camvrin · 1 month
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thealtoduck · 7 months
Got a Secret
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Jason Todd x Male Reader
Warnings: Mention of you and Jason having sex, flirting…
The Socialite and The Vigilante | Masterlist
Summary: You visit the manor to find it empty apart from Alfred and notice some strange things around it…
Your chauffeur pulled up outside the giant manor, you stepped outside taking a small gym bag with you. You thanked your chauffeur for the drive and closed the car door, watching it drive away. You then walked to the manor’s front door and pressed the doorbell.
Soon enough the door opened revealing Alfred who smiled when he saw you. ”Master St. Cloud, what a nice suprise, how can i help you?”. ”Hey Alfred, we’ve talked about this you can call me, Y/n and plus i haven’t lived here for 10 years so you can drop the master part. I’m here to see Jason, he’s gonna teach me how to box?” you said.
”Of course, Master Y/n. Come inside, Master Jason and the others should be back soon” Alfred said welcoming you inside. He guided you to the living room and offered ”Can i get you anything? Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate?”. ”You always did make the best hot chocolate” you answered.
”I’ll get you a cup right away” Alfred said politely and made his way to the kitchen. You looked around the living room, it looked almost the same as when you and your mom had lived there. You went over and checked the large bookshelves spread along the walls.
A lot of them were educational books about everything from archeology to criminology to toxicology. Alfred soon came back with with a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. ”Finding anything interesting, Master Y/n?” he asked.
”I never noticed how much educational literature you guys owned” you said walking over to Alfred as he put the cup down on the living room table. ”Well it’s always good to have it at hand, wouldn’t you say?” Alfred stated.
”I guess but Bruce just never seemed the type to know anything about agriculture” you said making Alfred chuckle. As you sat down on the couch you noticed something strange on the tabel. A sheathed sword, you lifted it, pulling it out a couple inches.
”He also never seemed the type to own a sword” you stated studying it. ”That would be Master Damian’s, he’s quite fond of his swords” Alfred explained. You noticed some ingravings along the scabbard, they were in another language. ”This is arabic, does Damian know arabic?” you questioned.
”Yes from his mother’s side of family. I can take the sword and put it back in his room” Alfred said and you carefully handed him the sword. Alfred then left the room. You sat and took a sip of the hot chocolate, it was just as delicious as you remembered it.
You then heard voices coming from down the hallway. Strange, you hadn’t heard them coming through the front door. ”Did you see the look on that guys face when Steph knocked him out?” Tim said with a smile as he entered the living room. Once he noticed your presence he quickly stopped in his tracks as Stephanie, Damian, Dick, Jason, Duke and Cassandra came in behind him.
They all looked caught off guard by your sudden appearance in their home not knowing what part of their conversation you had heard. Your eyes immediately found Stephanie as you asked ”You knocked someone out?”.
”I uhhh-” Stephanie started but Dick quickly cut in saying ”In a videogame” making the others nod as Stephanie over-explained ”Yeah, we were ALL playing videogames together when i knocked a guy out… in the game that we were playing”.
”Oh… but Alfred said you guys weren’t home?” you questioned. ”We-We were aaat-” Jason said looking for help from the others making Damian add ”The arcade”. ”Yes, we were all at the arcade playing videogames” Jason the finalised as the others nodded in agreement.
”Alright… Did you guys have fun?” you questioned and they all nodded and uttered small a ”Yes” or ”Yeah”. ”I won a price” Cassandra put in making the others eyes dart to her shock. ”Oh cool, can i see?” you asked. Her eyes then widened and she said ”No… It’s secret”.
”Alright…” you said, confused by their nervous behaviour. Jason then shooed the others out of the room and walked over to you, you stood up and gave him hug. ”You haven’t been waiting too long, right?” he asked sweetly.
”No like 10 minutes plus i had Alfred as company” you said with a smile, but it quickly dropped when you noticed Jason had a bruise on the side of his face. You quickly grabbed his chin and turned his face letting you look at it.
”What happened to your face?” you questioned worriedly. ”Oh that… I was teaching Damian some boxing stuff and he got a good right hook in” Jason explained. Then came a indignant shout from the hallway from Damian ”There is nothing you can teach me, Todd!!!”.
”Shut up Demon-spawn!” Jason shouted back at him. You raised and eyebrow at him and questioned ”Demon-spawn? You call your little brother ”Demon-spawn”? Really Jay?”. ”I- He’s- I- Yes, yes i do” he finally answered.
You would question it further but decided you had questioned them all enough for the day. ”Well, you might not have taught your brother anything about boxing but there’s a lot you can teach me, wanna start?” you suggested. ”Yeah, let’s go” Jason said, glad at the change of subject.
The two of you changed in to work out clothes and Jason led you to the manor gym. He gave you a pair of boxing gloves and put on a pair himself. He then started showing you the basics on a boxing bag. Showing you the right stace and how to aim your punches.
He held the bag in place as you practiced your punches and adjusted your stance when needed, his hands holding your hips at one point as he did. A closeness the two of you hadn’t really had since you slept together during the gala in the manor.
While Jason was supposed to adjust your position he got distracted touching at your waist and hips making you turn to him and say ”Hey, your supposed to teach me, not feel me up”. Jason chuckled and replied ”My mistake, you’re just to beautiful to keep my hands to myself”.
”Charming, now teach me how to beat someone up” you requested. Jason laughed and then returned to teaching you. But he didn’t fully give up on the flirting as he stripped out of his shirt, showing of his muscle sculpted body as he showed you several different types of punches.
You did your best not stare att his abs as he showed off and tried to focus on mimicking his actions. The two of you continued your training til late in the evening. Alfred even stopped by and offered you to stay for dinner but you declined explaining you were meeting up with your mother for dinner.
Once the two of you finished the lesson Jason let you grab a quick shower in his bathroom before walking you to the front door. As you walked by the living room the two of you overheard Damian mentioning something about a ”Leauge of Assassins”.
You turned to Jason joked ”League of Assasins, boxing, swords, it’s almost Damian like is some kind of ninja”. Jason gave a nervous laugh and said ”Yeah… almost”. Once you put on your jacket and hung your bag over your shoulders gave Jason a hug and uttered ”Goodbye, thanks for the training… and for letting me see you shirtless”.
”You’re welcomed to return for both” Jason said teasingly. ”How about i come back sunday for more?” you suggested. ”For which part?” Jason asked in a flirty tone. ”Whichever your up for” you joked and grabbed the doorknob letting yourself out.
You gave Jason a last wave and closed the door, walked towards where your chauffeur was now parked to pick you up. As you got in the car you reflected on your time in the manor today, you questioned why they all seemed so nervous when they saw you.
And why had they come from the back part of the manor if they’d been in the manor and why hadn’t you heard them come in through the door. Several questions swirled around your head with the conclusion that something odd was going on inside that manor…
You wondered what…
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magicalbunbun · 8 months
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Blood on rock
Warning: blood, gore, cannibalism, insane cabel after death of adam and y/n
Adam layed there with his wife holding her close who was dead just like him while thers son was sitting on the princesses of hell, hands in red as his eyes where black like darkness as he sit there looking down at her dead form he couldn't help but smile as he look down at her,
"Life can bring many suffering...dont you think char-char.." he asked as he bring the stone in red up and hit her head again, again and aging liking the feeling of ther blood on him as he laugh so loud while stabing her crazy.
Lucifer lay there..stuck under the pillar as he look at cabel who was stabing his daughter who was already dead,
"Stop this please!" He yell as he try to get out,
Cabel look at lucifer with smile that made lucifer want to pass out.. it was so big almost as if it wasn't human anymore
Cabel stood up from Charlie and walk up to lucifer, and took lucifer arm with evil smile,
"I will bower it.." *he start to stab with the rock into lucifers arm making he scream in pain as a golden blood show up on cabel.
