#tbh speaking as someone who HAS glasses and has worn them since I was small
wayfayrr · 9 months
By your side from day one <3
finally set aside some time to finish off wilds turn for being self aware, the smartest one who found a way to get out without breaking your tv and getting the glass shards of screen everywhere. I'll be back on requests and such soon though!! <3
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“Come on [name], you can’t be serious about missing out on plans just to talk to someone you don’t even know is real.”
“You say like I would want to go clubbing tonight either way, besides he’s said he’s just been working up the courage to video call.”
“And you trust that?”
They’ve got enough of a conscious to look a bit ashamed when I look at them, I know they’re worried for me but of all the things to be so worked up about this seems harmless. 
“What if I told you that he was messaging me and telling me to stop talking to you.”
“Can you show me the proof.”
“Well… no. he deleted them immediately afterwards.”
Are they just jealous? This is so unlike them that it’s offputting. I know they can get a little worked up when I get close to other people but accusing my online friend - accusing wild - of threatening them? It’s petty and childish. Are they afraid I’ll replace them or something? 
“Okay, alright. This isn’t going to make me cut him off you know?”
“Reach out when you don’t feel like senselessly trying to cut me off from others. I’ll see you around.”
Hopefully, it’s sooner rather than later, but if they don’t? It’s their own fault they thought they would need to sabotage my other relationships to get closer to me. They even have the audacity to call out after me as I’m leaving, still trying to warn me about him, like they can’t accept I would dare get close to anyone else. Not like it doesn’t feel awful potentially losing a friend like this, but what can I really do?
The trip home seems to pass in a blur, until I’m already collapsed onto my couch with a familiar notif going off on my phone. Opening it proves it is exactly what I expected it to be, a message from him, asking me how my day has gone showing me more care than nearly every other person in my life ever has. Not expecting me to drop everything on a dime for him, even if recently he’s been getting more possessive in his messages like he wants to be serious when I’ve never seen his face. 
- I’ve been decent, met up with a friend. Not much really, you? - 
- Had to do chores for someone I don’t like >:( wanna get away from everything tbh - 
- why not just up and leave? - 
- I mean, it’s not like I haven’t been planning something - 
Seems like the possessive streak has worn off now then, so I don’t have to worry about mentioning friends again. There isn’t even a reason he should be possessive of me though, unless he’s got a secret crush or something. Which I hope he doesn’t, he’s been speaking to me for barely a couple of weeks. 
- You free to call tonight? It’s been a while. - 
- I’m good rn if you are. I’ll just grab my headphones - one sec - 
- :DD perf perf - 
Honestly a call will be nice, I can just zone out for a bit, play some games and chat. It’s the perfect way to destress after everything that happened earlier, I still can’t believe they threw away our friendship over something so small. Maybe I should just block their number and drop them even if they do try and apologise, I don’t really need people like that in my life. 
“So then love, any plans for tonight?”
“I thought you said you were gonna drop calling me that?”
“It’s silly and you didn’t answer my question anyway.”
“Nah not really. I’m just loading up breath of the wild, been a bit since I’ve -”
“Oh shit.”
Has wild been link this whole time, wait - how did he get access to the internet, HOW IS HE SENTIENT?  
He’s just sitting in his hateno house, holding the sheikah slate like a phone and silently, through the switch anyway, talking. The look of horror on his face is gut-wrenching though.
“You - you…”
“Oh - uh - I mean. Come on love it’s not that bad is it? I - I’m not going to hurt you, I swear.”
“I don’t think I want to deal with this right now… I’m sorry I just.”
The look of horror and shame shifted terrifyingly fast when he noticed me moving to turn off the switch, replacing itself with fear and anger before he steeled himself, and presses his hand against the slate’s screen?
He - he’s reached through my phone to grab onto my wrist. 
“No, don’t turn me off, I can’t go back to being just a voice. Please”
“How… how are you DOING THIS?”
“That… Isn’t what matters right now.”
His grip feels so nervous, he looks it too - which makes sense, I would probably be petrified if I lost my body just because I was trapped in a game. I can’t turn him off that would be cruel… he deserves better than that. 
It instantly lightened as I moved to sit back down, a sigh of relief echoing through both my tv speakers and my phone, as he let go the second I sat with his hand retreating through my unbroken phone. 
“Okay, you promise you won’t try to turn me off?”
“I won’t if you’ll explain.”
“That - that’s fair, I can do that for you love and - if I told you that I think I’ve figured out a way to get out? Would you let me live with you?”
“So that’s why you were so forward abou- yes you can. When you’ve explained everything. And made it certain you’re not planning to kill me because you’re scared of me sending you back.”
The reverb’s stopped now, which makes talking a lot more pleasant and less like he’s trying to intimidate me now, not that I blame him for it if I was about to condemn him back to that hellscape. I just, I really hope he isn’t trying to get out just to kill me, I don’t think I would ever be able to get over my childhood crush wanting to kill me even if he has every right to want that.
“What- No no I don’t - why - why would you think I would ever want to even hurt you let alone KILL. I - love I. I love you. That’s why I’m doing all of this - I - I.”
He’s crying. I should’ve known that he wouldn’t do anything like that - it’s within his right to - but he’s link, he’s the hero, the protagonist who was stuck to my side through it all. I know I shouldn’t have said that it wasn’t meant to be cruel but it was careless enough to hurt him. 
“I’m sorry, I came on to strong, you - you have every right to be scared of me. I promise though love I - I will never hurt you ever.”
“I know… I just panicked. You can explain now I won’t overreact again I swear. Or if you’d prefer -”
“If I would prefer..?”
“Why not get out first, then explain?”
Lighting up a firework in my face would have been less blinding than his smile in that moment, it’s such a sweet smile - a genuine one too. Meaning that I said the right thing, that I’m doing the right thing by giving him this chance. 
Hopefully, I won’t regret it.
“Really? You’ll let me do that?”
“I think it’s a good idea, it’ll be easier to talk to you as well. Just - how are you going to go this?”
“Um, oh, well uh, I think I could possibly make your switch into a mock version of a warp medallion? Then link my slate to it and just well”
“That makes sense, you can go ahead then, shouldn’t take long right?”
“No, no it won’t.”
A couple of seconds was all the wait it needed for him to stumble out of the blue lights and right onto me, clearly disorientated by the shift into reality. Probably not as bad as any of the 2d links would have struggled to be fair to him. It was an even shorter wait for him to jump onto me and cling even tighter than a koala could ever hope to, nuzzling up against my neck like it’s the only - because - it’s the only real touch he’s ever felt. 
“So you want to explain then?”
