#tbh he became even more desirable in act II
lt-north · 2 years
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a very high effort gabriel paint experiment paired with a very low effort drawing of a very silly man, i lvoe him and ultrakill act II so much
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Born Werner Zytle but raised under the name “Cecil Adams” in Vancouver, Werner and his mother fled their home country of Vlatava after its violent destabilization by American agents, in particular Amanda Waller (acting on the part of Team 7)...and Robert Queen, a high profile citizen of nearby Star City. Werner’s mother struggled to make ends meets as a sex worker, most of their money going to doctors as the young Werner suffered from a variety of health problems, largely stemming from Vlatavan Nobility’s...tangled family tree. For Werner, these included Meniere’s Disease (affecting his hearing and eventually leading to total deafness) as well as Bipolar II, PTSD connected to the events that led to him and his mother fleeing Vlatava, and a severe form of vertigo that made him immensely ill. Ironically, the Hitchcock film of the same name was one of his mother’s favorites.
After his mother’s eventual disappearance, the then-teenage Werner dropped out of school and became a drug dealer, eventually being nicknamed “Count Vertigo” both for what his peers believed to be tall tales of his descent from European royalty, and his drug of choice being the experimental designer drug of the same name. Eventually making his way across the border to Seattle, Werner continued living as Cecil up until the appearance of the Green Arrow. Seeking to fulfill his revenge fantasy against the Queen Family and inspired by the Arrow’s vigilante activities, Werner turned to a man he did not fully understand: Vandal Savage. Vandal respected Werner’s desire to better himself and facilitated the implementation of several cybernetic components into Werner’s body. Emerging from this procedure, Werner couldn’t quite hear again, but he could approximate it, and had something else besides: the capacity to extend the vertigo that had plagued him all of his life not only extend it to others, but amplify it.
Still drugged from the multiple surgeries needed to install these cybernetics, Werner didn’t hesitate when Vandal presented him with a capture vagrant to experiment on. It was only as the haze of painkillers had faded that a horrified Werner looked at the destroyed face of his own mother, alive after all these years, in the custody of Vandal Savage. Lashing out at his benefactor, Werner fled, escaping back into the streets of Star City with yet another target for his vengeance in mind.
Werner’s life continued like this for some time. He found community with other Vlatavan refugees and eventually left the drug trade, but he felt betrayed yet again by Oliver Queen’s revelation as the true identity of the Green Arrow and subsequent bid for mayor. Lashing out against Queen, Savage, Connor Hawke and anyone else in his way, it wasn’t long before Werner was apprehended and sent across the country to Belle Reve and into the arms of Director Waller and her Suicide Squad.
The Squad, oddly, was where he finally found his place. A couple other members taught Werner to fence, he got back on his meds, his cybernetics were able to receive long overdue regular maintenance. He even reconnected with his niece, Perdita, born to his sister after they had gotten separate decades ago.
note: ...yeah, idk man, tried to be more detailed with this version. tbh I think I made him a little too much like Breathplay and I fucked up the timeline a bit but whatever
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So in your case, are you put off from Sor iku because of the ship wars? And would you have been more open KH multishipping had it not been for that? Or, is Sor iku simply a ship you wouldn't have thought of had the fans not brought it up?
At this point in my life, I feel like an alternate version of me right now could have been shipping S*oRiku some, if the fandom hadn’t ruined it for me.
Though that’s not entirely true. I just feel like this ship would never completely gel with me. And even in said alternate universe, I would still be shipping S*oKai more as my true OTP.
But my issues with S*oRiku are this:
1. While S*ora’s a good enough person to not let what R*iku did to him--in trying to kill him, and all--really bother him or hold it against him... I just personally headcanon that his subconscious mind might cause him to have nightmares about it. Like, his conscious mind is okay with it... but his subconscious mind isn’t. And as an aside, one of the reasons I ship S*oKai--and think it’s good--is because K*airi’s the only person in S*ora’s close circle of friends who has never betrayed him. Some of you may think I’m wrong on this one... and that S*ora’s forgiven R*iku so much, that even his subconscious doesn’t hold onto any of those old feelings. But IDK. Even while forgiving N*aminé, yes, S*ora still told her in that moment he wasn't happy with her messing with his memories. 
2. The goddamn power imbalance drives me bananas, and I don’t think it would be healthy. This was, of course, at its worst in K*HI. But it was improved upon after that... when they both realized they were jealous of each other and wanted to be like each other, and then took a healthy step forward in becoming moreso friends again than rivals (perhaps the friends they once were). So you may be asking, “Why don’t you ship them then, Shanna?” Because D*DD had to bring it back! With R*iku now being a Master over S*ora... and seeing as how N*omura always wants Sora to be a “normal boy”, I don’t see that changing. In K*HIII, R*iku--among everyone else but K*airi--kept teasing him about not being a Master... and while it was all in good fun, you can tell that it really hurt S*ora and shattered his confidence a lot. Maybe not so much the teasing, as the event itself... but still. Maybe not tease your dear friend over a sore spot of theirs every second of every day, guys?
