#teatime on Monday not
reggiefaer · 2 years
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#monday is a whole vibe. . . #california #picnic #fun #riverlife #Sacramento #mondays #artist #teatime (at Winters, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWSXfzu30f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geitpl · 2 years
When all you need is a massive cup of tea especially on Monday 🥱☕️
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anamor-lyne · 2 years
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Goodnight #monday #teatime #quote “We should be strong and true” #lifequotes #happinessquotes #herbaltea #healthy #teadrinker #yogitea #organic #tea #namaste 🙏🏾 #goodnight #bekind #begreat #begood #behappy #beyou #begreatful #bethankful at #ontheroadagain https://www.instagram.com/p/Cji3fvvMRdv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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duchess-kyuupid · 2 years
Twst Men and How to Fluster Them
How should one go about teasing their love to get that desirable shade of red on their faces?
[GN! Reader / Suggestive, but SFW] *All of these are pre-relationship and you trying to flirt with him*
~~Heartslabyul Edition~~ [Pt. 1]
[Ft. Riddle, Deuce, and Ace]
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Riddle - When you break the rules just to get his attention - It doesn't take long to get under his skin with your flirty advances, because clearly Rule #324 states "A rose must never rest betwixt the mouth after teatime on Mondays" - and yet here you are, resting a lovely red rose in between those tantalizing lips of yours and sending a playful wink his way once you caught eye contact. - No, he was not going to fall for your antics again, not when you've broken the rules, again!! It should be off with your head! But before he can say anything, you quickly cover your mouth with your hands and sneakily hide the rose down your sleeves without him noticing. - "Why, Housewarden Riddle, I'd never dream of breaking any rules!" you claim with a knowing smile, "Oh, but, there seems to be something in your hair, let me get that for you-" - You step a little too close to him, he thinks, and you reach in an area behind his head, pulling out the rose from your sleeve. Already, Riddle's face has been red as apples from your proximity, and your very obvious flirting. - "Can't have the Queen looking improper for class, can we?" You chuckle and reach out for his hand to give him the rose. Mission complete, you've turned the Housewarden of Heartslabyul into a stuttering, flustered mess, and you decide (oh so graciously) that it was time to stop teasing him for the time being. Riddle notices how your eyes change from their mischievous little smirk to one of soft reminiscence. - "That was a type of 'magic trick' that was popular in my own world you know. We might not have had magic like you do here, but we do have our own little tricks up our sleeve," You laugh breathlessly, "But I'm pretty sure that with real magic, you wouldn't need to use tricks like this. Anyway Riddle, enjoy the rest of your day! And don't be late for class!" - And just like that, you briskly walked away without Riddle having the opportunity to reply. Suffice to say, Riddle couldn't bring himself to let go of the rose until he made it back to his room later that day, where he's been keeping it in a little vase ever since. (Oh, and if you or anyone else ever sees it, don't ask him about it! He'd be too embarrassed to give a straight answer... Or do, we all know that he's so much fun to tease~)
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Ace - When you kiss the heart on his eye - "Ace, come here for a second, I have something to tell you," you say as Ace happens to walk by you on his way to the cafeteria. Naturally, he comes over without even a second thought (this man is so whipped for you, he'd do anything you ask before he could even process it - but of course you didn't know this). - "Sure! What is it?" he asks once he's closer to you. You say nothing until he's in perfect range to attack, and then you pounce. - With quick movements you lightly grab his chin and direct his face towards the side and kiss the little heart on his eye. - You stepped back as quickly as you could, feeling your nerves catch up on you, and while you still had your confidence in your system, you gave him your proudest smile and waited for his reaction. His eyes had widened and his mouth was slack-jawed as he was still processing what had just happened. This went on for about a solid minute of the two of you just staring at each other before you explain to him, - "That was for helping me out the other day. I have no chance of catching Grim on my own when he runs off chasing whatever's got his attention," you laugh a little, but it feels awkward seeing as how Ace still hadn't said anything yet, his hand was just hovering over the spot that you kissed over his heart. To be honest, that was really just an excuse that you made up on the spot. The truth was you kissed him like this because he's been too dumb to notice that you've been flirting with him for the past month. If this doesn't tell him that you're interested, you really don't know what will. - Now, you didn't know this, but this man's heart was simultaneously going a million miles a minute but also never going anywhere, like the cogs in his brain had short-circuited. He could hear his heart hammering in his ribcage like it was trying to escape, and all that he could focus on was the feeling of your warm lips kissing his upper cheek, even after they've been long gone. - On your end though, the silence was almost getting suffocating. At first you were greatly enjoying the spectacle of having Ace all frozen up and red in the face, but with each passing moment, your smile began to falter more and more. 