“Could we wait? That took much more effort than I thought. I just want to rest a bit if that’s alright.”
“As soon as you’re rested enough to. You going to sleep for a bit then?”
“No I still want to talk, just about something less taxing?”
Seems like he’s more dodging the topic than anything, which is fine I can get him to talk about it later, there really isn’t a rush for anything. It’s fine. Besides he’s like an excited kid that’s staying up way past his bedtime right now, where’s the harm in staying like this for a bit?
“Mind if I ask why you’re so determined to call me ‘love’ then?” 
“Because you’re everything to me, my light, my love, my life - you’ve been with me through everything. From when I woke to killing ganon and you didn’t abandon me there. You’ve shown me your favourite cities, stuck with me when you had the choice to choose others because you said I am you favourite, so really? How could I not love you?”
“You were aware even in Mariokart?” 
His giggle is sweet, he’s so charming right now, especially with how unaware of it he is. It’s so earnest and unfiltered, just so raw, I could go the rest of my life with that being the only thing I ever hear again. Compared to how he acted in cutscenes as well? He’s happy. Tired but happy.
“Oh before I forget, You should be expecting a delivery actually!”
“I’ve been wanting to get out of the game for a while so I ordered some things to try make myself more appealing to you.”
“Like what? Link you didn't need to do anything like that.”
He just shrugged, seems like I won’t be getting an answer to that till whatever arrives whenever it does. Seems he really wasn’t lying about being tired though, he’s already starting to fall asleep laying against me like this. Thankfully he’s light enough to move to a more comfortable position, although theres nothing I can do about how tightly he’s holding me and truthfully? There’s nothing I want to do about it.
“Y’know I think I could get used to this.”
“Yo’ will I pr’mise, I’ll make you addicted to m’.”
“Well that isn’t ominous at all… and you’re already asleep.” 
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It's been a while since I've remarked on the Imogen with glasses thing (despite being one of the Patient Zeroes for the discussion about it here on Tumblr Way Back When), which has been slowly going out of vogue but apparently is still being discussed, but I feel like at this point, it's noteworthy that Laura has alluded to knowing about it as a trend on-stream and has sounded baffled, confused, and upset about it being so popular.
Also, it remains frustrating how people misinterpret "the specific way that this entered fanon was part of an overall series of changes to make Imogen look 'cute' in a way that made her more childlike, which is infantilizing, with these glasses being a specific element named as something that made her cuter, and the specific recurring styling speaks toward that intent, especially since the glasses are often in conjunction with other specific design changes that make her seem more childlike" to be "having glasses is infantilizing" just so they can go "it's so stupid people think having glasses alone is infantilizing", which is not what anyone is saying
#tbh speaking as someone who HAS glasses and has worn them since I was small#I do find the entire 'it's destigmatizing!' and 'you just are being mean about disability aids' to be ludicrous and disconnected#there's also a concept called patterns and context#why imogen specifically? why not any other character?#why is this design choice often made in conjunction with other choices such as making her very short and round-faced?#(not always but most often)#why are we ignoring the roots of this as a trend and what specific spaces popularized it when we're discussing it?#anyone going 'well people like it bc it is an incredibly common disability aid' is missing the point of conversation about patterns#'it's because laura wears glasses' so where's the jester art? vex? caleb? orym? ashton? fearne? yasha?#CR#Honestly I also often feel like people legit forget that glasses IS associated with being young or a teen or being old#since it IS still considered the Adult Thing to get contacts until you're like middle-aged and you're Old Now#So yeah... glasses is still often used as a shorthand for not yet being fully an adult when or is often seen that way in visual depictions#(outside of being like a shorthand for being old or erudite#but then again I am like: so why isn't Caleb or Essek popularly depicted with glasses if it's about being erudite)#But anyway that's a whole other tangent.#and again: it's about patterns and context and historical roots of this as a trend in relationship to this specific character#and the original intent and popularization of this as an element was specifically about cuteness and smol uwu beanification#and THAT'S why people have an issue about it—that specific context that it is coming out of
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hvnc · 4 years
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( nadia hilker / cis woc ) HANA FISCHER is 24 years old and is a POST GRAD at thales university. SHE is majoring in MODERN LANGUAGES and is known for being THE ENIGMATIC as SHE can be CALCULATING and TALENTED as well as PHLEGMATIC and BRUTAL. every time i see her, she reminds me of SUNGLASSES WORN INDOORS, NAIL POLISH TO MATCH A MOOD, THE SOUND OF METRONOME. ( chels / 33 / she ; her / cst )
CRIES it has been a minute since i’ve done the intro thing, but here goes...
trigger warnings: drowning/death ; drugs i’m sure ; violence probably, car accident/death yes.
basic stats and fun stuff ;;
name: hana fischer-capone. [ the engimatic ] 
 age: 24.
major: modern languages.
sign: taurus.
mbti: infj
religion: catholic. [ yeah i know...it might seem like bs but she does take it seriously only if the topic is touched, despite her ungodly antics ] i never said she wasn’t a walking contradiction to herself simply because her mood convinces her something is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
sexual orientation: bisexual. strong female preference.
romantic orientation: demi/aromantic spectrum.
hogwarts house: slytherin. [ with hufflepuff tendencies ]
favorite song: bittersweet symphony.
clubs: debate vp . clubs ‘unknown’. [ past riot club member ]
sports: equestrian league ; on-court tennis ; ballet/dance.
fun extra ‘habits’: roller derby, poker, illegal street racing.
family: wolfe fischer [ drug & audi imports. alive ] ; nicola capone [ artist. alive ] ; otto fischer-capone [ deceased age 2 ]
steven: family friends/acquaintances from a young age.
growing up ;;
hana was born in berlin germany on april 28th, and was raised there solidly until the age of ten.  summer & holiday vacations were spent between a few family homes, residing in annecy, amalfi, bruges.
languages in the home included german, italian and french. she did not learn english until traveling abroad began at the age of ten.
she was an only child for the first three years of her life, and then her little brother otto was born. he died at the age of two by drowning in the small child’s pool in the yard. hana witnessed this. she remembers this event and does not speak about it or the circumstances surrounding it. [ feel free to ask me though i’d be more than happy to explain if your muse is interested in insight/knowledge about this; ie friend connections she might have confided to. ]
from that point on, as an only child, hana was spoiled in mostly gentle ways. she had everything she needed and wanted, was pampered by her mother and prized by her father. she hated both of those things and fought tirelessly for her own freedom to the point where, when she’s around her parents it’s hard to tell if she’s the parent or if they are. when hana is home she seemingly runs the house, in a sense...she does so as she has been groomed from an early age to take over ‘family-work’. the good thing in this sense of being in control is that hana turned out just and responsible, rarely abusing her pull over her family or her voice over her family.
