#tearduct pact
dredreadsdrawing · 5 years
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tried making a small comic idea yesterday, but the structure kept feeling choppy, and new ideas started forming and what i was left with was this cropped comic and 2000 words on a doc with the tale. :,,,T nothing is small with me. 
I also have more pencil sketches of the demon, i’ve uh.. only realized as im posting how dark the colors are. welp. im too tired to care ;w;
Basic gist of the story:
A newly born demon gets her first taste of human tears and becomes obsessed. She rushes when the chance to come above presents itself, and the first human she runs into is a small boy-servant, sobbing from being recently beaten by his young master. He tries to flee from her at first, but trips on the rug and hits his head. Offended, she creeps closer to kill the boy, only to get a close up view of his crying eyes. 
They fascinate her. 
She spares him his life, and instead probes with more questions.
He’s shaking, but he’s not answering. 
She’s getting annoyed again.
He points to his throat and she realizes something isn’t right. 
It seems he’s mute.
She decides to be merciful again, opting to leave now that she was bored, but hesitates, remembering what she came for. She kneels close and licks a tear from his cheek, struck by the flavor’s augmented taste straight from the source. She’s hooked. 
He continues to shiver and stare as she values her options. Still a child herself, her first thought is to simply take his eyes and squeeze the tears out. But she recognizes it would be a temporary, wasteful fix. She considers doing it anyways, surely she could find more crying humans and continue her ventures. She takes his face between her claws, his tears never ceasing. He was a fountain. But his eye contact never broke. She pressed her forehead to his, mesmerized by his brown pupils. 
.... they were too pretty to damage.
With a sigh, she remembers something another demon mentioned in passing before she left. Contracts. She doesn’t know all the ins and outs of her abilities, but she’s sure she could make one with this human.
She smiles and asks him, “Would this one like a voice? I think I know of a way to get one...”
And it begins.
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felixeslee · 7 years
92 q tag
hello this tag is highkey irrelevant now but it’s been in my drafts for ages so !! laskdgjasodigjsaldkgasodigjasdg which is why i wont b tagging anyone bc im so late but !! yeah !! ok !! !!!!!!!!!1111!!! lets !! go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
tagged by @hyuunjins @hyunjinh @straykiz and @dae-hwee from my w1 blog (lmaoo hi pindi this is sarah!! AIddgsdfk if youre aware of this blog but hope its ok if i do it here alskdg ) 
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. 
Drink: the water that I drank this morning!! Aka around 12 hrs ago asdgasdgoij pls stay hydrated kids 
Text Message: i texted my brother if he knew where my dad was lol,,,,,,, sldkjgaosidgj 
Phone Call: CALLED MY BROTHER BC HE WASNT RESPONDING MY TEXTS,,,,, he also didn’t pick up ldskgjsoidgjsldkgsjdg
Song you listened to: Goodbye My Love by Aileeeee <3 lovv 
Time you cried: TODAY ,,,, i was getting super anxious bc i didn’t know where my dad was ??? he was supposed to pick me up but he forgot abt me until like an hr later… sldkgjaosidgj 
Dated someone twice: no :00 lmao i’ve never dated… ever alskdjgaoijsdf 
Kissed someone and regretted it: i havent had my first kiss yet HEH 
Lost someone special: unfortunately, yes :( 
Been depressed: sdgksjadoiglskdfosdijgalskdfaosdigjaksdgoaisdjf idk 
Been drunk and thrown up: lmao i’ve never drank ,,, at all,,,, the smell of alchohol scares me,,,,, evn my little brother has had a sip once and he’s 5 yrs younger LMAO ,,, but im a noob and don’t wanna try sldkgjosidjgs 
Made a new friend: yay yes yeslgkdgsdf
Fallen out of love: i dont think i’ve ever evn been in love…. Sdlgksjdoigj 
Met someone who changed you: yes,,,,,,,,, 
Found out who your true friends are: uhhhh idk aslkdgjaosidjf i honestly can never tell when someone’s being a fake friend so!!!!!! Idk honestly lmao
Found out someone was talking about you: i did ! but it wasn’t for anything bad or anything……… they just criticized me behind my back?? But i agreed w their criticism so alsdkjgaosidgj  
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: ummm,,,, like 4?? We r mutuals evn though none of them r actually kpop blogs,,,, so i always feel guilty spamminig their aesthetic feed w my screaming tags and annoying shit LMAO but i lov them <3 
Do you have any pets?: NO :”( I WANT A DOGGO THO …. REALLY BAD…..
