#taxi stim
dr3amykitty · 2 months
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Taxi Stimboard! :3
I know this is random but I love taxis…
🚕 x 🌃 / 🚕 💲 🌃 / 🚕 💲 🌃
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shythechauffeur · 8 months
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This is first stim board! My favourite colour is yellow, and of course, Hell's Taxi is my favourite character so I decided to combined the two! If you have any character suggestions for who I should do next, let me know in the comments below!
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rhymestim · 2 years
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rui nikaido stimboard!
💎💄💎 💄🐩💄 💎💄💎
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codecicle · 6 months
the only important part of this watch. Everyone shut up
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kadethecat · 2 years
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Yuki Mitsuya from ODDTAXI Stimboard
X - O - X - O - X - O - X - O - X
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lauras-happy-place · 11 months
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FB943 - Taxi yellow
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Giorno headcannons I thought of while driving:
-most important to me: GE manifested to defend Giorno from his step dad and hurt his step dad pretty bad; that’s why Giorno was able to move out as a kid instead of his parents making him stay home to mooch off his taxi money- they were scared of him
-Giorno is really good at masking fear and anger but he’s really bad at masking happiness /amusement he has to hide his smile by looking away if he wants to be sneaky
-Giorno definitely antagonizes and gaslights people both to test his abilities and because he thinks it’s really funny (this is about abbacchio)
-Giorno stims a LOT especially when he’s excited
-Giorno dances like a white American dad
-he will not admit he’s wrong even if he knows it, leading to really really stupid arguments
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lionheartslowstart · 4 months
Meltdown on an Airplane
As the title suggests, I had a meltdown on an airplane a few days ago. I was returning home from vacation, and the plane was still sitting at the gate. Which, despite everything, I'm actually pretty thankful for, as I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if we were in the air or taxiing.
It started when we realized there was a problem with our seats. I had been sure to pre-book the seats, as I always do because I need an aisle seat. However, for some reason, "Thomas'" seat had been switched at the last minute to be way at the back of the plane. I have no idea why. So of course, I started to panic. As I've gotten older, I have become more anxious while flying, especially with all the Boeing drama (and yes, unfortunately we were on a Boeing both ways of the trip). Take offs and landings make me very nervous. I CAN fly by myself, but I always prefer not to do so. On top of that, I suffered a foot injury earlier that week (I had tripped over some uneven pavement because I'm a clumsy b*tch), and I felt much more comfortable being near Thomas, just in case, since I needed crutches, walked with a limp, and had a boot on my foot.
I asked Thomas if he would ask whomever was supposed to sit there to switch with him, because I became too upset and anxious to ask them myself. I figured maybe it wouldn't be a problem, since they were both middle seats. Nevertheless, my anxiety increased and I began to cry silently and attempt to regulate by rocking back and forth, one of my biggest self-soothing stims. On top of the emotional overwhelm, the plane was playing music pretty loudly through the speakers, God knows why, adding physical distress to my emotional distress.
Then, a baby started screaming, which of course made everything worse. I started crying harder, though still silently, and started muttering to myself that it wasn't the baby's fault and to "please stop crying please stop crying."
THEN, the guy who was supposed to be seated in Thomas' seat came over and Thomas began explaining to him that there had been a mix-up and that I'm disabled and would he please consider swapping seats. The guy, audibly disgruntled, (I was still hunched over trying not to be too disruptive so I couldn't see him,) said he was going to get a flight attendant to see if we could figure something out.
It was at this point that someone's f*cking luggage fell out of the overhead been and hit me on the shoulder. Sure, it hurt, but not terribly because I have a high pain tolerance. But the extreme shock of suddenly being struct bluntly was the straw that broke the camel's back, and the meltdown erupted out of me before I could make any more attempts to wrest control.
Whatever you picture in your head when you imagine an autistic meltdown, that's what happened. I was screaming, sobbing, rocking furiously, yanking my hair by the roots, trying not to hit myself...I mean it was bad. And the thing is, I've had meltdowns in public before, but never one so absolutely untamed. As a high-masking autistic, I have (unfortunately) developed some skills to hide a meltdown when it happens, at least until I can get somewhere where I'm alone, or with one of the very few people I consider safe to have a meltdown in front of. (My parents, my brother, and my partner.)
But this? I can't remember the last time I had a public meltdown like this as an adult. Maybe never.