at the age of twelve wolfe and nicola moved with hana stateside and settled in portland, maine, where her father worked with every string he could pull that would earn him the right to the capone family name he had married into. despite nicola wishing for a quiet and peaceful family home, the property of hana’s maine home harbored tunnels and a boat house that allowed wolfe to make problems disappear quietly and often with his young daughter well in ‘the know’. this granted him a massive network of connections with justified fear in his presence. and for hana...a sense of legacy she has yet to decide upon. some days it means freedom and power, other days...it means a chain around her neck and clipped wings. nicola keeps her cheek turned in the other direction and devoted her time doting on their only daughter. but with such work came intense isolation. though hana’s childhood property was as equipped to entertain her as a private summer camp might, she was often left to her own devices while enjoying artful and elite activities. this led her to pick up a habit of fleeing or calling her own shots, forming her own antics, such as bringing home her father’s rival colleague’s sons when her bed craved company. the more security cameras on the property caught, the better.
she reveled the summers spent flying back to germany, home to the culture she missed. she would spend her time on the waters of annecy or listlessly trailing her fingertips through cherry wine poolside in italy, but eventually, as all things with hana, the glass would be tipped to shatter on the marble and she would once again flee for the sake of herself; delving into the cultures she found herself immersed in frequently in the surrounding areas.
university bound ;;
she attended Gisela Gymnasium as a child in Munich before moving to the US solidly. she was privately tutored at home through her travels.
for the duration of her high school education, hana attended Choate Rosemary Hall.
she was invited to oxford and princeton. hana adamantly refused invitation to anything her father pushed for, ie yale. her mother pushed her towards juilliard but that too was shunned by hana. oxford invitation would have sent her out of the states and away from her family. pursuing her love for modern languages, hana chose to accept a year at oxford, in order to advance her studies in english,  and then she was princeton-bound.
when she then transferred to state-side to princeton. she completed her sophomore year, but havoc within Princeton’s Riot Society that hana was a member of, resulted in her quiet transfer.
redacted information ;;
the summer before sophomore year hana drove her audi off of a princeton bridge as a final challenge to gain entrance into the riot club. the passenger and fellow running-mate with her was killed. due to the society’s influence and connections it was written off as an accident due to brake failure. hana became a member after that night and was one of 3 voted into ruling member status six months later for the upcoming year. she sometimes suffers from light sensitivity as a result of her head hitting her window.
as a ruling member, and as a challenge to underclassman wishing to join the following year, hana gifted the nominations with trinkets packed with cocaine without their knowledge. as a show of their trust in her and the society hana asked they keep these trinkets on themselves at all times. she then prompted a drug search on the university and those who did not follow her one room by keeping the trinket on their persons, rooms were searched and they were eliminated from the society process with academic consequences. for those who did as she asked and carried the drugs, her sniffed out but ignored by the canines. this was to show the reach and power of the society and to prove what the society was capable of protecting their members from.
connection ideas ;;
dealing: hana is not a big user herself, IF ever, it would be rare that she uses, however, naturally that is because she likes cleanly passing product to those who know she carries and receives shipments through her family. she’s not the type to pass all over campus and at parties, it’s more elite and private than that. she will always have cocaine within her grasp, ritalin, adderall to pass off quickly and quietly. she will not look at someone fondly if asked for drugs she considers trash like heroine or meth or cannabis. she won’t knock anyone for it, it’s none of her business nor does she care, but she might simply pretend she didn’t hear or see them at all. think of her as the cool big sister in this department i guess or a bad influence, both probably.??
spoiled, rich, elitist…and cultured?: hana was raised very cultured to western europe so if your bb frequented places such as germany, italy, france, austria or switzerland, on holidays, long summer months spent on yachts or in vineyards, museums and the like, they may know her that way. so connections with long-time friends thick with spoiled elitist trash summers…is basically her aesthetic. if someone speaks other languages she’ll likely want private conversations that soothe the ‘homesick’ feeling. she’s majoring modern languages and also just native german herself.
from around: hana is one of those people in the lives of those she knows, who is just always around, not in hovering sense ever she is far to reclusive in her own rights for that, but…that girl they met when their parents shipped them off, that girl they met again years later and remembered, in a sense of consistency, there and then gone, but always sort of …there.
family friends: her dad is a rich piece of shit tbh working organized crime, her mother is an angel that’s just too sweet for someone a little salty like hana to stomach for long, so maybe family parties were held and they met that way, maybe they both hated the parties and had no one else to talk to but each other, and hated that more, or maybe it became almost a sibling relationship and banter happens, as well as,…hana having someone to call first when she’s gone and done something her father would be proud of them both, while her mother sinks into the family’s catholic church to pray over both of their sorry asses. (crimes likely for this connection: basic street crimes, drugs, interrogation if it comes down to a problematic person needing to be dealt with, basic mayhem on a whim.)
confidant: likely the first person hana goes to if there is ever a problem she is having, even for just a talk or advice as a friend, no big deal mostly, but this person is likely someone she looks up to greatly as a mentor over her, someone who’s more the first to know things about her, truths about her, and the on-goings in her life.
know your worth: all in all she might not be impressed with someone. she knows what she wants and where she’s going, this can be a negative connection where she just does not see them belonging anywhere near her, but that doesn’t mean that can’t develop into something else. bc it should!! this could be a connection where she’s more likely to push someone to the brink or challenge someone harder if they need a push, negative or positive. either she’s amused by someone’s failures because they’re proving her right, or she really does want to see someone succeed. 
these are just ‘themed starting points’, seriously hmu with ‘familial, rival, platonic, ex, etc’ and i will run with it.
a little about me CHELS ;;
i’m a capricorn
and a slytherin...
honestly this might say enough, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing..i’m not sure tbh. 
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killjoy-loveit · 5 years
Breaking the Pattern
A/N: I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. Tbh I personally think this piece is soft af, but that’s just me *shrugs*
Excerpt: Pursing your lips and flicking your eyes up, you’re ready to explain when the words catch in your throat. The guy standing in front of you is probably the most attractive person you’d ever laid eyes on.
Word Count: 1,608
Genre: Fluff (?)
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    Life had always seemed rather trivial to Joshua. Personality wasn’t as valued as productiveness, so he learned how to box his playful/bubbly nature up and set it to the side. In doing so, he felt stifled, as anyone would. Boredom came the easiest when at work, sitting behind a computer all day- fixing problem after problem as they popped up. There were times he lost himself in daydreams filled with excitement and freedom, but each time it would end and his bubble of happiness was lost.
