathered your child? Who already has a unique and slightly estranged relationship with her son?
Frankly, you’d rather give birth again.
To make matters worse for your over analyzing, Matt's mother is a nun.
You have never interacted with a nun before, and your mind has been nonstop screaming that you are going to make an absolute fool of yourself. You are convinced you are going to say something dumb - like Jesus is stupid or some other blasphemous thing.
You don't even know what counts as blasphemy, but you know your mouth will find a way to make you want to sink into the floor and disappear forever.
You are on the same page as Minnie and don't want to take another step toward the Church.
“No?” Matt questions, tilting his head down towards his daughter. He looks a bit baffled, like he can’t understand why she’s taken such a stance. You know he is nervous about the meeting as well, having told you such earlier, but you don’t think he realizes how much his nerves, on top of your own, are affecting Mouse and her fear of the new big building.
“No.” Your daughter repeats, giving a tiny stomp of one foot to emphasize her point.
“No, what, sweetheart?” He kneels down to be on the same level as her, but you have a feeling that isn't going to help much. Minnie has made her decision and trying to sway a determined, upset toddler is a near impossible task.
“I don't wanna,” she tells him, her voice starting to get whiny. She turns away from him to press herself into your leg, her pout growing even bigger.
Matt knits his brows together, confusion clear, “You don't want to go to the park?”
Technically, you are supposed to meet Matt's mother in the Church park that is between the main building and the orphanage but as far as you are concerned, all of the grounds are Church. Apparently, your daughter feels the same.
“No. I don't wanna,” she declares, which quickly turns into the chant of, “I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna!”
You can feel the tantrum coming and intervene, scooping Minnie up and hugging her to you. She instantly clings to you, burying her face against your neck with an additional almost screech of, “I don't wanna!”
You start to gently rock her from side to side and rub at her back to try and soothe her. You kiss her hair and promise, “We don’t have to go, baby. It is okay.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you feel like a grade A asshole.
Matt’s face crumbles into heartbreak and you totally deserve to walk into traffic. He had opened up to you about his mother - about how she had left him as a baby only to end up raising him after his father had been killed - but not telling him who she was. He told you how he only recently learned the truth - less than a year ago - and how hard it was for him.
But now he had you and Minnie and maybe, just maybe, you could all learn to be a family together.
Anxiety overdrive kicks in and a potential solution tumbles out of your mouth, “What if we go somewhere else instead? Somewhere we’ve been before?”
Matt lifts his head up at you, so you see yourself in his glasses, and for a second you think he's going to argue - insist you go to the Church playground - but then he tilts it towards where you don't want to go. You don't know what he is listening for, but after a moment, he stands again. He steps closer, a hand going to sit on your waist and trapping Minnie between the two of you. She stays nestled against you, little fist tight on your shirt, but you find yourself breathing a little easier at his touch.
“Would the office be okay? Foggy is out meeting clients and Karen is at the Bulletin today, it will just be us.” He offers quietly. Relief washes through you at the suggestion - you think the office would be a much easier meeting place.
But it is not your decision to make. You gently bounce Mouse to get her attention and ask, “Do you want to go to Daddy’s work?”
She doesn’t respond right away, but you feel her twist your shirt in her hands. You can tell she is thinking over her answer, so you wait, trying to focus on your daughter instead on how firm Matt’s hand is on your waist. It takes about twenty seconds, but Minnie finally nods into your shoulder.
“Okay, We’ll go to Daddy's work.”
To reward her for being so brave, you press a kiss to your daughter’s hair and Matt quickly mimics you. Minnie clings tighter to you at the affection and you think she is going to remain tense and upset until you are far away from the Church.
“Okay. Wait here, I'll go tell Sister Maggie about the change in plans,” Matt tells you and you wonder if it is really okay with him.
You know you and Minnie meeting her is important to Matt, but is the location important as well or is it just convenient? You are too wound up to ask and fearing you won't like the answer, you keep your mouth shut and focus on rocking Mouse.
Matt gives Minnie another kiss as he tightens his grip on you just slightly. It isn’t painful, but you get the impression he does not want to let go. You want to lean into the touch, your overactive mind telling you it might be nice if he never let you go, but before you can process those feelings, he is pulling away and crossing the street.
You step to the side, so you don’t impede foot traffic, and watch as he navigates past the cars and disappears around the side of the large building. Once he is out of sight, you look down to your daughter.
You want to ask her why she doesn’t want to go to the park at the Church, so you can better understand how she sees the world, but you also don’t want to put too much pressure on her. She’s already clearly upset, and you think trying to get her to answer your questions will just make things worse.
So, you focus on making things better for her.
“Would you like your headphones, Minnie?”
That gets her to lift her head up to look at you, squinting like she’s trying to determine if this is some sort of trap. Eventually she gives you one curt nod before hiding her face again.
You are a pro at being able to maneuver to get into your purse while carrying a toddler and soon enough you are handing over neon blue headphones. She needs no help in unfolding them and situating them over her ears, and once they are on, she snuggles herself back into your arms. You have no issues or complaints with the action - you simply begin to rock her again and hope this mood subsides once you are at Matt’s office.
You think about ways to get Minnie to interact with Matt’s mother as you wait for Matt to reappear. You think this might be the perfect time for parallel play - you’ve got a few coloring books stuffed in your purse, along with some small toys. You think it may be best to let her do her own thing while the adults talk, and that she comes over when she’s ready.
You hope that Sister Maggie understands that would be ideal - you know she helps to raise children, so she must understand that some kids are shyer than others. Pushing Minnie to interact when she’s fussy will only result in tears.
Possibly your own.
A few more minutes pass before Matt returns to the sidewalk followed by who you assume to be his mother. She's dressed in a gray and blue smock dress and matching habit, which is far less intimidating than the all black look you were expecting. She has an air of authority about her, holding herself tall as she walks, and you have the feeling she is a no-nonsense person.
You pray to a God you don’t really believe in that this meeting goes better than you fear it will.
You move to meet the pair as they cross the street to you and offer what you hope to be a warm smile. The smile, though not as overtly friendly as yours, is returned and Matt does the honor of introducing you. You adjust your hold on your daughter so you can shake the woman's hand.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Matthew has told me wonderful things about you,” Sister Maggie says before directing her attention to her granddaughter. “And who might this little one be?”
To no surprise to you, Minnie attempts to burrow into you more at the question, smushing her face hard into your neck. You rub her back, trying to let her know everything is okay.
“This is Minnie, she's a little shy right now.”
Sister Maggie gives a knowing nod, “New places can be intimidating.” She drops her voice just slightly, in what you guess is an attempt to be comforting, and addresses Minnie, “Did your father tell you this is where he grew up?”
He did - you and Matt explained the outing to your daughter, but you don’t know how much she understood. You do know no amount of sweet talk will change her mind, even if it is about her new favorite subject - her Daddy.
“I don't wanna go,” Mouse mumbles against you defiantly. You aren't sure if Sister Maggie can hear her, but you know Matt can. He steps forward, once again boxing in Minnie between the two of you and leans down to kiss the back of her head.
“We're not going there, princess. We're going to Daddy's office, remember? You've been there before,” he whispers into her hair. She shifts around in your arms a bit before giving another nod. You can feel her jutting out her bottom lip against your neck and part of you thinks you should call this all off and reschedule - but you aren’t going to do that to Matt.
Sister Maggie is watching your little family’s interaction, and you can’t bear to look in her direction to see what her reaction is, if she has one. Your anxiety has only prepared you for the worst.
“Perhaps we should start heading that way instead of saying where we are not going,” the nun advises after a moment and instinct and rational has you agreeing with her.
“I think that would be best.”
Matt pulls away from you and Minnie and you watch with downcast eyes as Sister Maggie offers her son her arm. He seems hesitant to take it, but he does, and your little group starts moving away from the Church and towards Nelson, Page, and Murdock.
The walk is quiet and you use the time to try and desperately calm your nerves, if only for the sake of your daughter.
You think about Matt and what kind of person he is - he is full of love and care. He got those traits somewhere, and whether you argue Nature or Nurture, Sister Maggie has certainly influenced that. Did she encourage his Goodness? She must have had some sort of positive influence if he is not only wanting her to be in his life, but his daughter’s life, as well.
You know some people believe family comes before anything, even if they treat you horribly, but you also know that if Sister Maggie was not a Good person, Matt would not allow her near Minnie.
He wouldn’t risk losing his relationship with his daughter.
That is something you have no doubts about.
As you arrive at Matt’s office building, Minnie lifts her head up off your shoulder. She wrinkles up her nose like she’s thinking hard before pointing to the plaque that state’s the firm’s name. You give her a warm smile, proud of her for recognizing it, but that only makes her squirrel away again.
This is the behavior you are used to seeing from your daughter in public - overly shy and not wanting to interact. You aren’t sure if the nerves and uncomfortableness from the church still linger, but you hope that once you are upstairs, she will start warming up a little. You won’t push her to do something she doesn’t want to do, but for Matt’s sake, you would like her to at least try talking to her grandmother.
Matt leads you all into the building and up the stairs. Sister Maggie runs a finger over the banister as you climb the stairs, giving a pleased hum, “Franklin did an amazing job cleaning this place up. Tell me that nose of yours helped in getting rid of all the mold.”
Matt huffs at the comment, “The property manager hired someone to come do that.”
“And did they get it all?”
Matt’s mouth presses into a thin line and you already know the answer.
“No, we spent a weekend getting the rest of it.”
You stop in front of the Nelson, Page, and Murdock office, and as Matt fishes out the key, you look up and down the hallway, mulling over what is implied.
“You cleaned the whole building?”
“Oh no, we couldn’t get permission from the other businesses to do that, but we did what we could to the public space and our offices. People feel comfortable here now.”
The door is opened and as you all file in, Matt suggests hanging out in the conference room. It has a nice window and plenty of space to sprawl out, so you have no objections.
You set Minnie down as Sister Maggie and Matt head into the other room. She instantly clings to your leg, practically hiding behind it. You pet her hair a few times before pulling her away just enough so you can kneel down to talk with her. As soon as you are at her level, she is trying to get into your arms again.
