#tau dad
taus-inc · 4 days
shigaraki being abused as a child and then groomed into being evil is sooo insane... somebody help him please !!!
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singeart · 2 years
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so I finished Mosaic and..........what do you mean she didn’t unlock the repressed memory until year 1 of being on board Voyager?? the implications......did she ever tell anyone? Tuvok? Chakotay? Jeri Taylor I have questions!!
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taudad · 1 year
Me building my girls their Barbie Dreamhouse while blasting the movie’s soundtrack:
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eternalsa2z · 1 month
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Charli Honeycutte went to school on a pre-law/pre-med track. Their plan was to study hard and completely focus on getting straight As to make their dad proud. The only reason they joined the Sigma Lambda Tau sorority was because extra-curriculars looked good on a resume and they had heard SLT was reputed for the most mental changes on campus.
Things changed when Charli met their big sis. Fanny 'Peaches' Keister showed the possibility of a different path. A life of parties, sexual exploration, and building your body as well as your mind. Charli was stunned. Then curious. Eventually, obsessed.
Instead of scrolling through course slideshows the new pledge was scrolling through Peaches' Insta. They stared at and admired her perfect poses, immaculate makeup, and of course that jaw-dropping derrière. Soon Charli stopped studying schoolwork and instead was studying how to be like her big.
Homework turned into housework as Peaches helped Charli prep for the next sorority house party. The freshman has many makeup exams - those in the classes she was nearly failing and those in front of her mirror getting just the right shade of eyeshadow and volume of lip plumper. It didn't help a decreasing GPA that the two would occasionally skip class for consultations with the sorority's favorite plastic surgeon. But it certainly inflate their TTA (Tits and Ass) numbers.
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After a year as a SLT, Charlotte 'Honeypot' Honeycutte found a new future to focus on. They were on the 'pre-bim' track, studying "hard" things with hopes of getting plenty of "D"s. Honeypot's extracurricular activites ballooned bigger than their new ass and had the biggest mental changes on campus. Peaches is particularly proud of how well her honey-haired protégé studied her big butt and replicated her airhead demeanor.
Sure, Honeypot recieved a lot of calls from their concerned parent about their report card. But the new sorority doll was sure that if he did a little studying and research himself, he'd "like, totes see that SLT is soooo the bestest for our future!"
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tloaak · 7 months
today we lost the great Efeso Collins, during a charity event to raise funds for clean drinking water for children in the pacific. here is his incredible parliamentary maiden speech from just last week (transcript below). i encourage you to listen, and if you can, donate to childfund's water fund here
Tēnā koe, Mr Speaker. Mai i ngā hau o Ōtāhuhu-nui-a-Rangi, o Maungarei, o Motukaroa; mai i ngā awa o Hikuwaru, o Tāmaki e rere ki te Waitematā, kei te Mānukanuka-o-Hoturoa, ko Kaiwhare, ko Taramainuku kua tau, kua tau ki ngā whenua o Ngāti Toa Rangatira, o Taranaki Whānui ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika. Tēnā anō tatou.
[From the winds of Ōtāhuhu, of Mount Wellington, of Hamlin's Hill; from the rivers of Hikuwaru, of Tāmaki flowing to the Waitematā, to the Mānukau Harbour; Kaiwhare and Taramainuku have arrived, have arrived to the lands of Ngāti Toa Rangatira, of Taranaki Whānui in the Wellington region. Greetings to us all.]
E fakatālofa atu ki te māmālu o koutou na tamāna ma na mātua, vena foki na uho ma tuafāfine kua mafai ke fakatahi i te po nei. Vikia te Atua ko tātou kua mafai ke fakatahi venei. Mālo ma fakafetai.
Fai mai ina ua teʻi ae Iakopo i le mea sa moe ai, ona ia fai ane lea, e moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. E moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. Faafetai le Atua aua e le faaitiitia lou viiga. Ua ifo i ati malie tuʻumoega o le taeao le sa tafa i vanu tafaoga o manu sisina, ae sa faalepa le au pea, sa fili ma le manoa le fetu taʻimatagi, ae sei faalaolao le puli matagi aua ua nofoia vao tutuʻi i le malumalu ma nuʻu malumau o le maota.
Ou te le fagota la i le sao aua ua uma ona fili le utu ma uu le vao fofou. Fai mai le matematega nai tumua, ua pei o se iʻa e moemauga o le atuolo, o foliga matagofie ia ma le maualuga, maualuga lava o lenei aso aisea, ae a lea ua malutaueʻe le tiʻa sa maluʻia, ua tapu lalaga foʻi le vaʻa o le Tuimanʻua mamana ua atoa laʻau i fogaʻa.
Faafetai le Atua le Tama, le Alo ma le Agaga Sa, aua sa tu i Fagalilo tapaau o le alataua, ae sa matemate foʻi aiga sa Tagaloa pe tua ma ni a lenei aso. Ae faafetai i le Atua, aua ua tepa i ula, tagaʻi i ula, foʻi atu lou viiga e faavavau. Faafetai i le tapuaʻiga a oʻu matua ma oʻu aiga, faafetai tele i matua o si oʻu toʻalua ma ona aiga, i le latou lagolago aemaise talosaga molia. Faafetai i uo ma e masani, aemaise o le paʻia o le aufaigaluega totofi a le Atua, i soʻo se fata faitaulaga—Faafetai tatalo. Ae faapitoaugafa saʻu faafetai i si oʻu toalua Finevasa Fia aemaise si aʻu fanau pele Tapuiela ma Asalemo faafetai tatalo, malo le onosaʻi. Ae tapuaʻi maia ma le manuia.
Mr Speaker, it is an indescribable feeling to stand up and address this House. As a son of Samoan immigrants who made the mighty Ōtara 274—Southside hard—their home, I am well aware of the giants whose shoulders I stand on and the masters whose feet I learnt at. The courage, foresight, entrepreneurial spirit, and hope of our ancestors who journeyed thousands of years ago through the vast waters of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa brings me here today.