    It’s on a day like any other, solving problems behind the scenes for the company, when he decides he’s had enough. How long is he supposed to constrain himself to fit in? To become the perfect worker? Fingers flying over the keyboard, a resignation is quickly typed without an ounce of hesitation. Jumping up he rushes to the printer, snatching the paper the second it pops out and quickly jotting down his signature.
    Once he’s out of his office he makes his way to the elevator, pressing the button to go up. Joshua’s foot taps restlessly, the elevator feels like it’s going slower than usual. Finally it arrives and he squeezes in, punching the number of the floor his boss is on. Around him people chatter about meetings needing to be set, mergers that are happening soon, and the accounting period that’s about to end. Thankfully the elevator appears to be moving faster and it isn’t long before he exits, leaving the corporate chatter behind.
    A quick knock on the door grants him a barked, “Come in.”
    Entering the office Joshua comes to stand in front of his boss’ desk. She looks up at him, a small smile appearing briefly before speaking. “Joshua, one of my star employees. How can I help you?”
    “I’m putting in my two weeks notice. Here’s my resignation letter.” He replies, handing the paper over to her.
    Her mouth drops open, confusion apparent on her face as she takes his resignation letter. “Why are you resigning? Do we not pay you enough? Did another company poach you?”
    Joshua shakes his head, “No, that’s not it. It has nothing to do with another company nor my pay here.”
    “Is there any way we can make you stay? You’re such a valued employee, it would be a shame to lose you.”
    “Sorry, this is just something I have to do for myself.” He says affirmatively, shifting from one foot to the other.
    “Well… Alright. There are some papers I need you to fill out then, just let me find them.”
    And just like that, an end was put to his corporate career. That is, after his final two weeks pass, and then he’s free. Those two weeks seem to dredge on, time moving at the speed of molasses. Then finally his last day comes and as he leaves at the end of the day, there’s a smile present that is a prime example of pure elation.
    In the past two weeks Joshua had been planning on what to do once he left his corporate job. A few ideas were scratched out almost immediately after writing them down, as the logistics just didn’t seem to work out quite right. It was the thirteenth item on the list that struck gold: moving to the small coastal town a few hours away and either find work or open his own business. What the business would be he’d yet to figure out- but he was certain something would come to him. Thus the next day, after his last of corporate work, all of his stuff was quickly packed away into a moving truck and he was off.
                              ***Time Jump & POV Switch***
    Distraught as you were with the cash register deciding now was a good time to stop functioning, the tinkling sound meant to alert you of an incoming customer completely missed you. A groan of frustration slipped past your lips as you, unsuccessfully, tried to get the cash drawer to pop open. Come on, come on, come on! Even with these desperate words on replay in your mind, the drawer refused to cooperate. At this point you were about to give up and call the guy who owned the repair shop down the street. Admitting defeat and getting help would definitely make more sense than increasing your anger at the register.
    “Stupid. Freaking. Junk!” Each word came out harsh and was accentuated by a small wack to the offending object.
    “I don’t think hitting it is going to help anything.” Someone chuckles across from you.
    Pursing your lips and flicking your eyes up, you’re ready to explain when the words catch in your throat. The guy standing in front of you is probably the most attractive person you’d ever laid eyes on. Well, not probably, he most definitely is. His dark chocolate colored hair falls gently over his forehead, only a few wisps stray in an attempt to cover his eyes. Eyes that are looking at you in amusement, joined by a teasing grin.
    “Um… It won’t open, it’s been finicky since yesterday and nothing I do seems to make it open right now. I guess I’m getting a bit too frustrated.” You comment shyly, hand rubbing at the back of your neck.
    His head tilts slightly. “Would you mind if I took a look at it? I promise I’m not trying to rob you or anything- I worked at a store during college that used this kind of register. It always liked to act up too.”
    Brows furrowing and eyes narrowing, you gave him a cursory glance. In a soft gray sweater and dark jeans, he didn’t exactly look like a robber. Then again, was a robber just going to come in wearing the cartoon stereotype of a black and white striped shirt with a black bandana and matching hat?
    At your lack of response plus your scrutinizing gaze, the guy put his hands in front of him. “I swear! I just moved here, in that little blue house two streets over by the bakery.”
    Your eyebrows shot up as your mouth dropped open. “You’re the guy who moved into the old Rowe house yesterday? I live right across from you, the house with gray siding and a bunny statue by the driveway.”
    “It’s nice to meet a neighbor already, what a small world.”
    “Well, I mean, it is a pretty small town. You kinda know everyone that lives here, even if you don’t know them personally. I’m sure you’ll find out soon.” You pause, a thought popping up. “I’m so sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself!”
    He laughs lightly at your sudden outburst. “It’s fine, I take it the name on the tag is yours?” You nod in affirmation. “Nice to meet you, I’m Joshua.”
    “Nice to meet you Joshua!” You take a step back, waving your hand at the register welcomingly. “If you really want to try your hand at fixing this, then go right ahead. Either way you can’t mess it up anymore.”
    Joshua strode around the counter before coming to stand beside you in front of the register. His mouth twisted a bit in concentration as his hands swept over the worn metal of it. Quickly he tapped the side of it three times while holding down two buttons. Surprisingly the cash drawer popped open, and he turned around to face you with a triumphant grin.
    “How did you do that?” You asked excitedly, rushing forward to double check that it was truly open.
    “It’s what always worked to get the one open when it was being finicky where I used to work.”
    “Oh my gods, please teach me that trick!” You turn, clutching his arm and staring at him with wide eyes.
    After this encounter, the two of you began the process of forming a quick friendship. It was common for the two of you to meet up for lunch on your breaks, filling the time by sharing stories from your past. Never a dull moment existed when the two of you got together. Every interaction was filled with jokes, teasing, and playful banter. This isn’t to say that neither of you broached serious topics, just that the serious conversations tended to occur when one of you had a few too many glasses of wine.
    It was over these glasses of wine shared in the evenings at one of your respective homes, that you learned of the deeper parts of each other. You confided in him, telling him of your fears of turning into your parents and never exploring anywhere outside the small beach town. He told you why he moved in the first place, how he was afraid of losing himself in the triviality of his corporate job. Though you had a hard time believing that anything could change his vibrant personality, it was obvious to see that was something he was truly afraid of. It shone in his eyes when he spoke of it, the air filled with unspoken emotions.
    This break in the pattern, this drastic change is exactly what was needed. Not only was Joshua able to freely be himself, without having to tame his personality, he’d also made great friends in the process. He could imagine a life in that small beach town, where everyone knew each other with not an unkind soul in sight. Everyday was different, filled with new obstacles and hurdles to find a solution to, but each night ended the same. Each night ended with the two of you sitting on your porch, facing the ocean, gazing up at the stars.
