#technically i have a family history of epilepsy
Mfw i realize i might need to get an MRI
So like
A while ago like early 2021 and late 2022 and parts of late 2021 i got these weird like dizzy spells where like
My body goes numb starting from my lips and that's how I knew "aw shit here we go again" so i lay down because after the first time where I just went almost entirely numb before deciding 'hey maybe i should lay down maybe that'll help ' anyway i go numb starting from my lips, then the rest of my face then my finger tips start going out then my toes as it slowly creeps up and by that point I've already layed down and close my eyes because when they're open i literally can't process anything anyway, it's all fuzzy but not blurry, i can read things but can't like i imagine similar to dyslexia? Maybe? Where i can clearly see what I'm looking at but i also can't as all the colors kinda blur into eachother (i just get that occasionally but i can't remember if i got it before or after) anyway my body slowly just numbs to the point I'm just asleep now, sometimes I'll have gotten on my bed but other times I'm on my couch or under my bed (it's a loft i swear it makes more sense if uve seen my bed there's blankets down there and it's very comfortable) anyway It reminds me of migraine in the way that I'm intentionally sleeping but it feels more like I'm going unconscious if that makes sense, one moment I'm relaxed next I'm out kinda thing and anyway usually when i wake up the numbness is gone though sometimes i wake up too early and it's only like half way gone but that's workable... Anyway one time i was awake and it was around Easter and i can't remember if this was the first or second time this happened but it was early ish and anyway i was talking w my dad when suddenly my vision just kinda cuts him out
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Ignore the poor editing but it kinda looked like when you fold a dollar bill to remove the face but the darkness was there but also not, like weird way like looking through a closed eye, with the other opened. And so i joke about it with my dad and his girlfriend who react more 'what the fuck are you talking about ' and i just say 'oh yea ig it's doing that' and my body goes numb i remember arguing about something then going to the living room and just bop I'm out like a light and when i wake up I'm off the couch and feel like hell but luckily not numb or anything just chalky tongue and sweaty. Anyway this happens for like a while and i assume it's just computer sickness then way after the fact i assume i might have had a seizure session for like a year 💀 where every so once in a while i just seize but like the more i think about it the more it doesn't make sense because i don't know why I'd even seize for that while but i mean I've gotten headaches and have a history of head trauma without going to the doctor or even treating it like a concussion ever. Despite having slammed my head incredibly hard... Anyway i get dizzy still but not as much numbing as much just nausea like on Halloween I almost collapsed but that could have been from pain since i sprained my ankle but i also got dizzy nausea wise again around mid November and another time around last week and I've been sick for the past 2 weeks ish (can't miss school because they said i used up my absences which... ) Anyway i might have had a bunch of seizures that still fuck w me or I've had a stroke lmao y'know normal haha funny things anyway either way I feel like i should get an MRI just to be safe
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⚠️Human Experimentation, Abuse, Mental Illness⚠️
**Current Picrew is just a placeholder until I actually draw him**
**General Info:**
Name: Relja Jovanovic
Nicknames: 009
Gender: FtM Transgender
Age: 26
Birthdate: March 30
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Sexuality: Pansexual
T, S, B: Switch
Height: 5’4
Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Slim but has muscle tone
Skin Tone: Pale
Hair color: Dyed electric Blue, Originally dark brown
Hair style: Shoulder Length Butterfly cut
Eye color: Glowing Electric Blue
Scars?: Lichtenburg figures all over his body, especially his arms and hands
Piercings?: None
Tattoos?: None
Other distinguishing features?: He has squares of metal infused into the backs of his hands to conduct electricity better
Family: Ivica Jovanovic (Biological Father), Neda Jovanovic (Biological Mother)
“Adopted Siblings”-
Sammy Weber (Male)-013
Aksel Olsen (Male)-043
Oliver Addison (Male)-021
Nikolai Vukašin (Male)-010
Alexei Ivanov (Male)- 092
Freya Hansen (Female)- 029
Aleksander Siatas (Male)- 036
Athen Cirillo (Male)-059
Seras Raine (Female)- 086
Echo Lambert (Non-binary, biologically Female)- 048
January Garcia (MtF trans)- 003
Karma Singh (Intersex)- 067
Hollis Becken (Female)-035
Arsen Becken (FtM Trans)-034
Astrid Becken (Female)-033
Airi Goda (Male)- 051
Kendall Mason (MtF trans)- 016
Jace Holland (Male)- 017
Sage Russet (Male)- 082
Dima Popovic (Male)- 074
Noa Bakker (Female)- 089
Max Bakker (Male)-088
Emil Koch (Male)-042
Krimson Kaiser (Non-binary Female)- 007
Backstory: Relja was born in Niš, Serbia to teenage parents who weren’t ready to have a child, and was adopted by Pero Rade, and taken to the experimental facility in Kragujevac, Serbia, where the initial experiments took place (giving him electro kinetic abilities). After the initial experiments, he had been shipped to the facility in Norway for extra training, where they had started teaching him to kill, brainwashing him into believing that killing was his only purpose, and that the world was kill or be killed. He was forced to kill people from a young age, until eventually following one of these training sessions, he fell into a seizure. Deciding to ignore this at first, the researchers and trainers continued, until he had more seizures and due to that, they had labeled him a failed experiment and was set to be terminated along with Samel (Sammy) Weber, AKA 013. Both of them were rescued by a female researcher at that point and had escaped with her help. They are both currently being sought for
Love Interest (if any):
Physical Illness?: None
Neurological Illness?: Epilepsy
Mental Illnesses?: Dissociative Identity Disorder, C-PTSD
Handicaps?: None
Genetic Mutations?: None
Personality: Relja suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, and has several alters with their own personalities
Relja is a very anxious person for the most part. Really shy and scared of the world. Doesn’t know how to really handle most things due to his upbringing that taught him the world was only a place for death and destruction. He does slowly learn to open up to people though, and slowly becomes more social the more he trusts someone.
Simon is a male alter and one of the “Protectors.” He is known to be a middle aged man who is usually really dull and blunt. A very straightforward person who won’t hesitate to say whatever is on his mind without much fear of the consequences. He’s not afraid to put someone in their place.
Simon Mainly fronts whenever Relja or anyone else in the headspace feels emotionally or physically cornered in any way, shape, or form. This can happen with even the perception of being cornered
Cameron is a female alter, and technically the “Caretaker.” She’s the one who makes sure Relja is properly taken care off, as well as friends of his. She is kind, albeit a bit cautious with new people. She’s very much the “mother hen” of all of them, and does anything to keep them safe. And whenever I say anything, I mean anything.
Cameron is usually triggered to the front to take on the task of making sure the body and body’s friends are taken care of. Things like hunger, a lack of sleep, and other things along those lines will automatically trigger Cameron to the front. She also can be triggered to front by similar circumstances as Simon, but usually it’s him that fronts instead.
Angel is a female alter and a child (around 6-8 years old). Angel is extremely soft spoken and quiet, very similarly to Relja, but has a very childlike demeanor about her. While shy, she is fairly quick to trust people, and also does become more social. Angel doesn’t front very often.
Angel fronts in various different situations. She can front a lot whenever there is a big sense of safety, or whenever there’s other children around. Again, she doesn’t come into the front often at all, so even her normal triggers don’t always work for her.
These are the ones that front the most, but there are others:
Jaycee- A “ trauma- holder” and a male alter. Typically extremely depressive, and tends to isolate a bit. This alter is prone to self-injurious behavior such as cutting. He doesn’t have the best social skills, and is very much known to push people away, even if they are trying to help. He doesn’t like the thought of having someone try and “get inside his head.”
He gets triggered to the front from reminders of the trauma that he holds memory for, whether it be verbal reminders or physical reminders. He also doesn’t front extremely often
Codi is a fragmented alter, which means he doesn’t have a fully developed identity. He’s usually cold, towards everyone and everything (much more so than Simon, who is simply blunt). He is very much how Relja was forced to be growing up in the facilities. He doesn’t have much of a care for people, but that’s all that’s truly known about him.
Like Simon, he only fronts whenever the body is or someone in the headspace perceives that they are being cornered emotionally or physically.
**Any Trivia:**
Because rubber helps cancel out electricity, Relja is often seen wearing rubber gloves because most of the electrical currents go to his hands due to the metal plates infused there
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
(3/?) weekend, starring jericrew, reverse!au. poly-ship or no ship at all is fine
//ooh? I will try poly and see how it goes //A day of Self-care and video games as way of a stay at home date ^^
The weekends were for relaxing, working outside of hobbies wasn’t allowed. Though sometimes, usually during finals week they chose to ignore that Josh was definitely grading papers on his tablet as they lounged on the couch as Markus painted. Their weekends were slow and held a high value to all of them. The quartet were busy during the week. North ran a studio where she taught a myriad of things from pole dancing to martial arts. Simon was a personal nurse for a family with a child with epilepsy, and was technically still on call on weekends. Josh was a history and literature professor at the university, and if he wasn’t busy with one class it was the other. Markus was an artist, one of the up and comers. He submitted a painting two years to a show at an art museum and now found himself quickly rising up on the bubble that was popularity. Since they didn’t get to see a lot of each other during the weekends were sacred.  Saturday found the four of them in the living room. It would have been a sight to behold to a stranger. Four grown adults playing Mario Kart on the tv. Two on the floor and two on the couch. North was on the floor at the end of the couch to the left of Josh sitting up on her knees and leaned forward as she held the Wii controller tightly. Her fire red hair piled on top of her head in a loose messy bun, she was in an oversized grey shirt with paint stains on it, borrowed from Markus, and blue sweatpants from the university Josh worked at that said Jazz Fest down the side, her face was scrunched in a competitive expression and green with an avocado face mask as she fought valiantly too keep her spot in first place.
To her right seated cross legged on the couch was Josh. He was leaned forward with is elbows on his knees as he tailed North in a close second place. He was in the blue university hoodie that matched the sweatpants North was wearing, black basketball shorts with a red highlight down the side, and an avocado face mask that matched North’s. On the floor to his right was Simon, green faced like the rest of them he was in a t-shirt under a beige button down sweater, he was in loose grey sweats that were cuffed at the ankles, they were too big to be his. He was leaned back against the couch content with his sixth place, still in the top half of the rankings. He wasn’t in it to win. To his right on the couch was Markus. He was sitting back with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He had also fallen victim to North’s avocado mask tirade. He was in a fitted black three-quarter sleeve V-neck and grey sweat pant capris with white trim. He was relaxed mostly, but fighting aggressively to get passed Josh and North, but he was stuck firmly in place.
They didn’t spend many weekends like this but it was a fun change of pace from the content lounging around being drawn, painted, or simply enjoying each other’s company as they shared a space and did separate things. “Simon are you even trying? You’re behind two computers.” Markus asked after he had stolen a glance at Simon’s portion of the screen. “Not exactly.’ Simon responded, taking a moment to glance at Markus and falling off the map in the process, “I figured there’s enough competitive edge between my three lovely partners that I could just play for fun.” “Si, you just fell off the map again.” Josh cut in. “Yes! Third lap bitches!” North whooped pumping one fist in the air in excitement. That sent the trio onto another competitive streak, now that this race was down to the wire. Simon took the opportunity to try and recover the places he lost by falling off the map. Josh, North, and Markus were throwing playful insults at each other and Simon found himself smiling. The weekends they spend relaxing in each other’s company were nice. But other times it was nice to get to let loose every now and again. It was fun to sit back and get to be childish for a while. North jumped to her feet with a cry of victory, “Fuck yeah! That is how its done boys.” She turned to face the couch, “You know the rules. One of you has to surrender your throne.” She gestured to the couch as the alarm on her phone went off. “Mask time!”
The game was paused and they headed for the master bathroom to rinse off the masks. That turned into a water fight which was fun. Masks rinsed off they headed back to the living room and went back to playing games this time with North and Josh on the couch and Markus and Simon on the floor. Weekends were sacred in this house, but they were fun too. It was the time they spent together that mattered.
This, Simon felt was the best way to spend them. Away from all their responsibilities and having a good time.
 (Prompt from this list)
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lvnarearchives · 4 years
under the cut, you’ll find my best attempt at some character development headcanons. my brain hates the fact that i did this one before the set of questions with basic biographical info, but it be like that and now i have to live with it.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏.     ›     asher nathanael larsen.
► medical issues ➔ a progressively bad rotator cuff injury before they came into their powers and healed from it. still has phantom pain sometimes. also, withdrawal symptoms every few months when they try to go straight and narrow. ► knows far too much about ➔ naloxone. what it does, how to administer it in either form, how long it lasts, where to steal it from in a pinch. he knows he’s making terrible decisions; might as well learn how to save someone else’s life. can clock a fake id in under a minute. ► fears death via ➔ drowning. he waves it off as having fallen into a river once, but it’s more along the lines of ‘held underwater as part of a forced exorcism’... ► chances of being “evil” ➔ if you ask their parents and oldest brother, they already are (or at least, possessed by something that is). realistically though, they’re too soft. the only thing ash has ever harmed in absence of self-defense is themself.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟐.     ›     chloe doran.
► medical issues ➔ none. she’s scarily healthy, not a blemish on her. she’s gotten one cold in the time rj’s known her; doctors have floated between ‘impressed’ and ‘concerned’. ► knows far too much about ➔ supernatural creatures. it goes like this: if there’s something she doesn’t know about, she immediately researches it (whether or not that information is reliable, well...that’s what cross-referencing is for). in present company, it’s currently the history of witches and extensive folklore on fairies. ► fears death via ➔ has not had enough life experience to realize the lasting impact of death, or to have had it affect her personally. ( plus, she does live with a necromancer. ) it’s mostly something that happens and upsets the people around her, which then makes her sad. she does have a lot of projected worry about being hunted down by someone rj’s wronged in the past, but isn’t constantly thinking about it. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ ...yikes. chloe, on her own, could not even conceive of why someone would hurt anyone else —— however, she is extremely gullible, rejects the concept of deception, and can very easily be persuaded to do anything that isn’t outright suicidal. so chances of her being manipulated into being evil? disconcertingly high. and there’s the whole ‘harboring the soul of a witch hellbent on human sacrifice’ thing.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟑.     ›     emilia [surname pending].
► medical issues ➔ a traumatic brain injury, and before erica bit her, epilepsy. she’ll suffer from wolfsbane poisoning every full moon, but that’s neither here nor there. ► knows far too much about ➔ fish! most small pets, really. her grandma has a koi pond, but seeing as she can’t exactly install a pond everywhere she goes and especially not on a college campus, emi’s taken to more common freshwater fish. she has a small tank of four fancy goldfish. admittedly, her commitment to a single interest leaves a lot to be desired, so erica’s probably right in denying her the bunny...and the gecko...and the turtle. ► fears death via ➔ doesn’t, really? she’s an eternal optimist, and honestly, her concern is usually on the wrong part of the punchline whenever something bad happens. her reaction to the bite was more of a ‘crossing genetics could lead to bad things and that’s uncharted territory’ than ‘i might die’. going along with the optimism, despite all evidence to the contrary, emi...did very much think she would end up with a kitsune’s lifespan. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ hahahahaha. none. absolutely none.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟒.     ›     laura diana hale.
► medical issues ➔ none. ► knows far too much about ➔ kind of the opposite? she’s been dead for eight years. everything’s changed. ► fears death via ➔ betrayal by someone she trusts, even moreso by anyone she loves. she’d never considered it as an option before, but, well. also, fire. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ relatively slim to none, but boy does she have a vengeful streak. as the (now) essential matriarch of the hales, she’d do nearly anything to protect what’s left of them and only somewhat suffer from the weight of her actions.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟓.     ›     megan mi-young choi.
► medical issues ➔ low bone density as a consequence of anorexia. deprivation amblyopia, a stutter that grows more pronounced when stressed, and lactose intolerance. yeah...she’s kind of a mess. ► knows far too much about ➔ greek and latin history, in accordance with her major. along with that, landmarks and artifacts of either of the two cultures. also, she’s ridiculously good at identifying sounds——plus the general build and direction of the thing that made them. ► fears death via ➔ nothing. and that’s not ‘nothing’ as in ‘she has no fear of death’, it means that dissociation and lost time are so commonplace for her that she’s terrified of going about her business and one day a simple conversation will just be...the last thing she ever remembers. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ enough that this qualifies as a valid question, and that’s the frightening part. she doesn’t know what happens when she goes into fugue, but there’s been one too many instances of blood in her sink or tub for her to sleep soundly.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟔.     ›     nicolas gabriel vicente hernandez.
► medical issues ➔ astigmatism. ► knows far too much about ➔ murder cases. between his thing for true crime and his abuelita’s reluctance to change a channel more than once, he’s seen many episodes of many i.d. (the tv channel) shows multiple times. ► fears death via ➔ nico is very much an ‘if i die, i die’ type of person and doesn’t even regret it much, outside of inevitably upsetting his family. ( secretly... death by cop. not even remotely by the sheriff or the bcpd, but he tends to politely turn down opportunities to cover larger protests or events in more metropolitan cities because of this. ) ► chances of being “evil” ➔ none. he’s a menace to society, and a little bit of a fuckboy, but honestly? he was raised better than to do anything that could even be classified as mean. it’s always justified violence, and even then the worst he’s ever done is like...break a window or throw a punch.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟕.     ›     reagan avery rj sinclair.
► medical issues ➔ none. ► knows far too much about ➔ every one of her clients’ business, courtesy of blood magic. but all that aside, knows more about family law than she ever wanted to. ► fears death via ➔ why fear death when you wield death? i’d say the thought that most disturbs her is dying due to her own stupidity. not being cautious enough, or anonymous enough, or placing a sliver of trust in the wrong person. once upon a time she worried about starving to death, or being homeless and succumbing to the elements, but now she has a borderline obnoxious amount of money, which is truly the root of all security. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ some might say she already is. it’s entirely possible that she’s killed or cursed people whose only crimes were making the wrong enemies, but those enemies bankrolled her, so. with survival and self-interest as a priority, very likely.
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟖.     ›     sydney nayel asmara.
► medical issues ➔ aside from the ocd and hypochondria, syd had vitamin d and iron deficiencies before she got put on supplements. ► knows far too much about ➔ anything, if she tries hard enough— parasites / uncommon diseases. she has a whole lot of time to kill and end up watching a lot of monsters inside me and mystery diagnosis, to her own horror. but also, point her to a lock and she can probably pick it. ► fears death via ➔ everything, particularly since she’s had the misfortune of seeing her own (possible) death a few times. the one where she breaks multiple bones and slowly dies from the pain / internal bleeding is probably her least favorite. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ even split, as it’s a matter of perspective. she sees what serves as a threat to her or the people she knows, but it’s never specified what side she has to be on. she was in fact (technically) an agent of the harvest, so. 
𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟗.     ›     tessa monroe hewitt hale.
► medical issues ➔ partial paralysis of her left leg due to third-degree burns. it’s been sixteen years, so the scars are as healed as they’re going to get. she doesn’t feel pain; in fact, it’s the opposite, and the crutch helps her manage the dead weight. ► knows far too much about ➔ music history. she has a handful of favorite classical composers that make up the majority of her daily playlist. ► fears death via ➔ fire. self-explanatory. ► chances of being “evil” ➔ with her extreme and ongoing guilt complex, impossible. even if certain people are comfortable with her thinking she is.
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a-queer-seminarian · 6 years
“The Origins of the Disabled Body: Disability in Ancient Mesopotamia” by Neal H. Walls, 2007
Anyone who has appreciated commentary on Shanidar I, a blind Neanderthal who lived a long life and was loved by his community, or posts like this one about the place of persons with cognitive/developmental disabilities like autism throughout history, will likely find what Walls says about Ancient Mesopotamia worth reading as well! Thus I took the time to type out a significant portion of his essay (available in full in the book This Abled Body) -- enjoy!
As I study disability in the Hebrew Bible (aka the “Old Testament”), this essay by Walls has offered me insight into the world “behind the text” -- into ancient Mesopotamian cultures. It’s cool to see how Mesopotamian cultures viewed what we today call disability and how it compares to views in the Hebrew Bible.
Is a disabled person “imperfect/incomplete,” and is disability a sign of God’s disfavor or punishment, as the Bible’s Priestly (P) and Deuteronomist (D) texts claim (e.g. Leviticus 21:17-23, Deuteronomy 28:28-29)? Or is disability part of God-created, God-intended human diversity, as the Yahwist (J) source claims (e.g. Exodus 4:11)? What did the cultures of neighboring peoples have to say on the subject? It turns out that like the “competing voices” within the Bible, there were several attitudes towards disability at play in ancient Mesopotamia.
Walls approaches the question of disability in ancient Mesopotamia using a community model of disability: “in which disability is defined or measured by one’s capacity to fulfill socially prescribed tasks or functions rather than by medical or physical criteria” (p. 15) He continues,
“Disability, whether physical or cognitive, is thus a relative and socially constructed category that rests upon a particular society’s expectations. For example, while the loss of a hand could lead to ‘the impairment of major life functions’ (as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 characterizes a disability) for an ancient singer, it would perhaps not qualify as a professional ‘disability’ in Mesopotamian ideology. Indeed, a Sumerian proverb compares a ‘scribe without a hand’ to a ‘singer without a voice’ as examples of people unable to perform their professional duties. ... As Martha Lynn Edwards (1997) points out in her studies of disability in ancient Greece, information about disabled people in the ancient Near East is often difficult to uncover precisely because they were integrated into society in productive ways. Conversely, those individuals who [had] truly debilitating conditions were unlikely to appear in the public or literary records. ...Hector Avalos concludes, ‘Mesopotamia exhibits a long tradition in which individuals households, not a state institution or the temple, bore direct responsibility for the long-term care of the ill’ (1995).”
Walls continues to describe how the temple system did play a role in the lives of disabled persons, who -- if their families did not have the resources to support them -- could find jobs there “in household tasks such as milling and weaving” (p. 16).
He notes that there is evidence of infanticide in the event of newborns displaying certain disabilities or diseases, involving a belief that such babies were bad omens and might endanger the family/society (pp. 21-22); but  evidence also exists that some disabled babies were given extensive care and lived into childhood and even adulthood (p. 23). Moreover, while chronic illnesses like leprosy and disabilities like epilepsy were often seen as divine punishment and could get one expelled from cities (as well as disqualified from the priesthood) (pp. 25-26), persons with many other disabilities were integrated into society -- and often in ways that went beyond “menial tasks”! Many disabled persons were “given advanced technical skills...or powerful positions at court...and high social status” (p. 19).