You let her hug onto you as you let her know what is going on, “Hey Mouse, do you remember earlier when I told you we were going to meet Daddy’s Mommy?” She nods but says nothing, so you continue on. “That is her. She wants to talk to me and Daddy and you and get to know us so she can be part of our family, too. But you don’t need to talk if you don’t want to, okay? I have your coloring books and you can color while we talk.”
That gets her to pull back just a hair and peek up at you with big brown eyes, “What are you gonna talk abouts?”
You smile at the question and gently run your hands over her back, “All sorts of things, but we’re going to end up talking about you.”
“Yeah, you. If you don’t want us to talk about you, you can tell me, okay? We’ll talk about something else.”
“But I don’ gotta talk?”
You nod, and let your bag fall off your shoulder. Minnie’s new zoo themed coloring book and crayons are easy to pull out and you offer them to your daughter. She lets go of you to greedily take her toys and hug them to her chest.
“You don’t need to talk,” you confirm. “Do you want to sit at the table, or do you want to sit on the floor?”
Minnie considers the question, and you take advantage of no longer being hugged onto to stand up. Your little one peeks towards the conference room, then back up to you, and declares, “I wanna sit on Daddy’s lap.”
You feel so much pride over your daughter making such a bold decision.
“Okay, let’s go ask Daddy if you can sit in his lap.” You know Matt would never deny her, but you do want to drill in making sure Minnie asks permission first.
She waits for you to lead the way before following you into the conference room. Matt and Sister Maggie are sitting opposite each other, and Matt has already scooted his chair out and is holding his hands out to help Minnie into his lap.
She hurries to him and gets scooped up and crushed into a hug. She hugs back best she can while holding her coloring book.
You take the chair beside Matt and finally allow yourself to look at the nun across from you. She’s watching Matt and Minnie with an almost unreadable expression, but there is something soft behind her eyes - like she’s been keeping it repressed for years.
But then she catches you looking, and the softness is gone, replaced by that All-Knowing Nun look you’ve seen in movies before.
“How old is she?” Sister Maggie asks, and you can’t help but flush at her directness.
“Almost four, her birthday is on the 28th,” you reply, forcing yourself to not completely avert your gaze and hideaway.
She raises her brows before turning her sharp gaze to Matt, accusing him with, “You did not mention her birthday was coming up.”
He has the decency to look a little bit ashamed, “There were a few other things to cover, first.”
The older woman shakes her head, “Priorities, Matthew. I may be new to being a grandmother, but you know well I have raised plenty of children and we have never skimped on birthdays. We may not always have the money to spoil someone, but we do well to make sure they know they are loved.” She looks back to you, “Do you have plans for the day?”
“Oh, um, the zoo. We’re going to go to the zoo,” you tell her.
Beside you, Minnie has slipped down into Matt’s lap, so she is sitting. She has started to flip through her coloring book, examining each picture before making her decision about what to color. At the mention of the zoo, she quietly mimics you, “Going to the zoo.”
Matt breaks into a smile at the words, looking proud as can be that Minnie spoke around his mother. He wraps his arms around her middle and you have the feeling he wants to crush her to his chest again but is resisting.
Sister Maggie seems to know Minnie isn’t speaking to her, but just in general, and keeps the conversation to you, “That sounds like a lovely birthday. Zoo trips are always a delight with the kids.” She tilts her head slightly to the left before continuing on, “Matthew said you do not have a support network.”
“That isn’t what I said!” Matt quickly says, before turning his head towards you, “That isn’t what I said.”
Sister Maggie scoffs, “It is what you meant, and it is not a bad thing. You more than anyone know what it means to have a support network. Now,” she says your name gently and offers you a somewhat kind smile, “You are welcome to come to the Church and use any of the services we offer, and you may come by anytime you need, day or night. We will always have our doors open for you.”
You stare across the table as you process the words she has said. Shame and embarrassment course through you at the idea of Matt talking about you. You know you’ve never really had anyone to turn to, but the thought of others discussing such matters makes you want to crawl into a hole and cry. Yet, on the other hand, the mere offer of being welcomed at the Church has you spiraling in all sorts of good and overwhelming ways.
But of course, instead of being thankful, the words that tumble out of your mouth are, “I’m not religious.”
“That changes nothing,” she says simply and somehow, sits up straighter, “I have been given a second chance to know my son and through this a blessing of a granddaughter. I will not run from these responsibilities again and -”
“Daddy,” Minnie suddenly says, cutting Sister Maggie off while pouring all her crayons out on the table, “Pick a color!”
Matt’s cheeks turn pink at the interruption, and you try to not slide down in your seat. You know you can’t expect your daughter to sit there quietly, even if she’s being a little fussy, especially if Matt is around. She’s a toddler.
Matt clears his throat and asks, “What colors are there, sweetheart?”
“There’s green, and blue, and purple, and red, and orange, and yellow,” she lists off, holding up each crayon as she does.
“Let’s go with red.”
“Okay!” Minnie picks up the chosen crayon and begins to carefully start coloring in a gorilla.
Since she spoke up on her own, you try to engage with your daughter to bring her out of her shell, “Can you tell Daddy what animal you’re coloring?”
You expect her to answer happily - after all she loves explaining things to Matt and she’s been learning all her zoo animals.
So of course, she does not do that. She whips her head around to look at you, and with the sternest little voice you have ever heard, barks out, “I don’t gotta talk!”
Your first instinct is to laugh at the outburst, but you bite down on your lip to control yourself. The urge passes quickly, and you decide you should praise your daughter for setting her boundaries, “That is right, you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. I’m sorry.”
She narrows her eyes at you for a moment, clearly judging you, before turning back to her artwork.
Only then do you allow yourself a chuckle.
To your surprise, Sister Maggie laughs as well. “Well, she is certainly a Murdock.”
That gets your attention and you and Matt both let out a curious, “Oh?”
“That little glare was all Murdock. I have seen it so many times from Matthew, who got it from his father,” she says and there is almost a fondness in her voice. “I expect the hands on the hips pose is genetic as well.”
Your eyes go wide at that. Matt’s father has never been brought up in depth before - you read the news article about his death in an online archive, and he was almost brushed over when Matt told you about his mother. You assumed, like your own parents, it was a sensitive topic.
“I..didn’t know that,” Matt starts slowly, and you can practically feel the emotion bubbling inside him. Without considering it, you reach across the small gap between your chairs and take his hand, squeezing it. He instantly squeezes back. “I don’t remember him ever doing that.”
“I suspect he tried to not let his frustrations show around you, but it is something I remember clear as day - Jack with his hands on his hips, glaring at the refrigerator because it dared to lose power during a blackout,” Sister Maggie tell him, before she motions to her eyes, “They may not be the same color, but that look is the identical.”
The room goes quiet, save the noise of Minnie scribbling. You keep your hand around Matt’s, trying to communicate you are there for him in his love language. He starts to roll his bottom lip between his teeth, and you wait for him to react before you do.
“You…,” Matt starts after a few more moments, voice almost warbling, “don’t talk about him. You don’t talk about him like that - what he was like.”
“Yes, well, I’ve never had reason to,” Sister Maggie says. She places her hands on the table in front of her, clasping them together, and she looks like she is about to give an interview. “But that has changed, clearly.” She looks from Matt to you, “Matthew said you were looking for family history. I do not have much from Jack’s side, but I can tell you what I do know, and I keep my own meticulous records. I believe reviewing these things, medical and non-medical, together, will…help us heal.”
You look to for his reaction. His mouth is parted, and he looks like he is going through his own emotional rollercoaster. You know how important family is to him and how dear this information must be to him, so you make a decision.
You lace your fingers with his and smile at Sister Maggie and ask, “How did you meet Jack?”
“Ah, yes, now that is a colorful story…”
a/n: maggie is v hard to write
tag list:
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illusions and distortion in witchcraft
an illusion is defined as something that is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted, or something that distorts your perception.
distortion involves altering the natural or original state, shape, or condition of an object or giving a misleading impression of such.
illusions can affect all of the 5 senses - seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling.
illusion vs glamour vs shield
i feel like the terms can be synonymous depending on your desired outcome but, this is how i break it down:
illusions: creating things that don't exist; what you perceive and what you want others to see
glamours: altering what already exists; how you perceive and how you want others to see things
shields: a combination of both but commonly used for protective workings
when to use an illusion spell
when you want to alter, manipulate, or distort the perception of reality.
invisibility (masking yourself or your energy)
distorting one's appearance or the appearance of other objects
how to cast an illusion spell
however you want, although i'm partial to raising energy in whatever method i choose, directing it into a thing, and then using said thing to activate the spell whenever i want.
correspondences & ideas for illusions
anything psychotropic or hallucinogenic in nature - think chamomile, cannabis, datura, wormwood, mugwort, damiana, gingko, nutmeg, salvia, valerian, poppies, coffee, tea, etc.
OR whatever corresponds to your specific intent
agate (confusion)
alexandrite (delusions)
amethyst (delusions)
celestite (detachment)
diamond (confusion, disorientation)
kunzite (distraction)
moldavite (delusions)
obsidian (conflict within others)
not to mention, crystals have refractive properties, too! you can use that idea for distortion. (check out my a-z crystal list and curse correspondences for some more ideas)
moon - emotions, imagination, and the unconscious mind
neptune and pluto - illusions and metamorphosis
dark matter and black holes - invisibility and darkness
elements: if you consider the example of "driving down the road and thinking you see a puddle of water up ahead but then it just disappears when you get close to it," mirages could technically incorporate all of the elements:
earth is the foundation for the mirage, or the road you're driving down
fire provides heat
air is heated by the road
the actual mirage appears as water
and! when water turns to ice, it can create optical illusions like parhelia (sun dogs), sun haloes, and light pillars because of its interaction with sunlight.
plus lots of other cool stuff so use your imagination and good luck!