Do you want to change your name?: uhhh ik so many sarahs its not evn funny and my last name is hella basic too????? Theres 3 ppl that share my first+last name in my school alone….. So maybe i’d change it to my chinese name (yue) ?? also bc it sounds more sophisticated,, and i lov anything that makes me sound smarter than the reality of my dumb self LOL 
What time did you wake up this morning: LOL so my alarm rings at 6:40 but i get out of bed at 7:10 SLDGKJSODIF … and i need to get out of the house by 7:20 lsdkgsdoig 
What were you doing last night: physics and apush :SLDGJOSIDFJ the 2 most dreaded classes UGH
Something you cannot wait for: DINNER .. i love me some gud dinner
Have you ever talked to a person named tom?: thomas jefferson my mAN 
What’s getting on your nerves right now: when it’s so heckin cold i can’t concentrate + i hate taking notes when it’s cold??? Bc then my hands r like half numb and it HURTS WHEN I TAKE NOTES sldkgsoidjf ALSO WHEN I DRAW ,,,,, STIFF FINGERS R THE WORST WHEN DRAWING
Blood type: i think a????????????
Nickname: my most common ones r swisso + salad (i promise these make sense in context LOL ) 
Relationship status: return NullPointerException; //im a cs person,,, dont judge
Zodiac sign: capricorn!
Pronouns: she + her
Favorite show: i dont watch many shows but i love watching a gud studio ghibli movie when im feelin down
College: this QUESTION LSDKGJSODIGJ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i wanna go to college but will any accept me ??!?!
Hair colour: its naturally black but it’s currently dyed ombre from black → brown !!!!!!
Do you have a crush on someone: i havent had a legit crush in 3 yrs lmao……. 
What do you like about yourself: the fact that im a deep sleeper. Idk how light sleepers function omg like wouldn’t u wake up to like,,,,, everything??! :((( that makes me sad bc u hav no idea how much i lov a nice long undisturbed slumber
First surgery: okAY so like i've had 2 procedures done on my eyes lmaooo like (1) when i was a smol beb of like 1 yr old i rolled off my bed aaaannnnddd the corner of my eye hit the edge of the sharp corner of the bedside table!!! and then y1ke$ things got ugly loll (((yes, i wuz dum + clumsy since the day i popped from the womb))) its all stitched up now and i hav a tinie tinie scar aslkdgs okay and (2) there was something weird abt my tearducts LOL so u know when u get sad nd stuff ur nose gets runny and u sniff a lot??? well like that wasn't the case for me bc the passage way from my eyes to my nose was completely blocked off,,,,, which resulted in me lookin like i was full blown cryin like every 2 seconds... like if i kept my eyes open for too long my eyes would get watery and tears would flow out LMAO ,,,, i looked like i just never stopped crying,,, but it was just my eyes were just ALWAYS WATERING sdlgjsdif damn u have no idea after the procedure i was like 'do ppl live like this??? not having to wipe tears every 0.2 sec??? oh my god,,, i am livin THE LIFE' 
First piercing: i hav no piercings!!! Bc stabbing holes thru myself scares me sdlkjgsoidg but i love the way earrings look tho so :///// 
First sport you joined: dance or gymnastics???? I dont rly remember
First vacation: CHINA prob???? 
First pair of sneakers: i think sketchers LMAO ,,, the big thing  
Eating: nothing!!!!!
