#team snaggem wes
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edgymilkshakeart · 5 days ago
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had an idea for a Wes/Rui roleswap au
Lore I have thought up currently:
Rui was, originally, more like she is in canon in terms of personality. she ended up joining Team Snaggem to protect Agate Village and her grandparents from them. She eventually decided though, that instead of continuing to work with Snaggem, she was now confident enough to protect the village herself. she isn't the same as she was before, though.
Wes is a typical Pyrite City local, he lost his family very young and is used to looking after himself. He's the type to often get himself into trouble, having a lot of attitude, but none of the pokemon battling skill nor the physical strength to back it up. When he - as well as Cipher - discovered he had the power to see shadow auras, though, he found himself caught up in something that, this time, he couldn't get himself out of. After Rui saves him from Trudly and Folly, she insists he come with her, and while he isn't happy about it at first, he quickly decides it might be for the best.
Rui's grandparents were never aware of her agreement with Snaggem, and weren't sure what happened to her in her absence, though they were convinced she might have been kidnapped. Rui isn't ready to admit the truth yet, but for now, her grandparents are really just happy to find out she's ok. though they are still concerned for her wellbeing.
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stargazer-darkrai · 1 year ago
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remember the gay Colo guidebook i posted about one time
yeah well the full thing is scanned and up on my website now :)
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canesvenatici-ribbons · 1 year ago
(@zoruascanbetrainerstoo) Hihi! I've never heard of Orre before! What's it like? -Illanero
Orre is kinda crazy. Like we've had a bunch of issues with this Team Snaggem group that stole pokemon and closed off their hearts. It's part of the reason I became a behaviorist because I wanted to be able to help when that happened.
Super sad situation, I think there's still some shadow pokemon out there being kept away. :c
They just wanted to make super powerful pokemon without putting in the work of training. Sigh.
But other than that it's pretty alright, resides a little further west of Unova but the two regions are still pretty close.
We don't have a lot of wild pokemon though because of invasive species so there's a conservation initiative going on down here to help release our native species back into the wild! (So many emolga. We haven't been able to reintroduce their natural predators yet because they're so finicky about their environment so we just have so many emolga in the environment)
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yusuke-of-valla · 8 months ago
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I haven't played them directly but based on what I know about the plots they, and a lot of spin off games, just sidestep this problem by not having the gym/champion set up at all.
Like Wes's goal is to stop team snaggem (and maybe get revenge? He feels like a get revenge type) and that's when the main story ends.
Mainline Pokémon games kind of don't even have that, the evil team tends to be beaten before the champion, so narratively, you don't even have the motivation of "get strong enough to beat the bad guys" because after the bad guys are beat the plot continues.
I think more complex backstories are good and I'd love them for the protagonists of mainline games but at a baseline level there should be a reason you want to beat the champion, because structurally that is the final goal of the game.
If more of the games ended with the save the world plot, then this wouldn't bother me as much because "save the world" is a more instantly understandable motivation. You're not asking "why am I trying to save the region" because there's an obvious answer
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TL;DR Colisseum and spin-off games don't have the Elite Four/Champion plot line so there isn't as much of a question as to why you're doing what you're doing
Generally thinking a structural issue I have with Pokémon games plotwise is that they kinda struggle to give the player character real motivation beyond "am the main character"
PLA and SWSH are kinda perfect examples of this, because PLA makes it very clear why your character is doing what they do, they a) want to go home and b) do not want to be left out in the wilderness where they will die
Meanwhile with SWSH the main thing I see from people who care about Hop's character is that fighting him feels bad, which is a failure of storytelling. Both Hop and Marnie have this problem where if you imagine them as the main character of the story, does them losing fit with their arc the way it does Bede's? And I feel like the answer is no.
And if your players are at the point where they're like "wow my rival cares about this more than I do" that's not a great feeling and means your player character is underdeveloped (and even being a silent protagonist that can happen) because the games presume the player's own desire to beat the game is enough motivation when in terms of the actual broad Pokemon audience is true but in terms of a holistic narrative is absolutely not.
Scarlet & Violet also does this very well, integrating that aimlessness into the plot and the idea of an open world. Your character is SEARCHING for a motivation, and in the process help their friends and save Paldea but I don't know how well that hits.