My parents arrived in New Zealand in the early 1960s, told that this was the land of milk and honey. Dad started off as a taxi driver with South Auckland Taxis, and mum on the factory floor at New Zealand Forest Products in Penrose. We lived in a four-bedroom State house on Preston Road in Ōtara, and I attended local schools: East Tāmaki Primary, Ferguson Intermediate, and the great Tangaroa College. We're forever grateful for the State house that was our home for around 20 years, and the quality public education we received from our local State schools.
I did try my hand for a short period at a decile 10 school outside of Ōtara, but that experiment lasted only two weeks. It was during the time in the late 1980s, when families from poorer areas were being discouraged from going to local schools because they weren't considered up to scratch. I'm glad we changed course and decided to high school it in Ōtara, where the motto of our school was "Waiho i te tokā tu Moana"—"Steadfast like a rock in the sea".
Later, at university, I went on to write my Master's dissertation on brown flight, critiquing the Picot reforms that have wreaked havoc on our public schooling system. That period was also a challenging time for my family because we were being told by our teachers to stop speaking Samoan at home and only to speak English. My parents didn't want us to fail at school, so we were allowed to speak English at home and over time we stopped speaking Samoan altogether. In the end, I lost my language. I struggled, I was embarrassed, and I felt incomplete. Even speaking to you in Samoan this evening gives me major tremors.
There's a saying in Samoan: "E le tu fa'amauga se tagata"—no one stands alone, no one succeeds alone—and, for me, no one suffers alone. Over the past years, with the support of my family and friends, I've taken to trying to converse again in Samoan, reading more texts in Samoan, praying in Samoan, and sending our youngest to a local Samoan early childhood centre. Our beautiful language, Gagana Samoa, has returned to our home and is helping to overcome the inadequacy that had taken root in my soul.
As I speak this evening, I'm mindful of the many young people who are navigating these at times treacherous and unsettled waters in life, filled with so much potential, energy, and hope, yet too often misunderstood. In my time as a youth worker in South Auckland, I've spoken with hundreds of young people with massive dreams for the future. We need youth workers, we need social workers, and we need mentors to walk alongside our young people, and, yes, we want our youth to be responsible and caring and considerate. So it's our job in this House to resource the people and organisations who will model the behaviour to them that we expect, but who also won't give up on them and won't come with a saviour mentality.
Many of our societal challenges are driven by poverty. We can achieve greater social cohesion and lift our sense of belonging by addressing poverty. I've been honoured to run youth mentoring programmes for nearly 25 years—that's about how old I am—and to this day I mentor young people. When we undertook and published research on youth gangs some years ago, the youth we spoke to had the solutions and just needed the means to make it happen. Too many of our young people are filling our prisons, and it is wasted human potential. Give them the tools, the resources, and the means to make a meaningful contribution to the world, and they will. I was at a conference recently about the threats to democracy and an attendee spoke about their work in developing nations and used the familiar retort, "You can't eat democracy." And I couldn't agree more. This House, this centre of democracy, needs to do more to engage our people, all of our people, so that they can see this House is not just relevant but an essential part of their lives.
The greatest challenge facing our generation is climate change. The Pacific Islands nations are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the world. The world's continued reliance on fossil fuels, loss of coral reefs, rising sea levels, and increasing severe weather patterns means that our extended whānau in the Pacific are in immediate danger. We, as a collective, must do all we can to do as we say out south "flip the script". Truth is, those who've done the least to create this predicament are being the hardest hit. Our challenges, whether ecological, geopolitical, or cultural, are diverse, but we're bonded by the inextricable ties we have to our lands and our oceans. We've inherited philosophies, knowledge systems, and profound ecological wisdom that holds the answers and drives our collective resilience—from West Papua to Hawai'i. Our fight for a climate resilient, nuclear-free and independent Pacific remains as strong as ever. We are not drowning; we are fighting.
I haven't come to Parliament to learn—learning happens as a matter of course through reflection. I've come to this House to help. Helping is a deliberate act. I'm here to help this Government govern for all of New Zealand, and I'm here to open the door, enabling our communities to connect better with this House. During the election campaign, I spoke to people frustrated about their lot in life, scared for their and their children's futures, and feeling their dreams were slipping away. The people I spoke to expect the Government to do more and move faster. And I know that there are some in this House who believe Government is not the answer to these challenges and that less Government is better. But here's the thing: the Government cannot be a bystander to people suffering confusion and disenfranchisement. New Zealand must close the divide between those who have and those who have not, because the reality for my community is that those who have more money often wield more power, more health, more housing, more justice, more access, more canopy cover, more lobbyists with swipe cards, and more time. And the opposite is true for those who have fewer resources.
It's hard to be poor, it's expensive to be poor, and moreover, public discourse is making it socially unacceptable to be poor. Whether it's bashing on beneficiaries, dragging our feet towards a living wage, throwing shade on school breakfast programmes, or restricting people's ability to collectively bargain for fairer working conditions, we must do better to lift aspirations and the lived realities of all our people. To that end, I want to say to this House with complete surety that the neoliberal experiment of the 1980s has failed. The economics of creating unemployment to manage inflation is farcical when domestic inflation in New Zealand has been driven by big corporates making excessive profits. It's time to draw a line in the sand, and alongside my colleagues here in Te Pāti Kākāriki, we've come as the pallbearers of neoliberalism, to bury these shallow, insufferable ideas once and for all. And this, sir, is our act of love.
Paolo Freire, in his seminal work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, said love is an act of courage, not fear; love is a commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is a commitment to their cause, the cause of liberation. The most recent election campaign left many in our Māori communities bruised and targeted for the perceived privileges supposedly bestowed upon them. Shared governance is a rich concept about how we include those who've been excluded for far too long in the work of this House and the democratic institutions that are fundamental to our collective wellbeing. We are Tangata Tiriti and we have nothing to fear. As a New Zealand-born Samoan living in South Auckland, I've experienced, written about, and spoken about racism in this country. I've also been on a well-publicised journey in understanding the needs and views of our rainbow communities, and I have a long way to go. And my message to whānau who often experience the sharp end of discrimination—disabled, ethnic, rainbow, brown, seniors, and neurodiverse—is thank you for trusting us with the responsibility of facilitating a new discussion on how we move forward together and make possible what was once deemed impossible.