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mooosicaldreamz · 6 years
idk how you & lynne are able to write so much. tbh y’all are a blessing. i did a random # generator for the things u said prompts so i’m submitting 40 for supercorp!
according to lynne i have sucked up all the inspiration in the apt, which is apparently a finite resource, so i guess i will be the one producing any writing today…….anyway here it goes. things i said when you met my parents. @narraboths said there was only one choice when i was given this prompt. 
One second, Kara is flipping Lena’s omelette over in the pan with careful and steady precision, dancing to the Real Estate song pouring out of Lena’s way-too-big sound system, when the door opens.
It’s been three months of dating, two blissful months of having great sex, one month since Lena had insisted Kara take a key to her large off-campus apartment and told her to go get milk and kale on the way back from her radio journalism class. Kara had got the milk, some cookies, a giant bouquet of shitty grocery store flowers, and forgotten the kale, but Lena had kissed her anyway.
She had met Lena freshman year in their shared Intro to 18th Century Lit class, and they had been through a lot of nonsense to get to here - Kara had dated this shitty dude named Mike, Lena had nearly blown up their friendship group by dating James for three weeks sophomore year. But Kara had felt it this past summer, while Lena fell asleep on the phone because she was in Turkey with her brother and Kara listened. It would be this year that they would figure it out.
They had, and that was awesome. What was not awesome was Kara turning away from the electric stovetop and seeing someone other than Lena in the doorway, while wearing an FBI t-shirt reading Female Body Inspector (gifted from her sister in a fit of drunken Amazon shopping) and boxers covered in tiny little flying cupids. Last night, when Lena had taken them off of her before giving her some inspired head, she had said they were cute.
The woman with brown hair and a Valentino bag did not look like she would share such an opinion. Kara recognizes her immediately, of course. Her first instinct is to punch the woman, because Lena had just finished a phone call with her mother that set her in such a mood that she demanded Kara drive to the dispensary just on the edge of campus and buy some edibles. They had sat in the dark and watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and then when that had worn off, Lena had cried and Kara had kissed her face all over.
“I didn’t realize Lena had a roommate,” Lillian Luthor, drawing to her full height. She’s taller than Kara, serene-looking and unperturbed. Kara was very perturbed, because she was wearing boxers and had nothing as smart as that to say back, besides a colorful string of curse words.
The door opens again. Lillian sidesteps the wide arc it makes as Lena barrels in without looking up from her bag.
“Darling, I hope some of that food is for me, because I’m starving, and I think my mother wants to have dinner with me tonight-“
Kara makes a strangled noise. Lena looks up her way and the smile on her face is pretty enough that Kara forgets that her mother is watching and smiles back. But then Lillian makes a soft coughing noise, and a look of deep horror rushes over Lena’s face as she looks over from Kara to the visage of her mother, dark and batlike in the corner of her formerly sunny kitchen.
“Lena, there’s an FBI agent in your home,” Lillian says, deadpan. It would be funny if Kara didn’t feel like dying.
They go to breakfast because in the process of getting dressed and resolving to burn her FBI t-shirt, Lena’s omelette burns and Kara’s assembled collection of breakfast items get sneered at by Lillian. Apparently Rice Krispies is not a meal to be eaten by anyone with a job over the age of eleven.
“You do have a job, I assume,” Lillian says. Kara doesn’t muster a response, just holds tighter to Lena’s hand as Lillian’s driver takes them over to Salt and Pepper. Lena’s jaw clenches.
“You know, mother, when you insisted on having a key to my place, I thought you’d agree that barging in without warning was a healthy boundary,” Lena says.
“I was in town, and you weren’t answering my calls,” Lillian says, breezily. Watching the two of them talk at each other is sort of like watching Winn and his nerd friends play Pong. Kara isn’t sure how or when to interject.
“You want me to go to that awful gala with Jack, I know,” Lena says. Her head drops against the seat of the car, and her neck rolls as the car moves along. Lillian cocks her head.
“I see now why you didn’t like the idea. You might’ve told me. Surely Kara has a dress suitable for the occasion,” Lillian says. The smile on her face does not meet her eyes. Kara is not inclined to smile back. She just grips Lena’s hand and draws patterns across the back of it, trying to bleed some calm into her. It isn’t clear that it works, but when the car rolls to a stop and Lillian insists they sit in the window seat at the restaurant, exactly where Lena hates to sit because the early morning sun is apparently too bright on her, she gives Kara a small smile.
“What all is good here, then?” Lillian asks. Food is something Kara is capable of talking about to almost anyone, so she gives it a shot, letting Lena take a long drink of water.
“I’m a big fan of the eggs benedict,” Kara says. She feels Lena’s hand arrive on her thigh in a soft, reassuring gesture, and it provokes her to give a smile to Lillian. There’s nothing but a frown in return.
“Certainly not very healthy,” Lillian says. “Lena, I certainly hope you haven’t been eating things as fattening as eggs benedict while you’ve been gallivanting with this one.”
“She eats a lot of kale, actually,” Kara says, dropping her hand under the table and holding Lena’s hand. Lena is rubbing her forehead with her spare hand in much the same gesture as she makes when she’s been staring at blueprints for five hours. Kara likes it then, because Lena with her reading glasses and work face on is cute, susceptible to snuggles, and always open to buying them late-night cheese fries at Devil Dawgs. But this Lena is not as fun.
“That would explain the sallow look,” Lillian says.
Kara knows the definition of the word sallow, definitely read it in her SAT prep classes, and it’s not how she would describe Lena. Lena is gorgeous, has been gorgeous since she stood up on the first day of class and said her name was Lena Luthor and that her favorite book was Siddhartha, and Kara had watched her take studious notes for an hour and a half. She was beautiful the day she kissed Kara in the freezing cold rain on the corner outside McDonalds right after Kara had tried to eat three McNuggets at once. She was beautiful when she came and she was beautiful this morning when she had let Kara keep her in bed for five minutes extra so that they could share sleepy, morning breath kisses. Kara is certain she will be beautiful in graduation robes, and wedding dresses, and holding babies, and solving world hunger.
So she can’t help but take offense.
“I’m going to the restroom,” Lena says. She stands abruptly. Kara watches her go with some worry. It’s too early in the morning for Lena to be crying about anything, but it looks all the same like she might be about to when she turns the corner into the restroom.
When she looks back to the table, Lillian is looking at her.
“So, a journalism major,” Lillian says. Kara stares at her. Apparently the spate of silence is too long. “Are you going to speak? Or stare?”