'Did I misinterpret his reaction? Did he not like it? Is he actually getting angry with me? Did I really just ruin my relationship with Ace??' your thoughts began swarming your mind like flies, but before you open your mouth to apologize for being inappropriate, you hear Ace giggle and you could now see the big, dopey smile on his face too. - "So then, all I've gotta do is catch Grim, right? And you'll give me another one of those?" he asks confidently. If you hadn't known any better, you'd have thought that he was the one who gave you a kiss. - "W-well yes, if you'd like one," you reply rather sheepishly. - "Haha! Sweet! That weasel's not going anywhere, not while I'm around!" he chuckles brightly, "Say, I was just on my way to the cafeteria before you stopped me, wanna go eat together?" - You nod with a relieved laugh, "Sure, I'd like that." - "Hey, I've got an awesome idea! What if," he points to his cheek, "I buy your lunch in exchange for another one? Who says that the deal should be exclusively for catching Grim?" - And so at this point, the tables had turned- you had no idea that he'd be so excited about the little kiss on the cheek that he'd start asking for more right after. So, you, of course, had to change the tables again- to maintain your pride as a teasing lover, if nothing else, so you reply, - "How about you pay for my lunch AND you become my boyfriend? You get one free kiss for lunch, and you can get a specialty kiss voucher at least once a day that you can redeem anytime! It's a great deal, if I do say so myself!"
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Deuce - When you help him study - To be honest, he's already a little embarrassed that he had to ask you for help on his homework. He swore to himself that he would become an honor student at NRC and make his mother proud, and yet here he is, just barely managing to pass his classes with a C, and having to ask the one who can't even use magic for help on his homework about magic. It's deplorable, really. Oh! but no offence to you though, in fact Deuce has so much admiration for you because of this fact! He thinks it's amazing how quickly you were able to learn everything from class when you've had almost no background knowledge or practical uses for any of it! Of course you were amazing! Meanwhile he's over here struggling with some of the most basic principles... - "Deuce, are you even listening to me?" you snap him out of his thoughts once you realized that he was just staring blankly at you, your tutoring lecture falling in one ear and out the other. - And with a surprised shake of his head, he realizes that the only thing that he was able to focus on for the past hour or so was you. - "Sorry, I just blanked out a little, can you repeat that last part you said again?" well, he really wanted you to repeat all of it, but he had to at least make it look like he was improving because of you- that way you'd continue helping him study like this in the future... But then again, if he asked you to repeat everything you'd already gone over, there's a chance that you would stay here for longer... - "Listen, Deuce, I don't think that this is working," you sigh and you go to stand up. His eyes widen and he hurriedly tries to stop you from leaving, - "Wait!-" - "That's why I want to try a different tactic," you smile, "If you can manage to correctly answer at least 10 questions in a row today, then I'll grant you one wish. And it could be anything- I can go buy something for you, I'll make you food, hell I'll even give you a kiss if you asked. And if you can make at least a B on the test this week, then I will do whatever you want for the whole day. And I mean anything." - 'Huh? A kiss? You'd give him a kiss if he got 10 answers right?!' Deuce's face flares up in a reddish hue at the thought and you take his stuttering as a yes to the deal. You smile at him and begin tutoring him once again. ~~ - Fast forward a couple of hours, and Deuce finally manages to get 10 answers correct in a row, and it's time for you to deliver on his reward. - "Well, what you do want, Deuce-y? Anything you want, is yours..." You tease him with the nickname, but all it does is make him more nervous because oh god, he didn't think about the fact that he'd have to ask for it!! - "Umm,,, I... Can I have a …a kiss from you?" - "Hm? What did you say? A kass?" Oh my god, there's absolutely no way that he'd be able to say it again without dying on the spot! - "A casserole..." He sighs. - "Alright, no problem! It's already way past dinnertime so the cafeteria's probably still closed, so what kind do you want me to make for you? I'm pretty hungry myself, so how about shepherd's pie?" You stand up from your spot on the couch and start walking towards the kitchen area behind him. - "Sure.." He really couldn't care less about what you made at this moment, he's still reeling from missing his one chance to get a kiss from his crush... - That is, until, you come up from behind him and give him a sneak attack kiss on his cheek. - "I actually did hear you, Deuce-y, just felt like teasing you for a bit," you whispered into his ear and giggled, "Now you just have to get a B or better on the exam, and I'll give you another one on the lips~" - To tell you that he died right there on the spot would be an understatement.
