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el-niphrendil · 2 years ago
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Nothing can bring down Omega’s mood. She is just happy they got Crosshair back...
What do you mean that’s not how it happened? You are clearly delusional. This is exactly what happened.
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drafthorsemath · 10 months ago
Waking Up and Coming Home
A/N: I wanted to explore what might happen if CX-2 really was Tech, what it's like when he wakes up after being impaled, how he survives, and what it might be like for him to get home and find his own happiness. Includes TechPhee and a reason Omega keeps Tech's goggles.
Warnings: Tech wakes up and realizes he has cybernetic implants, drug withdraw, nausea, being impaled, PTSD, cybernetic surgery, Tech finds Crosshair's hand
Word Count: 5.568k
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Tech took a sharp breath. He was vertically pinned to something. He tried breathing through the mask, but something was different. The usual smell and taste that accompanied the mask was gone although it was still on. The fog that plagued him was lifting. He instinctively reached down and found an electrospear just below his sternum, only he felt no pain. He blinked several times and removed the helmet. He had no memory of being given this armor. There was no blood and the electrospear was out of power. He felt a series of wires and tubes around the spear and absent-mindedly kept looking around for someone. All he saw were other bodies of those in armor similar to his own and some regs in what he could only assume was prison garb. One of the tubes in his abdomen appeared to be leaking. Was that oil? It didn’t smell or look like blood. He didn’t have time to think about it. Instead, he grabbed the spear and pulled as hard as he could. It was no good. He decided to observe and allow himself to wake up further from his trance. Was he really going to die hanging in the middle of… this was Tantiss wasn’t it? He remembered fighting someone. He remembered flying a ship. He remembered trying to fight his own mind, but he was so far away from his actions. His mind was still not completely his own, but he noticed the gas around the CX chambers had dissipated. Those prisons. That disgusting concoction. Tears came to his eyes as he shook. His breath caught in his throat when he remembered the smirk on Hemlock’s face as he described how Crosshair suffered. Hemlock had perfected his methods since that failure and Tech worried his brother had perished. It didn’t help that he was still stuck in place. Trapped. Just as he had been when he woke up in the containment chamber with a series of cybernetic implants. Arrogant as always, Hemlock enjoyed explaining how this chamber would shape his mind and how it was an advanced form of the same technology that was used to enhance Crosshair’s chip on that fateful day on Kamino.
Tech took another breath and tried moving. He felt a piece of metal on the floor just high enough he could pull it closer with his foot. He tried using that for a little leverage since his own weight made it harder to remove the metal rod stuck in his torso. As he wiggled around, pulled on the spear, and took some deep breaths, the object dislodged from its location behind him and he was able to carefully remove himself and it. He took more deep breaths and looked around. He checked on the other clones whose bodies lay around the room. CX or prisoner, it didn’t matter. They’d all been prisoners. Each time he felt for a pulse and found none he lost a little more hope. He was the only one alive. How long had he been alone in this room? Judging by the condition of the bodies, it hadn’t been too long. Rigor mortis hadn’t set in yet, so less than eight hours.
He sat down briefly and reminded himself to continue to breathe. He kept trying to tell himself that the air was safe now. He had resisted inhaling Hemlock’s toxins, but when constrained, there was no choice. Now, Tech’s mind hadn’t been this clear since Plan 99. Not only did each CX chamber include a gaseous drug the clones continually inhaled, but Hemlock ensured they received a steady dose of the same electric torture that started the process. Tech tugged at the hole the spear created in his armor and looked at his cybernetic abdomen. Tubes that allowed for blood flow were thankfully working. There was a contraption that served as a diaphragm. He hypothesized that it seized up when the electrospear hit him, but started working again not long after, spurred on by his living body’s own neurons. Other tubes seemed to be used for digestion, but those were empty and at least one appeared torn. He reached for the comm badge on his arm near his shoulder, but it was gone. Why did he think there was a comm badge there? Tech didn’t have that. The CX did. He started putting more pieces together. Hemlock had taken it. Tears came to his eyes again when he realized that he helped bring Omega in. It must have been him. He remembered glimpses, but that was all.
He wandered around the room and picked up a blaster in case he wasn’t alone in the facility. Although it was so quiet he could only hear some hounds howling outside, he didn’t want to take chances. As he made his way through the room and wider facility, he found a hand on the floor. Oh no. He knew that hand and its armor. Crosshair. He dared not touch it. At this point even if Crosshair was there, reattaching the hand wouldn’t work after this amount of time. Had he done that? He searched for the bodies of any of his siblings, but they were nowhere to be found and he felt a little relief even though he wasn’t sure where they were.
