#taxi driver wallpaper
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th4rr · 1 year ago
— ★ ₊˚⌗ 🪐’ Wallpaper Choi HyunWook ₊˚⌗
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scuttling · 8 months ago
I Can Handle Me A Dangerous Man - Ch 1
Fandom: True Blood (TV) Pairings: Eric Northman/Female Reader or Eric Northman/OFC Word Count: 4,471 Tags: 18+, NSFW in later chapters, it's gonna get real nasty Summary: Sookie's cousin returns to Bon Temps, and Eric wants her... to work for him. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
When Camila Reyes steps out of the taxi, she is met with a billowing cloud of cigarette smoke, the crunch of gravel beneath her boots, and thick, humid air unlike anything she’d ever felt in Chicago. She takes in the old farmhouse, her home for much of her childhood, and feels guilt and regret settle over her when she remembers the last time she set foot in Bon Temps—the day of Gran’s funeral.
She pays the driver, tips him well even though he chain-smoked the entire ride from the airport, and lifts her bags from the inside of the trunk; when he drives away, leaving her standing in a cyclone of dust, she takes a deep, fortifying breath and strides to the front door. 
Confident is the last thing she feels—helpless, dejected, and unmoored are the first things that come to mind—but she pastes on a self-assured smile and raps her knuckles on the metal frame of the storm door. A short woman with blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail looks at her quizzically through the screen, and then gasps and throws the door open, nearly knocking Cam off her feet.
“Camila Reyes, is that you? I haven’t seen you in, what, ten years?” the woman asks, wrapping her arms around Cam. They’re around the same height with similar builds, but whereas Cam has dark hair and naturally tanned skin, she is all bright yellow curls and skin like a porcelain doll, the gap in her teeth as endearing as it was when they were teenagers.
“Sookie! It’s been a long time, a really long time. You look so lovely,” she says, pulling back so she can look her over at arm’s length. She wears a pair of yellow gingham shorts with a flowy white tank top and white Keds, and something about that is so quintessentially Sookie that it immediately fills her with fondness. Sookie grins.
“So do you – and you’ve even lost your accent,” she says in a way that’s almost accusatory, but she’s smirking playfully. “Now you sound all classy and sophisticated and I’m the only one with the podunk twang.” Cam shrugs and laughs; she didn’t set out to lose the accent at first, but it became clear that her colleagues in the big city didn’t find the Louisiana drawl as charming as television had led her to believe.
“Ten years will do that to you,” Cam says lightly, doing her best not to reflect on the last of those ten years and how everything she’d worked so hard for circled the drain. “Now, I know you weren’t expecting me, and I hate to do this…” she begins, but Sookie brushes her off with the wave of a manicured hand. 
“Don’t you even start,” she says, and then she reaches down to grab one of Cam’s bags and holds open the door. “This is your home too, and you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, you know that.”
Cam grabs the other bag and follows her through the house, up the staircase that had seen better days many days ago. “I brought wine, if that’s any consolation,” she says, though she knows Sookie means it, that it’s really no trouble for her to stay with her in this big, empty house, “and now you can borrow my shoes any time you want.” 
Sookie glances back and smiles at her. 
“Wine is always good, and your shoe collection is even better, I know that for a fact.” They stop outside what is now a guest room, but which used to be Cam’s room, and she is grateful to see something other than the pale purple wallpaper of her childhood adorning the walls. The room is now bright and airy, painted robin’s egg blue, and its look suits Sookie more than it ever suited Cam. “But the best part is having my favorite cousin back home after all these years.”  
Sookie walks into the room, sets the suitcase on the chair beside the bed, and Cam does the same. Her returning smile is sad; she knows it had to be difficult for Sookie to be here… not alone, but without one of the few people in Bon Temps who really understood her, who saw her for the girl she was instead of what they thought she should have been. Guilt makes her stomach twist. 
“I’m sorry you didn’t see me at Gran’s funeral,” she says—because technically, that’s true. Sookie hadn’t seen her, because she hadn’t made it past the front seat of her rental car. She never even told Sookie or Jason she was there. Sookie frowns, but it’s sympathetic and kind. 
“That’s okay. I know how hard funerals are for you. What matters most is that you’re here now… and that there’s someone I want you to meet.” Cam is grateful for the change of topic, and the flirtatious smile Sookie sends her way has her suddenly very, very curious. 
“Is this someone a man?” she asks, eyes wide and faux-incredulous. Sookie slaps her arm gently and nods her head. 
“Yes, it’s a man… his name’s Bill, and he’s my… Well, boyfriend doesn’t feel like the right word, but I guess that’s what he is.” Her hands move to her hips, and she looks over Cam’s hair, her outfit, and apparently deems it suitable. “Why don’t you freshen up a bit, and I’ll treat you to dinner at Merlotte’s so you can meet him. It’s near-dark anyway.” Cam smooths the hair at the crown of her head, certain she’s got frizz and flyaways no hairspray can contain, and nods. Sookie starts toward the door when Cam calls out after her. 
“You’re treating—does that mean he’s a modern man who lets his lady pay for the meal? How progressive,” she teases—Gran never liked boys who took them out and didn’t offer to pay, and it was a joke between them and their friend Tara; Sookie chuckles like she’s holding in a joke of her own. 
“No, he’s really old-fashioned, actually,” she says thoughtfully. She taps on the doorframe before she steps into the hall. “It’s just that, well, he never eats a meal.”
Bill is a vampire because, obviously; Sookie wasn’t exactly being subtle, but it took Cam nearly the entire drive to Bon Temps’ finest bar and grille to put the hints together anyway. She blames it on the jet lag, even though she never actually left her own time zone. 
They meet him inside, and he’s already seated comfortably in a booth, but he stands to greet her when she and Sookie approach him. Cam is all but attacked by Tara, who hugs her more tightly than even Sookie did, and they make a promise to catch up later when the bartender’s not up to her neck in two-dollar drafts. 
“It’s so nice to see you comfortable here,” Cam comments to Bill later, when he is handed a bottle of Tru Blood by a smiling, if slightly neurotic looking red-headed waitress. He seems familiar with the clientele, greeted Sam and Tara like friends; she has to hand it to her hometown: she would have guessed they’d be way behind the national average when it comes to human-vampire relations. Bill takes a sip and offers her a smile. 
“Thank you. That’s mostly Sookie’s doing,” he admits, and then he glances over at her, at her lovestruck smile. The two of them are so cute it actually makes Cam’s teeth ache. “People weren’t exactly welcoming me with open arms at first, but she has this way of making people listen to her, even when they don’t want to.” 
“It’s a gift,” Cam says, dropping her own hint, but Sookie shoots her an unreadable look and she takes a sip of her beer instead of following up on that. She changes tracks. “I don’t know if Sookie told you, but I’m a lawyer, and I specialized in vampire rights back in Chicago. If you ever need something, legal advice or support, you have my number now.” 
“That’s so kind of you; I will keep that in mind,” he says gratefully, fingers wrapped around the glass bottle. “And I have to say, I appreciate you doing that kind of work. I know not everyone is progressive when it comes to vampire rights, and I’m sure it’s a difficult occupation.” Cam nods. 
“It has its moments. I’ve experienced more than my share of tragedy, had many clients executed by radical humans before we could attempt justice.” She suppresses a shiver at the thought of some of the things she’s heard, things she’s seen. Across from her, Sookie tuts and shakes her head. 
“Executions. What a terrible thought,” she speaks through a frown. She takes a sip of her iced tea, and after a moment, Bill stiffens in his seat beside her. Cam, familiar with vampire microexpressions, clocks the change in his disposition, and so does Sookie; she tilts her head in confusion like she wishes she could hear his thoughts.
Just then, a man approaches their booth, tall and broad, with short blond hair and a peaked complexion that outs him as a vampire immediately. Dressed all in black, he looks especially pale, and shadow falls over the three of them as his hulking silhouette blocks out the overhead light.
“Sorry to interrupt. Hello Sookie. Bill.” The man turns to Cam, his lips curving up into a polite smile as he gives her a tasteful once-over. She can see that his eyes are silvery blue, a cool, icy, complex color that captivates her instantly. “Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“This is Sookie’s cousin, Camila. She’s visiting from Chicago,” Bill says with a tone that indicates the man is unwelcome at the table they share. He pays it no mind and reaches out to take her hand, to lean in and place his lips there in the semblance of a greeting kiss. It makes Cam flush hot, and she hopes it doesn’t rise to her cheeks for all to see.
“I’m Eric Northman. What a pleasure it is to meet you,” he says, eyes drifting over her face now that there’s less distance between them. He pauses there briefly to look into her eyes, curiosity in his stoic gaze. “I see some of Sookie’s features in you.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment, Eric, thank you,” she replies, though with her dark hair and complexion no one has ever drawn a similarity between her and her fairer cousin. Cam’s mother was Gran’s daughter, Sookie’s aunt, and Cam’s father was of Cuban descent, fresh off the boat he rode in on—and out on, just as quickly as he’d come. “Will you be joining us?” 
“He will not,” Bill supplies in the same clipped tone he’d used previously. He looks incredibly serious, more now like the vampire he is than when it was just the three of them; Eric stands, drops her hand, and flicks an irritated glance in the other vampire’s direction. 
“I do not wish to impose, but I do need a moment with Bill here, if you ladies don’t mind. Business deal,” he adds, and then he looks back to Cam and Sookie, his features more polite. He winks at them. “I promise it will only take a minute.” 
Bill thinks it over—though it doesn’t seem like a request to Cam—and seems to decide it best to accept the invitation and step away from the table; he glances over at Sookie with a brief apology and walks toward the door, and Eric follows him, throwing a glance over his shoulder as he goes.
“Now there’s a man that makes me think terrible thoughts,” Cam murmurs when she expects he’s out of range. “Over and over and over.” She says it partially because it’s true, but also to earn the scandalized laugh Sookie shares as she slaps Cam on the arm.
“Oh my god, Cami!” Cam laughs back, playing indignant. Not that you’re wrong, but…
“Well he does, all climbable and big and strong. And those eyes—you can’t tell me you don’t think he’s handsome.” 
After a brief stare-down, Sookie huffs a sigh.
“Objectively, yes,” Sookie says, with a playful roll of her eyes, “but he’s also Bill’s sheriff, and… I don’t know, rival, I guess?” Pain in the ass is more like it, she thinks, though she’d never say it aloud.
Cam drains her beer and narrows her eyes at Sookie, leaning in. The objectively shit doesn’t throw her for a second.
“Sookie Stackhouse, do you have both of those gorgeous men battling for your attention? I swear, sometimes it feels like blondes do have more fun.” 
She rolls her eyes again, chuckles like the thought of earning Eric’s attention is laughable. She probably still sees herself as the awkward teenage girl Cam remembered her as and not the Southern bombshell she is now.
“I think Eric is interested in things he can’t have, that’s all—not me in particular. And he really likes getting Bill’s goat.”
“So you’re saying I should play hard to get?” Cam teases, but despite the lightheartedness of her comment, the atmosphere changes drastically and Sookie’s face becomes serious.
“I’m saying you should stay far the hell away from him. He’s–he’s, cold-hearted and mean. Cruel. He does underhanded things to get what he wants.”
Cam has always found herself amused by Sookie’s naivety, but hearing her speak so judgmentally about Eric, about vampires, gives her pause. 
“I’ve been in the company of vampires, Sook, I know how some of them can be.” Sookie sits back, tilts her head to the side, and Cam narrows her eyes. “What?” 
“You’ve been in the company of vampires?” she asks, brows raised, and for a moment she is that naive teenage girl again. Cam simply waves a hand.
“Chicago is very different from Bon Temps, or even Shreveport, so yes, I’ve been in the company of vampires. Plus, they’re the only ones that truly quiet my mind, you know?” she adds as an aside, and Sookie shushes her, looks toward the door and back with wide eyes.
“Keep it down. I haven’t told Bill you’re a telepath too, or anyone, for that matter. Next thing you know you’ll be dragged into vampire business, and that is not somewhere you want to be, trust me.”
She can sense the sincerity in Sookie’s voice, so she does soften to a murmur, unable to be heard among the din of the chattering crowd.
“It’s my secret to keep, or not keep—and it was a big help during some of my trials, even if my colleagues didn’t know all the details. I get that you’ve always hated your ability, but it’s an important part of me. I don’t try to hide it anymore.” The thing about Bon Temps, love it or hate it, is everyone knows everyone else's business, and although Cam’s never felt fully herself in this town, she’s not about to hide for anyone else’s comfort. Sookie frowns, contrite.
“I’m sorry. It’s just… not something I’d be doing, if it weren’t for Bill. Eric holds things over him and I’m stuck in the middle trying to make peace.” She doesn’t say any more, because the vampires walk back in, and when Bill takes his seat Eric claps a hand on his shoulder firmly, in a way that could seem friendly but that looks more like a show of power than anything.
“Told you I’d bring him back,” Eric says to Sookie, who suddenly becomes very interested in her manicure; she drags the edge of her nail through the condensation left behind by her glass. Eric pays her no mind and looks to Cam again. “Before I leave, I want to extend an invitation to you. I own a bar in Shreveport called Fangtasia, and I would love for you to come by for a drink some time so we can get to know each other better.” 
The word drink makes her think of the vampire’s unique diet—something completely normal, not usually something she’d normally fixate on anymore than she’d be intrigued by a pescetarian—and she quickly tamps down the flash of interest that jolts through her body at the associated imagery.
“That sounds nice, Eric, I’ll be sure to take you up on that,” she says with a smile, and as she does something tugs at the back of her mind arbitrarily, something she can’t quite put her finger on. She clears her throat. “Bill has the details, I’m sure.” 
Bill appears grateful for her inclusion of him—she figures he’s probably feeling emasculated by the more senior vampire, the way he speaks with a double meaning under his tongue—and he assures Eric he will pass on the information.
“Well then, I’ll let the three of you get back to your evening. Thank you again, Bill,” he says without inflection, and he looks over at Sookie, then Cam. “I look forward to seeing you soon.”
He leaves, and Sookie looks Bill over, runs her hand up and down his back in a comforting gesture. Cam’s not sure if it’s meant for her eyes or not. 
A few moments later, the red-headed waitress returns to take their dinner orders, and Cam orders a massive salad and another beer and asks Bill what he misses most about the 1800s. It proves to be a good distraction, and by dessert his features seem to have softened again. 
When Sookie drives them back to the farmhouse, the twinkling stars in the cloudless blue sky remind her of the depth of Eric’s eyes.
As Cam walks into Fangtasia for the first time, she notes that it’s exactly what she expects: a small, dark, loud nightclub packed with the moving bodies of humans and vampires alike. Some of the humans are hoping to find a community of their peers, folks with tattoos up and down their arms and more piercings than one would think possible; some are there to see their first vampire or try to initiate contact with one; and some are there just to say they went, buying overpriced drinks and t-shirts and taking selfies with the crowd. 
She feels about middle of the road in a navy silk camisole, black pants, and her most comfortable black heels, and she breezes over to the bar and buys herself a martini, finds a table toward the less crowded back of the room and slides onto the stool nearest the wall. 
It takes all of five minutes for Eric to approach her, looking as gorgeous as he did when they first met; this time he is wearing a tight black tank, black jeans, and damn, if she thought she was climbable before…
He quirks a smile as he sidles up to the table. 
“Camila,” he greets warmly, and when she stands he leans in to mimic a kiss on her cheek. She feels that same strange tugging sensation at the back of her brain that she did at Merlotte’s, but the memory leaves her as quickly as it had returned. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
“I had to see what all the fuss was about; your bar is very popular among the travelers passing through Bon Temps these days,” she mentions, thinking back to a strange vampire that had given Bill a hard time at Merlotte’s the other night as they were getting ready to leave. Apparently not everyone was as enamored of Vampire Bill as others. 
“And how do you like it?” he asks, resting his hand on the table top, palm flat, fingers spread. She looks at his broad hand for a moment—a second longer than she should have, maybe—then glances up to look at his face.
“How embarrassing would it be if I said it’s… fangtastic?” she asks with a shrug of her shoulder. Her joke earns a laugh from Eric, and she feels silly for the warmth that flushes through her at his approval. 
“From you, I’ll take it as a compliment. I’m sure the establishments you frequented in Chicago were a little different from this one.” She hums thoughtfully; she’s had her fair share of meetings in swanky hotel bars and fine dining restaurants, but vampire clubs aren’t hard to find anywhere in America.
“Not so different,” she tells him honestly, “though there were fewer eyebrow piercings. I like it here, though, it’s… comfortable,” she adds with a sip of her drink and a tilt of her head. 
It is comfortable, despite the blaring music and the crowd of people talking over one another, because about a third of the bar’s patrons are vampires; she’s used to walking into a room full or half full of them and sighing involuntarily, the weight lifting from her shoulders when she doesn’t have to work as hard not to read the cacophony of their minds.
“That’s an interesting word,” Eric says, eyes roaming over her face. A pretty young waitress in a minuscule black dress steps up beside him, then, and places another martini on the table for Cam. She smiles up at Eric, who does not acknowledge her, and walks away before Cam can thank her for the drink. “On the house,” he tells her, and though she’s only half finished with the one she purchased, she lifts the glass and takes a long sip to show her gratitude.
“Thank you. And thank you for inviting me,” she adds, and when she looks up to meet his gaze she feels that mysterious pull again, then a faint buzzing like white noise on a television screen, or her ears popping at high altitude. “That’s you,” she says slowly, reality dawning on her, and though his features are frozen in surprise, she can see something curious shift in the set of his eyes. 
“Sorry, I—I appreciate the drink, but I already know what you want from me. You want to know if I’m like her.” If I can hear what the humans are thinking, she doesn’t say, but she knows he understands. He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’ll admit I am curious about that, but it’s not the only reason I invited you.” It feels like he’s telling the truth, but she’s still unfamiliar with him, and she’s met several vampires she believed to be honest until they showed their true colors at the end. The only reason humans don’t have the same effect is because she can hear their lies before they have a chance to really develop.
“Then why did you invite me?” she asks firmly, because while she’s not ashamed of her ability she does not enjoy being singled out for it, no matter how good looking the other party may be. Eric pauses, then sighs as though she’s forcing him to show his hand.
“I’ve looked into you. Heard about your reputation,” he says, and he takes another long look at her, lingering over her bare shoulders and throat. “You don’t look like a human rights—excuse me, people’s rights—attorney, I have to admit… unless I’ve just been doing business with the wrong attorneys.”
She takes another sip of his drink, because he’s done his due diligence and she’s always appreciative of someone who isn’t afraid to dig through some tough sources. Her firm had never exactly publicized the fact that one of their lawyers was taking vampire rights cases, so he must have pulled some strings to get the information. 
“I was a people’s rights attorney. Now I’d be lucky to try a case in traffic court.”
“Because of your defense of vampires?” he asks, and she can understand why that’s the way he’d see it; she didn’t defend them, technically, because they weren’t and still aren’t able to be held accountable in a court of law, but she did advocate for their civil rights and against forced assimilation.
“Because I don’t treat vampires like animals or humans like they’re superior,” she offers in summary. She taps a finger against the tabletop. “Say I was like her. What would that mean for me? Would you threaten me until I agree to help you? Manipulate me so I do what you want?” 
He sighs again, and this time it feels like an attempt to appear wounded by her question, though she can’t imagine there’s anything she could say to cause this man any type of emotional concern.
“I would ask if you would be interested in doing some… consulting for me. You would be under no obligation to do so, of course,” he says, showing his palms. “Sookie has helped me in the past, but she does not seem interested in continuing that relationship.” 
His contrived description of their relationship forces a huffed laugh from Cam’s lips.
“You instigate problems between her and Bill – or Bill and you, and it puts her in the middle. That’s why she’s not interested.” 
“Is that what she told you?” he asks, leaning in again, this time on crossed forearms. It brings his face closer, and despite her irritation, she kind of likes it. He’s not bad to look at, either way. “I tend to think of myself as a problem solver, if anything.” She leans in too, as much as she can, looks him directly in the eyes.
“I’m familiar with vampires like you—men like you. Everything’s a pissing contest, you’ll do whatever it takes to assert your dominance, and nothing else matters.” If he’s surprised by her assumptions, he doesn’t show it. “Sookie is my family and she has my loyalty. Flirt with her if you want to, that's your prerogative, but I’m not going to stand around and watch you toy with her to get under Bill’s skin. I’m sure you can find a way to do that all on your own.” 
He stands tall at that, brow furrowed like she’s just said something insane. 
“I don’t flirt with her, I just… enjoy exposing Bill’s weakness,” he explains with a shrug. Cam hums, unconvinced, takes the toothpick out of her glass and pulls the single olive off the stick with her teeth, eats it.
“Like all men, I can promise you he has more than just the one,” she says with a smirk when she’s finished chewing, and she downs the rest of her drink in one smooth sip. “That kid’s underage, by the way—the one by the bar with the pink streak in her hair? One of your bouncers didn’t do a very thorough ID check. She’s been freaking out about it since she walked in.” 
Eric turns to glance at the girl, who is saying nothing aloud but does look almost comically on edge, and then back at Cam. She smiles politely, her professional smile, and stands, pushing in her chair and slinging her bag over her shoulder. 
“I’ll think about the offer, if you think about what I said. Thanks again for the drink.”
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Epilogue Part 2: To End Up With You (SMUT)
Season 5 Masterlist
*Aloha! This has been a long time coming, but here you go! The end! 
This is just...this is...utter filth. Very very grown-up, and I don't recommend trying some of the stuff at home. 
There's some plot, but it's mostly just smut (apart from the end) and includes some slightly spicy images, i.e. a woman in underwear. Avoid it if it's not your thing. 
P.S. I've never been to Hawaii, so don't expect this to be accurate or realistic. Please enjoy the final chapter of this book as Ray and his sweet girl enter their new chapter <3
The journey was hell, but it brought them to heaven. 
After a gruelling six-hour flight, Ray and (y/n) finally touched down in Hawaii, the final couple to board the packed flight. They'd gone straight from the mall to the airport, having easily laid a few thousand down on a new wardrobe each after realising everything they owned was now ash and charcoal. With heavy hearts, they made the first step of letting the old Man Cave go, knowing new beginnings deserved new threads. However, (y/n) wished Ray didn't try to carry every bag she bought in the name of chivalry. 
But shoving a few weeks' worth of clothes and essentials into a few suitcases wasn't easy, meaning they showed up to the plane looking slightly mad and certainly rumpled in their suit and white dress. 
They were newlyweds, which went well with the grumpy old man in the aisle seat next to them. He rolled their eyes as they bumbled into the middle and window seats. Ray graciously took the central option since he was a gentleman, unlike the loser who swore that anyone who was ever late should be lined up against a wall... Not the sort of guy Ray wanted his sweet girl rubbing shoulders with. 
But, six intolerable hours of crying babies, lousy food, and no sleep later, they touched down in paradise, catching peeks of the shadowy beaches and black sea beneath them as they descended through the clouds. It was disappointing to know they didn't get their first glimpses in daylight, but (y/n) didn't care, not when they collected their bags, shoved their passports in the face of the kindly man in security, and skipped out into the free air. 
They still had a taxi ride ahead of them, but it didn't matter to her; this was Hawaii - the place she'd always dreamed of. And now, she had finally arrived with her husband by her side. 
"Calm down, darlin'. We've still got an hour before we get to our hotel."
"I know, I know! But a girl can be excited, doofus. It's my honeymoon, after all..." she giggled as they slunk into the back of the cab, refusing to stop holding hands, even as they fastened their seatbelts. He couldn't help but smile at that, too, bubbling with excitement at the prospect of spending three weeks interrupted with his wife. His wife. 
He wasn't used to that, frequently raising her hand to his lips so he could kiss her rings - the ones that told the world she was his and he was hers. It was a sweet sight for the taxi driver, who politely chatted with them, cooed when they spoke of their recent nuptials, and welcomed them to the island like they were old friends. That instantly stood out to the happy couple; everyone around them was pleasant and friendly - always smiling. 
And, of course, the man at the hotel lobby's entrance smiled. Sharp, bright, pearly like a shark, his hand outstretched for his expectant tip that had Ray reaching into his wallet. He didn't care, not even when (y/n)'s eyes widened at the fifty-dollar bill he handed over--wasn't that a little extreme? She would've thought so if it wasn't for the foyer that greeted her, taking her breath away as a bellboy jumped into action to carry their bags. 
That was the kind of place the hero had booked; endless polished marble floors, high ceilings, luxurious wallpapers on walls otherwise painted white, soft velveteen couches for waiting clients, and a tropical fish tank that reached the balconied floor above them. The place felt like a palace, gleaming and spotless as (y/n) took in its beauty with a wide-eyed expression and open mouth. 
She felt a little intimidated, wondering if such a place was meant for someone like her, who often dribbled food down her front or wore dirty sneakers. But she didn't need to worry; as fancy as the hotel was - literally the best money could buy - the staff were far too well-mannered to say anything. As per Ray's plan, they wouldn't bump into any snooty residents anyway. Even the judgemental glances at their shotgun wedding attire would pass as the very accommodating man at the front desk handed them keys and congratulated Mr and Mrs Manchester for their recent marriage. 
Her new title was foreign but not unwelcome as her lover whisked her away again, ushering her away from the main building with the bell boy and into what looked like a reinforced golf buggy. 
"What about our room, Ray?"
"Don't worry, sweet girl. You'll see..." the man whispered into her ear as they huddled in the back of the vehicle, pushed together by the cooler air and a constant need to be close. 
Everything was so mysterious and lacking in detail, giving her little to nothing to imagine as the spotty kid drove them along a rocky path beside the main beach. He was nice enough like everyone else, accustomed to tourists and the like as the bright building disappeared behind the lush vegetation behind them. Undoubtedly, Ray didn't intend for them to sleep on the beach, (y/n) assumed, but she couldn't help but wonder as the darkness crept around them, and the sound of crickets grew louder.
There was almost no one around here; everyone was put off by the mountainous terrain, forest, or isolated sane dunes to walk this far away from the sun beds, bars, and restaurants. She would've been okay with that palace, knowing the rooms would've been expensive but of the highest quality--fit for a king and queen, so she didn't understand what could've been better out here in the middle of nowhere.
"I can hear you think, sweetheart. Trust me. I know where we're going," Ray chuckled, kissing her cheek and jaw as her eyebrows twitched in confusion. He read her face like a book, sensing her slight apprehension, despite trusting him with her life. Knowing her doofus, he wouldn't have stopped until he had the best of the best booked, nothing but the finest luxury for his darling wife, yet she couldn't work out what that was. 
"Can't you give me a clue? Just a little one?"
"A tiny one?" Damn, he was holding out on her, distracting her with kisses and a warm hand on her thigh as she whined. A brattier part of her wanted to pout; this was her vacation, too - why couldn't she know where they were staying, especially if it was some mud hut out in the sticks? But no, she had to remain calm and trust the process. She did not want to look back on her honeymoon and remember a temper tantrum, not even when Ray stood fast and refused to spill his secret. 
"A teeny-weeny-peeny one?" But he couldn't fault a sweet girl for trying. 
"Cute, but no," he grinned, pecking her nose as she wrinkled it in defeat. What a meanie, making her suffer a surprise of all things. But she relented, eagerly leaning out of the buggy to try and work out where the bell boy was taking them as he worked on making her lose her cool. 
He'd been a nightmare of the plane, whispering all kinds of tempting, sinful ideas to her, ranging from wondering what that pretty little dress would look like on the cabin floor to joining the mile-high club. All of which would've earned them a lifetime ban on flying, so she switched on a movie and told him to eat his microwaved goop. Cue Ray pouting, mumbling about needing his wife more than ever now that she'd taken his surname, but whatever. His moment would come - literally. 
Ignoring his tummy-tingling touches, she peered at their surroundings. It didn't help that it was way past their bedtimes with little more than the moon and stars to cast their light onto the beach and rural trails, but gradually, she began to piece some things together. The further they got from the central hotel, the more frequently the tiki torches appeared, guiding them onto a smoother road and toward an open stretch of white sand and endless ocean dotted with individual shacks that glowed warmly and invited them closer. 
Well, she said shacks. As they approached, she quickly retracted that noun, gulping when she saw their design and grandeur, replacing it with mansion. They were huge, made from solid wood and stone, with open windows, potted plants and palm trees to make the rooms cool and airy in the warm, welcoming light. Each had its pool that stretched around the properties, leaving islands for wicker furniture, outdoor grills, and sun beds. 
It should've been cosy with so many couples living so close together...until (y/n) realised they weren't individual rooms but one lot - one space for one paying customer, who just happened to be Captain Man. He'd booked one villa for three weeks for two people, namely himself and his wife, who deserved to dine, sleep, and explore without fearing someone interrupting their getaway. Was it expensive? He used his card without a second thought once he'd seen the bedroom and king-sized bed online. It was perfect, and her expression was exactly what he'd been hoping for. 
"Good?" he asked as they got closer, laughing when his sweet girl almost stuck half her body out of the window to try and get a better view. 