Literally I wanted to get all of the Heartslabyul characters on here but then the post got too big ToT the price we pay for love....
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walkingstackofbooks · 13 days
The feeling when you're just tired and want to do nothing with the day and honestly, just kind of want the day to be over as soon as possible because doing nothing will make you feel bad about doing nothing.
But also you're So Aware that it's Monday Tomorrow and that means Work Again and that means No Writing Until Thursday
And so you also really want to write something because that's fun and makes your brain happy
But you're too tired and you know just watching some Voyager is probably the self-care thing to do and just blob
And idk. You're just pre-emptively like, grieving? how quickly your afternoon's going to go and then suddenly it'll be teatime and bedtime and gahhhhh.
I think I'm just a bit sad and anxious rn and brain is hungering for something that I can't give it because I don't know what.
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thedivaking · 4 months
did it mean anything to you?  ❜
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The porcelain tea-ware upon the garden table gleamed in the mottled sunlight filtering through a thick blanket of leaves overhead. Each piece was exquisitely crafted, etched in a delicate Elven design that danced as the light played upon it. The tea leaves within were a blend from the farthermost reaches of Middle-Earth - a gift from a wandering merchant who spoke of the ancient lands to the West. And arranged before them on a slab of polished wood laid cured meats, wedges of fine cheeses, fruits, and a generous assortment of nuts, chocolates, and honeyed delicacies. Thranduil handed the first cup to Lady Clarisse as he mulled over her question and poured into his own teacup. No doubt it had caught him off guard, and he was uncertain of how to answer. For him, meaning was not always found in overt gestures, but in quiet moments that left a persisting mark upon his soul. Such things were seldom understood by those who had not lived and lost for thousands of years as he had. But in the last several months, he had grown to enjoy their Monday visits and the conversation she brought with her, of far away times — her time — and hundreds of years of life. And although her soul had not been marked with the same scars, there was still much to learn of her trials. And so, he would answer.
After all, it was only recently that he found himself engrossed in the duties of his crown and the happenings of Middle-Earth - and, accordingly, had missed many a teatime and many an intriguing exchange. "Your company and friendship has brought a rare and welcome pleasure to my days. It is a joy to share tea and conversation with someone who appreciates the subtleties of both, as I do. And it delights my heart to know that such simple joys still hold meaning in your time." He spoke, choosing his words with great care. "Teatime in these gardens is seldom a privilege given to anyone else, but I digress. The well-being of my realm and of my people, and of your kind, must always come before my own desires. And thus, I kept the entry way from Emerys' library sealed."
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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09/06/2024. Bonjour et bienvenue, it’s been a pretty tough week but at least we have had some sunny days and I have taken the opportunity to have a closer inspection of the plants flowering in my garden.
The photo shows lavatera, lavender and nigella which were planted about 3 years ago and still produce lovely flowers.
My week has mainly been spent in hospitals, travelling to and from Paris for a day was very fraught on Monday. I set off at 5:30am and arrived at the hospital at 9am. Bloods were taken and a transfusion was requested. The CT scan was booked for 15:30 which meant I would be pretty late home, however they managed to do the scan an hour earlier and I was hoping to arrive home around teatime. The taxi was requested (I thought he would be waiting) the hospital were told one hour, at 16:00 I rang saying the taxi hadn’t arrived and was told 45 minutes more! The taxi eventually arrived after 18:00 and a three hour journey home meant that I arrived in time for bed. As if that wasn’t bad enough I had to return on Wednesday for more transfusions. Again it was a long day as I needed platelets and hémoglobin 😩. The final day for transfusions was Friday, fortunately that was at Troyes but again it’s a full day taken up with treatments. I must admit to feeling better than I did earlier in the week so hopefully the new tablets for platelets, the daily injections for white blood cells and the weekly injection for red blood cells are doing some good.
Did I see Airforce One coming into land at Orly on Wednesday morning as I was en route to the hospital? What I saw was a rather large plane on a landing path, I was tempted to try and photograph it but there was also a chateau I wanted to “snap” unfortunately I didn’t get a shot of either as the traffic suddenly started moving faster.
I did have an enjoyable visit from a friend, on Tuesday, I had made a Pear and Roquefort quiche and served it with potatoes. I was pleased to say that I ate a quarter of the quiche (probably the most I had eaten in a while). I received some beautiful fragrant roses from my friends garden. When I inspected my roses I should have checked to see if they fragranced but I forgot so will have to do that next time.