Tears came to his eyes as he suddenly thought about the CX chambers. What it meant to be a CX. How they weren’t sent out for long, or the conditioning would surely wear off. Their masks had a small supply of the chemical, but it wouldn’t last forever. It drove each man forward when they were released. It kept him obedient.
He wandered the halls some more before returning to the spot where he woke up earlier and examined the inner workings of his discarded helmet now that his mind was a bit clearer. There was some trapped gas in a small chamber, but it appeared the wiring meant to steadily release the toxin had short-circuited. Tech gasped at the revelation and gingerly held the helmet. In a fit of anger, he threw it as far as he could. The sound of it hitting a distant wall echoed through the facility.
Tech swallowed, closed his eyes, and breathed in the stale but clean air. He pictured the sunset on Pabu with Phee. Where was Phee? Where was he now? He was certain this was Tantiss, but exactly where was Tantiss? And how long would his cybernetics last without some help? He headed down another hallway and searched for some tools but wasn’t quite able to see straight or think straight. Echo could help. Could Echo find him?  Did his family know where Tantiss was yet? Wait. Yes because Crosshair’s hand was wearing his old armor, although Tech noted it was stripped. Or was his mind playing tricks on him? Tears came to his eyes and he reminded himself that he hadn’t found the rest of his brother yet. Or the rest of their squad. He hoped they were long gone. Had they been successful in his absence? He wandered the facility and eventually found a communications array. At this point he was sure the Empire had abandoned this place, but he couldn’t quite punch in the code to get a signal out. What if it was tracked? He cursed his slow mind and lack of clear decision-making ability. He didn’t want to take risks with this.
He found solace in walking. He had a better idea of the layout of the facility and as he kept breathing and moving, his mind cleared further. He wasn’t sure what else to do. He found what must have been living quarters for some TK troopers and pocketed a few small items that were left behind including a piece of jewelry he hoped would be worth something. Anything to buy him passage to a safe location.  That was the plan now. Surely someone else lived on this planet or would visit. His search yielded some clean prison clothes and he decided those would do. He carefully took off his belt and stepped out of the wretched armor. He would rather walk out of this facility naked than wear it any longer. Putting on the new clothes was a bit of a task, but he was in minimal pain compared to how he looked. The belt with pockets was the only part of the armor he put back on. Those would come in handy even if there were fewer pouches than he preferred. Now was not the time to be picky.
Tech wandered down yet another hallway, picked up an abandoned datapad, and scrolled through the downloaded files. They were scientific records of some sort. His mind still foggy, he couldn’t quiet comprehend everything it said, but stuffed it between his body and his belt for later analysis. He noticed there was a broken ship in the hangar, and while his investigation proved it could fly, he didn’t trust that it wouldn’t be tracked. He somehow knew that he had caused more pain than he could remember and didn’t want to risk anything else by leading the enemy to Pabu. He was startled from his thoughts by the sound of another ship landing in the next hangar bay. It wasn’t the Empire. Pirates? It surely seemed so. If they were pirates, then they might give him a ride to a safer location if he had something to trade. The jewelry he pocketed might be enough, but he had a hunch pirates might be more interested in something a little sharper. He wasted no time heading back to the CX chambers. He picked up the unique sniper rifle and all the CX weapons. He sighed as he looked at the other clones. His other brothers. He didn’t even know them, but it didn’t change his feeling toward them. They had all been through some form of hell together yet isolated.
Tech headed back toward the hangar and startled what turned out to be a lone pirate. He found the man lazily looking through crates in the hangar before he spotted Tech.
“I was told this place was abandoned,” the weequay said as he pointed a blaster in Tech’s direction.
“It is,” Tech answered. “I was left for dead.”
“You are not bleeding?” he asked.
“I suppose not,” Tech answered, “although I am unsure of the details. It appears I was drugged and have some sort of cybernetic enhancements.”
The pirate huffed.
“And what do you plan on doing with those interesting looking weapons?” he asked with a grin.
“An exchange,” Tech responded flatly. “I need a ride away from here and you’re my safest bet.”
He tried to think more clearly and took some more breaths while the pirate considered his offer.
“Out of curiosity, how did you find this place?” Tech asked.