“Yes,” Kara says. Frustration is thrumming through her, an old anger that’s mostly quelled when she’s around Lena, absorbing the atmosphere of Lena. Her therapist used to call it orphan anger, which had seemed sometimes crass, but usually just as descriptions go.
“Which one?” Lillian asks. She smiles, takes a sip of her water. Kara feels her hand as though it were separate of her body reach up to grip the edge of the table.
“Why are you such a jerk to her?” Kara asks. She leans a quarter of the way over the table to make sure that no one overhears her disrespecting what is supposedly an adult.
“I’m sorry?” Lillian asks. She looks intrigued, like Kara has said something surprising and she’s halfway interested in hearing what else she has to say. Or like how people look at puppies barking at mirrors. Like it’s amusing. It makes Kara feel crazy.
“She is so - good, and she tries so hard to impress you when she doesn’t even need to, and you’re such a jerk,” Kara says. “Why?”
She doesn’t mean for it to sound so impassioned and sad, but that’s how it comes out, and it makes Lillian smile very gently.
“I don’t think you know your place,” Lillian says. “Perhaps you should find it.”
“My place is with Lena,” Kara says, and she smacks the edge of the table so hard that the water glasses shiver. “I’m with her. And you know what? She doesn’t need you.”
“I want what’s best for my daughter,” Lillian says.
“So do I,” Kara says. “And that includes you not being a jerk.”
“You may not understand Lena and I’s relationship, but I do care about her,” Lillian says. She leans back in her seat like she’s won something. Kara almost stands up and swings, but instead she chooses to reach into her lap and place her napkin on the table in front of her, standing slowly.
“I’m going to go check on her and make sure she isn’t crying because you’re a jerk,” Kara says. “When I come back, you can either be gone or in a fifty percent better mood, which I’m sure is the best your robot heart can manage, or else I’m going to make my friend James who works here drop hollandaise on your stupid, jerky head.”
Lillian stares at her. James, who’s just arrived at the table to take their drink order, stares at her. She brushes back him with a very dark look that has him scurrying backward.
She finds Lena in the women’s restroom, leaned up against the sinks and staring at the ceiling as though it might collapse down upon her. There’s no hesitation in wrapping her arms around Lena, pressing kisses up the column of her neck until she starts giggling and pushing Kara away.
“I’m sorry I left you out there,” Lena says, reaching up and pressing her long fingers into either side of Kara’s jaw, pulling her down into a quick kiss. It’s something like cool rain after an oppressive heat, kissing Lena right now in this restaurant bathroom after yelling at her mother. The sinks are fancy and the lights are bright and her mother is decidedly not here.
“It’s alright,” Kara says. “I left her out there. I’m sure that’s not in the etiquette books.”
“I read the etiquette books,” Lena says, kissing her again. “It was not in the etiquette books.”
“Is making out in this bathroom in the etiquette books?” Kara asks. Lena kisses her and keeps kissing her, and they super make out for a solid thirty seconds before Lena draws back with a sigh.
“As much as I want to keep breaking the rules of etiquette books, we should probably go out there and suffer through,” Lena says. She keeps pressed close to Kara, and Kara keeps holding onto her. She loves feeling Lena. Loves Lena. She had been meaning to tell her so.
“Your mother sucks,” Kara says. “But just think. When we get married, I can hand deliver the invitation and I’ll dunk it on her the way Winn does with his 64 controller when he wins at Mario Kart.”
“Oh, when we get married?” Lena asks. She’s smiling so pretty that Kara can’t think of the words inside her brain even though she’s real smart sometimes. So she just leans forward and kisses Lena again. “It’s only been three months, Danvers.”
“If you ever think of breaking up with me, just know that whoever you date after me will not dunk your wedding invitation in her face,” Kara says.
“I suppose we can’t break up, then,” Lena says, smiling.
“Probably not,” Kara says.
It takes them five more minutes to get out of the bathroom, and Lena is even smiling when she sits down again, her hand wound up in Kara’s. Lillian is still there, and Kara feels like she needs to mime buckling in. She settles for taking a drink of her mimosa, which James has taken the liberty of delivering for her without even her ordering. She’s glad they’re all still friends.
“I apologize, Lena,” Lillian says. She sounds like someone is holding a gun to her back and she’s swallowed a razor, but Kara grins as wide as she pleases. She does not elaborate, but Lena looks nearly stunned. Kara squeezes her hand. “Tell me about…journalism, Kara.”
Kara does.
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wydallen · 6 years
jack does a task! // 001.
Full name: jackson grant allen. ( did i name him after my two favorite superheros aka barry allen and steve rogers? maybe. )
Nickname(s) or alias: jack, jay, allen, anything tbh.
Current age: idk about you but he’s feelin’ 22.
Astrological sign: pisces.
Gender: cis male.
Preferred pronouns: he/him/his.
Sexual preference: lowkey closeted bisexual. only his close friends and family know.
Language(s) spoken: english, some german from high school.
Height: 6′2.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Shoe size: 11.
Glasses? Contacts?: contacts but he prefers to wear glasses.
Tattoos: a few.
Piercings: his ears from when he was younger.
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: scar on his cheek.
Dominant hand: right.
If painted, what color are their nails/toenails?: n/a.
Usual style of clothing: pair of jeans, t shirt, and vans. here’s a pinterest board of the style he wears.
Frequently worn jewelry: some rings and a necklace.
Describe their voice, what accent?: he has an american accent. he doesn’t really think he has a midwest accent. his voice isn’t the deepest but it’s a nice tone.
What is their speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)? fast, usually. he talks a lot and if you don’t stop him, he’ll go a long time.
Describe their posture: he should probably go to yoga classes because he hunches his back a lot.
Any speeding tickets?: no, he’s a good boy.
Have they ever been arrested?: no.
Do they have a criminal record?: no. 
Have they committed any violent crimes?: no.
Do they have a passport? If so, where have they been?: he does! he’s only ever really been to los angeles. he’d love to go to new york or london or paris sometime.
Direct quote from them: “if meghan trainor ever threatens to release new music i have to go into hiding.”
Likes: books, chocolate, cuddling, card games, homemade meals, buzzfeed quizzes, dancing, a nice pair of jeans, a clean shaven face, working with his hands, hats, burritos, laughing, late nights, ice hockey, taking the train, swimming, people watching, bonfires, the great outdoors, true crime novels, “chick” flicks ( he won’t own up to it though ), camping, dogs, cats, animals in general, working out, getting tattooed, the smell of clean laundry, long showers, playing the piano, taking instagram pictures, alternative music, freshly baked bread, apple juice, french fries, snow, star gazing, listening to music on vinyl, stickers, cuddling while listening to the rain, the holiday season, barbecue, netflix binge sessions.
