#technical production 101
iskiescape · 2 years
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The Elder Statesman SS23 inspired by 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindōgu, a 1995 book by the Japanese inventor Kenji Kawakami
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nerdyvocals · 1 year
Need to know your thoughts on Cynthia putting on that jacket when they get home from the dance. Cause I have a couple theories which both might be false.
1. The jacket is their father’s jacket and Cynthia needed some type of love so put the jacket on for comfort.
2. The jacket could be what Cynthia wanted to wear to the dance…
Would love to know your thoughts on this scene.
Hooo boy I am so glad someone asked me specifically about this, because I am actually very qualified to talk about it!!!
If you don't know me; Hi, I'm Levi, I am a theatre student, I'm currently working toward a degree in costume design and technology, and I have Big Opinions on clothing. Before I actually start talking about said opinions, let me first give a quick rundown on Costumes 101. Disclaimer: my education has been largely in the realm of stage production, but in Costume Land there is a very large overlap between stage and screen, with the main differences being on the technical side, which I will get more into later. That said, given the genre and tone of this show, my stage knowledge will apply.
And a word of warning: this anon has released a beast and this is going to be a long post, therefore I am putting my analysis under the cut. Also, apologies to those I tag, just want to make sure images and gifs get their proper credit.
Now, first and foremost, the purpose of costume on both screen and stage is to give insight into each character and passively tell a story. Therefore, nothing is coincidence and everything is intentional. Color, silhouette, piece, and style are all meticulously selected to bring a character to life and tell the audience who they are.
Example: In the live yesterday, Tricia Fukuhara mentioned requesting a beret she saw in the costume shop for Nancy, and while they did end up putting Nancy in several hats, she was told berets specifically were reserved for another character, Lydia. We do actually see another thespian with a beret, Alice (who IMDb tells me is played by Emilee Nimetz), which has... interesting implications, but that's for another post.
So let's see what we're working with here.
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(gif by @stbot)
The first thing I notice is fairly obvious: this coat doesn't fit. That shoulder seam should be sitting right on the ball of their shoulder (think top of the shoulder cap); it's nearly halfway down their upper arm. Think it looks long here? Even when they're standing, it hits about mid-thigh. Not to mention that the sleeves themselves are baggy and way too long. They are swimming in this coat.
What does this mean? This coat isn't Cynthia's.
One could argue that it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that Cynthia would own an ill-fitting coat; given the time period, I imagine it would be hard for a girl to find men's clothing in her size. Except, for the most part, Cynthia's masc clothing does fit.
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(gif by @greasegifs)
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(gif by @wlwshipper)
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(gif by @greasegifs)
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(Image by @jealous-kippen)
Cynthia clearly has no problem finding men's clothing that fits. That said, there are technical reasons behind why a garment must fit beyond story-telling. Namely: actors' safety.
Out of any single one of Cynthia's looks, I would argue that this monstrosity:
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(Image credit: promo shot)
would be the most likely candidate for ill-fitting garment, character-wise. Everything we know about Cynthia suggests that they aren't the type of person to buy a dress they will likely only wear once (i.e., they are poor: single-parent home, always hungry, excitement over free food (Buddy's campaign candy), and it appears that they live in an apartment).
All this to say, it would make sense for this dress in particular to not fit, and yet, it does. Why? There's a dance scene. While the hand jive itself is not a particularly intensive dance move, Ari is standing on tables, climbing on cars, jumping, crouching, all manner of things that would be dangerous to do in a garment that was too big.
(Side note: I've seen quite a few people suggest that this is an old dress or possibly a hand-me-down from somewhere, or if anything, purchased second-hand. I have reason to believe it's not, but again, that's another post).
Of course, Ari, and by extension, Cynthia, isn't doing anything in the Coat Scene (tm) that would endanger them by wearing something too big. Even still, given their previous wardrobe, it's out of place. And like I said before, nothing is coincidence and everything is intentional. And why is it significant that the coat is too big? Because nothing else that Cynthia wears is.
Now, all this was a very long-winded way to say that this is Papa Zdunowski's coat. It's clearly not Cynthia's, and their dad is the only other person they live with. So yes, dearest Anon, your theory is most definitely correct.
Cynthia had just had probably one of the worst nights in their young life. Their friend group has fallen apart, they've messed up big time with their oldest friend, Richie has been arrested, and they're being forced to confront that they are queer. They come home to an empty house, either literally (dad's still at the shop and mom hasn't been there in a long time) or figuratively (dad's asleep, and mom hasn't been there in a long time). Either way, it's not like they can really talk to anyone about what's been going on with them. But they desperately need comfort. So what do they do?
They wear their father's coat like a hug and get drunk on the couch.
Thank you and good night.
(if anyone wants to hear the costume tangents I forced myself to avoid or just wants to hear more costume rants, feel free to hit up my ask box or dms. I chose this career for a reason and if you give me permission, I Will Not Shut Up.)
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
OK SO! the tommyinnit 101. technically this isn't really tied to an smp though.
so first we must start at the very beginning. the dream smp. in late 2020-early 2021, the dream smp was at the height of its popularity, and tommyinnit played one of its most prominent characters (tommy, henceforth referred to as c!tommy). now the thing about c!tommy is that both he and cc!tommy (idk if i've talked about the c! vs cc! divide before but that is its own 101) were under 18 at the time, and therefore if you shipped his character with anyone about 70% of the fandom would tear you apart.
honestly dsmp isn't too relevant here, though, except to introduce tommy and tubbo. you see, in a world of straight men using their little block guys to flirt with one another, tommy was Very vocal about loving women. being Straight was part of his Bit in the same way that being Annoying and playing the able sisters music from animal crossing was.
anyways in late 2022 he uploaded a vlog of him and tubbo getting married, tubbo mostly against his will. they pulled out all the stops- got an ordained minister (their friend scott, who you may recognize from the life series 101s) to do a little ceremony, had a lot of their friends acting as different members of the wedding party, even signed and filed real paperwork!
yep. that's right. they signed legal fucking paperwork. i've heard that tubbo didn't even know it was a marriage certificate, he thought it was a waiver for being in the video or smth. that's right, known straight man tommyinnit tricked his best friend into getting Real Life Legally Married to him, presumably just for shits and giggles.
This fact went unnoticed until mid-late 2023. tubbo was playing on the QSMP with some other people (i know FitMC, not sure who else), and was joking about going to Vegas and getting married to Fit. and then tubbo realized he was still married to tommy.
also, around that time, tommy wrote and published (to wattpad) a rpf crack fic called Tommy x Tubbo Love Triangle, where tommy leaves his Real Life Girlfriend molly for tubbo (molly dies directly afterwards because it was so romantic) and then he and tubbo kiss without tongue. tubbo was not consulted during the production of this fanfiction.
after learning about the marriage, tubbo started working to get a Real Life Divorce from his Real Life Friend Tom. tommy refused to sign the paperwork. if any of this ever goes to court tubbo fully intends to livestream the whole thing.
around 2 months ago, tommy did a parody of "I'm Just Ken" called "I'm Just Tom," in which he begs tubbo not to divorce him. it must be seen to be believed. idk if the link will work in an ask but i need you to see it https://youtu.be/laAPXcxjDlI?si=wPQM3ZJHBIv11Cfr
also if you're wondering how molly, tommy's Real Life Girlfriend, feels about all of this? she thinks it's hilarious. for the past month or two-ish (?), tommy's been doing a stand-up comedy tour in america (because they are all british), and at the same time tubbo's been doing a subathon (aka tubbathon bc it's tubbo) (a subathon is a twitch stream with a timer on it. the stream ends when the timer finishes out, and whenever someone subscribes to the streamer's channel more time is added) (the tubbathon is still going btw and isn't slowing down anytime soon). at one point molly came onto the tubbathon, and tubbo bought her a new phone bc hers was shit. (directly afterwards tommy posted a vlog about it, saying he felt like he was being cucked by his gay husband)
fans have dubbed these three the nightmare polycule, and it's not hard to see why.