��� luna
© 2025 ad-caelestia
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Huntikmas day 11- Making mental health kits for the team
Mental health activity: See below but also some mental health reminder cards. I'm sure she doesn't like hearing it but reading it on a card might be better than being told by someone else what to do. She also gets a weighted blanket.
activity: Journalling, obviously this is something Zhalia does routinely in the show and I think that's an important ritual or habit for her to process things. Additionally drawing, that's a big part of this fandom but I think technical drawings of the things she's seen or places she's been will help her process her thoughts more logically.
fidget toy: I don't know what theyre called but those spiky pad things for pain stim. We see in show Zhalia displaying anxious habits such as biting her lips or holding one arm (I've got a whole head canon thing she has nerve damage from childhood that's a whole other story) so I think redirecting that into a stimulus that isn't actually harmful would be ideal.
drink: hot chocolate, trying to keep her away from the caffeine which can be detrimental during mental health episodes but it still provides an energy boost and dopamine hit. We've gone for instant sachets because I don't think she would want to take the time to sort something like that but this way its no hassle.
watching: Okay probably should have done this one after the huntikmas team and their niche special interests but in short, Zhalia likes nature documentaries. It's all just science and she knows it which is comforting, in particular for Zhalia fish. She has tropical fish in Vienna and I feel like documentaries on weird deep sea fish would be relaxing for her. Disturbing for everyone else, but comforting for her.
Mental health activity: Right so we know for a fact that Dante forgets to take care of himself when he's worried, therefore for Dante I propose a self care checklist or workbook. These are there to help him remember to take care of himself physically and mentally. He also gets a weighted blanket because Coat Theory TM.
activity: Okay I wasn't sure for Dante because they always describe him as an extreme sportsman, so I've brought up a couple of points. 1. he canonically plays guitar, and I think taking some time to practice and play for himself will help relax him. 2. There's no way he has a TV that big just to look at Guggenheims face a couple of times a week. He's either a movie buff or plays video games so I've gone with the latter as a good way to help him unwind.
fidget toy: I don't know what they're called, I have some and best I can describe them is finger nunchucks. Point is they're small and look cool but also skill based. The motion would be familiar and help Dante when he's restless without distracting him too much.
drink: Right so rather unfortunately given the country I live in I don't massively like tea and I'm not an expert. But Dante is having decaffeinated and calming teas like chamomile (?). In the show we know he drinks things like ginseng extract which acts like caffeine and helps with fatigue. Obviously Dante is trying to do as much as possible but he needs to stop and rest before he ends up collapsing on a dessert island.
watching: I've gone for X-files because I HC that as a favourite of his and one he's watched many times before but I've also given him headphones because I think he'd find listening to music calming.
Mental health activity: Affirmation cards, Sophie needs to remember that just because she isn't perfect, doesn't mean she's failed. Instead affirming and validating herself regardless of the outcome in important for her.
activity: Reading journals, this feels fairly productive but also gets her away from her books and gives her the opportunity to practice reflecting. Additionally, I think some mindful colouring would be ideal for her.
fidget toy: Stress ball, we can see Sophie getting visibly irritated when she's stressed so I think throwing or squishing something would be good way to get that initial energy stress out of her system
drink: I'm not sure, I suspect there's something Leblanche makes her when she's stressed but I don't know if its a specific tea or hot chocolate. But there's definitely a warm drink that's made with love that makes Sophie feel better.
watching: Classic movies, I think the calmer colour tones and less overstimulating plots from old movies would help relax her as well as provide a feeling of comfort and nostalgia. But also audiobooks of her childhood favourites.
Mental health activity: Lok's mental health task is to write positive things about himself, I think its easy to become overwhelmed: is he doing enough to find his dad, is he a good team leader, is he a good seeker. We don't want all those moments of self doubt so Lok needs to write positive things about himself, his successes and where he's tried hard.
activity: Puzzle books, specifically escape room books because they have a bit more of a plot and narrative to keep him focussed. He also gets stickers because he deserves them.
fidget toy: Infinity cubes and magic cubes, I think they have the same kind of feel in your hands as a puzzle which is ideal muscle memory for him.
drink: Water, I think when things start to get on top of Lok's he can forget certain basics like hydrate before you diedrate
watching: Indiana Jones, we're going for comfort shows that he's very familiar with.
Mental health activity: I think as a titan Cherit doesn't have a lot of control over his life. He can only go public places people take him in bags otherwise keeping to the shadows, he's probably not getting paid, moving in with Dante was probably the first time he'd lived outside of a HQ in years. So instead, Cherit's mental health priority is to look at the things he can control, and make positive changes for himself. Part of CBT is the whole reasonable arguments stuff so although he needs to consider that fact he's a living gargoyle, there are ways in which he can change his own circumstances, stand up for himself and acknowledge control.
activity: Origami, he's tiny I think he'd be good at those small folds that the people on social media use tweezers for.
fidget toy: These magnetic thingies give Cherit the chance to be creative in his fidgeting, plus they're small enough for him to use.
drink: Right so I don't know how caffeine and sugar affect titans in comparison to humans but he is tiny and I am concerned for him so we're aiming for healthy squashes. I don't know anything about the brands they're just pictures but we want something natural like water with a bit of pizzaz.
watching: daytime television for Cherit, I think he would enjoy seeing some of the things humans come up with. In particular friendly competitions like the bake off and those auction shows and stuff, still keeping it wholesome for his mental health (he's seen enough bad things from humans).
Join a cult.
I'm joking, I'm joking.
Mental health activity: I mean they all need therapy but I think some cult deprogramming therapy wouldn’t hurt specifically for Harrison. He’s just got the whole mental health workbook because I don’t even know where to start
activity: chill video games, apart from being in a cult we don’t get a lot about Harrison’s interests but I think calming repetitive games with farming elements can teach him good practises.
fidget toy:yo-yo, like Dante its skill based but repetitive which can help him focus and direct his feelings. Also the sugar cube, he can squish them out of shape but there’s resistance and enforces patience as it takes longer to reshape than a stress ball
drink: I think ice cubes would help, they pull you out of immediate negative thought cycles and as a bonus hydrate you in the process.
watching: who knows, not true crime that’s for sure
Mental health activity: grounding cards, kind of like we’ve seen before. Den often gets frustrated in the show and I think it’s important for him to have something external reminding him of the facts and keeping him in the present rather than spiralling about the future or the past. This will also help him with recognising things he can’t control and how he can control his own actions to create a better environment for himself.
activity: I think Den would like these sticker books that make a whole picture, it’s relaxing, it’s got the nostalgia of childhood sticker books and you’ve got some really nice art to be proud of at the end. Like Harrison he’s got calming and cosy games because I think any game with a plot, combat or puzzles would add to his frustration. From what I hear about animal crossing I think that would be a good fit because he has the opportunity to show off and really customise it to himself.
fidget toy: fidget spinner, please can some just give this kid a fidget spinner. Bonus points if he can work out how to use shadow point on them.
drink: den deserves to treat himself, I think part of his mental health is learning that he needs to prioritise and take care of his own health too, so going out of his way to have an extra special drink with all the toppings is a good self care
watching: any kind of action comedy, I think it needs to be heavily action packed and fast paced but also have a happy outcome so he doesn’t spiral with the negativity and unfairness in the world
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Another oc based on a canon character! She's based on the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. (Yes I know that's technically Trey. Shut up.) She's (probably) my first oc based on an actual Disney character.
Name: Harriet Chamomile
Nicknames: Hattie (Reserved for friends only), Harri
Age/Year/Birthday: 18, Third year, February 15
Pronouns: She/Her
Club: She's in a sewing club!
House: N/A
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Harriet is an average height young lady at 165cm, or 5'4. She's white and implied to be TWSTs Scottish equivalent, with an average build and champagne hair tied into two pigtails. Her right (viewers left) eye is brown, and her left (viewers right) eye is green. She has faint freckles and a gap between her two front teeth. She is human.
Harriet is seen mostly in her school uniform. She wears a white button down shirt with gold buttons, a black skirt and gloves, brown heels and white leg warmers. She typically accessorises with a pair of green hair ribbons, and a burgundy top hat with another green ribbon. It's often adorned with wildflowers or feathers. She will sometimes remove these when unwinding foe the night, or tying her hair into a ponytail to do something ridiculous.
She was a part of the childhood Heartslabyul group, sometimes joining them for games. She doesn't affect the actual story all that much. Just a silly beast.
Personality/Character traits-
Harriet is extroverted and excitable, knowing most of Heartslabyul (and Che'Nya's classmates) by name. She enjoys tea parties, and knows unbirthday traditions well. She helped set up Riddle's first unbirthday as housewarden. Harriet was surprised at the amount of the Queen's rules implemented into it however, taking a 'Well, as long as you're having fun' approach to it. She's also very eccentric in her speech and mannerisms, through no choice of her own. When first meeting Yuu, she excitedly shook their hand for much, much longer than necessary, and needed to be told to let them go.
Harriet often talks herself in circles, and can confuse herself and others. She often takes phrases very literally. This can be negated by adding 'metaphorically speaking' into your conversations with her. Her memory ranges from comically poor to photographic, and she can be surprisingly petty at times. Harriet puts a lot of emphasis on (her idea of) manners and etiquette. She's very affectionate with friends and sees no problem with platonic hugs and hand-holding. She respects boundaries though!! She will go away if told. She knows TWST equivalent BSL and Makaton, and is a talented seamstress.
Harriet is INCREDIBLY lame. Like an actual loser. She constantly falls, gets lost, insulted etc. Her poor social skills do not help with this reputation </3. A lot of my personal problems with growing up autistic are projected onto her, and as such she was bullied in primary (Middle?) school. Sorry girl!
(It is unknown what makes her 'mad'. She is implied to be autistic as well, but it is not what causes her to behave the way she does)
Her unique magic is called Distortion Party, and allows her to bend the laws of physics/reality. It can only be used to its full extent in a closed off area.
