camvrin · 1 month
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riprendscore · 6 months
Y’know, your cabin isn’t that hard to find. It’s quite pretty, though! Made it yourself?
Hawhaw, thanks scamp! Borrowed the blueprints, but otherwise all woods by my hands. Aint much, but its home.
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
I get to diary write again
October 28, 1987
Oh my God. Finally I get to diary write again. Oh, the cool, fresh feeling of having miles and miles of paper to in front of me to fill with life experiences. I've been so busy of late that I have forgotten to buy paper, so, I have been writing on anything. But, oh the desire to write, to get it fucking out on paper. It's addicting, like a drug. It's you I can run to, only you, oh, my so sweet diary. Thanks for being here for me.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
what is it you want from love?
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you want... yearning.
restless minds at night and listening to melancholic songs in the dark while thinking of them. you spent so much time loving while going unloved that you’ve found comfort in it. it’s the only way you know how to, your heart learned to love in the same beat you learned to lie about it and you’ve found a home in the unrequited.
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i-am-emmet-real · 8 months
I will have my inkay use hypnosis
No. I w I'll lock my do,or. You can not no tcome in.
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stonerpsii · 11 months
"are you high enough for unprotected breeding?" 🥵🥵🥵 im surprised i didn tcome on the spot just from hearing thattt holy shit
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monachopsissssss · 1 year
i made an mcsr au out of desperation and withdrawal yesterday out of a book i was reading to maybe stave off the. the ...... the hthhetheh horrors..... for a little but i feel i tcoming for me..... the curse....
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captainbragd-personal · 3 months
I think Jade Shadow as a quest was hot garbage. But I really like Jade. She looks cool, I like her vibes. Shes fun to play. And I like her avenging angel thing.
The pregnancy stuff feels really tacked on umu she would have been just as cool if they didnt give her a glowing uterus and have her noble animation craddling her belly. Like its not a Bad Thing that she also does those things (excpe tcome on why did they make her so fkn skinny. If shes suposed to be pregnant cut the wasp waist cowards), but her concept feels so complete even without those things. Like take away the tragic dead wife situstion, the pregnancy theming, and you still have a really cool warframe that can atand thematically on her own.
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crowseverywhere · 11 months
lets just say if a cwry hungrh bird broke into my room looiking for seeds, hed tcome to the proht place
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winters-sketches · 2 years
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listen i just really wanted to animate Kel's hair it's so long and flowy a a aa a a
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freakinhorse123 · 2 years
God I hate those people on tiktok who mock people making the “how stranger things characters would react to you coming out” videos for being ‘unrealistic’ like god forbid young lgbt teens imagine their favourite characters being accepting of them. ‘But its set in the 80s!!!!’ Fuck off its fiction. Let people be. This may shock you, but some people don’t want to imagine their favourite characters being homophobic.
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witchesofferngrove · 3 years
As a child of immigrants, I love the Craft family dynamics. I can see how some of my experiences could be possibly similar to the Crafts. My parents suppressed a lot of themselves to fit in with American society, stopped dressing how they would in their home countries, and tried to ascribe to American ideals. Them keeping my heritage from me wasn’t malicious, they just wanted me to fit in and not deal with the prejudices they faced when they came to the States (though it was obviously impossible for us to erase our clearly ethnic features). They were loving but focused on their jobs and providing for me and my sister, so we were basically left to our own devices. That sort of independence is valuable but also lonely. Sorry for the rant, I just love talking to fellow immigrant children! Thank you so much for sharing your story and for creating the world of Ferngrove.
Hi Anon! You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear from another person who grew up as an immigrant. I was hoping that this story would be relatable and kind of cathartic (with a dose of magic). Obviously, the Crafts are not migrants in the traditional sense but I wanted a lot of that experience to be shown in the family.
I know that feeling well Anon. When I was a child I got bullied incessantly for being an immigrant, my teachers didn't want to teach me because I couldn't speak English so they just pushed me into the corner and had me colour in pages and told me I'd achieve nothing in life 🙃 which was great for my self esteem and development as an 8 yr old (but also fuck you Mr Nolan I'm completing my masters degree in politics now and I could school your ass). I had rocks thrown at me by other kids and when I retaliated (by punching my main bully in the face, I was threatened with expulsion NOT him). So as I grew up I wanted absolutely nothing to do with my culture, I wanted to fit in so badly that I speak my native language in broken parts with a thick accent now and know little to nothing about my culture aside from what I've sought out as an adult now that I know better. Sorry! Now I'm venting! But I love talking to other immigrants, as I don't have any in my circle of friends and it can get a little lonely.
Thank you so much for reaching out Anon! I hope this story resonates with you and others as its really just a work of love and experiences mushed in 😊
- Tori
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zelenealessa-az · 5 years
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shading test!
(and hello to anybody from framecast!!!)
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harryfeatgaga · 6 years
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uselessmagiks · 6 years
trying to stand up for yourself sometimes is more exhausting than letting yourself being stepped on.
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winteriine · 2 years
yes you should definitely write them!!! i have read some of your stuff and it is great and i would love to see more!!
aAAaa tysm! i will try my best and see if i can slide them in,,, i think it might help to do the one-shots before sliding into longer fics because lord knows TCoME was and still is a daunting task :’D
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