3. I’ve just realized R*iku’s entire redemption arc--which is a huge reason as to why people ship S*oRiku--bothers me and makes little sense, imo. Like, the big takeaway from K*HI, is that R*iku was wrong to side with M*aleficent, kidnap Princesses, want to sacrifice P*inocchio to save K*airi and kill S*ora if he got in his way of saving K*airi... And yet the story’s way of R*iku making up for what he did to S*ora, is to essentially kill more people but for him this time: R*oxas and X*ion. And I know there’s a whole narrative about how our heroes were told N*obodies weren’t supposed to exist/really didn’t exist/were doomed to fade away or back into their original selves, anyway, and R*iku felt he had no choice. But it still bothers me. To me, it gives the unintentional narrative that it’s not okay to kill people for K*airi’s sake, but it is for S*ora’s. It also doesn’t help that, for the most part, R*iku doesn’t see what he did in the D*ays timeline as bad at all--or that he should apologize for it (and he’s yet to): at least not like D*iZ and N*aminé do.
And as a 3.5 of this list... I feel like R*iku became too obsessed with S*ora in his desire to help him/make amends with him, and it really isn’t (or at least wasn’t) healthy. Especially since he didn’t seem to take care of himself at all during that time. Though to be fair... some could maybe argue the same when it comes to S*ora’s obsession with K*airi, and how that’s now gotten him killed twice now... and they may not be wrong. So see? I’m trying to be objective and fair here.
4. And this is a big one for me... I kind of don’t care about S*ora or R*iku without K*airi, so this is probably a big reason as to why I could never really ship them... but explains why I can ship S*oRi*Kai some. All of D*ream D*rop Distance, I got no ship feels like many others would or did, or whatever. No. I just wanted to punch both of them in the face the whole time, for abandoning Kairi. I was so mad! I was like, “How dare you leave your other best friend behind, for no good reason (since you thought there was no danger and she can even somewhat fight now), when you know how much your doing so hurt her last time and you maybe even just made promises against that ever happening again?! Yet here you are! And how dare you take the raft without he?r! And R*iku, what the fuck are you saying, that it was T*erra who made you want to see other worlds when in K*HI you said it was Kairi?! You know what?! Dishonor on all of you! Dishonor on you, dishonor on Sora, dishonor on your cow!” Yeah.
5. This is kind of a minor one... but a lot of people ship S*oRiku in a “and S*ora saves R*iku from his darkness” kind of way. And I’m just- I’m getting sick of this trope in any piece of media anywhere. Because it’s not someone else’s job to save you from your demons. It’s your own. Seriously. Stop trying to put that on so many people/characters. It isn’t fair to them... especially when an act of love so strong as that can often times destroy the giver. Not that I really think it would S*ora--or that this entirely applies to S*oRiku--but I’m just kind of done with the trope as a whole. And a lot of people ship S*oRiku because it’s kind of a light and darkness pairing, and find S*oKai boring because it’s light and light... but tbh? In real life, if given the choice, most people would choose to be with a light person and not be weighed down with a dark one. Because again: it’s not their job to save someone, and expecting that from them really isn’t fair.
6. And I guess this is moreso why I don’t like them in fanon, as opposed to why I don’t like them in canon: I hate how most S*oRiku fanworks that I’ve seen of them, strip away any masculinity that S*ora has--but I’ve also seen their argument, that we S*oKais can make him too masculine. And I could maybe agree with that--and just want him to be a damsel in distress for R*iku to save. I think people who have made posts--about how certain S*oRiku fans need to check themselves... because they hate K*airi, for apparently “always needing to be saved by S*ora”... but then dream of S*ora always being saved by R*iku--aren’t wrong.
And as for if I would have seen any S*oRiku at all in the games without S*oRiku shippers telling me it was there... in the original trilogy (K*HI, C*oM, and K*HII), I don’t see it at all. I know most S*oRiku shippers started seeing it in II... but I don’t. At all). I don’t even really see it in D*ays and B*bS. If anything, I started seeing it in C*oded and D*DD (but at first, I didn’t really see it in C*oded, either; it just seemed long strong/sweet friendship stuff to me--and maybe still don’t as much there as I see it in D*DD--so D*DD’s really the only one I see it in). 0*2 doesn’t have it, in my opinion. And even though people try to argue that K*HIII has it... I think if any S*oRiku fan is being honest with themselves... they can tell that the bromance was toned down in that one, at least compared to recent games, probably because this was when N*omura was first getting news that people shipped S*oRiku... while he was making this game that he wanted to go full S*oKai in. Yeah.
So, to answer your question, at least in this reality... I can never really ship S*oRiku: for the fandom, for things I dislike about it, and the fact that S*oKai will always be my favorite (though I can ship S*oRi*Kai, just not as much as the former). But in an alternate universe where the fandom wasn’t awful... I would probably be shipping it a little; I may have been big enough/strong enough to set the tropes I dislike about it to the side and give them a chance, but I still wouldn’t ship it like I do S*oKai... and I’d get mad at any time K*airi was left out and I felt S*ora and R*iku were being bad friends to her.
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