Cabel sit by the dinner tabel as he eat, "...delicious" he whisper as he took bite lucifer was tied up to the chair as he could look at cabel who was eating his arm, he wasn't alone nifty,husk,veggie,alistor and charlie where at the table charlie haved destroyed head as alistor didn't even have head, husk have a spear inside his eye while nifty was stab in the chest many times, veggie didn't have legs.
Cabel sit there as he look at lucifer smirking at him as someone stand be hind him, his assistant/gaurd who look at lucifer holding a blade, cabel nod at rhea who walk behind lucifer and getting her blade on his neck
"Good night"
Autor note: insane cabel weeeeeee
Rhea is oc of @imky-n
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wisteriaiswriting · 3 months
Jumker Queen, Soldier 76, Lúcio and Ana getting hit on by a reader who's terrible at flirting. Extremely confident but bad at flirting
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣
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Words: 616
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She actually finds your attempts hilarious.
Will genuinely laugh, snort and slap her legs every time you try.
Honestly believe you’re joking and will make plenty in return.
Absolutely loves your confidence though, you’re one of few people who can stay that confident around her.
Odessa didn’t hear or see you saunter up to her throne, but her ‘guards’ did. Not that tehy dared to stop you, not after last time. Anyways! She only looked up when she noticed your hand laying on the armrests, cracking a smile when she saw it was you.
“There's my friend!”
Not letting her get another word out before you tried your line,
“Are you a magnet? Because you sure are attracting me over here.”
Only to hear her snort, her braclet lighting up.
“What are ya, Gracie?”
“If I get to come back, then yeah.”
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Jack isn’t as dense as some people believe he is.
But god damn are you terrible.
He really tries to shut you down but eventually gives up.
Is also a terrible flirter, which physically hurts anyone who dares to watch.
“Yo, Morrison!”
As you approached, and the others around, heard him groaning.
“What do you need?”
Leaning on the tabel, and in turn slightly over him.
“Let me tie your shoes. Because I don’t want you falling for anyone else.”
Even with his visor on and covering his eyes everyone knew the look he was giving you. Reaching one of his hands up to pull it off, now he was able to actually look you in the eyes. Not before looking down at his boots.
“I don’t have laces…”
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He will laugh at every line you use.
Every time he tries not to or at least hide his giggles, but you are too adorable not to laugh at.
He’s clearly much smoother when it comes to flirting.
Offers to teach you some much better pick up lines.
Lúcio watched as you leaned against the wall, showing off that smile which radiated so much confidence. But he knew better, you looked so confident but god, nothing smart seemed to leave those lips.
“Hey Lucio~”
“Y/N, what's up?”
“If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
“Really, making fun of me being paralyzed?”
You paused, clearly thinking about every word he just said. Quickly realizing what he said.
“No! I mean, I didn’t–”
Cut off by him starting to laugh, hands rising to cover his mouth. Trying to look like he wasn’t laughing at your attempt at a pick up line.
“I know, I know,” When his laughter died down he placed a hand on your shoulder, “How about I teach you some… better pick up lines?”
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Ana is another person who laughs at your flirting.
She finds every attempt you try cute.
But it’s in the way of how a baby animal does something cute yet stupid.
Won’t stop you, she’ll let you continue and kinda enables you.
It was a quiet morning, one that allowed you and Ana to enjoy some tea in silence. That was until you spoke up as she finished pouring the drink.
“Did ya know, I’m good at algebra. I can replace your (E)X and you wouldn’t need to figure out (Wh)Y.”
The next few seconds she just held her cup up, shutting her eyes quickly. Taking in a final breath before gently setting the cup back down, which was still full, so it quickly clicked that she wasn’t spending that time drinking.
“My my Y/N, aren’t you just a smooth talker~”
Watching as your smile grew at her praise, god, your flirting was terrible but it was too cute to stop listening too.
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pamgkrthwrites · 1 year
Hi, I’m the anon that requested Redson x arranged marrige Pepa Madrigal reader.
May I pls request a fic where it’s readers and Redsons wedding ceremony, and reader gets warned by her brother that it’s gonna rain? Reader has an internal breakdown when she’s told that, it doesnt come out untill the wedding and Redson & Reader then wed in the middle of a heavy storm, while Redson is trying to calm reader down.
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I don't think I did this one very well :/ I haven't experienced a mental breakdown, only seen one. I have experienced a panic attack though so that's what I based it off of.
Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Arranged marriage, Abusive Parents, Bodily Harm, Slapping, Sucidal Thoughts, and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
"What?!" You exclaimed, panic rushing through your system.
Your oldest brother sighed. "I said that it's looking like it's going to rain."
You stood up, the maids who were doing your makeup moving out of the way and maids who were still adding more golden accents to your red Qun Kwa followed you.
"No, no no no! That can't happen!" You exclaimed, your hands starting to shake.
"Ma'am, please calm down." One of the maids said to you. "We are almost done."
You leaned onto the tabel as your breathing stated to quicken and your head felt dizzy. This had to be a perfect day and you were fucking it up. You felt your mind become dizzy and your vision start to become blurry.
Calm down, Y/N. Your fine, this day will be perfect, there will be no rain.
You couldn't help but let out a scream. You looked at where the sound came from, seeing a tree branch bash against the window.
Your brother rushed to the window and looked outside. His sharpened breath told you enough.
You sat back down as you started to fan your face.
You were too in your own head worrying that you didn't notice how long you were sitting there or that your mother came in. You were only brought back to reality with a hard stingy slap to the face.
"There, now she's back with us." You were your mother's voice.
Everyone else in the room was silent, none of the maids were moving either. You brought your hand to your cheek, feeling how warm it was from the slap.
"Stop being an emotional mess. It's your wedding day." Your mother said coldly. "Now get up. You can have your emotional meltdown after everything is done. Don't be such an embarrassment."
Your mother left the room.
You took in a deep breath as your tried to calm yourself down before getting up and following after her.
You stood in beside Red Son, the wind getting stronger and the brain becoming loud as your pushed your nails into the palm of your hands.
You needed to calm down.
This needed to go well.
You were embarrassing and ruining everything.
You didn't want to get married, you were too young.
You just wanted a normal life.
You should just die-
A hand wrapped around yours, making you open your eyes and look at Red Son.
He had a very hard-to-read face, but his icy blue eyes were calming. You felt as if you could read his eyes and what he was wanting to say.
"I'm here, everything is okay."
You gulped, nodding your head slightly.
The winds started to weaken and the rain suddenly stopped having a tantrum.
You were fine.
You had Red Son.
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callmissrogers · 8 months
Coulson's Kid (potentially part one)
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Agent Coulson has an adopted daughter. Adopting her after he lead a raid on a plant that had strong connections to the people responsible for Hydra. At five years old, she was her own kind of super solider with abilities that completely differed from the Captain's. And now, she was an Avenger.
Notes: This takes place during the first Avengers movie, but I'm changing things around to fit the story. I'm also going with the storyline that Colson is, in fact, not dead. But that fact isn't addressed in this story. If I do do a part two, depending on what you guys think of it, it will be later.
Warnings: Angst, death, fighting, small description of being shot and bleeding, notjing graphic. Leading up to an eventual love story. I'm going with slow burn on this. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 3,457
((Gif not my own.))
P.s. wrote on my phone and proofread as best I could.
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"Agent down. Agent down. Agent Phil is down." Fury said over the coms.
