#tbm spanish
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Cuban Army 1st Guards Armored Division (Central Army)
Nicknamed the "Sanguily Rescue Division" - it was created in 1965 as a corps level formation of 3 armored and 2 infantry regiments and later became an armored division. Its oldest unit is the 2600th Armored Brigade - the former 26 July 1st Motorized Infantry Regiment that fought in the Bay of Pigs landing operation of 1961 - and was raised as an armored battalion equipped with Western systems in 1959. It is the armored fist of the Cuban Army today and is stationed as part of the Central Army.
IMU that brigade is restored to its original name as this division - one of a few designated Guards (Division Blindada de la Guardia) for its role in the Cuban supported operations in Africa and Grenada in the Cold War - is by now being reequipped shedding its old equipment for modern systems. For example its armored battalions are now equipped with Russian T-72s and T-62s as well as Chinese Type 15s and Iranian Tosans, as well as the Type 11 assault gun platform in two of the brigades. Infantry battalions are equipped with the BTR-70 and the Type 8 wheeled IFVs, the BMP-2 and VN11 tracked IFVs and the Type 90 APC. The 90th Mechanized Infantry operates both the BTR-70 and Tiuna in its motorized battalion. The historical companies under the depot regiment use majority of the early systems the division uses for historical and parade purposes as well as for educational tools given the division's role in Cuban military history. These include:
M4 Shermans
T17E1 Staghounds
M18 Hellcats
It also has an armored cavalry regiment organized with Venezuelan assistance, which is patterned after the armored brigades and organized similarly but with a purpose of both armored recon and offensive operations in support of armor and infantry elements. Also IMU the placement of such regiments in divisional level by the FARC is to also ensure continuity of traditions of the Cuban "caballeria Mambisa" of the War of Independence and the Spanish American War.
Brigade artillery regiments are equipped with Chinese PLL-01 towed howitzers, the Type 7 SPG and the Fajr-3 MLRS from Iran. The cavalry regiment's artillery group is a mixed of tracked and wheeled self-propelled gun systems. DIVARTY on the other hand alongside all these uses M-46 howitzers, BM-21 Grads, Fajr-5s, CJ-10 and Soumar cruise missiles in the land attack role, and Hwasongpho-11b and Zelzar-3 TBMs.
Divisional air defense is organized into the brigade level regiments armed with Strela-10s and SPAGGs of the ZSU series and the BTR-60 organized into two battalions each and the divisional air defense regiment organized into groups of towed and self-propelled guns and missile systems armed with the following:
ZU-23, PG-99 and S-60 towed air defense guns
ZSU-57-2s, PGL-12 and T-57 Duplex SPAGGS
HQ-6, Strela-10, HQ-17, S-125 Dvina, FK-3 and Bavar-373 SAMs
This division is the only one with brigade level and divisional regiments of air defense in the Cuban Army as the rest of the divisions have air defense groups of battalion size in the brigade level with more assets either in regimental or brigade level under divisional command.
Local systems like the BTR-100 and the David and the Jupiter D-30 mobile wheeled SPG, as well as the Venezuelan Tiuna, are present to give an Latin American look to the division as well as to provide a showcase of the Cuban military industry.
The reason IMU there's a political affairs unit is because of the strong Soviet influence in the Cuban Army and to ensure control by the Communist Party over the armed forces. However, it maintains a more recent creation of a chaplaincy unit to ensure religious care among the mostly Christian service personnel of the division.
The division's CIMIC battalion and SAR elements of the engineer regiment provide aid to civil autorities capability during war and peacetime calamities, joined by elements of the division's Youth Labor Army battalion placed under its combat service support regiment.
IMU this and other divisions are reinforced in wartime by elements of the Territorial Troops, the Civil Defense of Cuba and the National Reserves, which would form a 2nd infantry brigade from elements of these organizations in the division's AOR.
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O apagamento da história dos afro-descendentes na Argentina.
De Daniela Abade @_danielaabade
21 hours ago, 6 tweets, 1 min read
"Pouca gente sabe do genocídio negro q aconteceu na Argentina – Buenos Aires tinha 48% de negros em 1805. E menos de 5% em 1905. Isso aconteceu por alguns fatores – um deles foi colocar os negros como linha de frente nas Guerras Civis do Século XIX, e tbm na Guerra do Paraguai.
Mas outro fator foi a epidemia de febre amarela de 1871. A maioria das mortes aconteceu no Barrio del Tambor, ou de Mondongo que era 100% habitado por negros (inclusive tinha eleições de "reis" locais, como na África). Tambor era por causa do barulho dos tambores das festas.
Mondongo, é um cozido típico que as mulheres negras argentinas faziam e costumavam vender nas ruas. O bairro era conhecido também como Candomblé, que a gente sabe o que é. Não por acaso, era também o bairro mais pobre da cidade.
No pico da epidemia o prefeito de Buenos Aires resolveu isolar o bairro. Chegou a murar Mondongo. Ninguém entrava ou saía. Construíu benfeitorias nos bairros ricos. Mas o povo de Mondongo foi deixado para morrer.