The American civil rights activist James Baldwin said, "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." We commit to working across this House as a nation and with each other irrespective of our post code, income bracket, skin colour, or level of qualification attained. But, in order for that work, we must come with humility, the desire to listen, and dare I say it, maybe speaking last. If I was to inspire anyone by getting to this House and my work over the next three years, I hope that it's the square pegs, the misfits, the forgotten, the unloved, the invisible—it's the dreamers who want more, expect more, are impatient for change, and have this uncanny ability to stretch us further.
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godisshook · 1 year
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Ian quickly rose through the ranks in Phi Delta Tau. Even though he was just a freshman, he had risen his way to the top. His charm, combined with his demeanor, made it impossible to resist him. Despite this, he didn't give in to the vices of college, focusing on keeping his body "clean." He chose to become his floor's RA so that he could hold himself and others accountable, in all respects, he was a buzzkill, or so everyone thought.
James joined the frat cause of his dad, and it showed. He barely attended chapter meetings, and even when he did, it was usually after getting blackout drunk or ridiculously high. He started doing OnlyFans to help with his tuition, and while all the other brothers knew, nobody would confront him about it.
As Ian was returning home from class, he noticed a commotion coming from down his hall. It didn't take a genius to realize it was from James' room, so Ian walked down to tell him to quiet down. When he approached the door, he noticed it was open just a crack, so he peered in, looking for the source of the noise.
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He looked through the crack in the door and saw James, clad in a maid outfit, posing in front of his laptop camera. He quickly pulled his head from the door, hoping James hadn't noticed him. Ian continued to peek as James lifted his skirt, and started jerking off. "You guys make me so horny," James said, moving his body closer to the camera. Ian could feel his dick press up against his pants, and he rushed to the bathroom before anyone could notice.
He looked at his bulge in the mirror, knowing it would be too obvious to just walk back to his room. He tried thinking of whatever he could to get himself to become soft again and thought of jerking off quickly to just "get it over with" Before he could do anything, the bathroom door *clicked* open.
"Are you planning on using the bathroom, or are you just gonna look at yourself in the mirror?" James said, as he walked in, now changed into shorts and a T-shirt. Ian looked back, forgetting how obvious his "situation" was. Ian looked down and immediately stared back up, his face turning beet red. James' eyes followed Ian's, straight down to his prominent bulge. James said, “I noticed you were looking at me from my door, I guess I’m now seeing the result of that.” “I didn’t mean it,” Ian replied. “I mean it's an honor that you, of all people, have feelings for me.” Before Ian could deny it, James would pull them into the bathroom stall, the space between them becoming noticeably small.
With the two of them now dangerously close, layers would come off in a flash. "You're gonna make me do something I regret." Ian's voice gained a hint of urgency, as his breath ran hot on James' face. "Then I won't, but you'll be begging for more." James pulled Ian into a deep kiss, but as James intensified the moment, Ian pulled away. "It was just so sudd-" Interrupting Ian, James would say, "It's fine, I was a little too forward, no hard feelings?" "Yea, you're all good," Ian replied. "Regardless, you were a good kisser!" James said, a slight blush on his face. Hands interlocked for a moment, but James would disengage. As he used his other hand to open the stall door, Ian kept his grip on James’ other hand for just one second longer, his touch lingering on James’ fingers. With James now gone, Ian absorbed the moment, how a hint of intensity clouded his usual good judgment.
As he walked back to his room, Ian's denied his feelings, even as he tried to hide his erection. Getting to his room undetected, he would lay on his bed, his mind replaying his bathroom interaction. He locked the door, opened his laptop, and typed James' OnlyFans link. Under a fake username, he paid for access, just in time for one of James' livestreams. He was only in his underwear, kneeling and facing the camera. Ian thought to himself, "He's proud of this?" James said, "Hi everyone, I'm so glad you could make it." Ian would simply watch as James spoke to those in his chat, as his erection kept him from focusing.
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Slowly, Ian started rubbing his hard cock, and as James said, "What do you wanna do, daddy?" "I wanna fuck you," Ian thought to himself. Through bated breaths, Ian continued. James would begin fingering himself, and in a second, ropes of cum would layer his laptop, as James continued to seduce his audience. He quickly rushed to get tissues to clean up his mess and turned off his laptop.
Ian felt an intense shame as realizing what he had done kicked in. People had called him repressed, but he had never had someone make him feel like that. The fact that James, of all people, made him feel like this was enough to make him sick.  These "urges" had to stop. Ian resolved to stick to his regimen even more, and as morning came, he woke up before the crack of dawn to work out, choosing to forget about James. As his workout drew to a close, he heard a ding from the front, and before he could even look up, one of the brothers would point at the door and nudge him. "Bro, look who came."
As James stepped in, the entire gym, including Ian, would glance at him. Unaware that all eyes were on him, James headed towards the treadmills. He noticed Ian near the dumbbells with a few other brothers, and so veered over towards them. "Oh hey!" James said warmly. He was met with a cold, "What do you want?" from Ian.
This reply stopped James in his tracks. Finally noticing all the eyes on him, James replied, "Tough crowd I guess," a nervous chuckle underpinning the comment. "Everybody knows you're not here to work out, go home," Ian said. "You don't kno-," James protested. It was Ian's turn to interrupt him, as he said, "Go home." The other brothers, now crowding around the door, began to glare at James. Middle finger pointed towards the crowd. Turning back, he would scream, "We fucking kissed, Ian, kissed!" As the brothers looked towards him, he immediately denied it.
James felt nothing but hurt. How he somehow got tangled up with this guy, who denied them ever doing anything, despite him literally going to James’ door. Racked with this betrayal, James immediately thought to go towards revenge but decided to be cordial. He refused to speak to Ian and avoided him whenever he could. The two had gone into an unofficial pact, ignoring each other's presence entirely.
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Weeks would pass, with the two barely talking. As he entered the laundry room, a muffled "Help!" came from the dryer door. He would walk towards the door, and Ian would look around at the scene, clothes all over the floor, and James at the center of it. James said, “Could you help, I put too many clothes in and it kinda….exploded.” His head was firmly in the dryer, and it was clear he didn't know it was Ian in the room. After contemplating helping out, Ian decided for the better and would move clothes from around James, freeing him from his entangled position. Immediately noticing his savior, James would return to ignoring Ian.