and then, finally, this morning (last night in england time), tommy and tubbo were on a phone call. tubbo (gay) encouraged tommy to "say the f slur!" and tommy said, and i quote, "I'm bicurious, so I guess I could say like a fifth of it. [Tochat] Hear that, ya -ggots?"
i needed to tell you all of this so that you would understand the full insanity of all of this. there are some bits that don't really translate unless you were a dsmp fan in the 2020-2021 era, but i need you to see the ongoing insanity this man creates. he had been planning to use that joke for his live comedy show
ok uh
i some pointers on his singing voice (a bit too belty there, that'll damage the throat later, some vowels need rounding)
hilarious that he rhymed Tom with arm
reading this was like a fever dream
molly is me tbh this is the most hilarious drama i have ever read
his comedic timing is beautiful
what the fuck
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Parasprites 101 --the good, the bad and the chewy
So you want to own parasprites? Or are you just morbidly curious about how I manage to keep a home and a fridge full of food with two parasprites? Either way, I am willing to share my secrets!
Parasprites are known for their voracious appetites and their explosive breeder status--they vomit up new parasprites to reproduce! Due to both of these factors, parasprites are technically not insects, if the cephalothorax and four unsegmented legs didn't tip you off. They function similarly though. They have fragile wings, big, segmented eyes, and an exoskeleton. Parasprites are pretty big, especially the older ones. Most parasprites plagues are due to younger parasprites. Older parasprites know when they're full. When they're super-duper young, they don't really have the ability to regulate their eating habits. They don't know when to stop. You know how mosquitoes will sometimes explode themselves by drinking too much blood? Yeah, it's kinda like that...
Parasprites are very active creatures, so they eat more than your average dog or cat to compensate for that. Parasprites don't like staying in one place. They're kinda like puppies, with their energy and their affectionate-ness. Dogs don't have such an awful reputation, though.
What I do to curb their eating habits is to get them very filling food. A lot of my kitchen is dedicated to bread, bread products, applesauce, and the occasional bit of expanding foam. They do eat a lot! They get five meals per day, which may be a bit of a strain on your budget, but it's not a problem if you're like me, who lives in the Everfree Forest and hardly ever eats (I forget). Ultimately, food food is better, but they can digest non-food materials, like wood and fabric and expanding foam. They were not always like this? I think this is an evolutionary thing. When I was a filly they would only eat food.
Reproduction is the bigger issue. Croissant has reproduced once in my care, and that was during a week where we were stormed in and running low on food. A good way to keep them from reproducing (or just causing trouble in general) is by keeping them busy. Games, toys, walks, cuddling, and eating are good ways to keep their minds off of procreation. Parasprites also LOVE music--sounds in general. They seem to have an affinity for big band music, but anything will do. They will dance and bounce and chirp. It is so cute.
Parasprites are VERY affectionate. If you want a pet that will cuddle, get a parasprite. I can hardly go five minutes without being pestered for pets or a little kiss. It's a lot less annoying than it sounds.
Parasprites, like most creatures, die eventually. Croissant is getting there. They sleep a lot more, reproduce less, and have a mildly smaller appetite. I worry that Baguette will freak out. I know I will.
It's kinda late. I may have forgotten some things, but you're always welcome to ask! I love dispelling myths about cute little creatures that get a bad rap for...doing the things they need to to survive. Would you yell at a dog for barking? Would you lecture a spider for making webs? No? Great! Leave my sweet orbular bug babies alone, then. >:(
(ooc: this in no way is canon or reflects canon information, this is for the sake of roleplaying/character-building purposes only)
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Rebel Assault"
Everything goes so very, very wrong.
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Hoo BOY this opening slow pan across the Empire's current gathered forces above Lothal is ah... Very Concerning.
Were there this many ships in the finale? Did Thrawn call for reinforcements just for this one event?
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This was an amazing shot in the trailer but once you put it up against that opening pan...
Yeah this attack was doomed.
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Mart! Hi! It's so good to see you! Sad that Gooti and Jonner couldn't be here but hey. At least you have a couple redshirts flying with you.
Imperial March briefly excepts into the organs that signify that Thrawn's onscreen. Both he and Hera have identified the fuel depot as the primary target, being both the softest and least defended, and also the most important. No fuel, no production line, no output. This is basic War 101.
"24 ships, Grand Admiral." (squints, checks back in the caps) That is not 24 ships, guys. C'mon, nerds will be checking this.
And now the Empire gets to indulge in its favorite strategy:
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Spam TIE Fighters at problem until it goes away. Lol.
No seriously this is going to bug me now, were there that many ships in orbit above Lothal for the finale?! Weeeeeeew lordy, Ezra might have the highest kill count of anyone on the show if that's the case.
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Really liking the deep dusk lightning here on the ground with the others. It's very soft.
Aaaaaaand Duke is clearly just Freddie Prince Junior enjoying his Western Drawl voice again lol.
Ohhhhhhh I know I've heard this cue, they used this before in.... ghfkhfhj I can't remember! I think it was another spacebattle? Maybe?
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Zeb still antagonizing Ezra like a bullish older brother lol.
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Jeez is that pollution or lingering dusk? Hellish red.
The Main Theme kicking in as Hera attempts her heroic X-wing move here.
Thrawn. Thrawn, pal. Buddy. Compadre. That is an ace, you do not just let him get himself stupidly killed. You know full well what Hera is about to do, explain it to Skerris and then he might listen to you. Giving a cursory, "Hey you better obey me." does not suffice, as you well know from Konstantine's defiance back in "Zero Hour".
Maybe if your people skills were better, you wouldn't have people so eager to thumb their nose in your face.
Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Oh you absolute whore, Skerris didn't even need to die, you could literally have just not had your batteries fire! Oh my gosh this is his exact attitude in the finale. "Gee it's too bad about that guy, anyway shoot to kill." SKERRIS COULD STILL HAVE HAD INTACT SHIELDS WHEN HERA MADE HER SURPRISE ATTACK IF YOU HAD JUST NOT FIRED AT BOTH OF THEM, THAT WAS AAAAAAALLLL YOU, THRAWN, YOU ASS.
"How unfortunate." my foot.
Yeah, uh... X-wings can't actually fire like this with the S-foils closed. It's a known technical lore detail. Yeah the husband was pretty pissy about this one. I mean good for Hera but they should have really let her foils open.
Right so that means that this extra collision here is Thrawn's fault because he let Skerris die to prove a point. Stop doing that, you're gonna lose all your troops!
You know what I think Thrawn absolutely wanted to get to spring his second wave of TIEs on the attack squad and that's why he aggravated Skerris's blunder. He does seem to have a penchant for theatricality.
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Again, very on-point lighting.
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The defeat is almost muted in tone. We get only a suggestion of the massacre of the attack force, see them as nothing but streaks of flaming, falling comets of light. There's utter silence at first, and then strings ramping up as the horror descends, along with the ships.
All that effort and heroism, fizzled into nothing. With barely any effort on Thrawn's part.
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The worry in Kanan's voice as he tries to call Hera. :(((((((
Ryder's resigned defeat, contrasted against Ezra's cautious optimism.
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It's not often that it's Ezra comforting Kanan, but it works to pull Kanan out of his head enough to vacate the area with the others.
Ooooh the camerawork in that shot! And the sound design of Chopper's electronic panicked scream!
Seeing Hera hurt is always awful. Fortunately a gaggle of civilians are around to help.