I have also managed to do some washing and am trying to keep the house presentable. Afternoons however are spent relaxing which usually involves 😴 for an hour or so.
I didn’t watch any of the D-Day coverage as I guessed it would be pretty emotional and I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope with that.
I really must mention King Charles who had chemotherapy on Tuesday and still managed to be at the ceremonies on Wednesday and Thursday. I know that there are different types of chemo and not all types can “wipe you out” but it’s still a treatment and after all he is not a young man.
“My Personal Shopper”, my very kind neighbour, has been called upon quite a few days this week but he just rises to the occasion. Anie also did some shopping for me too but she has now met up with her family from Indonesia and they are going on holiday, probably to the south of France.
Coming home late on Monday, I noticed that the Hotel Pomme d’Or bar was open. It had been closed since December when a fire was started in the hotel part of the building. Good to see it’s open again but I don’t expect to be having a coffee in there anytime soon.
My hair is starting to grow back and I am hoping that this time I won’t need any treatment which would make it fall out again!
Another busy week for “The Trainee Solicitor” who, this weekend, is busy revising for exams next week. It’s the three day week at Uni and with that the early starts (he is following in his Mothers footsteps getting up early morning). As the course is only short it won’t be for much longer.
“The Reconnect Navigator” has had a few tough days but she has managed to work through them and was glad when the weekend came around. Not that there is much on the agenda with her partner busy revising but it’s the Canadian Grand Prix so she may manage to watch that.
“The Photographer” has been busy buying new clothes ready for his new job. A friend of his has found out she is expecting twins and revealed the sexes on a video. She is expecting a girl and a boy, it’s still a long way to go for her and I for one will be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. He had thought he was going to be busy with photography this weekend but that fell through at the last minute.
“The Jetsetter” headed off to Majorca, for a week, on Friday evening. A look at the weather forecast didn’t make it look too appealing but it’s a change of scenery. I have just had a quick look and it seems that it will still be top 20c so not too shabby. I am sure that a wonderful time will be had anyway, cloud or sunshine.
I am dipping out of the music part of the blog this week. I had difficulty coming up with some songs last week and so decided to have a little break.
Hoping you all have a good week until next week
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queer-talmid · 10 months
🎄Holiday Weekend Hangout Streams🎄
Hey friends!
I know that not everyone has a place to be over the holidays, so I’m going to be doing a couple streams for people who want some company. I’ll be playing some classic kids games from the late 90s and early 2000s, we’ll look in to some Christmas traditions, and overall have a nice time!
Holiday Hangout schedule:
(All times are GMT; stream topics subject to change according to spoon level)
16:00-17:30 Teatime Gaming
Sunday (Christmas Eve)
10:00-11:00 Brunch Hangout
18:00-20:00 Christmas Eve Wikipedia Dive
Monday (Christmas Day)
10:00-12:00 Tumblr Post Read Along
15:00-16:30 Mansion Mockery
Tuesday: Boxing Day
11:00-12:30 Florida Man Bingo
17:00-18:30 Teatime Gaming
Looking forward to seeing you!!
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septembersung · 2 years
Yesterday (Monday) was so long by teatime I thought it was Tuesday. It literally came to me in a dream that if I show up today (Tuesday) to our Wednesday events, no one else will be there.
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potterybyliampeters · 2 years
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Mugshot Monday ☕️ #ceramics #handmadeinsanfrancisco #coffeetime #coffee #coffeemug #teatime #tea #teamug #handmadeceramics #mugshot #mugshotmonday #mug #oneisfun #buyaset #rainbowofcolors #handmadeisbetter #jumbomug #ceramica #poterie #shoplocal #castro #sanfrancisco #handmadeinsanfrancisco #rubysclaystudio @castroartwalk @castromerchants @inthecastro (at Rubys Clay Studio and Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvegSWPtza/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fair-fae · 2 years
Hi, You were/are at the Grindstone! I hoe you had fun. This is just a random observation. My real question is if there will be teatime this Monday? I don't know if maintenance changes that or not.
Hihi, I am indeed haha! It was a fun time, thank you! :D There will be Teatime this Monday! Sometimes we have to wrap up early due to the maintenances, but as long as the server is up, we're still going on our usual schedule!
