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jashikuarts · 1 year ago
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Hello! I'm excited to announce that teanao and I will be selling our art at this coming Anime Revolution in Vancouver from August 18-20! I'll have some new stuff and my older stuff as well. Come visit us in 2 weeks!
Friday: 11am-7pm Saturday: 11am-7pm Sunday: 11am-5pm
See you there! ✨️✨️
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harrikirik · 2 years ago
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Summer ◾ Suvi
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retelabuso · 7 months ago
Sparanise / Presenzano – Scandalo sessuale in parrocchia, Don Gianfranco assolto per violenza sessuale e induzione alla prostituzione
Sparanise / Presenzano – Don Gianfranco Roncone non ha mai violentato alcun minore, né ha mai indotto alcun minore alla prostituzione. Possedeva, invece, materiale pedopornografico. Colpo di scena al termine del processo di primo grado a carico del prete Don Gianfranco Roncone, ex parroco di Presenzano. Il giudice ha assolto l’imputato dalle accuse più gravi: il fatto non sussiste in merito alle…
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pazzoincasamatta · 1 year ago
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“dovendo cedere è meglio cedere di buona grazia”
Garibaldi scrivendo a Mazzini poco prima dell'incontro di Teano
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cnladies · 9 months ago
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CHENG XIAO 程潇 in Maxrieny top and Ann Teano wide-leg pants | 金铲铲之战 Livestream Event
Cheng Xiao: more photos here brand livestream: more photos here
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ilpianistasultetto · 2 years ago
Siamo stati tutti ragazzi e tutti siamo andati a scuola. La storia e' sempre stata una materia ripetitiva. Partiva sempre da lontano, dagli uomini primitivi. Poi si perdeva nei rivoli del prima e dopo Cristo. Arrivava giugno e ti ritrovavi quasi sempre alle prese con mille camice rosse e con Garibaldi che "obbedisco" al re piemontese, incontrato a Teano. Qualche anno riuscivi a sentire il mormorio del Piave o vedevi un omaccione tozzo e pelato su un trattore intento a spigolar grano per rendere opulenta l'italica patria. Mai si andava oltre. La storia contemporanea si studiava dopo, finiti gli studi, da "autodidatta", tra politica, letture e filmografie neorealiste degli anni '60-70. Chi sapeva pero' spiegare bene la storia moderna erano i milioni di persone che quel periodo lo hanno vissuto sulla propria pelle. Ecco che oggi, invece, si alza la seconda carica dello Stato, il fascista Ignazio Benito La Russa e in 5 min spiega come e' andata negli anni prima del 25-aprile-1945. Niente occupazione nazista, niente fascismo, niente tirannia, niente sanguinari nazionalisti. L'italia era un Paese triste, povero, analfabeta e senza cultura, cosi Mussolini invito' l'amico Hitler a mandare in Italia le sue migliori bande musicali per allietare il popolo. Roma fu la piu' fortunata. Tutti i giorni era traversata da un battaglione di musici tirolesi che allietava bimbi, donne e anziani con la loro migliore canzone, Hupf mein Maden..
C'era divertimento, allegria, euforia al passaggio di chi era venuto nel nostro Paese per regalare divertimento e cultura. Fin quando non arrivo' un gruppo di facinorosi assassini partigiani comunisti e.. buuummm..fecero un attentato contro quei poveri suonatori innocenti prossimi alla pensione. @ilpianistasultetto
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anastpaul · 1 year ago
Saint of the Day – 7 December – Saint Urbanus of Teano (Died circa late 4th Century) Confessor, Bishop
Saint of the Day – 7 December – Saint Urbanus of Teano (Died circa late 4th Century) Confessor, the Third Bishop of Teano, Peacemaker, Apostle of the poor and needy, Miracle-worker. Born and died in Teano, Italy. Patronage – Teano, Italy. Also known as – Urban, Urbano, Urbanius. The Roman Martyrology reads today: “At Teano in Campania, Saint Urbanus, Bishop.” Interior of the Teano Cathedral In…
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (January 28)
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On January 28, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Saint Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century theologian who showed that the Catholic faith is in harmony with philosophy and all other branches of knowledge.
Then Blessed John Paul II, in his 1998 letter, “Fides et Ratio,” said:
"St. Thomas had the great merit of giving pride of place to the harmony, which exists between faith and reason, knowing that both the light of reason and the light of faith come from God … Hence there can be no contradiction between them.”
Thomas was born during 1225 into a noble family, having relatives among the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire.
His father Landulph was the Count of Aquino. His mother Theodora was the Countess of Teano.
At age five, Thomas was sent to study at Monte Cassino, the abbey founded by St. Benedict.
The boy's intellectual gifts and serious disposition impressed the monks, who urged his father to place him in a university by the time he was 10.