Good was an understatement as they pulled up near the front door, framed by the grand, looming porch with its flowers and seagrass welcome mat. The place screamed domesticity and comfort, stealing (y/n)'s breath away as she scrambled out of the golf buggy with a helping hand from Ray. He didn't want to see her trip, not when they had three weeks to enjoy the space, although he understood her excitement. 
"Uh-huh..." she nodded weakly, her head constantly inclined as she stared at the pretty villa, noting its creamy walls and ornate slate roof. Her eyes couldn't drink in its beauty fast enough, but one thing was sure - it must've cost Ray an arm and a leg. Possibly a kidney, too. 
"Doofus, this is too much. You didn't have to spend this much on us for one vacation."
"I did, sweet girl. You deserve it, and besides, who doesn't want their own resort, complete with a private pool and beach?" He shrugged, helping the boy with their many suitcases because he was nice. She was his for the next twenty-one days, and he didn't want to share, deeming the communal buildings too busy and noisy for a proper romantic getaway. After all, Ray Manchester didn't share, not when he planned on making his pretty wife scream to the heavens. 
"You mean it's ours? There's no one else?" (y/n) frowned, but now that he mentioned it, she realised she hadn't seen anyone since they'd checked in. Could he mean it? No one at all?
"Not for miles around, so I have you all to myself. No kids, no emergencies, no bald weirdos showering with pigs... Just us," Ray smirked, gently kissing her lips as the kid - Ryan? Rhys? Rob? Whatever - worked on placing their bags in the hallway past the grand doors. He seemed a little too eager to please, cruising for a healthy tip as he snuck a few glances at the pretty lady wearing the even prettier dress. She was hot...but her husband was terrifying, especially when he caught him staring. 
He was used to it - every man and boy liked to drool over his wife, trying to tempt her away with sneering smirks and crooning words, but she didn't know it. (y/n) was entirely focused on her doofus, throwing her arms around him and chanting a million thank yous to see how the boy turned all hazy-eyed at the sight of her soft thighs. It was just a tip he was cruising for, making Ray curl over her body protectively and glare at the spotty kid. 
"Can we go inside?"
"'Course, sweet girl. Just let me get those last few bags..." Ray smiled, gesturing for her to go and explore as he puffed out his chest and took all four bags in one mighty lift. As his girl skipped off to see what delights awaited inside, he strolled past Rob--Rick--River--whatever his name was with a Cheshire grin, knowing he didn't have to take the bags, but he wanted to. That kid was just a kid, and he wasn't jealous...or pretending that the luggage wasn't heavy - he just wanted to speed up the process. 
With her doofus showing off to the bell boy, (y/n) stood stunned in the open living room, breathless by the elegant space. The open plan gave the kitchen and dining area a nice flow into the seating area, where a plush white sofa surrounded a solid wood coffee table. The mini bar was free - prepurchased by Ray - and they could choose to cook, dine at the five-star restaurant or phone for room service, depending on their energy. 
Slipping her heels off, she walked into the airy room, noticing an enormous bed through a large archway on the right. Adjacent to a mirror, vanity unit, and wardrobe, it was big enough to fit four people. It was a mountain of duck-down and pure white Egyptian cotton that would give anyone the best night's sleep. Sleep sounded nice after so long on the plane, enduring turbulence and the constant pilot announcements, but she kept wandering. 
There was a bathroom, too, complete with a walk-in shower, pool-like tub, and two his-and-hers sinks at the marble counters. Everything was gilded and polished, decorated with tasteful cultural art or paintings of sea life, making (y/n) smile at the thought of dolphins, turtles and little fishies. 
Through the open arches on the back wall, she saw the deep, turquoise pool bubbling as it reflected the moonlight. It wasn't huge, but it would be fine for two people, especially when she saw an untouched, private beach just a few metres behind the shrubbery. The next villa along must've been miles away, giving them utter privacy from their neighbours--whoever they were. No one would peek over the fence to catch a glimpse of her sunbathing or spoil their relaxation by partying on the sand. 
This was the Hawaii she had only read about in billionaire's magazines, and Ray had managed to get it for her. She'd make it worth his while. 
"Do you need any help unpacking, ma'am?" A soft, polite voice broke through her awed daydream, snatching her gaze away from the impressive decor to see the boy - Robin or whatever - standing before her. Ray had finished his job for him, but he couldn't help being helpful, especially for someone staying in the princess suite...and for such a gorgeous lady. 
"Oh, uh---"
"No, thanks, pal. My wife and I can take it from here, so why don't you get back and your golf buggy and go back to the kiddie club or wherever you work?" Before she could speak, Ray was by her side, giving the blushing kid his tightest yet cheesiest grin as he curled his arms around his sweet girl and pulled her back against his chest. 
(y/n) wriggled at the intimate embrace, feeling shy as the boy looked away with a bashful, nervous giggle, but she relaxed into her doofus. She expected Ray to be handsy, recalling how he behaved on the plane and verging indecently when she said she was cold, but she understood why. Being alone sounded heavenly, meaning she did her best to give the kid her politest smile as he backed off, seeing he'd get nowhere with the lady whilst her husband was around. 
Something told her that he must've been popular with the female guests.
"Are you sure that will be all, ma'am?" The kid was incessant, practically batting his eyelashes at (y/n) as she giggled, noticing how he ignored her bulky, sulking husband, who seethed behind her. If only he knew who he was talking with--whose wife he'd set his sights on...
Ray opened his mouth to give him a damn good talking, wanting to curl around his sweet girl and shield her from the leering eyes since she was too precious for such corruption. Still, she simply raised her hand to tell him to button it. There was no need to spoil their first night with a fight, and the sooner she showed him her disinterest, Ramon or whatever would go away. 
"Yes, thank you. We can manage from here," she assured the boy, stroking Ray's forearm as it rested against her tummy. It seemed to calm him down, or maybe he was more interested in rubbing his slightly stubbly cheek on the top of her head to show his loving possession over his sweet girl. It placated him anyway and warded his rival off as he bowed his head and bid them goodnight. 
"Very well, ma'am. Room service is available twenty-four-seven, so please, enjoy your stay and don't hesitate--"
"Yeah, yeah, we'll phone the front desk. Thank you, and goodbye!" Ray butted in sharply after he untangled himself from the heroine, using his vast size to force the kid toward the door. He was the king of subtlety, making (y/n) roll her eyes at how he roughly shook his hand, pressing a fifty-dollar bill into his palm just to get him to fuck off and leave them alone--like he'd paid for. 
The door slammed shut in his face before another word could be uttered, leaving the stunned, if richer, boy standing in their front porch light, wondering if it was something he said.
Finally, they could breathe a sigh of relief. The hero turned around to see his precious girl smiling at him like she found something funny, failing to hide her laughter through her fingers as he moodily stomped over to her. He knew the beauty he married - one of the many reasons he loved her - but come on, any guy would be irate to have another bum giving her such lovestruck stares--not that there'd ever be another guy. 
"You didn't have to throw him out like that, doofus. That kid was only trying to be helpful," she teased him, smoothing her flat palms up the man's chest as he huffed and pouted but looped his arms around her too. 
"He was ogling my wife," he replied gruffly against her neck, instantly resuming what they'd hastily paused on Mount Swellview many hours ago. Neither wanted to think about the kids, not because they were mean or forgetting them already, but because the pain was still fresh. They were miles away and alone, but this time was supposed to be for them - fun and relaxing. 
So, Ray did what he did best, running his lips up and down her throat in his best method of seduction, knowing he, for one, was dying to see her naked, preferably underneath him. And he was good at it, smiling against her soft skin when a hand pushed his face closer, encouraging him to nip and poke his tongue out--
"Uh-huh, sure. I think he was just being polite. I mean, come on, Raymond, he looked about twelve..." 
"Exactly... I know how the twelve-year-old boy's mind works, darlin'. He took one look at you and thought he stood a chance," he growled, reaching around her hip to slide his hand down to her ass, grabbing fistfuls of her flouncy, lacy skirt and the soft, supple flesh hidden underneath. (y/n) chuckled, tilting her head back to allow him more space as she thought a little seduction couldn't hurt, not when his small but skilled ministrations made heat pool in her belly. 
"And you know that he didn't. Not when my grumpy doofus of a husband was ready to fight everything within a half-mile radius for the right to be within three feet of me, including the mini-bar," she rolled her eyes and shook her head, relishing a few more pecks before stepping away from him. 
Ray's whine was puppy-like, quickly reaching out for his sweet girl when she left his body cold and lonely just to go and look out across the balcony. Damn right, he'd show that punk who he was messing with, gazing at her sweet little body in that stunning dress before he'd even peeled it off. This was his time to indulge in everything his wife had to offer, so it made his nose wrinkle and heart weep to see her curiously exploring the space he'd rented. 
The nighttime breeze was pleasant, brushing through her hair as (y/n) looked across the dimly lit pool and out to the shadowy bay. It was dark - why would she want to look? Or, that was Ray's conclusion anyway, thinking the stupid views and exploration could wait until the morning. After all, it had been a very long flight, so he hoped to have a very long night with his wife as they tested the mattress to see if it was worth paying an extra seven hundred dollars for a reinforced frame. 
"Sweet girl, come back!" He whined, reaching out to grab her hand--shoulder--butt--anything before she disappeared. 
"But, doofus, I wanna look around," the heroine argued as he caught her wrist and pulled her back into his chest, wanting to better understand how big the place was. It was late, and she was exhausted, but she couldn't help it, not when her rebellious streak silently dared her to go skinny dipping. She thought Ray would've enjoyed that, but he just raised an eyebrow and pouted more, looking wildly comical. 
"It's dark," he said like it was obvious, glancing at the starry sky and how it hid most of the gorgeous island from view. (y/n) She shook her head and smiled, biting her tongue at his incredible deduction because she obviously knew it was dark. But she wouldn't let that stop her, not even if her silly doofus told her it was too dangerous to traverse the rocky, uneven pathways that were just begging to trip her over with a taro root. 
"So? The decking is well-lit, and I think I saw a jacuzzi out there. Don't you want to relax after travelling?"
"Yeah, but I had different plans," the hero shrugged, trying to play off his desire like he wouldn't get down on his knees and beg if she asked. Call him desperate, but a man couldn't survive without his honey, and if he had to plead to taste it, he would--although, usually, he didn't have to go that far for his fill. 
"Like what?" (y/n) asked innocently, acting as though she didn't feel the hand on her ass again, squeezing her cheek like he was playing the accordion. Ray looked down at her through darkened eyes, knowing that she knew--knowing she was trying to drive him insane with her teasing words and how her finger drew circles on his dark shirt. Heat struck through his loins, making him grab her hips and pull her closer until their pelvises were flush--as if that wasn't a big enough hint for what he wanted. 
"You. Me. Naked. All night." Well, if you don't ask, you don't get - that was Ray's motto. (y/n)'s eyes flew to her hairline, not expecting her lover to be so bold, but she rolled with it, keeping her cool even as she subconsciously stepped closer. The jacuzzi was good, but being underneath her doofus sounded better, calling for her to spread eagle on the bed and let him do what he wanted. She was, after all, his good little wife. 
"Raymond, what will the neighbours think? They'll think you're a man of loose morals if they hear you talk to a lady like that," she gasped as if his murmured confession scandalised her. Hollywood wouldn't offer her any roles any time soon, her tone a little too dramatic as she whacked his pec and pressed the back of her hand to her forehead like a fifties movie star. 
He huffed at her antics, taking that hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it, which led to his lips trailing down the inside of her arm as her breath hitched. She was a terrible actress, but Ray didn't care, egged on by her breathlessness and need for proximity as they danced around what was inevitable now. Honestly, he would've begged for some action if she wanted, but she was always so receptive anyway.
"There's no one around for miles, pretty girl. It's just us," he chuckled, kissing down her arm until he was back at her neck, lightly biting her jawline as he ground his hips against her stomach. Her thighs tensed and clenched at his blatant arousal, tempted to sink to her knees like a good girl and take him in her mouth there and then. The thought made her mouth water, suddenly growing pliant and needy as she thought about his unsubtle request. 
But she could never resist a little teasing. 
"You pitch a tempting offer...but I might just go and look at the coconut palms," she smiled sweetly, patting him on the cheek before moving to turn her back on him, of all things. It was torture, knowing she couldn't give a shit about a tree, whether it grew tasty, tropical fruit or not, but Ray was so much hotter when he was moody. 
A smirk plastered across her face as an arm shot out and hooked around her waist, reeling her back against his chest as she squealed and giggled, knowing she had him. A growl turned her knees to jelly, ensuring his sweet girl wouldn't try running again now that he'd caught her, pressing his hips against her ass as his mouth came down against her ear, blowing warm air down her neck. His free hand - the one not preoccupied with keeping her against his taut body - firmly grabbed her chin, holding her face still as he bent over her, breathing heavily for a few seconds before speaking. 
"Oh, no, sweet girl... I'm not letting you go tonight. You're staying in bed with me all night. Do you understand?"
"Yes...Captain," she whined, eagerly pressing her ass back into him as her voice became needy and whiny, void of any ideas about teasing. He had her right where he wanted her in a well-rehearsed method that could've named Ray a mastermind. He was always good at swaying her mind, kissing her neck a few times as his hand released her chin and ghosted down her front, barely stroking over her breast before he released her. 
(y/n) gasped at the loss of contact, hating but loving how quickly he'd turned her on, knowing he could bend her over and fuck her right then and there. His seduction was short but effective, leaving her underwear sticking to her thighs and her hands shaking in mere moments, so why wouldn't he take her? 
A wave of brattiness at the loss of his body had her practically stamping her foot. She looked over her shoulder with a pout to see her doofus shedding his dark jacket and neatly folding it over a chair whilst he hungrily gazed at her body. Fuck, he looked good in that shirt, which had to be at least a size too small to make his biceps and shoulders look that big and broad. And he knew what he was doing, smirking a little when she whined and squirmed, wanting something - a direction, order, suggestion - something to tell her what to do before she burst into flames. 
"Good girl..." Ray hummed, undoing the first few buttons on his cuffs to roll his sleeves up his forearms, exposing inches of deliciously tanned skin, twitching tendons, and strong muscles. It was better than a striptease, making (y/n) kick off her heels and step toward him - anything to touch him. 
She pulled him into a filthy kiss, running her tongue along his bottom lip as Ray eagerly reciprocated, swiftly taking dominance as she slid her hands down to his collar. Her fingers deftly worked to undo more buttons, hoping to see his chiselled torso as he groaned and explored her mouth before abruptly pulling away. Their breathing was ragged, and their lips were swollen, but (y/n) was on a mission, growling lowly in her throat when she struggled with the following button. She was too excited, wanting her husband instantly naked since he'd reminded her of how much she needed him. 
It had been too long; between fighting Drex, recovering from any injuries, and coping with the next chapter of their lives, sex had been forgotten, especially since Ray refused to touch his wife's bruised body. It was a shock to the system, given how they woke up most mornings in the mood, and she was as desperate as he was - although without Ray's ulterior motive. 
"Doofus..." the heroine whimpered when he pushed her hands away when she nearly had it. She'd waited thirteen years for a wedding night with him, leaving them plenty of filthy ideas to try out, yet he refused to get undressed. Was he trying to kill her?
"All in good time, darlin'," Ray promised, knowing what he was doing as if he was known for being a king of patience. "Now, as much as I love this dress on you, sweetheart, it has to go...
"Yes, Captain..."
"That's my girl..." Ray smirked, swatting her ass once as he fumbled for the zipper on the back of her dress. It was a bit fiddly, cleverly hidden under stiff fabric, so the metal didn't show. But he managed it, peeling the material apart as it exposed her soft back, becoming loose enough to shimmy down her body. He anticipated seeing her naked tits and stomach, licking his lips as he yanked down the irrelevant dress now that his fancy was elsewhere. Still, it seemed his sweet girl had a little surprise for him. 
As the dress pooled around her feet, his eyes bulged out of his skull at the sight of her clad in the hottest yet daintiest set of white, lacy lingerie he'd ever seen. It pushed her tits together and trailed down her stomach, hiding and revealing everything as she innocently fluttered her eyelashes and moved the bra strap up her arm when it slipped. 
Her thighs rubbed together for friction, drawing his attention south, where his gaze glued to her pretty pussy, clad in the tiniest pair of panties he'd ever seen, marred only by the wetness making the material sticky and clingy, tempting him to pull them down and clean her up. 
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"Fuck, that's pretty..." he groaned, rubbing his down over her stomach as she giggled, feeling nothing but beautiful under his stare as he rolled his thumb over her nipple until it was hard and straining through the thin bra. If he'd known she was hiding such sinful garments under that dress, he would've taken her sooner...maybe on the airport floor. 
"Like it?" She asked with a giggle, having hidden it for weeks after an impromptu trip to the mall and a very high-end boutique. Piper begged to know what she had bought, revelling in the woman's warm cheeks and ears, but she tucked it away in a drawer where no one would find it. After all, it was meant to be a surprise. 
"Think you know the answer to that, you little minx..." Ray grunted, his voice tight and strained when her hand rubbed the front of his black slacks, rolling her fingertips against his stiff length. 
It was no secret that seeing his wife clad in so little lace had him hard enough to cut glass, so he upped his game, rubbing up against her and stretching and squeezing her naked flesh. If there was one thing he loved, it was her in a thong because they gave him such good access, pulling her cheeks apart as he kneaded them with little hurry. 
"Will you fuck me now? Or am I not tempting enough?" She asked coyly, batting her eyelashes as Ray groaned, missing her touch when she pulled her hand away from his cock to run them over her body. The sight set his veins on fire; wanting nothing but his talent to bring her pleasure that night, he cupped her cheeks and began walking her backwards toward the bedroom. 
"Bed. Now," he ordered, going to undo his shirt as she giggled, carefully walking faster until the backs of her knees hit the bed's edge. She allowed herself to tumble onto the mattress, confirming it was as soft and luxurious as it looked. Being the true pillow princess she was, (y/n) didn't have to do anything as relaxed into the cotton and tucked her arms behind her head to watch the show. 
Consciously or unconsciously, Ray made a show of ridding his body of the infernal shirt, nearly ripping the last few buttons when he grew tired of doing it correctly. As he edged towards her, he shrugged the black material down his shoulders and tore it off, giving her the mouth-watering sight of his naked abs and thick pecs. God bless whoever invented working out, making her shamelessly flop her legs open as he stood next to the bed, looking every bit the Greek God he was. 
He stared down at her, licking his lips as she spread her legs and rested her hands on her tummy, openly welcoming him to do whatever he pleased as long as it ended with her fluttering cunt satiated. And who was he to deny her. 
Ray quickly popped his slacks open and pushed them down his meaty thighs, leaving her hungry for the cock pressed against his expensive underwear as it left a dark spot on the front. He'd never been harder, thoroughly turned on by the knowledge that he was staring at his wife as she waited for him to fuck her. He might have been on the brink of discovering a kink, getting off on the fact that he'd made her his wife and had God's gift to mankind all to himself for eternity. 
"Don't just stand there, doofus. I need you..." (y/n) whined, breaking him out of his daydream to see her head tilted back against the pillows and her previously idle fingertips sliding toward her soaked panties. He tutted at the sight, reaching to stop her before she could draw any self-pleasure. Anything she felt would come from him, meaning he quickly joined her on the bed, crawling up the mattress like a wolf hunting its prey. 
"Don't touch what's mine, sweet girl..." he warned lowly, laying on his front as he kissed her clothed clit, making her mewl for more when his tongue flickered over the sensitive nub. 
"This pretty little pussy is mine, understand?" He asked gruffly, slinging an arm over her stomach so her hips couldn't move. She could writhe, whine, beg, or thrash, but under Captain Man's bulk, there was no moving, just taking whatever he did or didn't give as he groaned at the faint taste reaching his tongue through her soaked thong. 
"In here, you are mine, sweet girl. You will do what I say and take whatever the fuck I give you because I know you love it. I'll make this lush little body shake when you scream and beg for more..." the hero said darkly, making her tremble as he affectionately rubbed his cheek against her hip, so she could feel his stubble scratching her skin. 
She nodded feverishly, agreeing wholeheartedly because he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, and she loved it--she'd learnt that much in the time they'd dated. She wanted to succumb to his dominance and control, not because he owned her, but because he knew her. And she knew he'd keep her perfectly safe as he fucked her into the springs. 
"But out there..." Ray murmured, glancing over his shoulder at the open doors giving the room its breeziness as it led to the open world.
"Out there, you own me, darlin'. I'm yours. I'm gonna take care of you forever..."
"Fuck, Ray--fuck me already!" (y/n) cried, tightly holding his shoulders as he kissed along her squishy thighs, teasingly dipping her fingertips under her waistband like he was gonna pull the panties down her legs and feast on her wet cunt. But he didn't, too busy sucking fleeting bruises into her flesh as he kept her legs pinned beside his head. He tutted and sharply bit her thigh, earning a squeal from his beloved wife as she pulled his hair, begging him to undress her properly. The lingerie was pretty, but now, it was in the way, making her feel trapped in the tiny panties. 
"Patience, darlin'..." he crooned, laving over her pussy in what was as much a tease for him as it was for her. He'd love to bury his face between her thighs until she couldn't take anymore, but he didn't want to rush. They'd only get one night like this, one first time as husband and wife in the throes of passion, and he tried to make it memorable. 
"Don't tell me to be patient! I want you to fuck me...need it. Can't you see how wet I am for you?" (y/n) whimpered but stared at him invitingly, biting her lip, fluttering her eyelashes, licking her lips, and squirming--every trick in the book to try and entice him. She even stretched to cupping her breast and moaning, throwing her head against the pillows like she did when he filled her repeatedly, making Ray swallow thickly, watching how her chest heaved. 
"Shit, sweet girl... You know I want you," he conceded, thinking his desire was evident--constant, given how he could never leave her alone. His hand reached to take hers, pulling it away from her tits to kiss her fingertips, the ones that brought self-pleasure when he wanted to be solely responsible for that job. 
"So, why don't you?" (y/n) asked moodily, wrinkling her nose like a child as her doofus took his time trailing his nose's tip from thigh to thigh and over her stomach. Crawling up her body, he palmed her tits and messily left kisses along her collarbones, dawdling for some reason known only to him. She accepted his kiss when he reached her mouth, languidly exploring her honeyed taste until she grew too impatient, pathetically thumping his shoulders, making him smirk. 
Ray knew what he was doing; he might not have known much, but he knew how to make her squirm. 
"Let me make love to my wife. Let me savour this time, and I promise I'll ruin this needy cunt after..." he whispered, brushing his hand over her forehead to push back stray hairs before gently pecking the skin there. 
(y/n) didn't know how he did it. How could a man be so tender yet so filthy simultaneously? She instantly felt the shift in the room, forgetting her brattiness to sink into the pillows as sensual energy surrounded them, forsaking any need to tear clothes and go at it like rabbits. It was slightly strange, given that Ray, whilst a very generous lover, tended to prefer rougher, faster fucks than something slow and steady. She didn't mind that since he knew how to leave her breathless and sated, but she'd be a liar if she claimed to not tear up at his words. 
Her doofus made it sound so special, trailing his knuckles down her cheekbone like she was made of glass--the most precious thing in the world. He looked down at her with the softest blue eyes she'd ever seen, becoming jelly-like in his embrace as Ray blanketed his sweet girl with his body. 
"Ray..." she murmured, feeling like she would cry when her arms reached under the ones beside her head to hug him closer. Tonight, he would be her doofus, her beloved Ray, her husband, not the Captain everyone else knew him as. 
As her lips found his skin, suckling imaginary bruises where she could, he worked on reaching around her back to unhook the bra. The hero chuckled when his pretty girl hung off his body, unwilling to let go even when he wanted her perfect tits free, and that wasn't easy when she kept distracting him. But he managed it, fiddling the catch until he could peel it down her arms and throw it somewhere unimportant - a plant pot or something. 
Next, he pulled her underwear down, aware her chest was sensitive and ripe for playing with, but he just had to see her naked. There was no prettier sight than his wife underneath him, wearing nothing but moonlight and her wedding rings, making him harder than stone. A grumble left (y/n)'s throat when he momentarily pushed her away to hold her hips in the air, yanking down the lacy panties and throwing them over his shoulder too. 
At last, she was bare, looking like an angel as she stared up at him, reaching for his shoulders again since she couldn't stand to have him so far away. A hand came over her ribs to fondle her tit, rubbing his thumb over her nipple as Ray watched her eyelids flutter, missing his utterly besotted smile as he leaned down for another kiss. He couldn't get enough. 
"I love you, (y/n)..." he whispered against her lips, meaning it with all his heart as she cupped his cheeks and kissed him, drowning in happy tears - whilst her rings caught the light and sparkled. 
"I love you, too," she replied instantly, feeling his cock brushing against her stomach as he smothered her with his immense bulk. But, for now, she ignored it, not wanting to ruin the moment with her neediness as he pecked and blew raspberries on her cheeks - anything to make her laugh. His shoulder shook mirthfully, resting his forehead against hers as she unsubtly bucked her hips, rubbing against what she desperately craved. 
"Please, doofus... Want you inside."
"You don't want to eat this sweet cunt, darlin'? But it's my favourite part..." Ray frowned, also not wanting to ruin the moment with a minor disagreement, but part of him couldn't help but deflate at the news that they were skipping the foreplay. 
It was true; he could spend hours between her legs and happily go without anything if it meant getting a taste to satiate his addiction. He loved it all; taste, smell, sounds, feeling of her thighs quivering around his ears - it gave him a purpose, and he was damn good at it. His precious wife would attest to that. 
"I believe you said you'd ruin me later..." (y/n) replied, smirking, only to lose any smugness when his fingers appeared at her soaked folds, brushing through them like a teaser for what was to come. Just the thought of lying back and letting him feast to his heart's content made her opening flutter, which Ray definitely sensed as he slowly, mercilessly, almost cruelly circled her clit with a featherlight touch. 
"Doesn't mean I don't want you to soak my face..."
"We're here for three weeks, doofus. We have time, and right now, I want my husband's cock inside me..." she said sternly, gripping his chin between her forefinger and thumb, but a sparkle in her eye said it wasn't malicious. Ray gulped at her words, feeling his length bob in his underwear as she sank deeper into the duck-down pillows, staring through her lashes like a vixen when that word fell from her lips.
She'd married a pious man; he worshipped at her altar, getting down on his knees for his penance faster than most men before their wives. He happily devoted his life to her, seeing heaven when he had her like this, and it got worse when she begged, lips against her ear, nails digging into his biceps, legs sliding around his waist. 
"Please..." his angel pleaded, enjoying his weight on top of her, but she had to stop the emptiness inside her, thinking she'd gone too long without it. He screwed his eyes shut for a second, needing a second to collect his cool before nodding weakly, gulping and giving in because he couldn't say no. The great Captain Man was one of the strongest men on Earth, resistant to every villainous temptation in the world, but he could never deny his sweet girl anything, especially not when she was begging for his cock. 
So, he clumsily hooked his fingers under the waistband and tugged his underwear down, aided by the woman underneath him as she pushed them over his pelvis, so he could kick them off. His cock bobbed in the air so hard it stood straight, perpendicular to his smooth abs, as he pushed his hips down. The underside met her wet slit, making them both groan as he slowly dragged it through her heat, teasing them in replacement of foreplay, even though she'd been dripping since that damned plane ride. 
"So...beautiful for me, sweetheart..." he choked, realising how wound up he was as her hips undulated for more, hoping he'd show mercy and slide home. 
From head to toe, they were pressed together, skin on skin, wearing nothing but their wedding bands as Ray took himself in hand and slid his bulbous head to gather her wetness. As much as his better judgement wilted, he couldn't bring himself to rummage through their luggage for the lube he'd bought from a...questionable store. He would be mad to leave a sexual goddess like her alone in bed, waiting for him to fuck her, so he hoped she'd forgive his impatience, not knowing she craved the burn and stretch. 
"Inside, doof...inside..." (y/n) chanted, reaching between her legs to wrap her fingers around his cock, notching him at her entrance as he dipped in her slick. 
"I got you, darlin'. Anything for my wife..." The hero nodded, knowing he couldn't leave her wishes unattended, so he pushed forward, angling his cock slightly upwards as it brushed against the first inch of her walls, pulling her apart like always--as if they'd never fucked. 
"Oh, fuck--feels--feels so good--"
"Oh, fuck--that's good." "T-Tight--so tight for m-me," they groaned together, clinging to each other for dear life as the emotion swept over them, mingling with the pleasure of becoming one. Tears sprung from the corners of their eyes, making him moan roughly and sigh as he pushed in, relaxing against her body whilst fighting the urge to jackhammer into her. 
Something about her being his wife turned him feral like he'd succeeded against every other fool vying for her hand. Knowing that this was their endgame--that he was the last man who'd ever feel her like this made him want to lose control, pin her down and leave her body like a shrine to his claim. She'd bear his loving offerings when the time was right, but for now, he gritted his teeth and waited until he bottomed out, feeling like he was seconds away from cumming. 
