#td all stars
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jesterjaxx · 8 months ago
Say what you will about Total Drama All Stars but opening the show with Chris McLean in federal prison was the funniest possible choice they couldve made
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wazzuppy · 30 days ago
i need everyone to see how cute these screenshots of mike are
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he looks like a chipmunk 😭💙 i love him
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td-tbbg-official · 10 months ago
"After months of teasing, work, sweat, tears, blood - ew, too dramatic, cut that out - and dedication, we finally present to you...
Grab your popcorn, drinks, any types of snacks for that matter, get cozy and pull up your preferred device to read on, because the show is about to begin! Are you ready for the most exciting and excruciating season of Total Drama Island yet?! Whatever you answered, trust me, you are not!
Click the big, green text for the link to our first chapter ever of...
now in an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
!!! reblogs > likes !!!
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bhnsby · 4 days ago
By the way, whenever I say “drives me crazy” or anything along those lines please read it exactly like this because that is my intent
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mytraincantakeuhome · 8 months ago
Courtney and Gwen during all stars hearing Good Luck Babe for the first time
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totally-drama-takes · 11 months ago
Has anyone thought of the possibility of an AU of All-Stars where everything is the same, except Mal has no memory connection with the other alters, and him, having been gone for so long including ROTI and the start of All-Stars, is extra unaware of the environment he's at and is just bluffing about it all the time? Like, he's still trying to be evil or whatever, but he has no idea what names the people around him have or their relationship with Mike, or for example in the moon challenge him not knowing anything about what the objective is cause he missed the explanation at the start (Since Mike was fronting) and the others thinking it was too straight foward to mention it again...
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darkleysgarden · 1 year ago
Into The Alters
A Total Drama Analysis
I have been obsessed with the whole system. I love them all sm. And because of this, I had to analyze them ofc. That's what I always do. I'll start with more general things and then deep dive into the alters and how they formed.
Disclaimer: I do not have DID, nor do I claim to know everything about the condition. I have done my best to try and learn about it and be as accurate as possible. If I make any mistakes or use incorrect terms, please tell me! I'm trying my best and genuinely hope to improve. Tyty.
WARNINGS: I will discuss ableism, child abuse, sexual abuse, overall trauma, potential murder/crimes, and other Total Drama typical things.
Also, whenever I say 'they' or 'them', I'm referring to all the alters or multiple of them.
DID often forms from trauma, and this system clearly did form that way. I'll get into it more on the alters individual parts, but the way they act and the roles they take on help prove that their pasts were very traumatic.
What is the goal of them going on Total Drama?: I believe that the goal is to move out. I rewatched it recently, and I remember no mention of the bodies parents, no mention of their pasts other than hints at juvie, nothing. But, Nico, how can you say that it's specifically to move out? Throughout the seasons, it's hinted at that Mike knows little about TD. He's heard of it. He knows general things. Yet, he doesn't understand more niche callbacks. Most of the new cast mentions being huge fans or watching the series before. Mike, to my memory, doesn't. Mike never points out his goal for the million dollars, and the last thing he wants is fame. He even goes against his psychiatrists wishes of going on the show. Why is a million dollars so important to get? To move out. The DID formed from something, right? The most obvious way to form would be because of parents or guardians. And if you don't believe me yet, the only reference as to what they will do with the money is by Mal. Mal says he wants to use the money to live out his life his way in a tower of his own. AKA, he's using the money to move into a new place and gain free will. And I'll go deeper into that in a moment.
EDIT: I just found out that it's basically canon that they were using it to move out. The Fresh TV official blog confirmed that Mike and Zoey moved in together shortly after All Stars. Obviously they would have used the money to do so.
Overall, what I am saying here is that they have a bad home life and are going onto Total Drama to escape that. Both while the show runs and when they win. They even went on two seasons even though the first was stressful enough and they weren't having a great time. When people come back, they have a reason that they detail. Fame or fortune. We never get that from Mike. Because it's personal. It's personal and not something he is willing to share on international TV.
After much research, the reset button does not seem possible to me and I have a new theory on what it actually did.
