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My first journaling spread 💫 inspired by Lover 💘
@taylorswift @taylornation
#taylor swift#journaling#journal inspo#lover#daylight#creative#creative journal#spread#journalspread#taylorswiftjournaling#taylorswiftjournal
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This Love!! This song is so underrated! It’s so beautiful and has such amazing lyrics! I thought it fit in with the warm vibe of my theme so I created this spread! 💖 Which songs do you think are the most underrated on 1989? • Link in bio for ways to help BLM, please remember to keep signing petitions and fighting, don’t give up now!! • #taylorswift #1989 #thislove #ts5 #taylorswiftjournal #taylorswiftart #taylorswiftlyrics #taylortoldthetruth #weloveyoutaylor #istandwithtaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #swiftie #swifties #swiftiesathome #taylorlurking #taylurking #artistsshouldowntheirwork @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0lNGMHw5n/?igshid=ssdih9ki5cwf
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Taylor’s Journals
@taylorswift13 last journal entry I can read! Wow amazing! So down to earth and love how close she is with her family!! Again, thank you for being vulnerable!! I luv you Taylor! @taylorswift

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“All I know since yesterday is Everything Has Changed”
001/100 Days of Productivity
My first time doing this and I really want to make sure I get through 100 days! I’ve been extremely busy these past few days so I’m hoping I can get my October spread done by the end of this week. Last year’s spread shall suffice for now. Let’s do this! Edit: I realized I posted this in my drafts so I guess I’m posting twice today.
#taylor swift lyrics#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#100 days of productivity#taylorswiftjournals#bullet journal#bujo#bullet journal Taylor swift#swiftlystudies#red album#taylor swift#getawaystudies#my bujo
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4/21/20 10pm
First things first. I saw B today! I was using my crown chakra, then I added in my third eye, then meshed the two and viola. B was there for two seconds.
I did an hour meditation just on breath just a little while ago. Did 25 minutes in my room, then went on the hammock for the other 35. I can find my center if I'm religious enough about breath. I can remember myself if I remember my breath. I had an incredible meditation. I still have more work to meditate for an hour just on breath. I made some breakthrough progress today, but more work to be done. I'm going to get really serious about meditation.
Drank a bunch of coffee this morning.
Jerren came over yesterday scratching himself like a mf. We fed him dinner. Smoked a lot
#taylurking #taylorlurking
#journal #taylorswiftjournal
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✨ Inspired by the Britt Awards look ✨

#creative journal#journal inspo#journaling#journalspread#taylor swift#taylorswiftjournal#taylorswiftjournaling#britt awards#global icon award
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Spread inspired by Fearless Taylor’s Version and Love Story Taylor’s Version 💛 the drawing was a gift from a friend of mine and the page is actually the last page of Romeo and Juliet (spanish copy).
@taylorswift @taylornation
#journaling#creative journal#journalspread#journal inspo#taylor swift#taylors version#taylorswiftjournal#taylorswiftjournaling#love story#fearlesstaylorsversion#love story taylor's version
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Inspired by Taylor Swift Debut Album 🤠 💚🤎💙
@taylorswift @taylornation