At the University of Naples, he learned philosophy and rhetoric while taking care to preserve his morals against corruption by other students.
It is said that a hermit, before Thomas' birth, told Theodora that she would have a son who would enter the Dominican Order, and "so great will be his learning and sanctity that in his day, no one will be found to equal him.”
In his adolescence, Thomas' friendship with a holy Dominican inspired him to join them.
His family, however, did not envision the brilliant young man as a penniless and celibate preacher.
His brothers kidnapped him from the Dominicans, took him to the family's castle, and at one point even sent a woman to seduce him – whom Thomas drove out by brandishing a poker from the fireplace.
Under pressure from both the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, Thomas' brothers allowed him to escape from captivity.
He traveled to Rome and received the Pope's blessing upon his vocation, which would soon take him to Paris to study with the theologian later canonized as Saint Albert the Great.
Thomas' silent demeanor caused other students to nickname him “the Dumb Ox.”
Albert, however, discovered that the young man was a brilliant thinker and proclaimed:
“We call him the Dumb Ox, but he will give such a bellow in learning as will be heard all over the world.”
By the time he was 23, Thomas was teaching alongside his mentor at the university of Cologne.
During 1248, he published his first commentaries on the pre-Christian Greek philosopher Aristotle, whose insights on nature, logic, and metaphysics would inform Thomas' approach to Catholic theology.
Around the middle of the century, Thomas was ordained to the priesthood in which he showed great reverence for the liturgy and skill as a homilist.
In keeping with the Dominican order's charism for preaching, he strove to bring his own family to a sincere practice of the faith and largely succeeded.
St. Thomas' best-known achievements, however, are his works of theology.
These include the Summa Contra Gentiles, the Compendium Theologiae, and the great Summa Theologica – which was placed on the altar along with the Bible at the 16th-century Council of Trent for easy reference during discussions.
In December 1273, however, the scholar proclaimed that he could write no more, following a mystical experience in which he said he had “seen things that make my writings look like straw.”
But he complied with a request to attend the Council of Lyon to help reunite the Latin and Greek churches.
On his way there, however, Thomas became ill and stopped at a Cistercian abbey.
The monks treated him with reverence, and it was to them that he dictated a final work of theology: a commentary on the Old Testament's Song of Songs.
The saint did not live to finish this commentary, however.
Nearing death, he made a final confession and asked for the Eucharist to be brought to him.
In its presence, he declared:
“I adore you, my God and my Redeemer … for whose honor I have studied, labored, preached, and taught.”
“I hope I have never advanced any tenet as your word, which I had not learned from you,” he told God, before making his last communion.
“If through ignorance I have done otherwise, I revoke everything of that kind and submit all my writings to the judgment of the holy Roman Church.”
His last words were addressed to one of the Cistercians who asked for a word of spiritual guidance.
“Be assured that he who shall always walk faithfully in (God's) presence, always ready to give him an account of all his actions, shall never be separated from him by consenting to sin,” he declared.
Thomas Aquinas died on 7 March 1274.
He was canonized by Pope John XXII on 18 July 1323 and made a Doctor of the Church in 1567.
St. Thomas Aquinas was considered the greatest of the Scholastic philosophers.
He produced a comprehensive synthesis of Christian theology and Aristotelian philosophy that influenced Roman Catholic doctrine for centuries and was adopted as the official philosophy of the church in 1917.
In 1965, the Second Vatican Council taught that seminarians should learn “under the guidance of St. Thomas in order to illumine the mysteries of salvation as completely as possible.”
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fangomusic · 1 year ago
Aesop Rock, Integrated Tech Solutions
New music Wednesday
The ninth album from the New York rapper highlights a shift in his approach from energetic performances on the microphone to more expressive, inventive, and abstract styles. Supported by some of his finest production to date, the album continues to draw attention primarily for his captivating wordplay. His skill in maintaining the listener's interest remains evident, especially as he explores diverse lyrical and conceptual paths. It contains collaborations with Billy Woods, Hanni El Khatib, Rob Sonic, Nikki Jean, and Lealani Teano.
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nomadismrecords · 1 year ago
The most beautiful in the world is, of course, the world itself!
let’s take a walk around bwindi forest!
Hoani Teano - Bwindi track is now available!