The man grinned again and responded, “Lower-level imperials quickly figured out that they will be paid well for information. Abandoned facilities are gold mines. I can sell those blades for a good price. I assume those are one of a kind.”
“To my knowledge, yes,” Tech replied.
The pirate nodded and examined the weapons without moving closer, although he was sure this man had no intention of hurting him.
“I’m afraid time is of the essence,” Tech said, feeling fresh pain in his torso where mechanics now lived.
“If I leave now, I may miss out on something more profitable before the scavengers show up.”
“I’ll give you every weapon here but the blaster on my belt,” Tech said. He was already planning on doing this but framing it as a bonus had an impact on the pirate.
“Very well. How far do you need to go?”
Tech didn’t want to give away his ultimate destination of Pabu, but knew if he could get to Ord Mantell, he could potentially contact one of his brothers or Phee. Cid had left them high and dry last he remembered, so he would be sure to avoid her. The pirate agreed and had Tech shuffle onto the ship with a blaster to his back. This guy was not going to risk Tech turning on him and taking his ship. The pirate put his prize away and Tech sat down. The trip was quick enough, and Tech was sure the weequay would turn around for Tantiss again as soon as he was off the ship.
“You’ve reached your destination,” the pirate said as soon as he landed. “Now, off my ship.”
Tech got up to leave but reached into one of the pouches that remained on his person. He pulled out the necklace he found earlier and stated, “I’ll give you this for a working comm device.”
The man bit his lip and huffed. He should have driven a harder bargain sooner, but he was so enraptured with the vibroblades he got distracted.
“Fine,” he said, snatching the jewelry and hanging Tech a small comm.
Tech nodded and shuffled off the ship. He was met with the smell of mantell mix but stopped himself. He had no money, and he wasn’t sure he could even digest food normally at this point. Instead, he found a quiet location on the outskirts of town and comm’d Echo. It seemed the safest bet and Echo has the most experience with cybernetics should he have an emergency before reaching Pabu.
“Havoc 4? Echo, I need your help.”
Echo picked up immediately upon recognizing the voice.
“Where are you? What happened?”
“Ord Mantell. I will send you coordinates to my location via this comm, but I cannot promise it will be perfectly accurate.”
“Do you need medical attention?” came another voice. It was Gregor.
“I may, but it appears I now have cybernetic implants. I was on Tantiss and woke up in a daze. At least I’m fairly certain that’s where I was.” Echo and Gregor heard him sigh in a way they’d never heard before. “I am certain I’ve done things I regret, although my memory is not great, and I don’t know the extent of my injuries, although I appear stable.”
Echo understood.
“We’re on our way,” replied Echo. “Leaving Pantora. The others are on Pabu. Just keep away from Cid.”
“I have no intention of finding her,” Tech said.
“Good,” Gregor said. “She only got worse.”
Tech didn’t inquire about that right now. He was sure he’d get the full story soon enough. He waited some time and at one point was worried something happened. He tried not to think about it too much. His mind was still blurry and he felt like he was going to be sick. What he didn’t know was that Echo had quickly left Pantora to head back to Pabu and pick up Crosshair. Wrecker, Hunter, and Omega wanted to come too, but Crosshair suggested he go alone with Echo and Gregor. Based on Tech’s message relayed from Echo, he knew at least part of what his brother had been through, and it seemed a good idea to take a little extra time getting to Tech and have Crosshair’s help.
Gregor landed the ship and prepared the one bunk with all the blankets they had. Crosshair insisted they would need it. Echo comm’d Tech again. They were only about one klick from the ship. Despite the intense stress of the last few days, Crosshair and Echo summoned their strength to run. They found Tech sitting with his back to a wall, seemingly dozing but very much alive, and both crouched down in front of him.
“Tech?” Crosshair asked.
Tech opened his eyes and saw his brother for the first time since Kamino. His eyes tracked down to where Crosshair’s hand had been and he froze.
“I did that, didn’t I?” Tech asked. The blood drained out of his face and he started retching.
“It’s not your fault,” Crosshair said as he reached for his brother. He and Echo helped Tech up and the three headed to the ship.
Crosshair sat with him on the bunk. Gregor took off for Pabu while Tech peeled back his clothing to allow Echo to help assess the cybernetic device.
“It looks like two of these tubes were pulled apart,” Echo said. “I can try reattaching them and it looks like then you should be able to eat small amounts until we can replace them.”
