#tbhk clock keepers
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miimo96 · 7 months ago
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I Love how this is a POV of This Scene from Chapter 108
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axle-does-draw · 23 days ago
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I’m starting to genuinely believe he just doesn’t understand how to show affection when it’s not through professing his undying love
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sunsetsmakemesad · 1 month ago
Akane clock keeper trauma much to think about
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elizabethzoopzoop986 · 6 months ago
Kako head canons because he’s under appreciated
- He know how to do like literally everything, need help on your hw he’s got you need to hack government network? He’s your guy, wanna steal the moon?? He’s gathering the minions, need a serious medical treatment, or a surgery? He’s got an 100% success rate
-he uses his cane to walk but also to wack people over the head with if there mean to Akane or Mirai
-he 100% goes to Akanes parent teacher conferences and just stands there in the back
- before he had kids he was a bad boy an absolute rebel
-in a human au he’s the grandpa who seems pretty normal and then he just drops the most insane lore, like he personally is the reason ww2 ended in the Tbhk universe
- he’s a great chef (and he makes Akane all his lunches and brings him dinner if he’s staying late for stcou or clock keeper stuff)
- he loves Mirai but he needs a break, like everyone does at least once a month
- he drinks to much wine (he’s also a red wine fan)
- he’s got the hardiest laugh ever
- no one actually knows how old he is
- he takes Mirai and Akane on vacation a lot, but instead of going places they time travel so like they go on vacation to like the Roman Empire
- his underwear 100% has little clocks on it
-he loves charcuterie
- in his mind Akanes dislike of supernaturals is just a phase that he’ll grow out of
- he’s gonna cry when Akane graduates and not just a little, he’s absolutely bawling
That’s all I can think of for now
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amyyythestarry · 1 year ago
I hate TBHK.
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MY POOR BOY, do not listen to your brother he’s mentally ill, he’s not in his right mind.
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I like how Tsukasa calls people weird when they don’t know what they want. Like with Kou when he was in the Red House.
Amane is weird, he says he hates Tsukasa, but he can’t stand when they’re apart. Such a weirdo, not knowing what he wants.
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For the people who say that this proves Tsukasa is fake, please reread the Red House arc again, especially the last part.
Like mother like son though, I guess. Their mother also thought Tsukasa was a fake.
Even though the change of Tsu is visible after being in the Red House and merging with the dark entity, he’s still Tsukasa.
Tsukasa and the entity resign in the same body, they are the same person now.
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Amane’s so sensitive.
He’s not able to handle the rejection. Tsukasa still wants to leave, even after Amane’s tried to tell him they can never be together again ( And he doesn’t want that ), his feelings didn’t reach his brother. Tsukasa still wants to leave him.
He’s not in the right mind, coming up with this conclusion is just showing his instability.
And, in the Manga Up translation Tsukasa actually yells “Amane, behind you!”
But now it’s kind of dull. Interesting, though?
Maybe Iro just doesn’t what Tsu to yell or scream or something.
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I like that Kako says ‘so-called imposter’. He knows Tsukasa isn’t a fake, it’s what inside of him.
And the fact Hanako still moves to protect him and Tsukasa, even after calling him a fake.
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Gay a**.
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Kako’s Santa Claus.
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What does he mean by ‘eating away’ at Kamome?
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The entity is the root of the problem. But what problem?
We aren’t talking about the yorishiros…. The clock? Natsuhiko destroyed the clock though?
What is the entity doing?
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I’ve heard people had a theory about this. Congrats, you all were correct!
I didn’t know what the entity was at all. Now we have an idea.
I wonder how it got to the Yugi’s house then?
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It’s not good for supernaturals or humans.
Then, I wonder if it’s ever affected Tsukasa before. As a human, and as a supernatural. Or maybe it hasn’t, since they’re the same person.
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Now they’re in 1968.
The Clock Keepers are trying to prevent whatever happened here, and make a new presents.
They could have went back to when Tsukasa granted wishes to the dark entity under his house. They could have went to the time Tsukasa got back from the Red House. Even when he got murdered by his brother.
But, they went back to when they were just 12 years old.
What happened then?
What happened during that time, that’s supposed to be the root of why all of this is happening, whatever is happening?
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At least Nene knows something is up, she always does.
I’m hoping she can at least do something to stop the Clock Keepers.
Maybe, that means working with someone to stop this, she can’t do this by herself.