Foi talvez o primeiro campo de concentração da história e muito mais efetivo do que os campos de concentração nazistas. Os números oficiais falam em 13 mil mortos durante a epidemia. Mas ninguém sabe ao certo qtos morreram em Mondongo.
Campo de concentração em epidemia é uma boa ideia para quem só dá valor à própria vida, não a do outro. "Eu que não vou fazer um sacrifício para esse povo que pode morrer". Ninguém merece, ninguém deve, ninguém pode morrer. Se ficar em casa é o preço pela vida alheia, fique".
Indicações de algumas fontes:
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Tee & Company - Spanish Flower (LP)
Vinyl(VG+) Picture Cover(VG+) Booklet(VG+) Obi(VG+) / with Obi 帯つき / / with Booklet 冊子つき / nice Vinyl, nice Picture Cover, Nice Obi, nice Booklet, more than VG+ conditions, in good shape / コンディション 盤 : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディション ジャケット : Very Good Plus (VG+) コンディションの表記について [ M > M- > VG+ > VG > G+ > G > F > P ] レーベル : Three Blind Mice – TBM-5008 フォーマット : Vinyl, LP 生産国 : Japan 発売年…
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26 de junho de 2023 - 00h04
oie, voltei!
digitando aqui pq to com saudade e tbm leio aqui as vezes e me dá um pouquinho de felicidade
olha, to um pouco desconcertada e em crise então por favor ignora se eu estiver escrevendo coisas sem conexão!
enfim, um breve resumo:
posso falar aqui por que sei que só eu (e talvez pessoas que eu confio) vao ler isso aqui
eu ganhei 100k em um sorteio do governo e...gastei tudo
isso me fodeu mentalmente de uma forma absurda, agora to extremamente estressada com o trabalho pois quero recuperar tudo que gastei, sinto que a qualquer momento vai acontecer algo estrondoso e vou precisar do dinheiro, sabe? mas to ganhando cerca de 2700 reais mensais e pra eu recuperar todo o dinheiro vai levar um poucão de tempo, mas enfim...
voltei a desenhar (e disso to orgulhosa) e to me empenhando pra também trazer isso como fonte de renda, coloquei umas coisas pra vender mas elas não venderam ainda (sim to mto ansiosa e culpada pra recuperar o dinheiro)
to trabalhando na craving spanish e é legalzinho, mas o salário é bem baixo, espero que ela aumente um dia... trabalho 4h apenas mas né... quem sabe
me sobra bastante tempo pra fazer outras coisas mas não consigo me manejar da melhor forma, fui diagnósticada com TDAH e agora faz mais sentido, quanto mais estressada e ansiosa eu to mais eu fico transitando entre alta e baixa produtividade, tem dias que entrego meus melhores trabalhos e tem semanas que não entrego nada, o que me deixa MAIS ANSIOSA AINDA e fica nesse ciclo infinito
só sei que essa semana 19 a 23 de junho, entreguei um trabalho péssimo e já to esperando os sermões de diferentes clientes na semana que vem, mas vou dar um jeito como sempre dei
enfim, to esperando o ritalina, que inclusive também atrasou, to tento burnout e isso tá me consumindo demais
espero de todo meu coração que eu consiga manejar as coisas e resolver tudo isso...
ah, esse ano viajo pra Argentina também (e não tenho dinheiro pq sou BURRA ESTÚPIDA)
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The Philippine Literature in English
Carlos P. Romulo
Carlos P. Romulo, or Carlos Pea Romulo, was a Philippine commander, diplomat, and journalist most known for his work on behalf of the Allies during World War II and his later work with the United Nations. He was born in Camiling, Philippines, on January 14, 1899, and passed away in Manila on December 15, 1985. Philippines, January 14, 1899 aged 86; passed away on December 15, 1985 in Manila, Philippines Prize For Literature: Pulitzer
Romulo was appointed editor in chief of TVT Publications in 1931. This organization published three newspapers, one each in English, Spanish, and Tagalog (the second most common language in the Philippines). He took over as publisher of a different chain of newspapers in 1937. Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Carlos+P.+Romulo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiHsKbrjNv-AhWMEYgKHST5D8MQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Carlos+P.+Romulo&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIECAAQHjIECAAQHjIECAAQHjIECAAQHjoECCMQJzoGCAAQBxAeOgYIABAIEB46BwgAEBgQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECdQ2gdY8RNgwBloAXAAeACAAXGIAc0BkgEDMS4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQrAAQE&sclient=img&ei=TVlTZMfVKYyjoASk8r-YDA&bih=568&biw=1366&rlz=1C1CHBD_enPH1044PH1044
Jose Garcia Villa
In 1908, José Garcia Villa was born in Manila. He studied at the University of the Philippines, but was expelled in 1929 after the Philippines Herald Magazine published a collection of sensual poems under the title "Man-Songs." He received a reward for winning a short story competition run by the Philippines Free Press that year, and he used it to fly to the United States to attend the University of New Mexico. Villa relocated to New York City's Greenwich Village from New Mexico. There, he became the only poet of Asian descent in a neighborhood that also included E. The modernist poets E. Cummings, W. H. Auden, and others. His Footnote to Youth: Tales of the Philippines and Others (Charles Scribner's Sons) was the first publication, published in 1933.