“Very well,” Tech replied.
Crosshair helped him lay back and assisted Echo with the procedure. Despite only having two working hands between them, it was more than adequate. The tubes were torn from the impact of the electrospear, but the torn ends were cut and the tubes new flat ends reattached. Tech could feel a tug from the shortened pieces, but it was nothing compared to how bad it could have been. Most of the wiring had simply been pushed aside by the spear.
“Not sure how we can close all this up,” Echo said, referring to the abdominal panel covering the cybernetic.
“That is a problem for another time, I think,” Tech replied. “It’s not affecting life support.”
Crosshair nodded in agreement and Echo returned to the co-pilot’s seat at the front of the ship.
“Here,” Crosshair said, lifting a thermos of warm liquid.
Tech nodded when he smelled the broth. He hadn’t been this hungry in a long time and tried to gulp down any calories he could.
“Take it easy,” Crosshair said. “Don’t make yourself sick. I know what’s coming.”
Tech looked at him and nodded. He slowed his pace and took a deep breath as the vegetable broth settled his belly.
“I believe I am experiencing drug withdraws, Crosshair.”
“It will get worse, yes?”
Crosshair nodded.
“How long?”
“It was weeks for me. Worse for others. The fastest recovery I saw was ten rotations.” His eyes darted before he added, “Hemlock said he improved the conditioning process. It might be longer for you.”
Tech nodded. He finished the broth and laid back down. Crosshair laid down with him. Tech hadn’t realized just how cold and shaky he was until Crosshair held him. His brother pulled a thick blanket over both of them and did his best to help Tech feel comfortable.
By the time they were on Pabu, Tech felt like his body was full of daggers and fever. He kept calling out for help even though his brothers were helping to the best of their ability. Phee, Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega had prepared the bed that was his prior to Eriadu. Crosshair stayed there after Tech’s fall, but now Wrecker had rearranged the bed situation so there was room for Tech and someone to be at his side the whole time. More than a few tears were shed as Crosshair helped Tech stumble off the ship and into the home. Gregor checked in with Rex and took the ship to rendezvous with the boys, leaving Echo behind for now.
They tried to get Tech in bed so he could rest, but he fought against any blankets put on him, seemingly frightened he was back in Hemlock’s lab and being restrained. While it was upsetting to watch, Crosshair calmly reminded him that he was safe and gently helped his brother take in what was familiar. The sheets felt like Pabu. The air smelled clean. He could hear the ocean. The voices and faces of those around him were real. Tech started to calm just enough to lay in bed. He shook violently and his mind seemed to be in two places.
“Sedative,” Tech managed to get out, looking into his brother’s eyes. Crosshair nodded.
“Are you sure,” Hunter asked.
“It’s what I would want too,” Crosshair replied.
Hunter nodded and got the med kit. Phee had already made sure to stockpile what medication she could find on the island and was already making a list of other things they might need for a supply run. She watched in uncertainty as Hunter gave Tech the injection and it immediately took effect.
“Phee,” Tech managed as his body gave in to the medication.
“Hey Brown Eyes,” she answered softly.
He reached his hand out and she took it as she kneeled next to his bed.
“Everything’s gonna be okay, Tech.” That was all she could say before a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he fell asleep.
While he was out, Echo and Hunter had a look at his cybernetics as best they could while the others looked on. The person most qualified to work on these was Tech himself, but he wasn’t in any shape to do so. There was a lot of back and forth about what should be done. His heart was beating. He was breathing. He could eat and digest. There was just some tubing that needed replacing and a giant hole through the front and back of his torso. They decided to wait on any internal fixes for now but weren’t sure how to address the hole through the front and back metal panels in his middle.
“We should cover it up,” Wrecker suggested.
“With what?” Echo asked.
“I dunno,” came the response.
“Can we bend the pieces so they lay flatter against him?” Omega asked.
“I could try that,” Wrecker said. “But I don’t want to break something and hurt him either.”
“Why don’t we cut off the parts that are sticking out, and screw on a panel to each side to at least keep him covered up and protected?” Phee asked.
“Probably our best option,” Hunter replied.
Wrecker picked up his brother and carried him to his workbench. It was the safest spot for removing pieces of metal. Tech was completely out. Echo removed the sharp edges and Phee and Crosshair found some scrap metal in the right size. Echo managed to connect the front piece before Wrecker rolled Tech over and made sure he was as comfortable as could be. Once they were sure every component inside his abdomen was secure, Echo attached the back panel. The largest clone then lifted his brother and carried him back to bed.
