#tbh a part of me is hoping that we get a second season of f&c or maybe another spinoff/miniseries?
passionfruitbowls · 1 year
disclaimer this is all just speculation etc etc but i’ve seen a few folks over on twitter suggest that simon finally realising his worth and being able to fully overcome the crown might mean that there’s no need for betty’s wish to keep him safe anymore, and that we saw golb reverting to his original form towards the end of ‘cheers’, therefore allowing betty to die. anyways i’m just sharing this here bc i don’t want to be the only one thinking about it
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anewbeginningagain · 5 years
I’d love to hear more thoughts about IDF from you. You always have good opinions and really seem to know a lot about ice dance
Here we go…
Ice Dance
Chock/Bates - I’m still not a fan of their RD (though they do a good job interpreting it) and still very much like their FD. This wasn’t the best outing for them imo, they felt sloppy at parts and their pattern was very weak and it was noticeable even without knowing they only got level 1 for it. They still lack speed a lot of the time but I do see improvement in them since they left Igor. I wasn’t as outraged as others were about them getting the silver over G/F for reasons you’ll read next.
Guignard/Fabbri - I have a huge soft spot for them (especially him) and I have tons of respect for their ability to repeatedly secure level 4s all over the board which is basically unheard of in this current field. I also liked both their RD and their FD. That being said they were more sloppy at some parts compared to C/B so they suffered in the GOEs and since currently GOE >> BV the scoring wasn’t really that outrageous in my eyes. Shout out for their stationary lift, I’m a huge lover of stationary lifts (TS made me a huge fan of it) and between theirs and the one from Disco Brits I’m very happy with how amazing the stationary lifts have been this season.
Smart/Diaz - I’ve already stated that their programs are among my favorites this season and they don’t disappoint me. Their Grease RD is the best Grease of the season imo and I’m a huge fan of their quirky FD. I’ve watched it 3 times and I still don’t get what the hell the judges were smoking when they decided they fell on their choreo sliding movement. Also, their material is ten times better than what H/K put out last weekend and I hope the scores will reflect that.
Zagorski/Guerreiro - awful material and mediocre at best execution of it. Again, if they will get to be Russian #3 this season I’ll riot.
Soucisse/Firus - If you would have asked me at the beginning of the season who will get the 3rd spot to worlds between them and L/L I would have put my money on L/L in a heartbeat. I am not that sure now giving the scoring and how both teams have been performing but it will for sure be interesting. I still don’t get this team tbh, they seem like sweethearts but they are also not advancing at all and are basically unable to perform most kind of dances. It will be interesting to watch them in their second GP but it’s a shame they won’t be going up against L/L sooner.
Lauriault/Le Gac - I still suspect there’s an injury there. They haven’t been able to do a competition without a major fall for a long time now and it’s always Marie-Jade that’s making the mistake. I still think their material is off this season and they are really at risk of losing their spot as France #2 if things will remain like this (that being said, P/C winning Worlds all the time means France gets 3 spots for worlds so maybe it’s less of a big deal for them).
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 1X20 Dead Man’s Blood
this sounds vaguely like a plot episode, so uh let’s see how this goes
god i can’t believe this is only the second episode I’ve been able to watch this weekend, I am a Failure
So this Mr. Elkins guy looks like he might be a Hunter? maybe?
ooo lady in leather jacket
I don’t care if she’s evil, she’s pretty
Please don’t tell me Mr. Elkins is their “dinner plans”
Ah silver bullets, ok VAMPIRE TIME BABIEEEEEE
Listen, Vampires sexy and I can’t bring myself to watch Vampire Diaries, this is what I got
Dean is trying to get Sam to go back to Sarah ha
ok see the fact that Dean just knew he saw the name Elkins in his dad’s journal: how many times has he read that journal?? 