Via my research, I could be wrong, you cannot get rid of DID entirely. Alters can not be killed. To get rid of Mal would have required Mal to comply with it, and Mal was not complying.
Integration is possible. Parts can be erased. Though, in the end, Mal would come back like seen in the show. He can not be entirely erased because that's just not how DID works. Even integration, forced dormancy, and letting go of alters would take a ton of work and time. Getting rid of Mal would be hard and would be one thing. But to erase all of them and get rid of DID entirely? It's impossible from what I've seen. It's hard to erase a single alter, especially if they don't want to go like Mal. Usually, they leave by decision or go into dormancy on their own. And it seems that usually, if an old alter is erased, a new alter usually will form that is very similar to the old one.
Alternative theory: What do I really think the reset button did? Dormancy.
This would be hard, but not impossible. Like I said before, it's a choice that leads to dormancy and erasure. Aside from Mal, they were all on board with the decision. They would be able to put themselves into hiding in the meantime while Mike sorts his life out. All 5 of them would likely be able to force Mal into dormancy together, especially considering that we know they did it before.
"But Chester directly told us that-"
Chester is not reliable at all. Nobody else knew what it did. They were operating off of what he told them. Chester is shown to have shit memory and not know what he's talking about. He could have easily not explained the button entirely correctly.
I believe that once the show is over, Mike moves out, things settle down, the alters will slowly come out of dormancy as it feels right.
This is probably me being in denial that they're gone, but idc.
Omg, Svetlana. I am her biggest fan !!!!!
Anyway. I suspect Svetlana is a fictive. Actually, my boyfriend came up with that. I'm stealing it from him. Ask him for more details. Idrk the details.
Basically, Svetlana is extremely detailed. She holds information and memories that seem to have come from outside of the systems experiences. She is too detailed to be a randomly formed alter.
How did she form?: So, I believe the character was off of a book character? I WASN'T THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH THIS PART. I bet you're thinking, why aren't you researching this? I'm ranting to myself rn okay. I'm just also putting it on the internet for funsies. I'm operating off memory rn. All my research has been done off random questions I've had while pacing around my room at 3AM.
UPDATE: we've changed our minds. There's an Olympic Russian gymnast named Svetlana who has won TONS of awards and holds common references with her. She was also actively competing at the time Mike would have been a kid. So he could have been watching her and wanted to copy her acts. Svetlana Khorkina, if you're interested
Anyway. Young Mike is experimenting with himself. Because that's what every kid does. This doesn't necessarily mean that he's LGBTQ or anything. A boy can try on dresses without that being the case. People experiment with their identity, especially at a young age.
However, people don't like that. Because people are bitches fsr. Idk. And I already speculated before that the bodies' parents aren't great. An alter is forming off a book character he found relatable. The character being female is part of what gave him this interest in looking at feminine stuff. Yet, he got in trouble for it. In that situation, Svetlana would form off of the character, making her a fictive. Yet, she has also become a protector. She is now there to protect the physical aspect of the body. She's the one who works out with her gymnastics. She probably does skin care and that stuff. She knows how to get dressed well. She is there to protect the physical aspect and keep the body healthy.
And she won't fail to defend them from anybody who dislikes a boy wearing makeup or anything of the sorts. Those gymnastics muscles aren't fake bro.
Age speculation: so I don't feel like researching the book more. In fact, I can't even remember if it was a book. So I'm basing this entirely off of canon.
I think she is 14 or so. Though, with her, I can see a lot of fluctuation. I used to think she was more in her 20s. But, I think it makes much more sense for her to be a young teenager. Also, just saying this now, but my age headcanons are just headcanons. So, if I don't work with your ships, you can move them to a degree as long as it isn't weird. JUST DONT MOVE MANITOBA OR VITO MUCH AND ILL GET INTO THAT.
Back to Svetlana, though, she acts a lot like a young teenage girl. We know she has participated in many gymnastics events, and I feel like she wouldn't be so active in doing them if she didn't feel comfortable with the age group, if it wasn't very similar to her own. Which leads me to somewhere teenage. And then idk if it requires an explanation, but she gives 14 year old girl energy.