He should've had more restraint, given that he was too impatient, selfish, and needy around her to delay until their wedding night. If he was any more of a man, he would've waited and savoured the moment, but he didn't have that much self-control--and honestly, neither did (y/n). So, it should've been boring after how many times he'd taken her, sometimes several times a day in all manner of ways, but this felt like the first. He felt like a teenager again; she was the girl he swore he'd love forever, more than one fling for a prom. 
"Move, Ray. Need--need--"
"Shhhhhh..." he soothed her keening moans, rocking into her slightly, just a minuscule jerk to make her gasp. Her face was screwed in pleasure, clenching so tightly around him it was almost painful from how wound up they both were. Ray just knew his sweet girl was in her head, dying for a good, rough fucking that would last mere seconds, but he knew she'd last for this. It was just a matter of soothing her. 
"Relax, sweet girl. Let me take care of you--make you feel so good 'cause you're my good little girl... My perfect girl."
(y/n) nodded, taking a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart and loosen her muscles. Instead of running toward her high, she focused on the moment and the man gently moving inside her. He tore up sweet heaven inside her, wrapping her arms around her body as he thrust deeply, shallowly, hitting all the right spots but at an agonisingly tender pace. 
She held him, too, tasting the salt on his skin as the room superheated from the friction of skin-on-skin, filled with the wet sounds of his cock driving into her cunt. 
It drove Ray half-mad, staying at the slow pace as his open mouth panted hot air across her forehead, where his squeezed-shut eyes and knitted brow helped him feel everything. Through the pleasure, (y/n) heard his mumblings, which sounded more like he was talking to himself than her, between every grunt. 
"Fuck--right where I belong!" "C-Can't believe you're mine. How did--how did I get so lucky?" "Love you every day." "Make love to you every day--so you know...I love you."
She smiled at his words, raking her nails down his back as molten heat surged through her veins. Ray sensed it, reaching down to rub slow, tight circles around her clit to push her over the edge and feel her walls tighten - nothing made him prouder than knowing he made her cum. Her first high was gentle but intensely satisfying, leaving her mewling and digging her manicured nails, raking down the muscly expanse of skin, making him hiss. 
It burned so pleasantly, pulling a brutal thrust from his control that had her choking after the sensitivity of the small but powerful orgasm. He quickly regained his composure, grunting an apology as he fought to stop pounding into her, even though it made his sweet girl hold him tighter. 
"This little pussy just loves to be fucked hard, huh?" He asked coldly, chuckling when she nodded frantically--as if that would make him move faster. 
"But you can take it like this, right? My wife can take me any time, any way, right?"
"Uh-huh...just like my husband will always make me cum first--right?" (y/n) replied with a grin, tilting her head back as he kissed, licked and sucked across her neck, biting down where he pleased since it made her tighten around him, squeezing his cock like a vice. She was warm, snug and impossibly wet after cumming, making him lose himself. as he growled at her words. 
"Damn straight, sweetheart. At least twice. Always."
"You're every girl's dream, doofus," the woman giggled as he doubled his efforts, upping the pace slightly whilst keeping his thrusts soft. But it was true; anyone would sell their left kidney to have a husband as considerate and kind as him, with the same prowess. Three to one was Ray's golden ratio, leaving her with jelly legs yet utterly satisfied every time they fucked--and that was often. 
"True..." The hero smirked smugly, lapping up her praise like the bigheaded doofus he was, and it made her whack his shoulder weakly as his fingers returned to her clit. He knew that after bagging so many girls over the years, there was only one he truly loved, and it was his privilege to be between her legs. 
"But you're my girl, and I'm not a dream. Fuck--you make me weak."
"You won't be the sore one in the morning..." (y/n) moaned as another high built in her core, spurred by his fingers dancing over her flesh. Her slickness made them slippery, effortlessly passing over her clit over and over as he sucked her tit and ran his tongue over her nipple. 
Nothing made him prouder than seeing her waddling after a good rough session, but it was often short-lived. Other girls felt it for days after, but (y/n) was lucky if she had hours to feel the ghost of her lover in her pussy with every step she took. Her super-regeneration often Soothed her muscles before Ray could bask in the knowledge that anyone could work out that he brought her endless pleasure. He hoped he'd see it when they woke. 
"Yeah? You gonna cum again, darlin'? 'Cause I don't want you walkin' in the morning."
"So good--kiss me, Ray..." she begged, ignoring his teasing and smugness when her cunt fluttered, aching to release around him. His fingers quickened on her nub, and who was he to deny his precious girl's request? 
He bent down and swallowed her moans, rolling his hips to give each pump of his cock a slight grind, finding that sweet spot with expert precision. She wailed into his mouth, shuddering in the safety of his arms as Ray breathed deeply, puffing out his cheeks as his stomach tensed, threatening to fill her before he'd completed his goal. His caveman instincts told him to ruin her, and that's what he aimed for, hoping to wring her dry with three orgasms. 
He doubled his efforts as the first died down, leaving her twitching and delirious from the oxygen his lips stole. Finally, his thrusts grew rougher, rushing to build her next orgasm since his tight balls and prickling skin suggested he couldn't hold out any longer. It wouldn't take much, not when she was so sensitive from the last, chasing his thrusts with her undulating hips, but he hoped to God he didn't lose it. 
And she didn't make it easy.
"Fuck me so good, doofus... Gonna cum in me?"
"Y-yeah--fuck, yeah, darlin'. Just g-gimme a few--" Ray gasped, trying to ignore the minx beneath him and her tempting, sinful whispers. He always thought she was so pure and innocent until he got her like this, discovering she could make him cum faster than anyone he'd been with before--with just a few words and a squeeze on his cock. 
But (y/n) wouldn't be defeated, knowing her third and final orgasm was inevitable with her lover finally fucking her, she felt it. The signs of him chasing his end were the sloppiness and uneven pace that satisfied his needs more than hers - self-indulgence. And being the mischievous succubus she was, she couldn't help but lull him into sin, teasing him with every preference, kink and weakness she knew. 
"Fill me up--want it. Want it dripping from me all night, leaking from my pussy."
"Keep talking like that, and I won't--you won't-- want you to cum again, sweetheart," her doofus stammered as her words fucked with his mind, sending stabs of heat through his loins. He had to leave her fulfilled, but God, if she wasn't pushing his limits. And she didn't stop there, seeing that she'd caught him even if he tried to stay in control. 
"And I want to be fucked full, doofus. Need you deep inside me, and maybe this time it'll take." It was a low blow, but it worked. Ray groaned gruffly, wrapping a large hand around her throat as his hips jumped from their own volition. 
He knew what she was talking about and cursed when he told her how deeply he wanted kids with her. The thought of making them both parents, of creating a perfect person, half doofus and half sweet girl, made his head swim and cock rock-solid. She'd be a mom, and nothing sounded hotter than his wife with fuller hips, thighs, and tits--fuck, she played dirty. 
"Shit--no--can't talk like that, darlin'," the hero garbled, losing himself in her trembling walls and the possibility of watching her swell because of him--no. 
He couldn't think like that when they agreed they wanted to be settled and secure before introducing a child to their hectic lives. But fuck, if it didn't make him want to try. There was no harm in imagining it--his true purpose was caring for his soulmate and child as he craved. 
"Cum in your wife, Ray. Cum for me." But (y/n) didn't care. 
She sucked his earlobe into his mouth and tightened her walls like a vice, milking Ray for all he had. That had him; he fell for her hook, line, and sink as she played her wife's card and held him close, biting a hickey below his neck as the first of his cum painted her insides. That brought forth her own orgasm, brief but intense, making them cry out together as his pelvic bone touched hers, locking them together. 
Pushed as far into her as possible, Ray growled and fucked her further into the mattress, wanting his seed to reach the deepest parts of her. His gaze met where their bodies joined, thinking that there was a teeny-tiny possibility that it could happen this time as he relaxed into her softness. 
"You'll be the death of me, sweet girl..." he said breathlessly, staying inside her whilst he regained his breath. She welcomed his weight, enjoying his tacky skin and endless warmth as he pecked her lips and smiled. She knew he was thinking the same thing when she hummed at how pleasantly full she felt, even if it was more of a dream than a plan. 
"If you go, I'm following you, Raymond. You're not getting rid of me now," (y/n) replied firmly, finding his left hand to stroke his wedding ring, falling in love with how the thick golden band fitted so snugly. 
It gave him an air of maturity and stability that screamed domesticity and called to her lesser instincts. Her perfect husband would take care of her, love her, and keep her safe for the rest of her days--it made her want to doze in his arms and forsake all her worries to be his little wife. 
"Good. I want you with me forever, darlin'. Love you so much..." Ray grinned cutely, kissing her rings, too, as he imagined dying whilst buried to the hilt in her pussy. There was no better way to go, but he'd never leave his sweet girl, not when his heart fits perfectly into the palm of her hand. 
"I love you, doofus. Thank you for all of this--it was the perfect end to our wedding."
"Night's still young, sweet girl. And I want you on your hands and knees and screaming my name by the end of it..." he promised, rubbing her hip as she giggled and stretched. Her walls pulled on his cock, making him grunt and lightly slap her ass since he meant it when he said he'd ruin her. 
This would be a night they'd never forget, and he wanted her thoroughly worshipped by the early hours. It would be a long night if nothing else. 
"Gonna clean me up?" (y/n) asked, smirking as he leaned on his forearms, pulling out of her cunt to encourage her to turn onto her tummy. He pulled her ass up so it wiggled in the air - perfectly presented for a midnight feast. 
"Anything for my wife."
~The next morning~
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*literally the perfect reference for how these two sleep^^^--the closer, the better. Sometimes (y/n) is nearly laying on her doofus and it's why he wakes up...needy.*
Golden daylight filtered into the room as the happy couple snoozed. After a night in each other's arms, staying awake until the early hours screaming to the heavens, they slept in past breakfast. 
The hour must've been ten or later when (y/n) 's eyes fluttered open, and she could've easily napped longer if it wasn't for the sun flitting over her face. She rolled over onto her back with a groan, throwing the crook of her elbow over her face as a makeshift sleep mask. Still, there was something to smile about - the silkiness of the sheets against her naked skin and the equally nude body next to her. 
Cracking an eye open, her sleepy brain paused upon seeing her surroundings. She was confused by the palm trees she spotted through the glassless window and the bright, airy room around her, unlike the cosy yet dark bedroom in the Man Cave. Sitting up, she held the silk sheet against her chest and scanned the room, the previous night's activities returning to warm her ears and cheeks. 
God, they'd been filthy, rolling around and soiling the pristine set during multiple rounds - so many she couldn't remember the exact amount. Four?--she seemed to remember, but it could've been more or less. Either way, it left her utterly exhausted and deliciously sore, muscles aching in a manner she wasn't used to after so many years of super-regeneration. 
Throwing the sheet back, her legs swung over the edge of the bed, not because it was time to get up and be productive - a repulsive thought whilst on vacation - but because a glass of water sounded divine. Of course, her doofus took care of her, bringing her sustenance after her sixth high, but that was hours ago. 
So, she braced herself against the plush mattress and moved to stand, groaning lightly at her sore body when a hand curled around her wrist and pulled her back down. 
"Where do you think you're going, sweet girl?" Ray's rough voice asked, making her look over her shoulder to see her doofus' silly face poking out from under the sheets with his hair all fluffy and ruffled. His eyes were creased and puffy from sleep as he through the quilt off, revealing his toned chest and Adonis' belt. 
"I'm thirsty, doof..." she replied, smiling at her lover when he scratched his clavicle with his ring hand and rubbed his face. He looked adorable--almost worth staying with if it wasn't a five-step trip to the en-suite with her glass. 
"You're not allowed to leave this bed, remember? I don't want you lifting a finger, darlin'," he said grumpily, casting her mind back to the loving snarl he proclaimed in the middle of the night. 
She didn't take it too seriously, knowing he expected to wait on her hand and foot, carrying her around like a queen, hand-feeding her, and fetching whatever her heart desired. He was determined to take care of her as he promised, even if it grew a little much when the hero said he wanted her to stay in bed for the next three weeks. 
"I can get water, Raymond."
"Let me get it for you," he offered, instantly sitting up as he pulled her back to the mattress and pillows, smiling when her body bounced on the springs. (y/n) huffed, half annoyed by his silly obsession and half enamoured by the sight of his bare butt wiggling out of the room. 
"Such a doofus..." She murmured to herself, laughing silently at the sound of some bangs and clanks in what she assumed was the mini kitchenette she saw last night. 
Only Ray would run off buck-ass nude to fetch a simple glass of water, and it wouldn't be plain, old tap like she was planning on. No--the man skipped back a couple minutes later, a tall, condensation-covered glass of filtered water, complete with ice and a wedge of lemon, in hand. He was so extra and brazen, totally unashamed of his nakedness, especially when her hungry gaze took in his fit body, making her gulp. 
He knew what he did to her, strutting like a peacock as he approached with her sorely craved drink. 
"Here you go, Mrs Manches--" he crooned, giving his love a smarmy, besotted smile as he returned to her side, reaching the bed's edge and leaning over to pass her the glass when he spotted something. Ray paused mid-sentence, freezing like a statue as (y/n) looked up in confusion. 
"Doofus, what's wrong?"
"Oh, my sweet girl..." His eyes darkened as he dumped the glass on the bedside table, uncaring when the contents sloshed over the sides, chinking the ice cubes together. 
Ray wasn't bothered, more concerned with joining his wife on the bed, knees planted into the mattress next to her as he hovered over her body, inspecting it. She squirmed under his gaze, not embarrassed but concerned since his face seemed screwed up in pain or fury. He looked mad, but his icy fingertips were gentle as they traced her collarbones and neck. 
The touch made her shiver, giggling from the ticklish sensation and a few nerves that spawned from his intense stare, causing her to wonder if she had done something wrong. He gulped, practically drooling as he gazed at something she couldn't see, which wasn't like his usual arousal. After all, whilst he loved seeing her naked, it was nothing he hadn't seen before, adding to her bewilderment. 
"Seriously, Ray... what's wrong?" She asked, taking his hand into hers as he shook his head slightly to snap his mind back to the present. Whatever it was made him lose it for a minute. 
"Darlin', you--I--lemme show you," Ray stammered, not knowing how to say it because it had never happened before. They'd shared many morning afters, which were nearly identical, usually starting with sleepy, cosy sex and a much-needed shower. However, this was different, but not in a wrong way - God, it made him throb. 
Without another word - not that he could find the right ones - Ray reached to grab his phone from the nearby table, where he'd thrown it down the night before with his keys, some loose change, and wallet. He hadn't bothered to charge it, so he quickly snatched it to his body, fumbling to open the camera app and flip its screen to the inner lense. 
He passed it to his precious girl, making her frown since she wasn't one for staring at her bedhead, no matter how much he said he loved her in the morning. But (y/n) did as he said, taking the camera and checking her appearance since something had caught her eye. 
Yep, she looked awful. Makeup clung to her skin in smeared patches, gathered on her lash line, and rimmed her lips in a ring of faded rouge. Not even Piper's lewk could withstand a night of kissing, blowjobs and rough fucking, and neither could Charlotte's handiwork. Her hair was like a bird's nest, making her wonder what he was on about unless she looked so terrible it wanted a strong reaction. 
But this was her doofus, and he wasn't so shallow as to mock her smudged makeup, so what was it?"
"Okay, what am I meant to be looking at? 'Cause all I see is my pores, panda eyes, and--oh." Oh, indeed. 
Angling the camera to catch every contour of her face, (y/n) muttered incoherently as she made a note to scrub her face well when they got up--and call room service to change her pillowcase, but that's when she saw it. It wasn't her face or hair, but her neck, the soft stretch of skin that Ray loved nipping and sucking in the throes of passion. 
Usually, they never stayed awake long enough or focused hard enough to see the bruises formed in the perfect shape of his lips...until now. Scattered across her skin were dozens of hickeys, ranging from tiny to massive, light and dark, some gathered in clusters and others more random from when Ray wasn't concentrating. 
It didn't stop there; she could follow the trail down her stomach, giggling as she remembered how her doofus kissed down her tummy to her cunt, and fuck, if his marks didn't make it flutter. 
"Holy shit, doof..." she chuckled, feeling slightly naughty as he gulped and touched the bruises, recalling every instance he blemished her skin. He'd never seen it before, shocked by how something so simple and commonplace could turn his blood to fire, but this was his sweet girl. He'd never seen her bearing his love bites - it was filthy. 
"I know, darlin'. Fuck, you look so hot," Ray growled, kissing a few bruises and running his tongue over them, making her giggle as she stared at the phone. Strangely, he was right; as much as it was every mother's nightmare to see her daughter looking...ravaged, she loved it. Anyone and everyone would see her on Ray's arm and know what they'd done...and that had her pussy dripping like nothing else. 
"I guess when Schwoz said our powers aren't back to one hundred per cent, he meant it, huh?" 
"I wish we could stay like this...look so pretty covered in my marks," Ray mused, imagining how perfect it would be to see evidence every time they fucked. It awakened a new ferocity inside him, taunting him to forsake his protectiveness just to keep her bare and bruised in his bed. Maybe it was his need and want to stay in paradise where they could pass their days with sun, sea, and sex - his favourite with his sweet girl. 
"Miss Danger says otherwise, Raymond," (y/n) replied softly, rubbing his smooth jaw tenderly as he sighed, knowing she was right. 
Eventually, they'd leave this place and return to their crazy lives. He wouldn't take her into battle without the utmost protection, which meant this would be a one-time treat, something he'd only see once to fulfil his dirty desires. They had a week at most before their powers returned, and he was determined to make the most of it...until an idea popped into his head. 
It was dirty and daring, but that's why Ray loved it. Nothing much, just something to warm his soul on long, lonely nights when God forbid, his sweet girl wasn't around to warm him with her scorching heat around his cock. He only needed to ask. 
"Can I--Could I--Can I take a picture, darlin'? Please?" He asked tentatively, knowing the implications of what he wanted. But seeing her clutching the PearPhone and catching a glimpse of her sultry expression and mottled skin on the screen convinced him - he'd die a happy man if he could see her beauty like this forever. 
(y/n) paused, licking her lips slowly as she contemplated his words, understanding the faith she'd have to put in his hands to warrant something so risky. A flutter of irrational nervousness bloomed in her chest, unwanted yet impossible to ignore—she trusted him, God—the things she let him do to her, of course, she did. But common sense won out if only to ask...
"Promise you won't—" (y/n) trailed off quietly, a rumble of understanding coming from Ray in place of his usual cockiness. 
It was rare for him to see her timid and unsure whilst underneath him, and he saw how she pressed the camera to her chest, too scared to chance accidentally snapping a nude pic. His precious girl... he'd never wanted to hurt or frighten her, turning him squishy and loving. 
"Never, sweet girl. I don't share. No one will ever see them," the hero promised, understanding the confidence she gave him not to ruin her reputation and make her a laughing stock. He would never, but this would be her at her most vulnerable - it was his privilege to be trusted so deeply. 
And she believed him. For all his aggression and arrogance on the streets, fighting scum—Ray was utterly loyal to those he loved, uniquely protective in exchange for nothing more than someone was willing to give. He proved a hundred times over that he'd rather die than see her hurt. He barely allowed men to leer at her in the grocery store, let alone in such an alluring position – it was enough to inspire her following actions.
"Okay, just...give me a minute," the woman giggled nervously. Ray backed off as she settled into the pillows to capture the best angle, bathed in natural light and a faint glow from the room's warmth. 
She rearranged herself on the bed, her head on the soft pillows to easily relax against them and tilt her body upwards. The air kissed her feverish skin, nipples tightening further under its caress. It felt almost... dirtier to do this under his all-seeing, hungry gaze, thrilling to be so exposed. Ray lapped it up as he watched her raise the phone above her to include her pretty face, gorgeous tits, stomach, and the apex of her thighs all in one. 
The photo was sinful, making her heart pound and her thighs clench.
Did she really look like that? 
The bright sunlight streaking through the chiffon drapes illuminated her soft tummy and the contours of her breasts – shadows dipping and falling over marked skin and hardened nipples. It highlighted the curve of her hips and the sinful V between her thighs, where Ray happily settled himself. He could see how wet she was, but he couldn't take his eyes off her face - a lot for a man between his dream girl's legs, growing hard when she snapped a few pics without a second thought.
"Fucking hell, sweetheart. Have I ever told you how fucking sexy you are?" Ray groaned, stroking her thighs as he lay between them and rested his chin on her pubic mound, looking like a soft-eyed puppy as she posed in a sultry manner. 
"Once or twice, doofus," (y/n) giggled, flicking through the pics she'd taken and deciding that she didn't look half bad as the girl on the phone stared up at the camera and flaunted her figure and the dark circles covering it. She agreed; she looked hot, but they weren't for her use...
"What do you think?"
"Shit...fuck, these are gonna get me off so hard," Ray cursed when she handed him his PearPhone. He nearly had a heart attack as he saw her angelic form captured forever for him and only him to see. 
He quickly saved them to a private folder hidden in the depths of his cell, locking them in a password-protected folder just to be sure that even if someone found them, they'd have to work damn hard to see. 
"Your tits look pretty enough to bite, darlin'. And this..." the man growled, resting his hand over her pussy as she grinned, loving the effect a simple photo had over him. Maybe she should invest in a Polaroid camera...
"Fuck, can I take a picture of your pussy? Your thighs are just as bruised, sweet girl..." Ray gloated but shyly met her eye as he moved his fingers down her slit to where he'd sucked the jelly-like flesh of her legs when he'd eaten her out hours earlier. He loved leaving proof of his presence behind lest someone else neared what was his--not that they ever would. 
He was the only one allowed so close, but still, he had to ask. 
"I swear, I'll never--"
"Do it, doofus...but I want your cock after," (y/n) said with a smirk, loving how respectful and cute he was as he asked like a good boy. 
It was a fair exchange in her mind. Ray thoroughly agreed, furiously nodding as he shuffled back, propped up on his elbows with his phone between her legs, ready to snap the opposite view. 
She sucked in a breath, a coiled tension low in her stomach forcing a trickle of wetness from her cunt—making slick folds soaked as she refrained from rubbing her thighs together uselessly. It was exhilarating and almost impossible to stay still knowing her doofus was staring at--critically analysing--photographing her most intimate area. Still, she did her best to look as sexy as he thought she was. 
"Yeah? You wanna get fucked?"
"I think you know the answer to that," the heroine grinned, tweaking her nipples to total hardness for the pic, making her throw her head back and moan as pleasure shot to her core. 
"Fuck yeah, I do."
Ray quickly captured the glorious sight, feeling his stone length grind against the sheets from the sheer eroticism. Her fun pushed her chest into the air, partially hiding her face but highlighting the hickeys on her tummy as he groaned, loving every minute. The angle was perfect--almost professional--as the camera focused on her soaked folds and marked thighs that trailed to her twin peaks and sexy pout. 
He had never approved such photos before, deeming them immoral and dangerous in the wrong hands, but this felt...okay. He'd never do it with another woman, but their trust ran deep, and they felt safe in the confines of marriage. They had no need to share or seek revenge, just a little fun in case they needed a quick release. 
"So fucking hot, sweet girl...show me that pretty face," he growled after finishing between her thighs, shuffling up her body for his final wish. 
He wanted a couple of those doe-like eyes and soft lips staring into the lens--his soul. He'd stare at that in his final moment before completion, imagining her mouth around his cock, swallowing his load, or how her eyelashes would flutter if he painted her face with his cum. The thought made his length throb against her stomach, and she grinned as she smiled into the camera. 
"That's my girl..." the man cooed as she bit her lip, pouted, and poked out her pink tongue--every seductive expression she could think of that he might like. 
"Yeah? Do I look cute and fuckable?"
"Like a little minx, darlin'... No wonder I can't keep my hands off you," Ray grinned, satisfied with how many pics he had, so he leaned down to gently kiss her. His tongue languidly pushed into her mouth, exploring leisurely as she moaned and melted, letting him do as he pleased, the camera forgotten. 
"Fuck me, then. You don't need those pictures when I'm dripping for you right now..." 
"Shit... If only people knew what you're like, baby," Ray snarled mockingly, seeing how she smirked when he did as she said anyway, but he was too far gone. 
"They'd never think such a sweet girl was so fucking dirty."
He spoiled her too much - what made her so demanding, but who would deny an angel of her wish? Not him, and not when he ached so severely, so he took himself in hand and rubbed his bulbous head through her folds. She was so fucking slick, convincing him that it was their combined release from the previous night that he was coating himself in. 
"You want them to know? To see?" (y/n) teased, cupping her tits and rubbing her palms against her nipples teasingly as he lubed his cock. She licked her lips, tempting him with her best tricks to try and seduce him, desperately craving his thickness inside her after posing for him. 
"No. You're mine."
"I know...and you're mine. So, fuck me," she replied firmly, threading her fingers through his hair to pull his head back, exposing his throat. It was a technique she'd learnt from him, giving her perfect access to attach her lips to a patch of skin beside his Adam's apple. 
Ray groaned as she sucked a bruise and left indentations with her teeth, delighted by the result since his indestructibility clearly wasn't back to normal either. Usually, she couldn't burst any blood vessels or break his skin, merely give him the pleasure of laving at the salty taste, so this was as much a treat for her as it was for him. 
"You look pretty too, doof. Want me to mark you up?"
"Fuck, yes..." Ray groaned, picturing himself standing before the mirror with a purple trail down his neck. It would be even better if it was accompanied by her lipstick - red, maybe? - but that was an idea for later. 
Tucking it away, he focused on his beloved wife, placing his tip at her entrance and pushing into her blazing heat as the phone fell from his hand to land next to her head. 
"Always feel so big--" (y/n) whined, digging her fingernails into his scalp and bicep as he filled her, stretching her walls, despite fucking her over and over for hours last night. Ray kissed and ran his tongue over her jaw, whispering sweet words when he bottomed out, balls pressed against dripping pussy. 
"Gonna split you open on my cock, precious girl—leave you bruised from how hard I fuck you," he grunted, beginning to fuck into her when she nodded to move. He swiftly set a relentless pace; gone was his tender lovemaking, and they were back to what they loved - a good, rough fucking, wrapped in each other's arms. 
"Feel how deep I am?--Love—love how that greedy little pussy sucks me in."
She nodded pathetically, moving her arms around his back and holding him close. Her nails dug into his toned flesh and raked toward his ass, jerking with every earth-shattering thrust he made. The man hissed at the sensation, revealing his throat for her to suckle on, leaving marks he'd proudly wear wherever she pleased. 
"Feel me in here? Feel how deep my cock is, sweetheart?"
"So deep--so big--feels so good," she whimpered into his neck when he pressed his hand down on her stomach, making it feel like his cock was punching through her stomach and into her throat. 
He moved fluidly as she scratched his back, leaving angry red lines for admiring later. The base of his cock ground against her clit with each aggressive thrust, making her moan and gasp a stream of filth as she gushed around him, welcoming him deeper. The contact with the sensitive nerves brought forth her elusive release, and she forfeited scraping the left side of his body to circle it with two fingers. 
"That's it--rub that pretty little clit. Soak me, darlin'--make this cunt nice and wet for me," Ray babbled, pounding into her as she threw her head back and screamed, following his command like his good little wife. 
She came around him, tightening her walls, making him groan and bite down on her collarbone--another blemish for the collection.
He didn't stop, fucking her through her orgasm, despite her whimpers that it was too much. He knew she'd take more--she always did--so he slowed down briefly to more of a grind, hitching her leg over his hip to get deeper. The intense bliss was one hell of a drug, that sort of animalistic rut, that carnal desire – unbridled and embraced – as they fucked each other into exhaustion.
"Fuck me so good, Ray--why don't you take a video?"
And just like that, she broke him. Ray's game was flawless, and he seldom missed a beat, but her whispered offer made him stutter and turn sloppy. 
Fuck, he had to be dreaming because nothing had ever sounded so tempting. He thought he'd been pushing his kick with the photos, but to be offered a videoed performance of his dirty girl, complete with sounds and movement? He nearly came from the idea, fucking her down into the mattress with renewed vigour as he choked--
"Oh, shit--sweetheart, are you sure?"
"I trust you, doofus...and I want you to remember this--how you fucked me so well," (y/n) nodded, seductively smiling as he fumbled for his phone, thankful it hadn't bounced onto the floor during their vigorous activities. 
"Don't think I'll ever forget, precious girl. Fuck, you're hot..." he groaned as he slowed down, thrusting once every few seconds, which drove her mad, but when he did, it was brutal. 
A sharp smacking sound filled the air with each blow and her pitiful moans since the doofus could barely do two things together. But he managed to work his phone and satisfy her cunt simultaneously, turning the camera around so it was peering down at her, taking in her needy expression from being tortured. 
