dinosaurchurch · 5 years
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So this’ll be the resting place for my gym bag for the next however-long-until-the-gym-opens-again date. I might see if I can hand wash my knee sleeves (they’re not too bad but could use a gentle cleaning). Everything else should be fine, I just finished throwing my deadlift socks through the wash so at least they’re all squeaky clean for when I get back. So today was actual day 1 of home workouts. Yesterday I was just kinda farting around meal prepping, annoying my cat who doesn’t like being used as a weight for squats btw, and finishing the night with some video games. Today was lower body/core. I haven’t done some of these exercises in a long time so I definitely felt the burn. Day 1: 40 weighted walking lunges 30 ab bikes 20 weighted squats (fast as you can!) 40 seconds of plank 24 side lunges (12 for each side) 15 leg+hip raises 24 side plank leg raises (12 for each side) I used a backpack loaded up with a bunch of old sketch pads I had (probably 30lbs) for the squats and the lunges. Do this for 4 rounds. You will sweat, trust me. At least on top of all this I still have my job to keep me in shape. Nothing beats the classic manual labour to get you going. I’m super thankful that I do what I do. Anyways, happy home gains fam💪💫 #powerlifter #teamironbodyworks #homeworkout #legday #apocalypselifts #covid19 #day2nogym #fuelledbyangerandoatmeal #homegains #improviseadaptovercome https://www.instagram.com/p/B99HGIwBMjd/?igshid=io03g497v2c5
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dinosaurchurch · 4 years
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Self care is super important. Just like anything, keeping your mental state in a good place is just as crucial to your overall well being as keeping your physical state in a good place. I think a lot of people forget that even under normal circumstances, for some of us I’m sure it’s worse during quarantine. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I’ve not taken hardly a glance at Facebook in particular. Stepping back from social media for a bit has been very relieving, and honestly I think a lot of people should at this time. Having every bit of normalcy uprooted from your daily routine so much so you have to revamp what you do day to day is definitely stress inducing. It’s been a conundrum of “what am I going to do today” for a lot of people. Not everybody has the drive or the inspiration to get back at a hobby or start something new, sometimes you have to make yourself do things you don’t want to do. I think that’s the toughest part about this. I think keeping your mind occupied is also half the battle, it’s why I’ve been trying to keep things fresh for myself. We’re probably going to be stuck like this for several months I’d say. So I’m happy to say that I’ve rebuilt my daily routine around this whole social distancing quarantine kind of life. There’s definitely things I’m missing like crazy right now, #teamironbodyworks and all the fun lifting we had is definitely at the top. I’d die to do a SBD day right now. But I guess there’s positives to this whole thing too, I’m not as busy on the weekends and I get to spend more time with my fiancée (who sometimes had complete opposite shifts to me). I’m catching up on some things I’ve been putting off doing and have been getting creative with my time, I might just take some of what I’ve learned and continue to use that after things do return to normal. For now I’m doing my home workouts 5x a week and I’ll be enjoying a hot bath every once and a while. Today was cardio. Did I ever tell anyone how much I hate cardio and how shit burpees are? Either way, happy adapting folks💫 #innerthoughts #bathtime #bathbomb #workout #homeworkout #selfcare #ihaveurgestodoheavylifting #mightcurlthose50lbspotatoes #powerliftingquarantine https://www.instagram.com/p/B-z-UK4B3RI/?igshid=1obm520t4crro
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