A significant American-based press has published a work of fiction by a Filipino author. Many Voices (Philippine Book Guild) and Poems (The Philippine Writers' League), two poetry collections by Villa, were published in the Philippines in 1939 and 1941, respectively. Have Come, Am Here (Viking Press), his first book of poetry published in the United States, was a finalist for the 1943 Pulitzer Prize. He continued to produce poetry volumes, including Poems in Praise of Love (A. S. Florentino, 1962) and Selected Poems and New (McDowell Obolensky, 1958) and Volume Two (New Directions, 1949), in the Philippines and the United States, respectively. Villa received a lot of accolades and prizes, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, a the Shelley Memorial Award, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Poetry Award, the Philippines Heritage Award, and the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship. He was recognized as a National Artist of the Philippines in 1973, and he also advised the Philippine government on cultural matters. He passed away on February 7, 1997, in New York City.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Jose+Garcia+Villa&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi9x5W_jdv-AhXYZ94KHbKxBIgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Jose+Garcia+Villa&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgjECc6BggAEAcQHjoHCCMQ6gIQJ1DxDFjtD2CLE2gBcAB4AIABb4gB3AGSAQMwLjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ7ABCsABAQ&sclient=img&ei=_VlTZP3UItjP-Qay45LACA&bih=568&biw=1366&rlz=1C1CHBD_enPH1044PH1044
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Llegó el momento más esperado <3
Aquí les dejo el link, espero que lo disfruten!
#tbm spanish#tbm#the boogieman (game)#uri#madotsuki#madodreams#indie horror rpg#indie rpg#indie games#rpgmaker#rpg maker#rpg horror game#rpg horror games#rpg horror#juegos rpg#wolf rpg games#wolf rpg#spanish#spanish translation#traduccion al español#traducciones
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intro post yipee
im cinder/soap, my pronouns are she/they, im an argentine-american artist ! i speak english and spanish and im also learning ptbr. im aroace, neurodivergent(adhd), and uhmm i draw sometimes :3
dni: proship, lgbtq exclusionist, nsfw accounts(im a minor), dream + wilbur soot stans, zionists
main account, mostly for reblogging and liveblogging, is 'worrysyndrome' :3
(español under the cut)
holiss, soy cinder/soap :D mis pronombres son ella/she/they, soy una artista argentina y americana. hablo ingles, español, y estoy aprendiendo portugués brasileño. tbm soy aroace y neurodivergente y ehhhmm pues dibujo aveces :33
no interactúes: proship, racista homofobico sionista etc, cuentas nsfw(soy menor de edad), stans de dream o wilbur soot
cuenta principal es 'worrysyndrome' :D
#intro#yipeeeeee#i know all that talk of 'dnis are useless people will follow you if they want to' yadahyadah idc i just want ppl to know i Do Not Like You#thats all :3 and that you may get content that is very. 'anti' any of the things listed. so 🤷♀️
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Tag Time
Tagged by @edourado. Thanks, bonita <3
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing on and tag 10 people
In no particular order:
Cherry - Lana del Rey (I couldn’t find a good studio version on Youtube. Sorry ):
My Love - Kovacs
Cucurrucucú Paloma - Caetano Veloso
In the Mausoleum - Beirut
Freaks and Geeks - Childish Gambino
Howlin for You - The Black Keys
Sinnerman - Nina Simone
Odd Look - Kavinsky ft. The Weeknd
Goodnight moon - Shivaree
Cactus - Gustavo Cerati
#caetano singing in spanish <3#and that version of 'in the mausoleum' is even better than the original one#enfim...brigadão erica ;)#sou super enrolada pra responder tags mas gosto muito quando as pessoas se lembram de mim e gosto de ver as respostas delas tbm!#tag game
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Let Us Be More Aware
One of the biggest issues we have not only in law enforcement but the entire country by extension is one that is mostly overlooked and goes without being noticed by most people in our society. It is sad to say that so many of us are so unaware of the important things in our society, we get up on a daily basis and we just get through our days like it is nothing but a formality. There is such a massive gap between what we know and what we actually know.
I implore each and every individual rise up and carry the mantle, build up your awareness and encourage others to do the same so that we can eliminate the ignorance that we encounter on a daily basis in our country. Each one can reach one and aid it the development ok the knowledge of our entire country. Too often we ignore the little things that we should do and know, if many of these simple things were grasped and put into practice my majority of the population, don’t you think it would have a positive influence on how we operate and the amount of issues that law enforcement encounter daily.
In so many cases all over Jamaica we see and hear of situations where it points clearly to the fact that citizens have no idea what is required of them and how they should behave in an encounter with the police and vice versa at times. Yes, that is right, the police also do not know or maybe they ignore what is required of them and how they should behave in simple encounters with the civilians. Too often we have seen situations where it has become all about using force and showcasing the power that they believe they have over the civilians. Too many times I have seen were it seems to be one trying to show the other who is in charge rather than us working together while showing respect and courtesy and fulfilling our obligations to maintaining the peace in our country. Many times, the civilians have shown no respect and displayed blatant disregard for the law and the officers working to uphold the law.