Walls takes a look at Sumerian creation myth to learn more about what these cultures thought about how disability came about and how disabled persons should be treated:
Creating the Disabled Body: Enki and Ninmah
“Ancient Mesopotamian myths of creation describe humanity as laborers who were created to serve the gods and relieve them of their labors. ...In the first tablet of the Old Babylonian myth of Atrahasis, the gods call upon ‘the midwife of the gods, wise Mami,’ to form humans: Create a human being [lullû] that he may bear the yoke, Let him bear the yoke, the task of Enlil, Let man [awīlum] assume the drudgery of the gods. Mami creates mortals with the aid of her consort, Enki (also called Ea), from divine flesh, blood, and spittle, as well as clay. Humans are a hardy and fertile stock, built for manual labor as the expendable servants of the deities. ... Since humans were created to be laborers, it is not surprising that the only Mesopotamian anthropogony to include disabled humans does so within the context of assigning them productive work within society. Older than the Akkadian myths of Atrahasis and Enuma Elish, the Sumerian myth of Enki and Ninmah [read it in full here] describes the creation of humanity in a playful tale that also explains the origin of normal and abnormal human forms. The first half of the myth narrates the traditional creation of humans as laborers and the assignment of their fate in service of the gods. ...The latter half of the text...describes the divine banquet at which the deities are celebrating their success in establishing a life of leisure for themselves within the new cosmic order. After much celebration, the inebriated goddess Ninmah boasts, ‘Man’s body can be either good or bad and whether I make a fate good or bad depends on my will.’ Jacobsen (1987) describes Ninmah as a ‘goddess of gestation and birth, the numinous power of the uterus to expand, shape, and mature the embryo,’ who determines a human’s fate by the manner in which she shapes them in the womb. Enki claims that he can counterbalance any form that Ninmah creates, and the contest begins. The first man fashioned from clay by Ninmah ‘could not bend his outstretched weak hands,’ and Enki appoints him as ‘a servant to the king.’ The second man is blind, and Enki decrees his fate, ‘allotting to him the musical arts.’ ...The third man is ‘one with both feet broken, one with paralyzed feet,’ whom Enki sets as a silversmith. A variant text describes the third being as a ‘moron’ or ‘idiot,’ who also serves as a courtier, according to Jacobsen (1987). The Sumerian terminology is imprecise, so this word may refer to a deaf person rather than one with a cognitive disability. ... The fifth person in Ninmah’s challenge to Enki is a ‘woman who could not give birth,’ whom Enki places either in service of the queen or as a weaver in the Women’s House. ... The sixth human created in the Sumerian myth of Enki and Ninmah is ‘one with neither a penis nor a vagina on its body,’ to whom Enki assigns the role of a eunuch from Nippur ‘to stand before the king.’ ...The reference may denote men who become eunuchs through castration as well as those born without external sexual organs. ... In each of these six cases Enki provides a social position and productive economic role for Ninmah’s purposefully malformed children. ... The Sumerian myth of Enki and Ninmah is clear in its rhetorical attempt to incorporate people with a range of disabilities into the larger social structure. The Sumerian text recognizes the non-normative medical condition of these persons, but it does not categorize them as ‘disabled’ or unemployable. Rather than naming ‘disability’ as a means to exclude some persons from city life,...each becomes a functioning member within the social organization, and many are given technical skills and high social status consistent with their abilities.” (pp. 16-19)
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leighnetwork · 5 years
A trip to London - Dystonia Day Conference (then, School of Rock!)
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Apologies in advance for any details that aren’t 100% accurate- I tried to get as many details (of speakers etc) as I could.
The Dystonia Society UK held the Dystonia Day Conference in collaboration with Dystonia Europe at the Novotel, West Hammersmith, London on Saturday 6th July. My mum and I decided to attend to learn more and see if there was any new info that might help our Leigh Network families...
The conference began with Sam - Isobel’s mum - sharing her 7-year old daughter’s journey with dystonia. Hearing her story, in many ways, was like hearing my own- the disbelief from doctors, the way a child just accepts pain even when it’s unbearable, and the positive impact a wheelchair has had on her life. It was quite an emotional experience to hear this from her.
The next speaker was Tim, a technician whose own little boy’s health and mobility difficulties inspired Tim to create a safe space for children to be able to play, to be freer, to reach out and grab, all instead of being constrained to a wheelchair. Tim spoke about the importance of how, in his role, listening to what people want, not what you think they need, is paramount.
The third speaker was Karen Esposito, a speech and language therapist from Sheffield, who highlighted the effect of poor posturing due to feeling embarrassed about your speech (it may be that the volume is weakened from fatigue caused by the muscle contractions around the throat area), so you hide within yourself. This is reflected by poor posture, which in turn can aggravate dystonic flare ups. As the speech therapist spoke, my mum and I nodded in recognition - is Larin Dystonia the reason, or part of it, why I am quiet and rarely understood?
Karen then had the hall sounding like a zoo, as she had us all making animal noises, which was a good laugh before the break- during which, my mum and I became flower-power fairies with hand painted artwork adorning our faces!
After a quick cake, we then heard from Nick and Tully, both in their 20′s and with very different dystonia experiences. Once again, I was saying, 'That’s like me!' as Nick recounted his handwriting deteriorating in primary school. He went on to say how the DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) changed his life for the better.
Tully shared how she'd been born with Cerebral Palsy (CP) but had still been training for the Rio Olympics GB Para Swimming Team, when a week before, she had to give up her dream due to dystonia pain and fatigue. When Tully asked about DBS for herself, she was told that due to the CP, it could have a detrimental effect on her overall health. Tully highlighted the need of medical professionals to be honest with people, whatever their age - you can give hesitant optimism, but if the treatment isn't guaranteed to work, tell them so. False hope is often as dangerous as no hope. Thankfully, Tully had returned to the pool.
Next to speak was a neurologist to discuss the benefits of Deep Brain Stimulation and how it works (the neurosurgeon implants a device into the affected area of the brain, and it turns down- or off - those particular muscles). This device is charged every few years via a battery pack under the skin!  
Please note: the neurologist stressed that they would not recommend DBS for those with generalised dystonia caused by a genetic mutation (like mitochondrial disease).
There seems to be a link between CP and dystonia, presumably because, like mitochondrial disease, it's all connected by the brain, which is the body's control centre.
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After lunch, we heard  from Julie Sparrow who told us about her adult-onset dystonia. From her story, I picked up how vital she found having the support of another going through dystonia- to talk about, not just medical things, but life events too (Dystonia Society UK run local patient meet ups. I've attended a couple of these at the Brain Charity in Liverpool and found it helpful). I couldn't agree more that being in touch with those going through similar is such a comfort- to know you are not alone. This is what Leigh Network is all about - bringing together families affected by mitochondrial disease, learning from specialist doctors, as well as signposting to other charities and services who may be able to give more specialist advice.
We then heard Professor Marjan Jahanshahi discuss the affect dystonia has on a person’s mental well-being and how prevalent depression and OCD is in people with dystonia. As one woman pointed out, with dystonia you lose that muscular control and your abilities become limited as you combat fatigue and pain, so your social life may become difficult to maintain and you may look for something to grasp onto to reclaim that control.
Various experts then discussed their specialist areas – starting with the diagnosis stage and how notoriously difficult dystonia is to clinically diagnose (due to there being no set  tests so diagnosis is therefore largely reliant on a doctor’s visual assessment -which is why medical awareness is needed).
However, when the type of dystonia is diagnosed, whether it be a lack of dopamine causing dystonia (which they can cure, although it is one of the rarer forms) or one of the currently incurable, debilitating types- we were shown videos of people in a full myoclonic jerk spasm- any diagnosis is usually better than none. It was shocking to see the persons extreme muscular contortions and contractions. The relief when they were given their treatment was heart-warming.  
With mito, many have generalised dystonia, which can affect different muscle systems. When the type is diagnosed, it is then possible that a treatment can be offered. Treatment options may include taking gavapentin and bacloflen and having Botox injections (which the majority of our mito warriors who are affected by dystonia take).
Gavapentin was originally developed as an anti-epilepsy medication, but- as with many rare symptoms (dystonia is thought to affect just 9000 people in the UK)- research, sadly, is limited. So, as often happens in medicine, if a drug has particular side effects that attach to another condition, then medical professionals will try it for that (after all, DBS was originally developed to help Parkinson’s patients, but as the symptoms are so similar to dystonia- what with the tremors and muscle tightness- it is used in some dystonia cases).
Bacloflen, which is what I take, is an orally taken tablet- or for those with severe dystonia (or swallowing issues), a bacloflen pump may be considered. Bacloflen works by acting as a muscle relaxant across the whole body. I take the majority of mine at night to aid sleep, as one of the side effects is tiredness, which is why a few of our mito families are reluctant to try it, fearing it’ll cause fatigue. My own personal experience has been that for the initial 2 weeks, I was even more tired as my body adjusted to the meds. I’ve been on it for a number of years now though and it works for me. You do have to weigh up the pros and cons and decide for yourself.
Botox injections involve directly injecting the affected area of muscle with a small dose of Botox, which is technically a poison. By gradually increasing the dose over time, these injections can reduce the nerves responses. Botox does wear off after a while, so may need regular topping up. Many with mito have Botox alongside oral meds- this has been proven the most effective way for many who are unable to have DBS to combat the spasmic pain. As stated before, every medication or intervention needs careful consideration and an in-depth discussion with your doctor.
Another interesting discussion point was the benefits of cannabis. Once the hallucinogenic element has been removed, the rest of the plants natural medicinal value can be felt (after all, nearly all medicines originate from plants). The doctor speaking said that although many of his patients do find cannabis reduces pain, decreases tremors, and relaxes muscles, the unclear aspect that needs to be looked into- as was raised at the Newcastle Mitochondrial Patient Day- is the later neurological affects. However, as it is only legal (later this year) for British doctors to prescribe cannabis oil for severe epilepsy cases, dystonia patients would have to buy a version with a minute amount of the active ingredient from the likes of Holland & Barrett. This is why I think legalising cannabis is a positive:- if those unable to afford Holland & Barrett prices go to a street dealer, the vulnerable person has no certainty that what they are getting is pure - the hallucinogen-free cannabis…
The penultimate topic of this session was ‘rehabilitation and learning to live with your diagnosis’ -managing low energy, making lifestyle adaptations, and the importance of physiotherapy. Dystonia is when your muscles work too hard and go into overdrive, stiffening up. Tremoring, pain and fatigue are prevalent. A dystonic flare up has been equivalised to running a marathon - so we have super strong muscles! But that comes at a cost... Which is why doing physiotherapy, or gently stretching the affected muscle- keeping it loose and supple - can help.
The history of dystonia was covered at the end. I enjoy quirky histories, so found it particularly interesting. Sir ? (message me if you know his name) was the neurologist who discovered the link between the spasms and brain.  Before Sir *?* delved deeper, dystonia was called ‘writer’s cramp’, and thought only to affect writers and musicians. It took a long time before dystonia was reclassified from a psychological disorder to a neurological one. Despite this, people are still disbelieving of the symptoms…
The research taking place across Europe and specifically in Britain, is still, like mito, in the early stages. I think this is because, in many cases, dystonia tends to be a symptom of an underlying medical condition (such as mitochondrial disease). However, there are research trials being recruited for right now. Email [email protected] (Dr Anna Sadnicka) to learn more.
Before the Dystonia Day Conference closed with ‘thank you’s’ to all involved, a fellow dystonia sufferers explained about the ‘My Dystonia’ app, which patients can use to track and monitor their symptoms, and monitor what helps... It’s also an energy-conserving way to show your neurologist how your symptoms manifest between appointments.
As I’ve written about this, I can see just how much I have learnt. It really was a fascinating day. I’ve never said, 'That’s just like me', so often when at a medical science conference. It was fantastic! Thank you, Dystonia Society UK and Dystonia Europe!
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0 notes
Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin?
Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin? was first published on http://midlifewithavengeance.com
With summer nearly here it seems like more fun is in the air.
Summertime means longer night walks, hanging out with friends, and BBQ’s. I find myself acting more like a kid and staying outside until dark and enjoying the summer evenings with my dog.
On my way back from Portugal this week, I had 14 hours to read and found a few fun sleep related articles I want to share with you.
Videogames that value sleep?
I don’t know if you remember it, but not that long ago (2016) there was an augmented reality game called Pokémon Go! My kids were obsessed. It was one of the most popular games in history and then just as suddenly as it appeared it disappeared. Well, Pokémon Fans (or maybe you liked the characters like Pikachu?) there’s a new arrival: Pokémon Sleep!
The New York Times (May 29, 2019) reports that the Pokémon CEO, Tsunekazu Ishihara, is planning on releasing Pokémon Sleep in 2020. While the details aren’t fully released yet, the executives said the game itself will reward you for good sleep habits. It appears that the new version Pokémon Sleep will “track sleep patterns and change the game based on how the user sleeps and what time they wake up.” This will be done with a blue tooth enabled sensor under their pillow. CEO of Niantic, partner with Pokémon said:
“We love exploring the world on foot, and that can’t happen unless we have the energy to embark on these adventures”
Sign me up!
The next article was kind of funny; it addresses the question: What is Sleep Laughing?
In a recent article Medical News Today covered this interesting question. Technically it’s called Hypnogely (for all you trivia fans out there), and laughing in your sleep turns out to be somewhat common and thankfully nothing to worry about. In many cases laughing while sleeping is a natural response to something that occurs in a dream. There’s been little research in this area because it’s rarely reported.
Of note, while most sleep laughing is harmless, this could be a symptom of REM Behavior Disorder, where someone is acting out their dreams. Less than 1% of people have RBD and it tends to occur more in older males. As I have written previously, RBD can be a precursor for Parkinson’s Syndrome and vice versa with up to 50% of people with Parkinson’s more likely to develop RBD. I don’t want to scare anyone, but the data speaks for itself. Since many people with Parkinson’s experience RBD, it’s likely sleep laughing will occur more often as well.
There is also a VERY rare disorder that I learned more about from this article. It’s a condition called hypothalamic hamartoma (HH).  HH can cause gelastic seizures. These types of seizures present as uncontrolled laughter or giggles, which happens often as the person is falling asleep. This is a congenital disorder, so it runs in families and you’ll know if you have it.
Babies often laugh in their sleep, and we don’t know why. It’s adorable and is harmless, but if the baby is unable to stop there may be reason for alarm.  This is especially the case if bouts are uncontrollable and coincide with unusual behaviors.
So laughing in your sleep may be no laughing matter!
Finally, there is new research on a question I’m often asked which is: Is it OK for my children to take melatonin?
An article in Psychiatry Advisor contains the results of a systematic review for this question. In order to determine which types of pediatric patients could benefit from melatonin supplementation (in a pill or liquid format), the authors found 10 studies to include in the review (which is not many, but the results were very interesting).
The authors stated: “Overall, studies that have evaluated the use of melatonin in pediatrics have shown that exogenous melatonin supplementation is safe and likely effective in select patient populations.”
The list of specific populations of patients that appear to benefit from melatonin supplementation, according to the article include:
patients with atopic dermatitis,
cystic fibrosis,
behavioral disorders (ADHD, autism spectrum disorder),
epilepsy, and
idiopathic insomnia
Whether melatonin would benefit other pediatric populations is unknown due to a lack of data. Although there is data and evidence supporting melatonin use for patients with cystic fibrosis, atopic dermatitis, and epilepsy, caution is still recommended because the possible impact on these disease states is unknown.  More research and data are needed to understand the long-term impact.
Regarding ADHD and autism, the review includes two trials in patients with ADHD (n=278) and two trials in patients with autism (n=124). According to the analysis, overall sleep quality was improved and indicated minimal risk of adverse events in these populations.
The study authors also recommended that melatonin should be used following optimization of stimulant dosing in patients with ADHD.
According to the review, various dosing strategies were utilized among the studies analyzed. Regardless of the dose, “each study and review showed an improvement in sleep-onset latency, with varying improvement in wakefulness, nighttime awakenings, and REM sleep.” 3mg was the most common dose administered, but dosing ranged from .75mg to 9mg and each were found to be effective. The recommendation to start with utilizing the lowest effective dose to improve sleep is to decrease any risk of toxicity.
Remember, NEVER start any form of supplementation without first speaking to your doctor.
Sweet Dreams, Dr. Michael Breus
The post Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin? appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Blog | Your Guide to Better Sleep http://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/06/09/video-games-and-sleep/
from https://midlifewithavengeance.com/video-games-that-value-sleep-and-is-it-ok-for-kids-to-take-melatonin/
0 notes
ellymackay · 5 years
Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin?
Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin? is courtesy of Elly Mackay
With summer nearly here it seems like more fun is in the air.
Summertime means longer night walks, hanging out with friends, and BBQ’s. I find myself acting more like a kid and staying outside until dark and enjoying the summer evenings with my dog.
On my way back from Portugal this week, I had 14 hours to read and found a few fun sleep related articles I want to share with you.
Videogames that value sleep?
I don’t know if you remember it, but not that long ago (2016) there was an augmented reality game called Pokémon Go! My kids were obsessed. It was one of the most popular games in history and then just as suddenly as it appeared it disappeared. Well, Pokémon Fans (or maybe you liked the characters like Pikachu?) there’s a new arrival: Pokémon Sleep!
The New York Times (May 29, 2019) reports that the Pokémon CEO, Tsunekazu Ishihara, is planning on releasing Pokémon Sleep in 2020. While the details aren’t fully released yet, the executives said the game itself will reward you for good sleep habits. It appears that the new version Pokémon Sleep will “track sleep patterns and change the game based on how the user sleeps and what time they wake up.” This will be done with a blue tooth enabled sensor under their pillow. CEO of Niantic, partner with Pokémon said:
“We love exploring the world on foot, and that can’t happen unless we have the energy to embark on these adventures”
Sign me up!
The next article was kind of funny; it addresses the question: What is Sleep Laughing?
In a recent article Medical News Today covered this interesting question. Technically it’s called Hypnogely (for all you trivia fans out there), and laughing in your sleep turns out to be somewhat common and thankfully nothing to worry about. In many cases laughing while sleeping is a natural response to something that occurs in a dream. There’s been little research in this area because it’s rarely reported.
Of note, while most sleep laughing is harmless, this could be a symptom of REM Behavior Disorder, where someone is acting out their dreams. Less than 1% of people have RBD and it tends to occur more in older males. As I have written previously, RBD can be a precursor for Parkinson’s Syndrome and vice versa with up to 50% of people with Parkinson’s more likely to develop RBD. I don’t want to scare anyone, but the data speaks for itself. Since many people with Parkinson’s experience RBD, it’s likely sleep laughing will occur more often as well.
There is also a VERY rare disorder that I learned more about from this article. It’s a condition called hypothalamic hamartoma (HH).  HH can cause gelastic seizures. These types of seizures present as uncontrolled laughter or giggles, which happens often as the person is falling asleep. This is a congenital disorder, so it runs in families and you’ll know if you have it.
Babies often laugh in their sleep, and we don’t know why. It’s adorable and is harmless, but if the baby is unable to stop there may be reason for alarm.  This is especially the case if bouts are uncontrollable and coincide with unusual behaviors.
So laughing in your sleep may be no laughing matter!
Finally, there is new research on a question I’m often asked which is: Is it OK for my children to take melatonin?
An article in Psychiatry Advisor contains the results of a systematic review for this question. In order to determine which types of pediatric patients could benefit from melatonin supplementation (in a pill or liquid format), the authors found 10 studies to include in the review (which is not many, but the results were very interesting).
The authors stated: “Overall, studies that have evaluated the use of melatonin in pediatrics have shown that exogenous melatonin supplementation is safe and likely effective in select patient populations.”
The list of specific populations of patients that appear to benefit from melatonin supplementation, according to the article include:
patients with atopic dermatitis,
cystic fibrosis,
behavioral disorders (ADHD, autism spectrum disorder),
epilepsy, and
idiopathic insomnia
Whether melatonin would benefit other pediatric populations is unknown due to a lack of data. Although there is data and evidence supporting melatonin use for patients with cystic fibrosis, atopic dermatitis, and epilepsy, caution is still recommended because the possible impact on these disease states is unknown.  More research and data are needed to understand the long-term impact.
Regarding ADHD and autism, the review includes two trials in patients with ADHD (n=278) and two trials in patients with autism (n=124). According to the analysis, overall sleep quality was improved and indicated minimal risk of adverse events in these populations.
The study authors also recommended that melatonin should be used following optimization of stimulant dosing in patients with ADHD.
According to the review, various dosing strategies were utilized among the studies analyzed. Regardless of the dose, “each study and review showed an improvement in sleep-onset latency, with varying improvement in wakefulness, nighttime awakenings, and REM sleep.” 3mg was the most common dose administered, but dosing ranged from .75mg to 9mg and each were found to be effective. The recommendation to start with utilizing the lowest effective dose to improve sleep is to decrease any risk of toxicity.
Remember, NEVER start any form of supplementation without first speaking to your doctor.
Sweet Dreams, Dr. Michael Breus
The post Video Games That Value Sleep and Is It Ok For Kids To Take Melatonin? appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Your Guide to Better Sleep https://thesleepdoctor.com/2019/06/09/video-games-and-sleep/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2019/06/09/video-games-that-value-sleep-and-is-it-ok-for-kids-to-take-melatonin/
0 notes
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Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
Globe Life Insurance Policy for children?
I've had a Globe Life insurance policy for my Daughter since just after she was born, didn't really think about it as it seemed like a great idea when I got their information in the mail. My Daughter will be 8 years old this February, I simply want to do whatever is best for her. I guess my question is three-fold, am I doing the right thing with this, is this a good policy to have, and lastly should I continue with this? Maybe one more, should I increase the coverage?""
What does it mean for insurance to be underwritten?
I have a quote submitted to Hagerty Collector Car insurance and they told me that it is being underwritten, what does that mean?""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers?
How much would it cost for a female 17/18 year old to be insured on a 1.2 Clio?