The score flaring up in mournful cello notes as Kanan lets his fear and worry take over, which makes him halt and turn full tilt around to go back.
Ezra lets him go, even though he has to know what a bad idea it is. Better to let him try, I guess, and I know Ezra relates.
Still can't get over how hellish red Capital City looks at night.
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Pryce is still Not Fond of Rukh lol.
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RIP R3-A3. :(((((((
He died protecting Mart too.
Good on Mart, by the way, for being useful in this ambush, immediately grabs a blaster and shoulder-checks one Trooper and shoots another, I love him.
Zachary Gordon's voicing Mart a bit deeper this episode, apparently we hit puberty lol. (Mart, I mean. Zachary was 20 when this aired.)
Hhhnhnhnhhghfhh what was that noise, Rukh, jeez!
His theme coming in as he finds Mart and Hera and Chopper, heralded by that deep woodwind note.
Hera's not a slouch in the combat department, but Ruhk is very quickly on the offensive again, takes Chopper zapping the crap out of him for him to break off.
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The white Loth-wolf meanwhile, is once again just kind of being ~mysterious~ and doing its thing. I have no idea why turning off all the other streetlights were necessary, it's not like Kanan can see it.
Kanan sounding very frustrated. I'm actually reminded of Ezra's behavior in the early part of "Legacy", impatient, impulsive, snapping randomly at the easiest target.
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The Loth-wolf does not take kindly to it. But this gets Kanan to calm down again and clear his head.
Some excellent teamwork here between Hera, Chopper, and Mart.
The "Shenanigans" cue once again being put through an action wringer, notes staggered, off beat.
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Kanan being remarkably chill about all of this after his pep talk with the wolves.
And the wolves leitmotif to close us out, replacing over the ending credits.
Boy this episode is a downer. The attack we've hinged all our hopes on since Season Two fails, Hera is captured, and Lothal seems utterly lost. Now imagine having to wait about oh... six months to see the resolution. Yeah that was fun.
The animation and camerawork is wonderful this episode though, music appropriately somber, and the dark parallels to Season One's finale would continue, to a horribly subversive end. This is all serious from here on out. We have to face the darkest night before we can push through to the dawn.
See y'all next episode. It's uh... gonna be a thing.
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
Hi!! I haven't been keeping up with six as much recently, could you explain the UK standardising covers thing a bit more?
Hey! Yes! However I am going to slightly hijack this ask and give a broader “UK alt system 101” because I’ve been getting a lot of asks about it recently.
First covers (fully standardized) Prior to lockdown and with the first cast returning from lockdown, UK casts of Six would just choose alt covers based on the queens they had and what worked best. Saw combos like A/P, S/H, B/C; A/C, B/H, S/P; A/H, B/C, S/P. From fall 2021 - fall 2023, every new UK cast has used an alt system with A/C, B/H, and S/P, and then swing(s). This changed in fall 2023, when the new West End cast used A/S, B/C, and H/P, but it’s not clear if that’s a one-off situation.
Second covers (not standardized) Prior to Covid they had used two different second cover systems: #1. What I call the "consistent" cover system, where if someone is first cover B/C then someone else is going to be second cover B/C and someone else third B/C. This was used by the 2019-21 West End cast. Example: Zara MacIntosh: 1st A/H, 2nd B/C, 3rd S/P Cherelle Jay: 1st B/C, 2nd S/P, 3rd A/H Hana Stewart: 1st S/P, 2nd A/H, 3rd B/C #2. What I call the "scrambled" cover system, where if someone is first cover B/C then one of the other alts is second cover B/? and the other is C/?. This one was used by the 2019 West End alts... Courtney Stapleton: 1st A/P, 2nd S/C, 3rd B/H Vicki Manser: 1st B/C, 2nd H/P, 3rd A/S Grace Mouat: 1st S/H, 2nd A/B, 3rd C/P ...and the 2019-22 UK Tour alts: Cassandra Lee: 1st A/C, 2nd S/H, and 3rd B/P Jennifer Caldwell: 1st B/H, 2nd A/P, 3rd S/C Harriet Watson: 1st S/P, 2nd B/C, 3rd A/H This system is generally better from a coverage/management perspective, which I talked about here.
When they came back from lockdown they initially seemed to have standardized to the consistent system. The 21-22 WE followed it: Paisley Billings: A/C, S/P, B/H Danielle Rose: B/H, A/C, S/P Roxanne Couch: S/P, B/H, A/C as did the 22-23 UKT, formally anyway (may have followed a different one informally): Grace Melville: A/C, B/H, S/P Leesa Tulley: B/H, S/P, A/C Natalie Pilkington: S/P, A/C, B/H but the 22-23 WE started following a scrambled again: Monique Ashe-Palmer: A/C, B/P, S/H Danielle Rose: B/H, A/S, C/P Leah Vassell: S/P, C/H, A/B and the 23-24 UKT now is too: Ellie Jane Grant: A/C, B/P, S/H Izi Maxwell: B/H, S/C, A/P Tamara Anne Morgan: S/P, A/H, B/C
I'm guessing they will try to continue using scrambled in the future because of the coverage benefits, but we'll see.
For the 2021-22 and the 2022-23 cast, the West End used two swings. Each of them had three primary covers, but also cover the other three commonly enough as needed.
The UK Tour just has one swing, who covers all six roles technically equally (but just like with all prior swings there does still seem to be some sort of unofficial priority/preferred roles).
However, starting with the 2023-25 West End cast, Six started hiring only one full-time swing for the West End, but also added a universal who can go between both the UK Tour and West End productions.
Alternate Costumes Starting with the 2021-22 West End cast, the alts have principal-style costumes for their first covers. If/when they cover 2nd or 3rd covers, they wear an alt costume.
The 2021-22 and 2022-23 WE + 2022-23 and 2023-24 UKT casts followed this system:
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(Pictured: Paisley Billings, Danielle Rose, Leah Vassell) A/C wears teal, B/H wears orange, and S/P wears pink. There's only one consistent variation: teal is always pants w/ peplum, orange is always pants w/ peplum, and pink is always the standard A/H.
However, stating with the 2023-25 cast, the system was once again changed. For the first time, the alternates received reused alternate costumes worn by prior queens, just altered for them. Due to this, alt costumes were assigned based on what fit each alternate from existing stock. In this specific instance, that means A/S wears silver (a swing costume), B/C wears teal, and H/P wears orange.
Swing Costumes
Historically, the swings have worn regular swing costumes for all six costumes. Those are typically black and silver:
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(Pictured: Rachel Rawlinson, Esme Rothero; Rachel Aragon photo by Pamela Raith)
The black alt was historically used as the primary swing costume. The silver alt was added later as a secondary swing costume.
For the 2021-22 and 2022-23 West End casts, which had two full-time swings, both the black and silver costumes were used with variations as depicted.
For the 2023-25 West End + 2022-23 and 2023-24 UK Tour casts, the one full-time swing wears the silver swing costume. The UK Tour swings had all variations as depicted above with the exception of Boleyn; the West End swing exclusively had the first (far left) variation.
The universal swing who joined as part of the 2023-25 West End cast wears her old costumes from the 2022-23 UK Tour cast, including S/P principal costumes and a pink alt costume.
Across all casts, the Cleves swing costumes don’t have a reveal.