The man retreated onto his knees and, using his impressive strength, held her hips up to his crotch with his hand hooked under one knee, filming how his cock disappeared into her pussy, how the thrusts made her breasts heave, and every pretty little face she made. He couldn't hit record quick enough, pressing the big red button to begin what would undoubtedly become his most watched video, hidden in his phone's depths for when he was most needy. 
"Fucking--shit--look into the camera, pretty girl," he begged as she screwed her eyes when he upped his speed. Her tits jiggled and bounced, heaving when she crossed an arm over her body and stared into the camera, looking downright sinful with her dark eyes and open mouth. 
"Fuck me harder..." she moaned, unleashing her inner actress as she tweaked a nipple and bit her lip. The scandalous nature of it all made her skin burn and cunt contract, understanding he'd watch this back, thinking and watching her. 
Oh, the power it gave her, knowing she had him hooked even when she wasn't around, and if that wasn't the biggest turn-on and compliment...
"Beg me, sweet girl," Ray growled, wanting a proper show, and he knew she had it in her. She was so perfect and alluring, pouting at him in a way that made him want to ruin her--fuck her repeatedly to please her every desire. 
"Pleasepleasepleaseplease--please, Captain. Make me cum," she pleaded in a nasally, whiny voice, playing it up like she'd gone without his cock for months. It was filthy, but he loved it, throwing his head back and growling, shaking the camera momentarily as her free hand reached to frantically rub her clit. 
He captured it all, zooming in on her slicked fingers and how they play with her cunt before zooming out again to view the whole picture. She was a vision, better than any pre-made movie or his imagination, and it didn't take long for him to feel his release creeping up his spine. 
Usually, he would've held out a little longer and really made her feel him--mould her pussy to his cock. But the video made him weak--made him imagine how he'd use it to jerk off or get himself in the mood. Only his sweet girl could make him think about cumming again before he finished, and he snarled at the thought. He was ruined for any other girl. 
"Shit--shit--shit--gonna cum, darlin'," he stammered, wishing he could make her climax a few more times, but he couldn't stop the electricity speeding down his spine. Before he knew it, his thrusts were shaky, and his hand could barely keep his phone steady, indicating that he had a couple minutes max. 
"I want it, Ray. Cum for your wife."
"Fuck, where'd you want?" He groaned, further losing it when she spoke to him like that, the gold of her wedding ring catching his eye, drawing it to the bruises too. It cumulated in his end swiftly approaching, and he worried that he'd spill without warning, but (y/n) didn't need long to decide. 
"Cover me in it, doofus. Wanna be covered in your cum--" (y/n) moaned, chasing her high by rubbing her clit as her husband jerked his hips from inside her.
"Oh, fuck--I'm cumming--" 
The loss made her cunt clench around nothing, spasming in a pathetic orgasm that left her breathless, but the absolute joy came from Ray. All he needed was one look at her fucked-out expression and a few strokes of his cock, and he painted her tummy, shooting pearly ropes across her skin that he filmed for the perfect ending. 
It was a little shaky and blurry, but he could still see everything, especially how she bit her lip when the warmth coated her, spreading across the hickeys to deem her his utterly. 
"Shit--that's hot. God, you look so good, sweet girl," he groaned as he squeezed the last of his cum out, watching it drip onto her stomach in tiny droplets. For the perfect end to the video, (y/n) giggled as she swiped the smear onto her index finger and brought it to her lips, moaning when the salty tang hit her tastebuds. 
"I love you, doofus," she added cutely, and that's when Ray couldn't take it anymore. 
He swiftly ended the video, chucking his phone onto the bedside table with a clatter, and he didn't care if it cracked. Diving down, he caught her lips in a passionate, hungry kiss, feeling like he'd been a mere spectator after that. Whilst he loved how his cum stretched across her belly, it didn't feel like enough - it didn't satisfy his need to ravage her. 
"You've got no idea how much I love you, my darling girl. You're too good for me."
"I have to say...I think that's the most daring thing we've ever done, sex-wise," (y/n) chuckled as he hovered over her, uncaring if his navel brushed the mess on her tummy. If he was lucky, she'd lick it off his body before they got in the shower, but they were content to lie there for now. 
"No, that would be the time we fucked in Henry's backyard," Ray grinned, fondly remembering how they were like randy teenagers, giggling in the flowerbeds--and (y/n) went along with it in the hope that Mrs Hart would catch them in the act and see her man was taken. 
"Oh, yeah. He still doesn't know we broke that gnome. Poor Jerome saw things that day."
"Speaking of breaking things, how hard do you think we'll have to go to break this bed?" He suggested, ridiculously waggling his eyebrows just to hear her laugh, and she did. (y/n) broke out into sunny smiles at his silliness, but it wasn't a bad idea - nearly as tempting where her former archenemy could walk in and see a little too much. 
"Pretty fucking hard, doofus, but you can try," the heroine shrugged, thinking the bed was built quite sturdily and the hotel probably expected honeymoon couples to go at it like rabbits. Still, if one man could break a four thousand-dollar bed, it was her doofus and his insatiable libido. 
"... You're paying, though."
"Challenge accepted, Mrs Manchester...how about we shower first and then have round two to test the headboard?" Ray asked naughtily after pecking her cheek, thinking he'd try his damn best to fuck her properly--and part of him hoped they sent that snivelling boy to repair the frame. 
"A tempting offer, Mr Manchester, but I actually have something to give you first." 
Yet, to his surprise, his wife didn't jump at his suggestion to continue their escapades in the shower, which would undoubtedly lead to more fooling around. Instead, she rolled out from under him, wriggling free to make a pitiful whimper leave his throat because he didn't like to lose her softness against his skin. At least he had the magnificent view of her naked body crossing the room, the sunlight illuminating the faint handprints he'd left on her hips and ass. 
(y/n) giggled at his antics but stayed true to her purpose, shuffling off the bed to go and root through her suitcase, pushing clothes, shoes, and toiletries out of the way to try and find some mystery item. Ray's curiosity piqued, and he craned his neck to try and see what she was looking for as he built his hopes up. 
"Please tell me it's a pregnancy test."
"No, you doofus! Nothing like that..." (y/n) scolded him, giving him an amused eye roll at how eager he sounded, even though the idea made her tummy flip. It was sadly too soon, but she found his excitement for the future adorable, knowing he'd be the best father in the world once they were ready to take that step. And the neediest - his sweet girl as a mom? The man would be on his knees. 
"Awww..." Ray pouted, sighing in mild disappointment as she returned to her search. He really thought she was about to surprise him with the greatest gift, but he didn't let it drag him down. Now they were married; it was just a matter of time, and any present from his sweet girl was still precious. 
"So, what did you get me?"
"It's not much..." she replied nervously, wondering if this was a good idea as she pulled out a small cardboard box. 
It wasn't anything special or expensive, just a hand-painted craft store box covered in pretty, glittery stickers that could be found in any art supply section. But it was made with love and something she thought he'd like, so she quickly returned to the bed and enthusiastically pushed the trinket into his hands. 
"What's this?" The hero frowned, holding the mystery box in his palms like it was the most precious thing in the world. Whatever it was, he'd treasure it because his angel's hands made it, but he couldn't work it out for his life. 
"Read the front, doofus, and open it," (y/n) instructed, tilting his hands up to read the delicate cursive she'd painstakingly painted on the box's face. His head tilted confusedly as he read it - Ray's coupons - and it didn't make much sense until he cracked the box open. 
Inside, he found dozens of little shreds of paper nestled amongst shards of confetti glitter. He pulled one out, wondering what they could mean when he saw her bubbly handwriting scratched on one side, spelling out--to his utter bafflement--Redeem for roleplay. It didn't stop there; he quickly dropped that one and took another, eyes bulging out of his skull when he read, Redeem for deepthroating. And another--Redeem for one quickie. And another--Redeem for a sensual massage. And another--Redeem for cockwarming. 
"Sweet girl? What--what is this?" He croaked, his cock twitching at the mention of all his favourite things. However, as always, when sex was involved, his brain stopped problem-solving and switched to seduction, meaning he still didn't get it. 
"Well, just give me one of those, and we'll do whatever it says--within reason and circumstances permitting. I thought it would be fun...and it's not limited to this vacation, either," the woman explained with a teasing giggle, watching him visibly gulp as he understood what she was giving him - opportunities to do whatever the fuck he wanted. And he couldn't help but frantically search the paper scraps to see what else she'd allow. 
"Anal?" He grunted, licking his lips as she nodded, knowing it was one of his favourites but a rare treat. As she waggled her eyebrows, he returned to the box, feeling his cock beginning to stiffen the more he read. 
"This one just says titties. You gonna flash those pretty tits at me, sweet girl?" He asked amusedly, thinking it would be slightly absurd, but he wouldn't hate it. Not even if it seemed milder than the others, compared to things like bondage and striptease. 
"Look at them, touch them, hit them, suck them, fuck them, cum on them--whatever you want. It's your coupon, doofus," she shrugged casually like utter filth wasn't falling from her lips. 
A grin spread on his face as he kept going through the box, whispering fuck here and there when he came across something particularly tempting. She'd spent a lot of time making it, thinking of different things she knew he enjoyed and stuff he might like to try. 
After rummaging for another minute, he snapped the lid shut, keeping the treasure inside as he leaned forward to cup her face, bringing her into a passionate kiss.
"You spoil me, sweet girl. This is the best present ever."
"You like it?" (y/n) asked, mildly relieved that he didn't throw it back in her face, disgusted and offended. But her doofus wasn't like that. He pulled her in for another kiss, cupping her breast absentmindedly, slowly palming and enjoying its squishiness. 
"More like love. In fact, I'd like to redeem this one..." the man hummed with a sneaky smirk once they retreated, and (y/n) quirked an eyebrow when he presented her with a paper scrap. 
Giving her husband an all-knowing but interested look, she took and unfolded it, wondering how he'd managed to touch her up, kiss, and hide it simultaneously. A smile spread on her face when her eyes scanned the words, cunt clenching at the thought of following his wishes. It was part of the deal, and she was happy to comply. 
"Shower sex? You read my mind, doofus."
An hour and a half later, the couple were clean and well-fed. 
(y/n) kept her promise, allowing Ray to redeem his voucher in the shower to his heart's content, steaming up the large glass enclosure more than the scalding water ever could. Leaving her to soak once he'd had his wicked way, the hero slunk away to order some room service--pastries, fresh fruit, poached eggs, everything. 
He wouldn't see her go hungry on his watch and happily hand-fed her berries and chunks of sweet croissants once she'd dried off and dressed. 
"This is a pretty dress..." Ray hummed, stroking her knee and the soft fabric covering it as he admired her outfit. 
Dressing for the weather, (y/n) had opted for a summery sundress with a bright, bold pattern, leaving her hair and face natural since her doofus preferred her like that. And he did, snuggling into her side as she nibbled on chunks of mango and strawberry, sometimes smearing a pancake with Nutella and eating that too. 
"I knew you'd like it--that's why I wore it."
"Hmmm...so, what do you want to do today?" The man asked, kissing her neck, liking how the dress's low neckline exposed her marked-up throat. The island undoubtedly had endless activities, from exploration to one of the cultural classes run by the hotel. Still, Ray had his own ideas on what they could do--an entire boxful. 
"I have a few suggestions..."
"I'm sure you do, doofus..." (y/n) chuckled, rolling her eyes when he seductively popped a grape into his mouth, trying to look all sexy and cool but failing. He made her laugh, but it wasn't his smoothest move, and she didn't want to spend the three weeks indoors when there was glorious sunshine outside. 
"But I'd like to see more than just the bedroom since you're paying a bajillion dollars to rent this place, so...pool?"
"Are you sure you want to go outside? We could stay here, all alone..." He trailed off, moving his fingertip up her leg in a vain attempt to keep her in his bed, but his beloved wife wouldn't be swayed. 
"Raymond, be a good boy and come swimming with me. I would've thought the shower was enough to cool your jets," she said firmly, wondering how he still had the energy or desire to go again when they'd been at it all morning. 
They'd finished breakfast, leaving nothing but crumb-covered plates and rumpled napkins, so Ray moved it off the bed, grumbling that he'd never get enough of her love and affection, not when he could look down and see the ring he placed on her finger. He'd do as she said, but that didn't mean he wasn't plotting the next time he'd get to fuck her. 
"It was, but this pretty little dress changed my mind."
"Come on, you big doof..." (y/n) giggled, shaking her head mirthfully and pulling him by the hand so they could enjoy something else. 
Rising from the bed, she made for the open sliding doors, padding across the smooth, wooden floor and out into the warm air. She could hear the ocean, gasping when the gorgeous view properly revealed itself under the intense sun. 
Everything looked so much better in the daylight. It showed the vibrant flowers dotting the lush green vegetation, soft sandy paths, and deep azure pool, all set on a backdrop of endless blue sky. It was luxurious and well-kept, ideally suited for their needs as (y/n) approached the glorious water lapping against the volcanic stone steps. The loungers were also plush and sturdy with their amber rattan design and thick, squishy cushions bathed in shade.
"Are you sure no one can see us?" The heroine asked over her shoulder, hesitantly looking around and expecting another couple or family to come around the corner. She'd only ever stayed in resorts with communal pools and beaches, so the idea of having total privacy in the paradise was a little strange. 
But Ray quickly soothed her, confident in his credit card's ability to buy nothing but the best for her. He didn't want their honeymoon spoiled by screaming kids in the restaurant or drunken idiots vomiting in the pool, so he hired his own, meaning his precious wife was free to do as she pleased. 
"No one, sweet girl. There's no one here--just us. Why?"
She didn't reply. Instead, she threw a wink over her shoulder, much to Ray's confusion, who wondered why she dropped his hand and looked at him like that. But before he could question it, she grabbed the bottom of her sundress and peeled it over her head, exposing her curves without a second thought. 
Ray's jaw was instantly on the floor, darkening eyes lusting over her body in what had to be the world's tiniest, skimpiest bikini - so unlike what she'd typically go for. Usually, his sweet girl stuck to cute tankinis and one-pieces, too shy to flaunt too much skin whenever they went swimming.
But this was their honeymoon, and when in Hawaii, alone with your husband - go for it. 
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"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath, gaze glued to her ass as she stepped into the warm water, sighing as it soothed her sore muscled. She gracefully glided into the crystal blue, kicking her legs until she was in the deep end, up to her neck and turning to see him gawking. 
"Are you gonna stand there like a lemon or join me, doofus? The water's great!" She called out, treading water as she glanced at his Hawaiian-print 
"The view's even better..." Ray grumbled, still staring at her soaked body and how tantalising it looked when shiny and wet--a reminder of the shower they'd shared. 
She bobbed in the water, pushing her breast into the air so he could see how the bikini top had turned slightly see-through and heavier. It hid and revealed everything he wanted and more, leaving him a speechless, drooling mess - so much so that (y/n) had to splash a little water at her lover to snap him out of it. 
"Come on, Ray! Get in already!" She teased, and finally, he shook his head and found his energy. 
In the blink of an eye, he tore his tight, plain white tee off, thankful that he wasn't wearing regular jean shorts but Hawaiian-print trunks. They fitted his thick thighs perfectly, and she licked her lips at the sight of his toned torso, muscles flexing as he tossed the shirt onto a nearby chair, kicking off his flip-flops, too. 
Given how he strutted toward the pool so confidently, looking like some kind of hot swimwear model, she expected him to stroll into the water with as much grace as she did. But no. This was Ray Manchester. He wasn't known for his elegance and finesse. 
Instead, he took one look at the pool and made a split-second but vital decision. In a single step, he broke into a jog, hurtling toward the water before his sweet girl could scold him for running on slippery surfaces--or cannonballing a couple of metres from where she was. She squealed when the water splashed around her, a near-tidal wave curling over her body and dampening her hair whilst he sank to the bottom. 
"Raymond, I'm all wet!" She shouted once he resurfaced, wiping his eyes and pushing his soaked hair out of his eyes. It was criminal to be so attractive, and despite her whiny tone, she still welcomed him into her arms, grinning when he grabbed her ass to pull her flush against him. 
"You don't say... Just how I like you, darlin'," Ray smirked, earning himself a whack on the shoulder for being so smug and crude, but (y/n) had to fight a smile, too. 
He held her close, thinking swimming wasn't a bad idea, when he stroked her bare hips and felt her hardened nipples rubbing against his chest. The weather was gorgeous, keeping them warm and happy as they kissed, content to stand in each other's arms. 
"This is so perfect, doof... Don't you just want to stay here forever?" (y/n) asked quietly, dropping her head to rest it on his chest, dozing as he rubbed her back. 
"Definitely, if I'm here with you," the hero replied, rubbing his cheek against her head and sighing. This was his idea of heaven, standing waist-deep in water with his nearly naked wife nuzzling into his chest. His words made her feel gooey inside, warming her more than the sun ever could because he knew how to make her feel special--as someone supposedly terrible with words. 
"You know how to flatter a girl, Raymond."
"I'm being serious. There's no prettier sight than you..." Ray cooed, toying with the strings holding her bikini up, but he didn't loosen them - not yet, anyway. He was undeniably tender, soothingly rubbing her back as her face heated up; talk about a smooth operator. 
"Aww, doo--" (y/n) grinned, smushing her lips lovingly against his skin as butterflies fluttered in her tummy, thinking that had to be the loveliest thing someone had ever said to her--a real confidence booster. But Ray being Ray...
"You just had to turn it dirty, didn't you?" She asked flatly, glancing up to give him a dry look for ruining the sweet moment with his smuttiness, but his cheeky grin melted her anger. It was impossible to stay mad when he was so adorable, giggling as droplets fell from his nose and down his chest, shaken by his laugh. 
He squeezed her hips, toying with her bottoms as he leaned closer, finding his home in the crook of her neck, where he resumed his seduction. If he couldn't have her inside, he'd change tactics, thinking it wasn't such a bad thing to try and fuck her on every surface possible. And that was no mean feat in a villa as big as that one. 
"Oh, yeah... Although I suspect you had a trick up your sleeve when you chose this bikini, darlin'. If you could even call it a bikini..." the man grumbled as her that, laving over his hickeys, leaving a few more. 
"Would you prefer I wear something else?" (y/n) hummed in a high-pitched voice, suddenly feeling needier than she expected, tilting her chin up to give him more room. Her pussy fluttered as his kisses quickened, darting up and down her neck as he kneaded her ass, dipping her fingertips under the sides to feel her slippery flesh. 
"I'd prefer if you wear nothing at all..." 
As the final growl left his throat, the cold pool wall met (y/n) 's back, and she realised that whilst he had her so distracted, he'd drifted them to the water's edge. It dug into her lower back as he curled over her, invading her space and pressing every inch of his body against hers. She could feel him against her hip, hard and aching as if he hadn't had any attention in weeks - a man lusting for her sweet little body because it had been two hours since he'd taken her. 
"Look so hot in this, darlin'. Please tell me you have more like this..." Ray begged, dying to see her in more skimpy outfits - preferably ones resembling two strings and a label than swimwear. 
"I practically cleared the store out, doofus. You'll get sick of seeing me in bikinis."
"Nah... they'll be the death of me, sweet girl. Had a heart attack when you stripped off like that," he confessed, although he got the hint that she already knew that. His sweet girl loved to tease him, and she knew his weaknesses, despite acting all innocent as he pushed and pulled her asscheeks apart, kissing her weak spots too. 
(y/n) gasped dramatically--and not because of his deep, passionate kiss. She smiled against his lips, parting hers to allow his tongue to explore deeper into her mouth as his hand left her ass alone to settle on the edge behind her. He waded closer, grinding his hard cock against her stomach whilst she curled her arms around him, intent on teasing him more. 
"Oh, well--might have to stop wearing, then. I'm not having my husband keeling over just because he got overexcited," she shrugged, standing on her tiptoes to match his height. She curled a strand of his hair around her finger where it grew longer at the nape of his neck and slid a hand down his chest, over defined muscles and down to where his trunks were tenting. 
"You'll just have to walk around naked, then. And I don't mind either way, sweetheart..." Ray snarled, subconsciously bucking into her hand when she palmed his thick length, knowing what it did to him. 
"You're insatiable, doofus."
"I'm not hearing any complaints..." You love this just as much as I do," he whispered, ready to pause at a moment's notice if she showed any sign of being uncomfortable, but his sweet girl was in his palm, lapping up everything he gave her.
She smirked against his skin, stopping a bead of water trickling down his chest with her tongue, throwing all of her earlier grumbling about not wanting to spend all day in bed. Maybe the itch had been scratched earlier, but now, she was hungry for him again. She was practically salivating when her fingers curled around his sizeable length, aching to taste him. 
"I do..." she replied, pulling his shorts down, wanting to see her effect on him and show her appreciation for the luxury vacation he'd brought her on. 
But Ray had other ideas; before his wife could pull him free, he pulled her fingers out from his swim trunks, briefly kissing her wrist before pushing it onto the warm concrete behind her. Another strong arm curled around her body, and he lifted her onto the ledge in the blink of an eye. He used the water's buoyancy to get her hips out and into the sun. 
"Ray!" (y/n) squealed, holding onto his head to steady herself as the balmy air tickled her skin - not cold, but indeed a shock compared to the warm water. The hero grinned at her response, immediately latching his lips onto her hipbone, sucking a bruise over it as he drifted between her parted legs and encouraged her to lay back. 
This wasn't how (y/n) imagined sunbathing on their vacation. Still, she did as he instructed, falling back onto her elbows as he toyed with her bikini bottoms. 
"These are fucking tiny, sweet girl..." he muttered, appreciating how they revealed more of her curves for him to admire. Still, he instantly knew that if they were to go on the beach or any public areas, she'd have to wear something else. No one would catch a glimpse of his pretty girl looking so hot--and he knew he couldn't resist her walking around like that. 
She giggled at his words and how serious his face looked--the same expression he made when reading something more complex than a nursery rhyme or a tricky math problem. Petting his hair single-handedly, she pulled his head closer as he stretched to kiss over her collarbones, clavicle, and bra. The water made her nipples hard, making him grin as he dragged his mouth over them, loving her whines and how she pulled his locks. 
"Pretty girl..." Ray grunted, biting the exposed well of her cleavage as his fingers danced with the ties behind her back. One tug of the silky string and the top piece loosened, falling from around her neck and chest, exposing her breasts for his hungry gaze as he tossed it over his shoulder to land somewhere in the water - where, he didn't care. 
"Gorgeous fucking tits--" he groaned, lightly slapping her perky tit, making her moan as it jiggled.
Kneading one in his hand like a stress ball, he leaned forward and pulled its twin into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened peak as (y/n) jerked closer to the pool's edge, anxious to wrap her legs around his waist. Even the slightest touch made her want his cock inside her, pulling his body toward her throbbing pussy, looking for any friction as she soaked those bottoms in slick. 
"Doo--doo--doofus?" She whimpered, tugging the hair at the nape of his neck to try and gain his attention - not easy when he could spend all day suckling on her tits. 
"Hmm? What does my sweet girl want?" Ray asked, pulling away briefly when he heard that all-too-familiar, breathless tone she used when she wanted something. He quickly turned his attention to the opposite breast, not wanting to leave her other nipple lonely whilst she stammered to find the words. 
"Pl--please, want y-your mouth..."
"You have it, darlin'..." he replied smugly when she clammed up, too embarrassed to ask for what he assumed she wanted. Sometimes, his wife could have the filthiest mouth on her, willing to do the dirtiest things when the mood struck. But asking for it? It made her cutely shy, and he loved it, wanting to hear her say it. 
"Ask, and you can have whatever you want."
"Ple--please...e--eat my pussy..." she whispered, face feeling like it was on fire because he typically spread her out on the bed and had his fill - no need to ask for it.
But sometimes, her doofus was a little shit, and I liked seeing her squirm as she asked for something forbidden. It wasn't ladylike to be so wanton and vulgar, but she didn't care when he grinned and instantly turned his attention south. 
"Since you asked so nicely..." Ray beamed, looking like the cat who got the cream as he kissed her tits goodbye and trailed his lips down her soft tummy, aiming for his favourite meal in the world. 
Her legs eagerly swished in the water as he took his time, nipping where he liked until he was shoulders-deep in the pool and level with her core. 
"Lay back, darling..." he instructed gently, a big, warm hand pushing against her stomach to encourage her to shuffle back and settle against the deck. She did as he said, disappointed when his handsome face disappeared, but it soon went, moaning when his palms slid past her tummy and pulled her bottoms down in one smooth move. They disappeared into the water, floating away to join the bra, where someone, probably Ray, would fish them out later with a shit-eating smirk. 
"That's it, pretty girl... Let me see my pretty wife and her perfect little cunt." 
Content to lay there and sun herself, (y/n) sighed, closed her eyes, and let her husband do as he pleased, all warm and safe, while he groaned at the sight of her soaked folds. He couldn't wait to bury his face between them, pinning her thighs to the pool's edge. 
Running a finger through her slit, Ray brought it to his mouth, sucking her taste off and moaning - it had been too long since they'd had enough time to let him feast. Between saving the world and losing everything, he'd missed the peaceful moments when time passed with him spending hours between her legs, eating to his heart's content without any concern for the world around them. 
"So fucking wet, sweet girl..." he groaned, brushing his thumb against her clit as she whined into the summer air, head rolling against the stone. 
"Please..." She whispered, cupping her tits and gently thrusting toward him. Ray didn't need begging, not when he was inches away from his heaven, so he held her hips down and hunched forward. 
He nuzzled into her cunt, moaning at the heat surrounding him and how he could practically taste her on the air, wondering why he'd waited this long. A man couldn't live without her sweet pussy, so he didn't waste any more time, dipping his tongue between her folds to gather her wetness on its tips. Pressing it flat against her, he moved from bottom to top, licking a broad strip up to her clit. 
His lips tightened around the sensitive nerves, gently sucking as the heroine wailed, entangling her fingers with his hair, wedding rings gleaming under the radiant sun. Replacing his mouth with a finger, he drifted down to her quivering hole, smiling when he found it as needy as always. 
"Taste so good, sweet girl," the man moaned, taking his time with his tongue as it languidly reexplored her silky walls, dipping into the crevice to drink her from the source. Despite everything, honey always came to mind, filling his senses with the sweetest taste while she made the most adorable sounds. 
"Make me cum, doofus..."
"Shhhh...I will, sweetheart. Just let me enjoy my time with my girl," Ray soothed her, pausing on her clit to paw at her tense stomach, relaxing the clenching muscles. She looked like a goddamn angel, glowing from a sheen of sweat covering her body, illuminated in the sun, making him feral--eager to corrupt her blissful expression with one of pure lust. 
"She's fucking delicious..." The man muttered to himself, and (y/n) wasn't sure if he was talking about her or her pussy, knowing he loved to whisper its own little praises for taking him so well and giving him the nectar he needed to live. 
After taking a moment to breathe, Ray dove back down, not gentle anymore, mouthing over her pussy with a renewed conviction - to see her writhe in pleasure. Though it felt impatient, punishing even with the little nips he delivered on her sensitive folds, the hero knew well what he was doing. Each strike of his tongue was perfectly aimed, flicking from her clit to her dripping hole, drawing patterns that unleashed new levels of bliss.
When he finally sucked on her clit again, she came apart with a deep, choked groan, body locking up as the first wave hit her. It was as gentle but relentless as the heat around her, making her skin prickle when Ray continued his onslaught, wanting to fight through her sensitivity to see her crumble. 
"That's it, darlin'. Keep it comin'," he groaned, slipping a finger into her cunt, pumping it slowly, then a second one, building her arousal again as the duo thrust faster. She caught bits of his raspy praise between her moans and the buzzing in her head, making out words through the noise of vulgar suction and gently lapping water. 
"Good girl...My perfect wife, being so good for me..."
Ray's fingers moved faster, disappearing into her molten core as he groaned, loving how responsive her body was for him. His tongue danced over her clit with broad strokes, suddenly changing into rapid flicking, forcing his free hand to hold her lower half down so she couldn't squirm from under him. When he pushed a third finger inside, her walls tightened, as did the coil in her belly. 
"Ray!" (y/n) wailed, shuddering as she spasmed around his fingers, hands clamped over her mouth to try and stay quiet - just in case someone was nearby. 
Her doofus didn't stop; he merely grinned into her cunt as his fingers pumped faster, moving his tongue over her clit at a blinding speed. Lolling her head to the side, the woman moaned - almost in discomfort - thinking she was beyond oversensitive and worn out for a final orgasm. She reached to grab a fistful of hair, tugging it to try and drag his tongue away. 
"No, doofus--too much--S'too much..." She grumbled drunkenly, but Ray didn't stop - if anything, it encouraged him. He knew she had one more, so he doubled his efforts, quickening his fingers and creating a vacuum around her clit, sucking as if his life depended on it. 
A growl left his throat when she tried to move away, sliding further onto dry land despite the scratch of the concrete against her back. Combined with all the other times they'd fucked in the last twelve hours, she was wrung dry, feeling like she'd cum more in the previous night or so than in the last few months. 