It's a 2002 model, also what is a very cheap insurance price range, and what sort of car would you have to have?""
HoW much do you pay for health insurance?
Is it affordable? Do you get help from your employer? What is a fair price?
Health insurance options for a 20 year old student with no parental coverage?
I have recently had a medical issue and went to the ER. One visit racked me up over $2,000 of bills that I obviously can not pay. Now I am looking at options for health insurance, but ...show more""
I got a cheap quote from The General Auto Insurance company?
and I think its too cheap to be true, it was a 6 month premium for $224 with a down payment of $56, is this a scam or is it a legit quote/company????""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?""
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Convertible insurance?
I'm a new driver and have been browsing car dealerships for an affordable car. Right now I'm interested in a 1998 Chrysler Sebring Convertible LX. I was just wondering on average how much more insurance is for a convertible than a non-convertible?
What cars get low insurance rates?
I am a 16 year old and just planning ahead for when i'm 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?""
Do you know how much insurance is for a Porsche Cayenne ?
I am 15 1/2 years old and i am planning to buy a Porsche Cayenne S. I was wondering how much insurance is going to cost???
I need advice on car insurance?
OK. Heres the history. I have 3 tickets on my record, two for speeding, and one for running a red light. I'm 18 years old and I am male. So i know I'm already ******. But i need to know is it possible for me to get car insurance again? Oh and technically I've had two accidents. And **** everyone who says Im a bad driver because Im not. I was just a dumb 16 and 17 year old. Quite frankly Im a greater driver than probably everyone who answers this. so shutup. REAL answers please. Thanks.""
Who provides really affordable car insurance?
I'm 19 in a month, I drive a 2002 Ford explorer and it needs to have full coverage. What are some cheap insurance providers for teenagers? What can I do to lower the cost?""
The cheapest kit car insurance company?
I have a drink driving offence and need a good cheap insurance company for kit cars thanks
What do I do if I've been denied life insurance?
I'm young(18) I don't smoke or drink, and I don't have cancer, or tumors or anything. Well except epilepsy. I also have a physical disability. I can understand epilepsy being a concern, but I fail to see how anyone can be denied with my physical disability. As it does not in any way shorten your life span. Is this fair? I guess I also have partial blindness. But, it's just a visual cut, not my entire eye or anything. Is there anything I can do? I do have a wife, and plan on having kids soon. I don't want to hear about me being young unless this is related to the reason, or there is a better option. Also, there is NO medical conditions that would be caused by my disability in the future. I had surgery long ago to prevent further problems.""
""I been in a car accident with no car insurance, so I want to know how much should I pay the person who's suing?""
I was in a car accident with no insurance and they claim I owed over $6,000. I end up talking it down to $3,000 even. I wanted to know did I over paid or was that a fair amount. The person had whiplash and received treatment and the car was damage at the rear end.""
How long after passing does insurance become much cheaper?
I passed my test a few months ago first time and the insurance on my car is massive, probably because i'm a boy and it's a saxo. when it comes to renewing it in september, i can't see it dropping by much. So how many years do you have to be driving for before the costs fall below 1000 per year. Also is it worth taking pass plus, as it costs about 150 and apparently saves you 200, so unless the saving carries over to future years, i can't see the point. Thoughts???""
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
What is the best site for finding family health insurance?
How do you feel about insurance companies pulling your credit report?
I live in Michigan a state where it is law to have insurance. I have also been denied insurance by a certain large insurance company based on my credit score. I just don't think they should be able to pull your credit report if your required by state law to carry it. Hey if i don't pay it cancel me.
Would applying for car insuance quotes give a bad record?
I'm searching for car insurance but I am not sure if applying for a quote online will give me a bad record. Like applying for a credit card does you know.
Medical Insurance That Starts Right Away?
Do you guys know of any health insurance that is affordable and starts ASAP w/out having to wait 30-90 days? Does it also cover Breast Reconstruction surgery?
Is this insurance company giving me the runaround?
I filed a claim with USAA on September 5th on a hit and run accident in which the police were able to find the person and get his insurance. He called them and said he didn't do it - and I hit him. I called, gave my side of the story and the number of the police who were handling the accident. They always say they will call me back and they don't - so I call them in which they give me another date they will get back to me. They never ONCE have gotten back to me. The policy holder who hit me is now in jail on an unrelated offense and they say they cannot get his statements - duh. They say they will contact the police and get back to me - but they never have. The damage to the car isn't that much - it is $416 (just a headlight) but I cannot afford to pay for it. Putting it through my insurance is dumb because the deductable is $500 - at least I think that is how it works. Could you give me advice on how to deal with USAA? I can't talk to them on the weekends because they say they can't handle my existing claim. I'm getting REALLY frustrated.""
Going on my dads car insurance...question?
My dad has Triple A auto insurance ..I do not live with him I am on my own in my own house, I never ask my family for help. But right now my tabs are expired and since I am only 20 I cannot afford auto insurance..they want me to put 300 down just for no fault and I think its ridiculous, Right now I dont have 300 dollars either so I asked my dad if he could help me out temporarily and put me on his car insurance ..i have a 98 cavalier so it shouldnt be that bad. its been 2 weeks and he keeps saying hes talking to the agent after tomorrow I can no longer drive my car because my tabs say march and april is comming up, I told him I would pay whatever costs to add me on it and whatever he needed a month. I was just wondering if they charge extra to add me on his insurance and my car or is he just making it up because I dont think It should take that long...like I said I am living on my own have never lived with my dad because he was in jail for a long time, moved out when i was 18 and can't get help from my mom or him,,I cant even ask to borrow money from them yet I can loan my dad 200 dollars. Feel like its so wrong, I think im doing pretty good being 20 years old working full time owning a house my own car that I bought myself and going to school...and Im having my first child.""
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Health Insurance question?
I live in California and I will be 20 years old when I have my baby. I am currently still on my parents health insurance plan and all of my prenatal visits are covered and I believe my hospital stay is also. My boyfriend and I are not married yet and we live together I am not currently working. And I am aware I need to get insurance for my baby from her being born on but does anyone have any suggestions of what company to use? Could I still be approved fr a low income plan?
How much car insurance will rise after an aciddent?
I'm 23 years old, and currently paying $100 per month on my car insurance. But earlier today I crash into the guard rail by mistake. I have a clean driving (no ticket ever) record with only 4 other accident prior to it. I guess my car would take maybe $1000 to fix but I'm not sure how much my insurance rate will increase. I'm thinking that if I were to pay for the entire damage instead of paying a $500 deduction would not increase my rate.""
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
Affordable car insurance quote?
Please can any one tell me where i can find info on affordable car insurance quote
""Im looking or an affordable health insurance, please help?""
hello, I need to see a doctor as soon as possible but i don't have insurance. anyone know any good affordable health insurance. thank you in advance""
How does an Alabama ticket affect Washington insurance?
I got a speeding ticket in Alabama last day of August for doing 52 in a 40, $200. I have two previous wrecks, one was not the considered my fault and my rates did not increase, one was weather related but my rates did increase. I am 20 years old and have no previous tickets. I know this will go on my record and that my insurance company will see when my policy is renewed, but I want to know if it will dramatically increase my rates? WA state does not operate on a points system like Alabama does so I'm confused on how it will transfer over. Any help is appreciated.""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)?
Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks""
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Cheap car insurance companies?!?
Does anyone know of any cheap or fair priced car insurance companies? Any suggestions will help??
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
Farmes Car Insurance?
I had a accident on the freeway a girl hi tme from behind and she had farmers insurance are they good at fixing other peoples cars when their cutomers are at fault
Do you approve or disapprove of the Affordable Healthcare Act?
And do you want it to become a reality or to disappear?
Im just about to start learning to drive have you got any tips what car i should drive to get lower insurance?
I want a beetle but i dont think that will give me cheaper insurance, i dont have any idea.""
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
What to do when you have no health insurance?
I dont understand what to do if I'm sick or hurt and I dont have health insurance. The government wont help me, my community has meidcal assistance available to pregnant women, low income families with minor children and those who are aged, blind or disabled residing in the community or in a nursing home. And I dont qualify for any of these, I'm only 21, I'm not pregnant, and I dont have children. -how come help is given to people that are less responsible, but the people that try to do right dont get help at all? I cant afford health insurance, I dont qualify for government help, and I cant afford to go the hospital outright and get charged thousands of dollars that I will never be able to pay!""
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
Is it illegal to drive without auto insurance in Fla?
Someone told me that I absolutely need insurance on my car or I could face charges. Is this true?
How much will insurance be for me?
Hi! I'm 16 years old and I'm about to get my drivers license. I was wondering if anyone knew how much insurance will turn out to be? I heard there was a good student discount? Is that true? I'd be driving an 07 Honda
Would it be the cheapest sports car?
I saw the 4 cheapes sports cars for insurance a mazda mx 5 and a pontiac solstice would they be the cheapest sports car for insurance for a 16 year old or what sports car would be the cheapest to insure for a teen I know for a teen with a sports car would not be cheap we have the money but what sports car would be the cheapes for a teen
Why does Geico not sell motorcycle insurance in Delaware?
For years there have always been a few states in which Geico will NOT sell motorcycle insurance, particularly Delaware, but they have never given a reason WHY. Does anyone know of any specific reason(s) why Geico would not want to sell motorcycle insurance in Delaware, or any of the other states in which it will sell motorcycle insurance for that matter?""
""Are you still required to have car insurance, even tho you don't have a car anymore?""
I'm under my parents car insurance, I got rid of my car months ago. But they told me today that they're still paying for my car insurance, even tho I don't even drive anymore, not even my parents car. I live in NY, I take a taxi 100% of the time, so that's why I got rid of my car. But, am I still required to have car insurance? Seems like a major scam and BS to me, since I'm not even gonna be using it at all considering I don't have a car anymore. My parents said Hanover, the insurance, wants all licensed drivers in the household, to remain under the insurance, even my grandpa. And he hasn't owned a car for decades now. Don't know if I should even believe this.""
How much is car insurance for teenagers?
I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?""
Does a salvage title cost more when it comes to getting insurance?
I want to buy a motorcycle. however, it has a salvage title. will the insurance be more? P.S. all i want is liability.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
i'm a 19 yr old male buying a 94 ford escort. what is generally the cheapest insurance company? i got a rate of 445 for 6 months. take it?
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life insurance quotes spain
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
How much do teens pay for car insurance a month?
If i am 17 years old buying a brand new 2009 car sedan about how much will i pay monthly on insurance?
What is all the car insurance and extra costs?
what is everything you have to have for a car like the insurance and all that and how much does it cost?
Cheapest auto insurance for a teenager?
I am 17, and my parent's won't let me get my learner's permit until I can get a job, buy my own car, and pay for my own insurance. What is the cheapest auto insurance company, but with good polices? I make good grades if that helps at all.""
Cheapest Car to insure for a 17 yr old new driver?
What is the cheapest small car to insure for a 17 year old who's just passed their test? I believe the model can affect the price too eg - SX, GL?""
What's Toronto cheap auto insurance/Broker?
This city is pure Bull sh*t! I can't find a affordable insurance. If anyone have a good car insurance, please leave their name of contact #? Thanks""
How can you get insurance on a car that is not in your name?
What steps should be taking to get insurance on a car in your name that is in a relatives name? But, you are taking over the car payments and paying them the money on a car that is still in there name.""
Car insurance !!!!!!!!!!!!!?
does anyone no were to get cheap car insurance im 17 male and the quotes im getting are 3000 pound to 5000 pound and they are for 1.1 to a 1.3 and its stupid ive tried go compare mon Supermarket and i cant find any lower quotes can anyone help???
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance?
My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!""
""What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
What is the best, cheapest car insurance I can have for a 28 year old female?""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
""Best health insurance, help ?""
I know nothing about insurance, share your experience with your search for health insurance. In your opinion, what's the best one ? Thanks in advance, Daniel :)""
Does Anybody Know How Much Motorcycle Insurance Will Be In Alabama----Allstate?
I am 15
What is the best/cheap dental isurance?
What is the best and cheapest dental insurance in CA for someone who isnt married or have kids is on a tight budget, and needs major exstensive dental work including cosmetic and anestesia?""
Bad Faith Auto Insurance?
Should I hire an attorney for this?, I purchased a policy online a few months ago within the first few days that i had this insurance I had a storm and damaged my vehicle (minor) with hail damaged I submitted out a claim, appraiser was sent they covered the loss sent a check to me, now i take it to the bodyshop and try to have it fixed but they need a supplement, they contact insurance co. but insurance co, makes many excuses over this they state I dont have full coverage which I do, and it was verfied with them that i do, the next few weeks pass and then I finally get a call from a manager at the insurance company stating that they mistakenly sent me out a check because I made a false claim report, they said that they can tell by my pictures before policy was bought that vehicle had damaged (which is an excuse of denying supplement) and stated the the adjuster overlooked everything point here is that insurance co, cancelled my policy by stating underwriting issues, so now Im without insurance coverage, the manager also stated she reported this to the texas state but mentioned she could not put a stop payment on the check and that I could still use it to fix the car or cashout the check... I am really dissapointed at how all this was handelled, Im thinking about getting an attorney, I already discussed and this issue with the Insurance company and Im basicly told that I lied about the claim and they end my call... Should I wait to get an attorney or should I just get one and go from there? I believe this is bad faith insurance coverage, What should I do? I mean I still have the check it is not cashed out, I cant really do much with this check everyone charges an arm and a leg, can they file insurance fraud charges and if so even though I know I did everything right should I get an attorney?""
What cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
what cheap/affordable/good health insurance company?
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
How much on average would liability insurance cost after 2 dwi's (5 years ago)?
It's been over 5 years (and sober!). I'm on a tight budget though and need a car for work now. I already figured what the interlock will cost me, but I have no idea on insurance. I don't know if it will be $100-$300 a month. After the first DWI (bad college years), it was about $125 a month I think. So I'm really hoping it stays under $250 at least a month just for liability. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks :)""
Cheaper car insurance ?
Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy?
Please recommend any cheap auto insurance companies in Kentucky!?
Louisville, Kentucky insurances are preferable or any national ones are fine.""
19 year old female just passed driving test. need cheap insurance quotes. is anyone else in the same situation?
i am a 19 year old female and have just passed my driving test. i know the insurance quotes i get are going to be expensive but does anyone know who is best to go with (cheapest) and is anyone else in the same situation? Thanks
I'm 19 years old and I need insurance. How do I go about getting it?
I need cheap or free insurance
Insurance on a 125cc ?
thinking i#of buyin a 125 after my birthday bored of a 50cc how much would 3rd party cost ?
life insurance quotes spain
life insurance quotes spain
Whats the best insurance company and cheapest?
Heya im 17and looking at car insurance was wondering if any one has a goods insurance company and preferably a cheap one thanks
Will my insurance be high?
I'm 16, turning 17 soon. I have strait A's so I get the driver discount and plus my insurance company has a program you can do for an extra 15% off which my mom is going to make me do. I'm a girl so I know my insurance will be less then a boys.. But If I got my own car ( years around 2000-2009) will my insurebce be extremely high?""
""Coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disa?""
need to find coverage characteristics on coverage characteristics of usaa auto insurance, allstate home insurance, tricare health insurance, aflac disability insurance, prudential life insurance......need help quick , coverage characteristics on all the above ASAP""
Any 1 want life insurance or mediclaim?
v r giving best service with lower price...
401k vs Life insurance?
Which is a better way to plan for the future? 401k or life insurance? I think life insurance would be better because if I died tomorrow it would pay off and take care of my wife, but what would my 401 k do? She could take out the money I guess but how much would have to be in there for it to be more than life insurance?""
Why is insurance expense debited?
Why is insurance expensive debited? First it says Markell Company purchased one year automobile insurance policy on September 1, 20-2 at a cost of 1800. At the time of the purchase, the accounting clerk would make the following journal entry. Sep 1: Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, Bank 1800 CR Then it says since the insurance was purchased on September 1, four months of coverage have been used and eight months of coverage. Dec 31 Insurance Expense 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance 600 CR I can understand why prepaid insurance is credit because it is deducted each time as the months ago until is it fully done.""
Will my medical insurance pay?
Will my medical insurance pay for my transportation to work. I just had my drivers license suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP!
Does any one know where to get cheap insurance 4 low mileage use under 4000 miles a year?
Does any one know where to get cheap insurance 4 low mileage use under 4000 miles a year?
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
Do you usually get better quotes on car insurance if you call a local office?
Like as opposed to doing a quote online?
Can having your car insurance cancelled lower your credit score?
My friend had his car insurance cancelled because his wife had a few wrecks in a few years and then a DUI. They were on the same policy. Last month is when they were told their car insurance would be cancelled. Last month Equifax dropped his credit score 100points (don't know about hers). They only reason he knew about the credit score drop was because his one and only credit card had the limit lowered 75% The only thing he can think of that changed was the car insurance. Could cancelled car insurance affect your credit?
Car insurance went DOWN after accident?
I was involved in a one vehicle accident and had a failure to control and hit a guardrail. I called today to get my insurance back and its lower ?? I thought it would go up? Also I ...show more
Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?
I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
How much will car insurance give me for my totaled car?
made a bad decision basically and after losing control and flipping into a pole im left wondering what I'll get for my car. 2000 honda accord ex coupe 3 liter v6 83000 miles leather powered seats moon roof etc...
Road Test Insurance Question
In California, Im am completely confused, about how insurance works. As a family we have a plan, and my dad paid to insure me a teen driver under this plan. - But he said I cannot driver anyone's else car, and no one can drive my car and get it into a wreck.(the only way i can be coverd is me driving my car and getting into a wreck How does it work. Is it a policy that covers the person no matter what they are driving Or is it a car based policy that covers the car only im taking the road test soon, and I don't have a insurance card, despite being covered""
How are home insurance rates in hawaii?
I'd like to buy close to the water (would be impacted by hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous now-cant get insurance near the water for entire home value. Thought Hwi might be better since they dont get hit so much.
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
How much coverage do you get with salvalge title car? And how much does insurance run with salvage title?
Car insurance quote sites not recognising vehicle reg?
Hi my partner is thinking of buying a car and we're looking at gocompare.com and confused.com but we are not getting anywhere as neither website recongise either the vehicle registration number or the make and model of the car! we know it is genuine as we have done a vehicle check on it. any ideas why we can't get quotes? it's a nissan pickup from 1999. many thanks
Insurance on this car?
I saw it and it looked nice for the price, but do you think something is wrong with it or its just a good deal, and what do you think the insurance would be for me when I turn 16, would it make a difference with all the extra things on it or what.""
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
Antique Car Insurance Question?
I own a toyota Camry as my primary vechiale if i am buying a 1983 Dodge ram would that be considered an antique car? if it would is there anything special i would have to do with that car? and how much would i expect to pay per year on insurance? (Pennsylvannia)
How much can car insurance be cheaper if someone hold off driving 2 years after they can their license?
or is it any cheaper?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
life insurance quotes spain
life insurance quotes spain
0 notes
oovitus · 6 years
Would I be healthier if I quit drinking? My quest to understand the real tradeoffs of alcohol consumption.
The after-work gin and tonic. The bottle of wine over dinner. A few beers on the weekend. Before long, the alcohol adds up.
Is that a problem? Can drinking stand in the way of your health and fitness? Do you need to quit drinking to change your body? Or could it actually be good for you?
In this article we explore the question in a personal way.
“Should I take a break from booze?”
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
I’ve asked it, as have many of our Precision Nutrition Coaching clients.
At the same time, like many of our clients, I’ve never really felt like I needed to quit drinking. My consumption is normal by most accounts, as is theirs. It’s “moderate.”
But boozy beverages seem to show up a lot in my life — and I know I’m not alone in that.
Maybe we like having a beer to mark the end of a work day. Maybe on Friday we get fancy with a cocktail.
Something to celebrate? Pour a little champagne. Crappy day? That Chardonnay or Cabernet will soften the edges a little bit.
The drinks can start to add up.
If we consider ourselves healthy people, alcohol is easy to justify. We exercise. We try to eat nutritious food. If we’re getting coaching, we know we’re working on our stuff.
But still. Some of us wonder…
Are we OK?
Are we justifying something we shouldn’t?
Are we ignoring the elephant in the room who’s currently dancing with a lampshade on its head and laughing a little too loud while telling off-color jokes?
Are we pretending craft beer or red wine is a health food because it’s artisanal or full of antioxidant something-something?
If we want to be healthy, fit, and functional, how does alcohol factor in?
As I discovered, the answer isn’t straightforward. (It rarely is.)
For one thing:
You may have heard that drinking is actually good for you.
Moderate alcohol intake is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, gallstones, and coronary heart disease.
Light to moderate drinking seems to be good for the heart and circulatory system, helping reduce your risk of cardiac arrest and clot-caused stroke by 25 to 40 percent.
And there have been several studies indicating that drinkers — even heavy drinkers — actually outlive people who don’t drink.
We see headlines like this every time a new study comes out, which seems fairly often, judging by my newsfeed.
An important point that seems to get buried:
If you don’t already drink, health experts recommend you don’t start.
Wait, what? If drinking is so good for you, then why not add that antioxidant-rich red wine to MyPlate — a nice goblet right where the milk used to be?
Because no one knows if any amount of alcohol is actually good for all of us.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you not to drink.
That’s not what this article is about.
But, despite all the headlines and pro-drinking studies:
Most of the research on alcohol’s potential health benefits are large, long-term epidemiological studies.
This type of research never proves anything.
Rather than showing that X causes Y, it simply says that X seems to be correlated with Y.
So even though many studies suggest that light to moderate drinkers have lower rates of the above-mentioned health problems than non-drinkers, that doesn’t mean drinking causes those benefits.
Sure, it could be that alcohol consumption raises HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Or it could be that moderate drinking reduces stress.
Or it could be that drinking doesn’t cause any health benefit.
Rather, it could be that people who drink a light to moderate amount also have something else going on in their lives, unrelated to alcohol consumption, that keeps them healthier, such as:
robust and resilient genes
a lower-stress personality
a particular lifestyle
good social connections and support
We just don’t know for sure.
Any physiological effects would vary from person to person.
The amount of alcohol that may help your heart health might harm your friend’s — for instance, if they have a history of high blood pressure.