As a citizen approached by the police: You must always remember to remain calm, if you have done nothing you have nothing to fear. Show no hostility and do not run. RUNNING AWAY WILL MAKE YOU APPEAR GUILTY EVEN IF YOU ARE INNOCENT.
An officer approaching a citizen: Should NOT use force if your questions/ requests/ demands/ commands are disregarded; citizens have the right to remain silent. You MUST be guided by the hallmark of professional conduct and courtesy - Justice and Fairness - when enforcing the law.
This website below entails much more clarity and information on basic things I believe we should know as citizens of this lovely country (Citizen: Rights, duties & responsibilities - OAS. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2021, from https://www.oas.org/juridico/Spanish/jam_res26.pdf.)
Just imagine the huge difference it would make if we were all up to date and in tune with what is expected of us. Without a doubt, it would not only lessen issues for law enforcement but less issues over all for the entire country to remedy.
As you learn and build on your awareness motivate others to do the same, be a positive influence to others by simple passing on the knowledge that you gain. Push others to know the things we have the responsibility to know and impact a change for the good.
Remember Knowledge is power, but without putting that knowledge to work it is useless...
Google. (n.d.). Google search. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.google.com/search q=citizens%2Bbehavior%2Bto%2Bjamaican%2Bpolice&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjItZCWlejzAhULW98KHSSnCEIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=citizens%2Bbehavior%2Bto%2Bjamaican%2Bpolice&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CqJ1jcZGDkZ2gEcAB4AIAB6wGIAagRkgEGMjUuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=TwB4YYjSOou2_QakzqKQBA&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS971US971#imgrc=wAKQ9EU-cWploM.
Google. (n.d.). Google search. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.google.com/search?q=awareness&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjA-JidlejzAhVlUN8KHaHKAJsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=awareness&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQQzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoICAAQgAQQsQM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgUIABCxA1DV4ARY-ugXYOzuF2gAcAB4A4AB4wGIAecQkgEGMTMuNy4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQDAAQE&sclient=img&ei=XgB4YcDRL-Wg_QahlYPYCQ&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS971US971#imgrc=iKj3-s4_Scn5pM.
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Oi sei que é meio chato mais você gostaria de participar de uma house de editores daqui do tumblr mesmo? pode ser de todos os tipos de edições, headers, packs, incons, cartoons entre outros.
Caso queira participar me chama no privado
E se puder divulgar eu agradeço tbm 💕
Hey , thank you for sending me this. But i would love to know all the details in English;-; sorry my spanish is so bad.❤️thank you
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TBM Sneak Preview break-down
Ok, so what so we have?
A spooky house
Some dead people
Jean being given an action style intro.
Alice with a new hairstyle.
Jean snooping (not a huge departure there tbh)
Alice and Matthew crimesolving together *a lot*
Jean and Matthew crimesolving together
Jean taking the new young constable under her wing *cough*
Matthew talking to Hobart
Jean talking to Cec
Someone (Matthew?) calling Jean “detective Blake”
Jean acting even sassier than usual
Jean pulling out a chair?
Either a Lord Mayor or a member of the Spanish Inquisition threatening Jean
Am I missing anything?
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La Guerra Civl: Las Nacionalistas y Los Republicanos
Grupo de republicanos en la frente de Aragón en el pueblo de Granen.
Propaganda en contra de los nacionalistas
Los Republicanos
El gobierno republicano de Manuel Azaña que fue democráticamente elegido había hecho reformas, pero a varios sectores no les gustaron. Luego, en 1936, el ejército español, liderado por General Francisco Franco, llevó a cabo un golpe de estado que dio inicio a la guerra civil. Por un lado estaban los republicanos; por otro los nacionalistas. los republicanos que apoyaron al gobierno de Azaña, pero nacionalistas querían derrocar al gobierno por sus reformas izquierdistas y liberales. Los sectores que estaban en contra del gobierno republicano incluían la aristocracia, la iglesia católica y un sector del ejército. Había gran descontento en aquellos sectores porque el gobierno de Azaña había apoyado reformas que les quitaban sus propiedades y poder. Entonces, "un objetivo central de los rebeldes fue la destrucción de las organizaciones de izquierda". (https://www.historytoday.com/peter-anderson/why-did-spanish-civil-war-start-july-1936)
El ejército republicano, que se inclinaba hacia el lado izquierdo del espectro político, estaba compuesto principalmente por trabajadores urbanos y agricultores de clase media y baja. Los republicanos creían en un sistema de soberanía popular, lo que significaba que el gobierno sería dirigido con el consentimiento del pueblo. Creían en un sistema en el que todos tenían una voz. Durante la Segunda República a partir de 1931, los republicanos hicieron muchos cambios al gobierno español. "Sus reformas incluyeron la redistribución de grandes propiedades, la separación de la iglesia y el estado, y una política antiguerra y antimilitarista dedicada a socavar el poder de la aristocracia, la Iglesia Católica, y las fuerzas armadas". (https://www2.gwu.edu/~erpapers/teachinger/glossary/spanish-civil-war.cfm)
Muchos republicanos creen que estaban luchando solo por su país. Creían que estaban luchando por una ideología que el mundo necesitaba. En un artículo publicado en 1937 por un hombre que se llama Bill Paynter, "debemos ver la lucha como una de las personas para quienes las barreras nacionales no existen". (https://spartacus-educational.com/SParmyP.htm)
Los republicanos fueron apoyados oficialmente por México y la USSR. México suministró muchos soldados a la causa. Sin embargo, la USSR ayudaron con soldados, apoyo político y armas.