His eye would catch on a dildo in the corner, hidden under some clothes. Ian walked over to it and pulled it out from its hiding place. Holding it up to James, he said, "What were you planning on doing with this?" James replied, "Isn't it obvious?" Their two gazes met, an intensity rising from between their eyes. Ian began to get hard, his cock slowly rising in his underwear. James, now catching on, said, "You seem to always get hard when I'm around you, you are into me." Ian responded, "You wish, just cause you allow anyone to have their way with you doesn't mean I will" "What?" James replied, incredulously.
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"Every cock in the house has been in you at this point," Ian said. James retorted, "Blaming your attraction to me on the brothers, how interesting," Ian paused, then replied, "You're so easy, you let anyone take advantage of you." Abruptly, James grabbed Ian's bulge, and said, "Just ram your giant dick into me already, I know you've wanted to!" James' words struck a chord in Ian, and he went on autopilot, gripping James' waist, and ripping through his underwear, ramming his cock into James.
"You fucking wanted this, didn't you?" Ian said as his cock slid into James' hole, with James gasping in response. "By the way you're going, you wanted this too," James said, gripping the dryer. Pain and pleasure mixed and mingled, as their bodies became hotter and hotter. Brimming with desire, months of tension were released in what seemed like a moment. Hoisting James up on his cock, Ian would bring the two to his unlocked room and close it behind them. After a few more thrusts, Ian got James down, with James walking towards Ian's dresser, the two taking an informal break.
"I'm not gonna be your fucking secret," James said as he drank from a water bottle. “You're not, and I’m sorry my stupidity got in the way,” Ian replied.  “Good,” James said. Returning to the bed, James would sit on Ian’s lap, sliding his cock in as he descended. “Fuck,” Ian said, tilting his head back. Ian would grab James by the back, and turn him on the bed. “Kinky,” James said. Their bodies would reunite as if separated from each other for ages. Ian lifted James’ thighs and began pumping his hole full, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure through James.
Load after load came, and Ian kept going. James’ face had gone bright red, as he felt close to blacking out. “He definitely has a lot of energy,” James thought to himself. Ian kept going, acting as a man possessed. After drowning James in cum, Ian would finally have nothing left, and would cum one final time, sending his body into James’, the two now embracing.
"I'm a mess and I still have to go get my clothes," James said. "Sorry," Ian replied. A smile came over James' face as he replied, "Oh no, I definitely preferred you fucking me over sorting clothes." Rising slightly, Ian said, "Do you want me to help with anything?" "Don't worry about it," James replied. He laid a light kiss on Ian's lips, and walked to the bathroom to clean up.
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Morning came, and Ian ruffled James’ dark hair, as his eyes slowly opened. “Morning sleepyhead,” Ian said. James cheekily replied, “You better be lucky you're hot 'cause that was the cringiest thing you've ever said.” “Whatever,” Ian said sarcastically. With a moment of morning kisses and sweetness ending seemingly too soon, Ian separated, off to get ready. James, in bouts of wakefulness and rest, barely noticed the time pass as Ian got ready. Returning to the bed, Ian stood on his side, but even so, his massive body towered over James as he slept. Feeling his presence, James would wake up, and look at Ian with fluttering eyes.
Shuffling under the covers, he moved over to Ian. Admiring Ian's body, James pretended to inspect him. “Whoa there big guy,” James said, feeling all over Ian’s muscly body. In a mischievous tone, Ian would say, “My arms are still sore after our “workout” yesterday, mind helping out?” Taking the hint, James replied, “It would be my pleasure.” He felt down Ian's powerful arms, to which Ian tensed in response, his breath hitching as James massaged each muscle, radiating heat throughout Ian's body. Ian said, "That feels so good." “Then let me make it even better,” James would reply, teasing at the knot in Ian's towel. A tinge of pain could be seen in Ian's eyes as he weighed the options, but he would ultimately decide to get up, but stay close to the bed as he put on his clothes.
“Come back to bed, babe,” James said. “Oh, so I’m your babe after one day?” Ian said, putting on his boxers. Smirking, James replied, “What can I say, when I get good dick I gotta claim it.” “You definitely got it” Ian said. Even the banter between them had a playfulness to it, and the two reveled in it. There was another still moment of simple peace, but once again Ian would interrupt it, “Well, I have to head out,” Ian said, putting on his sweatpants. “Could you stay with me for just a little longer, I miss your body on mine already,” James responded. To this, Ian said, “If I didn't have my practice exam today, I would have stayed.” Pleading, James said, “Just one more kiss, or two.” Finally swayed, Ian would give in, “I guess I could stay for a few more minutes.”
