#team ben
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devi vishwakumar just spent an entire year pining for ben gross, if you even fucking care
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raekensluver · 7 months ago
u seriously didn't pay attention when you watched never have i ever if you're still team paxton. i'm willing to eleborate.
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ronthedunedain · 8 months ago
are you team mia or team ben
My protagonist brain is making it hard but I'm Benning to believe Mia has lost the plot.
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throwbacktears · 2 years ago
The nhie poll you made was interesting because I have been most people over the age of 20 go towards Benvi while most people under 18 are more Daxton. I personally have been in a relationship (still am) so I would go towards the type of guy I can have common goals with and maybe because of my experience I always saw Paxton as the high school guy but never the long term gal. there’s a point in ur life where u care less about physical attributes and more about contributions long term.
thats so interesting because i have the exact opposite experience for both myself and from other people. my friends and i are over 20, have been in relationships, and we all rooted for daxton.
while i think having common goals is great to have in a partner, i dont think thats the only consideration for what will make a relationship work with someone better over another -- there also has to be respect, kindness, and trust there as bare minimums, which were qualities that devi got from her relationship with paxton (even if devi couldn't see that at the time), but not from ben, until MAYBE the finale, and even then im not sure if i would say really that, or say their getting together even felt earned from a writing perspective. i mean, ben and devi struggled to just properly communicate and become a real endgame until the very last episode of the show. to your point about long term contributions from a partner, i also think paxton and devi are different enough to contribute something to each other so they can each learn and grow as individuals (more on this later). for that reason, i actually saw ben as the high school guy but never the long term guy and paxton as vice versa, because having common goals isn't always enough long term if the foundation for a healthy romantic relationship isn't even there.
i also think its a big misconception i see, particularly on tumblr for some reason, where people assume that daxton shippers only ship them because of paxton/darren's looks, which isn't always the case - at least of me and my friends, it isn't, and i'd argue that's the case for a lot of daxton shippers on here too more often than benvi shippers might want to admit: devi and paxton push each other just enough in a way that enables them both to grow as people and thus better partners, whereas ben and devi bicker to the point where its more toxic than it is endearing, particularly ben's racially insensitive and body-shaming comments towards her that he's made throughout the whole show. paxton has always gone out of his way to show his support for her, even if that meant putting his reputation on the line, while ben always stayed on the sidelines -- too scared to stand up for devi -- until, again, the finale. and devi and paxton share more common ground just from the standpoint of both coming from Asian backgrounds, so they already have that understanding and acceptance of each other/each other's cultures in a way that's instantly recognized compared to someone not from the same ethnic background (see: paxton complimenting devi's sari in season 1, vs. ben pointing out devi's mustache in season 1). so i've always found ben and devi's romantic dynamic and the hints of it thereof very off-putting (but as friends, sure, they work).
in a similar line of thinking, i actually thought people in the 18-25+ ages would prefer daxton, since that age group might have more relationship experience just by virtue of growing up and meeting more people outside of high school, whereas those younger and who haven't experienced something like that might not yet see benvi's dynamic as something unhealthy/not worth rooting for yet. but because the leading age group demographics for both ships were split even in the poll, i guess we can all just agree to disagree.
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drstark56 · 2 years ago
Devi and Steven are going to Princeton together this year 👀
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thoughtsfromataco · 2 years ago
Hey fellow Team-Ben-from-the-beginning: HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE WINNING
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skittlexxx · 2 years ago
Just saw season 4 of 'Never have I ever' and ya'll, ETHAN IS SOO HOT!
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rosstrytobe · 2 years ago
Do something, babe
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Say something...
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Lose something, babe
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Risk something
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Choose something, babe
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I got nothing to believe
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Unless you're choosin' me
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yours-stargirl · 6 months ago
guys can we all collectively go back to the never have i ever era i just rewatched and it’s SO good
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moonstarsinfinity · 2 years ago
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if tomorrow ben and devi aren't endgame i- 😭😭because academic rivals it's just >>>
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femininomen0n · 2 years ago
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corduevasmila · 2 years ago
Ben and Devi // Mine
I’m afraid I’ll never be able to let them go so I’ll try and always honor them.
I’m posting this everywhere because I can….. I miss them
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tesstuffsblog · 2 years ago
hello, i’m back! i’m just gonna say that, cause there’s a criminal lack of ben gross fanfics i decided to write one of my own! so if you want to read it it’s on wattpad <3
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theroyalmisfitmess · 2 years ago
Someone please tell me where to get Benvi scenepacks. I need to finish my The Very First Night edit 🤭
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throwbacktears · 2 years ago
now that nhie has come to an end, and there's a definitive, canon endgame to the infamous love triangle, im curious:
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crownspeaksblog · 2 years ago
I've seen people saying what if devi chooses "team devi" and I'd like to say that's not gonna happen.. because a story doesn't spend 3 seasons developing the relationship between two characters from rivals to friends to having feelings to eachother.. only for them not to be together at the end. That's not how stories usually work also it's not fun..
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