Una vez que Franco y los nacionalistas mostraron sus tendencias fascistas y totalitarios, lucharon para proteger la libertad de expresión, la libertad de prensa y la libertad de religión. Aunque México y la Unión Soviética fueron los únicos países que apoyaron oficialmente a los republicanos, muchas personas en todo el mundo apoyaron su causa, específicamente liberales, comunistas y socialistas. Personas de países neutrales crearon brigadas internacionales para ayudar a los republicanos. “Un total de 59,380 voluntarios de cincuenta y cinco países sirvieron en las Brigadas Internacionales durante la guerra.” (https://spartacus-educational.com/SParmyP.htm)
En mi opinión, creo que los republicanos estaban luchando por una buena causa. Como una persona que se inclina más hacia la izquierda, creo que todos deberían luchar para eliminar las dictaduras y el fascismo. Yo apoyo la ideología republicana. Creo que las dictaduras no deben existir porque los sectores de la población que se oponen, se censuran o peor, se eliminan. La única manera de crear un gobierno que responda las necesidades de todo su gente es crear un gobierno que la escucha; los fascistas lucharon por lo contrario. Los republicanos lucharon por una causa importante, y su modelo de lo que debe ser la sociedad es relevante hasta hoy en día.
Las Nacionalistas
Las nacionalistas, quien también sabe a las fascistas, se llevado por Francisco Franco. Franco gobernó sobre todo España durante los años 1939 a 1975 (su muerto). En 193, las nacionalistas ganó la guerra. Las nacionalistas fue apoyada por muchos grupos conservativos. El ejército apoyó la lucha. Los jefes de las nacionalistas en general, eran muy conservativo monarchía y rico. Las nacionalistas creyeron en Catolicismo. También las nacionalistas tuvieron el apoyo de Alemania y Italia, mucho del ejército de Italia tiene trabajo militaria antes de la guerra. Las nacionalistas tienen el ejercito mejor. En la grupo de las nacionalistas, era las falangistas, un grupo fascista, lo es quiero las nacionalistas también sabe a las fascistas. Franco era el jefe de las fascistas, quien convirtieron a las nacionalistas cuando Franco promociona ideales de Nacionalismo Catolicismo que podría convenir con capitalismo.
Las nacionalistas son muy despiadado. Las nacionalistas no tuvieron problemas con tortura soldados y personal civil quien estuvo de los republicanos. Las nacionalistas declararon que murieron 80,000 personas durante la guerra a 1943. El ejército de las nacionalistas frecuentemente entraron en las casas de republicanos. En 1937, Franco ejecutó el primer bombardeo en la historia de España en el bombardeo de la cita guernica en la 26 de Abril en 1937. El bombardeo eran tan impactante que el famoso pintura Pablo Picasso hizo uno de sus más famosos obras de artes sobre el bombardeo y lo llamó “Guernica”.
En mi opinión, las nacionalistas son muy horrible porque el ejército le importante su religión y políticas más de las vidas de muchas de su gente. Estoy poco parcial porque la EEUU apoyó las republicanos pero todavía no me gusta que las nacionalistas hicieron. No tengo ningún respeto por la matanza de miles de personas inocentes.
Cuota de Franco: Soy responsable sólo de Dios y de la historia. Francisco Franco. La historia, Dios, soy. responsable, sólo.
Britannica Spain
Spanish Civil War - The George Washington University
Mapa de territorios
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How Will The Airline Industry Survive Covid?
Right before I graduated high school in 2013 I began dating my partner. She has a passion for traveling, a passion which I did not share; I had never left the country before, at least at the time. Fortunately, a few months into our relationship she went on a travel abroad trip to Asturia, Spain. Before leaving she convinced me to fly out and meet her in Paris, instead of the quiet little study abroad town in Spain. She showed me that once overseas, it’s easy to travel to and from different countries.
I decided to put my own twist on the adventure and discovered that if I flew to Paris one way, I could fly to Jordan for less than $200, also one way. Jordan is where my father, step mother, and little brother had moved to from Philadelphia a year before. Next I found tickets from Jordan to Madrid, where I could spend a day exploring, and then take a 5 hour overnight bus ride to Asturias to visit the quaint little spanish town my partner was staying in. A few days later I was back on the bus to Madrid, and on a plane back to JFK, and home. Since that first adventure of traveling to Jordan, Spain, and France, I have traveled every summer to destinations including Italy, Morocco, Greece, and Turkey. The discovery of other cultures has changed my perspective on life, and has taken me out of my bubble.