"Dad!" Y/n gasped, throwing herself from one platform to the next and then bolting down the stairs. "Please be wrong, please be wrong." She kept muttering under her breath. Coming to the floor above where her dad had been headed, she threw herself over the railing, falling in the process. But she couldn't care less about herself at the moment, she had to find her dad.
Heart pounding. Sharp ringing in her ears. He had to be alive.
As if in slow motion, she made it to the entrance way to the containment room. Fury was standing there, hand over his mouth, and then her eyes found her dad. Slumbed down against the wall, head dropped... He wasn't moving. Why wasn't he moving? 
Then, things sped back up again.
"DAD!" She screamed, running for him. Fury whipped around, "Somebody stop her!" He ordered.
Steve, who had made it to the room just after her, grabbed her by the arm. She pushed him off and kept going. "Rodgers!" Fury yelled.
Steve was going to ask questions later, but for now, he'd do as he was told.
So he grabbed y/n, threw her over his shoulder, and carried her out of the room.
"No! Steve, please!" Y/n begged, hands balled into fists. She punched him across the back.
But it did very little to sway him.
He carried her up the stairs and darted into a side hallway. Slowly setting her down.  "Y/n‐" She cut him off by hitting him repeatedly in the chest, "Why! Why did you take me away! Just let me go -" "It's - " She hit him again. "Y/n-" "No! Just tell me why. " He put an end to her attacks by engulfing her into a hug.
She froze. Unable to move. For a moment, she couldn't even bring herself to breath.
"I'm sorry." Steve said after a moment of uninterrupted silence.
The flood gates opened. She took a breath and began to sob, leaning against him for support, her cries muffled and body trembling.
He just stood there, holding her protectively. He didn't say anything else.
A mere few minutes passed before she came to her sense and pulled away from him.
"Steve, I'm -" "You don't have to say anything, Y/n-"  He said, his tone still serious, tho he had a look of concern on his face. His mind was split between the attack on the ship, the fact that the Avengers were now split up, the loss of Colson... Y/n hated being vulnerable in front of others, it had always made her feel embarrassed and almost shameful, tho at this precise moment, shame was the furtherest thing from her mind. The pair of them stood there, eyes locked, "We should pro-" Steve began to say but was cut off.
"I need everyone to the tabel, now," Fury said over the comm.
Y/n's expression changed from one of sorrow to anger.
"He's giving me an answer." She spat, turning on her heel and rushing out into the stairwell.
"Y - y/n," Steve called, running after her.
Y/n stormed into the conference room. "Fury!" She yelled. "I want answers, and I want them now." She said, slamming her hand against the table. Fury just looked at her, ignoring her tear stained face . He turned back to the computer screen. Y/n chest heaved, and her jaw set, "Tell me - " She swallowed back the lump in her throat, "Tell me why you wouldn't let me near my father."The Avengers began as an initiative-" Fury began.
But y/n wasn't paying attention. Head hurting, ears ringing, hands clutchingher sides.
It wasn't until Fury tossed down some baseball cards. Her dad's baseball cards that she focused again.
She stared at them. They were a constant part of her childhood. Every night after her dad told her a bedtime story, he'd pull out those cards.
"See this one, this is for when Captain America stormed a  Hydra camp. And nearly singlehandedly brought an entire sqaude of men home. That's how he got his name, Captain America."
That was one of her fondest memories. It was also one of her most embarrassing when Steve told her that her dad had asked if he wanted to see them. But that had followed a more serious conversation.
"Your dad is Agent Colson?" "Yep... Well, not biologically. He um... Adopted me when I was five. He raided a base on an island off shore of Scotland and found me."How did you end up there?" I was born there." "Born there?" Y/n sighed, setting her mug down. She didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pryed."No. No. It's ok. Um. From what I've been told, I was given up right after I was born. Hydra adopted me. More like they bought me. I have no idea who my mom was and what happened to her after that. I really don't remember what they did to me, I was just too young. But what I do know is that they were trying to create a different kind of super soldier. Branching out into other abilities besides just being strong." Steve just looked at her. His face a cloud of mixed emotion. "They did that to a child?"It wasn't just me. . . But I was the only one who made it."I'm assuming someone had to tell you all of this..  Your dad? "When I turned 18, he finally let me read my file.." Now Steve just looked angry. "So that's how you became a part of -" "Shield?" She asked, cutting him off. "I've basically been raised with Shield. My dad wanted to make sure I learned to control my abilities. Basically, this was my after-school program, but dad made sure I was also allowed to be a kid. I wasn't actually allowed to join shield until I was 18." Steve was silent, obviously processing everything she had just told him. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" He finally said. "Go ahead,"you said, a different kind of soilder. Different how?" This was the first time she had been asked that question because everyone she knew already knew. "Um-" She said, clearing her throat. "I don't know how to explain it, really. I can feel things. A person's body temperature, I can sense when they're about to shift their movement, heart rate, breathing, all of it. . . That and martial arts just come easily to me. Way too easily. " "That's why you're never beaten when you spar." Steve said, obviously trying to lighten the mood. "I suppose so," y/n said, grabbing her tea and drinking deeply from it.
Back to reality.
Y/n stared blankly at the cards. All she could see was red. The cards were stained with drops of red...
"These are my dad's," She mumbled, slowly looking up and setting her sights on Fury. "They were in his coat pocket."You're using them to make a point, Fury! My father was a person - not, not some promotional tool."We have a war to wage." "Oh I'm going to reign hell on Loki," She said, her voice low but anger filled. "But know this Fury - I will get answers, and if you EVER use my dad to manipulate anyone again, there will be a special place in hell for you too." She spat, turning and walking out of the room, heading for the launch pad.
The others remained seated and quiet. Until Natasha finally spoke up, "She's right, Fury. Low blow."
They landed in New York, Nat had gone after one of the aliens, Bruce was smashing things, and y/n, well, y/n had a god she was looking for.
She stood back, watching the skies. He would want a good vantage point to watch all of this go down. There's no way someone like him would just stand in the middle of it and risk his own life.
Finally she spotted him on one of the upper levels of a building. Looking down as if he were king.
Y/n climbed up the side of the building, going up one floor above him so you would have leverage. In one swift motion, she swung down, kicking him full force in the chest, knocking him on his back. Pinning him down, she punched him once, twice, three times, her knuckle guards increasing her damage three-fold. "You killed my father," she spat. Taking one of her double-sided blades and holding it to his throat. "If I were half the monster you were, I'd make you suffer," She growled, pressing it slightly into his skin. Loki looked at her, grinned, and then held out his hand for his staff, it slid across the floor and in one move he grasped it and threw her across the room into a glass display case. "If you were half the monster I was, you would have won just now." He laughed before falling off the balcony to be caught by one of his soldiers.
She had the man who killed her father beneath her and he got away because she wasn't swift enough to take him out. Slowly she pushed herself off the floor. Dusting shards of glass from her suit, other than a good scratch to the face she hadn't been hurt too badly.
Running to the balcony, Loki was completely out of reach now and from the looks of it, Steve needed help. Loki would get his, that she was sure of, even if it wasn't done by her.
Back on the ground she quickly found Steve, "they've trapped sevillians in that building. We gotta get em' cleared out of there." He grunted.
The people trapped inside were frantic. This might be new York but even they weren't prepared for this. Y/n and Steve tagteamed it, combining his strength with her martial arts, ensuring they couldn't be hit in their blind spots. It was a funny thing, how some people, though still a very new acquaintance, could so completely click with your movements and fighting style.
Y/n jump down to the first floor to pry open the doors so the crowd could escape.