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artemis-moonsilver · 6 months
Opinions No One Asked For™️: Palia NPC Edition
Auni: I love this kid. I want him to think of me as a cool older sister or cool aunt. I bring him bugs every chance I get
Ashura: I want him to be my dad. Genuinely love him. Serious contender to be my Shepp
Badruu: He really turned the puns up to 11. I love him. Also want him to be my dad. And possibly my Shepp
Caleri: I wasn't too sure about her, but after getting to know her, I feel like we have quite a few similarities. Definitely want to be her friend. Could she be my Shepp? 👀
Chayne: I find him so calming. He also feels dad-like to me. 100% want him as a support figure/father figure regardless of who I choose as my Shepp
Delaila: Love talking to her. Really want to get to know her better at this point (but 100% want her to win all the prizes at farmers markets/festivals)
Einar: Absolutely adorable and I love him. Only platonically tho. I will give him as many Gils and shiny rocks as he wants
Elouisa: I wasn't sure at first, but I LOVE her unhinged theories. I want to be her best friend. I will investigate all the paranormal things with her. Contender for my Shepp. Girl let's go ghost hunting
Eshe: So snobby. So bougie. So bitchy. I wish she could be my Shepp 😫 (if only because it would be entertaining)
Hassian: First impressions? What an asshole. After some time, I am...intrigued. I want to figure him out. I want to know why he is the way he is. Also fucking love Tau, the gooodest boi
Hekla: Honestly... she freaked me out a little for a long time. I'm slowly coming around though
Hodari: Listen, I get it. I see where you all are coming from. But man's just not my type 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jel: Oh Jel, my beloved. I'm not exactly subtle about it. This man is my husband. Sad, skinny, pathetic, dramatic, goth guys are My Type™️. Would marry him like, yesterday 🥀😫🪡🖤😍
Jina: At first I wasn't sure, but the more I talk to her, I'm like, "Jina, my bestie." I'm a PhD student. I feel you. Also, WOMEN IN STEM, HELL YEAH!!!! I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends
Kenji: Not a fan of your extremely privileged life ("Have you tried inheriting property?" 😐😐😐) or the invasive chapaa situation... but I also don't dislike him as much as I thought. I feel like he's playing a role he doesn't really want to, but still enjoying/expecting the high life for little to no effort
Kenyatta: She should be my best friend. I was put off at first, but she is the coolest. I see quite a few aspects of myself in her
Nai'O: I feel like he's the sweetest boi ever. I'm both like, "He deserves better than Kenyatta" and "Kenyatta is good for him." Perhaps the most wholesome NPC
Najuma: I also want to be the cool older sister and/or cool aunt that she never had. This kid is a badass and smart as hell. I wish my friendship with her was better already
Reth: This man. I love him. I'm not sure if it's platonic or romantic yet. All I know is he's one of my favourite NPCs to talk to. He's funny, he's flirty, he's got a Tragic Backstory™️. I'm here for this soup boi whether he wants it or not
Sifuu: Two words: Bad. Ass. It's a crime that we can't romance her. I really want to ask her to be my Shepp, but I'm not sure it's a good fit
Tamala: I'm sorry, Tamala besties, but I just don't like her 😭 I really wanted to like her so bad, but her aggressive flirting paired with her unwillingness to consider me a friend/equal just rubs me the wrong way
Tish: Absolutely beautiful person. I want to be her bffl. That is all
Zeki: Crime Cat, my beloved. He is the most entertaining Shepp option (imo). He's got an eye patch, a gold tooth, and shady practices. I find him amusing. I want him to like me. Share his (dubiously acquired) riches with me. Please accept me into the black market. I won't tell, but I can't promise I'll participate (I probably will 👀)
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saysthenightingale · 1 month
nightingale discovers warhammer (3/???)
thoughts this time include konrad horse, a genshin impact detour, and erebus hate
just realised today that warhammer is made by the british and suddenly everything makes way more sense.
learned more about the Situation that guilliman is in and watched the trailer where he's talking about the tyranids. no wonder he has ultradepression, especially with the way the last words his dad said to him were not even a coherent sentence
status update: still coping. sanguinius is alive in my heart
saw a comment that went "if i was in a room with horus, erebus and a bolter with two rounds, i would shoot erebus twice and then beat his corpse with the bolter" and while i do agree with the sentiment... well, realistically, i would shoot myself first
if i could lift and shoot a boltgun well enough and fast enough to hit my target, i would shoot erebus twice. i wouldn't be in a room with him. he would be in the room with me
does erebus have any fans please be honest
konrad curze reminds me of a horse. yeah i know he's a bat but bats are cute and fluffy (to me. i'm insane.) horses are so unhinged and full of evolution-enhanced hysteria that if a camel farts in egypt while temperature is at 31.5C they will just spontaneously go "okay, i clearly only have one option left: kill everyone in this room and then myself." and they WILL do it. sometimes they just die because fuck you
if konrad curze isn't a horse, why does his last name slant rhyme with horse, huh? konrad horse
"magnus the red would get along with nahida from genshin impact" is the worst thing i've ever said but i stand by it. a knowledge seeker, psyker and scholar like him would in theory get along with the psychic, dream-walking goddess of wisdom. his snootiness and arrogance would piss her off, but she managed to rehabilitate a war criminal mommy issues full-of-seething-rage puppet who canonically is shown as a soggy sad kitten and tried to kill her while he was using the object embodying her godhood to take over her beloved country. while she was freshly broken out of the prison where she was kept since she was born. she can deal with magnus.
the story where the tau try to fuck with a raven guard's brain is so funny. wdym he just gave himself a heart attack. he gave himself a fatal cardiovascular event. that is so insane, this would not fly in any other setting. this is something a horse would do
genestealer cults are fucking sick and the fact that a mindless swarm that can just be dialed down to "we hungry, we evolve" is such a massive threat against empires and civilisations is fantastic
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burningcrab · 9 days
im thinking about an american cable tv sitcom version of natah’s family. hunhow is the dad who sits in the backyard pool and complains about random shit for hours to the very stoic and edgy poolboy (the war sword is a pool skimmer). praghasa is really into sunbathing and tanning beds she’s like a granola mom for the sun specifically?? idk i only have so much to go on. also there’s a running bit where she falls asleep sunbathing and they think she’s dead and weekend at bernie’s her around a bit. erra is an extremely petulant late-teenager who sometimes puts on a weird darth vader helmet with horns and calls himself pazuul and tries to subvert the social hierarchies of his high school via an ambitious class president campaign. everyone assumes he’s a theater kid with too much free time
natah is a college student who commutes to the big city for school from the suburbs (their neighborhood is called tau springs or something idk). these two girls in her classes have decided they’re her friends now. they keep dragging her to this school where margulis works even though natah doesn’t like kids
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endofradio · 1 month
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NOTES: sooo i’ve decided to start writing a cuckoo fanfiction! i promise that i haven’t forgotten about my abigail fanfic, it’s just i am so deep into cuckoo brainrot right now 💀 and, yes! salem’s faceclaim is sophie thatcher because she slays
SUMMARY: salem wakes up to see that her mother is nowhere to be found. it seems that she’s disappeared out of thin air, but there’s more to the story that she doesn’t know.
WORD COUNT: 1,126 (short, but the next chapters will be MUCH longer)
TAGLIST: @lokidoki9 @trelaney @kolcheksluver @simpingforclaudette @blackwolfstabs @actually-adambarrett @samcrpnters @13th-floor-in-moonstone @fran-tau @starryrevelations @spookyspecterino (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, feel free to message me!)
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. don’t be shy!
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When Salem woke up, the first thing she noticed was that everything seemed quiet and… empty. Something didn’t seem… right. Slowly, she rose from her bed, deciding that she might as well investigate.
