#tc challange
tcustodisart · 2 years
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I’ve been thinking about this idea that Robin was married at some point in her life, but it didn’t work out and basically she and her partner ended it on good terms (the main reason for ending it was a conflict of “I want kids” vs “I don’t” [Robin was on the side of “I don’t” btw]). I think it gives Robin’s character some well... character, like needs, motivation, reasoning behind them etc. Her only backstory so far was that she doesn’t like her parents and her relationship with her mom is very complicated.
Also I had this need to draw Robin because a) I haven’t done it in a while and b) I wanted to add some stuff to her design like tiny scars on her hands, some rings and freckles (because cute). She wears a t-shirt in the first drawing because I keep forgetting that she has a tattoo and wanted to draw it.
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twinscovercorner · 2 years
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Day 15 of Februaship, today is Whitty and Carol from friday night funkin mod.
both are my first and fav ship i ever like in fnf fandom.
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tcstoryfell · 8 months
TC! Storyfell chapter 2 part 4
Nehemiah: Hmm it seems-
* Encounter starts *
Snowy: Hello 👋
Metta: A good looking flower
Nehemiah: * Uses act and selects check *
Snowy 10 attack 7 defense a snow flower that just wants his plant friends
Snowy: Prefer some water?
Nehemiah: * Dodges some water *
Nehemiah: Wait I do want all water
Nehemiah: * Uses act and selects ask * Another pound water please?
Snowy: Sure =}
* Some of the water came out but some of it is green *
Nehemiah: * Touches green ones *
Nehemiah: Tasty :)
Snowy: Your welcome :)
Nehemiah: * Uses mercy and selects spare *
You gained 0 exp and 19 g
Nehemiah: Hmmm well let me just check
Nehemiah: Hmmm 😁
Nehemiah: No one else is here
Nehemiah: Alright let's go
Metta: Wait....
Metta: How are ya?
Nehemiah: I'm fine....
Metta: Are ya sure?
Nehemiah: Yes why-
Metta: Look an green star
Nehemiah: What do you-...o I see it
* Touches the green star *
As you go on the snow and flirt with everyone you feel.....kindness
INV and HP filled back up
Nehemiah: Let's go
Nehemiah: Well-
Metta: What is.....-
Asriel: HUMAN YOUR BACK, welcome to the death like
Asriel: You will be challanged by fire throwers, axes, knives, canons, spikes, fire, and.....a panda?
Chara: It's the best thing I could find
Asriel: Wow .....
Chara: Welp have fun
Asriel: It will begin....
Asriel: What is happening
Asriel: Why won't this work?
Chara: Did you really think it will work? It was kid friendly
Asriel:.... 😐
Asriel: Umm that was a test
Asriel: See you later....Chara let's go
Chara: Ok 😊
Asriel: See ya later Human.....?
Chara: Ummm something's going strange with the bridge
Asriel: Umm what?-
The bridge then falls off...what a TWIST
Asriel:.... 😐
Chara: Wanna go home and forget this ever happened?
Asriel: But I need to capture a human
Chara: Welp a lot of royal guard members are in there best to....wait a bit and just let them take care of it
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her-favourite · 11 months
1. what does your tc teach & do they teach you?
E used to teach me English (ESL) and N teaches a lecture that involve image analysis, literary theory, a bit of marketing etc. (I won't say the specific field because it'd make her kind of identifiable.)
2. if you could pick their outfit for the day what would it be?
Well, I would have E wear one of her beautiful blue dresses with her highes heeled boots.
And I'd have N wear whatevers she wants to, she's kind of all over the place regarding clothes and fashion anyways.
Questions from: (x)
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litlalein · 4 years
July Teacher Crush Challange
26. What does your TC’s voice sound like?
So I don’t usually do these, for laziness, but also privacy reasons I guess, but I just can’t let any opportunity to talk abt his voice pass like that. Specifically since to a good extent (and I am actually super greatful I get at least that, tbh even some newspaper quoting him is smth I much appreciate) I only get to HEAR him talk. So in fact this Tuesday - very unexpectedly - was the first time I saw his 2020 appearance, after not seeing him for some 8 months.
About his voice. He really has the softest voice I ever heard. It is really what I unenvitably think every time I hear him talk. (Plus he actually got even better at saying all the right things over the past few months!) Also he has this ability to bring across his point super structured and he just takes his time when talking, which - in addition to how familiar his voice sounds, and how much I love having him explain literally anything to me - never fails to make me super comfy, and provide for some calm in the storm literally everything has been since I left.
Since we kinda would be in a multi-cultural realationship - if there was anything even closely resembling smth like a relationship - I need to mention his accent here, which is literally the most beautiful accent I ever encountered (screw french accents, rly!). Plus he’s actually extremely considerate with not using his first language though probs a good third of my class arguably would have had better understanding of that language. So while this is another example of how nice of a person he is, being somewhat intrigued with his fst lang I have been dying to hear him talk []. As coroni actually turned out to have caused quite a few fairly nice aspects for myself when it comes to feeding my TC cravings, I’m currently having a short talk he gave at a virtual conference in my target language a few weeks ago opened in my browser, waiting for my readines to listen to it to arrive.