I’m about to: do som sketches for my AP art class 
Listening to: my dad sing som old chinese folk stuff behind me LOL 
Want kids: i already adopted all 9 members of stray kids tho ??? idk if im ready for more atm 
Get married: LOL This question just reminded me of smol story from my childhood: so like i used to b rly close w these 3 other kids,,,, one other girl and 2 guys,,, and our parents were all rly tight too,, and our four families would just go camping together and it was rly :’’D fun and so we all made a pact that I would marry one of the guys and the other girl would marry the other guy and we’d all go camping together forever but then KINDERGARTEN HIT,,,, we moved schools and yeah im still rly close w the girl but i miss the 4 of us dkgjsodigjsdlkgsdf LOL 
Career: waterbottle 🌙 
Lips or eyes: eyes? Eh idk i just never rly considered lips ?? LOL 
Hugs or kisses: hugs? I dont hav experience w kisses so sldkgjsoidgjsd yike syikes yikes 
Shorter or taller: TALLER
Troublemaker or hesitant: uhhhhh neither??? Like i just want someone playful + extroverted bc im quite introverted,,,,,,,,,, so if he was hesitant we’d just b super awkward and quiet,,, and i don’t like getting involved w sketchy troublemaker shit either LOL ,,, 
Older or younger: as long as they r in the same school grade level,,,, and i guess 1-2 yrs older is okaY? But lowkey freaks me out if too old 
Romantic or spontaneous: sldkgjsoidfj both? Like i lov someone who is unpredictable and spontaneous,,,, but on the other hand im lowkey a helpless romantic lasdkgjaoisdjf 
Sensitive or loud: both i guess too??? Its good to have someone understanding and sensitive but also someone who knows how to have fun  :) 
Hookup or relationship: hookups,,,,,,,, just dont make sense to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, like i get attached to someone p easily so even if i dont plan on being attached,,,, i’d probably get attached :(  
Kissed a stranger: YIKES no 
Drank hard liquor: nO 
 Lost contacts/glasses: UH I HATE THIS BUT YES….. 
Sex on first date: yikes * (6.02 *10^23) adkgaosidjgaslkdf no thaNK you 
Broken someone’s heart: i dont know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, like i might’ve but maybe im just not aware ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but on a sidenote i think my old comupter science teacher gets a migrain everytime he sees me LOLLLLLL sdlgjsoidgjsldf 
Been arrested: no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :0 
Turned someone down: yeah lmao i kinda feel bad tho bc they were all good ppl,,,,  lskjgosidjf but thankfully im still good friends and pretty tight w all of them ~  
In yourself: ocassionally i try to :’’D
Miracles: lol yes 
Love at first sight: i used to ? but not anymore,,,, like i believe u can be attracted to someone at first sight ?? but i feel like love cannot be attained thru visual contact only asldgjoasidjalsdg
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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oh boi, i drew this a while ago with the plan to call her Wail, but then I also forgot about it and started calling her Afiliciel and now I cant decide :,o
She’s the demon baab from the Tearduct Pact storyline I got cooking lol. Notes in text cuz I know my handwriting is chickenscratch:
- Biped/Quadruped. Bones crunch when she changes (a disgustingly brutal sound huehuehue)
- Angel Wings. Confuses everyone. (As she levels up and sticks to her human, her wings become like this due to her evilness still having a level of purity behind their intentions. Think of it like Fable’s morality chart. Theres Good/Evil and Pure/Corrupt. This gal is Pure of heart, but Evil.)
- Raspy forked tongue. (Like a mix of a cat’s and lizard’s.)
- Has an Ultra Secret human form. Not very good. (Lololol most demons go for either inconspicious/normie human looks, or stunningly beautiful bodies depending on their needs. They can change their skins like Eduardian Era ladies changed dresses once they hit a level high enough. This gal though? Chose one and never felt the need to make another one. Too much work~! And the one they made? One petite and fuzzy gal with a face that attracts attention for the wrong reasons.)
i love her lol
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dredreadsdrawing · 5 years
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Lololol here are the sketches. Evolution from Baby to Female Daddy (tm to emezie) As the boy grows up and gains more power, so does she. She didn't realize she could level up, but is enjoying reaping the benefits of contracting one very lucky kid. The boy is just annoyed that he can never be taller than her as she gains size at the same rate he does.
