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teamdarkweek · 5 months ago
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Team Dark Week 2025: February 1st - 7th
After last year was so much fun, here's hoping that you've all got an appetite for more Team Dark Platonic Love!
Linked below are the colour palettes with their hex codes to download: as always, you're welcome to be flexible with them, use only half, or not use them at all - it's just another option.
Feb 1st: Fire / Warning Feb 2nd: Storm / Prodigy Feb 3rd: Mirror / Hide Feb 4th: Shine / Treat Feb 5th: Drown / Earth Feb 6th: Inside / Wired Feb 7th: Haze / Loved
Thanks to the people who helped me out with sense checking the colour palettes! @explodingthunder, @eldritchgriffin, and @nonbinary-sticks-the-badger !
This blog will be getting a new lick of paint while I bulk up the queue and start shouting about Team Dark, but you'll still find all the info in the same place: Basic Info, Rules, Guidance and Previously Asked Questions, and Themes.
If you want to participate, to see others participate, or just to help me out: please consider reblogging!
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teamdarkweek · 11 months ago
TDW bookclub - ish. Important note below on my failings, I'm afraid.
An exploration of the Sonic Movie 3 set if the main cast were able to join us in their roles! With some added Shadow-lore sandwiched in the middle, and canon-typical Omegisms. (6k words)
I should not have initially bookmarked this, because it is correctly tagged as containing ship when the week was explicitly for non-ship content. This happened because due to personal circumstances I wasn't able to do spend enough time running the week when it came around and was trusting that everything would be fine with me being more-light touch during the week.
Since I already included it, I think it would be unfair for me to remove this from the collection/ blog as I should have reached out to the creator at the time, not nearly 6 weeks after when I got through my reading list and I didn't do my job. I acknowledge that this is inconsistent and unfair considering that I know some others wanted to join in but didn't specifically because of the no ship rule, and I can't really defend that point, but I think this is the best I can do now in the circumstance I have got myself in. Sorry again.
Together Again... For Studiopolis (Feb 6: Together)
Rouge, Shadow, and Omega had never expected to return to the movies. But when Sonic asks them to help him out with the new movie in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, it's time to return to Studiopolis!
OKAY!! here's the fic for day six of @teamdarkweek ! it took way too long soo i hope people like it
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askasherthornburn · 2 months ago
What the "TDW" means in my username.
So, every now and then someone asks me about my url name.
for those who don't know, I'm part of my boyfriend's friend's group called "The Digital Warriors". we all have TDW followed by a underscore ( this _) and our numbers. (ex: I am TDW_0666, meaning I am the 666th Digital Warrior. my Boyfriend is TDW_0333 meaning he is the 333rd Digital Warrior and so on.)
I have this as my user because it's special to me and it makes me feel closer to my boyfriend <3 you maybe seen a pic of 0666 before.
Once I get his toyhou.se page done, I will post more about him soon!
-Admin Asher
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wonderinc-sonic · 1 year ago
I really booked Team Dark Week in, then a holiday and sudden imminent relocation parked themselves directly on top of it, huh?
I have not had the chance to fully read and review the fics that people have made for this week, only had time to just about publish my own stuff, spy on the hashtags, and read the short ones/ the start of the longer works. The absolute hypocrisy of being the one who brought two nearly 30k entries saying I can't read a 5k, I know. I'm actually a very slow reader because I spend a lot of time considering and picturing, and I knew the prompts before everyone else so had longer to work on them.
Anyway, I'm thinking that I am going to give myself from the 8th-11th off to sort my place and move, then when I have some free evenings to do stuff after work I will review the submissions for the days in order over each of the coming 7 weeks up to the end of March, so I can give them time and write them some nice blurbs on my collection bookmarks.
Sorry to let you down ficwriters! I really do want to be able to give proper comments and praise. And if you follow me, good for you because I'll be resharing these cracking works in a staggered form, so if it's been too much to read this week you'll get reminders to read 'em 👍 the exception being my own, obviously, because I can't exactly read and review my own stuff.
That's all, just an update on my life. Loving all the stuff that's coming out, and I can't wait to give it the time it deserves! I will also reshare the art that's been posted throughout the weeks too ���️
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teamdarkweek · 4 months ago
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Team Dark appreciates their fans in their own way, we are assured.
Team Dark Week runs from 1st - 7th of February. Pinned for details if you want to check it out!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
Any medium, photographed physical models or pictures, digital, collage, any of it! Also, the colours aren't mandatory, and you only have to use one word prompt if you're using them.
I can't think if a medium I wouldn't accept tbh. If you manage to find one, kudos.
Did some planning for team dark week just don't know if it's allowing traditional art or just digital...
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teamdarkweek · 21 days ago
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I'm hearing my clock chime midnight as I crop this scribble, which means that's a wrap on TeamDarkWeek 2025!
Well, for me - you keep going, and if you are still posting any fabulous pieces, please do tag me in them 🖤 Thank you so much to everyone who has participated, you are my favourite part of the Sonic year, and I hope I might see some of you in 2026 if you're up for it!
Next on this blog: catching up on asks and considering feedback (please send me any you've got); resharing all the works each week over next seven weeks, tdw bookclub (reading each written submission back without the time crunch to give a review); data analysis and summary slides.
I will also now be having a 🌠break🌠, but probably not for long! A kind somebody has finally taken the @team-chaotix-week url, so if you're wondering where to put your platonic love next - you'll catch me over there enjoying what they get up to!
Thank you all so much for playing!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
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Live with the Team Dark Week dates and themes!
Each day has two words, you can choose either, both or go on a tangent - any form accepted, as long as it's your own work. Thank you @prowerprojects for your help brainstorming!
Participate using #team dark week, #teamdarkweek, or @teamdarkweek in your post. Submission box is also open if you prefer!