And most of the research indicates that you’d have to be a light to moderate drinker with no heavy drinking episodes (even isolated ones) to see a heart benefit.
OK, given that…
What is “moderation”, anyway?
Definitions vary around the world, but according to the United States Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, “moderate drinking” means, on average:
For women: up to seven drinks per week, with no more than three drinks on any single day.
For men: up to 14 drinks per week, with no more than four drinks on any single day.
And here’s a guide to health-agency classified “drinks”:
Sure, you might know you’re not a binge drinker (that’s five or more drinks for men, or upwards of four for women, within two hours).
But when was the last time you poured wine in a measuring cup, or tallied your total number of drinks at the end of the week, or calculated your weekly average in a given month, or adjusted your tally to account for that sky-high 9.9% ABV Strong Ale you love?
Studies show that people routinely, sometimes drastically, underestimate their alcohol consumption.
It’s easy to edge into the “heavy” category without realizing it.
For example, if you’re a woman:
That’s a big problem, since heavy drinking comes with a much higher risk of major health problems.
Risks associated with moderate and heavy alcohol consumption
Moderate Heavy Heart Arrhythmias High blood pressure Kidney disease Heart disease Stroke Brain Disinhibition Altered judgement Poor coordination Sleep disruption Alcoholism* Chemical dependence Depression Alcoholism Neurological damage Epilepsy Dementia Damage to developing brains Immunity Infection / illness / lowered immune response Cancer (mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, breast) Damaged intestinal barrier Increased inflammation / flare-ups of autoimmune disorders Hormones Breast cancer Hormone disruption Impaired sexual function Impaired reproductive function Thyroid disease Liver Worsening of existing conditions such as hepatitis Fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Fibrosis / cirrhosis Hepatocellular Liver cancer Metabolism Weight gain or stalled weight loss** Interference with some medications Loss of bone density Bone fractures Osteoporosis Anemia Pancreatitis Changes to fat metabolism Muscle damage
*Particularly if there’s alcoholism in your family **If drinking causes you to eat more food or opt for energy-dense meals
In young males especially, even moderate drinking increases the risk of accidental injury or death, due to the “Hey y’all, hold my beer and watch this!” effect, or simply the dangerous equation of youthful exuberance combined with less impulse control, combined with more peer pressure, combined with things like motor vehicles and machinery.
All drinking comes with potential health effects.
After all, alcohol is technically a kind of poison that our bodies must convert to less-harmful substances for us to enjoy a good buzz relatively safely.
Through a series of chemical pathways using the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), we convert ethanol to acetaldehyde, then to acetate. The body breaks acetate down into carbon dioxide and water.
A second system for processing alcohol, the microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS), involves cytochrome P450 (CYP), an enzyme group that chemically affects potentially toxic molecules (such as medications) so they can be safely excreted.
In light to moderate drinkers, only about 10 percent of ethanol processing is done by the MEOS. But in heavy drinkers, this system kicks in more strongly. That means the MEOS may be less available to process other toxins. Oxidative cell damage, and harm from high alcohol intake, then goes up.
The biochemistry doesn’t matter as much as the core concepts:
1. We have to change alcohol to tolerate it.
2. Our ability to process alcohol depends on many factors, such as:
our natural individual genetic tolerance
our ethnicity and genetic background (for instance, many people of East Asian ancestry have a genetically-linked aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency, which affects their ability to properly metabolize alcohol)
our age
our body size
our biological sex
our individual combinations of conversion enzymes
3. Dose matters. But all alcohol requires some processing by the body.
So what’s the “sweet spot”?
What amount of alcohol balances enjoyment (and your jokes becoming funnier) with your body’s ability to respond and recover from processing something slightly poisonous?
The moderate-vs-heavy guidelines are the experts’ best guess at the amount of alcohol that can be consumed with statistically minimal risk, while still accounting for what a lot of people are probably going to do anyway: drink.
It doesn’t mean that moderate drinking is risk-free.
But drinking is fun. (There, I said it.)
In North America, we tend to separate physical well-being from our emotional state. In reality, quality of life, enjoyment, and social connections are important parts of health.
So let me say it:
I enjoy drinking.
So do a lot of other people.
In the U.S., for example, 65 percent of people say they consume alcohol. Of those drinkers, at least three quarters enjoy alcohol one or more times per week.
The wine flows at lunchtime in continental Europe (for Scandinavians, it’s the light beer lättöl). Hitting a pub or two after work is standard procedure in the UK and Japan. Northern Europeans swear by their brennivin, glögg, or akvavit (not to mention vodka). South America and South Africa alike are renowned for their red wines.
Thus, for much of the world’s population, alcohol — whether beer, wine or spirits — is something of a life staple.
And if you’re doing it right — meaning tasteful New Year’s Eve champagne toasts are more common in your life than shot-fueled bar dances to “Hotline Bling” — there are some undeniable benefits to be gained:
Pleasure: Assuming you’ve graduated from wine coolers and cheap tequila shots, alcoholic beverages usually taste pretty darn delicious.
Leisure: A bit of alcohol in your bloodstream does help you feel relaxed. And like a good meal, a good glass of wine should offer the opportunity to slow down for a minute.
Creativity: There’s evidence that when you’re tipsy, you may be more successful at problem-solving thanks to increased out-of-the-box thinking.
Social connection: Drinking may contribute to social bonding through what researchers call “golden moments” — when you all smile and laugh together over the same joke. This sense of community, belonging, and joy can contribute to your health and longevity.
If you’re going to drink, drink because you genuinely enjoy it.
Drink if it truly adds value and pleasure to your life.
Not because:
you’re stressed
it’s a habit
other people around you don’t want to drink alone; or
it’s “good for you”.
With confusing alcohol consumption categories and contradictory news headlines, many people give up trying to decide whether drinking is healthy or not.
A new study shows alcohol may be harmful? Whatever.
Drinkers live longer? I’ll hop on that horse and ride it straight to the bar!
So forget about the potential health benefits of alcohol.
There are plenty of (probably better) ways to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease — like eating well, exercising, and not smoking.
Wanting the enjoyment of a perfect Old Fashioned or a rare sake is a legitimate — probably the best — reason to drink.
As with what you eat, what you drink should be purposeful and mindful. And delicious.
Drinking or not drinking isn’t about “healthy vs. not”. It’s about tradeoffs.
Alcohol is just one factor among many that affect physical performance, health, and fitness.
Whether to keep drinking or cut back depends on how much you drink, what your goals are, and how you want to prioritize those things.
Only you know what you are, or aren’t, willing to trade.
It may be a simple “yes” or “no”.
Saying “yes” to six-pack abs might mean saying “no” to a few drinks at the bar.
Saying “yes” to Friday happy hour might mean saying “no” to your Saturday morning workout.
Saying “yes” to marathon training might mean saying “no” to boozy Sunday brunches.
Saying “yes” to better sleep (and focus, and mood) might mean saying “no” to your daily wine with dinner.
Saying “yes” to moderate alcohol consumption might mean finding a way to say “no” to stress triggers (or human triggers) that make you want to drink more.
Or it may be where you’re willing to move along the continuum.
Maybe you’re willing to practice drinking more slowly and mindfully, but you’re not willing to decrease your total alcohol intake.
Maybe you’re trying to lose weight, so you’d consider drinking a little less. Like 2 beers instead of 3, but not 0.
Or, maybe you’re willing to stay sober during most social situations, but you’re not willing to endure your partner’s office party without a G&T on hand.
Maybe there is a “best” answer for how much alcohol is okay for everyone. But we don’t know what it is yet.
At least not for certain.
That’s OK.
You can write your own “Owner’s Manual” for YOU as a unique individual.
Guidelines for drinking don’t tell us who YOU are or what effects alcohol has on YOU.
So let’s forget about “expert” advice for just a moment.
Instead, let’s try letting your body lead.
Read its cues. Observe yourself carefully, gather data, and see how alcohol is — or isn’t — working for you.
Here’s how.
What to do next: Some tips from Precision Nutrition
1. Observe your drinking habits.
Keep track of all the alcohol you drink for a week or two (here’s a worksheet to help you).
You don’t need to share it with anyone or feel like you need to change anything. Just collect the info.
Next, review the data. Ask:
Am I drinking more than I thought? Maybe you hadn’t been taking the couple of casual beers with Sunday NFL into account.
Is my drinking urgent, mindless, or rushed? Slamming drinks back without stopping to savor them can be a sign that drinking is habitual, not purposeful.
Are there themes or patterns in my drinking? Perhaps you habitually over-drink on Friday because your job is really stressful.
Is alcohol helping me enjoy life, or is it stressing me out? If you’re not sleeping well or feeling worried about the drinking, the cost can outweigh the benefit.
Does alcohol bring any unwanted friends to the party? Binge eating, drug use, texting your ex?
If any of the answers to these questions raise red flags for you, consider cutting back and seeing how you feel.
2. Notice how alcohol affects your body.
Use Precision Nutrition’s “how’s that working for you?” litmus test. Ask:
Do I generally feel good? Simple, but telling.
Am I recovering? How’s my physical performance after drinking? If I were to hit the gym on Saturday morning after a Friday night social, how would I feel and perform?
What happens afterwards? Do I get a hangover, upset stomach, poor sleep, puffiness/bloating and/or other discomfort?
How does the extra energy intake work for my goals? Is alcohol adding some calories that I don’t want? Am I trying to lose weight, for instance?
What do my other physiological indicators say? What did my latest medical tests suggest? How’s my blood work? My blood pressure? Any other physiological indicators that I’m watching?
If you’re unsure about whether your alcohol use is helping or hurting you, talk to your doctor and get a read on your overall health.
3. Notice how alcohol affects your thoughts, emotions, assumptions, and general perspective on life.
Again: How’s that working for you?
Do you feel in control of your drinking? Are you choosing, deliberately and purposefully… or “finding yourself” drinking?
What kind of person are you when you are drinking? Are you a bon vivant, just slightly wittier and more relaxed, savoring a craft beer with friends? Or are you thinking, Let’s make that crap circus of a workday go away, as you pound back the liquid emotional anesthetic through gritted teeth?
If you had to stop drinking for a week, what would that be like? No big deal? Or did you feel mild panic when you read that question?
4. Play “Let’s Make a Deal”.
To pinpoint which goals and activities in your life are the most important to you, ask yourself:
What am I currently saying “yes” to?
What am I currently saying “no” to?
What am I willing to say “yes” to?
What am I willing to say “no” to?
What am I prepared to say “yes” and “no” to? Why?
There are no right or wrong answers.
Just choices and compromises.
You’re a grown-up who can think long-term and weigh options rationally. Whether you drink or not is your call.
5. Disrupt the autopilot.
One of the keys to behavior change is moving from unconscious, automatic reactions to conscious, deliberate decisions.
To experiment with decreasing your alcohol intake, try these strategies:
Delay your next drink. Just for 10 minutes, to see if you still want it.
Look for ways to circumvent your patterns. If you usually hit the bar after work, try booking an alcohol-free activity (like a movie date or a yoga class) with a friend instead. If you stock up on beer at the grocery store, skip that aisle altogether and pick up some quality teas or sparkling water instead.
Savor your drink. Tune into the sensations in front of you. Here’s an idea: try tasting wine like a sommelier. Look at it, swirl it, sniff it, taste it.
Swap quantity for quality. Drink less, but when you do drink, treat yourself to the good stuff.
6. Call on the experts.
Change almost always works better with support. It’s hard to change alone.
Talk to your doctor about your drinking patterns and your health.
Consider genetic testing. Many commercial genetic testing services can tell you about your alcohol tolerance, or your risk of other chronic diseases (such as breast cancer) that are linked to alcohol intake.
Get nutrition coaching. Precision Nutrition coaches specialize in helping clients optimize diet and lifestyle patterns for good.
7. If you choose to drink, enjoy it.
Savor it. Enjoy it mindfully, ideally among good company.
If you’re a coach, or you want to be…
Learning how to coach clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy eating and lifestyle changes (including how to manage energy balance) — in a way that supports long-term progress — is both an art and a science.
If you’d like to learn more about both, consider the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. The next group kicks off shortly.
What’s it all about?
The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world’s most respected nutrition education program. It gives you the knowledge, systems, and tools you need to really understand how food influences a person’s health and fitness. Plus the ability to turn that knowledge into a thriving coaching practice.
Developed over 15 years, and proven with nearly 100,000 clients and patients, the Level 1 curriculum stands alone as the authority on the science of nutrition and the art of coaching.
Whether you’re already mid-career, or just starting out, the Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.
[Of course, if you’re already a student or graduate of the Level 1 Certification, check out our Level 2 Certification Master Class. It’s an exclusive, year-long mentorship designed for elite professionals looking to master the art of coaching and be part of the top 1% of health and fitness coaches in the world.]
Interested? Add your name to the presale list. You’ll save up to 33% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018.
If you want to find out more, we’ve set up the following presale list, which gives you two advantages.
Pay less than everyone else. We like to reward people who are eager to boost their credentials and are ready to commit to getting the education they need. So we’re offering a discount of up to 33% off the general price when you sign up for the presale list.
Sign up 24 hours before the general public and increase your chances of getting a spot. We only open the certification program twice per year. Due to high demand, spots in the program are limited and have historically sold out in a matter of hours. But when you sign up for the presale list, we’ll give you the opportunity to register a full 24 hours before anyone else.
If you’re ready for a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results… this is your chance to see what the world’s top professional nutrition coaching system can do for you. jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#references_link").click(function(){ jQuery("#references_holder").show(); jQuery("#references_link").parent().hide(); }); });
Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article.
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The post Would I be healthier if I quit drinking? My quest to understand the real tradeoffs of alcohol consumption. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
Would I be healthier if I quit drinking? My quest to understand the real tradeoffs of alcohol consumption. published first on
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manywake-blog · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
tinasmal-blog · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important  to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
wakemany · 7 years
This site is Pro Government
I   don’t   Know   how   to   change   the  font   on   WordPress ,  so   i   Just   spaced   words .
I  am  too  cheap  to  pay  for  another   site .  I  wrote  2   strategy   letters . 1  to  KKK .  1  to  gov’t .  I  consider   my   gov’t   one   to   be   my   best   work   ever
              I   had  little  success  trying  to  reach  KKK  or  gov’t   with   snail  mail  so  far .   I  am  including   my   gov’t   letter   on   my   race   site .  ALL   gov’t  personel  should  read  below  –  F B I ,  C I A ,  D o E ,  W H ,  Homeland  D ,  etc .
Any  attempt  to  suppress  my   efforts  to  help  the  gov’t  could  be  consequences .  How  can  i  not  succeed ?  It  fulfills  Anti – Christ  prophecy .
2   F B I   agents  already  visited  me .  Now   that   i   put   my   letter  on – line ,  gov’t  agencies  can  quickly  share  and  discuss  amongst  themselves .  Does  it  have  merit ?
KKK  could  –  possibly  –  benefit   by   reading   my   gov’t   letter –  people  can  be  taught  to  thinK  strategically .
I   did   not  change  a  thing  –  except   my   name +  I  changed  U  to  you  &  R  to  are .  It  is  the  exact  same  letter  i  sent  by  snail  mail  to  gov’t  agencies  in  the  past .  Thank  you .
S T A R T     O F     G O V ’ T     S I T E
August  5,  2012               cc1 :  EPA  DC  +  Sustainable  Facilities   Practices  Branch
cc2 : Ad  Council . Several  regional  addresses  –  3  in  NY  alone . I’m  sorry , should  I  have  targeted  NY  instead  of  DC ?   congratulations  on  hiring  women !
cc3 : FBI  HQ  in  DC  +  White  House  (  What  could  be  more “ the  gov’t ”  than  FBI  or  WH ?  Yet , I  doubt  the  President   Will   read  it  considering  how  much  mail  that  address  gets ! ).  Too  many  stamps , too  many  FBI  places . Too  much  money . Seems  Like  a  lot , but  it’s  only  2  !
cc4 : ADL,  AIPAC . How  to  target “ the  gov’t ” ?   I  thought.  Why  not   write   to  Jewish  organizations ?  They  control  the  country  anyway.
To “ the  government ”: I  became  aware  that  government  (  i.e.,  FEMA , Ready.gov )  propaganda  exists  –  obvious  eco , education , family , military , sports , women , racial……often  in  the  most  unusual  places ……… and  all  over  the  place.
Eco  –  CFL  light  bulbs  +  LED’s . outlaw  incandescent ,     E-check ,    Lead  is  evil ,    no  dumping  written  into  infrastructure ,    recycling  centers  often  near  schools ,    World  Dryer ,    3  windmills  in  cleveland ,         Gay  –  ads  on  bus  +  Chronicles  newspaper ,         reusable  shopping  bags     disability  –  Kneeling  bus
          Over  time ,  I  even  saw  propaganda  in  :  epilepsy  warning  on  video  games ,   Flu ,   seat  belts  on  shopping  carts ,        Mad  cow  disease ,  carbon  monoxide  detectors ,   depression  is  a  disease ,       Foods
I  also  see  that  gov’t  hires  outside  private  ad  companies  to  do  this . If   I  may  offer  constructive  criticism … maybe  you  need  to  change…
1.  Wash  hands  after  touching  this    it  contains  Lead , Known  to  the  State  of  California  to  cause  cancer .  Why  not  wash  the  cord  then ?
2.  Pet poop  transmits  disease . In  cat  litter  also . Why not  human  waste  then ?
3.  Dryers save  trees . Paper  Retriever  bins.  Why  not  save  crops ?  Paper  is  biodegradable –  and  your  favorite  word  Renewable . Sustainable.
I  used  to  work  at  Triarc  Beverage  Group . Near  the  end  of  my  term ,  I  handed  in  ideas  to  the  CEO.           Long – term  consistency  is the  Key  to  gauging  a  good  quarterback . Star  Wars  and  Empire  Strikes  BacK . It  is hard  to  generate  consistently  good  ideas .
Having  had  time  to  understand  some  of  your  past  actions,  I  find  fault  with  some  of  your  strategy.
1.  WTC collapsed  Like  a  pancake.
2.  Doing  things  publicly  ( South  Africa , uss  Liberty  2oo  witnesses , chemtrails , TWA  missile  theory  ) , and  then  lying  about  it  later  on .
3.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  ( militia )  to  grow  ( i.e., via  uncontrolled  internet ),  and  then  trying  to  clean  it  up  later  on . “ To  what  end ? ”,  a  Jewish  man  said  in  the  Plain  Dealer . Another  Jewish  man  replied , “ If  we  do  nothing , this  stuff   will   spread ”.
4.  Allowing  anti – government  sentiments  to  grow  in  Saudi  Arabia  ( a  plant  story  on  CNN –  King  Faud  said , “ Leave  the  Palestinians  alone ”.  Who’s  side  are  you  on ?  )
President  Bush  once  said, “ The  government  of  SA  is  stronger  than  the  people  of  Saudi  Arabia ”.  He  also  said , “ bringing  democracy  to  the  Middle  East   will   be  one  of  the  greatest  challenges  of  the  21st  century ”.
I  think  the  correct  strategy  to  use  in  the  Middle  East  is :  1.  Take  out  Saddam  &  his  2  sons . A  power  vacuum   will   result . Gov’t  is  a  “necessary   evil ”.
2.  Develop  ties   with  important  people  in  Iraq . People  with  history.
3.  Pretend  Like  you’re  leaving.
4.  Hopefully , one  of  your  people  will  arise  to  power.
5. Don’t  do  anything  to  make  FolKs  suspect  he  is  a  puppet  of  the  West  ( i.e., obviously , don’t  condemn  Palestinians ).  You  can’t  do  whatever  you  want ,  but   it’s  better  than  not  having  any  influence  at  all …
Why   did   you  tell  that  for ?  So  be  it . It  is  Just  my  opinion . I  remember  President  Bush  once  said , “ Strategy  ain’t  working  in  middle  east . Need  to  Re -thinK…” So  I  started  thinKing  about  it.  How   it  began .
Getting  back  to  the  subject , I  have  come  up  With  an  idea  for  your  propaganda “ machine ”.  I’m  sure  you’ll  LiKe  it  –  so   if   you  use  it , not  Just  hear  it , will  you  compensate  me  fairly , or  at  least  hire  me ?  my  resume  is  not  impressive , but  it’s  a  small  price  considering  its  potential  scope.
What  better  way  than  to  prove  oneself ?  As  a  teaser , I   will  give  you  a  propaganda  idea  for  free … As  I  said , I  learned  more  as  time  went  on , until  I  became  familiar   With  gov’t  propaganda  efforts . I  thinK  this  fits  your  goals …
I  once  bought  a  HAND  CRANK  paper  shredder  at  marc’s  closeout  section  and  never  saw  it  again  –  anywhere , but  through  the  internet . I  loved  it . It  was  simple . Cheaper  than  even  the  paper  shredder  head  ( only  the  head )  they  sell  at  Walmart . Yet,  rich  people  may  not  LiKe  it  because  it  doesn’t  cross  cut . Yet ,  truly  better  than  those  scissor  shredders.
obvious  eco – friendly.  LiKe  your  current  sustainable  transport  propaganda  –  bicycles !   No  electricity  required.  Could  even  combine  eco  +  sports.
I’ve  noticed  that  eco  propaganda  is  the  most  prevalent . But  Just  the  mere  fact  that  I  was  able  to  generate  a  new  idea  ( Transformers  and   TMNT’s )  should  scare  you  (  the  establishment  –  Marvel ,  DC )  and  prove  that  there  is  room  for  growth. ————————————— 1st  letter             Subject : Cola  Promo  Idea       BY : Tony
In  MaY  1998 , I  handed  in  many  ideas  to  the  CEO  of  a  beverage  company. One  idea  in  particular  stood  out . Why   I  came  up   With   this   idea  is  beyond  me . But  it  was  a  perfect  fit  for  cola  products.
When  I  handed  in  this  idea , I  wrote  it  in  non-beverage  specific  terms  to  protect  it . I   received  a  letter  from  the  company  Lawyer  stating  that  it  was   still   my  idea  (  I  have  that  letter  in  my  possession  if   needed  to  verify ).
The  idea  centered  around  the  use  of  a   1.  GIMMICK  CONTRACT   and   2.  A  FREE  WILL , FREE  CHOICE , Free  Stuff   sweepstakes . The  contract  would  not  be  binding  in  a  court  of  law , and  the  phrase, “ Free  Will , Free  choice ” was  popular  at  that  time – and  still  is .