Nowadays traveling is something I strongly encourage the people I care about to look into, most of whom cite financial concerns. My response is always the same. I open google on my phone and search New York to Paris, New York to Istanbul, and New York to Iceland. I know from experience that there are always tickets available to those destinations for anywhere from $300 to $600, which surprises people, as they expect it to be more expensive. I then go onto explain that in certain countries the U.S dollar can go a really, really long way. For example the Morroccon Dirham is .11 to the U.S $1. Next I show them inexpensive but adorable AirBnBs in the Cinque Terre islands off the northwest coast of Italy, where I went two summers ago, after visiting Rome and Venice. Lastly, I explain the value I got from exploring different cultures and ultimately, worlds. Its hard to experience the unfamiliar friendly and welcoming attitude that strangers in Istanbul showed towards me. I asked a local that I ate breakfast with why everyone was so friendly, and he explained that it was because people knew we were tourists, and in much of the middle east, guests are viewed as sacred. Most of my family members have taken my advice, and gotten the hell out of America on occasion, hopefully they all will one day, though I know it wont be any day soon.
This past summer was the first summer I had not left the country in six years. Due to the failure of our government and people to effectively handle and eliminate the Covid 19 crisis, Americans are no longer allowed into countries in the European Union, Canada, a majority of middle eastern countries, and many other nations. Much of South America remains open to U.S travelers, and Americans can travel freely throughout the states, yet they are choosing not to. One year and one day ago on 11/12/2019, the TSA marked 2,364,920 passengers traveling. One day ago, on 11/12/2020, the TSA logged 866,679 passengers traveling. Since Covid started, those numbers are considered good. Bad days for example would be days like 4/28/2019, TSA logged 2,102,068 passengers, compared to the 110,913 passengers they logged a year before, on 4/28/2020. Several airlines have declared bankruptcy, such as Air Italy, Compass Airlines, and Trans State Airlines.
The airline industry is in trouble. The Covid 19 crisis has dealt its revenue a massive blow, and there does not t seem to be any end in sight. Though traveling is trending slightly upward compared to back in April, wet and cold conditions have arrived, and cases are skyrocketing. The promise of another lockdown is real, and regardless, winter holiday travel is going to be at best halved compared to last year. The industry knows its in trouble, and so they reached a deal with the Trump administration in the form of a $25 billion bailout. “The Treasury Department said that Alaska Airlines, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue Airways, United Airlines, SkyWest Airlines and Southwest Airlines would participate.” The bailout is supposed to keep the airlines all U.S travelers know and use from going bankrupt, while also being able to pay their employees. Many of whom are not working, or are furloughed. A few more airlines will likely shutdown before this pandemic ends, yet most major airlines will survive, thanks to the American taxpayers ability to provide them with a bailout.
Before Covid: Lots of unmasked people.
After Covid: Less people, and all masked.
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A Tourist Guide to Pensacola, Florida
Situated in northwest Florida, ten miles from the Alabama state line on its beg, Pensacola is wealthy in notable, military aeronautics, and characteristic sights, all with Florida's unique sun, sand, fish, and water perspectives Wedding Bands Pensacola:
Despite the fact that St. Augustine, on Florida's east or Atlantic coast, is viewed as the most seasoned US city and flourished after Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles cruised to it and set up a province, Pensacola, on the state's west or Gulf of Mexico side, might have guaranteed the title if its own settlement had endured.
Six years sooner, in August of 1559, Spanish wayfarer Tristan de Luna moored in a zone nearby clans named "Panzacola," for "long-haired individuals," with the aim of completing Luis de Velasco, the Mexican emissary of Spain's request for building up a settlement on the sound.
Very much provisioned and arranged, he was furnished with 11 ships and brought 1,500 would-be pilgrims, among whom were African slaves and Mexican Indians. Be that as it may, history had to take some unacceptable byway when a savage storm wrecked eight of de Luna's vessels on September 19.
By the by, with an end goal to rescue the endeavor, he sent one of them to Veracruz, Mexico, to inspire help, leaving the outsiders to squeeze out a presence on shore and make due by depleting the provisions they had brought. However, rather than re-provisioning the homesteaders, the boats, showing up a year later, just saved the survivors by taking them to Havana and leaving minimal in excess of a military station by the spring of 1561. By August, the modest bunch of warriors relinquished the new land site and got back to Mexico, esteeming it excessively perilous for settlement.
In spite of the fact that it was past information at that point, a specialty as the most seasoned, ceaseless US city it could always be unable to make.
It would be very nearly 150 years, in 1698, indeed, that unfamiliar powers would by and by try to increase a traction for this situation, Spain set up a more effective post in what might become cutting edge Pensacola and toward that end spread out a provincial town.
As has so regularly happened since the beginning, land, once guaranteed, turned into the prize others looked for, frequently by military methods, and Pensacola demonstrated no exemption. Spaniards at first gave up to the French in May of 1719, however it was not really the finish of its possession. France, Spain, Britain, and Spain indeed would take ownership throughout the following century, until the last at last surrendered Florida to the United States in 1821. Since the Confederacy additionally "took up residency," Pensacola is considered the "City of Five Flags."
A noteworthy bit of its right around 500-year history has been safeguarded and can be knowledgeable about the Pensacola Historic District, which is overseen by the UWF Historic Trust, itself an association upheld by the University of West Florida, and it comprises of 27 properties on the National Register of Historic Places.
Affirmation, just available for seven days, incorporates guided visits and guest section, and tickets can be gotten at Tivoli High House.
