#taylor swift is a climate terrorist
shitswiftiessay · 8 months
Swifties are now peddling this bullshit list of the supposed top 30 celebrities with the most private jet flights, saying “see? taylor’s not even in the top 30!”
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the problem with that list is that it’s NOT accurate at all.
the website they linked says: “We only use data that celebrities themselves publish. When someone’s tagged in a picture drinking champagne in Las Vegas one day and then posts from Lloret de Mar the next, the myclimate Carbon Tracker springs into action.”
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obviously, a tracker that relies solely on social media posts is NOT going to be an accurate representation of the true “worst celebrity carbon offenders,” which of course Taylor Swift topped the list of in 2022.
And common fucking sense would tell you that Taylor has most certainly only taken MORE private jet flights in the last year, not only for her Eras tour but for flights back and forth to see her boyfriend, which produced 138 tons of CO2 in just 3 months.
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angel-lovr · 24 days
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bisexualseraphim · 5 months
Me: Oh boy I’ve finally finished work after a long night, I can’t wait to open tumblr and escape my sorrows!
My entire dashboard: 👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼
Me: I wonder how far my phone would skip if I threw it into the ocean
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capitaylism · 1 month
Taylor Swift is a billionaire who has achieved said status by lying her way to the top and doesn’t care about anything other than money:
-She lied about being a ‘self-made’ artist whose family struggled financially (in truth, it was daddy’s money what allowed her to become a singer but alas!)
-Lied about SB ‘stealing’ her masters and made a great deal about it (as a result, she got to milk her fans even drier by re-recording her old stuff while her rabid cultists fanbase threatened SB’s wife and kids) then kept conveniently quiet when the truth got out.
-Lied when a Brazilian fan, Ana Benevides died at her concert saying she passed away before the show (it had already started) via an insta story and refused to acknowledge her at all on stage.
She didn’t lift a finger to help with the funeral expenses, either. It was the fans who raised all the money so that Ana could have a proper and dignified goodbye.
-Constantly lies and manipulates the truth in regard to her exes, the Kimye fiasco and literally everything else that happens/had happened to her so she is in complete control of the narrative and can play the victim every.single.time.
-Charges her fans obnoxious amounts of money for her concert tickets and merch (as if she’s not wealthy enough already)
-blocks her fellow (female) artists from reaching #1 by releasing variant after variant of the same album (there’s more than 60 at this point)
-hasn’t spoken out about Palestine, the US elections or anything political since 2019 (so much for wanting to be on the right side of history)
-On the same note, she has not addressed the Vienna terrorist attack attempt at all.
-She’s also a climate criminal who threatened to sue a university student who shared public data about her jet usage.
Other celebrities have been ‘cancelled’ for less. And yet, somehow, she always gets away with every shitty thing she does.
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theshadyrodian · 7 months
i hate billionares. i hate climate terrorists. i hate people who don’t hold sexual assault felons fucking accountable & maintain complicity in their behaviour. i hate white feminism. i hate perpetuators of capitalism and hierarchal exploitation. i hate narcissistic assholes who will do the MOST to get any press and make it everyone’s fucking problem.
i hate taylor swift, travis kelce, blake lively, the fucking mahomes siblings, mass corporations, the superbowl.
genuinely sick and tired of the goddamn bootlicking of celebrities and corporations. fine, stan taylor swift. fine, keep buying starbucks and mcdonalds even though they are COMPLICIT in the palestinian genocide. but do NOT pretend to be a good, decent human being, because you’re fucking ignorant and no one wants to fucking hear it.
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joesalw · 10 months
when I was on twt back in my stan days (grew out of that phase) swifties used to (they still very much do) torment every single artist that was managed by scooter (justin, demi, ariana etc) for associating with him and supporting the man that disrespected their climate terrorist. So why are they guilty by association, but taylor suddenly is completely innocent even though she surrounds herself with very questionable people? (lena dunham, matty healy etc.). why is it always "rules for thee, but not for me" when it comes to those people. Taylor could shake hands with a serial killer and take him out to lunch and you'd still have swifties whining about us "blaming the woman for what a man is doing" or some other bs like that
ohh you ate them so bad anon! swifties drag justin, ariana, demi for being associated with scooter braun. they didn’t even leave her bestie selena when she posed a pic in skims. it's like everything in the world surrounds around taylor swift and other people have to be accountable for hanging out with someone who allegedly wronged her.