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
Hey, I'm the Wonder Woman anon here
So apparently Modern Wonder Woman's origin story is the product of the Adultery between Zeus and her Mother and was told she was made of clay to trick a Jealous Hera
I fucking hate re-iterations when they're terrible
I like the old versions way better:
_ Diana was made of clay and given life by possibly Aphrodite since originally Aphrodite is the Mother of all Amazonians since she crafted them out of clay. One said there was a magical liquid that gave life to the clay baby Diana
_ Diana was the result of a literal virgin birth, her Mom crafted her out of clay and Zeus gave her life by striking a lightning bolt into her clay body. See the clip here:
(A woman literally said Hippolyta wanted a child not created out of unholy union. Which means she wanted to have a virgin birth. I think that's a beautiful cause since childbirth is a horror to women and it also brings out the femininity of the Amazon much more profoundly, it is also my fave version of Wonder Woman's origin story)
I don't think Hera would have anything against a baby who was given life to by her husband's power,it's not like he physically cheated with a Woman again, if anything she would give the child blessings, maybe that's why Wonder Woman is said to be better in some aspects than the Olympians
But the Modern version of Wonder Woman's origin is that she's an affair child and had a faked birth story so Hera won't get jealous
This is why I prefer the old ones, they're so better and not to basic
If Hera can be someone else other than a jealous, evil wife then I think Wonder Woman shouldn't be just an "affair child", considering how she's importantly known as a sacred being, almost reaching godhood
I'm not hating illegitimate children, but I can't see Queen Hippolyta having an affair with Zeus for so many reasons, cuz it literally ruins her character and the entire ideal of the Amazonians, which is to worship all the greatness of a Woman, I don't think they view unholy affair as one of the good things they have followed and preached for centuries
Also the Amazonians greatly worshipped the Olympians, Hera and Zeus ARE the rulers of Olympians, Queen Hippolyta must be willing to shame herself till the end of time if she would do something like sleeping with the God and tricking the Goddess she so greatly worshipped. It's literally Religion 101
I'm sorry but no matter what some might say, cheating with someone's spouse is never cool or it is a feminine/manly thing, it's not okay
first of all. amen to that last statement, i 100% agree with you.
honestly though. personally, the only situation where i can see Hera not going rage-mode over WW is if Zeus actually consulted her and was like, “hey theres this cool clay model of a woman and i think if i gave her life, she’d make a great hero,, if you blessed her also she’d do a lot of good..” he has to include her in it,, king and queen of Olympus creating heroes together. because then, in a sense, WW is a champion of Hera too.
but otherwise. Hera is a very vengeful, quick to anger goddess. so i think in any other situation, even if Zeus technically didn’t “biologically” make WW, she’d still be furious with both Zeus and WW. i say this because, if you look at the myths of Dionysus and Athena, even though Zeus did actually need a woman to create at least dio and thena’s foetuses, Hera sees their births as something Zeus managed on HIS OWN. and that pisses her off a LOT since he effectively renders her sacred role as a mother redundant. it’s a huge slight to her.
i am not familiar with Queen Hippolyta’s (DC) characterisation… however, in the myths, Theseus is usually portrayed as forcing himself on Hippolyta after he defeats the Amazons and they have a son, tragic Hippolytus. so, if that means anything. i’d imagine that Hippolyta (DC), in the spirit of the treatment of her namesake in myth, must also be rejecting relationships with men too. but then again, i do not remember the lore details of the WW films, i only remember that i liked the portrayal of WW herself specifically.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Which Disney movie do you consider overrated? (Pixar counts)
Peter Pan from 1953. And I'm gonna choose violence here. Skip this post if this is your favourite film.
The most glaring problem with that film is of course the racist depiction of Native American tribes. Sadly, a film can be technically well made while also being racist, so it's not the racism part that makes me think that this film sucks from an entire film making standpoint.
It's the depiction of Hook, and to an extent, Peter Pan. In the original story, Peter Pan represents childhood, but also immaturity, while Hook represents adulthood and all the shit that follows it. While Hook is more of a villainous character, he's not the villain of the story, while Peter Pan is not the absolute hero protagonist and paragon of virtue of the story. He's also pretty fucked up. Pan and Hook are symbols, and of opposite sides to boot, and that's why they're antagonists in the story. Wendy is a character, learning about both and in the end pretty much choosing neither.
So Disney took that and turned it into a black-and-white hero vs villain story while forgetting that the original is about Wendy learning what growing up is all about.
Hook is turned into a caricature of a villain while also being mocked for having a very legitimate fear of an animal that wants to eat him. I don't know, maybe it's because I don't have childhood nostalgia for this film, I first watched it when I was like 14 and I was like dafuq did I just watch. Like I was legitimately cringing and feeling bad that Hook was being made fun of. Phobias and trauma-related fears are no laughing matter.
And look - I'm not saying you can't have a villain who is comical. Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, which came out a few years after Peter Pan, is also a comical villain... but she's not a ridicule. Roger may make a song mocking her, but it's more of a dark humor song going like "She's the devil and she will eat you alive O_O but not really" while Peter Pan went like "LOL Hook is afraid of an animal that ate his hand and now wants to eat the rest of him he's such a coward LOL!" And no, I don't think it's fair to see a man who's willing to kill children in cold blood and to try and bring him down by laughing at a very rational fear he has. If it was used as a weapon against him and taken seriously - like the Lost Boys or Pan calling upon the crocodile so that Hook will panic and they can escape - it would have been a cool, albeit a little dark (though not too dark for Disney, especially for that era) idea, though not uncalled for compared to what Hook does. But no they just lol about it. It's hideous.
And in general I find that version of Pan unlikable, super annoying and an immature brat - which is funny because that's what Pan is supposed to be in the original story! He's meant to present to Wendy the "bad" sides of staying a kid forever. But Disney just presents him as a hero who learns from his mistakes like NO BITCH the whole point is that Pan doesn't grow up! He doesn't grow more mature and he's NOWHERE near being a person to look up to.
I agree that it's an iconic film but when you actually tear it down it's insulting to people with phobias and/or traumas, poorly translated from the source material, shallow as fuck, and also racist. 0/10 probably the only good thing that came out of it was whatever money the mouse decided to give to Great Ormond Street Hospital for using the rights to Peter and Wendy. (If you don't know what that is, J. M. Barrie, the author of the book and original theater play, gave the rights to the aforementioned hospital so any production getting the rights to make any production of it would essentially pay the hospital, which is a cool af idea. I think that right-holding reached its end a couple years ago and lo and behold what did the mouse do? A live action Peter Pan film :)
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Gonna cap off the Japan book haul posts with some odds and ends picked up at random bookstores throughout Tokyo, as opposed to one big stash of Jimbocho or Comiket goods . First off - behold, the complete collection of officially published books about FLCL:
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I already owned several of these - of course the FLCLickNoise (bottom-right) interview book was the start of this mini-project. Bottom-center is the FLCL Archives - which was actually printed in English *extremely* briefly, but it goes for way too much, so I imported the Japanese version. That book is the "supplemental 101", with settei/character design sheets, concept art, production documents, and even those original scripts and project proposals which I have blogged about in the past. Top-center is FLCLism, which is more like a conceptual art book - a grab-bag of promotional art, production art, random photographs, and interviews with some of the team. I will do write-ups of those interviews someday!
And rounding out the collection from Mandarake Akihabara, we have in the top-right the Groundwork of FLCL. This is much more of "live" production book - lots and lots of genga/key frames, sketches with timing sheets, e-conte/storyboards, etc. These books are always a little funny, because its not like the median person will study these or anything, and they don't work as an artbook, at least not cleanly. But as a preservation of the process they have a beauty no artbook can have - something you own for the total package as opposed to any specific page.
The bonus book on the left is The Art of Tadashi Hiramatsu, a longtime GAINAX animator, and Animation Director for episodes 1, 3, & 6 of FLCL. So not technically part of the collection but certainly deserving of some extra credit. He was a pretty core part of the team for the show - Tsurumaki names him frequently in FLClickNoise when discussing an approach to a scene (Though I rank him below people like Yoji Enokido or Imaishi). He also loves Mamimi like me and this book has some great Mamimi art - as well as a ton of Kare Kano art, where he was the character designer and Chief Animation Director.