The  consumer  signs  a  contract  similar  to  the  following  example :  I , (  your  name ),  hereby  practice  my  own  Free  Will ,  and  maKe  a  choice  to  drink  ( Any  drinK  ) , if  and  whenever  possible , among  the  other  drink  alternatives ,
For  a  period  of :        []  1  Year  –  Enter  me  in  the  1  Years  sweepstakes     []  2  Years  –  Silver  sweepstakes             []  5  Years  –  Bronze  sweepstakes        []  10  Years  –  Gold  sweepstakes        X____________________
The  consumer  checks  off  a  box  and  the  prizes  in  the  sweepstakes  vary  in  relation  to  longevity . We  would  laminate  the  contract , and  send  it  back  to  the  consumer.
Aug  19,  2012   cc:  Recovery  +  EPA  Sustainable , FBI  HQ +  WH , AIPAC  DC
To “ the  government ”: This  is  my  2nd  letter . Here  is  my  BIG  eco  propaganda  idea … it  involves  basic  FANS …
Solar  LED  lights  exist . Fans  look  Like  windmills !  So  basic  it  makes  you  say  I  should’ve  had  a  V-8  !   duh . It  makes  you  wonder  about  the  gov’t  sometimes.
They  can  become  eco  propaganda  because  they  save  money  by  assist  AC , and  bring  in  cool  air  at  night . This  is  nothing  new . But , up  to  this  time , it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  your  eco  propaganda . Go  to  the  store  and  see  for  yourself.
Tower  City  already  has  fans  in  the  Food  court , but  it  was  never  emphasized  as  part  of  eco  propaganda . They  can  be  installed  in  gov’t  buildings , Libraries , Key  bank , BP,  etc.  Just  to  move  the  air  around , not  necessarily  blow  powerfully . Indeed , it  is  a  part  of  good  planning.
That’s  nothing  new , but  this  is  –  HE  fans.  As  you  Know,  High  Efficiency  detergent  and  less  Water  laundry  machines  exist . This  is  also  eco  propaganda . You  Know  it  and  I  Know  it.
Take  the  most  popular  fan  of  all  –  the  box  fan , for  example . Well  developed  means  there  is  not  much  room  for  improvement , as  the  blades  are  already  the  most  efficiently  designed.
Well  developed  means  it  has  built  in  obsolescence – it  was  meant  to  rust  and  manufacturers  want  it  to  break  in  the  bottom  center . It  makes  much  more  sense  to  put  the  break  on  top  where  the  handle  is.
Well  developed  means  both  Aerospeed   and   Lasko   sell  Premium  box  fans , which  are  nothing  more  than  bigger  than  normal  box  fans.  note  that  the  Lasko “ Premium ”  box  fan  has  only  a  tad  bigger  diameter  and  squarer  corners , with  a  30%  increase  in  air  velocity.
The  good  thing  is , all  it  takes  is  repackaging  –  if  premium  box  fans  were  Relabeled  HE  ( 30%  more ).  Any  existing  “ Power ” fan  can  be  labeled  HE  if  there  is  more  room  for  the  blades , either  behind  or  on  the  sides.
Lasko  chose  to  make  the  corners  squarer  instead  of  making  the  diameter  bigger , as  manufacturers  prefer  smaller  packaging , even  though  it  is  better  to  have  an  equal  increase  in  diameter  all  the  way  around.
I’ll  leave  the  technical  details  up  to  your  engineers…
Related  ideas :  maybe  HE  ultrasonic  humidifier . Related  to  my  free  hand  crank  shredder  idea : Hand  crank  can  opener .  Grinder . Telephone . Start  electronics … Pump  Water.
——————————————– 2nd  letter
Related  to  my  HE  fan  idea , but  not  as  good… but  can’t  be  worse  than  your  LED  idea , which  is  EXPENSIVE , and   NOT  selling …… As  you  Know , compact  fluorescent  bulbs’s  CFL’s  are  compact.
Is  it  practical ?  It  is  also  going  in  a  direction  that  most  manufacturers  do  not  Like –  LOW  WATT,  BIGGER  BULBS  require  more  packaging .There  are  pros  and  cons –  smaller  fits  more  applications , BUT  BIGGER  DISPERSES  LIGHT  BETTER.
Trisonic  already  sells  a  crappy , not  durable  65  watt  CFL  that  fits  inside  a  150  watt  body  –  I  can  shoot  straight  into  it  with  my  camera  and  still  see  the  spiral . Indeed , long  fluorescent  tubes  also  require  no  lampshade =  High  efficient .  Related:  no  fan  GRILL.—————————- 2nd  letter
You  are  the  quarterback . I’m  Just  throwing  a  ball  out , which  is  what  I  did  at  Triarc    (  a  few  ideas , some  better  than  others ).
1. Solid  white  toe  socKs  are  rare  in  America.  Solid  dark  green ?  Sand  color . Military   propaganda .  Taken  from  WiKipedia :  article  Roman  Empire  –  The  Romans  also  invented  socks  For  those  soldiers…
2.  Short pens  are  rare . Possible  women’s  propaganda . Fit  in  purse.
3.  in  Korea  they  use  hot  water  under  the  floor  to  heat  rooms  with .  So  ?   Well , they  need  eco  propaganda  in  Korea  also , don’t  they ?    They  sell   solid  toe  socks  in  Korea . Then  people  say , “ Why  not  in  America ? ”
Not  related  to  any  propaganda … but  I’ve  been  thinking  about  racism  recently…
I  once  read  that  Islam  is  the  reason  why  it’s  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East . How  religious  law  is  incorporated  into  civil  Law . And  her  Sister  communism.  they  said.  But  I  disagree.
When  the  Soviet  Union  fell , my  friend  told  me  that  Russia  still  lives.  Some  say  Russia  did  not  fall  because  of  criminal  elements  or  Soviet  hard  liners . Still , the  whole  Soviet  Union  was  almost  taken.  Sister  communism . I  don’t  think  so .
I  saw  on  CNN  how  China  clamped  down  on  criminals  because  they  destabilize the  State.                                             2  unsolved   mysteries
Why  is  it  hard  to  bring  democracy  to  the  Middle  East ?
Israel  said “ Kill  the  Hezbollah  from  top  to  bottom” . They  cannot  Kill  it .  But   why  ?
A  religion ?
CNN  said  That  Arab  is  a  “Way  of  Life ”.
The reason  I  wrote  this  –  in  my  opinion , Arab  is  a “ State  of  mind ”.  Just  Like  black  is .  Us  vs .  them .    Not  all  blacks  think  that  way , but  there  are  those  that  do.
“They  Kept  us  weak ! ! ! !”.  President  Charles  Taylor  – “They  owe  it  to  us !”.   Haiti  – “Whatever  you  do  to  us , We  do  to  you  ! ! ! !”
Palestinians  accused  of  helping  Israel  are  lynched . Winnie  Mandela  necklaces  those  accused  of  helping  “the  White  man ”. Tanks  on  MLK’s  birthday . Tulsa  got  bombed  From  the  air.  War !  “ no  surrender ” during  Tulsa.  surrender – and  die  after  Colfax  Massacre .
They  said  on  Wikipedia  that  the  Fate  of  the  Ethiopian  Jews  is  still  up  to  political  consideration  even  to  this  day . Meaning  that  the  Israeli  government  has  not  decided  whether  they  are  in  or  out  yet.
During  the  1st  airlift , Israel  was  sincere  (  Airplane  transport  is  expensive ).  After  they  arrived , the  Israeli  gov’t  said , “ We  are  CONFUSED ”. After  a  5  year  wait   (  2nd  airlift  ) ,  there  were  charges  of  racism.  the  quota  is  6oo  per  month , but  only  3oo  are  allowed  in . They  got  slapped  in  the  face , but  continue  to  arrive  – an  excuse  Israel  could  use.
Recently , the  Jerusalem  Post  took  a  poll.  43 %  of  Israelis  will  not  allow  their  daughters  to  marry  Beta  Israel . A  house  divided  cannot  stand .    In  my  opinion , if  black  is  a “ state  of  mind ”, Israel  is  making  a  mistake .—————————2nd  letter
Dear  WH , could  you  please  tell  your  staffers  to  allow  any  more  letters  from  me  to  reach  the  President ?  or  whoever  gets  it ?   couldn’t  my  State  of  mind  theory   (  Let  WH  decide  if  I  am  correct . What  else  is  the  WH  created  for ?  strategy !  )  affect  strategic  decisions ?      
What  does  it  hurt  listening  to  ideas ?   I  am  not  employed.  My  resume  is  crap.  So,  I  thought , why  not  generate  ideas  and  try  to  get  a  gov’t  Job ?
I  recall  Ray  Croc ?  once  said  “ You  have  to  trust  the  company  (  gov’t , marvel  ) . The  company  cannot  trust  you ”. I  Know  from  experience . When  I  handed  in  ideas  at  Triarc  Beverage , I  wrote  the  idea  in  non  beverage  specific  terms . They  eventually  realized  that  I  had  protected  it.  Smart  cookie.  Sadly , nothing  came  of  it.
BUT –  the  CEO  wanted  them.  Demanded  my  ideas . I  was  a  low  level  marketing  Trainee.   oK.  I  gave  you  a   big   one . Will   I   be  compensated ?
————————————————————————————  March  25, 13    cc:  EPA  Sustainable . FBI  HQ,  WH.  AIPAC  DC , ADL  NY,  Ad  Council
To “ the  gov’t ”: This  is  my  3rd  letter , Entitled “ Bread  &  Circuses  +  Internet ”. When  I   Sent  out  my  1st  Letter , I  thought  about  propaganda  ideas . As  ideas  progressed , I   switched  to  strategy , which  I  thought  you’d  prefer.
The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan-s . Just  Like  yours.
Strategy  # 1  How  about  a  Head  of  Propaganda ?  Title  should  not  mimic  German  evil “ propaganda ”. He  was  important  to  Hitler . One  of  the  1st  steps  of  the  Department  is  to  RE – think  current  propaganda.  Is  it  coherent  and  part  of  strategy ?   i.e,  Seat  belt  laws ?  Strategy  fits  how ?
If  decisions  are  decentralized   and  left  to  outside  private  Ad  Agencies , some  mistakes  could  be  made  over  here , but  not  over  here.   They  could  overlap  –  dryers  save  trees , but  paper  is  biodegradable  and  renewable…
+  I  saw  ( neutral  ?  )   American  Red  Cross  on  a   ( gov’t  ) FEMA  poster . Not  good . Guilt  by  association . YMCA  also.
+  Incoherent  –  3   fish  are  not  recommended  by  the  FDA ?  Also  sounds  not  believable.  =  Propaganda  – so  – messed  – up  – it  – makes  – no  – coherent  – sense  – whatsoever.
My  initial  perception  was  –  Ready.gov ,  FEMA  is  announcing  itself . But  now…  Just  makes  you  feel  Like  you  are  “moving  along ”. Making  progress.
Related : I  take  RTA . If  people  take  public  transportation , is  there  more  opportunities  to  propagandize ?  Promote  RTA ?  cost
Related : create  Ministry  of  Strategy . Not  important  –  I  say  Roman  architecture . chess – Like  tiles.  Is  it  necessary ?   What  are  its  functions ?  oF  course  –  statistical  analysis . Even  propaganda  requires  strategy . Maybe  even  located  next  to  each  other .
Strategy  #  2         RE – Think  Sports      Far  be  it  for  me  to  question  the  Romans , who  promoted  “ entertainment  for  the  masses ”.  But  I   Will .
With   today’s  mass  technology  ( TV , enough  good  movies , internet ) ,  entertainment  is  less  relevant . Even  in  the “ Radio  Days ”,  there  were  comic  books . Question  it  then .
The  sole  exception  is  the  internet , where  info  ( not  always  good  )   is  in  abundance . which  should  maybe  –  be  discouraged .         You  argue, “ It  is  another  avenue  to  promote  propaganda  or  refute ”.  It  is  also  a  Way  to  learn . There  are  safer  Ways .
Let’s  say  I  read  about  bad  unbranded  gasoline .  or  Kucinich  leading  on  internet  polls . Racial  history  is  oK , but  someone  reads  “Jena  6  largely  ignored  by  US  media ” –  it  leads  to  bias .
It  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  political  info.   or..or..or..or..or I  once  heard , “ Needs  to  be  controlled ”. or..or..or..or..or –  that  doesn’t  sound  controlled  to  me .
Related  is  a “ more  miles  to  the  gallon ” idea.  +  other  diversions . Like  Pat  Tillman , Kasparov  retired  from  chess , saying  that  there  was  no  point  to  it.  Why  not  promote  chess  clubs ?  Sports  can  become  redundant .
But  not  Sony  Play  Station ?  (  Electronic  in  nature , Like  internet  –  iF  you  are not  gonna  target  computers  or  electronic  typewriters . Why  not  Play  Station ?  ).
Bottom  line – Besides  sports , other  avenues  may  attract  more  people . The  pie  gets  bigger ……Romans  had  hobbies  too .
All  I   see  is  media  promoting  other  media  ( TV  show  on  ABC )  or  Wall  to  Wall  –  sports  –  even  on  front  page  of  Plain  Dealer.  I  do  not  see  you  promoting  other  hobbies . RTA,  No  other  hobbies , except  a  chess  tournament –  one  time  at  Tower  city.————————————3rd  letter
Strategy  #  3   Bugs , Worms  –  plague  the  internet . Like  movie  Dark  City , Shut  it  down ! ?
come  up   With   a  good   excuse  first . Like  Norton  cannot  stop  a  Worm  because  they  are  mutating  (  Like  Borg , no  time  to  adapt  )   AND  replicating  by  themselves . Progressively  getting  Worse .
Origins  unknown . Al  Quida  is  small.  Make  them  sophisticated ?   WTC  more  believable.  unknown  sounds  more  believable  Strategy.
continue   With   long  range  plan  –  gov’t  plays  hero  trying  to  stop  it . call  for  a  day  to  shut  down  internet . Improved , but  it  starts  again  faster . Another  day  to  spray.  Again . Warning . Soon  to  End  ……or  something.
I   stopped  here , but  thoughts  entered  –  Is  it  Way  too  late ?  Not  if  it  Keeps  people  UP  TO  DATE  also , Especially  if  you  are  trying  to  renovate  strategy.
Is  it  bett-er  Just  to  try  to  refute / Ambiguity ?  Is  there  a  way  for  only  gov’t  to  Keep  it ?  or  save  Wikipedia  info  before  shutting  it  down.
You  argue, “ internet  could  change  other  ( Arab  Spring  )  gov’ts  –  but  not  at  the  expense  of  your  own .  I  could  be  wrong , but  I  advise  –  How  about  Re – create  the  internet ?  smaller.
How  about  begin  plans –  now ?  could  always  change  mind  in  future . Takes  planning.  How  make  the  switch  over ?  Need  excuse . People  usually  think “ gov’t  did  it ”,  especially  if  only  gov’t  Keeps  it.————————————— 3rd  letter
Strategy  #  4   RE – think  Food  Stamps . Romans  were  masters  of  military , architecture , gov’t . They  hired  someone  to  whisper  in  the  General’s  ear, “ Remember , you  are  Just  a  man ”.  masters.
Romans  threw  edible  bread  ( could  there  be  a  reason ?  ) , not  gold  or  salt , out  to  the  people . I  recall  as  a  Kid , my  mom  got  a  huge  bar  of  free  gov’t  butter . But  you  can’t  eat  butter  now .
As  a  woman  Said  in  movie  ‘Food , inc ’…Then  you  have  to  buy  Ketchup  and  this  and  little  of  that …not  gonna  eat  all  of  it …Want  a  hamburger… something  you  can  eat  right  now …don’t  have  to  cook…
What  is  Food  anyway ?  commodity  as  it  gets . A  Forest  Gump  man  once  said  that  he  cleaned  the  coup  for  all  the  chicken  he  could  eat . Both  me  and  my  friend  told  him  that  it  was  not  a  good  deal .  I’d  Like  a  lifetime  supply  of  coupons  for  this  idea  alone.  Not  !  …Well ……… oK.  Me  and  my  Mom.
Like  soup  Kitchens  of  the  Great  Depression , this  is  more  related  to  STRATEGY  than  propaganda . All  these  other  PROPAGANDA  ideas  should  NOT  concern  the  White  House . Let  them  decide  if  I  found  a  strategic  flaw .
involving  –  only  on  holidays , military , “a  Warm  meal ”,  Remember  troops , surplus.. ?. .Etc.  Not  dust  bowl  –  Who  believes  droughts  in  America ?
I  receive  stamps , but  I  don’t  consider  it  to  be  Food . My  perception  –  I  see  it  more  as  extra  money . It  is  directly  deposited  into  my  banK  account . But , the  Romans  threw  bread , NOT  GOLD  or  Salt , out  to  the  people . Who’s  perception  matters ?  The  people’s  !  the  recipient’s …not  the  government’s  perception.
I  get  McDonald’s , Wendy’s , coupons  once  in  awhile  with  my  Junk  mail.  I  use  them.  How  about  gov’t  coupons  for  use  at  private  restaurants ?  choice  too.  I   Know  McDonald’s  promotes  gov’t  propaganda.
Just  a  thought  –  Isn’t  it  better , Solidify  tangible , if  Food  pic  is  on  the  coupon ?   PICTURES  MATTER . More  TANGIBLE . How  choice  then ?   Backflip  shows  different  alternative ?   With  Fries  or  dessert  and  drink  –  complete  meal  is  more  satisfying ?   Not  necessarily . In  this  case , details  matter  more . Don’t  Just  leave  it  up  to  engineers  (  Fans ).
one  time  use  coupons  require  frequent  interaction  (  cut  out  scissors , Take  out  of  wallet  ) , unLike  reloadable  gift  cards . Like  Seder  meals , it  brings  into  mind  where  it  comes  from.  Salty  tears  +  tablet  shaped  matzos.
I  don’t  Know  how  stamps  WorK  exactly  (  I  think  you  can  buy  restaurant  Food  )  , but  it  is  more  DIRECT  and  immediate  Than  butter . more  TANGIBLE  than  Food  stamps … more  SATISFYING  experience .
What  about  immediate ?  or  MRE   Food  giveaways   (  for  military )  –  i’ve  heard  it  being  done  before .  As  the  old  adage  goes , “ Dogs  don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  it ”.  Make  people  correlate  that  they  got  Food , not  money , from  the  gov’t .
More  in  tune  with  human  instincts  –  animals  fight  over  food.  fight  over  women.  Life’s  pleasure.  satisfying.  Related  to  that ?  Maybe  a  time  limit . dogs  need  to  learn  why  it  got  rewarded . Soon  after.
omg !   how  long  have  stamps  existed  and  no  one  RE-thought  this !  Flaws  in  your  strategy  +  propaganda –  FAN  Windmills . Expensive  LED’s.
Who  says  I’m  correct  ?  Taking  a “ swing ” at  your  strategies. “ Go  ahead ”.  It  is  encouraged  by  the  gov’t . oK  I  took  bread  and  game “ Tweaking ” swipes , internet  swings . and  now  Shadow…
What  is  the  cost  of  sound  advice  to  our  gov’t  who  spends  on  flawed  Shadow  gov’t  instead ?  Shadow  questions  both  the  Well – written  constitution  and  Romans  ( shortest , fastest  roads  to  suppress  uprisings ).
“ Go  ahead ”  Let  you’re  analysts  analyze  my  strategic  swings  !  Best  and   brightest  Strategy –  I  proved  myself ?   Hire  me !   Babylon  took  into  captivity .———————— 3rd  letter
Lesson  #  1   No  one  ever  used  fluoridated  water  or  contaminated  Food  as  a  part  of  strategy . Not  the  Romans . Not  china , even  today . etc  I  have , for  the  longest  time , doubted  its  Wisdom.
1.  Taste  and  smell  being  2  of  the  5  senses  people  use  to  discern  truth  ( and  lies ) . In  this  case , even  sight  –  growth  hormone  rBST  boobs  grow  prematurely.
2.  Ingredients  in  Asia , Middle  East  not  coherent  with  West.  Stevia  is  used  in  Japan  &  Korea  PUBLICLY,  but  the  FDA  +  media  are  covering  it  up.
VERY  POSSIBLE –  Even  when “ caught ”,  FolKs  tend  to  blame  money  interests , never  the  gov’t.  There  is  no  motive .  Easier  to  Keep  blaming  $  . I  once  read  on  internet –  significant  portion  of  India  believe  iodized  salt  is  a  multinational  conspiracy.
on  Yahoo  news , You  once  Said  –  blame  the  sugar  lobby . Then  you  are  blaming  only  one  industry . one  Food  item.  It’s  better  to  blame  the  Whole .
Related : I  Know  about  tainted  unbranded  gasoline  –  by  owning  a  car  in  the  past  and   reading  things  on  the  internet . It  does  not  make  sense  to  me.  incoherent.  Gas ?  Has  to  do  with  Food ? You  say  depopulate . But  gas ?  10W40  oil ?  Additives ? ——————————————– 3rd  letter
As  I  was  at  McDonald’s , it  came  to  me.  You  can’t  blame  industry  because  there  is  gov’t  complicity.  FDA.  Local  municipalities . 1930’s.  Blame  lobby  then.  JFK  –  Public  evidence  exists.        blame  mob . No , there  is  media  and  gov’t  complicity . create  impression  that  the  mob  has  influence ?
For  only  JFK  ?     could  use  as  excuse  for  other  mistaKes .         Will  this  impression  Fit  others , or  clash ?   You  already  created  the  impression  that  the  FBI  is  incompetent  ( Oklahoma  City ).  Could  this  make  people  who  watch  movies  think “ FBI  Warning  don’t  matter ? ”
AMA  is  famous  lobby.  Build  up  AMA  1st ?   Later , I  thought  –  I  prefer  a  Tag  Team  with  other  lobbies  as  various  foods  are  tainted.