Dislikes: thunderstorms, sleeping alone, driving in big cities, carrots, mosquitoes, bees, boring movies, diet sodas, wasting food, “adulting” ( taxes, seeing lawyers, etc. ), thieves, pineapple on pizza, early mornings, when people take up two parking spots at once, spiders, people who are rude to service staff, political discussions, peanut butter, people who don’t use their turn signals, cold showers, humidity, toxic masculinity, small spaces, feeling defeated, being alone, liars, those aspca commercials, being questioned, loud noises ( mostly from thunder or fireworks ), overpowering fragrances, most fast food restaurants ( minus mcdonalds ofc ), out of tune instruments, his car breaking down, youtube ads, being barefoot, tea, awkward situations, feeling bored, any sense of responsibility.
Insecurities: i don’t know if he has any insecurities but he really doesn’t like his eyes. he hates that no one ever glorifies having brown eyes and sometimes wears contacts to make his eyes blue or green.
Fears/phobias: being in a hospital, elevators, being alone for the rest of his life, death, dying in a natural disaster, injuring his face, losing one of his family members.
Habits: chewing gum when he’s nervous, messing with his hair, rubbing the back of his neck.
Hobbies: gardening, playing the guitar, eating junk food.
Guilty pleasure: rom-coms from the hallmark channel.
Secrets: he doesn’t really have any, really. he’s mostly an open book.
Turn ons/offs:
turn ons: humor, security, understanding, faithfulness, communication skills, charisma, confidence, big smiles, food lover, nice hair, smooth skin, being a little rough, good banter, confidence, being verbal or loud during sex, good with kids, people who can provide him with pizza, being called daddy.
turn offs: bad teeth, body odor, dirty surroundings, the sound of somebody chewing, unnecessary rudeness, judgmental, indecisiveness ( lol hypocrite ), lack of commitment, smoking, pessimism, picky eaters, religious, lack of humor, bossiness, strong perfume, coldness, secrecy, constant negativity, racists, sexists, homophobes – the whole cream of that crop.
Lucky number: number four.
Pet peeves: people who chew with their mouth open, people with poor manners.
Dark version of themselves: he can have a huge temper if something makes him super, super upset. he’s known to have punch a few holes in walls or scream so loud that he loses it. 
Light version of themselves: he’s literally a human golden retriever. he just loves people and being with them. he can throw a million dad jokes in a matter of seconds and he enjoys making people happy, no matter what it takes.
How do they react to a proposal of marriage?: i think he’d be very flattered but he’d prefer to be the one to propose.
How do they react to the death of a loved one?: if it was someone who was in his immediate family, i think he’d be devastated. he’d probably eat and drink a lot. 
How do they react to something irresistibly cute?: he’d go into one of those smiles where it takes up his entire faces and it’d make his face hurt.
Food: french fries.
Least favorite food: carrots.
Drink: dr. pepper.
Least favorite drink: any kind of tea.
Fast food restaurant: mcdonald’s.
Word: serendipity.
Color: blue.
Candle scent: sparkling cinnamon.
Store: target.
Instrument: guitar. 
Occupation: landscaper.
Animal: cats.
Holiday: thanksgiving bc food.
Season: fall.
Artist: ed sheeran.
Band/group: the arctic monkeys.
Song: gravity -- john mayer.
Movie/film: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, lost in translation.
TV show: supernatural. 
Sport: hockey, baseball.
School subject: social studies.
Number: thirteen.
Emoji: 🤠
Talents: he can sing superlatively well.
Ability to drive stick? no. 
Can they ride a bike?: yes.
Do they play any sports?: he likes to play hockey and soccer.
Anything they’re bad at?: doing laundry, diy projects, and going clothes shopping.
Childhood memory: helping his dad fix something in the family car when he was six would most likely be his first childhood memory.
Crush: his first crush was a girl named janette. the first time he ever met her, she knocked his sandwich off his desk and made him eat it anywaya. ever since that, he was in love with her for basically all of first grade. after that, he just kept getting crushes on girls who treated him like absolute shit. and even now, he still develops feelings for someone really quickly, and it’s a blessing and a curse. 
Email address: [email protected]
Job: starbucks.
Kiss: he doesn’t remember it that well, tbh.
Love: britney spears in the baby one more time video.
Do they have a fake I.D.?: no.
Are they a virgin?: no.
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse?: probably a few weeks before accidentally getting killed. 
Do they travel?:  if he can afford it.
Celebrity crush: gabrielle union.
Place(s) they can always be found: in his apartment, at the park, or at a blackhawks game.
When do they like to wake up?: typically around noon, if he can. 
What do they wear to bed?: shorts.
Do they smoke/drink/drugs?: no / yes / no.
Do they snore? yes, although, he’ll claim he doesn’t.
Do they chew their pens/pencils?: no. 
Do they believe in the supernatural?: yes, very much so.
Have they ever cheated on anyone?: never.
Have they ever been cheated on?: he hopes not!
Has anyone ever broken their heart?: yes.
Are they squeamish?: around blood, yes.
Are they a lightweight?: no.
Type of kisser: soft and gentle.
Do they want kids?: yes.
Do they want to get married?: yes.
How are they in bed?: he likes to think he’s good but he can’t really tell.
Would they marry for money?: yes, if it’d make him a billionaire.
Opinion on sex: he likes it. a lot. 
Favorite position: he sounds so boring but missionary. 
What is their dream date?: a walk around the city at night, just getting to know them.
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universal-kitty · 7 years
I feel like doing writing today, so...!! Time to write about my still untalked about AUs? AKA me in my F/O’s universe, cause that kinda stuff is my jam~ Starting with....!!
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Real name is Akira Hayashi. Has a Cat Mutation quirk. Cat ears on her head and a cat tail. Can see and hear to cat-like ability, can fall from certain heights without damage, wonderful balance. However, is usually always overwhelmed by the fact that she’s hypersensitive, so often needs to stay away from people to recharge. Lots of cat naps after using her Quirk extensively.
Short brown hair that parts in the middle. Dark green eyes. Used to wear glasses, but traded them for contacts for convenience. Still has a pair, just in case.
Quirkless mother and a villain father, of all things. Her father is Kuroyama Hayashi, a mafia-esque villain who’s Quirk lets him use crows as a basis to create minions who do his dirty work. It’s taxing and having minions who have free thought isn’t always the best way to go about things, but it gets his jobs done enough that it’s a viable thing to keep doing.