As she wandered throughout the house, she observed how it was still dead quiet, quiet enough to where one could hear a pin drop. The ticking of the clock on the wall was the loudest sound in the house at the moment. Normally, by this time of day, Salem’s mother would be up and about. She always made breakfast around the same time every morning. Today, the kitchen lacked the warm, fresh smell of pancakes.
Salem tried not to think about it too much. Maybe she just overslept… maybe she wasn’t feeling well. But… there were completely no signs of life. Her father had recently returned home for a brief holiday, and there wasn’t a single sign that he was around, either. No sounds of movement coming from upstairs. To Salem, it felt as though she truly was the only person in the house.
Confused, Salem checked her phone, wondering if either of them texted her by any chance. When she opened her message app, she only saw text messages from a couple of days ago. There was nothing concerning about them.
Maybe they left a note somewhere?
She wandered over to the kitchen counter. Nothing there, either. Strange.
Perplexed, Salem looked around the house, trying to look for anything out of the ordinary. However, everything appeared to be just fine. Nothing was out of place. Everything was clean, nice, and orderly.
Slowly, she made her way upstairs. “Mom? Dad?” She called out. “You guys awake?”
Salem’s next idea was to call them. First, she dialed her mother’s number. After some seconds of waiting, it went straight to voicemail. She tried to call her father next, only for the same thing to happen — voicemail.
“The fuck…?” She muttered.
Then, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart starting to race with anticipation, Salem hurriedly walked toward the door, opening it. To her relief, her father was standing right there… but her mother wasn’t around. His expression was as stoic as ever, but there was a hint of something else to it. He was a difficult person to read, but Salem could sense some dismay in his dark eyes.
“Dad, where have you been?” Salem asked, her eyes narrowing. “You could’ve at least texted me. Where’s Mom? I’ve been looking for her. She’s always awake in the morning.”
Her father sighed as he stepped inside the house, slowly closing the door behind him. There was something… off about his demeanor.
“She’s not coming back.” He answered, his voice cold.
Salem raised an eyebrow. “What… what do you mean?” She questioned. “Did something happen to her?”
Her father didn’t meet her gaze, his eyes fixed on the floor as he leaned against the door. “She’s gone, Salem. Vanished. You’ll never see her again.”
“Were you looking for her? Is that why you were gone?”
He nodded. “Trust me, I spent an hour searching for her.” He answered. “I couldn’t find her anywhere.”
“But… why would she just… disappear like that? She was here yesterday, and she seemed completely fine. It doesn’t make sense.”
“I wish I knew. Maybe she hasn’t been completely honest with us.”
Salem’s eyes narrowed even further. “What are you suggesting? She… she’d never lie to us, Dad.”
“You can never be certain about a person’s intentions, Salem. People lie.”
Before Salem had a chance to object, her father briskly walked past her, almost as though he was in a hurry. He headed upstairs, and the sound of a door shutting signaled to Salem that he was in his room.
As she stood there, Salem felt… angry. Angry at the fact that her father would believe that her mother disappeared intentionally. The two of them were incredibly close. They’d talk to each other about anything. So, why the hell would her father insinuate such a thing? Nothing about this made sense at all.
She’ll come back one day.
Salem just hoped that her mother was safe; that nothing had happened to her. Maybe one day the door would open, and she’d be standing right there.
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Stephen sat down on the edge of his bed and quickly grabbed his phone to dial a number. He was in a hurry for a reason. As he nervously sat there, he waited for his boss to pick up, staring at his phone screen in anticipation.
Eventually, somebody picked up, and Stephen had to suppress a sigh of relief.
“Hello, Stephen. What is it?”
“Hello, König. I have an update on Jane that I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear.”
“Ah, perfect. Do tell.”
“I just returned from bringing her to the airport. She should be on a plane to Bavaria in the next hour.”
“Wonderful. I look forward to meeting her in the next, ah… eight hours. Quite a long time, isn’t it?”
Stephen let out a small chuckle. “Yes, lengthy plane trip indeed.”
“How did it go? Was she… easily convinced?”
He sighed. “She was a bit reluctant. I eventually convinced her. Just told her not to question anything.”
“Hmm, I see. Well, I am glad it all worked out in the end. You know that this project is of significant importance to me, and I cannot afford for it to go wrong.”
“I understand. Well… unfortunately, I had to lie to my daughter. She’s under the impression that Jane’s simply disappeared.”
There was an obvious tinge of regret in Stephen’s words.
“Ah, but it had to be done. She wouldn’t have been too happy if she knew the truth, yes?”
“Yes, that’s true. It’s just… she and Jane were very, very close. I don’t think she’s handling everything too well right now. She was quite upset when I walked in.”
“My friend, sometimes you must do things that you’d rather not do. There is no need to feel regret. I promise you, you’ve done the right thing.”
Despite König’s words of reassurance, Stephen hardly felt any better. He’d taken Jane away from Salem, and now he’d be paying the price for it. Father of the year, huh?
“I suppose you’re right. I wish you the best of luck with your… project, König. I do have to ask you a question, though.”
“Hm, what is it?”
“Whatever you plan on doing to Jane… you’re not going to cause any harm to her, right?”
König let out a chuckle over the phone, almost as though he was shocked that Stephen would ask such a thing.
“Ah, of course not. Do not worry, Stephen.”
“Thank you.”
And just like that, the call ended.
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taus-inc · 2 months
prof shane w bonnie gives me extremely icky vibes like he's grooming her and im scared for her
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holymaccaronii · 5 months
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Erm so I just watched TAU.
Definitely not a movie you should see (YOU SHOULD) and they’re obviously not a new addition to my scrimblo list (THEY ARE THEY SO ARE GOING INTO THAT LIST).
AAAAAHHH THE MOVIE WAS GREAT!!!!! I absolutely recommend though yes there’s blood and all that sorta violence you expect, but I adored the suspense, scenes and interactions that TAU had!!! I’m planning to see 2001: a space odyssey next for the first time with my dad (since it’s his favorite, but we never got to see it in dvd or anything before) and I feel like I’ll adore it too!! If anyone has other recommendations of movies/series with robots/ai please let me know!!!
Also, I’m SO making this guy into a papercraft someday, just you wait.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Menaces to Society (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You thought your boys were feral as children......wait until they turn twenty one
Warnings: Perry slander, Tillerson slander, taking a leak on somebody’s truck for revenge, drunken shenanigans etc. 