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parkerbombshell · 12 days
Cobwebs And Strange Radio Show #376
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Cobwebs And Strange Radio Show  Mondays 12 noon EST , 5pm BST , 9am PDT Mondays 10am EST bombshellradio.com bombshellradio.com Archival Shows: bombshellradiopodcasts.com COBWEBS AND STRANGE #376 - The Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight (Sugarhill Gang Greatest Hits, 1984) - The Smile - Foreign Spies (Cutouts, 2024)* - Jon & Vangelis - I Hear You Now (Short Stories, 1980) - Mark Ward - Kiss Me Kiss Me Kate (Let ‘Er Rip, 2024)* markward.bandcamp.com - The Beatles - I Want To Hold Your Hand (1962-1966 (The Red Album), 1974) - The Monkees - (I’m Not Your) Steppin’ Stone (More Of The Monkees, 1966) - The Archies - You Make Me Wanna Dance (The Archies, 1968) - Mach Pelican - Airport (Pulsate To The Back Beat, 2002) - Brent Seavers - Of Poetry (Exhibit B, 2024)* brentseavers.bandcamp.com - The BeatersBand - Be My Baby (Bad Girl, 2024)* thebeatersbandvintagepunkrocknroll.bandcamp.com - The Dahlmans - Dancing With Joey Ramone (All Dahled Up, 2024)* belugarecords.bandcamp.com - Matt Berry - I Gotta Limit (Heard Noises, 2025)* - ? & The Mysterious - Midnight Hour (96 Tears, 1966) - Fire Engines - (We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thing (John Peel Show, 23/02/81) (Chrome Dawns, 2024)* cherryred.co.uk - The Violators - Summer Of '81 (single, 1982) - Las Decapitadas - Odio la Prepa (single, 2022) - The Moondogs - Getting Off In Amsterdam (Red Fish, 2003) - The Ejected - Fast 'n' Loud (A Touch Of Class, 1982) - Ginger Root - Take Me Back (Owakare No Jikan) (SHINBANGUMI, 2024)* - The Cardigans - Your New Cuckoo (First Band On The Moon, 1996) - The Half-Cubes - The Girl (Pop Treasures, 2024)* bigstirrecords.bandcamp.com - Big Star - Best Chance (Big Star In Space, 2005) - Us3 - Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) (Hand On The Torch, 1993) - Herbie Hancock - Canteloupe Island (Empyrian Isles, 1964) - Black Solanas - Hello! Hello! (Naked EP, 2024)* - No More - Suicide Commando (7 Years: A Compilation 1979 - 1986, 1990) - The Wrong Society - Misery Has Got Me Down (single, 2024)* roguerecords.bandcamp.com - Shadow Show - Baba Yaga (single, 2024)* roguerecords.bandcamp.com - The Whateverly Brothers - wr fkd (single, 2020) chrischurch1.bandcamp.com - Bleach - Wipe It Away (Eclipse EP, 1990) - Slayyyter - No Comma (single, 2024)* - Starbomb - Nintendo Online's Greatest Announcement (single, 2024)* - Haley Heynderickx - Seed Of A Seed (single, 2024)* haleyheynderickx.bandcamp.com - Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now (Clouds, 1969) Second studio album / 22 CAN, 31 US - Margaret's Ashtray - Do Not Ask To Know The Day That Joy Will Come To You (20 Years of Joy: Vol. 3, 2024)* joyzine.bandcamp.com - Shampoo - I Love Little Pussy (Complete Shampoo, 2024) - Alien Airforce - Valeriana (single, 2024)* - The Residents - Fire (Meet The Residents, 1974) - Billy Reeves - Better Than Wages (single, 2024)* - Deutsche Amerikanische Freundschaft - Der Mussolini (Alles Ist Gut, 1980) - Alfie - Crying At Teatime (Crying At Teatime, 2005) - The Jacksons - Everybody (Triumph, 1980) - Be Bop Deluxe - Stage Whispers (Futurama, 1975) - Simple Minds - Promised You A Miracle (New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84), 1982) - The Souther-Hillman-Furay Band - Border Town (The Souther-Hillman-Furay Band, 1974) - Cleo - To Know Him Is To Love Him (single, 1964) - Willie Nelson - Do You Realise?? (Last Leaf On The Tree, 2024)* Read the full article
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mumbaiaroma1 · 6 months