Also, I have a random silly hc that Svetlana was the only girl that could beat Skye in gymnastics. Svetlana had to participate somewhere, and they're both Canadian and probably would end up at the same competitions. There may be proof to disprove this, but all I've seen is "but the body is male," but Svetlana wouldn't participate in boys' competitions, and maybe people just aren't transphobic. Idk. SVETLANA HAS A TON OF AWARDS IN CANON. SHE ISN'T JUST SAYING THAT. IT'S IN THEIR ROOM. Sorry, I'm off topic.
Another one of my favorites and another fictive WOOHOO.
So the creators, from what I've seen, have said Manitoba was based on Indiana Jones. And then they took Australian aspects from two non-fictional people.
That's why I've decided to call Manitoba and Indiana Jones fictive.
Formation: Nothing huge to this one. I believe Manitoba formed mostly off comfort. Indiana Jones was a comfort character. A cool explorer who could get out of any situation (I think. Admittedly, I've never actually watched it.)
We see constantly that Manitoba fronts specifically during tough situations that are hard to get out of. He's smarter than the others in many ways. He is always able to call out Mal's slip-ups and lies. He knows what he is doing and is able to protect and save the others from tough times. That is his main purpose as an alter.
Also, I think it's interesting to note that Manitoba says that Mike gets in the way of his relationships, and then Mike said that the alters would ruin his romantic relationships. I'm just saying that Manitoba probably had a love interest we didn't get to see. Idk. Just had to bring that up when talking about him. Listen, I'm analyzing them for the system, but I'm also doing general analysis, okay?
Age speculation: So... I see a lot of people speculating that he is like 20-40. I don't believe that. I placed him at about 18-19.
I couldn't figure out if fictives are always the same age as the character they form off of. But, let's say they are. In that case, I believe that it's highly likely Mike could have formed Manitoba off of the 13 year old Indiana Jones River Pheonix played. Then he continued to age.
The reason I don't like the older headcanons is mainly because he flirted with Zoey and was implied to be in past relationships. Obviously, these people wouldn't be far off from Mike's age. Going off of a 17 year old Mike, Manitoba is only 2 years older. I also just don't see it fitting for him to be much older? I can see him acting 20-25, but like I said I prefer it younger as it makes more sense with his relationships.
We never see Chester flirt with anyone for this reason. He's too old for them. It would be weird for Manitoba to flirt with them if it was the same case. And speaking of Chester...
Ima be so honest. I'm not hugely interested in Chester. Yet, I do think he's interesting in the aspect that he is different. And I believe he is an introject (if that's the correct term).
Mike's parents were shit in this speculation. He would search for someone outside of them. Like a grandparent. I also want to credit deranged_royal on tiktok as she formed most of my Chester headcanons and helped further my other analyses. She also has really cool cosplays. So follow her rn.
How he formed: Mike looked up to some kind of grandparent figure who ended up dying. He was hurt by this as he had nobody else to look up to. Therefore, an introject formed. It seems that introjects of people systems know in real life often form off of people that provide them comfort or have died. So, I think this makes sense.
Age speculation: 60-80
I feel like old people don't really act differently after they hit 60 or so, so I don't really know. He's probably older because of the issues he has.
Sorry, Chester is so short. I don't have too much to say about him. We don't get a lot of him, and I feel like he is very easy and simple to understand. I love his scenes, though. He's so silly.
So we all agree Vito is the sexual protector? All right. Thanks. This one goes more into sexual assault and sexual situations!!!
Formation: I actually have two separate theories for this. They both lie in sexual assault. But I'm leaning towards a sexually abusive ex over guardians.
The reason I think this is largely based on how he acts with Anne Maria. Also, the tiktoker I mentioned earlier also noted that he only fronts when the body becomes stripped of clothing. Interesting detail....
I love Annito. I'm their biggest fan, actually. I'm working on rewriting their entire wiki rn because all the system wikis are outdated. I love them sm. Break from the sadness. Look at the cuties.