Tagging: @sebsxphia @lewmagoo @bradleybeachbabe @nobody7102 @creativitybeware​ @rhettabbotts​
The group of boys had all gathered at the Handsome Gambler, crowding around the bar as their favorite music blasted from the jukebox in the corner. After weeks spent on midterms and constant studying, the boys of the Delta Tau Epsilon Fraternity were more than happy to be blowing of steam, among them, Tatum and Tanner Abbott and Colt Tillerson. 
“CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!! CHUG IT!!!” the boys chanted as they lifted Tanner up by his legs for the kegstand challenge.
Tanner took in as much as he could, the bar owner timing him as his frat brothers cheered him on. Finally, he swallowed the last little bit before Jimmy Peterson, the bar owner, clocked him in and put his time record up on the chalkboard. 
“You my man,” Tate Dutton said, clapping a hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “Are the fucking kegstand CHAMP!” 
Tanner and the other frat brothers cheered loudly as Bo Andreola, one of the football players, lifted him up onto his broad, husky shoulders. Around 1:30, Jimmy announced it was closing time, only to be cued by the playing of Luke Bryan’s “Time To Take My Drunk Ass Home”, the boys and all the bar patrons singing along like a bunch of screeching seagulls. 
Out of the bar they stumbled, Tatum, Tanner, Colt, Tate and Jake Dutton, Joey Wheeler and a few others heading to the parking lot. “Alright fuckers,” Tatum slurred. “Let’s get us home, I’m drivin.” 
“Uh the fuck you are!” Danny Gonzales told him. “You’re drunker’n I am. I’ll call my brother.” 
Danny luckily had his brother, Antonio, on speed dial. Antonio never really drank and thus had become the designated driver along with three others. Unfortunately for them, Antonio was across town and wouldn’t be able to pick them up for at least a half hour. 
They wandered up and down the streets, looking for a place to wait it out, when they spied two familiar vehicles parked on the curb. “Oh shit,” Tatum muttered after letting out a rather rude burp. 
“Wassup?” Joey asked him. 
“You know who’s trucks those are, right?” 
“Aw shit,” Joey answered when he came to the realization. “That’s Trevor and Perry’s trucks.” 
“What are those fuckin assholes doin in our neck of the woods?” Jake questioned. 
“Probably doin each other in an alley somewhere,” Tate chuckled. 
Tatum and Tanner gave each other a look as soon as an evil little germ of a thought began to bloom in the back of their heads. Even Colt could tell what they were thinking without even saying a word. “You know what we gotta do right?” Tatum said. 
“Better do it now while we’re loaded,” Tanner told him. 
Tatum readily instructed for him, Tanner and Colt to take Trevor’s truck while the others could have at Perry’s. “Alright boys,” Tatum announced. “This one’s for Dad.” 
All at once the boys unzipped their flies and relieved themselves right there on the horrible men’s dirt spattered trucks, laughing the whole entire time. Too bad Jaime’s car hadn’t been nearby. Tate, Jake and Joey would have absolutely loved the thought of taking that one on as well. Bo and Danny held up their phones, taking a video of the drunken frat boys for later. It wasn’t long either before they were taking photos of their little graffitied creation, the words “Fuck you Perry” and “Fuck you Trevor” having been inscribed in the dirt with their own streams while the boys pointed at it and made stupid faces or stupid poses with it. 
The sudden blurt of police sirens and the flash of lights made them all straighten right up. Sheriff Joy hopped out onto the curb and shut the doors to the cruiser, sighing and laughing all at once when she saw the culprits. 
“Oh God, not you idiots again,” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“HEY AUNT JOY!!!!!!” Tatum and Tanner greeted loudly and happily. 
“Rhett can you get the door?!” you called from upstairs. 
Rhett groaned and rose from the couch, straightening his reader glasses on his nose before making his way to the door. When he opened it, he was a little less than pleased to find Joy on the porch.
“Hey Rhett,” she greeted. “I just picked up your little miscreants outside the bar and came to drop them off.” 
“Oh God, what’d they do now?” Rhett groaned. 
“Check their phones, I guarantee you there’s photos,” Joy laughed before heading back to the cruiser. 
“Oh damnit,” Rhett muttered. “Darlin, ya’ll better come down here, it happened again!” 
The boys were absolutely silent as Rhett scrolled through Tatum’s phone and his camera roll, his face contorting into confused and wide-eyed expressions every so often. 
“So let me get this straight,” Rhett said, breaking the long, pregnant pause that had come over the kitchen. “You idiots were loaded beyond all human reasoning, were waiting for a ride home and decided to take a leak on a vehicle?” 
Tatum burped again. “Yep.” 
Rhett bit his lip, trying hard not to laugh, looking at you as if you’d break first. “Alright, you jackasses go upstairs and make yourselves cozy, I’ll discuss this with your mother.” 
The boys all stumbled up the stairs, trying their best not to wake Amy and Jeff’s baby who had just fallen asleep in yours and Rhett’s room. “Are they in trouble?” you asked him. 
“I’ll be nice and let’em off the hook this time,” Rhett chuckled. “Tomorrow when they’re all hungover is a completely different story.” 
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taudad · 8 months
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My 2 year old wanted purple nails and asked for “Daddy nails” 💅🏻
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breedingsblog · 1 year
Also, idk if you guys know this but i'm in a sorority and i just cropped one of my letter shirts into a crop top that doesn't even cover my big titties and a really short skirt and i wanted to write a fake lil story of how i wish life was with it :)
all characters are at least 18
and yes i know not to smoke pregnant
Meygan looked in the mirror as she was getting ready to go out. She had one of her tshirts from her sorority Zeta Tau Alpha on it was just above her tits. She put on a micro skirt that barely cover her round ass, white 6 inch heels, and her blue heart sunglasses. Her makeup was done to perfection. Her pregnant belly was perfection too.
She walked downstairs to say bye to her parents and of course get grilled by their questions.
"Where are you going?" asked Meygan's mom brittany, Her own massive titties barely hidden by her bright pink apron and her round ass hiding a bright pink g string.