She hadn't cleared the area for the aliens, and was ambushed. She was doing well on her own, noticing that they weren't quick to pick up on patterns. There had to be at least ten of them, and she had to be quick. The fight was only increasing so the chance of them making it to actual safety was lessening by the second.  Finishing off the last one by leaping on its back and slitting its throat, she glaced back at the crowd, nodded in an attempt to be reassuring, and began working the door again.
Someone screamed. A shot fied and y/n looked down at her left arm. She was bleeding. Apparently one of then had been hiding in the shadows and used her distraction as an opportunity to try to take her out. She turned around, reaching with her right had to grab her gun. But before she or the alien could fire, Steve's shield flew through the air and beheaded it.
He dropped down in front of her. The crowd was even more frightened now than they had been beforehand. "It's going to be ok." He tried to assure them.
Turning round, he looked at her wound and the increasing blood stain. "You've been shot" "I don't feel anything" "You're in shock." He said, grabbing the bar and throwing all of his weight into forcing the doors to open. When they did, he turned to the crowd again. "All of you - get out of here NOW!" He ordered. They didn't wait to be told again and flooded from the room.
"Here," Steve said, ripping cloth from a nearby curtain. He came to stand next to her, "May I?" He asked holding the material up. Obviously intending to bandage the wound. Since it was a lazer gun she had been shot with, they didn't have to worry about lodged bullets. She nodded bracing herself, Steve tried to do this quickly and caefully, but y/n still hissed when actually tied it.
"Sorry" "No, I got distracted " " can you still fight?" "I'm right-handed Captian. What about you? Getting sleepy?" Y/n said, attempting to lighten the mood some. "I can do this all day" Steve said, offering a weak smile.
The two of them then made their own way back outside rejoining the fight.
"Guys," Tony said his voice sounding urgent. "What is it?" Steve asked. "We've got a live missle heading for New York." "What?" "You heard me right." Steve paused mid step. "Whose is it?" Y/n asked. "America's" Stark said curtly. "How much time do we have?" Steve asked. "Not enough," Tony said. You all could hear the wind whooshing about him. "I've- I've got a plan." He said his voice breaking up. "It may or may not work. Let's hope it does." That was the last thing he said.
Everyone watched the skies now. In a moment you could see Tony, he was holding something cylindrical and flying towards the open portal.
"Oh Stark don't do this," Y/n whispered.
This was something he very likely wouldn't come back from.
A new squad of aliens came up on them, "Y/n watch your six" Steve called, punching out one of them following up with a shield to the face.
Y/n turned around, grabbing a knife off her leg, kicking one hard in the shoulder, and another in the shein. Turning back around to stab the first in the side of the face and then slicing the second across the stomach. This all took a matter of 15 seconds.
Looking out at the the group that was surrounding them, Steve grunted, "Y/n," y/n ducked, grabbing a gun and shooting one in the head. "We can't keep going like this" "it's,-" She panted, trying to pretend that she wasn't beginning to give out, "it's not over till an opera lady sings" "That's not how that goes" "sure, correct me now"
But deep down; Y/n knew he was right. The army was too big and spread out, they couldn't focus on one area and beat them down.
"Stark, an update!" Someone yelled over the coms. That was the last thing y/n could clearly make out over the coms. Nat was yelling something, an order of some sort.
A moment later the portal began to close.
"Steve" Y/n whispered. "I see it," He said worriedly, "Stark, can you hear me? Get out of there now"
Minutes passed, the battle waged on, and the portal got smaller.
"Come on, Tony!" Y/n yelled, shooting another two, one through the other.
Just as the portal had srunk down to a pinprick in the sky, something, rather someone, came falling through. At that same moment, the ever growing army, began to collapse. Like robots someone's just unplugged.
Confused Steve yelled,  "Stark - is that you?" . But there was no reposponse. "He's out cold guys," Hawkeye answered.
"He will not survive landing at such velocity" Thor added, beginning to spin his hammer.
But before he could get up to speed, Bruce or Hulk rather, leapt from a building top, snatching Tony out of the air and using the same building to slow their landing.
Upon touch down, he tossed Tony down and ripped off his mask.
"Stark," Nat said worriedly " is he?"
But before anyone answered her, Stark awoke with a sharp intake of air. "Whoa. That was, that was terrifying. What happened?" He gasped, eyes wide.
"We won." Steve answered, looking around that the mess that beheld them.
Ten minutes later they were all surrounding an unconscious Loki.
His eyes fluttered open and he said, "I'd very much like that drink now."
Four hours later:
Loki was in their custody.
Y/n was pacing in front of his his holding cell.
He couldn't say or do anything, for both his mouth and hands were bound. So he just stared at her and she stared at him. There were all sorts of things she wanted to say to him, and even worse things she wanted to do to him, but her mind kept flashing back to that moment when she hadn't taken the kill when she had the chance to. She had failed... Failed herself. Failed her dad.
But she wouldn't fail this time. All it took was opening his cell, she'd use the syringe she "borrowed" from the medbay and he'd be gone. No one would be the wiser. No one would care.
But every time she raised her hand to the button that would open the door. She stopped. Could she kill Thor's brother when the fighting had stopped? Yes. She was about to press the button when the door to the containment room opened. It was Steve.
"Y/n...." He said hesitantly. "What are you doing?" Y/n looked from Steve to Loki and back again. "I -" Steve suddenly understood, his jaw set, he strood into the room, grabbed her by her good arm and pulled her harshly from the room.
They walked in silence, Steve pulling her along until he found a space he didn't feel others would easily hear them. Shutting the door, he turned on her. "Y/n, I'm only going to ask this once more. Where you doing what I think you were doing?" He asked, his tone serious and gruff. Y/n hadn't known Steve Roger's for long but she could tell he was livid.
She dropped her gaze, feeling guilty. "Nearly." She mumbled.
"Y/n.." He sighed, raking a hand through his hair.
"He killed my father, Steve. I... I know it was wrong. Deep down, I knew I couldn't do it. But I won't lie. I wanted to."
"I know. I know he killed your father, Y/n. But remember who you're father was. If you went through with that, are you really any different than Loki? Because the moment we start crossing lines because we feel justified in doing so. We're no different than the guys we're working to stop. Is that what your dad would have wanted?" He asked harshly.
Y/n met his eyes which were boring through her like liquid metal. Biting her lip she slid down against the wall until she was seated on the floor.
"You're right... Dad's soul was pure. It was all black and white. I guess, I guess, since I'm adopted, I didn't inherit that." Y/n said, picking at her sleeve. Steve sighed, and then he came to sit next to her. "Look, a lasp in judgment doesn't make you a bad person."This sort of thing gets around. I nearly killed a prisoner. How does that look?"
"Like you're a daughter grieving the loss of her father." Steve said, turning to look at her. "I understand. My, um, my best friend, Bucky. I lost him on a mission, back in my time. There was nothing I could do to save him... but that didn't stop me from feeling all the guilt, shame, anger, or heartbreak. I actually killed the guy responsible, but it didn't make it any better." He said his voice much lower now. " I know I don't know exactly how you feel, but I can at least empathize with you." She met his gaze, and suddenly he wasn't Captain America, super soldier. He was Steve, the man.
They just sat there a moment, saying nothing, an almost comfortable silence settling in.
"And this won't get around." Steve finally said "why? You have to-" "I don't have to do anything. As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened. This is the end of it." Y/n was shocked. Everything she knew about this man was that he was by the book on absolutely everything and yet here he was bending the rules for her. Why?
"I - I don't know what to say"
"You don't have to say anything. I like your style, y/n. I'd be proud to work with you again." He said standing up and giving her a hand. "Now, let's go send this little god home with his big god brother."
They all stood around, watching as Thor pulled Loki along and then the two were warped back home.