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Anyway. Have you ever noticed how attached Vito gets? He meets Anne Maria, and she is all he can think about from then on. He does anything even if it annoys him just to see her again. Assault survivors tend to get attached easily to those who show them positive attention. Also, they want to take charge of the more sexual aspects. Vito starts making out with Anne Maria within about 5 minutes of meeting.
Anne Maria gives him the interest, care, and control he seeks in a relationship. And now he clings to her. And they're healthy. I LOVE THEM AHHHHHH. Sorry. They're perfect together.
Age speculation: 17-18. This one is obvious to me. He acts like every high school senior. Plus, Anne Maria was 16 in roti. He's no more than 1-2 years older than her. Especially since she thought he was the host before the DID discovery. That means she thought he was about 16. Would be weird if he wasn't.
Wowzers. We're at the host!
Okay. Mike, I get it you have internalized ableism. This issue, however, leads to a lot of mistreatment of his headmates. He acts like he owns them, which isn't a positive thing to do.
I love Mike a lot, but I will not erase his actions.
He never allows anyone to front unless it is for use. For example, Svetlana, if it's a physical situation. Then after he fronts immediately again. They even imply that he was never in headspace, meaning that he would only ever let them co front or would fully dissociate.
He didn't let them be their own people, which is really sad. He also didn't allow them their own relationships. Though they have as much of a right to those relationships as Mike does.
Just because Mike is the host or the 'first' doesn't mean that he isn't still an alter. He becomes an alter the second an alter forms for the first time. He is now only one of the people who shares the body.
Also, this may be controversial, but I don't like how Zoey treats Mike. 😕 I don't really have strong opinions outside of their relationship on her. But, I dislike how she, even after a year of dating, seems to not understand anything about his DID. Plus, she always brushes off every other alter and doesn't try to be friends with them or anything. Instead of helping with Mal, she just acted like Mike was lying to her. I like their friendship, but I can't ship Zoke for those reasons.
I could say more about that, but this isn't a Zoke hate post. Mb bros. I probably just lost a few of you. Too bad, so sad. Mal is the best part. You're gonna miss him.
I know I have more to say on him, but I am honestly blanking right now. It's hard to say more about him as he didn't form the same way as the others. I don't really know much about the first alter, so I don't really want to say more for that reason, too.
Oh, boy. Buckle up.
Idek where to start. I'll accidentally leave out sm because I have sm...
Formation: Mal was the first alter after Mike to form. I'm confident in this for sm reasons. For example, none of the other alters knew about if Mike or Mal formed first. Let's say Svetlana formed after Manitoba. Manitoba would know he was there before she formed as they all actively communicated with each other. Though, they all formed before juvie as they knew about that whole situation personally.
Therefore, I'd say that Mike and Mal have known each other since Mike was about 6. Which makes sense with the research I've done about formation ages. And this is why they know each other so well. Mal is able to imitate Mike extremely well. What gave him away was WHISTLING. And then the bracelet/necklace thing, but like, that has nothing to do with how well he knows Mike's personality.
He knows everything about Mike. And Mike NEEDED him. That is explicitly said by Mal and confirmed by Mike. Mal was formed to protect Mike from abusive or traumatic experiences. And that is why Mal is the way he is largely.
Mal experienced a traumatic childhood. And I believe he's younger than Mike. When Mike is 17, I believe he is only 13-15.
I believe that Mal is terrified of the fact that Mike doesn't need him anymore. So scared that when Mike is put under a ton of stress on the show, Mal fronts full time to take the situation into his hands. He still wants the same goal as the others, to move away. But he is doing it his own way. Also, notice how much he targeted Zoey? He hated anyone getting close to his headmates. He wants to protect them.
"How do you explain him being so rude?"
He is a kid who had a bad childhood. Because of this, he wants to take out the pain he received and push it onto others as well. That's why he's so aggressive. And part of it is just him being a devious 13 y/o.
And, don't forget that that kid was in jail.
Speaking of, he ran the place, right?
Of course, he would want to run the place. It's a whole jail troupe for a reason that you need to make yourself feared. If everyone was scared of him, nobody would hurt him.
That brings me to what I think got Mal into juvie.
Self protection murder.