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444names · 2 years ago
atomic and subatomic particles + atomic and subatomic particles encoded with inglosh
Accell Acferk Anangino Aniaton Antino Anton Antonon Antonu Antope Antun Apquark Atonu Atreleon Atrion Atrono Atrun Axionu Axionun Axun Bosino Bosotun Bosun Boteano Boterk Botino Botomp Boton Botron Botton Botun Bradyonu Bralark Brano Brantupi Braviton Brectron Brentom Breon Breonu Brevope Brevotea Brevotun Busotun Busutrun Butriun Butron Butrono Butuno Cham Chamegno Chamerk Char Charium Chark Charon Chemion Chemionu Cherdyon Cherdyun Chergiun Cherk Chermoun Cheron Cherun Chyon Chyperk Chypi Daerk Dilaxun Dilikton Dilino Dilirun Dirmion Dirmoun Dirun Disluino Disluxon Dolaon Dolaun Dolaxion Doldston Doldstun Dolerk Dorall Doranyon Dorecham Doredyun Dosino Dosinon Dositonu Doson Dosun Duantum Duar Duark Duarmion Duaron Dyonu Ecciton Ectrinu Ectron Ectrun Elekton Eleon Eleonun Eleptun Elerdyun Elerk Eletino Eletomp Eletrino Eletun Elgreonu Elon Elonu Engeon Engimp Engino Entaun Entimp Entino Entinon Entomp Enton Entonu Entonun Entum Enyon Etino Eton Etonu Etroun Etrun Etun Excitino Excotino Excotun Exon Gengeon Geono Geonu Geqaerk Gequark Gimuon Gino Ginonu Ginton Ginuns Giqaerk Giquark Glaon Glardyon Glarino Glark Glasmuon Glatimp Glatronu Glatrun Glau Glaxion Glaxun Gluinon Glun Gluonu Gluxon Gluxonu Gluxoun Golark Golasmon Goldstun Golerk Goleson Gomegno Gonu Grall Grano Grantonu Granyonu Gravisun Grecham Gredyon Gredyun Greleon Greno Grentino Grenton Grenyon Greon Greonu Grequark Grevoton Guldston Guleon Guletun Higgsinu Higgson Honu Hotino Hoton Hottun Hotun Hotuno Hyon Hyonu Hype Hypino Hyun Ilarino Ilark Ilaron Ilaton Ilatrun Ilaxion Ilicphon Ilikton Iliktonu Ilium Iliun Inefirun Inentino Inon Ionu Ixcilide Ixciton Ixcotonu Laon Laonu Lark Lasmoun Latrun Lueball Luon Magno Magnon Magnu Mauark Mauaron Mauno Maunon Megno Mejurino Meleon Meleptun Merk Meron Meronun Mesmoun Milaon Mino Mion Mionu Mirmion Mirun Muonu Muonun Nacferk Nachark Nafergon Naferk Naferun Nantun Nanyon Nefirun Netun Neuton Neutrium Neutronu Neutton Neutun Niatino Niatomp Niaton Niatrino Niatrinu Niatron Nibelerk Nibusun Nitark Niun Nuneutun Onfleron Onon Osliptun Osonu Penton Penyun Perk Phoggson Phon Phonu Phonun Photerk Photitau Photomp Photrino Photun Phun Phutom Phuton Phutriun Phutron Phutrun Pino Pirmion Pirun Plarino Plark Plasmuon Platron Platrun Plectron Pleon Pleonu Pleptun Pletino Pliun Polaun Poldston Polektun Poleonu Polerk Poletino Poletron Poletun Pomagno Pomp Poson Posun Posutun Precherk Preqaerk Prevosun Prevotun Prino Prinon Pritrun Puldstau Pulektum Puleonun Puletino Puletun Pumquark Purenyon Pureon Pusun Qaenton Qaergium Qaermon Qaeroton Quaronu Saxino Saxionu Saxun Sexcotun Sexon Skyrmino Skyrmon Sleon Sleonu Slictrun Slirmoun Sliun Slodi Sluon Sluxoun Sneutron Sneuttun Sneutun Sniaton Sniatron Sniatrun Sniun Spar Spark Sparon Sparonon Spum Spusun Squarino Stantonu Stardyun Stea Steaerk Sterk Stino Stomp Stonu Stronu Strun Stun Tano Tantimp Tanton Tantonu Tanyun Taquark Taquaron Tark Tarmon Taualark Tauark Taun Tauno Taunu Teaell Teaenton Teaerk Teano Teantomp Teanyun Tecferk Tectron Tentea Tentun Tenu Tenyun Tequark Tequaron Terk Tetron Tetun Tetuno Tictron Tictrun Timp Timuon Tinfleon Tino Tinon Titonu Tonu Tonun Tumionun Upino Upirun Upqaerk Weylferk Wimuonu Winon Wintomau Womaun Womqaerk Wono Zonuclon
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retelabuso · 7 months ago
Scandalo sessuale in parrocchia, Don Gianfranco davanti ai giudici dell’Appello
Sparanise / Presenzano – E’ stato fissato il processo di Appello a carico di Don Gianfranco Roncone. Sarà davanti ai giudici del Tribunale di Napoli il prossimo dicembre 2024. Attraverso i suoi legali tenterà di ribaltare la sentenza subita in primo grado con cui è stato condannato alla pena di 1 anno e 6 mesi di reclusione. Secondo i giudici del Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere non ha mai…
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gonzalo-obes · 2 months ago
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Día Mundial de la Suegra, Día de la Conciencia para la Comunidad Intersexual, Semana Internacional de Prevención de la Intoxicación por Plomo, Semana Europea para la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, Semana Internacional del Acceso Abierto, Semana del Desarme, Semana Mundial de Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Gibitruda y San Evaristo.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1998
El huracán Mitch llega a Honduras causando la muerte a cerca de 20.000 personas, convirtiéndose en el segundo huracán más mortífero del Atlántico en los últimos tiempos.