The Avengers all looked at each other, noting. It was time for a break.
Steve walked over to his bike, but before he got on, he called, "Hey y/n," y/n, who had just gotten into her own car, rolled down her window. "Yes?"If you ever need someone to, I don't know, talk to. I'll be around." Steve said, offering a smile. "I'll remember that Captain."
(( I say potentially part one because if this is well received I have ideas to use the same y/n in the Winter Soilder, Civil War etc. Let me know what you think!!))
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therealmsdelulu · 1 year
My Little Mermaid Part 5: Kiss the Girl
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Series Masterlist
Y/N and Eric were coming down the stairs of the palace trying to sneak and get a carriage but they were quickly seen. 
"What are you doing out here," asked Grismby as he looked around for the queen,"your mother doesn't want you out here until you're feeling better."
"We were just going to take a carriage out to the villiage, if thats alright," responded the Prince. Y/N looked back and forth between Eric and Grimsby until Grimsby finally gave in.
"Well," he bargained," I suppose we could spare a carriage"
"Thank you," the Prince called out as him and Y/N ran off.
The prince had control of the reigns while Y/N watched his hands  attentively and carefully with furrowed brows. 
"Would you like to give it a try?" he slowed down the horse and offered her the reigns. She eagerly took them and gave them a shake up and down causing  the horse to take off which made her to smile. The prince, unexpecting of the change of speed, had fell back into his seat and laughed. He quickly sat up when he noticed that they were headed towards a few willagers.
"Watch out!" he called out to them as they hurridly moved out of the way,"sorry about that." He leaned back and laughed at the girl's fast paced driving. 
She suddenly jerked the reign to the right causing the horse to turn off path and they saw a herd of sheep.  The prince quickly took control of the reigns and stopped the horse.
"You look like you could use a hand," Eric commented as he got down and began to help put the sheep back safely. He looked back up and began to get back in the carriage when he noticed that Y/N was gone. He looked around frantically trying to find her.
Y/N was walking around eyeing the various merchant tabeles when she heard a voice call out to her," Hey you," he exclaimed and the girl looked at him as he bashed a coconut,
"Fresh coconut," he offered but he watched as the girl quickly walked off. "You don't want it," he asked confused but the girl was already long gone.
Y/N found herself being offered various different foods and souvenirs, she walked up to a lady who was giving out samples. The lady handed her a bowl and Y/N began to walk away,"hold on," the woman called out to her and Y/N turned around to look at her. "You'll need this," she stated as she handed Y/N a fork. 
Y/N smiled and used the utensil on her hair causing everyone around her to stare at her slightly horrified. She noticed their looks and put back down the fork and the bowl on the lady's table. As she walked away a lady offered her a flower. Y/N took the flower, shrugged, and then ate it.
She was soon noticed by Eric who took a breath of relief when he saw her. He walked up to the merchant table that she was at. Y/N was currently at the table of a man who was trying to figure out the perfect hat for her. He would put a hat on Y/N's head and she would take it off and put it on Eric, the man would take the hat off of Eric and put it back on it's stand, Y/N then took the man's hat and put it on Eric.
Her attention was suddenly caught by music and she grabbed Eric's arm and dragged him to the sound. Y/N began to dance cheerfully to the music and all the children watched her happily and a few joined her. Eric watched her with admiration as she danced with the kids.
Y/N motioned for the prince to come dance with her and he accepted the offer happily, he took her hands and they began to dance with one another. They continued to dance as everyone around them threw sand into the air. When the music began to come to a stop, they all ran and sat down together near a pole in the center, the prince looked over at Y/N and they were both laughing happily.
Off to the side was Sebastian, watching closely when Scuttle landed next to him. "Has she killed the prince yet," the bird asked as she looked at the crab.
"Kiss, not kill," He scoffed, "and when it comes to romance these two are about as slow as sea slime."
Y/N and the Prince were walking along a path as the sun went down when Scuttle scooped in and took the Prince's hat. "Hey, come back here with that," he shouted at the bird as he began to chase after it through the bamboo.
He looked back at Y/N as he was running constantly to make sure she was alright. The bird dropped the hat into a row boat, the prince grabbed the hat and put it back on. A few moments later the two found themselves in the rowboat.
Before they knew it, the prince was rowing the boat backwards and they were on the lake. The scenery around was dark but beautiful.
Sebastian and Scuttle were hiding the bamboo trying to think of ways to encourage the two to kiss. "We need music," Sebastian told the bird.
"Percussion," the crab said as he hit the bamboo causing a lovely melody to begin.
"Strings," the bird added as she flew over and sat on a leaf causing all the fireflys and insects to begin to chirp and fly adding to the melody Sebastian started with the bamboo.
"Winds," Flounder whispered as he lept out the water causing  the birds around him began to take flight.
"Words," Sebastian commented. 
"There you see her," he sang,"Sitting there across the way," he got closer to the Prince practically in his ears.
"She don't got a lot to say," the crab vocalized, "But there's something about her" the crab continued trying to ignite a flame between the pair.
"And you don't know why, but you're dying to try," Sebastian remarked.
"You wanna kiss the girl," Sebastian declared.
"Yes, you want her," the crab persuaded the prince as he crawled along his shoulders causing the prince to scratch at his neck and shake his shoulders lightly,"Look at her, you know you do"
"Possible she wants you too," the crab suggested,"Use your words, boy ,and ask her"
Y/N watched carefully as the prince rowed the boat.
"Would you like to try," he asked her, misinterpreting the crabs message. He put his hands over hers and helped guide her movements.
"If the time is right," voiced the crab,"And the time is tonight"
"Go on and kiss the girl," he encouraged as they continued to row down the lake.
"Sha-la-la-la-la-la, My, oh, my” 
“That constellation right there,” the Prince pointed at the sky and the girl followed his finger,” is the Aries”
"You know, I still don't know your name," the Prince pointed out as he looked at the girl beside him. "Let me guess" he suggested. 
"Diane," he asked looking at the girl and she shook her head in response. "Katherine," he asked but immediately regretted it, "no it's definetely not Katherine," he laughed and shook his head. 
"What are you doing" he asked as the girl took his hand. He felt a slight tickle as the girl began to write the letters of her name on his palm. He smiled at her creativity and paid attention to the letters she wrote. 
"Y/N?” he asked and she nodded before looking back at the stars and he smiled, "thats a beautiful name"
"Look like the boy too shy, Ain't gonna kiss the girl"
"Ain't that sad, ain't it a shame?"
"Too bad, he's gonna miss the girl"
"Hey, pull it back," the crab said to the bird,"Scuttle, pull it back"
"Now's your moment, Floating in a blue lagoon,  Boy, you better do it soon No time will be better "
"She don't say a word,and she won't say a word," the trio sang as the two lied down and looked up at the stars,"Until you kiss the girl"
 Both Y/N and Eric turned to face each one other. They closed their eyes and leaned in but Y/N suddenly pulled away and sat up and the Prince realizing she wasn't leaning in anymore sat up too.
"Kiss the girl," harmonized Sebastian, Scuttle, and Flounder,"Kiss the girl." Suddenly fireflies came out illuminating the sky catching both Eric and Y/N's attention.
"Sha-la-la-la-la-la, Don't be scared,"the crab sang, "You got the mood prepared" Dozens of luminescent fish began swimming in the pond in a circle around the boat.
"Go on and kiss the girl ,Sha-la-la-la-la-la"
"Don't stop now  Don't try to hide it how, You wanna kiss the girl , Sha-la-la-la-la-la, Float along "
"And listen to the song," the crab sang ,"The song say kiss the girl"
Sha-la-la-la-la-la  "The music play,"the trio vocalized as the fish began spitting water in a fountain like way that set the scene perfectly,"Do what the music say." The two looked over the edge of the boat and admired the fish. 