Significant structures are many. Seville Square, for instance, is the focal point of the old settlement and filled in as one finish of the British course's motorcade ground, finishing at its twin, Plaza Ferdinand VII. It was here that General Andrew Jackson acknowledged the West Florida domain from Spain in 1821 and first raised the US banner.
A little, protected segment of Fort George, an objective of the American Revolution's Battle of Pensacola, is emblematic of British occupation from 1763 to 1781.
Unique houses proliferate, including the Julee Panton Cottage, the 1805 Lavalle House, the 1871 Dorr House, and the 1890 Lear-Rocheblave House.
The Old Christ Church, situated on Seville Square and inherent 1824 by slave work, is the most seasoned of its sort in the state to at present possess its unique site.
There are likewise a few exhibition halls: the T.T. Wentworth, Jr., Florida State Museum, which was developed in 1908 and initially filled in as the City Hall, the Pensacola Children's Museum, the Voices of Pensacola Multicultural Center, and the Museum of Commerce.
Despite the fact that not actually part of the Pensacola Historic District, the Pensacola Grand Hotel is situated on the site of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad's traveler stop, which itself was developed in 1912 to supplant the first 1882 L&N Union Station that served Pensacola for a very long time. It is currently on the National Register of Historic Places.
Reestablished in its unique wonder and changed into a lodging with a 15-story glass tower, it holds quite a bit of its initial embellishment, including a French earth tile rooftop and a clay mosaic tile floor, and is decorated with period pieces, for example, a strong, drop-cast bronze light and classical goods.
Its lavish "1912, The Restaurant," situated on the ground floor, highlights gateway Biva entryways from London, a cast-bronze French-style light fixture from Philadelphia, 1885 angled glass from a Victorian lodging in Scranton, and scalloped-molded flame broil work from Lloyd's of London.
Maritime Air Station Pensacola:
There are a few huge attractions on Naval Air Station Pensacola, which can be gotten to by the guest's entryway and requires ID, for example, a permit, to enter
Found itself on the site of a Navy yard that was raised in 1825, it started as an avionics preparing station at the flare-up of World War I with nine officials, 23 mechanics, eight planes, and ten sea shore propped tents, and was viewed as the first of its sort.
Drastically growing due to the Second World War, it prepared 1,100 cadets for every month, who aggregately flew nearly 2,000,000 hours. After its Naval Air Basic Training Command moved its base camp from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Pensacola, unadulterated fly airplane were consolidated in the prospectus. Today, 12,000 dynamic military work force, 9,000 of whom get flying preparing, are doled out to the station.
The widely acclaimed National Naval Aviation Museum, likewise situated here, is the biggest and one of Florida's most-visited attractions. It started not as a vacationer sight, but rather as a methods for remembering maritime flying history for cadet educational plans, for which there was neither adequate time nor subsidizing for the customary book-and-study methodology.
The office, at first housed in a 8,500-square-foot wood outline constructing that hailed from World War II, turned into the locus of determination, assortment, conservation, and show of airplane and curios that speak to the turn of events and legacy of the administration branch. It opened its entryways on June 8, 1963.
Ever-growing, it presently has 700 planes in its assortment that are shown in its 11 other authority Navy galleries all through the nation, yet nearly 150 immaculately reestablished ones are as yet displayed here after another office with 37 outside sections of land and 350,000 square feet of indoor space was finished. Confirmation is free.
Partitioned into the South Wing, the West Wing, a second-floor Mezzanine, and the different Hangar Bay One, it follows the development of Navy flight and the airplane it worked from its beginning to the most recent Middle East clashes.
The A-1 Triad, for instance, was so named since, in such a case that worked in the three domains of air (wings), water (buoys), and land (wheels). The Nieuport 28, in the World War I segment, encouraged plane carrying warship experimentation, while the mammoth Navy-Curtiss NC-4, at the limit of the Golden Age display, was the first to navigate the Atlantic from Trepassey, Newfoundland, to the Azores Islands off of Portugal.
Speed from stream warriors during the Cold War is spoken to by such kinds as the McDonnell F2H-4 Banshee, the North American FJ-2 Fury, and the Russian MiG-15.
Highlight of the West Wing is the "USS Cabot" island and a copy of its transporter deck, which is encircled by a broad assortment of for the most part World War II airplane, including the Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat, the Vought-Sikorsky FG-1D Corsair, and the General Motors (Grumman) TBM Avenger.
Of the various shows on the exhibition hall's mezzanine, which itself disregards both the South and West Wings and can even be gotten to via aircraft ground steps, there can be none that offer a more prominent differentiation to one another than those gave to lighter-than-air avionics and space investigation.
Advanced from the round inflatable first effectively flown by the Montgolfier Brothers in 1783 in the main case, carriers were huge, controllable inflatables which achieved lift by the lightness standard themselves, yet fused motors for impetus and rudders and lifts for, individually, yaw (guiding) and longitudinal (pitch) hub control. Suspended gondolas housed the team and travelers. Inflexible sorts included inner systems, which were not needed by the non-unbending ones, for example, dirigibles.
Gondolas or control vehicles from the Navy's L-8 and World War II-period K-47 aircrafts are in plain view. The last mentioned, conveyed on May 19, 1943 at Moffett Field, California, had a 425,000-cubic-foot inner volume.