She is my favourite little freak (affectionate) and once again, I'm happy for any questions or otherwise! :3
#twst oc#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#twisted wonderland oc#oc#harriet chamomile
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' look. i can tell you're not feeling great.' - from bert sdfg he never asks want to talk about it? bc the two of them are good not talking sdf
@pontevoix || from [X] || ACCEPTING
the recital is two weeks away. annie has been spending less time at the apartment && more time on campus, haunting abandoned lecture halls. by day, she studies sheet music, && commits chord progressions to memory; by night, she practices her scales && arpeggios until muscles ache && fingers chafe. once assuaged, she retires to what was once her dorm. technically, it's still her dorm.
the room is paid for, but uninhabited; it mostly functions as a storage unit for recital gowns, stage equipment, && other pieces of herself that didn't survive the move ― there just so happens to be a bed, as well. it makes more sense to sleep here, than it does to make the late-night commute with a cello case on her back; especially with the knowledge that she'll be going through the motions again in. . . eight-ish hours. maybe less. probably less. she opts for a quick shower: wash. rinse. repeat.
the recital is one week away. annie has been spending less time at the apartment && more time on campus, haunting abandoned lecture halls. when she plays, her focus is directed inward, concentrating on technique && musical expression; while ignoring the tightness in her chest && swallowing down acrid bile. SHE IS FRAYING. occasionally, she slips up && misses a note. as a child, she would take her frustration out on her instrument ( && was punished accordingly ) // as a girl, teetering on adulthood, she self-flagellates; pushing herself harder with every err, until she is as hollow as the body of the instrument she despises.
that night, annie decides to carry the weight of her cross home ― sensibility be damned. she justifies the decision by reminding herself that she's running low on toiletries, && is in desperate need of clean clothes. this is a ❛ pit stop ❜, && not a pleasure cruise. at most, she'll indulge in a private shower && a cup of peppermint tea.
annie half-expects to be greeted by reiner, who rarely sleeps, && pulled into a bone-crushing hug against her will ( not really ); a part of her is disappointed when she isn't. she leaves her instrument a safe distance from the door, stowed in its case ― she can grab it on her way out, tomorrow. annie exhales; she kicks off her shoes, && staggers towards the kitchen. a selfish part of her is relieved when she finds bertolt ― surprised, but relieved.
❝ --i thought you'd be asleep. ❞ it's a lousy greeting. her bluntness is amplified by her struggle to find words. thoughts exist on a spectrum of five lines && four spaces. instead of letters, she thinks in heads, stems, && flags.
annie fills the kettle with water && flicks the switch. as she waits for water to boil, she readies two mugs && two teabags: peppermint && chamomile. hands tremble slightly. SHE IS FRAYING. bertolt regards her with concern: ❛ look. i can tell you're not feeling great. ❜ is it that obvious?
❝ i'm fine. . . ❞ she lies. some girls use that line as bait, in a misguided effort to reel in further interest; annie uses it to kill a conversation before it can happen. she doesn't expect bertolt to believe her. he knows her better than most; && she knows she looks like shit. ❝ . . .i'm just tired. ❞
#pontevoix#「 ♛ 」answered#「 ♛ 」verse: you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing ( modern )#oKAY HERE WE GO#「♛」i'm just a child; but i'm not above violence ( annie )
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Mastering GBP/JPY: Secrets to Thrive in a Volatile Market Why Most Traders Get It Wrong With GBP/JPY (And How You Can Get It Right) If you’ve ever traded GBP/JPY, you’ve probably experienced moments where your emotions swung harder than a wrecking ball at a demolition derby. Known as the "Dragon" in Forex circles, this pair isn’t just volatile; it’s downright tempestuous. One wrong move, and your trade can plummet faster than a bad sitcom plot twist. But don’t worry—we’re here to tame the Dragon with some insider strategies and proven techniques. “Volatility Isn’t a Villain”: Understanding GBP/JPY’s Wild Nature Let’s start by debunking a common myth: volatility is bad. Volatility in the GBP/JPY pair isn’t just a challenge; it’s also an opportunity. High volatility means bigger price swings, which can lead to greater profits—if you know how to ride the waves. Here’s the deal: GBP/JPY’s volatility is driven by the intersection of two globally significant economies: the UK and Japan. Add in factors like political uncertainty, Bank of Japan (BoJ) interventions, and Brexit aftershocks, and you’ve got a recipe for explosive price action. But there’s a silver lining: by understanding these drivers, you can turn the chaos into a calculated strategy. The Secret Sauce: Why Timing Is Everything Trading GBP/JPY is like catching a speeding bullet. The best times to trade are during the London and Tokyo overlaps (07:00 – 09:00 GMT). Liquidity is high, spreads are tight, and the Dragon is wide awake. Avoid trading during low-liquidity periods—you don’t want to end up like the guy who bought crypto at its all-time high. Advanced Tip: Monitor GBP and JPY news releases meticulously. A single statement from the BoJ governor or a UK GDP report can send the pair on a rollercoaster ride. Use an economic calendar—and maybe some chamomile tea for those nerve-wracking moments. Underground Tactics: Mastering GBP/JPY Volatility 1. The ADR (Average Daily Range) Hack Most traders don’t realize that GBP/JPY’s price movements follow predictable patterns. Use the ADR indicator to calculate the pair’s typical daily range. For instance, if the ADR is 180 pips and the pair has already moved 160 pips by noon, the likelihood of further significant moves decreases. 2. Scalping the Dragon’s Tail Scalping works exceptionally well with GBP/JPY. Use a 5-minute chart and look for opportunities during high-volume periods. Here’s the kicker: focus on breakout strategies around support and resistance levels. Pro Tip: Use a tight stop-loss. GBP/JPY can flip faster than a pancake at Sunday brunch. 3. The Fibonacci Playbook GBP/JPY’s volatile nature makes it perfect for Fibonacci retracement strategies. Identify swing highs and lows, then look for retracements to the 61.8% level before entering your trade. This strategy works like magic, especially when combined with candlestick patterns like engulfing bars. The Hidden Patterns That Drive GBP/JPY Trend Reversals: Spotting the Turning Points Many traders overlook the power of divergence. If the price is making higher highs but your RSI is making lower highs, a trend reversal could be brewing. This hidden gem can save you from chasing the Dragon into the abyss. The Yen Connection The Japanese Yen is a safe-haven currency, meaning it strengthens during global turmoil. Keep an eye on global risk sentiment; if markets are panicking, expect GBP/JPY to fall. Why Most Traders Fail (And How You Can Avoid Their Mistakes) 1. Over-Leveraging This is a classic rookie mistake. With GBP/JPY’s large pip movements, over-leveraging can decimate your account faster than you can say “margin call.” Keep your risk per trade below 2% of your account balance. 2. Ignoring Risk Management Trading without a stop-loss on GBP/JPY is like walking a tightrope without a safety net. Always set a stop-loss based on technical levels, and stick to it like your trading career depends on it—because it does. Elite Tactics: Taking Your GBP/JPY Trading to the Next Level 1. Use Correlation Analysis GBP/JPY often correlates with other risk-sensitive pairs like AUD/JPY. By monitoring these pairs, you can gain insights into potential GBP/JPY movements. For instance, if AUD/JPY is breaking out, GBP/JPY might follow suit. 2. News Trading Done Right News trading isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s a game-changer for GBP/JPY. Focus on high-impact news events and use pending orders to capitalize on volatility. Just make sure your broker doesn’t widen spreads like a pizza chef on a mission. 3. The Smart Trading Tool Advantage Tools like StarseedFX’s Smart Trading Tool can automate lot size calculations, manage orders, and provide actionable insights. It’s like having a trading assistant who never takes coffee breaks. Taming the Dragon Trading GBP/JPY in a volatile market isn’t for the faint-hearted, but with the right strategies, it can be immensely rewarding. Remember: - Use the ADR to gauge daily movements. - Master scalping and Fibonacci retracements. - Avoid over-leveraging and prioritize risk management. Finally, surround yourself with the right tools and community. Join the StarseedFX Community for daily insights and exclusive strategies. After all, taming the Dragon is easier when you have a tribe of experienced warriors by your side. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated Read the full article
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What Are ‘Natural’ Skin-Care Products, and Are They Actually Better for You?

When it comes to beauty and personal care, the term "natural" has become a powerful marketing buzzword, particularly in skincare. Brands like Neutrogena and L'Oréal have increasingly embraced this trend, promising consumers products free from synthetic chemicals and potentially harmful ingredients. In addition, the prices of these products, like the natural cleanser price in Sri Lanka, can be quite high. So, what does "natural" really mean, and is it genuinely superior to conventional skincare?
The Ambiguous Definition of "Natural"
The first challenge in understanding natural skincare is the lack of a standardised, legally binding definition. Unlike "organic" products, which have strict regulatory guidelines, "natural" remains a nebulous term open to interpretation. For consumers comparing a Cetaphil moisturizing cream price in Sri Lanka or evaluating local product options, this ambiguity can be frustrating and misleading.
Technically, "natural" typically implies ingredients derived directly from plant, mineral, or animal sources with minimal processing. However, the beauty industry's interpretation can vary widely. Some brands consider a product "natural" if it contains even a small percentage of plant-derived ingredients, while others adhere to more stringent standards.
The Science Behind Natural Ingredients
Contrary to popular belief, "natural" does not automatically mean safer or more effective. Many natural ingredients can be potent and potentially irritating. Essential oils, for instance, are entirely natural but can cause significant skin inflammation for many individuals. Conversely, scientifically developed synthetic ingredients often undergo rigorous testing and can be precisely formulated to target specific skin concerns with minimal side effects.
Modern dermatological research suggests that the effectiveness of a skincare product depends more on its specific formulation, concentration of active ingredients, and compatibility with individual skin types rather than whether its components are natural or synthetic.
Potential Benefits of Natural Skincare
Natural skincare is not without merit. Many plant-based ingredients offer genuine skincare benefits:
Botanical extracts can provide antioxidants that protect against environmental damage. Ingredients like green tea, chamomile, and aloe vera have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties. Some natural oils offer excellent moisturization and can help strengthen the skin's protective barrier.
Moreover, natural products often avoid potential irritants like parabens, sulphates, and synthetic fragrances. For individuals with sensitive skin or those concerned about long-term exposure to certain chemicals, this can be a significant advantage.
While "natural" skin-care products are often marketed as safer or more effective, they come with their own set of challenges and limitations that consumers should consider before purchasing.
Shorter shelf lives: Natural products often lack synthetic preservatives, which are crucial for extending the product's usability. As a result, these products may spoil or lose effectiveness much faster, requiring careful storage and quicker use.
Stability and bacterial growth: Without synthetic stabilisers, natural formulations can be more prone to separating, oxidising, or harbouring bacterial contamination. This instability can compromise the product’s safety and efficacy.
Inconsistent results: The efficacy of natural ingredients can vary significantly due to differences in sourcing, growing conditions, and processing methods. This variability may lead to less predictable or reliable results compared to their synthetic counterparts.