"I'm going to a party mommy." Sighed Meygan. Her mom was such a stupid bimbo slut sometimes. Meygan giggled, guess the apple didn't fall so far from tree...
"Not dressed like that you're not." Chimed in Meygan's dad Micheal. "You know the rules, all 5 tattoos showing." Meygan had a tattoo on each of her upper thighs, two on each side of her ribs, and one at the top of her enormous boobs.
"Daaadddyy the are showing" Meygan whined pushing out her titties.
"Fine but you know if anybody asks you have to take off your clothes if they think you're not showing enough skin. We got you those tattoos so you'd always know where to show because you were too stupid to remember."
"Thank you daddy" Meygan said as she turned back to her bimbo mom, who was stroking her own massive bump.
"You don't even look high honey." Her mom complained as she took another edible. "You know that they did that study that showed how much weed helps pregnant women and girls. You know you have to or you can get in trouble."
"I am high mommy! I have been all day." Meygan started to whine, but then realized what she could do instead. "But you're right mommy, I should take more" she said popping an edible as well. "Maybe 2 just in case." The stupid bimbo girl said taking several more.
"That's a good girl." Meygan's dad nodded. "When are you leaving to your little fuckfest angel?"
"As soon as one of the boys come pick me up. Hopefully there's at least 2 or 3 so I can stay entertained in the car."
"I'm sure plenty of boys can't wait to breed you baby. Have fun and and remember - no protection."
"Yes daddy, no protection, it's all i've been told for years." Meygan kissed her parents, giggling her mom and her matching bellies brushing against each other, then started to walk out to the car of 5 men in the driveway. "Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!
She gets in the car and is greeted by the boys immediately groping her and playing with her bump.
"Hi boyyysss! I missed you and all your big cocks!!" Meygan was absolutely elated to see some extra big cocks in front of her"
"Hi princess" Said one of the boys. "About time we get an update on that pretty belly of yours."
"Oh stupid me" giggled meygan. "Right now i'm 8 months with 7, but doctors are pretty sure i'll be a little late and get quite a bit bigger.."
"Aww, I'm sorry to hear about the small numbers babygirl. I was hoping to have at least a football team in your womb by now, especially with all the fertility drugs we've been putting in your drinks." A bunch of the boys laughed.
"You have??? Ohh thank you thank you thank youuu!" Meygan couldn't believe it! She can't wait to see who's gonna knock her up soo much bigger soon.
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abiiors · 1 year
I send this because this would be me in this situation: you go into labour in the middle of the night (early annoying have to still be at home they won’t let you in the hospital yet) and you don’t want to wake matty because who knows the next time that there will be a peaceful sleep in this house. so you go out into the living room and deal with it by yourself until it becomes a bit much and maybe you need a hand to hold or maybe matty wakes up because he can’t sleep without you beside him 🥺, either way once he’s awake and realizes what is happening he is kinda annoyed at you and your independence but also is ready to be the best dad and labour partner around.
a twinge of pain wakes you up. the closer you get to your due date, the more this has happened—braxton hicks, they’re called—so you’re not really worried about it for now. walking around a bit usually helps. you squint your eyes in the dark and look over at matty’s sleeping form. not long before a peaceful night’s sleep would turn into a foreign concept. 
you gingerly lift his arm off you and slide out of bed. it’s nowhere near as silent as you would have liked but he only stirs once and goes back to sleep. 
by the time you’re out the bedroom, a second, stronger twinge of pain hits. deep breaths, you tell yourself, three, two, one…you can get through this. so what if it’s nearly two in the morning, fifteen minutes and you should be fine enough to go back to bed and matty will be none the wiser. 
first, you walk to the kitchen and get yourself a glass of water; pacing slowly as you sip on the cool liquid. deep breaths…in and out. it’s not long till you meet your baby—it’s exciting and terrifying and everything in between but of god you are so ready to have this child out of you already! 
you finish the glass, about to put it in the sink when a third contraction hits. this one is the strongest yet and the glass slips out of your hand as you clutch your stomach. luckily it lands in the sink and not on the floor, but the clang it makes echoes loudly in the stillness of the night. 
shit shit shit! matty is hypervigilant as is. this would 100% wake him up. but more pressing is the pain in your lower belly and back. this time it lasts so much longer and breathing through it doesn’t help whatsoever. 
what if it’s real this time…
once the thought comes, it sinks into your brain and lodges itself firmly. fuck! It’s real this time! but your water isn’t broken yet, you would have known it. you’re still clutching your side, hunched over, when matty’s frantic footsteps get louder. he’s here, he’s here…
“darling!” he gasps and dashes over to you, immediately pulling all your weight onto him. the pain is slowly ebbing away, still you’re glad for the support. “what are you doing here? what was the sound? why didn’t you wake me up? wh—”
“matty!” you interrupt his train of questions, “i think the baby’s coming.”
now that you’ve said it out loud, you definitely know it’s true. your eyes meet his; wide and suddenly devoid of any sleep.
"but she isn’t due for—"
“three more days, i know!” you straighten again, slowly walking to the settee just in case. matty follows and watches like a hawk. ‘she doesn’t exactly follow our calendar, does she?”
“okay let me get the hospital bag. we’ll leave in five minutes.”
even through the pain his eagerness makes you laugh and shake your head. 
“my love, we can’t go yet,” you motion for him to sit next to you, “my water’s not broken yet. and we need to time the contractions.”
it’s when he’s finally seated with his phone in his hands and the timer on that his eyes narrow again. “you didn’t wake me up,” he accuses, “my baby’s coming and you were just going to let me sleep?”
“our baby! and in my defence, i didn’t know it was real real”
“what other kind of real is there?!” 
“well, i’ve had these other—ow!”
and just like that the exasperation disappears, replaced by worry almost instantly. “breathe with me, love” he instructs and guides you exactly how he was taught in birthing classes. 
you know the routine by now. in and out. but it’s a little difficult when your body is trying to make adjustments to push out another tiny person. 
a tiny person…
it won’t be long now till you meet her. 
“that’s it,” he encourages, hands rubbing soothing circles on your lower back which is exactly where you need it. 
slowly, the contraction fades away, replaced by a dull ache. and you smile at matty through tears. “shouldn’t be long till we meet her. shouldn’t be long at all...”
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