As always, if anyone wants any deeper dives into some of the books let me know, but that is probably long enough for now. Lets see what else I can gather up...
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pandirpus · 2 years
2022 Fanfic Meme
tagged by @northernscruffycat! and since i wrote some stuff this year, i‘m gonna treat myself and do this :D
Word count for the year: 16,853 words, which is more than most years! (and also i’ve written 2 more technically finished chapters i haven’t posted yet, which makes this my most productive year in ages :D)
Number of stories posted to Ao3: four fics!
Pairings written for:
Fandoms I wrote for: 
BNHA owns my soul
Most popular story: your hands around my neck (dkbk) - it’s the least niche one, but i’m still very suprised by how much love and attention it got 💕
Story I’m most proud of: Contact High (dkbk, izuocha, infidelity) - not just because it’s my first multichapter I actually finished before posting, it’s also based on the first idea I was really into when getting into dkbkdk but thought I could never write. Look at me now, past self! :D
Funniest: they are all silly because bkdk are silly ❤
Kinkiest: they are all just a bunch of kinks in a trenchcoat, but Bunny Mating 101 is the most unfiltered in its horniness.
Saddest: Hunger is just grief and survivor’s guilt rolled up in kink
Least Popular: Hunger, since it’s most niche with regards to setting and kinks. Deku wanting Bakugou to eat him is for very refined tastes only ;)
Most Cringe-Worthy: i don’t know any metric of how to measure cringe. it all is. nothing is. be free.
Favorite Opening Line(s):
"Please," Deku gasps, and Bakugou’s hand tightens around Deku’s throat.
Favorite Closing Line(s):
  Right now, Bakugou’s thumbs trace the freckles covering his shoulders and the faded bruises at the nape of his neck, slowly, carefully, like he's never touched anyone before, and something warm and unbearably fragile flutters in his chest when Deku ever so slightly leans back into his touch.
  For a blinding moment, he thinks of nothing but Deku's cock buried deep inside his cunt where it belongs, and all falls into place.
  Convulsing under the violent, visceral sensation of being torn apart, Izuku moans breathlessly as Kacchan’s teeth rip through fat, tissue and muscle fibre, until there's no distance left between them, until every part of Izuku inevitably becomes a part of him, forever inseparable.
Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: 
I’d say Deku crying and sobbing while pounding Bkg, but it’s inspired by so many good artworks already ❤
any art for my fics would make me cry but here’s what i can think of on the top of my head:
- bkg tending dk’s bruises on his neck in your hands around my neck
- feral zombie!bakugou with deku’s blood dripping from his face
- tiny wolf bkg spooning tiny bunny dk really wanting to bite his neck
can’t spoil anything from contact high but i’m very much considering commissioning scenes from the second/third chapter dkflkgk
Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to:  almost finished wips (some still from 2021, but at least i made progress on them 🙈)
- t4t dkbk with cuckholding fantasies
- dk who’s rly into blowjobs deepthroating bkg’s strap on
- my blood on your lips (middleschool bkdk with dk being a weirdo)
- ulterior motives (dk fucking bkg’s brains out so he can as schmoopy with him as he wants)
Fic-writing goals for 2023:
same as last year: find some time to write fics & have fun! also read more fics - i really want to get through my reading list and comment fics i’ve been hyped to read for months now.
Tagging (but no pressure) @hehebread @antarestyl @illwynd @philomayo and @yellowballpoint (and anyone who wants to do this! :D)
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spiderdreamer-blog · 1 year
Disney DTV Sequel Capsule Reviews: Atlantis: Milo’s Return (2003) and 101 Dalmatians: Patch’s London Adventure (2003)
The legacy of the DTV sequel/TV spinoff era for Disney’s animated films is a fascinating question. In terms of the naysayers, it was seen as diluting the brand with cheap recycling of the characters and plots of the classic movies (this is also the current argument aimed at the live action remakes). On the positive end, fans who grew up with them cite expanded worldbuilding and stories with new, compelling characters as points in their favor. I’m somewhere in the middle: I think at their worst with films like The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea, The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, The Jungle Book 2, or The Fox and the Hound 2, the stories are lazy and inspired with dull characters that don’t further the narratives. (FATH2 also lands in the strange “midquel” territory, which tends to present structural and dramatic issues) But at their best, those positive elements do stand out: even with some janky animation here and there, the Aladdin sequels and series created a robust action-adventure universe, The Lion King 1 1/2 is a genuinely clever spin (I also have a fondness for the Timon and Pumbaa TV show in terms of unabashed cartoon shenanigans, and Simba’s Pride has some strong drama to it), An Extremely Goofy Movie is a very solid follow-up to its predecessor, while Cinderella III: A Twist in Time arguably improves on the original in terms of the character writing. So I find myself here today having watched a couple of them I hadn’t seen before and found them interesting enough to write about. Let’s dig in, shall we?
Atlantis: Milo’s Return
So the first interesting note here is that this technically isn’t actually a sequel film. Prior to the summer 2001 release of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, a follow-up TV series called Team Atlantis was developed by Disney TV animation stalwarts like Tad Stones, Victor Cook, and Greg Weisman. It got far enough into production that three episodes were fully completed. Then the bad news came from on high: Atlantis had underperformed at the box office (though not outright bombing in the way, say, Treasure Planet did) thanks to a certain green ogre dominating all he surveyed, so the series was cancelled. This is quite a shame, in my opinion. Atlantis is one of my favorite Disney films, especially from that weird experimental era where they were attempting to experiment and get away from the strict Broadway musical formula that had dominated the Disney Renaissance of the late 80s through the 90s. We had this, Treasure Planet, Tarzan, The Emperor’s New Groove, and Lilo & Stitch in a five year span (we also had Dinosaur, Brother Bear, and Home on the Range, so not all of them were GOOD experiments, though I like Range more than most). It has great characters, some of my favorite character animation in the canon, and is gorgeously realized in terms of the various blended aesthetics and filmmaking. But someone got the bright idea in their head to compile the completed episodes and add some bridging animation to see if they could make some money off it. Incidentally, this is not the first time this has happened: Belle’s Magical World is made up of three episodes of an abandoned Beauty and the Beast spinoff series, and the first of these, The Return of Jafar, was initially created as the pilot movie for the Aladdin TV series before Michael Eisner suggested the video release.
We pick up sometime after the events of the film. Kida (Cree Summer), now Queen of Atlantis, is pondering if she should end her late father’s isolationism and return the city to the surface. Before she and Milo (James Arnold Taylor picking up for Michael J. Fox, the only original cast member not to return since he was presumably too expensive for a series budget) can make that decision, friends like Whitmore (John Mahoney, though a few lines sound like Corey Burton ADR pick-ups), Mole (Burton), Vinnie (Don Novello), Sweet (Phil Morris), and Audrey (Jacqueline Obradors) drop in for a visit. It turns out weird shit is happening on the surface that may be related to lost Atlantean artifacts, so the group goes to investigate. This gets us into our three recycled episodes: the first involves a trip to a village near Trondheim, Norway that is besieged by a Kraken and the mysterious Volgud (Clancy Brown); the next takes them to Arizona and an encounter with dust coyotes; and the third involves a former competitor of Whitmore’s, Erik Hellstrom (W. Morgan Sheppard), who had a mental breakdown and now believes himself to be Odin, wishing to bring down Ragnarok on the world.