But like yeah. Generally speaking I think the player should care about something more. It actually doesn't have to be big. Make the champion your deadbeat mom
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mariaantonnietta · 6 years ago
More Colosseum thoughts
...that I have been having.
For one, I said the last time that I could not decide on tems for Rui, and the same is for wes, like, umbreon and espeon, yes, but the rest is up in the air.
With Rui, the pluse that follows us, because that sounds like a beautiful way to meet your first pokemon. And Makuhita because it was seeing that pokemon that got her kidnapped and she wanted makuhita to recover.
The rest, I don’t have any idea, maybe Wes having a Ho oh, because you get one if you purify everything and beat mt.battle, but I do not know.
(the mayor reason is beacuse I uh, might have discovered that I just need to go to the ancient rune with a ready to purify pokemon a bit late in the game (when Ruis grandpa calls us to give us the master ball). In my defense I always changed pokemon after depleting the bars because I wanted to purify more)
Milktank, Metagross and Granbull really helped me in the last part of the game.But I didn’t form my mind of a team for either of them. 
(Jirachi an Celebi are on the bonus disks, and if we have to include them, Jirachi to Wes and Celebi to Rui, and I decided this only because Celebi was for the Japanese release and Jiraichi for the American, and Wes is (probably) from Orre, based on America, and Rui is (probably)from  Johto (it makes the most sense since Colosseum was a bridge between that region and Hoenn, and Rui fashion seems like Johto more than Hoenn, and she seems not from Orre because her parents are not in the region))
Also, my headcanon of why Wes joined Snaggem is because it has this whole thing of gangs where there is protection and belonging to a group, (there is this ‘respect’ going around between the Snag members that makes me think of, well, like street rules)and Wes maybe wanted to climb in the organization, but felt betrayed by the high commands for something and realised that the Snagger leader didn’t really care and would trow him -or anyone-under the bus if it  gave him profit. 
(also, I do think that he might have made the personal snagger, not the snag technology,  but maybe taking the system in the big snag machines and thinking, ‘this could work more easily this way’, because it seems tailor made for Wes,  same way he might modified his bike to make it look more awesome )
Other thing that of, uh?, fridge brillance that I recalled later is that Ho-oh  appearing at the end is amazing, but especially in a region without wild pokemon, a freaking wild legendary pokemon appears??, that makes more understandable that everyone was looking at it like idiots, (the least surprised was Rui, but we know she is probably a foreigner)
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nationalpark-rp · 6 years ago
Sorry if this sends twice from two different accounts, but I’ve just realised that tumblr hasn’t been sending all my asks so I thought better safe than sorry 😅 Could I please reserve Team Snaggem Grunt ♀?
You look like a pretty suspicious character… you’re not going to steal my precious, prized and very special Pokemon away, are you?!  Oh, what am I to do…  where’s Wes when you need him?  You better watch in case he comes this way!  Other than that, I’m completely helpless, but don’t pay attention to that!  Just be here by January 26th, and don’t cause trouble!
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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Justy but gardevoir
Background pattern is an official Pokémon shirts pattern
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He knows double team, of course.
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stargazer-darkrai · 2 years ago
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some additional scans
an (honestly kind of bad) scan of the slip cover of a japanese pokemon trozei guidebook, a scan of a japanese pokemon colosseum guidebook (the marks on the right corner of the back arent supposed to be there.. theyve been there since i got it and i forgot it was there before i scanned it so i didnt think to wipe them off or something...) and a colosseum e-reader card that came with the colosseum guidebook. for some reason, whenever i tried to scan the front of it, it would cut off the bottom?
maybe I'll try and get better scans of these tomorrow. maybe.
Edit: I have made better scans of these, you can find them here
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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thinking of him (for bitter and hateful reasons)
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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Various dumb stuff I’ve drawn that I can’t be bothered to clean up or anything but think are pretty funny
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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(incredibly late) birthday present for @givemebulbasaurorgivemedeath :)
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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Fein x Rui because me and my boyfriend talked about it as a joke a couple of times but now its not even a joke anymore
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Fein goes on a date (or, moreso, gets dragged along on someone else's)
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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Frankenstein's monster Wes for Halloween, with a frankensteined espeon/umbreon partner pokemon
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edgymilkshakeart · 2 years ago
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I feel like the quality for this one might be a bit bad but I can't be bothered to fix it
Idk where I was going with this one really
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