And of course, despite the all-consuming nature of a meltdown, there's also the dread looming way in the back of my mind, that I KNOW people are staring, and, most likely, judging.
As I sobbed and rocked, I heard the murmurs, and I felt so many eyes on me. Based on the few words I could pick out, I knew they assumed my outburst was because I had been hurt badly. I tried to ignore the shame and humiliation I felt creeping in. It was only adding to the distress, and there was nothing I could do about it. People will always stare, always assume, and always judge.
A flight attendant quickly came over to assess the situation. When this all went down, I felt like she maybe had good intentions, but upon retelling this story to my family, I have since realized that no, she really only had the airline's best interest at heart, and probably didn't give two sh*ts about me. But what are you gonna do? So she asks me to explain what happened, but I'm in the middle of a verbal shutdown, so I can't really answer. I look at Thomas helplessly, and bless him, he does not do well under pressure, so he immediately started raising his voice at her to "back off and give me space." So of course, I'm thinking, well f*ck I guess I better force myself to speak because I'm really not trying to get kicked off this flight and/or cause myself more embarrassment, so I started attempting to explain. I say "attempting" because, as I was mid-verbal shutdown, I was struggling immensely to even find my words, and once I did find a few, my words came out very stilted, and I was stammering. I somehow managed to squeeze out the important bullet points: that I'm autistic, I'm having a meltdown, and I just need space to calm down.
So then of course she starts peppering me with questions, despite the fact that I just said I needed space. She's trying to figure out what happened, was I hurt, do I know what fell on me, etc. This caused me to start clapping, something I do when I'm mid-verbal shutdown but still being forced to communicate, especially if I'm also being forced to talk over someone, and/or I'm already dealing with a meltdown and more stimuli is thrown my way. Through the clapping, I again tried to explain - I'm physically fine, I'm having an autistic meltdown. She asked me if I needed anything. (Insert epic eyeroll.) I couldn't answer, but shook my head as she listed off things she might be able to bring me. I just wanted her to leave. When she asked if I needed water, it occurred to me both that it would get her to leave, and also that yes, I probably did need some water. After she walked away, I leaned into Thomas and buried my face in his shoulder. I could still feel the stares.
The flight attendant came back later with the water, and then mentioned the issue with the seats. She asked if I'd be willing to switch with the person who was seated next to Thomas' assigned seat and we could sit where Thomas was originally supposed to be seated instead of the other guy switching. I explained that I wouldn't have a problem with that but I still needed an aisle seat because the tight squeeze of a window seat can exacerbate my sensory issues. She said she understood and went off to see if we could find a situation. When she came back, she said that it all worked out because the two gentlemen who were meant to be sat with each other in Thomas' seat and the window seat were able to find other seats so we would actually have an empty seat next to us. (I assume they were bumped to first class for their troubles, but I have no proof of that.) She asked if I was feeling better and then started talking to THOMAS, not me, about whether or not she should file a report.
I've found that, when someone finds out I'm autistic, they either don't believe me, or they start talking to whomever I happen to be with instead, as if I can't speak for myself. It's ableist, obviously, and extremely frustrating. She also came back while I was in the bathroom to talk to Thomas, who, of course, told her that she should wait until I came back from the bathroom and then ask me, since I'm the person to whom it happened. Later, she did come back and ask me again. I smiled, understanding she's doing her due diligence so I don't sue the airline, and promised her that, no, she didn't have to report it and I was really fine. It was clear to me that she was fixated on the possibility of injury, and that she didn't really understand the autistic aspect. As I said, my reflection of this incident over the last few days has brought me to the conclusion that this woman, despite her shallow warmth, probably didn't give a hog's a** about me.
But the worst part of all of this is that two days ago, Thomas revealed to me that he had witnessed an older woman in front of us texting someone about the event. She had written something along the lines of, "Some crazy b*tch just threw an absolute tantrum on the plane like some whackadoodle. I hope they escort her off the plane in handcuffs and give her a cookie."
Now, I grew very upset at this and explained to Thomas that this wasn't something he should have told me. I understand why he did though, as we have very open and honest communication in our relationship. I'm sure he thought I'd want to know. I explained that it would be different if he had stood up for me, if he had said something to her, called her out for being ableist, then I would have been fine hearing about it. But because he did nothing, it's just not something I wanted to, or really, needed to hear. I know people are ableist. I know people make comments. I know people judge me when the mask falls off. I don't need to hear specific examples of something of which I'm already so painfully aware, especially when there is no resolution, and most likely never will be. Thomas apologized profusely, saying he would never make that mistake again, and that he never wants to say something that upsets me.