The rest of the night was a cycle of Tech sleeping, waking with a start, shaking, and fighting invisible monsters. Crosshair spent the first night sleeping next to him. Whenever Tech would shake or lash out, he would hold him until they both fell asleep again. Crosshair’s heart was heavy. He knew none of this was Tech’s fault. If anything, he felt pangs of guilt for staying in the Empire so long. He took a deep breath as he held his shaking brother. It took work, but he was starting to accept that it wasn’t all his fault, thanks in no small part to his sister constantly reminding him. The Empire kept him prisoner. Hemlock experimented on him and tortured him. He tried escaping multiple times before he and Omega were successful. A yawn hit him and he relaxed further. Tech’s soft snores made him smile. He would do whatever it took to make sure this family was okay.
In the morning, the sedative had worked its way through Tech’s system and he’d slept through the remaining exhaustion. He woke up next to Crosshair and felt the warm sun greet him. His eyes tried to adjust, but he realized that some of his dizziness was the result of the fall damaging his eyes. His pupils kept trying to adjust to take in as much information as possible and he couldn’t find his goggles.
“What is it?” Crosshair asked.
“My goggles,” he said.
“They’re in the Archium,” Phee answered as she appeared in the doorway with some breakfast.
Tech looked up at her and tried to smile. Phee sat next to the bed while the two men ate. Tech continued to have bouts of shakiness, but greedily ate the meal in front of him.
“Take it easy Brown Eyes.”
Tech felt heat creep on his face at hearing the nickname with a clearer mind.
“I don’t remember when I ate last, aside from the broth yesterday.”
“How do you feel?” she asked.
Tech looked down at the mended hole over his torso and moved his limbs a little.
“My eyes are struggling to focus and the shakiness is returning.” Tech swallowed some hot tea and looked at his hands. “I keep having flashbacks.”
“It will get better,” Crosshair reassured him. Tech felt comfort knowing his brother had overcome this conditioning and while Hemlock’s methods on Tech were worse, he was confident he could work through this.
“If I got you some tools and supplies, do you want to try making some new goggles?” Phee asked.
Tech nodded. “I should scan my eyes first to determine the type of lenses, but then yes.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” she replied.
Omega and Wrecker overheard the conversation and ran to retrieve the beloved item from the Archium. Tech was shaking and sweating again with Crosshair still by his side and Hunter joining them. Omega silently held out the goggles to Tech. They talked about how they obtained them and how precious they’d become. Tech held them in his hands and stared back at them like looking at a former version of himself.
“Better to start from scratch,” he said, holding the googles out to Omega. “Feel free to throw them out.”
“I’d rather keep them” Omega replied.
“Why?” Tech asked.
“You were wearing them when you taught me to fly,” she answered. “They’re special to me. To us.”
“Very well,” Tech replied with a smile. He tried taking some steadying breaths, but continued to shake. To take his mind off things, he looked at the spot where Crosshair’s hand once was.
“I could make you a cybernetic hand if you are interested.”
“I know you can,” Crosshair replied. “For now, let’s focus on you.”
Tech nodded. He was in no shape to build something as his body continued experiencing withdraws, but he could think about what he wanted to make. He could visualize his new goggles and Crosshair’s new hand. He could picture a life here. He could picture himself being a bit more forward with Phee. He could picture flying with Omega again. Sitting on the beach with Hunter while Wrecker fished. Sitting with Crosshair and talking about something he was researching while Crosshair sat and listened. Now that he thought about it, his often-silent brother hadn’t been this affectionate since they were cadets. War changed them. The Empire changed them. Change was part of life. This was a good change, though.
As the days went on, his withdraw symptoms became easier to handle. He had ups and downs but they were, as he put it, damped oscillations. Batcher also made herself known and curled up with him at least once a day. She had a calming presence just like his siblings. Even when his insides felt like they were vibrating and overheating, every calming presence helped.
Hunter sat with him and when he was ready, got him up to speed on things. He was the one who drew the short straw and had to tell Tech that the Marauder not only blew up, but who blew it up.
“Is Gonky alright?” was the next question out of Tech’s mouth.
“He is,” Hunter assured. “Wrecker got him away just in time.”
Somehow, despite it all, the family made it out of the Empire’s clutches.