Flounder spat water in the Prince's face causing Y/N to reach out and wipe the water off of his cheeks. He gently grabbed her hand and brought it down to where his other hand was and held the girl's hands in his. 
"You gotta kiss the girl," Sebastian sang as he watched the two gaze into each others eyes and intertwine their fingers, "You've got to kiss the girl."
"Why don't you kiss the girl?," the crab and bird sang as they watched the pair inch closer and closer by the second,"Come on and kiss the girl"
"Go on and kiss the girl," sang all three animals as Y/N and Eric's faces were mere centimeters away from each other. Just as their lips were about to connect the boat flipped over and the two found themselves inside the lake.
Eric and Y/N were both soaking wet as they snuck into the castle. Hearing the Queen and Grimsby talking they quickly hid behind a wall. Eric took a peek and quickly rehid himself as he saw them coming down the hallway. 
He turned his head over to Y/N and lightly giggled which initiated her to stand in front of him, mere inches away from him, and cover his mouth with her hand. They glanced at each other for a while until Grimbsy turned around and started walking their way causing the two to abruptly pull away from one another.
"You two look like you had fun,” Grimsby commented as he took notice of their drenched clothes.”
"We went out for a rowboat on the lake and I'm afraid we ended up in it,” the Prince chuckled as he looked over at Y/N as she began to walk up the stairs. She quickly turned around and took the hat off of her head and placed it on his before walking back up.
“Good night,” he called out to her and she paused momentarily to acknowledge him,”Y/N.”Hearing her name from his mouth made the girl smile.
“We searched the neighboring islands,” Grimsby informed Eric, “We weren’t able to find the girl.” “Should we keep looking?” Grimsby asked the Prince taking note of the look in his eyes as he watched Y/N leave.
“That won’t be necessary,” the Prince declared and smiled.
Prince Eric was walking along the shore when his attention was caught by a familiar melody. The song that the woman who saved him sang. He ran closer to the shore and before his eyes was a woman with dark hair, a purple dress, and an alluring voice
A/N: I suck at writing romantic moments so please bare with me ya’ll, I was trying to make it super cute and fluffy but then I felt like it seemed too much so I toned it down a little bit because I didnt want anything to seem super forced if yk what i mean. Hope yall enjoyed it.
Taglist: @papichulo120627
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filorunsultra · 1 month
Top 5 film sull'ultrarunning
Non ho mai fatto una classifica dei miei film preferiti, ed è venuto il momento. Dal quinto al primo.
5) Depression - Lo metto in quinta posizione solo perché è un corto, infatti dura circa 7 minuti se ricordo bene. Il film è un lungo piano sequenza quasi senza tagli di Rob Krar che corre nel Grand Canyon. Che accompagnano le scene, c'è un lungo monologo di Rob che parla dei suoi problemi di depressione. Poetico, essenziale.
4) Unbreakable - Okay, è un film epocale. Parla di alcuni dei miei corridori preferiti come Krupicka e Koerner, ci sono un sacco di personaggi tra cui Jurek, Horton, e vabbè, Ainsleigh. Nessuno è riuscito a girare qualcosa di nemmeno lontanamente paragonabile su Western States negli ultimi 15 anni. Capolavoro.
3) The Long Haul - Probabilmente non lo ha visto nessuno. Parla del record sul John Muir Trail di Hal Koerner e Mike Wolfe. Ho un debole per Koerner, ma a parte questo, c'è la stessa atmosfera distesa e sognante di Unbreakable (infatti è sempre di JB Benna), ma è più domestico, low-key, sfigato. Parla di un percorso stupendo che un giorno vorrei fare, ci sono Jenn Shelton, Buzz Burell e Pete Bakwin, vere leggende dello sport. Loro arrivano devastati ed è molto divertente vederli. Si merita il terzo posto.
2) In the High Country - Il film su Tony K senza rivali. Niente di quello che è stato fatto dopo su di lui si avvicina lontanamente al senso di libertà che Wolpert riesce a trasmettere. Musica bellissima, espedienti fotografici geniali (dalle moviole mentre corre sulle strade bianche alla action cam infilata dentro la borraccia). Un monumento al vero stile di vita da dirtbagger degli anni 10. Adesso andate a correre.
1) Outside voices - Se la giocava col secondo, ma lo metto al primo. Non penso che il regista si offenderà tanto è lo stesso: Joel Wolpert. Outside voices parla di Jenn Shelton e della sua Bear 100. Bianco e nero, niente fronzoli, bella musica, rappresenta la pura essenza di questo sport, senza divismi, fuori dai reflettori. Fanculo i runner perfettini, fanculo le tabelle, fanculo le programmazioni. Andrebbe visto una volta al mese.
Riguardando la lista mi rendo conto che sono cinque film fatti da due registi: Benna e Wolpert. E mi rendo conto che il più recente ha probabilmente dieci anni. Mi rendo anche conto che quelli ai primi due posti si trovano solo a pagamento, o illegalmente come ha fatto il sottoscritto. Se volete basta chiedere, Jenn ne sarebbe fiera. Continuiamo pure a far fare i film sul team dell'azienda x o y alla gara n o z assegnando il compito a delle agenzie di professionisti sfigati. Wolpert e Benna hanno girato probabilmente con una GoPro Hero versione 2 la cui qualità non tiene neanche su un cellulare. Eppure sono riusciti a fotografare uno stile, un movimento. Senza inventarsi nessuno stile particolare. Semplicemente facendolo.
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kfans-writerblog · 1 year
Work and suprise !
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After a long day at work usually aaron surprises you but this time you got off early to suprise him then Morgan saw you "hey y/n dose hotch know your here ?"
You go in the elevator together " no keep it a secret I'm surprising him with some food too!"
Morgan nods and arrives to the bau floor
You exit and you look at aaron from a far making sure he's distracted from case files
Then you sneak in hotch notice you didn't text him so he grabbed his phone and you pop up infront of him
"BOO ! suprise ! Hehe !" You put the food on the side of the tabel so the case files don't get dirty
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He smiles and gave you a hug while putting your hair back "hey how did you get here I didn't know you even came in also why didn't you text me when you finished work ? "
You smile " woah woah woah Mr. hotchner slow down . First my friend dropped me off also I packed you your favorite it's healthy don't worry 🙄 I didn't text you because I had to tell my friend how to get here eat up aaron I mean when you have free time like when your done looking at the files "
You went to sit on the couch he smiles
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"This is why I like you so much ! It's because you know I love to work but at the same time you worry about me not eating anyway ill eat because you made it "
You smile and unpack the food
There was sandwich and japanese pancakes
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He looks at you "Come sit with me and eat with me " 🥺 he asked
You smile "sandwich no thanks but the pancake heck yea I'll eat it !!"
He laughs "y/n you make my day so much brighter definitely emotionally brighter you know this job is hard to be always happy so you are my happy pill "
You blush 😊 "btw Morgan saw me come in cuz we were in the same elevator "
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" the sandwiches are good 👍 can I try the pancake "
You smile and feed him
"How is it?"
He looks at you "delicious after today's case it told me to remind myself I have to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me "
You smile while feeling special because no one said that before
You reply " well I'm lucky to have a smart good looking and awsome boyfriend " you put your hands on his cheek
He blushes " thanks for the compliment this means alot to me "
Since he's so tall but he was sitting you gave him a hug
"I love you aaron promise me you becareful when your out in the field?"
He kissed your hand " I promise y/n I love you your a very thoughtful person and open minded I bet you can win the best girlfriend in the world "
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Strife: Azrael! We need your help!