From what I've seen of the laws, I believe he could go to juvie instead of adult jail for this based on the trial. And if it's self-protection against an abusive person, he could get off with less. I believe. I'm no expert on Canadian law or law in general.
Why do I think this?
Well, Mal had to do something pretty bad to have everyone fearing him. A young kid with a body at like 13 (my guess for body age when in jail), who committed murder. Everyone would stray away. Especially if Mal left out the details and claimed it was in cold blood.
Mal likely fronted most of the time during juvie. He had to go through that rough and scary situation. He went through all of this traumatic stuff.
And then...
Mike forced him into dormancy.
He loves Mike and wants to protect him. Yet, he holds a grudge against him. Mike formed him and made him suffer, and then now tries to get rid of him.
Of course Mal would be upset.
How he acts in All Stars is heavily based on a mix of his grudge against Mike, his trauma, his young age, his time in jail, and overall the nature of the alter he was formed to be.
Mal was formed to be someone stronger and more protective. He wasn't supposed to back down. He was supposed to save them all from that abuse.
But, he's still young and still his own person. It's going to take a toll on him. Especially if he only got to front during the bad times. He now only knows how to take out his anger as a way to protect himself and his headmates.
I know I have a lot more to say about Mal, too. But it's getting late and I'm tired and blanking.
I suspect that after juvie, they were placed into therapy and some sort of foster care. Even if they aren't in an actively abusive home now, they wouldn't trust that it couldn't turn bad. Plus, they would want their own space and control after everything.
So, I'm gonna end it here for now. It's midnight and I'm eepy.
Tell me if I made any mistakes please!!! On canon info or on DID or whatever
If you want more details on any headcanon or have any questions or anything put it in my asks. I love receiving asks. I'll gladly rant to whoever is interested.
Though, for now, I'm tired. Night night.
Live, laugh, love Svetlana.
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skysearring · 1 year ago
Zoey appreciation post 🌺❤️
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reclininghotdog · 2 years ago
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I drew this like,, a month ago but I thought i’d still share 🫶
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justiceforscott · 2 years ago
Tier lists. Sorry for being based/s
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cylidae · 2 years ago
I've gotten to All Stars on my TD rewatch.
Well. Time to procrastinate for several months.
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td-tbbg-official · 1 year ago
Welcome to the official blog of the unofficial tenth season of Total Drama Island, Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
This master post will hopefully give you a bit of orientation on the page as to not make you freak out when approaching our beautiful series.
If you wish to support the blog, reblogs help more than likes. Please reblog posts rather than just like them.
Chapter 1: Somewhat Happy Campers - Part 1
Chapter 2: Somewhat Happy Campers - Part 2
Chapter 3: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive & Dodge
What is TD:TBBG?
TD:TBBG is a Gen 1 x Gen 4 All-Stars fanfiction. It features 24 contestants divided into 3 teams and takes place across 26 official episodes (chapters). It is canon compliant, as it happens after the two Total Drama Revived seasons, and contains many references to canon. The fanfic is being posted on the AO3 account canonically47.
What to expect from this account?
Teasers, snippets, sneak peeks. By following the official TD:TBBG blog, you will get exclusive access to teasers of upcoming chapters of TD:TBBG starting with its release. Funny quotes, witty remarks, long descriptions, we’ve got them all!
Ask Friday. Previously, Fridays were used for answering asks, but now, we answer them any day of the week. We just kept the tag for simplicity’s sake! (And because our interns couldn’t be bothered to change it.)
Short stories. It’s a broad term, as I will also include full songs that the singers would write or scripts Courtney might get, but you can also expect to see some of the daily lives of our contestants, either old or new.
Check these out!
introduction post
gen 1 contestants
gen 4 contestants
the teams
Additional information:
I cannot stress enough how important reblogs are. Please, if you like my posts and want to support me, REBLOG!!! Tumblr is an app based around reblogs. Likes only help you; I need reblogs for reach.
Asks are always open to pretty much everything. More information on that here.
available on an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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yveslish · 2 years ago
i’m rewatching all stars and this isn’t even bad like i’m really enjoying myself. not sure if that means the season is good or my taste in television is flawed.. either way i’m having fun!