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dredreadsdrawing · 5 years
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Head Empty, Stomach Empty, Room Spinning.
My sleep paralysis monster. She's toll and lanky, I love her. Her name, Tomo, comes from the Junji Ito series,Tomie, and my fave char of Watamote, Tomoko.
A CorrCun doodle~ A brat eater.
I tried giving my demon from Tearduct Pact a humanization. She's still fuzzy, but I really dig it XD.
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dredreadsdrawing · 5 years
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Same day. I wrote more on this guy and his relationship with the rival.
-The rival was raised from a baby by the demon
-Her father summoned the demon as a last resort to save his daughter
-Demon didn't agree to raising a baby and wouldn't shake, but was tricked by the father before he died.
-Demon was stuck with baby. He tried to get out of it, but everytime the baby suffered, so did the demon.
-He raises the child and treats her as a pet. The child grows as a brat.
-She is spoiled by him, but she 'hates' him. She blames him for her true father's death, and claims no affection for him. However, this is a clear front that comes from being raised to think she was nothing. She wantd to become someone in his eyes that he can be proud of. When she's immediately scared, threatened or stressed, she still goes to him for comfort.
-I apparently wanted more angst in my lifeand included him not recognizing his affection for her until it was too late. She dies in his arms and he clutches her while wailing "My little girl..." shit bro im sad now again tf.
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dredreadsdrawing · 5 years
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Random monster I made. Cutie with a crooked placed eye and mouth.
Tried defining Happiness better, I'm stil not satisfied with her... She's a good monster but she needs better form and a diff hair.
"I've had this one for three years, and if anything happened to them, I would destroy this whole planet."
The demon gal has grown protective.
I have added more chars to their story now, including one rival with a higher tier demon. This demon man has more bulk, and a squished up face. Need to better design them tho.
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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Day 2: 'Family', using the template created by @benjiweird
This one's gonna take a bit more context lol. So I've already posted a past Demonverse story concept named Tearduct Pact, right? Welp. Before I made those characters, I already had a few ogs in that universe that I never got to drawing. These are some of em.
And this is the story about a family created by a demon.
Florencia was a girl born from a rich invester and an immigrant maid. She was taken in by her father, but neglected by everyone.
One day, for a sister of Florencia's birthday, the family went to watch a circus. Florencia, of course, stayed behind. The family never returned in one piece.
Florencia was alone. Ten years old, she knew she was in trouble, but she could do nothing. Servants left, distant family members would come only to dispute over assets in the office. Though her father made it so his children would get all his possessions, she was never brought up as a candidate. She didn't want money or possessions, she just wanted a home. But knowing the adults, they would rather kick her out the second they claimed the house, than have to keep her around.
At night, she noticed a voice from the bottom of her bed. Always soothing her. Always making jokes. Always promising it would be okay. If only she made a deal. She was scared to even look down, and would largely ignore it. But one particular night, her uncles weren't leaving. They were coming to a conclusion, and she knew. She needed to act.
She gave into the deal, and the figure showed itself. It promised it would only take what could be spared. All it needed to seal the deal was a body. Being a lower level demon, the bear would do for now.
With the ritual done and his soul bound to stuffing, something peculiar occured. She couldn't let go of the bear. She couldn't move her body at all.
The demon had possessed her. And, using her, 'she' moved to barge in to the office and demand they leave. The men laughed.
'She' walked over to father's desk and took out the pistol from his top drawer.
'She' wouldn't ask nicely again.
They moved closer, trying to take it away. She shot an uncle's fingers off. That finally brought them to their senses. She wasn't going to leave.
"That was your second warning. You may not believe it because my father never mentioned me, but I am a quick shot with 100% accuracy. I will kill you. This is my property and you are no longer welcome."