Also the way he just Knew it was a Colorado area code, that’s a cool skill, I want that skill
also I was right, hunter, but yeah he had the journal with the symbols and such, it was kinda obvious
the ~spooky figure~ is watching them
is it john? it’s john isn’t it
I like this “detective work outside the law” vibe, 
with the etching of the scratches and the paper and the blood on the other side? ah yes the Good Shit
oh look it’s John I did not miss him
The “Sam argues with dad while Dean gets quiet” is....I don’t know how to say it, but older siblings tend to do it
it’s familiar is my point
*cinema sins voice* “If you’re reading this I’m dead cliche” DING
yOu wOn’T knOw it’S a VampiRE these motherfuckers wear all leather and their eyes glint when the light catches them, it’s not that hard?
okok lore: thought to be extinct, cross or stake do nothing, real bloodlust and the fangs are more spiky dentures that grow in
I like the fact that the myth gets garbled and no one’s entirely sure what’s going on, that feels very realistic
Dean: vampires...gets funnier every time I hear it 
Boi wait till u meet ur angel bf
oOO John’s comments about ruining the car hit, you can tell, sibling thinks it’s nothing, fucking CHRIST 
I hate John
"treats us like children” flhasofa
“you’re ok with entirely surrendering to dad” “if that’s what it takes” SFDHAPSI DEAN OH MY GOD UR DAD SUCKS
vampire wears a cross as a “fuck you” I think? That’s pretty badass
“wait for Luther the Vampire” great that’s certainly a Name for the vampire king or whatever
The captive girl spit in his face, good for her
I mean she’s probably gonna die but whatever at least she’s got some kind of something
This luther vampire guy looks like an eboy
Dean is playing peacekeeper that’s Unfortunate and it SUCKS
force feeds her blood with a...lesbian kiss...I feel like as far as humanizing lgbt people this did not do a good job at that
I mean again, super mega hell, it’s not like I’m that surprised
oh yay beheading time 
is John gonna stick around the rest of the season? Noooo
At least he dies
oooo Old Hunter Lore from the 1830s and the pentacle insignia, that’s pretty cool
they’re really just...gonna walk in there....
why the fuck do they sleep in hammocks that’s like the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard
And of course, the vampire leader sleeps in a bed, what lore are they even drawing from here
The drinking vampire blood IS something from actual lore, from what I can tell, but it’s like....kinda jumbled? so they’re picking and choosing
although that is how most lore things work
oh god Sam and John 1 on 1 I don’t like this 
Ok so John did plan for college? then what was his Damage
“stopped being your father, became your drill sergeant” YEP YEP THAT’S IT THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PARENT
this sounds like Hargreeves. Or my dad sometimes, depending on his mood
god i hope no one ever sees this
Dean’s really the only one that hasn’t had a love interest die in a horrible way yet has he
Cas get in here
“whatever happened to that college fund” “Spent it on ammo” 
F U C K 
Are...they...using Dean as bait? is that the plan
dead man’s blood? oh that’s a COOL AS SHIT ELEMENT I LIKE THAT
vampires...mate for life? WHAT??
I feel like Sam also wants the family to be together but has no way to handle it like Dean might
poor older sibling syndrome
THE FUCKING VOICE QUIVERS WHEN HE SAYS “all due respect, that’s a bunch of crap...you sent us on these trips yourself....you can’t be that worried about us”
F U C K 
Ah fuck I’m either tearing up or there’s something stuck in my throat
This fucking vampire with the sideburns what the hell
“boo” Smacks with baseball bat
Have I mentioned how much I love Dean? I don’t think I have yet, I love him
at least the lady is wearing something nice
does the Rage Switch and Bloodlust and Sexiness just fucking happen? what the fuck?
Luther the Vampire has a nice jacket, that’s a nice blue jacket with accents
oh John’s getting pummeled? should i care
ah wait this is gonna hurt the characters I actually care about, I guess I’ll halfheartedly root for him
did sam just say sir? and Dean not?? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT or SOMETHING??!!
ok listen, the “We’ll go together” Sam smile, Dean looking dead/dissociating as they say yes sir? hits DIFFERENT
Ok uh wrap up?
1. Vampire lore was HELLA interesting, with the eyes glowing, dead man’s blood, second set of fangs cool. The “mate for life” thing was WEIRD, and how garbled the myth got was kinda the point so I liked it right up until the end. The one strange thing is the woman acted INSTANTLY evil once she got turned, and then they framed like people trying to live their lives was a bad thing by reinforcing it both with the visuals and the story. So like 10/10 except for the last ten minutes(hell I’ll even take the hammocks, that was kinda funny), which were just...why
actually speaking of lore, the hunter network lore and stuff was also really fun, I liked that. Again, all good except for the ending bit as far as lore
2. John....fuck john....fuck him so much I hate him so much what the hell
3. In all honesty, we haven’t gotten a lot of Dean recently, and getting that again(with that killer performance holy SHIT) is just? Oh my god?? The way they both handle being with their dad in different ways? Dean playing peacekeeper and desperately trying not to rock the boat because the oldest tends to get more shit? the hardcore dissociation at the end????