I admit to grading on some fairly generous curves here. The animation is a notable downgrade from the film in the level of detail and fluidity, though it’s better looking than other spinoff series like The Legend of Tarzan, which cannot remotely replicate the intricate designs of that source film on a TV budget. And while Taylor is a fine actor that replicates Fox’s nerdy exuberance well, it’s distracting that he sounds “off” when every other major character outside of Cookie (Steven Barr taking over for the late Jim Varney, who died prior to the film’s release) steps right into place like they never left. But in terms of an old-fashioned episodic adventure series, it’s actually pretty entertaining once we get underway. 
One major point in its favor are that the characters are all on point writing wise (Sweet is forever my favorite thanks to Morris’ cheerful motor-mouth contrasting so well with his massive size), and it’s nice to see progression on things like Milo and Kida’s romantic relationship being low-key sweet or the obvious question she would have to answer in terms of Atlantis’ status. It’s also interesting to watch the stories progressively get better. The first one has some decent action and Lovecraftian atmosphere, but Volgud is a mostly periphery threat who could’ve been emphasized more; it feels like a waste of the always great Brown, who adds a Nordic chill to his bass tones. The second has more of a fun Western vibe, with a good sneering villain in the form of Thomas F. Wilson as Ashton Carnaby, shifting his Biff vibes into sleazy con man mode, and he gets a grimly karmic fate for his transgressions. A Native American spirit named Chakashi also has some interesting beats as a character, not revealing whether he’s friend or foe until the end, and I like Floyd Red Crow Westerman’s dry, foreboding performance. The third story is unquestionably the best. Sheppard (in an ironic bit of casting since he played the genuine article Odin in an episode of Weisman’s Gargoyles) is a commanding and charismatic presence as Hellstrom, who carries the action formidably. His recasting of Milo as the trickster god Loki and Kida as his daughter Brunhilde reminded me of how Batman: The Animated Series handled the character of Maxie Zeus: his delusions are so overpowering that they barely seem to inconvenience him. You even feel a slight touch of pity as he cries out for his Asgard at the end. It also has some fun lifts from Jack Kirby in how a frost giant and presumably Surtur are visualized.
All told, I think I had this quite a bit of potential as a series even with the noted flaws. Among the planned episodes were a crossover with Gargoyles called “The Last” that would’ve featured an unnamed Demona and one of the Canmore family’s Hunters, which got as far as recording and model sheets before the plug got pulled. I don’t know that it would’ve been groundbreaking, but we still could have had plenty of adventures with this crew, and maybe more continuations like a theatrical sequel. Hell, I’d be down for a revival Disney Plus series at this point. But this is all that remains of a curious, half-formed dream.
101 Dalmatians: Patch’s London Adventure
The original 101 Dalmatians is not what I’d call a four-star classic of the Disney canon, but it’s a solid B+ with a great 60s London vibe and one of the all-time classic villains in Cruella De Vil. She’s so iconic and funny that they half considered using her in The Rescuers (which IMO would’ve been a considerable improvement) and they had to get no less then the great Glenn Close to play her in the 90s live action remake. The massive success of said remake reignited interest in the property, with a spinoff TV series that melded elements of the original film and the remake, as well as a sequel to the live action film, 102 Dalmatians (the height of creativity, as you can see), and this sequel. I’d never seen it before, but found a good recommendation for it in a YouTube ranking of all the sequels, so I decided to check it out.
We pick up after the film as Roger and Anita Darling (Tim Bentnick and Jodi Benson, the latter managing a pretty good British accent to these Yankee ears) prepare to move their pound of puppies, as well as Pongo (Samuel West) and Perdita (Kath Soucie), to a farm in the country, their “dalmatian plantation”. One pup, the titular Patch (Bobby Lockwood), increasingly feels left out and not recognized for his own qualities. Naturally, he fawns over TV hero Thunderbolt (Barry Bostwick), who’ll be in town for a get-on-the-show-as-a-guest-star contest, and Patch seizes the opportunity when he’s accidentally left behind in the move. After Patch embarrasses himself at the contest, Thunderbolt’s sidekick, Lightning (Jason Alexander), informs the star that the producers are planning to kill him off and replace him with a younger dog, in a bid to make himself the star after stewing in his shadow. Thunderbolt then determines he should commit real acts of heroism to raise his profile and recruits Patch to help him when he realizes the fan remembers more about his own show than he does. Meanwhile, a disgraced Cruella (Susanne Blakeslee) meets strange artist Lars (Martin Short, going full-bore on the pretentious French artiste cliche) and is inspired by his spot-centric art, eventually getting a wonderful, awful idea to inspire him in turn...
The first, most obvious thing about this movie is that it looks great. Disney’s then-still-in-action Japanese unit replicates the Xerography look of the original quite well, giving it a fresh digital crispness in the process. Especially good are the backgrounds, which are a lovely callback to the modern, abstract cityscapes of London. They accompany this with their typical brand of fluid, snappy character animation that suits figures like the larger-than-life Thunderbolt and the extravagant Cruella. It feels like a channeling rather than a stale imitation, which is key to these projects. The acting is also very much on point, particular highlights including Lockwood being chirpy and likeable without becoming grating, Bostwick riding a good line of an egotistical jerk that you nonetheless care about, Alexander using his smarmy asshole routine to great effect, Blakeslee adding to her repertoire of recreating old-timey villains (she’s also a great Maleficent) by chewing every last scrap of scenery available, and Short managing a good two-step with a character who is at first deliberately annoying but undergoes a pleasantly surprising change.
“Pleasantly surprising” is a good way to put it overall. Like the original, it’s not groundbreaking, but it finds purchase in pursuing solid character dynamics. A dilemma like Patch’s is quite a fertile one, and they mine it well without going too far into bathos territory; notably, once it’s discovered that he’s missing, his family IMMEDIATELY leaps into action. The bond between him and Thunderbolt is nicely organic, with the star learning that his actions do have a positive impact even if they’re just “acting” in his mind. And while they have a slightly rote “liar revealed” moment when Lightning gleefully rubs it in that Thunderbolt was using Patch for his own benefit, the pup’s hurt is well-handled, and Thunderbolt actually owns up to it rather than make excuses, which assists his ultimate redemptive moments (he’d also already been feeling guilty and tried to admit it beforehand). Cruella is used in interesting ways too; even if she reverts to her old self to a degree, it’s fascinating to see her kind of broken down and in a real relationship. There’s also a few good chuckles out of the culture clash between the thoroughly American Thunderbolt and his British surrounding, such as a gag where he chastises drivers for being on the “wrong” side of the road. The only really tired/eye-rolling moment is a drag-disguise scene with henchmen Horace and Jasper that doesn’t really add anything a less elaborate, gendered disguise couldn’t have accomplished. I get that a lot of these old-school drag bits weren’t inherently malicious, but it’s always a bit jarring to go back (compare to, say, Bugs Bunny, who gives remarkably zero fucks in ways that are more palatable to modern lenses).
My ultimate conclusion here, I suppose, is that while hard work and talent do not always make up for weak premises and starting points, as many of these sequels evidenced, the fact remains that a lot of hardworking, talented people who cared about the craft did work on these. The law of averages demands that can come through even under mercenary circumstances and with less resources. I find myself glad I dipped into these waters again, thinking more fondly of the whole enterprise.
Except you, Little Mermaid II. You still suck.
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chaos-has-theories · 2 years
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Ich habe 6.192 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 5.090 more posts als 2021!
101 Einträge erstellt (2%)
6.091 Einträge gerebloggt (98%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 5.369 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 13% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#the locked tomb – 970 Einträge
#miraculous ladybug – 813 Einträge
#writing – 203 Einträge
#septimus heap – 187 Einträge
#lgbtq – 178 Einträge
#nona the ninth – 170 Einträge
#reminder – 133 Einträge
#stories – 128 Einträge
#dracula – 118 Einträge
#prompts – 117 Einträge
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but actually we had alot of old czech/german production that i loved a lot - die märchenbraut and saxana and luzie der schrecken der straße
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I have just realized that technically, intertextually, analysing-the-themes-ically, Marcia is Jenna's evil stepmother.