But when Taylor Swift associates herself with sexual abusers, abuser apologists, racist, n*zis, islamophobic people then it's not her fault. Then they whine about how "A woman should not be held accountable for the people she hangs out with" like suddenly it's all about feminism and her team will pay rolling stone to write articles on that...
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
yk what just kinda frustrates me a bit? it’s that whenever someone hates on taylor swift, i need to defend her, not bc i think she can do no wrong ever, but because they always choose the wrong things to criticize.
like if someone tries to say shit abt the i hate it here 1830s lyric to me? i’m obligated to point out that uh no it’s not racist, literally look at the next fucking line, you idiot. she’s saying the exact opposite of what you’re implying. nostalgia is a mind’s trap.
and if someone tries to call her a climate terrorist, then i’m going to have to point out that yes, she uses a private plane a lot, but she’s not even in the top 30 of celebs with highest carbon emissions. if you really want to criticize a celebrity and not the huge factories/companies that are polluting the air, then focus on travis scott
but like?? you could literally choose any argument that doesn’t have to do with literal false information. or better yet, you don’t even need a reason! say you don’t vibe with her music and that is literally none of my business. good for you. enjoy whatever music you like. but don’t try and put yourself on this moral pedestal for hating on this musician who doesn’t even know you exist and let me listen to the grand theft auto lyric in peace.
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folklore-girl · 1 month
I couldn’t remember if I have you on insta
That’s for the terrorist attack thing. It’s just aimed at Taylor swift
Well her concert
People are so disgusting. Can’t even let people enjoy stuff just because they don’t like a singer. So immature
what the actual f is wrong with these men 😭 they do stuff like this and have the audacity to say “women are sensitive” like no tf
so real people are disgusting. never seen a singer receive sm hate before tbh idek what ppl hate sm abt her??? not advocating for her after all that climate thingie that happened but pls this is too far 🙏
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mostlyvent · 5 months
I don't know if you'll see this sorry I just want to rant about those stupid swifties
Like I am so goddamn tired , there's a psychologist who comes on my feed and she's a swiftie and she's so fricking stupid and I really don't understand how she became a psychologist, she's so biased and calls herself a feminist when she only supports privileged women and she herself being privileged makes a mountain out of a molehill out of everything, calls people who don't like TS a misogynist 🤡 typical swiftie behaviour and like these people make tswift their entire personality, they are so out of touch , oh my God!!
They advocate for the environment but never ever blame Taylor , when asked why does she still support her , they make sarcastic replies and think they're so smart 😒
And also let's not forget the misandry these people just exude sometimes, so goddamn biased instead of caring about supporting actual oppressed women they will support a billionaire and a climate terrorist and they say that tswift and her fans are just victims because everyone makes fun of them and just how sad that is and how misogynistic other people who dont like her and her fans are.
Goes on to show no matter how much you study, the brainrot will never stop and the basic ability to even tell right from wrong will vanish , coming from a psychologist it's even more distasteful as psychologists aren't allowed to be biased.
It's just so sad , I just can't understand how can people support a climate terrorist at all , this year is gonna be one of the hottest ones because of El Nino and a lot of people and also a lot of animals are gonna suffer , we need to hold Taylor Swift and other billionaires accountable for their climate crimes.
What sort of earth are we gonna leave for the future generations ?
Her fans are so blinded by her that even the few smart ones fail to notice how she's exploiting them and how fake she is. I hate her for her personality. But these days as I learn more about how fucked up earth has become and how much people are struggling to just live, the more I hate her.
Her fans would be like, but there are loads of other people who destroy earth more than her. I don't get how that excuses her fucking up the world WE live in. Thinking about how billionaires are making the world suffer fills me with rage.
I wish we could see her pay for her actions but most times people like her get away with it.