But Ray wasn't having any of it, deeply offended that someone - even his sweet girl - tried to pull his pussy away when he wasn't finished eating. The beefy arm laid across her stomach and pulled away briefly to sharply spank her ass, slapping her thigh, too, when he pinned one to the ledge. 
"I know this cunt like the back of my hand, sweet girl. Trust me to know when it's been fucked good and proper," he snarled coldly before affectionately nuzzling against her, happily smearing her excessive slick all over his face. His intense stare turned her body to jelly, going gooey against the ground while he returned to work. 
The tip of his tongue gently slid down her folds, making her mewl when his nose caught her clit. 
"And I think you can cum for me one more time..."
He was on her instantly, burying his fingers into her to the third knuckle with a new determination, smearing her slick up his wrist. A deep groan reverberated against her sensitive bud as he drank her, riding his own high as his favourite little snack turned placid, allowing him to feast. 
His cock was aching for release, so hard it bobbed upright in the water and occasionally brushed against the wall, but he ignored it. Maybe if he was lucky, she'd blow him once she'd recovered, or perhaps, if he was really lucky, she'd allow him to fuck her tits, thighs, or cunt. But first, he wanted to see her wrecked - well and truly fucked out. 
Ray curled his fingers, aiming for the soft, spongy spot deep inside her that had her undulating her hips in mini-thrusts. For someone who didn't want any more, she quickly became hooked, succumbing to her fate and seeking her next orgasm. Squelching noises filled the air, along with her wails, as her thighs began violently shaking beside his ears, keeping them toasty when they clamped the side of his head.
Her heart rate quickened again, rushing her blood in waves that crushed her senses with the pulsing sound inside her head. She lost recognition of anything happening around her. There was only the growing, almost painful pleasure, Ray's overwhelming, dominating presence, and the stretch of her walls as they hurtled toward the edge. 
A broken moan of "Ray! Fuck!" broke the Hawaiian serenity as he pushed her over, murmuring praises for the convulsing girl creaming on his tongue. 
Tears pricked in the corners of her eyes as he worked her through it, slowly pumping his fingers as she juddered, hiccuping into her hands. Slick covered his lower forearm and mouth, making him look utterly deranged with the glint in his eye. Still, Ray didn't care - he loved it, peering over the plains of her stomach and breasts to fixate on her tear-stained but gently smiling face. 
Her cunt was ruined, a pinkish red and swollen, glistening and throbbing as his fingers slowly retreated. Thighs spread, chest heaving, tits slightly swollen with nipples tweaked still - she made a gorgeous sigh, softly turning Ray's hard, hungry stare for the girl who stole his heart. 
"Beautiful..." he murmured, reaching as far as he could stroke her body, palming her chest and squishy tummy. To him, she was stunning - the most captivating person he'd ever seen, even with her scrunched-up nose, dampened hair, and marked skin. 
Her whole body shook when he slipped his fingers out of her pussy. He memorised each part of her as he licked his hand clean, knowing he'd undoubtedly return between her thighs when the thirst beckoned again. 
But for now, he'd give him some respite, cleaning the last of her taste off his fingers, going down to the last knuckle with a lewd, sucking noise. If need be, he'd use the memory to get himself off later, depending on whether his precious wife was feeling up to taking him or not. 
"You're a menace, Ray Manchester..." Was the first thing (y/n) said when she came around, not knowing how long she'd been out, but she snapped into reality to the sound of her doofus whispering praises. 
He chuckled at her sleepy expression, climbing out of the pool in one impressive leap onto the ledge. A shadow shielded her eyes and body from the blazing sun as he hovered over her. Cool, damp skin caused goosebumps when he pressed against her, cock prodding her thigh when he needily nuzzled her neck. 
"But you love me, Mrs Manchester..." he whispered, sounding rarely vulnerable as a hand cradled him against her, craving his coolness against her scorching body. Remind him to slaver her in sunscreen later...
"I do...I love you so much, doofus."
"I love you too, sweet girl. Always have, always will," he swore, grinning under the golden light as his pure-hearted girl dozed beneath him. 
She was always so precious after having her brains fucked out. 
~A couple days later~
They had to leave the villa at some point. 
Three days into their trip, Ray and (y/n) were still tangled in the sheets, splashing in their private pool or tanning on the sun beds. It suited them, not needing more than their slice of paradise to be content since delicious food could be delivered to the room, and Ray doted on his sweet girl. He satisfied her every need, but even paradise grew samey. 
"Are you going to get ready, doofus?" (y/n) asked from the vanity unit, where she'd been sitting for the last fifteen minutes doing her hair. After eating in for the previous few days, nibbling between rough, passionate sessions, she was eager to see what the resort had to offer - a fancy restaurant. 
They hadn't done anything fancy since arriving, and she was itching to show off on the man of her dreams' arm--that they deserved luxury too. The restaurant boasted five stars and four courses, meaning she had to bring her A-game - hair, nails, makeup, and dress done to perfection. 
She was already reaching for her makeup bag, having washed and dried her hair and hung up her pretty dress. It showed off her curves, thighs, and cleavage--everything Ray loved to touch and look at--so once she enhanced her natural beauty, it was just a matter of hailing a cab and making their dinner reservation. 
Although for someone who'd reserved a table - and paid a deposit - for a high-class restaurant, Ray didn't seem particularly fussed. 
She met his eye in the mirror, pausing with an eyeshadow brush, dusted in a smoky shimmer, hovering near her lid as she watched him relax on the giant bed behind her. His large frame covered most of the mattress, stretching in his smart, tight black shirt and dressy trousers and resting against the pillows - watching. 
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His hooded eyes followed her every movement, scratching his pec innocently when she cocked an eyebrow at his lax mood. He hadn't quaffed his hair, done his tie, put on his jacket or shoes. It was decidedly un-Ray-like for someone who prided himself on his appearance, especially when he was following his gorgeous girl around like a lost puppy. 
He just laid there, looking all cocky and hot, as he stared at his pretty wife, who was clad in no more than her best underwear whilst she painted her face. 
"In a bit... I'm enjoying the view..." The hero replied, tucking an arm behind his head to prop it up so he could watch her better. It would take him ten seconds to become presentable, meaning he had a spare minute or two to take in her beauty. 
Maybe it was the heat, the romantic setting, the high of finally marrying his sweet girl or a mixture of both, but Ray was insatiable. He couldn't help it, constantly seeking her warm, bare skin against his to satisfy his unending yearning. 
It was tiring and always left them sore since their powers weren't back to normal yet. Still, the man couldn't stay away, crawling into her arms to fuck her over and over or eat her sweet pussy when she grew weary. And, bless her soul, his darling wife never refused, welcoming him into her bed night after night, although she insisted on tonight. 
A romantic meal in different surroundings, and whilst Ray wanted her all to himself, he couldn't deny her. So, dinner it was...but first, he needed her again. 
"What view? I'm not even dressed yet," (y/n) frowned but returned to her blending, brushing a soft, dark powder across her eyelids to create a plain base, focusing on her reflection rather than the pouty doofus behind her. 
"Exactly... Absolutely stunning." That made her smile, bare skin warming despite the breeze from the open windows. 
Ray wasn't subtle with his admiration, raking his eyes over her exposed curves and wishing he could get his hands on them. She seemed so far away, even though he was only a metre or so out on the bed, and he longed to drag her into his arms, even if it was merely to cuddle. He couldn't help it if he was in an affectionate mood - any man would be if they were watching an angel working their magic. 
"How are you not exhausted? We barely slept at all last night..." His precious wife remarked, sounding slightly miffed, but her face was pleasant, giving away that she wasn't angry - more amused. 
Ray dragged her to the nearest comfy surface to have his way every night- or even every free minute- whether with one of them on their knees or spread for the taking. Over and over, he fucked her senseless, never appearing satiated or exhausted, unlike her, who whined for mercy when he pushed her over the edge for the fifth time. 
But he was shameless and undeniably insatiable. And last night had been no different. After a brief dip in the pool, the heroine wandered into the main room, wearing only her damp swimwear. She was looking for a drink and snack in the mini-bar when a strong arm curled around her stomach and pulled her against a toned chest. The rest was history, ending with her braced against the coffee table as he pounded into her from behind. 
"It's the bikinis, sweet girl... Seeing your perfect lil ass walking around the place makes me so damn hard..."
"I noticed. I'm still not walking straight..." She replied amusedly, shaking her head as she smeared glitter across her eyes, recalling how her sexy black bikini had to be binned after he ripped it to shreds. She didn't hate it, given that she begged for more and initiated round two on the couch, but he didn't need to know that. 
Even though he already did. 
"Well, you were begging for it, darlin'. Screaming my name...so it's not entirely my fault," Ray smirked, feeling his cock twitch in interest at the memory of the previous night's activities. When she clawed at him like that, leaving deep, scarlet scratches down his back, he couldn't help but want to make the most of the night...
"Get dressed, you big doofus," (y/n) told him, rubbing a little eyeliner on her lower lash line. She hoped her disinterest would persuade him to wear his tie and shoes, but Ray yawned. Yawned. 
It made her meet his eye in the glass again, wondering why he was so relentless, rolling around the sheets like a stubborn cat who wanted to nap and not be disturbed. She watched with narrow eyes, pausing her makeup for the millionth time as he sighed and ogled her body, seeming tighter in his pants than usual. 
"Nah... I'm happy here. I think we should just stay here..." the hero groaned, the unmistakable heat creeping up his spine as he palmed his growing bulge. 
She'd turned to the mirror again, ignorant of his arousal, so she didn't see how his eyes became hooded and hazy, darkening the more he touched himself whilst drooling over her pretty hips and tits in that lingeries. 
"I'm hungry, Raymond," (y/n) said firmly, dusting her cheeks in bronzer and blush, noticing his movement out of the corner of her eye. But she didn't think for a minute that it was smutty. Usually, Raymond was more proactive, preferring her touch to his own. Still, he wasn't beneath dirty tricks - the dirtier, the better sometimes. 
"I'll order room service," he counteroffered, thinking with his lust-addled brain rather than his heart. Of course, he wanted to take her out to dinner, eager to be the man on her arm as they entered the dining hall, but couldn't they quickly fuck first? 
The more he rubbed his hand over his crotch, the harder he became, tenting in his fanciest trousers until his cock pressed against his zipper. Hot and heavy, a rumble emitted from his chest as his stomach fluttered, sights set on the reflection of her cleavage when (y/n) leaned forward to inspect her eyeliner. 
He couldn't take it. He needed her more than he could put into words, and if she was busy, then there was only one thing for it. Ray took matters into his own hands - literally - as he silently unbuttoned his pants and yanked down his zipper, exposing his underwear just enough to pull it down and pull his cock free. 
Taking it in hand, he gave himself a gentle pump to test the waters, his mouth falling open when it gave him the relief he needed. It didn't match her mouth or tight pussy, but it was enough for now, making him pliant and vulnerable, aching for his angel to take care of him. 
"Touch that phone, and you'll sleep in the pool."
It was an empty threat as (y/n) knew she couldn't sleep without her doofus, but she certainly meant business. Nothing came between her and food, especially a four-course meal, not even her adorable idiot. 
"Ugh...but darlin', look..." Ray complained, and she knew that throaty, whiny tone anywhere. Her gaze snapped to him, mouth dropping open and liquid eyeliner pen smudging a wiggly line when she saw the debauched sight on the bed. 
It shouldn't have affected her so much, but she couldn't help it, not when he looked so...fucking hot. Head thrown back, chest heaving, pants undone, cock in his palm, Ray was a vision, moaning loudly now that he had her attention. His lust-blown eyes held her, groaning unashamedly as he jerked his fist, twisting his wrist when he picked up speed. 
"I want you so bad..."
"Ray..." She said breathlessly, makeup forgotten as she watched with wide eyes. Her cunt clenched at the sight, gulping as his hand stroked over his flared head, the one she'd kissed and licked that morning to wake him up. 
It's what he was thinking about, flashing through memories of her crying underneath him, of filthy whispers, of how they shared the gentlest, most peaceful high of his life earlier. He needed something to aid his pleasure, sensing how dull everything felt without her in his arms, her scent spiking his senses. Mere memory would have to do, although he refrained from stumbling toward a release, knowing his precious seed deserved to be buried deep inside her where it could perhaps take root. 
"Why are you so far away, sweet girl, when you could be sat with me?" Ray cried, feeling like his darling girl was worlds away as he closed his eyes and bucked his hips - making quite the erotic sight for her as she studied every move closely. Licking her lips, (y/n) felt her brain short-circuit when he spat into his palm to lubricate himself, allowing his tight fist to move faster. 
"I'm getting ready, doof. Can't--can't do my makeup on the bed..." 
The words felt clumsy on her tongue, barely thinking as she focused on the glorious cock peeking out at her. Suddenly, she longed to taste it, going dumb and needy - a reminder of how he'd managed to seduce her so many times before. She could barely think, her pussy ruling her mind as it begged to be filled--to be taken as was her true purpose. 
"You can... Just get up here and wrap that pretty little pussy around my cock. Make an honest man out of me," Ray replied throatily, jerking faster at the thought of finally feeling her heat. 
He didn't need much, just a squeeze and a chance to make her cum, and he'd spill. And he could be good, keeping his hands to himself whilst she kept him snug and finished her pretty makeup. It wasn't like he had a track record of distracting her...
"It's all I need, sweetheart. Fuck--I just need to feel you around me. No funny business, I promise."
"It's always funny business with you..." (y/n) gulped, imagining hauling herself onto the bed and sliding down his thick length. She really shouldn't have been so needy and slick--should've been sore and uninterested after how many times she'd taken him, but she guessed her super-regeneration was returning, giving her the ability to take him over and over--and it never got old. 
She knew where this road would take them. Ray didn't have a restrained bone in his body regarding sex, and he saw cockwarming as foreplay. If she sat in his lap, his hands would be everywhere, and she'd undoubtedly end up squirming, pleading for movement. 
She really wanted that dinner...but she suddenly found herself hungry for something else. 
"Please?" His begging was the final straw. (y/n) took one look at her forgotten eyeliner wand and then at her doofus, deciding on the spot she wanted his cock nestled within her walls. 
She couldn't help it, not when he distracted her with the filthy, wet sounds of him fisting his length, tortured groans, and the whimpers of her name. 
"We'll have to be quick..." she breathed out, hurriedly gathering every product she needed and dumping it in a flowery-printed bag. It didn't have to be neat or zippable, just enough to transport everything to the bed, which she dashed over to with an embarrassing neediness. 
Ray smirked as she conceded and shimmied out of her soaked panties, glad he still held some power over her. It was flattering to know that she wanted him so badly--that he knew her well enough to seduce her, even against the temptation of food. He welcomed her into his arms, letting her back rest against his chest as she guided his tip to her dripping folds. 
"You're--fuck--you're lucky I love this cock, Raymond."
"Feels good, darlin'. Thank you..." The man groaned loudly as his sweet girl settled against him, tipping her head back as she sank down on his cock in one smooth move. He slid in perfectly, filling her drooling cunt, making them both moan as Ray curled his arms around his wife, nuzzling her affectionately. 
Her thighs met his, seating her against him snuggly like a queen on her throne. Ray didn't know what to focus on, touching and squeezing her hips, covered breasts, and sliding down to her pussy. He was in heaven, rolling his hips to push into her as deep as possible as he scented the perfume dabbed on her neck, taking deep lungfuls when he buried his face against her. 
"Can I do my makeup now?" (y/n) asked breathlessly, thinking it'd be impossible to concentrate with her husband invading her senses. 
He had hands like an octopus, occupying every inch of her skin simultaneously, making it impossible to want to stay still. She ached to move, rise and sink, spear herself on his cock, or let him rock into her - God knows Ray wanted to as he whined against her skin. 
It would've been so easy to melt into his chest, be carried off on the waves of pleasure, and forget her earlier petty complaints about his insatiable libido. But one look at the ornate silver clock on the vanity unit telling her they had just under an hour before their reservation, and she resisted. 
"Sure..." Ray smiled, settling into the pillows as he stamped down the instinct to pound into her. He was content to sit there as promised, gently warmed by her molten heat. He could distract himself with how pretty she was, watching as she did her makeup and trying to ignore how deep he was buried in her. 
This would be interesting...
Resting calmly against the headboard, the hero lovingly stroked her hips as (y/n) finished her eyeliner, working with her shaky hands to draw the black lines. It wasn't perfect, but she didn't have much choice, putting the liquid liner away when she clenched around the cock inside her and found that it made her clumsy. 
She couldn't concentrate, dying to move, but Ray's hand was firm, holding her still in his lap as the other gently squeezed her breast. Whether deliberate or not, it was maddening to feel him so deep, stretching her so deliciously, but he refused to move. 
This was his plan; she just knew it. He was being clever, refusing to try anything because it was funnier to watch her struggle when she'd been all high and mighty about not fucking. 
But she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking for it - no way. Instead, she picked up her mascara, unscrewed it, and brushed it through her lashes, ignoring the doofus behind...even if he was growing restless. 
"This is nice..." Ray murmured as he kissed her throat, unbothered by the slick drenching his lap. He'd happily walk around with the stains smeared across his pants, even at dinner. 
"You're looking gorgeous, sweet girl..." He turned up the charm, snaking his arms around her tummy to cup her cunt - not moving, just holding it gently as she squirmed. 
"Do you flatter all the girls like that, Raymond?" (y/n) asked amusedly, pussy fluttering when his fingers slid over her lips. 
She was suspicious of his motivations, although the feral part of her hoped her pushed her to the mattress and fucked her properly. Still, she continued prettying herself, carefully nudging the wand against her lower lashes as Ray chuckled. 
"No, just one..." 
As if he would ever try so hard with another girl when he had his soulmate naked and creaming on his cock in his lap. He tapped his middle finger against her clit, highly entertained when she jolted at the stimulation and choked when he gave it an experimental rub. 
"She's beautiful...smart...and fuck...her pussy is like a dream," he sighed as he played with her, slowly circling her clit with two fingers--just because he felt like it. 
(y/n) yelped at the contact, dropping the mascara wand in surprise, but she didn't care, not even when it created a greasy black smudge on the floral bedspread. Her breathing turned to panting when her throat seized up, blocked by a choked moan as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth. The hero flexed his hips when she melted into him, jostling his cock inside her as he rubbed her clit slightly faster. 
"Just can't help but want to keep it filled with my cock...my cum."
"Y-you sa--said n-no funny business, doof..." the heroine moaned, fumbling to retrieve the mascara and safely tucked it back into the tube. 
The look was almost complete, save for lipstick, but she felt like adding it would be a bad idea, given that she wanted nothing more than to smush her face into his neck and ride him. They'd end up smudged in red stains, not a good look when you're already fucked out from a rough, pre-dinner session. 
"S'not my fault, darlin'. This pretty little clit looked lonely," Ray joked, biting her jawline as she moaned, grinding her hips into his lap as he stroked the sensitive nub. He laved over her skin, tugging her lacy bra down to reveal her nipples - desperate to pull and tweak them. 
"I'm...busy." He didn't believe her. 
(y/n) set her face in a straight line, trying to keep herself calm since she hadn't put on her dress, and he wasn't even close to being ready. But he made it difficult, squirming underneath her to move his cock against her walls whilst doubling his speed on her clit. She knew this would happen, but she only had herself to blame as she began rocking back into him. 
"Really? Well, then, by all means, carry on, sweet girl. Make yourself look pretty while I'll make you cum," her husband suggested, despite knowing how this would end. He had half a mind to raise her body and pound up into or push her forward to press her into the sheets, but he resisted. 
"Let's see who finishes first." He preferred the competition. 
She whimpered as he circled her clit, giving her immense pleasure but never moving. He grunted quietly at how she responded to his touch, and the tip of his finger drew tighter circles over her clit, making it near impossible to argue with anything he said. He could've asked her anything, and she'd agree, instantly turning cock-dumb when impaled on his impressive length. 
"Make me cum, doofus... Need it," (y/n) wailed, tilting her head until her lips pressed against the curve of his jaw while his hand steadily worked her pussy. 
"Thought you were busy..." he replied cockily but rubbed faster anyway. He couldn't ignore her, aching to feel her heat tighten around him like he'd wanted all evening--ever since he saw her step out of the shower in nothing more than a tiny towel to cover some of her modesty. 
"But I suppose if my sweet girl wants my attention, she can have it. She just needs something to cum on, don't you?" He asked, chest rumbling as he rubbed impossibly harder, heat turning the room hazy. 
"You need my cock, don't you?" He asked further, bucking his hips in micro-thrusts as she tilted her head against his shoulder, feeling her high just around the corner. The pressure built slowly and then, all at once, spurred by the tiny friction in her crevice and his skilled fingers. 
"Then, cum on it, sweet girl. Soak my cock--let all those pretentious fuckers in that restaurant know who's my girl..."
Her body tensed and squeezed him, and Ray shushed her before she realized she was making those tortured noises - screams of pleasure as her cunt spasmed. His free hand settled tight over her mouth and guided her to turn her lips toward him, swallowing her wails with a filthy kiss full of tongue and teeth. 
He licked into her mouth, tangling their tongues together to taste her sweet honey. As she came down from her high, her ass slowly stopped, ceasing grinding against his crotch as the first flutters of oversensitivity tickled her pussy. 
Breaking the kiss, Ray buried his face into her neck and started groaning again, whispering low praises into her ear in his deep, rumbling tone, and she had to remind herself to keep breathing. His fingers enveloped her clit again, rubbing through her moans about it all being too much, cock throbbing hotter than sin, building pleasure into an intense, slow crescendo.
"Hmph... You come so quickly after the first one, darlin'. So...so fucking good for me...G-Give me another--s-squeeze me, pretty girl..."
Ray couldn't help but gasp and pant as he talked her through it, staying perfectly still while engulfed in her drenched, fluttering cunt. His hand fondled her breast for dear life, holding it like an anchor as he refrained from fucking into her. He was stimulated by the smugness of tempting her into his wicked games, knowing she was willing all along, yet he had to wait his turn. 
His words pushed her over the edge, nodding pathetically as she followed his instructions--because she was his good girl, strangling his cock when he pulled her nipple.  
She couldn't help but squeeze him tightly, digging her nails into the forearm stretched across her tummy--the one still playing with her folds. Her back arched against him, knocking her nose against his jaw when she thrashed her head from side to side, breath catching his ear as she convulsed. 
"Perfect girl...doin' so well for me," Ray groaned, barely feeling the sharp claws leaving red crescents in his skin as she drenched his cock, soaking his pants and underwear even more. 
"So good to me--to let me fuck you like this. Think you deserve a little more..." He said softly before rocking his hips into hers. The slight contact felt heavenly, leaving her slack-jawed and limp as he held her hips and thrust into her, creating a gentle, slapping rhythm against her thighs. 
(y/n) leaned forward a little, eager to give him more room to manoeuvre. He grinned at her desperation, stroking his hand down her curved spine as he began pumping fluidly into her, already at the end of his tether after teasing her for so long. 
The position - folded in half from behind - gave him the perfect angle to hit that spongy spot deep inside her. He pulled her ass into him repeatedly, lifting his hips to meet hers as she moaned and thumped her fists against his thighs, fucking strong and steady. 
"F-fuck--fuck me harder!"
"I--I got you, sweet girl..." he promised, twitching faster until their bodies shook, covered in a sheen of sweat from the humid weather. 
He was careful not to ruin her makeup but curled a hand around her throat and pulled her back into his chest. Their skin was scorching, and everything suddenly felt a little too hot, but the rutting didn't stop, shredding heaven inside her as Ray sank his teeth into her shoulder. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum..." he grunted, licking over the bite mark as she whined, ready for his cum - wherever he gave it to her. She wanted that--feeling him engorging inside her made her cunt flutter again, signalling she was close for the third and final time. 
"Give it to me, doofus--" she begged, clenching around him like God commanded, wringing her out until she gushed around him. 
She couldn't fucking breathe—the pleasure was too overwhelming, her face was scrunched in painful pleasure, threatening to smear her mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner with tears, yet his assault was still relentless. She could only close her eyes, furrow her brows, crack her mouth open to pant raggedly, and let him own her body as he pounded toward his release. 
The heavy, wild thrusts stole every sense away from her, plunging into her ruined hole, shaky as he growled praises and curses--thanking those who gifted his sweet girl to him and hating them for not making him last longer. She didn't even feel him pulling out of her until a splash of hot liquid shot up her back. 
"Fuuuuuuck...so pretty...perfect...love you..." Ray roared as he swiftly jerked his cock to completion, releasing over her arched back until she was coated in his pearlescent cum. He groaned as every drop erupted, squeezing the sensitive tip with the sight of her pink, puffy pussy to add to his pleasure. 
"Oh, fuck...doofus," (y/n) whimpered as she bowed to him, happily accepting his precious gift, even if she preferred his cum inside. She knew Ray loved seeing her sated and claimed, smiling when she felt it trickling toward her ass. 
Her doofus was an ass man, through and through. It ought to please him, and she hoped he was satisfied enough to make it through--for now. 
"God--you look good all painted in me. Shows everyone who you belonged to." True enough, he squeezed her hip when he finally came down, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath as he committed the erotic view to memory. 
He loved seeing her like this, knowing he was the only one who did it to her--his signature would tell them to stay away, too. She nodded sleepily, reaching to rub her eyes before remembering they had dinner plans. Fuck, she felt like she could sleep for a hundred years and wiggled into his warm touch, barely finding the brainpower to reply. 
"I think...I think they already know from the way you make me scream. I bet the whole island can hear me..." She said shyly, wondering if anyone lost on the beach or any passing worker heard them fucking--namely her screeching to high heaven. 
It wouldn't surprise her, but the thought made Ray smirk as his hands explored her waist and ribs - avoiding the expanse he'd cum on. He wanted that to stay like a picture longer, even if they were still hurtling toward their reservation. And honestly, he didn't care if they figured it out - she looked gorgeous like this. 
"True..." Ray grinned, eyeing her wedding ring as she clenched her fists. He knew it wouldn't ward off every fucker trying his luck, but it would do a damn good job. The symbol of his promise to her...
"But I love this...The prettiest sight," he said softly, swiping a finger through the mess on her back and bringing it to her lips. 
(y/n) sucked it into her mouth without hesitation, groaning at the familiar, salty taste. How it made her sore walls clench again - Ray couldn't help but smile at his sweet girl. His sweet, greedy girl as she licked her lips and awaited the next blob, knowing he wanted to clean her up in the best way possible. 
And not a drop would be wasted. 
"We're gonna be so fucking late for dinner."
They weren't. Not really. 
Well, they were late by traditional standards, but all things considered, the couple arrived at the fancy-schmancy restaurant in style. 
Her hair and makeup were slightly ruffled and smeared, her dress was a tad rumpled, and to any observant person's eyes, it was clear what they'd done, not that (y/n) cared. She followed closely behind her doofus, wearing a polite smile, who looked worse than her with his rushed quiff, creased shirt, and crooked tie. 
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Ray was such a smug bastard, strolling into the joint like he owned the place and not like he'd had to dab his pants to remove the more... noticeable stains covering his crotch. He had no regrets, smoothly shaking the head honcho waiter's hand as he introduced his companion--his love--his wife. 
They were escorted to their table with no witty comments or raised eyebrows - that's not how the hotel worked. They specialised in privacy, no questions asked, and (y/n) guessed they were used to seeing overexcited honeymooners smooching and stumbling from a quick fumble in the shadows. 
"You look beautiful, sweet girl..." Ray cooed once they were settled, sipping a fine Cabernet Sauvignon. 
He held her hand over the table, stroking her thumb and waiting for their first course of tadpole's eyeballs or whatever they served here. He was more of a burger-and-fries kind of guy, but if his wife wanted a romantic dinner, he would give her one. 
"No thanks to you, doofus. You really did a number on me..." (y/n) replied with an almost shy smirk after putting her wine glass down, watching as he beamed and relaxed into his plush, velvet chair. He filled it perfectly with his bulky frame, looking like a king against the gilded background of red carpet and crystal chandeliers. 
"I think you look even better like this. Look at the other people here...Do you think they'd ever fuck thirty minutes before coming to a place like this?" 
She almost choked on her saliva at his hushed words, scanning the room to check that no one heard him. Talk like that would surely get them thrown out, but as she gazed at the crowd, observing all types of people, she realised her doofus had a point. 
They all looked far too snooty to contemplate doing something immoral and raunchy. All the old ladies turned up their noses at the smallest glimpses of affection from the more lovey-dovey couples around the room, including them. Their husbands didn't spare them a glance, too busy on their phones or eyeing up the pretty waitresses to value their wives' company. 
It was sad, but it reminded (y/n) of how lucky she was - to have a husband willing to deface his reputation just to show his love for her. It was sweet in Ray's own unique way. 
"I suppose not..." she conceded, tenderly stroking his hand as he looked at her with those big, puppy-dog eyes, all attention on her. 
It made her chuckle, thinking about their mad rush to get ready once the orgasmic haze lifted, patting down hair and cleaning clothing, making Ray so antsy that he nearly bit the head off of the taxi driver who came to pick them up. And luckily, it was the same plucky kid who'd helped carry their bags on the first night - the flirty one. The one her husband didn't like. 