For the record, as hurt as I am that Thomas didn't stand up for me, I can't be angry at him for it. We were on an airplane, and he was afraid we'd be kicked off, or worse. The woman in question didn't say anything out loud, so there were no witnesses to her comments. She could have easily deleted the text and claimed Thomas had started a conflict with her for no reason. While I know I would have handled that situation differently if the roles were reversed, I also know that Thomas probably did the right thing in not starting an argument. I will be the first to admit that my tinderbox temper does not always result in the most productive outcomes.
Like I said, I know people are ableist, judgmental, and cruel. I know that. And I know I shouldn't care. But I do. And I hate that I do. I don't understand why anyone thinks people just claim to be or pretend to be autistic for attention. It's not attention I want. Being autistic in an allistic world is HARD. There are so many harmful stereotypes and misconceptions out there, and people can be truly awful, both intentionally and unintentionally. I walk around with this monkey on my back, constantly aware of what people might think, or in some cases, what I know they do think. My childhood trauma made damn sure of that. I so wish I could just be myself without fear, comment, or disdain. Yes, when I experience sensory overload, but also in the way I communicate, the way I perceive the world, when I rant about my special interests at length, my difficulties in social settings, all of it. I just want to be myself and not feel like I'm being punished simply for having a brain that works differently. And unfortunately, I'm probably going to remember what that horrible woman texted about me for a long time.
I posted a video describing this event, and someone left a comment that has stayed with me. Not because it bothers me, or because it hurts my feelings, no. It's stayed with me because I'm certain that this specific sentiment is shared by so many other people, and I find it quite interesting.
"Those people were just trying to travel."
My very first response to that was, well, I was just trying to travel. They didn't need to hear me screaming and sobbing? Okay, well I didn't need the airline to switch my boyfriend's seat. I didn't need the plane to be playing bad music for 30 minutes. I didn't need a baby to start shrieking just a few aisles down from me. And I definitely didn't need a heavy object to fall on top of me.
So...why does that statement not apply to me? Why don't people care about my flight experience being ruined? Why am I not extended the same empathy?
The answer is simple. Autistics are not seen as human beings. Or, at the very least, we are seen as lesser human beings. Our comfort, our safety, both physical and emotional, and our well-being, are just not held to the same standard, to the same importance, as those of allistics. They don't care about us. Worse, they actively dislike us.
I love traveling. Well, I love BEING in a different place. The getting there part has always been stressful for me. But I have never had anything like this happen before last Sunday. Never. And I'm flying back in three days...alone. Of course, I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent something like this from happening again. I really don't want to go through something like that again, especially alone. I'll have my headphones with me in addition to my ear plugs (and yes, I did have my earplugs in at the time of the meltdown so sit tf down), and I'll probably purchase the in-plane high speed wifi so I can keep myself distracted. But there is, of course, the looming fear that, sometimes, these things just happen.
I wish I could teleport.
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jrwi-adhd-swag · 1 year
Round 1 Poll:
Pictures and propaganda are under the cut!
Chip (Riptide)
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As someone who has adhd, he does. He just does
have you ever seen that guy?? literally the most ADHD character in modern media i have no other words
The way Chip just joins in on antics, or absently stims, and especially how he joins in on Gillion’s stims.
look at him
ok i have adhd and autism and as we all know gillion is the king of autistic swag but what people dont know is CHIP IS THE KING OF ADHD SWAG LIKE LOOK AT HIM. you cannot tell me that this mans nurotypical. hes the kid who cant sit still in class. hes the guy who never learned to control the volume of his own voice, hes the kid who never EVER did home work. 
Fucking look at him
ADHD x Autism (FNC)
HAVE YOU SEEN THAT GUY!!!! he radiates adhd idk whyyyy but he just does. As someone who has adhd, THAT BOY HAS ADHD!!!!!! he’s just !!!!!!!!! YGHRHRH YKNOW??? i can’t explain why but Chip is soooo adhd
Taxi the Tabaxi (Fated)
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Listen man!! he's got the fast talking, he's got the anxiety, he's got the fidgets!! he's perfect
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
My goal is to try to get to the library three times a week using the special taxi thing I have access to... if I still have access to it;;
I might go today! But we will see. I want to though.