Listen I’m an older sister, of course I’m gonna project at least a little bit, leave me alone he’s my favorite emotionally stunted character 
I guess we’re coming up on the end of the season, and tbh, the only good part about this is that it means john will die soon. That’s gonna be a Time. ok, till next time wheeeeee
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lilyemrys · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
Tagged by: @kasumi-chou, @miraculous-katsukii, @iceprinceofbelair, and @where-his-towel-is​ 
(woah I have to do a lot but I absolutely love getting tagged in stuff omg ily guys)
——— kas’ questions
First letter of your real name  F
Age/birthday 28th November! I’m turning 18 :))))
Favourite season THATS REALLY TOUGH. I’m gonna say autumn because its cold but not too cold y’know? And the fall colors are gorgeous. 
Favourite fruit Oranges! and mangos! And strawberries! Uhhhhhhhhhh I have too many ooops
Do you have short, medium or long hair? I had long until a week ago, but now they’re medium
Hanahaki or soulmate? *googles hanahaki for this* I’m gonna say soulmates, because I like everyone getting at least one person they could spend their life with. (Tbh soulmates irl would be kinda problematic because what if they died? What if you fell in love with someone else? who knows!)
Angst or Fluff? Depends on the mood, but most likely angst. I love love love angst with happy endings. (But then I’ve also read several MCDs when I’m that kinda mood). But I also absolutely loVE fluff because CUTE.
Soundboard (help the writer with ideas) or beta (help the writer with wording/grammar)? Personally I think I’m much better as a beta (because grammar ayeee), but I can be a soundboard too! Idea bouncing is always fun (although tbh I don’t know how good I am at it)
Do you still have an active ff.net? If yes, link I never had one haha!
Would you trade one of Phichit’s hamsters to bring Vicchan back to life? ......how dare you ask me that. ACTUALLY WAIT. Yes, yes I would. Because you said trade, aka I could trade the hamster to a friend or something and still get to see him everyday. (#lawyered)
Should Victor and Yuuri both wear white at their wedding? Should they? Nah, man, let them wear whatever they want to. (I mean......they’re gonna be naked by the end of it anyways, so does it really matter is the real question)
————- andi’s questions
Spring or autumn? *sweats* I love them both oh gosh. I love autumn weather, but spring clothes and spring also means summer break is coming soon. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Classical music or EDM? *googles EDM to answer this* I like them both! Although tbh I don’t listen to either as much
Morning person or night owl? NIGHT OWL FTW. My average bedtime is 3am
Pastel or punk? I’m a pastel princess
Painting or singing? *sweats some more* HOW ABOUT BOTH. I love singing while painting, how about that. 
Piano or violin? Piano! Although I really love love love the sound of a violin. But like, nothing can beat a piano for me.
Jeans or skirts? I want to say skirts because I always feel so flowery and pretty in them (but low-key I always get hella annoyed with them)
Extrovert or introvert? I thought I was an extrovert for a second. And then I laughed at myself for thinking of such a weird thing. I’m like an Introvert™
Fantasy book or non-fictional book? fantasy yes please. need me some action. some DRAMA (also dragons)
Discovery channel or disney channel? *uses fairy wand to draw disney logo*
Hair up or hair down person? hair down ftw. My hair looks extremely poofy and frizzy when its down and I just get really annoyed with it.
————- adrian aka light of my life’s questions
What’s your favourite planet? Oh man I have so many good answers to this. okay a) Uranus, because I’m a teenager and cannot help it b) Pluto, because VIVA LA PLUTO its such a smol planet that just wants some love (also side note: I was tying smol and my laptop corrected it to smoldering and I can’t stop laughing) c) Neptune, because I love Percy Jackson’s dad Poseidon and d) Earth, because it has all of you lovely folks
Do you speak any other languages? I do! I speak English and Hindi fluently. I can understand and can speak sometimes Punjabi, and I can speak/understand Spanish to a limit.