"You know, you've scarred that kid for life. He doesn't even know what thermoplasmic ultra detonator is, let alone how far you can shove it up his...you know what."
"He shouldn't have flirted with my wife," Ray shrugged, recalling how he grabbed the kid's collar and held him against the hotel's brickwork before he could say je ne regrette rien. He may have made a few threats, but he wasn't sorry, not even a little bit. 
His sweet girl was angelic and unassuming, so she didn't see how that kid leered over her. While she saw naïveté, Ray saw impure thoughts with his learned eye. He was once a twenty-something-year-old - pretty girls are pretty girls, married or not.  
"He wasn't flirting..." (y/n) insisted, knowing whether that boy tried it on or not, it wouldn't work on her. 
"He said you looked pretty."
"He was looking for a tip!" She exclaimed, smooching his knuckles when her poor love pouted, remembering the memory with a sour expression and displeasure. Admittedly, the boy was a little too chatty during the ride along the bumpy road, but she could deal with that, even if she preferred to talk with her newlywed lover. 
"And I gave him one. Come near my wife again, and I'll make your butt explode," the hero sniffed cooly before taking a large gulp of wine. He looked so handsome in the soft, warm light, making her tummy somersault and flutter when he grunted and frowned, roused by the helper's persistent flirtation.  
"Oh, doofus..."
"And I think he got the message," he said, smiling when the memory faded a more positive one - when the boy fled with fear in his eyes at Captain Man's wrath and strength. He wouldn't be returning to their villa on any errands soon. 
"I did, too. My doofus is as grumpy and adorable as always, and I have my hands full with him..." (y/n) cooed, cutely rubbing her nose against his palm as she lifted it to her face again - utterly besotted with her beloved doofus. 
He smiled at that, stroking her cheek as they leaned in as closely as possible, ignoring those who cast a judgemental eye over their open affection. If they could, they'd be making out over the table, but this wasn't some dirty roadside diner; there had to be standards, so the rich folk would have to be content with their enamoured smiles and minimal smooches and think themselves lucky. 
"You flatter me, sweet girl..." Ray winked, images flicking into his mind of her on her knees, wide, naive eyes looking up at him, mouth propped open as she prepared to take what she squeezed in her hands... No, not thoughts suitable for the dinner table. 
"You make everything dirty, don't you?" But (y/n) saw through his smirk, practically reading his mind when she watched his gaze darken, fists clenching. Utterly shameless...and insatiable. 
"Given the chance..." He grinned, kissing her fingertips under the gaze of a haughty lady a few tables over. She was probably just jealous and didn't deter his affection as he proudly nodded, unashamed to admit his lust and love for her - but he wasn't the only one. 
"Although you're just as bad as me."
"My darling doofus, whatever do you mean?" (y/n) gasped, pretending his improper accusation scandalised her - that she was a lady of loose morals. She falsely clutched at her chest, where a dainty diamond pendant necklace that matched her earrings lay - a gift from her doofus for their last anniversary. 
But her wide eyes and open mouth waylaid a dirty secret, known only by them as Ray gulped and stuttered, breaking his relaxed façade. 
She'd slipped her heel off to wriggle her toes free under the snowy white tablecloth, hidden from the critical eyes around the room. Strangely, she wasn't usually one for teasing or public naughtiness. However, a mischievous mood swept over her, encouraging her to trail her foot up his calf, tickling Ray's skin. She had only just had him, yet his hunger had infected her, making her crave more. 
"I--I mean, you're sliding your foot so far up my pant leg that you can count the change in my pocket," the hero gulped, eyelids fluttering as a groan lodged in his throat, provoked by how she rolled her toes over his pants' zipper. 
Since when was his sweet girl so devilish? Her movements were oddly skilled and gentle, the slightest squeeze making him want to sweep the table and bend her over it. 
"I was innocent of the world's ways before we started dating. Look at me now..."
"You've always shown a lot of technique for someone so innocent--Shit, you're killing me here, darlin'," Ray groaned, thinking they both came into the relationship with prior experience. However, he'd always been the more knowledgeable and experienced, leading her into pleasure-filled oblivion since she was more pillow princess than punisher. 
Her touch was heavenly, making him shut his eyes tightly as she leaned on her elbows and fluttered her eyelashes. Her arms were tucked into her sides, pushing her breasts together to create a glorious path to her cleavage, and Ray couldn't help but stare. To onlookers, it looked like he'd banged his knee or something, and they'd never guess that the woman was making him harder than steel. 
"Oh, you haven't seen all of my tricks..."
"Really? You fancy sharing?" He asked, eyebrows twitching in interest as she shrugged, acting like she wasn't alluding to something...sensual. He was more intrigued by seeing her in the throes of her passion than being teased so torturously. 
"Husbands and wives shouldn't have secrets, sweet girl."
"Be a good boy and eat your dinner. Maybe I'll give you a special treat if you do..." (y/n) whispered, winking flirtatiously as she removed her foot, highly entertained when her doofus whimpered.
She grinned when his hips bucked in her direction under the table, knowing she only had to pretend to drop her fork to look underneath, and she'd see a rather large problem in his trousers. Or, she could slip under entirely when no one was looking; a carpet this plush wouldn't leave any bruises on her knees. 
But no...she was committed to teasing him like he did to her; after all, it was rather sly how he seduced her right before dinner. 
"You're offering me...dessert?" The man asked, his voice dropping a few octaves as he gulped, hoping no one had overheard their teasing conversation. He was down for that, dropping a few hundred dollars on the table and returning to their villa for something a little...sweeter. And it got even better when she leaned forward, narrowly dodging her wine until their faces were almost touching. 
"Better than anything they serve here," she nodded, craning her neck to chastely peck his lips before sinking back into her chair and taking her wine glass. Ray's fist almost shattered his, needing a few large mouthfuls to calm his raging lust after being so riled up. 
"Fuck me, sweet girl..." he groaned, rubbing his eyes while reaching down to adjust himself - conscious of how his cock noticeably pressed against his zipper--just as the waiters arrived with their first course. 
He had no idea how to make it through dinner when she looked at him like that, already cursing his decision to let her leave his bed. 
"Oh, I plan to, doofus."
"You--Fuck, sweet girl--you drive me insane--"
Those words were music to her ears, making (y/n) smirk in the warm glow of the porch light. 
Dinner had been excellent fun--for her, not for Ray. He'd kept his promise and eaten his dinner like a good boy, albeit with a grimace facing like his fancy food was sour.
After teasing him like that with her slipperless foot squeezing on his cock, he'd slumped back into his chair like the brooding grumpy pants he was, conversing politely and sipping his soup with a dark glint in his eyes. He seldom lost focus, maintaining eye contact with his love whilst she explained an idea for them to go snorkelling with dolphins. 
The actual eating part wasn't so bad; it gave him something to focus on, and neither could say it wasn't delicious. For a moment, Ray forgot about his raging hard-on and enjoyed the meal, liking how they could spend quality time together in such a posh location. His sweet girl looked so pretty, wrapping him around her little finger with every joke, anecdote, and plan. 
But when dessert came, he remembered why he loved her--and why he'd wanted to sneak off to the bathroom earlier. The final course was a fancier version of chocolate-covered strawberries and ice cream, all whipped and shit to look better than it was. 
But at its core, (y/n) knew what she was doing, taking a strawberry and a bite while holding his gaze. Her lips curled around the sweet flesh, licking lightly to mop up any scarlet juice threatening to trickle down her chin, and he couldn't help but follow her lips. Her sultry movements reminded her of how her lips wrapped around his--
He was forced to sit there and make her enjoy every last little bit. And (y/n) milked it, moaning at the sweetness of the chilly dessert and exaggerating how she bit chunks off the strawberries. He steadily swelled in his pants again, ready to pounce when she patted her mouth dry with a napkin and hailed a waiter for the bill. 
After slamming his card down, Ray ushered her out the door, a hand strategically resting on her ass while they waited for someone to drive them back to the villa. Cut to reaching their holiday home after a very handsy car ride, and he was desperate, making his move once the taxi driver - thankfully an older gentleman utterly disinterested in flirting with his prettiest passenger - drove off. 
"Doofus, I'm trying to get the--the door o-open," (y/n) said between giggles and kisses, her back pressed to the front door with a leg hitched over his hip as her lover frantically kissed her precious lips and neck. 
He was achingly hard, prodding her hip as he growled and nipped a line down her throat, thinking more with his dick than his brain. The villa key was limp in her hand, almost slipping through her fingers as she pressed his face further into her neck, enjoying his touch. 
"You little minx... Teasing me like that..." He grunted, palming her ass and breasts through her sexy dress. He felt like he was losing grip on his control, going feral when he buried himself in her soft body and sweet scent. 
"I should've spread you out on the table...Fucked you right there--let them all watch."
"We both know you don't share, doofus," (y/n) smirked, practically feeling the possessiveness rolling off him. She loved playing this game with him, winding him up until his resilience was hanging by a thread. Usually, she relented after a little while. But not tonight. 
No, tonight, she wanted to shake things up, and it started with her beloved doofus being good for her. And he was as he nodded furiously and smothered her against the door, blocking anyone's view from her lush body when he tugged her skirt further up her thighs. 
"I don't. Shit--you're all mine, sweet girl," the man whined pathetically, fumbling to feel her silky skin under his fingertips as he struggled with taking her right then and there or taking her away from prying eyes.
"Even if you drive me insane."
"You love it--took it like a good boy," she replied softly, petting his chocolate locks as he nipped her neck and squeezed her thighs. He couldn't help but want to spread them and bury his face between them--perhaps let her sweet moans overtake the chirping crickets as the sound of the night. 
But he couldn't. It wasn't appropriate out on the porch - where any hotel staff member or holidaymaker could stroll past their day. So, he decided to get her inside, preferably on their bed, where he could settle her on the plush bed and take his time. It was better that way and not a moment too soon - he felt as hard as fucking steel. 
"Get that door open, darlin'. I want to fuck you."
"Ah--ah--ah!" But (y/n) stopped him, booping his nose with each abated word. She looked positively saccharine; her smile was bright and sweet while her hands smoothed down his jaw and neck with her usual tenderness and adoration. But her doofus wasn't having that...
Ray pulled away with a confused yet grumpy frown, looking at her like he didn't like what she said. He wanted her now, but she wiggled away, pushing her hands against his chest and raising her knee between them. 
"Don't withhold this sweet lil ass from me--" he grunted, reaching around her body to try and grab another fistful of her backside, but she wouldn't let him. 
In a shocking, daring move, his sweet girl circled his wrist before he could lay a hand on her, gripping his tie instead. She yanked the satin material, pulling him down to her level so their lips almost grazed together. 
"Oh, I'm not, doofus. But tonight, you'll sit back, relax, and let me sit on your cock," she whispered, nudging forward to give him a ghost-like kiss--barely there, gentle, with a kitten lick of her tongue to make him ravenous. 
It was like Ray's brain short-circuited, making him instantly submit to her as she curled his tie around her finger. He gulped at her pleased smirk, feeling his cock pulsate while processing what she was saying. 
He could see it now; her above him, naked and glorious as she had her way with him. He'd be a fool to reject that. Ray wasn't so full of himself to think he had to take charge every single time, so he relented, resting his hands on her waist - a safe choice - as he awaited her first instruction. 
"Does my pretty girl want to be in charge?" The hero asked, feeling his loins burn at the thought - it was rare to see her like that, although he had no idea what was in store for him. 
"She does..." (y/n) nodded, tracing her nail over his expensive shirt as she fluttered her eyelashes, already feeling her underwear starting to stick to her thighs.
"So, you gonna let your wife have what she wants, or...?"
"Whatever my wife wants, she can have," Ray conceded gruffly, ready and willing to get down on his knees if she commanded it. Not yet, but (y/n) was biding her time, smirking as he groaned into her gentle kiss. 
He followed her lips eagerly, swallowing everything she gave him as a hand slid to the front of his pants to palm his hard length. He hissed at her touch, feeling like a stupid teenager, ready to cream his underwear as she delicately bit his lip and pulled away, panting. 
"Hmm... I'll remember that." With that, she grinned, patted his cheek, and pulled away, turning her back on him to put the key in the door and unlock it. 
She pushed it open, waltzing into the villa like her husband wasn't lusting after her. Ray tumbled into the room behind her, subconsciously rumbling in his chest as he loosened his tie. The room felt balmy and warm, almost suffocating for him as he tossed his suit jacket onto the couch before storming forward to take her into his arms. 
But he stopped, thinking better when she raised a finger - wait. Licking his lips in anticipation, Ray watched patiently as his sweet girl removed her diamond earrings and necklace, placing them on the coffee table before shaking out her hair. Next, she kicked off her heels, enjoying how she could wriggle her toes freely as she walked to the kitchenette, where they kept a bottle of chilly champagne in the mini-fridge. 
"Sweet girl?" Ray asked tentatively, not wanting to step on her authority when it risked him getting some tonight. Still, he was confused by her lax attitude. 
If it was him, he'd have her on the bed, legs spread, with his face squished between them, but he infamously had little patience. (y/n), however, had plenty of it, turning around to face him with an amused yet passive face as she poured herself a glass of bubbly--like she wasn't ravenously horny too. 
"Yes, doofus?"
"Um...Are we--do you--can I...?" Ray stammered, suddenly all tongue-tied as she stood there, analysing him. He'd said the filthiest things, whispered the most vulgar stuff in the pitch blackness, but he couldn't ask. That would be...too much. 
"Are we...what?" The heroine giggled, utterly amused by his pink cheeks and stammer, unlike the confident hero she knew and loved. She knew what he wanted; she wanted it too and craved his cock deep in her walls as he moaned beneath her. 
"You looked so handsome tonight..." she murmured, ending his misery and sauntering to him. 
She took a long sip of the champagne before stroking his chest, licking the expensive stuff from her lips. He blushed at her words, feeling all fluttery and loved as she pulled him into another filthy kiss. Her tongue swirled with his, allowing Ray to taste the delicious alcohol with her honeyed sweetness. 
"Be a good boy and go lay down for me. I'll be there in a minute..."
She panted once they'd pulled away, connected by a small string of saliva as Ray desperately nuzzled into his precious wife. He needed her so badly with every fibre of his being, pressing his bulge into her hip as she soothingly played with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
"Don't be long, pretty girl..."
"Ah--no demands, doof--" (y/n) warned him, wanting no orders from him when she ran on a confidence high. She would follow when she was good and ready - when he was squirming. 
"I'm in charge tonight, so go to the bedroom, strip, and lay on the bed. But, uh...leave the shirt and tie."
"The shirt?... And tie?" Ray asked, glancing down at his black ensemble and wondering what she could mean. He knew she'd like it since the shirt showed off his muscly arms and lithe torso, but the tie? No idea there. 
"What? They're sexy!" She giggled, smacking her lips jokingly at his broad frame, making Ray chuckle and shake his head. 
But he did as she said, slowly undoing his belt buckle as he turned toward the bedroom. Brazenly, he stripped his lower half, kicking his pants and underwear into a corner as she watched with hungry eyes. His ass was so cute and pert--and she could only imagine his chiselled abs as he unbuttoned his shirt. He didn't shrug it off, sticking to her rules like a good boy. 
The plan had been to drag everything out, make him wait, and go in to see her doofus wrecked before she'd even laid a finger on him. But (y/n) was needy, too, leaning on the back of the couch, sighing, and rubbing her thighs together once she was alone. 
God, she wanted him, feeling herself soaking through her panties to the point where it was clinging to her thighs. The champagne took the edge off, gulping it down and pouring herself another glass like liquid confidence; it would loosen her tongue and make her movements fluid. 
After a few minutes of sipping the bubbly, she knew it was time to go and see her doofus. He was probably dying in there, so tempted to touch himself, but he knew she wouldn't like that. And who was she to keep him waiting when he behaved so well?
So, she put the flute down and folded her arms around her back, aiming for the zipper on her velvety dress. It was a lot easier when Ray peeled her clothing off, but she managed it, twisting her body so she stood only in her black, lacy underwear. After their little...activity earlier, she'd changed into fresh panties, and luckily, they were one of his favourites. 
Retaking her drink and spinning on her heel, (y/n) turned toward the bedroom, walking with a sway in her hips. Her bare skin prickled in the balmy air and Ray's stare as he came into view, waiting on the mattress as instructed. However, he looked maddened, eagerly sitting up when his goddess came in. 
Ray gulped at the gorgeous sight she made, wishing he could relieve himself, even just a little bit. Yet he knew that wouldn't end well. Instead, the hero ended up ungraciously humping the air and groaning, ruined by the sexy underwear set she'd hidden under that damn dress. As if he wasn't hard enough...
"Fuck, sweet girl...look so pretty."
"Thanks, doofus. Such a good boy for doing as I said," the woman smiled, feeling beautiful under his reverent gaze as she sidled up to the bed, channelling her inner sexiness when she hovered at the edge. 
"Mhmm--does that mean--can we--please?" The man bumbled, eyes glued to his sweet girl as her hands smoothed over her stomach, gaze flickering to the bulge in his boxers. 
He was dying, craving physical touch, and it was almost impossible not to wrap a hand around himself. But he resisted, focusing on her sultry movements and how gorgeous she looked in those panties. His wife made him tongue-tied and blushy - it was adorable. 
"Please...?" And (y/n) loved teasing him for it, admiring Captain Man in such a vulnerable position. 
"Fuck me! Just...please, sweet girl. You know you want it," Ray pleaded, thinking she couldn't be serious as she stood there, looking all innocent with her hands on her hips. 
He didn't know what else to do but tempt her, reaching to cup his solid length and squeeze it so she could see how the thickness throbbed--hoping the sight would be enough to get her in his bed. (y/n) wouldn't lie; seeing him palming his cock made her clench around nothing, tongue poking out to moisten her lips as she remembered how good he'd felt earlier on. 
"I do..." she nodded, sipping more champagne before leaving the glass on the vanity unit so she could crawl up the bed. Ray's lips twitched in a smile, glad to see her approaching, but to his disappointment, she stopped halfway to lay between his lips. 
"I love this cock..." the heroine mumbled with a soft expression, nuzzling and mouthing over his twitching length, loving it when her doofus threw his head back and groaned. It wasn't enough, but her touch provided some relief, leaving darkened marks where her wandering tongue swiped over the cotton. 
"It's yours..." Ray choked out, fully submitting as (y/n) hummed, stroking his muscular thighs. 
She moved on, kissing his hip bone before stalking up his body. The heroine paused intermittently to kiss or suck little bruises into his skin, paying particular attention to his Adonis belt, abs, and pecs. She couldn't say she didn't love his body, smoothing her hands over his arms until she was at his neck. 
"Gonna ride me, sweet girl? I love seeing you bouncing on my cock..." he asked hopefully, tilting his jaw upward as she grazed her teeth over his Adam's apple and licked over his jaw. He entertained her desires, allowing her to take his wandering from her hips - where he'd been pulling her into his crotch - and pushed them over his head. 
"Something like that..." It was cute seeing her grinning when she pinned his hands to the pillows, some master plan in her head as she kissed him. He had the right idea because riding him sounded perfect, but it wasn't what he probably imagined. 
"But first..." Instead, she giggled to herself and snaked one hand from his wrists, leaving one near the headboard to keep his hands hostage. He could've easily overpowered her, but he didn't. He wanted to see how his sweet girl dominated him, thinking it would be easy to roll her over if he had enough of the teasing. 
Assuming his sweet (y/n) wouldn't do anything bold, Ray just laid there, smiling happily like an idiot as her hand traced circles on his chest--before roughly grabbing his slackened tie. His eyes shot open, puzzled by the change of pace as her finger wormed its way into the loose knot, yanking it until it was one long piece of silk in her grasp. 
"Wha--wh--what are you doing, darlin'?" Ray stammered, wide-eyed--almost fearful as (y/n) curled the tie in her hands, snapping the material to test its strength. It was good quality, sturdy, and hard-wearing, perfect for her plan. 
So, with a smirk adorning her face, the heroine swiftly looped the silk around her doofus' hands, keeping them fixed to the rattan bed frame when she threaded it through the headboard. Ray's mouth bobbed as he tried to find the words. He was so utterly stunned that it was easy to hurriedly knot the tie in a Burlington bowline - easy, quick, and almost undoable. 
It wasn't too tight, not wanting to leave raw markings on his wrists later, but she didn't want him breaking free, giving the tie a tug to double-check its security. He pulled his wrists, too, whining when he realised that this was her plan to give him a look-but-no-touch ride. 
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Could he survive that? Probably not. 
"Remember this knot? You taught it to me just after we first met. I've been wanting to use it on you for ages..."
"Fucking hell..." Ray groaned, thumping his head against the pillow as he pulled and pulled, just to end up stuck. 
He couldn't move, wanting to hold her hips or squeeze her tits, but he couldn't. All he could do was dig his stupid fingernails into his stupid palms, cursing the day he taught her to do a few knots. It was just a joke back then--something to make his pretty young helper laugh and impress her. He never expected her to remember his Scout's lesson and use it as...as...bondage. 
"I want to touch you, sweet girl. You--you can't expect me to sit here and--"
"And what? Take it? Try it, doof. I'm Miss Danger. You're not getting out," (y/n) gloated, sitting back and admiring the picture he made - strong body flexed with his tree trunk-like arms straining against the unbuttoned shirt and fixed above his head, abdomen clenching and flexing under her fingertips, highlighting his hidden strength. 
He was beautiful, but Ray wouldn't be defeated. It wasn't like he wanted to resist--lord knows he had her in the same position hundreds of times--but it felt instinctual. The guy was a superhero; when he found himself bound and helpless, he had to fight to get free. Otherwise, it was lights out, and he couldn't switch off, not even when he had a goddess above him. 
"I'm Captain Man. I--I can--I can--I can do this--"
"Sorry, doofus. You know what they say..." But (y/n) knew him better, leaning down to pepper his neck with soothing kisses, ready to stop if needed. But she wanted him to settle down, knowing his ego wouldn't go down without a fight. 
She needed to be smart, kissing up to his ear as he struggled underneath her. If there was one person who could quench that fire, it was her, fully aware that Captain Man could fight an army, but not Miss Danger's wiles. 
"I'm your one and only weakness," she whispered before sucking on his earlobe, pressing her soaked panties into his cock. 
"Fuck--" Ray swore, screwing his face up when she rocked against him, the seam of her underwear in line with his length, providing him with enough glorious friction to distract him from trying to escape - sort of. 
He still wanted out, rubbing his wrists against the soft material out of instinct. Her hips looked perfect for gripping, practically made for his hands to hold as she ground against him, so he couldn't help but squeeze them. But he couldn't. All he could do was lie there and take it, watching with dark, hooded eyes as (y/n) buzzed with excitement. 
She'd never had so much freedom - barely knowing what to do now that she had the Captain Man as her personal doofy toy. 
"So big..so brave...but really, you're just my doofus," she muttered, trailing her tongue down his neck toward his chest as he moaned. He'd been hard since dinner, which seemed like a lifetime away now, and now, he had to endure such torture. He was gonna die. 
"And I love how you melt for me."
"Oh, God, sweet girl..." Ray moaned in a high-pitched voice, surprised when his sweet girl pulled his nipple into her mouth, biting and sucking on the sensitive buds. 
They were so sensitive, making his skin pimply and hair stand on end since he never noticed it. The sensation made him like steel, jumping against her slick slit as she tweaked one and worked on the other. God, she needed to play with these more. 
"You're gonna be a good boy and do as I say."
"I am already, aren't I?" Ray retorted brattily, sticking his nose up childishly as her tongue swirled along his skin, hand dipping into the shirt to push it to the sides as much as possible. Yet she wouldn't remove it; seeing him tied up with the garment rumpled on his torso made her doofus look debauched. 
Although, she wasn't too happy with his bratty attitude. 
"Such a grumpy doofus--just because you can't get your own way," she pouted, pulling away to sit back on his cock, but she didn't move. He didn't deserve it, not when he was a sourpuss. 
"I want to touch you," Ray grumbled, although he tried to look a little happier. He hated to rain on her parade, but she was his sweet girl - she belonged in his arms.
Still, (y/n) relented, thinking that her control didn't need to be mean--that wasn't her style. If her doof wanted something to do, she'd give it to him - something fun, something he could put his mind to, something that would put him in his place. 
"Okay...you can."
"Really?" The hero asked, looking slightly surprised since his dominance was always his word, hand, and rules. He never relented, yet he didn't know what she had planned.
"Really, really. Stay there."
That was her little joke, eliciting a small giggle from the woman as her husband gave her an unamused look. He couldn't budge an inch, thanks to her sneakiness, making him whimper when she climbed off him entirely. 
"No...come back. I'll be good--promise!" He begged like a child, jerking his head up until his chin pressed into his clavicle, watching as she hopped off the bed. 
She laughed at the pure terror on his face but quickly showed him what she wanted. As pretty as it was, the underwear had to go, so she unhooked the bra, tossing it over his body as Ray wolf-whistled. 
He never failed to make her smile, practically drooling as she kicked off the panties, too - what a shame he was bound to the bed and couldn't show his appreciation. However, when her love complained, she soothed his worries, clambering back onto the bed. 
"You'll be good..." (y/n) muttered, poised above his body so she could slowly make out with him. Ray moaned into her mouth, enjoying her sweet lips before she pulled away, smirking. 
"Please, darlin'...I need something."
"So much talking... I think we need to put that mouth to better use," she told him, finally seeing her doofus smile when she shuffled up his body past his hips, stomach...chest. 
He knew where she was headed, head sinking into the pillow with a dopey grin as her pussy came into view, hovering over his mouth. Now, that was more like it, and he was already licking his lips, ready to please his wife as she got comfy.
Planting a knee on either side of his head, she angled herself over his head, conscious of not squishing him, even though Ray was already lifting his head to get closer. His fire had returned, spurring him to begin the moment her folds were close enough - he could see how wet she was, how fucking delicious she looked. 
"Fuck, get those thighs around my head, sweet girl..." he groaned, wanting to feel them like ear muffs, pillowing him better than the duck-down behind him while he feasted. 
"Less talk, doofus," (y/n) commanded, gliding her hands through his hair, pushing back the strands that stuck to his clammy forehead. 
"You know what to do..." He didn't need anything else, deeply wanting to please her like he innately knew what to do. God, they should've done this years ago, providing him with the perfect job - fuck Captain Man. 
He could've happily spent all day there, taking his first few tentative licks through her cunt to relive the fucking perfect taste. He nosed her clit, and closed his eyes, thinking he was born to serve her, to drink her down. He found his rhythm, still wishing he could touch her, but her silky flesh was enough to distract him, and he quickly learned to alternate between her needy hole and clit. 
She moaned with a sweet smile, slowly grinding down on his face but never going further. Like anyone, she was terrified at the thought of crushing or suffocating him. She was merely bold enough to kneel above him, not truly sit. 
And that wasn't good enough for Ray. 
"Closer..." he murmured, resorting to asking since he couldn't tug her closer. She did as he said, thighs shaking from the controlled effort of lowering herself, even though this was supposed to be a tongue workout for him, not for her core. 
And it wasn't nearly enough to satisfy him. His tongue could explore and flicker, but he couldn't fully swim, forced to merely dip into her folds because his neck could only stretch so far. Ray wanted to be overwhelmed with her, to feel her body pushing onto him, willing to drown him. He wanted her to sit. 
"Sit, sweet girl. Wanna taste you properly."
"I am sitting, doofus," (y/n) replied absentmindedly, too dazed by his performance to care about whether she was truly comfortable. Her aching thighs and abdomen could be ignored whilst he sucked on her clit and fucked his tongue into her--it was enough. But not for Ray, who thought if they were gonna try it, they might as well do it properly. 
"I mean, properly sit," he said firmly, knowing he could take it. He craved burying himself in her sweet pussy, wanting to feel her slick dripping down his cheeks and hear her moans like shouts. 
"Who's in charge here?" The woman asked with a slight frown, tugging his hair a little to show her displeasure. It felt...good. He didn't need to do more, and she was still gripped by her fear of hurting him for her pleasure--she could manage like this. 
"You, darlin'. You, of course, so fucking use me," Ray conceded, treading carefully around her dominance--her turn on top--but he wanted her to let go. It wouldn't be enjoyable if her mind was half-focused on something else, namely, trying not to hurt him. 
But he was Captain Man - the mighty, indestructible hero. On his insistence, she lowered by a centimetre, riding his promise that he could take it. It helped a little, giving Ray a fraction of space to suckle on her folds, plunge his tongue deep inside her, and swallow everything leaking out of his sweet girl. 
But it wasn't enough. The man needed the weight. He wanted to be buried in the pussy he loved, like he was in charge. As if he'd shy away from eating her out, he prided himself on practically living between her legs. It was his favourite meal, activity, everything. 
