999moreyears · 1 year
also literally why do i have 2 english classes ?? veryyy weird and i hate it.
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eebie · 2 years
emailing my ebglisb teasher now this is some stupid doodoo!
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power-of-the-word · 3 years
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"kids I'm ready to crush preschool", is a perfect gift idea for kids who preparing back to preschool
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jenn-davidson · 3 years
one of my students gave me the CUTEST  gift today. It was a card made out of colored paper cut out to look like Mickey Mouse, and he colored Mikey’s face in it and said I was the ‘bess teasher evr.’ 
My heart melted. Tears may or may not have been shed. It also may or may not be up on my fridge beside my Disney calendar right now. 
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insaneasgardian · 3 years
Disd yoyd watchr rthe SHANGCHI TEASHER?
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snowdinowolf · 3 years
Hello Friend!
Hello to you to friend!!
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anybody.
That I accidentally stolen a pack of gum in a circle K. It was not in a good place so the people there were not good at there jobs.
👀 what was the most vivid dream that you had.
It has to be me being in the Avengers, fighting with them and having fun as well.
🎁 what never fails to make you happy.
Playing around with my sisters or dad.
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment.
Jalebi baby - Teasher
High enough - K.flay
Dick - StarBoi3, Doja cat
Bubblegum bitch - Lauren babic
Sexyback - Justin Timberlake
🎹 what are some of your favorite films.
It will have to be Hellboy 1 and 2, black panther, infinity wars, endgame, book of life.
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hectorandvarian · 5 years
Greetings to all fans of "Tangled the series". Finally, there's an excuse for me to quit Twitter and come back to you. Yes, what an occasion! Announcements on the theme of the third season! But everything in order...
We were shown a poster of the last season, where you can see Eugene's new costume, Pascal, who rides the Royal Crow, and an interesting detail.
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Back in July we merged new costumes Cass and Rape,where we could see in the hands of a Moon Girl Shadow blade Adira's. In this poster, you can also see the sword in Cassandra's hands. It is not time for us to focus on this detail. Apparently Adira irretrievably lost its unique weapon.
We also got a list of voice actors of new characters. I'm sure some more characters have been hidden here, as was the announcement of the second season (Hector and Matthew were hidden then). Now let's move on to the new characters themselves.
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* In the new season us will show childhood Eugene. That's interesting, considering the fact that you saw him on the wanted poster as a kid. More likely in the same series will tell us about the first acquaintance of Eugene and lance, as well as how our handsome came to be Flynn Ryder.
* Kai. I describe him as a new generation bandit. This is interesting given the fact that we have already been shown a Collector that used innovative technology for its armor. The character can be a rival of Eugene from the past, and an important connecting character for the plot, but more on that later.
* Flynn Ryder. I bet you didn't expect to see that name. I think that for odnokl character will call three voice actors, and so many of overenu that this character is nastasi Flynn Ryder.He was written about in books, and here he is also described as promising. But I think the character may be so de-inspired image of the hero guy, like Eugene. And he will imitate him until he understands who the true hero is.
* Clementine. As the description says, she is a witch capable of erasing memory. Usually, all wizards and sorcerers associated with Zhan Tiri. But something tells me that this witch will be on the side of our heroes. For this turn would be very unusual. And on this also pushes the next character.
* Creighton. This character is described as a werewolf hunter. And the only characters at the moment who can take other forms are the Adherents of Zhan Tiri. It is possible that our hunter is so familiar with this legend, and the series with it will be based on the fact that she will be hunting for Clementine. And personally, in my opinion, be such a plot twist, witch is good, and the bad hunter. I don't know, it's just my nose.
* I have nothing to say about the Queen, I'm sorry.
* Zhan Tiri. For me personally, was shocking by the fact that the ancient demon sounded girl. However, there is an obvious explanation. You see, due to the peculiarity of the English language, we did not know for certain whether Zhan was male or female. In any case, this is a very interesting solution, which resonates with my insane theory that Zhan Tiri - mother of Varian.
Now let's move on to the synopsis of the season.
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The first interesting thing about this synopsis is that Rapunzel and Cassandra will go on different paths: both physically and mentally. And on the bright side, it's sad that we probably won't see Cass for the first half of the season, but on the other hand, it will help develop the theme of "the captured Corona." And I think at the end of some episodes there will be cliffhanger scenes showing where and why Cassandra is going.
And most interesting: the Old enemy, that captured homeland Rapunzel. Personally, I see only two contenders for the spot, and this, oddly enough, goes against the grain with the synopsis, but we all know that they can't spoilerize all the important plot twists. So, I believe that the seizure of the Corona guilty of Varian, which will finally receive a large amount of screen time, the team with the separatists Saporia. The first gets revenge on the Corona and the opportunity to help his father and unravel the mysteries of his past, and the second will get a strong and smart ally that helped return Saporia former greatness. And now we suddenly return to Kai.
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It seems to me that Kai's peculiarity will be that he uses new technologies that go straight from Varian. Maybe he will be another agent Saporiа that inspired iliami young engineer, decides to improve themselves, and then all the warriors of Saporiа again to make their country powerful.
And here's what we've been waiting for. The first, hour-long episode of the third season will be shown on October 7 at 13: 00 am Et. And you know, it's amazing. I'm glad we're only a month away from the series finale.
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Do not rush to disperse! I think that in the near future we are waiting for more and video teasher season, where we may see new characters and new details of the plot. Well, I'll be the warm-up, ready to give you my theories and assumptions!
We'll meet again.
Don't know where,
Don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
Keep smiling through.
Just like you always do.
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away!
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gyorinokedli · 7 years
Ma sétáltam haza a szakadt harisnyámban a felemás zoknimban a Martensemben amit a párom nagymamája már kidobott és onnan kukázta a Krissz,az 50 forintos second handes gatyámban meg a ruhakonténer mellett talált pulcsimban,egyszóval úgy mint egy vérbeli csöves,majd szembejött velem két 17éves forma csajszi: -annyira bírom az ilyen stílusú embereket -jaa csak az ilyen trasher cuccok kurvadrágák... Teasher vagyok,és mától hívjatok Rushnak... Na megyek a gettóba
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