They were outraged. The nerve of this girl, claiming this house! 'She' looked at the only lawyer in the room, straight into his eyes.
"I know my father's will like the back of my hand. You ingrates will destroy his legacy given the chance. This is why he never mentions any of you. Now leave, or else, by law." 'She' smiles. "I can commit murder."
They left but promised they would cost more me back for revenge. The uncle with his fingers offed took his threats personally. Finally, with everyone gone, the demon let go.
Florencia fell to the floor. She couldn't believe what had transpired. She was...
She was glad she made the deal.
This wasn't over, he assured her.
She needed allies. Staff. To continue her father's business. He would make sure she would thrive, and she eagerly held his body close. She welcomed all his promises.
I will get more in general because I don't have everything else as specifically planned. What transpires is her, the next day, going to town and walking through the streets with her demon, guided by his intuition on who to take in as a servant. Five people are chosen.
Lewis, a man trained for years as a butler by a prestigious family, recently fired after being caught with the master of the house. They had been secret lovers, but when push comes to shove, he was abandoned, left to rot in poverty and alcoholism.
Marcy, a sweet girl who had a life ahead of her. She was betrothed at an early age, promised a life in the city, but an accident with her lover left her short a leg. The financial burden that would come from a wife that can't work was too much, and she too was left behind.
Clara, the old widow and her two children. Her husband was her lifeline for most of her life, but his passing meant she had to step up. Working in a restaurant with her oldest son, they would get paid, but not a fair share. The tipping point was when her second child came to work as well, only to be mistreated by the owner. They quit, and were readying to move.
But Florencia found them all and tooke then in.
Brought together by a young girl, these strangers weren't sure what to make of their situation. The girl was odd, and the legal battles brutal, but she never faltered, and was quick to reassure them of their security under her home. She was earnest and kind. They loved her immediately.
They grew into a proper family, taking care of the house and one another. This was everything Florencia ever wanted, and she had her demon to thank.
She never would let go of his hand. Day and night, she kept him close, talking to him, squeezing him, always thanking him for everything he gave her.
He was amused by how easy getting a child's adoration was, and would revel in her sincerity, but he always kept a wall around her words. She only liked him now, without her knowing what he was really taking from her. Of course, once he revealed the truth, her tune would change.
More time went on, and the staff already caught on to the demon's presence. While they didn't believe in him at first, they've been proven time and time again that something supernatural was indeed going on. Still, they never were scared by it.
A tipping point came in the form of Clara. For a minute, Florencia let go of her beloved bear to help Marcy plant flowers. He sat alone in the shade and watched, when Clara came and sat beside him. She talked, venting about how great the year had been. She thanked him for it, telling him she was afraid for Florencia at first. But with how happy the child has always been, she could not reason that he was a bad spirit. She was grateful he found her.
This didn't sit well with him.
That night, for the very first time, he felt guilt. He slipped out of the bear and sat in bed, only gazing at Florencia's face.
Remembering all her kind words, and her love and laughter and how she has helped so many people inside and outside the house. She was a beacon, shining to make everyone's lives brighter. And, because of him, she would come to die at an early age.
He cried. He tried. He couldn't take back the years he's consumed from her life. All used as building blocks for his power and gain.
He checked her palm, reading her lines, hoping he was wrong when he first read them. But his eye was trained well.
Three more years. At the age of fourteen, she would be snuffed forever.
And it was all because of him.
Dis is all I have so far lolol. In case it's not as clear as I wanted it to be, this demon's love for her is strictly platonic. While my first concept of this story was romantic, as I am a sucker for em, the more I kept thinking it through, the more I prefered keeping their relationship as a little sister and an older brother. He's looked after her and comforted her, and she's willingly dependent on him it.
Also, like in Tearduct Pact, his form changes the more he feeds off her life. He becomes bigger, bulkier. He gets his wings. Im not very satisfied with his form in this comic, so I may change it as a whole too but. Ye lol, I haven't planned his demon form very well.
Das all i can type lol. I. Have. WORK TO DOOOO.
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