Several weeks into his recovery, Tech finished his new goggles and started working on Crosshair’s hand. He was not as efficient as he normally was, but he was still recovering. With each little project he started to feel more like himself.
When he finally felt well enough, he asked Phee and Omega for help to better fix his cybernetic.
“I will do everything in the front, but I need you two to help with the back,” he said.
“What about the others?” Omega asked. “They could help too.”
“Our brothers are busy today helping some new residents move in,” Tech replied. “I am ready, and you are both more than qualified to help, if you would like.”
Phee and Omega shared a look. It was clear that Tech was done waiting now that his withdraw symptoms were finally gone and he had an idea of how he wanted to approach this. They discussed the plan and so ten weeks to the day after he came home, Tech took his shirt off, and sat backwards in a chair next to his workbench so the surgery could begin.
“You sure this won’t hurt?” Omega asked.
“I will inform you if it does, but none of the cybernetics have hurt yet,” he replied. “The only pain occurred in my living tissue.”
Phee looked at Omega and took a breath.
“Alright,” Phee said. “Here we go.”
She removed the plate Echo had hastily applied to Tech’s back all those weeks ago. Most of the work involved better flattening the pierced edges where the spear had torn through. Echo and Hunter had done a good job getting the bulk of the metal frame removed around the hole, but it was still uneven. Phee took her time and Omega wasn’t sure she’d ever seen her work with that level of gentleness and care. Phee was always thorough and precise, but there was something different about this. Omega handed her tools as needed and then took a picture for Tech to see what it looked like before they closed up his back cybernetic plate.
“Well done,” was all he could say about it.
Phee sealed the back plate closed and they helped Tech sit up. It felt much more solid, even without addressing the larger hole in his front. Tech itched to get to work on himself. He sat up and decided that it would be easier to work if he was laying along the workbench at an incline. Phee got him a series of supportive pillows and cushions so he could lay back without being flat. This allowed the cybernetic tubing to relax and give him a bit more room to work. Omega positioned a mirror in front of him so he could watch himself work without straining his neck. Tech didn’t waste any time. He removed the temporary plate, inspected the internal wiring, and secured one piece that was not as well attached as he would like. Phee handed him tools so he could focus on his work. He removed the tube that acted as the bottom of his esophagus and removed it carefully. He secured a slightly longer and wider tube in its place. Once he was pleased with the position, he sat up and moved around to be sure it wasn’t tight like the original had been. Satisfied, he laid back down and widened the hole in his abdomen plate.
“Tech?” Omega asked. “What are you doing?”
“Creating a rectangular opening,” he replied.
Phee smiled. She had a feeling he was going to try something like this. Tech shared a warm look with her before picking up the pieces of plating that had protected him since his return and trying to rearrange them.
“Wait a minute,” Phee said.
Tech and Omega watched her hurry onto her ship, and she quickly returned with a square piece of metal painted in a familiar shade of blue with a bit of orange along the edge.
“I had to replace this piece on my ship. Looks like it might be the right size.”
Tech gladly examined the piece and silently noted the paint job before sharing another smile with her. With a small adjustment, it perfectly fit the rectangular hole in his stomach. Phee retrieved some hinges and watched him determine how to fit it all together. It wasn’t enough for Tech to fix his own cybernetic. He had to enhance it by giving it a door.
“Secure, but easier access in case of an emergency,” he explained.
Omega put his tools back where he liked them while Phee helped him sit up. He twisted his upper body around and looked pleased.
“Comfortable?” Phee asked.
Tech nodded. “I am still getting used to it, but this is an improvement.”
Omega watched a little awkwardly, but decided it was time to make her exit given how Phee looked at her brother while helping him put his shirt back on.
“I’ll see you around!” Omega said before skipping back home.
“Walk with me?” Phee asked.
Tech nodded and they headed down the path meandering through town and down to the water. Tech felt a little unsure, but paused and held out his hand toward her just a little. Phee took it in her own and leaned into him before they continued their jaunt.
“I keep thinking I’ll wake up and you’ll still be gone,” she admitted.
“That is merely your brain trying to process the situation,” he explained. After pausing a moment and considering what he knew of her he added, “I will do my best to remind you that I’m back until you are certain.”
Phee squeezed his hand a little and nodded.
“You want to get some dinner?” she asked.
“I suspect my family is already partially through their meal,” he replied, noting the time.
“I mean just with me, Tech. Would you like to have dinner with me?”
His eyes widened before a smile pulled on the corners of his mouth.