Azrael: What happened?
Strife: Y/N and I wanted to make Death a tea, but we were out of herbs. We took some of yours, but mess up something and now Y/N has fox tail and ears!
Y/N:*guilty puppy pose* Sorry.
Azrael:You two are the reason, why we have warning tabels everywhere.
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stranomavero-o · 2 years
Supercazzola il CV
Eccoci qui col post con qualche piccola dritta su come rendere il CV più “accattivante”. Premetto che io non faccio la HR e non sono un’esperta, sono solo qualcuno con qualche anno di esperienza lavorativa e di ricerca lavoro, che ha potuto seguire delle lezioni da gente più preparata di me.
1) Quello che si scrive nel CV deve essere reale, e qui non ci piove, però c’è modo e modo di raccontare qualcosa. Facciamo un esempio: “ho lavorato su progetto X facendo Y” --> “ero parte di un team che ha realizzato X e le mie responsabilità nel progetto erano a, b, c. ”. In generale è sempre bene sottolineare in che modo avete contribuito a un certo progetto/attività, di cosa eravate responsabili, e quali eventuali risultati avete ottenuto. Attenzione che “risultato” è molto relativo come concetto: non pensate in grande, anche solo avere ricevuto un feedback positivo da un cliente, capo o un collega è una cosa che vale la pena dire.
Io provo sempre a tenere a mente il metodo STAR (usato in Amazon) ovvero: Situation, Task, Action, Result (descrizione del contesto, cosa dovevi fare, cosa hai fatto e il risultato). Questo permette a chi legge il CV di farsi un’idea più chiara delle vostre esperienze.
2) Esticazzi level: ovvero valutare se quello che state scrivendo nel CV è effettivamente di interesse per chi lo legge o se penseranno “Esticazzi?”. Se vi candidate per un ruolo di sviluppatore software magari scrivere “hobby: calcetto” è poco interessante, usate saggiamente lo spazio mettendo solo cose che abbiano un motivo di essere lì. Aggiungo che personalmente il voto di laurea lo considero “Esticazzi”, mentre sapere che avete fatto dei corsi o delle certificazioni dopo l’università (o in generale) mi dice che siete interessati a quello che fate e continuate ad evolvere.
3) Le skill: mettete le skill più rilevanti per lo specifico lavoro per cui vi candidate in bella vista, togliete cose che possono essere fuori tema, inserite il livello di conoscenza non solo per le lingue e supportate quello che scrivete. In che senso? “Conoscenza Excel” --> “Conoscenza approfondita di MS Excel, uso di funzioni complesse, tabelle pivot, ecc.. maturata grazie a utilizzo dello strumento in ambito XX per 2 anni/grazie a corso online di 8h applicato in ambito di studio o lavoro”. Prendete la lista di cose che chiedono nella job description e mettete in evidenza skill o attività svolte che possano essere correlate. Attenzione alle tanto abusate soft skills, non scrivete che siete bravi nel lavoro in team perché fa bello, e poi magari nelle esperienze avete scritto di aver lavorato da soli su tutti i progetti, piuttosto dite che “grazie al lavoro indipendente avete maturato abilità di auto-organizzazione e motivazione ed eccellente time-management”. Discutete costantemente col cliente che non capisce un cazzo ma vi vuole dire come fare il vostro lavoro? “Capacità di negoziazione maturata in ambito consulenziale su progetti molto sfidanti”. Tutto è una skill se lo racconti nel modo giusto, non mettete lista copia/incolla cercando soft skill su google.
Questi sono alcuni spunti molto generici, che sicuramente andrebbero adattati all’esperienza singola, all’ambito, ecc. e sicuramente la maggior parte di voi ha già letto consigli simili altrove. Spero comunque che possa essere utile a qualcuno che magari sente che è il momento di “rispolverare” il CV, sono fresca da questa esperienza e so che può essere difficile trovare le parole per raccontarsi in poche righe a chi non sa nulla di noi. Se vi va rebloggate con ulteriori idee e suggerimenti :)!
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orangelovesyou · 1 year
*slams my hands on the tabel in dumb ass wight ass amaracan* what did you mean by this! hace un oc d idv q es poeta y q se parezca a poe (i dont trust googel translate)
heheheheheh it's a secret!!!😈😈😈 but yeah............thinking of making another oc.................................that's all i'll say!!!!!!!1
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safdatastatistika · 7 days
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Regresi Linier Sederhana dengan SPSS
Setelah data diinput ke dalam software SPSS, pilih menu “Änalyze”. Selanjutnya, pilih “Linear”.
Pilih variabel Y sebagai variabel terikat. Pilih variabel X1 sebagai variabel bebas.
Uji regresi linier sederhana dengan menggunakan SPSS akan menghasilkan empat table. Diantaranya, tabel variabel penelitian, ringkasan model atau model summary, table Anova dan tabel koefisien.
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exceltricks · 26 days
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lecturasdiarias · 2 months
Lecturas del Martes de la 15ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario
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Lecturas del día 15 de Julio de 2024
Primera lectura
Lectura del libro de Isaías 7,1-9
Cuando Ajaz, hijo de Jotam, hijo de Ozías, reinaba en Judá, Rasón rey de Siria, y Pécaj, hijo de Remalías y rey de Israel, fueron a Jerusalén para atacarla, pero no lograron conquistarla.
Cuando al heredero de David le llegó la noticia de que los sirios acampaban en Efraín, se estremeció su corazón y el del pueblo, como se estremecen los árboles del bosque, agitados por el viento.
Entonces el Señor le dijo a Isaías: “Sal al encuentro de Ajaz con tu hijo Sear Yasub, donde termina el canal de la alberca superior, junto a la calzada del batanero, y dile: ‘Manténte alerta, pero tranquilo. No le tengas miedo a ese par de tizones humeantes; no te acobardes ante la cólera de Rasón, rey de Siria, y de Pécaj, rey de Israel. No importa que tramen tu ruina, diciendo: Ataquemos a Judá, sitiémosla, conquistémosla y nombremos rey de ella al hijo de Tabel’ ”.
Esto dice el Señor: “Eso no llegará a suceder. Damasco es la capital de Siria y Rasón es el rey de Damasco; Samaria es la capital de Efraín y el hijo de Remalías es el rey de Samaria. Pues bien, dentro de sesenta y cinco años Efraín será destruido y dejará de ser pueblo. Y si ustedes no creen en mí, también irán a la ruina”.
Palabra de Dios
Salmo Responsorial
Sal 48 (47), 2-3a. 3b-4. 5-6. 7-8 R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Grande es el Señor y muy digno de alabanza en la ciudad de nuestro Dios. Su monte santo, altura hermosa, es la alegría de toda la tierra.  R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
El monte Sión, en extremo norte, es la ciudad del rey supremo. Entre sus baluartes ha surgido Dios como una fortaleza inexpugnable.  R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Los reyes se aliaron para atacarla juntos; pero al verla, quedaron aterrados y huyeron despavoridos. R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Allí los invadió el pánico y dolores como de parto; como un viento del desierto, que destroza las naves de Tarsis. R./ Dios es nuestro defensor.
Lectura del santo evangelio según San Mateo 11,20-24
En aquel tiempo, Jesús se puso a reprender a las ciudades que habían visto sus numerosos milagros, por no haberse arrepentido. Les decía:
“¡Ay de ti, Corozaín! ¡Ay de ti, Betsaida! Porque si en Tiro y en Sidón se hubieran realizado los milagros que se han hecho en ustedes, hace tiempo que hubieran hecho penitencia, cubiertas de sayal y de ceniza. Pero yo les aseguro que el día del juicio será menos riguroso para Tiro y Sidón, que para ustedes.