I mean - Jenna is Snow White, yeah? Princess, black hair, mother dies, lost in the forest, pursued by a hunter; gets taken in by a family defined by having seven little people living in a very enclosed space.
And then there's Marcia - who marries her father, who takes her appearance very seriously, who we're even told has a sentient magic mirror within a paragraph of meeting her.
She even almost plays into her role... for about one chapter. She arrives at the Princess' new home, plying her with jewelry, and tries to take her away, much to the chagrin of both her and her family.
Except Marcia just isn't evil. She takes Jenna with her to keep her safe and gives her fuzzy purple socks and then they all jump down a rubbish chute, and the next time the books remember that they were kind of about Snow White once upon a time is during Queste Physik, when the real Evil Queen appears (who also uses a magic mirror, who wants to be young forever, who is willing to kill her own daughter over it).
Anyway I'm obsessed with how these books do and do not use fairy tale motifs but I definitely hadn't noticed Marcia's role in it before today but now that I do I'm going to make fun of her forever (affectionate)
120 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. Juni 2022
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I just realized that technically this is an accurate synopsis of my fic for the Septimus Heap Big Bang
138 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 11. Juli 2022
I am currently rereading the Septimus Heap books. Because those always fascinated me, I'm paying special attention to the clothes - who wears what colors, etc, since that's such an important part of those books.
Anyway I get to this part:
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"Hanseatic"? I wonder if that word means anything. Or is it something to do with the other countries in that world? Let's google.
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
158 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 5. Juni 2022
Reasons why Harry Clown and Gabriel Agreste are or were or should be boyfriends, in no particular order:
- “ma poule”
- they were clearly besties when they were younger. I must assume that Gabriel made that costume as a favour, long before Audrey ever discovered him. Maybe Gabe pretends to be tough now, but he still has a soft spot for Harry. He just does.
- Gabriel thinks he agreed to Harry’s plan for Shadowmoth reasons. He is wrong. Harry went into the meeting with way to much confidence for him not to know exactly how to deal with the Gabe. Which is very important. Someone has to do it.
- Adrien deserves a parent like Harry. He has emotions! He also has a terrible sense of humor that Adrien can be upset (affectionate) about
- When hanging out with Marinette, Harry had perfect weird uncle energy. He is not her uncle. But he could be her weird step-father-in-law.
- He can balance out Gabriel “block of stone” Agreste. Imagine Harry going somewhere with the Agreste Tablet (TM). Nobody would be intimidated ever again.
- Harry?? Knows about Gabriel being Shadowmoth? Yes I know that’s probably not what they meant to say with this episode but neither did they mean to say that Gabriel is bi, shhhh. But if Harry knows, he’s clearly not particularly upset about it. He can stand behind Gabriel who is stoically attending fashion galas, or behind Shadowmoth dramatically monologuing, and his only reaction would be “you’re doing amazing sweetie!”
- “ma poule”
414 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 30. Januar 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
If Adrien had a penny for every time one of his parents was hiding a serious Miraculous-related illness or injury from him, he'd have three pennies.
Which is honestly too many pennies. Adrien, sweetie, I am so sorry.
828 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 20. Oktober 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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cynthia-hitechpcba · 17 hours
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Flex rigid printed circuit board 10 layers - one-stop electronics manufacturing service provider and partner in China, Hitech Circuits
The 10 layers multilayers flexible rigid printed circuit board is constructed with premier FR4 + PI material and dazzling immersion gold finishing.
Email to Cynthia<[email protected]> if you are looking for Flex-Rigid PCB supplier for electronics products.
Technical Parameters
Layers: 10 layers Rigid-flex PCB
Material: FR4 + PI
Thickness: 1.6mm
Surface treatment: ENIG
Panel size: 101*110mm
Specialty: L5-6 (flexible board), L1-4, L7-10 (rigid board), countersink holes
Solder mask: Green+coverlay
Silkscreen: White
Vacuum packing ways are available
Comes with RoHS Directive-compliant
0 notes
vbeyound · 6 days
Power Automate 101: Elevating Business Processes with Automation
Power Automate is quickly becoming a vital tool for businesses looking to streamline their processes. As companies grow, the demand for efficient workflows increases, and this is where Power Automate truly shines. By allowing businesses to automate repetitive tasks, it improves both efficiency and accuracy. With automation at its core, Power Automate empowers organizations to focus on more critical tasks that drive growth, rather than getting bogged down in manual processes.
At its essence, Power Automate is a cloud-based service from Microsoft that allows users to create automated workflows between apps and services. Whether it’s automating data entry, generating reports, or managing approvals, Power Automate makes it easy to build custom workflows that save time and reduce human error. The intuitive interface enables users of all technical backgrounds to get started quickly, making it accessible even for teams without dedicated developers. This ease of use, combined with powerful capabilities, is what makes Power Automate a game-changer for businesses.
One of the key advantages of Power Automate is its ability to integrate with numerous apps and services. From Microsoft’s own suite of products, such as SharePoint, Teams, and Outlook, to third-party services like Twitter, Dropbox, and Google Drive, Power Automate offers extensive connectivity. This allows businesses to create a seamless flow of information between different systems without the need for manual intervention. Whether a company uses a few or many apps, Power Automate ensures that data is transferred smoothly and accurately.
Moreover, the flexibility of Power Automate means that it can be adapted to various industries. For example, in the retail sector, businesses can automate inventory updates, ensuring that stock levels are always accurate. In healthcare, patient data can be automatically updated across systems, improving both the speed and accuracy of care. Whatever the industry, Power Automate offers solutions that help businesses achieve more with less effort.
Power Automate also includes features such as AI Builder, which allows users to incorporate artificial intelligence into their workflows. From text recognition to sentiment analysis, AI Builder enhances the capabilities of Power Automate, enabling businesses to automate tasks that traditionally required human intervention. This added layer of intelligence further optimizes workflows and helps businesses stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly digital world.
For those concerned about security, Power Automate provides enterprise-grade protection. Built on the robust Microsoft Azure platform, it ensures that data is secure, compliant, and protected at all times. This is critical for businesses that deal with sensitive information, such as financial institutions or healthcare providers, where data breaches can have severe consequences.
With so many features and integrations, Power Automate is undoubtedly a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. But navigating its capabilities and ensuring they align with a company’s specific needs requires expertise. That’s where Vbeyond Digital comes in. Specializing in helping organizations implement digital solutions, Vbeyond Digital offers the expertise needed to maximize the potential of Power Automate Service. Their team of experts works with businesses to create custom workflows that not only save time but also enhance productivity and drive long-term growth.
Power Automate has changed the way businesses approach process automation. It offers an accessible and powerful solution that addresses the need for efficiency, flexibility, and security. By automating repetitive tasks, connecting multiple systems, and incorporating AI, Power Automate makes it possible for businesses to streamline operations and focus on what truly matters—innovation and growth. As businesses continue to adopt digital tools, those that invest in automation will find themselves better positioned to adapt and thrive in a fast-moving business environment.
In conclusion, Power Automate Service is more than just a tool for automating tasks; it’s a platform for transforming how businesses operate. With the support of partners like Vbeyond Digital, businesses can fully leverage the potential of this service, ensuring that their workflows are not only efficient but also scalable and future-proof.
0 notes
psatalk · 25 days
Gita Press's books get a colorful avatar with Komori
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Gita Press, the world’s largest publisher of Hindu religious texts, is one of Komori’s key clients. This printer and publisher of religious books from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh has been running three Komori machines, the latest one being a Lithrone GL437 installed this year, to bring out all its publications into four colors on art paper.