What  about  McDonald’s  complicity ?   Movie  Supersize  me.  Attack  ADM , Supermarket  to  the  world  ?   Mid  level   employee  blew  the  whistle ?   or  hope  it  Just “ blows  over ”. Is  it  preferable  not  to  “ blow  the  whistle ”  &   Just  create  the  impression  that  certain  lobbies  have  influence  in  DC  India   (  worldwide )   instead ? —————- I  haven’t  resolved  this  issue  yet . All  these  ideas  can  be  further  refined.
Arafat  was  the  sole  survivor  in  a  plane  crash . In  college  class , I  recall  a  student  said , “ Yeah  right ” People  think  …Mossad  did  it  !
In  booK  ‘Disney  Wars ’, people  inside  (  and  outside ?  )   of  Disney  think  the  fortunes  for  the  company  changed  after  Frank  Well’s  death…People  watching  this  1   company.  Roy  is  seen  as  Protector  of  Legacy . Don’t  Kill  him.  It  matters  not  if  he  died  of  natural  causes.
Lesson  #  2    What  matters  is, “ Does  it  look  SUSPICIOUS ? ” Was  there  a  MOTIVE ?  Sound  believable ?   He  Kept  Eisner’s  power  in  check . They  said  on  Wikipedia –  that  there  was  a  motive  for  WTC  also.  War  in  Afghanistan , Iraq.
Lesson  #  3    Eisner  being  Jewish  did  not  help . It  hurt.  Rumors  do  exist.  MANY  Jews  in  Clinton  Administration  was  –  telling  me  to  write  to  ADL , AIPAC .
Jesse  Jackson  accused  the  3  Nixon  Administration . 3  Rubin  Greenspan  Summers . 2  more  at  Disney . I’m  sure  others  do  the  same . many  Jews  raises  suspicions . Why  do  that  ?
To  me  personally , book  Media  Bias  written  by  a  Jew , doesn’t  help  either. +  Saul  Steinstein ?   Disney  and  Goldsmith  Goodyear  leads  me  to  believe  hostile  corporate  takeover  is  part  of  your  strategy. I   think.
Even   if  a  problem  doesn’t  exist  ( which  it  does ), can  this  ‘Jewish  gov’t  control’  rumors  be  WEAKened  with  a  fabricated  story ?  off   hand  I  can’t  think  of  a  story , but  there  is  something  I’ve  been  mulling  –  a  Way  to  BLUNT.
My  Circus  Impression  idea  to  explain  media  +  gov’t .  What’s  that ?  Put  many  chinese  in  our  gov’t  to  explain  trade  deficit . Emphasize  Paramount  Japan  –  Hollywood  control . Paramount  +  NAACP  have  history . To  explain  food  corruption .
Many  lobbies  =  adds  up  to  chaos  and   leads  to  confusion .  creating  doubt  is  another  strategy  by  the  Way . NAACP  to  Explain  S A +  LA  silence . Emphasize  NAACP  actions  in  the  past  – they  threatened  to  boycott  Hazel  TV  show.  Explain  1970’s  TV.  latino  lobby ?  or  blacks  are  lowest , so  they  would  support “ Rainbow ”  immigration.
Short  term  –  global  pharmaceutical  lobby , NAACP  in  trouble , accusations .  Leads  to  statement  on  newspapers  –  similar  to  Consumer  Reports “ We  accept  no  outside  advertising  dollars ”.
Long  term  plan  –  major  crackdown . No  more  lobbies .  big  bang . All  propaganda  fixed .
What  about  Hollywood ?  There’s  no  way  around  it ?  Jews  would  still  remain  a  force  –  You  need  loyal  people  to  carry  out  your  bidding .  Name  change ?    —————————————3rd  letter
When  Milosevic  was  arrested , a  lower  level  employee  policeman  gave  him  his  Word  –  publicly . When  he  died , it  was  suspicious  to  me .
Almost  as  if  you  had  broken  your  Word . When  a  lower  level  auto  employee  gambled  with  company  money , the  whole  company  was  found  liable . Sure  we  all  croak  at  some  time.  Lesson  –  don’t  break  your  public  word . But  he  could  escape . Statistically , the  chances  of  a  prison  break  are  1  in  1oooooooooooooooo
What  happens  when  2  goals  conflict ?  Related  to  racism  and  Publicity  Strategy . Maybe  related  to  immorality  ( Lies )   agenda  – both  happened  slowly  at  1st.
Hoover  never  cared  about  the  KKK  ( SOCIAL ).  He  was  interested  with  the  communist  party  (  POLITICAL ).  Albright  said  “ Militia  is  enemy ”.  Same  thing .             But  the  KKK  not  Like  this  gov’ t  also.  But  their  interests , motives  are  social .
Lesson  #  4      Sure  it  hurts  the  agenda  of  mingling  seeds  together . But  helping  minorities  and  women  should  NOT  be  the  main  concern  to  the  gov’t . A  word  to  the  next  puppet  in  a  middle  eastern  country .
latinos  in  LA  ?   one  paragraph  in  the  Plain  Dealer . and  yet  blacks  are  leaving  LA.  SA  Farm  Murders . one  White  supremacist  got  Killed . But  it’s  happening  at  random . The  media  paints  this  picture  that  only  KKK  get  Killed .
It  also  leads  to  charges  of  MEDIA  bias  and   silence . What  is  more  important ?   Helping  minorities  or  media  integrity ?
Come  up  with  an  excuse  and  talk ? ? ? “ ANC  blackmailed … uranium ”. or  something .  LA  –  community  leaders  pleaded  with  media…  Which  leaders ?
CRITICAL  STEP –  attack  excuses  from  every  angle.  it  could  get  worse .
STEP  2  –  if  possible ,  outline  a  short  and  long  range  plan.  Kind  of  Like  what  I  did  with  Worm  internet  excuse.
Up  to  here , it’s  clear  to  me.  To  be  continued.  X X X
3rd  letter——————————————–
Is  it  better  to  try  to  let  things “ blow  over ” if  time  elapses  too  long ?  I  don’t  Know.  Related  : If  media  uses  same  excuse , or  excuses  many  times , could  it  also  lead  to  –  McDisney  movies  today  –  hero , girl , villain , comic  relief  same  storyline .
Pre – viz  long  range  implications ?   Should  you  select  certain  past  silences  1st  ?  on  what  criteria ?   I  am  not  about  to  tackle  all  this . Nor  the  amount  of  propaganda .
I  think  strategy  is  relative .  Anti – christ  is  Master  of  Strategy , As  opposed  to  novice  or  intermediate .  The  Golden  Rule  being  –  do  the  best  you  can  do.
I  think  –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  work , do  it . Brainpower  can  be  used  on  other  things.———————————-3rd  letter
continued.   X X X            or  spread  excuse  rumors.  Unofficial  media  leads  to  official  story . chemtrails  were  a  part  of  DOD  Strategy… Threat  to  National  Security  at  that  time… so  media  complied ”.
So  the  media  is  partial ?  Why  the  gap  in  time  to  report ?  Every  angle.
Why  not  other  media  companies ?   But –  people  think  there  is  choice  from  having  many  cable  stations – another  step  to  think  about ?   conglomerate  1st ?
Used  to  immunize  people . could  even  be  used  in  conjunction  with  Gulf  War  Syndrome .  or  frequently  printed  sentence-s. “ Rumors  are  circulating …
I  didn’t  Like  Israel  did  not  Know  USS  Liberty  was  American  excuse . For  hours ? ? ?  +  they  hoisted  a  flag  rumors . All  we  Know  is  Egypt  was  signaling  rumors –  better.  Ambiguity  then  –  I’m  not  sure  what  I  mean  by  that . Something  on  board  top  secret,  had  to  be  destroyed . I  heard  about  MLK’s  death –  a  man  named  Raoul  –  led  me  to  believe  in –  conspiracy.
Rumors  of  Rabin’s  death  also . Princess  Diana  Mossad  rumors . Motive ?   I  read  the  same  thing  about  the  Lusitania . Bombs  or  something  –  VAGUE.  conspiracy ?    I  don’t  Know . Motive  ?
In  Liberty  case , Way  too  much  time  expired ?   Perhaps . No  problems  as  long  as  there  is  not  200  scared  witnesses  released  back  into  the  population.
Note : There  is  no  motive  for  chemtrails  also.  I  personally  guess , Like  Food , to  poison  air  supply . Milosevic –  I  guess  you  broke  your  word . I  could  be  wrong. ———————————–3rd  letter
I  was  grocery  shopping,  when  it  hit  me –  if  it  sounds  Like  it  may  succeed , do  it……… I   said  before .   I  erred  –  long  range  implications ?   criteria ?  – should  be  tackled .              More  Specifically  –  time . The  longer  you  wait  to  go  public  with  a  silence  in  the  past , the  harder  it  is  to  go  public.———————————3rd  letter
Pre – Viz   or  long  word  pre – visualization …  Part  of  strategy ?   I  don’t  Know.  It’s  Just  something  I  thought  of.     So  important ��to  Lucas,  he  hired  Speilberg  For  Pre-viz
This  is  what’s  going  to  happen…” What  did  you  think  about  Tony’s  ideas ? ” I  agree  with  sports  and  hobbies.  I  didn’t  really  think  about  mass  technology  part  Yet , go  with  that  first … I  Like  his  gov’t  food  coupons …
When  I  generated  my  comic  book  idea , I  hit  a  few  dead  ends . It  became  clearer  and  instead  of  continuing  down  the  wrong  path , I  “ Re – started ”  my  computer.
What  is  the  point  of  this  letter ?   So  the  gov’t  made  mistakes  in  the  recent  past . So  what  ?
Don’t  do  it  again . YOU  LEARNED  a  little , didn’t  you ?
I’m  not  familiar  with  strategy  concepts  and  teachings . I  Just  wrote  and  wrote –  it  came  naturally  to  me  (  and  generated  more  ideas  ).  As  a  Job  search .
I  prefer  to  work  freelance , but  I’d  also  Like  to  be  put  on  the  company  payroll  –  something  to  tell  my  family. “ I  got  a  Job ”.  But , I  cannot  generate  ideas  all  the  time . It  comes  and  goes.
Do  you  Know  how  important  good  ideas  or  sound  advice  is ?   Do  you  Know  how  much  military  money  you  could’ve  saved  by  using  my  middle  east  strategy  (  letter  1  )   in  Iraq ?
Every  idea  I  generate  put  a  price  tag  on  it . It  saves  you  $  and  motivates  me . You  want  me  to  initiate ?  No , I  prefer  the  Ebay  approach .  Hint  :  I  work  for  cheap.
Maybe  I’ll  buy  an  old  Disney  movie  on  Ebay – or…or…or…or
Homeland  Defense  –  “ Look  inward ”,  Pres  Bush  said.  Did  you  mean  Focus ?   I’ve  never  heard  that  before  –  as  part  of  strategy . At  least , I  got  you  thinking  about  strategy  ( GooD  THING , also  unappreciated  ).
My  internet  final  solution  is  pretty  solid , isn’t  it ?  You  had  a  little  time  to  analyze . Not  gonna  change  is  it  ?    Re-create  I  mean . MAJOR  Advice  AFFECTING  SO  MANY.————————————- 3rd  letter
I  advise  that  a  similar  letter  be  read  by  many  in  the  gov’t .        or  as  it  is  immediately  to  top  brass.
STEP  1   Re-type  letters  word  For  word .  Make  the  font  bigger . Double  check  accuracy  is  going  too  far , should  be  standard  procedure . on  hard  disk  too
STEP  2   Discuss  my  letters  in  the  WH.
STEP  3  ?   Implement  some  of  my  more  solid  ideas  now.
STEP  4  ?    Edit  my  letters . concise  or  hide  sensitive  info.
STEP  5  ?  Widen  the  base  outward . Simple  matter  of  distributing  my  letters  to “ Think  Tanks ”.  Fellow  strategists.
Major –  How  to  conquer  the  Middle  East  in  letter  1.
State  of  Mind  Theory  in  Letter  2  –  certainly  helps  to  unlock  mysteries  about  the  Middle  East , Hezbollah , DOESN’T  IT ?   maybe ?
Major  – Internet  is  important  enough.
Analyze  my  analysis . Minor :    Food  Stamps –  Food,  not  money . correct  ?   A   Flaw  ?          consistently  good  ideas… Fans  Assist  AC . Look  Like  Windmills . big  eco.
I  proved  that  there  is  room  for  propaganda  and  strategy  and  maybe  understanding  growth  ( THESE  means  gov’t  should  be  concerned –  big  ones  too )  and   refinement . I  wonder  why  it  takes  you  so  long  to  tackle  the  un-controlled  internet  in  particular.  or  Fans …… Food  stamps  not  too  obvious.
I  see  and  understand  your  efforts  by  your  actions   (  Shadow , Build  plan . Ready  !   ) . You  Jews  try  hard.    Try  less  hard  and  more  brainpower.
You  Jews  are  very  cautious . Hollywood  lied  very  slowly  at  1st . +  Seeds  of  men  mingle  Slowly  at  1st .  Sometimes  I  pity  you.  Not  really …….  But  in  a  “desperate”  sort  of  Way
I’ve  been  away  for  awhile  (  between  letters 1 , 2  +  the  gap  in   time  for  this  one  #  3  )  writing  strategy  letters  to  the  KKK.  I  may  show  you  what  I  wrote  to  them –  Later –  Just  to  further  prove  my  strategy  skills  to  you .
You  owe  me  FF  Fans  Food Stamp ?  +  others  ( Sports ?,  INTERNET,  crank…).  Show  me  a  little.        and   I’ll  show  you  more  strategic  ideas .
I  saved  the  best  for  last . You  might  guess  one  of  them , but  I  doubt  the  other. Maybe  I’m  bluffing . More  ?   Prepare  to  be  blown  away .
It’s  not  Fair  but  I  learned  at  Triarc , you  must   trust  the  company  because  the  company  can’t  trust  you .  But  if  I’m  not  compensated , I  won’t  think  anymore  than  what  I  already  thought  up.
April   27,  2013               What  good  is  it  For  me  to  Keep  these  strategic  ideas ?  Almost  all  were  generated  after  my  1st  letter  dated  August  5 ,  2012.
My  Fourth  and  last  letter  dated  April  10, 2013.     In  between  1 – 4 ,  I’ve  been  busy  writing  strategic  letters  to  the  KKK  and  a  Twilight  Zone  movie  script  Why  mention  that  ?  As  a  reference  should  you  desire  to  try  to  get  a  clearer  picture  of  me.
I  was  motivated  to  try  to  get  a  Job  when  I  wrote  to  the  gov’t . In  doing  so , I  accidentally , over  time , discovered  that  there  is  room  for  improvement  in  both  the  KKK  and  the  gov’t’s  strategies . Shame  on  both  of  you . ——————————– 4th  letter
April  10,  2013              cc: CNN  +  Plain  Dealer , Ad  Council  DC , NY , Atlanta , Chicago                           cc:  WH,  AIPAC  DC,  Homeland  D , ADL  OH , DC , NY ,     FBI  DC,  OH,   EPA  Sustain , DOE
To “ the  government ”:     This  is  my  4th  letter , entitled “ Antichrist  Letter ”. The  following  is  not  a  coherent  or  developed  strategic  plan – s.  Just  Like  yours.
How  about  a  renovation  at  the  strategic  level ?   Blatant  mistakes were  committed  ( especially  in  the  relatively  recent  )  past , some  of  which  cannot  be  corrected  in  the  future .
An  anti – gov’t  cancer  exists  in  Saudi  Arabia  and  because  of  internet . No  amount  of  strategy  can  Kill  it  –  unless  you  Kill  everyone –  I  think .
            Wrong  strategy –  Let  cancer  grow.  Clean  it  up  later  With  SWAT  and  prisons.
Let’s  not  forget  the  good  –  Seawolf  sub  plot , destroy  a  tank  before  China  can  get  their  hands  on  it , etc.  etc.  not  just  China .  Yet , China  itself , is  a  potential  mistake  waiting  to  happen . Why  help  in  the  1st  place ?
But  as  Bible  says , “ He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  be  a  master  of  strategy .  He  will  succeed  in  all  that  he  does ”…I  believe  you  will  succeed  in  efforts  to  reconstruct  strategy.  Good  luck
It  tooK  him  time , but  King  David  Knew  one  of  his  advisors  was  LiKe  taking  advice  from  God ”. He  gave  the  correct  advice  (  go  now ) , but  someone  secretly  working  for  David  gave  the  wrong  advice ( WAIT ),  and  made  a  convincing  argument . All  the  advisors  bit  !
Lesson –  Just  because  correct  advice  is  given , doesn’t  mean  it  will  be  heeded .  But  how  did  David  discern  he  was  good ?   He  was  a  good  Judge  of  character ?
Strategy  # 1  Related :  and  also  mind  boggling . CAN  UNDERSTANDING   BE  TAUGHT ?  This  understanding  is  something  I  Know  little  about. maybe  funding  some  experiments  at  colleges  could  help  you  gain  insight .
Again , according  to  the  Bible –  He  ( Anti – Christ )  will  understand  darK  sentences …I  believe  you  will  succeed  once  again .  I  don’t  Know  what  dark  sentences  means.
Primarily  sight  and  sound.  Body  language ?  Tone  and  speed  of  voice . Playing  offense –  asking  questions . Correct  himself  means  he  is  lying .  Inconsistencies ?  Re-phrase  the  same  question.            
But  if  you  teach  them , they  may  get  Wise  to  tactics . This  understanding  is  something   I  haven’t  thought  about  to  any  degree , but  it  could  give  you  a  Tactical  EDGE , especially  in  DIPLOMACY.
Strategy  # 2  A  hierarchy. The  one  who  makes  that  decision  should  be  the  best . She  should  Know  how  it  all  fits  together.     or  a  system.  A  meeting . Under  certain  criteria .
If  ideas  are  too  numerous , have  staffers  decide . A  FILTER. or  as  you  say  “1st  Responders”.  How  else  are  good  ideas  going  to  reach  the  WH ?  Easy  access. This  letter  can  be  an “ acid  test ”.  Training  could  help – identify.
Borrowing  a  Roman  strategy ,   perhaps  filters  can  be  scared –  Kill  soldiers  who  fall  asleep  on  watch  duty.  FBI  will  investigate. “ How  would  they  Know ? ” the  filter  may  think ?  create  doubt  in  his  mind  –  post  office  checks  mail  from  time  to  time.
When  I  worked  at  Triarc , Mistic  Dark  Teas  was  unknown  to  me.    Hence,  when  I  eventually  generated  an  Arab  bottle  with  a  long  sipping   spout  idea , it  was  too  late  to  implement  it –  unlike  propaganda , I  am  not  familiar  with  your  strategies . it  impedes  me  from  generating  ideas.
Take  propaganda  for  example  –  to  help  generate  ideas , info  would  be  required .  Education , military , gay . Past  examples  help  in  the  learning  process.  Doesn’t  it  destroy  the  purpose  once  tactics  are  understood ?  Like  understanding . You  don’t  want  them  to  Know  it  is  propaganda . We  are  being  lied  to  by  Hollywood.
Strategy  # 3        Another  idea  –  as  I  was  freely  writing , I  thought  it  Would  help  if  I  could  see  more  and  more , Like  how  Wikipedia  exploded  –  help  me  to  see  the  big  picture  clearer.  I  Started  the  3rd  and  4th  letter  With  a  skeleton  and  added  onto  it  later  – FREELY.
Put  it  on-Line ?  Keep  adding  to  big  STRATEGY  PLAN  (  Make  a  map ).  Then  subtract  and  edit . Growth  and  refinement.  For  now , I  advise  that  you  focus  on  growth  (  Strategy  Plan  or  training ?  ),  not  so  much  Fine  tuning  ( hierarchy ).  When  you  say  growth  do  you  mean  Teaching  or  the  Strategy  Plan ?  I  don’t  Know  What  I  mean , but  the  Plan  for  sure.
You  should  Focus  on  this  decentralized  strategy  first.  OUTWARD,  THEN  IN – and  out  again  and  so  Forth . After  you  do  some  things – Keep  going  outward  for  Awhile.  Eventually  to  mid  level , maybe  all  employees.  In  stages  as  things  become  clearer.
It  leads  to  greater  understanding . Knowledge  builds  on  Knowledge . HE  Fans  Led  to  HE  bulbs . Hand  crank  shredder  Led  to  hand  crank  other . it  took  time  for  me  to  see  more  propaganda.
How  do  you  balance  the  need  for  secrecy  With  the  decentralized  teaching  approach ?  Hmm ?   I’m  not  familiar  With  your  strategies.
SUPER  STRATEGY  # 4   TEACHING.  PEOPLE  CAN  BE  TAUGHT  TO  THINK  STRATEGICALLY.  Why  would   I   give  you  an  idea  that  could  create  more  competition   for   me ?   I   Like  this  idea  more  than  any  other.  it  should  allow  you  to  tap  ideas  from  your  vast  pool  of  human  resources , and   put  me  out  of work.  Not  that  I’m  working  for  you .
INNER:  those  in  the  inner  circle  could  be  electronically  connected.  How  WiKipedia  exploded . I  prefer  the  PLAN  With  HTML  Links . I  think  communication  among  strategists  would  be  important  while  growth  occurs . How  did  WiKipedia  start ?
Two  prong  approach  – those  powerful  in  the  inner  circle  taught  to  think  more  strategically . Read  my  3rd  lessons  letter –  again .  Sharpen  their  swords .
Who  dares  to  bother  the  powers  that  be ?    It  can  be  taught , can’t  it  ?  Rodney  Dangerfield  says  “ Back  to  school  ! ”
OUTER  INNER:  Who  would  that  include ?  Keep  pushing  out.  How ?  Less  sensitive  info ?  I  don’t  Know.   ALL:  A  continuing  letter-s.  other  types  of  training –  how  to  work  with  other  agencies .  Sharing  info.
could  Lie –  NEA  ( not  gov’t )  promotes  education. Any  ideas ?  one  Way  is  to  present  it  as  a  case  example , Like  I  did  at  Akron  University  – Taking  Words  out  and   supplementing  Them.
could  tell  the  truth  –  Recently  we  changed  Food  Stamps . can  you  employees  think  of  any  Ways  of  improving  gov’t  programs ?  Then  there  will  be  many  silly  ideas . Need  filters.