Her mother didn’t know he was a villain until after Akira had been born, but... She’s a bit of a “dangerous optimist” in the sense she finds the whole thing more...”romantic” than anything? (She’s not the brightest bulb in that sense, but Kuroyama does make sure to not involve business at home too much, as well as the fact that his wife isn’t completely open about all in public, so... They get by fine, on that note.)
Still doesn’t help the fact Akira’s father is known pretty well and everyone expects her to grow up like her father, even despite her very persistent dreams of becoming a hero at a young age.
(Her father’s side is even largely villains. Any of them that had kids who became heroes? Removed from the family tree and their history. Completely exiled from the family.)
So when it comes time to enter high school, Akira puts in the effort to become someone else. For her time at U.A. she becomes “Maiko Inoue”.
Mostly a shy child, “Maiko” stresses under the worries that someone will find out about her past... To her luck, nobody seems to and- as time passes- she eventually starts letting go of it.
Meets Toshinori around this time, though they aren’t too close. Mostly just...casual running into each other moments and such. Friendly, but not friends.
Eventually graduates as the “Lucky Cat Hero Mani-Neko” and starts doing hero work for a few good years. A bit of rescue work, but also teamwork with other heroes to bring villains down. Cat-like reflexes, the sharp claws that can extend from her paw-gloves and paw-boots make for a good fighter, when need be!
Outfit Reference Here.
“Maiko” learns of All Might more and more during this time. Still not quite friends, but they work together from time to time. All Might is a friendly hero, as well, so they manage some conversations... Most all work related. (Which is fine.... Kinda. She starts having a crush on him here, but it’s small and something she majorly downplays. He’s a HUGE name, she’s just another hero. It’d never work out, with his loud voice and her sensitive ears!! The press?? Yeah, pfffftt, no way.)
It’s during her “downtime” phase of her hero life when U.A. asks her if she can come in as a teacher. Figuring there’s more to life than just straight up hero work (plus liking being around kids), she agrees to help out.
It’s here she meets Toshinori again (the first time in years, it feels!) and it’s a crush that slams into her without warning. He looks worn out and no longer as bright and full of life as he once was, but... Somehow, that’s his charm, now. Learning about what happened only worries her more, especially since his beloved hero work is suffering for it.
Almost immediately finds a friend in Izuku Midoriya. The bright-eyed, wannabe hero is not only endearing to meet, but his knowledge of her past hero work makes “Maiko’s” heart warm. Didn’t take long for that kid to weasel his way into her heart.
Post the first attack from the League of Villains, her father acts out. Out and about at the time, Mani-Neko helps out the best she can... Only to have her father confirm- in front of the press!- that she’s his daughter.
Not only does the news eat it up, but it suddenly creates a ripple of fear and doubt in U.A. From fellow teachers to the parents’ of the students, everyone is up in a tizzy about the information.
 Her most solid backers in this nightmare of a time end up being Toshinori Yagi (who has seen her pride and love for her work; a passion like that for life cannot be faked), Izuku (who believes the “amazing” Mani-Neko is who she is, and that’s a hero!!!), Hitoshi Shinso (who knows all too well what it’s like to be judged for a piece of who you are, and not WHO you are), and Shoto Todoroki (in the background, but definitely in support and for similar reasons as Shinso).
Eventually, she does manage to make the media calm down again and revert to using her real name- Akira Hayashi- as well as just letting time pass and concerns be dropped as she goes back to work....and into a full embrace of her hero work.
....To the point that it’s dangerous, anyways. If she’s got time, she’ll throw herself into any heroic situation in an attempt to help out and prove herself to near-reckless degrees. This calms down eventually... Especially considering she worries her friends and her own students with her behavior.
Close friends with @madamethana‘s OC, Shikiyo, who works as the school therapist. They went to U.A. together and while- similar to Toshinori- they weren’t friends at the time, they ended up bonding through hero work and the fallout that was the surprise discovery of Akira’s true background. (And where Akira continues to crush on Toshinori, Shikiyo is dating Aizawa.)
Shikiyo is constantly trying to get Akira and Toshinori together already, especially cause of the former’s crush....but the cat-gal won’t have it. It’ll work out.....someday, hopefully.............
(And stop talking to Deku about it!! Don’t put ideas into his head, JFC--)
Villain AU: ...But what if things didn’t work out, after all? Eventually pushed and prodded so much by her dad, to live up to the villain legacy...and Akira cracks.
Still goes to school for a few years, but is extremely reserved. Doesn’t make a lot of friends (if any at all), learns all about heroes as her father teaches her how to be a villain at his personal base... She’s young, it all stresses her out, and provides good enough seeds to grow what will become her motivation to be a villain and stay by it.
(That being her isolation, the feeling she deserves no good things, that nobody helped her is a sign she was meant for villainy...and being a villain is in her blood, anyways.)
Still develops a small crush on All Might that torments her. Largely because he stood for everything she used to believe in. (She hates it. She hates him for being everything she’d never be.)
A few years later- set quite a few months before the USJ Incident- Akira makes her first, official villain appearance. In this AU, she goes by “Bake-Neko” as a villain title (though due to her father, her name is still easily available).
Post-the USJ Incident and the Stein Incident- at the suggestion of her father- they both end up joining the growing ranks of the League, not far behind Himiko and Dabi.
Akira stills tends to try to outcast herself within the group, but ends up making thin attachments due to how much time she and her father spend around the group. Particularly...
Has a fondness for Tomura. Seems to be parental, if her quiet hovering and protectiveness of him says anything her words don’t. However, it’s difficult to tell.
Ditto to Kurogiri; seems to be fond of him- since she hovers around him- but her tendency for silence worries him. (However, has purred in contentment when they hang out together without the presence of others; she’s comfortable with him.)
A...friendly thing? With Dabi? He largely likes to tease her for being so mute around them and the fact she stares when he summons his flames. However, she also makes him uneasy due to how she stares at his scars. Akira doesn’t say much on how she feels of him, in return.
Also as an odd sort of parental-esque fondness for Himiko. Will listen to her talk all she wants and hums agreements to assure the other girl she’s listening. The only one out of everyone who can get her to speak more.
Giran is someone her dad knows better than she does. Akira isn’t thrilled with him, but listens when he talks. Honestly, Kuroyama and Giran get along more than Giran gets on with her.
Jin/Twice is someone that is...one of the select few Akira has shown an open preference for. The duality of his nature intrigues her and is the only one allowed to treat her like a pet without growling, angry-swishing tail, or any violence whatsoever. In fact- as long as it’s just them- Akira will happily act like a full-on, pet cat and play with him when he feels like it.
Tbh, there’s no “official ship” for the Villain AU, so if y’all ship me w/ someone..... HMU.
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