#creative journal#journaling#journalspread#journal inspo#taylorswiftjournal#taylorswiftjournaling#taylor swift#taylor swift debut#ts1#a place in this world
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Call It What You Want 🌺 I love this song so much, it’s one of my favourites on rep (although every song on rep is a masterpiece) and I also am in love with the reputation photoshoot!! 💖 Which songs on rep are your faves? #taylorswift #callitwhatyouwant #ciwyw #reputation #rep #taylorswiftjournal #scrapbook #journalspread #journalling #scrapbooking #taylorswiftsong #ts6 #reputationphotoshoot #swifties #swiftie #swiftiesathome #weloveyoutaylor #istandwithtaylor #taylortoldthetruth #taylorswiftislovedparty #taylurking @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu0UPCH-5j/?igshid=165yev9xsh5qz
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Red ❤️ The song red is one of my favourites on the album because it has amazing lyrics and it’s such a bop!! I really love it and I think it’s quite underrated 🥰 What’s your favourite track on red? Mine is CBBH at the moment! • Link in bio for ways to help BLM • #taylorswift #redtaylorswift #redalbum #red #redsong #scrapbooking #journalling #artjournal #taylorswiftjournal #swiftie #swifties #swiftiesathome #istandwithtaylor #weloveyoutaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #taylorlurking #taylurking @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQXDGvn6SV/?igshid=1q57fvl1ly69
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It’s Nice To Have A Friend 🌸 This song is definitely one of the most under appreciated songs in Taylor’s whole discography!! I know I am to blame because at the start I wasn’t too much of a fan but now i love it!! It’s such a cute song with beautiful lyrics ❤️ • #taylorswift #itsnicetohaveafriend #inthaf #lover #ts7 #journal #journalling #scrapbook #scrapbooking #taylorswiftjournal #taylorswiftscrapbook #taylorswiftlyrics #taylorswiftlyric #taylorswiftquote #taylorswiftart #swiftie #swifties #taylortoldthetruth #istandwithtaylor #taylorlurking #weloveyoutaylor #proudoftaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #artistsshouldowntheirwork @taylornation @taylorswift https://www.instagram.com/p/CETmab_nB3I/?igshid=5dd8s694eb0x
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Inspired by ✨ Sparks Fly ✨and the Speak Now era 💜

@taylorswift @taylornation
#creative journal#journal inspo#journaling#journalspread#taylor swift#taylorswiftjournal#taylorswiftjournaling#sparks fly#speak now
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Wonderland ♣️ This song is so cool, using metaphors and reimagining Alice in Wonderland so I went with that as the theme for this spread!! This songs is so underrated and it’s so sad she didn’t sing it on tour 💖 Which is your favourite 1989 bonus track? Mine’s yail ✨ #taylorswift #wonderland #aliceinwonderland #1989 #1989deluxe #taylorswiftjournal #taylorswiftart #taylorswiftartwork #journalspread #swiftie #swifties #swiftiesathome #istandwithtaylor #weloveyoutaylor #ts5 #taylortoldthetruth #taylorswiftislovedparty @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsKPwkHGL0/?igshid=gnn9oo5eioy6
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Sad Beautiful Tragic 🍁 This song is so underrated, it’s a lyrical masterpiece!! My folklore cd came today and I’m so excited!! I heard the lakes and it’s such an amazing song ❤️❤️ I haven’t had a photoshoot with it yet but I definitely will soon!!! Have you heard the lakes yet? • #taylorswift #redalbum #taylorswiftred #sbt #sadbeautifultragic #taylorswiftjournal #journalling #artjournal #scrapbook #taylorswiftscrapbook #ts4 #scrapbooking #redphotoshoot #wanegbt #ikywt #taylorlurking #taylurking #weloveyoutaylor #istandwithtaylor #taylorswiftislovedparty #proudoftaylor #artistsshouldowntheirwork #taylortoldthetruth #swiftie #swifties #redtour @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlj9XHn2QR/?igshid=tr2m0o6gr5dr
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A Place In This World 🍃 I think this song is so underrated, it’s such a relatable song for so many people and it doesn’t get the love it deserves!! I love the whole happy and green vibe that debut creates in my mind! Which song on debut is the most underrated? #taylorswift #ts1 #taylorswiftdebut #aplaceinthisworld #taylorswiftjournal #journalspread #taylorswiftart #swiftie #swiftiesathome #swifties #istandwithtaylor #weloveyoutaylor #taylortoldthetruth #taylorlurking #taylorswiftislovedparty @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfx4DmnFMN/?igshid=12lf6yw6xwrik
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The Archer 🏹 I found these cloud photos and thought that they fit so well for the archer!! This song is really underrated and the lyrics are so meaningful 💖✨ Thanks for the suggestion @longlistofxlovers What’s your favourite song on lover? #taylorswift #thearcher #lover #taylorswiftjournal #taylorswiftart #taylorswiftartwork #journalspread #ts7 #swiftie #swifties #swiftiesathome #istandwithtaylor #weloveyoutaylor #taylortoldthetruth #taylorswiftisloverparty @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CAntMWcHvqT/?igshid=1inkn052spho4
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