Is  there  a  Way  to  draw  ideas  from  the  general   public ?  Caribou  coffee  once  had  a  contest.   Why  they  Like  it.  Words  from  a  Few  people  were  printed  on  cups . Hold  contests ?  Maybe  offer  a  reward  if  it  leads  to…
Hint : Irish  Brit  are  beautiful.  Roberta  Pedon  was  not  Latvian . She  was  Irish . Tina  Small . BooBS
Joke  –  I  heard  the  Mossad  spends  months  – trying  to  figure  out  what  the  right  bait  is . Why  not  hire  women  with  big  boobs ?   can’t  Go  wrong  most  of  the  time  anyway.
LiKe  in  movie  ThanK  You  For  SmoKing  –  irish  Type.  World  class  Tits … Reporter  trying  to  get  privileged  info  is  not  relevant ?
Physical  appearance  matters  –  Clothes  noble  Wig , Race  –  blend  in  With  enemy , Trojan  Horse  Paper  Tiger .         Strange  –  Anti – christ ?   “ King  of “ Fierce  countenance ”.
oF  all  the  ideas  I  have  generated  in  my  Life , I’d  say  this  ( THESE )  strategic  WH ,  or  Triarc  Gimmick  contract   (  Later  Free  Will , Free  Choice , Free  Stuff  –  Pepsi  did  – Fit  perfectly  )   was  best.
When  I  initially  came  up With  Triarc  idea,  it  was  Just  a  vague  concept.  CEO  told  me  “Hmm… interesting ”.  Long  story , but  he  wanted  it  !
    Another  minor , but  solid  1  for  Triarc  +  my  comic  booK –  not  great , but  consistently  good  enemies.  In  a  competitive  field  –  beverages  and  comics .
People  can  be  taught  to  think  strategically  Was  already  written . Later , I  came  to  the  growing  realization  that  I  had  stumbled   ( accidentally )  upon  People  can  be  taught  to  understand.   I   Knew  I  had  strucK  gold  !
Grand  slams  are  rare  ( TMNT , but  not  April  o ’Neal ,  KC )   ( Spiderman  2,  but  not  3 ),   but  I  hit   2.            Star  Wars ,  Empire  Strikes  BacK  –  bacK  to  bacK.                           Yet ,  consistent  solid  ideas  is  the  Key  to  gauging  a  quarterback . basic  Fans , Food  stamps , etc .
I  came  up  with  almost  all  of  these  strategic  ideas  long  ago , but  not  before  my  1st   letter . I   admit   I  saved  these  teaching  ones  for  last –  I  don’t  want  competition . I  may  generate  more .  Depends  on  whether  I  am  compensated  and  how  much  you  improve .
Remember  how  I  began  (  letters  1 – 3  )  ?   I   did  not  have  to,  but   I   proved  that  there  is  room  for  improvement . I  am  not  familiar  With  your  strategies , so  I  might  switch  back  to  propaganda  in  the  future . It  has  some  value  at  least , as  long  as  it  is  related  to  sound  strategy .
Put  in  a  good  word  For  me  in  the  WH . And   I’ll  put  in  a  word   for  my  brother  –  he  has  a  tiny  advertising  company  also.
To  the  one  who  initially  reads  this , the  critical  “ 1st  Responder ”  as  you  say . Please  see  to  it  that  this  letter  reaches  the  oval  office –  your  boss .  I   sent  out  quite  a  Few.
……….I  think  the  gov’t  will  LiKe this “ Antichrist ” letter  –  could  even  lead  to  fulfillment  of  end  time  prophecy.                                      Sincerely , Tony
E n d——————————– E n d
More   –   edited   –   letters     I     Wrote     in     the     past …
Imagine  my  surprise  when  2  FBI  agents  visited  me  in  early  August  2013  –  Is  this  what  I   get  for  trying  to  help  the  gov’t ?
Like  I  told  them , if  I  thought  my  letters  didn’t  have  potential , I  wouldn’t  be  pursuing  the  matter  and  Keep  mailing  (  trying  to  reach  the  gov’t ) .   Page  1  of  3
I  want  you  to  Know  that  I  developed  these  pretty  good  ideas . Isn’t  that  what  business  people  do  in  Life  –  try  to  get  credit  where  credit  is  due . To  me , the  image  is  Worth  a  Few  stamps . Did  I  explain ?   I  don’t  want  to  be “ used ”.
As  one  of  the  agents  advised  me  to  try  the  DoE  ( Fan  idea ) ,  I  told  him  I  already  did , but  I’ll  try  again . Both  nodded  and  agreed  –  it  is  a  good  idea .   Page  2  of  3
………….. He  wasn’t  sure , but  another  thing   I  discussed  with  an  FBI  agent  was  my  Food  stamp  Flaw . He  told  me  the  Romans  threw  silver  out  to  people , but  it  didn’t  Work  very  Well  and  that  bread  was  distributed  only  in  Rome .
………….. So , I’m  sending  this  to  the  Dept  of  Agriculture  also .  I  told  the  agents  that  I  thought  my  letters  had  great  potential . They  were  skeptical.
………….. The  good  thing  is  –   Now  I  Know  that  someone  is  taking  a  serious  Look  at  my  letters , instead  of  the  usual  silent  non-response  (  and  making  me  Wonder )
……… I  am  so  sure  that  my  Arab  is  a  state  of  mind  theory  is  correct  that  I  Will  *guarantee*  it.
The  bad  thing  is , the  Men  in  Black  visit  scared  me .   Page  3  of  3 ———————————————————— August  1 , 2013   Dear  Prime  Minister To –  Netanyahu , Peres  Peace  House , Jerusalem  Post =  Israel  gov’t ? ———————————————————— August  19 , 2013     continued  –  Whites  were  not  prepared   and   had  to  go  back  home  and  get  their  guns  during  Tulsa …  After  the  blood  donation  scandal ,  Israeli  police  Were  unprepared  for  violent  demonstrations  by  the  Ethiopian  Jews .
I  Read  in  Haaretz  July  18 , 2013  – “ Public  Security  Minister  warns  against  major  protests  over  Bedouin  relocation  plans ”…  A  violent  state  of  mind . Potentially  dangerous.
Race  crosses  national  boundaries . Blacks  in  Western  Africa  and  America  are  proud  of  obama . Refugees  from  Somalia , Eritrea  tried  to  Flee  into  Israel , even  though  they  are  not  Jews . ———————————————————— President  Bush  once  said , “ it  is  better  to  engage  the  enemy  over  here , rather  than  on  our  own  home  turf , backyard ”.
The  purpose  of  strategy  is  to  Win . current  strategy  places  troops  in  Iraq  and  Afghanistan , Just  Like  Soviet  occupation  or  Vietnam . A  no-Win  situation.
To –  Ministry  of  Immigrant  Absorption  and  Health ,  Isha  L’  Isha  also
E N D  ————————————— E N D
I  Wrote  a  TWilight  Zone  remake  movie  script .  It  is  super  duper  long  .  I  did  not  send  it  to  anyone  out  of  Fear  they  Will  steal  it . Nor  completely  finish  it . Good  ideas  in  it  for  TV .  Anyone  Who  Wants  to  see  it  ?   Will  you  give  me  a  job  ?
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
The Story Of 2 Families And The Real-life Impact of Obamacare Repeal
RALEIGH, N.C. Jennifer and Keith Gibbs say the Affordable Care Act has hurt their family, sticking them with soaring premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Claire and Allen Secrist say the law has helped them and their young daughter, making it possible to get life-changing medical care while avoiding financial ruin.
The two families live 30 miles apart, and have never met each other. But their stories show how the 2010 health care law has created both winners and losers and what Republican repeal efforts, now underway, would mean for each.
The heart of the Republicans repeal campaign is a promise to improve things for people, like Jennifer and Keith, who feel the Affordable Care Act has hurt them. Ive met with so many victims of Obamacare, President Donald Trump said this week, during a speech in Nashville, Tennessee. We will replace Obamacare and make health care better for you and your families.
But amid questions about what repeal would actually entail, Republicans have also made promises to families like the Secrists, who are among the 20 million people depending on the health care law. Nobody will be worse off financially, Tom Price, Trumps secretary of health and human services, claimed in an interview this past Sunday.
This is not a vow Republicans can fulfill. And theres a very simple reason for that. In the GOP Obamacare narrative, the Affordable Care Act imposed regulations that made insurance more expensive for families like the Gibbses and then it spent a bunch of taxpayer money in ways that dont actually help them.
That narrative is more or less correct. It is also incomplete. Specifically, it leaves out the part about how those same regulations, and that same government spending, have put decent coverage within reach for families like the Secrists. Take away the rules and the money, as Republicans propose to do, and families like the Gibbses might feel better off. But the Secrists, just as surely, would suffer.
The American Health Care Act, the bill that House Republican leaders hope to bring to a floor vote next week, is the proof. If it were to become law,a family like the Gibbses could end up spending less on their health insurance premiums, in exchange for a policy that would cover less. The family would also benefit from substantial new tax breaks the GOP proposal would make available to them. But a family like the Secrists would struggle to find a policy with the comprehensive benefits they require, and even if they could find one, they would not be able to afford it. They would probably end up uninsured, struggling to get medical care they desperately need.
This outcome isnt inevitable. There are ways to help the ACAs losers without hurting its winners. But those alternatives would involve different choices and trade-offs than Republicans are considering.
Their Premiums Went Up And Kept Going Up
The Gibbses are in their 40s, with two teenage daughters. Keith runs a business advising pharmaceutical and biotech companies that he started a few years ago, in part so he could have more control of his schedule and spend time at home. Jennifer works part-time for a nonprofit organization that helps former prisoners. Their neatly decorated, two-story house sits in a fast-growing neighborhood, popular with people who work in the areasResearch Triangle.
They buy coverage on their own, rather than through an employer. In 2013, before the main provisions of the ACA took effect, they paid about $7,200 for a policy from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. The plan they had was relatively generous, because it included things like inpatient rehabilitative services that employer plans routinely included but many non-group plans did not.
But the plan was cheap for a reason. It had limited mental health benefits, and it didnt cover maternity benefits at all. It also had a lifetime limit on how much it would pay out, which meant that if somebody in the Gibbs family ended up with an illness requiring years of intensive treatment say, an aggressive cancer it was possible their bills could hit that ceiling, and then theyd be on the hook for the rest.
Jonathan Cohn
About 1 in 5 people who tried to buy the same policy as Jennifer and Keith Gibbs got turned down, according to statistics at healthpocket.com.  
Most important of all, that Blue Cross plan wasnt available to everybody. At the time, Blue Cross, like other insurers, practiced medical underwriting. It would charge higher premiums, withhold benefits or deny coverage to people whose histories suggested they were at high risk of illness. About 1 in 5 people who tried to buy the same policy as the Gibbses got turned down, according to statistics at healthpocket.com. That number almost surely understates the proportion of people who wouldnt have been able to buy it if theyd tried, because many people with pre-existing conditions knew that applying for coverage was futile.
Back then, the list of conditions that insurers cited to justify higher premiums, benefit exclusions or outright denials included everything from Crohns disease and cancer to diabetes and epilepsy. Roughly 27 percent of the population has a condition that qualified as uninsurable under the old criteria, according to a December study from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Around 17 percent of people who tried to buy coverage on the individual market in the days before the Affordable Care Act were rejected, according to the same study in other words, roughly the same percentage who tried and failed to get the policy that the Gibbses successfully purchased.
The Affordable Care Acts consumer protections, particularly the promise of coverage for pre-existing conditions, are among its most popular features. They also made insurance a lot more expensive, because it meant insurers were covering large medical expenses for people they never had to cover before.
When Blue Cross announced the new rates, it told subscribers that, taking account of the laws financial assistance, it expected that about two-thirds of its customers would pay the same or less for insurance, while one-third would face substantial increases. In a prepared statement, the companys chief actuary explained that the law will make coverage available to many who have never had it and will enhance benefits for most consumers. These are good things, but they come at a cost.
For the Gibbses, the cost brought their premiums up to $9,600 a year, a hefty increase but not one that seemed outrageous. A year later, however, Blue Cross discontinued the plan altogether. Jennifer shopped on healthcare.gov and found a UnitedHealthcare plan. But it was about $12,000 a year, Jennifer says and, one year later, the price went up again.
Like many insurers across the country, North Carolinas were realizing they had badly misjudged the market. Healthy people werent signing up in the numbers theyd hoped, and the newly insured needed more care than theyd anticipated, leading to huge losses. This past year, UnitedHealthcare pulled out of the state altogether, leaving most of North Carolina with just one carrier.
That sent Jennifer back to healthcare.gov, where, she says, plans similar to her old one had premiums of nearly $20,000 a year, which would be more than their mortgage. And that didnt include out-of-pocket costs that could exceed $10,000 if serious medical problems struck. The cheaper options had networks without their doctors, or they were bronze plans with even higher out-of-pocket costs.
Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money to us, Jennifer says. They would have still been able to pay their bills, but it would have meant cutting back or giving up on extras like eating out, taking family vacations or replacing one of the family cars. (Their minivan is 13 years old.) Eventually, they found a way to qualify for a small-business plan, which Blue Cross sold them directly for a premium of $16,000 a year. It was still a lot more money than they had paid before the ACA.
Jennifer knows that her family has been fortunate in many ways, with good health except for one daughters asthma.She believes strongly in what the Affordable Care Act was trying to accomplish. I do like the idea that, if you cant afford insurance, then you should be able to have it that is something the government should absolutely provide, she says. But she feels the administration went about it the wrong way. I really didnt imagine it would affect us this much, she said.
They Would Never Have Gotten Coverage
The Secrists live on the other side of Raleigh-Durham, in a townhouse-style apartment that is part of a development alongside one of the areas main highways. Their living room has all the appurtenances of young parents with a young child, from the stack of compact discs on the floor to the stray crayon marks on the wall.
The Secrists pay a lot less for their coverage than the Gibbs family does and they depend on it a lot more. In 2013, Claire Secrist became pregnant and developed pre-eclampsia. She went through a difficult delivery, severely injuring her pelvic bone and losing so much blood that she required a transfusion. Afterward, she needed surgery, rehabilitation and extensive medication. Their 3-year-old daughter, Holly, has battled severe health problems since birth including retinoblastoma, cancer of the eye. Eventually doctors had to remove Hollys eye and replace it with a prosthetic. Allen, for his part, has a congenital condition that predisposes him to skin cancer and requires constant monitoring, including semiannual biopsies.
When Claire was pregnant, the Secrists still had employer coverage through the pathology lab where Allen worked as a technical assistant. After she gave birth, he lost the position in a round of layoffs and the Secrists lost their insurance with it. Holly qualified for coverage under North Carolinas version of the Childrens Health Insurance Program, a federal-state program for kids who live in households with relatively low income. But for the next two years, while Allen was driving for Grubhub and taking on other part-time jobs, and Claire was working for a school-testing company while she studied for a degree in library sciences, the couple got insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Jonathan Cohn
Claire, Holly and Allen Secrist need the kind of financial assistance that the Affordable Care Act provides — and that Republicans would take away.
At the time, their combined income was around $30,000 not nearly enough to pay for a comprehensive policy on their own, given that necessities like food, rent and gas gobbled up most of their disposable income. They were, however, eligible for the Affordable Care Acts tax credits, which the government applied in advance in order to discount their premiums. By design, the laws tax credits are greater for people with lower incomes or higher insurance costs. For a family like the Secrists, who had both, it worked out to about $10,000 a year in assistance.
The Secrists income also qualified them for assistance with out-of-pocket costs money, again, that the federal government paid directly to the insurers. Altogether, Claire figures, they ended up spending less than $3,000 a year on medical care, despite having so many conditions requiring ongoing, otherwise expensive treatment.
The coverage was hardly perfect. Coventry, the insurer they had for the first year, kept refusing to authorize Claires surgery. The network for the policy they got the following year didnt include a therapist she was seeing for postpartum depression. But the plan included all of the familys other doctors, including several specialists at nearby Duke University Medical Center. More importantly, Claire says, it covered their panoply of medical bills except for small out-of-pocket expenses here and there.
The coverage has been really helpful, Claire says expressing a sentiment a lot more common than critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to concede. The majority of people buying private policies through the law are satisfied with them, surveys by the Commonwealth Fund and the Kaiser Foundation have found. And the coverage seems to make a difference, improving access to care and reducing financial strain from medical bills, according to several studies published in the last two years.
We simply wouldnt be able to maintain our current level of decent health without the insurance they have now, Claire says. We would likely try to get some care like vaccinations at community health centers. But otherwise, I guess we would just be in a lot of trouble.
Winners And Losers In The Republican Plan
If the American Health Care Act or something like it becomes law, all of this would change.
Republicans want to redirect the financial assistance the Affordable Care Act provides. They would eliminate the ACAs tax credits, which provide more assistance to people with low incomes or high insurance costs, and replace them with flat credits that would be available to everybody except people with very high incomes. These credits would vary only by age, but not enough to keep up with higher prices that insurers could charge older consumers. Unlike the Affordable Care Act, the American Health Care Act would include no extra assistance with out-of-pocket costs.
Republicans have also made clear they would like to eliminate or at least weaken most of the Affordable Care Acts insurance regulations by allowing insurers to cover a smaller portion of medical bills, and to stop covering services like mental health. Even the bills (popular) guarantee of coverage for people with pre-existing conditions is up for debate: Republicans think it should apply only to people who maintain continuous coverage. Under the American Health Care Act, people who allow coverage to lapse for more than 63 days would be subject to a 30 percent markup on premiums although that provision is one of several that conservative Republicans have proposed revising.
The Republicans bill does not include all the regulatory changes theyve said they want, because inserting those provisions would complicate their effort to push repeal through the budget reconciliation process, where they could pass it without Democratic support. The bill would, however, immediately eliminate the individual mandate, which incentivizes healthy people to sign up for insurance by imposing a financial penalty on people who do not. For that reason, the Congressional Budget Office this week predicted that, for the first two years, the Republican proposal would actually cause premiums to rise.
But afterward, CBO predicted, less comprehensive plans would come to dominate the market, while older people, who would find policies both less generous and more expensive, would drop coverage altogether. As a result, premiums would grow at a slower rate, eventually dipping down below where they would be if the Affordable Care Act had stayed in place. And theyd come down even more if Republicans found a way to further weaken regulations, through either executive action or future legislation two things that they have promised.
That still might not produce huge savings for families like the Gibbses, at least right away. But over time, theyd probably be spending less on premiums than they would if the ACA had stayed on the books. Of course, they might also have higher out-of-pocket costs, which could mean bigger bills if somebody got seriously ill.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation
The bigger savings for the Gibbs family would come from the redirection of subsidies. They make just a little too much money to qualify for the Affordable Care Acts financial assistance. Thats why they are paying full price. But they would be eligible for the tax credits in the Republican plan, because everybody is, regardless of income. The two kids would qualify for $2,000 each, the two parents $3,000 and so, altogether, theyd stand to get $10,000 a year, no matter where their premiums ended up.
Under the Republican bill, many other Americans would end up getting bigger tax subsidies than they would under the Affordable Care Act. That includes people who get only a little financial assistance now, but still face premiums they find difficult to pay. The GOP plan could make those premiums easier to afford — although, again, those people could also end up with less comprehensive coverage.
For a family like the Secrists, these changes would work out very differently. They need the kind of financial assistance that the Affordable Care Act provides and that Republicans would take away. Under the Republican bill, Allen and Claire, who are slightly younger than Jennifer and Keith, would each qualify for a $2,500 credit, or $5,000 between the two of them. Thats a lot less than the nearly $10,000 the Affordable Care Act would make available to the couple.
To get the kind of coverage they have today, with the same kinds of benefits, they would probably end up paying about $6,000 a year in premiums. That would be two to three times what they pay now, and almost certainly beyond their ability to pay particularly since, without the Affordable Care Act, they wouldnt have the extra protection from out-of-pocket costs.
A skimpier policy with fewer benefits would be cheaper, and that might be the only kind of policy the market offered them anyway if insurer regulations became weaker. But as heavy users of medical care, the Secrists would almost surely end up owing even more money in out-of-pocket expenses, thereby saddling them with precisely the kind of unusable insurance that Republicans insist Obamacare has given everybody.
One other possibility for the Secrists would be a so-called high-risk pool a special insurance program that, under Republican legislation, the state government could set up to help people with serious medical problems. But high-risk pools existed before the Affordable Care Act and they rarely ended up with many enrollees, either because limited funds forced states to cap enrollment or because the coverage itself was not very attractive. North Carolina had one such program. It had premiums up to twice as high as regular commercial rates, and it wouldnt pay for treatment of pre-existing conditions for the first year of enrollment.
Faced with those kinds of options, the odds are good that the Secrists would do what families in that situation usually have done prioritize other spending, go uninsured and hope for the best. Thats part of why the CBO expects the ranks of the uninsured would swell by 24 million within a decade of the American Health Care Act becoming law.
We really dont know what wed do, honestly, Claire told mein an email. Whats worse, is that eventually well get our financial/job situation together, but itll certainly will be much harder if our health issues are out of control. That would be bad for us, but I think it would be even worse for Holly. We have to be reasonably healthy if we want to improve all of our lives, and give her what she needs for her unique situation.
The Alternative To Repeal
Rick Ramey, the Raleigh-based insurance agent who handles coverage for Jennifer and Keith Gibbs, has found that attitudes about the Affordable Care Act are roughly split with those getting the subsidies generally a lot happier than those who dont. He says he understands both points of view. In his experience, the new system really does make coverage available to many more people, and it really has pushed up premiums for people who had cheap coverage before.
Part of the problem, Ramey has found, is that few Americans grasp how much insurance really costs. The standard most people expect is the insurance that large companies provide to workers with almost everything covered and moderate out-of-pocket spending. But because employers pay most of those premiums directly, employees dont realize how much their plans actually cost. When they suddenly have to pay the whole bill on their own, they feel sticker shock.
A high percentage of the population has no idea, I think, Ramey says. Here in North Carolina, you can use about $400 per employee per month as a rough figure for a group plan maybe $500 if its rich, $350 if its high deductible with a health savings account… Most people when they see that, they think its ridiculous. They think theyve been paying just $50.
Jonathan Cohn
Rick Ramey has found that few Americans grasp how much insurance really costs.