Also given Englisch is not his first language I need to express how awesome his vocabulary is! Plus he actually somewhat said a word - being a rather hard word to say for foreigners - in my first language, and he did so damn well! Given the transnational influence there might actually be a chance he knows at least a little [], which I’d find even more amazing. And if not it again shows how nice of a person he his, taking his time to learn this sound not existing in barely any language just to say the name of this famous criminal right.
That’s what I mean when I say I need to stop! Ok bye.
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alsgruenaufblautraf · 4 years
April TC Challenge - Day 15
Do you have any pictures with them? If so, when from? And if not, do you think you’ll be able to get a picture with them?
Ich habe einige Bilder mit ihr von unserer Theateraufführung. Da sind meine Mitschüler auch drauf. Allerdings sind auf einem davon nur wir beide in unseren Kostümen zu sehen.
Tatsächlich habe ich auch eines, auf dem nur sie drauf ist. Die Geschichte dazu ist ganz witzig und etwas peinlich. Ich war während der Pause (der Klassenraum war mäßig gefüllt) am Handy und da der Wlan-Empfang dort grauenhaft ist, habe ich das Handy gedreht und gewendet, um Empfang zu bekommen.
D. dachte fälschlicherweise ich würde ein Foto machen wollen. Also hat sie sich in Pose gestellt, mich angegrinst und gemeint, dass ich einfach hätte fragen können. Das Ende der Geschichte ist, dass ich jetzt ein Bild dieser wunschönen Frau auf meinen Handy habe, wie sie mich breit angrinst.
Vielleicht habe ich Glück und ich bekomme auch noch ein Foto, auf dem wir beide zusammen zu sehen sind - dieses Mal ohne Kostüme. Wobei ich eigentlich schon überglücklich mit dem bin, was ich bereits habe.
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fandomtrashoe · 5 years
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Day 27:
I'm behind cause it was my birthday. Sorry 💃
Stranger Things, Sherlock, LOST, The Crown, (The Royals)
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 years
Amphibia: Mother of Olms & Grime's Pupil Details
Ok they gave us what we've been waiting for since 2018! 4 YEARS! 4 YEARS SINCE THE PROPHACY'S BEEN TEASED! These eps gave out lots of early season 1 vibes, yet somehow different! Anyway, here's some details I notice in the eps!
Mother of Olms
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MoO symbol on forehead look the same as Pink frog's leaf in teaser
"Ooo frogs, there haven't been one for thousand years," this may semi-confirm Pink frog came to her once before
Every time MoO talk about prophacy (or at least try to), the music box theme played
A frog died inside her ear
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Kinda interesting that blue stones and pink flowers begins glowing when the prophacy was said...
I swear I heard some notes similar to marcy, sasha, anne, and the box theme when Sasha said "3 stars? Is that us?" but take this with a grain of salt
So Olms are/used to be protector of the stones before other ppl took it?
Grime's Pupil
Sprig vs Grime from TC callback
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Look like Beatrix also took down couple of robots and use em as armors
When Sasha is proposing an alliance, Sasha's theme can be heard
Guess every species have their own version of family challange
Sprig making callback to how Toads has been bullying wartwood for years, and imprisonment and HP almost getting killed back in Reunion
Also Sprig not trusting ppl lined up well with him not trusting marcy in MATG
Sprig put poison ivy in grime's codpiece
The arena was in middle of Wartwood
Sasha, HP, Buck Leatherleaf, and Fern in cheerleader outfit!
Maddie and Ivy sitting next to their parents~
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Cant believe we finally see Beatrix battle axe on screen after being seen on forosha's art
Annnd that's Mother of Olms & Grime's Pupil! Amphibia continue to gave us great episodes! I still can't believe they finally answer the prophecy, we waited for so long for this! Also frogs and toads finally ""united"" with each other so we only have one left til the three army become one. AAHHH I cant wait to see what's next in store for us!
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momosammy · 5 years
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TC(tapioca challange/MK brothers
(oioi x kirby “hello spring”/yellow peach momometa
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going to do some of the challange bc for some reason it makes me happy answering the questinos
day 15: have you ever cried because of them and if so, what was the reason?
i literally cried like 5 minuets ago because of them. i cry quite a lot because i know that i will never have the friendship and relationship with them. and i get jealous of other people with them and that makes me sad.
day 16: what were the last words you said to your TC? (cutting it short)
Speaking in person were... i think it was 'it's okay' and email, which was more recent, was 'thank you' haha im so lame
day 17; what was the last thing your TC said to you?
in person something like 'sorry, ill give it to you tomorrow' and email was like 'its okay' wow our conversations are fab
day 18; if your parents found out about you TC, what would their most likely reaction?
they'd try to be sympathetic but just say it was a phase and i should get over it
day 21: do you think your TC would feel uncomfortable if they discovered this account?
HELL YES. this thought is scaring me but i doubt H would know it was me out of the millions of people in the world
day 26; what was the first thing your TC ever said to you?
probably my name or something but the first proper memory is she asked what my name was, meaning my surname, but i said my first name and she was like 'i think that' and it was like the second time i had her and idk i found it so cute and then the feelings literally started at that moment
day 27: do you think your tc holds a special place in their heart for you?
day 28: is you TC naturally liked by other students?
yes :((( everyone loves her no lie
day 29: if you had to describe you TC in one word what would it be?
hot. joking probably like 'lovely' hahaha
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