I'll be reminding you, but if you want to mark it in your calendar, you'd make my day!
As well as the usual prompts, I have included a Colour Palette for each day - this may not be useful, but if you're a digital artist I thought this would be an easy way to join in at less of a time cost. Here they are, as well as links to a web version. They're approximate, I won't be checking and I'm no graphics expert, these are just the ones I used to make my promo content, which will be shared after this.
1st: Night // Gem
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2nd: Memory // Secret
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3rd: Power // Control
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4th: Creation // Malfunction
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5th: Hurt // Changed
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6th: Together // Journey
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7th: Space // Light
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Expect the usual restrictions on content (Non-sexual, some gore and violence allowed) with the added detail that this is a non-ship week, so please don't submit shipping content! Further Details are available on this blog on Web-mode, plus I'll link them here! Participation Basics Rules Expanded Guidance and FAQ (that I have seen on other weeks!) The days again
I hope as many people as can manage it will be able to participate, and if you want to support, please consider sharing this post!
Askbox always open!
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teamdarkweek · 9 months ago
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Day 4 prompt finally done - obviously, she's the top card on the deck!
I always thought a Sonic Heroes Teams- based deck of cards would be so cool: if any of you can render this better or have done somethint similar I'd love to see them!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
(Sorry - remaking this post because I forgot to edit it before it queue published and only realised after I shared)
This is my interest check for Team Dark Week, which I am hoping to run the last week of January! It'll be at least 7 prompts, with a few polls and other things knocking around for fun.
The week will be accept work up to a (15) age rating, with the caveat of no sexual or shipping content.
Ways to play - not an exclusive list!
Any kind of visual art
Any writing, including fanfiction in any format as well as theory and analyses
Edits of canon source material
Memes/ Jokes
Collage and moodboards
Collaborations across any media
(No A.I. or reposting other people's work)
If you'd like to help, please consider sharing this post to reach anyone else who might like to join in! I am running the poll to collect numbers, not too worried about the ratio.
Thanks! 🖤
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teamdarkweek · 11 months ago
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*This Machine playing on the worlds most dented speakers*
Prompt 3/7 complete. Some of you guys did cool sparring/ fighting art for this one, and they looked great so I wanted to join in too...
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teamdarkweek · 29 days ago
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Psst hey if you're getting ready to post on Ao3: please expect your work to be added to this collection (Team_Dark_Week_2025). You can even post it straight to the collection, if you'd like!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
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Just re-iterating! No new info here, but if you do want to ask a question, askbox is open!
The links: Basic Info Participation Rules (TLDR no ship, no sex, some triggers, tag accordingly) Guidance, updated with answers to previous questions, but ask for clarification if you need, anon is on. Themes with their Colour Palette Prompts
A lot of you shared the info last time, and I want to say thank you so much for that; I'm so happy that some people want to play, and also help the dates reach more people while they've got some time to join in! If you haven't before, or you feel like banging the drum with me, please consider sharing this post. Thanks again!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
Team Dark Week Day 6: Together // Journey
To join in with Team Dark Week: #teamdarkweek, #team dark week, and/or tag @teamdarkweek . Submission box also available.
Awh man, nearly over already! Here's a special one:
The winning entry might get a oneshot from me after Team Dark Week is done, if that's even a prize, ha ha! Argue your best in the notes!
If your fave isn't on here due to the limitations of Tumblr lists: add in the tags anyway! If I like it I'll do it too, so state your case!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
Team Dark Week Day 4: Creation // Malfunction
To join in with Team Dark Week: #teamdarkweek, #team dark week, and/or tag @teamdarkweek . Submission box also available.
Woah, we're halfway there! (TDW Playlist plug, if you have a song in your head!)
Remember, these are one day only, so pick your captain and hoist their flag today!
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teamdarkweek · 1 year ago
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Couldn't round out the venture without one more crappy picture from me!
I have been sorting your work day by day in the following tags:
#tdw 2024: day 1 - Night and Gem #tdw 2024: day 2 - Memory and Secret #tdw 2024: day 3 - Power and Control #tdw 2024: day 4 - Creation and Malfunction #tdw 2024: day 5 - Hurt and Changed #tdw 2024: day 6 - Together and Journey #tdw 2024: day 7 - Space and Light
If you're still working on your stuff, that is perfectly fine! Tag me on @teamdarkweek whenever you're ready. If I may be so sappy, I just want to say I am blown away by the wonderful pieces that you guys have made this week, it's been such a lovely treat!
My plans for the upcoming for this blog are below, but TL;DR; more to come, prompts to fill, excellent works to share and a small break to take on my end! Really, truly, thank you for playing with me!
I'm determined to read and give highlights/ recs on everyone else's fics that were posted this - find those in #prose if you want to get ahead of me, and I'll post mine under #tdw bookclub. Any that were posted to Ao3 are also in this collection.
I have seven days worth of vague prompts to fill from your polls (#poll) - lets hope those are done by next year!
The playlist I opened for you guys to add to is here, and it's looking good (well done for reminding me My Chemical Romance exists!). It's not freely editable any more, but you can still spy, and if you think something is desperately missing, do let me know!
This blog will get a bit of a revamp in the coming weeks, pushing the rules and prompts aside for your wonderful works!
I'm going to pull some stats on what prompts work, assess whether or not I succeeded in my goals, and make a plan for a project like this in the future. That analysis may well be posted on here.
And finally, I need a little break. In general, the queue is going to be slower on this blog than it has been, perhaps more like 5 posts a day instead of 25, so I can cut down on the maintenance it takes. If I decide to run in 2025, the hype train will start again in Autumn, but I'll still be here if you want to chat! Or, find me on my all-sonic blog @wonderinc-sonic
That's all for now, lots and lots of love! <3
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