A goal of the Republican repeal plan is to allow the individual market to revert to something like pre-Obamacare prices even if that means accepting pre-Obamacare policies and all the ways they would fail families like the Secrists. That is not the only option, however. State and federal officials have the power to help families struggling with premiums and out-of-pocket costs in ways that wouldnt hurt the people for whom the law has provided such valuable protection. Its just a matter of making different policy choices and accepting different trade-offs.
One reason that insurance got so expensive for the Gibbses is that they happen to live in North Carolina, a state where premiums for people in the individual market are among the highest in the country. (If the Gibbses lived in suburban Detroit, for example, they could get a comparable policy for between $11,000 and $14,000 a year.) North Carolinas problems reflect a variety of factors, including its status as one of the more rural states in the country. Rural areas are always tough for insurers, because they cant play doctors and hospitals off one another in order to negotiate prices.
But some of the problems in North Carolina are a direct result of decisions by state policymakers. High on the list is Republican legislators decision not to expand Medicaid. That put more sick people onto North Carolinas private plans, driving up premiums. Simply expanding Medicaid would probably help stabilize the market and, going forward, keep premium growth in check. The same is true for other states, like Arizona and Tennessee, experiencing similar trouble. Overall, premiums in expansion states are 7 percent lower than in non-expansion states, according to a Department of Health and Human Services study that controlled for factors like demographics.
At the federal level, lawmakers could provide some money that would help insurers cover the costs of their most expensive consumers, so that insurers could stop charging their customers so much. The Affordable Care Act originally had two programs designed to serve this function, but both were temporary and one never paid out the money it owed because Republicans, led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), attacked it as a bailout and successfully lobbied to kill its funding.
Reinstating those programs, temporarily or permanently, would help keep markets stable and hold premium inflation in check. As it happens, the American Health Care Act actually has such a provision tucked in amid the more radical changes. Its a state and patient stability fund that states can use, among other things, for reinsurance that would essentially reimburse insurers for their most expensive beneficiaries.
An easier, more direct solution would be to make the existing financial assistance more generous and available to slightly more people. This is actually what the architects of the Affordable Care Act originally intended. Early versions of legislation anticipated more generous tax credits and phased them out more slowly, so that people at higher incomes would be eligible for them. Adding that money now would give families a little extra cash to cover premiums, or perhaps out-of-pocket costs, and that would be enough to get more people enrolling. As they did, premiums for all would come down.
One advantage of this approach is its recognition that, in the world of health care policy, winners and losers are fluid categories. Healthy people get sick. Young people get old. If the Republicans get their way, people who save money because of lower premiums could end up paying more, later on, because of higher out-of-pocket costs.
The complication, as politics and as policy, is that these steps would also require additional government spending which, as conservatives rightly point out, would mean a bigger burden for Americas taxpayers. The Affordable Care Act has actually come in under budget, though, so theres an argument that the money was already allocated. Or the federal government could cut spending elsewhere. Or it could always do what Hillary Clinton proposed during her presidential campaign, and pay for new assistance by raising taxes on the very wealthy.
Either way, the precursor for taking these steps would be agreeing to leave Obamacare in place. That is not something Republicans want to do. But strengthening the existing health care law, rather than tearing it down, is the preferred choice even for some people who arent happy with it and that includes the Gibbses. Im all for the Affordable Care Act, which sounds kinda crazy when Im sitting here complaining about the cost, Jennifer said to me. I think its absolutely necessary.
Correction: The article originally misstated the results of a government study on Medicaid expansion.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mLizYO
from The Story Of 2 Families And The Real-life Impact of Obamacare Repeal
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mavwrekmarketing · 8 years
RALEIGH, N.C. Jennifer and Keith Gibbs say the Affordable Care Act has hurt their family, sticking them with soaring premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Claire and Allen Secrist say the law has helped them and their young daughter, making it possible to get life-changing medical care while avoiding financial ruin.
The two families live 30 miles apart, and have never met each other. But their stories show how the 2010 health care law has created both winners and losers and what Republican repeal efforts, now underway, would mean for each.
The heart of the Republicans repeal campaign is a promise to improve things for people, like Jennifer and Keith, who feel the Affordable Care Act has hurt them. Ive met with so many victims of Obamacare, President Donald Trump said this week, during a speech in Nashville, Tennessee. We will replace Obamacare and make health care better for you and your families.
But amid questions about what repeal would actually entail, Republicans have also made promises to families like the Secrists, who are among the 20 million people depending on the health care law. Nobody will be worse off financially, Tom Price, Trumps secretary of health and human services, claimed in an interview this past Sunday.
This is not a vow Republicans can fulfill. And theres a very simple reason for that. In the GOP Obamacare narrative, the Affordable Care Act imposed regulations that made insurance more expensive for families like the Gibbses and then it spent a bunch of taxpayer money in ways that dont actually help them.
That narrative is more or less correct. It is also incomplete. Specifically, it leaves out the part about how those same regulations, and that same government spending, have put decent coverage within reach for families like the Secrists. Take away the rules and the money, as Republicans propose to do, and families like the Gibbses might feel better off. But the Secrists, just as surely, would suffer.
The American Health Care Act, the bill that House Republican leaders hope to bring to a floor vote next week, is the proof. If it were to become law,a family like the Gibbses could end up spending less on their health insurance premiums, in exchange for a policy that would cover less. The family would also benefit from substantial new tax breaks the GOP proposal would make available to them. But a family like the Secrists would struggle to find a policy with the comprehensive benefits they require, and even if they could find one, they would not be able to afford it. They would probably end up uninsured, struggling to get medical care they desperately need.
This outcome isnt inevitable. There are ways to help the ACAs losers without hurting its winners. But those alternatives would involve different choices and trade-offs than Republicans are considering.
Their Premiums Went Up And Kept Going Up
The Gibbses are in their 40s, with two teenage daughters. Keith runs a business advising pharmaceutical and biotech companies that he started a few years ago, in part so he could have more control of his schedule and spend time at home. Jennifer works part-time for a nonprofit organization that helps former prisoners. Their neatly decorated, two-story house sits in a fast-growing neighborhood, popular with people who work in the areasResearch Triangle.
They buy coverage on their own, rather than through an employer. In 2013, before the main provisions of the ACA took effect, they paid about $7,200 for a policy from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. The plan they had was relatively generous, because it included things like inpatient rehabilitative services that employer plans routinely included but many non-group plans did not.
But the plan was cheap for a reason. It had limited mental health benefits, and it didnt cover maternity benefits at all. It also had a lifetime limit on how much it would pay out, which meant that if somebody in the Gibbs family ended up with an illness requiring years of intensive treatment say, an aggressive cancer it was possible their bills could hit that ceiling, and then theyd be on the hook for the rest.
Jonathan Cohn
About 1 in 5 people who tried to buy the same policy as Jennifer and Keith Gibbs got turned down, according to statistics at healthpocket.com.  
Most important of all, that Blue Cross plan wasnt available to everybody. At the time, Blue Cross, like other insurers, practiced medical underwriting. It would charge higher premiums, withhold benefits or deny coverage to people whose histories suggested they were at high risk of illness. About 1 in 5 people who tried to buy the same policy as the Gibbses got turned down, according to statistics at healthpocket.com. That number almost surely understates the proportion of people who wouldnt have been able to buy it if theyd tried, because many people with pre-existing conditions knew that applying for coverage was futile.
Back then, the list of conditions that insurers cited to justify higher premiums, benefit exclusions or outright denials included everything from Crohns disease and cancer to diabetes and epilepsy. Roughly 27 percent of the population has a condition that qualified as uninsurable under the old criteria, according to a December study from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Around 17 percent of people who tried to buy coverage on the individual market in the days before the Affordable Care Act were rejected, according to the same study in other words, roughly the same percentage who tried and failed to get the policy that the Gibbses successfully purchased.
The Affordable Care Acts consumer protections, particularly the promise of coverage for pre-existing conditions, are among its most popular features. They also made insurance a lot more expensive, because it meant insurers were covering large medical expenses for people they never had to cover before.
When Blue Cross announced the new rates, it told subscribers that, taking account of the laws financial assistance, it expected that about two-thirds of its customers would pay the same or less for insurance, while one-third would face substantial increases. In a prepared statement, the companys chief actuary explained that the law will make coverage available to many who have never had it and will enhance benefits for most consumers. These are good things, but they come at a cost.
For the Gibbses, the cost brought their premiums up to $9,600 a year, a hefty increase but not one that seemed outrageous. A year later, however, Blue Cross discontinued the plan altogether. Jennifer shopped on healthcare.gov and found a UnitedHealthcare plan. But it was about $12,000 a year, Jennifer says and, one year later, the price went up again.
Like many insurers across the country, North Carolinas were realizing they had badly misjudged the market. Healthy people werent signing up in the numbers theyd hoped, and the newly insured needed more care than theyd anticipated, leading to huge losses. This past year, UnitedHealthcare pulled out of the state altogether, leaving most of North Carolina with just one carrier.
That sent Jennifer back to healthcare.gov, where, she says, plans similar to her old one had premiums of nearly $20,000 a year, which would be more than their mortgage. And that didnt include out-of-pocket costs that could exceed $10,000 if serious medical problems struck. The cheaper options had networks without their doctors, or they were bronze plans with even higher out-of-pocket costs.
Twenty thousand dollars is a lot of money to us, Jennifer says. They would have still been able to pay their bills, but it would have meant cutting back or giving up on extras like eating out, taking family vacations or replacing one of the family cars. (Their minivan is 13 years old.) Eventually, they found a way to qualify for a small-business plan, which Blue Cross sold them directly for a premium of $16,000 a year. It was still a lot more money than they had paid before the ACA.
Jennifer knows that her family has been fortunate in many ways, with good health except for one daughters asthma.She believes strongly in what the Affordable Care Act was trying to accomplish. I do like the idea that, if you cant afford insurance, then you should be able to have it that is something the government should absolutely provide, she says. But she feels the administration went about it the wrong way. I really didnt imagine it would affect us this much, she said.
They Would Never Have Gotten Coverage
The Secrists live on the other side of Raleigh-Durham, in a townhouse-style apartment that is part of a development alongside one of the areas main highways. Their living room has all the appurtenances of young parents with a young child, from the stack of compact discs on the floor to the stray crayon marks on the wall.
The Secrists pay a lot less for their coverage than the Gibbs family does and they depend on it a lot more. In 2013, Claire Secrist became pregnant and developed pre-eclampsia. She went through a difficult delivery, severely injuring her pelvic bone and losing so much blood that she required a transfusion. Afterward, she needed surgery, rehabilitation and extensive medication. Their 3-year-old daughter, Holly, has battled severe health problems since birth including retinoblastoma, cancer of the eye. Eventually doctors had to remove Hollys eye and replace it with a prosthetic. Allen, for his part, has a congenital condition that predisposes him to skin cancer and requires constant monitoring, including semiannual biopsies.
When Claire was pregnant, the Secrists still had employer coverage through the pathology lab where Allen worked as a technical assistant. After she gave birth, he lost the position in a round of layoffs and the Secrists lost their insurance with it. Holly qualified for coverage under North Carolinas version of the Childrens Health Insurance Program, a federal-state program for kids who live in households with relatively low income. But for the next two years, while Allen was driving for Grubhub and taking on other part-time jobs, and Claire was working for a school-testing company while she studied for a degree in library sciences, the couple got insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Jonathan Cohn
Claire, Holly and Allen Secrist need the kind of financial assistance that the Affordable Care Act provides — and that Republicans would take away.
At the time, their combined income was around $30,000 not nearly enough to pay for a comprehensive policy on their own, given that necessities like food, rent and gas gobbled up most of their disposable income. They were, however, eligible for the Affordable Care Acts tax credits, which the government applied in advance in order to discount their premiums. By design, the laws tax credits are greater for people with lower incomes or higher insurance costs. For a family like the Secrists, who had both, it worked out to about $10,000 a year in assistance.
The Secrists income also qualified them for assistance with out-of-pocket costs money, again, that the federal government paid directly to the insurers. Altogether, Claire figures, they ended up spending less than $3,000 a year on medical care, despite having so many conditions requiring ongoing, otherwise expensive treatment.
The coverage was hardly perfect. Coventry, the insurer they had for the first year, kept refusing to authorize Claires surgery. The network for the policy they got the following year didnt include a therapist she was seeing for postpartum depression. But the plan included all of the familys other doctors, including several specialists at nearby Duke University Medical Center. More importantly, Claire says, it covered their panoply of medical bills except for small out-of-pocket expenses here and there.
The coverage has been really helpful, Claire says expressing a sentiment a lot more common than critics of the Affordable Care Act tend to concede. The majority of people buying private policies through the law are satisfied with them, surveys by the Commonwealth Fund and the Kaiser Foundation have found. And the coverage seems to make a difference, improving access to care and reducing financial strain from medical bills, according to several studies published in the last two years.
We simply wouldnt be able to maintain our current level of decent health without the insurance they have now, Claire says. We would likely try to get some care like vaccinations at community health centers. But otherwise, I guess we would just be in a lot of trouble.
Winners And Losers In The Republican Plan
If the American Health Care Act or something like it becomes law, all of this would change.
Republicans want to redirect the financial assistance the Affordable Care Act provides. They would eliminate the ACAs tax credits, which provide more assistance to people with low incomes or high insurance costs, and replace them with flat credits that would be available to everybody except people with very high incomes. These credits would vary only by age, but not enough to keep up with higher prices that insurers could charge older consumers. Unlike the Affordable Care Act, the American Health Care Act would include no extra assistance with out-of-pocket costs.
Republicans have also made clear they would like to eliminate or at least weaken most of the Affordable Care Acts insurance regulations by allowing insurers to cover a smaller portion of medical bills, and to stop covering services like mental health. Even the bills (popular) guarantee of coverage for people with pre-existing conditions is up for debate: Republicans think it should apply only to people who maintain continuous coverage. Under the American Health Care Act, people who allow coverage to lapse for more than 63 days would be subject to a 30 percent markup on premiums although that provision is one of several that conservative Republicans have proposed revising.
The Republicans bill does not include all the regulatory changes theyve said they want, because inserting those provisions would complicate their effort to push repeal through the budget reconciliation process, where they could pass it without Democratic support. The bill would, however, immediately eliminate the individual mandate, which incentivizes healthy people to sign up for insurance by imposing a financial penalty on people who do not. For that reason, the Congressional Budget Office this week predicted that, for the first two years, the Republican proposal would actually cause premiums to rise.
But afterward, CBO predicted, less comprehensive plans would come to dominate the market, while older people, who would find policies both less generous and more expensive, would drop coverage altogether. As a result, premiums would grow at a slower rate, eventually dipping down below where they would be if the Affordable Care Act had stayed in place. And theyd come down even more if Republicans found a way to further weaken regulations, through either executive action or future legislation two things that they have promised.
That still might not produce huge savings for families like the Gibbses, at least right away. But over time, theyd probably be spending less on premiums than they would if the ACA had stayed on the books. Of course, they might also have higher out-of-pocket costs, which could mean bigger bills if somebody got seriously ill.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation
The bigger savings for the Gibbs family would come from the redirection of subsidies. They make just a little too much money to qualify for the Affordable Care Acts financial assistance. Thats why they are paying full price. But they would be eligible for the tax credits in the Republican plan, because everybody is, regardless of income. The two kids would qualify for $2,000 each, the two parents $3,000 and so, altogether, theyd stand to get $10,000 a year, no matter where their premiums ended up.
Under the Republican bill, many other Americans would end up getting bigger tax subsidies than they would under the Affordable Care Act. That includes people who get only a little financial assistance now, but still face premiums they find difficult to pay. The GOP plan could make those premiums easier to afford — although, again, those people could also end up with less comprehensive coverage.
For a family like the Secrists, these changes would work out very differently. They need the kind of financial assistance that the Affordable Care Act provides and that Republicans would take away. Under the Republican bill, Allen and Claire, who are slightly younger than Jennifer and Keith, would each qualify for a $2,500 credit, or $5,000 between the two of them. Thats a lot less than the nearly $10,000 the Affordable Care Act would make available to the couple.
To get the kind of coverage they have today, with the same kinds of benefits, they would probably end up paying about $6,000 a year in premiums. That would be two to three times what they pay now, and almost certainly beyond their ability to pay particularly since, without the Affordable Care Act, they wouldnt have the extra protection from out-of-pocket costs.
A skimpier policy with fewer benefits would be cheaper, and that might be the only kind of policy the market offered them anyway if insurer regulations became weaker. But as heavy users of medical care, the Secrists would almost surely end up owing even more money in out-of-pocket expenses, thereby saddling them with precisely the kind of unusable insurance that Republicans insist Obamacare has given everybody.
One other possibility for the Secrists would be a so-called high-risk pool a special insurance program that, under Republican legislation, the state government could set up to help people with serious medical problems. But high-risk pools existed before the Affordable Care Act and they rarely ended up with many enrollees, either because limited funds forced states to cap enrollment or because the coverage itself was not very attractive. North Carolina had one such program. It had premiums up to twice as high as regular commercial rates, and it wouldnt pay for treatment of pre-existing conditions for the first year of enrollment.
Faced with those kinds of options, the odds are good that the Secrists would do what families in that situation usually have done prioritize other spending, go uninsured and hope for the best. Thats part of why the CBO expects the ranks of the uninsured would swell by 24 million within a decade of the American Health Care Act becoming law.
We really dont know what wed do, honestly, Claire told mein an email. Whats worse, is that eventually well get our financial/job situation together, but itll certainly will be much harder if our health issues are out of control. That would be bad for us, but I think it would be even worse for Holly. We have to be reasonably healthy if we want to improve all of our lives, and give her what she needs for her unique situation.
The Alternative To Repeal
Rick Ramey, the Raleigh-based insurance agent who handles coverage for Jennifer and Keith Gibbs, has found that attitudes about the Affordable Care Act are roughly split with those getting the subsidies generally a lot happier than those who dont. He says he understands both points of view. In his experience, the new system really does make coverage available to many more people, and it really has pushed up premiums for people who had cheap coverage before.
Part of the problem, Ramey has found, is that few Americans grasp how much insurance really costs. The standard most people expect is the insurance that large companies provide to workers with almost everything covered and moderate out-of-pocket spending. But because employers pay most of those premiums directly, employees dont realize how much their plans actually cost. When they suddenly have to pay the whole bill on their own, they feel sticker shock.
A high percentage of the population has no idea, I think, Ramey says. Here in North Carolina, you can use about $400 per employee per month as a rough figure for a group plan maybe $500 if its rich, $350 if its high deductible with a health savings account… Most people when they see that, they think its ridiculous. They think theyve been paying just $50.
Jonathan Cohn
Rick Ramey has found that few Americans grasp how much insurance really costs.
A goal of the Republican repeal plan is to allow the individual market to revert to something like pre-Obamacare prices even if that means accepting pre-Obamacare policies and all the ways they would fail families like the Secrists. That is not the only option, however. State and federal officials have the power to help families struggling with premiums and out-of-pocket costs in ways that wouldnt hurt the people for whom the law has provided such valuable protection. Its just a matter of making different policy choices and accepting different trade-offs.
One reason that insurance got so expensive for the Gibbses is that they happen to live in North Carolina, a state where premiums for people in the individual market are among the highest in the country. (If the Gibbses lived in suburban Detroit, for example, they could get a comparable policy for between $11,000 and $14,000 a year.) North Carolinas problems reflect a variety of factors, including its status as one of the more rural states in the country. Rural areas are always tough for insurers, because they cant play doctors and hospitals off one another in order to negotiate prices.
But some of the problems in North Carolina are a direct result of decisions by state policymakers. High on the list is Republican legislators decision not to expand Medicaid. That put more sick people onto North Carolinas private plans, driving up premiums. Simply expanding Medicaid would probably help stabilize the market and, going forward, keep premium growth in check. The same is true for other states, like Arizona and Tennessee, experiencing similar trouble. Overall, premiums in expansion states are 7 percent lower than in non-expansion states, according to a Department of Health and Human Services study that controlled for factors like demographics.
At the federal level, lawmakers could provide some money that would help insurers cover the costs of their most expensive consumers, so that insurers could stop charging their customers so much. The Affordable Care Act originally had two programs designed to serve this function, but both were temporary and one never paid out the money it owed because Republicans, led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), attacked it as a bailout and successfully lobbied to kill its funding.
Reinstating those programs, temporarily or permanently, would help keep markets stable and hold premium inflation in check. As it happens, the American Health Care Act actually has such a provision tucked in amid the more radical changes. Its a state and patient stability fund that states can use, among other things, for reinsurance that would essentially reimburse insurers for their most expensive beneficiaries.
An easier, more direct solution would be to make the existing financial assistance more generous and available to slightly more people. This is actually what the architects of the Affordable Care Act originally intended. Early versions of legislation anticipated more generous tax credits and phased them out more slowly, so that people at higher incomes would be eligible for them. Adding that money now would give families a little extra cash to cover premiums, or perhaps out-of-pocket costs, and that would be enough to get more people enrolling. As they did, premiums for all would come down.
One advantage of this approach is its recognition that, in the world of health care policy, winners and losers are fluid categories. Healthy people get sick. Young people get old. If the Republicans get their way, people who save money because of lower premiums could end up paying more, later on, because of higher out-of-pocket costs.
The complication, as politics and as policy, is that these steps would also require additional government spending which, as conservatives rightly point out, would mean a bigger burden for Americas taxpayers. The Affordable Care Act has actually come in under budget, though, so theres an argument that the money was already allocated. Or the federal government could cut spending elsewhere. Or it could always do what Hillary Clinton proposed during her presidential campaign, and pay for new assistance by raising taxes on the very wealthy.
Either way, the precursor for taking these steps would be agreeing to leave Obamacare in place. That is not something Republicans want to do. But strengthening the existing health care law, rather than tearing it down, is the preferred choice even for some people who arent happy with it and that includes the Gibbses. Im all for the Affordable Care Act, which sounds kinda crazy when Im sitting here complaining about the cost, Jennifer said to me. I think its absolutely necessary.
Correction: The article originally misstated the results of a government study on Medicaid expansion.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mLizYO
 The post The Story Of 2 Families And The Real-life Impact of Obamacare Repeal appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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