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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years ago
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worldwide trending hashtags from the last year
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the-moment-iknew13 · 4 years ago
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Betty vs Folklore
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sherrysiclemusic · 5 years ago
so you mean taylor was not lying?? and kanye, a known misogynist who let’s not forget literally made a wax figure of taylor’s naked body, WAS??
wow i truly am so shocked
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curiositybegetsempathy · 5 years ago
Wow—the amount of manipulation leading up to her “approval.” When someone says “yes” to sex after a lot of pressure that they should, it does not count as consent. I repeat, that! is! not! consent!!!!!
Kanye telling her he has a controversial line about her and then proceeding to build up how important the line is to him—that he’s worked on it for months, that he’s already worked and reworked it—the way she asks if it’s mean and he says he doesn’t think so and she asks to hear it and he’s about to show her and seems to decide he hasn’t quite guilted her enough into ensuring she’ll feel too bad saying no to him after how much work he’d put into that one line. (Which, seriously? Months? For that ONE LINE? .....🙄) So he then builds it up again, says it’s his wife’s “faaaavorite f*ing line,” subtly implanting subconsciously that she should be as accepting and open as another woman. He goes on, “if YOU felt it was funny and cool (and etc)... again putting pressure on her to approve it and telling her exactly how she’s “supposed” to feel. It’s manipulation to the highest degree.
Further, Taylor literally says, “that build up you gave it, I thought it was going to be something like, ‘that stupid, dumb b*tch,’ but it’s not.” AND HE JUST SAYS NO, LAUGHING. (Minute 4:30)
Taylor clearly tried so hard to affirm him and work with him and do what she could do be accommodating even when it was uncomfortable. Even when he said he made her famous, she said well, I had already sold 7 million, but, YOU had never heard of me, and that’s your truth! Still trying to make him feel okay, even when he’s literally dismissing her real success.
The underlying tones of this conversation aren’t unique to Taylor, unfortunately. This happens all the time to people pleasers who just want to be kind and give people the benefit of the doubt. It happens within families, with best friends, with people who know you best and choose to utilize that beautiful gift for their advantage, even if it’s to your detriment.
Taylor has had to go through so much unnecessary pain from someone else’s selfish and cruel actions. I’m extremely grateful to have been able to watch her go and grow through this, and follow in her footsteps towards recognizing the wrong, processing it deeply, and choosing love, growth, and wisdom even so moving forward.
It’s exactly what I’ve needed during my own recent season of deep betrayal and world-shattering loss. I listen to Reputation and Lover and find so much understanding and find strength from them.
Thank you, Taylor. I’m glad you finally, finally got your justice, long after you stopped even needing it.
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alltoowsll · 5 years ago
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swiftlyenchanting · 4 years ago
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swiftlove89 · 5 years ago
"Do you know how many people it takes to tweet that for that to happen"
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tehlorswift · 5 years ago
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and she will always win
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cozyhallloween · 5 years ago
wait what happened with taylor??
So back in 2016, Kanye released the song famous with the lyrics “I feel that me and Taylor might still have sex, why? I made that bitch famous”
Kanye had said that he called Taylor before he released the song to get her approval for it and he claimed that she okayed it.
Taylor and her team stated they cautioned him about releasing the song due to the strong misogynistic message and that Taylor was never told about the “bitch” line and that Kanye had called her asking her to promote his song instead of seeking approval.
Taylor responds by putting out a statement, stating that she would like to be excluded from the narrative that she never wanted to even be a part of
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Kim then claimed that Taylor did approve the lyric and that she was saying all that to “make Kanye look bad” and herself “look like the victim”
Kim then releases an edited video of Kanye’s phone call with Taylor and made it look like Taylor did approve. Taylor insisted that she never heard the bitch lyric and it was also never mentioned in the video.
Kim then shades Taylor by tweeting this
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Resulting in millions of people spamming Taylor’s Instagram with the snake emoji.
Resulting in Taylor “disappearing” for a year.
Finally, finally, someone leaked the whole video and people are finally starting to realize that she was telling the truth the whole time.
Like if you’ve seen the miss americana documentary, then you know how badly this affected her. Like imagine someone telling you to go kill yourself, now imagine millions of people telling you that everyday. Like people really bullied her so bad to the point where she thought that it’d be better if she just disappeared. All the pain she felt through all of this just isn’t right. Anyone who thought Taylor lied owes her a BIG apology. Karma finally came for those rats
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ohnoballoons · 5 years ago
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#TaylorToldTheTruth is trending. ~Do you know how many people have to be tweeting (that) for that to happen? WHAT A NIGHT.
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the-moment-iknew13 · 4 years ago
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my lock screen and homescreen❤️💛
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Yay!!! Red will be out a week early! ❤❤❤❤ . . . #taylorswift #taylornation #redtaylorsversion #lovinghimwasred #istandwithtaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #taylortoldthetruth #wecouldstaytaylor https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdQE_gvDp1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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imcrazierfortay · 5 years ago
Taylor, I need you to see this! I know there's a very low chance of this!!!!
My friends birthday is coming up and she is massive fans of you (ME! too), and she's been feeling low because of this quarantine. But I am throwing her a quarantine party over zoom to hopefully make her happier. If you joined, we would die. But we understand if you cannot, but maybe just a message would be good? My Instagram to DM me is @imcrazierfortay and this is my tumblr. I hope you see this and maybe reply or just say hello to her! She would feel so much better
@taylorswift @taylornation
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swiftieinbrazil · 5 years ago
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"We may hear rumors about a person and believe those things to be true. We may one day meet the person and feel foolish for believing in gossip." - reputation prologue
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lily-the-tortured-poet · 4 years ago
Okay, so here's what i think will be the release order of the re-recordings.
First was fearless.
Second - 1989
Third- Speak now
Fourth - Red
After that I don't know, if she'll release debut or reputation.
Now, 1989 because of the Stephen show and all the easter eggs in that. Next, the Brits outfit AND nails were blue, 1989 colour. Also, i think the announcement will be in May and i think it will have an enchanted/wildest dreams mix.
Third- Speak now. Now, she said in a tweet that she's "recording the next one" with THREE EMOJIS. Now i don't think she would still be recording Speak now if it were to be the second re-recording to be released. I think she's finished 1989 and is recording speak now. Also, i know she didn't say re-recording, she said "recording" which could mean she's recording the vault tracks of Speak now (tv) !!! And after that she gave us some signs of Speak now ( using purple filter and using 3 emojis and all that). I think she did that because she thought that we knew that 1989 (tv) was next and maybe she was just giving us hints of the next next.
Fourth- Red. Because of the hair and filter at the Brits.
Now, this is my theory. I have no idea if this will be true or not. She's an amazing, crazy woman who can do anything. I love her
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feelwithswizzle · 5 years ago
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Taylor Swift ~ Delicate (Behind The Scenes)
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