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If you have #party #birthday party at home , Just call to us. We will provide you hot & fresh food. #fafda #kadi #kothimbirwadi #moong bhajji #khandvi #patra You want a Bulk order so you can contact to us on these no.... 043465642/0527031616. We do provide breakfast , lunch & dinner with packing food for tour & travelers guest also. Taste delivered right here in Dubai from Mumbai only at Mumbai Aroma Mumbai Aroma Restaurant Order on Noon Food, Talabat, Careem & Smiles delivery service. Follow Mumbai Aroma मुंबई अरोमा रेस्टॉरंटमध्ये तुमची बर्थडे पार्टी, किट्टी पार्टी आणि घराबाहेर पार्टी साजरी करा. आम्ही सहलीसाठी आणि प्रवासी पाहुण्यांसाठी न्याहारी, दुपारचे जेवण आणि रात्रीचे जेवण देखील पुरवतो. मुंबईहून दुबई येथे फक्त मुंबई अरोमा मुंबई अरोमा रेस्टॉरंटमध्ये चव दिली जाते नून फूड, तलबत, करीम, स्माइल्स आताच ऑर्डर करा! Al Kifaf oasis building, Al Karama, Behind Centro & Regent palace hotel, Dubai, UAE. #indianfood #streetfood #streetfoodindia #teatime #teatimesnacks #mumbaifood #foodblogger #foodtravel #authenticfood #indianrestaurant #karama #dubairestaurants #dubaifood #dubailifestyle #mumbaiaromarestaurant #dubaifood #dubai #dubailife #mydubai #dubaifoodie #uae #dubaifoodies #dubaimall #dubairestaurants #dubaimarina #dubaiblogger #dubaistyle #dubaifoodblogger #dxb #food #dubaifoodbloggers #foodie #dubainight #dubaitag #dubaifashion #dubaievents #dubaicity #dubaieats #dubaibloggers #dubaiinstagram #abudhabi #instafood #dubaifoodguide #mumbaiaroma #mydubai #capcut #foryoureels #foryourpageシ #instagood #foodphotography #foodie #instafood #foodlover #indianfoodie #yummy #follow #foodgasm #delicious #likes #instadaily #delivery #dubaifoodie #mydubai #dubairestaurants #misalpav #thali #foodstagram #misalpavcombo #instagramreels #reelsinstagram #reelsviral #instareels #RajKachoriChaat #rajkachori Vegetarian Indian food in Dubai, Maharashtrian Food in Dubai, Dubai food, best thali in Dubai, best lunch thali. During The Holy month of Ramadan our restaurant timings are the same as usual & Food delivery timing also same. Monday - Thursday = 8 am - 12 midnight Friday - Sunday = 8 am - 12:30 midnight.
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oldsalempost-blog · 1 year
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                               Volume 7 Issue 24                                                                                                  Week of June 19, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  Many wonderful people in our community have similar goals for good things in our area.  I have said before that I am not a social media person.  I like my news printed.  People have shared with me some negative and untrue things that are aired in public.   I’m always sorry to hear of those things and never understand why some insist on running people down.  My Daddy used to say  “If people are talking bad about me, they are letting someone else rest.”  My Dad taught me a lot in his short 54 years on earth.  I cherish his lessons  that live in my heart.  So, the next time you hear of others tearing each other down, just think of the time they are wasting and how that same energy could be used doing something good.   And if you are a social media writer, remember another lesson we should all live by:  “If you can’t say something good, don’t say anything.”   Maybe a face-to-face conversation makes clearer understanding than socializing to all.    LRM      
Town of SALEM:  Next Town Council meeting June 20, 5pm at the Town Hall.  Plan on our July 4th Celebration.  Starts at 8pm.  Fireworks & Music.  Located on the Ball Field.
SALEM LIBRARY: Open Mondays 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm                    
Jottings from Jeannie:  Mrs. Hall's Birthday Tradition Good friend, Susan, shared this tidbit with me. On her birthday, Mrs. Hall, an elderly widow, always invited neighbor Susan, a busy graduate student, over for a cup of tea and fancy cupcake. "OH! Susan, it's so nice to share time just with you!" Mrs. Hall would declare.An exquisitely wrapped birthday gift and fresh flowers decorated the tea table. Susan's contribution to the yearly celebration was usually a cookbook. Don't feel sorry for Mrs. Hall.  She had friends and family who took her out to eat and brought her tokens of their affection.  However, THE BIRTHDAY GIFT and THE FRESH FLOWERS were gifts that Mrs. Hall presented to HERSELF.  Susan remembers one celebration in particular.   It was bitterly cold, but  yellow roses brought sunny joy to teatime. And her present to herself?   Mrs. Hall had it wrapped and waiting to be opened since last summer! It was a delicate child's tea set!   " I couldn't resist this! I'll display it, and then someday I will give it to my Granddaughter!" Miz Jeannie loves ALL, All of Y'ALL!!!  