What’s your dream job? oh mAN. *side eyes all the future career quizzes I’ve taken* Honestly, at this point I have no clue. Something with design preferably. Or a film director! That’d be fun. Yeah idk, just something I would have fun doing :)
If you were choosing a new name for yourself, what would it be? .....that is a good question. I’m gonna say Lily because thats my internet nickname and its really cute
Do you like flowers? I love flowers. Give me all the flowers
Is there a nickname you’d like people to call you but have never asked? Not particularly. I just like when people give me nicknames in general because its like a special thing y’know
What colour would you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair yesterday actually! It’s a really pretty reddish brown. I think in a couple years I might go for some non-natural hair colors like blue or something. (I also love how pretty silver/grey hair looks but alas, I could never pull it off)
What’s the best birthday you ever had? I was going to be cliché and say my sweet 16, but I’m gonna go with my 10th birthday. I had absolutely no idea we were doing anything until I came out of my room and my best friend at the time just pounced on my back. Soon a couple others came and we had a blast. (This was the night before my birthday) And then the next day my mom took us all to go watch a movie. The best part though was when used the wrapping paper from the gifts to hide away umm some provocative movie posters.
Do you play any instruments? I play the piano! But I haven’t practiced in such a long time oops
Can you swim? I used to be convinced I was a mermaid when I was a little kid. I LOVE swimming.
What are you afraid of? Our inevitable doom and destruction and the realization that one day, none of what we do will ever matter because we will be dust. No, I’m kidding. I’m gonna have to say just being completely alone and nobody liking me. Also, lizards.
————- ellen’s questions
Where is wally/waldo if you’re one of those weirdos from Across The Pond *sweats*
favourite tv show theme tune? DOO WEEE DOOOOOOOOOO. Actually I’m pretty sure that isn’t my favorite, but its fun to say.
If you could live in an AU what AU would you write for yourself? One where I am successful and happy and someone loves me as much as Victor and Yuuri love each other. (probably not the answer you were expecting oops)
Which powerpuff girl are you? Blossom!
Which ship in YOI do you think needs some more lovin by the fandom? Sara/Mila haha. (ngl I don’t really have that many ships in YOI other than Victuuri)
How long would you last in a horror movie? .0000002 seconds. Self preservation? What self preservation. I would totally just trip into the murderer’s knife or whatever
leopard print or tiger stripes? and which half of victuuri would you put in which clothes? Hmmm I’m gonna say tiger stripes. I feel like they could both rock either, but in the end it wouldn’t even matter because somehow those clothes would end up in Yurio’s closet.
how much would you pay kubo-sensei for the down low on the YOI movie? one corn chip (sorry oops I was just thinking about memes) Probably nothing because I don’t like spoilers. (but then again, I do like knowing more than other people so who knows)
favourite type of sky? (e.g. sunset, cloudy sky, overcast etc) A clear night sky when you can see all of the constellations glittering down on you
why did the chicken cross the road? It wanted to get hit by a car after those ap exams. (actually did you know “To get to the other side” was supposed to be a joke about after life because I never got that until recently)
if you could send a message to all creators with your newly acquired psychic powers, what would that message be? “GIVE ME STUFF. ALSO YOU ARE AWESOME AND MAKE GR8 STUFF (but you need to totally give me all the stuff)” because I’m a selfish butt
OKAY, now for my questions. Let’s see.
What is your favorite part of the day? (This can be a time, like the morning, or an action, like seeing your pet)
What is something you’ve always wanted someone to do for you, but never told them?
If you could do something for the rest of your life without fear of going broke/getting hurt, what would it be?
Can you describe the color blue without using the word? (I’m so ready to hear these responses aye)
Best compliment you ever received? 
What is your favorite au trope?
What is your favorite memory?
What is something you’ve always secretly wanted people to compliment you on?
Hogwarts house?
What is your favorite song at the moment? (Or your #1 played song on your phone if you don’t have one)
Do you cry during movies/tv shows/while reading books/fanfics?
FFFFFF I don’t even know if I know 11 people and most of them either a) already tagged me, or b) have already done this. But anyways
Tag: @sea-goddess-amphitrite, @cary-onmywaywardson, @islandsofjohnmontagu, @iceprinceofbelair, @kasumi-chou, @nikifirov, @where-his-towel-is, @rayrayswimusic, @miraculous-katsukii, @flowercrownyuri, @accioharo, and @overcome-chihoko (I’m tagging 12 people because fight me)
(I’M SORRY FOR TAGGING YOU BACK IF I DID and I hope its okay that I tagged all of you guys. I just really want to know what you guys would say :) also if you don’t want to answer these its totally fine. <3 you)
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