In the second, or space, case, a reproduction of the Mercury Freedom 7 space container, the first was dispatched at 116.5 nautical miles and was air/space borne for 14.8 minutes, speaks to Naval Aviation's commitments to the Space Program, on the grounds that Naval Aviator Alan B. Shepard turned into the primary American to enter that domain on May 5, 1961.
Likewise in plain view is the first Skylab II Command Module, which circled the Skylab space station during 28 days among May and June of 1973. Worked by a three-part, all-Navy team, it set a few precedents, including the longest monitored spaceflight, the best separation voyaged, and the best mass docked in space.
Noticeable from both the mezzanine and the fundamental floor is the 75-foot-tall, 10,000-square-foot Blue Angels Atrium that associates the South and West Wings and highlights four Douglas A-4 Skyhawks in a plunging precious stone painted in the aerobatic group's dim blue attire.
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I know what my glaze was missing
damn I’m hungry. in the morning
damn I would eat sth like that
this is altered version
это удар? вот это удар! xD
milk has a bit of fat
but like.. is it gonna harden after some time or not???
it’s just chocolate
100kg doesn’t seem like a lot
latest & greatest
that’s nike contract.. wtf. from vietnam
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History in Prague
CHARACTERS: Elliott Gilbert and other students in this class.
TIME & LOCATION: October 29th, 2017. 10 am. Spanish Synagogue in the Czech Republic.
NOTES: Elliott is part of the Field Studies class 201B, because he couldn’t attend the other class on the 28th.
Content Warning: it kinda gets a lil sad... mentions of death and violence.
Elliott is standing among other students in the middle of a beautiful breathtaking Synagogue. He isn’t listening to the teacher at all but observes every piece of the architecture in awe.
Art was probably one of the most fascinating things humans had ever done and would never stop to amaze him, he wondered how it was born, how the first human-like apes decided to draw with their fingers on a wall to express an idea or a feeling. He wondered how that evolved into something bigger, better, much more incredible and polish, after years and thousands of years, He almost felt his eyes watery thinking he was standing on a piece of history.
He thought it was so wonderful to be able to stand where others stood, this place was used once like it was sacred and pure to those who looked at it. Now they were there taking pictures, making sketches like that was foreign and unique. And with a chuckle, he wondered, if something so breathtakingly beautiful was in its time, as common and simple for them was modern architecture.
“The Spanish Synagogue is not the first synagogue at the site. Before it there stood probably the oldest synagogue in Prague, Old School. In the second half of 19th century, capacity of the Old School did not suffice. The Reform Jewish Community, which used it by the time, therefore decided to demolish the synagogue in 1867 and one year later it was replaced by the new, Spanish Synagogue. Its name presumably refers to the style in which it was built, Moorish Revival style, which was inspired by the art of Arabic period of Spanish history.” he hears the teacher explain in the background.
He looks through his phone to take one more picture of a detail on a wall, and then saves it on his pocket to keep looking around and enjoy it himself. If he someday will pass all this generation of people, and live forever, he wondered if he would outlive all these beautiful locations too. If once, most of the greatest creations of humans, have been destroyed by those coming after them, would the world lose those magnificent places in the year 3045, for example? Would he still be there to see that?
Elliott keeps walking around, getting away from the group, which eventually will dissolve and start wandering around on their own too. He notices an exposition of modern Jewish history and stands near it reading every word.
Jewish culture. That was where his label came from. Shedim. The Hebrew word for Demon/s. He definitely didn’t like any sort of religion, though he respected those who used religion for spiritual reasons and not for trying to tell each other how to live “properly”. But he had sort of a special curiosity for those who called his kind by their name.
Most cultures had different words for demons, but Jews, they called them Shedim. He wondered if they were the first ones to make a pact with them or if it was just a coincidence that the name stuck because it was cool. He laughed at his own thought, but there wasn’t anything funny about it, really.
He wondered who, for the first time, approached a Shedim and ask for a favor, and he questions, why would the Shedim accept to help? Was it true that they would sell themselves for food? It was kind of sad and funny at the same time to think of that. How much it took for the first Witch to realize they could use these guys in more than one favor? Which one of them was the first to force a Shedim to do something they didn’t want to? Were there Shedim who would do things for fun?
Who started?
Who was the first to kill?
Who was the first to hurt someone? to abuse someone?
Elliott stops looking at the exposition and looks up at the golden ceiling. He doesn’t like what he is thinking because half of his thoughts are true. Shedim weren’t great, Shedim weren’t nice, Shedim could have been good at first, but after that, they were not.
Were they corrupted by anger and fear? or Were they just waiting for an excuse to unveil their true power?
Were they evil? were they good?
Elliott was amaze about how learning more about his origins made him even more confused about them.
“Let’s regroup, guys!” the teacher said softly near a few of students taking selfies and then approached him “Come on.”
He was so deep in thought he jumped a little when he was tapped on the shoulder, then followed the teacher in silence, taking a last look to the place with smile.
Hell. If he was going to live forever, he hoped he could come back and see it again without time limits.
All the info is from Wikipedia, if you want to know more:
Also pictures, it’s super beautiful:
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