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open  Wed–Sat-Sat 8am-9pm.  Sun: 12pm-7pm  Events this week: Wed: Wing Wednesday ( WING WAGON at 5pm) and Blue Grass Jam 6:30pm. Thurs:  OLD TIME JAM 6:30pm Food:  Kiss My Asada  5pm.   Fri– Food: Wing Wagon 5pm  Music: DROVERS OLD TIME MEDICINE SHOW at 6:30pm.  Sat–Food: IRON PIG Music: Village Creek 1at 6:30pm.  Sun 12pm-7pm The Lettuce Shop  Music: Freddie Vanderford and Brandon Turner at 4pm.      Coffee shop features Pisgah Coffee Roasters and Dough-Dough pastries.                                                        
Why Juneteenth? President Biden signed Junteenth as a federal holiday in 2021. Actually, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865 in the United States. This was the beginning of a long battle to abolish hatred and separation that divided people with different skin colors.   On June 19th, 1964 Segregation was outlawed when the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act after a long battle in the Senate.  Held up by Southern Democrats who filibustered for 3 months, President Lyndon  Johnson, a Southern Democrat himself,  warned his peers with the threat of not seeing another Southern President for a century.  Johnson said: “We believe all men are entitled to the blessings of liberty. Yet millions are being deprived of those blessings … because of the color of their skin. The reasons are deeply imbedded in history and tradition and the nature of man…...it cannot continue. … Our constitution … forbids it. The principles of our freedom forbid it. Morality forbids it. And [now] the law … forbids it.” *  To me, Juneteenth celebrates the ones who gave their lives or who did not remain silent to bring equality to all of God’s children. LRM  
ASHTON RECALLS: DAR STUDENT FROM 1942-46 RECALLS EXPERIENCES -  (Thirteenth Installment of Pauline Kelley Cannon's Memoir). . .After I finished the ninth grade I worked all summer in the office to pay my tuition. . .There were large boxes of clothes and shoes that the DAR ladies sent to the school to be sold at the rummage sales, and we had to sort and itemize everything. We would also write letters to the ladies, thanking them. . .I also cut stencils and ran the mimeograph machine in the office. We never knew there was such a thing as a computer. . .Most of the girls who came back to work during the summer stayed in the South Carolina Building. Sometimes after work we would go to the attic and bring old mattresses down and put them on one side of the living room floor to do our exercises. We had a lot of fun but the next morning we would have aching muscles. Fortunately, all of the soreness would be worked out as we did our jobs. . .THE SCHOOL HAD A GLEE CLUB and I wanted to join, but prospective members had to try out before a group of judges. The first time I tried out I was not accepted, but I didn't give up. I tried out two more times, and the third time I was accepted. . .I thoroughly enjoyed Glee Club. One of our highlights would be Founders Day, when we would sing for the DAR ladies. Other students would also perform, displaying their special talents, and we would make speeches, using the skills we had learned in public speaking class.--TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                      DHEC kitchen available & rentals                                                                                                                      
TREASURE STORE at ENAC– Open every first and third Saturday morning 9am-12noon each month. If you have donations or want to volunteer to help please call 864-944-2490.                                                                                        INDOOR YARD SALE at ENAC  Friday, July 14, 1pm-6pm and Saturday July 15, 8am-1pm.  Please call 864-944-2490 or 864-280-1258 if you want to rent a table for $5/day.                                                                      ��                                       OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY:  July 15, 2023 at 7pm-9pm we will hold our 4th Oconee Mountain Opry featuring Spaulding McIntosh, Amelia Hawke, and The Waterkickers.  Tickets are $10 at the door, the day of the event. or online.            TALENT SHOWCASE:  August 12th.  This will be a fun evening to show off your talents on stage.  Please sign up by July 30th.  Please call 864-944-2490  or email [email protected].                                                                  Rentals for birthday parties and class reunions.  $100 for 4 hours rental minimum for the commons area.                                                                  CLASS REUNION **The T-S Class of 1978  is having their 45th Class Reunion at the ENAC on July 28, 6pm-8pm.    We invite any former teachers, friends, and alumni to join us at our beloved alma mater. *            Rest in Peace our Friend and Classmate Larry Green:  Larry Green has been a part of our lives since we started first grade in 1966.  Larry and his wife Caprice I feel should would have made it to our 1978 class reunion, if his health had permitted but Larry has gone on to his eternal home on June 6.   Larry would have told us something funny from years past and updated us on his most recent obituary findings.  He was an enthusiast and kept impressive records of history.  