“That sounds wonderful, Phee.”
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paperback-rascal · 10 months ago
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See more of my fix-it posts here -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
My personal headcanon is that Tech got Echoed AKA Empire used his knowledge/experience/memories to train CXs troopers - that's why clone assassins got so good at fighting the batch - they're flash trained based on Clone Force 99 tactics. Following that headcanon of mine... CX2 was, to a degree, Tech... just as he was Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter and Echo or more precisely... what Tech knew about his brothers and their capabilities/fighting style.
But I also believe showrunners are aiming to have Tech rescued in a different show (or a tie-in comics or a book) to have another property tied tightly to Filoniverse... also to strengthen my theory - J. Corbett admitted that she loves Marvel's Winter Soldier movie - make of that what you will.
The ending of TBB s3, in my opinion, teases an idea of a show circling around rebellion in which Omega will be at least secondary/supporting character so I think they'll make her rescue her fallen brother in her own show as a minor plot point or at least a TBB cameo.
I don't care either way as long as CF99 will be properly reunited.
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sanshinexx · 1 year ago
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Don't worry guys he's fine, it just took him a while to find his way back because he can't fucking see anything :]
[More incorrect quotes and other tbb art here]
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zaana · 1 year ago
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Nobody asked for it, but here is ModernAU Cowboy Hunter <3
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darthkote · 3 months ago
Omega [playing around with Crosshair's helmet]: Can I-? Crosshair: don't even think about it. Omega [shoves his helmet over her head and runs away]: you have no authority over me!!
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gamelpar · 11 months ago
next episode is gonna be like
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leenathegreengirl · 7 months ago
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Happy Wrecker Wednesday!! 💚💕
Wrecker and his lady-love, Chori. She’s the daughter of a scrap-yard owning family that the Batch has frequented for spare parts on the Outer Rim.
She is bubbly, adorable, and completely fascinated with explosives! Chori & Wrecker hit it off immediately, and it wasn’t long before she ran away to be with him for good 🥰
Chori is all dressed up for an evening out with me and the girls, and our boy is giving her one more hug before she heads out, wishing her a fun time! 💚💕
(And yes, Wrecker is still rocking the crop-tops, and no he’s not sorry 😃)
(Also not sorry, we gave them the ship name “Checker” and they both LOVE it! 😀)
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato
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here-comes-the-moose · 6 months ago
Echo: I can’t believe you’re getting so worked up about some guy.
Crosshair: This one’s different! He’s honest and he’s sweet.
Echo: Please…
Crosshair: He’d never do anything to hurt me.
Echo: HE’S A GUY!
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twinsunstars · 5 months ago
another meme template TBB-ified by me and @magicandmundane, we're gonna make this into a series of posts where we make TBB versions of memes out there together, linked below!
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part of the Series of TBB Memes!
A Series of TBB Memes
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glassgob · 10 months ago
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bone, to the blade, my letter, white feather, no halves
[Image ID: Digital Half-body illustration of Hunter from Star Wars: The Bad Batch. He is in a lax pose, facing to the left. End ID.]
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paperback-rascal · 10 months ago
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See more of my fix-it posts here -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
So my theory about why only Hunter said goodby to Omega was that the creators didn't want us to know that, in-between the (final) time skip, the batch found and rescued Tech... I mean... they definitely plan to produce a special TV episode or write/draw a (comics) book tie-in, right?
Pretty please, Disney overlords?
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dragon-subway · 3 months ago
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Quick redraw from maybe a couple of weeks ago? Will probably redo at some point
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archivewriter1ont · 4 months ago
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I just have this HC that the Batch as a whole have terrible self-care until they get Echo, and he slowly forces them to fix it.
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zaana · 2 years ago
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i've made a twi'lek OC! her name is Shiri and i'm having too much fun with her
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bberry005 · 10 months ago
once the bad batch ends i need everyone who works over at lucasfilm to realize the potential of adult omega just appearing in everything. she knows literally everyone. hera syndulla? oh she helped free hera's parents from imperial prison back when she was 12. captain rex? the guy might as well be another one of her overbearing older brothers. asajj ventress? yeah she almost trained omega in the force. fennec strand? tried to kidnap her once but she'll hang out with a few bounty hunters. why not, espeically once omega learns about boba fett. omega can be connected to almost anyone in star wars in 5 degrees of seperation or less and i need this to be shown almost excessively in the future.
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