Maybe, a certain Yugi? Tsukasa, purhaps?
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This is what he meant.
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Hey, did you know? Every 6 years, the present clock keeper gets replaced with a new student. But that begs the question, who was the first present of the clock keepers?
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Suppose his name would be Genzai, then? (現在, present)
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Here's our interpretation of the first ever clock keeper of the present. There is a reason he looks almost exactly like Aoi Akane, except for the height (mf tall fr fr) but no need to get into that now.
(Height comparison below, ignore Tsukasa.)
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threeclockkeeperlovereal · 1 year ago
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camera-ghost · 5 months ago
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I didn’t realize he said that order to start off the other universe with Amane killing him T-T
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paintuesday · 1 year ago
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oh my god is this an ace attorney reference ??????
(no. i just have extreme brainrot)
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shutuprosie · 2 months ago
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mysteriousmissme · 7 months ago
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iamhereinthebg · 8 months ago
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I can now die in peace
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axle-does-draw · 3 days ago
Amane from the new universe shouldn’t feel bad about killing Tsukasa, the clock keepers had him do that when he was under their control magic. It would have taken at least 4 more years for him to do it on his own.
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teakane · 19 days ago
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elizabethzoopzoop986 · 8 months ago
Material gurl
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I headcanon Mirai did them for him
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Also I love the little feather details ahh
Also also is it just me or does one of mirais pigtails look longer than the other 😭😭(I’ve been looking at this to long)
Also I love the contrast with the brown of Akanes eyes and the green bit matching the background?? Idk maybe there’s some symbolism there but I just think it’s pretty
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amyyythestarry · 1 year ago
I thought about what could possibly happen in the next chapter of TBHK.
I honestly don’t think that Akane is going to die in the next chapter, because one, he’s half supernatural, and two, Hanako said a while back that someone made me remember that nothing is born or dies in a boundary. Now, Tsukasa may make that be able to happen, maybe? He’s super unpredictable, we’ve seen him beat a mystery in it’s own boundary even when Hanako couldn’t and said it couldn’t happen unless you get their yorishiro. So maybe that rule doesn’t imply to Tsukasa?
But if it does, then that means that Kako couldn’t possibly be hurt that badly, and/or he’ll recover quicker than we’d expect.
I’ve really been specifically thinking about that. If Kako isn’t gonna be unconscious for the whole time Tsukasa going to try to get to Akane, then I can only imagine how pissed he would be at Tsukasa. Mirai too. Tsukasa’s not making a good impression with them.
I imagine all of them would try to get Tsukasa, so he doesn’t get their yorishiro. The least they can do. Tsukasa’s really strong and powerful for a reason nobody knows about quite yet, but whatever the cause may be, it wouldn’t be easy getting to him.
But also, if they manage to team up on Tsukasa, with the powers they possess, I think that’d be really interesting to see.
Kako has the powers of the past, Mirai the future, and Akane the presents. If they go after Tsukasa, then they will use their powers. Maybe even try to restrain him again? Or, Kako could control his past, which I’m guessing is revert him back to his past self. Mirai could revert him into his future self, whatever that may be ( I did say this when doing the 109 chap analysis, where I wished we could have seen what the Tsukasa of TBHK future was. Would he be ‘dead’, actually would have turned to dust, or a special third thing??? ). All Akane could do is stop his time, for 5 minutes ( I think? ). Not extremely effective but it’s something.
What would Nene, Hanako and Teru do? Would they have to sit and watch things go down, or would they also try to stop Tsukasa, or stop all of them from recking havoc? I wonder especially about Hanako. Teru would probably be unwilling to help the Clock Keepers after all of this, Nene would probably want to do something but as a human, that would be difficult. Maybe Hanako would be the only one to do something, at least try? But, they all are still restraint ( Except Nene ). They wouldn’t be able to break out of the shackles, right?
Thinking about it again though, Nene would possibly be the only one who could do something. She doesn’t have shackles.
Maybe, Tsukasa will take Nene again and try to get her to find and destroy the yorishiro.
I wonder when she’ll turn back into a teenager? If Tsukasa does end up taking her with him again, and she goes back to normal, would that make things harder? She could restrain way easier. But, she’d also risk getting in the way of the ( Maybe fight? ) between Tsukasa and the Clock Keepers.
13 more days until the chapter, if I’m correct.
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