Higher costs: Many natural products are priced at a premium, partly due to the expense of sourcing high-quality, organic ingredients and the perception of natural products as a luxury.
The Risk of Greenwashing
Consumers should also remain vigilant about "greenwashing," a marketing strategy where brands exaggerate or misrepresent the natural aspects of their products to appeal to eco-conscious buyers. A product labelled as "natural" might still include a significant percentage of synthetic ingredients, or the natural components may not be present in amounts that contribute meaningfully to the product's effectiveness.
To navigate these issues, it is important to:
Examine ingredient labels carefully to verify the presence and concentration of natural versus synthetic components.
Research certifications or claims made by brands to ensure they align with credible standards.
Prioritise science-backed formulations over branding that relies solely on the "natural" label.
Understanding these considerations helps consumers balance their desire for natural products with practical expectations about performance, safety, and value.
Making Informed Choices
When selecting skincare products, it is essential to approach the process thoughtfully to ensure safety and effectiveness. Here is how consumers can make informed decisions:
Read ingredient lists carefully: Familiarise yourself with common skincare ingredients and their benefits or potential risks. This helps in identifying components that may cause irritation or allergies. Look out for active ingredients like retinol, hyaluronic acid, or salicylic acid, and be cautious of known irritants or allergens.
Understand your specific skin needs: Determine your skin type (oily, dry, combination, or sensitive) and concerns (e.g., acne, aging, hyperpigmentation). Products tailored to these needs are more likely to provide desired results.
Consult dermatological professionals: Seek guidance from a dermatologist or skincare expert, especially if you have specific conditions like eczema or rosacea. Professionals can recommend appropriate products and routines based on scientific expertise.
Patch test new products: Before fully incorporating a new product into your routine, apply a small amount to a discreet area of skin, such as the inner wrist or behind the ear, and monitor for adverse reactions over 24–48 hours.
Prioritise scientific evidence over marketing claims: Skincare marketing can be misleading. Look for products with proven efficacy supported by clinical studies rather than those relying solely on buzzwords like "natural" or "chemical-free."
The Future of Skincare
The skincare industry is evolving beyond the simple dichotomy of natural versus synthetic ingredients. Instead, leading brands are adopting a balanced, science-driven approach that combines the best of both worlds. These progressive formulations use natural ingredients known for their soothing or nourishing properties alongside synthetic components designed to enhance efficacy, stability, and safety.
This shift acknowledges that the source of an ingredient (natural or synthetic) matters less than its ability to deliver results effectively and safely. By embracing innovation and evidence-based practices, the industry is creating more inclusive and effective products tailored to diverse consumer needs.
"Natural" skincare is not inherently superior or inferior to conventional products. The key is understanding your skin's unique requirements and selecting products based on proven effectiveness, ingredient quality, and personal compatibility.
The most important aspect of skincare is not whether a product is natural, but whether it genuinely addresses your skin's specific needs while maintaining its health and resilience.
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Tea Online: A Guide to Exploring and Enjoying Your Favorite Brews

In recent years, purchasing tea online has become a popular trend, transforming how enthusiasts and casual drinkers discover and enjoy this timeless beverage. With countless varieties available, from classic black and green teas to herbal infusions and exotic blends, online shopping provides an unparalleled opportunity to explore the world of tea. In this blog, we will delve into the benefits of buying tea online, explore different types of tea, share tips for selecting the best products, and provide insights into how to brew the perfect cup at home.
The Advantages of Buying Tea Online
Purchasing tea online comes with several unique benefits that cater to tea lovers everywhere:
1. Extensive Selection
One of the most significant advantages of buying tea online is the sheer variety available. Unlike local stores, which may have limited options, online retailers often provide an extensive selection of teas from different regions and types. You can easily discover new flavors and blends that may not be available in your area.
2. Quality Assurance
Reputable online tea sellers usually prioritize quality, sourcing their products directly from farmers or trusted suppliers. Many provide detailed information about the origins, processing methods, and flavor profiles of their teas, allowing you to make informed choices and select high-quality options that suit your preferences.
3. Convenience
Shopping for tea online is incredibly convenient. You can browse and order your favorite blends from the comfort of your home, saving time and effort. Many retailers offer subscription services, ensuring you never run out of your favorite teas while often providing discounts for recurring orders.
4. Customer Reviews and Recommendations
Online shopping platforms allow you to read customer reviews, which can be invaluable when trying to decide which tea to purchase. You can learn about the experiences of other tea lovers, helping you find the best products based on their feedback.
Types of Tea Available Online
To fully appreciate the diversity of tea, it's essential to understand the different types available. Here’s a breakdown of the primary categories of tea you can find online:
1. Black Tea
Black tea is one of the most popular types of tea worldwide. It is fully oxidized, resulting in a bold flavor and dark color. Common varieties include Assam, Darjeeling, and Earl Grey. Black tea is often enjoyed with milk and sugar but can also be appreciated on its own.
2. Green Tea
Green tea is known for its delicate flavor and numerous health benefits. It is minimally processed and retains its natural green color. Popular varieties include Sencha, Matcha, and Dragon Well. Green tea is often enjoyed plain but can be enhanced with lemon or honey.
3. Oolong Tea
Oolong tea falls somewhere between black and green tea, as it is partially oxidized. This unique processing method gives it a complex flavor profile, ranging from floral to fruity. Well-known varieties include Tie Guan Yin and Da Hong Pao.
4. White Tea
White tea is the least processed of all tea types, made from young tea leaves and buds. It has a light, subtle flavor and is rich in antioxidants. Silver Needle and White Peony are popular varieties.
5. Herbal Tea
Technically not a tea since it doesn’t come from the Camellia sinensis plant, herbal tea is made from various herbs, spices, and flowers. Herbal teas come in countless varieties and can offer a range of flavors and health benefits. Popular options include chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus.
Tips for Buying Tea Online
When purchasing tea online, consider the following tips to enhance your shopping experience:
1. Read Product Descriptions Carefully
Take the time to read the product descriptions on the retailer's website. Look for information about the tea's origin, flavor notes, and brewing instructions. This will help you choose the best tea for your taste preferences.
2. Check for Freshness
Quality tea should be fresh. Look for retailers that provide harvest dates or packaging dates to ensure you’re buying tea that hasn’t been sitting on the shelf for too long.
3. Explore Sample Packs
If you’re unsure which tea to choose, consider purchasing sample packs. Many online retailers offer curated selections that allow you to taste different teas without committing to a full-sized package.
4. Buy Premium Tea Online with Backyard Brew
If you’re looking for high-quality tea, buy premium tea online with Backyard Brew. Our selection features a variety of teas sourced from reputable suppliers, ensuring you receive the best quality for your tea-drinking experience.
Brewing the Perfect Cup of Tea
Once you’ve selected your tea, it’s time to brew the perfect cup! The brewing method can greatly influence the flavor and aroma of your tea. Here are some essential tips for brewing various types of tea:
1. Use Fresh Water
Always start with fresh, cold water. The quality of the water you use will affect the final taste of your tea. Avoid using water that has been previously boiled, as it can lose oxygen, resulting in flat-tasting tea.
2. Measure the Tea
Using the right amount of tea leaves is crucial for achieving the perfect flavor. Generally, one teaspoon of loose leaf tea per cup (8 oz) of water is a good guideline, but this can vary based on the type of tea and personal preference.
3. Monitor Water Temperature
Different types of tea require different brewing temperatures:
Black Tea: 200-212°F (93-100°C)
Green Tea: 160-180°F (70-82°C)
Oolong Tea: 180-200°F (82-93°C)
White Tea: 160-185°F (70-85°C)
Herbal Tea: 200-212°F (93-100°C)
Using the correct temperature will help you extract the best flavors from your tea leaves.
4. Brewing Time
Brewing time is essential for achieving the desired flavor:
Black Tea: 3-5 minutes
Green Tea: 2-3 minutes
Oolong Tea: 4-7 minutes
White Tea: 4-5 minutes
Herbal Tea: 5-7 minutes
Keep an eye on the clock to avoid over-steeping, which can lead to bitterness.
Buying tea online has revolutionized the way we discover and enjoy this beloved beverage. With access to an extensive selection, the ability to read reviews, and the convenience of delivery, tea enthusiasts can explore new flavors and blends with ease. By understanding the different types of tea, following our tips for purchasing, and mastering the brewing process, you can elevate your tea experience to new heights.
So, why wait? Dive into the world of online tea shopping and discover the delightful flavors that await you. With the right knowledge and resources, you’ll find the perfect cup of tea that suits your palate and enhances your daily routine.
1. Is buying tea online safe?
Yes, purchasing tea online is safe if you buy from reputable retailers. Look for reviews and check the seller’s return policy.
2. How should I store my tea?
Store tea in an airtight container in a cool, dark place to maintain freshness and flavor.
3. Can I return tea if I don’t like it?
Many online retailers offer satisfaction guarantees, so check their return policy for specifics.
4. How long does tea stay fresh?
Tea is best consumed within a year of purchase for optimal flavor, although some types may last longer if stored correctly.
5. What is the best way to brew tea?
It depends on the type of tea you’re using. Follow the brewing instructions for each variety to achieve the best results.
By exploring the world of online tea shopping, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect blends to enjoy!
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hi again!!
hot cross buns my beloved <33 ive only had fresh ones once because im too broke 😭 but they're soo good i hope yours turned out great!!
and you have no idea how much you pinning the asks helps me 😭 its literally the most helpful thing ever so thank you so muchhh
how long have you been a swiftie?
i would say like 13 years? i learned about her from quite a young age because of my sister and u listened to her quite a bit but like a proper proper obsessed swiftie would be 4 years? fun fact: my first taylor song was teardrops on my guitar <3 what was yours?
would you rather be able to fly or to breathe underwater?
ooh this one is hard i suck at decision making ajshhdjsd but if i were to choose id say fly? bc a) i can fly to my family at any time since im quite a bit away at uni b) i grew up watching my little pony and my favourite character was rainbow dash (SHE PLAYS ELECTRIC GUITARRRR) so do with that what you will and c) flying seems fun and i cant swim so i would probably never step in water... howeverrr if i do drown the breathing underwater would help and if me flying was w wings they would weigh me down... but lets not focus on the bad ansjrjsnsbf
what about you?
and i have a question for you: tea or coffee? and how do you drink the one you prefer?
goodbye 'til next time <33
-swiftie spring exchange anon
I used to hate hot cross buns, funnily enough XD I was lucky that the only thing I needed to get was some yeast for them, cause a while ago I got a bunch of flour etc...also I'm glad pinning helps! I reblog so much that I was like...hold up, would I wanna go scrolling back that far...no? Ok assume they don't either XD
I've literally been a swiftie for like 2 years XD I was so new to it all that when people were talking about Taylor's Version of things I had no idea what they were on about, and was confused by how some versions of some songs sounded different lol. My like...very first song was technically Story Of Us because I found it on an anime amv as a kid and was like D:
But the first one that started making me a swiftie was I think Cruel Summer. I saw a random youtube short about songs from TS that needed music videos and watched it on a whim. From there, got really into the Lover album, then tried Reputation, and then proceeded to listen through every album she had lol.