Deep in his throat, he growled a displeased groan, which snapped her out of her pleasured daydream and back to him. Her pussy clenched - hard - reminding her how much she wanted his mouth on her to replace the emptiness of missing his cock. 
She grew wetter from each tender stroke, throbbing so much it was almost painful as his tongue struggled to reach the places it usually did. He liked going from top to bottom, getting to all areas before making her cum. 
Looking down, she realised he was staring at her with undisguised lust, burning through fiery discontent; she was his honeyed fountain, and he only wanted to dive in - as stupid as it sounded. 
But, frustratingly, he was being held back. Blue eyes met hers, harsh but begging to give him what he needed--waiting like a good boy. 
"What's wrong, precious girl?" Ray asked, sensing her hesitation. Despite what many said, he wasn't entirely ignorant of others' feelings, knowing there was something deeper to it. 
"Hmmm?" And still, (y/n) played dumb, ignoring the heat on her cheeks as he stared at her, lightly licking just because he couldn't stop. 
"If you're gonna sit on my face, sit. Don't tease me by keeping this pretty pussy so far away."
For a long minute, she didn't say anything. Instead, she released his chocolate locks to grab the headboard, sighing because she wanted to. Good God, she wanted to be animalistic--bring the same energy he did when he was in charge. But she wasn't...brave enough. Too many what-ifs. 
"Okay, but just saying...If I, you know...If I..."
"If you what, darlin'?" He questioned tenderly, using his voice as a balm as he watched her squirm in discomfort--his most hated sight. 
"Honestly, Ray...I can just hover. It's fine--" she offered, adjusting her position, shuffling her knees to lessen the ache in her thighs, meaning she was an inch higher. 
His eyes darkened as he lifted his head, and even without his words, she knew what he was thinking--that she'd made a mistake. Wrong thing to say. And it was definitely the wrong thing to do—taking away his pussy after he asked to do his job. Even with her in charge, one rule still stood - no one took away his second-best girl. 
"I don't want you to hover. That shit is insulting, (y/n)," Ray said in a severe voice - a rare thing. She gulped when her real name fell from his lips in such a deep grumble, letting her know he meant business whilst he was still brushing his lips against her drenched pussy. 
"Sit, sweet girl. And when I say sit--" he paused to suck on her clit, stretching as far as his neck would allow - a long, hard bolt of pleasure that made her howl and jerk forward with a soft cry. At last, she was closer, wanting more. 
"I mean, sit."
His head fell back on the plush pillow, welcoming her pussy into his mouth. Her lowered height gave him more room to manoeuvre, and he got to work instantly, clenching his fists when he lapped at her dripping hole. 
"That's it, my perfect fucking girl."
"Oh, god, doofus--" (y/n) moaned, subconsciously dropping closer to his mouth--the source providing her with heaven. Heat pooled in her stomach, swirling in tandem with his tongue around her clit, and once he started, Ray couldn't stop. 
"Suffocate me, darlin'. Drown me. Let me eat until I can't anymore. Seriously, if I leave this world with my face buried in your sweet pussy, then fuck yes-" he hissed, closing his eyes briefly while he imagined it--easy enough when her thighs clenched around his ears. 
Man dead and sent to heaven. Drowned in honey. Wife left in bliss. 
"Fuck--that's how I want to go, and you better not take that from me. Let me go out doing what I love," the hero rambled passionately, wishing he could hold her hips and pull her down, wondering how he'd never thought of doing it before. God, he didn't have to work hard - her pussy was all around him. 
But he didn't have to wish; mid-rant, (y/n) slumped, slack-jawed and letting her weight fall on his face, so her doofus mashed his nose and mouth into her cunt. His loving words entranced and bolstered her to be more confident, rocking her hips into his mouth in mini-thrusts. It made her laugh breathlessly, thinking she'd never let him drown, but he could try. 
"Play with my clit, doofus. Make me cum..." she ordered softly, still gripping the headboard, but one hand returned to his hair, yanking a tuft. And her doofus was only too happy to serve. 
"Yes, ma'am..." he muttered, tickling her clit with the tip of his tongue. Usually, he'd have the added benefit of his fingers knuckle-deep in her cunt, but he was up to the challenge. He balanced giving attention to her sensitive bud with his prominent nose to place his tongue at her hole, smiling as he teased it. 
"Finally, a decent fucking meal..." 
He devoured her, his dexterous muscle plunging into her in place of his thick finger. It channelled her juices down his throat, happily swallowing her honey-like taste as he nuzzled silky flesh like a comfort blanket. He was fucking home, moaning obscenely as her pure essence got him off. 
"Shit, Ray--don't stop--right there--" his angel cried, riding his face as he groaned, wanting more of everything - her slick, moans, movement, love. 
His tongue quickened against velvety walls, thrusting slowly in and out of her hot cunt as she descended in sensual rolls. Her head tilted back, eyes closed as she whimpered, knowing her end was close when electricity raced down her spine. 
"Good girl. Let me have it, darlin'. Use me."
"Don't stop--so fucking close--" Ray never would, enjoying himself too much to angle his face away from his feast. His tongue rubbed against her walls, smearing his face with arousal as she released a strangled cry. 
A strong urge overwhelmed her, like a lightning bolt surging down her spine, as she moaned and shook around his head. He felt her orgasm before it came, grinning into her folds as she clenched around his tongue, releasing a wave of juices into his mouth. 
"Fuck--Ray!" (y/n) cried as she came, her orgasm uncoiling as he drank everything, licking and sucking non-stop until she collapsed on the headboard. Her hand needed to hold something else; he'd be bald if she kept holding his hair. 
Little moans left her mouth as she swayed, not knowing when to stop as he kept going. He loved the sensation of her walls twitching on his tongue, lost in her sexy sounds as his strong arms pulled at his bonds. He was gonna touch every inch of his wife when he was free.
Eventually, though, it was too much, and she lifted herself away when his touch turned torturous--much to Ray's disappointment. Still, he placed a final kiss on his pretty little girl, thanking her for the drink as (y/n) shuffled back to sit on his abs, spent and stayed - for now. 
"Good?" He asked with a smirk, knowing his lower face from his nose down was utterly drenched, and he didn't care. That's how he liked to see his precious wife - smiling and glowing after he'd pleasured her, not wondering if he could handle her. He definitely could. 
"Very good, doofus--haven't cummed like that in ages. We should try it again..." (y/n) replied breathlessly after a few moments, needing to settle on his stomach for a moment to regain her strength and thoughts. 
She'd lost her authority for a moment, but that was okay. Power and dominance didn't come naturally to her. Still, they enjoyed themselves, coming out the other end sweating, panting and smiling. Some more than others...
"Imagine how it'll be when I'm on my full game. Untie me, sweet girl, and I'll show how good it can be," the hero gloated, gesturing to his hands as she giggled and shook her head, thinking of a million more games she wanted to play. 
He was cocky, but she loved that, already clenching again at the thought of him with all his assets available. Stroking his chest, she leaned down and kissed him, turning tender in her post-orgasmic glow, softly making out with him like they had all the time in the world. 
"Next time, my love..." she promised, rocking her soaked pussy against his abs, loving how the chiselled grooves provided her with gentle friction. Maybe, if he was lucky, she'd clean off her slick with her tongue later, but before that, she had a bigger issue. One that must've been agony for her poor baby. 
"First...we need to take care of this."
"Uh..." Ray gulped, suddenly going from cocksure to silent, a faint pink blush dusting his cheeks as (y/n) reached behind her to cup what she smugly assumed would be his raging hard-on. 
She expected to find him stiff and throbbing, her fingers itching to grasp his cock and perhaps tease him a little more, but that's not what she found. Instead, her fingertips touched something moist and sticky, making her eyes widen, and her head whip around to see something unexpected - yet highly amusing. 
A stain marked his underwear, seeping through the black material to make it even darker. It took her a moment to figure out - feeling a little dumb after such a powerful climax that she couldn't put two and two together. 
But then it fell into place, and she broke out into a grin, realising that this man - the man who could fuck her for hours without breaking a sweat, enduring her countless orgasms - had cummed early. Without so much as a squeeze on his cock. The power of her pussy got him off like her pleasure was his--and it was a fucking high. 
"Raymond...did you cum just from eating me out?" (y/n) asked, looking like she'd won the lottery as she brought her hand to her mouth, tongue darting out to taste the faint traces of his cum. 
He smiled shyly, looking anywhere but her face because it was a little embarrassing--he was as in love with her pussy as he was with her. Everything about the experience made him lose it; from the bondage to her intense climax, it was so hot to him, even though he'd wanted to hold out a little longer. 
And he was afraid to admit it once his cheeks cooled down. 
"It's like I said, pretty girl. Let me go out doing what I love..."
~Days later~
The sun's rays painted them golden as Ray and (y/n) strolled down the beach - their beach - hand in hand. 
They'd been on the island for a week or two, the days and nights blurring together, but it felt like forever. Everything was perfect - mornings spent in bed, afternoons with the knowledgeable locals, and evenings like this... 
Ray felt like he was walking on air, not sand, nose full of sea salt and eyes glued to his sweet girl as she excitably recalled snorkelling with a plethora of life in the warm sea. He'd never known what it was like to relax truly, but walking the deserted shoreline taught him something. 
He could happily spend the rest of his life there with her, fuck everything, and sleep under the stars with his wife without returning to the stresses in the city. She looked happy, squeezing his hand as they dodged the gently lapping waves creeping up the sand. 
But how could she not be happy?
Her doofus could take her hiking, swimming, painting, dancing, and dining; none of it would measure up to this simple thing. It didn't require money, big words, or their fanciest clothes - just their time. And they had that for once. Enough time to fulfil a little dream of hers. Not a big thing, but something she would choose over anything - it meant the world. 
If there was one thing she'd always wanted to do, it was this. A walk. On a Hawaiian beach. At sunset. The dream she'd always dreamed of but could never do. 
It wasn't much, but it didn't need to be; his company was enough - like it always had been. (y/n) wore her cutest sundress, keeping her jewellery inexpensive but sentimental - the sweetheart necklace from their anniversary, her grandmother's earrings, and, of course, her wedding rings. Everything screamed love and eternity, looping back to the man who made her dreams come true. 
It was one thing to want to watch the sun go down by herself, but to share it with someone else? They'd have to be pretty special in her books, and he was - standing there in his partially unbuttoned white shirt and jean shorts. 
When she felt swept away by it all - the overwhelming joy of being in dreamland - he anchored her. And she loved that. Loved him. 
To live her dream with the man she loved would forever be etched in her memory. The roughness of the sand, the tumbling heat, the glow around the beautiful scenery - the ocean. She'd always loved the sea, which seemed silly for someone who'd always lived in bustling, overcrowded cities. Why long for something you can't have?
It became even more challenging when she began picturing Ray beside her--as if her boss would ever want to traipse across the country for something she wanted. She hated herself sometimes, thinking he wanted more just to be shot down. Hawaii was so far away, but the distance made her grow fonder -- and Ray, too. 
Her dream became his, taking the idea of a beach at sunset and running with it after she timidly shared it one night while watching one of her rom-coms. Suddenly, he was there too, dying, begging, wishing to be the man she'd trust to carry something so precious. But the hero thought he'd never have the chance, left to scavenge scraps like when he faked a beach in the Man Cave just to catch a glimpse of true happiness. 
He never thought he'd see it for real, yet her smile was worth waiting for. 
"It's nice here," Ray mentioned, kicking a tiny pebble into the water as they roamed paradise. 
Nice was an understatement, given that the scenery was like something out of an oil painting. If it wasn't for the angel next to him, he'd be unable to tear his eyes away from the pinks, purples and oranges of the sky, turning the palm trees black and the sea a deep violet. 
"It is... It's beautiful," (y/n) nodded, squeezing his hand as she hugged his arm and grinned, not wanting to be separated from her husband for a second. 
She was taken by the island's magnificence much more than he was, meaning she didn't see how Ray stared at her. Her bright smile entranced him, and he hung on to her every word and giggle like music to his ears. And that dress... he'd never seen someone so adorable. 
"Yeah...you are."
"I was talking about the island, Raymond," the heroine corrected him dryly, thinking her loveable idiot had left his mind in the gutter again. He was probably thinking about her nakedness or some other smutty thing, so when she glanced up to give him a pointed look, she was surprised to see his gentle eyes and even gentler smile. 
"And I was talking about you. This view has nothing on you, pretty girl," he cooed, bringing her knuckles to his lips as she stared at her bare feet. 
It was always difficult to respond when he was so damn romantic, making her swoon and feel like the luckiest girl in the world. She felt like the heroine in some epic tale, and he was the strapping guy written to save her heart. Her heart pounded in her chest, beating stronger with each loving word, and Ray had no plans on stopping. 
"You sound like one of my rom-com characters, you silly doofus," she giggled, wondering if all the movies they'd watched had rubbed off on him, even though he was invariably snoring by the time the big confession rolled around. 
"That's the plan. I know you love those mushy characters."
It was true. (y/n) loved her sentimental movies, the ones where a bad life became good through the power of love. A very cheesy notion, but it always worked out for them, and the lead girl always got her man, just like she did. God, her life felt like a novel sometimes...
But her doofus was real, insisting he walked nearest the sea when she complained about the wet sand sticking to her feet. He took the brunt of the waves and listened to her like her words were gospel, not just some funny anecdote about a girl she knew at college once. 
Her viewing and reading only got so far as soothing her lonely heart, pointing her toward a real-life hero with arms like tree trunks and a football-sized heart--with an ego to match. She loved the escapism of Christmas films and steamy vampire romances. Still, it was nothing compared to her heart-pounding, toe-curling, gut-clenching love for Ray. 
"Not as much as you. Fiction has nothing on my doofus--he's better than movies and books."
"That's a goddamn badge of honour, sweet girl. I'm flattered..." The man laughed heartily, thinking he'd never be as perfect as all the floppy-haired schmoozers in those films. Such movie guys wore red flannel shirts and loose scarves and always met their soulmate by spilling coffee on her. At least when they met, the coffee was already spilt...and there was an unconscious criminal. 
They fell silent for the next few minutes, with Ray wearing his badge of affection like the grin on his face - brightly and proudly. Walking a little further, (y/n) suddenly felt a little emotional, knowing she had the sand between her toes and the ocean to her right like she'd always imagined. But it wasn't those things that made it special; it was her love - her sweetheart of a husband. 
"Thank you, doofus." It came out like a whisper, her voice breaking as she hugged his arm tighter, trying not to cry. She'd forgone makeup, going all-natural since it was just them, so there was no artwork to ruin. Yet it felt wrong to shed tears; this was her happy place, where some of her most cherished memories would form, starting now. 
"For what, sweet girl?" Ray asked softly, stopping their amble to turn and gather her in his arms. Her tears and sniffles spooked him, making his chest clench in worry. 
"For bringing me here. For this vacation. For marrying me. For everything," (y/n) replied quietly, snuggling into his chest and tucking his nose against the sliver of skin exposed by his open shirt. Like always, he looked hot; sleeves rolled up his forearms and thighs exposed in those shorts--that should've made him cry, how gorgeous he was. 
However, she showered him with praises and heaped them onto her doofus for treating her like a queen. It felt like more than she deserved, although Ray was quick to argue, pushing her hair out of her face before fondling her cheek, thumb brushing her bottom lip. 
"You know that I'm bigheaded..." he started, a rare display of self-effacement for one who often tooted his own horn. No one knew that better than (y/n), who giggled through her blurry vision and nodded, shoulders shaking mirthfully. 
"Oh, God, yes..."
"But I can't accept credit for this, darlin'. This is your dream. Your beach. Your sunset. I wouldn't be this happy without my wife, so I should thank you."
"And I'm sharing it with you, doof," she argued gently, reaching up to cup his cheeks as Ray looked down. He made it sound like he was an intruder, destined to observe as she lived her dreams merely, but she didn't want him to think like that. 
It threw her back to simple, if lonelier, times when Hawaii was a retirement plan. It was not somewhere she ever expected as a honeymoon destination because her heart belonged to a man she couldn't have. But it all changed one evening after another crazy day in their hectic lives when Ray pushed aside that ego and showed his golden heart. 
"Remember when you brought Hawaii to the Man Cave? Ice cream, Piña Coladas, TV?"
"You mean when Schwoz thought the world was about to end because of a supervolcano?" The man laughed, remembering that day like the back of his hand. He danced with her, fully expecting to lose everyone he loved, and still, he didn't have the balls to tell the love of his life how he felt. 
He didn't know why that was relevant, save that it was a small token of his love to make her smile. Looking back, it had been lovely, just two friends dancing around their feelings after the drama died. Still, he regretted it to that day that he didn't share his love that night after thinking he'd never see her again. 
"Yeah... Remember I wanted to tell you something?" 
"Vaguely..." he nodded, reverting to that fateful evening. It was dark and cosy - purely romantic, not that he'd admit that. But once the ice cream had gone, they'd snuggled in to watch the 'sunset'; he remembered how she'd gone to speak, only for Schwoz to interrupt. He never found out what that fuzzy little weirdo interrupted, but now, he had an idea...
"I wanted to tell you I loved you right then and there. Two years before I actually did...and you know why?" (y/n) whispered, still feeling the same butterflies from all those years ago. 
"Because at the end of all things, you didn't do something for yourself. It was for me. My silly dream... And I knew that if I ever got to do it for real, I wanted you to walk that beach with me."
"Sweet girl..." Ray choked up, amazed that such a small, shitty, unplanned night had impacted her so much. 
He didn't think much of it since it was before he could truly show her how he felt because, really, what was a fake sunset compared to a real one? And that hadn't even been his idea, so he didn't count it as a genuine gesture, not when he'd pull the moon and stars from the sky if she asked for them. 
"You have no idea what I'd do to make you happy. Just to see you smile..." the hero whispered, eyes crinkling and watering as he smiled, filled with a pure, light emotion he'd long sworn wasn't for him. For years, he'd sworn off love, thinking he didn't deserve it when he messed girls around, hurt people--cheated people. But he felt it for her, and it felt right. Like he deserved it. 
"And you're here, doofus. I'm happy. I married the man who makes me happy--who made my dreams come true," (y/n) giggled, thinking she was the luckiest girl in the world as she stopped walking and brushed away his tears with her thumbs. 
Ray felt the cool metal of her rings against his skin and closed his eyes slowly, swearing that she wouldn't be there when he opened them. It felt like a fantasy: marriage, love, family, having a home, but his senses said otherwise; he could feel the gentle breeze on his legs, hear the ocean's roar, smell the salty air, and taste her lips on his. Her love grounded him, and when his eyelids fluttered open again, she was still there, smiling, golden, and beautiful. 
"I wanted to marry you even back then. Never thought I would. That was my dream."
"I guess both our dreams came true, then..." she replied softly, calming his fears with the touch of her hand sliding down his chest.
Ray nodded, holding his beloved wife close as the sun warmed their skin, dipping further and further until it would inevitably have to say goodnight. The chillier the air grew, the more (y/n) used it as an excuse to snuggle closer - wearing such a thin dress had been a wise trick. 
"They did..." her doofus smiled, watching as she paused from their intimate embrace to crouch down on the smooth, moist sand. He didn't understand what she was doing until she began swirling her finger through the ground, drawing her runes on the blank with a cheeky smile as her lover waited to see what it said. 
He chuckled as she drew a large heart around it before standing back to admire her scrawl. The water would naturally wash it away, and whoever took the beach after them would never know they were there - the downside to such a private resort - but they treasured it, knowing their love would stretch far beyond the vacation, the island, their born days. 
"I will, you know..." Ray muttered as he welcomed her back into his arms, not liking how she'd left them, even if it was for a moment. They kissed again before (y/n) pulled back with a confused face, wondering what he could mean when she'd merely defaced the sand. 
"You will what?"
"Love you forever. And ever. And ever...and ever," the man smiled dopily. He'd always wondered if the feeling in his heart would ever go away as everyone said it would- like he was flying and falling into fluffy clouds, rainbows, and all other cosy things. It had been years, but he still felt the same, knowing he'd know her face, laugh, and smile through all his days, not just in the 'honeymoon' phase. 
Yeah, that feeling was never going away. 
"Ray?" (y/n) spoke up, stretching on her tippiest toes to softly smooch his lips. 
He hummed into her mouth, feeling his love, yearning, and hunger for her soul, body, and mind as he hunched over her frame. They fell to the sand, relieved to find it powdery and dry since they'd edged further up the beach. He found her lips again, coveting her kisses as the sun dipped below the horizon, turning a deep, burning orange. 
"Yeah, darlin'?" Ray mumbled, finding his place between her legs as she relaxed against the dune, head tilted back, accepting his affection on her neck. 
"I know what my next dream is..." she told him quietly between ragged gasps and swallowed moans. It didn't take much thinking, knowing instantly what she wanted, even in the half-minded state he'd reduced her to. However, it still surprised her doofus enough to cease his ravenous exploration. 
"Mhmm..." she nodded, leaning on her elbows to push the hair out of his eyes as he stroked her bare knees. 
"Tell me, sweet girl," Ray ordered softly, already planning on maxing out his credit card, ruining his reputation, and sacrificing everything in his name to make her happy. He'd make whatever she wanted to happen happen, swearing on the ring on his finger that she'd never want for anything. 
But it was much simpler than that. As lovely as they sounded, (y/n) didn't crave riches, fame, or glory, nor did she want him to break his back with some far-fetched quest. She just imagined them returning to this beach; only when they did, it would be different. A lot different, if she had anything to say about it, knowing life wouldn't be the same when they went home. 
"The next time we come back here, we'll have kids. And we'll be living happily ever after."
"That your dream or mine?" The hero joked but intertwined his hand with hers, pressing their wedding rings together. He couldn't think of anything more perfect, which showed in his smile. 
"Our dream," his sweet girl whispered and grinned, wondering when their dreams merged, but she was so glad they did. He was her life now, their fates inextricably woven together, and she couldn't wait to see where it led them. It had only taken them thirteen years to get this far, but she didn't mind waiting again. She'd stay forever...
"Ours..." he nodded, kissing her glinting rings as he returned to the crook of her neck, hands sliding under her skirt and up her thighs, where he'd find her bare and shivering. Both knew where this would lead, their lovemaking covered by the crickets' song and the ocean's rumble as the moon took its friend's place, shrouding them in a different light. 
New light, new beginnings, same love. 
"I love you, (y/n) Manchester. I always have, and I always will."
~A few weeks later~
Paradise couldn't last forever, not even if Captain Man tried to stretch for a few more hours. Ray and (y/n) waved goodbye to their beloved villa, island, and vacation after three weeks of uninterrupted bliss. They were sad, of course, tearfully making love for the last time in the bed, pool, beach--wherever Ray could find since he didn't want to go. 
He liked it there and didn't want to return to the humdrum stresses of his daily life despite having an enviable career, a gorgeous wife, and a newly purchased home. 
The Man Cave was gone, as confirmed when they stepped off the plane. It was a total wreck and utterly unsalvagable, meaning (y/n) swore they were homeless while Ray called Schwoz to pick them up. But, as always, the hero had a trick up his sleeve, treating his queen to a new palace on top of a mountain, of all places. He'd left everything in Schwoz's capable hands, purchasing both a school and headquarters for their personal and professional lives. 
How could (y/n) forget? They had new blood to train, youngsters with uncontrollable superpowers, and the city's superheroes refused to let them return to normality. It was too late for them to just go about their business like the Omega Weapon hadn't zapped them, so they summoned Mila, Miles, Bose, and Chapa to their new venture. A school, or SWAG, as Ray called it - The Swellview Academy for the Gifted. 
She didn't know how to feel about it all, having only just gotten to grips with their new home and job titles when their new students enrolled, eager for a tour of their school. Her? A teacher? It seemed silly because (y/n) still felt like a student, a mere sidekick to Captain Man, who had much more experience and suitability to train a new generation of heroes. But Schwoz convinced her, saying she had skills Ray couldn't dream of--and he'd go insane if he had to live alone with him. 
So, it was decided. In the day, they would be Mr and Mrs Manchester, professors at Swellview's newest top-rated education facility. By night, they would go upstairs, where a squeaky new hideout waited for them.
She missed the Man Cave, but the Man's Nest was just as good, spanning hundreds of rooms, all of which her doofus couldn't wait to christen. He knew that this was where their family would begin again, whether with the gaggle of children running behind them or with a babe of their own. 
He couldn't wait for a peaceful life with his newly-wedded wife...although peaceful wasn't quite the right word. 
"Stop it, Raymond!" (y/n) squealed as the man behind her pinched her ass - a shocking move when they were in public view outside their new front door. He didn't care, lovely patting his favourite feature as his other hand snaked around to cup her breast, squishing her body to his as his sweet girl tried to maintain some semblance of respectability. 
"Why?" Ray grinned, loudly smooching his wife's neck as she squirmed. He could see her smile through her attempts to remain dignified, and it spurred him further, burying his face in her sweet-smelling skin despite their nearby guests. He'd been like this since they came back - extra affectionate, even in front of the most undeserving people, who needed their eyes to bleach afterwards. 
"The kids will be here any second!"
"They're with Schwoz..." he shrugged, vaguely remembering that his new protégés were walking up the hill and probably nearly in earshot. Still, none of that mattered when she was in his arms. Ray couldn't remember a time when he'd been so happy, and even if stress, failure, and disaster were in his future with this latest scheme, he knew he'd be okay with her. 
"Who also doesn't need to see you fondling my boob." However, (y/n) thought differently, her voice dry and sarcastic as her husband squished the pliable flesh like a stress ball. He was not ashamed, even when she swatted his hand away and led it to her stomach - a much safer place. 
"Oh, yeah... He wasn't too happy earlier, was he?" Ray sniffed, sourly remembering how his resident handyman/assistant yelled at them earlier for...soiling the couch two weeks after he'd bought it. Part of him wanted to smile; he'd always loved pissing Schwoz off, but maybe not when he had to escape with his pants around his ankles. 
"No, he wasn't. A week after your honeymoons, and you're already doing the smoochy-smoochy," (y/n) recalled, imitating the small man's peculiar accent, making her lover laugh. She wasn't necessarily mad - not at all since 'the soiling' was magnificent - but she didn't want to dig their hole deeper and cause an argument, not with the children around. 
"Three weeks isn't long enough. He'd say the same if he had an incredibly hot wife, too." The hand on her butt tensed, pinching her again to make her jump, much to Ray's amusement. Three weeks wasn't long enough, but it wasn't like they hadn't done things since they'd moved in. He was just pushing his luck. 
"Hands to yourself, doofus!"
"But sweet girl..." the doofus whined when she slipped out of his arms, straightening her sweater as she heard footsteps and clamouring excited voices. The last thing she wanted the kids to remember from their first day at school was something rude, lewd, and possibly nude, so she slipped her hand into his and leaned into his side, telling him to be content with what she gave him. 
"Just...behave yourself. They're coming!" And she was right. Ray quickly stiffened his spine and posed against the door, acting cool and calm as Schwoz rounded the corner. He didn't suspect anything, merely seeing his two bosses, Mr and Mrs Manchester, waiting patiently as he guided the students to the front porch. 
"Welcome to the Swellview Academy for the Gifted..." Ray said to them as Miles, Mila, Bose, and Chapa approached. They nodded at the tidy, pleasant space, impressed that Schwoz had planted some bedding plants in light wood boxes and hung a giant sculpture of SWAG's crest. It was an excellent porch, yet poor Bose took things a little too literally. 
"I love it! This is my seat!" The boy exclaimed as Ray wrapped his arm around his precious wife, both confused to see the boy sitting cross-legged on the dirty ground. 
'Good God, he's another Jasper,' Ray couldn't help but think, but a squeeze on the arm from his sweet girl, and he quickly calmed down. He was a little slow, that's all, and he had to remember his patience. 
"No, no, Bose, sweetheart. The school's inside with desks and pencils and other learning things," (y/n) told him gently, having forgotten how dense the kid could be. At least he meant well, and she reached out to help him up since he couldn't sit on the porch all day. 
"When can we see them?!" Mika asked in a rush of words, practically screeching above (y/n)'s voice once Bose was on his feet. The heroine was a little shocked until she remembered how eager and hyper the girl was, unlike the sullen one beside her. 
"In a second, but first--" Ray tried to tell her, trying to stay in control since he was the boss, hero, headteacher--yadda, yadda, yadda. He'd forgotten what it was like to have four unruly, pubescent youths in his midst before getting to know them - so used to his old family working like a German clock - so it wasn't a surprise when they grew impatient and ignored him. 
"That was a second!" Chapa exclaimed and charged, breaking through the line of adults to push inside the classroom despite Ray's best attempts to prevent it. If they ran together, he couldn't stop them all, leaving him, Schwoz and (y/n) slightly winded and definitely exasperated on the porch. 
"They are not good listeners..." Schwoz sighed as the kids ran around the pristine room, marvelling at the smell of fresh paint and the sight of the fancy, unmarked desks and high-tech teaching equipment. They couldn't believe their luck, whilst the men outside couldn't believe what they'd gotten themselves into. 