Y tú, Cafarnaúm, ¿crees que serás encumbrada hasta el cielo? No. Serás precipitada en el abismo, porque si en Sodoma se hubieran realizado los milagros que en ti se han hecho, quizá estaría en pie hasta el día de hoy. Pero yo te digo que será menos riguroso el día del juicio para Sodoma que para ti’’.
Palabra del Señor
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draegerit · 5 months
OLED Display am Raspberry Pi anschließen und per I2C steuern: So geht's!
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dir erläutern, wie du ein 1,3" OLED Display am Raspberry Pi via I2C & Python3 programmieren kannst. Die OLED Displays erhältst du für diverse Anwendungsfälle in verschiedenen Größen. Das 1,3" OLED Display ist hier besonders geeignet, dass dieses nicht nur günstig ist, sondern auch viel Platz für Text & Grafiken bietet. https://youtu.be/xlZF_utaJqI Die Idee zu diesem Beitrag stammt von einem Kommentar vom YouTube-Video Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: OLED-Display am ESP8266 via I2C programmieren (Teil1) wo ich erläutert habe, wie man dieses am ESP8266 mit der Arduino IDE macht. Hier soll es jedoch nun darum gehen, wie du dieses Display am Raspberry Pi mit Python3 programmiert. In meinem Fall nutze ich den recht betagten Raspberry Pi 3B+, dieser ist etwas älter, aber für dieses und viele weitere Anwendungsfälle noch bestens geeignet.
Aufbau der Schaltung - OLED Display via I2C am Raspberry Pi
Als erstes schließen wir das OLED Display an den Raspberry Pi an. Wie erwähnt verwende ich den Raspberry Pi 3B+ welcher nachfolgendes Pinout hat.
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Pinout des Raspberry Pi 3B+ Wenn du den neuen Raspberry Pi 5 verwendest, dann kannst du das Pinout ebenso verwenden, denn es ist mit dem 3er-Pi gleich. Für den Aufbau der Schaltung benötigst du: - einen Raspberry Pi*, - vier Breadboardkabel*, 10 cm, männlich - weiblich, - ein 400 Pin Breadboard* Hinweis von mir: Die mit einem Sternchen (*) markierten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Wenn du über diese Links einkaufst, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision, die dazu beiträgt, diesen Blog zu unterstützen. Der Preis für dich bleibt dabei unverändert. Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung!
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Schaltung - Raspberry Pi mit OLED-Display am I2C Bus OLED-DisplayRaspberry PiGNDGND (Pin 6)VCC3.3V (Pin 1)SCLGPIO3SDAGPIO2
Aktiven der I2C Schnittstelle am Raspberry Pi
Bevor wir über der I2C Schnittstelle kommunizieren können, müssen wir diese zunächst aktivieren. Dazu starten wir die Konfiguration mit dem Befehl "sudo raspi-config". Durch die Menüs kannst du dich mit den Pfeiltasten auf der Tastatur bewegen. Deine Auswahl bestätigst du jeweils immer mit der Enter-Taste.
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Wenn jetzt die I2C Schnittstelle aktiviert wurde, kann nun im nächsten Schritt nach Geräten gesucht werden. Zum Suchen von I2C Geräten am Raspberry Pi können wir das Kommandozeilentool i2cdetect wie folgt aufrufen: i2cdetect -y 1 Die Zahl 1 repräsentiert in diesem Fall den I2C Bus, an welchem gesucht werden soll. Die Ausgabe ist dann eine Tabelle, aus welcher wir die gefundenen Adressen ablesen können.
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Installieren der benötigten Module
Bevor wir mit dem Programmieren beginnen können, müssen wir ein paar Module auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev python3-pil libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libopenjp2-7 libtiff5 -y sudo apt-get install python3-rpi.gpio python3-pip -y
Programm für Text "Hello World!"
Als Erstes wollen wir mit einem typischen Beispiel starten und zeigen auf dem OLED-Display den Text "Hello World!" an. import time from luma.core.interface.serial import i2c, spi, pcf8574 from luma.core.interface.parallel import bitbang_6800 from luma.core.render import canvas from luma.oled.device import sh1106 from PIL import ImageFont serial = i2c(port=1, address=0x3C) device = sh1106(serial) font = ImageFont.truetype('FreeSans.ttf', 14) with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black") draw.text((25, 25), "Hello World!", font=font, fill="white") time.sleep(5) Wichtig ist, dass wir am Ende eine Zeit x warten, damit der Inhalt des Displays angezeigt wird. Es wird beim Beenden des Programmes der Bildschirminhalt geleert!
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Ausgabe von "Hello World!" auf einem OLED-Display am Raspberry Pi Alternativ können wir auch um den Block "with canvas..." eine Endlosschleife starten und auf ein Abbrechen durch die Tastenkombination Strg+C warten. import time from luma.core.interface.serial import i2c, spi, pcf8574 from luma.core.interface.parallel import bitbang_6800 from luma.core.render import canvas from luma.oled.device import sh1106 from PIL import ImageFont serial = i2c(port=1, address=0x3C) device = sh1106(serial) font = ImageFont.truetype('FreeSans.ttf', 18) try: while True: with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black") draw.text((15, 20), "Hello World!", font=font, fill="white") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Programm wurde beendet!") Wenn wir jetzt das Programm wie gewohnt mit "python3 " starten, sollten wir auf dem Display die Ausgabe sehen. Das Programm können wir jetzt jederzeit mit der Tastenkombination Strg+C abbrechen. pi@raspberrypi:~/Python/OLEDDisplay $ python3 t2.py ^CProgramm wurde beendet! pi@raspberrypi:~/Python/OLEDDisplay $
Einrichten einer Grußbotschaft beim Starten des Raspberry Pi
Den Raspberry Pi kannst du auch ohne Display & Tastatur verwenden. Da bietet sich das kleine Display an, um Informationen anzuzeigen, wenn dieser gestartet wurde und einsatzbereit ist. Ausführen des Python3 Skripts mit systemd In meinem Fall erstelle ich einen neuen Service unter /etc/systemd/system mit: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /etc/systemd/system pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system $ sudo nano greeting.service Dieser Service ist nach folgendem Schema aufgebaut: Description=display greetings message when raspi status is done After=network.target WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/Python/OLEDDisplay ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Python/OLEDDisplay/greeting.py WantedBy=default.target Erläuterungen: - Unit - Description: eine Beschreibung des Services - After: wann soll das Script / der Befehl ausgeführt werden? - Service - WorkingDirectory: das Arbeitsverzeichnis des Scripts / Befehls - ExecStart: das Script / der Befehl, welcher ausgeführt werden soll (mit vollen Pfadangaben!) - Install - WantedBy: das Zielsystem, in meinem Fall default Abschließend müssen wir den systemd Daemon neu starten, um den neuen Service zu registrieren und starten unseren neuen Service. sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable greeting.service sudo systemctl start greeting.service
Troubleshooting: Status des Service abfragen
Wenn der neue Service nicht startet, dann können wir mit dem nachfolgenden Befehl uns den Status ausgeben lassen. sudo service greeting status Im nachfolgenden Fall ist der Service erfolgreich gestartet und hat keinen Fehler erzeugt. pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system $ sudo service greeting status ● greeting.service - My Script Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/greeting.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2024-03-17 11:31:38 CET; 48min ago Process: 509 ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Python/OLEDDisplay/greeting.py (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 509 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) CPU: 664ms Mär 17 11:31:19 raspberrypi systemd: Started My Script. Mär 17 11:31:38 raspberrypi systemd: greeting.service: Succeeded. Read the full article
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