See I too cannot swim, so breathing underwater would just be me stuck alone at the bottom of the water...bit nightmarish for my liking. If I could swim then I'd love to breathe underwater. But since I cannot I am forced to pick flight as well XD Also I love My Little Pony, and Rainbow Dash is an excellent choice for favourite pony XD
Ah tea easily. Coffee ranges from "bad texture" to "bad taste" to me...! But with tea I always go for herbal tea (usually peppermint or chamomile cause I can get those cheaply). I used to put honey in it, but even if I weren't vegan now I also just got lazy about it. I only used honey for tea, and at some point was like "is it worth the money" and decided no XD What about you?
Another question (my workplace does "question of the day"s and so I have many of these random things): Would you rather be able to master any instrument you wanted to learn, or any sport you wanted to play?
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The Magic Of Organic Tea: Sip Your Way To Wellness
There's something truly enchanting about a warm cup of tea, isn't there? The gentle aroma, the soothing flavors, and the comforting ritual of brewing a steaming cup can instantly transport you to a place of tranquility. If you're someone who appreciates the finer things in life and values their well-being, organic tea is a delightful choice that combines taste and health benefits seamlessly.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of organic tea Australia, exploring its origins, benefits, and how you can incorporate it into your daily routine. So sit back, relax, and let's embark on this tea-filled journey together!

Unveiling the Origins of Organic Tea
Tea has a rich history that spans centuries and continents. Originating in ancient China, it quickly spread across Asia and eventually made its way to the rest of the world. However, not all tea is created equal. Organic tea stands out from the rest as it is grown and processed without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. This ensures that every sip you take is as close to nature as possible, allowing you to experience tea in its purest form.
The Benefits of Choosing Organic Tea
Organic tea offers a plethora of benefits for both your body and the environment. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider incorporating it into your daily routine:
Healthier You:By opting for organic tea, you're choosing a beverage free from harmful residues that can be present in conventionally grown tea. This means you're consuming fewer toxins and pesticides, promoting a healthier lifestyle.
Rich in Antioxidants:Organic tea is known for its high levels of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in fighting free radicals in the body. These antioxidants can help boost your immune system, protect against chronic diseases, and promote overall well-being.
Flavorful Delights:Organic tea is often praised for its exceptional taste. Grown in nutrient-rich soil and carefully harvested, it offers a vibrant and complex flavor profile that can tantalize your taste buds with every sip.
Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly:Choosing organic tea supports sustainable agricultural practices and helps protect our planet. Organic farming methods prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and the conservation of natural resources.
Exploring the Diverse World of Organic Tea
The world of organic tea is vast and diverse, offering a wide array of options to suit every taste preference. Here are a few popular varieties to get you started:
Green Tea:Known for its fresh and grassy flavor, green tea is packed with antioxidants and is believed to have numerous health benefits, including aiding in weight management and improving brain function.
Black Tea:With its robust and bold flavor, black tea is a classic favorite for many tea enthusiasts. It's often enjoyed with milk and sugar and provides a gentle energy boost to help you start your day.
Herbal Tea:While not technically tea (as it doesn't come from the Camellia sinensis plant), herbal infusions offer a wide range of flavors and wellness benefits. From calming chamomile to invigorating peppermint, there's an herbal tea for every mood.
Making Organic Tea a Part of Your Daily Ritual

Incorporating organic tea into your daily routine is easier than you might think. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Choose Quality:Look for reputable brands that specialize in organic tea. Ensure that their products are certified organic to guarantee authenticity.
Experiment and Explore:Don't be afraid to try new flavors and blends. With the diverse range of organic teas available, you're sureto find something that suits your taste buds.
Brew with Care:Follow the recommended brewing instructions for each type of tea to ensure you get the best flavor and benefits. Remember, patience is key!
Enjoy the Moment:Take a break from your busy day, find a cozy spot, and savor your cup of organic tea. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment and let the soothing warmth of the tea envelop you.
organic tea Australia offers a delightful journey for your senses and a myriad of benefits for your well-being. From the enchanting origins to the diverse flavors, each cup of organic tea is a sip of harmony and health. So why not indulge in this magical beverage and experience the wonders it has to offer? Embrace the ritual, explore the flavors, and let organic tea become an integral part of your daily life. Cheers to a healthier, tastier, and more sustainable tea-drinking experience!
Source - https://calmersutratea.godaddysites.com/f/the-magic-of-organic-tea-sip-your-way-to-wellness
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Maison talo x reader
Short Headcannons
WARNING : smut but only a bit / yandere behavior ( not extreme )
( ps this is a continuation of my maison talo fanfic )
He'd probably want to keep you in the house yknow " for the rating "
His dick is probably 8 to 12 inches , ( yes he disguised his dick as the mailbox )
If you do go out he'll occasionally ask you to get more people to " check out" the house
He specifically stated that he doesnt want people touching " the mailbox " , and said " thats only for you to do dear tenant"
He likes tea and its a mixture of earl grey and lavander
Sometimes you get chamomile tea to put him to sleep so you can have a bit of time to yourself , shopping etc.
He likes when you suggest new colors for the exterior of the house
He likes it when you paint his nails ( other colors than red )
He calls you " tenant " because technically you live there now in some weird way "
His tounge is the sofa so you can imagine what kind of things he can do with that
#maison#maison talo smut#maison talo x reader smut#maison talo x reader#maison talo headcannons#house hunted
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🌈 Stupid Silly Splendorman Headcannons 🌈
these are some of my personal headcannons but feel free to use this post for ideas :>
Will often let people pick a nickname and set of pronouns for him if they ask!
Likes any pronouns! He’s technically sexless as well. Feminine and neutral are rarely used for him but he enjoys them nonetheless!
If you’re excited h e ‘ s excited.
G l i t t e r
Glitter is always on his person, no one knows how.
The only man with the patience to get glitter out of a dyer after a freak glitter-bag-was-left-in-his-pants-pocket mishap.
Doesnt sleep! Ever!
He also doesn’t need to eat, but eats for the enjoyment of it and quality time with others!
His favorite color is all of them, he feels bad leaving some out.
His favorite teas range but chamomile, chai, darjeeling are his top three!
His favorite food is butternut squash soup (but he won’t ever admit it.)
His favorite deserts are chocolate cake and rice pudding.
Not a big fan of cheeses or meats. He tries not to eat anything that was once breathing. But he’s just iffy about cheese.
Has a rotation chart for his stuffed animals and which he hasn’t spent time with yet. He tries to do group activities with them, but one of one is important too.
His alias is “Felix” !
Has the ability to change other’s perceptions. He doesn’t like to use this ability, but he will to call less attention to himself in public. Splendy often choices to hold a human appearance.
Splendorman uses his human “appearance” mainly when going to hospitals, orphanages, or schools to volunteer!
Everything. Has. A. Personality. Its a habit he’s picked up from working with children, but he tends to sympathize and personify a lot of items.
Playing songs, dancing, reading stories, supervising and helping teach are just a few of the responsibilities he takes on!
His instrument of choice is probably the harpsichord, but he also really enjoys the kalimba as well. Both have a sweet lullaby sound to him.
Splendy can play other instruments such the piano, xylophone, and tambourine. He’d like to try and learn how to play string instruments again but in his own stride.
A lot of what he does, doesn’t just stop with assisting kids either. Sometimes he’ll reach a hand out to parents and guardians as well to educate and help lead them through tough situations.
Mental health is very important for his species, so he has a lot of activities he participates in to decompress or enjoy himself.
Gardening especially is an activity he finds cathartic and helps him gather his thoughts.
Owns a gardening apron made for him by Trenderman! Its one of his favorite items.
His garden is full of plants that can be used to feed people who need it, or used as herbal remedies of sorts. For example: lavender, he’ll use it to make tea to help others sleep.
Daisies are his favorites
He constantly has daisies on him, they seem to stay fresh when on his person. Because of this he hands them out to loft spirits.
Recycling is important to him! He tries to use everything to the best of his ability.
Because respecting and protecting lofe is so important to him, he often finds himself using things he’s cultivated personally in the foods/crafts he makes. (yes this means he has chickens)
“Thank you for providing such wonderful flowers this season, and thank you for growing.”
A letter writer. He often ends his letters of with something along the lines of “Sincerely, Splendor! ☆” there’s always a star.
Pretty educated! In trying to properly assimilate into human culture he’s done an awful lot of reading to be as verse and literate as he can. Its a lot more helpful that it seems!
Probably shouldn’t play guessing games with him, he’s exceptionally sharp.
And no he’s not cheating, he’s just got a really good imagination.
Despite being rather organized and thoughtful, this doesn’t stop him from being a bit careless time to time.
You’d think he was on auto pilot with the amount of times he’s tripped on absolutely nothing.
“Trender: *holds an item out*” “Splendor: *holds :D*” dynamic.
“Trender: I need-“ “Splendor: *holding it out :D*” dynamic part two.
Wakes up every day to put those bells on the ends of his tendrils.
His bells aren’t the only way he can eminent a “soothing energy” to others, in fact he doesn’t need them, but he finds its a lot less invasive, and easier to use a harmonious sound.
Splendorman and Slenderman, are twins.
Despite being twins, the two rarely have contact.
In fact Splendorman has very little contact with family in general. The only exception to this being Trenderman, whom he spends a great deal of time with!