"Nope..." Ray agreed, biting his lip to keep in his screams. It was never like this with Henry, Charlotte, Jasper or Piper. 
"They will learn..." (y/n) soothed them, turning in the hero's arms to stroke her hands down his chest and kiss his cheek. He sighed, not knowing if she was right, but he trusted her judgement, following his students into the building without too much stress. Inside, they were still buzzing, testing everything out, from the comfy spinning chairs at their personalised desks to the state-of-the-art interactive whiteboard. 
"Is this the new Man Cave?" Bose asked incredulously, wondering if they'd learn and fight crime from the pokey room, with its own little pantry and staircase to wherever. 
"No, this is not the new Man Cave," Ray replied, guiding his sweet girl briskly across the room with an exhausted expression. It hadn't even been five minutes, and he wanted to clunk skulls together. He was comforted only by the angel at his side, who dealt with stupid questions much better than he did. 
"There's a new Man cave?" Chapa questioned just as eagerly, beaming at (y/n) this time, who thought her toothy grin was quite cute. 
"Yeah, sort of..." she nodded, also excited to show them what they'd bought and built in such a short time, and no one would ever guess they were related. After all, why would Captain Man be interested in a tiny, four-pupil school?
"This is the school we bought for you guys so that (y/n) and I can teach you how to be superheroes," Ray explained as they took their place at the lectern, looking like the world's most clueless teachers but the most in love couple. 
"This is my desk!" Mika exclaimed, ignoring the man as she claimed her seat, even though there was a seating plan. Well, not anymore, as the others followed suit, plonking their butts in any space they fancied, regardless of whatever their teacher tried to say. 
"Well, you can't say they aren't enthusiastic..." (y/n) joked quietly, grinning at their energy as it infected her, lessening her nerves about how she'd shape their futures. Ray wasn't quick to agree, disliking how rowdy and unruly they were--and how fond of touching things they seemed to be. 
"Hey, what does this button do?!" Chapa asked raucously, tracing her fingertips over the smooth, large button on her armrest. 
"Do not push that!" 
"No, no, no, no!" Ray and Schwoz exclaimed, halting her movements whilst (y/n) spouted nonsense about looking with eyes, not hands. Her hand hovered above the button, utterly tempted to press it just for the hell of it because it obviously did something. And they didn't want her to know just yet - she'd never been good with authority figures. 
"Well, now I wanna push it more."
"Me too..." Miles agreed, too tempted to ignore his curiosity. 
"Guys, please...All in good time," (y/n) tried to quell them, appealing to their sensible sides by saying they'd be allowed to soon, but they were too excited. Even Mika - the goody-two-shoes - couldn't help herself, apologising profusely before the quartet slammed their hands onto the buttons. 
Ray sighed, his shouts in vain as the chairs activated, sending the kids through the ceiling and upstairs to the hideout in what was supposed to be a secret yet speedy way of getting to their battle stations when there was an emergency. Well, that was that surprise ruined, making Schwoz snigger. He couldn't wait to see how this panned out. 
"Not good listeners..."
"Nope," Ray agreed, clenching his jaw with his hands on his hips. Suddenly, he felt he'd bitten off more than he could chew, but what was he supposed to do? It would be irresponsible to leave four untrained tweenagers with uncontrolled powers, but really? He was gonna be grey before he hit forty...
"They will learn..." (y/n) reiterated, unfolding her arms as she turned to her husband, whose brow was wrinkled and tight from stress. She hated to see it, but it seemed like they'd forgotten their early struggles with their first protégé, who had to be moulded into the young hero he was today. 
"Henry was exactly the same."
"There was just one of Henry. Now, there's a whole bunch of 'em," her husband frowned, his heart aching at the memory of his former sidekick - so far away in Dystopia. He and all the others were fine, making their mark on the world one save at a time, but he couldn't help but miss them. Starting again didn't feel right at his age...
"So? We're superheroes, doofus. If we can handle bad guys, we can handle a few kids." But his pretty girl was there to soothe his worries, wrapping her arms around his neck as his forehead rested on her shoulder. 
Schowz wandered off to do whatever chore he needed to do, fed up with seeing them being all affectionate and loving after their getaway. He thought it was bad before, but this was on another level, perfect for their new life together but annoying for those who had to witness their passionate kisses and roaming hands. 
"And what about you, sweet girl? You like it? Our new place?" Ray asked, respectfully holding her hips, not because he wasn't in the mood - he always was - but because he knew his handyman had eyes and ears everywhere. He wasn't in the mood for a telling-off, not when standing with his hot wife, a teacher now and a superheroine. God, he needed a fan - he was in awe of her. 
"Well, it needs to make a few memories first, but I think we'll be happy here. It's got windows!"
"I know I'm already happy. You've made me the happiest man in the world," he cooed, nudging their noses together, pleased by her response. 
Their new home was brighter and airier than the Man Cave, although a little soulless since there was still so much to explore. But (y/n) was making the best of it, decorating their new bedroom with their combined tastes and ensuring Schwoz reinforced the bed--for comfort. Definitely for comfort. 
"Don't be so grumpy, then. Let me see that handsome smile..." She smiled, pushing the man's cheeks with her finger until he was beaming, which was inevitable when his wife gave him her affection. 
"Well, since you asked so nicely..." Lost in their own little world, Ray pulled her in a kiss, licking the seam of her lips as they smiled, nerves fading into excitement for the future. His hands trailed to her ass, cupping the squishy flesh as (y/n) hummed appreciatively, knowing that whilst things may change, she'd always have his peppermint-bubblegum taste to comfort her. 
Minutes passed, and Schwoz wondered where they'd gotten to as chaos ensued upstairs, thanks to the four children running unsupervised. He poked his head through the pantry door to see them in a hot, heavy make-out session, pulling on clothes and hair as their rings glowed. He knew he shouldn't have left them alone...
"Are you two gonna stand around doing the smoochy-smoochy all day, or are you gonna go upstairs? Bose is literally climbing the walls!"
"Stop calling it smoochy-smoochy, Schwoz!" The hero shouted, pulling away from his sweet girl abruptly, looking irritated as Schwoz fled the room. He knew Ray hated being interrupted and wisely sprinted upstairs whilst (y/n) giggled in her lover's embrace. He looked so pissed off but softened when he looked at her again, almost pouting now that the kissing was over. 
"He's right, though, doofus. Annoying, but right. We should get up there before they burn the place down or break something," she said softly, brushing her fingers against his forehead as her husband sighed. He knew they had left the peace and quiet in Hawaii, but he didn't think life would become so complicated and demanding so soon. Apparently not...
"Ugh, fine..." He groaned, knowing she was right. They were the leaders, teachers, heroes, so they couldn't spend all day in the throes of passion--as much as he yearned to. He sighed and pulled away but kept his hand in hers as she pressed a final kiss to his cheek, confident in their abilities to handle anything that came their way when he saw their wedding rings. 
A promise of a lifetime together, throughout the good times and the bad, highs and lows, the successes and blows. Their next adventure was starting, and despite a little fear amongst the butterflies, he was excited, knowing he wasn't starting again, just...carrying on. 
"Are you ready, sweet girl?"
"Of course, doofus. Let the danger begin..." (y/n) smiled, following close behind Ray as he escorted her upstairs to the unskilled and unruly children. Their new adventure.
She'd come to love them as her own, just as before, although she hoped there'd be less heartbreak and much more love this time. It wasn't the end, merely the next chapter in a new book - a sequel. 
The story of (y/n) Manchester, helper, heroine, sweet girl, wasn't quite over yet. This was only just the beginning.
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korgbelmont · 1 year ago
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Male MC (Will Redgrave) x Charlie Smith
Part 2
Will and Charlie have been transported to the modern age, and first and foremost is seeing to Charlie's survival...
Written in the present tense
Part 1
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations, @jerzwriter
Warnings: Talk of death
Word Count: 1354
Notes: I don’t own these characters, they are the property of Pixelberry Studios.
An Alternate Path made on cooltext.com
I was thinking about this post I made ages ago, and decided to write a story sort of based on it
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With no choice but to sit in the waiting area, Will grabs his phone, switching it on, but it switches off straight away. Getting to his feet, he goes over to the reception desk.
Will - Hi, do you have a lead I can use to charge my phone?
She quickly checks the shape of the charging port of his phone.
Nurse - Uh.. yeah. Here you go.
She hands him the end of a lead and he plugs his phone in. After a few seconds, he switches it on and takes a step out of the way whilst the nurse returns to their work. Opening up his photos, Will smiles at the one he took of the entire crew, Axton, Adelia, Charlie, Edward, Ginny, Jonas, Maggie, everyone. He sets the photo as his new wallpaper and also emails it to himself so he can do the same on his computer.
Doctor - Excuse me, Mr. Redgrave?
Will sets his phone down and turns to the Doctor.
Will - How is she?
Doctor - She'll be okay. We were able to counteract the poison, but we'll need to keep her here overnight.
Will - Can I see her?
Doctor - She's unconscious, but if you want to sit with her, that's okay.
Will - Yes please.
Doctor - This way.
The doctor leads Will to the room they're keeping Charlie and he finds her sleeping. Her arm hooked up to what Will guesses is the antidote to the poison. The doctor leaves them and Will closes the curtains around them to give them some privacy. Standing at her side, he takes her hand in his and smiles in relief.
Will - I'm so glad you're alive, Charlie. You changed my life in ways I never imagined possible. You all did.
He takes a seat, settling in for what is probably going to be a long night.
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Groaning as she blinks awake, Charlie looks around to find herself somewhere she doesn't recognise. Looking over, she sees Will asleep in the chair and sits up. Will opens his eyes and rushes to stand, wrapping her in a tight hug.
Will - Charlie!
Charlie winces and he steps back.
Will - Sorry!
Charlie looks at the screens around her and at the tube connected to her arm.
Charlie - So we're really in your time?
Will - Welcome to the twenty first century. How much do you remember?
Charlie - I remember being at the temple and there was a woman.
Will - Magdalena. She was the reason we had a chance to say goodbye to Edward and Oliver.
Charlie - So what happens now?
Will - A new life. Together... if you'll have me.
Charlie laces her fingers with his and pulls him closer, capturing his lips with hers in a soft kiss. When they part, she smiles, giving his hand a squeeze.
Charlie - You're al mine, love.
Will laughs quietly, bringing Charlie's hand up and kissing her knuckles.
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The next morning, Will and Charlie arrive at his home via a taxi and as they get out, Charlie looks at the vehicle in shock while Will pays the driver. They head in and Will hands up his coat while Charlie looks around.
Charlie - This is all... so strange... I don't even know where to begin.
Will - Wherever you want.
He sits on the sofa and Charlie sits with him, looking at their clothing and then seeing some of Will's hanging up.
Charlie - I guess I should consider some different clothes.
Will - We can order you some to be delivered.
Charlie - You can do that?!
Will - Yeah. Yeah, that's a thing these days.
Charlie - It's strange to think, yesterday we were in the nineteenth century, and now here we are.
Will - I know the feeling. But I'll help you get used to technology and other parts of this time.
Charlie - Thank you. For saving my life.
Will - That wasn't me, that was the Doctors.
Charlie rests against him and he wraps an arm around her, holding her close. They sit in silence for a while before Charlie breaks it with a whisper of three words.
Charlie - I love you...
Will - I love you too.
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A few days later, after getting Charlie a few clothes as well as showing her a few things for day to day life in the modern world, Will sets a few parcels down on the floor next to him before taking the last one from the delivery driver and giving a signature.
Will - Cheers, have a good one.
Driver - You too.
He closes the door, setting the parcel in his hands down by the sofa before grabbing the others. He goes through them, and one in particular contains two phones. He grabs his sim card and puts it in one of them before plugging both in to charge. A few minutes later, Charlie steps out, running a brush through her hair.
Charlie - One thing I'm definitely enjoying about this time is the showers.
Will laughs, wrapping an arm around her. She looks over at the parcels, along with the two phones charging.
Charlie - Is that...?
Will - One's to replace mine. The other's for you...
Charlie picks up the phone for her, looking it over.
Charlie - You'll need to guide me in using one of these.
Will - Sure thing. I also found something else, I thought might be of interest to you...
He points at the computer screen and she sits down, reading about a museum exhibit.
Charlie - This is...
Will - Yeah. Wondered if maybe you wante--
Charlie - Yes! I need to know what became of them...
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That afternoon, Will and Charlie arrive at the exhibit where they find a painting of the Poseidon's Revenge, along with a portrait of Oliver and Edward hanging side by side.
Curator - Good afternoon, I was told you were interested in the exhibit. To be honest, it has a lot of mystery surrounding it.
Will - How so?
Curator - Well, there is the mystery of what happened to the Quartermaster. We've been lead to believe that she died during an exploration, along with one of their crewmates.
Will and Charlie share a knowing look.
Curator - But what it known is that after their disappearance, they took the ship belonging to Admiral Cochrane, renaming it the Charlotte.
Charlie - The Charlotte?
Curator - After their Quartermaster.
Will - Wow...
Curator - There are also these drawings made their youngest crewmember, Ginny.
The Curator leads them over to a series of drawings. Each one of each member of the crew, including Will and Charlie.
Curator - You know, you two bare a resemblance to these two.
Will - Uh, coincidence.
Charlie - What happened to them?
Curator - Well, going by a journal kept by Captain Mortemer, as the world changed, so did they. Oliver returned to the navy after his father passed, and it seems there was an arrangement made between the two. The crew sailed, distributing their wealth to the people. But eventually, as time passed, so did they. One of the pages speaks of how Edward returned to his home, Gorvershire to live out his last few years. He left the Charlotte under the command of Ginny.
Charlie - Good for her...
Curator - Is there anything else I can help you with?
Charlie - No, thank you.
The Curator takes her leave and Charlie takes a shaky breath as she looks at the drawings. Will laces his fingers with hers, giving her hand a squeeze.
Charlie - Do you know where Grovershire is?
Will - No, but it won't be hard to find.
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A few days later, Charlie and Will stand before Edward's grave. Charlie lays some flowers down before wiping some dirt from the headstone, reading the words.
'A life well lived'
Charlie - Thank you for everything, Edward.
She stands and Will kneels down, laying his own flowers down.
Will - We'll follow your words and live well...
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soiwatchthestars · 8 months ago
i love taxi driver i love kim do gi and i love watching him beat people into wallpaper paste
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pastrygeckos · 2 years ago
I have a tendency to like, attract attention from weirdo strangers that I'm forced to speak to (like at the pharmacy counter, etc.) and I've heard a lot of things this way, but my favourite one will probably be the planet of the apes taxi driver in greenock. Me and Pastrydad had gone to see Spider-Man and when we got in the taxi he was asking what we'd seen, telling us what the first movie he watched in the cinema was (we guessed alien, it was jaws, pretty good guess tbh) and it was all leading to the apes the whole time. He literally said "naw man, it's all about em apes!" and then he wouldn't stop talking about them - showed us his phone wallpaper, caesar from planet of the apes. I'm happy he got to talk a bit about his interests, but I did have a really hard time keeping a straight face when he started to talk about how "amazing and haunting" the end of the first movie is, the one where they're going like "OH they really did it!!!" and then it pans out and it's the statue of liberty and it's just the goofiest shit
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everydaymj · 11 months ago
In the spirit (lol I think I'm hilarious) of posting more, here's a fragment of an au that I discovered in drafts. @davidbowierose this one's for you as I honestly haven't felt so inspired to write in a long time! Thanks babe! 💕
Tiny Dancer - Ghost AU
In a thousand realities, hundreds of worlds, and dozens of scenarios, it was never supposed to be like this.
Anna Harrison should have been doing warm up stretches for the mateine performance of La Sylphide—in which she played the title character—she should have been helping the youngest dancers tie up their pointe shoes while she calmed their fears, and she should have been smiling at the sight of the pink roses that were sent to her dressing room before curtain.
But instead she was sitting in the back of a taxi on the way to a strange address in Brooklyn. Not wanting to feel the pity of the taxi-driver in the rearview mirror, she shifted as best she could with the bulky cast on her left leg to face the door. Grimacing at the dull pain, Anna tried to silence the sound of snapping bone that never seemed stop echoing in her mind. Broken in three places, it would be a miracle if she recovered fully, much less danced again. Sucking in a breath as the unearthly sound she had made reverberated inside her head, Anna dug her nails into her palm letting the pain bring her back to reality.
Watching the raindrops race across the window, she sighed trying her best to hold back another onslaught of tears. Maybe it was true what people said, when it rains it pours and if this wasn’t the deluge of her lifetime then she dreaded to think how anything could get worse.
“We’re here miss, you sure this is the place?”
Glancing up at the sound of the driver’s voice, she nodded.
“This is the address, thank you,” she said, struggling for a moment to get her crutches out of the cab.
Looking at the dilapidated house for a moment, she spotted the rest of her luggage that she had had delivered on the front porch. Knowing without a doubt that this was the right place she took a deep breath as she started up the faded path.
The old tarnished key weighed heavily in her pocket as she hopped up the front steps, somehow managing not to fall as she pulled it out.
“Some inheritance,” she muttered, creaking open the door and stepping inside
Surprised that the entry hall was dry and not full of puddles from the rain, Anna reached for the yellowed light switch.
It was almost as if she’d stepped into a dusty old photograph, the lights slowly flickering to life on to a monochrome of aged blue wallpaper. Cobwebs hung from ever corner, it was clear no one had been here in a very long time. Just how long the house had been sitting empty she didn’t know but it was now her property.
In a very strange turn of events the day after her accident, a lawyer had contacted her saying that a distant relative of hers had passed and willed her the majority of their estate. It worked out well as there was no way she could bear to continue staying with her fellow dancers and needed to get as far away from Phillip as possible.
Phillip, her boyfriend of two years that had dumped her without reservation when he found out she couldn’t dance in the next season of shows. A broken ballerina didn’t look good on the arm of the producer’s son, so he’d brushed away her shattered pieces and moved on.
“And I need to do the same,” Anna said, pushing the darker thoughts away as she started to pull all of her things inside, determined to find a way to make this place hers.
“Hey Steve, you notice all the noise from the studio?”
Of course he had noticed it, the look he sent his best friend more than said that.
Rolling his eyes, Steve said, “Y’know Buck I really hadn’t. It’s not like I spend a lot of time in there.”
Narrowing his eyes, Bucky bumped him playfully as he said, “Okay smartass, I see you’re in good mood. It just seems like it’s gotten louder lately, you think it’s a…”
Trailing off, they both looked up as a particularly loud bump came from the celling where the studio was.
“I’m not sure, but from everything we know about them it’s highly likely,” Steve said, glancing back to the ceiling for a moment before looking back at his coffee. “There’s been activity all over the house, but it’s been loudest there. If anything else happens we’re going to have to register it, you know that right?”
Sighing, Bucky nodded as the noise lessened.
“I know, that’s just so much paperwork. But you have to admit it’s a bit exciting to think there’s finally something reaching out. A Link in our house of all places!”
Shrugging Steve sipped at his coffee before saying, “I guess, I can’t say I’m not curious but we both decided not to cross over a long time ago, so you have to wonder why now.”
Turning a chair around to sit in it backwards, Bucky smiled at his friend.
“I’m not sure punk, but I for one am pretty damm excited about having contact with the world of the living again. Being dead has it’s perks but this would shake things up for sure. I’ll be back in a bit, Sam wanted to meet up at the gym this afternoon.”
Watching Bucky leave, a thump from the floor above prompted Steve to think about what it could mean.
A Link wasn’t at all uncommon, but some ghosts went decades if not longer without one showing up, if one ever did that is. It was funny, everything people thought about death was right in a way, just as it was also completely wrong at the same time. When you died you were given two choices, cross over or live in the Inverse. There were all kinds of speculations of what was on the other side, some thought whatever belief system you subscribed to in life would determine it, others thought it was a vast nothingness, and even still some believed that it was where true rest and peace lied. No one was certain though, and while about half chose to cross, the ones that didn’t usually never did.
There was just as much fulfillment to be found in the Inverse, or at least Steve thought so. All his dream of art school and spending time on his drawings were a reality now, Bucky was the athletic trainer he’d always wanted to be before the war, so death wasn’t actually so bad. The afterlife was treating them well and from how it had been explained to the two of them, Steve gathered that the afterlife was simply a reverse of the living world, not opposite but reversed. Once you got used to things being a bit different it was almost like being alive again. There were days when he wondered what it would be like to cross over, if there was something better there, but he was never so tempted to actually do it and he wouldn’t go anywhere without Bucky.
Looking up as one more bump came from the room above him, Steve stood and took his mug to the sink.
“He’s not wrong, it would certainly be interesting to see what the world’s been up to,” he said to himself.
Of course, if it was a Link they would need to go to the External Choice and History Office, better known as ECHO, to officially register it in. Every Link that was discovered was documented, both for record purposes but also in the ongoing search to understand what might be on the other side. Link’s only appeared when a soul had something in the living world calling to them, no one could really explain it. Some researchers devoted their afterlives to studying it, trying to find the reason why they kept showing up, but no one had been able to figure it out after thousands of years. So having one turn up in their home was both intriguing and concerning, neither of them had any plans of crossing over but Links often ended in just that.
Shaking his head as he washed and put away his coffee cup, Steve headed upstairs to see if there was anything noteworthy to report to ECHO.
Upon entering the room, nothing looked out of place, but something felt off. Walking over to the far wall, Steve put his hand against it and was surprised at how cold it felt.
“That’s odd,” he muttered.
Dragging his hand across the wall, he confirmed that the entire wall felt the same, cool to the touch and harder than he remembered. Knocking softly on the wall he was met with the same sort of sound as if he was knocking on a window. Frowning at the wall, Steve searched for any sign of what might be causing it but couldn’t find anything different. Deciding to ignore it for now, he went to the corner of the room where his desk sat beneath the window.
“Might as well make good use of the quiet and finish these sketches.”
Now with the goal of finishing this latest set of drawings before Bucky got home, Steve lost himself in soft graphite, the wall all but forgotten.
It had been a long six months of contractors in and out, inconsistent time estimates, and strenuous physical therapy appointments but Anna was finally starting to feel more like herself again. The cast was off and even with the doubtful prognosis of her dancing again, she took the recommendation of keeping up with at home therapy as well as some beginner stretches to get back in the mindset of a dancer.
Having the house nearly finished helped a lot too, her decision to keep it instead of selling for property value having been one of the best she’d made in years. Much to the chagrin of the contractor she had hired, Anna had chosen to keep all of the original wood floors and built-ins, trying to preserve as much of the vintage feel of it as she could and she couldn’t have been happier with the result.
But her favorite room had to be the studio. No matter what anyone said, she was going to dance again and every dancer needed a place to practice. And as of today it was all finished, the mirrored wall completing it.
The loud blaring of car horns only served to remind Anna that she wasn’t used to living in such a large city, it was very different from her small hometown. Living out her dream as an editor at a publishing house was worth it, she’d take any amount of noise to do this for the rest of her life.
Catching a taxi was her only option to be on time at this point, so she reached her hand up to call one at the same time a sharp whistle pierced the air behind her.
“You two go on, I’ll catch the next one,” he said,
In a thousand realities, hundreds of worlds, and dozens of scenarios, it was always supposed to be like this.
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kiwibomb · 3 years ago
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'taxi driver' lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🛸
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soulofgod · 4 years ago
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littlecloverstar · 3 years ago
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Wallpaper Project @lyrical.stars  
 1436 x 3113 Available on Telegram / LINE
Set 339: Taxi Driver
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winxsyura · 4 years ago
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Taxi Driver -  모범택시
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neytiri-tskaha · 4 years ago
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* * *
( My dads ♡ )
Al Pacino and Robert De Niro | Wallpapers.
𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑎𝑣𝑒.
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strausswinter · 5 years ago
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Taxi Driver (1976) Lockscreens
Like or reblog if saved or used! xx
judeselfhame on twitter
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spacebutterflyiv · 5 years ago
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The west street of Durban
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lockscreensfyo · 6 years ago
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Classic Movies
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years ago
Princess of darkness
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Media irl
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating cute and spooky
Concept gothic home (possibly in the same universe as baby bat or you can see it as its own thing up to you)
"Cheers" I nodded to the taxi driver to have At Last drop me at my front door. I gave him a wave as he scurried off down the road and I took a sigh as I looked up at our beautiful little stone house. I was thrilled to be home having been gone half way across the world for the last nine months. I had barely really seen the house as we bought it only a month before I left so I had left it in the capable hands of my little princess. I wasn't worried we had agreed on most things months before we bought the place anyway. I headed to the sweet wooden door about to knock but I noticed a little cast iron door knocker against the wood so I gave it a few solid taps waiting for a moment before the door opened to a sweet and beautiful sight.
She stood in the doorway in her little bat slippers, thigh high black socks with little cat heads at the top, a little white and black plaid pleated skirt, a long sleeve black and white striped shirt with a little black faux… latex faux leather not sure what it was little best top with various little straps. Her hair clearly damp put in two pigtail braids with little more makeup on her face then some highlighter and her beautiful black lipstick. 
"Tommy!" She smiled jumping into my arms
"Uuuummmm I missed you princess!" I smiled hugging her tightly, feeling so happy to have her in my arms again. I immediately inhaled her sweet lavender and lemongrass smell even if I could smell a little bit of that chemical hair dye smell and it was just then I noticed "you dyed your hair?"
"How could you tell?" She giggled
"I can smell it. And also… it wasn't blue last time I saw you"
"Yeah I did it yesterday" she smiled taking my bag and leading me inside 
"I thought you said you dyed it red? Just after I left?"
"I did"
"You've been gone nine months Thomas I got bored of having red hair"
"You couldn't wait till I got home? Atleast to let me see it?"
"Nope" she giggled taking my bag to go start a load of laundry 
"Fine" I rolled my eyes before having a look around the house …
I don't know what I expected, the furniture was all thrifted or picked up cheap, most of it antiques to an extent all of which she had lovingly repaired and cared for all of them a dark wood clearly freshly polished. The hallway mostly just had the stairs and it's detailed banister, the horizontal black and white striped wallpaper, dark wood flooring, a little wooden unit for coats and shoes by the door, a little ouija board doormat which I quickly got off of. Even the key hook was shaped like a bat. I continued on seeing the living room the TV packed away into a unit hidden away completely the blinds drawn on the windows with the curtains open this side of them, the walls a deep purple, the beautiful dinning table up the counter with a vase shaped like a ghost in the center filled with beautiful flowers, the table set with the bleeding candles, purple placemats to match the walls on the table and even coaters on the wooden coffee table all to match the walls and curtains, a large black shaggy rug under the coffee table, the large gothic mirror above the log burner and our display cabinet pride of place with all our fancy glassware and such. My guitars hung up perfectly on the wall almost as if they had been designed to be displayed. And the large leather sofa tucked against the wall with all her little cushions, one shaped like a bat, them a ghost, then a skull, then a couple larger ones that had tarot cards and the two small cushions either side each with a star sign of course mine on my side of the sofa and her own on hers admittedly it was really nice and cosy. It likely sounds strange I Basically gave my baby bat free reign to decorate our house but it makes her happy. She works from home and I'm off out of the house working for months on end so I'd rather the house make her happy I don't care she could have painted it neon green for all I care. I followed her to the kitchen where she was unpacking my bag making up some loads of laundry basically sorting by colour which may as well be sorting by my colors and… black. The technical machines like the TV had a door to hide them away from our perfect little dark blue Victoria kitchen with wooden counter tops little windows for our cupboards and our beautiful vintage oven and fridge, even a farmhouse sink. With all the retro styled items you could ask for all of which in dark colours to fit the asthenic. I had input in this room the only room I did and I'm thrilled I did it becoming a beautiful mix of us both my retro and vintage classic and her… well goth. alot of her spooky style snuck in with black plates, coffin cutting boards and a bat wine opener. I went over and started a coffee for myself before wrapping my arms around her leaning my head on her shoulder
"I missed you"
"I missed you too" she giggled "do you like the house?"
"It's beautiful princess" 
"Don't call me that"
"Why not? I like calling you my princess"
"Why would I ever want to be a princess? Their boring and glittery" 
"Well you're my Gothic little princess. Ummmmm my princess of darkness" 
"Of course"
"So you your not mad at me making us live like the Adams family?'
"If we can be as happy as Gomez and morticia after getting married and having two kids I'll be thrilled"
"Three kids they have a baby in the sequel"
"Do they?"
"Yeah? The little baby?"
"Oh yeah. But no I don't care princess if your happy then I'm happy" 
"Good" she smiled turning to nuzzle with my shirt "you haven't seen your study yet"
"I am very excited too. But hows about we go out for dinner tonight? Celebrate bring home?"
"That sounds lovely Tommy, can I be spooky?'
"Your always allowed to be spooky I love when we dress up, even if you always seem to make me look underdressed" I told her "I love when you wear your beautiful outfits"
"Ummm I love you"
"I love you more. Come on then my little princess of darkness let's get this laundry on and decided where we're going" I told her giving her sweet lips a kiss before helping her with the laundry 
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