I think what I'll do for Stardew stimming is try to play a little bit of Stardew an hour before I leave, take my adhd meds as I leave, and hope that it creates the perfect storm so I can go insane with writing!
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jrwi-autistic-swag · 1 year
Round 1 Poll:
Pictures and propaganda are under the cut
Ms Gilbert (Prime Defenders)
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firstly the organizing her students by how they learn seems like a good way to make them all feel safe in her classroom, second if i had her as a teacher i would Love Her she feels so incredibly safe and i love her dearly. she also gives the vibes that she’d have a bucket of stim toys in her class, and a few on her desk for herself. girly knows how to make learning make Sense she’s so good at teaching because she asks kids what they need and just. as a ms. g fan she is the ideal teacher and she rocks and she deserves a happy sensory seeking life as a tactile learner. i love her.
Taxi the Tabaxi (Fated)
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he’s so fucking silly holy shiit
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obitv · 2 years
taxi came out right as i got to the tricksters entrance and i didnt wanna scare her by yelling and stimming like mad but oh god now my hand hurtd and im crying a bit
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rhymestim · 2 years
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sekiguchi togo stimboard!
don’t tag as kin/me/selfship
🐬🐟❄ 🎣🐻🎣 ❄🐟🐬
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aresianrepose · 2 years
Playlist meme!
I was tagged by @benbamboozled thank youuu, I live for showing other people my music. Seriously, anyone is free to stalk my spotify. Go for it. Tell me all the songs you like. 
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
Similar to Ben, I also have a million different playlists so I’m going to steal their format for this.
I am going to go through my four most played playlists and choose—
—3 from my Jason Todd playlist
—3 from my Current Hyperfixation playlist (music I’m currently listening to on repeat until all the dopamine is wrung from them)
—3 from my Disco/R&B Baby playlist (listen, disco is my weakness and it feels like sunshine in my veins)
—1 from my Instrumentals That Slap playlist (if you need a good instrumental study playlist I have one titled Ultimate Study Playlist with like over 24 hours of bangers on it). 
3 shuffled from my Jason Todd playlist:
—Bang Bang - GRAE 
—House of Wolves - MCR
—Skeleton - Fewjar
3 shuffled from my Current Hyperfixation playlist:
—Gemini - Evergreen 
—Gamesofluck - Parcels
—Heartache Fetish - Young & Sick (hell yeah, my current jaydick song)
3 shuffled from my Disco/R&B Baby playlist:
—Skin on Skin - Franc Moody
—Strangers - Roosevelt
—Taxi Man - Illuminate (this isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea but like, if you can listen to this without smiling/stimming you’re wrong)
The one instrumental to rule them all:
Logan and Rogue - Michael Kamen (not the best off of this playlist but... ouch, has deep nostalgia for me)
Tag ten people… Almost everyone is alllreeeadddy tagged. Everyone who gets double tagged from me, it is because I really want to see your posts and I want to be tagged in them to see.
1. @othilaodal 2. @willoftrees 3. @disniq 4. @arkhamnyanight 5. @forcesofnatureunleashed 6. @joycrispy 7. @exhausted-pigeon 8. @guns-n-robins 9. ??? 10. ???
That’s all the people I know/am mutuals with so, I’m breaking the 10 tags rule lol
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shaftking · 1 year
Something that annoys me from the "self diagnose is okay uwu" culture on the internet is seeing your irl friends reblogging a ton of "neurodivergent memes" on the internet, while irl they get mad when I can't control my voice volume, do a social thing wrong, or being rude for uh.... playing with my money before giving it to the taxi driver.
Yeah like tbh self dxers are some really ableist people a lot of the time. They want the clout from the quirky manic pixie dream girl aspects of a disorder while ignoring that even somewhat “neutral” disorders like autism still come with a laundry list of negative symptoms for a lot of people.
They’ll talk about how they relate to stimming or whatever but ignore or actively ridicule those with speech issues, executive function issues, sensory issues, social impairments, comorbid learning disabilities. The least they could do is have a little respect for the disorder if they’re going to act as if they have it.
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gifsfortaxi · 3 years
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uwu writing stim
(original by me, so no sources. credit me if used)
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