El general Ngo Dinh Diem proclama la República de Vietnam del Sur en Saigón. Asumirá los cargos de jefe de Estado y jefe de Gobierno, tras un referéndum en el que obtendrá el 98 por ciento de los votos. Morirá asesinado en 1963 a consecuencia de un golpe de estado tras ejercer el poder dictatorialmente. (Hace 69 años)
Winston Churchill vuelve a ser elegido primer ministro de Gran Bretaña tras el triunfo electoral de los conservadores en las elecciones generales. (Hace 73 años)
En todas las fábricas y empresas industriales de San Petersburgo se celebran las elecciones al soviet de diputados obreros. Por la noche, se lleva a cabo la primera sesión del soviet. Poco después, se organizará el soviet de diputados obreros de Moscú. (Hace 119 años)
Tras haber declarado el parlamento noruego unilateralmente la disolución de la Unión Sueco-Noruega el pasado 7 de junio, en el día de hoy, el rey sueco Oscar II renuncia a sus derechos dinásticos sobre el trono noruego reconociendo así la independencia del Reino de Noruega. Los próximos 12 y 13 de noviembre tendrá lugar el segundo plebiscito en el país en sólo tres meses. Un 79% de la población votará por un sistema de monarquía parlamentaria. (Hace 119 años)
Ante la Academia de Ciencias de Francia, Louis Pasteur comunica que ha dado con "un método para prevenir la rabia (o hidrofobia) después del mordisco" del animal. (Hace 139 años)
En Jartum, capital de Sudán, los madhistas de Muhammad Ahmad ibn Abd Allah, que se autoproclama sucesor de Mahoma, sitían al general inglés Gordon y sus tropas. En enero de 1885, los derviches se harán con la ciudad y Gordon resultará muerto. (Hace 140 años)
Tras la Conferencia Diplomática de agosto en Ginebra (Suiza) el general Guillermo Enrique Dufour inaugura en la misma ciudad una nueva Conferencia Internacional destinada a estudiar la forma de remediar la carencia de personal sanitario en las filas de los ejércitos. La Conferencia se cierra con la adopción de diez resoluciones que constituyen el germen de las Sociedades de atención a los militares heridos, embrión de las futuras Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y, más tarde, de la Media Luna Roja. (Hace 161 años)
A la vista de que en Reino Unido están comenzando a proliferar los clubes de fútbol, en la "Freemason's Tavern" de Londres, y hasta el 8 de diciembre, se comienza a gestar la Football Asociation, que regirá los destinos de este deporte basándose en una reglamentación anterior de Cambridge, introduciendo nuevas disposiciones referidas al balón, la dimensión del campo de juego, la sanción de faltas, las porterías, pero no se llega a un acuerdo en el número de jugadores. Habrá que esperar hasta 1891 para que se defina el número máximo de jugadores en once. (Hace 161 años)
En Volturno (Italia), Giuseppe Garibaldi derrota a los napolitanos y en las inmediaciones de Teano tiene un encuentro con Víctor Manuel, al que saluda como rey de Italia. (Hace 164 años)
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cnladies · 11 months ago
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WU XUANYI 吴宣仪 in Ann Teano red mini dress | photoshoot
Wu Xuanyi: more photos here photoshoot: more photos here
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diogeneslaerciofilos · 4 months ago
¿Ya conocen la historia de Teano de Mileto?
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lamilanomagazine · 5 months ago
Teano: ristretto ai domiciliari minaccia di morte la propria madre, 48enne condotto in carcere dai Carabinieri
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Teano: ristretto ai domiciliari minaccia di morte la propria madre, 48enne condotto in carcere dai Carabinieri. Il 48enne di Teano era stato sottoposto agli arresti domiciliari presso l'abitazione della madre il 24 giugno scorso, poiché ritenuto responsabile dei reati di furto, lesioni personali aggravate e detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti.... Leggi articolo completo su La Milano Read the full article
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