Established in the year 1923, Gita Press, a unit of Gobind Bhawan Karyalaya, promotes and spreads the principles of Sanatana Dharma among the general public by publishing Gita, Ramayana, Puranas as well as discourses of eminent saints, and other character-building books & magazines at highly-subsidized prices.
More than 1,850 different books of Gita Press in 15 languages are now available to readers.
“Today, we can say with pride that Gita Press has completed its journey of 101 years. Marking the centenary milestone, we celebrated Gita Press’ establishment last year in which prime minister Narendra Modi and former president Ram Nath Kovind were present,” says Ashutosh Upadhyay, production manager of Gita Press.
He adds, “In its 100-year journey, Gita Press has so far published more than 90 crore books in different titles. Currently, we produce around 80,000 books daily. We always strive for the fulfilment of our readers in accordance to their subject, interest and provision with our books.” Books from Gita Press started gaining new attraction since they started getting printed in Komori presses in 2018.
On choosing Komori, Upadhyay says, “Before investing in the sheet-fed offset press, we did an extensive market survey to monitor which machine would be suitable for printing our books in four colors. After the search, we took the final decision of buying only Komori and installed our first machine, a Lithrone of 20x30 inch, in 2018 and started printing all our distinct jobs like covers & jackets of significant books.”
He continues, “The first Komori machine boosted our productivity and print quality to another level. It runs at the speed of 13,000 iph, which is double the speed of our erstwhile press, and print quality improved to 60%. That’s why we afterward decided to buy a second Komori, a bigger size Lithrone GL437 of 25x37inch. Our purpose of the second machine was to start full-color printing of all our publications. As a result, our overall printing activities progressed, and this year we have purchased our third Komori machine, yet another Lithrone GL437.”
Three Komori machines have improved the printing and production of books at Gita Press in terms of quality and quantity. “It has refined our jobs to a larger extent by printing our publications such as Ramcharitmanas, Shiv Mahapuran, Sunderkand, Durga Saptashati... in four colors on art paper. Subsequently, it attracts a new generation and young readers. Publishing 1,850 books in 15 languages, making them available to readers of all age groups in diverse geographies wouldn’t have been possible without the technical advancements in our production facility,” says Upadhyay.
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annabelledarcie · 25 days
Token Creation 101: Essential Steps to Develop and Deploy Your Cryptocurrency
In the evolving world of cryptocurrency, creating and deploying your own token can be a transformative venture, offering opportunities for innovation, fundraising, and digital asset management. However, the process can seem complex to beginners. This guide provides a straightforward approach to developing and launching your own cryptocurrency token, breaking down each step to ensure a successful launch.
1. Understand the Basics of Token Creation
Before diving into the technical aspects, it's essential to grasp the fundamental concepts:
What is a Token?
Digital Asset: A unit of value created and managed on a blockchain.
Types of Tokens:
Utility Tokens: Provide access to a product or service within a blockchain ecosystem.
Security Tokens: Represent ownership or investment in real-world assets and are typically subject to regulatory oversight.
Governance Tokens: Allow holders to participate in decision-making processes related to the project or platform.
Understanding these basics will guide your decision-making throughout the token creation process.
2. Define Your Token’s Purpose and Use Case
Clearly defining your token’s purpose is crucial for its success:
Determine the Token Type: Decide whether your token will be a utility, security, or governance token based on its intended use.
Outline the Value Proposition: Identify what problems your token will solve or what benefits it will provide to its users.
Set Goals and Objectives: Define what you hope to achieve with your token, such as fundraising, community engagement, or platform access.
A well-defined purpose will help in designing your token and strategizing its deployment.
3. Choose the Blockchain Platform
Selecting the right blockchain platform is essential for your token’s functionality and performance:
Ethereum: The most popular platform for token creation, supporting standards like ERC-20 (fungible tokens) and ERC-721 (non-fungible tokens or NFTs).
Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Offers lower transaction fees and faster processing times, ideal for BEP-20 tokens.
Solana: Known for high throughput and low fees, suitable for performance-intensive applications.
Polygon: Provides scalability solutions for Ethereum-based tokens with lower costs and faster transactions.
Choose a platform based on factors like transaction fees, speed, scalability, and community support.
4. Select the Token Standard
Token standards define how your token will interact with other systems and platforms:
ERC-20: The most common standard for fungible tokens, where each token is identical and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.
ERC-721: Used for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with unique attributes that cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.
BEP-20: Binance Smart Chain’s equivalent to ERC-20, used for fungible tokens on the BSC network.
Choose a standard that aligns with your token’s use case and the blockchain platform you are using.
5. Develop the Smart Contract
Smart contracts are self-executing agreements with terms written into code. They manage the creation, distribution, and transactions of your token:
Write the Smart Contract: Use a programming language like Solidity (for Ethereum) to code your contract. Include functionalities such as token creation, transfer, and balance tracking.
Test the Contract: Deploy the contract on a testnet (e.g., Ropsten, Rinkeby) to ensure it functions correctly and identify any potential issues.
Audit the Contract: Conduct a security audit, ideally by a third-party service, to identify and address vulnerabilities.
Tools for Development:
Remix: An online IDE for writing and testing Solidity contracts.
Truffle: A development environment and testing framework for Ethereum-based smart contracts.
Hardhat: A versatile development environment with advanced features for Ethereum.
6. Deploy Your Token
With your smart contract developed and tested, you’re ready to deploy it on the blockchain:
Deploy the Contract: Use tools like Remix, Truffle, or Hardhat to deploy your contract to the mainnet.
Verify the Contract: Ensure transparency and build trust by verifying your contract on blockchain explorers like Etherscan or BscScan.
Post-Deployment Tasks:
Add Token to Wallets: Ensure compatibility with popular wallets to facilitate easy access for users.
List on Exchanges: Submit your token to decentralized and centralized exchanges to enable trading and liquidity.
7. Develop a Marketing and Community Engagement Strategy
A successful token launch goes beyond technical execution; effective marketing and community engagement are key:
Create a Website and Whitepaper: Develop a professional website and a comprehensive whitepaper detailing your token’s purpose, technology, and roadmap.
Engage with the Community: Utilize social media, forums, and blockchain communities to build a following and generate interest.
Implement Marketing Campaigns: Use strategies such as influencer partnerships, content marketing, and email campaigns to reach potential users and investors.
Community Engagement Tips:
Host AMAs (Ask Me Anything): Engage directly with your audience to address their questions and build trust.
Provide Regular Updates: Keep your community informed about developments and future plans.
8. Ensure Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with legal regulations is crucial for avoiding legal issues:
Consult Legal Experts: Seek advice from legal professionals to ensure your token complies with relevant regulations.
Implement KYC/AML Procedures: Set up Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures if required.
Protect Intellectual Property: Register trademarks and patents if necessary to safeguard your token’s unique aspects.
9. Monitor and Iterate
After launching your token, ongoing management is essential for success:
Track Performance: Monitor key metrics such as transaction volumes, market price, and user engagement.
Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from your community and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.
Update and Improve: Regularly update your smart contract and marketing strategies based on performance data and feedback.
Monitoring Tools:
Blockchain Explorers: Track transactions and contract interactions.
Analytics Platforms: Use platforms like Dune Analytics or Google Analytics for insights.
Creating and deploying your own cryptocurrency token involves several crucial steps, from defining its purpose to ensuring legal compliance and ongoing management. By following this guide, you can navigate the complexities of token creation and position your digital asset for success. Whether you’re aiming to innovate, raise funds, or enhance a blockchain project, a well-planned and executed token launch can pave the way for achieving your goals.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with your token creation journey. Best of luck with your cryptocurrency venture!
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