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justanapparatus · 7 months
anyone else find the term "climate terrorist" being applied to taylor swift kind of strange because "terrorist" implies ideological motivation when she's actually just privileged and doesn't give a fuck or am I overthinking it
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deansmom · 8 months
My hottest take is that I think the climate change warriors who hate Taylor Swift for having private jets should keep their criticisms to a minimum unless they have some suggestion for how she can travel safely through a commercial airline.
Like, yes, the carbon emissions are abysmal and she should be actively doing something to offset it, but also asking the most famous person on the planet to fly commercial is fucking wild. The last time she flew commercial, a whole international airport had to be shut down because fans basically took over it.
She has something like 30 stalkers (that are public knowledge - imagine how many more that we don’t know about) and she doesn’t go anywhere without 2-5+ security guards (again, that we see). She’s also one of the most visibly famous people in the world, don’t you think her being a passenger might cause more attention for groups who want to harm people? Her existence on a commercial flight would make it a bigger target for like, y’know, terrorists. She’d be putting the other passengers in danger.
Sure, domestically she could drive to more places, but that’s also a security risk for her and regular people could get hurt. Look at Princess Diana. I mean, she rides around in an armored car when she has her security, do you think that’s just for shits & giggles?
Like, there’s no such thing as ethical billionaires, people who own private jets are disproportionately impacting the planet & global warming, etc etc but I just think it’s fucking wild to be like “nah bitch, you’re not that important, get on a delta flight.” A guy was just arrested outside of her apartment in NYC three times inside of like, a couple days, and he was trying to break in. Do you really think he wouldn’t try to find his way onto that flight if it meant having Taylor cornered for a couple hours?????
Unless you have some ideas for how she could safely travel, I just think you should pick a different hill to die on with your “I hate Taylor” schtick.
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shitswiftiessay · 8 months
so this is the letter that taylor’s lawyer sent to that kid who was tracking her jets (and the jets of countless other rich, greedy celebrities)
and… I thought it was a fucking joke at first. what kind of unprofessional ass lawyer cites INSTAGRAM COMMENTS in their cease and desist letter???? and saying “yet your unlawful behaviour continues” bitch WHERE?
he hasn’t broken ANY laws, everything he posted is publicly available information, taylor swift is just an overgrown 34 year old mean girl who thinks she can bully and threaten people to get them to stop talking about how she’s killing the planet.
@taylorswift YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE.
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angel-lovr · 3 months
yall still sayin taylor swift's a feminist after she re-released music just so she could keep her number one spot and not let other female artists achieve that? ok
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ratgirlcommunist · 9 months
Taylor swift is a bad person, don’t care how good her music is, she is a climate terrorists and chose to stay silent during the genocide in Palestine. I really can’t support her anymore.
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pyaasa · 2 years
I just can’t believe how quickly we moved on from the carbon emissions thing like it was in the news cycle for maybe 5 seconds that Taylor swift is trying to single-handedly destroy the planet even though like 2 weeks later pakistan was hit by floods that displaced 33 million people and literally no one wanted to talk about the connection between celebrities & billionaires like Taylor swift using private jets like a taxi service and the devastating effects of climate breakdown. And then like a month after that she comes out with a shitty album so no one is talking about her climate emissions at all any more and it takes her literally scamming her fans by trying to get them to buy multiple copies of her album since the artwork on the physical album covers is only complete if you have 4 copies as well as making some songs available only on the digital version of the album and now trying to rob her fans through ticketmaster or something idk for people to be like “ok maybe she’s a bad person” no shit she’s a bad person she’s a fucking climate terrorist if you continue to support her that’s on you
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tolunarvalleys · 7 months
“taylor swift is an eco terrorist” actually just more misogynistic bs as usual. does she contribute a LOT of emissions? YES. is she even in the top 30 of the list of most celebrity private jet emissions in 2023? NO. beyonce was fourth on the list with 4,317,800 kg of CO2. but I don’t see her being photoshopped onto pictures of burning forests. it’s almost like nobody wants to have a real conversation about climate impact, and just wants to shit on a woman they don’t like. as usual.
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