                                       CHURCH NEWS                                                        Salem Seventh-Day Adventist Church Vacation Bible School Sunday July 16 from 1-4pm. Theme: The Creator Is My Friend/What Do You Feel? Featuring “The Critter Keeper.” Ages 4-14 years. Children under 4 years must be accompanied by an adult. Come dressed for water play and bring a towel.                                                                                                                                            Love all of God’s children.  LRM                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
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jrpneblog · 1 year
Play off hopes bruised in the Lions Den
North End`s play off hopes took a bruising in the Lions Den on Saturday afternoon as we went down 0-2 to Millwall. A bit of quality finishing is all that was lacking as North End failed to take any of the chances that they created. Add to this some uncharacteristic defending from the North End back line and it is not difficult to see why the result went against North End on this occasion. I actually thought we were the better side in the game but the hosts were more confident, especially after the first goal, and North End never really recovered from an early concession. Backed by 1,173 fans in South Bermondsey we created some good opportunities but always managed to fail in the conversion. Johnson and Onomah created plenty for North End with Johnson in particular working like a Trojan to get the ball in opportunistic positions.
Ryan Lowe made just one change from the eleven on duty on Easter Monday against Reading with Robbie Brady coming in at left wing back in place of the unlucky Alvaro Fernandez. North End started the brighter with an early effort from Parrott but it was the hosts who took the lead when a ball was whipped in from the left and Bradshaw flicked the header home giving Woodman no chance. A shot soon followed by Onomah which the keeper did well to save only for Cannon`s follow up to also be blocked. North End when close again on the half hour when a Whiteman shot was saved after good work from Johnson. North End were on top at this stage and had a further good chance when Andrew Hughes had his shot saved by the foot of Long in the Millwall goal but North End went in one down at the interval after arguably being the better side.
No changes for North End at Half time as Ryan Lowe looked to get his team back in the game as quickly as possible. With eight minutes gone a ball was pulled back for Johnson who mis-hit his chance in what was a great opportunity for North End to get back in the game. North End continued to dominate and with thirty minutes left the manager made a quadruple change with Diaby, Ledson, Fernandez and Delap replacing Lindsay, Whiteman, Brady and Parrott. Onomah then had a ball whipped from his toes as he was about to shoot before the home side sealed the game with seventeen minutes left when Flemming fired home from close range latching on to Coopers header. It was a body blow from which North End never really recovered with the second goal being Millwall's second shot on target all afternoon. Delap then had a shot incredibly saved on the line by Malone but North Ends efforts were all in vain and defeat had come for only the second time in twelve games.
To be honest this was not particularly a game that looked like it was being played by two play off hopefuls. North End probably deserved a point but if you dont put your chances away then you are always left to rue what might have been. North End didn`t look particularly nervous or tired for that matter it was a simple case of not being clinical enough in the opposition box coupled with giving away two poor goals from a defensive point of view. Anyway this game has gone and North End must get back on the horse very quickly as we travel to Swansea on Wednesday evening for what is now very much a must win game in South Wales. Anything less may well be a final blow to our play off ambitions but a win will certainly keep our hopes alive ahead of the biggest game of the season on Saturday teatime at Deepdale against Blackburn Rovers.
MOTM: Daniel Johnson
Attendance 16,488
Preston Fans 1,173 (7.11%)
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njadakaufey · 2 years
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Happy Monday ✨ I hope your weekend, went well, and that you were able to rest. It's day 2 of #fivecozyfaves by @xravenite with my favourite drink. At the moment it's tea, if someone had asked me a few months ago I would have probably said coffee, but I've drastically reduced my coffee consumption. I used to drink maybe a bit too much coffee. Now I have a small matcha tea in the morning and for the past week I have been trying ginger-lemon tea in the afternoon. I like this little routine. What is your favourite drink? 🤎 To shop my desk set up items, you can check my Throne storefront linked in bio 🛒 You can find my notion templates, twitch overlays, wallpapers & digital reading journal on my Ko-fi shop linked in bio ☁️ Cozy gaming partners 🐻 @tinybearsprout 🐙 @lecoindekoko 🐸 @pixel_plant_gamer 🐿️ @clara.crossings 🦊 @evs_gamespot 🐱 @doenutt_geek 🦋 @cozywithrisa 🦉 @savscozycorner 🐺 @junimocove 🐝 Check out the beautiful creators I tagged 📩 If you’d like to collaborate with me send me a DM or email me #desksetup #setup #setupdetails #deskdetails #cozyspace #cozydesksetup #setupinspiration #gamingroom #neutraldecor #deskgoals #teatime
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