As much as it sometimes saddens Splendy that his twin brother would prefer for him not to be around, he finds comfort in the fact he gets to see family that’s much less toxic towards him.
Despite not being human, he enjoys human holidays! He thinks its a great excuse way to give more than he usually would.
Splendy also recognizes that Trender at some point w a s human, and these holidays often help him retain a feeling of “normalcy” in his new state.
Doesn’t like being around the other pasta’s much either because of their violent habits.
The only exception so far being Dina, Liu, and Sally. Even then there’s a slight discomfort.
Actively trying to find a way to help Sally. Splendorman respects his brother but there’s a anxiety and distrust about allowing Sally to stay with him. He worries about her quite a bit.
Splendorman also desires to help Janet. He’s not sure what he could do for her as she’s expressed a hesitance and general distrust with his presence. He won’t push her, but if she ever wants help he’s there to reach out a hand.
Despite his friendly and bouncy nature, Splendorman isn’t naive in any sense, nor is he inconsiderate or willfully ignorant. He’s a very cheerful person but its taken some work to get there! He recognizes that expressing sadness or anger in a healthy is just as important being happy.
A great memory, even if he’s only met you once for half a second, he’ll be able to recall you with ease.
This includes boundaries! Splendorman does his best to make others comfortable, so he does his best to pay attention to others discomfort and requests.
Addresses people formally, in fact a lot of his speak is warm and formal! But he tends to choose friendlier speech when others have expressed closeness towards him.
Just wants to help ! ☆
If you have any questions or wanna know more about characters in my AU direct them to my ask box!
#artist#creepypasta#cpasta creepypasta#happypasta#creepypasta fandom#slenderverse#trenderman#splendorman#creepypasta headcanon#headcannons#textpost#rainbow#rainbowcore#cute#cutesy#comfort character#splendorman headcannons#judge angels#liu woods#homicidal liu#sally williams#slenderman#slenderman creepypasta
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Treasury Yields Take a Breather: What's Next for Bonds? The 10yr Tango: Why Treasury Yields Took a Breather Just when you thought Treasury yields were ready to tango all night, the 10-year UST futures decided it was time for a break. After all, every good dancer needs a breather. The recent surge in yields following the nomination of fiscal hawk Bessent as US Treasury Secretary left the market participants breathless—much like realizing your online purchase was the wrong size. But let’s face it, in trading, there’s no free return policy for bad moves. Now, everyone’s eyes are on the upcoming 5-year auction and the FOMC Minutes—waiting to see if this is a two-step correction or a full-on dance reversal. What’s next? Well, the 5-year auction might just decide whether the dance continues or the music gets slower. With Bessent taking the helm, it's time for traders to recalibrate—because fiscal hawks don't bring feathers to the trading floor. They bring tight budgets and policy discipline. But here's where the real magic happens: Knowing when the hawks are ready to swoop in and how to capitalize on it, that’s where your next-level edge comes in. Bund Market: Calm Before the Supply Storm? Meanwhile, across the pond, Bund futures had their own kind of therapy day. With a cup of chamomile tea, they decided to trade flat after yesterday’s moody tantrum. Can you blame them? German supply is looming, and traders have mixed feelings—kind of like when you're not sure if that free meal is actually worth the next-day stomach drama. But for the savvy among us, this flatline isn’t a snooze; it’s the opportunity to recalibrate for volatility. The market's quiet today, but those who've been around know: it's the quiet just before the air-raid siren goes off. With price action calming down and supply on the horizon, Bund traders need to focus on where the real opportunities lie—like getting ahead of the market's reaction to German economic sentiment. With the ECB keeping a hawkish eye on inflation, make no mistake—volatility is coming back. The trick is reading the calm, so you’re ready for the storm. JGBs Feeling the Pressure: The 143.00 Barrier Not to be outdone, Japanese 10-year JGB futures had their own story—starting strong but giving back gains as soon as they hit resistance around the 143.00 level. It’s like when you hit the gym, and suddenly that extra set of squats starts to feel way more ambitious than you thought—you know, reality hits. What threw a wrench into things? Firmer-than-expected Japanese Services PPI data. Yep, price hikes in the service sector were enough to send traders packing their gains and thinking twice about resistance levels. But here’s the nugget: This was a litmus test for the market’s resilience. When macro data hits unexpectedly firm, and the market stumbles at technical levels, it’s not a sign of weakness—it’s a signal. For those trading JGBs, it’s about getting into the details, understanding how fiscal policy will mix with BoJ's stance, and getting a real advantage when price resistance starts showing its cracks. What Traders Should Really Be Watching This week has been all about feeling the pulse of yield trends while trying to second-guess central bank sentiment—not unlike trying to read the mood of your partner after a tiff. For those tracking UST futures, remember, it's not just about Bessent or the 5-year auction; it's also about the bigger trend in fiscal discipline versus growth policy. Bunds are a sleeper hit—underestimating the mood around German debt supply is exactly the mistake that opens up the juiciest trades. As for the JGBs, remember, resistance is not just a number on the chart—it's a statement about market confidence. So, what does all this mean for your next trading move? Simple: Never let a quiet market lull you into complacency. Volatility isn't just coming back—it's knocking on the door, and it has a lot of questions for the unprepared. The only way to be ready is to stay ahead of the news, peel back the layers of market sentiment, and dance in step with every twist the central banks throw at you. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated Read the full article
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7. Premeditated
You take a deep steadying breath into your hands, dragging them down your face as you breathe out. Stars twinkling in the window, you lean forward against the counter as your body shivers uncontrollably. With your elbows atop the counter, you wait once again for your kettle to boil, already dreading morning.
This can't go on. At this rate, you're going to drink all the coffee in your home! But what can you do except wait? You've done it time and time again; wrap up in your covers, drink your piping hot tea, and catch a couple hours of sleep before the cold sets in again and you start the whole process over. Rinse and repeat the whole night away, the week away, until the chill that has made a home in your bones eases its grip. For a time.
Lips parting on a shaky sigh, you fiddle with your sleeve, allowing your flannel pajamas' polka dot pattern to distract you from your joyless thoughts. Feeling the fuzzy interior around the inside of the cuff, you miss the meager vestiges of body heat that had long disappeared into the night. Small as they were, at least they had been something. Your head swivels to eye your stove, the little flame burning under your kettle, and hop up on the counter to sit. Not too close to the flame, but close enough to soak up some of the heat.
As the water bubbles in its confines, you quickly switch off the stove and pop the kettle up before it can start to whistle. Filling your classic mug of chamomile tea, your thoughts once again fall; this was much easier to handle when you had no guests, no one to pick up on your little problem. Of course that's not their fault, and you're certainly not blaming them, just appreciating a freedom that you were unaware of before.
Smile pulling at your lips, you recall a couple days prior how you taunted the three before disappearing to your room before revenge could be had. Your familiarity with the men has certainly been making you bold. Honestly, you're kind of surprised no one has retaliated against you, but on the other hand, the suspense offers a sort of retribution all on its own. You doubt that'd be enough for them though.
This introspection has you distracted well and good, to the point that when the tallest brother leaves the guestroom and walks barefoot to your kitchen, you had yet to notice him until he was practically in front of you. Deja vu strikes; your grasp falters, hands fumbling with your drink with the familiar sudden appearance of a long john wearing man. Wide eyed, you blink up at Otto as he scans you head to toe, taking in your shivering layers and that you are once more preparing a drink late in the night.
He is direct, "You're awake, why?"
Judging by his determined tone, the man is on a hunt. You fidget, "Can't sleep sometimes."
He snorts, "Weeks of bad sleep? No."
He gestures to your kettle, "Drink, why?"
Your answer is technically honest, "...I get cold sometimes."
With narrow eyes, he crushes your wish that he would leave it at that, "Cold why?"
Your gaze lowers to your steaming cup, pouting just a little, "I was kind of hoping you'd just assume it's because I'm smaller in stature." Otto waits patiently, folding his arms in victory.
Tapping a nervous rhythm on the sides of your mug, you give it a go, "Well, you all know about my regeneration? So...I suffered a serious injury to my diaphragm and my ribcage when I was young and my healing was in..early development. It did heal, but not...uh..the way it should have...it was..different? Wrong?"
Your brow furrows with frustration, "I-I'm sorry, I know I'm not being very clear, but the only way I'd know for certain is with a doctor visit...which I can't do for...many reasons. Basically all I have is just...theory."
You sip your drink, eyes drifting back up to Otto.
"I think when the injury healed, it healed incorrectly and permanently. Because of that, I have difficulty generating and sustaining my own body heat. It just slips away sometimes. It took a good while to get used to these...random cold spells. They don't hurt, not really, I just...lose out on more sleep than I'd like."
Although the colder seasons are...pretty rough. You can't lie to yourself about that.
Otto cocks his head, frowning. He takes a moment to find the words, which he speaks softly, "All your blankets..sweaters...ah..hot drinking?"
You smile to confirm, patting the knit blanket on your shoulder as you hum, "Yup, all to help with my condition. Well...not exclusively. I do enjoy all those things quite a bit, so even if I didn't have this little problem, I don't know if my tastes would be much different. There's just something about knit-wear and hot cocoa that makes me happy." You grin, wiggling your feet in the heavy fuzzy socks that currently adorn them, displaying your enjoyment of their softness. You can get a bit silly when you're so tired.
The look he gives you is...focused. Judging by the tense set of his jaw and the soft popping of his knuckles as his hands curl into fists, it's almost like he's...
"Who hurt you?"
Your thought process is abruptly cut off. You blink in mild surprise...he's not asking what, but who. Does he suspect it wasn't some sort of accident then? You do have a lack of pictures around your home, no friends or family from before you became affiliated with the Commission, so maybe he reasoned that your isolation had something to do with an aversion to people? And not just fear of your ability being discovered?...The man pays attention.
The smile on your face fades as you fall still, thinking carefully. Of course you were trying to figure out some sort of way to answer his question without diving into dangerous waters, but you find that his question is pulling from you some honest consideration; you weren't sure how you felt about the agents that brought you to that man, but in the end they were just doing their jobs...you don't even know if they had any idea what was actually going on. Regardless of intent, you have no warm thoughts or feelings to spare for them. But, there was only one person that made the feathers on the back of your neck stand on end with just a thought.