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totally-drama-takes · 11 months ago
It would be fun if mal was in control for roti and mike comes out in ass stars. Btw mal is gonna be an emo theater kid (he still went to juvil tho….)
Anon, thank you for feeding me.
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cozloshik · 4 months ago
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college AU, I guess?...
As a twink he is very sure of himself
I just like drawing muscles and guys in dresses 💀
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darkleysgarden · 1 year ago
Picnic Date
Scottitoba from Total Drama
700 words
Warning: accidental ableism
Type: fluffish.
When Scott was around, Manitoba tended to front as his headmates hated the guy.
At first, he only bickered with Scott. They had met when Manitoba had been fronting during a challenge, and now Manitoba found himself having an issue.
Over time, he found himself enjoying the time he spent making simple arguments with Scott.
Then, he began to notice other things about Scott. Sweet feelings that didn't fit the dusty exterior he put on.
It didn't feel like him to have this issue to have these fluffy feelings. Yet, they were forming, and he couldn't do anything about it.
He had elected to ignore it for the longest time.
However, one day, Scott came to Mike and asked to speak with Manitoba.
Manitoba came without Mike having to use a trigger. He was eager to talk to Scott.
"What do you require of me, mate?" He quickly asked as he came to front.
"I wanted to ask you something."
He tilted his head curiously.
"So... I set up this cool picnic for myself to enjoy, alone. But then I got lonely and thought your company would improve the moment. Ah! Not that I get lonely. And not that I like you or anything! It was just boring not having someone to yell at -"
"Alright then."
Manitoba smiled at Scott and grabbed his fedora, placing it on his head. He was fronting without the trigger, but it felt odd to be without the hat.
He flicked up the front of the fedora. "Lead the way then."
Scott's eyes scrunched up for a moment before he started to lead Manitoba to the picnic.
"Been awhile since I got ta go out like this," Manitoba admits. "Usually, I want ta rough someone up a tad. Although it's nice ta get peaceful moments like this one, aye?"
"Who says I'll be making this peaceful?" Scott grins.
Manitoba shrugs and continues to follow him until they reach the picnic set-up.
A blue bedsheets is laid across the ground with a gathering of food across the side.
A lady would faint at the sight. Good thing he wasn't a lady.
He plopped down onto the blanket.
"Got anything good 'ere?" He asked as he dug through the food Scott had set out.
"Crikey, you have an awful diet, mate."
Scott looked shocked for a moment. "This is the best you'll get. Just like what I'd eat back on the farm."
"We aren't on the farm, mate. We're on a reality television show. And this, is hardly food. Blimey...."
Scott shoves a spoonful of ...something... into his mouth.
"Just like Ma used to make."
"Don't make me wish a jail sentence on a lovely lady."
Scott only shook his head in frustration.
"Will you not eat anything I brought?"
He grabs a piece of jerky and rips a chunk off with his teeth.
"So you like that?"
"'Course I do."
"Are you one of those people who has weird diet options? Like you won't even eat a twinkie?"
"Don't know what a 'twinkie' is. Though, I guess. Carbohydrates aren't fit for the body of an explorer."
"Don't you and the other personalities all eat different? What's the point."
"Alters. Not personalities, mate. And the point is I do what I want, regardless of 'em. They all do the same. Can't let my life be determined by others, even if we share a body."
"Sure, but-"
"If your sister ate only veggies, would you? She's a different person, right?"
Scott went silent.
"I'd appreciate you not bringin' 'em up. This is our time. I don't want my headmates to determine my life. Let's eat and get outta 'ere."
Scott continued to eat his mystery meal and didn't say anything else.
Manitoba had begun to find Scott endearing. Yet, he didn't seem to understand him or his headmates at all. That's what ruined it, and that's why they got into so many arguments.
Scott had used them all, and Manitoba let it off as game play. Though, Scott really seemed to not get them.
Though, Manitoba was willing to help him understand.
"Just.... think of me as the super cool explorer, Manitoba. Alright?"
"Okay, Manitoba."
"Thanks, mate."
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