"It doesn't matter, they're long gone now. Good riddance." Your last sentence leaves your lips in a quiet hiss.
Ottos frown deepens into a furious scowl, "Where."
Your hands squeeze your mug, "Dead. I promise."
You're fairly certain you're the one that did it. You had gotten some flickers of memory quite a while back, one in particular had been of a man in...dire need of assistance as he flailed uselessly underneath long frantically swiping claws. He hadn't really been recognizable under all the mess and gore...but oh, there was this feeling.
The tension in the large man seems to ease, but Otto pauses with curiosity and surprise as he processes the pure vitriol in your voice, "You kill?"
You stumble over your words, "I...well, anyone can kill...if they're backed into a corner, right? If there's no other way out, and...and really.."
Your voice trails off at about the same time as your mind does, beginning the descent into fuzzy memory.
You're not even sure why you're fighting the urge to panic; these men are assassins, killing is a part of their life. They understand ending a life to defend oneself... but that isn't the problem, is it. It's not that someone might think less of you, it's that...you don't remember.
"I barely remember doing it. I don't remember what I was thinking or what I felt. I don't remember being shot at, but I do remember the pain. Bullets and blood spilling out. I don't remember if that man said anything before I started mauling him. I don't remember if when I had staggered up off the floor after a never-ending beating if..if I'd ran or tracked the man down first and...what sort of person has that maliciousness at 12 years old?"
Sighing, you scrub a hand tiredly over your face, the thick silence in the air bringing your gaze back up to Otto and...oh...you'd said everything out loud.
Color drains from your face as your eyes fall to the half full cradle of tea that is the inside of your mug. The exhaustion swallows any further panic as you mumble an apology, that you didn't intend to burden him.
Bare feet quietly pat against the kitchen floor as the man steps closer to you, burning fingertips gracing your cheek. Deep in the back of your mind you're reminded of Axel's touch, but it isn't quite the same because it's Otto's. The warmth has you leaning into his palm, seeking more instinctively to chase the chill away. It's not enough.
Otto is quiet for a moment, searching for the words before he describes their first kill, how the brothers had been young as well but older than you were. Young adults. They hadn't been employed by the Commission yet, but what you can gather from the little he gives of the situation is that they were protecting Oscar. It happened so quickly, didn't feel real. It weighed heavy on them, got easier with time. Still have rare moments where it's heavy again, old thoughts, memories. He rests his nose and lips at the top of your head, lightly in your hair. Like you. You are like them.
Perched up on the counter, your knees lightly brush his hips as he stands close, nearly between your legs as his hand cups the back of your neck. His palm rests oh so lightly atop your feathers, careful not to ruffle or stress, only offering a sheepish sort of comfort. His scent surrounds you, and it's fresh laundry and unexplainably his own and it's making you dizzy, everything is making you fuzzy and you're so drained and he's so so close...
Impulsivity, desperation, and prolonged sleeplessness has stolen away your common sense as you scoot closer to him. Your arms wrap tentatively over his shoulders in a loose hug, carefully leaning in as you tuck your face tiredly into his neck. Otto goes very still and quiet for a moment, before a quiet expletive in Swedish leaves his mouth. His palm remains on your nape, neither of you moving as you bask in his warmth.
Your lips are ticklish as they brush against his skin, murmuring a muffled bashful apology about clinginess and coldness and he can feel your hands slipping away from him. Impulsivity can be very contagious; before your touch has the chance to leave him completely, both of his big hands slip to your back and he's pulling you right back into him. Any response you have dies on your tongue, stunned and a bit timid as he pulls you forward off the counter, chest to chest. Otto has one of his arms curled under your rear, the other hand splayed at the middle of your back as he walks to the living room.
He insists, "You need to sleep."
Otto supposes he really should have just set you down after pulling you off the counter, but that doesn't necessarily mean he needs to detangle from you right now...just when he reaches your door. And when your legs aren't quite so snug around him. Of course.
Flustered, you pull back from his neck and remind him, "Sleep is easier said than done. Drinks and blankets help but it's only temporary, it comes back and I wake up."
He pauses before he can reach the hallway, scowling at your predicament. And then he wonders about you taking initiative to boldly press to him for what he had first considered to be emotional comfort...but now? You're not shivering as much so...
He offers curiously, "Body heat?"
Your mouth open, closes, then opens again, "I..um.."
Reflexive embarrassment fades as you take a moment to really think about it; you had had short professional relationships in your life, tentative friendships when you were younger that you had abandoned in the end, holding everyone at arm's length...when was the last time you had indulged in a simple hug? When you were a child?
You answer quietly, "I don't know."
Otto redirects his path and walks to the sofa instead, listening, "It's possible? I never really had the chance to find out, never mind finding the trust for it. It just didn't seem like a good idea to get that close to someone, anyone. It was too much of a risk, all things considered."
The large man understands, in a way. He knows his brothers would understand this kind of hesitation as well; caution had to be taken in many aspects of their lives working for the Commission as assassins, they still remember the early paranoia itching at the back of their minds when they first started. Luckily they had each other to rely on in their lives, not to mention the later experience to read intent and confidently indulge in a good fuck every now and then to chase away the touch deprivation.
But you...you had adopted solitude from a much earlier age, had molded your life around isolation. Sure, it wasn't exactly the same, but the similarities were there.
As he unwinds your legs from him so he can sit comfortably with you on his lap, his mind slips unbidden to other thoughts. Your earlier mention of a lack of social interaction and now admitting to a lack of touch confirmed that there were certain...activities...you had never experienced. Oscar had a point when he teased eating you out; the thought of your spread thighs shaking in his hands at the unfamiliar feeling of his wet mouth on you is intoxicating, but it may also be a necessary extra preparation before he fucks y-
Otto rips his mind from lurid thoughts, reminding himself to concentrate on his original effort to help you. Hopefully that would prevent his cock from rising to attention under your soft rear. You peer at the large man; he had gone quiet for a moment, drifting away...maybe he was processing or finding the words he wanted to say?
You eye the flush on his face, concerned for a moment that your actions had finally made him uncomfortable before he flicks his hair out of his face and asks with a mild strain, "Curious so..find out? Answer?"
You consider putting an end to your invasion of his space, time, and sleep, feeling you had imposed enough. Strangely though, you don't quite seem to have the will to pull away from Otto. You find yourself relenting and accepting. It was too tempting, the thought of finally having relief from this stubborn cold spell. You'd brush aside your shyness and impropriety, especially if it meant you could finally sleep through the night undisturbed.
With your consent, Otto pulls you down to the couch on your sides with you still tucked in to him. Reaching for the quilt on the back of the sofa, he tugs it down and gives a couple of good single-handed shakes to unfold it before tossing it messily over the two of you with a grunt. His ears burn when he hears the muffled giggle at his minor predicament reverberate against his chest, responding to you with a huff, "Sleep."
And you do. You sleep for hours right through the night and well into morning as your body insists on you taking the opportunity.
Otto wakes to the sound of his younger brother wandering out of their guest room, but his eyes remain closed, more interested in focusing on the feel of your soft weight on his chest. Oscar wanders in to the living room to offer Butternut and Pumpkin a morning scratch, but notices the quilt missing from the back of the sofa. Figuring the cats might have messed with it, he wanders over to the aforementioned piece of furniture and nearly doesn't believe his eyes when he sees who are resting on the cushions. Is this an emergency? It has to be. He has to show Axel, it is an emergency.
Otto's ears perk as he listens to Oscar retreat to their room and return a moment later with an extra set of footsteps. Both feet stop at the back of the sofa, and the reclining man feels a pair of eyes looking intently down upon the two of you. Otto cracks open an eye, muttering that you most likely won't be up for a while longer. With a sigh, Axel trudges off to the kitchen to prepare food, insisting on a replay of last night's events when he's finished.
Earlier on, your habit of staying up late and waking in the night had made the eldest and his brothers a bit...antsy. As time went on their suspicions quickly died down, reasoning that your habits were simply a mild form of insomnia. They've all had their fair share of sleepless nights, yet over the course of a couple of weeks, you had steadily been staying up longer and longer and appearing more weary by the day. And as you fought to keep up, they could only watch with growing concern as you were slowly submerged. They had began to wonder if the culprit was something else.
As Axel prepares coffee and breakfast, Oscar heads off to check on the kittens and feed them while you are indisposed of. Otto waits patiently for his brothers to return and give him what he knows will be their undivided attention. He dips his chin down to watch you curiously; judging from your slow deep breathing, you are still very much dead to the world. Well, he supposes this means you both found the answer to the question of body heat to be a firm 'yes'. His brothers return shortly, leaning against the back of the sofa and eyeing you with not so subtle relief.
Otto begins his retelling by first asserting that it hadn't been insomnia like they thought, but an old injury made into a persistent condition by your ability. And just like he had found himself incensed as you accidentally revealed bits of your attack, so too did his brothers become possessive and protective; their lips twitching with the urge to bare teeth, postures tense and eyes blazing. Of course Oscar's rage was the most outwardly evident, but he knew how to read Axel. They were all mad dogs really, all of them.
The surprise on their faces when he revealed your kill was satisfying to say the least. Their expressions gradually changed to approval as they processed the information; it was hard to believe that you, tiny little sweetheart that you are, had actually killed someone. Of course anyone in a dire situation could be capable of things they hadn't thought possible, but you ripped a man to shreds. As a kid. Not to mention you did it with your bare hands? Well...maybe not bare per se.
Axel rests his elbows atop the sofa, hands clasped together as his attention returns once again to your ability. Oscar peers down at you in fascination and quiet disbelief. The eldest and youngest brothers' thoughts are eerily similar, the two men compare your unanticipated ferocity with the first time they saw your Phase; when Otto had caught you, the claws on your hands hadn't seemed all that significant...but then again they hadn't really asked all that much about the aspects of your ability, hadn't felt the need as they had taken your changes at face-value.
But what if there was more to it than general appearance? They weren't threatened, no, they were intrigued. After all, you had proven time and time again that you weren't interested in fighting or killing, even as they presented themselves as threats to you more than once...and not once did you attack them.
Needless to say, they have some more questions for you when you wake up. And perhaps a couple of changes as well.
#the swedes#ikea mafia#tua swedes#the swedes x reader#umbrella academy swedes#tua axel#tua otto#tua oscar
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